#oh and cosmo kinda. Yknow.
elemental-plane · 3 months
happy father's day to oscar grimm!
not like he'd remember anyway.
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astrolotte · 26 days
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Interesting thing I realized is that the reason Peri still has his fuckass hair swirl in object form is most likely to make it easier to tell him apart from Cosmo (especially for colorblind kids), as he and his dad have the exact same facial features! Which is cool to note, I love character design.
I would also like to put it on record that this could've been fixed if you let him keep the eyelashes he had as a baby. I will forever be an advocate for that LET HIM BE SLAY-
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Deity SoapGhost AU 🌬️ ( Heavily based on the tales from india my mother used to tell me 🫡 )
[ WARNING: Im not basing this off any gods, (like greek gods, roman gods, or anything) these deities are purely made by my autistic, imaginative brain so dont take them for real/serious! 😭 ]
[ 🫵 ALSO ANOTHER TW: Major Character Death (?), Suicide (please, give it a chance i promise 🥲) )
The Law.
A god can not walk in the world of man. In order for one to do so, the one must also take the form of man. The rules were set by the O’ Great One eons and eons ago, before even the first gods came to exist.
There was only one slight problem with this proposal, the god will not be able to return back to his or her place in the cosmos until his human life journey comes to a end. Without godly powers, or any memory of being one- they are left alone to face the impurities of man kind. Unless, someone can awaken them which is highly, HIGHLY, unlikely. It has only happened one other time. Since that was the case, many gods and goddesses tend to avoid any journeys down to earth unless it’s really necessary...
Yet.. two gods find themselves walking the face of this earth. And there would be no turning back until their human bodies perish.
Ghost was the God of Souls, War, and the Darkness Deep. He basically keeps track of all the dead people- to put it bluntly. Yknow.. eat the bad souls, let the good ones go to “heaven”. Souls were his source of food, and because of that, he was despised among the gods. But what could he do? He wont die from hunger of course, he was a god, but still.. the pain of hunger- nobody liked it.
That was actually the exact reason he was walking the earth, eating too many souls, reaped them too early, the others had said. This was his punishment. He had to suffer the weakness of man. And he hated it. He fucking hated it.
Soap.. (ridiculous name, but it was a nickname given by the other gods so he took it) was the God of Light, Fertility, and Healing. All the gods liked Soap in some way, he was ever so gentle, and made all minds at ease- so many gods were sad to see Soap go when Soap told them he had to travel the path of humankind.
He was on a mission though, to redeem a certain someone. He didn’t know who, but he knew he could count on Lady Fate, one of the highest goddesses. She promised she’d guide him to his person.
Lady Fate was kind to him. She places him in a small, sleepy little town in Scotland. With a pair of honest parents, who were blessed with a sweet, sweet, baby boy.
Ghost was a feared soldier in the 141, always respected- so when some idiot put the most urghh.. SUNSHINY sergeant under his command, he almost explodes. Ghost seriously couldn’t physically look at the man, or else he’d get blinded by those rays of light emitting from the sergeant’s big goofy smile. He hated him. He hated Soap.
Soap was kinda endearing in his own way. Ghost started to feel funny, and by funny, it was just another word for, “How the fuck am I letting this guy talk to me.”
Honestly, Soap was annoyingly chattery.. Ghost thinks. (Is he?)
Nevermind. Soap’s constant talking actually kinda puts Ghost at ease. Ghost wants to hear Soap’s voice more. He’s comfortable with Soap giving him light touches, he likes Soap’s warmth. Wait- what the fuck?
Ghost is trying not to fold in any way. He wont. He cant-
Oh boy. He fucking folded.
That was it. Around a month and Ghost already was falling for Soap’s charm. It was like hunger- it couldn’t be helped. Every day it became harder to deny those feelings. He started feeling worried for Soap when Soap had to go on solo missions, he missed Soap when Soap was away for several days, he felt safe around Soap.
Ghost couldn’t fathom what kind of fucking hex Soap had casted over him, but Ghost’ll have to do something about it. Soon.
Ghost finally did something about his little situation when he saw one of the men on base hand Soap flowers. Of course, Soap accepted them with no clue what that did to Ghost. It made Ghost feel jealousy, the kind that felt worse than hunger, because the next day the man that offered the flowers were nowhere to be seen.
Soap had wormed his way into Ghost’s life, and now Ghost can’t fathom a way to live without Soap. It’s not fair, Ghost didn’t ask for anyone else- and quickly he learned that kind of mindset was called “love”. Something foreign and insignificant to him before.
Before all of this- before Soap.
However Ghost feared that feeling, that emotion that left him so vulnerable. So he hides it, even when Soap finally confesses he loved Ghost- Ghost stayed silent. It wasn’t he didn’t want to be loved by Soap.. its his own body, his own body telling him he won’t be able to control that hunger for more- Ghost has no clue why. There was one option he was down for though; waiting. Waiting until he was ready, that was the only option left for him, so he’d take it.
He took it too late. He took it too late. Soap was a lucky man, having many close calls on the field but always eventually returning somewhat unscathed. So when Soap actually crawls to Ghost with his own guts in his hands, it terrified Ghost. Ghost hadn’t felt what true fear was until that moment. A bloodied and battered up Soap, slowly making his way to Ghost, his eyes a silent plead for Ghost to help in any possible way to make everything stop hurting.
When Ghost saw Soap he had let out a blood curdling scream.
He found himself immediately beside Soap, begging Soap not to die. Because life was so unfair to him- the gods were so mean. Ghost tries to stop fate, that Soap was destined to die. He told Soap he loved him too. That he was sorry, sorry for every hurtful word he’s ever said to Soap because of his own selfishness. Sorry for thinking Soap was annoying or loud. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
But you know how fate is, you’ll never get your way. Soap tried to stay awake for Ghost, he really did but his eyes had never felt so heavy before. Most concerningly though, he heard a voice. A voice congratulating him- a voice telling him it’s done. It’s time to come home again.
Home.. hm. Home.. a home in the cosmos. As a deity.. of.. Light, Fertility, and Healing? He had friends back there- he was pretty sure.. no, he was sure.
Memories flood in. His mission was finished, his life as a human on earth has come to a end. He’d broken down the pride and stubbornness Ghost had within himself. But he’d broken Ghost’s heart too.
Finally Soap shuts his eyes as Ghost screams for Soap to hang in there, he knows he’s going home again. He wished so badly he could bring Ghost with him. But he knows its not possible.
Ghost holds Soap’s lifeless body in his hands. The warmth he was so used to was gone. The very reason to indulge this cruel world was gone too. And for the first time Ghost had cried, not because he was sad something he valued was gone, like a child’s toy broken. But because he’d never felt so useless before, so guilty before, he’d never felt so much self-loathing before.
He was ready to die right here, right in the rain plastered mud with Soap. He was so, so, ready. He didn’t care if he would go to hell, fuck just anywhere but here. Anywhere.. anywhere.
He wanted to go home.
Home? What. This isn’t right.
He hears the voice of someone scolding him like he was a child who’d done something wrong, but that voice was gentle.. familiar.. something was happening. Something was happening to his body- his mind- his-
For a moment he wasn’t afraid of death. Because death sounded familiar, like a old friend. Were the voices telling him to let go of this body? To “die”? Well there was only one way to find out.
Either he was just absolutely mental, or he was really not just hearing things- he places the handgun to his head. No need to be scared now. He’d be alright. It was a feeling. That feeling was telling himself to set himself free from the shackles of the human body. To become something more than just walking flesh. To be a god again.
Ghost pulls the trigger, and all goes black.
There was no pain or afterlife. Ghost wakes up on the floor feeling different, and with those same worried eyes staring at him. Huh? Same eyes.
“Soap?” Ghost blurts out.
The figure smiles, “Welcome home Ghost, thought you’d come for a visit.”
“The fuck-? I live here, what in the blazes do you-“ Oh.
Soap looks different as a god, but radiates the same soothing aura as he did on earth. Well that was comforting… and awkward, considering how dramatically Ghost announces his love for mortal Soap.
Soap must’ve felt the same way because he just makes a strange face at Ghost. Nothing ill-intended though. “So..” Soap was first to break the silence, “Are we like.. a thing now..? Or..”
“Hm.” Ghost hums, giving some thought into it.
“I don’t wanna be forcing anything on you!” Soap quickly adds, hands waving, trying to backpedal, “Just.. I think I still like you..” Soap mumbles.
“What if I thought the same?” Ghost tries, brushing himself off as he stands up. “Would you give someone like me a chance?” He scoffs. No way someone like him would be worthy with probably one of the most friendly gods in the cosmos.
“Then I say we’re together.” Soap declares happily as he takes a step closer, “Back on earth I didn’t even get to kiss you.” Soap complains as he lets out a huff of annoyance, “I waited YEARS, I think I deserve one now.”
“I.. don’t know.. Im not really a-“ Ghost starts before Soap pulls him in for a kiss.
“You wait too much.” Soap says after the kiss. Grinning dopily, the exact same smile that captivated Ghost.
“I know I do. You’ll just have to wait for me, yeah?”
“Yeah, you know I will. For centuries and centuries.” Soap says as he peppers Ghost with kisses again.
And Ghost takes it, he takes the love Soap offers to him because he deserved it. After going through all that fuckery- he thought. He deserved it, it was the one thing he deserved.
And he did deserve it.
END. ❤️
(Haahah dont mind me and my silly brain. I dont know if I like this one or hated it, but hopefully you enjoyed it. Feel like I rushed it bc I was feeling so eepy. Too tired to edit so ignore the typos or mistakes ok ok gn yall 🥱)
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theramblingvoid · 1 year
Thinking about Mr Wines today (possible spoilers ahead? for something implied in several places but never outright said)
If the theory that Wines is a demoted Judgement is true, I wonder how that must feel for it, physically...imagine being an entity of light and law and pure heat only, a literal star, and then suddenly a physical flesh-and-bones creature.
- it probably forgot to eat a lot in the beginning, and then got dizzy and remembered oh, right, this lesser form doesn't even fuel itself with elemental fusion >:/
- what if when it's not actively doing something it's just. Completely still. It's used to just hanging in a set place in the cosmos, so it doesn't really have the instincts to fidget or keep track of where its limbs are when at rest. The other Masters will sometimes just find it staring at a wall in the Bazaar with one wing held kinda weird like it just forgot about it there, until it gets broken out of its train of thought
- maybe it likes to drink because alcohol makes it feel warm and invincible and a little bit foggy, the closest it can get to the way existence used to feel outside of the limits of a biological body. (well yknow, that reason and the depression, but it can multitask)
- on a more light-hearted note, I wonder how long it took for it to learn how to work the wings? I'm guessing Very Long. And many crash landings.
- ...I wonder if it bonded with Veils in the Neath because it could relate to feeling trapped down here and wanting to rebell against the limits imposed on it by law, even though Veils yearned for something lower (the hunt, the kill) and Wines for its old higher power back
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mikunology · 4 months
Any specific character inspiration for how you characterize the CV gang?? :0 like, from animes or other media, is that how you picked out their personalities because their really great 🙏🏾
OvO!! excellent question!! ooh boy...where do I start with that...
admittedly, some of my inspirations are a bit difficult for me to remember since I've had my characterizations for the CVs for a really long time, almost if not as long as I've been a fan (so...over a decade lmao). let's see, though... (this became an essay accidentally so putting it under a cut lmao)
My Miku's personality comes from a mix of things: the basics of it I think I can trace back to her portrayals in unofficial comics like Hatsune Mix and Chibi Miku-san, and of course, portrayals of her from various early songs and videos (mainly cosMo's works). Outside of Vocaloid-based works, though, I don't think it'd surprise anyone to know that yes, I did base my portrayal of Miku on Jenny from My Life as a Teenage Robot (just a little XD) but it would probably surprise people to know that I got a surprising amount of inspiration for how I write Miku from Mickey Mouse of all characters, mostly the version of him from the modern Paul Rudish shorts. I feel like the wackier and more short-sighted aspects of her definitely came from him, lolol - it ended up making her feel more like a Western cartoon protag than say, a stock shoujo anime heroine. Oh, and I can't forget - a good chunk of Miku's personality also is a reflection of myself in a few ways, such as her anxious streak.
For Rin...Rin is actually kinda easy in this regard, a majority of Rin (and also Len's) characterizations were definitely based off the aforementioned early Vocacomics/mangas and early songs, mostly Wonderful Opportunity's discography, but for Rin I also got a lot of my idea for her from OSTER Project's early songs (like Princess Cowgirl Show). Rin tended to get portrayed a lot with a very energetic, in-your-face and slightly bratty attitude and I always loved it. XD Both my Rin and Len were inspired by a few of the Kagamine ask blogs floating around Tumblr in the early 2010s too. Also, while this was more of like...a subconscious inspiration? I recently had rewatched a bit of the Powerpuff Girls and I was kinda struck by how much Buttercup had snuck into how I write Rin XD It was really funny.
Now Len...I'm gonna come out and say that yeah, I owe a lot of my inspiration for how I write Len to hikusa and their Len askblog - I think my Len ended up deviating quite a bit from theirs? But I think the influence is there. XD Let's see...I also got my Len's personality from a lot of earlier Vocaloid content? Although admittedly moreso from other media like the comics and Project DIVA games than music in his regard other than WanOpo. Like Rin and Buttercup, I also noticed he takes quite a bit after Blossom, which I thought was entertaining. Len is also another character besides Miku that I think takes after myself a lot, I'd say he's probably the closest in personality to me in the cast. XD
And Luka is also pretty easy! A majority of my idea for Luka is pulled straight from one of her centric chapters in Hatsune Mix (couldn't tell you the chapter name/number off the top of my head) that discusses her having trouble putting "feeling" into her singing. I thought that chapter was really interesting in giving Luka that conflict so I ended up giving her a sort of robotic personality to delve further into that concept a bit. I think I also got some of my Luka's characterization from some of Owata-P's old Talkloids (Vocaloid Petit Theater, I think?) where while she was more tsundere than kuudere her kinda deadpan attitude felt fitting to the character.
But yeah! I know, kinda weird places to find characterization inspiration...but yknow lmao.
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happylandfill23 · 1 year
well howdy there partner! *tips tiny pink sparkly cowboy hat from party city*
i'm tumblr user happylandfill23 and this is my blog on tumblr dot com!! here's an intro post so you get to know me a bit :]
first things first, you can call me ember (or by my url that works too) and you can refer to me with any pronouns!
i use a couple tags to sort my posts, so i'll explain them here -
[#styrofoamm] - my art tag! this is where all my drawings are so you can check those out if you want!! (this blog was originally supposed to be dedicated to just my art but look where we are now)
[#landfill rambles] - the tag where i just kinda. say stuff. doesn't even make sense sometimes but i just kinda talk or ramble there, yknow get my thoughts out (even if my thoughts are just ham cheese sandwich)
[#cyberdevils] - anything related to cyberdevils, a band i created! there are a few other tags related to this one, those being [#pixie pereira] for the band's singer/guitarist, [#ace calix] for the band's drummer, and [#shags] for the band's bassist (no that's not her real full name btw). oh there's also [#cosmo pereira] who's pixie's younger brother, [#gloria nguyen] for shags' girlfriend, [#shagloria] which is shags and gloria's ship name, and probably even more once i add more characters and lore!!
[#cool art !] - any art i reblog that isn't mine! i forget to tag things on occasion but i can assure you if you scroll through this tag on my blog it will take years upon years to reach the bottom
[#q] - the posts in my queue, nothing much else to say about that one lol
i have 5 other blogs if u wanna follow me there as well -
@styrofoamm - my art blog! this is mostly for archival purposes, but it has all my art reblogged to it and u can follow me there if u wanna see my art or if u like my drawings but think i'm intolerable lol
@ask-cyberdevils - my cyberdevils ask blog! you can ask anything about them and i'll draw a response (unless it's a question to me specifically, which you can certainly ask as well)
@gu1t4rf41ry - pixie pereira (cyberdevils)'s blog
@acexofxspades - ace calix (cyberdevils)'s blog
@shags-shags - shags (cyberdevils)'s blog
i'm not gonna go super in detail about what i like, but you'll probably see me post a lot about gorillaz, blur, nimona, julie (band), mars argo, the owl house, nirvana, ppg, daria, manic street preachers, and several other things i'm not gonna bother listing lmao
feel free to shoot me an ask whenever you want!! i love interacting with y'all and it means a lot even if I don't respond <33
and as i mentioned earlier, you can also send me asks on my second blog, @ask-cyberdevils (PLEASE)
you can also find me over on youtube! i mostly post covers and speedpaints, you can find my channel here :D
idk what else to say here so i hope you decide to stick around!! <3
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bucephaly · 3 years
Do you have a public spotify playlist or just some music recs in general? The songs I've seen you talk about liking are really good and I've been enjoyin em a lot! (Minotaur Forgiving, Black Bear)
Oh shit, ok
I have a youtube playlist of stuff, since I use youtube music lmao, but be warned its like. Half oh hellos and 1/4 cosmo sheldrake with a bunch of random shit thrown in. If you wanna look through it, though!
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solomonish · 3 years
Dork Solomon Agenda
You say sexy shady sorcerer I say nerd and love of my life
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Solomon is a sad lonely little man why just wants a genuine connection us that so much to ask???
No but seriously like. It's totally fine if you hc Solomon as this man-turned-lowkey-sex-god with a million succubi and more at his whim whenever he wants and would be a tough one to put the ol' ball and chain on like to each their own for sure! But that's not MY hc
(Thats not to say my hc means he doesn't ever engage in casual sex like that and wanting a genuine long term relationship at some point [or finding out thats what you want when you meet someone] are not mutually exclusive yknow)
So like Solomon isn't the type to be short with you or keep you at an arm's length (i mean...u get what I mean. Once you're close enough and all that jazz) or get annoyed by you wanting to be affectionate?? Hello??
He LOVES the little things you do (some on accident tbh). You feeling affectionate today and give him a kiss or three on his face before you leave to go to your separate classes? Adorable, he's fallen in love again. You do that thing where you like.. forget how to walk straight and just accidentally bump into him? No come back he likes being close to you :( He doesn't SAY these things but there's a light, airy laugh he has that gives him away.
If you're ever facetiming he will say "boo!" when you connect instead of just. Greeting you like a normal person.
His fuckin. His devilgram name is monSOLO. My mans is a star wars fan!!! I dont know any of The Discourse bc I'm not super into star wars myself but he has IN DEPTH opinions about the movies. Seriously rivals Levi in this aspect. Please make time for movie nights where you watch the movies together 🥺 especially if you haven't seen them before he'd love to convert you 🥺
Didn't Solomon also have a thing for TSL??? Or am I just imagining it??
I feel like his ideal date would be exploring something new, whether its this new spooky forest or "hey have we been down this alley before? Let's check it out!" but ideal date number TWO is movie night. Even if it isn't Star Wars. He likes to sit on opposite ends of the couch throwing popcorn into each other's mouths (and big candies like peanut m&ms where you both have almost choked before) and maybe a footsie war if he's feeling real devious. Then at some point you grab a blanket and snuggle up to him and you both fall asleep on the couch
Simeon yells at him when you leave because there's popcorn EVERYWHERE
LOVES when you laugh super loud. Idk man he just thinks its great when you have such unbridled joy and then he laughs too 😊 not as loud though he's more of a quiet chuckle kind of guy (most of the time).
Is friends with Asmo so is extremely great at slumber party gossip. Catch him in his pajamas, cross-legged on the floor while clutching a pillow to his chest and listening intently to you rant about the brothers.
"Come here I have a secret to tell you" (blows air in your ear) "okay okay I'm sorry but come here again" (blows air on your neck) "okay okay last time! I actually have something to tell you. Please? Its important...." (kisses ur cheek) "like u a lil bit xo"
Never the type to send "good morning beautiful" or "good night 💞" texts. Instead he'll send you something at 4 am like "the infinite cosmos will eventually swallow whole all familiarity and life as it is now presently known and despite the adaptations humans or demons or angels could make i will still have to adapt and face the world as an alien in the realm I love so dearly. Funny how the strongest of beings bow to the whim of space and time. But sometimes my eternal journey doesn't seem so daunting when I realize that with my everlasting life will be the memory of you no matter how distant and the survival of the vessel you loved...."
And then at lunch that day when the brothers pull you away he'll send you a picture of the lasagna they're serving with "this kinda looks like you? Don't worry I'd still hit it" and then two minutes later "you not the pasta"
Is the type to think randomly "oh damn I love you so much" but has an impressive filter about it. Or he thinks he does until Luke grumbles "ugh get a room thats the fifth time you've seen that since monday" ok, sometimes he has a good filter about it
He can't help it! Sometimes you just say something really smart (or something SPECTACULARLY dumb) or you do something cute like lean on him or smile a specific way or-
Sir.....you're head over heels sir :/
The type who would go to a playground at night with you and just swing on the swings talking about life
Wants to have a secret handshake with you!!
If you're ever on a road trip with just the two of you, you can get him to join in on the terrible singing but he'll be a lot quieter than you
Also will only join in if he isn't driving. If he is and you aren't talking, he's just humming underneath his breath. Will drum on the steering wheel though
(Yes, it gets its own section because MAYBE I'm obsessed with the idea of MC teaching Solomon to cook and the food still turning out terrible but at least it isn't a void when MC is helping)
The type to flick water at you every time he washes his hands. Will chase you down just to do it.
"Hey, tilt your head back and open your mouth MC" (proceeds to dump too big a handful of shredded cheese in your mouth)
100% the type to lean over you just to hinder your cooking abilities. Who cares if the sauce splashes he's tiiiired.... you'd let belphie do it :(
Puts a hand on your lower back when he passes behind you. Hopes you'll lean into it/step back and offer him a kiss 🥺
Believes in always having a proper table setting. Prepare for whatever juice they have (or water) in wine glasses if you're having a nice-er meal
Under the assumption that a spell ruined his sense of taste (and not that he's just bad at cooking) he hates spicy food. He can feel the burn but he gets none of the flavor??? Wack. Don't hurt him like that MC. If you do because its hilarious to watch him try to be cool about it he will pout
Gets cheesy aprons. He just likes them.
Will hit you on the top of your head with a whisk to hear the noise it makes
Will buy every kitchen hack tool there is. A ketchup dispenser that looks like a gun? He's got it. A fish that helps you squeeze out the egg yolks? Yes! A dinosaur soup ladle? You bet! Pizza scissors? A tool that makes hard boiled eggs into cubes? Something that's gotta be like 200 years old and no discernable purpose? Absolutely! He wants a hot dog toaster. Do they even have hot dogs in the devildom?
Will sneak bites just because it bothers you
Look at him. He hasn't had friends in centuries. He's playful!
His funky little WAND
This is a man who is a huge nerd, thrives off of cliches and just wants to have a good time. So let him! Its mentally exhausting having those pretenses up all the time.
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dahniwitchoflight · 4 years
Pokemon Legends Ideas
speaking of pokemon though...
ideas for the various Pokemon Legends remake line:
Pokemon Legends: The Ancient Jungle/Mew
Based on an ancient jungle environment where fossil and dinosaur pokemon thrive an abound, the environment is thick muggy jungle and the lore of the game focuses on the discovery of the ancient pokemon Mew perhaps by following clues related to the origins of Ditto as potentially related to Mew, side stories about the origins of the legendary bird pokemon (also, even though Lugia is gen 2, perhaps he could be included here since hes the supposed leader of the bird trio? and the Johto game would focus on Ho-oh and the Beasts anyway) Mewtwo obivously wouldn’t feature but that’s fine he doesn’t need to, could easily have stories about Meltan and Melmetal instead, who are ancient pokemon
Pokemon Legends: The Burned Tower/Ho-oh
Based on a more traditional ancient Japanese style retelling of the origins of Ho-oh and the Legendary Beast trio, see the original tower burned, maybe finally see who exactly were the three original pokemon lost in the flames? with side stories about Celebi’s ancient forest and it’s travels through time but also GIVE ME UNOWN LORE BLEASE
Pokemon Legends: The Great Meteor/Jirachi
Goes into the ancient stories of the draconid people introduced in the delta episode of the ORAS remakes, Primal Ancient Kyogre and Groudon, at the peak of their power, a time where meteors constantly fell upon the earth and the first ever Mega-Evolution of Rayquaza, from the wish the first lorekeeper made upon the rainbow stone (Maybe this was originally just Jirachi themselves), plenty of side story content in the form of the Regi’s (Including Regigigas and Regidraco/Regieleki) and the twin Latias/Latios
Pokemon Legends: Arceus, duh
(but I can hope it’s not JUST Arceus, ples give some spotlight to the tons of underused in lore legendaries this gen, Darkrai, Cresselia, Shaymin, Manaphy, HEATRAN)
Pokemon Legends: The First Dragon/Kyurem/??? Pokemon that might have a different name then Kyurem
OBVIOUSLY gonna be about the first dragon, the true singular form of the original dragon that split into Kyurem, Reshiram and Zekrom and the conflict between the early factions of humans hinted from the story of black and white, give the Justice trio (Terrakion, Cobalion, Virizion, Keldeo) some side story content in the form of being active in those ancient human conflicts, Victini lore, the weather trio representing the wilderness of nature back in those times, Genesect very likely wouldn’t be a thing, but Meloetta could
Pokemon Legends: The Ultimate Weapon/Zygarde
Huge potential here for a pokemon game set during the great kalosian WAR, view the original stories of King AZ and the unique floette, how their story happened, give Zygarde some sort of role or function as antagonist against those who would create the weapon out of a captured Zerneas/Yveltal in it’s role as balancer of the natural order, easy easy side content stories, flesh out Diancie’s connection to the Carbinks, go into the story of that huge crystal sundial of Anistar City, Hoopa gots some cool stuff, and Volcanion could even have a role as something cool
Pokemon Legends: Ultra Space/Necrozma
While they could focus on Magearna for this game, since Magearna is the only pokemon with some Ancient Lore from within the region itself attached to it from this gen, I fell like Sun and Moon’s fancy legends game would actually be better served by exploring much deeper into the role of the Ultra Space, you get glimpses of the alien worlds when visiting the ultra beasts natural habitats, and you get the main Necrozma based city in ultraspace
Modern Alola is actually already very traditional, already holding fast to ancient observations and traditions that going back to plain olden times alola I feel wouldn’t do as much? Esp cuz all the interesting stuff back then the aura and totem Pokémon, all happened because of Necrozma’s fall into the world from Ultra Space
I think the intro would be best served as starting in the distant past of Alola sure, but then Necrozma falls out of Ultra Space, rips open a wormhole, and our protagonist is then Sucked Into it and their journey is throughout the cosmos of the space inbetween and giving legendary like lore to the actual Ultra Beasts themselves, Lunala and Solgaleo and Cosmog/Cosmoem originate from here anyway, so they could still be included in this story as our way back, perhaps as our original ally in the fight to stop Necrozma from devouring all the light of our world in the travels through ultra space
Marshadow and Zeraora should get some obvious love as well for sure
Pokemon Legends: The Darkest Day/Eternatus
So it’s true that we have a clear once a time story with the darkest day event from Eternatus’s history
but funnily enough, I kinda always figured that that “Darkest day” was actually Necrozma’s doing that got falsely attributed to Eternatus, since yknow, in eating of the light of the world, the day would actually darken, and doesn’t Eternatus look REALLY like something that popped out of an Ultra Wormhole? really makes you think...certainly would be a hell of a coincedence
On the flipside for “okay but what else would they do in ancient galar”, I feel like if they did do a Galar Legends game, I think a pokemon King Arthur type legendary story would be very cool, just legit make a pokemonized King Arthur/Calyrex story and we would go Nuts over it
sooo, Pokemon Legends: The Old Kingdom/Calyrex
obviously Calyrex and his steeds would be the main focus of this ancient tale with some sprinklings of Zacian/Zamazenta, but really when you glean through the ancient stories hidden in the galar, more of it focuses on the Acnient Kings of the galar region, and really Eternatus already got explored enough in the actual galar games anyway, give me the Dark Hidden Lore of Galar
but again, still some very cool side content with Zarude and Urshifu at least and perhaps maybe a tad more of the cuckoo galarian bird trio? make it tie all the way back to Legends Kanto game somehow? Ancient bird rivalry between twin trios of legendary birds would be a neat thing to explore
though how neat would it be if they actually tied all fo the ancient apolcalyptic stories from across the regions into one connected story?
in Hoenn it was that a great meteor threatened to destroy the planet so person wishes on a falling shiny rock to make the apocalypse go away, SunMoon has Necrozma darkening the sky and eating the light and when they got shattered it caused powerful shiny rocks to coalesce out of the sky, SwordShield had twin kings wish upon a magic shiny rock to make the darkest day go away
hey wait a minute, seeing a pattern there...
wonder if the great war of kalos old was also fought under some sky darkening event? and if it also involved the magical power of some shiny rock? and each region’s story is just their personal twist on the same ancient event, in the land of old, when all regions were once one...
what if the ancient conflict in Black/White’s history was actually the same war from kalos’s history? And it was actually a war between Unova and Kalos? Same war from two different sides of the conflict
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queenofthefullmoon · 4 years
An exhaustive list of Bloodborne bosses I would or would not date
Father Gascoigne
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We’re starting this list off with a strong yes. You may be like, but Blue, this is a married man with two daughters! To this I reply: I pretend not to hear it. Also, not to be horrible, but his wife is dead while I’m right there baby, with my blunderbuss and my axe, and I’m ready to risk it all. YES, I know he’s a very stinky man, but you gotta make compromises sometimes. What’s that smell? Ah, the sweet dilf, it sings to me.
Cleric Beast
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Let me be clear, I’m not a furry, but the Cleric Beast has stated some facts and made some points! The only reason why I’m not to keen on dating it is that it can’t best me in battle, which is something I’m always looking for in a partner.
Blood Starved Beast
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Our first no of the list, I’m not very into skin flaps and poison, which the Blood Starved Beast has plenty of. Moreover, I’d have to get Djura’s approval, and that scares me beyond anything else in Yharnam.
Vicar Amelia
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Another Cleric Beast, this time with a bit more flair to it. First of all we just have to admire the way she transforms, very sexy and bloody, which is something you’re gonna want in your relationship if you’re someone who likes fun. (Thiccar) Amelia, cradle me like your golden pendant.
Hemwick witches
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Another hard no here. No offense, but I like having eyes, and dating a pair of witches covered in eyes that they’ve been harvesting for years doesn’t seem like a good idea to me!
Shadows of Yharnam
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Honestly yeah? You get 3 cool partners in black robes for the price of one. They all wield different weapons, which makes for two excellent things. First of all, you get a very efficient bodyguard team (useful at parties, when a hunter gets drunk on blood, or when you open your front door and a beast is there). Secondly, if you want to have a fun sparring match with your partners, which we all know is a fundamental activity in a couple, you have very varied options!
And a bonus for animal lovers: they can spawn snakes at will for you!! Never a boring day with your 3 hooded partners.
Rom, the vacuous spider
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NO. Don’t date Rom. She’s baby! She doesn’t understand what’s going on. Instead, here’s a list of nice activities you can do with Rom:
- Read her stories
- Trims her back growths
- Clean her teeth
- Make her some cute little glasses
- Knit matching socks for her and her children
- Teach her new spells
- Not date her
Darkbeast Paarl
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Paarl is a similar situation as Rom. He’s just a little puppy… He doesn’t know what dating is. He knows what going on a walk means, though! So go on, go on a happy little walk with Paarl. He’ll love it, you’ll have fun, everyone will be happy.
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Yes. Evidence that it’s a good idea is: lots of arms (good hugs), can grab the shit out of me, CAN and WILL crush me, can sometimes shatter my consciousness with its eldritch powers (very sexy), can send me in other dimensions, will annihilate my enemies with a funky laser beam, and the most amazing feature: can pop it’s eyes out of its skull like a stress ball (fun trick to show your friends at parties). The ideal girlfriend.
The One Reborn
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NO!!!!! There’s a lot of freaky stuff I’d date in Bloodborne but the One Reborn is NOT one of them. Firstly, it has 6 nannies. Do I look like the type of person who wants their dates consistently moderated by 6 Pthumerian elders? No!!! I’m a free bitch baby!! And in addition to that, Juan Reborn just has too many limbs. It’s not okay. If we ever got engaged I wouldn’t know where to slip the ring.
Micolash, Host of the Nightmare
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Would I..? No, I wouldn’t… Unless? Haha, just kidding. Wait… Actually… Um.
I mean… If you’re into bastardous hysterical little men who howl while running around, sure. BUT beware… You might lose him in a mirror and never find him again, which I find very inconvenient. Imagine going shopping with a guy who compulsively disappears in mirrors. Imagine explaining to the store employees why your dumbass boyfriend broke all their mirrors.
Also, how will we kiss?  With the cage on the way?
Oh god, do I have to wear a cage too?
Celestial Emissaries
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I’m not against having a multitude of partners but I’m afraid that might be too much for me. Also, they look like little tiny bebes. I know I’ve said before that I wasn’t ready to be a parent, but I might make an exception for the Celestial Emissaries — let them chill in my home, make them pb&j sandwiches, stuff like that.
Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos
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Dear Ebrietas… I have a lot of fondness for her but she looks way too much like mac’n’cheese for comfort. She’s invited for sleepovers and all, no doubt about that, but I see our future together as platonic.
Martyr Logarius
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Now Listen… Logarius is an Enemy of women. The proof of his crimes still remains in Cainhurst castle. Do I want to date the genocidal Yharnam Santa? Are you really asking me that? Do you take me for Executioner Alfred? I am not crazy. I will not date Martyr Logarius and his red skulls spamming ass (however miss Annalise queen of the Vilebloods, call me).
Mergo’s Wet Nurse
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Um yes of course? Tall dark eldritch wife? I feel like Mergo’s Wet Nurse is the Dancer of Bloodborne, where I’m in a situation where I’m presented with the ideal girlfriend and people expect me to say no because she’s an enormous eldritch entity who could kill me in one hit or whatever. Do you think me a coward? Do you believe that I am not willing to risk it all for invisible girls? Think again.
Gehrman, the First Hunter
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Ew no! Gross! He’s gonna make a doll designed after me and I will have to call the police!
Moon Presence
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On one hand yes (see Mergo’s Wet Nurse) but on the other hand… I feel like the Moon Presence would be too possessive and easily jealous. I just need some freedom, yknow? The liberty to go out and make friends with other Great Ones. And I know she would NOT like that. She’d ask me if I’m the only Great One I’m talking to and I’d have to nervously hide my phone and say Yes Babe Always Babe, lest she would shackle me to an unending dream. I’m not about that life.
Ludwig the Accursed/the Holy Blade
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I genuinely don’t know what to say. The screaming horse man? Am I— the horse boy? Him? No. I… I’m not gonna. I love his sword. Lots of class. Very good theme song, could be cool to have him as a friend (maybe I could ride him around to different locations?) but to date? Kiss his horse mouth? KISS HIS EYE MOUTH? You could say that… Neigh.
Laurence, the First Vicar
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NOW WE’RE TALKING BABEY… All the class of the Cleric Beast with FIRE included! Picture this: it’s the winter, it’s snowing, and you’re cold… NOT! You are dating a FLAMING BEAST, you are never cold. Laurence has one proper arm to hold you and one arm that’s a constant flaming inferno, which means he’s great for the summer and the winter, depending on which temperature you want to be at. Your enormous flaming boyfriend will always be at your side.
Living Failures
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First of all mood, second of all, this is kind of a Celestial Emissaries situation where I’m not against having many partners but I don’t want a whole congregation of them. There’s just too many Living Failures. I also like dating people with faces? And that aren’t, like, blue. So it’s a no from me, but I’ll befriend them. I’ll go garden with them and all. We can have a girls’ night, it’s all good.                      
Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower
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I’m gonna have to be predictable and say yes here, but fair warning, Lady Maria isn’t for everyone! I know she looks like the perfect wife, but get this; this lady is a hunter. She’s only a lady because she’s related to royals. She has nothing ladylike in her. You think she takes baths? You think she knows what self-care IS????? I laugh at your ignorance, at how you misunderstand her. Maria is a stinky girl; but she is MY stinky girl.
Orphan of Kos
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I don’t want to date the Orphan of Kos because he was literally just born and still has his placenta attached to him.  I don’t care for infants, and I don’t care for violent infants. I wouldn’t even want to invite him over to play with the Celestial Emissaries or something. He’s like that asshole child in kindergarten who hurts the other kids for fun. Am I being harsh to a literal baby and an orphan at that? Maybe. But Kos herself couldn’t tell me I’m wrong.
Bonus chalice boss: Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen
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Now listen here… Yharnam is a queen, tall and kinda eldritch, absolutely rabid, which we’ve established is my type. Shall I step on the toes of Oedon and declare her mine? Perhaps. She has a very powerful scream, which worries me in case of a domestic fight, but overall I get to marry a kind of eldritch queen, which is alright in my book. I know she has an equally eldritch baby, but it’s formless, so it doesn’t bother me that much.   Dark Souls 1 ll Dark Souls 2 SOTFS ll Dark Souls 3
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wearethewinx · 4 years
Rate Believix
i would be delighted <3
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Choreography: 3/5. There could be more, but it’s cute and her finishing pose feels reminiscent of magic winx. Good and cute
Elemental: 5/5. She looks surrounded by fire, her clothes appear out of fire, the background is fire, the dragon is there this SLAPS
Personality: 3/5. This is where Blooms personality first started leaking out of her ears, and it bothers me that she’s so generically upbeat and doesn’t have any of that anger or determination
Design: 4/5. Honestly I’m being a little nitpicky here, I just think it leans too hard on pink and hearts
Execution: 8/10. Kinda claps ass. The little wrist things, the hair braids, the fiery skirt, the wings appear in a flash of light but the atmosphere makes it work. Wish we could see her shoes and top appear though
Final score: 4.5/5. Lookin pretty darn good
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Choreography: 5/5. Simple but dynamic, no dead space, beautiful
Elemental: 5/5. Finally, they manage to get some water effects! Water AND bubbles!
Personality: 4/5. It gets her gentleness for sure, but doesn’t really capture her strength and toughness
Design: 4/5. I had to deduct a point for how awkward those capris look - cutting them off at the knee was Not It - but I love the rest
Execution: 10/10. Every part of her outfit appears in front of us, fully animated, with effects, the pacing is excellent, and the closeups aren’t an excuse to short on animation
Final score: 5.5/5. This is rainbow’s redemption arc for wasting her enchantix sequence
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Choreography: 3/5. It just doesn’t jump out at me in any way
Elemental: 5/5. There’s flowers and vines and leafs and trees! Everywhere! THAT’S what I’m talking about
Personality: 4/5. The coy way she raises her shoulder really does it for me, and she looks gentle but strong, but for some reason she’s frowning in one shot? Feels off
Design: 5/5. EASILY my favorite believix look, it’s just so good in every way
Execution: 9/10. Again, we get to see her entire outfit with all these gorgeous effects, there’s no dead air between shots, but I am vexed we don’t get to see her shoes appear
Final score: 5.5/5. It’s good, man. Really freakin good
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Choreography: 5/5. The DANCING the POSING i am fed WELL
Personality: 5/5. While the design fails totally to capture her personality, her movements and expressions feel so perfect? How could I not score a 5
Design: 2/5. Just. Why. Her ripped top and cool wings are the only saving grace. My god, those wings are cool. But the PANTS
Execution: 6/5. Unfortunately that superb choreography was allowed to cut into the transformation time and her outfit appears offscreen, but the wings and hair appear in a really cool way and everything else carries it
Final score: 4.5/5. It’s a shame because it comes so close to true inspiration, yknow?
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Choreography: 5/5. How she leaps through space and twirls and poses and flits around flirtatiously- YES
Personality: 4/5. It feels a little. Diluted, I guess? Because she’s got this one extremely blank face shot in the middle, but she acts flirty and confident and energetic
Design: 4/5. Too much pink and her wings look dumb but the outfit and hair are awesome
Execution: 10/10. Hair, accessories, clothes, AND shoes all separately, and the little cocoon thing with her wings? GORGEOUS 
Final score: 5.5/5. I am LIVING for this sequence
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Choreography: 5/5. I don’t even know why I love this choreography so much I just think it’s fucking rad
Elemental: 5/5. Enchantix easily wins head to head, but this still owns and checks every box
Personality: 4/5. I like that it shows her as more open and cheerful without completely obliterating her personality, but I miss that edge of seriousness and rigidity enchantix and charmix had
Design: 5/5. Rainbow said ‘Tecna can have a well-designed transformation, as a treat’ I LOVE that it actually matches her personality
Execution: 9/10. It checks all the boxes, I just feel like it could’ve tried a bit harder with variety in the visuals I guess? Feels a touch one-note
Final score: 5.5/5. Again, this just simply rocks my socks
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Total score: 5/5. Book er up lads this is a #Good Transformation if i’ve ever seen one
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 28
catch me completely ignoring dark cybertron lmao
yeahhhh so I'm just gonna skip dark cybertron bc no thanks. I did read the tf wiki articles for the issues tho, which is more than I did in the past, so at least now I kinda know what happened, though I had to suffer thru reading about dark cybertron to learn stuff about it. yikes. reading ABOUT dark cybertron further enforced my decision to not actually read thru it
anyways. the best part of dark cybertron was when chromedome threw prowl off that cliff. that was baller lmfao
a 1 page recap of dark cybertron is about all I can handle. thank you
ooh, the 6 months later smash-cut, I fucking love itttt
nautica’s here!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy I love her. also brainstorm, and I love their friendship sm
hvbjdkhfbshdfj god I love them. they have such a fun dynamic 
everyone eavesdropping on a therapy session vhbhdjkhafbhkjsdf. hipaa laws mean nothing as usual 
the casual reveal of captain megatron, oh god 
the title fucking slaps, as usual. this is one of my favorites - ‘world, shut your mouth.’ great stuff, and a song title/reference to boot! and this being part 1: towards peace...chefs kiss
and then we flash back to 6 months earlier...yknow now that I'm rereading this, mtmte has a LOT of framing devices used - there's story-within-a-story, flashback/flash-forwards, storytelling with narration, etc...I love it
god hbvhjakdfbshjkdf rodimus saying ‘magic’ and then the little *magic = science rodimus doesn't understand HBGKJHSDBFKHJSDF my idiot boy ily
rodimus roasting prowl is my fav hbfjdkafshsbjkf ‘maybe the knights can help us find a cure for your personality’ ily sm
and then prowl agreeing w/rodimus a few panels later about megatron’s guilt...
optimus...don't you think that making yourself chief of justice is...maybe a bad idea...like, maybe there's a conflict of interests here...just a little bit of bias...a bit too much history, perhaps...
the fact that all the big roles in the trial were given to high-ranking autobots who were heavily involved in the war...I see that cybertrons justice system is as much of a farce as their medical ethics and patient confidentiality laws 
the ‘you BROKE the MATRIX’ panel is so good bjhkdhfbajskhdf
rodimus: LISTEN dad I just wanna resume my space cruise with my frat bro ship I have no interest in politics
psychiatrists HATE him! local former warlord refuses to recognize the validity of psychological analyzation of people’s actions
ravage casually breaking hipaa laws and chilling in megatron’s therapy session like >:3
I love rung...he’s so good at like, passive-aggressively cutting right to the heart of someone’s issues, and he’s so generally mild that you can’t even really get mad at him 
the sudden inclusion of megatron as a major character in mtmte is kinda jarring at first - mostly, for me at least, due in part because I didn't read dark cybertron so this is like, megatron’s introduction as a relevant character in general - but I feel like jro does a great job laying a lot of intrigue down from the very beginning w/his character - like, I already want to know more about what his whole deal is, even though we have, ostensibly, seen pretty much all of his story play out already 
rung name-dropping froid...i remember that made me lose my shit bc cmon. FROID....jesus christ
rung and megatron: holy shit! we’re suddenly being drawn in a 90s-esque sci-fi tron-looking retro-futuristic style!
interesting that megatron sought rung out, and not the other way around
RIPTIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my favorite sharkboy is HERE
‘we’re not allowed to take anyone who might remind rodimus of prowl’ vhbhjdkshfbhaskfd brutal
I love nautica so so much. a perfect autistic scientist after my own heart
I adore that nautica brought chromia along for moral support
hgvbjdakhfbhsj and then swerve saying that rodimus hates ‘trisyllabic names’ and nautica is like....but....‘rodimus’.....
and then nightbeat busts in to get all bbc sherlock on they asses hgbfhjadkfbjaskdf
WHY was perceptor at the crewditions if he was already part of the crew lmao
ooof, and then we have megatron flipping out when chromedome, a mnemosurgeon, shows up
also damn the autobots were rlly like okay so we wanna speed this trial up so lets just like, probe megatrons brain, that seems completely ethical, especially when you consider the history of shadowplay and stuff that our previous government had
I know important stuff is happening but megatron is holding a CUBE and I love CUBES so I'm distracted by that. C U B E
and then right after a scene where we see chromedome willing to perform mnemosurgery again - despite rewind’s like, dying wish for him not to - we hear that he’s been locked up in his room rewatching rewinds goodbye message over and over again :( I'm fucking depressed
I love nightbeat, he’s so funny and kind of an asshole
and then you see more missing letters behind them next panel...clearly nightbeat is right and there’s a mystery afoot...OR somebody is fucking with the ship’s lettering as a prank, which is a plot point I would absolutely buy
yeahhhh skids is right, chromedome is clearly Not dealing 
the dramatic graffiti on megatrons door...I wanna know who spray-painted ‘die’ everywhere like they're reaper overwatch
oh god. whirl vs megatron
really cool red lighting tho
GOD its so brutal, all the stuff megatron said about how he told the cons not to kill whirl...and doesn't that end up being false anyways? so he was just saying it to dig at whirl, which is awful
also I'm never over the fact that literally everyone - including megatron and whirl - blames whirl for ‘turning megatron violent,’ as if the entire Point isn't that whirl was a tool for a corrupt system, and if it wasn't whirl it would've just been someone else, and megatron turning away from pacifism was inevitable given the circumstances, AND also a choice on his part, so he really only has himself to blame for his OWN ACTIONS
bye bye whirls right arm, see you in lost light 
‘people never stop changing’ that IS something I say all the time...damn you warlord grandpa! how can you steal my philosophies?!
ohhh man and then rewind’s goodbye message being different....oooh
AUGH the fact that whirl was basically trying to goad megatron into killing him, just like he did in issue 1 w/cyclonus...It Hurts Man
also I do love the hint at who he’s talking to w/whirl shooting megatron with the bow and arrow earlier, and we know that atomizer is a fan of those
ok, but here’s where my philosophy diverges - megatron talks about throwing away his past and starting new, but I think that you have to learn from and build on your past...either way, megatron’s arc is one that I enjoy greatly from a character writing standpoint, and I'm excited to get it underway, especially w/how controversial it is lmao
big ole double-page spread...I like how you can pick out individual characters in the background crowd, which is crazy cause that's a LOT of people. also how come cosmos is so HUGE
phewwww 4.6 billion cybertronians died in the war, that’s INSANE. that's like, an incomprehensibly huge number. is there an estimate for their current population? I bet its not a lot. no wonder jro leaned into reproductive themes so much in mtmte/ll - of course the continuation of your species would be a concern for many if your numbers have been that greatly reduced
optimus w/his fancy tyrest-lookin crown
oughdajbfsbdf and the fact that megatron ALSO murdered 100 BILLION non-cybertronians...bruh. I feel like they maybe should've dialed those numbers back a little to allow his ‘redemption arc’ to run a little smoother lmao. but also I admire the commitment either way
and then we end w/megatron doing captain stuff, and seeing The Coffin...and we never did see rodimus in any of the flash-forward parts of this issue, did we???? I love how concerning that is. where's my BOY
also of course we gotta remember the warning from way back at the beginning of mtmte: ‘don't open the coffin’....
and so begins mtmte s2! man I love s2. I love mtmte in general lmao. s2 takes on the impossible w/the whole ‘megatron redemption arc’ thing, and I know that’s like, a divisive plot point and stuff, but from a writing standpoint I enjoyed it a lot...I think it was pretty much as well done as it could've been given the enormity of the task, and I thought it was a really interesting direction for the story to go in 
also espec if it’s true that hasbro was like ‘hey jro put megatron in your story and give him a redemption arc’ rather than jro like, planning/asking to do it 
anyways. I doubt ill talk much abt the disc horse(tm) here bc this is just for fun and also my own personal opinions and whatever, but I for one am excited to reexperience this stuff 
so yeah s2 off to a strong start with some wild shit already happening! cant wait to read more!
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axelmcsm · 4 years
for ryssel, pike and cosmo: basics 2, 5, 7, 8; appearance 4; personality 2, 4, 6, 8; background 3, 5; relationships 1, 2, 4, 5, 7; fun facts 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15
b2: “ryssel” comes from “russell”, which comes from “rus”, which just means red! aiden named him that for his eyes, they’re a brownish-red color that leans more on the red side
b5: the day after founding day! not too hard to forget
b7: he’s just a crafter/human! nothin much there
b8: sword. he luvs swords .
a4: he carries himself extremely confidently. think early s1 aiden, just .. not an Asshole , and you got ryssel! like father like son
p2: entp! he likes new things and new challenges
p4: oh jeez. he’s a tad bad a builds, which is embarassing for him bc of his parentage, and is .. horrendous with redstone. fighting/writing is more his thing, although he wish he could be a bit more like his dad
p6: he’s got adhd, dyslexia, and autisim! got the adhd from aiden, and dyslexia and autisim from cosmo. he also smokes, and does a lot of bad things for him that slip under aidens radar - ryssel never tells aiden about this stuff because he doesnt want his dad to feel like he “failed” as a parent, but really aiden would try to help rys out if he knew
p8: not .. Stellar manners, again think early s1 aiden. puts his feet on the table (saw his dad do it as a kid, so he did it), and other stuff like that, also a tad rude although he doesnt mean to be. he has a lot of scabs from picking at his skin
ba3: hes part of beacontowns guard (implemented after creeks first death + blitz’s first attempt at assassinating jesse) and is gabriels apprentice! he’s also part of the “neo blaze rods” consisting of him, shiloh (gill and mayas daughter), alora (creek and axels daughter), micah (olivia and petras son), and auburn (aloras twin)! he considers himself the leader but shiloh and micah are really the ones in charge
ba5: beacontown, in the trainee dorms and technically with aiden! aidens place is a block or two away from creek and cosmo’s places / bad luck alley, near the aquatic district, and it’s a nice place! made of spruce wood and cobbestone and stuff like that. the trainee dorms next to the order temple are like apartments, each trainee has their own, and they can choose to share with a friend if they’d want. ryssel doesn’t share with anyone- he’d share with shiloh, but she shares with alora cus theyre gfs, and micah and auburn dont train in the guard.
r1: yeah! rys has a lot of pals. hes got shiloh, the winters twins, micah, radar, and a couple of the other guard trainees that i need to figure out names for. he considers shiloh to be his best friend- shes like a sister to him !
r2; kinda awnsered in ba3!
r4: he looks up to gabriel as a mentor, but especially looks up to aiden- he wants to be just like him, and aiden .. doesn’t want that. he’s flattered, and gets why a son would want to be like his dad, but he’s scared of ryssel making the same mistakes he did when he was 18
r5: ryssel doesnt “hate” anyone, but he really dislikes byrd, another trainee at the guard. however their relationship is . Very Complicated and byrd makes ryssel feel all sorts of things he doesnt understand
r7: hes great with kids! shilohs younger siblings love him :) hes pretty good with animals too
ff3: SWOOOOOOORD and cigs . and flint and steel
ff5: fetal. fucked up like his other parent
ff7: english and sign ! hes . trying to learn sign at least , he wants to learn it to try and be able to properly communicate with auburn
ff8: FUCK !
ff9: PUMPKIN he loves pumpkin scented candleS
ff11: hawk! hawks represent rash action and Well
ff12: jocks . so sorry everyone
ff15: nope !
b2: depends on which of his names youre talkin’ about!
yarrow: “Yarrow can represent both war and healing.”
temporal: “relating to time.”
pike: “Pike is a symbol of magic, supernatural help, for example [...] the pike - angry and violent predator, so often seen as the personification of greed, avarice, deceit, and prudence.”
b5: he doesnt know :[
b7: he’s an enderman! hes an empath and can teleport, although his teleporting is very poor due to his cracked pearl. it weakens him horribly and he doesnt do it often
b8: his claws!
a4: hes slouched over and has a resting bitch face a lot of the time. he generally looks very threatening, hence why his meetings with his friends always went well /s
p2: infj
p4: hm. being social /j
p6: schizophrenia, ptsd, and autisim
p8: his manners are what youd expect of a former high-ranking enderman, although as he stays out in the overworld that starts to change
ba3: beacontown, just as a normal citizen, but after s2 he goes back to the end and is bought back to his role as one of the pillars- but, he’s revoked of his duties, and replaced by myrtle, who’s made into the fourth pillar and given the duty of being an ambassador
ba5: the end, and he lives in a tower with the rest of his family. his room isnt huge, its his old room from when he was a hatchling/wyrm, but its messy and covered in pillows/blankets with bookshelves and lanterns all over
r1: yeah! the main gang (aiden, cosmo, creek, axel, petra) are all his friends, but he considers creek hs best friend. hes also close with tide!
r4: he looked up to aether, but .. yknow
r5: blitz . thats it
r7: good with animals, and only kids hes good with are myrtle auburn and alora
ff3: bowtie :)
ff5: sleeps like a dog curled up in a ball
ff7: sign and enchantment/endinese
ff8: bitch !
ff9: pine . reminds him of the cabin
ff11: a little cliche, but wolves! they represent guardianship and loyalty
ff12: loners/misfits .. hence the title of misfit mania
ff15: yes ! most endermen follow the religion of the ender dragon/aether and do their best to be balanced, since in legend aether destroyed the incarnate of chaos, and they get hostile at anything that seems like a threat to them
i will be doing cosmo later cus.. sleepy
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howlingcliffs · 4 years
16-25 for creek gimme thos facts babey
16. Is your character the athletic type or more of a couch potato? What are some sports/games that they like?
ohh thats a hard one. he’s probably much more athletic because he takes a lot of pride in his skills with his bow and arrow! he seems very couch potato-like but if you hand that guy a bow and arrow he’s probably one of the swiftest and quietest archers around
17. Does your character have dreams of getting married and/or having children?
yeah! even before he met axel he thought about that kinda thing a lot, hes very family-oriented and cares a lot for those who are close to him. after he realizes his feelings for axel when he finds everyone again in s2, he starts to think about him and axel marrying since he’s already aware of axel liking him back (axel made it pretty clear early on) and he tries to push them aside because he has to focus on getting pike back, but yknow some thoughts just stick around
18. What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode?
he loves small cozy areas, he knows how to manage his space and keep his home clean so that wouldn’t really be an issue. and his ideal home would be located right in a little field or in some nice oak woods
19. Would your character be the kind to get into fights? (physical or verbal) Would they be a good fighter or cave in rather easily?
s1 he’d not be the best fighter, but s2/s3 hes MONSTROUS, verbally and physically. he’s been hardened by a lot of stuff so he knows how and where to hit so it hurts
20. Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures?
he LOVES animals. pine and cinnamon (his cats) are/were some of his closest friends even if they’re cats, and axel has made a few jokes about wanting a pet creeper, and creek wonders if that’d actually be possible..bc creepers r kinda cute
21. What is one of your character’s biggest fears? How would they react when dealing with this fear?
his biggest fear was def tide, and he’s often paralyzed with fear whenever he runs into him, but the one exception to that is at the end of s1 when he attacks tide to save cosmo
22. What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have?
hes got a lot of freckles and a lot of scars! sometimes axel will count the freckles on creeks face/arms but he loses count after abt 20. not to mention the pointy ears he got from romeo
23. What is your character like when it comes to school? What subjects are they good/bad at? Do they get in trouble a lot or are well behaved?
he doesnt rlly have an education, BUT in my college au he’s a pretty good student! he’s an arts major
24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like?
“Oh- Axel? Rough around the edges, stubborn, and he’s got a temper, but he’s really kind too, y’know? I feel like a lot of people don’t see that part of him. He’s got a reputation of being loud and rough and whatnot, he’s pretty much my opposite, but they say opposites attract, right? Either way- to me at least, he’s gentle and comforting and easy to talk to. I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else.”
25. Is there something traumatic from your character’s past that greatly affects them even to this day?
YES theres.. a lot with creek to say the least! tide, the illager raid, losing lotus, dying, losing auburn and almost losing alora in s3, seeing axel and everyone else get picked off by erebus/pike in s2, and having to kill pike in order to save him. there’s a lot creek goes through even when he isn’t the main protag anymore and it haunts him for a long time
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fruitytrollroll · 4 years
This is actually a really interesting point. I mean, the timber cats seem to beleive in some kind of religion, seeing as Yumyan believed Charles the butterfly had the spirit of the Scratching tree, which is kinda similar to reincarnation I guess? So like, maybe each group of mutes have their own variation of religions that were orginally learned from human religions, and over time they all changed and shifted into their own things?
oh, good thinking!! of all the mute gangs the mod frogs seem the most likely to be staunchly atheist, though with their grooming habits and buttoned-up-ness an argument could also be made for them having a more puritan bent?? either way they’re definitely not all Good Will And Peace On Earth, so disrespecting god might could be an important part of their cultural expression? :thinking:
the newton wolves are easy imo because they love Science and the Cosmos and they can just nerdily say planet names or constellations or, like, “stars”, yknow? like aliens and sci fi characters and ok let’s just come right out and say it the crystal gems
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rewrentless · 6 years
Austin Liveshow Quotes
- if you were doing a documentary about us that would be the moment that you just saw where youd be like and after that it all went wrong
- i brought some hard candy that i was gonna like fling out in the audience
- griffin told me not to do it!!
- after travis blinded an extremely letigious austinite with his jambreakers it all fell apart after that
- i have an eyepatch i cant hear very well
- excited for a new day git my new janceboard got a new binder and its... blue!
- now its got layers of sadness
- i had a great hotrod 'if ya know what i mean' 'im a grandfather!'
- i dont like this smooth jazz angus
- if we had gone back in time you would be younger 'or nonexistant' oh what a fantasy
- can i just say the extent to which angus has bought into this and the speed at which he has bought into this is truly upsetting, that is a man whose grasp of reality is like razor thin
- youre gonna have to talk loud cause the moment brody came a runnin taako was like repulsed backwards like like at 30 foot radius forcefield around brody noooooooope
- griffin did you say the name of the school was fanservice high
- im late for class! I dont have time for banter!
- magnus let me smell your fingers
- arrive with spellcards leave with ~immortality~
- *travis raps the entire chorus of 1 week by bare naked ladies*
- the song at first seems like a superficial recount of things that one might do during one week but if you look at it in a deeper level what it really establishes is the time it takes to fully appreciate your partner because you might look at it in that moment i acted badly but now one week later its given me time to think about what you mean to me, what i come across in this relationship only now one week later do i fully appreciate that i didnt appreciate you and thats the juxtapostion that you get
- high school old man
- im a big believer in talking to my plants 'fuck you i quit im out'
- taakos smoking with the cool kids
- and dont fuck this plant
- hes fondeling the plant
- yknow ive been nurturing you for a long time and nobidy really understands our relationship yknow i believe in you you have strong roots and someday you will  tower above all the other shrubs and youre going to .... b l o s s o m ... into f u l lness and r i p e ness and your sap, your sap shall runneth
- im still here hey dad 'you are a little freak' yeah dad im l o v i n this
- youre complicit!! Bad people win when good people sit by and say nothing!
- nobody better lead some kinda food revolution
- i just want a plain ass....
- i make it what do you want pervert?
- (chanting) take a bite rick!
- its a wonderful life like a motherfucker
- ill be the first to admit that pe isnt as sexy as algebra or world history
- hammerheads vs tres im not gonna say that
- and thats how we're the well balanced children we are today
- i cast lycanthropy and turn myself into a teen wolf
- i forgot to do the rest of the bells ooooops ;)
- *plays space jam*
- taako youve got a j in this class
- light of my life, endzone of the cosmos, my lord, my saviour, touchdown todd
- merle highchorch
- well done youve solved my high school puzzle
- if you get dunked on in the dream you get dunked on in real.. 'and he fucking dies!'
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