#oh this is sick
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i ADORE tarot so seeing all of these cards interpretations-turned practical applications in a quirk setting is SO cool omg op your brain is HUGE
MHA Student Dr Quirk ⋆˚࿔

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Note; I have simplified the MANY meanings of the cards for the sole purpose of picking out a singular power. The cards go deeper than what I have shown, depending on the spread, question, interpretation, etc and you should absolutely do your own research and study the cards if you are interested in learning tarot. Please do not use my quirk as a reference.
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User; Emerson A. Conway
Type; Emitter
Range; Long or Contact
tldr; The quirk allows the user to create tarot cards from their body. They are connected to these cards and must up keep that connection to gain differing abilities from the major and minor arcana of tarot. Major arcana relies on meanings of the cards. The suits consist of the four elements and power levels. Each card has their own drawbacks, with very few overlapping.
Ultimate Moves [Coming soon…]
Card Manipulation; The user can manipulate the cards to move around and make them float. As well as use them like weapons.
Absolute Reading; A simple but major ability of the user's quirk. It allows the user to make connections and understand the cards in full, no matter the order or question. It’s just as if they were speaking to her. It's how she can give complete accuracy in her readings.
The Fool Card; The Fool card, the beginning and ending of the major arcana marked with the number zero. The card allows the user to manipulate the potential of an item or person. Essentially allowing the what or whoever to become extremely good or extremely bad at whatever the user wishes.
Only one point of potential can be imposed at a time. The change of potential occurring on another object reflects to the user. There are limitations to what can be changed, similar to genie wish rules: No cheating death. the user is not in control of fate and can only influence/sway it.
The Magician Card; The Magician card, is number one. The door to new possibilities and the gateway to the suits. A combo of boundary manipulation and summoning. An off shoot of my mother’s Manifestment. The user can push two boundaries together to create an invisible hole, allowing the user to move from one place to another. Or allow the user to move an object to another place. Basically just teleportation with extra steps.
Depending on how big the hole is, affects how far the boundary could be made. Smaller objects can go father and larger ones are shorter distances. The location must also be within view or at this time within ten meters of the user.
The High Priestess Card; The high priestess card, no. 2. This card is of intuition and the inner self. The subconscious mind if you will. The user can make illusions pertaining to one's mind. Whether the user's own or someone else's. The illusions are realistic able to bypass a person senses and perception of sight, taste, smell, and hearing. But if anyone but the user touches the illusions they vanish.
The user must be touching the person, a piece of them, or something sentimentally attached to them to create the illusions. Unless it's the users subconscious she is using. Illusions only last up to five minutes if not touched.
The Empress Card; The Emperess and Emperor cards are two side of the same coin. Both rulers with crowns who control. The Empress is of femininity and is motherly, nurturing, loving, etc. The user of this card can control something's healing factors, lending their own energy to help speed up another's healing process.
The user can in no way shape or form bring somewhere back from the dead. The user will share the pain of the individual they are healing and if sever enough the wounds too. The user can not heal themself, as there would be no added energy to speed up the process.
The Emperor Card; The Emperess and Emperor cards are two side of the same coin. Both rulers with crowns who control. The Emperor is of masculinity and is authoritarian, structured, a father figure, etc. The user of this card can become extremely persuasive and commanding with their voice.
The user can not straight out control someone, and can only be suggestive and extremely persuasive. Those with strong mental abilities can fight off her voice. The louder and clearer the voice, the more persuasive and commanding it become. It is at its strongest when it can speak in the others face or ear.
The Hierophant Card; The Hierophant or sometimes called the pope or priest card is of tradition and structure, but also of wisdom and knowledge. It's the opposite of the High Priest, and instead of conjuring up false images. The user can absorbe information just by looking at something.
The user can only absorb information from written text, whether that be books, instructions, written music sheets, etc. It's possible to pick up information from online sources like articles, blogs, texts, emails. As they are considered writing.
The Lovers Card; The lovers card, just want youd except it is of: love, relationships, unity, and balance. The user gets the ability to feed off of and share their love from and to others giving whoever an adrenaline boost. The user must be within a general vicinity of a person, it works better when in contact with the thing.
The user has a limit of how much love they can take and expend to and from. But if they continue to use it they can emotionally exhaust themself. The adrenaline boost only last for around five minutes at minimum, that depends on how much love is used.
The Chariot Card; The Chariot, the lead to victory and overcoming challenges. Determination, willpower, control and success. This card aids the user in such ways. Allowing them to have a fighters intuition, simply if the user has had physical contact with their opponent or their quirk they could adapt for their next moves.
The user can only predict one person at a time and only one move ahead at a time. It won't always be accurate due to the fact that it is a prediction based on previous moves, and will not always be accurate to what their opponent will do to fight back.
Strength Card; The strength card does exactly as the card is. Strength and power. The user is granted a variety of enhanced abilities while the card is in use. Such as enhanced strength and enhance stamina, as well as the user getting enhanced endurance and enhanced durability.
Based on the amount of energy the user has. If they become to low on energy their quirk can shut off by its self to keep them from doing to much. The have limits on how enhanced they can become while the card is active. Their enhancements work better if they have stretched or prepared themselves like a normal workout.
The Hermit Card; The Hermit card is about withdrawal and the search for one's inner-self. The card allows the user to play with her opponents senses and perception to hide herself in plain sight. covering the sight, smell, hearing, and taste. The user becomes practically invisible.
There is a limit to how long it can be kept up. Typically keeping hidden for up to twelve minutes in a time. The perception change does not work on touch and even with the perception change if they are felt they could easily still be hiding.
The Wheel of Fortune Card; The wheel of fortune, the card of changes and cycles and fate we can never avoid. This card is nothing more than a fail safe card. A card incase any of the others were too broken to be used. The user can use this card to get access to a weaker form of any cards ability. That does include the Wheel of Fortune card itself too.
The wheel can only be spun once every twenty four hours. There is always a high chance of not getting the ability the user wanted or getting one that can be rather useless in their time of need. If spun and lands on 'the Wheel of Fortune Card' the user gains no abilities from that spin, the card can only be spun once.
Justice Card; The justice card, the card of bringing about cause and effect, consequences, karma, etc. The user gets the ability to send back any and all of the damage done (to themselves) onto their opponent in a kinetic reflection/outburt of the built up energy.
If enough damage is stored up it can become to much for the user, who would then release it automatically. To protect the body from any damages the stresses could cause unintentionally like stress fractures or strained muscles. While stress is building up, It can become harder to move the more that becomes stored.
The Hanged Man Card; The Hanged Man, a card about sacrifices and patients, letting go and reflecting on yourself. This card allows the user to preform essentially cord cutting rituals. They can break ties between a person and another person, places, things. Removing things in order to let power grow. Removing 'distractions.'
Only up to three things can be cut at a time, and for one person at a time. The thing or some visualization of said thing must be learnt in order for the user to be able to cut the tie between them fully. Once cut the ties cannot be restored by her, it's possible to manually restore it but that is difficult to achieve.
Death Card; The Death Card, despite its name it symbolizes transformation, changes, and the end of a cycle. This card allows the user to siphon away energy from the things around them. Primarily through touching a part of whatever the thing is. Leaving the thing at having a greater chance to grow bigger and stronger and the user becomes fueled.
There is a limit to how much energy the user can siphoned from things at one time. The energy cannot be passed from one person/thing to another person/thing. The energy has a limit to what can also be stored in the user at a time before they get a surge.
Temperance Card; The card of Temperance represents harmony, tranquility, balance, etc. The user of this card is granted the ability to bring others in harmony with themselves and their quirk, allowing them to have temporary access to a more controles version of their quirk.
It'll only work on the allies the user has made contact with before turning on their quirk. Anyone else will not feel the effects. The user can only affect up to three people at a time. Which will also be determined based on how much power they use while she's in her state. The more they use, the quicker their share gets depleted.
The Devil Card; The Devil Card. A card of hurt: Addiction, oppression, powerlessness, limitation. This card allows the user to take on traits, specifically of any animal the user has come into contact with in the last twenty-four hours, prior to activating this ability.
The user must have been in contact with said animals) within the last twenty-four hours prior to activation, they can not copy any human traits, the user has a limit of three animals per transformation.
The Tower Card; The Tower Card, a card that may react negatively too. It is transformative and a sign you are leaving the unstable. But the power the card offers is based on the destructiveness of said card.The user can shatter things with just a simple touch, making whatever they touch or their surroundings unstable.
Some things take longer to break then others, the smaller the item the easier it is, and the bigger it is the longer it takes. In similar fashion to biotic and abiotic things, biotic takes longer while abiotic is faster. The destruction can only spread up to five meters from the user spreading as they move around and from place to place.
The Star Card; The card of the stars, the card can suggest hope, faith, inspiration, and renewal. The stars are plentiful and bright, but can go untouched. The user gains the ability to manipulate and generate plasma. Using it to make miniature stars and explosions, some form of electricity, and something akin to an aurora borealis.
When activated the user must be entirely focused to pull and form plasma or have some form of electricity to siphon plasma away from to use the card. The plasma must be calculated as they can affect not only their own but other magnetic fields.
The Moon Card; The Moon Card, its dual sided, the light of imagination and the dark side of what can become of it. The user gains the ability to look into another's dreams, viewing their nightmares and making them feel as real as they were, like they are reliving them.
The user can only get access to one person's nightmares at a time, and the user must come into contact with their chosen person for it to work. The user will be a witness to the nightmare of the subconscious forms, being linked together.
The Sun Card; The Sun Card, it suggests optimism, happiness, joy, and confidence. All associated with light and the sun. The user will gain the ability of light from said card. The user can manipulate light, shaping it, reflecting it, etc. Commonly the user will manipulate the brightest of their own light their body produces.
The user can only manipulate existing light from various light bulbs, flames and the sun itself. They cannot create their own light, and light can be overwhelmed by darkness and therefore weakened or put out rendering the card useless.
Judgment Card; The Judgement Card, number twenty-one. Rooted in self-reflection, awakening and purpose. The card grants the user the ability to clear others' heads, removing any negativity or outside influence from a person's mind and judgment of a thing, or situation.
The user can only clear the minds of around five people, usually three.The user must make contact with the person's forehead to clear it, whether through a tap of a finger or kiss.
The World Card; The World Card, the final and last card of the major arcana. Twenty-two. It represents completion, a sense of belonging and harmony and wholeness. The user can connect and control the environment around them. Primarily the flora and weather.
The user uses their own energy to help grow plants and accelerate their growth. When it comes to weather it's often affected and intertwined by and with the user's own emotions.
Suit of Cups; The suit of cups belongs to the element of water, allowing the user to manipulate it. Transforming it into different states as long as there are water particles. Theoretically, the user could manipulate the water inside a person to control them.
Deals with the number of the suit they use. Aka the 'power/level' cards.

Suit of Swords; The swords belong to the air element. It allows the user to manipulate the air around them, whether that be by creating winds, changing the pressure of it to cause explosions or implosions, creating shields of solid air by compressing the pressure, using the air molecules to enhance their senses, etc.
Deals with the number of the suit they use. Aka the 'power/level' cards.
Suit of Pentacles; Pentacles belong to the earth. The user can manipulate the earthen material: dirt, rocks, dust, sand, metals, minerals, etc. The user could take massive chunks of earth, break it. Shape or make it into something new. Theoretically, the user could create golem like creatures amongst others to use in battle.
Deals with the number of the suit they use. Aka the 'power/level' cards.
Suit of Wands; This suit belongs to the fire element, allowing the user to manipulate the fire’s flames. They must either be made prior to manipulating them, or the user could alternatively use their own body heat or make enough heat to produce fire.
Deals with the number of the suit they use. Aka the 'power/level' cards.If using their own body heat, the user will then need to take a period of time to warm up, or alternatively use the flames created for that.
Connection; Due to me being mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually connected to the cards I can feel all damage that is done to them at any time, tearing, burning, scratching, etc. So I’m very protective of them once they exit their case. I also need to keep up my connection to them, by using my cards in a regular basis through readings, meditating with them, training, etc to keep our relationship strong. Once the cards are destroyed I must take time to recover and create new ones which takes a lot out of me. I enter a coma like state.
The Fool Card; Depending on what potential I change It could negatively affect my own chances. ie: [classmate] has a higher potential to avoid being knocked out by the villain. In return I would have a lower potential to avoid being knocked out by the villain.
The Magician Card; Because of the user slipping between points in time to different places. It can mess with my memory, causing temporary short term memory for a while. The more I do it the more it fucks with and distorts my memory.
The High Priestess Card; I can get migraines and mental exhaustion from overuse of the High Priestess card and having to be keeping up with the illusions. I also, similar to my cards, can feel any damage done to the illusions whether it's quirk related or not.
The Empress Card; Due to my healing and the fact I have to use my own energy to heal others, If I use up all my energy, I can suffer from over exertion of energy and be prone to passing out.
The Emperor Card; Because my voice is the main component of my quirk, using it to persuade and command too much can lead to staining it or worse losing my voice altogether, at least for some time.
The Hierophant Card; Absorbing and taking in too much information at one time can lead to excessive migraines and an overwhelmed feeling that makes it impossible to think. Because I can not process all the new information all at once, which would render the ability to use any information useless.
The Lovers Card; The love I feed off of for this card or the love I give can lead me to consuming or giving too much of it away. Leaving me to face emotional exhaustion or entering a depressive state from a rush of negative emotions. This state can also affect others, but to less of a degree that I am.
The Chariot Card; An overuse of my intuition can lead to her getting migraines like the High Priestess card, as well as temporarily slowing my reflexes. I tend to get very sleepy after using this card for long periods of time.
Strength Card; As I enhanced my strength, endurance, durability, and stamina. I can exert a lot of pressure on myself which can lead to straining, fatigue, passing out, and even insomnia. My body has needs time to get use to the switch afterwards. (Light stretching seems to help.)
The Hermit Card; I will find myself, after changing perception, affecting by my own senses. While waiting to adjust it can be harder to perceive or sense things like any regular person could. Making it easier for me to get overwhelmed by things that are in my surroundings.
The Wheel of Fortune Card; The only drawbacks that will affect me are the ones belonging to the card I spins. The Wheel of Fortune Card itself has no drawbacks as it is a card for luck based spin, and a backup incase any cards are damaged but the power still needed.
Justice Card; Similar to Strength, if I put to much pressure on myself during the kinetic build up. It can result in the stres cause me straining, muscle pain, stress fractures, and tendon injuries.
The Hanged Man Card; Because of cutting connections for myself and others, I can begin to feel disconnected. Which can interfere with my relationship with my cards. This subsequently also means my ability to use them can feel weaker or falter. It’s best forget after doing any kind of cord cutting to meditate and connect with my cars again.
Death Card; I can siphon off too much energy and send myself into a sugar/energy high. It only lasts for up to five to nine minutes. Before I just end up crashing and passing out.
Temperance Card; When I use this card, I basically become a conduit and must remain focused if I am to keep it up. Even though I will lose focus or focusing becomes harder, the more I can focus the longer I can last . But still leaving myself vulnerable to be taken advantage of.
The Devil Card; The longer I remain attached to the animal traits manifested, the more tempting animalistic instincts become. I can give into them a little to remain in control but it could lead to them becoming even more tempting. Some of the traits or instincts may last even after deactivating.
The Tower Card; The ability of destruction, while it's primarily focused on my own surroundings. The longer it's used the more it spreads to my own body, from finger tips, to hands, to lower arms, to upper arms and shoulders, etc. It affects my nervous system the most. The damaged has never reached above my elbow.
The Star Card; The electricity I take away from the plasma, can travel with it. And if I’m not super careful enough can, the electricity cab leave burns and even shock me.
The Moon Card; Over using my nightmare abilities can lead me to having nightmares, during both the day and night, then leading up to insomnia. I am also left vulnerable when using my quirk because I, once activated, have to oversee the nightmares to keep them up and active.
The Sun Card; Over using the light from The Sun Card's ability can leave me disoriented and possibly having temporary blindness.
Judgment Card; By clearing others energies I leave my own self vulnerable to taking in those darker judgments, thoughts, and influences. Easily becoming overwhelmed with emotional sensitivity.
The World Card; My emotions are tied to the weather once this card is active. So if someone got me riled up there is a point where I can not calm the store that has manifested from it. Not only does my emotions affect the weather, the weather can affect my emotions too. With the plants I can over exert Myself and giving them my energy can get tiring.
Suit of Cups; For to this part of my quirk It ends up pulling water away from any source of water around me, along with myself. I can get pretty dehydrated and need to keep myself fueled.
Suit of Swords; Because I manipulates the air, I can rip away from myself air that contains oxygen. So I have a headpiece that has a retractable mask that allows me to siphon off only oxygen so that I can still breathe.
Suit of Pentacles; During one of my special moves revolving around earth made creatures, I become vulnerable to outside attacks due to focusing on creating and maneuvering and sensing with the creatures. Which could leave my own senses funky as they readjust to normal body functions.
Suit of Wands; I am not immune to the fires flames and can not only easily sustain burns from using it, I can overheat myself, possibly to the point of getting heatstroke.
#oh this is SICK#mm mm MMMM i LOVE hearing about ppls quirks this is SCRUMPTIOUS#also so creative???? wowowowow#mha dr#genuinely so impressed with this
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Oh, oh.
My favourite “Merlin?” Very underrated moment, in my opinion.
#arthur had no reason to call HIS MANSERVANT LIKE THAT#WHAT WAS THE REASON?!!#the sweet ‘r’ rolling between his tongue and teeth LIKE PLEASE#arthur had just said to him there were no limits to his intelligence and then he sweetly calls him like that?#yes it was to apologise#NO I DON’T MAKE THE RULES MY MAN ARTHUR HERE IS SMITTEN#TOTALLY AND IRREVERSIBLY#and merlin doesn’t react AT ALL to THAT arthur’s tone of voice#so yeah#your honour the jury the president and annis’ kingdom#it’s not the first time arthur calls merlin like that#oh i’m so weak ARRRGGGGHHH I NEED TO SHAKE THEM#TO CRADLE THEM IN MY ARMS AND TELL THEM TO JUST SNOG AND SHAG THE LIFE OUT OF EACH OTHER’S#OH THIS IS SICK#*cough*#okay i’m fine#NO I’M NOT#merthur#merlin bbc#merlin#arthur pendragon#bbc merlin
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what if Duncan and Trent died, and they died in the same position that they used to lay down in as kids
#oh this is sick#oh this is sickckckk#total drama#tdi#egtotaldramatakes#td#duncan total drama#trent total drama#duntrent
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I rly like can’t trust my memory rn and I cannot find the most valuable item I thought I had with me and I’ve been so many places I don’t fucking know what to do I rly just want to scream and cry and throw up actually like wtf
#i THINK it might have been left at the last motel i was at but the woman at the desk is notttt helpful#oh this is sick
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tikkunolamresistance is gone and a zionist took their username???
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bison watching this time as a comforting presence…
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@random-internet-teen historical fashion podcast dropped.
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I love how Gerald was trying to keep Shadow from spoiling anything about the future meanwhile literally everything Shadow says and does around Maria is the biggest death flag ever
#in fairness i’m sure both past robotniks just assumed her illness would be what killed her h a#sxsg#sxsg spoilers#sonic x shadow generations#shadow the hedgehog#maria robotnik#ark siblings#sonic#comic#my art#doodles#so this was pretty much entirely done 24 hours ago#but ironically was distracted from posting earlier by playing sxsg#and then watching snapcube play it cause her delight is addicting#i’m missing 2 chests and 2 bolts and I wanna see if I can pull it off without a guide haha#anyways now I’m thinking about the fact that maria and gerald probably went back to their time assuming maria would die of her sickness#and how that would change their respective behaviors#i bet gerald would be holding out that maria would still live a bit longer#just cause shadow inadvertently revealed he’s from at least 50 years in the future due to having met black doom before#(which rewatching cutscenes to remember this quote he Did try to play off a little bit with some sort of#‘oh what do you think the alien squid meant by ’this time i’ll beat you’ that’s so crazy’ comment)#so hey maybe it wasn’t a perfect cure but she managed to live another 10-20 years at least?#all the more reason to press harder surely!#meanwhile maria is coming to terms with her mortality at age 14 or whatever she is#frankly I bet she came to terms with it long ago the way she seems to be written#okay back to snapcube
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biden’s team during every commercial break
#debate#presidential debate#biden#trump#house md#fr he looks so sick#obv better than trump but oh lord
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bugs when you lift up a rock
#jumping in between the persona games is such a curse oh my god#i’m playing p4 simultaneously watching tumblr user haliai play p3 and in addition hyperfixating over p5#it’s just reference after reference after reference i can’t catch a break 😭#shoutout to the justice arcana‼️ gotta be one of my favs‼️ go featherman and dead moms am i right?#anyway i want to play p5 again soon for akechi…..missing him very badly i wish p4 had a character like him#“but adachi—!” nuh uh doesn’t count#ANYWAY AUGHHHHHH shuake save me shuake…….actually missing them like a bitch 🙏🏼#everything reminds me of them#if i think abt them for too long i genuinely start to feel sick#persona 5 royal#p5r#persona 5#p5#goro akechi#ren amamiya#akira kurusu#shuake#akeshu#lotus draws
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[ID: Photo of a person's head. Their hair has been cut and styled to make it look like an iguana-like creature hanging on to their head. /end ID]

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One frame shows that Viktor’s spine was snapped in half because of the explosion :((
(So he was already dead when Jayce noticed him)

#arcane#arcane season 2#arcane viktor#jayce arcane#oh shiiiiiiiiiit#why why whyyy#jayce talis#jayvik#oh shit moment#i’m crying#i’m going insane#i feel sick#poor guy
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Based off of this tweet

Frankenstan ghost au by @trekkerac
#oh whoops found out that it's actually called the#Frankenghost au#gravity falls au#gravity falls stanley pines#gravity falls stanford pines#gravity falls stan pines#gravity falls ford pines#young stanley pines#young stanford pines#mullet stanley#ghost stan#have I ever mentioned how much I love this au?#no?#well I do#most “dead stan” aus make me sad and therefore sick because “stanwey... :(” but this au is actually banger#my works
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Heiko Hellwig: Silicon Cities (2017)
Colorful Circuit Cities Built From Motherboards, Processors, and Microchips. Hellwig built these cityscapes last year using the guts of old MacBooks, IBMs, and even PlayStations that he scavenged from eBay and friends' basements.
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she dun on my geon till i meshi
#ダンジョン飯#quirinahdraws#laios touden#kabru#mithrun#marcille donato#chilchuck tims#izutsumi#maizuru#inutade#labru#laishuro#nakamoto toshiro#sketchdump#digital#SORRY THESE R SO LQ I WAS ARTBLOCKED AS HELL LOL#*thinking really hard about manipulative girlfriend kabru from the omake* i think i hauve mana sickness#some1 on twit was like. labru takes advantage of fem laios’s unfulfilled desire for adventure…. i love toxic and doomed Yuri i mean what#THE BELL *hopping up and down* my embarrassing idea is that the BellTM is like. honorary laios accompaniment for the b plot#it starts ringing really aggressively and shuro is like. oh they’re fighting again huh. I DONT KNOWWWWWWW#I CANT DRAW ANY OF THE CHARACTERS WAAHHHH… erm… busting it down ooc style…#waiting for the mithrun au where he becomes a ramen cook slash pottery artisan. ermmm#dungeon meshi#ME WHEN I FORGET THE TAG (yuribrained)
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