#oh wait SHI-
cultofthepigeon · 11 months
also this guy fuckin rocks
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rosesapphire2323 · 8 days
Just had a horrible, terrible thought. Have you ever tried taking a child from their mother, like to hold them or whatnot? after a certain age kids understand that taking them from their mom isn't gonna be permanent and you're not gonna kill them, but before that they cry and cling. And so it occurred to me that lwj may once had been at such age, small enough to think that being taken from his mom is the end of the world and had at least once reacted accordingly.
Think about that. Actually envision that moment happening with a tiny baby a-zhan clinging with his life to his mom when they're trying to take him away.
Now your day is as ruined as mine.
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dearmyloveleys · 18 days
Oh hahah I have a good sense of humour? Thanks, I’m just sad traumatised and gay
- Yiling Laozu, Xianle Taizi Dianxia
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dingyuxi · 1 year
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whosname · 3 months
Design a mascot character, they told me, the logo is balls. Me: okay, then balls
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razowor · 8 days
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I just noticed that this blog is now a month old.
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l0ganberry · 3 months
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@shadowlifebleep Bet
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scrunkalicious · 1 month
I think itz soooo funny that I only discovered selfshipping like late last year....but in reality itz like girl we been doing that since 4th grade.....w Minecraft Story Mode and BATIM...and then KATAOW in 6th grade......I BEEN THERE.
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cryptidsncurios · 9 months
When ur listening to KH boss music and the string section kicks in
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baileyboo2016 · 5 months
Gulliver’s birthday is in 9 days just letting you know ok bye
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phoenixiancrystallist · 5 months
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Month 4, day 20
Sooooo hahaha guess who done goofed and forgot to turn on a setting when rendering 500 frames of animation and now has to do them all over again haha lol oops :D
Guess who did her math wrong last night because she thought she was rendering 100 frames so it's actually gonna take six and a half hours :D
Anyway while that's happening have a procedural quartz texture I made following this tutorial. Top is the default settings after the tutorial and bottom is me playing with the controls on it. No idea what happened with Suzanne (the monkey)'s ear in the first one; I think it has something to do with how the mesh is being displaced by the texture. But yeah, yay, learning! :D
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proud to say this has been on my buddie playlist forever
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6-022-10-23 · 1 year
wtf is the guanyin temple arc? is this a joke?
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z0mbi-dog · 2 years
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i want someone like this
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goldengospel · 1 year
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If this was the last drawing I ever made of Belial I think my quality of life would drastically improve.
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fuzzyunicorn · 23 days
Since there’s a huge debate over religion vs spirituality let me, an Arch Angel who guards god and sits in on his every Judgement (meaning I know him very well), weigh in: all of you fuckers touting religion are in the wrong. Full stop & period because god never wanted religions to exist and they are a) incorrect and b) weaponized to harm all. Make no mistake this includes Christianity. To make this as short as possible (a longer explanation to come on my future podcast) let me tell you what was actually going on when god incarnated as Jesus Christ; he promoted SPIRITUALITY & PRACTICING (WHITE) MAGICK NOT RELIGION during his lifetime as I’ll say it again Jesus Christ! What makes me laugh is god does not approve of the Bible or what many Christians promote & do in his name. Did you know the Iron Pentacle (the five pointed star you all are so afraid of) was something he, god, heavily promoted in his lifetime of being Jesus Christ? So what does that mean? It means god, when he was Jesus Christ, actually was encouraging people to practice magick (specifically White Magick)— why do you think Satanists put in every religious book that magick & divinination (card reading being one method of divination) is illegal? So no one would or COULD use White Magick to heal people, animals, plants & this earth. Your Bible is a crock of shit & your religion is harmful & god does not approve. My last point I will be sharing today is Christians realize this fast as fuck— every single Christian Church (for this example I am EXCLUDING Satanists masquerading as clergymen) clergymen and parishioner PRACTICES WITCHCRAFT EACH AND EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY! Let me prove my point: what is an alter? A place to cast magick spells so witchcraft. What is the act of lighting a candle on an alter & praying? Candle magick (so witchcraft). What does burning sage or resin (tree sap like frankincense and myrrh which was gifted to baby Jesus) do (the gold thing they swing around & smoke comes out during church services)? Brings in Angels and Saints. That is witchcraft (working with spirits). Praying to deities for supernatural help is witchcraft so praying to god is witchcraft. What is a synonym for Jesus Christ practicing miracles (like to heal people)? Witchcraft (White magick). So Christians who say magick and especially witchcraft (witchcraft is defined by using your own energy to create magick like spells) are the devil & for Satan, why are you all actively practicing witchcraft? Why are you using witchcraft during every Church service while putting in your Holy Book any and all magick is outlawed? If you’re actively practicing witchcraft then why are you hypocritically attacking spiritualist for using witchcraft to help themselves and others ascend & become better people & souls? What are you doing to make this world a better place by attacking those who follow in god’s actual footsteps? Make it make sense, hypocrites. Magick is NOT good (white) or bad (black) BUT what is good or evil is the magick practitioner themselves & their intention(s). If you heal someone of cancer through the means of magick, does that make you evil? Fuck no. If you use magick to give someone cancer that does in fact make you evil.
As a tarot reader I get a lot of Christians who accuse me of being a Satanist (ironic af for multiple reasons— mainly practicing Christianity which was invented and is ran by literal Satanists) and tell me I need to return to god n he doesn’t speak to me but instead to them (he tells me in the moment he does not in fact speak to them (them being who is wrongfully accusing me)) & spaz out when I calmly tell them I’m doing what god wants and commands of me by being a tarot reader. So Christians who attack me— who are you actually defending and promoting? Satan himself & Satanism. Is the irony hitting you in the face yet? Why are you accusing me of practicing witchcraft (Christians DENY the existence of white magick & exclusively act like there is only black magick) by helping people by reading their cards who Angels and Gods help me interpret when you, as a Christian, actively practice witchcraft designed by Satanists and harm innocents especially spiritualist who follow the TRUE path of god? So to everyone who thinks spirituality is evil, I’m gonna laugh so fuckin’ hard at you on your Judgment Day.
#now let all this sink in :)#does it finally make sense why I an Arch Angel dislikes Christians?#oh the irony of telling a literal Arch Angel they (who is obeying god’s commands) need to return to god? 😭😂#how do you think god will react to Christians attacking his Chosen Ones & Prophets?? ooh wee the karma on that!!!! yikes!!!!!!!#last now is obvious why god commands me to punish Crusaders & Missionaries in my Forest…?#the Old Guard wishes u all to be informed if u fuck w me u get cursed by the Gods who created god himself so#that means no one not even god could be able to undo/break the curse or transfer it u really have to wait for it to be completed & the OG#likes cursing bloodlines for many generations to come & 2 every1 trying to paint the pic the OV curses for no reason… wrong! they are quick#2 hand out curses like grandmas’s w candy bc they said I don’t mess w people especially don’t go out of my way but the Christians harassing#me go wayyyy out of their way to fuck w me u all should’ve just said nothin’ & walked on by but you didn’t want 2 so deal w the#consequences of fuckin’ w people who aren’t doing anything to you#so u end up accomplishing nerfin’ expect getting ur entire bloodline mega cursed can’t u hear the mini violin????#oh the only other thing u accomplish by fucking w spiritualist is directly helping Satan in his mission… u Christians who attack#crusify spiritualist just like Jesus Christ was… you’ll get ur ass handed 2 u on Judgement day & I’ll b smirking#here to drop sum more fun facts: Christianity is Satan’s religion (Satan did not exist during the lifetime of Jesus Christ Satan is an#invention of Satanists it’s the concept of if enough people believe a certain thing or entity exists that energy creates the said entity)#so when you address god as Lord you are actually in fact addressing and giving power of your belief to Satan but god stopped that silly shi#by taking on the Mantle of Lord so all that energy in fact gets funneled to god he he he lil Satanists ☺️💅 second fun fact: did you know wh#you gossip you are in fact casting spells so when you gossip you are actually practicing witchcraft as words have energy & energies combine#creates more power so for instance if you are gossiping you want someone you are jealous of to get their nice new expensive house foreclose#you are in reality casting a spell upon them to make them by your spell lose their house you are jealous of but don’t let that encourage#people who want to cast black magick as if you do you forget forfeit your right to scene to Anglehood & Godhood womp womp womp#forever & ascend*
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