#is tungle just dot helling again
unityrain24 · 6 months
tumblr please stop with the unfollow glitch and block glitch. please tungle please
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killldeer · 1 year
tumblr isn’t remembering my tags anymore wtf
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the-irken-pony · 2 years
What does it mean when I can access someone's blog on desktop but if I try it on mobile it glitches tf out
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lonepower · 1 year
gotta do everything my SELF around here
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Hey, warning: Probably gonna stick away from Tumblr for a few days. Nothing personal, and nothing on you all, I'm just so fucking sick of the image thing and being sent to the goddamn unknown. Tumblr, please, fix your shit.
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caffeineandsociety · 3 months
I think there are a lot of people on the left who WANT all the antisemitic conspiracy theories to be true for exactly the same reasons a lot of people on the right do.
There are lot of people who WANT it to be true that "billionaires" is synonymous with "Jews"; that the greedy "elite" can be identified by demographic data. Who WANT it to be true that both major US political parties are the same because in the end, they're all part of the same unified hive mind of greedy power-mad misanthropic mutant lizard people - figuratively or literally, doesn't matter. Who WANT it to be true that all of Israel's few allies are ultimately just puppet governments of theirs (even though the opposite is much closer to being true), and the REST of the world is NEXT to fall to this horrible hive of evil.
Because, many people don't realize this, but conspiracy theories are PLEASANT to believe. It's exciting to think you're onto a deep truth that most people aren't privy to, especially when it sounds like something straight out of a scifi thriller. It's empowering to think the solution to all of society's ills is simple, staring you right in the face, and as soon as you just get enough people together to smash some crucial load-bearing element it will all come crashing down and lead us to our "natural state" of utopia like in an action-adventure epic. Even the helplessness of feeling like it's insurmountable has its own satisfying bent as a gateway to an extreme "positive" nihilism - if we're all fucked regardless, if (((their))) power is just too overwhelming, then nothing we do REALLY matters - we're free, we never have to do anything we don't want to again for the benefit of the world around us, because it won't change anything~!
Sound uncomfortably familiar yet? Perhaps like some arguments about voting, environmental protections, or local initiatives beyond libraries and public transit you've seen floating around right here on tungle dot hell? About the struggle of relating to "normies" and recognizing where the Overton window sits at any given time, even? About the prospects of getting ranked choice voting nationwide?
It doesn't matter who you are, or what your beliefs are, or how "smart" you are - at the end of the day we're all just hairless apes capable of falling for the same brain chemistry tricks as any other, and bullshit can be spun in leftist flavor just as easily as it can be spun to appeal to the right. You are not immune to the feeling of "awww yeah, it's all coming together~" over what you might realize, out of the moment, is a complete nonsequitur or cherry-picked to hell and back. You are not immune to the thrill of believing you're basically Neo The Matrix. It's hard to build resistance, let alone immunity, to the siren call of alleged easy solutions to complicated problems, or to the sweet relief of helplessness. The internet is doing a great job of making recreational outrage more and more appealing to more and more people.
I only beg more people to be willing to recognize those facts and TRY to course-correct when those feelings start to take them to some dark places.
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snurtle · 6 months
Nine people you'd like to get to know better! Weheheh.
Tagged by @criminal-sen I haven't done tag games in a while.
Last song i listened to: (squints) Uh. Dark ambient fantasy music for writers 10 hrs-- Fantasy tavern music for writers 3 hrs--- uh, uh, oh- shit- (i fumble the playlist and a bunch of videogame osts wearing tiny .mp3 trenchcoats go spinning out all over the floor. fuck. i'm not normally like this i swear. (i'm lying. i am. i love ambient music. and ska. shhh)
Favorite color: pink. there is no contest i'm sorry to say, pink is my shit. I would live in a cotton candy cave if I could. I am constantly one good decision away from animorphing into a fat, hot pink ceramic garden gnome in a wizard robe.
Currently watching: nothing atm, though I did recently start talking to a fanfiction author that I loved the work of. Turns out he's a writer too, and he gave me free copies of like ten????? of his sci-fi books?? full ass e-books??? damn. god damn. so nothing to watch, but E V E R Y T H I N G to read. I'll leave reviews as I finish them.
Sweet/savory/spicy: no. salty. sour. where are the real options!!! inquiring minds need to know!
Relationship status: uhhhhh idk ask @archvillain
Current obsession: sad evil men who are convinced they're doing the right thing at a high cost, not committing atrocities and burning the world. also DRAGON AGE. This fucking franchise. It's eating my life. I started systematically combing The Masked Empire for every instance where Felassan is mentioned or has dialogue for fanfiction research purposes. Truly the actions of a mentally well man. I'm hyped-against-all-hope for the release of the fourth game in the series, Dreadwolf. Apparently it's slated for this summer? I won't hold my breath... and yet.
I also enjoy chewing violently on mad scientists, though that interest has been dormant as of late (<3 Mayuri Kurotsuchi <3) .
I'll tag...
@accidental-hero obligatory tag in ask games. I KNOW you but shhh. Just tell me what you're up to.
@archvillain do i know you? yeah i want to know you better wawawaa @recurring-polynya I've missed your houseplant updates as of late! I started gardening in earnest again this spring and thought about you. @whipplefilter I was torn on whether or not to tag B3 here!! :D Either way your presence is always a fun bright spot on tungle dot hell. @kurjakani Your haunted-eyed old men and love of vast lonely spaces is deeply compelling. That's pretty cool!
And... whoever would like to play!
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katyspersonal · 2 years
It doesn't even make any sense to say ppl justify the Do/ll so they can simp for Ge/hr/man because simps here are always okay with their blorbo being a little or much morally depraved. It is Tumblr, what do those edgelords expect?
jhfgfgdsgds Well, yeah
If you really analyze WHAT fictional male characters tend to attract a lot of stans and people thirsting for them, it is almost always unconditional? Like... People do not need to apologize anyone in BLORBOrne to like them. I mean LOOK at the guys BB fandom thirsts for the most - they are not even TRYING to pretend their favs are not what first meets the eye!
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So why would that change for like, a single old man? In fact, on tungle dot hell the more unapologetically and obviously twisted the character is - the BETTER, somehow...?
I will be real, when I was digging lore and themes rather than characters interpreting, I was completely content with 'Maria is a badass masculine woman and G3hrman is a creepy old man' interpretation and worked my ideas from that field. I just... had no problem with the character being messed up and still hated OR enjoyed for who he is? It was when I got a glimpse of big misinterpretation going thanks to retranslation document when I grabbed my pretentious magnifying glass and made my own research.
Feels like eternity now, but to confess the truth, I kinda... liked it how it used to be? The type of 'a person I'd hate to deal with in real life but can explore from every angle in fiction'. Just ask @val-of-the-north how hard I simped for him back then *sobs* (Don't actually ask him oh my god sdfhfdhs I am joking) But yeah that's in the past and I don't even NEED it anymore, whatever I was able to obtain from the concept I now got in spades
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But yeah, again, I agree - not even ONCE a Tumblr simp needed to deny the reality; there is just... well, when the blorbo is not ACTUALLY that bad, there is no fun in liking him with this 'badness', and Gehrm4n is... well, not that bad. But fictional men lovers here will pick the worst war criminal who is evil just to be sexy and portray HIM and not some 'morally grey character' as the dream husbando, THIS is what Tumblr stands on and WILL stand on forever sdfjhhds
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monster-or-man · 2 years
So my suburb has been inundated with major flooding these past 24 hours. I’m personally fine with a big hill separating me from the river. This isn’t my first flood and it will most likely not be my last with the rate things are going.
I’m gonna be donating what I can to those who are affected through a trusted relief fund that doesn’t take all the money for themselves. I would really like to help with the clean up efforts if there is a call for volunteers to assist them. Some shit is going to be said under the cut. A rant. Just need to vent out my frustrations with everything revolving around this shit. If you want to read it, you can. If not, that’s okay too, I’m just an RP blog on Tungle dot hell.
Every fucking year there is a new fucking disaster that we have to go through. Floods, Fires... more floods... more fires. I’m so fucking sick of seeing towns and cities that I have lived in and visited getting destroyed over and over again each year.
We’re experiencing the effects of climate change and some people STILL say that we should support coal and logging and not supporting it was the cause of all of it. Or worse yet, the folks who think that the government controls the weather. 
Is it not disrespectful? People don’t really think about who is affected by this, those who just lost almost everything. Fucking pisses me off. 
It doesn’t get easier seeing the destruction on the news and in person. It really doesn’t.
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pluckyshroom · 2 years
back(?) and under construction
i promised myself i'd never come back here and i may well leave again if it becomes a disaster half as bad as The Great Purge, but i have it on a few friends' word that tungle hell dot com has kind of mellowed in its post-apocalypse.
anyhow, i write kind of like a pretentious asshat lmao but if you're into that, hi hello! i'm pluckyshroom and this is where i tentatively intend to get back to my roots of dumping my art and thoughts into one blog and try to rebuild the community i have sorely missed these last several years since leaving.
that said, the blog is gonna be plain and ugly until i determine it's worth doing the fun fancy stuff to. if you're here from my other socials, you know that i post pretty sporadically but i'm hoping that my problem is all the video format stuff is just more effort than i'm naturally inclined to do and doing my old post'n'run bit will fix that.
in the other direction, if you're interested in checking out where else i've been, here's my carrd!
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wearethewinx · 4 years
Rate Believix
i would be delighted <3
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Choreography: 3/5. There could be more, but it’s cute and her finishing pose feels reminiscent of magic winx. Good and cute
Elemental: 5/5. She looks surrounded by fire, her clothes appear out of fire, the background is fire, the dragon is there this SLAPS
Personality: 3/5. This is where Blooms personality first started leaking out of her ears, and it bothers me that she’s so generically upbeat and doesn’t have any of that anger or determination
Design: 4/5. Honestly I’m being a little nitpicky here, I just think it leans too hard on pink and hearts
Execution: 8/10. Kinda claps ass. The little wrist things, the hair braids, the fiery skirt, the wings appear in a flash of light but the atmosphere makes it work. Wish we could see her shoes and top appear though
Final score: 4.5/5. Lookin pretty darn good
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Choreography: 5/5. Simple but dynamic, no dead space, beautiful
Elemental: 5/5. Finally, they manage to get some water effects! Water AND bubbles!
Personality: 4/5. It gets her gentleness for sure, but doesn’t really capture her strength and toughness
Design: 4/5. I had to deduct a point for how awkward those capris look - cutting them off at the knee was Not It - but I love the rest
Execution: 10/10. Every part of her outfit appears in front of us, fully animated, with effects, the pacing is excellent, and the closeups aren’t an excuse to short on animation
Final score: 5.5/5. This is rainbow’s redemption arc for wasting her enchantix sequence
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Choreography: 3/5. It just doesn’t jump out at me in any way
Elemental: 5/5. There’s flowers and vines and leafs and trees! Everywhere! THAT’S what I’m talking about
Personality: 4/5. The coy way she raises her shoulder really does it for me, and she looks gentle but strong, but for some reason she’s frowning in one shot? Feels off
Design: 5/5. EASILY my favorite believix look, it’s just so good in every way
Execution: 9/10. Again, we get to see her entire outfit with all these gorgeous effects, there’s no dead air between shots, but I am vexed we don’t get to see her shoes appear
Final score: 5.5/5. It’s good, man. Really freakin good
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Choreography: 5/5. The DANCING the POSING i am fed WELL
Personality: 5/5. While the design fails totally to capture her personality, her movements and expressions feel so perfect? How could I not score a 5
Design: 2/5. Just. Why. Her ripped top and cool wings are the only saving grace. My god, those wings are cool. But the PANTS
Execution: 6/5. Unfortunately that superb choreography was allowed to cut into the transformation time and her outfit appears offscreen, but the wings and hair appear in a really cool way and everything else carries it
Final score: 4.5/5. It’s a shame because it comes so close to true inspiration, yknow?
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Choreography: 5/5. How she leaps through space and twirls and poses and flits around flirtatiously- YES
Personality: 4/5. It feels a little. Diluted, I guess? Because she’s got this one extremely blank face shot in the middle, but she acts flirty and confident and energetic
Design: 4/5. Too much pink and her wings look dumb but the outfit and hair are awesome
Execution: 10/10. Hair, accessories, clothes, AND shoes all separately, and the little cocoon thing with her wings? GORGEOUS 
Final score: 5.5/5. I am LIVING for this sequence
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Choreography: 5/5. I don’t even know why I love this choreography so much I just think it’s fucking rad
Elemental: 5/5. Enchantix easily wins head to head, but this still owns and checks every box
Personality: 4/5. I like that it shows her as more open and cheerful without completely obliterating her personality, but I miss that edge of seriousness and rigidity enchantix and charmix had
Design: 5/5. Rainbow said ‘Tecna can have a well-designed transformation, as a treat’ I LOVE that it actually matches her personality
Execution: 9/10. It checks all the boxes, I just feel like it could’ve tried a bit harder with variety in the visuals I guess? Feels a touch one-note
Final score: 5.5/5. Again, this just simply rocks my socks
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Total score: 5/5. Book er up lads this is a #Good Transformation if i’ve ever seen one
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noramoons · 2 years
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angelsamericana · 4 years
didn't realize you changed your username and i PANICKED because i thought my favorite spn blogger was gone. glad to see you're still here!
favorite spn blogger. FAVORITE spn blogger. favorite SPN BLOGGER.
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icicleteeth · 4 years
@ the silt strider anon
It looks like Tumblr completely ate up my reply to your ask, really sorry about that and will re-answer it here!
At the time of drawing the concepts, I didn’t actually know to what extent a silt strider gets hollowed into, and only knew of a blurb explaining that they’re controlled by directly manipulating exposed organs, and that they were hollowed out enough for a passenger or two to sit in or store their things. I had no basis for it, but I wanted to headcanon that travel between major cities would naturally see larger crowds, which would mean larger striders. Plus, some of these trips (Ald-ruhn to Vivec, Balmora to Sadrith Mora) would be pretty long, so it would make sense to have a little hollowed out hovel where people could shelter in.
I actually looked it up on UESP to see if this was at all feasible and...uh, they directly say it is, haha.
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Not that canon/widely accepted sources can or should deter people from making headcanons, but for those who care about sticking to canon, the answer is: it wouldn’t be. But! That’s the fun part about fanfiction, you can do whatever you want! It’s just unfortunate that it seems one cannot escape “mortifying and awful” with silt striders, given what already exists in canon :(
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fruit-teeth · 5 years
Internet assholes be like: “I’m gonna start a smear campaign about you and call you disgusting and then block you before you even get a chance to defend yourself cause that’s what real woke people do :))))”
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mx-bright-sky · 5 years
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