#oh and I have bangs too but they're curly
hauntedvulcan · 25 days
Blue eyeshadow and an inferiority complex I might just be Spock
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rotdistressxox · 5 months
Headcanons: The Ghoulettes + Mountain first meeting / Developing a crush on you
Part 1
• She immediately stands out to you because of her long, curly, white hair. She flashed you a smile and welcomed you to the team.
• The more you got to know her, the more she stood out as the mom-friend of the group.
• Bascically adopts you into the ghoul-friend group. Anyone says anything bad about you will have the 'lioness' to deal with.
• You help her with practicing piano and keyboard. She likes to harmonize with your voice, and sometimes she sings along.
• Winter arrives and the fire ghouls are usually working to heat up the ministry. She invites you to cuddle, since that's what ghouls do to preserve body temperature.
• Presing your body close to hers, you tuck your head under her chin. She whispers an 'Oh my' as she feels her heart beat getting faster. She purred as you fell asleep in her arms.
• Swiss wanted to join, but she growled and swiped at him. "My bad"
• That's a thing that became more common between you two, even if it wasn't cold outside anymore.
• She starts to fuss over you more like she's your wife, which you jokingly call her.
• Is pretty similar to Mist, the only thing that's different is how quickly her mood changes. It's super scary
• At first she was stone faced like the previous Era of ghouls, but as soon as you said hi she was smiles and rainbows.
• Was the one who seemed the most trust worthy at the time, so she's your main ghoul to talk to.
• Pretty playful and flirty, like a mix of Aurora and Swiss. Loves it when you pet her or scratch under her chin.
• Started to feel more attracted to you once she realized her attraction to you wasn't just friendship. It was romantic. Pretty simple when she came to terms with it.
• Overthinks her crush. Is it real? Is it just ghoul hormones or your pheromones? Does she just want you, or does she want all of you?
• Gets jealous pretty easily. Doesn't like it when the Ghouls flirt with you, or you give them attention.
• Almost starts a fight with another ghoul because they stared little too long at you
• Is bascically the stereotype of that one girl that wants/ is friends with everyone.
• Very excited to meet you, shakes your hand vigorously. Introduces you to the rest of the ghoulettes instead of letting them do it.
• "Yeah, Aurora's one of the newer ghouls" Cirrus tells you.
• Wants to hang out with you 24/7. You are her bestie afterall! Sleepovers, making friendship bracelets, gossip or shit talking. Her personality is heavily inspired by chickflicks.
• Her hair is naturally a very light green which fades into a dark blue at her roots. One day she decides she wants to dye some strands a neon pink. You help her ofc.
• You had changed into a shirt that was way too big on you, it slid down your shoulders and it took every ounce of her willpower not to shove her nose in her neck. The smell of a human was irresistible to a ghoul.
• "Shit, I can't get this one spot" you sit on her lap and hold her face while you use the brush to finish the bangs. Her ears turned red and her tail wrapped around your leg.
• "Uh, Rora. You good?" "Yeah totally!"
• Didn't keep it a secret that she had a crush on you when talking to the other Ghouls.
• "Ugh I want them so bad" "(Reader) and I already have 27 children in the scenario in my head" "I would kill for them ngl"
• The most imposing ghoulette, despite her stature.
• Doesn't say anything the first time you see eachother. She only stares you down, watching your every move.
• She's so serious at first, so you start teasing her. The Era 1-3 ghouls have darker skin, so a way you could tell she was blushing was when her cheeks turned a dark purple.
• Doesn't want to admit it, like it all. But she loves it when you tease her.
• "Where's (Reader)?" "They're in the left wing working today. Why?" "Nothing, if you tell (Reader) I asked about them I will end you"
• Not good at emotions. At all. Conflicted all the time because she fell in love so quickly. She has never been in love. Never.
• Refuses to talk about it with the others so she doesn't ruin her 'tough chick' persona.
• One time you snuck up behind her and poked her waist. She let out the cutest whine/yelp you had ever heard. She chased you around though.
• Also very protective
• Oh where do I begin.
• Scares the living shit out of you because of how tall he is, by accident because bro just appeared out of the ground and dusted the dirt off his shoulders.
• Doesn't usually interact with the siblings of sin if at all. He's afraid of them
• Is actually very sweet though, he thinks you're a little weird at first. Not a bad weird, just very unusual.
• Stuff you say is usually hilarious. Your humor shocks him at first, but he gets used to it
• Mountain is usually very stressed, there's a lot going on in his head. Practice, more practice, duties, mental health. But for some reason, the loud thoughts in his head disappear when you say "hello"
• When you're not looking, he'll put flowers in your hair until you notice them.
• Ofcourse he knows he's in love, the earth ghouls at usually the ones most aware of emotion.
• When he follows you around the lawns and the gardens, a small patch of purple flowers are left in his footsteps
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beansmack2021 · 6 months
She's Yours Now (Pt. 2)
Platonic!Teen!Reader x Hazbin Crew
TW: Mentions of abuse, death, murder, Reader is lowkey kind of op lol, mentions of drugs
Charlie wasn't really sure who she'd expected to see when her father sent her straight into the heart of Pride. She just knew that Lucifer himself didn't believe that this new soul deserved to be damned to Hell for eternity. Or until the next extermination, if she was one of the unlucky casualties.
She tried not to think too hard about the fates of many of her people. She'd start seething soon enough, and then she'd be practically useless on their trip to find their newest arrival. Still, she couldn't help the sensation of her blood boiling when she pictured the masked angel exorcists.
"Char, breathe. You're crushing my hand."
She snapped out of it pretty quickly. "Sorry, Vaggie. I'm just... I'm thinking about the extermination. We don't have much time, and I mean, we have plenty of people who don't even deserve to be here, but they're going to die again. This new arrival is apparently the perfect example. My dad doesn't even think she should be here."
Charlie personally didn't believe any sinner deserved the punishment that Heaven had dealt them. The whole point of her hotel was to make the people of Hell see the light and bring them to their utopia. It hurt to know that even if every other soul in Hell left, she'd never be able to, but she also knew that her life's mission was to help others.
She took a deep breath, the sulfuric smell and red haze of Hell reminding her that she couldn't just wallow, and she definitely couldn't rage. She, Angel Dust, and Vaggie had been walking for what felt like hours. They'd passed plenty of bloodied up sinners, a few shaking each other down for some baggies of white powder, but still didn't notice anyone out of the ordinary.
That was until they heard a crashing sound in the alley to their right. Vaggie readied her spear, leading the way quietly down the alley. They heard another rustling sound and Vaggie quickly pointed her spear at the source of the sound.
Charlie put her hand out in front of Vaggie to lower her spear, taking in the girl before them. She was small, definitely younger, and terrified. She had doe-like features, like fluffy ears, a snout, white freckles, and big eyes. Her hair was dark and curly, and she had curtain like bangs. She definitely didn't look like she belonged there. They found their new arrival. She sniffed once, eyes wide as she stared at them.
"Please. Don't hurt me." The young doe was practically whispering.
"Oh! We're not going to hurt you! We're here to help." Charlie crouched down, offering the girl a warm smile. "I'm Charlie Morningstar. I run the Happy Hotel here. Our mission is to redeem as many sinners as possible so that they may make it to Heaven someday."
The girl looked at the ground in front of her, thinking to herself for a moment. "So... this really is Hell, huh?"
Charlie nodded once, trying to maintain her composure. She really just wanted to hug the young doe, but she knew that that was probably the one thing the girl wanted the least.
"I know why I'm here. I know I did a bad thing. I just didn't realize the one bad thing could outway so much good. Especially since I did a bad thing for a good reason. I was trying to make sure nothing happened to anyone else, the way it happened to me." She put her head in her hands, laughing once, but it wasn't a happy laugh. She was in shock.
Charlie reached out a hand, trying to comfort the girl, but it was almost like she sensed the movement in the air. She flinched, grabbing onto the wall behind her and the trashcan beside her. She pulled herself up and took off down the road.
"No! Come back! We're just here to help!"
Vaggie met Charlie at the end of the alley, putting a hand on her shoulder. The same gesture that had the doe-ish girl running for the hills. A gesture that was supposed to be comforting and instead scared her more.
"Uhhhh... toots, you're gonna wanna see this."
Angel Dust stood staring at something on the ground where the girl had once been. Charlie gasped as she took in the sight before her.
"Did she do this?" Vaggie mumbled.
"This" was... definitely a sight.
The trash can was no longer in its original state. There was a gaping hole, with ashy edges. The wall wasn't looking much better. The small girl, who seemed so terrified and helpless, had disintegrated the bricks and metal that had surrounded her.
Charlie looked at Vaggie. "We need to find her. Before someone gets hurt."
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akwolfgrl · 7 months
How sweet it is to be loved by them part 1
I've changed somethings it's now abo and going to be monster trio. Zoro and sanji are married alredy when they meet Luffy.
Luffy watch a blond head bob in the water as they drew closer to the shore. Luffy stood up in the boat and waved his arm excitedly. He was sure he'd have to wait till the grandline before meeting a mermaid! Yet thire they were clear as day.
“Hi!” Luffy called out to them.
“Luffy!” Koby whispered. “Stop, they could be dangerous!” Silly Koby, how was he supposed to become a marine if he was such a coward?
The mermaid stopped swimming and turned towards them before waving back and swimming towards them. He placed his arms against the top of their tiny boat, a net sling over one shoulder. His long blonde hair was the color of gold, yet far more precious, Luffy longed to run his fingers threw it. The shulder length hair was wet from the water curling at the ends, his blue eyes were the same color where the sky met the sea, he had curly eyebrows peeking out from his wet bangs. He had on two mismatched gold earrings, one was tear drop shaped and one had a blue heart dangling from its gold chain. His scent hit Luffy hard, spicy as Vaca atolada, yet salty and fresh like the crashing waves of the seas, a soft sugary drink hit the tip of his tongue allowing him to know they were an omega… no not AN omega but HIS omega
“Hello, what can I do for you?” The pretty mermaid omega asked.
“Are you a mermaid?” Luffy asked him, he was far too pretty not to be.
“Oh my Luffy! You can't ask people if they're mermaids!” Koby hissed at him as the mermaid laughed.
“No unfortunately I'm not,” He kicked his legs up willing his toes. “See no tail,”
“Hmm,” Luffy wasn't convinced but then again he could be hiding. After all, if he didn't want anyone to know he'd never say and deny the truth. “Then if you're not a mermaid what are you?”
“I'm a chef, I suppose a traveling chef now. I pick up work where I can,” He replied. “Sanji by the way, Luffy and who's your friend?”
“I'm Koby,”
“A chef!?” Luffy stomach growled causing the mermaid Sanji to laugh again.
“Come on you sound hungry, join me for breakfast. My house boat is just over there,” Sanji pointed towards the shore and a larger boat parked by the dock.
Luffy and Koby paddled their way over to Sanji's house boat. The blonde omega was climbing up into his home when they arrived. His long muscular legs and thighs were warped in a brightly colored swim trunks with fishes on them. He was slim with a tiny waist, his shoulders were broader than his own but he looked as if he was still growing into his body. He hung the net of crabs up to dry.
“Let me get dressed and I'll start breakfast. The galley is right through this door and to the left,” Sanji spoke, opening said door before turning right.
Luffy dragged Koby with him to the door and to the left. He took a seat at the small table egar to eat. Luffy could smell hints of anthoer alpha, but it was faded. The galley was warm and cozy, the cabinets painted a soft blue, the cupushioens on the chairs and benches, and darker blue. On the wall above his head was an empty sword rack. Thire were photos that littered the walls before Luffy could proprly look. Sanji returned wearing black slacks and a blue long sleve button-up, his long hair pulled back.
“Whata ya makein!” Luffy asked, sniffing the air. Whatever it was, it smelled like meat and bread.
“Cachorro com Ovo,” Sanji replied, rolling his sleeves up. Luffy watched as more skin was once more reviled.
“Mmmm I haven't had that in forever!” Luffy was excited. He loved food more than almost anything else. He was so happy his mate was a cook.
“What is it?” Koby asked.
“Dog with egg,” Luffy exspined. “Thire no dog, it's just bread with a meat stew with fried egg and tomatoes! It's like one of the few things Gramps knows how to make,” Sometimes after training, if Luffy did well, Gramps would make food as a reward.
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aerkame · 11 months
FinFolk Howdy
       Y/n walked across the beach of the local neighborhood and smiled as they saw shells and small crabs in the sand. They crouched down and picked up a purplish shell, they examined it carefully before standing up and continuing to walk with it now in their pocket.
       They hummed softly as they walk towards the deck, that was half way there to being just poles of wood. They climb onto it and carefully made their way to the edge of it above the water. 
       It smelled of Salt and fish, normal for an ocean. They laughed softly to themself and sat down, legs dangling off the edge and kicking in the water. They close their eyes under their black curly bangs and sighed relaxing.
      Howdy was just finished of going for a daily swim and getting ready to head on the surface, but he noticed someone’s body sitting on the abandoned deck. He watched carefully as his eyes narrowed a bit, he slowly swims towards the deck. “Howdy! What are you doing?” Julie whispered behind him.
       He jumps and his fins flake up similar to when a cats tail puffs up when surprised or scared, he slowly turns to Julie and glared. She chuckled “You noticed the human too?” He looked up at the figure and nodded. She grinned and swam straight towards the deck, “Julie!” He whisper shouted.
        She ignored him and continued to swim towards the human, she grinned as she grabbed their ankles and dragged them into the water.
        Y/n sighed again as they examine the shell they found, it had small pieces of blueish spots. They smiled as they continue to look at it.
       But then they see two hands merge from the water, they grabbed at their ankles and tugged. Y/n let out a yelp and braced for impact.
       Y/n held their breathe as they were being dragged deeper in the water, they kept their eyes shut doing so. “Howdy! Howdy! Look I got them!” A voice giggled, it sounded of a teenage girl. Another voice grumbled in return, “Julie.. we’re not supposed to bring attention..” The larger figure huffs.
(This was in my draftssss/)
Oh my goodness this was a nice treat to come back to! I love how you have them flare their scales/fins up like a cat would and how excited Julie is overall just to get someone else down there with the others.
I guess it would make sense as well for them to "flare" up in a way because of how they can get physically bigger and taller. They are predators if you want to compare them to other animals. They eat a lot of "meat" (fish, or the equivalent in a puppet world), they're big, they have claws and sharp teeth, slit eyes, and an exceptional sense of smell. No really, you can not outrun, outswim, outsmart (it depends in a way...), or hide from these guys.
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dozzlegramcracker · 2 months
ok so rant abt monster high
im gonna rant about so many things that went wrong with the new monster high gen. there is. many.
lagoona isnt even blue anymore
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why. why is she pink. WHAT HAPPENED TO HER CURLY HAIR and gil. he's...
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2. Draculaura's face marking, and her hair.
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bangs, on fleek, slay girl. but...the colors. what happened to her stripes? it looked so cool. and the heart birthmark is supposed to be PINK. because its a BIRTHMARK and her skin is PINK ಠ_ಠ and her overbite is gone, no more fangs showing 3. frankie.
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shes/they're....blue. so they made frankie blue and lagoona pink??? ... im guessing the metal leg is supposed to represent people with missing limbs so i wont say anything abt it
but her bolts are gone too?? now she has blue in her hair..okay? 4. ABBEY. (i am LIVID) WHAT. DID. THEY. DO.
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one of the worst redesigns, in my opinion. I also heard she doesn't have her accent anymore?? way to take away every sense of individuality these characters ever had.
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6. The breakup of Cleo and Deuce (and their designs) completely unnecessary, should've just let sleeping dogs lie really. i feel like they just wanted more LGBTQ characters. Cleo could've stayed with Deuce AND able to be bisexual. Cleo: Blue. INSTEAD OF GOLD? She's rich as hell, her hair is suppose to have gold in it for her richy-bitchy persona while still having good redeeming qualities that makes her a good character.
Deuce: he's green, okay, because he's a gorgon. That's fair, i suppose. His snakes are...mischievous now? I mean, they never used to be. They were always a bit goofy. His sunglasses are see-through..and he's a gorgon..everyone is turned to stone (you're not supposed to look into the eyes of a gorgon period..see-through sunglasses will NOT stop it.) Also, he has two mothers, great that's cool we love lesbian mamas. But one of them is a harpy..so..why doesn't deuce have harpy traits like Avea Trotter? Unless Lyra is a stepmom?
7. The outfits. What was once cool, has become really bad and modern. Literally. They don't appeal to me anymore. It looks like bright colors strewn haphazardly all over, they use the worst combinations as well. Not just with the outfits! I mean, look.
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its just so...watered down. Blue on blue/Pink on pink..really??
8. The animation, and overall. Let's look at the difference between G1/2 and G3
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excusing a few characters, but my question is, why? I really didn't see any reason to change the original. If it was 'to make it more appealing' then you failed at that, in my book. I've actually heard that one reason was sexualization of characters. None of these original characters were sexualized, remember, they are in HIGHSCHOOL. The patrons of Monster High range from 14-18 years old (save for the vampires) and the main cast is 15-16 years old. If anything, giving Abbey larger hips is sexualization. I get that most characters in the original are abnormally skinny but it is the art style that makes them that way. No, it isn't wrong to make them less skinny and give them some actual fat. There was little to no plus-size representation in the older shows/movies. It IS wrong to change their designs completely! I respect what they did with Catty Noir because they did change her body type but almost completely left her design alone. Rethink about what happened with this, ask yourselves what you did wrong.
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c0rpsedemon · 4 months
also the decora girlz line gets the romeo yotd2009 seal of approval if anyone was wondering. cepia has literally Never been on my radar b4 this and this is coming from a toy collector who does tend to lean towards the obscure (funnily enough my doll collection doesn't actually reflect this bc when most of it was acquired i couldn't afford expensive dolls more than once or twice a year (which a lot of the truly obscure dolls are) and i'm also an american girl collector so like. if i was getting an expensive doll i wanted her to be bigger than a barbie and thus i spent my jafra pullip licca and yue-sai wawa money on ag (obv two of those four are not like the others but in western doll-focused spaces i'd def say that licca and pullip are treated as 'oh that's the doll that beat out barbie in japan' or 'those are the ones w the wrists that break' instead of being actively collected and are basically equivalent to mga storytime princesses in terms of relevance despite being huge in their home country. jafra and yue-sai wawa you aren't arguing w me on no one knows them and i've actually been gatekeeping them both for a while bc i don't want to share them when i haven't even sunk my claws into them yet) but anyways my point is i do generally think i know my way around the non-mgattel (+ occasional jaks) lines but i only know abt these from cybr.grl's insta stories bc they used her as a consultant to more accurately represent decora fashion. and so obv i wanted to show up for decora girlz bc jfashion and western fashion dolls don't exactly have the best history but the fact that they're genuinely trying made me want to show up for them. i usually don't go for what i like to describe as mga face but i think the fact that they're meant to lean super into kawaii aesthetics helped me set that aside. my only critiques of them is that i got a 3 pack of the smaller blind box dolls w the rubber clothes as opposed to the taller more traditional fashion dolls w fabric clothes and 2/3 of my dolls had rooting issues although they were fairly minor, also irt to the stickers i get that that's a fun part for the kids but applying them stressed me out sm bc i wasn't sure they wouldn't fall off. i put them on as close as possible to how they were displayed in the promo images and one of my dolls was cat and she didn't just have stickers on her flat bangs, she had stickers in the curly part of her hair too and it just wasn't working out w those bc there was no way too fully connect them w/o having them positioned in an awkward way. also i don't think they thought the stands through irt luna as, while attaching at the neck is a good idea esp considering their proportions, luna has a bag meant to hang from her shoulder and there wasn't rlly enough room for both it and the stand between her shoulders and head. that said my nitpicks are all minor, i hope this line becomes a major success, and i plan on picking up the rest of it.
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moecartoons · 1 year
love how you draw hair do you have any headcanons when it comes to hair?
Jackie - I love so much about Jackie and her hair in canon. She cares a lot about it and doesn't let anyone mess with it. When she takes out her scrunchie, it's big and beautiful and by Inez's own words "cool." Not really to do with her hair but I love imagining/drawing her scrunchie as more bow/butterfly like than it is. I already like drawing her hairbun bigger than it is, but I really have to do to compensate for the bow, hahaha. Jackie definitely has the best hair of the main three and probably of anyone in the show. She takes great care and pride in it. It's like one of her many hobbies, her many passions. Her hair is a part of her identity. I hc she would never straighten her hair and the most, ig "extreme" thing she does with it is dye a stripe in it. I like to think as she gets older she gets more bold with hairstyles she tried. I'm still learning about hair with afro texture along with my own hair type so I love thinking about Jackie and her 'do.
Matt - Takes surprisingly good care of his hair. You don't get nice curls like his unless you at least try to upkeep. He really only takes care of his hair bc he feels bad when his mom has to help him, and he feels he looks weird if breaks the curls. He doesn't really care if his hair gets messed up, though. If it's windy or raining or he falls into some mud, well, then them's the breaks. He also really doesn't want anyone to know how much work he puts into his hair. At 11, he's still actively trying to avoid anything that makes him seem too "girly."
Inez - Her hair is naturally wavy, not curly, but wavy. She brushes it out and her mom will straighten her hair. They use protective sprays so it won't damage her hair. When it gets too humid it'll frizz, just like in the show. She straightens her hair just bc it makes it easier to maintain for her. Plus she likes the little outward flip her mom gives the ends of her hair.
Slider - Thick hair with volume but no real curls. He doesn't take care of it so it tends to get greasy, which actually gives it an appealing shine and shape. He's a lucky son of a gun because he'll get up and do nothing to it yet people swoon over it. The most he does is a frequent trim just so it doesn't go past his shoulder, which is why he has a bit of an awkward straight cut at the ends.
Creech - Yes, that's her natural color. I imagine her hair doesn't have real strands but is one mass on her head bc of the markings on it. It's like a doll with rubber hair but maybe much softer. She doesn't have to take care of it at all except for the occasional polish! It takes a lot of work to change her hairstyle which is why it's such a simple bob when she's little.
Shari - I'll be honest, I can't make heads or tails of her hair. They're probably supposed to be dreads or braids but it's so stylized it's almost impossible to see. Her bangs look flat, so it makes all the other strands feel flat to me. If she were borg [or, at least if I saw her as borg] I'd say they're computer ribbons. They're more than likely dreads or braids, though, which I think I've read are styles that can be worn a long time with low maintenance. Sounds perfect for the busy magic student!
Wicked - Big beautiful red hair and you better believe she takes good care of that shi. It has big waves, not curls, partly because they're being weighed down by the sheer amount of it. Her hair is surprisingly low maintenance, but there are days where even magic can't save it. I actually don't have a lot to say about her hair but... I'm love it... I'm love she. 🥺Oh, also the way I draw her bangs is inspired by Ariel, hahaha!
Thank you so much for the ask! Sorry it took a while, I had a lot to say... If I didn't address someone you wanted to hear about feel free to send another ask with them aaa
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throughtrialbyfire · 4 months
glance, motion, roots, texture, hair, change for the Dragonborn trio (if you want!)
hi there!!!!! :3
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
emeros - aside from height (tall), i'd say his eyes. he doesn't have the characteristically all-black sclera of bosmer, rather his are a mid-toned grey, and his piercings, since he wears fairly expensive-looking ear jewelry
wyndrelis - his eyes for sure, he's got white-ish irises, so his stare tends to bore right into people, and his glasses that are enchanted to never fall off of his face unless he chooses to remove them
athenath - aside from height (short), their hair, curly and dark and a bit shaggy from him being the one to cut it themself
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
emeros - he chooses all of his garments by practicality, with some observation of style, so his clothes never tend to hinder his movements. as for how he moves in general, he's got a very lofty air about him, with a high chin held higher when speaking to authority figures/trying to negotiate with people, and flourishing gestures made with his wrists/hands.
wyndrelis - answered here!
athenath - they're fairly bouncy, and move fluidly, like a cat on the prowl. their clothes are fairly practical as well, since he spends most of his time traveling from town to town, and prefers to not have to worry too much about range of motion
roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
for all three of them, the clothing typically worn by skyrim and oblivion npcs was my main inspiration, and i just took it from there! in the actual, in-world styles, emeros borrows from the colovian regional style of cyrodiil, athenath from styles of bravil and leyawiin, and wyndrelis from styles of cheydinhal and bruma
texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can't wear or don't like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
emeros - he'll wear any sort of material, but he has a heavy preference for leathers, furs, and cotton. if its breathable or practical, he'll prefer it over most others.
wyndrelis - he loves wool, since he grew up in a colder part of county cheydinhal. he likes linen and such just fine, but wool and fur are things he'll always enjoy more
athenath - suede, linen, cotton, and anything in that range are things they majorly lean towards. they don't like wool much, but use it when they have to, bc they don't like the itchy texture
hair: How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
emeros - he likes to wear it down at his chin, and neatly combed. it doesn't have any meaning, he just prefers it that way
wyndrelis - he wears it short, parted at the right side, and tries to keep it from growing too long. no particular reason other than hair prickling the back of his neck too much annoys him
athenath - they used to wear their hair cut pretty short, but got bored of it and didn't like how it looked, so they grew it down below their shoulders. they cut it themself, so it's a bit shaggy, with bangs in the front because they like being able to see and keeping his hands free from having to pull his hair back is much easier than worrying about it
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
emeros - somewhat! he used to dress more extravagantly when he was younger, as his family expected him to do so. and to some degree, he liked it, but he enjoyed practicality more, and the moment he was able he shifted his appearance towards pragmatism over style
wyndrelis - nope, he hates major changes AHAHKJHGDF
athenath - oh yes, definitely. he was raised to wear dresses, and their family tried to make them grease their hair straight, in typical aldmeri fashion. they despised how his family had so much interest in how he wore his hair, so early on when they started coming to terms with their gender, he cut it very short and refused to wear styles his parents tried to force on them. that was when he was around fourteen, i think!! anyways, they like their hair long and now wear it that way, and have no problem wearing dresses and gowns if they want to, but it was a big step for him to finally establish some sense of identity and autonomy.
thank you so much for the asks!!!! <3333333
oc appearance asks
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
Just cuz I can lmfao
Enjoy some Steve POV!
Steve stares at himself in the mirror, wishing Robin was here to help him pick out an outfit. He’s meeting Eddie at the tattoo parlor at 7 so they can grab some food and walk around downtown Hawkins. It’s September, the temperature is starting to drop, and leaves are very faintly changing color.
Pulling off his navy polo, the shop owner groans and runs a hand through his hair. Fuck. Why is this so hard? Because it’s Eddie, the guys he’s unknowingly jacked off too numerous times thanks to wavs on YouTube. It’s also the guy that’s incredibly attractive and sweet and funny and kind. Jesus Christ.
Looking around his bedroom, he finally decides on a plain dark green t-shirt and his old, vintage blue grey Members Only jacket, a gift from Robin last year for Christmas. Deciding he looks good, Steve goes and brushes his teeth, then fixes his hair. Years ago he would have obsessed over it, but now he lets it mostly do its own thing. Robin always tells him it looks better than highschool, and he tries to believe her.
The walk from the apartment to Main Street is only ten minutes. Steve actually enjoys walking most days, it lets him clear his head and he likes to people-watch. The lights on Green Light’s parlor sign are lit up, letting everyone know they’re open. He’s been in a few times now, though still not many. He’s known Eddie (personally) for less than a month, but it’s nice they’re starting to hang out more.
The one issue he keeps running into is trying not to think about the fact he’s listened to this man sneeze for over two years, has built a whole fake persona for him, but now he’s hanging out with the real Eddie. The real ‘thebanished’. It’s kind of mind blowing.
Bells hit together and ring out as Steve opens the door, knocking from where they’re hung on the door knob. He smiles at Lana, the one piercer they have employed, and she smiles back, her Monroe piercing glinting in the light.
“Eddie, your boy is here!”
His boy? Steve tries to get the words to compute in his brain as he looks over to where half walls separate workstations. The middle one on the right side of the room is Eddie’s, and he can’t help but grin as a messy bun of curly brown hair pops up from behind the wall. A moment later, Steve notices Eddie’s holding a tissue in his hand. Cheeks feeling warm, Steve forces himself to walk closer. Surely he’s not sick again, right? If he is the universe has to be fucking with him.
“Hey Harrington,” Eddie beams at him.
The artist is wearing a plain black shirt and black jeans with rips at the knees, his usual attire. Tattoos litter his arms completely, spilling onto his hands. Steve thinks he’s seen some kind of design peep out from around the necks of his shirts sometimes, too. There’s a few wispy curls around his face, bangs brushing his eyebrows.
“Hey, you ready for food?”
“Yeah man, gimme just one second,” Eddie smiles and tosses the tissue into his trash can. “Sorry, I was cleaning off my gun,” he adds, gesturing to the half taken apart tattoo gun sitting on the chair.
So universe isn’t fucking with him then.
“Oh, you can f-“
“Nah, I need some food, this can wait till tomorrow,” he promises, and Steve melts a little at how genuine Eddie looks. Thoughts about Eddie and food remind Steve of six nights prior when Eddie had told he and Robin he was diabetic.
The older of the two grabs his denim jacket from the back of his chair and pulls it on, then grabs the backpack that’s sitting in the corner, also black. He turns and gives Steve another smile, then gestures to the front.
Nodding, Steve follows him out, passing by two guys who look like they're in their twenties, obviously high and on the couch.
“They’re going to get the shiftiest tattoos if that weed is as strong as it smells,” Eddie laughs, walking down the sidewalk. “How was your day Stevie?”
“Hopefully they regret it,” Steve smirks, basking in the fact the air has dropped to the 60’s and 70’s recently. “It was good! Robin has that date tonight, so she wouldn’t stop talking all day…”
Steve means to continue talking but the sun catches his face and he’s not wearing sunglasses. Almost immediately his nose itches and he stops walking, eyes fluttering shut. He can feel Eddie stop too, can hear the little keychain on his backpack stop hitting the fabric.
“eiIHKSHH! heh’IhDSTCHHuh!”
He snaps his face downward, hardly covering, but directing any spray he might have toward the ground and himself.
“Sorry,” Steve blushes when he opens his eyes and sees Eddie staring at him.
Then it hits him. Duh. Eddie’s into this. Well…maybe not his sneeze personally, but anyone who has a YouTube full of wavs has to actually have the kink too. Oh god…how loud had he been? Shit, he needed to practice sneezing in front of a mirror to watch his face or something now, because what if it was super bad?
“Bless you.”
Eddie says it was an amazing amount of ease, it doesn’t come out shaky like Steve’s had weeks prior when the guy had been sick. He’s still looking at him.
“That’s rare, sneezing from the sun,” Eddie adds, and what the fuck, how is he so chill talking casually about this?
“Yeah, I think I remember reading that somewhere. I’ve always done it.”
Maybe he can have some fun with this. Eddie doesn’t know that he knows. Holy. Shit.
As they continue their walk down to the local burger place, Steve listens to Eddie talk about his friend who’s coming into town, and how he can’t wait for Robin to meet her. As they approach Benny’s Burger Joint, Steve turns and his eyes once again get light shone into them.
He manages to twist away into his arm this time, sniffling after.
“Two times in one walk Stevie? Jeez, are you a vampire?”
Steve blushes and laughs, shaking his head and opening the door for the man, feeling oddly light.
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starmakesart · 2 years
Valentine's counterpart featuring Cupid Yuya
Rating: T
Mostly a fluffy concept drabble
It's a beautiful, sunny day in Heartland City and Yuto wants nothing more than to crawl under a rock and hide there until night falls. Once again, it's Valentine's Day and the delightful, heart themed city he resides in has pumped far too much money into red, white, and pink themed merchandising that makes his eyes bleed if he looks at it for too long. He doesn't need to buy overpriced chocolate or flowers or anything of that sort because the girl he loved found someone else. It's his fault, really. Yuto was far too shy about his feelings and in an effort to avoid causing trouble between himself and Lulu, he simply said nothing at all. He let her believe they were only friends. Yuto felt his heart shatter the day she rushed to him with a smile on her face and a photo of a boy on her phone.
Boyfriend, she said, beaming from ear to ear with a face so adorable that Yuto could do nothing but force a smile and a few curt words of false congratulations. He has no one to blame aside from himself, but that won't stop him from stalking off to the river to chuck pebbles into the flowing water until he feels better.
Yuto picks up his first stone when something sharp hits the back of his head. He flinches and scrambles to feel around for a wound, but surprisingly finds nothing at all. Not even a scratch. Confused, he looks around, trying to make sense of what hit him when he spots an odd sight. There's a young man carrying what looks like a bow crafted from a pink material, with curly wings jutting out behind his back and an odd costume adorning his form. A red vest lined in gold with a white dress shirt underneath. A cape of white and gold is affixed to either shoulder by small buttons as his red slacks and golden boots click against the gravelly shore. His hair is a messy mix of red with green on top and a pair of pink, heart shaped goggles edged in gold hold back his numerous bangs. He seems to be struggling to load a heart-shaped arrow into the bow, which is evident by his quiet cursing.
Yuto sighs. He must have gotten hit by this clumsy man while he was trying to load his arrows.
He's about to turn around when the stranger finally manages to load his arrow and grins as he turns towards Yuto, weapon locked on his body.
"Okay! Second time's the charm!" He announced.
"Hey, wait—!" Yuto shouts, throwing up a hand as that arrow flies through the air and pierces through his chest.
He staggers back, his heart going wild as Yuto clutches at his shirt, expecting to see blood. When he pulls his hand away, there's no injury to show, just a strange, fluttery feeling in his chest. Grey eyes snap back to the stranger, who is standing smugly in place, nodding resolutely to himself.
"Another lonely soul ready for love. This job's a piece of cake on Valentine's Day!"
Yuto furrows his brows. Another soul? Job? What the hell is this guy talking about?
Why does Yuto really want to know his name?
He's moving without thinking, letting his feet carry him towards the stranger dressed in red until they're only an arm's length apart. Crimson eyes fixate on Yuto's form, looking him up and down for a moment before glancing away as the stranger pulls out a list from thin air and strikes off a name. He hums to himself, chipper and cheerful and very much oblivious to the way Yuto continues to watch him until a soft voice coughs just once.
"Are you the guy who hit me with an arrow?" Yuto questions.
The stranger turns around, blinking with crimson eyes at the riverbank as if searching for someone else.
"You. Green and red hair. Bow. Wearing a suit."
"Ehhh?!" He cries, nearly leaping out of his own skin as Yuto reads out his image. "You can see me?"
"You aren't exactly subtle," Yuto points out.
"N-no, I mean...you see me. All of me," He repeats with eyes growing wider by the minute.
Yuto raises a brow. "Is this a joke? It's not very—"
"Oh my god I'm in so much trouble!" The stranger whines as he dances from one foot to the other. "Don't shoot people in the head, she said. It's the one rule! It should have been fine!"
"Hey," Yuto says once more as he reaches out a hand to gently clasp the man's shoulder to calm him down. Sparks dance beneath his fingers as Yuto's heart hammers against his chest, leaving him feeling weak and dizzy for this stranger. Did he always look so cute? That suit is cute. Adorable, even.
"Uhm, sir, I'm really sorry, there's been a mistake," the stranger apologizes with a small, endearing frown that looks like a pout. "I meant to hit you in the heart first so you could fall in love, so it's really important you find someone to stare at so you can...well...do the love thing!"
"You definitely stole my heart," Yuto says without thinking, his mind a pleasant haze of softness and sparkles as he continues to gaze upon the stranger. "I don't even know your name."
"Oh no. Oh no no no, you can't be in love with me! Noooooo, that's like super bad!" He cries once more, pulling away from Yuto as the sparks fade and the glittery softness fades away.
"Wait!" Yuto shouts as he chases after the stranger, hand outstretched as he watches those wings extend and spread wide.
The odd man takes to the skies in a graceful movement, looping through the air as Yuto is left alone, staring at the sky with a hand over his chest, clutching his jacket.
"Who are you?" He whispers to the sky.
And why does Yuto already miss him?
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born-to-lose · 1 year
higirlie 💞🍻🫂 some devils bells q’s
whtd do devils bells look like? does anyone call jack jd? (i will b calling him jd bc i already “know” a jack n she is ummmm well she will get jealous (half joke)(dont ask)) how does jd feel about being the youngest in the band? whts liz family life like? wht do they all prefer 2 drink? who has the grossest pizza order? wht r all of their pizza orders? wht r their stage shows like? 
will come back w more questions in a few 💞🫂🍻
What do Devil's Bells look like?
Oh boy I don't have a hyperspecific description where I could give you pictures of people who look like them, but I have a vague idea as of now
Liz: straight layered long golden blonde hair with bangs (once dyed the tips pink in a motel sink), rosy skin, the shortest in the band (about 5'4"), medium to chubby with curves, dresses like an 80s glam rocker with fringed jackets, leopard pants etc
Jack: messy shoulder-length black dyed hair with light brown roots growing out but he always re-dyes them before they're too visible, very pale skin, a bit taller than Liz, quite skinny, usually wears band shirts and ripped jeans
Phil: wavy strawberry blonde hair, fair olive skin, the tall lanky guy in the band (slightly below 6'3"), rather thin but still has muscle from his work as a drummer, wears loose half unbuttoned shirts with the sleeves rolled up
Antonio: long curly dark brown hair, tan skin, tall and kinda brawny but a little shorter than Phil, some muscle but not too much, classic outfit is shirtless with a vest or graphic tees
Does anyone call Jack JD?
They all called him JD at some point, but unlike with most other things, Liz is the only one not allowed to call him that. He's completely fine with the other guys because it's "a bro nickname, not a pet name" and even if they're not exclusive, he wants to keep some sort of special treatment with her and call each other pet names
How does JD feel about being the youngest in the band?
Even if his bandmates treat him like the band baby sometimes, they only do it ironically (except Liz, she takes care of him as much as she can when needed). They see him as an equal, although, being the eldest, Antonio does try to have some kind of a not exactly parental role but be someone to give advice when Jack asks for it and keeps an eye on him if necessary. He sometimes feels a bit weird about being the youngest, but overall he doesn't really care because he's also an adult, just a few years younger than the rest and he's never left out by any of them
What's Liz's family life like?
It's actually not bad! The only one who has serious problems with his family is Jack and to some extent Phil, but it's more of an indifferent relationship than a feud. Liz's relationship with her father is complicated since he had a bunch of abusive or manipulative moments while other times he was indifferent and just ignored the fact she existed and other times he was friendly but never as close as she and her mother are. Her mom used to be overly careful when she was younger, but when she turned 18 she let loose a bit and trusted her enough to not get into trouble. She has a good relationship with her four years older sister and attended her first concerts with her. Both her parents weren't too fond of her travelling on her own because they considered her too young, but she promised to come back and start working after a six month break (which she obviously broke later on). The moment she called to tell them she had formed a band, they were sceptical and still are when they have some small local successes, but eventually they came to terms with it because she does what she's always wanted to do, she found really good friends in her bandmates and she visits her family regularly
What do they all prefer to drink?
Jack loves whiskey (he literally named himself after it c'mon), Liz likes gin, Phil drinks pretty much anything but mostly wine, Antonio usually takes some alcohol free drink like cola or energy drinks or even a non-alcoholic beer
Who has the grossest pizza order?
Jack unironically eats pineapple on pizza, which makes Antonio want to strangle him every time so they eventually just decide to get margherita for everyone or eat something completely else (I'll admit I have eaten pineapple on pizza before and enjoyed it)
What are all of their pizza orders?
Liz: tonno e cipolla; Jack: Hawaiian pizza; Phil: quattro formaggi; Antonio: pizza spinaci
What are their stage shows like?
They don't have bombastic stage shows yet since the only gigs they get are at small clubs, but they do try to entertain the audience as much as they can with the means available. Liz usually does something with her bandmates like mic sharing with Jack, resting her arm on Antonio's shoulder, doing the presenting pose at Phil during drum solos etc. She also gets on her knees and crawls on the floor sometimes, eye fucks and winks at certain people because that's one of the best ways to get the attention of the audience. And of course they throw their picks into the crowd (but not drumsticks since they're too broke to give everything away) and hang out at the club afterwards to chat and sometimes even sign stuff when people approach them and want to be "among the first to have met Devil's Bells"
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faceglitchsworld · 1 year
Wookjin and curls? Seriously?
Author's note: since for many of you this might be the first time ever you'll read something about The Floof I highly recommend to check this masterlist and read the other posts I made about it so you'll get an idea of what I'm going to say here. If you don't, well, long story short, I'm just talking about curly haircuts so my opinion is not objective like no. If I mentioned other idols I just used them as examples, not for comparisons or other stuff. The analysis are inspired by Michaela Diana's works on Instagram. The pics are taken from OnlyOneOf's official accounts, no fantaken pics.
This post is dedicated to...me, myself and I. It's my birthday...and this is my self-made present. Yeah
Hello everyone, welcome back into these posts were I talk about my favourite haircut ever, the curly/perm hair also known as The Floof here.
This time we're going to talk about my ults of all ults in OnlyOneOf. I'm not kidding, he's literally the member who stood out to me since the exact moment I started searching OOO pics.
My dear readers, I present to you...
Jung Wookjin!
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Ladies, gentlemen and non-binary pals I swear that I struggled a lot while searching the pics... Please don't go crazy while watching them. He's beautiful, I know, I know. But have some demeanour, please 👉👈
Oh Wookjin, beloved, my Fuji Kaze fanboy and full time kisser. Now, since I love him with my entire heart of course I can't think about him with The Floof. It's obvious.
But can he actually have The Floof? Like really have it, can he have it? Well, let's find out then.
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Calm down everyone, calm down, just focus on the face pls
Ok, I must admit that this man over here made my analysis very difficult. And no, it's not just because he's flirty every single time in every single photo, I'm saying the truth.
But still, here's what I think about his pretty pretty face. So, his face shape seems to be heart/slightly oval shaped, which is perfect for The Floof. Must admit, the chin caught me a little off guard. I really thought that he had a sharp jawline but... it's not? I think it's slightly blunt, which is a very good feature for The Floof.
His eyes are monolid, which are another good feature, even tho I think they're a bit little/downturned. About the full cheeks...maybe it's the makeup that is tricking me but it seems he has full cheeks too. Not too much full tho.
Soooo, it's seems that, despite some little details, Wookjin has the perfect shape for The Floof.
Let's celebrate everyone!
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Ok, now that we figured out that he has a perfect shape for The Floof, we should choose what is the perfect haircut and hair colour. Must admit, I'm a little nervous with this part of the post. I'm gonna be honest with you, Wookjin seems to be that one idol who can experiment with almost every haircut for me. There have been moments where I even imagined him with long hair for example, and he looked perfect in my eyes. But maybe is my unconditional love for him who's speaking right now 🤭🫣
Alright, let's start searching the perfect haircut for floofy Wookjin by using the power of imagination and some pics as examples.
Let's start with a short haircut.
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I know, I know, not all the pics are floofy enough, my bad. But now you understand what short cut means to me here. Again, don't go crazy please.
As you notice here, short hair is probably one of the best haircuts for him. But what happens when you adds The Floof on it? Well, for me, he turns into a beautiful creature BUT, as always, I need to clarify some things.
If you're new here, probably you don't know that I have a pet peeve regarding bangs and their lengths. Well, long story short, if the bangs are too much longer and they cover someone's eyes, I might dislike the haircut. There are exceptions of course, but this is not the case. If Wookjin is gonna have short, curly hair with bangs, then the bangs should have a good length and not almost cover his eyes. Or maybe he can have short hair and showing his forehead. I've noticed that the more time passes, the more he uses this haircut more soooo, maybe this one suits him better.
But what if we make his hair a little longer? Like the mullet he had during nolo era? :3
Isn't that haircut with straight hair? You're right, random user, but I need an example of what I'm talking about so, have nolo Nine.
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Please don't go crazy pt. I don't know how many times I said it already at this point
Mind that this is not the only length he should have for me. He can even have a much more longer mullet for me, even a wolf cut. I don't know if he can have long, wavy hair tho. I'm trying to figure out how he might look but, I don't know, I always figure a weird image of him with long, curly/wavy hair (let me know if you have the same feeling or not, I'm curious).
Now that we figured out the haircut, you might wonder which kind of hair colour fits him best. Well, in my opinion he should try some colours but I noticed that he didn't changed that much during these years, which makes me wonder if he can't dye his hair because of his hair condition or just because 8D loves "torturing" two members' scalps especially and that's it.
So, since I don't know exactly how his hair can handle a long time hair dying, I think he should just stick to his natural hair colour/darker colours and using colored strands instead. So let me bring back the nolo era once again so you'll understand.
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I don't know if you see the strands here, but there's some green shades here. And I love them so much. Also, I think that this is the most "innocent" photo you'll see here on this post 🤣
Now you wonder which colour fits perfectly for him...well, it depends.
If we want to be realistic then it's pretty obvious that he'll have colour with a dark shade on them such as carmine red, magenta, violet, gold maybe. These colours fit perfectly with OOOs recent cbs and concept in my opinion.
But if we play with imagination then, in my opinion, he should have soft pink or sky blue strands. Soft colours are his thing for him. Sure, OOOs should literally doing an entire turntable concept wise but I can dream after all.
And if he can dye his hair completely then, well, you don't even have to ask me. He should have sky blue hair. I can clearly see him being floofy and blue. My eyes are already having little hearts and I'm daydreaming 🥴
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This photo has nothing to do with the post. I just wanted to put it here. I know, I know, he's a cutie lovey dovey here. It's my ult of the Ults after all, I'm used to him... actually I'm not
And that's it, we finally reached the end of this post, let me know if you agree with me or not or if you just started to like The Floof a little more. Have Floofy Nine as a reward too.
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These are my screenshots...yeah I'm this dedicated. I've gone through every frame of the video. Every frame of him. Yup :]
Have a great day everyone and may The Floof be with you ❤️
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dotster001 · 2 years
Congrats on 500! I'd love a matchup if they're still open. Obey me, romantic please!
I'm not quite sure how to do this as ive never requested something like this before but I shall try.
I am 5'3, very pale with lots of freckles. Thick, curly, auburn hair, not quite orange enough to be qualified as a ginger but enough that I have to be wary on international hit a ginger day 😔 My hairs just past shoulder length and pretty messy so I usually tie it back, except for my bangs which are somehow even more messy, I tend to just brush them aside.
I'm a Sagittarius, INFP. I have a cat despite being severely allergic to them. My cat is my favourite thing in the wkrld. Literally my best friend, I don't care if that makes me a loser. She's great. And fluffy. And adorable.
I'm pretty sarcastic, sometimes I get carried away, to the point that I'm mean. I've been trying to do better though. I have pretty bad anger issues, I used to punch holes in walls when I was 3-14. Haven't done it in a while but I still feel anger most of the time. It's just that instead of reacting with violence I react with a cold sort of malice. I still have those out bursts of burning rage where I shout and throw things, but my last one was like a year ago so I'm pretty happy with how far I've come!
I've got ADHD. Common hyper-fixations include animals of all kinds. Crime, torture methods, serial murder etc... I've unfortunately become pretty desensitized to the kind of stuff I learn.
Ive always been creative. I love to read and write. I currently own over 500 books and I've read most of them. Recently I've been trying to get into gaming. I've only ever played games on the Wii and DS before. I love Kirby, the only two games I've ever finished are Kirby ones. I've even watched the anime.
I write mostly fantasy stuff, with magic and dragons. Love dragons. When I was younger I taught myself draconic just because I could. I do tend to write things a bit darker, I love a tortured protagonist. My current WIP shows an assassin joining a normal guild to maintain their cover (as they didn't kill a guild member who saw them and need to keep an eye on them to make sure they don't snitch). Then with time the assassin finds themselves getting attached to the guild and it's members, especially the younger ones. But oh no, their identity gets out and everyone turns against them! The whole things very convoluted honestly. Lots of blood and violence. I find it cathartic.
I also like to draw and paint though I'm not great at either. I tend to like to collecting things. I'm currently collecting the vintage Fear Street books- I started reading them like years ago now but since the movies come out they're so much harder to come by. I've only 40 or so to go though! I was probably too young to read them, won't go into details but there were deaths and scenes of violence in those books that I had no business reading when I was six.
I also collect Pokemon cards, though I'm not buying them as often. I wanted to get all the Eeveelotions, but then they came out with Sylveon and I quit because honestly how dare they? I was only two away and they made a new one. And it wasn't even a dragon type :( My big claim to fame is that I have a number of first edition cards, which is super fun!
I love music so much. I listen to pretty much every genre. My biggest are metal, indie and punk rock. But I also really like musicals. Right now my top songs are probably Ride the Lightning, Fleur de Lis, Ophelia, I Can't Decide, Don't Go Breaking My Heart, the other side of Hollywood and Mr Loverman. I play the baritone/euphobium- think a small tuba. I also play the guitar and harmonica (self taught!). I'm looking into getting an otamatone. My dream instrument, though, is the bagpipes.
My favourite movie of all time is How To Train Your Dragon. SAW III is a close second. Idk why I like SAW III so much, it makes me so angry I literally shake just thinking of it. But I also find it hilarious for the same reason it infuriates me. The main character is horrible. I make a point of watching it with every friend i make. All the homies hate Jeff.
My favourite season is winter because I love wearing toques and sweaters, curling up in fuzzy blankets, snuggling with my cat. I love the snow and the way it sounds beneath boots. I tend to dress mainly in black and red. Ripped jeans, steel toed boogs. I've got a ring in the shape of a snake and another with a bunch of eyes carved in it. I have a padlock necklace with an accompanying skeleton key necklace because I like things to fit together, y'know? I have a fairly eclectic earring collection. My favourite pair is a silver set made to look like meat cleavers.
So sorry for rambling, I have no idea what to say and ended up saying way too much but whatever. Thanks a bunch and congrats again! Go drink some water if you haven't in a while!
❄️☃️ anon
(Yo I feel your pain on the red head thing 😂 I'm strawberry blonde, and some people will fight to the death to say I'm a redhead. Stay safe out there 😂 Also, my cat's my best friend, so we can be losers together)
I match you with Lucifer.
To be totally honest, I could see you with every brother, and Barbs. But in the end, I feel like Lucifer just shone through. Especially when it comes to sarcasm. He can slice and dice someone in three words, so he'll give you a run for your money.
He loves how many instruments you know how to play, and may or may not be looking into finding the best bagpipes teacher to ever exist, so that you can both learn how to play together. Will make the other brothers play instruments as well so that you can all put on a concert for Diavolo.
He has all the ins and outs of everything, so he can help you build your collections. He makes it look like an illegal drug deal sometimes, and he's willing to pay waaaaay too much money for you to feel safe about your financial future, but he gets everything for you. Don't give up on your Eeveelution collection yet. He's got a lead.
He'll watch SAW III with you. He doesn't really understand why you continue to watch it if you hate Jeff so much, but it makes him feel soft inside to watch something you enjoy so much with you.
He birthed Satan from his wrath. He understands anger. If you get overly angry, he understands and will help you figure things out, calm down, or slice a bitch. He's flexible.
You'd gotten dressed to go out for the day, in your black ripped jeans and boots, a red blouse Lucifer had gotten for you, and that new pair of dragon earrings he'd also gotten for you. After finishing getting dressed, you headed to his office.
You knew he was the avatar of pride, but sometimes it was easy to forget until you saw him practically preening like this. He stood up from his desk, and took your hand, just staring at you for a moment.
"What is it, Luci? Is my beauty leaving you speechless?" You said with a playful eye roll.
He gave a booming laugh, before he drew you closer, and whispered, "Have you ever noticed how you tend to prefer my colors?"
"Huh, I guess I didn't," you said. "Anyway, where are we going today?"
He smiled, and again, his pride was staggering.
"We are going to practice your draconic, my love," he said, collecting a couple things and starting to leave the room.
"Wait, so that means..."
"Yes," he smiled. "I'm going to introduce you to my pet dragon."
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becaexists · 2 years
30 days of Echor - Week 2
So I'm back to talk about my lovely OCs again with this weeks prompts (I have serious brainrot over them thank you so much @green-eyes-and-orange-ties for starting this)
1.Ino Aristos
Hair: Short light brown bob with curtain bangs, curly, tighter curls near her ears Eyes: One teal, one bright pink, no pupils, people think they're contacts most the time Distinctive Markings: Other than her VT traits, she has a scar on her cheek from cutting it by accident with the edge of a cupboard door (she's short okay leave them alone), and a tattoo of the leo and cancer symbols intertwined on her shoulder Everyday Clothes: white or black tank top, baggy black jeans or black skirt with ripped tights, grey or, if she's feeling daring, pink custom made jumper with space for wings, big black floor length faux fur coat to hide wings, and black and pink platform boots Formal: Never really had a chance to wear formal apart from her wedding day, where she wore a black dress with real lace on the sleeves and neck, complete with poofy sleeves and skirt PJs: Pink tank top with "don't talk to me unless I've had my coffee" written on the front, and pink with rainbow stars short-shorts Something That Isn’t What It Appears To Be: The coat hides her wings pretty well that people don't know unless she takes the coat off
2. Atlas Aristos
Hair: Sunset colours (pink and blonde), usually clipped back away from her eyes with her flower hairclip but it still somehow falls in her face, short wolf cut with bits that always stick out at the sides (Ino calls it axolotl hair) Eyes: Green with snake-like pupils Distinctive Markings: As well as her previously mentioned VT traits, she also has white egg-shell-like scales on her cheeks (luckily these can be covered with makeup pretty easily), and the same tattoo as Ino (matchy matchy) Everyday Clothes: White or pink graphic t-shirt with a cute design on the front, pink or white plaid skirt, thigh highs or tights, light tan coat or green leather jacket, pink and white platform boots, and her signature hello kitty backpack and my melody strap bag (one can never be over prepared) Formal: Like with Ino, only wore formal for her wedding, where she wore a blush tulle and lace off-the-shoulder dress, which had floral designs on the bodice and sleeves, completed with matching pink floral heels PJs: Black and pink kuromi pajama bra and short-shorts (if it's cold she puts her my melody onesie on) Something That Isn't What It Appears To Be: From how she looks and dresses, you wouldn't expect her to be the one in the couple that carries around self-defense items in case they get attacked for whatever reason, but in that cute sanrio bag, there's an equally cute and pink switch knife and pepper spray
Oh this was so much fun!!! I made them pinterest boards to get ideas for their outfits and such, and I made picrews of them too! The one with the pink background is Ino and the purple is Atlas
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I can't wait to do next week's!!!
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dc-ocs-200x · 1 year
Trigger Warnings: Past of living in slavery and abuse of all kinds following said slavery, only touched on briefly in the beginning of the Backstory (May eventually delve deeper into specific abuse in a psychoanalysis).
General Information
Name: Pride "Athena"
Nickname: Ann, Thena, Ena, Thea, Pride and joy
Age: Melinia years worth though physically appears about 21/22
Species: Embodiment of Pride, immortal being, once was human
Gender: AFAB, identifies as female
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Sexuality: Lesbian
D.O.B: November 14th
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio ♏️
Alignment: Overall Nuetral Nuetral
Classification: Beta-Caregiver
Physical Appearance
Skin Color: White
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Style: Curtain bangs or split down the middle, hair is very long reaching her lower back and appears curly if not unruly, occasionally has some extra pieces of her bangs tied up in two smaller pigtails on the sides of her head
Eye Color: Purple
Wears: Pride likes a combination of professional and cute, so her go to is frilly button ups, shirts that hang off her shoulders, or regular button ups with a thin bow tie, in regards to her bottoms she is content to wear whatever matches having no direct preference between skirts and pants, she also very, very often has a hair accessory like a bow or flower crown, and other various items.
Personality: On the surface, Pride is (as her title suggests) is very prideful and confident. While loving the appraisal of others, she will not hesitate to flip into a full bitch with the wrong word against her or her pride, having no issues breaking someone else down (especially verbally) should they hurt her or her family in any sense of the word. While she carries herself as needing no one, all these traits are just surface level. Upon breaking past this, there's still a broken little girl scarred from a childhood of degradation, being used, and pain, desperate to simply be seen as a 'good girl' and to please. Surprisingly, a lot of her smiles are forced or fake, not wanting to worry others but always having an impending sense of doom following her wherever she goes, that said they're still beautiful smiles. A creature of nature and very obedient, Pride does extremely well at following directions and honestly feeling more comfortable in that kind of setting. Like all the sins, to an extent, Pride is extremely curious especially in the worlds around her while not one to ask thounds of questions, she is extremely content to sit and listen to things for hours at a time.
Likes: Flowers, hair accessories, being called a 'good girl', praise, dancing (especially ballet and slow dancing), going for walks
Dislikes: Bee stings, isolation, rudeness (especially unprompted), bringing up her past, swimming in deep water
Fears: Drowning, humiliation, being stung by anything, being abandoned
Quote 1: "They told us they wanted us to be proper, especially when.... guests were around."
Quote 2: "He's pretty. Nice to meet you Envy."
Quote 3: "Before I get too mean and take it out on you... and your best friend too.."
Quote 4: "No! I wanted to forget those things! Don't uncover them! I don't want these terrible memories anymore!"
Quote 5: "Oh, I wouldn't know, I've never stood behind a man."
Quote 6: "Doesn't mean you haven't been through stuff. They definitely didn't pick up any 'no trauma' kids... when yours gets bad.... I wanna be there. I wanna help."
Quote 7: "Its possible. I'll have to look into the book later.... right now... my girlfriend and I are doing our hair. Would you like to join us?"
Quote 8: "So this part of the book are family trees... we three are all on the same family tree... so that means..."
Relationship with Other Characters
Lust "Darcey": They like each other fine, bonding over a certain kind of shared trauma, similar care to their appearances, they throughly enjoy each other's company, Lust proving to be a remarkably well listener, there's also playful banter back and forth.
Gluttony "Nyx": Very protective of Nyx as she is the youngest, Pride greatly tried to embrace her big sister role and teach Gluttony as much as she could (though the young girl likely already knew more than Pride due to a favoritusm from Cain), even now she keeps to her older sister role gossiping and listening whenever the younger girl wants.
Wrath "Lucias": One of the few family members she doesn't feel she needs to necessarily protect, though make no mistake, she still won't tolerate slander against its name. Like with many of the sins and Wrath, they have a sibling relationship.
Envy "Raven": Of the other sins in the home, Pride is closest to Envy, the two perceiving each other as a very close brother and sister relationship (though they both had Cain and Abel fooled into believing they would be together in a relationship for years).
Sloth "Salem": Being the closest in age with Sloth, Pride gets along with them very well, perceiving herself as older than him, she often will protect her to the best of her ability.
Greed "Lux": Pride tends to take things easy on Greed, while his personality of a spoiled child can get annoying, she also realizes that he can't just turn it off, considering their ages, she easily just sees him as a typical baby brother.
Cain: On the surface they seem to have a typical niece and uncle relationship (one of noticing her when it's convenient for Cain) but Cain is much more proud of Athena than he bothers to let on, similarly, Pride embraced some behaviors of Cain's very naturally making her act most like him between the uncles, Cain initiated the nickname of 'Pride and Joy' as a joke to her title.
Abel: Much like with the other sins, Abel is much more openly affectionate towards Pride and has no qualms feeding her ego every now and again, insisting it's 'in her nature to have it stroked now and then, and he isn't going to break natural nature taking its course'. Because of this, Pride has a big tendency to be very sweet towards her dear Uncle Abel, following his instructions much more eagerly and trust him with more secrets of hers, him being the first adult she came out to, quickly followed by Cain.
Lucifer: Much like Abel, Pride trusts Lucifer much more than she should, despite all the warnings and supposed awful stories Uncle Cain tells her, Lucifer has a tendency to lightly disregard Pride seeing her as a young child that they need to guide and often finding amusement in the things she says despite her being their sin barer and the face as the ruler of the Fraud ring of Hell.
Freyja: Freyja is easily the love of Pride's life, she gets to see a side of her than no one else does, there isn't a thing in the world Pride wouldn't do for Freyja, and what makes the relationship even better is the attitude is returned something that makes Prise feel extremely special, the two are an amazing balance for each other.
Mina: Adores Mina for the fact that she takes care of Greed, of the sins, he was the one he was most worried about getting a partner and regular life, still, she offers her girl time with her, Freyja, and Gluttony knowing Greed can be a bit much at times.
Athena was born in France in 1793, a year before slavery was abolished the first time in France. As a result, she was sold into slavery as a very young child, her first major advocate for this being her father (her mother didn't really care either way, simply pleased that this plan meant she could return to the pampered lifestyle she'd led beforehand). Athena was used and abused in various ways throughout her life time until she was about 8-years-old when two men with horned hair bought her. Athena expected the same routine as all her masters before this, however, the two men (Cain and Abel) had other plans. They got her accustomed to the house, themselves, and the five other children living there, then started the immortality process. Athena was one of the children that was hit with the sickness that came with the immortality done in the ritual way. Once healed up, Athena led a childhood as happy and as indulged as the other sins. When she came out of the closet, she carried our very few romantic endeavors until meeting Freyja. The two dated for a few years before deciding to spend their future together for all eternity, Cain and Abel agreeing to make Freyja immortal as well.
Extra Information
Athena has embraced the mortal emotions to the bare minimum. She wants to be accepted and loved by the mortal population and to understand them on some level, but she also doesn't want to be reliant on their praise and approval.
One of the few kids in the House of Mystery and Secrets who's Adoption day falls close to her actual birthday, her Adoption day being celebrated November 11th.
Has a quirk of messing with the ends of her hair in many emotions (i.e. nervous, shy, distracted, etc.).
Was a thumb sucker when she first arrived to the houses, however, Cain quickly broke the habit with the hot sauce trick, while it broke the thumb sucking she did, notably mess with her hair in more situations as if making up for the habit through that.
The mere suggestion of her causing a public humiliation is enough to send her into a panic attack. Another bad trigger for her is her head going under water.
Despite being the sixth child obtained, Pride is the third oldest child (and same age as Sloth).
Adores her Uncle's haircuts and has often attempts to style hers to have the horn shape just like theirs.
As mentioned, her nickname 'Pride and Joy' was started by Cain and easily picked up by Abel. It started as a poke to her sin title of Pride. Despite the nickname being used in a teasing manner most of the time, she still adores the name because she believes it's hers and hers alone which makes it utterly special to her.
Speaking of names, like many of the children, Pride came not knowing her real name hence the need to pick one for herself outside of Pride. Abel helped her find it and Cain had agreed with great humor seeing as Nyx was also named after a goddess and the delightfully morbid humor of the name of a great goddess being given to a girl who once was but a lowly slave. Abel eventually mended his brother's thinking for the little girl's sake, explaining it was a symbol of her transition from a slave to something destined to do great things.
Her tattoo that sealed in her immortality is on the back of her left shoulder.
Being stung by a bee was the first type of pain she felt after being rescued and settled in the house hence her fear. It also made her dislike bees for a while until bring taught that they took care of the flowers she loved so much.
Pride's powers include having a deep influence on a person's self esteem, she can make someone more confident or making them feel like utter shit, which goes well with her ability to go right for what makes a person insecure.
Eventually has a child with Freyja, a little girl named Juno.
While not having her first name when she first was rescued, she was recognized by her last name (the name she was called when she was called a bane rather than slave, girl, etc). Her last name was Lemarie.
Is a very long, distant relative to another OC of mine and my friend's Oliver and Lucy Quinzel (and Harley Quinn by default of those two), this was through a sister she never knew she had until meeting the two younger blonde's.
While also being Lucifer's sin barer for Pride, Athena also is the ruler of the Fraud ring of hell.
Perfect Isn't Easy, Bette Milder, 2:57
Show And Tell, Melanie Martinez, 3:35
Labour, Paris Paloma, 3:57
Candy Store, Jessica Keenan Wynn, Alice Lee, & Elle McLemore, 2:51
What The World Needs, Tiffany Tatreau, 3:03
Picrews made of her
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One of my favorite Tik Toks of her (picked officially by the random choice generator out of 3 videos total as I couldn't pick)
Pride first coming to the home, and recieving likely her first compliment.
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