#oh so you condone rape IRL?
rnoonpie · 6 months
"aw wow this artist has done such cute [pairing] fanart, I wonder if they've done any more --" Blog title: DENNIS REYNOLDS ENTHUSIAST
bio: piss off proship
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so "rules for thee but not for me" huh
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dilfartist · 1 year
Oh my god stop clogging the tags with your stupid brain dead takes. Miguel is a *fictional* character, who are YOU to be the gatekeeper of how he’s characterized? You write yandere reader inserts of him for god’s sake - you really think Miguel being obsessed with some rando is incharacter? And who are you to police what other people write about him? You really think other Miguel lovers aren’t absolutely embarrassed by the kind of content you make? What delusions are you experiencing that make you think liking a kink (in an imaginary setting) is the same as condoning it and desiring it irl? By that logic, enjoying yandere content means YOU want to be abused, manipulated, and raped irl. Christ on a cross I hope you gain some brain cells.
I think you need brain cells instead of me.
I am not gatekeeping him in any shape or form. All I said was not to mischaracterize, fetishize, and make incest fics about him. I also said you can alter his character if there is a reason for it; like me and the yandere au. But you have to keep it close to his character.
The whole point of people seeking out Miguel fanfiction is to read about being in a relationship or having one with Miguel. So they want his character.
Miguel is not a violent character. While it is true we see him in the movie in scenes where he is very violent but does not make him a violent character in total. The main characters in the movie, including Miguel, are going through a crisis, so, yes, Miguel is going to be stressed, and especially violent when he is trying to stop someone who isn’t listening.
Miguel is canonly obsessive. He obsesses over work, overworking himself, he obsesses over his daughter, and he obsesses over actions people do. Does that necessarily mean he is a yandere? No, but you can alter him to be one since it can make sense to his character. I never write him as a murderer when I write him as his canon self. For other versions of himself, I might. But as you can see those are two different types of Miguel. One is closer to his canon self, and the other is him but a bit different.
Also he never wants to lose another person that he is close to again, another trait that can be used for yanderes
Miguel is a soft person. And people ignore that fact. I wanted to point it out to people who are new at making fanfiction or just look at his character’s major actions. People will criticize your fanfiction, people do it to me all the time. So I’m trying to help anyone willing to write for Miguel’s actual character.
I don’t condone the actions in the fanfiction I make. I have said this before. I make these solely for horror. I only ever make non-con if it’s important to the story I convey, not because of any kinks (that I do not have)
I do not want to be abused, manipulated, or raped. That is stupid for you to assume. Just because I like horror movies, am I going to kill someone? No. I enjoy the horror aspect and the suspension. Sorry that I don’t like making fetishizing and incest fics about Miguel.
New yandere miguel fic coming out this week, i’ll make it especially horrific for you.
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johnwickb1tsch · 6 months
hi i love your jw story on ao3, i want to write some similar stuff but all my friends are vv moral & i don’t want them to think im a rapist or support rape or other sexual improperty irl. how do you deal with this? thx <3
Hi there! Thank you SO much, and oh boy, that's quite a good question!!
So... you have some options. It's fine to make it clear to your friends (or anyone, really) in a post or in a disclaimer on your fic, whatever, that you don't condone what's going on in your fic, in real life. It's fiction. You're just telling a story. You're exploring something dark for fun or out of curiosity. In my opinion, that's perfectly ok. And I think it's ok to enjoy a kink or a trope in fiction, that you absolutely would not in real life. It doesn't make you a bad person, despite what some would have you believe. I don't think you have a moral obligation to police what you write just in case someone might take it too seriously. Fuck that. Write what you want. Put your proper warnings in the header, do your due diligence, and people are on their own after that.
Not everyone agrees with that, of course. I've lost fandom friends over stuff like this. You have to make the decision on whether you're willing to stick your neck out and enjoy the things you enjoy openly, and hope your friends will be open to the conversation...or you could just post under a pen name and do what you want. There's no shame in that either.
If it helps you to know, I personally prefer to keep my fandom life to myself, my RL friends and family aren't a part of it. They wouldn't understand why it makes me happy, it's not hurting anything, and it's really none of their business.
Take care, boo, and happy writing! ❤❤
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ferretteeth · 3 months
I hate team black/team green discourse so much. “Oh you’re team green? That means you support male inheritance and rape” well I didn’t but you know what now I do. Like I WAS just interested in Aegon as a character and defensive of Alicent but now I’m pioneering to roll back women’s rights. You awakened me. I condone everything Aegon the elder did. I think he should’ve abused his bastards more actually.
It’s not like this is ASOIAF and everyone’s a nuanced individual who you can’t like for their irl actions. Not like one of the best characters in game of thrones is the guy who tried to kill a child so he could keep fucking his sister
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lavander-aavaros · 3 years
"ones with the rape as love trope or abusive semes."
As if there aren't het pairing with those tropes in canon. One of my faves got into a relationship with the girl he rejected multiple times, she tried to kill him (he then retaliated), they got married (???), and she then followed him around so that they could have a child and she gave birth in a forest.
Adding to that, tropes/what someone likes in fiction=/= what they like/do IRL. I like some really fucked up shit in fiction, that doesn't mean I like or condone it IRL
Oh yeah Clownon said they’re not an anti, they’re fine with people liking Adam as long as he’s bad and abusive. They also complained TA is heteronormative, so het parings with that dynamic also fit there
Honestly I’m just baffled they called him the “abusive seme trope”, since if you actually read any TA fic he isn’t your ““stereotypical seme”” at all
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arofili · 4 years
for the character ask meme: sauron?? >:3c
How I feel about this character: evil twink. terrible. i love him. for real tho i think fandom has woobified sauron to angband and back, and while i get people who are frustrated by us forgetting he’s a villain....like....he’s just so FUN, you know? he’s done so many things, he’s so complicated, why wouldn’t you want to play with what’s going on in his head? i know i do! there are days i want to just sit down and rewrite the entire legendarium from sauron’s POV, because he was there for all of it, causing trouble the whole time. my version of sauron is Evil And Loving It almost the whole way through - but he did it out of love, for melkor at first and then for himself, and while that’s no excuse for evil it’s a fascinating motivation.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: i mean, melkor, obvs. angbang’s probably the second biggest ship in the fandom after russingon, and it’s a GOOD ship. my particular flavor of angbang isn’t the abusive/controlling melkor kind, i like it when it’s reciprocated and sincere - though there’s still absolutely room for evil and possessiveness. idk, healthy(ish) angbang is just more interesting to me? like there’s gonna be a power dynamic there, but i’m so much more interested in mairon having almost equal footing in his relationship than him being some pawn of melkor - i think that makes the times where he has the harsh realization that he’s not equal, just almost equal, even more impactful. like, he can tell melkor “no” and melkor will listen - except when he doesnt. idk, i like that more than him being afraid of saying no at all. (though i certainly do enjoy other versions of angbang! this is just my favorite) Like, i think Sauron carries his love for Melkor through everything he does after the first age. At first he’s doing it all for Melkor, thinking about when he breaks his master out of the void, and then slowly starts to realize that wait, that might not happen. but he keeps going anyway, with melkor as his grounding for what he’s doing, as he becomes more invested in his own future.
THAT BEING SAID i also love silvergifting because im PREDICTABLE. again, my flavor of sauron is one that’s in love with melkor first and foremost and always intentionally planning to fuck celebrimbor over, but the trope of sauron being like “i’ll seduce Tyelpe into evil, it worked when Melkor did it to me” “didn’t Melkor fall in love with you though?” “SHUT UP” becomes Annatar in a way that he almost forgets who he used to be, which is also interesting, but i’m the kinda person who wants Sauron always consciously aware of every thing he does to Tyelpe-  I want him feeling guilty about it by the end, but, importantly, doing it anyway.
[cw rape] Sauron/Maedhros is also really fascinating to me, especially since it’s (almost) always nonconsensual... it’s a good reminder that sauron is at the end of everything evil and practically irredeemable. and i’m more interested in mae’s feelings on this ship than i am sauron’s, considering sauron is abusing him because melkor wants him to (and he probably wants to toy with maedhros too) and isn’t particularly apologetic about it. ALTHOUGH. sauron maybe fucking with Maedhros to the extent of actually pretending he cares, that he’s genuinely here for Mae - that is also some really fucked up interesting shit especially as foreshadowing for Silvergifting.... [that being said! i linked a fic up there that has consensual sauron/maedhros and oohhh boy is it good! heed the warnings, and it’s a modern AU ft. abusive!melkor, but definitely check it out if you’re interested in these two!]
I can get down on other Sauron ships (like him and the Nazgul, him and Ar-Pharazon) but most of those are Sauron playing a game of chess - but, critically, not making the same mistakes he made with Tyelpe. he keeps himself detached and distant, not actually falling in love.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Eonwe!! I looooove headcanons about him and Eonwe having been bros in the past! makes everything at the end of the war of wrath so much more tragic :)
Sauron and Aule are also great, I think Aule was fatherly toward him and heartbroken to lose him. Which leads me to: Sauron and Curumo/Saruman, considering they were both disciples of Aule - and perhaps Curumo tried to replace Mairon after everything went down, but never quite could... Them having been friends puts their collaboration in LOTR into a different perspective, too. it’s sooo juicy to think of Saruman coming to Middle-earth determined to be Better than Sauron was, to prove to Aule that he’s the superior Maia, maybe even hoping that he can convince Sauron to repent...and then falling into the same trap of evil, being outsmarted by the friend he always wanted to impress, being cast aside and defeated. 
AND i’ll also throw in that he and Thuringwethil were definitely best buds in Angband, sorry I don’t make the rules. she’s an exasperated lesbian vampire who has to put up with his disaster gay stunts all the time, less of his lieutenant and more of the friend who tries to keep him out of trouble!
My unpopular opinion about this character: idk, he’s evil? like unrepentantly evil. we woobify him, and i’ve done a lot of that in this post already, but it’s worth really making it clear that he IS very evil. [cw rape] and i definitely think he raped maedhros, and probably tyelpe and a lot of other people too. which is just awful awful awful no matter what way you slice it. so like yeah, i feel for the dude, and it’s hard for me to wrestle with how fun and sexy i think sauron is but at the same time be a huge maedhros stan. it’s strange how we as fandom can excuse murder and war crimes and torture and shit but we draw the line at sexual abuse (which!!!! is bad and shouldn't be excused!!!). like all of the other things are horrifying and terrible and aren’t condoned irl, but in fiction i guess it’s like “meh, violence is fine, i stan a villain” but then this other violent thing is Not Remotely Ok because it’s also sexual. (again!!! not saying that we should be ok with sexual violence!!!!! more like...questioning why we’re ok with other kinds of violence, why sexual things in any form is more taboo. tho im saying this as a person who enjoys a good gory fic, so. yeah. im ramlbling at this point)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: frankly i dont KNOW, he did SO MUCH in canon already?? i want a more fleshed out, detailed version of everything he did (remember when i said i daydream about rewriting the legendarium from his POV??) but i think events wise he’s done EVERYTHING he could do lmao.
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yo-aloe-vera · 4 years
<Begin Rant>
Why tf do some people read fics that clearly state that they are full of everything the aforementioned people hate, then bother to leave comments?  Especially on ao3.  The site makes it really damned easy for shallow-minded fools to find their particular brand of circle-jerk and stay there. 
But Nooooooo. 
Some of these folk just have to go down into the abyssal depths then bitch about the anglerfish.  Wtf.  Go home.  
I’ve seen this happen to writers I admire many times.  Like, if you’re die-hard sasusaku, stay tf away from a fic that shows it in a bad light. And if you really must go there, then it’s on you; don’t bother leaving trollish comments.
I posted a fic last year that contained a warning about offensive language.  Lo and behold, come the antis, with varying shades of outrage, protesting the use of an offensive word in the comments.  I even explained why the word was used; Get this, kids. Sometimes, as a writer, we create characters who do not talk or act the way we would. That makes us, surprise, surprise, *fiction writers* and not autobiographical writers. 
In the same fic, numerous people jumped down my throat because of a few sentences mentioning a relationship between a grown-up Sakura and Kakashi, begun when both were well above age of consent and outside of a teacher-pupil dynamic; “Oh grooooossss, please don’t give Kakashi a lolita complex!”
A lolita complex.  When the relationship was a) between consenting adults, and b) CONSENSUAL.  Did anyone using the phrase “lolita complex” EVER read Nabokov? Do they seriously not understand the nature of that abusive dynamic described by what was clearly an unreliable narrator? 
[*Lolita was a book about rape.* It was a book about obsession.  It was not simply a book about a man who liked pubescent girls and all the fun he had seducing one. It was clearly about coercion and rape.]
I’ll also add that this fic was tagged with “unhealthy views of sex” and many other warnings to show that it dealt with squeamish topics.  So why anyone would be surprised to find those topics, or hurt by them, I do not understand.  A small contingent of the aforementioned readers abandoned my other fics, as well, on moral grounds.
I can’t deny that this  made me a bit glum at the time.  But that’s their choice, and I’m not going to fault readers for making those choices in good faith.  If you feel that an author is going to work with ideas that disturb you, and it’s not going to be something you can get over, it’s best for all to drop it.
What I AM going to fault readers for is wandering into territory that they know they are uncomfortable with and then b*tching about finding what they don’t like.  That is *not* good faith. That’s like wandering into a well-delineated swamp with many signs about alligators and feeling betrayed at finding alligators.
“But Sasu-Saku is the OTP, Kishi said so!” whines the simpleton on a story where there are multiple tags and descriptions saying that this is not a happy Sasu-Saku story.
“But you’re condoning abuse irl!” says someone who has chosen to read a story tagged ItaSasu or ShiSasu.  
“KakaSaku is gross and abusive because he was her teeeeacher!” whines the person reading a KakaSaku story.  
“Naruto and Sasuke love each other as brothers, this is gross,” snorts the piglet gobbling up a story filed under SNS.
“This is d-d-dis-turrrrrbing!” whimpers the person reading a fic tagged as dark. well, duh.
While I’m in a ranting mode, I’ll just add that these same people are conspicuously absent from the comments on stories featuring female-on-male non-con scenes, which generally garner a “you go, girl!” chorus.  Why so picky with your outrage, hm? Especially when those fics do not tend to tag non-con, and it’s frequently sprung upon the reader ambush-style. 
Frankly, when I read something I don’t like, I leave it. Sometimes, I go and take a walk or read something I enjoy to cleanse my palate. What I don’t do is start arguments with writers about why they are writing things that I personally find distasteful, unsatisfying, or whatever. Because they are writers. When we’re talking about fanfic, they are writers creating content for free.  And I, as a reader have the ability to walk away from things that I know are going to upset, trigger, sadden, or anger me, and if I don’t, then, life goes on.
Sometimes we write things because we want to work something about the canon material out in our heads.  Sometimes we write things because we want to untangle difficult themes in our own lives via fictional characters.  Sometimes we write to titillate or to see how far we can stretch an improbable situation.  
At no time are we, as fanfic writers, writing to make a profit.  So while it can be worthwhile to quibble certain points about a fic with readers coming from different viewpoints, it’s just flat disrespectful to have to coddle people through things that they were warned against.  
<rant off>
As you were.
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deepdarkdelights · 4 years
"Rape apologists". Oh boy. The fact that person is equating entirely fictional scenarios while there are people who are actively ADVOCATING such disgusting behavior is just... Wow. I can sort of see where they're coming from, but that also raises the question of whether or not they consider someone like Stephen King a murder apologist. ALL of the yandere writers I've seen put disclaimers stating that their work is fiction and make it explicitly clear that they do NOT condone such behavior irl.
I know right?
The thing is that there will always be someone who has an issue with what another person does. To me, it’s never bothered me because I can separate reality from fiction much like many of my readers and other people I have met and read works of on here. 
There are many instances were Stephen King could be criticized but people enjoy his work and the movie adaptations of his novels. Not many people know (who only watch movies and not read books) that in IT the boys all have to have sex with Bev to escape the never ending cyclic sewer tunnels as a metaphor of passing on from childhood to adulthood. That was obviously cut from the movie. So there should have been people that were pissed that he wrote a fictitious sexual encounter between underage individuals. 
I’m a pretty mellow person, it takes a lot to get me angry at another person. So I try my hardest to be understanding but also am conscious enough to recognize where fiction ends and reality begins much like you and other beautiful people that come to visit me.
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You do realize it hurts a lot of people when they write rape, pedophilia, incest, etc. Just because it's fictional doesn't suddenly mean people who are real life abusers can't read it and think "Well if they write that then I must be okay :)" it's called normalizing it, So don't just because it's "Fictional". Look up the Jaws effect and see how white sharks almost went extinct over a fictional movie. Fiction affects reality, that's why you can't write whatever the hell you want.
I wasn't sure if I really wanted to waste my energy on this but I guess I will. Very cowardly of you to come at me on anon, which means you aren't brave enough to let people know who you are. But let's get started I guess.
Fiction =/= reality. It does not affect reality. I say this with as much respect as possible, but if there are people who let fiction affect their reality then 9/10, they are not mentally okay. I won't say more on that subject cause it's a whole different subject here and we are not talking about that. I'm talking about the mentally sound people who come in preaching "You can't write this because I say so!"
This is just like people trying to ban video games for violence. There are writers who write rape, pedophilia, incest, and normalize it. Romanticize it even. And I don't see you going after them.
What about the movies with teens in it? There's always a heavily implied sex scene because that's what teens do. Most are going to have sex whether you like it or not. But they are underage so that's pedophilia, isn't it? How about we go after the people who directed the movie? Or wrote the book that movie is based off of?
Oh, let's talk about slasher movies! Killers will see those and think "wow, this means it's okay for me to go kill a bunch of people!" Guess we should get rid of those too!
Oh, there's lots of anime that showcase problematic stuff, like Another and Higurashi. Guess we can't watch or like those anymore. No, no, people will see those and think it's okay to go out and do those things. Maybe Attack on Titan will make cannibals think it's okay to go and eat people.
Bottom line is, there's always going to be problematic stuff. Fiction is a place where writers get to explore things they want to write. If I write about someone killing people, that doesn't mean I'm going to go out and kill people and I'm pretty sure people who read my work aren't gonna go out and murder people. If I write about two teens in love and they have sex that doesn't mean anything. If I write about problematic stuff it doesn't mean I'm telling people to do these things. Most of the stuff I write in fiction is stuff I don't condone irl. I write it because I'm a pretty dark person and writing these things lets me explore these dark things. I'm not hurting anyone by writing these things. And it's not okay for you to come and tell me or others we can't write this stuff just because you don't think we should.
Grow up and get over yourself. If you don't want to see this stuff, block/unfollow and move on. But I will keep writing what I want and I encourage other writers to do the same. Don't let people tell you what you can and can't write. As long as they aren't hurting anyone, it should not matter what they write. Because it's fiction and does not hurt anyone.
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thephantomporg84 · 5 years
I’ve seen [REDACTED] mentioning D and V’s “small dicks” a lot and I’m trying to figure out where it comes from. Are they sex repulsed - as shown by interactions with @fuckporg or are they acting like a femme incel over being sore over being rejected?
Before I say anything else, I’d just like to point out that while I think being ace is just as valid as any other orientation, and that is completely fine to be aromatic (or anything else), I absolutely do not think [REDACTED] fits any of these.
She’s actually made borderline misandrist comments like that one before (see #7). I feel like it’s partly because she thinks that’s a legitimately cutting insult (she’s pretty delusional, it’s not unreasonable) and partly because she’s been turned down/rejected/whatever (and given her personality, she probably thinks it’s nothing to do with her).
I read that whole exchange too. Big YikeS. Her behavior is so close to a typical femcel/incel that it’s actually....really gross to watch imo. I don’t condone some of the shit said by that person (slurs) but they kind of...exposed a lot. Or really, inadvertently confirmed what I’d suspected and got bonus death threats for.
So I don’t go off rambling (lol), lemme just throw out some points I find interesting that may help you find the answer you’re looking for. Make of them what you will:
She’s absolutely obsessive to the point of almost hyperfixating on other people’s relationships and/or sex lives from my observation. People think Vergil’s attractive? Whores. People ship Vergil x their OC? Whores. Guys that Vergil is hot? f-slur and/or whores.
Building off that, she’s tried to make fun of married and engaged ppl’s relationships when she gets countered with them with “I hope he beats you/cheats on you/etc.” which is, imo, super fucking telling of her own relationships (if any).
I’ve never seen a person who genuinely doesn’t experience romantic and/or sexual attraction or whatever actively try to shit on people who do like she does. Especially anyone that does over a character that she likes/used to like. I’m not saying it can’t happen, but it just strikes me as incredibly odd. The ace people I know/am friends with irl and online have never done that and are, more often than not, on the receiving end of shitty/exclusionary behavior.
She says “oh I only have a passing interest in sex”, yet her fucking alien abduction/concubine Kylo Ren smut (that I can’t ever unsee jfc) existing kinda seems reaaaally contradictory. And not just on the “Kylo Ren apologist” front.
(Not linking to the Kylo Ren smut bc I respect you as a person, Anon. If you’re morbidly curious just search her old username and scroll for a bit or browse #submissions on my main page. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, tho.)
She kept calling @brasspetalsx — who I cannot stress enough was 16 at the time — a whore constantly when her “I bet you abuse animals” tactic didn’t work, and when when [REDACTED] got called “unfuckable” them, she went fucking berserk. Like... ape shitt. I think the death and rape threats either started that evening or the next day, and would you like to guess what her new favorite insult was? Those are just some of the ones I got. That word is probably in more of her OG death threats than not. To everyone. Like all 50 of us.
She gets even angrier if you play up your sexuality as a come back or aren’t phased by the digs at your sexuality and/or appearance. Those netted me subsequent death/rape threats in triplicate or more. The ones you see are only the coherent ones. Lmfao.
Idk. I’m used to observing patterns of behavior, and she just seems to have a really telling one, especially in this regard. She honestly has a lot of the traits of both a typical narcissist (can do no wrong, thinks her opinion is the only correct one/one of value, her writing is superior to everyone’s so why don’t people want to read it, etc.) and a vulnerable narcissist (same as the other but low self-esteem, absolutely no criticism, etc.)
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Unpopular opinion but reality affects fiction so much more than fiction affects reality. Reality can objectively exist without fiction, but fiction objectively cannot exists without its base: reality. Scream and cry all you want about bad people on the Internet but no amount of Internet screaming will stop the real life bad guys. Fiction reflects often what is taboo in real life. It lets you do shit you’d never otherwise condone (although listening to some of the antis, I wouldn’t be surprised if you turned into a killer irl, at least based on the general death threats that I’ve seen). You’re allowed to be uncomfortable and tell people your boundaries of fucking course. No one should be forced to write what they don’t want to. But conversely, you should be allowed to write whatever the hell you want as long as you don’t force others to view or write it with you. Fiction is an outlet. People talk about romanticizing rape but have we ever talked about romanticizing death? Torture? Yeah, your “typical” violence that everyone is so desensitized to that death is seen as a “meh” thing. Did you know there are literally books out there that went up for censorship because it depicted a boy /failing school/ and /running away/ from home? Yeah. Look it up, it’s called Catcher in the Rye. A classic, and now it’s part of our English curriculum. People were afraid it was gonna make kids skip school. Well I and hundreds of other people read it in sophomore year at my school. I’d say a solid 95% of us at /least/ graduated. And of the rest who didn’t, whether or not they read the book made a negligible amount of difference. They were either already failing or were already going to experience something that forced them to drop out or were already going to make a bad choice at prom. It’s the same deal with the other bad people in the world. Yes fiction may have been one small factor, but there are so many others that play much larger roles like oh idk UNTREATED AND UNADDRESSED MENTAL TRAUMA. Its just the whole violent video games make people violent all over again. Read that bullshit. Tell me the antis aren’t using the exact same goddamn argument. Yeah. I’m calling you out, you guys sound like evangelical Christian white moms from the Midwest bc they said the exact same thing about murder in video games and ditching school in catcher in the rye.
I can’t believe no one else has drawn this conclusion yet. I can’t believe how ridiculous the argument is. The real problem is that people are not being given fucking help. Maybe instead of making fire and brimstone speeches online about Internet communities we should also focus on real life. The real world. We’ve become so obsessed with differentiating fiction from reality that we actually did the exact opposite of what we needed to do: we focus on fiction and fixing IMMATERIAL FICTIONAL PROBLEMS instead of REAL LIFE TANGIBLE LIFE THREATENING problems. A pair of consenting adults writing their rape fantasy suddenly seems a lot less significant than a non-consensual sexual interaction between two real life, flesh and blood human beings. In fact, there are horrible awful things happening irl RIGHT NOW and I don’t see ANY of you protesting that. All we can see is what is directly in front of our fucking faces and that’s some fictional characters in a fictional world being manipulated to fulfill our mental desires in a safe manner that does not directly harm any irl person so long as all parties involved are consenting and able to give consent. Aka role playing. That’s what it is. It’s fake. Fiction. It’s not real. It never will be until you MAKE it real. And that? Is not the fiction’s fault. Fiction has always been fiction. You decided to take it to heart and bring it into the real world. You can be desensitized and still recognize something as wrong. Death, murder, torture, and general violence are all wrong. I’m desensitized as hell to them in fiction, but in real life? I’m pissed that we still have people killing other people. I’m sad for the victims and wish that the violence would fucking stop already. But it isn’t going to happen bc a niche community on the Internet is at war with itself over some fictional characters.
I’m just really fucking irritated, go off if you want, but every time someone starts grumbling about people on the Internet being gross, it adds another grain into this already full bucket of salt. Yes. People on the Internet are gross. I wish people didn’t do that shit either, I don’t want to think about sharing a space with the rape fetishizers and pedophiles running rampant in our fandoms. But the fact of the matter is, there are more important fights to fight, and it’s ridiculous to imagine that eliminating an aspect of fiction writing would somehow magically make the real world problems disappear. Newsflash; it fucking won’t. In fact it could get worse: now you have to actually deal with the real life problems of criminals while having no scapegoat (read: fiction) to pawn off responsibility to.
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faps i went from unknowingly liking rape kink, to completely condemning it, and to finally having no problem if others like it bc yeah! ppl can indulge themselves in trashy porn/romance while not condoning the trashiness irl. but now there's so much discourse over liking shota/lolicon or adult/minor fiction, and while I'm leaning more towards the same "it's fine as long as it's not irl" line of thinking, it's hard to not see how it.. couldn't be disgusting ? hope this made sense lol.
Oh I am so in that camp with you anon.  I have learned a lot about human sexuality during my time here on Tumblr and I want to be the, “If it’s safe, sane, consensual then it’s fine!” person.
I have made a similar transition when it comes to rape kink.  However I cannot make that leap when it comes to shota/loli or adult/minor fiction.  Even knowing it’s expressly fiction.
Speaking from a USA perspective there maybe nothing worse than a child predator. (Don’t let the close senate race regarding Roy Moore fool you.)  And I personally work with young people, some of whom, have been survivors.  So I cannot make that disconnect and to be honest don’t really have the desire to. 
This is one time where my emotions will beat out my logic and I can’t admit that I’m sorry about it.
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hey, at that last person who responded to my most recent post
“That's literally child porn though... it's already illegal. How is it wrong to say that pedophilia is gross? Wow.”
ding dong you are wrong
maybe people should stop showing up in ongoing discussions hella late to the party without reading what’s already been said?
it’s illegal to draw porn of minors if the minor is an existing person, or bears extreme resemblance to an existing minor, or if it is an obscene act. shockingly, drawing two 16 year olds having sex when both of them are fictional characters isn’t obscene, and since they’re both fictional, it’s also not illegal! it is legally literally not considered child porn.
oh yeah and also, words have meanings, much as you guys like to pretend they don’t. attraction to children is pedophilia. drawing two fictional characters having sex is not pedophilia, as it has no bearing on attraction whatsoever. you can draw things without it being about attraction, or your personal attraction. more importantly, if the person’s a 20 year old drawing a naked fictional 17 year old because they’re attracted to that character, it still isn’t pedophilia! pedophilia is an adult being attracted to pre-pubescent children. please stop making words useless.
and yes, if a 20 year old went after an actual living 17 year old that would be creepy. because that’s a real person and there’s a real age gap. but drawing something is not remotely the same as preying on an actual breathing human being and art pretty much never translates into actions unless there is something seriously wrong. hell, it doesn’t translate into condoning the thing either! because most people can determine the divide between reality and fiction and know that some things that they can draw or write about aren’t okay IRL. like, people who write about a character getting raped don’t think it’s okay for actual human people to be raped--same thing applies here.
that said, sometimes 20 year olds are briefly sexually attracted to 17 year olds, because that’s how sexual attraction works. see, I’m 20. and I’ve been asked multiple times to show ID so a person can check if I’m an adult and not in high school. because it can be hard to tell how old a person is from a single glance! 20 year olds and 17 year olds don’t often look that different from each other. and human sexuality tends to work in a way that if a 17 year old is pretty and a 20 year old can be attracted to them, they might see that 17 year old on the street and experience brief sexual attraction.
the problem arises when/if the 20 year old is creepy about the attraction (which is a general overall problem, not just a problem in this specific scenario--don’t be creepy about your attraction, people) or learns the other person is 17 and doesn’t back the fuck off. but that’s got nothing to do with art.
anyway, I really wish antis would learn the laws they’re trying to use to defend their bullshit.
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badships · 7 years
(I don't mind being off anon) EXACTLY! You can talk to your other friends about your 'kink' or fetish I should say, but why come to me about it asking if its fucking right? "Oh but I don't condone abuse/rape/torture!" NO if you ENJOY it happening to a person, even if its fiction you obviously like it. My question is, whats enjoyable forced sex?
It baffles me how people irl are all like "Its so bad!!!!!" but its suddenly okay because "Its just fiction!!!!"
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beastoftheblackhole · 8 years
4 & 21 & 23
*rubs hands together*
4: Favourite soundtrack(s)- Oooo. Uh. Well naturally 4 is up there, since it has so many of the iconic themes and all, but pretty much everyone loves everything about 4, so. I’m going to say 1 and 7, 1 because it has “Duel of the Fates” and who doesn’t love that song I mean honestly, 7 for “Rey’s Theme” holy shit it’s gorgeous and it was my ringtone for a while. (Fun fact both of those are a bitch to play. Esp “Duel of the Fates” oh my god chop my fingers off. John Williams what were you thinking.)
21: Otp/Brotp/Ot3/Notp(s)- Otp is prob... you’re all going to stare at me, but Thraul (Thrawn/Maul). It is 10000% captainmazzic’s fault. Not canon in the slightest (they haven’t met and prob never will but when has that ever stopped me) but it works man it really fucking works. I also ship Jango/Obi-Wan, ngl, idk why. There’re some fics that do wondrous things with it. And oh my god I almost forgot Chirrut/Baze how could I forget those precious cinnamon rolls. They’re so married. Totally married. I also shipped Thrawn/Car’das for a while, prob still would given a reason. Brotp would be...Finn and Rey? Idk I don’t really have one tbh. Phasma and guns how’s that lmaoooo. I kid. I really don’t have a brotp though. Ot3 is... well tbh I don’t have one of these either. I have very few ot3′s in general, so that’s not unusual. Notp is most likely Kylo Ren/anyone-but-Hux. It’s not bc I’m a dedicated Kylux shipper (although I do ship it), it’s bc literally every other character I see him shipped with was mind-raped by him in canon? And that rubs me the wrong way. At least with Kylux they’re on a more even footing with each other, there’s too much of a power gap with the other ships. (Also Reylo is potentially an incest ship and I’m. not really into those. No judgement if you are, liking something in fiction isn’t the same as condoning it irl, incest ships just aren’t my thing.) Awful people being awful together is more palatable (and interesting) to me.
23: Jedi, Sith, or Grey Jedi- I could never be a proper Jedi, full stop end of line. I do confess, a lot of what I’ve seen of the Jedi has been during their decline pre-Empire (I haven’t really delved into any Old Republic or post-OT stuff besides the Thrawn trilogy), so it’s not like I saw them at their best, but what I did see was that they were complacent, hypocritical, arrogant, and far too self-righteous for my tastes. (Which, of course, was one of the points of the PT but I digress.) That said, I don’t think I could be a Sith either, though I’m by far closer to Sith than Jedi. I’m not emotional enough, not ambitious enough, not interested enough in power. I’m probably angry enough, ngl, but that’s all I got. I don’t think of myself as a passionate person. I’d be at a disadvantage amongst proper Sith. All that said, I’m not picking Grey Jedi bc it’s the only option left, I’m picking it bc it’s the closest to my personal philosophy (which is in part Stoic). Balance and all that appeals to me, and as much as I can be an intractable son of a bitch who won’t budge for love or money on some issues I know that life is rarely black and white, Light and Dark. (But end of the day I wouldn’t bother with the Force, I’d be Mandalorian. Oya!)
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