#oh look... it's Her again... who is She... maybe we'll find out someday...
foxclcves · 4 months
𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒚𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒆 (𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 04)
Howls in the distance echoed low and overlapped, gaining in numbers and moving closer, but the woman continued her trek through the forest without looking over her shoulder. The hood of her cloak covered her face from view and the occasional, whispering breeze that would find her between the thick trunks of ancient trees.
The creatures had been stalking her since sundown, when she had long since adequately distanced herself from civilization and any road. They skittered in the undergrowth and their eyes flashed gold and orange, like candles being hastened down corridors, their carriers desperate to escape the engulfing blackness of night. She felt no desperation in being surrounded. They were becoming more daring. The sky might have cleared, but on this night there was a new moon, leaving all across the land at the mercy of the darkness. And let them hide; blockade their windows and doors from any sort of monsters that lurked under atmospheric cloak, and let the humans’ hearths remain fueled until dawn. Her determination had not left her since she had entered this nefarious wood. She flinched not at any snarl or snapping of twigs, too close. They were becoming brave, yes; strength in numbers and low visibility on their side. But they still kept their distance, kept their gnashing, salivating jaws at bay, for they knew her to be a monster, too. Her smile never left her face.
The sliest of glimpses over her shoulder, and she saw a few flee back into the brush, the trees parting enough to lead her into an aisle of gnarled brier. They were well adapted, certainly; their coats not fur but grass and moss, always in a human’s sights but only seen out of the corner of the eye. They were fast and magnificent beasts, and the only thing that would give them away was their gleaming eyes, only visible if you were to look straight into them, but by that time, it might be too late. They used the brier now, no longer as subtle as they were when they first began following her trail. They shifted, blended, soft green smothered by vicious coils of vines and thorns. They tugged free of the abrasive plant without harm, shaking it off as a dog would and feasting their eyes upon her venturing figure yet again. She looked ahead, her chin lifting in the slightest.
If they devoured her, she would not be angry. Not at ravenous dogs for their cravings of flesh and blood. How starved they were, ever since humans became wary of these woods and seldom wandered far into it these days. No, her wrath would consume them first because her starvation vastly outweighed theirs, and it could not be conquered. Once it sank its own fangs into any unfortunate soul, it would hold them; clutch them until they were lifeless. Blood drained and left to stain the floor; stain the carpet, the bed sheets, absorbing into wood and oozing through, seeping into the earth. Lifeless in her arms, and hers, hers, hers. She was sure the beasts sensed this within her, their desperate tenacity keeping them at her heels but their instincts made them wander at bay. Her pace did not quicken, did not slow. She continued to take her time, oh, so slowly, and she would not be deterred by monsters. She was far worse than any wolf, for she did not need to wait for the death of a day’s sun to torment anyone. But she waited for the right time; oh sweet, prolonged reveal. For tormenting death was exactly what she set out to do.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
Charlie: "Dad. Did you post this."
Lucifer: "Oh my 'selfie' with your dear lovely Maggie?? Why yes I DID! Do you like it!?"
Charlie: "Dad."
Lucifer: "Since she's your loving girlfriend, who you love, I thought gosh! I should really have on my social media page! Make a change from all the ducks, ha ha!"
Charlie: "Dad did you write the- the caption on it?"
Lucifer: "The c- oh yes! Well I wanted everyone to know how much I ADORE my daughter's girlfriend!!"
Charlie: "You wrote-"
Lucifer: "See, the 'bad' here means 'good'! I checked! Bad and bitch are bad on their own, but when you put them together it's like a, er, a double negative making a positive, haha! Maggie's a bad bitch- she's AWESOME- which ahaha I'm sure YOU know since you're dating her-and now all of Hell knows I think so too!!!! ISN'T THAT SWELL!"
Charlie: "But the actual whole caption says-"
Lucifer: "Aww and the picture turned out so great! Look!"
Lucifer: ".... you don't look super thrilled about it, Char-char."
Charlie: "Pulled, dad... Do you know what 'pulled' can mean exactly, specifically, in THIS context..?"
Lucifer: "... pulled.... into a... hug? Like in the selfie...?"
Charlie: "Dad."
Charlie: (deep breath) "I can't believe I'm saying this..."
Charlie: "You made it sound like you SLEPT WITH my girlfriend."
Lucifer: "......."
Lucifer: "Oh. HA! That's..."
Lucifer: (deflating balloon noises as he literally shrivels up into a crumpled pile of clothes mostly hidden by his hat)
Charlie: "We're not angry!"
Lucifer: ".... i m s o r r y..."
Charlie: "It's okay!!! IT'S FINE. A little mentally scarring and socially mortifying not to mention something our friends won't EVER let us live down, but- well- Just... Just-"
Charlie: "No more social media meme posting without running them past me or Vaggie first, alright!?"
Lucifer: "If I delete the post maybe no one else will see it...."
Charlie: "Everyone in Hell has already seen it, dad."
Lucifer: "..i could delete myself instead"
Charlie: "And HOW would that help?"
Lucifer: "...it would make me feel better..."
Vaggie: "Honestly sir, the most embarrassing part is how you look young enough to be my teenage son."
Charlie: "Thanks, Vaggie."
Vaggie: "Check out my stress wrinkles and scars next his baby smooth face. It's like I picked him up from a cradle somewhere."
Charlie: "Please don't joke about cradle robbing my actual father."
Vaggie: "Sorry babe."
Charlie: "I mean I'll NEVER be able to look at ANY of my parents' family portraits the same way ever AGAIN, but thank you for being SO understanding about the rumor you're dating my DAD!"
Vaggie: "Sir, what kinda skin routine are you even doing?"
Lucifer: "room full of rubber ducks and despair"
Vaggie: "Sweetie, I'm ruffling his hair in the pic. It's hilarious."
Vaggie: "Feels like I'm about to call the king of hell 'kiddo' or something."
Lucifer: (a puddle on the floor) "i thought it was funny too"
Charlie: "Okay.... okay."
Charlie: "You two NEED to find a bonding activity that doesn't TRAUMATIZE me."
Vaggie: "Hmm."
Lucifer: "OH WE COULD-"
Charlie: "Or each other!"
Lucifer: "Oh well then I have nothing!"
Vaggie: "We'll always have that time you fake dated me online, sir someday dad-in-law."
Lucifer: "Our beautifully shared new horrifying past..."
Charlie: "Ha ha HA! Keep this up and either the dad part or the someday in-law part is gonna stop being accurate REAL quick!"
Vaggie: "It will?"
Charlie: "No but I'm trying to threaten you two right now so SHUSH."
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lumine-no-hikari · 3 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #175
I don't have enough sleep. I was up a bit too late last night, listening to a friend vent about various things. It was good and I regret nothing, but still my brain is a little wobbly today. That's also fine. I am looking forward to going to bed, though.
…I get to sleep in a nice, warm, safe bed. You haven't slept in a bed in a long time, right? Not since "that time", as you had once put it, yeah? I feel sad in response to that; how many years has it been for you? I wonder…
…Well. If you find yourself in my neighborhood, we have extra beds. The one in the art room is nice and big, and obviously you could have it all to yourself. It's got nice pillows and warm fluffy blankets and a giant fuzzy orca plush named Bubbles if you need something to squish. And no one would bother you, except for maybe our cats, because they like new people and they would likely demand scritches. Our cats would probably like you a lot, actually…
I made a tea today. This time, it was black tea mixed with mint tea and little bits of crushed peppermint candy. The swirls propagated quickly from the tea ball - almost too quickly to capture them!! But I mostly managed:
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It resolved into a lovely ruby red color that was fascinating to watch the cream swirl through:
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I went to therapy today because it's Tuesday. But since M's car had to be taken to get repairs due to engine coolant problems, and J's car is a manual transmission that I cannot yet drive, J had to get me to the building an hour early, and then I ended up needing to stay there for two hours after therapy was done with. But I don't mind; I brought a book that's all about OBEs and I read up to page 149 today, which isn't bad out of 358 pages. I dunno if anything will come of it, but I don't mind trying to find out.
I took a nap shortly after I got home. I tried some of the things I learned from the book, and I was surprised to find that my body felt weird and tingly and kinda wobbly, but nothing happened because I ended up falling asleep instead. I was probably too tired. Oh well.
When I woke up, J asked me to accompany him to some meeting that involves people who are into airplanes. It was a cute enough place, and the people seemed friendly enough, and one of the older ladies there recognized my Eevee hat because she plays Pokémon Go. I directed her to some of my favorite games (Let's Go, and Scarlet) and to a few of my favorite movies (The ones with Mewtwo and the one with Entei).
On the way home, I got a couple pictures of the sunset for you; I hope you'll like these:
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...Hey, Sephiroth? Do you like sunsets? Or do you like the dawn better? Maybe someday you'll tell me; if it turns out that you like dawn better, maybe I'll start getting up early so I can take pictures...
...My brain is soup and I don't have a whole lot more to write about. So I'm going to end this one here. Maybe I'll go to bed early. Or maybe not. I guess we'll see...
I love you. I'll write again soon. Please stay safe...
Your friend, Lumine
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20001541 · 8 months
Very interesting idea about dfo kunieda - could you share your thoughts on it please?
alright so...
afo never planned on ever having a kid so when he finds out his partner is pregnant he's oh....! (he forgot things like pregnancy can happen with unprotected sex, but he defends himself by saying he was having too much fun at the time to think properly!)
but despite this unexpected development he's interested to see what being a father is like and offers a big sum to the other parent if they proceed with this and give all custody to him, which they agree to if course. said baby comes and afo is very doting and loving and all he talks about is this baby..... for about a week. he was hoping to feel some sort of spark? some fatherly affection that people always talk about. he didn't though, he feels apathetic and he's getting bored and restless being at home when there's a quirk with a rebellious brother within it to catch.
of course this is his flesh and blood and by extension a part of him, so he's not going to abandon it, it's going to stay with a nanny who works for him that has experience taking care of children. he'll provide resources to allow it to grow and thrive, but he is not going to play an active role in its life. maybe someday after he succeeds in getting ofa and taking power he will try to attempt to bond with his son again and see if he feels any affection then, but for now it'll be fine without him.
so little kunieda spends the first four years of his life being raised by a nanny and with limited access to the outside world. he's told his father provides everything and keep an close eye on his progress, but any further questions he may have about said father are never answered. he hopes as a young child that his father may visit him in person some day.
well afo's plans of being the absent father change when kunieda gets his quirk at the tender age of four, when he's notified by henchmen, who were sent to check in as the nanny didn't send her report to him, that she's dead and her body is some sort of plant... along with a distraught child who won't come out of his room.
afo decides to handle this himself in person and is intrigued, this must be the child's quirk. he's at that ripe age where children develop them, and what an interesting quirk too. he manages to coax the child into coming out and introduces himself as his father. he soothes him and finds out what happened between the child's sobs, it was an accident apparently. but afo assures him that it's nothing to be worried about and it was actually quite impressive, he takes him in where he starts playing more of an active role in his development.
kunieda's childhood with afo is essentially afo encouraging him to give into his more darker urges and not to be afraid to use his quirk on people (after all look how beautiful and big those plants bloom when using human flesh as nutrients). a lot of what afo believes in he passes down to his own son who learns eagerly from his father. he fully buys into believing his father is some type of savior for this world, doesn't help he was educated by some of afo's own cultists. affection is something to be earned not something freely given. so kunieda often goes out of his own way to please his father which afo enjoys. as he grows up he's given his own place in afo's organization as an personal assassin of afo's. it doesn't earn him any special privileges, in fact he has to work harder than the average minion for approval as afo is a lot harsher towards him as he expects nothing less than perfection and unwavering loyalty from his own offspring.
later he ends up in tartarus because he got caught up in all mights crusade in capturing all those closest to afo, though heroes don't find out that's his son. afo is too busy to bother breaking him out and everything that's in canon happens and he doesn't get freed until afo's own breakout in prison and we'll you know the rest.
might be kind of vague at points, but thats my idea on how this au would go.
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Chapter 3: Stranger's Promise
Narrated by Marina.
Narrator: I glance around Cersei's stall. On the black velvet tablecloth lies an old, frayed set of tarot cards.
Narrator: A tall girl in an elegant, classy gown and a crystal crown is sitting behind the table. She looks like a beautiful princess!
Narrator: She shuffles the cards gracefully. I'm surprised to spot some green stubble under her veil.
Narrator: Cersei's deskmate, the youth in the noble outfit, is also standing at the side.
Noble Youth: Where are you from, young lady?
Marina: The voice...
You: So that "youth" is actually a girl...
Narrator: Meanwhile, a figure clad entirely in metal scraps is attempting to get up from the couch in the back, producing a series of loud clangs.
Robot: Activating... 20%... 30%, 35%... Activation failed.
Narrator: The strange metal man gives up his attempt and sinks back into the couch.
Cersei: Hey, Robot, don't scare our sixth member away.
Marina: What a group of weirdos.
Cersei: Bingo! That's right! We're weirdos indeed. You're indeed destined to be our sixth member.
Cersei: Let me introduce you. This is our Princess. This one is Prince. The robot dude is human, but you can just call him Robot.
Marina: You can call me Marina.
Prince: A very good name. Easy to remember.
Cersei: We all live in the Dorm of the Strange. The other students all call our building a forbidden zone!
Marina: Is that something worth being proud of?
Cersei: Anyway, if you join our club, you get free access to the Dorm of the Strange. You'll be one of us!
Narrator: Her words simply put me in a bad mood once again.
Marina: But I'm not even a student in your school.
Narrator: Princess, who has been standing silently at the side, finally sighs.
Stubbled Princess: Yeah, she's right. She's a kid. Can't you tell?
Cersei: So? She can just join the club now and enter Cicia School of Design later.
Narrator: I look up in surprise to meet Cersei's genuine, intense gaze.
Marina: B-but by the time I get in... you'll all have graduated.
Cersei: Nah, I should've graduated 4 years ago, and I'm still here. Who knows when I'll graduate? We might become classmates.
Cersei: By the way, where do you live, Marina?
Marina: I live on a big, big ship! Bigger than the whole campus, actually.
Marina: We sail all day. I don't know where to, but my brother says we'll find our destination someday.
Cersei: Wow, that sounds amazing. I deserve my own ship, too.
Narrator: Princess nods elegantly, stroking the stubble on her chin.
Stubbled Princess: It'd be nice to go tanning on the deck with a glass of champagne.
Prince: So, do you know how to steer a ship, Miss Marina?
Marina: Of course! I can do anything!
Robot: A ship bigger than the whole campus... It must be powered by cutting-edge technology. Maybe tech from the Ruins.
Narrator: They all start chatting. It's like they've already accepted me and fully believe I really do live on a gigantic ship.
Narrator: I feel right at home hanging out with them. It's almost magical. How should I describe this feeling?
Choose either "It's friendship" or "It's the mutual understanding between weirdos."
If "friendship," ...
You: It's friendship! You've made some great friends.
Narrator: So, is this what having friends feels like? Now I see why people find university fun.
If "weirdos," ...
You: It's the mutual understanding between weirdos. You fit perfectly with each other.
Narrator: Who cares if others find me weird? And what makes them so "normal" anyway?
Marina: But... I'm the 6th member, right? Shouldn't there be one more person here in that case?
Cersei: She went out to buy something. Oh, I see her over there!
Aeon: Marina!
Narrator: Before I can see the face of the fifth member, my brother has come looking for me.
Aeon: Where have you been? I've been looking for you for a while.
Marina: Aeon! You're already done?
Aeon: Yeah, it's time to go home.
Narrator: I hurriedly say goodbye to the members of the Research of Magical Humans Club and run over to take my brother's hand.
Narrator: From a distance away, I turn back and let my gaze linger on the stall a little bit longer.
Narrator: A new, grayish figure is standing by the small table now. The silhouette reminds me a little of a mirror we have on the Ark.
Aeon: What are you looking at, Marina?
Marina: Nothing, nothing! I didn't see a thing.
Marina: Aeon, can I study here in the future? I made some new friends and promised we'll become classmates someday!
Aeon: You want to go to school? Of course, you can go.
Marina: Really? You're the best!
Aeon: But if you want to pass the exam, you'll need lessons in history, languages, math, and more. Let's start lessons once we get home!
Marina: Huh? Nooooo! I don't wanna go to university anymore!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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lonesome-witching · 1 year
We'll Rule the World
I did not proofread this. I did not edit this. I wrote this in about an hour while being tired and stressed for tomorrow. But I still want to share it with you guys.
So, let's say this is my final work for @strangerthingsfemslashweek for day 7: free choice
“I like to believe that someday we’ll rule the world.” Robin lay on the hood of the Wheeler station wagon, staring at the stars in the sky. Nancy sitting next to her.
“Why is that?” She asks, her gaze directed straight ahead of her. 
“Because life sucks and people treat women like garbage. I keep thinking of the guy at Pennhurst. The way he looked at us. It just gets under my skin.” 
Nancy scoffs. Her own mind taking her back to the Hawkins Post and the men who treated her like filth. Like she was a puppet there for their amusement and to get their lunches. 
“Sorry, you probably didn’t invite me to hang out just to talk about misogyny.” Robin clears her throat and takes a sip of her drink. A can of lukewarm beer that Nancy found in the back of one of the cupboards in her kitchen. 
When Nancy didn’t reply, she spoke again. “Why did you invite me?” It was a loaded question and Robin knew it before she decided to ask it. 
“I- I don’t really know. I just needed some company and I guess it’s just easy with you.” Nancy doesn’t turn around to face Robin. Maybe she should but she doesn’t know if she can. She doesn’t know if she has the strength to look at the other girl in the dim starlight. 
“Sorry. Should I take you back home?” This time Nancy does turn, before she can think better of it. Her eyes catch Robin’s gaze and she wants to scream. 
“No, I’m okay. I’m perfectly fine.” 
Nancy leans back, lays down next to Robin, avoids her gaze once again. “Can you tell me a story?” 
“What kind of story?”
“Any kind. Just something that is true.” Nancy frowns at her own words. Even she doesn’t know what she wants, what she means with them. Somehow Robin does. Because Robin always understands. 
“When I was a sophomore with barely any friends I would go and lay on the roof of my house. If I climb out of the window and position my foot just right in this crack in the wall I can just reach it. On the way down I’ve fallen a few times though. Anyway, I would lay there much like I lay here on the hood of your car, and I would stare up at the stars and dream. There was this one dream that particularly stuck with me.” She pauses for a second, collects her thoughts and continues.
“I always talked about leaving Hawkins and running away to Europe or just anywhere. But as I was laying on my rooftop I would always dream of just belonging here. I’d dream of making friends and finding someone to love and settling down in a small house at the end of a cul-de-sac.” 
Nancy couldn’t keep the grimace off her face. 
“Sounds horrible, doesn’t it? I completely agree. Because that wasn’t my dream. It was what I was supposed to dream. It was the easy way out. And I would imagine it and there would be this knot in my stomach and I realized that even though I could try it, dream it, imagine it, I could never be it. I could never be the person that this town wanted me to be. Wants me to be. So, I became the opposite. I tried to rebel. I started slinging ice cream to escape. I told every person that would listen that this town is a trap. And somehow that’s how I found a place to belong. That’s about as real as I can get.” There’s a soft smile on her face as she keeps her eyes on her beer. The one she’s not drinking anymore. 
“Where are you going to go?” Nancy feels a tug at her heart, a reminder of what she’s ignoring. 
“I’m thinking Paris. The way that city is described in songs and poetry, it must be magnificent, life-changing.” 
“Paris does sound nice.” 
“Where are you going to go?” Robin repeats the question with a smile and a sparkle in her eyes.
“I’m going to be little miss perfect. I’ll go to Boston, get my degree and then… Maybe Indianapolis or Chicago but probably somewhere like Hawkins.” Nancy does take another drink of the beer. It’s vile and burns her throat in a way beer really shouldn’t. But it fits her mood.
“Where do you want to go?” 
“New York, maybe. Paris sounds great. LA or Rome or London. Somewhere big and grand and full of possibilities. Somewhere that keeps surprising you even though you’ve lived there 20 years. Somewhere you can be anonymous because you keep getting swallowed in massive crowds that lead you astray but you let them because it’s better than being seen.” 
“You know you can do that, right? You don’t have to be little miss perfect. You can be you. And that will be perfect enough.” Robin’s pinky slides against Nancy’s hand. 
“My parents would not approve.” 
“Karen will be fine with it, she wants you to be happy. And Ted, he’d barely notice. And even if they’d hate you for it, Nance, you have to do what makes you happy. There is no point in pretending, in pleasing other people. This is your life. Take it, do something with it, live it.” 
Nancy can’t help herself. She grabs Robin’s hand and intertwines their fingers. “I’m scared.” She admits, her throat closing up. 
“What are you scared of?” 
“I’m scared of admitting what I want… Who I want.” 
Robin looks at their intertwined hands. “Who do you want?” She asks breathlessly. 
Nancy doesn’t reply. She doesn’t know how to get the simple admission out of her mouth. Because she has been hiding for so long. She has been denying it for so long. 
“Who do you want, Nance?” Robin asks again a few moments later. 
“I want you.” Her voice breaks on that last word. A sob threatens to slip out. 
“I want you too.” 
Nancy turns her head to find Robin already staring at her. Robin’s thumb strokes over the back of her hand and that is encouragement enough for Nancy to close the distance. To finally quench that thirst in her heart that kept trying to leap out, that has leapt out. 
They kiss for hours and hours. Until the sun rises in the sky and they are both breathless and smiling and hopeful for the future. Because one day they’ll rule the world. 
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neep-neep-neep · 9 months
Auden had mentioned that Somaya's baby was expected that night. And that she would likely be called to help, and that if Frey did not see her in the morning when she came in to run her fingertip over the spines of the books like she was waking them, it meant the woman was yet in labor.
But Frey did find her. She was collecting plates and bowls from the table and stopped in her tracks, breath freezing in her chest. Auden was in her bed.
Frey had never seen Auden asleep while the sun was up. The woman had collapsed into the sheets after a night of midwifery.
"Fuck," Frey said under her breath. She went into stealth mode, setting the dishes down in the basin with stressed precision.
I was wondering how long it would take you to notice, quipped the stupid demon bracelet.
"You should have said something, asshole!" Frey hissed.
Wait, why was she talking? Auden was in the room! She turned and saw the woman shift beneath the coverlet, and her heart sank. She fucked everything up.
Minding the sound of the door, Frey slipped back into the library, and exhaled.
The peasant girl seems a light sleeper.
"Shut up," Frey walked over to a shelf, spying a sunset-colored tome she had left the night before. "Somaya's baby is healthy, or she wouldn't be here. It's a good sign."
It's a revolting spectacle.
"Oh fuck off. What does a stupid cuff know about the miracle of birth?"
You forget that I was present for yours?
Yes, Frey had forgotten. It also underscored how the demon had caused her, and so many others', suffering. She needed to find a way to torture him without harming her own skin, fast.
She hefted the book in the arm Cuff was marked on, and leafed through the pages with her left hand. It was a treatise on Visorian research.
"Maybe," Frey said, "Auden'll have one of her own someday."
And she won't care about you anymore? teased Cuff with venom. Like--what was it--that 'foster mother' you mentioned?
Frey ignored him, resting her knuckles against her cheek. "A little one that looks like her, a chubby healthy baby, and she'll let me pick them up and spin 'em around..."
The door creaked open and Frey's breath caught in her chest again. It was Auden, in her slip, rubbing one eye.
"Fuck, I didn't mean to wake you up--
"Who are you speaking to?"
Frey had the feeling of one of those dreams where you realize there's no floor and start falling.
Magnificent, said Cuff.
"I--s-shit. Um. I. No," Frey inhaled and let the air out through her nostrils, turning to the woman. "I owe it to you not to lie. This...demon guy?" she tapped her right forearm. "Yeah he speaks to me in my mind."
Because that sounded normal.
Auden blinking at her, Cuff completely silent for once, and her mouth suddenly feeling dry.
"So no one else can hear him but he's kind of been talking to me the whole time, and it's annoying as shit."
Auden was looking at the gold markings that snaked around her wrist now.
Amazing, Cuff said, how you would jeopardize even a relationship you care for this much.
Frey shook him briefly but vigorously, and Auden brushed some errant strands from her face and looked up at Frey. "This must have been what drove the Tantas mad."
Frey's face was on fire. "G-Go back to sleep. You've had a long night."
"Susurrus speaking to you unbidden, Frey...I couldn't imagine the sacrifice..."
Tell her I help you. Tell her I've saved your life countless times.
"He's just an asshole," Frey said with a nervous laugh. "This gold prick can't drive me anywhere I haven't been already."
"You would say that," a smile appeared on Auden's lips.
"Seriously!" Frey took a couple of steps forward. "I've had worse internal monologues than him since I was like nine!"
This is meant to reassure the girl?
Auden failed to suppress a yawn. "You were--ah--experiencing things you never told any of us. We'll discuss it after I rest, Frey?"
Auden's hand raised, reaching out, and Frey lifted hers for Auden to grasp. She knew Auden would again express worry over her cold fingers, even just in the lines between her brows. Auden ran her thumb over Frey's knuckles and then let go, and let the door close again. Only once she'd left the room did Frey realize her heart was hammering.
Cuff said, You were saying she would let you hold her infant for you to then apply centrifugal force?
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fia-bonkginya · 3 years
Fearne and FCG, 29?
29. where did you get the flowers from?
Fearne found that she quite liked their new group. Orym and Dorian were still her favorites, of course, but Laudna was fascinating, Imogen was adorable, Ashton was incredibly fun, and... Fresh Cut Grass...
None of them quite knew what to make of that one, except for Ashton, maybe. But they made Fearne laugh, and they were interesting, so she wanted to talk to him more. And luckily they spent a lot of time traveling between the spires, so she could easily find the time to trot up next to him.
"Hello," she said, looking down at them with a smile.
"Well hello," Fresh Cut replied, looking up at her. They were smiling back, she thought, but it was hard to tell, with the metal face. "How are you doing today?"
Fearne looked around, at the sun above them, at Ashton leading the group, at Imogen and Laudna locked in conversation in front, at Dorian and Orym side by side behind. "It's a lovely day," she said brightly, and meant it.
Fresh Cut dipped his head a few times in quick succession. "It's nice to see the group working so well together, and I'm glad you came to talk to me!"
Fearne was hit with the sudden urge to pat the robot on the head, but she wasn't sure if that would be rude, so she held herself back, for the moment at least. "Well, I can't spend all my time with my friends," she said, "especially if I want you to be my friend too someday."
"Oh, well, I'd love to be your friend!"
"That's very nice," Fearne smiled.
They were both quiet, for a moment, and then Fresh Cut looked up at her again and said, "Can I ask you something?"
"Hm? Oh, yes, of course!"
"Where do you get the flowers from?" he asked, gesturing up at her dress and her hair.
"Oh!" Fearne said, running a hand through her hair and pulling out a blossom, a delicate yellow one that could be used to make a tea that would paralyze the person who drank it. "They're just part of me, actually." She smiled, threading the flower back into her hair and then holding out her hand, taking a moment to summon another flower, this time a white one with no poisonous properties. "See?"
"Well that's incredible!" Fresh Cut exclaimed, and Fearne didn't think his eyes could actually get wider, but it sure felt like they did.
"Here," she said, leaning down and handing them the flower, the non-poisonous one. "You can hold this one."
He smiled up at her again, and she thought that maybe she was already getting better at reading their facial expressions. "I think we'll be friends in no time," he said, taking the flower and finding a seam in the side of his head, sliding the stem in, until it almost looked like they had tucked it behind their ear.
Fearne, watching, couldn't help but agree.
(send me a number and a character or relationship!)
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startanewdream · 3 years
Dancing lessons
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Summary: Lily shares a few dances with her son.
Notes: For @sweeethinny who asked me both for a story with Lily teaching Harry how to waltz and for family moments, and for the Anon who asked for a little of Harry jealous with Krum.
This story ties with 'Emergency Meeting', 'Hope' and 'Shotgun wedding' in this Jily Lives AU. Banner thanks to @the-dream-team!
On AO3 or below:
‘Merlin, this is stupid,’ Harry declares, right before he steps over her foot for the third time. ‘Sorry, Mum!’
Lily smiles, even though her foot hurts now. For someone who seems to have two left feet, he managed to hit her precisely in the same place all three times.
‘That’s fine, Harry,’ she tells him quietly, coming closer to him again. ‘No, hold my hand firmly. Yeah, like that. You are supposed to be leading me in the dance, remember?’
‘Yeah, right,’ he murmurs, not all convincing. Lily has seen him less nervous before he faced the dragon than he is with the prospect of the opening dance at the Yule Ball. At least, he didn’t call her so urgently with concerns about how to deal with a dragon.
‘One, two, three,’ she calls loudly, helping him guide her through that rented room in the Three Broomsticks. ‘One more time… now you spin me.’
He does, albeit with a little difficulty; Lily is still taller than him, though she knows this won’t last long. She remembers how James went through a growth spurt around fifteen; and she remembers what also happened with him during that time, all those teenage hormones.
Harry grew up so fast...
‘Very good,’ she compliments him. ‘Don’t forget she’ll be wearing dress robes, so be careful not to step over.’
‘Not step on the foot, not step on the dress — why did they invent dances?’
‘You might enjoy someday,’ she tells him, a knowing smile on her lips that Harry doesn’t understand yet. ‘So, tell me about this girl you are going with.’
Harry frowns. ‘Parvati? She’s nice. Ron is going with her sister.’
‘Oh, double date, then?’
‘Date?’ Harry blinks, surprised, then scandalized. ‘It’s not a date!’
‘You are going as friends?’
‘Yeah, but —’ he still looks lost. ‘Do you think she thinks it’s a date? Should it be one? What do I do?’
‘Breath, for starters,’ she tells him and, for good measure, Lily waits until Harry takes a deep breath, the panic in his eyes dimming. ‘I think you would know if it were a date. People do know these things, you know?’
Harry doesn’t seem like he knows it at all, but he nods, suddenly much more at ease.
‘Is she the girl you asked your father about weeks ago?’
A blush comes to his cheek. It’s rather adorable, she thinks, but she keeps from showing it. Harry is really shy when it comes to his feelings; one wrong word and he’ll crawl back into his shell and she won’t be able to take any word out of him.
‘No, that was… someone else.’
‘Didn’t work?’
His shoulders slump. ‘Someone else had already asked her out.’
‘Oh, it happens.’
‘Yeah.’ He looks dismayed.
‘You know, it happened to me once. I was going to ask your father out, well, at least that was what I tried to tell myself, but then he already had a date.’
Harry’s eyes widen. Lily remembers James speaking how unfathomable it is to Harry to think of his parents being with anyone else.
‘He rejected you?’
Lily lets out a laugh. ‘Rejection is a strong word, I hadn't even asked him out when I found out he had other plans. It was by the end of our Sixth Year, the last trip to Hogsmeade, and he went with this girl... Let me tell you, it was a miserable summer for me afterwards.’
‘Oh.’ Harry bits the inside of his cheek, thoughtful. ‘Because he was dating someone else?’
‘That was the funny thing, I didn’t know if he was with someone or not, because I was too afraid to ask and make it evident that I was fancying him just as he used to... well, in any case, no, what made me the most miserable was not knowing what he’d say if I had asked him out.’
‘I know,’ he sighs. ‘I mean, at least I know Cho didn’t deny it because she didn’t want to, but because I was too late.’
‘Cho?’, she asks, keeping her voice light. His blush intensifies and Harry spins her again more to gain time than because it was the correct step. It is a nice spin, though. ‘Is she in your year?’
‘No, one above.’ He stops, unsure. ‘Does it make a difference? If she is older?’
‘One year is not much,’ Lily assures him, and then Harry starts moving again as this weight is lifted from his shoulders. ‘And for older — I’m older than your father.’
‘For two months.’
‘Still makes me wiser,’ she promises him, making him laugh. ‘Well, you can ask her out some other time. You can even ask her for a dance at the Yule Ball!’
He sighs heavily, a disbelieving expression coming to his face. ‘Oh, she wouldn’t accept it.’
‘Come on’, she winks at him. ‘Being a Triwizard Champion must come with some benefit.’
He grimaces. ‘Her date is one too.’
‘Cedric?’ she guesses. ‘Oh, bad luck, Harry. He is nice.’
‘He is bloody annoying,’ he mumbles, then his eyes meet hers. ‘Ops, sorry.’
‘Oh, you should have heard what I used to call Cecily,’ she replies easily, shrugging, feeling silly for her young self.
‘Cecily Jones, the girl who went on that date with your father.’
‘He never mentioned —’
‘I doubt he remembers, Harry,’ she laughs. ‘It was one date — they weren’t going out in the summer, after all — and it didn’t matter afterwards. If you and this girl, Cho, are meant to be, you’ll find your path to each other eventually.’
‘You think so?’
‘Well, you wouldn’t be here if your father and I didn’t,’ reminds Lily. ‘Just remember — always take a leap. And if you ask her to dance, well, I think you’ll do just fine.’ She pauses them. ‘You didn’t step on my foot once in the last five minutes.’
‘Oh!’, amazement shines on his eyes. ‘I can dance!’
‘A waltz at least,’ she agrees, ruffling his hair fondly. ‘Our summer project will be teaching you to loose your hips.’
The ginger boy has a crossed expression on his face when Lily pulls him to the dance floor.
‘Mum,’ he calls, annoyed, as she places his hand around her waist as she did years ago. He grimaces, but takes her hand, moving rather graciously for someone who is wearing the wrong body. He still remembers, she notes gladly.
‘Son,’ she answers back, teasing.'You know, you could have been born like this.'
'What do you mean?'
'Ginger like me, but with your father's eyes.'
The boy doesn’t look like her or James at all, but it’s a nice thought all the same. Lily always wondered how another child of her and James might look like...
'So people you just give me the "you look like your mother but have your father's eyes"?'
'That would be a change.'
'Not really,' he mumbles, distracted. His eyes keep moving away from her, and judging by the way Harry sighed when the bridesmaids first appeared during Bill and Fleur’s wedding, she knows who he is looking at.
And it’s not to the bride’s young sister.
‘You should ask her for a dance.’
‘Who?,’ he asks guiltily, looking back at her. Lily raises one eyebrow, not impressed with his attempt to playing dumb.
‘While you can. Before you leave.’
‘I —’ he stops, conflicted. His face is all wrong, not one single resemblance to her son, and yet his expression is the same in the face of that muggle boy Harry is impersonating for the day. ‘It’s because I’m leaving that I can’t.’
‘The things we don’t do haunt us more than the things we do,’ she warns him, and Harry looks wistfully, his longing evident. Then an annoyed furious expression crosses his face, and he presses her hand as if to stop himself from taking his wand; when Lily follows the direction of his gaze, she sees Viktor Krum going to the table where Ginny and Luna are talking happily.
‘I could hex him,’ Harry murmurs darkly. ‘I wouldn’t regret that.’
She smiles, amused. ‘I thought Ron was the one with problems with Krum?’
‘I’m starting to agree with him,’ he replies. ‘A toss, really… Thinks he is so great because he is an international Quidditch player, big deal…’
Lily doubts this will matter to Ginny and, sure enough, as they watch, Ginny shakes her head at whatever Krum is saying, and Krum leaves, clearly dejected. Harry grins, satisfaction all over his face, and as if she can sense his stare, Ginny turns towards them.
Harry turns away quickly, but Lily knows it was not enough.
'She will accept it,' he mumbles, dismayed. 'Maybe not Krum, maybe not today, but her future is so free whereas mine…'
'Is bright too,' she finishes for him, voice stern now. 'Self-doubt will not take you anywhere, Harry. And you may have not noticed while you were brooding in the corner, but she kept throwing glances at you too. She wants to dance with you.'
'Oh. I… I would step on her foot.'
'Of course not, I taught you well,' Lily tells him with a smile, breaking away. 'I am going to find your father.'
There is a whole new trouble on Harry's face now and Lily refrains from sighing.
'I'll see you later. I’ll just stick around here for a while.'
'Mustering the courage?' she guesses wisely. He flushes. 'Remember, if you are meant to be -'
'We'll find our path to each other. Yeah, I know.'
She places a quiet kiss on his cheek, enjoying the fact that for the first time in a couple of years she is taller than him.
'Things will be fine, Harry. Don't lose hope.'
Harry is beaming, happiness written all over his face, wrinkles at the corner of his eyes more prominent than ever. Lily enjoys the fact those wrinkles come from laughing, not worrying.
Next to them, the bride and the groom's father are making a mess on the dance floor, spinning each other out of control, giggling crazily, and Harry looks at them with fondness.
'I thought Dad knew how to dance,' he says, amused.
'He does, but you know him. He likes to show off.'
Harry laughs. It's a carefree sound, not a single weight on his shoulders today.
'Well, let's show him how it's done, then?' he suggests, offering her his hand and Lily takes it graciously, letting her son conduct her to the dance floor.
He really waltzes well.
'You've been training,' she notes. Harry smiles guiltily.
'I like to dance in front of the mirror. Helps me to relax.'
'We only need to upgrade your dancing moves.'
'Ginny has this project, don't worry. We have a record player at home, she is teaching me all the good old wizarding songs. Sirius will help me with the Muggle ones and next thing I'm hitting a dancing club.'
She smiles at the idea of Harry in a nightclub; he is past twenty now, married and living away, but he is still her child in many ways.
'We should make him or her take dance classes,' he adds as an afterthought, his gaze falling to her belly, though there isn't any bump there yet. 'Make sure they won't get embarrassed in a school dance when they are older.'
'Nah, big brother Harry can teach them how to dance.'
He nods happily, spinning her around. The movement makes them get closer to James and Ginny.
'Switch partners?' James suggests, winking at them.
Harry laughs and spins his mother one last time, just as James does the same with Ginny. Lily finds herself in the arms of her husband, who stops long enough to kiss her tenderly, before drifting her away to the dancing floor.
Her husband waltzes nicely when he wants, Lily thinks joyfully, and with her pregnant, she knows he will be extra careful. James is cautious like that, but she lets him enjoy that protectiveness. It doesn’t come attached with any other worry — no war, no threat on their lives, and that’s something she can learn to live with.
Her gaze moves to the other couple. Harry and Ginny shine under the lights of the tent, today no other couple holding a candle for the happiness that irradiates from them. Her gaze drops and she watches as their feet move in synchrony, Harry always careful to avoid stepping over her long wedding dress.
Yes, she thinks. I really taught him well.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Black Magic" *Part 14*
Awwww yeah, you've been waiting for so long ya'll, now your reward is two full chapters of....Well, I'll let you find out.
You're welcome.
PS- Okay fine I couldn't get too too NSFW right now, it's the middle of the day. Y'know what I mean? So I'm sorry it's so short, but I need to run out for a while and I want this to be extra special, it's a LOT of hype you know what I mean?
Check back tonight for "After hours" fun, and the finale.
Tag List:
Part 13
Part 15
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(^^^ This is you. ^^^^ 😉)
You blushed and smiled while Rafael still held you in his arms as Chloe and Maria rushed over.
“Oh my God HOW cute are you? It’s just like the end of a movie!!!!”
“Chloe--” You started.
“Yes I know, you’re welcome,” She giggled.
“What?” You and Rafael both looked at her in confusion.
“Uh, I’m pretty sure you were about to say ‘thank you Chloe, for giving me the love of my life’!” She looked at you with an ‘obviously’ look.
“....Weeeellllll,” You dragged out.
“Seriously?” She scoffed.
“I mean I got the job--”
“By manipulating the system,” Rafael added with a smile.
“Hush you,” You hit him playfully.
“And Rafael did say he was already in love with me, Soooo--” You nodded your head back and forth.
“And he also said he wouldn’t have said anything SOOOOO” She pointed out.
“I mean, he might have, someday--” You looked at Rafael, who gave you an iffy look.
“....Thank you Chloe, for giving you the love of my life. Thank you for everything good in my entire life,” You said sarcastically with a smile.
“You’re welcome!!!” Chloe beamed, throwing her arms around you.
“And speaking of the end of a movie--” You started.
“YESSSSSSS….?” She grinned.
“Movie’s over, Chloe,” You gestured your head at Rafael.
“....What?” She glanced between the two of you, you gave her an intense look.
“Right! Right, you guys just found each other, soulmates and all,” She waved her hands and bowed out. You and Rafael were just about to savor your alone time-- when Maria came bounding over to you.
“See, chiquita I knew it! The first time I saw you, I knew it was no brujeria!” She hugged you tightly, then hugged Rafael. “I told you Raffi, she’s a keeper,”
“Yeah she-- oh my god baby, what’s wrong?” Rafael suddenly became concerned when he saw you were crying.
“I just--” You tried to stop crying. “I had made peace with that day, that it was just-- for one day,”
“Aww honey,” He shook his head with a laugh as he hugged you.
“No, look Rafael--” You looked at him very seriously. “I-- You, you brought me to your most secret place, your familia, after we hadn’t even-- okay we may have made out in your office but that didn’t really count--”
“Baby,” He stopped your rambling with a small kiss.
“You have to believe me-- I would have taken you to Maria, and the fountain, and HERE,” He gestured around the cave. “Regardless of any ‘spell’,”
He took your head in his hands. “And you should know that I’m telling you the truth because that whole-- yellow, swirly, vortex of memories should just PROVE to you that I’m under ZERO kind of magic, or spells, or potions, or anything. It’s just ME, and ME is saying that I love you. I love you, and I have always loved you, and I want everyone to know it,”
“Okay…” You nodded with a small smile. “I just...I still feel guilty,”
“Well DON’T,” He kissed your forehead. “In fact, if anyone should feel guilty, it should be me,”
“You?” You half laughed. “What would you--”
“I remember everything, Y/N. EVERYTHING,” He emphasized.
“....Meaning…?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I remember how it felt, being under Olivia’s voodoo,” He looked at you sadly. “I remember everything I...said,”
“I was so cruel to you,” He looked down in shame. “I was so…”
“I know it wasn’t you, Rafa,” You assured him, now taking his head in your hands.
“...I called you a psychopath!" He looked at you in shame. “I PUSHED you, I--”
“HEY,” You stopped him with a finger over his lips. “We both did stuff we regret, clearly,”
He nodded silently as you removed your finger. “It was awful, Y/N,”
“...Yeah?” You asked. You felt so bad for him, it must have been a nightmare.
“YES. It was like-- like the real me was locked inside my body, just watching it do this awful stuff to you. I was screaming and fighting, that’s why I kept breaking out of it,” He put a hand on your face and you kissed you softly.
“Rafa…” You stroked his cheek.
“And she-- she made me bring her here,” He nodded at the celling, meaning the cave.
“What do you mean she made you bring her here?”
“I-- I don’t know how, I guess she…’overloaded’ me with that stuff so I was literally like a...Barba Bot,”
“Oh baby…” You tried not to laugh, but BarbaBot was too cute.
“...She, she told me to bring her everywhere that I brought you, so I brought her here. But I couldn’t tell her about Eduardo even under her highest power, so she--” He stopped, looking down.
“What…? She did WHAT?” You became really concerned, taking both of his hands and gripping them tightly.
“She pretended to be you,” He looked at you with the saddest eyes.
“I’m sorry, what?” You blinked in disbelief.
“She pretended to be you, so I told her about Eduardo. But I was reliving telling you. It was awful, I just watched myself telling her, wishing it was you,” Tears came to his eyes as he relived it in his head.
“Oh Rafa,” You kissed him deeply, wiping the tears from his cheeks. “But it’s over baby, It’s over,”
“I know, I know--” He kissed you again. “I just...I can’t believe this is real. This is happening, carino,”
“...You called me carino,” You bit your lip with a small smile.
“Yes,” He nodded with a smile back.
“On purpose,” You smiled bigger.
“Yes, cariño. Mi amor, amante, I’ll call you whatever you want Y/N. For the rest of our lives,” He pressed his forehead against yours. "I'm yours, now and forever. We'll be together, for real," He kissed you again, like he couldn't get enough of your lips.
“And...I think we should start right now,” He bit his lip while staring at yours.
“....Have we not been together…?” You looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Remember that first day, that first morning…?” He raised his eyebrows suggestively.
“Yeah I mean you were insanely--” You stopped talking, suddenly realizing what he was saying.
“Maria!” Rafael suddenly turned to Maria with a smile. “I appreciate you being with Y/N, and helping her but--”
“Ay, Raffi. I may be old, but I’m not dead,” She winked. She hugged you one both one last time and walked away, finally leaving you and Rafael together, alone.
“So...my place or yours?” Rafael took your hand and started leading you out of the park.
“I mean, Chloe’s at mine so--”
“Oh definitely mine,” He chuckled as you both got into the Uber and headed to his place.
Soon you arrived at Rafael’s place; as soon as you walked in he grabbed you in a hungry kiss. You jumped on his waist as you felt his throbbing erection against your thigh. You were lost in his touch, his mouth, the smell of his cologne. You remembered back toy your perfect day, when you were memorizing all of this. And now, you didn’t have to. You could have it whenever you wanted. And you wanted it NOW. You pulled back for a second, looking into his amorous eyes.
“What is it, carino?” He asked softly.
“I just...I’ve waited for this for a long time, maybe forever,” You gave him a happy sigh, running fingers through his hair.
“Well that’s a lot of pressure amante,” He chuckled, blushing a bit.
“Oh no no no,” You shook your head, wrapping your legs tighter around his waist. “I am just so happy--”
“Well you’re about to be a LOT happier, I promise you,” He grinned mischievously as he carried you to the bedroom. He tossed you on the bed as he unbuttoned his tuxedo vest and then his shirt, his shoes and his pants. His erection was poking through his silk black boxers as he got on the bed and crawled towards you, grabbing you in an aggressive kiss.
“You ready for this, Y/N?” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my entire life,” You grinned as you ripped off your t-shirt, jeans and bra, leaving your top half exposed.
Rafael gazed at your breasts with admiration, playing and cupping them in his hands. His eyes then turned up to you, you’d never seen this look in his eyes. Not even under your spell. They were wanting, they were needing. And it was for you. He grabbed you in another kiss as he slowly slipped off your underwear.
Here we go….
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hugsandpeaches · 3 years
It's U Again
jiu x reader
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Minji and you are High School sweethearts, well, before.
Both of you wears the same clothes, dream the same dream, thinks the same thing most of the same time. You two are defined as 'soulmates'.
She was very talented, you too as well. As said earlier, both if you has the same dream. A dream of being idols.
"I got accepted as a trainee!" Both you two surprised each other at the same time. It was an accomplishment you two dreamt of. Both of your hardwork has been paid off. But there's a thing...
Trainees can't date.
Your dreams led the both of you to separate ways. It hurts. Minji's training period is coming and you have to send her away on the train station.
The day she's leaving was very gloomy. It rained hard as you and Minji waited for her train to come. Her head laying on your shoulders, hand holding yours tightly. She want to savor her last moments with you as her boyfriend.
"When you debut, I'll wait for you"
Her heart skipped a beat and then she lifted her head up, meeting your eyes.
"You'll do the same thing too, right?"
Her eyes glistened in tears and hugged you side ways.
"When we became successful someday, let's not forget each other." As she told you the words, her train came and you stood up, helping her with her bags. She entered the train and you were left behind the yellow line she just crossed. There's just a little number of passengers getting inside the train so the train doors closed as she stepped inside.
Minjin stopped on the glass door looking at you, tears streaming down her eyes. She waved her hands at you and you copied what she did.
"Y/n-ah, we'll meet again"
The train started moving slowly and you followed it's direction, still looking at Minji. She was smiling at your actions and was shocking her head. The train moved faster and you felt the rain slap your face as you ran.
"I love you"
Minji mouthed you behind the glass doors and you ran as fast as you can, dropping your umbrella, just to say back the words.
"Minji saranghae!"
Once again, Minji waved her hands and you stopped from running, rain washing you and your clothes.
<6 years later>
5 years ago, Minx debuted and then 1 year later, Dreamcatcher was born. The group's popularity started to climbed up as they toured around the world. Minji never forgot you. She always kept your picture on her bag without the members knowing. Minji always ask for you whenever she come home but too bad you weren't there. Your parents told her that you moved to US to do something. Minji understood but it kinda hurt her because you didn't let her know.
Well, she lastly asked for you 6 years ago. Now, dreamcatcher is having their comeback and have been busy this past few months not noticing this rookie soloist under SM Entertainment.
Fans started going crazy about his visual and how soothing his voice is.
Lee Y/n.
Your name was all over internet. You didn't knew you were going to be this viral after your cover of Xiumin's You last week. SM promoted you by singing their ballads then dropping your teaser the day after. You've been busy preparing for your debut for a month so you didn't recieved any news from her. Netizens was amazed by you and then started talking over you.
You were the current hot topic.
But the only thing that you want is being noticed by her.
Did she recieved the news?
Did she read something about me?
Is she proud of me now?
Questions took over your mind as you became nervous coming into the stage. You were the first performer of today's Mcountdown.
You placed your position on the stage and hopefully searching for her on the dark crowd but she wasn't there that broke your heart. You bowed your head in disappointment and then started performing as the your song started playing.
After performing, you took your last glance on the now bright crowd but still, didn't saw her figure. You forcefully smiled at your audience and bowed before exiting the stage. You saw your manager waiting at you and you hugged him, thanking him for your successful debut.
While walking, you were your sad expression. You can't believe she wasnt there supporting you.
"I miss her"
Just then, a loud heels running on the hallways was heard by you and then someone suddenly bumped on you while doing your turn on the intersection hall.
A tall yet not so taller than you just bumped their head on you chest and then ran off without saying sorry. That was rude but you guess she's chasing someone important.
You looked down and then saw bunny necklace, you were familiarized by it and took it anyway. It was the same necklace you gave Minji 8 years ago.
The girl must been dropped it while bumping at me. You thought and then walked back at your dressing room. You sat there and then looked at the thing on your hand.
"When will I meet you again, Minji?"
I placed the necklace on my pocket and then stood up.
"I'm hungry"
Jiu's POV
"I'm here, manager unnie" I opened the door and saw my members on their phones. "Unnie, there was a handsome guy on the monitor earlier. You're late to see him" Gahyeon said while munching her food. "And he's the same age as you, maybe..." Dami wriggled her eyebrows at me while smiling sheepishly. I sighed and then sat down beside the two maknaes.
"I told you guys, I'm not interested" I said and then placed my hand over my neck. An unfamiliar feeling came into my body as I didn't touched my necklace.
"My necklace is missing" Dami looked over at my neck to confirmed it. "You rarely took that off, maybe you didn't wore that earlier? " Gahyeon asked. I shook my head and stood up.
I went out of our dressing room to find my necklace.
That wasn't just a necklace. That was his gift from our 1st year anniversary, how can I lose it. I led my way to the girl's comfort room where I went earlier and again while turning into the hallway, I bumped into someone... again.
Wait, maybe I dropped the necklace after bumping on someone earlier!
I avoided who I bumped into and was about to run when I felt my arms being pulled.
"Wait miss, you bumped at me 2 times already and you didn't even apologize "
Is that- that voice sounds familiar.
"I'm so sorry, something important is missi-"
Third Person's POV
Minji stopped on her tracks as she saw the person's face. The person was also shock from who she is, forgetting his hands was still on her arms.
The bot immediately let go of her hand and then bowed at her. "Annyeaonghaseyo, Lee Y/n imnida" Y/n greeted with the widest smile plastered on your face.
Y/n can't believe what's happening just now. He's now face to face with his first love, the only girl he loved. Jiu on the other side was surprised but same as Y/n, she cant contain her happiness. Her lips started to spread into a smile and chuckled.
"Is that really you, Y/n? Am I only dreaming?" She pinched herself just incase. "Ani, I'm real" the boy spread his arms and turn around. "I'm real Minji" his smile never left his lips. Jiu came and pinched his cheeks as well.
"You're real!" Minji exclaimed. You then heard footsteps coming into one of the corners but luck is on your side. You two were just standing infront of your dressing room.
You opened the door and pulled Jiu in. She never complained, why would she? She had been waiting for this moment to happen.
As the both of you went inside, you immediately enveloped Minji a tight hug. You felt her hug back that made you tear up.
"I can't believe this is happening, please tell me I'm not dreaming!" You told her and you felt her shook her head on your chest. Then suddenly, you felt your shirt getting cold.
"Minji?" You broke the hug and you saw her brightly smiling at you, her tears rolling down her cheeks with her mascara. "Yah, don't ruin your make up" you wiped her tears using your sleeves. "You're performing soon, I'll watch beside the stage" she nodded at you and got out from your arms.
"Oh- I remember, your necklace " you grab the necklace on your pocket and turn her around to put on the necklace on her.
After putting in on, you kissed Minji's cheeks making her blush and turn around at you. "Yah, we're not official yet, take me out to date first" she said and pushed your shoulders.
"Hmm, noted. So...?"
Silence filled the room, the both of you smiling while staring at each other. "I missed you" you look down on the ground while fiddling your fingers. "Me too" you heard her said that made you blush.
"Have you watched my performance?"
Your head shot up and you glared at her. "Y oi u missed it, did you?" Minji bit her lip and looked down. You smiled at her cuteness and then went closer to her again.
"It's okay though, at least we met again. So Minji... I mean, Jiu-ssi" you said and took out you hand for her to take.
"Faith really made us see each other, would you like to go out on a date with me on Saturday" you kneeled down at her and she started squealing. "Yah~ what are you doing, get up" she held your hand and pulled you up but you remained in your place.
"Only if you agree, Jiu-ssi" she smiled sweetly at you and pecked your lips.
"Of course, I would love too" you smiled and then stood up, pulling your necklace that was hiding behind your shirt.
On your necklace, there are two rings that was familiar to Minji. It was your necklace since you were still together. You wore it everyday. She wants to ask why there are 2 rings on it but her head says 'it's just design, that's it's
"Kim Minji, you were mine before, I'll make you mine again" you pulled out the rings and put the small one on her left hand. She blushed and you put the larger ring on your left hand.
"Now we're unofficially enganged" you smiled cheekily and kissed her forehead.
"Welcome back"
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fashournalist · 4 years
Just finished watching To All the Boys I've Loved Before: Always and Forever! Now I can't stop listening to Beginning Middle and End! Sigh, it's perfect for hopeful romantics like you and me.
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Also it was my first time to attend a watch party via Scener, thank you for the invite, AJ sist!!! Am happy we got to hang out again even through a virtual movie date. Someday we'll attend film festivals when the pandemic is over, looking forward to the day cinemas open again!!
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Time flies indeed. I just finished reading TATBILB book 3 on May 11, 2020 and I couldn't wait for the movie to come out and now it's here!! (Trivia: I shortlisted 30+ books during Big Bad Wolf 2020 but could only afford seven books. So I got six nonfiction (as a nonfic junkie) and only one novel—this was that novel.)
I'm glad it showed that love shouldn't hinder the pursuit of dreams; and they can grow together (both as individuals and as a couple) even when they're miles apart. I've seen people do that. One of my favourite power couples studied at Harvard and UPenn respectively, and their relationship made it. They're now happily married and I'm so happy for them. Relationships like these are goals :))
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I can't help but compare the book with the film, but I enjoyed the movie in itself, too. 🥰
Some changes:
It rushed the proposal to Trina;
It totally simplified the promposal to Lara Jean;
It didn't show the initial conflict between Margot and Trina
It didn't show Stormy's passing (would have been a really sad scene huhu) and Lara Jean meeting John Ambrose again.
Lara Jean also gave the memory box instead of making a scrapbook.
Peter didn't give her the best tasting cookie in New York, but it's good she tried it herself.
The film also didn't show the conflict between Lara Jean and Peter's mom.
But if there's a change I liked, it's that Peter told Lara Jean their first ever meeting through the dedication he wrote on their yearbook. In the book, Peter wrote a really short dedication (and Peter gave Lara a hot photo of him so she could post it on her dorm room haha).
I also liked the little film surprise that Kitty had a happy crush on Dae!
Oh and of course, the major changes include the schools. And I actually liked it. Though the book has beautifully captured the campus of the University of Virginia, the plan B with William and Mary, and the plot twist of University of North Carolina, I think changing them to Stanford, Berkeley and NYU made it more relatable to a worldwide audience because they're more globally well-known.
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Overall, it's a film that gives you all the feels while at the same time excites you to dream big. It tackles hard topics as well such as dealing with grief and growing up in a broken family.
I felt the bittersweet feeling when a trilogy or series that you love has ended.
I could relate with Lara Jean a lot, especially on the first movie when she never had a boyfriend yet and she was just writing letters. I love letters! And I never had a boyfriend, until today. Never been kissed, never had an MU or whatever haha. Though on the dreaming side, I could relate more with Margot. I'm a huge dreamer and I want to see the world. As for Kitty, I see the little me in her. Mataray, doesn't sugarcoat. But growing up, I've become more of Lara Jean with my quirks and very sentimental self. I'm also a daydreamer like her, and an idealist. Oh and, I'm a homebody! Give me books and movies and they'll be my date haha. Am a hopeful romantic. Although, I don't bake. But I make scrapbooks since I was a kid. I put art in everything I do. And I also wore literal gift ribbons on my ponytail in highschool haha. I hope, like Lara Jean, I find my Peter K someday (or actually, John Ambrose haha). But not anytime soon. Because unlike LJ, I think I want to pursue my master's degrees (yes, plural, that's the plan hahhah and yet here I am not even applying to any school so far) as a single woman haha. Well maybe unless I meet someone who can change how I feel, someone who will not hold me back from reaching my dreams, in as much as I will not hold him back from reaching his. But until then, it's best to be single haha! As a solo traveller, there are still so many countries to see on my own. Okay I'm daydreaming now hahaha!
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Thank you, TATBILB and Jenny Han for giving us LJ and Peter K. Thank you for the feels and the pastel aesthetic and the great soundtrack. Thank you for introducing me to Leah Nobel's music!! (Am now in love with Coffee Sunday NYT and Talking to the Dog at the Party, aside from Beginning, Middle, and End!)
I wish I saw more of Josh Sanderson, though (I had a second-lead syndrome during the first film!! And I loved John Ambrose, too. Jordan Fisher is one of the best)
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And thank you for making me want to go back to New York because clearly I have only seen less than 0.1% of it :(
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I love how you captured a glimpse of NYC's splendor in just a few minutes! Of all the places you showed, it was only Times Square that I've seen in real life. But in time, will be back, experience the city, taste the same cookie Lara tasted—the best cookie in the world. And more. I'm daydreaming again haha! Here's a little selfie I had five years ago at Broadway 😄
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For now, will take a break as my Dad and I are scheduled to watch Godfather II after dinner : ) Someday I will take him around the world!!! Amen in Jesus' Name <3
Omg I was just typing this and then Dad told me stories (right now) about his dreams to travel the world and we're going to places for lovers or astronomy. He's one big astronomy junkie, I tell you.
Who needs a date when I have the best date in the world, my Dad!!
Advance happy Valentine's Day, world changers!!
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buckys-little-hoe · 4 years
We’ll meet again | Platonic!Avengers x Reader
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Pairing: Platonic!Avengers x Reader
Summary: No matter when and where, you always sing the same song, so your teammates ask themselves why you sing that song. The answer shocks them.
Warnings: Angst. Mentions of car accident and death.
A/N: It’s a little bit different from the other things. Hope you’ll still enjoy it! :)
You hum a song quietly as you fold your laundry together. You are standing in the laundry room right now because your favorite shirt got dirty. You were walking earlier and Sam had pushed you into the mud. The smell of detergent is in the air. You enjoy the calm, no annoying teammates who put their curious noses into your affairs. You put your cell phone on the dryer and pull the headphones out of your ears. You digress with your thoughts as you put sock after sock together. "Let's say goodbye with a smile, dear. Just for a while, dear. We must part. Don't let this parting upset you. I'll not forget you, sweetheart.” Your voice is gentle and has something mesmerizing.
Bucky also notices this, sneaking up as always. It is a habit that he cannot take off. That's why you don't notice him. Once again, the former assassin is grateful for his quiet steps. "We'll meet again. Don't know where. Don't know when. But I know we'll meet again some sunny day.” Without any worries you continue singing while he leans against the bare wall with a smile. He knows the song, he is sure of it. When he went to war, his colleagues with a relationship had been serenaded by their girlfriends. It was comforting if someone would not return. Quite sad actually, the more he thought about it. "Keep smiling through. Just like you always do. ‘Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away." You put your shirt in the basket and pick it up. When you turn around, you almost get a heart attack.
Bucky stands before you with a bright smile. "I like your voice, doll," he says with honesty and your cheeks turn red. Oh god, that’s embarrassing. The thoughts shoot through your head. "Uh ... thanks Bucky," you reply shyly and disappear through the open door.
"So will you please say hello, to the folks that I know. Tell them I won't be long. They'll be happy to know that as you saw me go. I was singing this song.” Your voice echoes through the ventilation shafts. Clint lies on the cool metal and listens to your voice with his eyes closed. You are taking a shower and Clint was actually on the way to his hidden nest, but your singing stopped him. You would never find out that he had been listening. What did the archer have to lose? It's not the first time he's eavesdropping on his teammates. But with you, there is something else. He just can't stop listening. Your voice expresses so much sadness and hope that he can only wonder what had happened. Why do you sing it with so much feeling? But right now he's just enjoying the song. He doesn't know it. It sounds older. He likes the text.
"We'll meet again. Don't know where. Don't know when. But I know we'll meet again some sunny day. “, You sing with your eyes closed. The water runs over your naked body and the heat loosens a few knots. You take the shower so warm that even the window and mirror are fogged up. Will the pain go away at some point?
"So you want please say hello. To the folks that I know. Tell them I won't be long. They'll be happy to know. That as you saw me go. I was singin 'this song.” You stand with your back to your teammates. You're preparing dinner tonight. Your friends are all sitting in the living room.
"I love her voice, but why does she always sing the same song?" Steve asks after a pleasant silence in which they could only hear your singing.
"I thought only I have noticed." Sam shrugs. Natasha rolls her eyes and pushes him off the couch. Bucky looks at her gratefully and she gives him two thumbs up.
“Maybe you just have to make wishes like to the DJ," Tony sarcastically puzzles. Now everyone is rolling their eyes in annoyance.
"I assume it's Lady Y/N's favorite song," Thor intervenes. Wanda nods in agreement.
"We'll meet again. Don't know where. Don't know when. But I know we'll meet again some sunny day. “ You finish the song quietly and add the sauce to the noodles.
"Maybe she has a deeper connection to the song," Bruce says. Tony shakes his head.
"I think you are interpreting too much into it, Dr. Banner. “, Vision says and everyone is muttering now.
"The food is ready!" You call with a smile and interrupt the discussion. Everyone gets up and goes into the dining room. After eating, everyone stays seated with a full belly. It is exceptionally quiet. This almost never happens when all Avengers are present.
"Y/N, we wanted to ask you something," Natasha says after a moment's hesitation. Your heart stops. Did you do something wrong? Didn't it taste good?
"Yes?" You try to keep your nervous tremors under control and you can do it.
"Why do you always sing the same song?" Clint asks, falling into the house with the door. You sigh quietly and try to smile, but it doesn't reach your eyes. Your heart weighs heavily and you blink the tears away.
“Back then I was in the car with my parents on the way to school. Unlike any other day, my mother went with us because my father wanted to drive her to the doctor who was on the way. Vera Lynn’s We’ll meet again was playing on the radio. I was angry with my parents because I was afraid to be late to school. My father wanted to drive her there anyway.” You take a deep breath. It's okay, you can do it. You can talk about it. "So we were arguing. My father stopped concentrating on the street and we got involved in an accident. The song didn't stop playing. Unfortunately, I did not pass out. Instead, I heard the song and saw my dead parents for about five minutes.” You finish your story and look into the faces of your comrades. During your story, the color was gone from their faces. Clint regrets asking. "The song helps me to remember that I'll see them again someday. That at some point I will have the chance to apologize. “, You explain.
Bucky, who is sitting next to you, takes your hand into his and squeezes it once. "They forgave you long ago, I'm sure of that," Thor says with an encouraging smile. He too had lost his mother after an argument. If anyone can empathize with the pain, it's him.
"It'll get easier," Steve assures you.
He's right. It will get easier. It just takes time.
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justrandomselfships · 3 years
Little steps- my self insert Fic (S/I POV) with a bunch of silly illustrations! Oh did I mention that this involves Kaeya? Well he's the main focus here even though Lisa is mentioned shit ton of times! Might write something for her focus too someday.
I finished it ages ago but I was afraid to post it- I'm not anymore and also✨ it's my birthday ✨
Ever since I joined the knights I decided to write in a diary, it helped me keep track of time. Lisa told me that it can help me in various ways, like for example remembering names of the other knights, or checking my personal progress. Now that I think about it, it was long since I checked my old entries. Nothing interesting happened today anyway so I might as well read some. I don't really remember anything that was going on when I started so I suppose I could refresh my memory.
Today Lisa wanted to introduce me to someone- she probably wanted to help me by looking for training partner for me, however I had to refuse. You probably remember why was that, I got scared of meeting someone new again. I couldn't get that mess on her shoulders when she has so much to do as it is! And there was no way I'd meet them alone it'd be too akward for both of us!
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I remember the exact moment I tried to come up with an excuse for future me... It kinda made me giggle how stupid I am sometimes, but let's look at something else...
I've never felt as lonely as I do now, I don’t even know why. I don’t miss anyone nor I ever craved any interactions... But to make that feeling go away I thought about talking to Amber but when I left the house she was talking to Noelle and I got scared to approach them... Instead I decided to sketch something and stay inside for the rest of the day.
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I immediately looked at my sketchbook, I don't even have to look inside, I was drawing what's outside my window like always. Maybe I'll find some better memory if I keep looking?
During my patrol I got a bit lost... It was scary... But I wasn't alone, an Adventurer found me... However he got lost too. It was a bit unlucky day since I picked the wrong maps, we also got attacked a few times by monsters. I kinda feel bad for him since he tried his best to cheer me up but I stayed silent. It should've been other way around a knight shouldn't le
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Bennett! How could I forget his name when I was writing this? He was such a sweetheart I obviously had to mess it up and make him feel uncomfortable... But I did make up for it! Maybe I'll finally read something positive? I somehow can't remember how exactly that went... Or if I was daydreaming about apologizing?
I decided to bake something for Bennett as thank you and apology for acting so cold towards him. But I had no idea on how to find him... Or what to say... So after thinking for few minutes I decided to talk to Katherine and ask her to give it to him. After "talking" to her I locked myself in my room out of embarrassment, I messed up again. I just said "Bennett" placed my pastries and left. Now I probably won't be able to face her for at LEAST two months.
I cringe at the memory... Gosh now this will keep me up at night for sure... I finally forgot about it and now it'll haunt me.
Wait a second... Did I really not made any progress at all!? I was trying so hard to socialize with others and get out more but I seem to still not be able to do it right. No, it's impossible. I'm good friends with Lisa! So I definitely made any progress... Or is she just so easy to talk to? Time to take a final look at something recent for a change...
Capitan Kaeya Alberich wanted to talk to me outside work... It might not sound like a big deal but somehow I just froze... I wasn't able to respond properly and he probably guessed what I was going to say, not that he ever can't do that... I might be too predictable. Either way I feel bad, my behavior was really disrespectful and I knew better than that to just ignore someone like him. I still have much to learn and I'll need to properly apologize for staying silent.
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I only ever failed... There is no mistaking it. Great way to note down progress huh? Too bad there is none.
Think, what do I need to do to finally do better? I am the problem for sure but what do I really need to change? Maybe I should just start observing how others act... After all I never bothered to do that. It might help in one way or another...
Obviously there's only one place where there is a lot of people and I won't look like a total creep if I'll just listen in the conversations and look at random people... It's no other than the tavern. I'm scared to go there alone... But I don't have to!
Lisa would be willing to go right?... Then again I rely on her a bit too much and going out like this could be an opportunity to break the ice with someone else...
Jean is always busy, Amber will be way too distracting and we might end up somewhere else, Eula is too scary, Venti... I don't even know why I'm considering him.
Maybe that offer from capitan Kaeya still stands? It's from bearly 2 weeks ago so maybe if I get lucky and he happens to still be interested, I can actually go...
What am I even thinking!? I didn't even apologize for the last time... But being around so many drunk people is terrifying... However I can't bet on the fact that he won't drink too much... On the other hand he seems to handle people and I'll definitely learn something.
Screw it. It might be scary but I need to do it. Tomorrow I'll ask him! That's for sure! He's the most respectable and trustworthy person who isn't always busy and will not distract me.
I'm scared to do it but I have to! I need to... Did I really say that I'm gonna do it today? Or should I just pretend that I never thought of it. He's probably busy today. Yup definitely that no need to feel stressed.
I haven't seen him back at the headquarters nor did I see him around town when I was coming back from my patrol- that's a good sign. It's still pretty early but I don't think that I'll see him today... What a relief!
Before I left the headquarters after finishing some paperwork I hear a voice that belongs to a beautiful librarian I am lucky to be able to call a friend.
"Hey there cutie, are you okay?"
"Just a little bit nervous that's all, nothing new haha"
"Do you need me to pass a message again?"
"No need! It's something I need to say myself..."
"I see..."
"But if you happen to see capitan Kaeya it would be nice if you could tell him that I was looking for him" out of habit I grab my hair and begin to play with it. Lisa's warm soothing voice blessed my ears as she said "No worries darling, I'll let him know" before she left and giggled to herself...
Wait... Oh no.
Why did I say anything!? Is she that magical that I can't say anything but what's on my mind.
If she happens to meet him my request will be unavoidable! Even if I tried thinking of something else Kaeya will know that I'm lying. I can't avoid him either... Can't waste his precious time...
How do I even ask him!? Do I need to change from my work clothes before I go? What should I do...
I didn't realize that I started walking in circles before someone approached me.
I turn around and see the man I was thinking about all day. Dammit... I have to say it. I can't think of an excuse and staying silent is now unacceptable.
"Oh-uhm... Greetings Capitan Kaeya"
"Lisa informed me that you were looking for me"
"Oh right!... That... Haha..."
"I don't want to rush you, however I do have some business to attend to"
"I'm so sorry! I mean- since you're busy then my silly request is irrelevant"
"Come now, I believe that I should be the judge of that" his smug look made it ever so slightly more challenging to say anything.
"I just... Ugh..." I took a deep breath "Look as you know I was trying to loosen up recently and well I realized that I wasn't making any progress at all. So I remembered that one time you asked me to go to the tavern with you and I refused... I mean ignored you, which I am VERY sorry about but now I think that it was a mistake and today I wanted to ask you to accompany me but since you're busy let's just forget about everything" I felt relieved getting that off my chest.
"I don't think that will do, in fact I was heading towards the tavern so if you really want to I suppose you can join me" Oh right... I forgot about him gathering some information there from time to time. So it might work after all! He won't pay too much attention to me and I could investigate without tons of distractions.
"Let's get going then capitan" I say before he smiles softly in response "Wait do you want to get going now or-"
"Yes" he cut me off, which was fair and I'm glad he did it before I said something dumb.
We're almost there. Before we get closer I suddenly stop.
"That reminds me!" I realized I spoke out loud, as he looked at my direction my confidence dropped dead "I've never actually tried any alcohol so would you be so kind to recommend something for me? I figured that since I'm already getting out of my comfort zone might as well try something new" I said under my breath but he definitely understood what I meant judging by his facial expression and well... response.
"Absolutely" my heart skipped a beat. I desperately tried to start a conversation topic... But choosing alcohol might be something I'll regret...
Kaeya started listing few drinks I could enjoy his words were poetic as he described the beverages, however the names of the drinks went over my head. It wasn't that bad but I just felt stupid over how clueless I was. He definitely knew what he was talking about and I'm more than interested in hearing more. The more he talks the less likely I am to say something I'll regret.
"Obviously since I don't know how much you can handle I won't be forcing you to try too much too soon" he paused "Your father probably wouldn't be happy either if you returned drunk" he said teasingly. It invited me to respond less seriously.
"Oh no! This means that we'll have to do it again, how awful"
"We didn't enter yet so you can feel free to leave now before you regret spending time with me of all people" his voice was now suddenly much more hostile... Did I mess it up!?
He laughed softly "I'm sorry did I go too far? While I don't want to force you to do anything, I won't lie... I'm a bit curious to learn something new about you tonight"
We were still outside standing right in front of the entrance to the tavern if not for chatting we could hear from the inside there would be total silence.
"I'm sorry for being quiet again! It's just that you caught me off guard haha" I look away "There isn't much to know about me so I feel like I'll only disappoint you"
"I'm not so sure about that part"
"Wait... Did my father tell you anything about me!?"
"Look let's just get inside, We'll discuss it later"
Nervously I followed him yet again. The atmosphere was warm and I could see different kinds of people all over the place. We sit down.
"So did he tell you anything?" I ask immediately.
"Relax, he didn't" he seemed amused by my desperation to know. It's understandable... And I'm probably overreacting anyway. I collect my thoughts "I'm sorry"
"What are you sorry for?"
"I'm just making this into some big deal for no reason. Maybe the reason is the huge amount of respect I have for you that makes me freak out"
"I see, well I don't see the reason to be so formal now. We aren't working after all" his soft smile was enough for me to calm down.
"Thank you" Maybe it was all I needed to hear, after that everything went smoothly.
I start feeling proud of myself... Maybe I can change after all? Either way it only shows that I have to write it down! And once I was back home I did just that.
Today I had enough courage to take a step in right direction! I went to a tavern with capitan Kaeya. It was fun and for the first time in years I wasn't that scared. It wasn't totally perfect but it was definitely worth it.
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forkanna · 3 years
NOTE:  The beginning of this chapter hits a little harder than it did when I wrote it, because my own grandparent is in ill health of late. That's partially what's been complicating my life. I promise I will post fanfics other than this one very soon - including a certain one a certain fandom has been clamoring for.
"Grandma? What do you do when you feel like life is over?"
The elderly proprietor of Marukyu smiled, even if she didn't turn away from the stove. Rise tried not to think too hard about all the new wrinkles that were forming around the corners of her eyes, how much slower she walked than she did before Rise took off for fame and fortune. Those thoughts didn't bring any joy to anyone. Might as well focus on the positives.
"What on Earth are you talking about, Ri-chan? You are still so young. You have many years ahead of you, you should not be thinking about such things yet."
"I… can't help it." She tried to turn her thoughts aside from actual mortality and toward her situation with her classmate. "A friend I really like is fighting with me, and I don't know what to do. I think- no, I know I hurt her feelings on accident. But she's really hurt and she thinks I did it on purpose."
"Hm? What could you have done, dear mago? You are so young, I'm sure it was nothing."
What could she say? How was she supposed to tell her kindly old grandmother that she might not be entirely straight, her friend might not be entirely female, and their relationship might not be entirely platonic? The woman was very traditional, even if she very rarely had an unkind word to say about anyone.
"I told a secret to a friend. Another friend, I mean. And I thought I could trust her with it, but I know now I shouldn't have told her at all… because the whole school found out, and the first friend is embarrassed."
Her grandmother laughed as she lifted a block of silken tofu from the box in which it had been setting, placing it on the counter to be cut into smaller pieces. Rise fell to work right away, since this was her job at the moment as sous-chef. "Ri-chan, it is not something to worry about, I can assure you. These things happen. But if you don't talk to your friend, don't try to work things out, you will regret it later in life. I promise you that, as well."
That, she could absolutely believe. "Yeah. She's just so angry, I don't know what to say to her. Is there anything I can say? Or should I just keep letting her know I want to talk and let her be the one to come to me? I don't know what to do!"
"Ahhhhh, yes, I can understand your concern there. It is like… playing go." They both chuckled, because the raw soybean liquid she was now straining to make the milk base for tofu was also pronounced "go", even though she was referring to the board game. "You are worried what every move you make will be the wrong one. To give up too much territory would be a costly mistake. But to do nothing is the worst move of them all. Then you will have not played, and you have already lost."
"But I…" That was hard to argue with. If she didn't lift a finger at all, she would lose Ai. Sure, if she risked it all she could still lose her, but they were better odds than giving up now. "Y-yeah. Thanks, Grandma."
"Of course. And I know, it must sound silly from an old lady like me, saying your troubles are so small. I know to you, they seem like mountains. But looking back from the mountain I stand on now, they were the foothills. You'll see someday."
Slumping, she set the knife down now that the tofu had been sliced into portions. "If I live that long…"
"RISE!" Suddenly she was being whacked with a spoon, and she ducked and covered her head. "Don't talk like that! You will have a long and healthy life, or I will send you right back to this world to try again! Do you understand?"
"Yes, Grandma," she said with a little bow. Even though she was smiling. So what if her parents were idiots? She had family; she wasn't alone. Sometimes life gives you exactly what you need — no more, no less.
                                            ~ o ~
However, what Rise had not been given was a plan of attack. And the longer she tried to think about it, tried to come up with something to put into play the next day, the more she continued to come up blank. So she decided to focus on practicing her vocals. The exercises were second nature by now, but she was still so rusty after only occasionally singing over the past year. Getting back into the game meant all parts of it, not just the "fun" ones.
Nothing happened the next day at school. Literally nothing. She did try to seek out Ai a few times, just in case they could smooth over the unpleasantness after she had her single petty act of revenge. Maybe that was it. Maybe they could be friends again, if she apologised… but Ai was either skipping, or very artfully avoiding her at all turns. She never saw her once, and she wasn't even responding to her texts or voicemails. Ghosted.
That evening, after dinnertime, she came calling around the Ebihara residence. But the woman who answered told her they weren't receiving guests. Probably a maid, but it also could have been a secretary of some sort. It definitely wasn't Ai's mother…
Thursday seemed like it would be much the same as the last. Unfortunately, an incident toward the end of the day interrupted an otherwise dull existence. Rise had been hoping for something like that — until it happened, and made her eat her wish.
"Attention, please!" called Noriko Kashiwagi in her throaty purr, crossing her arms to prop up her breasts and put them even more on display. Rise had long ago become desensitised to her teacher's little inappropriate displays, but that didn't mean she wasn't far more comfortable in Ms. Sofue's classroom, despite her Egyptian headdress. At least she didn't behave as if she were auditioning for a porno. "Mmm, yes, all eyes on me, class! All eyes on me!"
"Ugh," Kanji muttered from behind her. "No thanks, old bag." Rise tried not to snort.
"That's better. Now… would anyone care to explain this?"
She held up a manilla folder. An empty manilla folder. One of the girls in the front row raised her hand, and the teacher pointed to her. "Is… it's a folder, right?"
"It is. And there was supposed to be something in there. Would anyone care to guess what?" Dead silence. "The answers to yesterday's quiz. But it seems they walked off. Now, if some young, strapping boy would like to come forward and… reveal himself, maybe a little detention with me can straighten him right up."
While she was chuckling in way too flirtatious a tone than was appropriate, making most of the class wonder if they should be reporting her, Rise was glancing around the room, trying to see if she could spot the perpetrator. Not that she knew what to look for exactly; Naoto would have been the one with that skill set, and she wasn't in that class. But she couldn't help idly speculating anyway.
"No one? Very well. I will give you until the end of this class, or you will all be serving detention if the culprit doesn't come forward." When the predictable grumbling broke out, she raised her voice a little to say, "But! Confess your sins, and I may be more lenient! Now take out your books, we must get started."
"Shit," Kanji grumbled under his breath as the students rushed to obey. None of them were coming forward, but none of them wanted to get in trouble for something else either. "That gross old lady is gonna find some way to pin this on one of us. I just know it."
"Would you relax?" Rise hissed under her breath, glancing back at him as she opened her book. "She probably just misplaced it while she was too busy thinking about new ways to make the boys in her class feel uncomfor-huh?"
She cut off when she felt a page slide over her fingers in a way that wasn't natural. Looking down, she saw a piece of paper fluttering to the floor. Did somebody toss it onto her desk? No, it was much more likely it had been tucked in the pages of her book and fallen out when she opened it. Brow furrowing, she stooped to pick it up.
And her heart stopped. It didn't take her more than a couple of seconds to figure out what she was looking at.
"What's that?" asked one of the boys. She had barely looked up at him when everybody else was craning their neck, trying to see. Instinctively, she drew away, even though she would later regret doing so.
"Miss Kujikawa, do you have something you care to share with the class?"
"Oh. Well… yes, Miss Kashiwagi, this fell out of my textbook."
The woman slunk through the classroom toward her. Really, she started to think she ought to get a phone set up somewhere to grab video of the audacity of this cougar! She snatched the page out of her hand, stared at it… and her eyebrows shot up.
"This is it. The answer key." A ripple of gasps spread throughout the room, followed by hushed whispering. "Oh… but why would you need this, Kujikawa? Your grades have been consistently splendid."
"I… I didn't take it, I promise! It was just there already — I've never seen that before in my life!"
Noriko shook her head and tsked. "My, my, such acting skills. Not that I'm surprised, Risette. I would say that you must have been stealing the answers all along and that's why your grades are so high, but… this is the first time an answer key has gone missing."
"Miss Kashiwagi," Kanji put in suddenly, "come on, that's crap." Rise saw the teacher flinch at his disrespectful coarseness, and was thankful he pushed ahead immediately afterward. "Why the hell would she put that somewhere as stupid as her book if she was trying to cheat? Nobody's that dumb."
"Or careless," the teacher agreed with a long sigh, staring down at the page thoughtfully. For a long few seconds that had Rise's stomach twisting into knots. "Kujikawa, I'll supervise while you retake the test after school. If you score an above average grade on it, no cheating, I will choose to believe this somehow found its way into your book by mistake and we will forget the whole thing. But I had better not see you pull anything like this again, understand?"
The pop idol deflated somewhat. She had really been hoping the teacher would just believe her outright, and she wasn't thrilled at the idea of having to retake a test for no good reason. But all she said aloud was, "Yes, sensei."
"Mm. Now, if any of you choose to admit to a little prank on Kujikawa, you can raise your hand now, or see me after class. Where I can punish you suitably."
If only she didn't add that sinister chuckle as she walked back to her desk, hips swaying too much to be accidental…
"What the hell?" Kanji hissed to her as the teacher began to give their lesson for the day in earnest. "You didn't do it, right?"
"No, I didn't."
"Then how'd that thing get into your book? It was in your bag before you even walked into class."
Jaw setting as she stared through the blackboard, Rise growled, "Oh… I have a pretty good idea."
                                            ~ o ~
This time, Ai was lying in wait like a supervillain in her lair — even if it was just on the roof. Rise was already shaking her head and clapping as she walked up to her.
"Thank you, thank you." She even took a little bow before raising up to smirk devilishly at her. "And I'm sure you're pissed but trying to put on that brave face."
"You think this is tatemae? No, no. You're getting the real Rise, live and in colour."
"Sure, okay, whatever. But you must be here because of my little gift."
Rise leaned her elbows against the ledge, staring out over Inaba through the fence. Just sighing and thinking. Ai regarded her warily; she could see as much out of the corner of her eye. But she didn't say anything further as she waited for the response.
"It didn't feel good."
"That's it?" she snorted. "Wow."
"It didn't. Because you were my friend, and I miss you, and… I don't want to fight. Doesn't matter, though; I know I really messed up, and you're mad. And I can't change that; maybe… I can't ever change it. But does it have to go down like this? Really?"
Ai's tone wasn't as jovial now. She was still ice cold, not betraying any pain or rage. "Yes."
"Fine. But now it's my turn to let you know something."
"And what might that be? Please, Risette, bless me with your tiny little thoughts."
Rise spun to glare at her. "Oh, there it is. You think I'm small-minded, huh? Because I didn't know how to handle this from the beginning. Well I guess I was. But don't you think this is a pretty childish way to react? Trying to embarrass me, get me kicked out of school?"
"You mean the way you almost got me kicked out of school? Which could still happen, you know; I fooled them once, but what if I slip up? Or you slip up again? Could still come crashing down around me. I'm used to shitty rumours circulating about me, y'know; these rumours are just new and unwelcome because they could mean the end of life as I know it. Hell, you could still just out me again more publicly, and then I'd be royally fucked. But I'm going to force your hand." She took a step closer, glowering down into her eyes. "I am going to push, and prod, and ruin, and unravel, until you either have to kick my ass, leave in defeat, or out me on purpose. You could do that, you know; it's always been on the table. But you really think you're a good person under all that fame and stardom and self-involvement."
Rise burst out laughing, biting as the sound was. "Whoa, whoa, amazing! You're sitting there, calling me vain again! YOU! I thought we already did this one."
Ai rolled her eyes. They were both drawn tight as bowstrings as they tried to navigate this situation, being so close to a person that had been everything in their eyes once. Rise knew she still felt that way. She only could guess whether or not her feelings remained requited, despite this feud.
"Fine. Then your days are numbered. I promise I'm going to be so happy when you're dragged off your pedestal, cutie."
"Sure," she snorted. "Because we both know that's not true."
"Oh, it's not?"
"No. You still love me." Even while Ai let out a blast of harsh laughter, Rise pushed ahead. "And I still love you. So you doing this to me? It's only going to be a bad look for one of us."
Ai's dark smile finally faded into a blank look. "I didn't think you would admit it. Wow, I really wrapped you around my finger, didn't I?"
Rise felt that. She saw the glimmer of hope, she knew she had to grasp it. But with Ai dead set on her current path, she didn't know how. So she simply whispered, "I will do whatever you want. Okay? Anything to make it up to you. I already would. But you have to act like I'm not a monster first, just… give me something to grab onto. Tell me how to be better."
Ai frowned, brow creasing the tiniest bit. She leaned closer, and Rise felt her heart leap into her throat — amazed this was going to happen, here, on the school roof where anyone could see them! Her eyes began to slide closed…
But before they were shut, she saw the smirk and her heart was already sinking. The writing was on the wall. Words weren't necessary; all they did was pour salt in the wound Ai had already ripped freshly open.
"You can't be better, because you can't be me."
Then she strutted confidently off toward the stairwell, leaving a bruised and battered survivor on the battlefield. Even if Rise wasn't the victor, nor had she died; it was something of an emotional break-even. But she would need a while to recover from the skirmish regardless. Anyone would have.
                                            ~ o ~
It took Rise until she was already walking home from school, a successful retake of a test she hadn't cheated on already under her belt, to realise the silver lining of all these events. The temptation to be so unbelievably furious with Ai was strong, as was the painful longing for release — to give up, to either forget about Ai forever or just retaliate to give her what she seemed to want. The idol didn't know what to do but she felt like doing nothing wasn't acceptable.
But eventually, as she was staring into the rippling water of the Fuefuki, it came to her. Clarity. The realisation that there was a flipside to just how ardently her former friend was pursuing this line of vengeance.
"Ohhh," she breathed softly with a slowly widening smile. Bittersweet though it was. "I get it. That's really sad… but I get it now."
Unfortunately, nobody was around to hear this revelation, so she didn't tell anyone. Not yet. That was something she could keep in her back pocket for a little while longer.
                                            To Be Continued…
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Spidey Senses (pt. 4)
Peter Parker x reader
Summary: You and your friends prepare to go to a costume party, and Peter has conflicting feelings.
Word Count: 2917
Chapter 1 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 5
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Peter stayed up at night thinking about you. He couldn't explain it. You were the only one on his mind for some unexplainable reason. The hotel room was the first time in a while you two slept together, and it was different from how he remembered. It didn't feel like sleeping in the same room with a sister that he slightly remembered as a kid. It made him feel weird.
You were so warm. You had your natural smell you always had, but it smelled a lot better than he remembered. A lot more calming. He could sense your happiness at full prime, and your sad ones too. You had a lot of happy emotions earlier this day, both in the hotel room and during the fight. It was hard to describe, but spending the day with you made him feel so warm.
And you and Tony's friendship. Peter did always love your sarcastic side, and he was so proud of you for showing it to Tony. You were so awesome. He's always thought you were awesome. So why did you feel different right now?
You were weirdly a lot prettier in his mind. His spidey sense was buzzing around you. He felt happy when you laughed. The feeling was still lingering by just thinking about it. And when you had your nightmare, he felt almost in physical pain himself.
Maybe it's just your spidey senses clashing with each other. Maybe it's the puberty kicking in? It's probably nothing. He just needs to go to sleep... Anytime now...
The next morning Peter ate his breakfast in a daze. "What's wrong Peter?" Aunt May asked. You're all spaced out."
"I don't know. Just thinking."
"Uh oh." She teased as he sat down. "About what? That Liz girl?"
"No. Y/n actually." He didn't realize how misleading that came out.
"Well finally. I was wondering when you'd realize your feelings for her."
"What?! Aunt May, no! That's not what I meant at all."
"Oh." She blankly said. "Then forget everything I just said. Have a nice day at school."
Meanwhile, you woke up back in your empty apartment with no excitement. As you ate your breakfast in silence, you felt like an idiot. How could you be so rude to Tony Stark? He was being nice in his own way. What the hell is wrong with you?
Your landlord then knocked on your door, giving you a huge suitcase and telling you that it was left for you by someone named Happy. You thanked him and opened it. It was clothing. A bunch of nice, expensive looking clothing. They were weirdly your style; they weren't flashy and didn't show off any brands. There was a card as well.
Hey kid. I might've came across as a rich jerk. That's not what I meant to be. Here's a little something so you don't look homeless. You're welcome. Also, here's Happy's number. Xxx-xxx-xxxx. Don't still be mad at me. Nobody likes a petty person. And besides, you're my favorite "other kid". Keep in touch. -TS
You smiled and put on a pair of clothes, texting Happy to thank Tony and for Happy to keep you posted about Tony and him.
You then walked to Peter's, waiting on the steps as usual. You smiled when he stepped out, and to your surprise, he just began to walk straight ahead instead of saying anything. "Woah, Peter wait up. You okay?"
"Uh, yeah. Think so." He only gave you a glance.
"If you wanna talk, you know I'm all ears." You offered, and he took another glance at your beautiful smile, only making him more nervous.
"No, no it's okay. I'm okay."
"Oh." You quietly said. He was being so weird to you. Why wouldn't he look at you? "I didn't do anything, did I?"
"No!" He said too quickly.
"You can be honest with me Peter. I hope you know that." You only looked down, and he held his gaze to you for the first time today. "I'm really sorry if I did something. I just hope we can fix it so things won't be weird."
"What? No, I swear you don't need to worry. It's really not you. It's me. I'm... Going through puberty. Seeing things and people, uh, differently. Sorry if I'm being weird." His voice cracked on the word weird.
You giggled. "Oh. That's totally okay. I wonder if your spidey senses are out of wack from it."
"My what?"
"Your spidey senses. That's what I'm calling it. Aunt May calls it something else though, I just forgot what."
"No, you don't need to repeat what she calls it!"
You were genuinely curious. "Why not? Maybe it's a better name for us to—"
"I'm not letting you call it that!" He cut you off. Peter would be damned if you called your instinctive feelings your Peter Tingle. "I like spidey senses. It's cool and cute. Now what do you mean by it being out of wack?"
You figured if Aunt May's nickname for your sixth sense was truly that embarrassing for him then he wouldn't tell you, so you just dropped it.
"I was just wondering if your powers gets affected by puberty."
"How, how did you deal with puberty and your powers?"
"Oh, I started my period long before the spider bite. That could've been so sucky." He made a face, and you chuckled. "Right, no p word. Sorry."
"It's fine. Just don't want to think about it."
You sighed. "Me neither. I wish I had that option."
He smiled as his eyes drifted towards your clothes. "Did Mr. Stark get you those?"
You looked down at your outfit. "Yeah actually. I guess I didn't scare him off after all."
"I guess not." You nudged each other's arm to tease. "I have the check he made to you. I think you should take it. It could make him happy."
"Yeah, okay. Thanks Peter. You always have my back."
As he stared at your smile and sensed your happiness, he had that weird feeling in him again. What was it? It didn't matter. Peter was going to push away those feelings and focus on school, Liz, and Spiderman.
Later on that day you got a text from Happy, saying that Tony accepts your apology, and to fill in on what's going on once a week for him and Tony. You did, and you could tell he cared. He would sometimes tell you a little something about his day or week. He was indeed becoming a good friend.
A few months passed and you and Peter adjusted to your new superhero lives well together. You and Happy texted each other at least once a week, and gave Peter Happy's number out of request. Tony was given information Happy thought he should know, and Tony was secretly happy to be hearing about how well you and Peter were doing. It made him feel like he was protecting you two from a distance.
One day at lunch Flash came up to you and began to gross you out yet again. "Hey girl, what're you doing next Friday night?"
"I don't know. I might take an extra shift at work. Not everybody has a silver spoon down their throats." You had a hint of annoyance to your words.
"Are you saying you need someone like me to take care of you?"
"I'm saying I might have to work because I actually earn the things I get in life Flash."
"Well not when you're someone like me you doesn't really have to worry about working hard on things. It comes naturally." He leaned on the table and shoved away Peter's backpack that was a seat holder, causing you to throw him a dirty look.
"What were you going to ask me Flash?" You kept your voice calm.
"Just wanted to know if you were coming to my party next Friday. Y'know, maybe show up to see me."
"I would never go anywhere to see you Flash."
"C'mon, I'm rich, you got a nice body, let's make other people jealous. I can make some dreams come true. It's not like you don't need the money."
"You didn't even care that I existed until a few months ago." You glared at him. This was a proper asshole. Now you knew.
"That's because it was when you started wearing better clothes. Now that I know there's a hottie under all that nerd, I can get behind it."
"The answer is no. Leave me alone!" You said a little more forcefully. People were beginning to stare, and Flash's face became red. No one said no to him.
"Okay, what's it gonna take to get you there?" He leaned in and asked quietly.
"Is anyone from Mathletes gonna come?"
"Yeah. I invited Liz and she told some other people in the club to come."
"Then I'll only go if I can bring Ned and Peter."
He scoffed. "Yeah, I guess."
"Okay then. We'll be there." He sighed in relief. Nobody says no to him, and still haven't.
Your annoyed expression forced itself to a barely there smile when Peter and Ned walked to your table. "Why was Flash talking to you?" Ned asked.
"I guess we're going to a party next Friday." Peter looked confused while Ned couldn't be more happy.
"Oh my God We can be, like, cool now!"
"Why would you say yes to a party from Flash?" Peter asked.
"Liz will be there." Peter's body language changed. "It's a costume party, so you guys find yourselves something to wear."
"You say it like your not going." Peter said, slightly disappointed.
"I'll probably go to make an appearance and leave." You said as you stared at your school food.
"But it won't be the same without you." Peter frowned and shook his head.
"Peter's actually pretty true about that." Ned contently nodded.
"I just don't want to go there. That's it."
"Why are you short today?" Peter blankly asked. What's wrong?"
"Nothing." You said. You then got up and dumped your food in the trash. "I'm gonna go to the restroom. Bye."
As you quickly walked off, Mj spoke up from the other end of the table. "You two are idiots."
"What did we do?" Ned sceptically asked.
"It's what Flash did. It's obvious that he said something to make her feel like crap. When is he not a rich narcissist?" Peter shot up and quickly went after you by hearing that.
"He's an even bigger idiot." Mj said.
"Yeah, but he'll figure it out someday." Ned shrugged, getting up and going after you too.
You got to the bathroom and put a bunch of paper towels on the corner of the floor. You set your backpack on the floor and sat down. You take out your phone and send a text to Happy, not really knowing who else to talk to. You usually only text him to give each other check ups, rarely actually communicating back and forth.
You: What do you do when a rich asshole makes you feel like you're worth shit?
You stared at your phone and scoffed. Don't be stupid. He's busy. You put your head in your knees. Why do people still get to you? Liz has a ton of money. You wondered if she ever had anything to be ashamed about.
People only started looking at you once you started wearing the clothes Tony got you. Most weren't even revealing at all, they just looked expensive. This was a different feeling. You used to feel ugly and invisible. Now you just feel like a piece of meat. You couldn't tell which feeling was worse. You then heard a buzz.
Bestie: What's his name? I swear I can scare the living crap out of him.
You smiled. He did care. You then saw another message.
Bestie: Also watch your language
You giggled.
You: You didn't answer my question
Bestie: Sometimes you just have to be the bigger person. Once they realize who's actually better, you get both their pride and your better life.
Looks like you really did have a friend.
You: Thanks Happy
Bestie: You didn't answer my question
You grinned.
You: Just some guy at school
You: Doesn't matter
You: I feel better now
Bestie: Good
Bestie: And I don't care what you say, Tony's going to be hearing about this.
You: Ugh traitor
It was embarrassing, but it wasn't like Tony would actually do anything. It's not like he'd drop everything and fly out here. He's a busy man, he's got more to worry about than you being bullied.
"Y/n, are you in there?" Peter asked from the other side of the door.
"We came to see if you were okay." Ned chimed in. You got up and went outside, looking at them confused. "I had to convince Peter not to barge in. I think those two girls passing by think we're creeps now."
"Aww you guys looked like peepers for me?" You pulled them in for a group hug. "I'm fine now. Thanks though."
Ned then spoke up again. "Are you still gonna leave us at the party? Cause we totally understand if–"
"If you guys want me to go, I'll go." They both hugged you again.
After school you walked to Delmar's Deli-Grocery. "Hey Del."
"Llegas una hora antes prima. No te pago horas extras." He said, his back turned.
("You're an hour early cousin. I'm not paying you overtime." He said, his back turned.)
"Relax primo, I'm just gonna do some homework in the back before my shift."
As you did, Delmar called for you. "Prima, someone's here to see you."
"Who is it, Peter?" You asked as you walked out. You then saw Tony stare at you with an unreadable face. "Damnit."
"Why does he call you that?"
"Primuh– whatever. Why does he call you that?"
"It's a nickname."
"What does it mean?"
"It means cousin."
"So you two are related?"
"No, we're just that close."
"Can I call you that?"
"Can you pronounce it correctly?"
"So what's up Mr. Stark."
"I thought it was just Tony."
"I don't know. It's a little unprofessional."
"Do we only have a professional friendship?"
"Are we even friends?"
"You tell me. You stole Happy from me apparently."
"Aye, it's like a mom's new boyfriend trying to get her kid's trust." Delmar said in the back.
"Little loud back there Del." You said.
"Happy told me about this kid. Does he mess with you a lot?"
"He messes with Peter more."
"You didn't answer me."
"Yeah, maybe. Is that really why you came out here?"
He furrowed his brows. "Is that hard to believe?"
"Um, yeah?"
"I've seen a ton of bullies as Iron Man, and I take things like this seriously."
You let out a breathy chuckle. "Tony that's war fare and alien stuff. This is just highschool."
"So? I don't take kindly to people who mess with my friends."
You couldn't stop the smile from coming to your face. Did you really just make friends with some important middle aged men? The thought was laughable. "So, will that be all Mr. Stark?"
"You know I don't like that. Stop." You giggled. "You didn't tell Happy what was going on with you this week."
You shrugged. "I guess I'm going to a costume party next Friday. It's gonna be at the ass wipe's house."
"See, I can do something about that. Okay, I got a date with Pep in a few hours so I'll see you and Peter tomorrow."
"Wait what? Why?"
"Um, so you two can get into costume design and later fitting? Whoever that kid is will be jealous of your costume, and you get to wear a cute couple costume with Peter."
"Happy told me I should just be the bigger person." You teased.
"Yeah, and you will be by being the better dressed person." He smiled at you.
"I knew you had a crush on Peter." Delmar said at the counter. You gave him a dirty look. He glanced at his watch. "You're 2 minutes late. Hurry up."
"Alright, that's my cue." Tony said. "Nice clothes by the way."
"Thanks." You said cheerfully. "My friend gave them to me."
"Wow he had good taste. Well, see you tomorrow kid." And with that he left.
You went to the back and caught the apron Delmar harshly threw at you. He gave you an intense stare. "What?"
"What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you take a job like this when you're hanging around billionaires?"
"I like this job. And I'm not a gold digger. He's just really persistent and there's no point of arguing."
"I should fire you for arguing with me so much." He called out.
"Keep it up and I'll stop covering some of your shifts."
"Mmh." He rolled his eyes and you contently smiled, starting work.
Later on that night you suited up, going to Peter's apartment and crawling up to his window. You opened it and crawled on the wall, closing the window. You hopped to the floor and pulled off your mask. "Peter, we need to talk. Tony just saw me today and–"
You stared face to face with a panic looking Peter in his boxers and a surprised Ned.
Author Note: Just so everybody knows this is my own au where Peter accidentally sent the video of you two to May and had a very interesting phone call with the both of you. I totally forgot to write this and just wrote this message after I posted this chapter. Maybe I'll make a little short of that idk.
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@flawlessapollo6 @them-cute-boys @lunawndrlnd @the-greatt-perhaps @babebenhardy @sofisofi1602 @smilexcaptainx @herondalism @coni-martina @youvebeenlizzed
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