#oh why are your taste buds weird as so
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hyperfixation-tangentopia · 5 months ago
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foldingfittedsheets · 7 months ago
When I worked pizza it was a rough gig. I’ve talked about getting fired but the reality was that it was ridiculously easy to get fired at that place. For that reason it was a bit hard to get attached to new hires. Until they passed the two month mark it wasn’t worth forming emotional attachments.
Enter Daisy. There was nothing wrong with Daisy, really, as a person. She just was a bit ditzy and couldn’t hustle worth a damn. For these sins the veteran staff was almost constantly annoyed at Daisy.
But she was blithely unconcerned or unaware of our frostiness. She greeted us with chirpy friendliness every day that was undeterred by our almost blatant ignoring of her. This was fine with Daisy. She’d fill the silence we left by talking our ears off about her dead beat boyfriend, whatever thought was in her head that moment, and the current drama in her friend circle.
One day we snapped. Daisy clearly needed some hazing because we were going crazy. She made herself a pizza for dinner and passed it off to the guy working the ovens, then went to the bathroom.
I don’t remember this being premeditated but all three of us left in her wake lunged for the anchovies.
See. We had anchovies on hand for the very rare occasions someone asked for them on a pizza. It was terribly uncommon but we had them. It stunk up the entire restaurant every time anchovy went in the oven so we all unilaterally loathed anchovies. We assumed Daisy would loathe them too. We poured the fish juice from the can all over her pizza.
We all then went nonchalantly about our work. Daisy’s pizza came out and I sliced it for her as she strolled over from the bathroom. She smiled and thanked me and sat with her back to us, scrolling her phone.
We waited like horrible little imps of mischief, anticipating her outraged and disgusted cries. She lifted the pizza and we leaned closer, malicious in our delight. She took a bite. She chewed. Swallowed. Took another bite.
Slowly we became transfixed. We left off all our closing clean up tasks to watch Daisy’s back as she ate her pizza with every sign of enjoyment. Our malevolence fizzes out into shock. She didn’t say a peep about the anchovy juice. The oven guy had emptied the can over her food and she was unmoved. We couldn’t look away.
We were silent as she finished and brought her plate over to be bussed. We stared at her.
“Did you… like… your pizza?”
“It was fine.”
I broke. I was broken. This girl, this annoying cheerful girl, had broken me. “Daisy,” I said in agony, “We poured anchovy juice all over it. How did you even eat that pizza!?”
“Oh! I thought it was really salty! I don’t actually have a lot of taste buds there’s this weird thing with my nose. I really only get like salty, sweet, bitter. You guys put anchovy juice on it!? That’s so funny!”
Reader, she meant it. She thought it was hilarious that we had spiked her pizza with fish oil. She thought it was even funnier that she’d eaten it all without knowing. We all kept laughing together through closing duties, repeating “I thought it was salty!”
That was it. Daisy was part of the team. She had eaten all the malice we had toward her and come out smiling. She won. The following story took place well over a decade ago. I’m aware it contains shitty behavior. You’re supposed to realize it was shitty that’s why I wrote it.
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yan-est · 7 months ago
Yandere!househusband gives me soft dom vibes. Idk why he just seems really sweet and is most likely the worshipping type.
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soft? sure. dom? not sure about that. a worshipping type? yeah. incredibly good with his tongue? oh boy.
also these asks got me in a chokehold BYEEE ILY GUYS 😭
cw: afab!reader, nsfw, dub-con, drugging, cunnilingus, belly bulge, ruined orgasm, mentions of breeding
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yan!househusband is indeed soft, but only towards you!
you've seen the way how people give him weird looks whenever he stares at you with lovestruck eyes. you're fully aware of the reason why— a brave few have told you about your husband's hostility towards them, but… you don't really believe it? i mean, why would you? yan!househusband is nothing of the sort! he's kind and gentle and an absolute sweetheart, and he never once got mad at you for any mistakes you did.
yan!househusband would be the type to compliment you every day. even while you're away at work, he would send you sweet messages, telling you how he already misses you and that you need to come home asap. :((
yan!househusband would make sure that you'll never have to worry about house chores again. the moment you come home, every room has been thoroughly cleaned and dinner's already served on the table. he tells you not to worry about anything else and simply eat the meal he's laced with aphrodisiacs made with love!
yan!househusband who just loves loves looooves to you spoil you when you're suddenly in the mood to kiss him!
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yan!househusband who gets all shy when you realize he had stained his pants after you've kissed him for two minutes. he loves it when you tease him by running your fingers through his tent and when he's practically flushed just by simply making out with you.
he'd grind his clothed dick outside of your cunt, his sticky cum dripping from the tip as it soaks his underwear and smears it all around your throbbing core.
yan!househusband who absolutely loves it when you lie down on a pillow and spread your legs, giving him access to your wet cunt. he'll immediately start to clip his arms on your thighs and bury his face into your pussy, lapping it up until you start twitching. and when you try to close your legs, he would open and force them apart while sliding his tongue up and down your hole, tasting you deeper.
he'd ruin your orgasm by licking your clit and massaging the bud on your lips, only to stop when you'd cry out that you're coming. he loves it when you spill your cum before him without even fully reaching your climax. it's okay, darling— he'll kiss your legs to say sorry and still do it again. <3
yan!househusband loves loves loooves seeing your belly bulge with the outline of his dick moving in little, teasingly slow thrusts. he could feel your walls clenching around his hard length, making it difficult for him to move faster without immediately cumming. don't get him wrong— he would absolutely love to fill you with his wet and sticky seed, but the last thing he wants is for you to hate him. so he'd rather torture himself than to displease you in any way.
yan!househusband who just loves to take his time adoring you. <3
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lizardho · 1 day ago
Before I knew I was bisexual I was just insanely dramatic and weird around guys I liked. I had a crush on this guy in my ward - he was older than me, he played bagpipes and had a cheerful dog and an old Volkswagen bus that he worked on all the time. He also had nice scruff and unnaturally attractive hands and a good sense of humor, so I was like FULLY smitten.
I talked about him a lot and about how he was just so dang COOL, dang it, because he was so frickin’ cool. And I really liked him. I thought he was funny and smart and interesting and cool and fascinating and a bunch of other weird feelings I barely had the attention span to think about (I think my ADHD may have prevented me from coming out for a while tbh).
One day, I’m like 14-15, his dad is called to be my Sunday School teacher. His dad is this ex-military hardass with a chip on his shoulder for absolutely no reason and unattainable standards for his children. He spent most of Sunday School talking shit about his eldest boy and how he was rebellious and didn’t listen to him and how that was going to make him a bad adult and a bad son forever. How his son was too lazy and unmotivated to be successful because he didn’t listen to his advice on how to read the scriptures. He complained about how our generation was too weak to do things right and that our generation would surely be the one that brought the world’s downfall because of our laziness and sin.
And like, first of all, that guy can already go fuck himself for that. To clarify, that’s already stupid. BUT. He was talking about the man I had uncomfortable dreams about at least once a month. I couldn’t stand it. I’d get so mad I’d go home shaking sometimes because how fucking DARE he insult his hardworking stunning son by calling him lazy? For not reading the Bible the way his dad wants? When he’s already spending his time learning bagpipes? And fixing cars? And being cool? And cute? Who the fuck even cares if he uses the footnotes in the Book of Mormon? Who gives a rotten rat’s ass if he doesn’t use the scripture study manual his dad uses? He’s so cool he doesn’t even need it? So fuck off?
And eventually I got fucking Sick Of It and decided to mutiny. And by mutiny, I mean skip class. I’d just not go. And after a bit, adults started noticing and bugging me about it. At first, this was put off by small talk and excuses, but as my absence from Sunday School became more well-known, my excuses began to be rejected.
“Oh, Lizard, why aren’t you in class?” Uhm idk because my Sunday School teacher is mean to his kid and that makes me so mad wtf do you want from me? 🫠🤔
“Where’s your class, I’ll go with you!” Oh no ty I’d rather peel my own eyes than have my taste in men critiqued tyty 🩷
“Lizard, you should go to class, I’m sure they miss you!” And I miss the innocent days where my stomach didn’t hurt when a cool boy I knew was being belittled but unfortunately for us both those days are LONG gone and all that’s left is a budding psychosexual clusterfuck that will render me almost fully incapable of functioning for the better part of a decade so Bye Bye, sister Smith 🙂‍↕️
It had gotten to the point that ward leadership was involved. I was being approached by members of the Young Men’s presidency and the Bishopric to try and make me to back to class. They were telling me God had told them to find me and instruct me on my rebelliousness. This is where I implemented my secret weapon - women. Mormons are weird as hell about a lot of things, but especially about women. And I was GREAT with women. So to combat the leadership’s attention, I started helping women.
Our ward had a lot of new moms with babies who were, as babies tend to be, fussy. But for Mormon women the church is often their only social outlet, so they try to power through as long as they can even if it means enduring the exhausting ordeal of taking care of a fussy baby at church.
For what it’s worth, I have a lot of sway with babies. I got baby street cred. Me and babies have a rapport. I have always known this. I have always loved this. And in this crucial gay time in my faggot life my baby mind powers came in clutch - Every time I saw a member of the bishopric getting close, or a young men’s leader giving me side-eye, I’d start walking slowly towards class, passing by relief society. I’d wait until a mom’s baby had gotten too fussy and needed to leave the room, and I’d swoop in like a knight. “Oh, don’t you worry sister, I’ll bounce him a bit. You go back and hang out with your friends in class. You deserve a break.”
If it was a diaper change or something they’d tell me no. But if it was just some good old-fashioned baby fusses, I mean, they’d be moved almost to tears. They just got their social time back AND a free babysitter who is renowned as the Baby Whisperer. And because I was holding a baby as a favor for someone else, I of course could not reasonably be bothered to return to class.
So just like that, I was out of everyone’s sights. This went on for about a month before the straw that broke the camel’s back, which was that without my class participation the classes were quiet and awkward. I’d often take the brunt of Sunday school lectures by answering questions impulsively and over explaining myself enough that the clock could run out without anyone needing to do or say much. My absence meant everyone else was getting hit with the full unpleasantness of this guy’s bullshit. And so slowly, one-by-one, I had a group of about 8 kids on baby-holding duty. These new moms were so overjoyed, they and their husbands were both so actively in our corner that now chastising us was untenable. Now we had bargaining power. So the Bishopric approached us, confused beyond confused and uncomfortable beyond uncomfortable, and said,
“What’s it gonna take to get you back to class?”
The POWER I possessed in that moment was addictive. By being kind to the women of the ward and ignoring the Mormon de facto Rule of Law of following rules en-masse so the rule breakers feel left out, there were now so many people breaking ranks that we had effectively enacted a church boy labor strike. And they crumbled so fast it was almost like we had swayed God himself to our cause.
“I want brother assholedad gone. He sucks at teaching.”
I didn’t even have to say it. One of my rebels said it for me. I just nodded sagely and said “Yes, his class is not edifying. It’s better to not go and hold babies.”
And just like that, with a snap of my limp-wristed, Christ-wounding, bottom-brained fingers my faggot will was enacted. God’s revelation that brother shitdad was his chosen Sunday school teacher flipped on a dime. Suddenly brother shitdad was asked to be an usher and the fun dad of another one of my crushes was called in to teach us. I still stayed to hold babies a lot, but the rest of the class returned and all was well again.
Although I didn’t recognize it then, I think that was a formative moment for me in a lot of ways. I learned that being really persistently annoying will get me what I want from authority eventually. I learned that God’s will can be swayed by going in strike. I learned that ignoring men’s made up authority forces them to level with you as a person. I learned that caring for women, especially vulnerable women, can make a whole world happier. I learned that letting women rest can help them feel more love for the things that matter in their life. I learned that social bonds make everyone stronger and happier. And I learned that loving others in a gay way can change the world.
Be gayer. Read Terry Pratchett. I love y’all 💕
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wonderjanga · 6 months ago
Billy and Bars
Now, as you probably know, most of the time Billy is ages 8 to maybe 15 (that’s what I’ve seen anyways) and of course, his Captain Marvel form looks like an adult. So, it wouldn’t be strange for an adult to ask another adult to go to a bar with them. Which is why Billy is caught in a dilemma. On one hand, he could just say no, but after a long mission where they’d all spent like two days on an alien planet under constant heavy fire from a cute and cuddly, yet surprisingly bloodthirsty race? It’d be weird not to accept. They might suspect him for being a kid! And boy, Billy does not want that. But on the other hand, he’s not of legal drinking age.
He ends up going with them anyways. Now, all the heroes are sat at a dingy bar in Central City, out of costume, of course. Though, some of them cough Bruce cough Diana cough Arthur cough and you can’t forget Billy, still in Marvel form. (He took a page out of Supe’s book and wore glasses. He’s also for some reason wearing Hawaiian print. (He didn’t have actual adult clothes and needed to borrow from a bargain bin))
Billy thankfully found a loophole for this whole mess. That’s right, this guys gonna be sipping virgin margaritas for the rest of the night. And, he try as many flavors as he wants because you wanna know the best part? Bruce is paying for everything! If Billy could jump in joy, he would. It didn’t matter that Hal was a little obnoxious when drunk off his mind. He’s dealt with worse and it’s not like it’s all that bad. He’s kinda funnier than usual this way. He gets the spend the rest of the day with people he considers friends, that’s all that really matters.
GL: “Dude, why do you keep ordering virgins?”
Crap. What does Billy say to that? Right off the bat, Billy ignores Solomon’s first, and quite frankly, wild lie to tell.
Marvel: “Hmm? Oh uh… I… like the way they taste…?”
He’s a bad liar.
Aquaman: *drinking beer* “Try again, bud.”
Okay… It looks like he might have to listen to Solomon after all. Gosh dang it.
Marvel: “Uhm… I kinda used to maybe sort of might’ve had an addiction and had to go to AA a long time ago.” *Sips drink*
He was always better at lying when the lie was already prepared.
*Whole table goes silent*
Marvel: “Uh… I’ve been sober for a while. Like…” ‘Twelve years, Billy,’ Solomon supplied in his head. “…Twelve years.”
*Table is still silent.*
Flash: *Interrupts silence by slamming hands on table* “Dude! You cannot keep dropping Marvel Lore Bombs™️ on us like this!” (Btw this is the same universe as the Marvel Compilations post. I didn’t mean to write it like it was the same universe but I might as well connect them cause why not)
Marvel: “Whaddya mean?”
Superman: “Well, Marvel…” *scratches back of head* “You kinda have this tendency to… Gosh, how do I put this?”
Martian Manhunter: “You drop obscure information about yourself at random times.”
Wonder Woman: “Then you just go about your day like you didn’t say it in the first place. For example Cap, you can’t just tell me that at some point you were an Amazonian, you were there for my birth, and then just walk off.”
GL: “Marvel, how old are you?”
Marvel: “Uuuuuuhhhhhhh….”
Batman: “You date back to having existed before Mesopotamia. I want to know the answer to that question Marvel.” *Bat-glares Billy while sipping from his drink.*
Bruce was definitely going to add the AA thing to his quite small folder on Marvel.
The night continues on with the other members of the JL grilling Billy for more information about himself, which Solomon helps with by either supplying him with lies, or with things previous champions did. By the time the night was over, Billy never wanted to go to a bar again. He unshazamed in an alley and went home to his little place. He bee-lined to his sleeping bag and just when he was about to fall asleep, something popped into his mind:
‘Why didn’t I just say I didn’t like the way it tastes?’ That thought kept him up for a couple more hours.
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squinch-depraved · 4 months ago
Bro PLZ write something about teds mustache PLZ🙏
here u go short while i work on other stuffs
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"i promise you you aren't too heavy, please sit on my face," ted begged.
"your mustache is gonna feel so weird though!!" excuses. to tell the truth, he just made you really nervous. you honestly didn't expect that mentioning that you had never been eaten out to your best friend would land you in this situation. "i dunno, ted..."
"c'mon, please trust me. i promise we can stop if you don't like it but i wanna try to make you feel good at least once. please?" he made that stupid face that gets him whatever he wants and leaned back on to his couch, resting his head flat on a pillow and patting his chest for you to hop on.
with a scoff, you rolled your eyes and started to climb onto him, but he stopped you and pointed to your pants.
"off," he instructed simply. his bossiness left a damp spot in your panties once you slowly, carefully removed them, folding both them and your pants and setting them on the coffee table. "there we go." you could hear the grin in his voice before you spun back around to glare at him.
"you're so annoying, you know that?"
"you love me."
he wasn't wrong. in what way, you weren't sure, but you did love your best friend.
"hop on!" he waved you over, intertwining his fingers with yours when you straddled his chest. "my face is up here," he joked when you hesitated.
"oh my god, fine, i'll sit on your face if it'll shut you up," you teased, trying to hide the nervousness in your voice. ted, who couldn't stop smiling, helped you scoot forward until you were hovering over his face. once he had a clear view of your wet hole, he groaned and wrapped his arms around your thighs, pulling you down and holding you tight while you squirmed.
his tongue worked deftly in and out of your cunt, flicking and swirling around your sensitive bud and drawing frantic wails from you. you had never felt anything so pleasurable; everything he was doing was sending white hot electricity straight to your core.
"teddy, fuck!!" you screamed, bucking your hips furiously on his face. his mustache provided just the right stimulation, brushing against your thighs when he pulled his mouth away from your pussy to plant sloppy kisses everywhere. "feels so good..." you trailed off.
he moaned into your folds as he slid his tongue back in you, the vibrations causing your legs to tremble.
"ted, please, you're so good, so good to me, fuck! why did you wanna- nghh, do this so bad?" your voice was shaky, and he pulled away with a lewd noise to answer your question.
"because i think you deserve to feel good. this doesn't have to be anything more than two friends helping each other, if you don't want it to be. just, shut up and let me taste you, please?" he bargained, brushing his mustache along your skin to soothe you.
"how am i helping you?" you asked, puzzled.
"you think i'm not gonna get off to this for like, the rest of my life?" he chuckled, pulling your cunt back to his mouth. staring down at him made your stomach flip- the way his hazel eyes peered up at you as he worked his mouth was intoxicating.
"teddy, i think i'm close," you whined, rolling your hips forward. his grip on your thighs tightened as he furrowed his brows and began eating you faster, sloppy noises filling the room. letting out a constant string of moans and swears as you tossed your head back, you let him devour you and arched your back.
he guided you through your orgasm, grunting when you began to claw at his arms where they were holding you down. he overstimulated you just a tad, unable to resist his cruel desires, not knowing if he would get to do this again. once you rode out your high, you scrambled backwards off of him, panting, and collapsed onto the couch.
"was that good?" he asked nervously, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. you couldn't form words yet, but nodded solemnly. smiling, he rose from his seat and walked to the kitchen, returning with a water bottle, which you accepted gratefully.
"can we do that again?" you asked quietly once he sat back down.
"uh. yeah, if you really want to," ted offered, scratching the back of his neck.
pulling him in for a deep kiss, you grinned at the faint taste of yourself still on his lips. his mustache tickled your upper lip as the kiss deepened, and soon he was on top of you, kissing between your thighs and enjoying every noise that spilled from your lips.
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solxamber · 6 months ago
Recipe for Love - Kalim Al-Asim x reader
You know you can't cook, your cat knows you can't cook, everyone who has seen your lunch boxes knows you can't cook. So why is Kalim so insistent on eating the monstrosities you conjure?
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Kalim always has a smile on his face, like a little ray of sunshine that refuses to be dimmed by life’s annoyances. Case in point: your cooking.
You knew you weren’t the greatest in the kitchen—mediocre at best, catastrophic at worst—but it was survival of the fittest. No one else was going to make your meals for you, so it was either that or starve. Still, even though you often ate your meals with the same enthusiasm someone might reserve for gulping down expired cough syrup, Kalim was always there, sitting beside you, laughing and chatting like the food wasn’t trying to launch a rebellion in his stomach.
You stared at him one day during lunch, as he spooned another bite of whatever monstrosity you’d conjured up for the day. He winced, visibly struggling to swallow, his eyes watering like he’d just been maced, but when he looked up at you, he grinned through the pain. “This is so good!” he exclaimed.
You blinked. “Kalim, that’s a lie.”
He shook his head fervently, and you swore you saw a single tear roll down his cheek. “No, really! I love it!” Then he took another bite, his expression flickering between determination and the kind of fear people have when facing certain death.
You frowned, leaning closer. “Kalim, you’ve got Jamil, and Jamil’s cooking is… well, amazing.” You didn’t need to tell him that. Everyone knew that. Jamil’s cooking was so good it could’ve made it onto a TV show, and here Kalim was, willingly choosing to eat what amounted to nuclear waste on a plate. “Why don’t you just eat his lunches instead of mine? I won’t get offended, promise.”
Kalim looked down at your food for a moment, fork hovering in mid-air, and you thought he might finally break and admit defeat. But then he glanced up at you with the biggest, most genuine smile you’d ever seen. “I eat yours because I like being with you! You’re the only one who doesn’t treat me differently because of my family or money.” He shrugged, cheeks flushing a bit as he added, “Besides, it’s special because you made it.”
That… was unexpected. You had always assumed Kalim was just too nice to turn down your offers to sit with him, or that maybe he just got bored of all the attention. But this? This was something else.
“So… let me get this straight,” you started slowly. “You like my food because… I’m the one who made it?”
“Exactly!” Kalim beamed at you, and you couldn’t tell if he was ignoring the fact that his taste buds were probably staging a coup right now, or if he genuinely didn’t mind the questionable flavors you seemed to create in your kitchen.
You stared at him for a beat, and then deadpanned, “But it tastes awful.”
Kalim chuckled, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “Well, maybe it’s not the best tasting food, but it’s the thought that counts, right? And I really like spending time with you.” His face flushed, and he glanced away, adding more softly, “I kinda… like you.”
You blinked at him, processing. The food in front of you suddenly seemed a lot less important, though Kalim was still bravely battling it.
“Well, I guess that makes sense,” you said slowly. “But Kalim… you really don’t have to suffer through this. I could just buy lunch or something.”
Kalim shook his head with such force that it startled you. “No way! I’d eat it a hundred times if it means I get to be with you.”
You stared at him, touched despite yourself. A weird warmth spread through your chest. “You know,” you said, smiling a little, “you’re kinda crazy.”
Kalim laughed brightly, as if you’d just complimented him. “Maybe! But you’re worth it.”
And as much as you were tempted to argue with him, you couldn’t really disagree. So you let him take another bite, his face contorting like he’d just chewed glass, but the smile never left his face.
“Jamil is definitely going to have to pack us both lunches from now on,” you mused aloud.
“Jamil might cry if I ask,” Kalim admitted, grinning.
You both laughed, and just like that, sitting there with Kalim, the taste didn’t seem so bad anymore.
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I checked on the isekai poll and Lilia is crushing it so here's a little Kalim drabble.
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trevorsgodmother · 2 months ago
𝓟𝓪𝓼𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓪𝓵𝓽 𝓭𝓪𝓭𝓭𝔂 (C.S ⭐️)
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☞ Masterlist Warnings: Mentions of the word 'daddy' (throws up), swearing, Chris being an idiot, nothing else tbh POV: First person (reader) Summary: Chris, your boyfriend, is having dinner with your family for the first time. But a small request turns things awkward...
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After the introductions, we all sit down at the table. Me, Chris, my older brother, and my parents. It had been nerve wracking for both of us, especially me. I'd been scared of Chris meeting my dad, since the latter is protective and doesn't take bullshit. Chris is a fairly goofy guy, but he managed to tone it down for this evening.
At least, I thought.
Everything is going good, the food’s warm, conversation’s flowing, and it’s a generally comfortable atmosphere. Until I think about my food too hard. While my brother’s chatting about hockey with Chris, my taste buds alert my brain of something missing.
Salt. I look around the table until my eye catches the green shaker, situated between the plates of my dad and my boyfriend. It’s too far out of my reach, so I innocently call out.
“Pass the salt daddy?”
In the moment right after, I realise my mistake. Oh shit-
My dad reaches for the salt. And so does Chris. The young boy freezes, but it’s too late to act like he was stretching. My dad freezes too, his gaze narrowing.
My brother’s jaw drops. My mum looks shocked. All because of one, stupidly sexualised word (FOR NO REASON). Chris laughs awkwardly, trying to play it off. “Hehe, uh, funny joke, right?” I mentally grab his collar and shake some sense into him. That idiot.
I fake laugh too, smacking his arm hard enough that he realises his acting is horrible. My dad does not think it’s a funny joke.
His voice is cold as he replies. “Now tell me son, why did you go for the salt shaker when she asked me to grab it?” Chris swallows, looking for me for help. But after the initial surprise, I was struggling to hold back a laugh. My brother was snorting into his sleeve. Even my mother was giggling a little. Chris looked hopeless, getting flamed by this older man while his family were all finding this hilarious.
“He didn’t mean it dad, c’mon. It was a joke” Chris eagerly nods, agreeing with me. “Yes sir- it was a joke, sorry-”
My dad sized the poor boy up for a torturous amount of time. The clock ticking on the wall fills the deafening silence as we listen for his ‘verdict’.
He waits, one minute, two, before shaking his head and sighing.
“You kids and your weird humour. I’m too old for this”
Chris immediately relaxes, an easy grin spreading across his face, before my father’s stern expression makes him sit up.
“Uh, you don’t seem old sir. You could fool me” I shoot an incredulous look at him. What the fuck was he saying?
He only gets a blank reaction from my dad. Before he breaks out into a roaring laugh, shattering the tension.
“You’re just like me when I was your age boy” Chris perks up, but his face lights up as my dad adds, with a somewhat disturbed look.
“Except I didn’t make my girlfriend call me daddy”
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A/N: Guys I have no motivation to finish my Matt fic yet, so here you go! I thought about this idea one night and started laughing. Lil goofy lowk Also it’s 11pm, so ignore any grammar mistakes please and thank yew ✨ TL: @hearts4werka @stvrnzcherries @spaghetti835928383 @pvssychicken @snowysosturn @sturnmeovr Dividers by @bernardsbendystraws <3 -Ropitipop 👁👅👁
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iwaasfairy · 2 years ago
big bro iwa who’s in love with making out with his lil sister’s pussy <3
tw incest, hajime nii is a service dom, oral <33
"S-sit shtill," he's slurring into your skin, pulling you down closer with an almost painful grip on your ass. But how can you? It's physically impossible not to squirm when big brother's got his mouth locked like a vice around your clit and all the sucking and wetness coating his chin is enough to have your thighs shaking.
"Niichan, niichan, nii~chan! I'm gonna pass ouw~ t." You're whining loudly, you know you are, but- everything's hazy and your fingers are threading through his full head of hair and you can't stop yourself from sweating and rocking back against his mouth until the friction on your puffy bud becomes too damn much.
If you could open your eyes for longer than a second, you'd be able to see the intensity in Hajime's eyes, and the absolute adoration as he watches every twitch of your brow, or how you force your own finger between your teeth to shut yourself up. You'd be able to see how his hips twitch and smear precum all over the blankets while he buries himself between your legs with a low grunt. "Pass out then," he eventually breathes, letting even the puffs tingle your clit, "I'm not done."
He loves you, you know? Loves laying you down on his bed like this whenever you come over and watching you squirm to get away. But your voice breaks as you let out a desperate squeak, and your back curls off the bed with shuddering thighs. Hajime's tongue rubs over your clit again, before his fingers scissor you open further and more wetness dribbles out of your pretty pussy.
If you're not driving him crazy up the wall, you'd be doing it to someone else. A thought makes his brows furrow, as he watches you, watches the tear tracks wobble down your heated cheeks and your body twitch every time his tongue leaves the nub with a flick. "You know- uhh, ugh- why I'm doing this?"
"Mhm, a sister's pussy is for big brother," you softly mewl, and also shake, and your hands fiddle with the strands of his hair you can read.
"Not that," Hajime nii grunts, curling his fingers deeper inside you and opening wide as his tongue goes to fuck into the drooling hole with a low groan. You taste so fucking good. He'd really stay down here for hours if he could, and it ticks him off that you start getting too overstimulated and fussy after just two orgasms. "Why am I mad?"
Your whining makes way for a beat of silence, though your pussy clenches and sucks his tongue like you never want to let him go. You might pretend to be any better off than him, but you're just as twisted. A real brother fucker, getting the sheets this drenched. It almost distracts him from your little "Oh."
"Yeah. Oh." You try to right yourself onto an elbow and lift yourself from the bed, but he gets up and yanks your waist along with him so you fall back, and his biceps bulge as your legs hook over his shoulder. The sucking of your little clit has your eyelids fluttering so hard you look like you're gone. "You don't know what you're doing. Why even try to touch yourself, stupid shitty sister. This is my pussy. Mine."
"'m sorry~" you whine, and your tone says it all. You're going to cum, again, and soak his face like he wants, needs you to. Long days of work only feel earned when he can sink his fat cock into that hot, little clutch. Why don't you get that. "Ah, ah, niichan. Wan'it, wan- mh-agh, gonna cum Hajime nii~" So cute. So pretty. Your pussy's clenching against his mouth, so hot and soft on his tongue, so needy-
He lets you ride yourself against his mouth until you start wiggling, and then he clamps his lips around that little bud and sucks, hard. Until you're cumming all over him, and he places patient kisses onto your hooded nub until you stop shaking and crying. "How many times do I have to tell you? If your body feels weird, what do you do?"
"Wake up- Haj' niichan. Niichan will fix 't."
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shawtuzi · 2 years ago
absolutely insanely obsessed with your nerd!eren hcs <33 what are your thoughts on nerd!eren going down on y/n for the first time?
great question nonnie let’s get into it
what’s that one j cole lyric??? oh yeah i remember ‘haven’t been in pussy since the day i came out one’ now THAT describes nerd!eren perfectly when you first started dating him. sure he’d seen his fair share of pussy when he watched porn but other than that he’d never been lucky enough to be graced with the beautiful sight of a real life woman’s pussy. until now.
“you wanna take ‘em off for me?” you asked referring to your pink cotton panties that had the tiniest wet spot in the center. eren looked up at you through his lashes, his breathing ragged. with shaking hands he hooked his fingers into the waistband of your panties before slowly pulling them down, he let out the tiniest groan when he saw a thin string of your wetness cling the soft fabric of your panties.
“jesus christ,” eren let out a breathless moan when he finally saw your pussy in all its glory. you brought your hand down and spread your glistening folds giving eren a mouthwatering view of your lil clit that was just begging for some attention. “this right here?” you said slowly circling your clit with your ring and middle finger, “this is what you wanna pay attention to, go ahead and try touching it with your hand first.”
eren gently pressed his thumb against your clit and he swears he could feel a lil heart beat with each second that passed. “mhm now go in slow circles,” your eyes fluttered shut when he did exactly as you instructed. if eren had to choose his drug of choice ever? it would be your facial expressions from him pleasuring you. after a few moments he got greedy and begin to circle his thumb a little too fast and started rubbing his thumb against the right side of your pillowy soft folds. you sat up on your elbows and the sight before you was absolutely adorable. eren looked so concentrated with his glasses fogged up and brows furrowed it was too cute.
“eren, baby, slow down slow down,” you giggled grasping his shaking hand in yours. eren eyes locked with yours, the tiniest pout on his kiss swollen lips. “m’sorry i got a little too excited,” he breathlessly chuckled pressing a kiss to the inside of your thigh. “it’s okay baby, why don’t you try using your mouth this time hm? if you flick your tongue sideways that’s the quickest way to make me cum,” eren brought his face closer to your dripping center, taking a deep inhale. “m’not trying to be weird…you just smell so good,” he hummed pressing a kiss to your aching clit.
eren gave your pussy an experimental lick, the salty sweet taste of you immediately burning into his brain. fuck. at first he was very sloppy, going between swiping his tongue up and down your soaked slit to sucking your folds into his mouth that he swears were as soft as rose petals. your slick was smearing onto his glasses but he just couldn’t find it in himself to care, not when he was between the thighs of the most gorgeous woman he’d ever laid eyes on.
suddenly his lips wrapped around your clit and he was sucking so fast and so hard you nearly screamed. “f-fuck ren,” you sniffled gripping onto his chocolate locs. eren traced tight little circles around your sensitive bud, relishing in the sweet moans that escaped your plush lips. “am i—hmph doing okay?” eren asked lifting his head just the tiniest bit. the entire lower half his face was coated in your wetness and you had half a mind to yank him up and lick it off him. “you’re doing so good hun, can you use your fingers too? m’so close i can feel it,” oh how eren wanted to kiss that adorable pout on your lips.
eren glanced at your cunt and groaned when he saw your lil hole clench around absolutely nothing. “okay…okay yeah i’ll use my fingers jus’ tell me if it hurts or m’doin it wrong,” his sentence slowly trailed off as he brought his mouth back to your pussy. he brought his middle finger to your entrance and slowly began to push his finger in. “shit that’s tight,” he whimpered, i repeat WHIMPERED!!!! at this time in your relationship you’d yet to have sex with eren yet so if you were squeezing only his finger this tight he couldn’t even imagine how heavenly you’d feel wrapped around his dick.
“put another one in renny c’mon,” you whined bucking your hips up. eren did as he was told and added his ring finger (he’d read online those two fingers were guaranteed to make a girl cum if used correctly and by god was the internet so right). while his fingers pumped into you at a relentless pace he began to flick his tongue back and forth on your neglected clit. “c-curl your fingers r-ren your fingers!” you squealed gripping onto your bed sheets for dear life. eren hummed and curled his fingers just the slightest bit and that’s what finally broke the dam. your thighs immediately clenched shut as you began to practically hump eren’s face, his teeth scraping against your clit in the most delicious way possible.
“god your pussy is so fucking loud, does that mean you’re gonna cum?” eren grunted relishing in the lewd squelches that came from your sopping pussy. you let out loud chants of ‘yes yes yes!’ before coming undone, nearly suffocating eren between your thick thighs. eren’s glasses were completely fogged up and for once you actually preferred to have them off, so you gently took them off and set them aside so you were able to clearly look into eren’s needy orbs. you were the one who just came but he looked completely and utterly fucked out boy was it a sight to see.
eren slowly removed his fingers, licking his lips when he saw how the milky white substance of your cum coated his digits. he brought his fingers to his mouth and greedily sucked your cum off them. “good?” you breathlessly giggled, running your your fingers through his hair. eren let out a quiet ‘mhm’ as he pressed sloppy kisses all over your thighs. “can i keep going? please?” he sounded borderline desperate and you were loving it.
it’s safe to say it was a constant struggle to get eren to keep his hands to himself once he had a taste of you. while you two would be studying in the library his fingers would not so subtly make their way up your skirt and into your panties, rubbing your swollen clit with vigor. sometimes he’d usher you into the nearest bathroom and toss your legs over his shoulders so he could get a little taste, tongue fucking your tight lil pussy until your were creaming all over his tongue.
ahh man i love me some pussydrunk eren.
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ooo-yeah-baby · 2 years ago
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Yandere Gilbert Blythe x reader
I only write sfw, feel free to make requests. Forced relationship. Kinda Yan if you squinting idk.
"Gilbert Blythe." You could taste the sourness of his name on your tongue as you spit it out. 
"Y/N L/N." He mocked. His usual smirk plastered his face. 
He was one of the top kids in your class at school and one of the most popular boys. Your friends, Ruby and Anne, were obsessed with him. Ruby was more open about it than Anne, but Anne's feelings were obvious.  
If it weren't for them you might have caught something for him too. Of course it'd be difficult to feel anything but guilt if you were to. That doesn't mean you avoided him though. You often talked and joked with him. You weren't best buds but you weren't strangers(it'd be next to impossible to be in a town like Avonlea).
Besides, you were sure your parents would find a partner for you. Your parents have always wanted you to focus on your studies so they had always reassured you that they'd handle your marriage. You didn't mind it that much. You don't think they'll choose someone small minded, or far away, and you know they wouldn't choose someone who'd interfere with you going to college and living your life the way you want to. 
But this bothered you. This made your stomach turn. 
There he was. Standing on your front porch, with a bouquet of random flowers. 
"Oh, Y/N, let the boy in!" Your mother chattered. She pushed you to the side and opened the door wider for him. "Welcome, Gilbert." She chirped. 
"Thank you, Mrs. L/N." Gilbert stepped inside of your home. He removed his coat and hat and started towards you. "These are for you, Y/N." He handed you the flowers. You could see your mother's glare from behind Gilbert's curly head, urging you to be polite. 
"Thank you, Gilbert." You accepted the flowers and moved to the kitchen to find something to put them in, rolling your eyes when you turn away from him. 
When you came back your mother, father, older brother, and Gilbert were all sitting in the foyer. 
"Y/N, stop standing around." Your mother smiled slyly. "Have a seat next to Gilbert." You looked over to the seat next to Gilbert. There were open seats next to both your mother, and brother. She was clearly up to something. 
Of course it'd be rude to not take the seat after being told to do so, so you sat down next to him. 
As you were fixing your dress to free it of small wrinkles in the skirt your father cleared his throat. 
"Ahem, uh-" he awkwardly sat up. "We have something to tell you." He had a weird but proud smile on his face as he looked at your mother, brother, and then finally, you. His hand gestures over to Gilbert. "Would you like to tell her, Gilbert?" He asked. 
Gilbert's face became flushed. He laughed shyly. He looked down at his hands in his lap then turned to you. 
"Well, Y/N." He grabbed your hands, his thumb rubbing the back of your right hand gently. "Recently, I had asked your parents for your hand in marriage." 
Gilbert was looking in your eyes but yours had gone blank. You were puzzled. Perplexed. You knew your parents were looking for someone, and you knew Gilbert would get an automatic yes from them, but why was Gilbert asking you? Why not Ruby? Or Anne? Or literally anyone else. You couldn't marry him. That'd only be a betrayal against your friends. You had only thought that your mother invited him so he might consider you, but you didn't imagine he would. 
You realized you had been silent for too long when Gilbert was waving his hand in front of your face. Before you could properly think you blurted out;
"No!" Slapping his hand out of your face. Gilbert pulled his hand to his chest. You hadnt hurt him but it was a surprise. You turn to your mother. "You didn't tell him I would marry him, did you?" 
Your mother was shocked, mouth agape and all. 
"Well, of course we did." Your father said, still wide eyed from your reaction. 
You could see your brother trying to hold back his laughter. 
"Oh bite your tongue." Your mother spouted at him. 
Without saying anything, you rose from your seat and began walking up to your room. Closing the door behind you, and falling to the ground. 
You can hear your family in the living room. 
"She's just being dramatic, Gilbert." You heard your brother reassure him. 
"We're terribly sorry Gilbert." Your mother continued after. 
"It's no problem." Gilbert said. "We can try again another day." 
"Yes, I'm sure she'll come around." Your dad chimed in. 
Clearly, they had not gotten the hint that you were unhappy with this situation. Each of them took turns throughout the night knocking on your door and trying to get even an ounce of a reaction. Each try was futile. 
The next day you remained silent. You didn't even eat breakfast. You just walked past your family and out the door. 
When you got to school the message board was surrounded. Diana ran to you as you got to the door. 
"Hello, Diana." You said, exasperatedly. 
"Y/N. What's this about? Are you really marrying Gilbert?" She said. She seemed more concerned than upset. She'd support you no matter what but that doesn't mean she could hold back Ruby or Anne from reacting poorly. Luckily they hadn't gotten to school yet. 
"What?" You dropped your books and ran to the message board. 
After pushing past a group of people you reached the board. There it was. The only note on the board. 
"Gilbert and Y/N are engaged to be married." 
You were fuming! You knew exactly who did this. You tore the note from the board and pushed back out of the group of people as you stormed inside. 
"I'm not marrying you!" You threw the crumpled up note at the back of Gilbert's head. The class members inside turned and watched. 
Gilbert's hands shot up in defense as he turned to face you. 
"Who said I wrote the note?" He smirked. Your face turned red with fury.
"You are so smug and inconsiderate!" You scoffed. 
"And you're beautiful when you're angry." Gilbert nodded at you teasingly.
You couldn't even think of a response besides storming away. The rest of class you could feel Gilbert's eyes shooting at you, along with every other girls, besides Rubys, who still had zero idea of the event that occurred before she got to school.
You were thankful that everyone, including Billy and Josie Pye, were quiet about the incident during lunch. You were also thankful to have a peaceful, Gilbert free lunch in the girls corner. 
But of course your peace could not last forever. 
You had hoped to stick close to Diana and Anne on their walks home but the second Gilbert came up it was like they handed you to him on a silver platter. Anne letting him take you was the most confusing part. 
Gilbert made it painfully obvious that he wanted you to hook arms with him as you walked, making a small triangle that stuck out of his side with his arm. Of course you ignored it and stormed ahead. 
"Would you slow down?" Gilbert piped, chasing after you like a lost puppy. 
"Why should I? You've got long legs. You should certainly be able to keep up." You tried to pick up your pace but honestly it was getting tiring and you could feel your own breath getting ragged.
Gilbert's hand reached up and caught yours, clasping his fingers around yours, stopping you in your tracks. 
"Because chasing you makes me seem like some kind of monster and walking together is far more enjoyable." He pulled your hand up and kissed your knuckles. 
"Perhaps it's enjoyable for you, Mr. Blythe, but currently, I do see you as a monster." You pulled your hand from his face but did not break free from the hand hold.
"And what makes me a monster?" He began walking again, at a very slow pace as you followed alongside him. 
"This whole marriage business for one;" You began. "I didn't think you were the type to force a girl to marry you, Mr. Blythe." 
"Would you have said yes if I had asked?" He was nervous for your answer. His jaw clenched and his left brow quirked up.
"No, but I am not saying yes now either." Gilbert looked a little disappointed but shook it off before you could notice. "I think I've made it clear that I don't wish to marry you, Mr. Blythe." 
"You know when we get married you won't be able to call me Mr. Blythe anymore, right?" He teased, trying to change the topic. You just gave him a sour look and no reply. Gilbert cleared his throat then tried again. "I was thinking we could have the ceremony in spring. Would you like that?" 
"Hypothetically, I'd prefer an early fall wedding." You replied, half heartedly. 
"Then that's what we'll have. A nice, fall wedding." Gilbert gently squeezed your hand and stepped closer. 
As the weeks passed you slowly noticed changes in your friends, especially Ruby. Her already dwindling gaze towards Gilbert had shifted in full throttle towards Moody and she repeatedly made small hints at giving you her blessing with the engagement. You tried to tell her that there was nothing between you and Gilbert but she just kept giving you little thumbs up as you would leave with him each day. 
Anne also began acting strangely. Despite your persistent denial she insisted that she supported you. 
It was like all of Avonlea was on Gilbert's side; rooting for him; rooting against you. 
Sure, the guilt would be gone now, seeing as your friends no longer hold feelings for him, but now there was a whole new reason. 
You didn't have a choice. You couldn't oppose the marriage and you couldn't consent. Gilbert was nice but he wasn't nice enough to break off the engagement.
After a while of begging you got an idea. It was a horrible and inconvenient idea. Even the thought of it made you feel like a vixen. But it had to be done. The engagement had been finalized and this was the only way to break it off. 
Your plan wasn't that hard to come up with either. Tell the girls you have feelings for one of the other boys, don't say who, and ruin your own reputation. If you were known to be someone who wishes to be with other while already "taken" then there would be no reason to continue with the marriage. 
Then, during college, once everything blows over and you're free again, you can find someone you truly love. 
When lunch came around you made your grand confession and all of the girls looked at you as if you had just told them the most shocking news ever. By the end of the day most of the girls had told their parents, friends, siblings, etc. 
By the time word had gotten back to Gilbert he was bewildered and, though he would hate to admit it, angry. 
You felt proud walking out of your house the next morning after having been chewed out by your whole family. 
"Now it'll be impossible to find a good Avonlea boy for you."
"You really screwed that one up." 
"Why won't you just accept Gilbert?" 
If gossip was good somewhere, it was Avonlea. 
You felt proud, that is, until you made it down the steps of your porch, seeing Gilbert smelling the flowers that lined the railing. When we noticed you he stood up and snaked his arm around yours. 
"Good morning dear." He's greeted as he started walking. 
"Good morning Mr. Blythe." Why was he here. He should be at school for his morning classes or anywhere but in front of your home. 
"Gilbert." He said. "It's been a while since you called me Gilbert." 
You rolled your eyes at that, although you were still quite nervous. 
"Gilbert, why are you here so early?" You asked. 
"I have no plans of canceling the engagement." This stopped you in your tracks, stopping Gilbert along with you.
"Why not?" 
"I know you made it up." His free hand went to your face, cupping your cheek. "I love you Y/N. I don't care how many people tell me to cancel it. I need you." 
This wouldve been a sweet confession if it all hadn't been forced upon you. Instead, it felt like you had only dug yourself further into the ground. Of course Gilbert would know you lied, he's the smartest in the class, and of course he wouldn't care what others thought of you, that's how he is. 
You felt stupid. 
Stupid and trapped. 
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sane-omblog · 8 months ago
Delicious? (Part1?)
Aka story of Raphael and his mysterious taste bud
I don't know what I did, I just wanna try my hand on writing and this is an.. fever idea ig
I already wrote more but ermm yea will need some more time to finish it
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Raphael was always an easy child, you told him to sit there, he sat, you told him to go to bed, he went. Even with food, he was also easy, he doesn't have any preference or hatred towards food. He eat veggies, fruits, any meats with no complaints.
The little angel was in the middle of flying lesson when the most easy and/or awkward question for a kid. He stared at two pots of soups, they smelled a little different from each other. "Which soup would you like?"
“It would be all the same to me, you can let the other choose first” he said, sure enough smell wouldn't change taste
“Awww what a kind little angel you are, Raphael” the older angel reached and pet him on his head. He liked it.
Raphael took a bite of the soup that was left for him, it's plain, bland, and didn't make any difference from other soup he had tried for all his life. The angel, his age, letting him try the other soup, seemed like she didn't like it and wanted to know if he liked this more and traded it.
It's the same, he couldn't tell what was different.
He agreed to trade it anyway.
Evening came, Raphael told his attendant what he did that day. Simeon, as always, smiled back at him and said “That's so nice of you, Raph.”
He paused, Raphael thought it wasn't bad to get compliments from such easy action.
“But I guess, I should find what your favorite food is, huh?” with chuckles, Simeon started to name random dishes while going to the kitchen and made them dinner. His wings moved while walking, always brought his attention away. "Oh I should make that today, what do you think about.."
He sure he would liked everything Simeon made for him.
"that's sounds nice" but maybe not as that sandwich the other day
But again, it's too bland on his tongue
“How is it?” Simeon asked him half of the meal
Raphael couldn't remember the name of what he'd just eaten.
He swallowed. “It's good”
Simeon said he misread the recipes and asked if he wanted him to make something real quick for his lunch today. "I should have wondered how all those ingredients never went well together, I'm so sorry Raph"
As a young angel at that time, he said "it's fine and I should get going to the training, I will take it, thanks"
Raphael ate it, the bread, the mistake of fruit jam, the strong spiced meat and some vegetables. He liked it. Everyone there knew Simeon was his guardian, and always wanted to try his food.
Of course he didn't mind, even though it's the first time he thought this is what delicious tasted like and wanted to have it all to himself.
The other angels took a bite with so much hope, especially after seeing him with such sparkly eyes.
But then they made a weird noise and said it wasn't any good as the rumor said.
“This is too salty!” they wailed
“Ugh the bad taste still on my tongue”
“Is the fruit he used rotten?!”
They whimpered about how bad it was, asking if he misunderstood the word delicious. Raphael didn’t think so, because if it's not delicious that means he wouldn't like it.
But he likes his food this way, so it's delicious. That's what he thought.
He felt some rage bubbling inside him, he didn't have any preference about other Simeon’s food but he knew that he's a great chef.
“Don't say that, you shouldn't judge it by just one time” he paused, didn't know how to describe what Simeon's food usually taste like, not even what he ate for breakfast. “He just busy and misread the ingredients this time”
It's true that's why he accepted this mistake of food in the first place, he didn't want to put any more loads of work onto archangel.
And it worked. They backed down, went back to enjoy their own lunch.
The next day they asked him to share again and agree that the food from his guardian was delicious after just one bite.
Leaving him missed that unique taste of jam with yet another bland taste.
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luvyunjinxo · 2 years ago
I hate you
Sakura Miyawaki x fem!sub!reader
CW: not proofread, caught masturbation, humiliation, mommy kink, bondage maybe? & overstimulation
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"I really hate you, you know?" "Then why are you under me?"
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊
You and Sakura were enemies hated each other for life. You didn't know how this rivalry started but it just did I guess. You guys were roommates sharing a house with all your friends. Your friends were aware that you guys hated each other, but they never seemed to care because they loved both of you.
Once again on a Friday afternoon you had no plans while everyone else did. You thought that everyone was out of the house but you were wrong. You pulled out your phone watching the videos Sakura had posted since she was a youtuber. She vlogged around the house but would always stay out of her way so her fans didn't know you as much.
You were clueless. Not knowing that you're starting to get wet by the second. She had posted a video on her workout and you're starting to get needy? Weird of you. You started to feel the wetness travel down your thighs so you decided to finally do something about it. Your hands went down to take your shorts and underwear off while the other placed down your laptop to the side.
Man you knew this was bad, but you needed to get rid of the feeling. Poor Sakura not knowing any of this happening, or did she? Anyways your hands traveled down to toy with your clit then inserting two fingers in. In, out, and in again making lewd noises. Then eventually noises started to come out and as soon as you know it you were screaming her name. How embarrassing.
Surprise, Sakura was home this whole time. You didn't know how thin the walls were but her room was literally next to yours. She pressed her ear against the door and knocked once. Second knock, no answer. Third? There was no third. She barged in like it was nothing and her jaw dropped to the floor. You didn't say anything but panicked and covered yourself with the blanket that was underneath you.
She scoffed. "I could hear you from the other room could you at least try and be quiet? What if everyone else was home"
You were just in shock. "And what were you even getting off to? I swear I could've heard my name yelled at least a thousand times."
"Lets check that laptop of yours, shall we?" "Sakura no."
"Why Y/n? I know you're hiding something, but what is it?" She scoffed again once she finally got the computer you guys were fighting for 10 seconds ago. She opened it and saw herself working out, specifically doing planks.
"Well what do we have here? You're getting off to the person you hate the most? So pathetic you are. Lets see whats under that blanket."
Oh my god you were dripping. Badly. Your puffy cunt was smothered in wetness. How embarrassing, again. She collected your wetness with her finger and put it back into her mouth. Damn that was hot. "Y/n do you have a tie somewhere?"
"B-by that closet."
"Stuttering before we even got started?" She went over to the closet to grab three ties and started to tie up your arms together, then tied down one of your legs to the bed, then the other. You were now fully restrained under Sakura Miywaki's touch. Could get destroyed any second now really.
"Fuck the foreplay, I wanna have a taste already."
She dived fully in giving you the best head you've ever had but you were so sensitive due to the other orgasms you gave yourself a few minutes ago. You were squirming so much you almost broke out of the ties but she held your waist down. She kept eating you out but started to switch and entered two fingers in and started pumping fast, plus starting to toy with your buds with her tongue.
"mommy! I-Its t-too much" She ignored you but kept going faster having you cum in no time. But anyways she kept going not stopping one bit, leaving you overstimulated.
"I c-cant take it anymore~"
"You can and you will. Shut up and keep still."
You reached your third orgasm in a row and she finally stopped. She gave you a sloppy kiss and said
"That was just the beginning. Don't you think you deserve a punishment for touching yourself?"
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artificial-transmutations · 2 years ago
Closer Than Flesh - Run
After a few hours it becomes clear to the friends that it's no use. Jake isn't even close to reproducing the things Skyler did yesterday (and those weren't great either). The sigil stone shows a faint red glow when Jake concentrates really hard, but that's about it.
"Okay, this is not working. I can't get it to work, Sky!" Jake says.
"Maybe we should try something else." Skyler suggests. "Like maybe... I don't know. Maybe we could take a break."
"Well, I mean, I was thinking we could go out for a walk or something."
"Right... do I need to remind you that you are, well... a dick? How would you go out for a walk?"
If Skyler still had facial expressions, he would grimace. "You know what I mean. You do the walking. It's better than nothing."
"Yeah, right. Not the worst idea, I guess. I'm getting a headache trying to reverse that whole mess. Plus, I get to grab something to eat on the way."
"Great. That's settled then. Ehm, one more thing." Skyler pauses for a moment. "Would you be okay with wearing something comfortable? Like sweatpants or something like that. I think I'm a bit bigger than your, I mean, previous equipment and I don't exactly fancy the thought of being crushed by your tight jeans."
"No problem." Jake answers quickly. "I'll find some sweats in my room."
As Jake changes into the pair of gray sweatpants, Skyler’s world goes dark again. Even though the sweatpants are not quite as tight as he imagines the jeans would be, Skyler is still being pressed back against Jake's body. Once he gets over feeling anxious about the cramped space, Skyler realizes it's actually quite comfortable: It's warm, safe and comfy, and, most of all, it smells like Jake.
Skyler is still not sure how he can see or smell, but his senses seem to be confined to his actual cock-form. If Jake is wearing pants like this, he can't see anything. He isn't actually sure how it works, either. As a dick, he obviously doesn't have any eyes, nose or tastebuds. Still, he can clearly see, smell and (as he remembers) taste everything around him. Especially his sight is interesting. While he clearly experiences the world from the perspective of his friends crotch, his vision is kind of all around his shaft-body, not directed like he used to see as a human.
Which brings Skyler to another question he needs answered.
"Jake?" he asks.
Jake twitches as the voice of his friend tears him out of his own thoughts. As he pulled on the pants, it felt... weird. Sure, he had pulled on pants, and even this pair of sweatpants on like a thousand times. Each time, he had stuffed his then smaller dick into his underwear unceremoniously, without spending much of a thought on it. Just as he did a few seconds ago. But this time, it's different. It's not merely a part of his body he is handling, it's actually his friend Skyler who is still attached to his groin. This just feels so weird.
"Yes?" he replies with a bit of a delay.
"How are you hearing me?"
"What do you mean? I can understand you perfectly well." Jake was confused by the question.
"No, that's not what I meant. I mean... I don't have a mouth. Or lungs. Am I speaking to you normally? "
"Oh! No, I don't think so." Jake thinks for a moment. "I think you're talking... directly to me."
He pauses and then says: "Oh! Does that mean...?"
He gets out his cell phone and starts a recording. "Say something again!"
"Uhm... Hello? Why, what are you doing? I can't see anything from inside your pants!"
Jake stops the recording and taps the play button. After a few seconds, he exclaims: "Crazy! I think you're talking to me telepathically! There is nothing on the recording."
"That's good at least." Skyler says with a cheer in his voice. "That means I can talk to you while we're out without anyone asking you were your pants have learned to speak."
"Great. Oh! I have another idea!" With that, Jake puts in headphones. "I put in my buds, so when I answer, it looks like I'm on my phone."
"Okay." Skyler replies. "Let's go!"
It feels weird when Jake walks, Skyler discovers. It's not exactly unpleasant, but there is considerably more movement down there than he expected. After the first few steps, Skyler slips into Jake's left pants leg, where he kind of settles in a stable position. Still, every step Jake takes leads to some shifting and tugging around of him.
At first, Skyler is uneasy by the sensations, but as more time passes, he slowly starts to relax, getting used to the new experiences.
"Where are we going?" He asks.
"I just left the apartment and I'm going to the park. I think there's a hot dog stand today and I'm getting hungry."
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"Ha. One good thing about the whole thing is that I'm not hungry one bit. Would be difficult to eat like this, too."
"I'm glad you're enjoying your day." Jake says sarcastically. "I still want to end having a talking dick, preferably before I have to pee again. Do you have any new ideas?"
"Okay, okay. Sorry. We could search the web, perhaps if we put in the symbol again, we find out something I didn't before. Perhaps there is some kind of manual?"
"We could try that. Beats not doing anything useful with the stone itself. But first..."
Skyler feels a bigger shift in his surroundings, as Jake sits down. At the same time, he hears Jake continue: "I have finally gotten myself a hot dog."
While Jake is eating, there is not much movement for Skyler. As he doesn't want to interrupt Jake, he decides just to hang around a bit and relax. Quite literally, really.
After a few minutes, however, Skyler suddenly feels weird. Like, *really* weird. An entirely unpleasant sensation washes over him, almost like a physical pressure suddenly building all around him. "Jake..." he groans.
"What is it?" Jake sounds unconcerned.
"Something is wrong... What is going on?"
"What do you mean what's going on? I'm eating my hot dog, and everything is fine."
"No... it's not fine." Skyler groans again. His mind feels like he is drowning. Whatever this is, it's getting worse quickly.
"Wait, no, there is something." Jake looks around uneasily. It's barely noticeable, but it has gotten a bit darker. He looks up to the sky and notices dark clouds that have appeared. Wasn't it bright sunshine just a minute ago? A cold breeze has picked up.
"The weather has changed." he comments.
"No, it's more than that. Something is wrong, like seriously. I feel weird. Bad weird." Skyler’s voice sounds distressed, and Jake feels queasy all of a sudden. He doesn't feel anything out of the ordinary, but Skyler sounds really bad. Also, the sudden change in weather doesn't really seem right. He looks up again: The clouds are even darker than before, making it considerably darker now.
"Jake! Do you have the stone?"
"No, I left it at home. Why?"
"I don't think it's safe. I can't really say why, but... we should go home. Now!"
"Why? What's happening?"
"I don't know! I just... feel it!" Skyler groans again, feeling an overwhelming sense of dread. "We need to get back!"
That is enough to convince Jake. He puts down the rest of his hot dog and starts walking back, quickly falling into a jog. He is not very fit, so he quickly becomes quite exhausted. However, there are more and more unsettling sights, which provide enough motivation to keep moving. The sky is now really dark, like just before a big thunderstorm. The rest of the daylight gives it a reddish shine that reminds him of a sunset just before the sun disappears. Additionally, very dark, almost black with a hint of red, fog has started to appear between the trees and buildings. It seems to encroach toward him with every fast heartbeat of his.
"Shit. There is this weird fog, and it's gotten really dark." he reports the situation for Skyler but receives no answer than a pained groan. Jake is really worried now and so distracted that he trips and almost falls, only barely catching himself. One of his earbuds rolls away on the ground. His first impulse is to go after it, but the raising panic tells him to don't stop running.
"Shit! Skyler are you okay?" he asks out of breath. There is his apartment building. He quickly unlocks the door and gets inside, up the stairs and into his flat.
"Something really bad is going on, Jake..." Skyler says, his voice sounding like he is gritting his teeth.
Jake doesn't answer right away. What he sees in his apartment makes him temporarily speechless. The stone, the "sigil stone" as Skyler had dubbed it, is floating in mid-air, surrounded by an eerie red glow. The sigil on it is pulsing slowly, like the heartbeat of a giant.
"What. The. Fuck". Jake exclaims. "The stone is... "
He is interrupted by a sudden, loud noise. It sounds like an elephant stomping the ground with all its might, down on the ground floor. Then, a sudden loud cracking noise from below. Jake imagines some unearthly force breaking the building door, perhaps rending it in two or...
Footsteps. Heavy, angry footsteps on the stairs. Someone is coming!
"Sky!" Jake says in short breath. "What is happening?"
The steps come closer quickly, before stopping, probably right in front of his apartment door. He can see a red shine from outside and dark fog coming through the cracks. Jake is shaking now, paralyzed by primal fear, existential dread. "Sky..."
Then, with a loud blast, his apartment door is wiped away like a twig, blasting wooden splinters in all directions. At the same time, Jake hears Skyler in his head, his voice full of panic: "The stone!"
Almost automatically, Jake finally grabs the floating stone which vibrates in his hand with power and anticipation. As he turns around to the door, his heart skips a beat. Stepping slowly through the door frame is a nightmare come to life: A large, muscular man, almost naked bare for a short leathery pair of pants. His entire skin is blood red, as well as his wild unkempt hair, which only has a slightly darker shade of red. The face is obscured by deep shadows, but Jake can clearly see a pair of bright red glowing eyes. A large pair of black horns has breached the creatures skull, ending in red sharp tips like they are glowing red hot. All around the nightmare creature is dark red smoke or fog, surrounding him like tortured souls. Especially around his shoulders the flowing smoke gives him the appearance of forming wings that extend endlessly into the fog around him.
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His mouth twists into an evil grin, revealing sharp teeth as a cold and cruel voice pierces the air, ringing in Jake's ears and resonating in his skull:
Jake feels weak and unable to move at all. Helplessly he stares at the demonic creature in front of him, which steps closer without much haste.
He needs to get away, he needs to flee somehow. That thing is no doubt going to kill him in a few seconds. But there is no escape: The demon blocks the door and any idea of a desperate jump out of one of the windows seems too foolish to even try. There is nowhere to hide, he is helpless!
All of a sudden, the stone in his hand begins to glow brightly red, brimming with power. For some reason, the demon looks surprised, angered even. He lunges himself at Jake now, as his terrible voice shouts: "What? Impossible! With my..."
The demon doesn't get to finish his sentence, as all around him, the world unravels itself, including the demon. Jake watches in horror as reality dissolves. His apartment, the demon, the outside world, everything dissolves like fabric triturating. He looks down on himself and at first, he thought that his body is experiencing the same fate. But quickly, he finds out that while his clothes disappear alongside the rest of the world, his body stays solid.
Solid, but not necessarily unchanged. Waves of change wash over him, pulsing from the stone in his hand. His skin feels weird and itchy, as little hairs pop into existence. First a few single chest hairs, then a whole patch of coarse hair, then a whole pelt. They stretch down over his stomach, forming a dense trail towards his crotch. As the hairs spread over his chest and connect to his armpits, his whole skin darkens and becomes a more tanned version of itself. Not dark like that of a Black man, but definitely something he wouldn't expect on a Caucasian man, much less on his gamer body. His nipples darken to a browner shade as well.
The itching spreads to his arms and legs as hair grows in there as well. At the same time, his body becomes slightly more muscular, gaining some definition. Not like an athlete or body builder, but like someone who visits the gym regularly at least. Jake can feel his face shift and change and his chin and upper lip itch, as a short, stubbly beard grows in and his whole facial structure reforms into one clearly showing middle eastern heritage. Finally, the last big pulse from the stone materializes surroundings around Jake again. He finds himself standing in a small yet stylish apartment, held in black and white colors.
No trace remains from his old place, the destruction or the demonic creature that was there some heartbeats ago. But there is also no trace of Jake as he knew himself. In his place, there stands an entirely different man looking shocked at himself: A hairy, slightly muscular Arab man with dark hair and eyes. The only similarity to Jake's old body is the fact that he sports a really large cock between his legs.
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So, the story get's going! What is going on? Who is the red guy? And why is that Jake bloke talking to his cock? Well, at least the last question can be answered by reading the previous episode! Click here to read on to the next episode.
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retrofailing-icor · 5 months ago
Sometimes I stop to look at Dead plate and go. What if everyone. I mean. EVERYONE. Was Normal.
Cause we have a Swap plate and even Manon is insane there, Vincent is still obsessed with Rody and his venture to find a way to taste food again, we have Rody who's still neglecting himself and also still obsessed with the "I need someone to love me to prove I can be loved", Manon... Idk, but stalking another boy while being in a relationship is really weird if you ask me.
Then we have the canon Dead plate and just. just. What if they were all normal cause like— it would be so nice.
By normal I mean:
Rody takes in balance with his girlfriend, and himself, while still being over the moon with Manon.
Manon, getting a breather, and chatting with Vincent and hanging with him cause she can rant to him knowing he is gay.
Vincent, still trying to find a way to get his taste buds to work again but he isn't gonna bite someone's ear off or eat anyone.
Normal!Rody: ... Then she walked in on me while I burnt the popcorn in the microwave.
Normal! Manon: and then he burnt the popcorn and tried so hard not to set the fire alarm off because smoke was everywhere and it's so funny to me.
N! Vincent: why are you telling me this? What's your secret motive?
N! Manon: ... Do you think i should be the one to pop the ring question?
N! Vincent: how the f/CK would I know I've never dated anyone before tf—
Even later
N!Rody: chef!!! Vincent!!! I didn't expect to see you in the mall wanna join me and Manon on a shopping spree?
N! Vincent: No I'm actually here to buy lemon—
N!Rody: well you're coming with us anyways!
N! Vincent: You b/tc—
Even laterer
N! Vincent: (being fed lemon flavored ice cream by both Rody and Manon) this doesn't feel like 3rd wheeling anymore.
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kuni-is-daddy · 2 years ago
VAMPIRE SCARA VAMPIRE SCARA, sitting in ur tree stalking u before coming to greet u at the door, he’s the cute boy u see around often so you weren’t scared, but he flashed his smile and showed to huge fangs before digging his teeth into your neck, but shit why did he have to make it feel so good why he did have to tease your body, praise and groan in your ear
Vampire scaramouche X female reader
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Tw: Bl00d, M!rder, S//duction, Going to the club, Drinking,hndjob, f/ngering!, reader and itto get drnk
Featuring: Arataki gang(Mentions of ajax)
Word count: 1.67k
Scara masterlist
Vampire scara has tasted the blood of 100s of people but was never satisfied. Going from person to person, kissing and exchanging spit with them to make them high off of his taste then sinking his clean pearly white fangs into their neck. Only to pull away as the seduced individual took their last breath Infront of his hungry eyes. Humans were so weak, and could never satisfy his own needs to the point where he set himself up to live a 'normal life' in your town as a disguise. But you? You we're captivating at first glance. Watching you from a tree eating with the half blood oni arataki itto and his partner Kuki shinobu. Night after night he sunk into the necks of others. But it was never enough. He needed it to be you. He needed your taste.
"y/n! I know I can always count on my best bud to make the greatest, most aWESUM party's!" itto said cheerfully while banging his glass on the table. He chugged his 7th cocktail. At first it was a competition and your escape from figuring out scara was a vampire, but the two of you started rambling and giggling at the most random things as you tried to gain your composure so at least one of you could take the other home. "iTTO you FUCKING play with BUGS? your wEIRD AS FUck" You snorted and leaned back in your chair. "PSH im not WEIRD. Yourh Just mahd i ALWAYS beat you y/n in EverY single competition. You wanna KNOW WHy?" The drunk oni got up, making the liquid slosh around the table. "BeCAUSE IM. ARAHTAKI, BEETLE. GLAHDIATOR ITTO!" "HELL YEAH. THE SupREME. ONE AND ONI!." you both clinked your glasses, yours being empty as he drunk another round.
"8.." Scara counted, Who was sitting in a corner of the club with his legs crossed and hand covering his mouth, while the other rested on the sidetable covered with liquor glasses as he tried to tune out the bass boosted music and chatter of other humans around him to instigate on his neighbor and her compadre. The club was like a feast to him. 'Pretty' women dressed up in revealing and elaborate outfits from crop tops and booty shorts to elegant dresses as if they we're in liyue. Normally, Scara would put together any outfit since according to many of his victims "He has a beautiful face." Which was enough to sweep anybody off of their feet. But after spying on you and itto once again in the outskirts of narukami park. He decided to 'give it some effort' just for you. He wore the undergarments of his "wanderer" outfit. A sleeveless black turtleneck to let his muscular body glisten through it, shorts and gloves that followed up with a ring on his middle finger. Hoping that he could have you wear the matching one, A beautiful human that lived by themselves just barely getting by. And for that beautiful human, He had a special way of his own planned to praise you.
"Hey itto~~" You giggled while rubbing your finger along the cup. "Ya know who we should invite to come with us next time?" "ooo who who? mY Brou ayato?" "nO!" you slapped his arm. "Scara~ lets invite him next time~" Your legs then squirmed under the table at the thought. 2 days ago he invited himself into your house at 2am. Covered in blood along his mouth and chest, barely keeping his composure as he fell out on your couch. "Oh my archons, Are you okay scara?! D-did you get in a fight?!" You'd ask, but the fledgling vampire was just drunk off the taste of blood from a party his friend childe dragged him into, then drove him to your house after getting the address wrong. His mouth was agape while his eyes we're in a blur from the bright lights within your house. You ran to your kitchen and prepared some of Scara's favorite tea 'Well he does like tea- Maybe that'll help-' You then walked to your bathroom as the tea prepared and grabbed a small warm towel to put over his head. With a beep from the machine the tea was ready. You headed back to the couch after it was done. "Fuhking ajax..im gonna kill him when i see that..." His eyes adjusted, giving a clear view of your presence as you sat besides him, Placing the warm cloth on his head and blowing to cool the tea. The fledgling then stuck out his tongue. Watching you grow flustered at the view of his red dripped fangs. 'H-he really is a vampire...' You held his cloth up as he drunk from the cup, relishing in the perfect way you'd make his favorite drink. With a sigh of relief, You pulled away as he stood up to regain his clarity. He was your neighbor after all, Always knocking at your door no matter the time and inviting himself in by asking for the most random things like a cup of sugar to make his bitter black tea. Which surely didnt require him coming into your house, Getting comfortable on the couch while watching you eagerly pour him another cup with your ass on full display through your shirt and underwear. "Well..If your not responsible.. scara I wont let you come over anymore~" you giggled. "Oh really? Then i guess ill have to try just for you." He licked at his fangs.
Just thinking about it made the fanged puppet feel hotter and sweat more in the club then he already was as he gazed at your drunken and innocent form. God, scara wanted to claim you so bad. He didn't care if you we're or weren't a vampire yourself, he just wanted to taste you so fucking bad. Why keep going for hundreds of years unsatisfied when a beautiful woman like you was always around? Scara snapped out of his horny daze when a woman dressed in a black dress walked infront, then sat besides him. "Arent you a handsome man..All by yourself huh?" She leaned closer to the visibly not amused puppet, resting her head against his shoulder only to look down and notice his built body. "Dam daddy's got some muscles~ Think I can make you feel good down here too?" the woman edged her breasts on his arm as he began to get up to greet you and offer to take you to his home after dropping off itto. He jerked the woman's 'fility body' of his arm and she flopped onto the couch. He turned his head back to your table and the two of you instantly made eyecontact. Your pupils widened at the thought of your own neighbor seeing you in such a embarrassing state. You got up from your chair, Wobbling and bumping into a man behind you while running over to itto "i-itto Lets go home now, Kuki is gonna worry about you" The drunk oni wobbled up. "Oh yeah k-kuki heh heh she's gonna beat the hEll outta me-" You guided his chad body out of the flashing lights and chaos of the club. Which scara planned to follow you home until the woman got up again and tugged at his arm..again.. "Please~ it'll be fun~" she pouted. Just as he was about to give the woman a piece of his mind, his indigo eyes began to flicker purple and the back of his neck ached in pain from his electro binding, cursing his mother for bestowing him with this bloodlust. Reluctantly He gazed back at the woman with a large smirk on his face. "Mhm? Lets go to the alley then~"
The woman undid her bra as Scara had her caged under his arms. "Can you be rough babe? Want me to cry? " She looked up as he observed her body, Unamused. After moments of silence, He leaned into the females neck "Scream for me." he whispered, With a small gasp and drool seeping out his mouth he stung his fangs into the womans neck, squishing his body on her's as if she practically suffocated under his lean form, Her metaled liquid leaked onto his lips as she moaned out in pain. Making scara fantasize instantly of tasting you and your tits pressed against his sweaty chest. "Mph that's it...louder.. don't stop fucking yelling you slut~ you like it when I suck you dry?" He bit harder into the woman's neck imagining your sweet moans and pleads for him to stop. The woman pushed and punched at his built form, but only made the puppet more horny.
A familiar voice rang through scara's ears. He covered the womans mouth and kneel'd down to hide in the shadow of the alley. "I cant believe he saw us there itto- What if he thinks im some drunk loner? :( I love him" You sniffled while walking up to the uber.(Dont drink and drive!) "RelaX y/n the little vamp dude is our homie. He wouldnt judge us, I wouldnt judge you compadre" You smiled at the drunk oni. "Well im sure kuki is gonna judge you itto~" You both got into the uber. Itto leaned onto your shoulder as you began to text kuki of your arrival. After hearing the sound of the car rev down the street he pulled away from the now deceased female and spat back out her blood. "Disgusting."
The next morning you woke up to a ding from your phone.
From: Kuki Shino-bae: "Thanks for bringing the boss home! Hope you slept well and drunk water. Next time im coming with you guys :)" You sighed, knowing the next time you both hung out was gonna be another sober day full of schooling from shinobu.
You got out of bed and showered, Wearing a simple t shirt and shorts as you got a snack from the fridge when suddenly your doorbell rang. 'ugh.. its 5am. whos knocking at the door..' you took another bite, leaving your snack on the table as you walked towards the door. "Who is it?" "Its me. Open the door." You recognized that voice, It was your neighbor..The same neighbor who saw you drunk with your oni friend last night.. You turned the doorknob. "H-Hi scara! Its pretty early isnt it?" Your head was still fuzzy from last night, so you tried to divert the conversation. but you noticed he had a similar outfit on from it. A long sleeve turtle neck with black jeans and a dark purple belt. hanging from the side of it was a feathered shaped gold ornament. "I guess." You closed the door behind him, He walked around your house as if it was his own while you slowly followed, Leading into the hallway that was besides your bedroom. "Do you want some tea kuni? I can make some-" He cut you off, "Theirs no need to exchange pleasantries, Y/n."
He turned back around to you, leaning against the wall with your phone in your hand. "I saw you. At the club with that oni.." Your heart sunk as you away from scara. Preparing to be insulted by your crush. "Fuck you looked beautiful last night." beautiful? "As soon as i saw you, I couldnt take my eyes off of you..shit.. i want you." He rested his arms on the wall. caging you as he once did to a human before. Your breathing began to quicken as you we're both practically within nose distance of eachother. "S-scara..." "Do you want me y/n?..You said you loved me right?" the ornament jingled as he leaned closer against you. "Y-yes..I do love you scara.." "Then can you be a good girl and take it for me?" "T-take wha-" he stuck out his tongue and pointed, You saw his clear white fangs before but never this close... "is this your first time? Have you been bitten before.." he sunk his face into the side of your neck and began licking along it. you smelled divine to him, your already sweet smell along with your lotion. Even before he heard or saw you in that alley he knew it was you. "S-scara~ dont lick there its-" "Answer me. Did another vampire touch you." he trailed his other free hand along your waist, seeping under your shirt and up to your chest. "Did they fucking tell you how beautiful you are baby..How good you smell~" "N-no..Scara~" he chuckled while pulling away from your neck and looking at your plump lips "Thats even better." He smashed his lips against yours, exploring your taste before he began to make you high off his. Only to moan as your tongue intertwined with his eagerly, making you drop your phone. "Hah.. you dirty slut~ if I knew you wanted me this bad..I would've sucked your blood a long time ago." You whimpered at the thought. "Hm? You want me to be gentle~?" He sunk back into your neck, removing his hand from your cleavage to hold your hand. "It'll feel good baby~ now be good and take it." He licked his lips and groaned, devouring his teeth in your neck. "S-SCARA~ MMH~" You squeezed into his hand and squirmed as his body smashed against yours and your boobs squished against his chest. "Mmm. Oh shit..you taste so fuhking good. That's it baby~ let me hear you~" your metallic liquid gushed onto his fangs, coating them in a beautiful red. The ecstacy of it all threw scara into a frenzy. He yearned for you for so long, tasted and killed so many. But it was never enough.
He needed and finally had you. His hair ran messy as his body burned for more. He let go of your hand, making you gasp again as he shifted down into your shorts to your wet clit. Rubbing two fingers back and forth around your bud as he jerked harder into your neck. "S-SCARA PLEASE~ OH FUCK~" you trailed your hands down his chest, feeling his sweaty abs, leading into his v line and cock. "Fuhck..that's it baby, your doing so good for me. Just like that...touch me more..." You stroked his hard length as it leaked pre cum onto your fingers. Your vision began to feel fuzzy at his aggressive biting and rubbing on your clit. We're you loosing to much blood? "Tell me baby, ngh how fucking good I make you feel. Like a bitch in heat-" he pulled away from your bitten neck, gasping as his drool began dripping down your shoulder and onto your chest. "Ah..you make me feel so good scara~ i-i cant-" "can't what baby?" He moved his fingers down from your clit and into your aching hole. "I-M' gonna cum scara~ m' so close~" "good..that's my- hah~good girl, cum on my fucking fingers, don't stop stroking me." You recklessly stroked his length. Rubbing along the tip and wherever you could touch as his fingers thrusted into you. "S-Scara! D-daddy m' gonna cum. i-" "then do it. F-fuck cum on my fingers, let me taste it~"
You looked at his now glowing eyes. Striking a cord within you and In a matter of seconds your liquids gushed all over his hand as he soon followed with his coating your shirt "God..even your cum taste so good~" he said while licking his hands clean. You fell into his chest after coming down from your high. "W-wait..S-Scara my neck is it-?" You coated your neck with your free hand, happy that the wound was healed, little did you know his bite mark still lingered on you like a hickey. "What? Don't tell me You thought I was like one of those vampires in those stories. Scared of the sun and garlic?" Well he did wear a hat. He sighed as you looked away in embarrassment.
"Tch. how childish." of course it was healed..how else would you make it to the next round?
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