#it is just that everyone with at least 1 Insight point just FEELS that something is not right here
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katyspersonal · 2 years ago
It doesn't even make any sense to say ppl justify the Do/ll so they can simp for Ge/hr/man because simps here are always okay with their blorbo being a little or much morally depraved. It is Tumblr, what do those edgelords expect?
jhfgfgdsgds Well, yeah
If you really analyze WHAT fictional male characters tend to attract a lot of stans and people thirsting for them, it is almost always unconditional? Like... People do not need to apologize anyone in BLORBOrne to like them. I mean LOOK at the guys BB fandom thirsts for the most - they are not even TRYING to pretend their favs are not what first meets the eye!
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So why would that change for like, a single old man? In fact, on tungle dot hell the more unapologetically and obviously twisted the character is - the BETTER, somehow...?
I will be real, when I was digging lore and themes rather than characters interpreting, I was completely content with 'Maria is a badass masculine woman and G3hrman is a creepy old man' interpretation and worked my ideas from that field. I just... had no problem with the character being messed up and still hated OR enjoyed for who he is? It was when I got a glimpse of big misinterpretation going thanks to retranslation document when I grabbed my pretentious magnifying glass and made my own research.
Feels like eternity now, but to confess the truth, I kinda... liked it how it used to be? The type of 'a person I'd hate to deal with in real life but can explore from every angle in fiction'. Just ask @val-of-the-north how hard I simped for him back then *sobs* (Don't actually ask him oh my god sdfhfdhs I am joking) But yeah that's in the past and I don't even NEED it anymore, whatever I was able to obtain from the concept I now got in spades
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But yeah, again, I agree - not even ONCE a Tumblr simp needed to deny the reality; there is just... well, when the blorbo is not ACTUALLY that bad, there is no fun in liking him with this 'badness', and Gehrm4n is... well, not that bad. But fictional men lovers here will pick the worst war criminal who is evil just to be sexy and portray HIM and not some 'morally grey character' as the dream husbando, THIS is what Tumblr stands on and WILL stand on forever sdfjhhds
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divine-crows · 5 months ago
🎨✨️Art Magic✨️🎨
Uses, Forms of it, and Why I Think Everyone Should Try it at Least Once.
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Right before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, I had been trying and failing to rekindle my flame for magic work. No matter what I tried to do I just couldn't get back into my studies and I was reaching a point where I was convinced I lost my spark and was doomed to live an empty life. Then it all changed when a YouTube Channel challenged how I thought about everything: Molly Roberts. That's when I was opened to the possibility of art magic, and I'll now share my love of it with anyone willing to read on.
What Is Art Magic?
A means to utilize art for spellwork, raising magical energy, or for exploring your magical subconscious. It encapsulates multiple different types of art and is generally not confined by conventional expectation (unless that's what you prefer).
You can utilize art magic by. . .
Using traditional art methods
Digital art methods
Music composition
Jewelry making
And much more!
How do I know if Art Magic is Suitable for Me?
There isn't a specific thing that'll indicate this form of magic is perfect for you, however I have some anecdotes from my personal experience as both a witch, and a regular artist that form a sort of idea on what could denote this being perfect for you!
First off, craving freedom from personal restraints was a big factor that pushed me towards blending my craft with my passion for art. If you want to run from the monotony of life, if you feel trapped by the social construction of boxes, or if you simply want to challenge your own mental restraints... then this idea might resonate with you.
Challenging yourself with a new form of magic, similarly, can also be a good enough reason to try. I'm the type of person who loves to constantly learn new things and I unfortunately get bored really quickly if I can't get new source materials. Using Art Magic has proven a fun challenge for me that allows me to explore a lot more topics you can't just open a book to find.
For those that may not be able to safely perform a lot of traditional style spells, this form of magic provides a discreet way to practice witchcraft. Most people wouldn't really question someone if they picked up the hobby of making art, and even if they did there's plenty of reasonable excuses out there.
How you prefer your spells to manifest themselves can also affect if this journey is a good idea or not. I find that Art Magic is really good when it comes to subtle spellwork that is more longform (though depending on how you construct them you can definitely create a spell that's the opposite).
Catalog aspects of your magical journey. Imagine a grimoire filled with pages of drawings, each one telling a story of something you experienced or learned as a witch. This especially may be more beneficial for visual learners.
You could use it as a means of meditation, sometimes art can be calming and it can open the door to your mind (so-to-speak). Especially if you're like me and struggle with staying completely still while trying to clear your mind, this may be helpful for you.
Trying to better understand archetypes, deities, types of entities, or even your own self can also be a big part of this. I've used art magic as a way to embody the "energy" of something before so I could better understand it. Especially when you're trying to seek knowledge that isn't often written on, it can provide a great way to explore more.
How Can I perform an Art Spell?
I have a step-by-step process that can give you some insight on how you may approach it:
1) Think of the intention you want. I like to close my eyes and meditate on it for about a minute then I write down if my mind wandered to any specific imagery or ideas.
2) Think of visual symbolism and colors that can help you capture the mood you want. Perhaps you need a warm color palette to invoke positive feelings, or maybe there are specific objects or animals you can include on the composition that represent something.
3) If you feel it fits your composition, you can include sigils, symbols of significance, and include shapes that have certain associations. It doesn't even have to be obvious either. You can use a circular composition to convey something endless for example, or a triangular composition to show priority over something.
4) In general follow what your heart tells you. This is a little cliche, but ultimately follow what seems best to you. Art isn't about boxing yourself in and my guidelines are just general ideas for anyone who's lost!
Why do I think that everyone should try it at least once?
From my experiences as a witch, I find that a lot of paths to be followed are quite rigid. By no means am I implying that a rigid structure is bad-- it creates a foundation from which we can work upon. I myself am exploring rigid, 'traditional' (for lack of a better term) ways of working magic. Art magic pushes you out of your comfort zone in a safe way. It makes you consider how you associate things. It makes you create new sigils and makes you research new symbols you previously wouldn't have used.
So next time you're lost on a spell, or you've lost your way in your Craft and you don't know what to do, think about maybe giving Art Magic a try. I hope my guide was a helpful starting point for anyone interested in the topic!
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tanoraqui · 7 months ago
you’ve heard of Her Divine Highness Gideon the First, First Daughter of the House of God, and all the compelling, often Fake Dating-laced AUs that might follow. But have you considered...Gideon Jr. Dve, favored daughter of the First, heir of Gideon the First, Saint of Duty?
the timeline diverges at 2 points:
Gideon (ours) inherits her mother’s perfectly normal dark brown eyes
Gideon (lyctor) follows the escape pod to Ninth House, arrives to find Wake’s corpse and living baby, to the bemusement of all the locals is like, “yes, that’s mine” and takes said baby back to the Mithraeum to confess his sins and beg forgiveness
the conversation that follows goes like this:
Gideon 1: I am so sorry, John, I don’t know what came over me, Wake was just...really hot. She’s dead now. But, um, this is our daughter, and I feel duty-bound to raise her, or at least see that she’s raised well - but it’s your call, of course (again, I’m sorry for sleeping with the enemy for over a decade)
JohnGod, vibrating at a frequency known only to necromantic immortals who maybe swallowed a sun or something: N I E C E ? !
Augustine, Mercy, and maybe Cytherea, exchanging frantic eye contact behind the other two’s heads: Is that the baby? / I don’t know! I thought you were keeping track of it! / I don’t know! Can’t you tell!? / Are they keeping it? / What the fuck are we going to do about this?!
So, Gideon (Jr.) grows up in the Mithraeum, which needless to say is a fucking weird place to grow up. 
this au is dependent on the assumption that none of these millennia-old necromancers can identify the thanergic/thalergic weirdness of the biological daughter of God on slight, so, just accept that. Maybe children of lyctors (I refuse to believe there haven’t been any before) are a little Like That anyway? The Conspirators do learn the truth pretty fast, DNA test or something, but they quickly decide that stealing the baby and running for the Ninth is a terrible plan, and G1deon and God have to let her out from underfoot eventually. They’ll wait.
the Ninth had already named her Gideon. Gideon 1 tries to change this, but alas, his terrible immortal friends all think it’s hilarious and call her Gideon Jr, or “Junior” or “Giddy” for short.
Cytherea is undoubtably the Cool Aunt, and also Giddy’s first crush
(neither Mercy nor Augustine want to touch children on account of potential stickiness, ruling them firmly out)
JohnGod makes so many Godfather jokes in a terrible Italian mobster accent, which Giddy then imitates with equal inability to mimic an accent, which either produces something completely unrecognizable as old-Earth Italian mobster OR somehow loops back around to being a perfect impression of Don Corleone
Pyrrha tries to resist the urge to check in, but fails, particularly around bedtime (usually a private father/daughter tucking-in ritual). Giddy, with the uncomfortable insight for a toddler, quickly grasps that Sunglasses Dad is a different persona than Normal Dad. Sunglasses Dad swears her to utmost secrecy about this, and she keeps the oath...almost entirely
she does let it slip to Normal Dad, who...
listen, G1deon has been concealing his mysterious lapses in awareness from God and his fellow lyctors for centuries; he’s not going to stop now. And he MUST have had suspicions about what caused them; he’s not an idiot. But he would, I think, be a responsible father. 
So when 7yo Gideon Jr. lets slip about her interactions with Sunglasses Dad - which she definitely doesn’t realize is a whole different person; she probably thinks it’s a weird character her dad acts as sometimes, like how Uncle God will play pretend as a mobster, pirate, horse, etc. When Gideon Jr. lets slip, Gideon Sr. sits her down with his daughter, gets her to tell him about Sunglasses Dad, and admits that, uh, yeah, sure, it’s a fun game they play together, and still very secret from everyone else...and if ‘Sunglasses Dad’ ever makes her feel scared, or god forbid hurts her, she should run away and find Uncle God and tell him everything immediately. 
(Because he has suspicions, he must have suspicions, especially at this point...but just in case he’s wrong, he’ll confess to this centuries-old secret rather than let any harm befall his daughter. It’s the only right thing to do.)
Some Actual Plot Maybe, IDK?:
when Gideon Jr. is 13, her father finally agrees to enroll her in the Cohort Academy for Gifted Officers-To-Be, or whatever its called. Gideon Sr. has a quiet word with the current head of Second House and Gideon Jr. enrolls incognito, and rolls up to this place with
- sword skills trained since birth with fucking lyctors
- an uncanny ability to survive should-be-deadly wounds
- the social skills of someone who has never spoken with anyone under the age of several millennia
- probably slightly more respect for, like, the concept of authority/order/duty/not being a smartass 24/7 than the canon Gideon we know and love...BUT she has also literally never suffered a consequence in her life, and...you know how Miles Vorkosigan’s insubordination habits are based partly in that for the first 18 years of his life, his commanding officers, essentially, were 2 of the most competent people on Barrayar? God Himself used to give Gideon horsey rides. Gideon might try, politely, to be impressed by the commander-instructor glaring at her personally, but she is...not.
- gay
[insert a full YA novel’s worth of coming-of-age shenanigans here, absolutely ft. Judith Deuteros and Marta Dyas as soon-friends]
AND THEN ONE DAY, JOD SENDS OUT AN INVITATION to the heir of the Nine Houses inviting them to the First...
now, Gideon does not have a single drop of necromantic ability. She never has. So she wants to be a cavalier so bad...
but even Gideon, sword bimbo that she is, couldn’t grow up with The lyctors and not notice that... Well, no one really talks about their cavaliers, except when Mercy and Augustine fight about them. There is a grieving, sucking wound where every lyctoral cavalier should be.
she still tried so hard to be one. Judith very nearly agreed to have her even over <3Marta<3 (whom they were both madly crushing on). Then Gideon had one of her rare meetings with her father (he’d swing by the Cohort Academy sometimes and they’d get lunch), and told him about it all excitedly, and he flatly forbade it. And then he went over her head and flatly forbade it to the Cohort. 
so there’s something Weird going on there, or at least there’s something being unfairly forbidden to Gideon like birds are forbidden to the indoor cat staring out the window, eagerly lashing its tail. 
so she hatches a Plan:
- 1. Stow away on Judith & Marta’s ship to Dominicus - 2. ??? - 3. Profit!
when she sees Cytherea there, she thinks, Oh shit, I’m busted.
fortunately, she’d waited until everyone else had disembarked and gone inside before she snuck off the ship, so Cytherea doesn’t see her. So now it’s up to Gideon to sneak around, make friends with the heirs of the Houses, and recruit them into helping her not get caught by her aunt! Who she assumes is here specifically to catch her out...or maybe to covertly oversee the trials...? Hey what is up with this place anyway?
(It’s fortunate because as soon as Cytherea sees Gideon, she’s going to change her plan to “kill everyone immediately, except Giddy, whom I take to the Ninth and exsanguinate to open that damn tomb.”)
(Unfortunately, once like 5 people have died, Gideon is likely to honorably reveal herself in order to ask Cytherea for help, because CLEARLY something has gone terribly wrong. This can’t really be part of the trials, right? Uncle God wouldn’t do that.)
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Good Omens: Lockdown and Crowley not mentioning his living situation in S2*
*till S2E6 when he asks if he can have his apartment back bc he's bored of living in his car but Aziraphale doesn’t hear bc mentally he’s in Alpha Centauri.
Having read the 'Crowley doesn't tell him' Neil Gaiman ask close to when I first listened to Lockdown (I lived under a rock until recently), my initial thought was HAS HE BEEN LIVING IN HIS CAR FOR YEARS?! but I think he was still in his apartment in 2020:
as far as Hell knows, Crowley just had a pool party in holy water (the holiest) so the higher-ups are probably willing to give him some space (plus Beelzebub is busy going on pub dates w Gabriel)
while there should be ~8 months between the end of Season 1 events (The Very First Day of the Rest of Their Lives on Sunday, Aug 25, 2019) and the Lockdown phonecall (on or near the 30 year anniversary on May 1, 2020), I can't imagine that's a very long time for Hell, especially if you're understaffed and busy dealing with fallout from Almostgeddon / going on pub dates
Shax dropping off mail and asking about the boiler seems like something one does in the first few months of living somewhere, not ~3 years in (if S2 is in 2023)
That said, I think the phone call underlines why Crowley never directly tells Aziraphale that he is living in the Bentley in S2, and it's just a great conversation (all hail Gaiman) sooo I wrote about it:
***Note: This post analyzes the Lockdown phonecall from Crowley's perspective only. Our heroine is feeling quite emotionally vulnerable at this point in time so things are going to hit him harder than they normally would.
I do not think Aziraphale meant to cause him pain (!!) but Crowley can't see that yet and I've written this post in a way that reflects that missing insight. (I explain in more detail in this reblog if you are interested) I am working on a companion post for Aziraphale's side of this conversation and how I think it affects his behavior in S2 because if we know anything about these two, it's that their exactlys are different exactlys.***
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Crowley’s habit of sleeping to skip time like an RPG character by a campfire amuses me to no end, but in this context it feels heavy. Crowley already worries about losing time with what he loves and he probably hoped things would be different between him and Aziraphale after the events of S1. But things don’t change much. Then lockdowns start, and Crowley is trapped in his apartment alone, transcendentally bored, and unable to make his brain shut up. Sleeping a month away starts to sound less awful.
But Crowley hasn’t given up yet; he’s still awake when Aziraphale calls, and he’s even giving it two more days. Was he waiting for Aziraphale to call? Is it even possible not to at least kind of wait for someone’s call when you are cut off from everything and the caller has been your only friend and crush for millennia?
Aziraphale asks why Crowley isn't "out and about" tempting people or setting a bad example and he responds:
C: Everyone's so miserable and cooped up right now anyway, and I just… well… don't have the heart for it. A: *glowing audibly* I'm not miserable~ C: Really?
Crowley sounds genuinely surprised at Aziraphale's happiness and quickly assumes it's because the angel has been around people. He's so lonely/depressed/in his own head that he hadn't even considered someone enjoying being 'cooped up'. *sob*
Aziraphale goes No actually I put the closed sign up in the window and I'm having the Time of My Life, never had so few customers, not in 200 years!, etc. Although, he says:
A: …There were a few young lads a couple of nights ago who broke in through the back and tried to steal the cashbox! But they soon saw the error of their ways~ C: *clearly amused* Did you smite them with your wroth? A: Well I certainly gave them a good talking to, and I sent each of them home with cake~ C: *annoyed, swooning* Cake? A: Quite a lot of cake, actually. C: *physically ill from having such a giant crush on this dumbass baker/security guard* eeeekkkgghhh I'm gonna regret asking but.. ...rrgh.. *30 seconds of Aziraphale joyfully describing his baking while Crowley probably tries very hard not to imagine the angel eating each item in sensual slow motion* I stg you can hear him struggling in the background once or twice
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A: …And once I've baked them, I have to eat them all myself, which was why I was so delighted— C: To send your burglars home laden with baked goods, yes, nnyeaayeah I follow…
Crowley interrupts, finishing Aziraphale's sentence in his nervous hurry to say the next bit:
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C: *loud inhale* You know, I could.. hunker down at your place. … Slither over and watch you eat cake. I could bring a bottle--a case of… something… drinkable…?
He's trying to sound so casual about it but this is someone who was rejected/abandoned by actual literal God after asking what he thought were welcome, uncontroversial questions. Asking makes him vulnerable. He's supposed to be the rescuer, not a demon in distress. He does not feel casual about asking.
Crowley knows it's unlikely but he's so miserable and desperate for company that he can't help but ask, just in case. Even the smallest chance of spending time trapped indoors with Aziraphale—with nothing to do but drink, watch him eat, and talk about things they'd normally avoid—is too tempting.
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A: *panicking* Oh I— I— I— I— I'm afraid that would be Breaking All The Rules! *nervous breathing* Out of the question! I'll see you… when this is over. C: Right. gnnehh. I'm setting the alarm clock for July. Good night, angel. *dial tone*
And just like that, Crowley doesn't need two days to decide. The depression nap doubles in length. He doesn't hear how badly Aziraphale wants to say yes behind the fear, or maybe he does and it hurts worse because why isn't Crowley enough for him? You can almost hear the spiralling:
SHOCKING, asking made it worse. It always does doesn’t it? Why even bother? you just embarrass yourself.. SLITHER over? why did I say that *grumble grumble* of COURSE His Holy Holiness, your only friend in the universe, would rather eat cake by himself while everything goes to shit than ~deign~ to have you in his presence. "AsK aND yE sHaLl ReCeIvE" bugger this for a lark im going to bed
(a bit dramatic but we've all been there)
I imagine sleep doesn't come right away. Maybe his thoughts drift to when he sat beside the angel at a dark Tadfield bus stop after a rather eventful Saturday. Crowley must've felt a tiny bit hopeful when he invited Aziraphale to stay with him: Heaven had withdrawn its favor and the bookshop was gone; Aziraphale was like him now. Didn't that mean things would change?
"I don't think my side would like that." Apparently not.
In the end, Aziraphale did ride the bus back to Crowley's apartment and stayed till the next morning when he caught a cab, but only to sell the illusion. Crowley understood that as far as sides went, the angel was still on Heaven's, even if Heaven wasn't on his.
And now this: the entire world is shut down; there is nothing for Aziraphale to do but stay in and read and bake in his magically reconstituted bookshop and he still won't invite Crowley in. Burglars and un-fallen angels only—nobody who asks questions.
So... of course Crowley doesn't tell Aziraphale when he loses his apartment. He already knows what answer he would get; the angel has told him so many times. Aziraphale is a company man first, a companion to one very sad owl when convenient.
If Crowley works up the courage to say 'please take me in, I have nowhere else to go' and Aziraphale goes 'sorry, no, far too political, but I WILL risk being erased from the Book of Life to protect this nude amnesiac former coworker who always hated me,' it's going to be too much. You can't sleep long enough for that type of hurt to go away. Better not to say anything.
"Then nothing has to change, does it?"
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youkaiyume · 10 months ago
Alright, so I've been a fan of Shane, Ryan and even Steven since their buzzfeed days and I've been watching this whole thing with Watcher moving their content over to their own streaming service debacle.
Like most ppl, I think it's a poor business move to alienate your fans like this, but I've been thinking on it more from maybe a financial perspective. I'm wondering how many people actually signed up for it. I saw a tiktok advertising expert say that the conversion rate for ads--meaning the number of ppl to actually buy something when they see an ad is about 1-5%. Like, right now they have about 2.8 million subscribers. And even though they've lost about 50K since and counting, they probably anticipated some loss. I'm sure they've mathed that if they just get at least like 100K conservatively out of their nearly 3 million fanbase to sign up, they'd be able to make $600K a month from their streaming service at six bucks a pop each month.
Maybe that's worth it? I'm not exactly sure how much they were making before. Ppl say they had 11K subscribers on patreon before but that's just their member total. Actual paid members was about 5K. But despite the controversy, their patreon member count has actually gone up. Today it sits at 12K members total with nearly 6K members paying. So they're making at least $30K-70K+ a month currently on patreon based on their offered tiers. not sure how much they were making on ad revenue alone or sponsors cuz I'm not sure how that stuff works on youtube. But maybe by their own accounting they think the loss of followers was worth it if they can hang on to that small, loyal but paying minority.
Another youtuber has pointed out that if you have a sponsor for a video and it's a one off, it can pay more. Up to $35K. So if that is the peak and they release 1 video a week, so 4 a month would be like 140K a month on sponsor money. And youtube pays about $10 per 1000 views a video, and they average 1 mil each video. So about $40K a month on views. So we can guess that they made about $180K a month currently on youtube (patreon and merch sales not included).
Honestly, if they can reach the goal of 1-5% of their subscribers converting to their streaming platform, yeah they probably would make more money in the long run. IF they can somehow manage to retain as well as grow those number of subscribers on their new platform. And don't forget, they don't plan to delete their current videos on their youtube channel so they'll still be earning revenue from those videos. We'll have to see I guess given how much goodwill they've lost with their audience.
Tbh, I am all for them trying to get paid more for their work but I also think they could have transitioned much differently, like only putting some exclusive content on their own platform while also posting free shows to youtube. Or maybe delaying releases for a week or a month for youtubers. or cutting back your production costs if it's really killing you cuz everyone has pointed out they liked the ghoul boys when it was just a black screen with text scrolling by saying "wheeze." Only time will tell if this move paid off for them.
But I'm not super knowledgeable on how the entire youtube thing works so if someone has some insight, feel free to weigh in.
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weaverweaverpumkineater · 3 months ago
ORIGINS FANFIC!! (slowburn RiDe)
(Chpt. 1)
Hello everyone! I just wanted to try something new so I chose fanfiction ^^ how fun. I am not writer but I do promise that I tried to have it make sense, at least the best I could. The prompt is a slow burn RiDe fic which does mean I am going to add alot more to this but given it is my first time writing something like this and posting it I just wanted some insight and perhaps advice and people's input :) I am definitely open to any criticism and anything people may offer. This does all take place in origins, and im sorry if this isn't 100 percent accurate, I did get into zombies like 2 months ago so I am not sure if I had time to let ot marinate enough but I guess I just wanted to try it out! Ride is my fav ship if you couldn't tell and I was hoping to be able to share this with you ^^. Once again I do plan on updating but when is something I haven't decided yet. Since this is only the first chapter I have inputted nothing about the ship just yet but of course with it being a slow burn I will slowly add elements I promise :).
I would also like to add, i removed the point system because I wasn't sure how to implement it, and i want to illiterate this may not be 100 percent accurate to the story. I will try my best but if I do wrong please tell me. From what I can gather this is all I have for now. Anyways, please enjoy and thank you!!!!
The sound of what can only be assumed to be machinery blaired throughout the area, its alarms being loud, and its footsteps being heavy. How many were there? More than one, even more than two, three, it seems. 6 individual steps taken across the hills of dirt and building tops that belong to this place.
North France, 1914, the battle of the Great War, World War I. A period of conflict and devastation reaching its climax, especially in Europe. Not just with battle, but with strange like creatures that can only be described as the term, "decaying". Pale green discoloration and sunken in faces, glazed eyes, no thoughts to process, no words that can even be formulated. Just brain-dead animals with no purpose but to kill. The reason for the reanimates sparks something else entirely. The work is due to the creation of group 935...
935 was an organization of scientists. No one can really determine their true goals, but what can be said is that the power they hold in their place of origins, Germany. After discovering an unknown contaminate, they decided upon themselves to continue researching what this blue substance can be, only to discover that this substance holds more power than any element that can be found documented and they called it element 115...
Dr. Ludwig Maxis, a man of great knowledge who holds strength in Germany's foundation, known for being one of the founders of this specific assembly of scientists, was the individual behind alot of powerful creations that had only manifested into something sinister. Aside from Maxis, his partner of occupation, Dr. Edward Richtofen, a person of both brains and an undesirable charm, used the liquid divinium for his own twisted pleasures, which awoken a force that was much too strong to manage, hoards and hoards of the undead.
The need to capture this man was strong. he was dangerous but also talented in his own field, it being a practice of medicine and anatomical procedures. The name Edward Richtofen was feared by most. He wishes to keep it that way. He holds no remorse, no sympathy, and not a feeling of empathy can be found in his body. Down to the very last atom, he was filled with disparity, insanity, immorality, and psychopathic tendencies. This attention was grabbed by those who lay outside of this continent, gathering 3 soldiers from different parts of the world, Russia, Japan, and America.
The name of these allies were infamous from wence they came. The motherland sending their Red Army soldier, a man of strength, Nikolai Belinski. Japan sending their best Samurai warrior, one who holds true honor, part of the Japanese imperial Army, Takeo Masaki. Lastly, the American dream, a Yankee from North America, a USMC spy, "Tank" Thomas Dempsey. The 3 were sent on a mission to infiltrate and investigate further on the crimes and studies of Group 935, all having the same intentions to report back to the allied countries.
By coincidence, the three men happen to find themselves in the same exact situation, facing jeopardy and coming across hazardous trails just to infiltrate this single scientist. Having to dodge huge robotic walk cycles while running in very steep and wet dirt roads is not a simple task, especially when faced with countless numbers of the Living Dead. The soldiers took this advantage to put their skills to the test, only being one person after all, unaware of each other's existence thus far, they were on their own for the time being...that is until they reached the end of their open path, coming to a dead end which was some sort of broken down building.
Confusion was the only thing felt between the individuals within the premises. The three allies have the same idea to run into the damaged facility, trying to get at least somewhat of a break. Their energy went most towards dealing with their situation. They hadn't realized the other persons presence. Additionally, the atmosphere didn't help either. The mist and debris that filled the air because of their surroundings decreased their line of sight, though only for a moment. Once the air cleared up, and they finally had time to catch their breath, they all looked at each other almost in sync. All were startled, which caused them to quickly reach for their weapon in hand and point it towards one another. Dempsey held his revolver up and aimed it towards both men that stood relative close to him, "tch." He smacked his teeth, keeping his focus. Takeo held a pistol in hand, pulling back the hammer of the gun, ready to fire if necessary, holding his breath in the process to help his focus. Nikolai's grip on his own weapon was tight, trying to aim his shot gun both at once, grumbling under his breath. Being focused on one another, they didn't realize who stood before them towards the back center of the room. It was Dr. Edward richtofen himself, who at the moment was dealing with his own situation.
His hands were covered in blood as he stood upon a metalic table. His victim, who was now deceased, laying their cold was Maxis. He had removed the brain that once belonged to the lifeless individual, displaying his scalp and what seems to have been the top portion of his cranium that had been removed, exposing the inside of whats now a hollow skull. It seemed that at the moment, his head was in a daze. A daze that was recovered facing recollections...recollections of what? What was in this Doctors mind? He looked at his hands with confusion and then fixed his vision to see the men that stood in front of him, which by that time they all had their guns pointed right at him.
This caused a slight suprise to Edward. His eyes widened a bit in shock. Though truthfully, he was facing a bit of deja vu. He's seen this before. He knows how this plays out. before he can mutter a word, Thomas was the first to speak, "Alright, Doctor, time to give your shit up, you're coming with me." He glared, leaving no room for any sort of retraction. This caused Nikolai to furrow his brows and speak next, "We know of the the things you've done German. If you don't move now, we shoot." His accent was thick, though by the looks of it, Richtofen understood him quite well. Takeo was the last to break his silence, reading the situation and feeling himself tense up less, knowing the other two men were only there for the same purpose. He spoke, "You need to give up. Your evil behavior and acts of violence are at its end." There was not a thing said after Masaki's words left his lips, though it seemed the silence that was held onto the air around them was louder than anything that could have been said. After a moment that seemed to have gone on for far too long, the German scientist finally spoke, "well gentlemen, it seems you have...finally caught up to me, though Ich promise I-", he was trying to look for the right words to say. Something wasn't exactly right. There was a reason for his extraction that layed before him, it wasnt just for malicious purposes, but of course, that's hard to really say given the reputation this man has. "Well, doc, scapel cut your tongue?" Tank spoke with a hint of sarcasm and absolute disgust, awaiting this "reasoning" for his behavior. "Ich..." he sighs, "it isn't what you think, This was a necessity for me, and I understand that currently, we are in a very dire situation. Ich am not who you think I am." He tried to get his words out as much as he could, his mother tongue being extremely heavy. "This is not up for discussion. You have committed acts of treason. You are a bad man, Edward Richtofen", The Japanese soldier said with a bit of haste. Anticipation growing heavier by the minute.
Edward sighed and stepped away from his array of medical utensils. He put his hands up as in defeat and placed himself even closer to the three others despite him having no way of defense. "Ich promise you all, this isn't what you think is is. I am not here to cause more trouble than I have. I can not explain at the moment. This is extremely time sensitive." His eyes look back at theirs almost with plead, like he was innocent, though of course they took this as deception and a form of manipulation. "Bullshit Richtofen! We will shoot!" Belinski was getting extremely impatient. This caused the doctors head to shake slightly, "Please trust me, Ich am not here to cause anymore harm than I have. If you'd allow me to explain mein situation you'd understand that this was all necessary..." The three had daggering glares. They didn't say anything, allowing the German to continue. Richtofen sighs and mutters a few words under his breath, feeling a bit of pressure. He knows what he wants to say but can't exactly say it. Truthfully, he isn't sure how he should tell them, tell them the reality, the reality that this is only the beginning to a very painful outcome. He began to speak, saying what he possibly could that is, "Ich am not here to cause more disaster but the contrerary. Are you all aware of what 'Agartha' is?" When he said this, he looked at Tank in particular, which caused a bit of confusion, that being implied on his expression. "Agartha?" The marine spoke, lowering his weapon a bit, seeing that there's no active form of threat. "The hell is that?..." His action caused the rest to lower their guns as well, not wanting to cause more hostility than they must.
At this point, the men faced confliction. Dempsey was curious, though he had a job to do. Takeo hadn't any idea what Edward was referring to, awaiting the explanation that was yet to be provided. Nikolai crossed his arms, placing a puzzled expression on his face, "What is this, uh, place you speak of, eh?" Richtofen slowly lowered his hands, feeling confident enough to do so with the signs of possoble gun fire gone. He fixed his sleeves and cleared his throat which followed with what he was gonna say next, "well, you see, to put it simply, there is a lost little girl by the name of samantha Maxis. It's a very, very complicated scenario, but I needed the brain of my counterpart as it plays an important role in freeing her. While ich do not care too much for her, it also..." He stops to a moment, wondering if he should continue, perhaps a white lie? Maybe he can stretch the truth? He continues after a short pause, "it opens the gateway to a dimension referred to as Agartha. Agartha is very hard to describe aber it is important i do so. It would open up a pathway to many things, different universes, a plethora of timelines. Mein hope is to be able to be able to undo all that has been set into motion and explore more in the realm of science. Ich just desires a better outcome than how society greets us." Though to him, it sounded like a reasonable enough explanation,to the rest, he sounded insane. Perhaps the term Looney would make a much better description rather than just crazy.
Dempsey furrows his brows as he glares at the German. He has no intention of trusting this man or his words anytime soon. He was sure the other two felt the same given the fact that at a quick glance, the other two held their weapons with a stronger grip than they had a moment ago. Richtofen sensed that their patience was running thin. Before he could say anything else, a sound of a low groan was heard from a distance, one that seems to be getting closer by the minute. They knew those noises all too well. "Shit... Those meatsacks are hoarding up again." Dempsey said as he turned the direction of where the sounds were from and placed a few shots into the few zombies he saw were approaching. They dropped dead, though he noticed more behind the bodies that layed before him. Takeo and Nikolai stood their own ground as well, getting their own weapons to a proper position to aim and fire. Richtofen quickly took a towel that was laying to the side of the table he stood upon, wiping off whatever blood stains still lingered on his hands. Though, of course, unable to get all of it, he just threw the dirty rag on the ground and quickly pulled out the bowie knife from his side. "These creatures have not stopped forming around the vicinity. We need to get out of here!" His slight panic reached the others as they were occupied with their own, shooting a couple of rounds before having to reload. "Y-yeah? And where's that, huh Doctor?"
Before Edward can give the marine a clear answer, he is met with 4 creatures on his right, ready to lunge towards him. He quickly took his weapon and attempted to cut them down. Unsurprising, it wasn't causing much damage. Noticing the struggles the doctor was facing, Tank shot them down as soon as he got done with his own situation. "Now, can ya tell us?" Dempsey said in a huffed voice, becoming restless, noticing the numbers of zombies only growing. Richtofen nodded, "Ja, Ich needs you all to trust me. Can you do that?" His words gave the group a very uncertain feeling, the three of them all making the same expression of doubt. "If you don't want to die becoming their next meal, I suggest you follow me. Ich am aware of my reputoir, but you really have no option. We need to go now!" His growth and feeling in worry snaps the crew back to reality, realizing that Richtofen had a point. "We await your orders," Masaki said in a low voice, Nikolai agreeing with his Japanese counterpart. "Ya better not pull anything stupid, I'll blow your brains out!" The American said with aggravation, letting the Doctor take the lead despite his unwillingness to cooperate.
"Right. Come with mich." Edward walked out from behind the table that was placed in front of him, picking up a particular item, carefully wrapping it in cloth that layed near by. He looked around before walking up to one of the two metal doors. "This one." He mumbles, proceeding to kick it, causing it to open. A small look of relief appeared across his face as he walked out of the room. He began following the trail in front of him, picking up speed as he got further down. The path was all mud which made it a bit difficult to move through. He shouted to the others he assumed were following behind, "Be aware of the mud gentlemen! Not only is it incredibly slippery, but it decreases your speed therefore reducing stamina and im sure you know why that is not a good thing!" He himself was having trouble running through, feeling the soles of his shoes to become stuck with every step he took, only pulling him back as he attempted to pick up his own pace. The other three found themselves in the same situation as they were sprinting through the dirt. "Shit, couldn't have picked a better way to go could ya doc?" Tank threw to the other, not earning a response back. Richtofen heard him, he just didn't want to waste his breath.
After running for what seemed like 10 minutes, The scientist found himself in front of another metal door, kicking it open just like the other. The next room he was met with looked at bit similar to the other, though the area was more spacious. Entering, all four men were cautious, being mindful of any sudden movement. Letting their guard down at any moment will result in fatality. Edward walked upon a table that was covered in blueprints and writing. On the surface, there was an array of radios, systems, and an additional amount of items one may use for in depth research. Something else that caught his eye was an empty container. With this finding he quickly and carefully placed what he had obtained from his earlier extraction. Still being wrapped under a thin cloth, Edward placed maxis' brain inside of the opened holder and sealed it shut. "Es ist perfect..yes. this is good." He mumbled to himself and grabbed the item as soon as he wiped himself off. Tank noticed the others actions and raised a brow, "the hell is that for? You know somethin, your starting to really creep me the fuck out Richtofen." His words followed a face of disgust before walking up the bit of steps that led to an elevated floor.
Edward paid no attention to the marine as he was stuck in his own head. He continued to look around, his memory slowly coming back to him. "Ja..I've been here before.." he muttered before following Dempsey in his steps, though keeping a distance. Takeo found himself lurking amongst the different sets of radios wondering if they held any clues to help them in their current situation. He kept their locations in mind, not wanting to touch what he shouldnt incase it causes more harm than good. He stayed close to his Russian allie, noticing the other studying a shovel placed upon a nearby wall. "Maybe it holds purpose da?" He said to Masaki, unhooking it from the nail that kept it in place and gave it to him. "Perhaps this shovel will find it's use during our escapade.." Takeo said in response and placed it on his side. The two looked at eachother with understanding and followed after the American and the German.
The rest of the room was filled with gritted flooring rather than the familiar woodboards they found themselves on. The floor was connected to a machine that covered most of the area. The machinery looked like a power source, a generator. The floor had two symbols of the same, being labled "01" which could imply the possibility of being more than one around the vicinity. Once Edward noticed the rest were at attention, he spoke, "I have to turn on the generator, though Ich believe that this will cause a bit of commotion.." How he knew what happens next stems from more hidden memories he has yet to really discover. From what he can recall, the power surge causes the undead to spawn and cause disturbance. After a quick thought process, he turned on the machine, which confirmed his suspicions. He yelled out a warning, which brought the others at their feet. Tank thought it was odd that Edward knew what was bound happen, noting to question him later. For now, focusing on what's in front of him, He began shooting the zombies down with the other two doing the same. After what seems like forever, the generator was finally stabilized and had successfully powered on, which by their luck had stopped any more of the undead from spawning in. The four took a minute to catch their breath, gaining a response from the marine, "the hell..was those things. What the fuck just happened?!" After questioning their situation, Richtofen gave him a response he thought made the most sense. "The generator must be kept on in order to access whats around us. Each one is powered by element 115, and by mein guess there will be more approaching us in our path. The element is notable for its effect on the dead, hence why we found ourselves surrounded." Before Tank could respond Nikolai spoke up, "I don't know what plans you have for us German but we all have a mission to con-" "and how do you expect to continue if you don't know a way out? There are several things we must do hence why Ich must carry the brain of mein late scientist friend. From what I have read prior around the facility, we must obtain und put together a plethora of objects...und in order to do that I advise you listen to mich. I cannot tell you much of how I know this but Ich will say this, unfortunately there has been a change of plans within your party und whether dou like it or not I will have to assist you three for a while. Our mission thus far is to free samantha Maxis and open the gateway to Agartha." Dempsey sighed in frustration and gave in his own input, "Alright so we gotta not only follow the damn mad scientist but we have to trust and work together with ya? You must be more mad than I thought, I don't have any plans to work with y-" "und what choice do you have. As I mentioned to Nikolai, I don't think you have much of an option Dempsey." This caused both Belinski and Tank to back down, not just out of defeat but out of shock. Both we confused on how Edward knew who they were. Perhaps their identities were known even outside of their place of origins? They do have a strong reputation but not one too known to the common public. Nikolai played it off and went with the explanation that made the most sense which was explained prior. As for The marine. He wasn't gonna just downplay it. There was too many unanswered questions and he was gonna get an explanation from the German. Though for now to avoid conflict he left it alone.
The doctor took a minute to recover from all that had just happened, speaking up once he was ready. "Ich know this will be hard for you to all understand und I know that it's not easy to trust someone like mich, but I would like to remind you, I am not who you think I am..." He let those words linger for a while, piecing together what should be done next in his mind. They were in the middle of a battleground surrounded by countless numbers of the undead, trapped in a hell that can only be fled through one way, which at the moment was deemed impossible. For now, all they can do is move forward, and whether they want to accept it or not, Edward Richtofen was their only way out of this situation.
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eri-pl · 4 months ago
It will be chaotic, because I can't force myself to make a structured post about it, I don't know why. Also sorry if my autocorrect does something stupid, I'm writing on the phone.
So, the Legendarium and causality, and good deeds, bad deeds and their results. This is the main topic of this post.
Is this post about the Legendarium? About real life? Both? Well, it surely is about the Legendarium, but not only. It's fuzzy. One of the things I like with tolkien is that such discussions get fuzzy and thinking about the books gives me insights about life.
There is a rule which I try to follow when writing or even planning something more serious (in the Legendarium context, but in general too, unless specifically going for a genre that's different): if a long-term success (in something that matters) is achieved by doing something morally wrong, those conditions must be fulfilled (not necessarily all clearly written out, but I must at least have a vague idea):
1. It could have been achieved in a good way, and it wouldn't be lesser. Or it wasn't really that important. (Because I refuse to accept "necessary evil")
2. Either something bad came out of it, or someone has to put effort into it not happening. I'm not sure how to explain it better (see later about handling other people's bad choices)... Anyway this makes the story feel more satisfying, more interesting.
3. How much of 2 is needed is proportional to how bad the thing was. Also if the character couldn't be expected to know much better, point 2 is less intense, though it's often still more interesting to have it.
I wonder how close to canon is this rule. Anyway I like it. Also, I tend to assume at least 1 when interpreting the canon, which likely influences my opinion about the Feanorians and the whole Silmaril business.
I'm not saying this is a 100% rule in real life, or even a technically 100% rule in te Legendarium, because omniscience is tricky… but it is a good rule in writing, I think, and even more so it definitely is a good rule in approaching decisions. If something can't work in a moral way, it won't work anyway or is not worth it. Nothing really worthy can be permanently lost by making the right choice. And so on.
It seems like there would be a symmetrical rule of good deeds not resulting in bad events but then we have the Children of Hurin. And what did Hurin do wrong? I have no idea.
But then, the Men are generally... And you could also look at Maedhros, but then, the exiled Noldor, and SoF in particular are also, hmm, I think "marred" is the word I should use here.
Still, I really prefer if there is something good coming of from good deeds, even distant and not seen by the person doing the good deeds.
Also, there seems to be is another rule, it's outright said. Things always turn out into a good ending, and you can either go with it or fall under it.
Example: gollum. He could have cooperated and jumped with the Ring willingly. He chose to betray Frodo, fell with the Ring anyway.
You also can, obviously, do a creative mix of going along and falling under. (Must I say: the two oldest Feanorians, it is this obvious?)
And falling under makes things more difficult for everyone, not just the person doing it.
Darn, I made this sound ugly and tyrannical. It's not. But I remember when I would say it is, and I can't explain why it is not. It's kinda like when you do a weird thing with your eye muscles and start seeing double. It's just not. I just can't explain it in a way this deserves. My apologies.
Anyway, bad choices make things difficult for everyone. Because we are connected to each other. I've already made a post about it long time ago, but generally...
Maybe if Saruman wasn't such a jerk weed have a Sauron redemption. (Maybe, it's always a maybe)
Maybe if Maglor didn't take pity on the twins, Númenor would fall much earlier and Sauron would be more successful. And so on and do forth.
It's always a maybe, and nobody determines anybody else's choices, but still, we do impact each other. It's hard to think about, because it's over if the places where a) it's worth to try b) there's no guarantee of anything... (Which are most places, I guess). Both on the Silm and in life, people are interconnected. But also everyone is responsible for their decisions.
It's hard to not blame characters (or people) too much. It's hard... In general it's wonderful but difficult, the whole concept.
And another thing tired to this very closely, tied to the interconnectedness (is this a word?) is unearned suffering and Hurin and Nienor and Miriel (both tbh) and Feanor back before he was a jerk and many others.
Sometimes we get the outcome of someone else's bs without even consenting to it. Why? I suppose it's because the connectedness is now important than "not getting random bs thrown in your life". Maybe. Probably. I'm not wise, ok? I'm not sure it's my heart, but something's telling me it's something like this reason.
And what can we do
Argue. Rebel. Just take it. There are many things we can do. I'm not going to go on a rant about what Feanor (or Finwe) should have done and so on because I don't want dfw and others to have a bad time listening to me criticizing their guy, and also I wasn't in his position so I shouldn't be ranting. I should go rant at myself or something.
But the things aren't going to solve themselves or disappear. So yes, just taking it is a very noble and beautiful thing to do (and hard as... Idk what's hard. A Silmaril is hard, I guess)
Because it's so very infuriating when someone else's bs lands on your head.
Oh how I wish I could handle it better.
Back to the Legendarium. Someone handling it better generally yields results, see: the Long Peace. And probably many other situations.
And of course there are situations when the bs you have to handle is your own and if you don't handle it, it will fall of everyone else's heads. This doesn't necessarily make it easier to handle. :( Sometimes someone helps, and that's nice.
Yet another question is how realistic a book should be.
Should it portray lots of undeserved suffering, of badly handled undeserved suffering (CoH), because it's part of life? Should it portray hope triumphing against reason (B&L, and remember that Beren was just as much a Man as Turin was), to give people an escape?
I think (maybe it's rather obvious) that we need both, because depending on personality and circumstances, we need both validation and acknowledgement of our pain, and hope that things can be better. Both kinds of stories are necessary.
It may sound untrue, and sometimes I wish I was a kind of person who can live with only hopeful stories, because the day ones are what I need when I'm not doing well— but no. We do need both, at least in terms of "what most of the story consists of". We need ways to express pain without an immediate answer.
It's a sad song.
But we're gonna sing it anyway.
Until we finally get it right and the sad parts start making sense.
And let's not even get into "sad stories where people mess their lives up so much because that's how freedom works, yes, they can do that" because I have absolutely no idea what to say about those.
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faithandfairies · 2 months ago
Just saw Nosferatu yesterday. It's exactly the vampire horror I wanted it to be.
I also see influences of it in Interview with the Vampire.
Next are all the Nosferatu spoilers as I talk about the movie.
A couple of things I love about it are: 1. At no point is the vampire hot. Literally never. Which I think is excellent, because our brains tend to short-circuit whenever someone is hot and suddenly we act like they can't be evil. But he's a pervy rotting corpse straight out of the grave 100% of the time. Perfection.
2. It's not a love story, at least not between the vampire and the human. The human was able to wake the vampire from his death sleep and did so accidentally when she was sad and lonely because she was a seer of some sort, looking for companionship. She prayed but as they usually make the mistake of doing, they pray to any entity willing to listen when they're desperate enough. He offers her the bond, she accepts and he then fucks her "in spirit" to officially bind her to him. He then appears in her dreams every night to keep the bond from weakening. Then when she finds love and gets married he contacts the boss of the guy and gets the guy to travel to him and sign a deal that sells her to him. But the vampire still needs her to agree anew herself because she now made vows to someone else which weakened their bond. So he starts to kill strangers and then everyone she loves to isolate her and manipulate her into saying yes to the bond again. She ultimately only says yes because she doesn't want her idiot husband whom she loves (and who actually does love her) to become one of the vampire's kills.
3. He's regarded as a type of demon. One that can be summoned using a demonic summoning ritual. Which makes sense to me because to me, if vampires exist, they probably are a type of demon created by God or the devil himself. Or maybe humans. They're not the main event. But they are a second cousin.
4. "Come to me" made an appearance but it was the human who said it to the vampire.
5. It also offers some more insight into the vampire bond. Like the vampire speaks to the human in his mother tongue which she probably doesn't know, yet she understands him. They also had entire conversations while he was in his country and she was in hers. Based on what she said I got the impression he was also able to feel and see her without being near her. And you got the impression that she physically experienced each of his feedings and kills. He was also at her mercy in a way. His "loving" her and binding himself to her could become his undoing. His feeding also spread like an actual plague. It didn't just make people anemic, it seemed to make them actually sick beyond that. But I got the impression that he would be able to drink from her indefinitely, as in several times over, without making her sick because of the bond. He also drank from the chest when he wasn't trying to kill his victim. Which kind of made me think of Lestat and his obsession with Louis' heartbeat and kissing Louis' chest and Louis and Lestat giving the impression that they vampire bit down each other's chests when they fed on and fucked each other. I get that idea from the chest bites Louis left on the victim in the park in France that he thought was Lestat. Something we never saw them do with actual victims. A lot of this movie made me think of Louis and Lestat actually. The biggest difference honestly being that Louis and Lestat are both hot and the human in this one was in love with someone else and the vampire was NOT having it even more than Lestat was not having Louis ignoring him because he was gay panicking and then grieving. Other than that the vampire's manipulation and isolation of the human etcetera were pretty much the same (times 100 in the movie). As well as being at the human's mercy sometimes.
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littlecrittereli · 1 year ago
It's been a long time since I watched Wild Kratts but I didn't even know he had a fandom, I'm so happy, and your story made my dream come true, I would love to create a story like you, but I'm not very good at writing stories What tips would you give to a beginner <3
I don't consider myself a super great author to be honest, I'm much more confident in my illustrations! But as someone who is completely self taught: here are some tips I use when I write my stories! (these may not apply to everyone, but they do help me) Outlines
If I'm writing a plot-based story I make an outline of all the major plot points I want to make and separate them into chapters. I reference this outline when I'm writing a chapter and it helps me meet all my "goals" for that particular chapter! Of course you can be flexible with this. Say one of your plot points dragged out a little too long and you want to save something for the next chapter, you can adjust your outline as you go! Sometimes your idea will change as you write it, and that's okay! revise your outline accordingly. For me, it's handy so I don't end up spiralling completely off the path I intended and lose the conclusion I wanted to have. Here's an example of the outline for my Reprogrammed AU. (Only chapters 1-5 to prevent spoilers for unreleased chapters)
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as you can see, it doesn't have to be super formal. This is literally just in my notes app. As long as you can understand and follow your ideas, that's all that matters.
Get a Beta Reader!
I do not actually have a beta reader currently, but sending your writings to someone to proofread is one of the best ways to get genuine feedback. Try to find someone who is also pretty educated on proper grammar. I learned more about proper formatting from a fanfiction beta reader than I did in school im so fr. At the very least, make sure this person is comfortable with giving you constructive criticism. If something reads a little awkward or if a plot point doesn't make much sense/could be solved with an easier method, it's a lot easier for someone to point out when they didn't write the piece.
Study fanfictions/books you enjoy
Honestly... just reading a lot has made me a better writer. You will begin to notice the way authors describe certain feelings or environments, and that can give you insight on how to go about writing your own ideas. If I find an author I really like, I will try to dissect WHY I like them so much. Is it their accurate characterization? Do they describe emotions well? Are their plots engaging? Is their dialogue interesting? Find out what makes their writing so interesting so you can incorporate those traits into your own story. This goes for the way they format their writing as well. For example, I've found I prefer when chapters are around 1k-5k words. Really short chapters can make the story seem choppy when the reader has to constantly click to the next page, it kinda breaks the immersion of the story. Instead I try to use chapter breaks as interesting pausing points for suspense. I love it when authors leave their chapter on a slightly unfinished note. So I'm curious for the next chapter, but also I feel fulfilled with what I've read so far. And I've discovered this by analyzing the stories I enjoy!
And the most important advice I can give.... PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!!!
Writing is similar to drawing in the sense that in order to learn, you must DO it. You have to make the shitty stuff before you find out how to make it better! It's honestly just part of the creative process. I still have some short stories I wrote back when I was a preteen and ITS BAD LOL but I needed to go through that in order to learn and grow and be more confident in my storytelling capabilities. And just like illustrations, everyone starts at a different place and everyone's process is different. SO BE PATIENT AND DON'T GIVE UP! Write that story! Even if it's bad, who cares?! You wrote something! And next time, you will write something even better!
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polyglottishthings · 2 years ago
I liked a lot of things about the Dragon Prince and i loved that they included a deaf character at all but imo they did it so wrong because
1. She NEVER mouths her words as she signs, and her signing feels flat and unexpressive. Sign language relies heavily on facial expressiveness alongside the way you sign, so it just looks like she's speaking very flatly all the time
2. She never once has trouble understanding people when reading their lips. It's true that a lot of people are amazing at reading lips and can get by pretty well by doing so, but no one is 100% all the time, and when you consider that she encounters both humans and elves with different spoken accents, it's LIKELY she would misread their lips at some point. There's a lot of comedic potential missed here, on top of the fact that it's just inaccurate.
3. She is finger spelling out everyone's names!! It's one thing when she's just met them and doesn't know much about them or hasn't given them a sign name/learned their sign name, but at the beginning of the show she spells out "Callum" instead of using his sign name. Since she seems pretty close to them, wouldn't she have given both of her nephews a sign name at some point?? I want to believe it's because the creators knew not everyone has/gives sign names....but given the context of this post....i just can't see that...
4. There are a few scenes where she hears something behind her, or when people are speaking behind her and she apparently hears them. I think this one bothers me the most, because the writers have basically made her deafness disappear for the sake of...what? Convenience? Not having to reimagine the scene? It's sad because scenes where this happens would be so much more authentic if you could see how scary it was for her not to understand wtf these people were talking about, or how she has found ways to stay aware of her surroundings despite not being able to hear them.
5. Along with the previous thing, her interpreter stands behind her WAY too much. Like, how is he reading her signs when she's in front of him or vice versa? Making the interpreter not able to view her/her not able to view him is basically excluding them from each other's conversations. You know how, when you're in a group conversation, if you miss what one person says, you aren't REALLY included in what rest of the people are saying? Yeah, that stills holds true with deafness.
A lot of this is just REALLY basic stuff because I don't even sign much and am not fully deaf and I picked up on it, so it leads me to think that the creators of the show just. Didn't ask a Deaf person for their insight? I mean they could've at least just Googled "Deaf people have sign language conversation" lmao
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polaroidhugs · 14 days ago
Poker face
CH 2 - Poker face
(CH 1. - HERE)
Summary: You and Chishiya partake in both of your first 'games' in the new deserted city of Tokyo—except for the teeny fact that neither of you has ever played the game at hand before and everyone else at the table seems to be masters.
A/N: Ohmygosh this chapter was so annoying to write... (Why it took so long.) I learned how blackjack works writing this while going over the manga at least ten dozen times. Though I didn't explain it in the writing cause just who do you think I am. ANYWAYS, enjoy.
WARNINGS: Swearing. Gore - gun wounds, nooses etc. (But it's not very descriptive.) Alluding to criminalistic past.
WC: 7235 words.
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“So it looks like we can’t move from these seats until we finish!” The show-off declares loudly, as if we’re all too moronic to understand somwrhing so obvious. His voice is filled with a disgusting superiority that makes me want to sucker punch him in his flashy golden teeth. “And we get a hangin’ if we lose? Chilling!”
“Let’s just get this over with.” The old lady sighs, uninterested in what the Show-off has to say. She takes another slow drag from her cigarette, a thick cloud of smoke pouring from her nostrils. “That disgusting voice of yours reminds me of my late husband.” She adds, her voice laced with a disgusting sense of bitterness. I don’t know a thing about her late husband, but I understand. The show off’s voice is an assault on my beautiful ears, screeching and grating like nails on a chalkboard.
“One winner remains…” Tall-hair mumurs to himself. “So that means we’re all facing eachother.” Thanks for your insight, genius. none of us would’ve figured that out without your input. 
“Excuse me, may I ask something?” Chishiya speaks up, his voice smooth and casual. He tilts his head to the side, his posture languid and composed, like he’s already one step ahead the rest of us idiots.
I can almost feel what he’s going to ask, unless I’m assuming cause it’s all that’s plaguing my mind:
“Do people really die in this game?”
It’s not just an assumptiom. He asked the question for the both of us. But there’s a reason- or, reasons I didn’t ask that question myself: One, nerve. But also, we’ve only just arrived, and I assume these people have too. So how would they know the answer to that? Surely Chishiya is aware of that too. He must be. Before I can get too lost in the spiral of my thoughts and questions, a gruff voice cuts through the tension.
“Ain’t this somethin’!” Show-off barks. “Didn’t expect for some newcomers to get mixed in!” That settles it, then: Yes, they do. But hold on- newcomers? That would mean that he and the others must have been here longer than we have. but how can that be so? This isn’t some back to the future shit, is it? No, that’s impossible. My head is spinning.
On the table lies a piece of paper with endless ballpoint writing on it. I slip past Chishiya, my arm brushing against Chishiya’s shoulder as I lean over to grab it. Upon inspection, It’s the rules for this game of blackjack. I pass it to Chishiya, who takes his sweet ass time to read through it, not like this is life or death, or anything. Take your time, man.
“So, do you understand?” The question slips from my lips, but it’s not a casual inquiry. No, I’d frame it more as a desperate plea. I look him in his eyes, and I know my emotions are evident; they’re screaming through my my expression to the point it’s painful to hold.
He lets out a small, almost amused chuckle. “I don’t really get it all.” He admits to me, his words landing like a hard punch to the stomach. My face falls instantly, and in sensing my reaction, Chishiya tries to salvage whatever trust I just had in him.“I guess I’ll learn as I go.” 
After a few seconds of just me looking at him in horror, the chips get come out of the table on rectangular platforms infront of each of the 5 contestants. 
A few agonizing seconds pass of me, frozen, just staring at Chishiya in horror. But then, as if on cue, rectangular platforms infront of everybody at the table emerge, and they all have vastly different amounts on them. My mind goes blank for a second before I realize just how different the amounts are.
Oh, we are so fucked. While everyone else has atleast a dozen chips, the guy with a buzzcut having 30-something, Chishiya and I get graced with a lovely five. five!
“Why are they different? Ain’t this unfair!” Show-off yowls in anger. Imagine how we feel, damn Show-off! You have quintuple what we have, and you’re complaining? 
“Most likely the number of chips we were given,” Tall-hair speaks up. Only Buzzcut left now, then I’ll have heard every one of these people speak. These are going to be the last people I interact with, so I should probably cherish it, right? Damn, my sense of finality is through the roof right now. How fascinating.
“Relates to our remaining allowances on our visas. It’s how much time we have left.” Visas? My mind highlights the word. My probation isn’t over for another year now, so what importance does a visa pose for me? Especially when everybody else is gone?
“I see.” Buzzcut speaks up. Five for five! “Those whose visas end today have 5 hours left before they’re killed by a laser. Each of these chips represent an hour.” Are you fucking kidding me? My mind reels with disbelief, but it’s quickly replaced by a seething, gnawing anger that envelops me. A laser? Is this purgatory? Did that pussy from juvie’s curse actually work? What the hell did I do to deserve this? Sure, I’ve hurt some people over the years—made mistakes I can’t undo—by death by laser? It’s absurd. The thought almost makes me laugh, but there’s no humor in it. What kind of sick joke is this?
I glance at Chishiya, and all I see is a blank mask of concentration. His eyes are locked on the chips infront of him. Then, slowly, he shifts his head, just enough for his peripheral vision to catch my gaze. A slight grin tugs at the corners of his mouth.“The two of us don’t have much time left, so how about we get this started?”
The first person dealing is Tall-hair, and that’s just about all I think I’ll be able to understand out of this game moving forward. The rest? I’m leaving that up to my guy here. Everybody at the table bets a miniscule amount of chips, and Chishiya bets one: Good, if he had bet anymore than that, I think I’d strangle him.
“Hit. Stand. Split.” These three different words tumble from everyone else’s mouth, where exactly they came from a blur. I’m lost, right now the game makes no sense to me. But then there’s Chishiya, observing it with that same detached intelligence he always seems to have.
“Your turn.” Tall- hair tells Chishiya indifferently. Meanwhile, the others at the table are watching Chishiya, their eyes practically praying for his downfall. “What will you do?”
I don’t think. I just react. Without a word, I grip onto Chishiya’s shoulders, shaking him gently but still with urgency. It’s an unspoken way to tell him, ‘Think wiseley- if you fuck up, we’re dead.’
“Okay. hit.” I hope like hell that was the right call. The dealer slides a pair of cards towards him: a 2 of spades and 3 of diamonds, both joining his pre-dealt hand: the Jack of clubs and 2 of diamonds.
“Hm…” Chishiya thinks for a moment, his eyes darting back and forth between his cards with a rapid intensity, like he’s thinking of all 14 million universes Strange mentioned at once. 
“Hit.” He says again, more decisively this time.
 For some reason, that’s enough to surprise Show-off. His expression shifts, like he wasn’t expecting it. That can’t be a good sign for us.
"Hm..." Chishiya's gaze flickers downward, his eyes darting back and forth between his cards with a rapid intensity, as though he's looking through 14 million universes like Doctor Strange.
The next card slides towards Chishiya—- a 4 of clubs. I don’t know all the intricacies of this game, but I remember one thing from watching my boss play: Your hand reaching a total of 21? As good as it gets. A smile shines onto my face, and before I can stop it, my fingers instinctively tighten against Chishiya’s collarbone, giving him a small shake. I shouldn’t be so jolly right now, but a part of this feels more thrilling than terrifying. 
“I did it, a 21. Isn’t this the strongest hand?” Chishiya flaunts as collective grumbles come out from everybody else at the table. Damn, that’s satisfying. I almost wanna shove it in everyone’s faces that a guy who didn’t know the rules 15 minutes ago beat their asses, but I’ve gotten my head shoved into the dirt enough times cause of that now to know to think before I do.
“If you hadn’t taken four, I would’ve won that.” Tall-hair states, his eyes practically burning into the side of Chishiya’s face. The intensity of his stare is something serious, I can almost feel the heat from here.I think everyone here seriously have something against us: It’s like the moment they saw us they got distracted from eachother and all just unanimously started to pray on our downfall.
“Let’s just call it beginners luck.” Chishiya says cheerfully as he flashes a smile. It’s the kind of smile that doesn’t reach your eyes.
And onto Show-offs turn for dealing. Chishiya, unfazed, continues to observe, his eyes scanning the table as he places a single chip on the line again. At this point, my hands have travelled from his shoulders back to the chair. The way he doesn’t care I had my hands on him is so refreshing, if he was any other guy he would’ve thought I was hitting on him. Gross.
The voices of the others around the table drift in and out of my awareness. My eyes fall to the chips. Buzz-cut is sitting comfortably with a towering stack of 70-80 chips while everybody else has around 30. Except for Chishiya and I- we have around 10. Great. In the distance of my mind, I can one of them irate about how the cards not being in their favor. Imagine how we feel, asshole.
My train of thought gets derailed by Chishiya. “I think I’ve got it.” he tells me, a faint smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as he gives a small nod. There’s a reason why Chishiya’s a fancy med student at the same age as me. I’ve been observing, but nothing has clicked for me. Meawhile, he got it. What did he get, exactly? I don’t know. It.
The game progresses to the next round, and Chishiya casually starts fiddling with his chips, letting one slide between his fingers and clicking it repeatedly against the table. click…click…click… against the table, over and over. It’s kind of irritating me to be honest, which is good. It means it’s also irritating the other players, too.
“Hey…” Show-off speaks up, his voice rough and almost likd a growl. Creepy. “Thats fucking annoying! I can’t concentrate!” Then, without missing a beat, he turns to me as if I’m some great voice of reason that’ll make Chishiya stop: I won’t.
“Oh, well, it’s not like it’s against the rules.” Chishiya states dryly, though there’s a smugness bleeding through his statement.
“Tch…” The sharp click of Show-offs tongue cuts through the air like a knife. “Fucking brat!” He bellows. It’s a wonder how this guy’s vocal cords haven’t been shredded by now. Seriously, does this guy ever get tired of screeching all the damn time? I’m suprised his voice isn’t raspier than it is.
“Hit. Stand. Hit.” In the blink of an eye, Chishiya has amassed about 10 tokens, pushing up our total up to 21. He’s good. Even I can’t quite figure out how he pulled that off. But then again, I haven’t exactly been absorbing the details of what’s happening infront of me. I see it, but I don’t absorb it.
A sharp, incredulous “Wha…” Comes from Show-off, and I already know he’s about to throw another hissy fit. Here we go again. “How the hell…” He mutters, vis voice rising a few decibels as he abruptly stands up from his seat, the noose around his neck following him. Well, isn’t that just dandy? “Are you going up in chips!?” He slams his hands into the table, hard enough to send the stack of chips Chishiya had so carefully stacked scattered all across the table. I let out an exasperated groan, leaving over the table to put the chips that are rightfully ares back in a pretty stack. As I metisculously stack them back into place, I hear the Lady’s voice, calm but probing.“Cheating?” She asks, with no real accusation in her tone. She doesn’t seem annoyed if Chishiya is, which he isn’t. She’s just curious.
“I guess you could just call it card counting.” Chishiya speaks up dismissively as he plucks one of the chips I missed and adds it back to our stack. “It’s simply a game of numbers. In the long run, the percentages settle out.” Ah, I see. So that’s what he’s been thinking about. He was coming up with a way to make his decisions in this game based on statistics. A small spark of hope ignites in my chest. We are so getting out of this alive!
“Are you telling me that in this short amount of time, you came up with a card counting theory?!” Tall-hair asks in disbelief, his sharp features twisting into a mix of shock and suspicion. But, as disbelieving as Tall-hair is, there’s someone in even more disbelief than him– and boy, is he vocal about it.
“Only the most skilled could actually pull those calculations off! So how’s an amateur like you…” Show-off trails off in thought, like something has just dawned on him. So, he just shuts up. Good, his loud, grating voice pisses me off. His silence is like music to my ears.
“Please feel free to take note.” Chishiya smiles. His voice, usually flat and emotionless takes on a mocking tone, dripping with a subtle arrogance that makes me joyful. “After all, the only thing idiots can do is mimic others.” 
And with that, the gazes of the others change when they look at us– No longer dismissive. It’s insane how they can go from looking at us like we’re weaklings to their eyes burning with resentment, and, pinch me if I’m dreaming, maybe some fear.  It’s intoxicating, how it feels to have the people who looked down upon you a second ago suddenly see you as on their level. A threat. But we’re not on their level, at least, Chishiya isn’t. He’s above them.
Now it’s Tall-hairs’ final turn as dealer. Chishiya’s gaze locks onto him, his sharp eyes narrowing in concentration. He’s thinking. God, I love it when he does that. Every thought he makes puts us a step closer to walking out of here alive.
The mantle of dealer gets tossed to Show-off. He thinks he’s being sneaking, but his cheap trick is painfully obvious to me. As he slides a card across the table to the Lady, I catch the glint of his tacky golden ring reflecting the light: He’s using it as a mirror to see the second card, then deal from there rather than the top. It’s something my old boss told us to look out for. Or rather, he caught someone cheating that way and what he did is forever ingrained in my mind now. Man, that guys’ eye was almost pitch black when we left. 
I lean forward, resting my hand on the edge of Chishiya’s chair, and bend down to share eye level with him. The wood of the chair is cool beneath my sweaty palms. My voice drops to a whisper, low enough so only he can interpret what I’m saying.
“Chishiya…” I murmur, my breath brushing against the shell of his ear. “Tell Dealer to lose the ring.” Chishiya’s expression doesn’t change, and he doesn’t say anything back to me. He just follows my command like a robot. “Hey. Gold-tooth Geezer.” 
Show-off pauses mid motion, his hand freezing over the deck of cards. His gold-capped teeth glint under the dim lighting of the room as he shoots us a glare. His eyes filled with a mix of confusion and anger. I don’t think it’s just Chishiya interrupting him that irked him, but also the fact that he got called a gold-toothed geezer. 
“‘Looks kind of hard to deal with that ring,” Chishiya continues, his voice smooth and taunting. He raises one arm lazily, his fingers waving back and forth like a pendulum as if he had a fancy ring of his own “How about you take it off?”
Geezer’s face darkens, his expression twisting into something ugly and venomous. If it weren’t for the noose and rule of the game restraining him, I’m certain he would’ve lunged at Chishiya. Instead, Show-off’s hand shake with anger as he yanks the ring off his finger. “How annoying can you be!” He roars. Heh, I’m not sure if he noticed, but the cigar somehow still in his mouth made him have a bit of a lisp there. 
The game continues on, and Chishiya and Tall-hair both bust, which I’ve come to figure is quite bad. Show-off yells something about taking all of our chips while reeling them in with his arm, forgetting how angry he was just a few seconds ago. For the next round, Chishiya slides a single chip towards the center of the table with his middle and index fingers.
“Why so little? Luck’s finally on my side. Wish you would bet a little bit more.” Show-off taunts, his voice dripping with a disgusting arrogancy as his eyes lock onto mine with an intensity that makes me want to run out of the room. Can this creep stop staring at me? Jesus. I avert my eyes, but I can still feel him staring.
“I’ll soon have you begging…” Show-off continues, widening his eyes manically. “And I’ll erase that smug smile off of your face.”He leans back in his chair, the wood creaking underjos weight, and lets out a guttural laugh as he does so.
“Betting a little more, huh?” For the first time in what feels like an eternity, Buzzcut speaks up, his voice deeper than before. “Fine. I’ll go all in.” He pushes all 30-something off his chips to the middle. The chips clink together as they slide across the surface, which, in the silence of the room feels unnaturally loud
 his cool demeanor not wavering for a second though he’s risking his life here: If I want to survive in whatever happened to this city. Buzzcur’s expression remains stoic, even as he risks everything— even his life. If I want to survive through whatever the hell this city has become, I’ll need to be like him, or Chishiya: Uncaring. Unshakable.
Geezer sputters, his face flashing with indignation. “34 chips? You- what are you trying at?”
Tall-hair, ever the smooth talker, interjects with a voice calm as still water. “This game needs to end with one person within the time limit, otherwise it’s game over for all of us.” He pushes his chips forwards as well. “So, now we need to reliably destroy one person at a time. According to the rules, the bet limit is the amount of chips the dealer has. Now if you, the dealer, ends up with a bust, you’ll have 0 chips. Basically, you’re going to be the first person to leave us.”
Ooh! A coup d’etat! I like it! Kicking out the bitchiest player first is a stroke of genius. But hold on, if Chishiya is dealing next, they might try the same thing with him. We’re not safe.
“Us non-dealers just have to keep going from bust.” Lady takes a slow drag from her cigarette before exhaling a thin stream of smoke. She fixes Show-off a piercing stare, her lips curling into a mocking ‘how do you like that?’ smile.
Show-off grumbles, the light from his eyes soaring away. Every muscle in his face is scrunched into anger, anger directed towards me. He saw me whispering into Chishiyas ear, he knows I’m the one who set this in motion. Forget wanting to jump across the table and smack Chishiya— he wants to kill me.
“So, you bastards are trying to off me first?” He sneers, his lps twisting to a laughable imitation of a smile. It’s not sincere, not even close. He’s trying to convince himself right now, ‘there’s no reason to panic. My tricks are perfect! Just get through this round and I’m fine.’ Haha. You are so dead, dude: Just accept it!
Chishiya and Tall-hair both decide to stand with their cards, and that sours Show-off’s face down to what it should be: Worried. 
Buzz-cut notices the sbift, and I guess he decides to grace Show-off with one final speech before his death. “In my store, people like you come in and out all the time. From the Yakuza to the shopping district owner, they overestimate the effectiveness of their own tricks. Just because you’re using tricks, does that make you a strong gambler?” The lady stands.
“There was a crepe store owner who came into my shop every night, clutching his earnings of the day. The tricks up his sleeve were just average, but one night he began to fall into a large losing streak. He took a loan from his house and what followed was his tipping point. He only had his own self left to bet. He was then wiped from the face of society. It was a shame when I realized I wouldn’t be able to taste those delicious crepes again.”
The lady stands once again: It’s kind of fascinating, with every new move we make, Show-off’s face contorts to a completely different sense of dread.
“That crepe vendor relied too much on tricks. These chips, whether they be money or time remaining, in the end, it’s your life you’re betting with: Unless you have the backbone to stare death in the eye, tricks aren’t going to help you for shit.”
With hearing that, Show-off is trembling in his chair. Of course, he’s too arrogant to wipe that fuckass grin off his face. His breathe is shaky as he deals another card. 
“Did you know? The chance of a dealer bust is apparently thirty percent?” With that, Show-off plops his last card onto his jack and six: It’s a king. Over 21. A bust.
For a moment, there’s silence. Then, there’s a sickening crack, the noose around Show-off’s yanks him onto the air, snapping his neck. His body swings around in the air for a few seconds before slowing down and just… Hanging there. It truly is a gruesome sight, but for some reason I can’t seem to look away.
Just our luck. Chishiya is the next to deal. That means we’re back to being prey. I liked that coup d’etat moment. I think it all brought us a little closer, you know? But now that we’re the government in this scenario, I’m not so sure I’m liking it. Just stick to my thought process, I tell myself. it hasn’t failed me so far: My boy Chishiya’s got this.
With Show-off’s death, Chishiya gains a measly one chip, while Buzzcut now holds a staggering hundred. That’s great. What’s even greater, is what Buzz-cut utters next. “With this, one person is out. We’ll absolutely destroy the next dealer.”
Now I’m the one wanting to lunge across the table to punch somebody. How the tables have turned. Then, I hear it– the familiar ding! of my phone. I reach into my pocket and pull it out. “Time remaining: 20 minutes.” Come on… I don’t know much about Blackjack, but that’s probably enough time to skip killing us, right? With the speed this guy is trying to kill us off, he can definitely afford to skip us! In terms of chips, we’re the least he has to worry about! We have 13 and he has 30.
Tall-hair’s expression is  razor-sharp, his piercing gaze locked onto Chishiya as she deftly flicks out the next round of cards. So, I astutely watch him back. I’m not sure why. To assert my dominance, maybe? Chishiya is calm as a swan, but if I’m back her sweating my ass off, what good is his poker face?
Tall-hair senses, my stare, and our eyes meet. His widen slightly, a flicker of surprised breaking through his stoic expression before he quickly looks away, focusing on the card that’s been dealt to him.
“It’s about time for the show-down.” Buzzcut announces, his chin resting on his interlaced fingers as he stares deeply into my soul. I meet his stare head-on. He doesn’t seem to care, though, as he just averts his gaze to his chips and pushes them forward.
“I’m betting the max.” 
Everyone else at the table stands. Even Lady, whose hand is a pair of tens, remains standing. Right now, our hand is a 5 and 9. Chishiya contorts his fingers like hes reaching for something, and hoverd them over our two cards. 
“We’re in trouble if this isn’t a low card… This is my good luck ritual.” He smirks, and I can see him glancing back at me out of the corner of his eye. Maybe a good luck ritual isn’t a bad idea, but I have no idea what to do. So I guess I’ll just pray.
Buzzcut stands up and slam the table just like Show-off did few minutes before biting the dust. “You just don’t know when to give up. Stop fucking around and hurry up!” 
Chishiya doesn’t react. Not a flinch or twitch. He remains nonchalant as ever, his movements smooth and deliberate and slides our card across the table. I almost can’t bring myself to look. Whatever this card is decides whether or not we get hung or not. Hold on, there’s no noose around me. How would I die? 
It’s a 7 of spades. Relief spreads through me– I don’t have to worry about that yet.
“21. Dealer takes all. Guess my ritual worked.” Chishiya says coolly. He glances back at me, and if I didn’t know any better, I would say it almost looked like Chishiya was trying to get my approval, to notice that what he did was extra badass. To his credit, I do see what he did there: A turnover. He drew everybody’s attention to his hand, including mine, and flipped the deck over to get the unused low cards on the top rather than the high ones while they weren’t paying attention .
“Huh?” Buzzcut slams back down into his seat. “Was that a fluke?” Lady gasps, her eyes wide as she takes a long drag from her cigarette. Tall-hair doesn’t say a word, but the look on his face tells me he knows how that ‘fluke’ really happened just as I do.
“What will you do? Bet the limit again? But if I win this time, I’ll have more chips, and the one being hunted will be you.” I want so desperately want to rub it in Buzz-cut’s sorry face that my guy beat his little game, but I have to bite my tongue. It’s always the braggers that walk away embarrassed of their defeat. Well, I guess I wouldn’t have to worry about that, cause I’d be dead. But my point still stands.
There’s a long pause of waiting for his answer, and it just beckons me to brag. I have to clench my jaw tight to stop myself. “First, I refuse. From here on I will not let the slightest trick past me. If you do so, consider yourself dead!” What’s he gonna do? Shadow box me? The rules stated no illegal restraint. But then catch something–something I have no idea how I haven’t caught before. 
A fucking handgun in the table.
 I guess my brain didn’t really process it before or something, but there are guns infront of everybody, the only thing covering them being a thin pane glass,with large red buttons infront. Damn, how did I not notice that? That’s so obnoxious! The rules do state no illegal restraint, but what about legal? That’s what those babies are for. 
Chishiya has been the star of the show, but once I get a hand on that sweet firearm, I’m stealing the spotlight right out from under him. No way a guy like him can properly use one, much less the other fuckwads at this table. Man, I’ve been waiting for this day. A day where being a deliquent loser all my highschool years pays off.
I’ve been so wrapped up in thought, practically drooling at the thought of the gun that I don’t notice the display Tall-hair has going on. He’s fanned all the cards out onto the table, furrowing his brows as he looks down at the cards with a stone cold face. 
“What are you trying at?” The Lady asks for me, smoke pouring out of her mouth as she asks. “To ensure no foul play, I’d like to inspect all the cards.” Okay, buddy. You’re not fooling nobody. You’re about to enact the fouliest play of them all with how much you’re doing. I’m not quite sure what he’s doing but I have a guess. With some tricks he was doing with his cards earlier, I can deduce he’s a magician. He’s probably going to shuffle his cards in a way where he can know the exact cards that are there. To pull that off, though, he’d have to be one good motherfucker at memorizing cards. Is he? I hope not.
Tall-hair reassembles the deck and begins to deal out the cards but before he can deal the Lady her’s, he’s caught red-handed: Second- dealing. One of the most basic tricks in the book, and his magician ass still messes it up? This guy is pathetic.
The second card is hanging out of the deck as Tall-hair face falls, his expression morphing into one of pure defeat. Beads of sweat dot his forehead, his heads trembling with barely concealed anxiety.
It was his fear that gave him away. If his hand hadn’t been shaking, if he hadn’t tried to snatch the card from the deck too quickly, iif he hadn’t pressed down on the deck so hard, he might’ve succeeded. It’s definitely something he’s done before, he isn’t some newbie.
“Uh-oh.” A large grin plasters across my face. It’s horrible I find this amusing, it really is. I know it is. But I’m just so glad he’s next on the chopping block and not me. “No excuses. You’re caught red-handed.” I open my hands, my eyes locking on his. Does this count as bragging? No… Just mockery, I think. What am I doing? This is cruel. And yet, I just can’t stop the words from flowing out of my mouth.
“What da’ya think, guys? How do we settle this?” I clap my hands together and purse my lips, tilting my head at Tall-hair. As if on cue, the red buttons on the table begin blaring an ear-piercing alarm and flashing a violent, pulsating red. Every button lighrs up– except for the one in front of Tall-hair.
“Wha- What’s going on?!” He cries, his voice cracking as he whips his head around, searching our faces for answers. His eyes are wide and frantic. Fuck me, I’m horrible. “I see. So that’s how it is.” Without hesitation, Buzzcut slams his fist down on his button. The glass covering his gun whirs open, retracting into the table. In a blink, he grabs the firearm, his fingers wrapping around the grip and points it directly at Tall-hair.
The sound is deafening, reverberating through the room. One moment, Tall-hair is standing there, the next, he’s crumpled on the ground, a pool of dark blood spreading beneath him, seeping from the bullet wound lodged in his skull. Still with that same terrified look he had when he was alive. The rope makes a soft wooshing sound as it falls to the floor besides his lifeless body.
Shit. I haven’t seen a sight like this since I was in juvenile. This is so fucked, man… Why am I here? I should be home after a long day of being slumped in front of my computer, typing away at some meaningless report, pretending I’m doing something important. But instead I’m playing a life or death game of blackjack with this random genius who was a stranger to me before today.
I avert my eyes away from the repulsive sight, but I can still see Tall-hair’s in my peripheral vision. I focus them on the next card dealer, Buzzcut. His large amount of chips are stacked infront of him like a great wall, he has to go out of his way to avoid knocking them over as he reaches for the bloodied deck of cards. Disgusting. 
“There’s four- really, three of us left. We’re nearing the climax. First I have one word of warning.” Oh, great, I think, rolling my eyes. Are you gonna tell us you’re gonna kill us if we cheat? You already proved that point. But Buzzcut isn’t done. He plucks a card from the top of the deck—the ace of spades—and holds it up for us to see.
“Have you ever heard of a card mechanic? Their sleight of hand operates at machinelike precision. They’re trick masters hired by casinos.” He flicks his wrist, and the ace vanishes into air. Then, he does it again. And suddenly there are three ace cards fanned out in his hands. We are so done. 
“You won’t be able to win any hands when I’m dealer. So when it’s yor turn to be dealer… I’ll bet the limit and destroy you one by one. You won’t be able to see through my tricks, and I won’t let any of your tricks slide. From here on will be my perfect game.” 
I just have to beat this guy now. ‘This will be my perfect game?’ Who the hell do you think you are? 
The Lady takes a long exhale. It’s almost like I can see the annoyance radiating off of her. Her eyes are sharp, and she’s staring Buzzcut down like she knows everything about him. This is amazing for me and Chishiya: there’s a common enemy in the room right now.
“What a bunch of good for nothings. Over confident, arrogant, deceitful, always thinking of kicking down others. Each and every single self proclaimed master is a good for nothing.” Just what I was thinking, girl! I muse. Great minds think alike!
“You make it sound like you’ve got experience.” Buzzcut responds dryly, but he frames it as a question.
“Yeah. The absolute sleaziest trick master I knew was my idiot late husband. Always so full of himself, everything that came out of his mouth was a brag. The lies that came from that man smothered him in debt and women… I don’t know why I stuck with him for so long…” yeah, I don’t know why either. He sounds horrible. But atleast she’s admitting it now.
“After that idiot died, I arrived in the borderlands, and thought of myself as purified of his debts…”
Borderlands? I thought this was Tokyo? Is this some type of alternate reality where this place was taken over by some corrupt form of government? Hm. Borderlands does have a nice ring to it. 
“…Yet here I am, trapped and having to spend the night with the character I hate the most.”
A thick silence settles over the room as we let her words linger. I hate this loser already, but imagine having to be next to him with him reminding you of your late husband? That’s rough. I can’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for her.
“Oh, by the way…” Chishiya interjects the silence. What in the world could he possibly think to say right now? It better be something good, atleast. “That thing that you showed us with the cards disappearing and reappearing… If you could do that you’d be able to palm any card you’d like. What if, let’s say, you had hidden one or two cards up your jacket sleeve?”
I thought the nastiest of glares had already been given out today, but good grief, the look Buzzcut gives to Chishiya is horrible. What’s my guy’s point here, though? What is he trying to do? I so desperately want to find out, it’s like I’m a detective as I scan his face. It’s the same as always, except with a little mischievous glint in those eyes of his. 
“I wondered what you had to say. So what? Are you going to conduct a body search?” Chishiya laces his fingers together, that sly smirk I already know all too well spreading across his face. “Why not make a bet with me? There’s a card in your left sleeve, yes or no?” He hums.
Buzzcut grumbles and looks down at his chips. “This is stupid. This far into the game, there’s no-”
“Hey, Old Lady, do you want in?” The lady gives Chishiya a surprised look, one of ‘I’m surprised you have the balls to do this.’ Oh, shit. I see what Chishiya’s doing. And there’s no way I’m stopping him. Buzzcut has this one coming.
The lady exhales slowly, a stream of smoke curling from her nostrils. She smushes the cigarette into the table, the ember dying under the pressure of her fingers. A stressed sigh escapes her lipstick-covered lips. “Good grief, what an unpleasant role. Don’t think this is your doing, boy.”
Buzzcut sputters, his eyes widening. “You two! What are you talking about?” Just as soon as the last word leaves his mouth, he realizes it. Just like everyone before him, his face goes from this violent, cocky expression to pure terror. It’s fascinating that death can change the way people act so quick. I mean, would I have ever mocked the magician if this was a normal game of blackjack? Well, yes. But not out loud.
Chishiya, ever the provocateur, grabs one of our leftover cards and crumples it in his hand with a casual flick of his wrist. He lets it go, and the crumpled card flutters weakly in the air before drifting to the ground like a dying leaf. “Uh-oh,” he says, his tone mockingly innocent. “I crumpled an inconvenient card. In front of everyone’s discerning eyes. I’ve cheated, haven’t I?”
Same as when Tall-hair was caught cheating, the red button blares and flashes red. Singular. The only person who can enact the punishment is the Lady.
“There’s only one bullet each, you already used yours earlier. In this situation, the only one to enact judgement on the boy is me, isn’t it?” Without hesitation, she slams her palm onto her button. The glass covering her gun whirs open. It didn’t take more than a second, but watching it felt like it took a minute.
She grabs the gun and aims it directly at Buzzcut. He freezes, his body locking up. Sweat beads on his forehead, glistening under the harsh lightm and his chest heaves as he begins to hyper ventilate.“To yet another person, game over.”
The sound is sickening, a dull thump as Buzzcut’s body collapses to the floor. Blood blooms across his white shirt, spreading rapidly from the bullet wound in his chest. His eyes are wide, looking up blankly at the ceiling. And what do you know? As his body slumps, a couple of cards slip out from his sleeve. Good riddance. The only thing standing inbetween us and life now is this Lady. She takes a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket along with a lighter.
“Oh look. He had them up his sleeve after all. He cheated. Appropos restraint was expected. Old lady, you were justified. You could have shot me, ended me and her both. Yet you knew you were right.”
Lady flicks her lighter to the cigarette dangling out of her mouth then takes another drag from it. “If I were to kill you, I would have just lost to his trickery. Besides, forty three years I was struggling with that idiot husband. Even if I don’t like it, I’ve come to understand these ‘trick masters.’”
“You’ve been through a lot.” Chishiya replies dryly. “My condolences.”
“You two are quite the pair.” The lady says, her lips curling into a faint smile as her eyes drops to the pile of chips infront of us. The hell does she mean by that? I think, my brows furroing as I glance down at Chishiya. I  was carried by Chisiya the entire game, I didn’t even get to use the beautiful gun infront of us.
“Without knowing the rules on your first day in the borderlands, you defeated masters of trickery… You, girl,” Her eyes shift to me, sharp and appraising, and she points the cigarette in my direction like a conductors baton. “You caught that gangster cheating. I saw you warn the boy. I’m not sure he would’ve found out without you.” This woman really knows how to ring my bells! Keep them compliments coming, please!
“You two have manipulated everything all the way to defeating me. Since I’ve used my gun, no matter what tricks you do infront of my face, I can’t do anything. With the card you destroyed, my chances of winning are reduced. You really are quite the boy.” The lady chuckles dryly, chucking her freshly lit cigarette to the ground. What was the point of lighting it if you were just going to throw it out a second later?
“Coming up on the end of my life, I have no regrets. Let’s end this quickly.” The lady does just as Chishiya did a second ago, and grabs a useless card, crumbling it. The red button in front of her blares to life, its alarm piercing the air as it flashes a violent, pulsating red.
Are you serious? I thought she’d atleast maybe want to just do the normal hit-stand-bust, but relying on us to shoot her? Oh, God. I was just practically fantisizing about using that gun, but on the lady? I liked her, damn it! the other guys could’ve gone and sucked my dick! But her? She’s seems like somebody I could’ve looked up to when I was younger, and that was rare considering I didn’t give shit about authority.
 I look at her, searching her face for any sign of fear, any hint of the terror that the others had before her. But there’s none. No sweat dripping down her forehead, no trembling hands, no wide-eyed panic. Instead, she’s calm, almost serene, a warm smile playing on her lips as if she’s at peace with what’s about to happen.
My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull it out with trembling hands. The screen lights up with a notification: ‘1 minute remaining.’ My heart pounds in my chest. I have to do this, I tell myself, my throat tightening. If I don’t, all three of us are dead.
I gulp, my mouth dry as I press the button. My hand shakes as I reach for the gun, the cool metal sending a shiver up my arm as I grip it tightly. I raise it, pointing it at the Lady’s head, my finger hovering over the trigger.
Game clear.
21 notes · View notes
alyjojo · 1 year ago
October 👻 2023 PAC - Who Haunts You & Why?
Welcome to my fun & spooky October PAC, where it may turn out actually spooky 😈 At least, that was the initial intention. Most are likely to get very deep, these are likely difficult subjects and people to “haunt” us in the first place. Some situations will be darker than others, I will lightly touch on what I see and remain empathetic and in the flow without getting too deep or painfully descriptive. We want to heal it, not re-live it. You know you 🙏 The oracles I’m using for this reading are all for descriptive purposes to help shed light on a character profile or situation, not to be taken literally, unless they do for you. I’m also not putting any focus on signs, it can be any sign in this energy. These are meant to be general, for many different people so if it sounds like you, great. Some may have more than one, or not feel pulled to choose any, and that’s fine too.
Hopefully this helps anyone drawn to it! I love everyone on this blog, it’s grown so much in the past two years, thanks to you guys 🥳
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Pile 1 - Crow 🖤
Living or Passed?: Living
Character Oracle: The Founder
Who they are: King of Swords, 5 Swords & 8 Pentacles
Why: 9 Wands & King of Pentacles
- Higher Commitment
- Eternity
- Partnership & Union
- Completion
71 - Free Associate
Allow the first thing that comes into your mind without self-censorship to bestow a vision upon you.
70 - Insight
See beyond appearances, masks, cliches, and cultural stereotypes to gain insight.
Several stories are coming through at once with this King of Swords. This feels like an authority figure, and with The Founder, they are the ones that did something “first”. Or better, in their mind, or yours, and it creates a LOT of pressure on you to meet or exceed the standards of this other person. King of Swords is a very intelligent person, they don’t consider emotions in their decision making, only the logic and facts they have in front of them. They can be very black & white in how they view solutions, there’s a right way and a wrong way, and while they are friendly & focused on fairness, they can also be straight to the point and almost cutting with how they communicate with others. Just the facts, and they use that sword to cut off what doesn’t serve them or isn’t useful or necessary, information included, they can seem quite unemotional, even cold.
With The Founder, this is also someone very responsible and in charge of something. I’m getting a boss at work, a landlord, a parent, possibly a father in-law or someone in your person/spouse’s family, or this can be an ex-spouse/co-parent of yours or your person’s. They’re involved but also removed from your immediate situation or relationship, yet they still hover in your energy as a means of comparison or not living up to some standard set before. You or your person may split child custody with this ex, so their input is always involved, even if/when it’s not wanted.
You see them as 5 Swords, cruel, instigative, always out to prove a point or put someone down, or your methods perhaps. Queen & King of Pentacles are here, for those in relationships or where this is family or an ex, showing this is your person and you match up in energy. But you can’t shake this other person. They could be jealous of your relationship, how you do things, where you live, or they try to one-up you and show you that they can do it better than you can. They could purposely be difficult with custody to inconvenience you or your person where baby-sitting is concerned, they’re someone that tries to sabotage in order to prove a point, and a lot of this could be regarding money or value, comparing yours & mine. It’s all regarding feelings for this Queen of Pentacles, you or your person, whether romantic or family, whoever they are, this King shows their hurt by being an asshole. Is that okay, no, but that’s what I get from them.
For work/home situations, they’re just very difficult to deal with. They may sabotage you in these ways, not putting work into their property (that you live on) so that you’re forced to leave (or want to). Not giving you the right hours or pay, treating you like less deserving of something you’ve worked hard for. They could be condescending about your work, where you/your person works, and what you have or don’t have. Or them just being them brings out these sorts of inadequate feelings in you, and it’s your issue more than theirs. Comparing what kind of worker, lover, parent, or how intelligent you are. No matter who this is, they’re involved in a stable situation you can’t just pick up and leave. It’s possible this is someone that’s forced you out of a job, a home, a relationship even, and you’re on the outside looking in, having to trudge through the mud while this person sits on a throne…in your mind. They feel like they’re right, and this again could be a judge, some level of authority, and you’re left battling their decisions/actions either privately or because you’ve been forced to by their own bs. Or your perception of it, this can be someone that just triggers your own issues too…knowingly, for some, especially if a boss or some kind of father figure.
It could be your person that’s the problem too, if they’re the ones constantly comparing the two of you or bringing them up. “Well Swords did it that way, and Swords thinks xyz, etc.,” which makes it incredibly difficult for you to be your own person with your own methods, we should be discussing what Pentacles thinks and does ok fk Swords 💯 You could wonder if you’re even cut out for this, this person really weighs on your self esteem, they’re the 3rd energy in a situation/relationship for two.
There’s a small story here about a possible financial advisor that’s giving you hell as well. You may not have the money for something and they’re crushing your dreams with matter-of-fact speak regarding credit, savings, purchases, things you’ve found very difficult or are really trying to overcome. You could feel like they rub your face in shame, but I don’t get that they do, or don’t mean to. Or that’s their job? Something about them makes you feel crazy.
Advice to deal with this ghost 👻:
7 Pentacles & Ace of Wands
Bottom of the deck shows to maintain your self control and your anger, give yourself the time and space you need to calm down, because sometimes the reality of the situation may not be how you’re seeing it in the moment. You could jump to conclusions or have a bit of a temper with this person, and I get a lot of it are your own insecurities. Your person needs to be on your side too, if that’s an issue, or at least play mediator, they’re really the one that has to deal with them, not you (for many of you). Let them handle it. I get hopeful energy, sometimes this will really piss you off, and other times it won’t seem so bad, try to assume nothing and allow yourself & this person the space they need to grow and change. Basically, just be respectful, and if they’re not, show them how it’s done ❤️ For many of you this is unavoidable, and it’s also like you’re loosely on the same team, better to cooperate. Some of you just need to save money, apply elsewhere, move possibly, and otherwise give things time to grow before acting on change. For many of you, boundaries could be necessary depending on what this person is doing to sabotage or affect an environment or relationship. They’re allowed to (and do, being Swords), and you’re allowed to as well 💯
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Pile 2 - Potions 🧪
Living or Passed?: Both - Two Stories
Character Oracle: The Thief
Who they are: The Sun, 2 Swords rev, Knight of Swords & The World
Why: 9 Pentacles, Ace of Swords & 6 Swords
Oracles: POKER FACE ♦️
- Taking a Chance
- Risks & Options
- Not Showing Hand
- Gambling
33 - Perfectionism
Be content to know perfection as a distant utopian goal to which we journey but never arrive.
22 - Counsel
Seek out the counsel of those whose lives and creative work you most admire.
75 - Originality
Feel lighthearted and free while trusting that your unique way of doing things is the right way.
These PACs never fail to amaze me. This whole pile is Spirit giving you a round of applause for how you’ve already handled a situation, because it’s done, and you don’t have to worry about them anymore.
The first story is regarding an actual spirit/ghost/poltergeist or what have you. The troublesome & meddlesome kind too. I don’t get “dark”, just tricky, problematic. Only take it if you know you’ve dealt with one, this is simply confirmation & validation for your experience. I’m specifically getting a spirit that liked to take things, or move them, maybe break them. It’s possible they were a child, doesn’t have to be, they liked to mess with you. Always when you were alone, that’s here under “why” they chose you, you were the one in a light 💡 energy, you were alone, and they liked you. Something about you drew them in, where with others they were pretty avoidant or even shy. I get you probably having done some research, and telling this spirit where to go. It’s possible you called in someone who does this for a living, a medium, priest, something like that. Or you did it yourself, and again, they liked you. Whatever you did, it worked, they’ve moved on to the light 💡and won’t bother you again 💚
The second story is for someone alive, a trickster, possibly a gambler or someone that likes to take risks and/or possibly use others for their gain in some way. You are already aware of this person and all of the bs that comes with them, you’ve already told them where to go and have ended the connection. For some, it’s possible this is a parent, or a child, maybe someone you knew as a child. You could have gone to counseling regarding things this person has done, or how they’ve affected you. You have moved on, and have done the right thing. I do sense possible hurt here for a lot of you, in the way you saw the world and how it was/should be - before and after this person. They’ve changed your perspective in many ways, probably negative ways. How a parent “should” be. Or trying to guide a child/friend/etc. that won’t listen and heads down the wrong paths. This person is only out for themselves, and you’ve had to remove yourself from this, which was probably very difficult for you. There is an energy here of forgiveness, them, their actions, yourself, needing to for your own sake. Gain your clarity & allow yourself to move on from this, I see nothing but happiness for you now & moving forward ☀️
3333 is here with Perfectionism, The Sun and The World, showing a shady character is not comfortable in the light - which is you, and they had to leave that behind. You make this person feel uncomfortable, and their darkness stares them in the face around you. This is not your problem, they’re fighting their own demons, or they prefer their own demons.
222 is here with making the decision to seek Counsel, could be counseling, rehab, you may have had to cut someone off until they get help, or need to now. Either way there is someone important that could be or needs to be involved with this, but it’s not your place to.
Advice to deal with this ghost 👻: You’ve got this, for many, it’s already handled 💯
For those of you who have not yet handled this, removing yourself is the best thing for you, and you need to only worry about you. Same as this person only worries about them. You may have some ideal they should’ve lived up to, and they should have, *they* probably know that too, but that’s not who they are. If this person left one day and never came back, or you did, I’m getting it’s for your highest good. Are they bad, no. But they’re not good for you, that’s what’s important for you to know, and then Originality points out how wonderful you really are. If this situation runs deeper than even I see, Counsel is here for a reason, it could be good to talk to someone with an outside perspective to help you work through some of these possible traumas. Not that anything is wrong with you, you just owe it to yourself to honor your own experiences and sort through your feelings with someone that is an expert at these things. Some of you have already done this and Spirit is applauding everything you’ve done to deal with this, you’ve done an amazing job 👏
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Pile 3 - Window 🪟
Living or Passed?: Living
Character Oracle: The Pathless
Who they are: 8 Pentacles, Queen of Cups, Knight of Wands, 4 Swords rev
Why: The Sun, Ace of Wands, The Magician, 3 Swords
- Resentments & Triggers
- Perception
- Intensity & Letting Go
- Turmoil & Fleeting
4 - Recycle
Learn from the past and apply it to creating your vision of the future.
51 - Time
Time can be seen to be both linear and a spiral - circle back to explore concepts form the past and create the future.
444 on the clock as I begin this reading, two 4’s in your reading as well, this message is about learning from the past in order to create stable relationships in the present, healing yourself from old hurts. Both oracles show past energy, I’m getting you’ve either moved on from this person or they’ve left and you’re needing to. They don’t have great energy 😕
I’ve gotten a few messages showing feminine energy specifically, doesn’t have to be romantic to be karmic, but for some of you this is definitely romantic. It can be any kind of connection, but tough lessons were learned from this person. You loved them. Some of you still do, and always will. I’m getting it’s been very difficult to move on from them, for those that already have. This is the kind of person with no direction, no goals, no real definition of anything in their life. There could be a noticeable age difference between you, or they’re the kind of person who IS an adult, but will always have a rebellious & spontaneous teenage sort of energy. They’re exciting, they make you feel good, happy, ready to take on the world. And then they let you down, disappear, date other people, cheat, hop from situation to situation, person to person, in the hopes that the next one will give them the sense of direction they’re looking for. This one will have purpose. This one is the right one.
But it’s never the one, and they come and go in and out of your life, and probably countless others as well. I get that you’re angry with this person, you want to hold them accountable, and they’re a dodger in nature. They dodge accountability, responsibility, maturity, rules, this person has an answer for everything and none of those answers actually make sense. Yet it works for them, and they know how to craft a reality around them to suit them, for the time being. Until they change again. This could be someone promiscuous in anything, partners, hopping from job to job, moving from place to place, and there’s always some drama attached to them, something they’re running from. They may have simply left you.
I’m also getting you could have done this to them or other people, because of the heavy past energy, and there’s one person in particular that you regret hurting, and they’re haunting you for that reason if that’s the case. Someone was very sexual, spontaneous, rushed into things and created painful situations, that’s the focus. But I’m getting it’s more than that too, that was just one representation of a much deeper issue where this person was/is concerned, and it’s the lack of direction, boundaries, and dreams that causes this sort of personality to dominate their energy. They siphon off of other people’s energy, other people’s goals & dreams, being appealing, sweet, kind & loving and using it to their advantage. They are all of those things, that’s why it works for them. They’re also non-committal and a restless sort of person, I’m getting they’re “too far gone” with this sort of energy, nothing can change them but God, karma, themselves, the consequences of their actions, time, etc. Not you. If it was you, no one could have changed this, not even you at the time.
For a small part of you, this could be a person that literally changed a job of yours, you could’ve lost a job or they did, you could’ve moved or traveled in regards to work or they did. Work is part of the loss, along with them. Or money. For most of you this just shows something you’ve struggled with for a long time, actually letting go of this person/situation. Or they have.
Advice to deal with this ghost 👻:
Wheel of Fortune, The Hanged Man & The Hierophant
All major arcanas, all very intense energy, this is a whole life lesson for this person. Karma, and this is a karmic, you’re the lesson that showed them what they’re doing and have done to people they care about. What losing people costs them. What acting on passion or spontaneity (or anger) does to relationships. This message shows the only thing that will teach them is time, time brings perspective on commitment, marriage, religion for some, karma for sure. They will “get theirs”. I also get your own perspective changing with time too, karmic relationships have two sides, two lessons, both of you were meant to meet and experience each other for a purpose. For those that have not already moved away from this, even just emotionally, now is the time to learn it, feel it, and let it go. It’s out of your hands 🙏
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Pile 4 - Bouquet 💐
Living or Passed?: Living
Character Oracle: The Shepherd
Who they are: The Fool, 5 Swords, 6 Wands, The Hermit & 10 Swords
Why: 5 Wands, 9 Swords rev & Ace of Swords
Oracles: ASCENDING 🎈
- Learning & Expansion
- Transcending
- Preparing for Union
- New Phase
78 - Recharge
When the pace of life becomes too hectic, know to slow down, be mindful, and go with the flow.
5 - Pitch
Be as clear, concise, and professional as you can be when you explain your ideas to potential associates.
45 - Collaboration
Creative people can be inspired by sharing and stimulating creativity in others.
I’m not pulling out signs here but the fire 🔥 is intense with this pile. There is a lot of conflict with what looks like a pair, a couple, probably parents or grandparents being the most obvious story here. If they aren’t fire signs, then they’re fiery in nature, could have hot tempers and are used to getting their way. If anything, I’m getting you could be too much alike 💯 How this ended initially was a nasty conflict and big-headed egos, you/they are right and the other person is wrong, stick it to them, sort of energy. This had to do with you doing what you want, not what they want. Periodttt. You were glad to leave this, glad to be alone, glad to do wtf you want to do.
I’m getting it worked for you too! Maybe not entirely, but for the most part you’ve succeeded and ascended spiritually, you just keep on rising higher. This could all be switched as well, and you’re watching another person/people rise in their lives, without you. Some of you chased after a goal that crashed and burned terribly, and are now considering a “walk of shame” back to parents or something. You could need them. I do get this being family for the most part, could be a friend/s as well. It doesn’t have to be a couple, that’s just here for where it does apply, 3 Pentacles too. Two people, and you, probably parents. In like…one case, it could be romantic, and you’re haunted over whether someone cheated on you or not, and I get no. The Wands are naturally very flirty, is that okay idk depends on you, but it shows the Death of this occurring before they met the other person. It also answers the question of a reconnect, they’re with someone else now. If there was a known issue in a romantic connection, it’s like something got flirty, someone got pissed off (you?), and it ended immediately after that. No Moon energy, no secrets, no hidden anything beyond that.
You’re conflicted inside on whether or not you could heal this connection, and work together again. Be friends again. Be close again. Come to holiday dinners again. I’m getting you don’t talk much if at all. More specifically, there’s something they have that you want, could be regarding a career or some kind of teamwork collaboration, but I don’t get you literally working together. You need someone’s help, or they could need yours, but you feel like this bridge has been burned, and are afraid of Ace of Swords, clear cut truth & communication, being cut off, or rejected. Or having to again. Except for the ex moving on story, if so it’s not hidden, I don’t see any reason why this can’t be healed, except things like pride…shame…guilt, big egos are at play in all of you. It’s like it runs in the family or something 😜 I’m also getting this feeling that you haven’t done anything this person hasn’t done as well, there is some kind of equal ground or understanding between you. The Shepherd protects its “family” and I get that what this is, is a family, people that look out for you, did, want to, or could, and it’s up to you where/how this goes if it goes.
Advice to deal with this ghost 👻:
Queen & King of Wands, 3 Pentacles
Just ask. Be clear, honest, Ace of Swords, no tricks or avoidance, games or bs just be truthful about what’s happened, how you are, what you want, etc., and give this person/people the benefit of the doubt. It feels really positive to try mending these fences, like all of you can rise to another level of understanding with each other and feel good about it.
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Pile 5 - Hades ☠️
Living or Passed?: Both - 2 Stories
Character Oracle: The Spymaster
Who they are: 10 Pentacles, 6 Swords, The Tower, 4 Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, 8 Swords
Why: 6 Wands, 9 Cups, Temperance
- Light-hearted & Adapt
- Finding Out & Change
- Things Coming to Light & Heal
72 - Nature
Go out in Nature as much as you can, for it’s pure creativity can teach you everything you need to know.
39 - Direction
Switch gears, reboot, and try a new and different direction.
66 - New Start
Sometimes we must realize that what we have done needs to be discarded and we must make a new start.
We’ll start with the living energy first, there are slight variations that separate them into two stories, one being your own actions, the other being someone else’s. Either you stalk them, or they stalk you, this is someone that watches you closely with everything you do. To the point of obsession even. Or you do. There is heavy earth energy here, you/they could reflect that, or the issues here have a lot to do with money, success, and material things. A business. An inheritance. Your career. Or just greed in the sense of no one giving a damn. No one helping you out, financially or otherwise, there is no team effort from a whole group of people. For many, this is your family that you feel victimized by. For others this could be someone that ran out on you (maybe a whole family) and left you to fend for yourself, carrying the bag and everything else on your own shoulders, with no help. Possibly being a single parent, unexpectedly, having the rug pulled out from under your feet and you had no choice but to be strong enough to hold it together, for a group, a business perhaps (or kids). Or you could have done this to them.
This person, or you, the wrong one, is trying to make a comeback into this situation, or wants to, because they see how well things are going for you. It could be you too, there’s a message about playing the victim and trying to gain sympathy, for money, expecting that from others…not helping yourself, just blaming everyone else for your problems. Or that’s them. It’s not the main story, but it’s here as a side note, 8 Swords is either trapped unwillingly, or keeps themselves trapped on purpose, both are possible. There are cases where you or this person were actually put into very difficult & painful situations and just left there with no care or help from anyone around you. Those that left, or you had to leave, haunt you, mostly due to deeply rooted negative perceptions and grudges you still carry, or you know they do.
If they are trying to come back around, it’s because you’re successful now, your dreams have come true, you’ve risen above The Tower and pulled yourself through the mud and the darkness to get where you are today. You could be doing quite well for yourself. And these people just expect a seat at your table? Or you expect a seat at theirs? I don’t think so. The skepticism is healthy, and the distrust makes sense, no matter which side it’s coming from. What are people’s real intentions?
There is a small side story about maybe a coworker or a family member that was in the same business as you, same kind of job, and it’s like they left this behind and succeeded elsewhere, and you didn’t. Or you left, they stayed and took it very far, dreams come true, hard work rewarded, and you’re like damn…that could’ve been me.
There is also a passed loved one story, likely a family member, that watches over you all of the time. They even come up as Temperance, which is always shown as an Angel 😇, they could be a Spirit guide of yours or are just part of your spiritual team, they’re always with you. The Tower may show how they passed on, something quick, unexpected, and very upsetting. Someone you wanted to hold onto, or they wanted to hold on to you. Or maybe your parent, if a grandparent. There could’ve been an inheritance issue with this person, they could have been seen as greedy, or may have been left to their own devices. The outcast of the family, the single parent, possibly an earth sign, they did everything on their own, because they had no choice. Or when they passed on, they left you in that state, and it was out of their control 🙏
For the passed on story, I’m getting a clear message about animals, could be dragonflies, crows & birds, I have those both here. Nature is generally showing anything you see outside that acts peculiar towards you, strangely friendly and such. They send those critters to you, and many say that Spirits often like to use animals as a sign they’re with you. There’s also a note here about whatever you’re doing, needing to switch tracks and do something else, or if you already have, you’re being applauded for that. Some of you started from near nothing and have gone far, they’re cheering for you 👏 Some are encouraging you to do this, if it’s something you’re dealing with now. It’s really a feeling of validation and pride, they’re proud of you for how far you’ve come, and making a dream of yours come true. I’m getting them being with you every step of the way, for all of your life going forward too.
Advice to deal with this ghost 👻: For the living
Ace of Pentacles & The Hanged Man
In simplest terms, you may need to take this opportunity to look at things from another perspective, especially in terms of money and the motives of other people, yourself included. Is everyone judging everyone based on some bs sense of worth - via money & material things or are others out to take what’s yours, or vice versa? Is there even money to spread around like that, or like is expected, because I get a sense that there isn’t. In all stories there is a confusion in how you’re seeing money and how that’s a value to you or other people, it’s something you need to see differently than you do currently. What even is value, to you? People that “flex” what they have could really bother you, but it’s like IS it what they’re spending on? Or is it the family around them? Or in some cases the family they left behind, staring at them through the window of the internet & life like wtf…any side could be you, there is no *one* energy strongest in this pile.
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Pile 6 - The Babadook 🎩
Living or Passed?: Could be either
Character Oracle: The Brawler
Who they are: 10 Swords, The Empress, 8 Swords, The Hierophant & 10 Cups
Why: The Emperor & 9 Wands
Oracles: ASCENDING 🎈
- Learning & Expansion
- Transcending
- Preparing for Union
- New Phase
50 - Sacred Space
Use beautiful art, music, and creativity if all kinds to put you into a sacred space.
57 - Worry
Worry is attachment to a particular outcome and the fear that it will not come to pass.
This is the most clear reading by far I’ve gotten, the most obvious answer is a parent, or a dynamic between parents. Particularly a mother. For some, your mother may have passed on and your father is a mess over it, it’s like you lost both people the same day, in many ways. Your relationship with one parent isn’t the same after the other one passes on, which is especially difficult for you as children if that’s the case. Sending you lots of love. That won’t be for everyone.
A father figure could be particularly aggressive with this Brawler card here, this is someone that is always fighting, a “tough guy” mentality, like they dare you to go against them. Doesn’t have to be a father either, it could be the mother too. Or a spouse, an ex-spouse, an ex in general, someone destructive, mouthy, you have to walk on eggshells around them. I get a clear narcissist energy from the Brawler card - lacking empathy, and for any of you that have dealt with that traumatic psychological mindfuck, I see you, you’re included. Parent or not, these don’t have to be parents, they’re just here. Marriage & spouses are clearly highlighted too. This could be your situation, your parents, or even a friend that’s married to an asshole and you can’t get them out of your head, it haunts you, because you’re powerless, and they are too it looks like.
Some of you may have literally lost people to a tragedy of some sort involving domestic violence or something very painful like that, maybe blaming the other person involved for what’s happened. In the worst case I can see, one parent may have hurt you, and the other just stood by quietly, or didn’t believe you, they didn’t do shit about it when they should have. It could be switched in any of these cases but I’m not getting that specifically, I’m talking to a hurt person, not the problem. Someone may have hurt you like this, could be close to you, could be a complete stranger. Cases of violence and harm on any level are included. It also doesn’t have to be that serious. This can include step-parents that maybe pulled your own away from you, or that’s how you feel. It can be a co-dependent relationship of some kind, and feeling powerless to do anything about difficult situations in this dynamic of chains - that’s what I’m getting from this whole pile. Someone is in chains, could be you, could be someone else, but it stays with you at all times.
Some of you have freed yourself from a bad situation, but someone else is still there, could be kids, parents, whoever, and you constantly worry about them. You could’ve been left by one parent and the other one is a mess, and you can’t get out of this because they’re emotionally dependent on you. You could’ve been forced to grow up very young because those around you weren’t equipped to deal with reality, like you were the adult here, and you were idk 8 years old. If anyone harmed you as a child, especially in any way regarding violence, or any level of abuse, this is describing them.
You want to grow from this, escape this, want to be better and set better examples for those around you. You could have children of your own, and are haunted by shitty parents, wanting to be better for your own kids, make better decisions that others never did for you or gave to you. You want people around you to guide you and show you the way, or you want to be this person yourself, maybe both. The family you never had, or maybe did have at one time, and something terrible happened to change all of that. It’s like the memories of happiness and a happily ever after are what haunt you. If a spouse, you’re tempted to make it work, even if this is someone you’re cautious about or around. Or you were, and you tried. If a spouse it’s like this person never stops trying and “haunting” can be more like “stalking” because they will literally never leave you alone 💯 My heart goes out to all of you.
The tamest story I’m seeing is a person that wants to follow their dreams, maybe go to school for a specific thing or do things in a way they feel is right, and in order to do this they would have to fight. Or have already fought someone, that they miss and want to reconcile with, but aren’t sure that they can. In this story, you’re happy, it’s others with the problem. No matter what your story is, or who is involved, boundaries seems to have been the lesson here, keeping people behind a wall out of caution of what they will or could do to you, and I don’t get that’s wrong, that’s learned. It’s a trauma response.
Advice to deal with this ghost 👻:
Temperance, 2 Swords & Queen of Cups
For those thinking of making amends, that’s here as a possibility. You could. Don’t have to. I’m getting more than anything that worrying about what will or won’t happen is not useful for you, like you have no control over this. For some that’s the whole problem. I don’t get any one answer because there isn’t one story, no right or wrong way to do or handle any of this. Your advice is to take care of yourself, your heart, your space, give all of the love to you that you would another person. And be very patient with yourself, how you process things, because I get a lot of fear and indecision that’s not helpful to you. It’s really just “take as long as you need”, some of you are dealing with or have dealt with some serious trauma, and you can’t be expected to heal, overcome, “deal with it” or any other mindless bs advice in one day, week, year, five years, doesn’t matter because everyone is different. You focus on you 💯 Love you 💯 Worry about you ❤️ If you want to reconcile with people or not, I don’t get any answer you coming up with being right or wrong, it’s about doing what you feel is best. Ascending 🎈 If this is a person that has passed on, it’s a similar message, with “I love you” attached - Queen of Cups.
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Pile 7 - Sinkhole 🕳️
Living or Passed?: Both - 3 Stories
Character Oracle: The Sentinel
Who they are: 5 Cups, Page of Swords, Page of Pentacles, Temperance & The Devil
Why: Queen of Cups, Ace of Cups, 4 Cups & 4 Pentacles
Oracles: DEATH ☠️
- The Relationship is Over
- No Second Chances
- Grow & Transform
- What’s Dead is Dead
36 - Generosity
You can afford to be generous with the gift of your time and attention.
3 - Share
To help you make progress, it’s a good idea to share what you have and what you care about.
Story 1 is about a literal entity, and you’ll know if this is you, because you already expected it, you’re aware of the things going on around you, they make themselves known. Are chatty even, you could have heard actual talking, have seen messages or are receiving them regularly. I almost get an “attachment”, like they are attached TO you. Stuck to you, holding on, it’s possible they’ve even followed you from another place. Are they still with you, yes. I keep getting “they”, and I see two Pages here, there are two of them. It’s possible they’re children, or just young, and it’s likely they’re together. Siblings, friends, I’m not sure but they come together with you as a pair. I don’t get a negative vibe from them, I get a very sad one. Why they latch onto you, because you’re a loving person, almost like a mother or a parent they don’t have and want. You could have living children around and they want to be one of them, they don’t want to “go away”. I get that they don’t know what “away” means, or how to get there, or what comes after, they’d rather be with you. For others with an entity, same energy but not a child, just chatty, noisy, they make it known.
Story 2 are for those who have lost children, or even friends & family while young yourself, people you’ve lost in childhood, or over the years, even if they’re still alive right now. You grieve what’s been lost, and the sadness weighs on your heart like a weight that never leaves. I’m getting you are a very deep, loving, and nurturing sort of person, this could also be their energy for some of you. It stays with you because of how much you loved them, and wanted them to stay, so you hold on tightly to your memories and what you still have of them…but those memories are being tainted with the amount of grief they bring you at the same time. It’s like you feel guilty if you’re too happy. There is no winning in this situation, and I’m sending you so, so much love.
Story 3 is for romantic heartbreak, having been betrayed by some ex lover. It could be the lover themselves or someone they moved on with, things they’ve said and done to you. There’s a lack of closure with this, and it keeps you sad, you want to know why things happened the way they did, what they were planning, how this even happened, how you missed something. It’s caused a lack of trust in you that’s still not been overcome, it’s like it didn’t have to be this way. Essentially, your heart is wanting to ask a snake 🐍 why it bit you. You loved this person deeply, genuinely, and were very kind & loving to them. It’s possible they were this way to you and played you for a fool, you feel that way. Your pride is wounded, and they hurt you very deeply by treating you as someone that could just be replaced, when you gave them nothing but unconditional, pure love. You hang onto this and them tightly, forever holding a grudge, forever upset that this ever happened.
Advice to deal with this ghost 👻:
For the actual spirits, I’m getting that you’re going to have to be a little manipulative in how you handle this. Talk up “the light” and why they should go towards it. Their family is there, friends are there, it’s a beautiful place with the most amazing scenery and everything they could ever want, this place is no good. Someone can actually hug them and talk to them over there. Essentially selling them what they want, is the best tactic to getting them off of you, at least the ones I’m picking up on.
For the other stories where your own heart is centered on grief, heavy sadness, remorse, regrets, heartbreak, the advice is to “see the light” yourself. Your family, your friends, what you have right now, and how far you’ve come. Be proud of yourself. You could be needing to see people more, or spend time with loved ones and friends more. You can honor sadness and still make time for happiness, gratitude, deep connections with other people, seeing how things maybe worked out for the best - in some cases, not all 💯 I’m getting group energy, if grief is your main focus and you’ve lost someone, this can be a community drive or a cancer 5k run or something to honor your lost ones in a way you actually can. Planting a tree, donating something nice to a park, adopting a road, there are many different avenues to remember people, and they’ll see that, they’ll know. There’s no need to feel guilty or conflicted for feeling happy today, your loved ones on the other side want you to be, and they are too. They miss you too, and they’ll see you soon…to them, it’s soon. In the meantime, they’re always with you, always, and they like to be honored in special ways, thought of and celebrated like they’re still here, because they are, just in another way. For those who have lost loved ones, I’m getting they too are chatty, they send you messages and signs often, and if you think you’re just crazy, you’re not. Talk to them, ask for signs & they’ll show you however they can. You could also try contacting a medium of some kind to actually talk with them, if that’s something you’d like to try, again I get “chatty”, like they’d love to show up for you.
For some of you, the advice is simply, if you miss them then tell them, call them, where that’s possible. For the ex story I’m getting you’ve already come a long way, or you will eventually get to a point where things are so good you wouldn’t change them, and if you’re not there yet just keep moving forward ❤️
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Pile 8 - Siren 🧜‍♀️
Living or Passed?: Probably still alive
Character Oracle: The Puppeteer & The Aspirant
Who they are: Wheel of Fortune, 4 Pentacles, The Devil, 6 Swords, The Hanged Man
Why: 6 Pentacles, 2 Wands, Queen of Cups
Oracles: THE RUNNER 🏃‍♂️
- Fear of Intimacy
- Running Away
- Intensity & Letting Go
- Turmoil & Fleeting
54 - Visualize
When we develop our abilities to visualize, we can manifest maximum influence on our experience of reality.
43 - Change
For a change, do something you usually do a certain way in a different way.
80 - Go Deeper
Expressing the deeper meanings in life, while staying attuned to childlike wonder, is at the heart of all great art.
This is probably going to be the most popular pile, because I’ve pulled two character cards and the energy is very vague and general, meaning many people will resonate with it. This is the “loved and lost” pile, Twin Flame, karmic relationships, doesn’t have to be but they’re all included. It can be a parent that ran off, a friend, cousin, someone you looked up to. They can be anyone. And it is not only those who have been left, but those who run.
Most of these people are still alive, not all perhaps, but I’m getting there are no spirits haunting anyone here, even if that’s the case. It’s memories & love that haunt you. The character cards show the two sides of a Twin Flame, that’s the easiest way to describe this dynamic and split the stories - even if that’s not exactly your story, the feelings are the same.
Story 1 - The Left Behind
It’s a spiritual connection, karmic in nature, so the pull between you is intense. It’s like they know you, they read you, they can understand what you’re thinking and feeling before even you do. They may have manipulated you, tricked you, you could have felt bamboozled and lost when this person just left, because it felt so REAL. It was intense, and everything inside of you *knows* this person was meant to be your person, or in your life, there’s a thread connecting you…but they ran off. How can a person just DO that? You can’t just leave, and you haven’t. Some of you have been tied to this person for a long time, holding on a little longer, forever waiting for them to grow up, see sense, see the light, realize you’re worth it.
Why, because this person gave you a sense of meaning that runs deeper than most other people in your life. All spiritual ties feel this intense, you just know, and you don’t know how you know but you do. You could still see synchronicities that remind you of them - even when you don’t want to, you try to force them out of your head, and then you dream about them and it starts all over again. You’re never going to be able to actually let this person go, but you do need to change your side of things, so that this doesn’t remain so strong. It’s Devil energy currently, keeping you trapped, you feel like you can’t escape it. Some of you could feel used, and discarded, and similar to the last pile, want to ask a snake 🐍 why it bit you. The answer won’t make you feel better, and for many of you, it’s why they never returned. And if you love them anyway, they can’t respect you for that, because a snake knows it’s a snake, and they’d likely do it again 💯 But you may not know how to continue on without them, and that’s the whole lesson of this very deep soul connection. They’ve changed your whole life, now you have to, on your own.
Story 2 - The Runner
The Aspirant is your character card, it’s the eager to run, eager to rush into new experiences, try on different faces in different places with different people, and make mistakes, but being afraid to face them once that’s happened. You’ve probably had a life full of all sorts of experiences and connections, many stories to tell anyone who’d like to listen, and many of them which didn’t run that deep, most things probably don’t with you. Life is life and it’s for living. Deep is something that feels like entrapment, it’s good in the moment but who you are is not built for what’s required of taking something “deep” all the way. It’s not comfortable, not FUN, it’s not for you. There is too much out there to see, do, be, and explore. Too many potential lovers to meet, too many different jobs to try your hand at, you’re not the person to want to stay put…forever. That’s daunting. There could be many reasons why, you all probably have all sorts of personal philosophies and beliefs on why “staying put” is not for you, and they’re not wrong, that’s you. Wheel of Fortune, you’re meant to be this way, because you’re meant to learn whatever it is you’re learning through all of this, it’s brought as much joy as it has any sorrow.
There is one particular person though, that sticks with you no matter where you go, you can’t outrun them, the feelings, the guilt, the longing in some cases. Maybe even the obsession, either you or them. You keep running and they constantly follow you, in dreams, even if you haven’t spoken in years. Time works funny in a karmic/Twin relationship. Time works funny on the other side, like it doesn’t really exist, and neither does it in these intense connections. It does and it doesn’t. They’re put here to make you feel the way you feel, because face it, no one else could. There’s something about *them* that was real, genuine, the depth of this connection came to you naturally, and it moved quickly. If it was intimate, it felt like your soul was on fire. It scared you. If it was family, you felt like you *were* this person, the connection was like two same people, they understood and loved you like no one else could. You probably didn’t know that then.
Your people are probably still alive, not all, but you can’t go back. If they’ve passed on, that’s probably what triggered a spiritual awakening of sorts, because runners don’t usually watch tarot readings or believe in…much. The 3D, what’s in front of them, LIFE IS FOR LIVING, you pave your own way etc etc, not analyzing karmic lessons, that’s boring 🤪 with beliefs & nonsense right, what a headache and it’s depressing af, too much, that’s likely not your cup of tea. Or it was at one time, and you’re not alone. I’ve met way more people like this than the other way 💯
Why you’re haunted, because of love. Same as the first story, there was a purpose with some person, a direction you never felt you really had, they gave you meaning, definition, you felt like you knew who you were when you were with them. Or who you wanted to be. Some of this may have been hopeful projection, not who *you* really are, because you ended up leaving this behind. Or was it? You always question what if. Something made you leave, and The Wheel of Fortune shows things being destined, karmic, outside of your control (or theirs). Could’ve been another person, an opportunity, a job, moving away while young, a death in some cases. Life was life-ing, some of you chose to walk and others had no choice. It was your path to do whatever you did, for whatever reason you did it, especially in this connection. Many things are free will, and some things are soul-level lessons, orchestrated by things outside of us, and those feel the most intense, they’re the soul connections. Like this one, whoever they are. Is it your fault? Depends on your own story. Some yes, some no, and some “you couldn’t have known”. Shocking you was the point, they were the jolt.
Advice to deal with this ghost 👻:
9 Pentacles, 4 Swords, 5 Pentacles & Ace of Wands
I don’t get a reconcile energy from either of you, 9 Pentacles is happily independent, with or without a person, and that’s what you’re needing to achieve within yourself. Healing from whatever has happened. Healing any abandonment issues that came with it. Releasing it entirely, because for many of you, control is not a factor - you have none. It either is or it isn’t, and it’s not up to you with whoever this is. Whether or not it’s Twin Flame doesn’t seem to matter, because it’s the same advice.
Assume they’re not coming back. Ever. You have to worry about yourself, live for yourself, do what you want to do and express your soul’s purpose in whatever way that is for you, this person is not a factor in that. They may have started the story, but then made their exit, and it’s up to you to continue it, change it, mold it, surprise us, and come up with your own ending. Be free of them. Will you still think of them, dream of them, sure, especially Twins. Whoever they are IS a soul tie, you’re not crazy. Many are just lessons. It was meant to be this DEEP and intense, meant to start a fire in you that doesn’t die, but it needs to be redirected.
Ace of Wands shows you needing to feel passion for other things, head off in other directions, feel joy and inspiration from new experiences. Pretend they never happened, what would you do now? Who are you now? Who do you want to be, what would that person do? What makes you feel ALIVE, by yourself, because it feels good, it’s for you, your whole soul resonates with this thing? And then do that. Could be music could be gardening could be work, whatever makes you feel like *you*. You won’t forget them, but for awhile you should probably try to, on purpose, and have faith that whatever you do or whoever you end up with, it’s the right thing for you. This person filled you with purpose and love, now they’re unconsciously keeping you chained away from purpose, and love ❤️
P.S. After finishing
That was intense. I was thinking Halloween fun and maybe some actual demons let’s do this, when I first had the idea, and what I got was…real shit. Things that hit our core. Things we’ve held onto a long time. I’m both surprised, and not. I’m sending you all love & hugs, we’ve all got demons, just not the kind that pop up in the mirror and say BOO 👻 Though a couple could. You never know.
Happy Halloween! And thank you for being a part of my intense/funny little tarot corner of the interwebs. I appreciate & love you all, and I’m cheering on everyone to win 🏆 at everything they want to win at along their soul’s journey 🥰 Thank you!
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malicedafirenze · 1 year ago
I unintentionally skipped a lot of the romance content in Baldur's Gate 3 and I want others to learn from my mistakes:
So: I managed to lock myself out of romance entirely and ended up alone, which was a huge bummer and a serious crack in my motivation to play the game. I finished my playthrough (because I was already close to the end of Act 3 when I realized it), and plan to do another one eventually. I'm making this post in hopes of a) keeping others from making the same mistakes and b) to possibly get some additional insight re. what to watch out for in my next playthrough.
PSA: Pick a Partner before Act 3
The key learning here for me was this explanation from the poly mod
In BG3, romance is divided into 2 steps: dating and relationship(also called partner). Dating is basically where you are at after the 1st romance scene. Relationship is where you are at after the 2nd romance scene (relationship also unlocks the kissing menu). BTW, If you enter A3, all dates will break up with you (partners won't, ofc).
I hadn't realized this until well into Act 3, at a point where going back to a save to properly fix it would have meant replaying large parts of Act 2 as well - I decided to finish my run instead and then start a completely new one later.
Note: lots of spoilers below. (click here to read this post on reddit instead)
My Romance Woes
I read in advance that you couldn't romance multiple people (except for the specific Halsin combos with Shadowheart and Astarion) and therefore turned down Gale and Lae'Zel early in the game (not realizing you could just date/bonk them without fully committing or getting anyone upset)
I didn't take approval all that seriously, thought I'd have more opportunity to fix things later. I was playing pretty good guy, and ended up with high approval for Karlach and Shadowheart, but low for Astarion. Weirdly, I don't recall an option to romance Shadowheart (no clue what I missed?) and the only option I had for Karlach was at the Tiefling party, where I went with Astarion instead. I had a scene or two with him, but then didn't progress further in the relationship, without really realizing what I was missing.
I wanted to romance everyone, sat on the fence for too long, and ended up not romancing anyone at all, by missing a thing or two in act 1 and 2 and being too late to fix it in act 3. Don't be like me, it feels bad man.
Early Act 3, I got Astarion's breakup dialogue ("we haven't spent a night together in some time" --> him explaining it was just transactional and he doesn't see the value in it anymore) and got super worried, but when trying to look up if I'd messed up, I didn't find a clear answer for without more spoilers, so I just continued playing Act 3, including all of the companion quests.
I later learned that I missed out on at least one important Astarion romance interaction by not going to Moonrise Towers until after freeing Nightsong. (when the Towers are already on high alert, i.e. I could only fight and not have a lot of conversations)
After realizing I had messed up companions romance, I instead fucked everyone it was unwise to fuck (Emperor, Mizora, Harleep...) for fun and to see what would happen... but chickened out and reloaded after Emperor and Mizora. Still, got to enjoy some fun content that way!
The ending I got (going to Avernus with Karlach) was really cool and made me cry a lot. I then did try to reload my last save though, to see if I'd get any other epilogue content if I didn't go to the Hells, but... apparently that scene on the docks (Astarion goofily running off, everyone kinda agreeing to go party after this, no other conversations with anyone again.... is just... it?
Idk how much of this is the lack of romance, but I really felt like something was missing there. I at least wanted to talk to everyone again one last time.
This is a post about my romance failures and regrets so I'm not gonna talk about everything else that I loved about the game, but just in case this is getting a bit too negative: I had an absolute blast with the whole game regardless, I'm stoked to give it another go the "proper" way (i.e. with romance). I also generally think it's really fucking cool that this game's romance options depend on how you behave, and that you can't just e.g. give someone the right kind of gift 20 times in a row to make them love you, like it works in games like Stardew Valley.
Next Playthrough Plans
I'll probably wait for another patch or two - considering how much got fixed and tweaked with the first three patches, I suppose it's worth to wait a bit and see what's coming
I'll play with the Poly mod next time and try to romance all of the Origin characters.
I plan to play with the camp notifications mod, as well as the approval ratings in dialogue mod. Both in hopes of being able to game the romance a bit better and get much of the romance in one playthrough
I'll play Dark Urge (haven't seen any of that so far!), but probably still go for a "good" playthrough mostly
I plan on equipping & levelling all Origin companions and switch them out more freely, in order to get approval from everyone and edit my party as makes sense depending on story events (e.g. take Lae'Zel to the Creche, take Gale to the Ketheric fight...)
I want to romance everyone. I already saw some tips for early game Astarion approval and assume the aforementioned mods will help in optimizing this
Am probably not gonna do anything all that differently otherwise because my heart can't take an actually evil playthrough
Aand that's about it. As mentioned, I'm mostly posting in case this helps anyone else.
I was really damn sad when I realized I had locked myself out of all romance, because the romance was a significant part of my motivation to start playing this in the first place. At the same time, I loved so much about the game that I still got a lot out of it in 110+ hours even with minimal romance content.
If you see any red flags about my plans for the next playthrough (or if you have experience with the mentioned mods!), I'd appreciate comments and insights. Other than that, here's hoping others can learn from my mistakes. Thank you for reading <3
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evilphrog · 1 year ago
Watching Wheel of Time without reading the books: Season 2, episode 1
I'm at it again! I know I never posted the season 1 finale review, and maybe I will go back and do that later. But for now, I just finished the season premiere, and I have to say, Perrin is 100% correct. The five of them are much more impressive together than apart. Which isn't to say I disliked it. They are all on the struggle bus, but that is where character development is at its peak, and where we get to see their true inner strength. Which is to say, I LOVED it. Bring on the angst!
The season opener with the round table of evil plotters was a fun and clever way to deliver some exposition without boring us. Having a little girl crawling under the table, disturbing the Very Important Shadowy Cloak Meeting really humanized every single one of them, and seeing the Fake Dark One be so gentle and patient with her gives some insight into how people can become dark friends. They are just concerned parents. I am now calling him Nancy Reagan, since he is their leader. I also definitely want to pet a trolloc. They look much cuter when they aren’t being ordered to kill everyone in sight. Are they tamable? Or...redeemable? I am still not sure of their level of free will/sentience, so I am not sure which word applies.
The first scene post-credits is Moiraine working hard to take her Very Sad Alone Time Depression Bath. Just one woman, chilling in a hot tub, cuz the water gets cold without magic. It was a very good idea to show the first hot tub scene in the recaps, so I could get the full emotional subtext here. Bathing is a communal activity in this culture, but she can’t handle having someone else see her in such a vulnerable position when she already feels so vulnerable all the time. But the longer she spends isolated, the more alone and vulnerable she will continue to feel.
She and Lan are hiding out with their friends, Sassy Twin, Serious Twin, and Tom. Tom is married to one of them, but I forget which one. Without the warder bond, Lan must have lost the rapid healing that allows him to withstand his severe clothing allergy. Good thing the Sassy Twin is there to helpfully point out additional clothes that might be hurting him, and to reassure him it would be fine to remove them in her home. She truly speaks for all of us. I’m glad Lan has these three friends around to support him as he supports Moiraine. This poor man is having to learn, at the tender age of forty-something, to use his words to describe how he feels. He is afraid for his best friend, he is hurt about being pushed away at a time when he would expect to be leaned on even harder, I am pretty sure he blames her for blocked bond because she had put the block up prior to being shielded, and he feels like he is losing his only purpose in life.
And in the face of all that, he has to exhibit so much patience as Moiraine acts like every insecure teenager ever and tries to push him away. His previous experience with teenagers taught him what this behavior is like, but not how to handle it. Her “I am so aloof and do not care at all about the feelings of others” routine was incredibly transparent to everyone except Lan. He really needed his friends to lovingly slap him in the ego and remind him that the only way to truly help her is to let himself be the vulnerable one, so she can see how it' it's done, and realize it's something she can live with.
But now he has to do it the old fashioned way, by walking upstairs to check on her. Good timing, too. Slightly worse timing for Serious Twin, but at least she could handle all the Eyeless. Hopefully one of the twins does healing.
Meanwhile, at Aes Sedai High, Nynaeve and Egwene are in novice training. Egwene is dealing with a bit of culture shock. She accidentally witnesses an actual, honest to Light, bisexual orgy on screen. She is going from being a big fish in a small pond to being a big fish in an ocean surrounded by other big fish, but she is handling it better than I expected. Nynaeve is handling the entire thing exactly as I hoped she would. While Egwene focuses on adding extra challenges by learning to weave with both hands tied behind her back, Nynaeve is semi-consciously stopping herself from doing any magic at all. Polly tries playing on her pride, by saying she is just scared, and Nynaeve responds by drinking dirty dishwater while making direct eye contact. Such a power move, there. Unfortunately, it leads directly to an unwanted face-to-face discussion with JK Rowling, which quickly turns into a surprise duel. I thought JK was torturing Nynaeve by hurting her, but my husband said she was only making the air too thick for Nynaeve to move through. And really, nothing could possibly torture Nynaeve more than placing an unwanted restriction on her. She did end up shielding her, temporarily, and that was described as one of the most brutal forms of assault. Pretty sick, but also pretty consistent with boarding school hazing rituals.
Later, Nynaeve and Egwene read the letter from Perrin, where he hopes they will all stick together. And JK Rowling goes down to her secret Man Dungeon For Men to read a heavily edited version of the letter to her prisoner, New Mat. And, to this I have to say, come on JK Rowling! Why do you go and pull a stunt that the actual JK Rowling also used in her own book? Your name is getting more and more accurate as time goes on, and that is not a compliment. Anyways, Mat responds in pretty much the same way Harry Potter did, by trying to break out of jail. I’m not sure how I feel about New Mat so far. He seems a bit like a soggy bed sheet, but he is also in the exact circumstances that would lead to soggy bed sheet behavior. His puckish attitude was mostly a mask he put on to lift the spirits of those around him, and his private moments were entirely spent dwelling on his own misery. Presumably the only person he has interacted with for months now is someone who actively feeds on that misery. JK Rowling is a cursed dagger unto herself.
We get a brief glimpse of Rand, with his new haircut. He is sad and has no lines. I assume he will be more present in future episodes. He lights a lantern, presumably for his mother, but maybe for the innocent version of himself that will never exist again. Maybe for his friends he thinks he can never see again. They light the lanterns for those they lost, which might not necessarily mean the ones who died.
Perrin, meanwhile, is on a quest to find Padan Fain and steal back the magic horn. He has found another Wolf guy, who seems to be teaching him how his wolf powers work. Apparently he can see the past? Maybe he is smelling the places where things used to be, like Angua does in Discworld? So then, is he a werewolf? This is a very confusing power that has still not been explained at all. I would have liked to see Perrin get a training sequence similar to Egwene and Nynaeve, but the defining trait of wolf guys is that they aren’t a chatty bunch. They find a bunch of bodies of the traitors from the final battle, presumably disposed of once they were no longer useful. The group holds a proper funeral for them, which confuses Perrin. He doesn’t understand how they can go to such effort for the people responsible for the deaths of hundreds. The prince guy responds that if his people spent their time seeking revenge on those who betray them, they wouldn't have time for anything else. It is more helpful to the ones left behind to let it go and focus on the mission. Sort of the way of the leaf, but with a more productive twist. Perrin is really on a quest for a moral philosophy that he can live with, and this one seems slightly more compatible with him.
At Bel Tine, he lights a lantern for his wife. The first time he has to do so. He places his wedding ring on the lantern, but takes it back at the last second. He isn’t ready to let go of his own guilt just yet, but at least he can move forward while carrying it now. Loial seems good for him. And Perrin is good for Loial. He’s way more likeable now that he has gotten used to the wonder of living in the human world, and stopped condescendingly and incorrectly explaining how it all works. They are both figuring that out together. I am not sure how he survived being stabbed with the cursed dagger. By all rights it makes no sense. So I guess… Loial returned somehow. And we are also moving on from it and focusing on the mission, even if we carry our confusion with us.
Other episode reviews
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ourladyofmaplemurder · 11 months ago
Cheryl & The Blues
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A lovely friend of mine pointed something out to me this morning. Namely, the "why" of the blue dress in Season 1, which had led me to the meaning of blue for Cheryl.
I had asked for his insights previously, as he is a costume designer who is far more visually inclined than I, but it wasn't until now that I got a response. (He has always been a RiverHater, but it seems he is coming around. Our flock grows. Praise Mother Gaia.) In any case, he pointed out that this dress is an attempt from Cheryl to embody Cinderella.
Here is a quick paraphrase of what he said:
She is is desperately trying to NOT be Cheryl during this dinner. At one point she even says "It's supposed to be Cinderella who ran away from the ball." Thus, the blue dress is here to help her emulate the "trad wife heterosexual Cinderella." By the end of the scene, she goes full Cheryl and snaps on Archie because her charade doesn't work and everyone still thinks she's a chaotic lesbian.
Lots to unpack here, no?
As we know, Cheryl IS red. So, seeing her in blue (and this is blue, despite the fact that it looks sort of green. A nod to envy, perhaps?) is very strange. Blue is Betty's color, and though Betty is NOT the ultimate trad wife heterosexual, she is coded that way. In fact, much of her internal character conflict is about her having to grapple with being "The Girl Next Door".
So, this dress is Cheryl's attempt to be "The Girl Next Door". It seems so simple now that I think about it, but still.
I think it's interesting that Cheryl invokes Cinderella specifically, rather than Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. Snow White would certainly make sense. She's tortured by an evil mother figure and pale as snow, both things that Cheryl could relate to. There's even poison in that story and we all know how much Penelope loves poison. Sleeping Beauty wouldn't really make sense until after Cheryl's Sweet Water River incident, but still. I think it's kind of interesting how many fairytale princesses we could link to Cheryl.
She chooses Cinderella though. Why? Well, Cinderella is also tormented by an evil mother figure, but her most significant moment is being transformed. Cinderella is lifted from the ashes of her wretched life to go to the ball with the help of her fairy godmother in the hopes of winning the heart of the prince. The prince is clearly Archie and there is no Fairy Godmother. Maybe that's why it doesn't work.
In any case, Cheryl is a lot, even for herself, so it makes sense that she would try to suppress her true colors, so to speak, from time to time to satisfy a particular goal. She is aware that she is too much, at least to some degree at any given moment of the series, so yeah. She whips out the blue when she's trying to tone herself down.
(I'm probably making too much of this, but there's something about Cheryl Blossom and fairytales that just clicks in my mind. It reminds me of Blanche DuBois from Streetcar saying, "I don't want realism, I want magic!" I feel like Cheryl would agree with that. )
Also! Another time that Cheryl wears blue? Toni's bachelorette party in Season 6. This is another time that you could argue she is trying to suppress herself in the interest of being a supportive ex. (Also fascinating that Heather is wearing red! A testament to her love for Cheryl, I think. This IS right before they have their big kiss.)
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She also wears blue when she comes up with the idea to kill Percival for Toni's wedding present. It's a sort of "show of support", but we all know she does not support this union and desperately wants Toni back so....
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This is also likely why the Sister of Quiet Mercy uniforms are blue. They are symbols of repression for Cheryl specifically. (And Betty too, tbh. I think this 'suppression' narrative probably works for Betty too, but I would need to actually go through and check that. So, for now, let's just focus on Cher Cher.)
Now, Cheryl wears blue pretty often in season 7, but that makes sense considering the fact that she has to suppress herself quite a bit due to the nature of the times. But like, look at this:
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These are all moments where Cheryl is actively suppressing her true feelings, in this case, the gay ones. However, what's different about these instances, and these costumes, is that the truth is always poking through. The suppression in the 50's is different. She's not trying to suppress herself FROM herself. Not in the long run. The red accents remind us who she truly is and that she is still Cheryl Blossom underneath that trad wife, heterosexual nonsense she's putting on.
All this to say: When Cheryl is wearing blue she is actively suppressing herself! It's consistent!
Where does this analysis place her River Vixen uniform?
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As you can see, it is predominantly blue. However, I do not think that it fits into the "suppression narrative" in the same way as her other blue outfits. The River Vixen uniform is blue, but it's also a symbol of the Town and of Cheryl's sense of belonging within her community. Though I do think the red versions of her Vixen attire that she wears in season 5 are symbolic of her truly owning her place in the town as the Coach of the Vixens and also the Blossom Heir, I don't think she's actively suppressing herself as a River Vixen.
Tune in next time for White and, one day, Green. (Also wondering about Pink.......)
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dustorange · 9 months ago
I really was interested by what you said in your post about WFA outselling the main comics and canon/fanon. Do you think the fanon characterizations are pretty much on point for canon characterizations or then at least redeemable?
Well, so the thing with Fanon DC stuff and why it exists and why it is so pervasive is that 1) PART of it is a function of the medium—I.e., lots of people know Batman, through movies or shows or now TikTok and ao3, without having read 80 daunting years of comics, so people take a shortcut (very reasonably) (fanon) whereas others HAVE read 80 yrs worth and want to discuss canon and 2) PART of it, the larger part in my opinion, is that fanon Dick Grayson or fanon Tim drake or whoever are NOT really in any way approximations of their canon counterparts anyway—instead they’re just the same default character archetypes you see across other fanfics and fandoms. They’re a little bit painted to be the DC characters (features like Patrol, Pit Madness, etc.) but otherwise it’s not really a special character at all, just an archetype or something, just someone’s vague sort of immature cartoony characterization of a Good Happy Big Brother or Neglected By Parents Anxious Panic Attack Boy. You can see exactly those same characters—with the names scraped off—in any other fandom’s fanon. And in lots of contemporary shows or books. Everybody does the same stuff. With the same weekly social media jokes etc. The same 2024 up-to-date politics uniform among the characters. And characters are the exact same across so many different things because it’s just what people jump to and know how to write! Because we’ve grown up with those archetypes! It’s just like how EVERYBODY’s first stories involved Mary-sue-like qualities. Or how a trademark first fic for EVERYBODY is a very teenage angst victimfantasy or everyone Realizing They Were Wrong and Apologizijg or Grieving Their Loss Of You. It’s like the universal teenage girl fantasy. And it’s a loooot of people’s first stories me included probably. And that’s why an essential part of talking about fanon people has to be cut with the fact that fanon people ARE VERY YOUNG. Like teenagers. Not all of them. But a lot of them are veryyyyyyy young and there’s a big Pro Being A Hater contingent on here and i have laughed at many a Tim drake shrimp allergy meme but omg I should not have bc that is rly cruel and people are really truly harsh and I know if someone made some meme about how bad fanon writing is about a fic i put genuine work into, I would feel sooo crushed so with all of this preface before the actual answer is to say WE SHOULD BE NICE TO FANON PEOPLE BUT:
no, fanon really is not redeemable and it pretty much does not have any, even accidental, grasp on or insight into the dc characters. as far as i’ve seen. These ARE complex characters and they’re tough to nail. But fanon is not dealing with those characters, just sort of empty characterholes that are the same regardless of the fandom. Fanon is really a snowball that began snowballing in a whole different zip code from canon. And then there’s a whole different question of What Is A Dick Grayson or What Is A Bruce Wayne like is there a true essence to be gleaned from comic books and stuff and I think the answer is YES. But also something ive been thinking about is that everybody picks and chooses, even selfprofessed canon fans, and says No I Don’t Consider This Canon or In This Fic I Changed The Timeline And Ignored This Arc And This Run Because It Is OOC and I think if we’re really talking about being rigorous and tied to canon it’s GOOD to force your stuff to be in line with canon, even with canonical aspects you don’t like, because pressure, limitations, and rules make you much better than just getting to do whatever you want at all.
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