#oghh hes so. hes so.
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inkmaze · 1 year ago
shaking lawrence gordon round like a bug in a jar
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icharchivist · 2 years ago
Sandalphon would probably risk heatstroke before letting Lucifer see his summer outfit
He would probably, he'd probably be embarassed to show himself in such an attire to Lucifer (especially after having openly called Lucio a slut for wearing something similar, like, what does that make of him!!! his dignity!!!)
while for Lucifer, seeing Sandalphon like that would be the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. Not even because Sandalphon is showing skin or anything like that, but because he looks free, and looks like he enjoys the world around him without raising so much defenses and walls between him and the world.
Lucifer would find him soooo attractive and it would be even more reason for Sandalphon to be embarassed about it.
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sevastiel · 2 months ago
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More commission work... look at the man... I could never say no to "please draw Arthur looking at the drifter with a soft expression like during the Y2K kiss?". I went crazy. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH LOOK AT HIM!!!
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remderance · 2 months ago
happy xb monday!
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alright, so today's xb monday is a great opportunity for me to tell you about my silly eldritch horror husbands au!
basically, in this au both xb and keralis are eldritch creatures and they are happily in love and married to each other and. that's pretty much it. you can say they are "retired" from all the eldritch horror stuff and just live almost normal lives as hermits with some occasional incidents happening...otherwise just 2 almost perfectly normal guys on an absolutely normal server being in love. maybe they're also a bit obsessed with each other, given how much time they spend together, doing stuff related to or for each other. well, you know, normal xbralis stuff. they will just sit together and talk a lot about stuff only they could understand and if any other hermit will hear their conversation it will just sound absolutely bonkers. and that's all i need. it's a silly au, really.
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now let me tell you a bit more about xb himself! meet the papa of all guardians, the great marine disaster, eldritch god of ocean and all that entails...in his true form he is a big fella, that is true, but really he's quite chill and generally won't harm you if you treat the ocean or its habitants with respect. otherwise, he might slap you out of existence or something even worse.
he created all of the guardians to protect the waters (hence the name) from any threat that might oppose. in guardian culture he is their god, the great creator. he is depicted in their monuments and is well respected. additionally, conduits are quite literally his eyes! he can see through them, which is an awesome way to annoy hermits by asking them about their super-secret underwater projects that no one is supposed to know about.
of course, by itself xb's true form is too large to actually be on hermitcraft and comfortably interact with the other hermits. that's why you can see those glowing lines on his body. they are, in fact, magical runes(but i am too lazy to draw them properly) that transfer his consciousness to a human body, while the large form is asleep.
that's where we get to talk about human form of xb!
he got none of them fishy features, but he still managed to keep his crown of spikes. i'm sure he never came up with any explanation for the other hermits, and they just got used to it.
additionally, being a normal size brought him an unusual problem: guardians ADORE him. xb usually can't even approach monuments because all of the guardians start swarming around him happily. they recognize their god, they know he is their papa! they are incredibly happy to let him know that. and don't get xb wrong- he loves his little children and can't ignore them, but sometimes he needs to actually do his tasks, and he doesn't have an extra 5 hours to pat each one of the guardians on their spiky heads..
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oghh boy.. that post is a mess. but so is my brain when i think about xbralis.
also, a big shoutout to @mawofthemagnetar and their amazing eldritch horror keralis fic which is what partly inspired me to create this au.... i love this fic—it has changed my life
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princeysage · 1 month ago
rewatched this vid again.... oghh minutetech theyll never love you like how i love you minutetech
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I CANT STOP DRAWING HIM HELP ME!!!!!! cough i just think um. hes neat yeah. plus this video means so much to me because i literally manifested it (check under the cut for proof of that + close ups)!!!1!!
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and yeah i did summon that video. basically it had just turned 12:00 AM on christmas and i put in my personal channel in my friends and i's discord server that i wished for a new minutetech upload:
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i checked youtube again at 1:24 am and LO AND BEHOLD WHAT DO I SEE??
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so yes. this makes me number one minutetech fan. i am the minutetech whisperer send post
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catboymoments · 11 months ago
Here are some random hc for your next gen au:
1.the first time Alador worked with hycanith,he cried a little, and Amity asked why,he said it reminds him of the first time him and amity did abominations together,he now considers hycanith his third grand child
2. Mittens will convey his emotions through his webs,Luz takes pictures of them because some look so pretty
3. Amity only has her hair in abomination form when public or when she is in her workshop,but when she's at home she has her normal hair
4.Viney cut her hair short after an encounter with a slitherbeast and she kept it that because it's easier to manage when around other beasts
5.After Odalia insulted mittens,Azura punched her in the face, and then they both went home and told lumity what happened,then cried into their chests
6. Mittens brings out the cat in amity,there were a few times Luz caught amity carrying mittens by the scruff,she thinks it's cute but amity finds it embarrassing
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ninja-confession-go · 6 months ago
when i was little my brother and i would always watch ninjago together and we were both really big fans of it, especially because my brother's birth name happened to coincidentally be named zane, and we'd always play pretend that we were the ninja together. the issue was that i was always stuck being nya because i was a girl so i had to play as the girl character (before anyone says anything, we were like... six. six year olds' logic.) and i would always get really mad because i was never able to play as kai even though he was my favorite character and he was just like me and he was the main character (This was early era ninjago) and i wanted to be all important and cool and fiery like kai!! Fast forward several years, i came out as trans and was cycling through some different names and during this time i decided to rewatch ninjago for fun. i had a eureka moment. I'M NOT A GIRL ANYMORE! I CAN FINALLY BE KAI!!!! and i decided that was the name i wanted to stick with. My legal name is now a result of spite and lego autism from when i was like, twelve. Me and my brother now BOTH share a name with lego ninja we liked when we were toddlers. I take the "all transmascs are named kai" jokes with pride. it's an intrinsic part of my lore. "oghh you can't b named kai yuo're white!!" I'm german it means fort. No one has anything on me. I'm lego. I'm lego. I'm lego.
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hehearse · 5 months ago
well well well if we’re sending character songs then how about Never Love an Anchor by The Crane Wives! I feel like it fits the relationships of Lee Sookyoung and Kim Dokja, and Kim Dokja and KimCom
or maybe my crane wives obsession is making me delusional lol-
love your art btw ✨✨ have a nice day
no i think you are right.
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she did teach him the only way to show love which is to take the knife out of other's hands and let go (leave). she tried her best in the situation they were... severed the ties for his good. and let him re-read the story until hers was the reality, not his. so he was left feeling alone and betrayed and never letting her know him. or getting to know her himself. kicks sand. oh lee sookyung..... oghh......
which of course translates into his relationships with anyone he loves because how else to love them if not by robbing them, taking the worst option for himself, and letting them live on. to then read his own story, now written not by his mother but by kimcom
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efverse · 4 months ago
ngl the idea of another cute little normal type having a small crush on eon when they were all kids is so funny to me. she asks gabite about his "friend" and hes like eon??? what about him? and shes like well...i was wondering... is he single,,,,,
and gabites like .............yeah hes single. and so he mentions it to ditto and those losers are just dreading this cute kind of nice girl in their class asking the guy theyve been uselessly pining after for too damn long now out like oghh shes pretty and cute and nice and im sure theyll get married and have kids and be very happy together and ougughh😞
....but when she finally asks eon out he just flat out rejects her.
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suenitos · 2 months ago
he was getting pretty emotional during some of those concerts and i think he was just feeling a lot looking up and seeing george smiling at him constantly and he just started speaking from the heart. my guess at least
i think this was LA night two as well which was the last concert so that makes sense why he would be extra sentimental. oghh dreamie.
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ashtxeman · 3 months ago
what if... au....... alan n derrick live in hatchetfield....... it would b silly. but my main vision for this is what if mr black was in hatchetfield. and he just comes up to sam and bailey. yeah. im choosing those two, i think they deserve to meet mr black
ALAN AND DERRICK IN HATCHETFIELD SAVE ME IM BITING AT THE BARS OF MY ENCLOSURE WRHJEFBR. No because that'd be so.. no they'd fit right in. And also Mr Black would have a FIELD DAY in Hatchetfield. On one hand you have the half of Hatchetfield that would only get like 5 bucks out of it Derrick style but on the other hand you have the other half of Hatchetfield who would get thousands out of it Alan style. Sam and Bailey meeting Mr Black.. oghh.. let me theorise. Sam for like. 35k (this amount could go lower with master manipulation). Bailey for 10 bucks if it's Sam yeah.
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icharchivist · 2 years ago
Lamorak's motivation is actually really interesting, I feel like you don't get to see that often. When does selfless lead you on the path to villainy, indeed
FOR REAL he fascinates me!!!
Like we joke and joke about how he's the "i can fix him" type of guy, but also like, how rare it is to have an antagonist being set up fully on the fact that he just wants to help the main antagonist getting better, even if it means playing along with the villainy yaknow?
And i just think it's fascinating, especially with the thematic going on with the Wales Brothers and all.
Aglovale dealt with his grief seeing everyone as the enemy, he became uncaring, unloving, seeing the worst in people even when they did nothing wrong to him.
Lamorak dealt with his grief the complete opposite way. He started to care too much, to love too much, to see why everyone walked with a broken heart just like he did, seeing constantly what good was inside a person no matter the amount of villainy in their action.
Percival is the one who balanced it out. He's kind and caring but if someone is acting vile, no matter their reason to act this way, he will not let it stand. He still has problems and everything, but ultimately he came out of it with a pretty healthy outlook on how to connect with people in a way neither of his brothers did, because Aglovale gave too little, and Lamorak gave too much.
And i also just adore how Lamorak's whole thing, the whole reason he's like this, is because he failed to heal his mother, and he failed to be able to develop healing magic, so he's going to "heal" people the only way he has left. He doesn't want failing healing people anymore, and since he can't heal them physically, he will heal them mentally, emotionally, as much as he can.
and this is because he has this healer motivation that he's currently an antagonist. He's villain because, at heart, he's a healer. How rare is that as well?
And of course his motivations on the long term is still to sabotage Merlin, to not have Merlin cause the destruction he seeks, but in order to save Merlin from his own grief, Lamorak still has to play along with his plans. He will bear the price of being a villain if it means staying at Merlin's side so that eventually down the line he could help him get better.
Lamorak is such a fascinating character and i'm obsessed with him.
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eeevildirector · 4 months ago
ive only seen like a couple other people even touch the idea ao im not sure if im really cooking or just left the gas on the stove and slowly suffocating to death but like. i cant be the only one who thinks it would be funny. surely. theyre set up perfectly to contrast each other. imagine you're tord, post the end, standard corny red leader fanon like oghh fuck i was dedicating my whole life to this epic robocommunism dictatorship thing and i totally boned it. somehow you end up with this freak old man because evil laboratory rent has been going crazy lately and they need someone to split the bill with. and like okay who else is going to take in the guy whose face is on a million wanted posters plastered all over the city, blowing in the wind gracefully like autumn leaves, if they had some loser's face printed on them. this is your best bet to get out of this alive. and you get to know this fucking guy and it begins to drive you completely insane how he's just like you in all the worst ways. this guy's a fucking idiot, but he's thriving because he's not trying to be anything more. he doesn't even really give a shit, he's just doing this for kicks. you were like that once. where did it all go wrong. jesus fucking christ.
and then you imagine this from the other direction and bings just like wowwww this guy is really good at evil robots... i loveee evil robots we should be bestiesssss i heard you have a massive bounty on your head thats so cool im jealous haha i wish i was wanted dead or alive. can i disassemble your cybernetic arm i won't break anything i promise i just wanna see how it works
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just-a-carrot · 3 months ago
*paws at you like some sort of deplorable beast* orlam and iggy...oooohh my feeelings.. orlam.i *holds him in my paws* el wiwi. horrible horrible man but ooooh. ohhhhh. love him dearly and LOVE act three ending.. before bucks.. oghh. (iggy gaming whil orlam fucks in the back is my favorite theng ever)
hahahaaaa... how intense
arc 3 in general is so interesting to me. i like it a lot from a storytelling aspect and how it really twists the whole story into a new direction, but i don't like it for the characters at all LMAO it literally represents the worst of them and for them (particularly iggy... i don't really like arc 3 iggy at all LOL even though i know it's absolutely essential for him and the story... it's the only arc where his wish had to twist him to comply). which is also why bucks coming along and ending it was always inevitable as bucks really represents the "things cannot be this way something is wrong and things must end" final judgment to force them to end and reset
but it sure did make for some fun moments and it's very interesting to think about. particularly in parts of orlam's route in arc 5 where he brings up all the different iterations that happened even within the realm of arc 3's plot and how many times they still reached that point together just with slight variations and what all might have happened during that time. that in particular is the most fascinating to me. i love imagining all the different untold stories there could be in there. just like countless different ideas and stories that could take place within that realm (and within the realm of each different arc tbh, but arc 3 is the "longest" in terms of actual time spent for the chars and also has the most "untold" parts, so i think it in particular there's a lot behind the scenes there that people could come up with). it's also just the fanciest and the most ridiculous, which makes it particularly enjoyable hahaha
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evilneo · 1 year ago
anyway i think about the version of vrv that lives in my brain where Spork*, Swap**, and Player***, are different flavours of transfem*. and their funny little transmasc buddies
* Spork = transneutral-fem agender. they/them. low-no dysphoria, happy with how they look and get perceived <3 aroace (obviously). them and Gordon B are trained gender professionals
**Swap = butch bigender (100% woman and 100% man at the same time. but to the left bc hes a xen girldude) when he gets a better grasp on the whole "pronouns" thing hell probably try she and neopronouns but ultimately he kinda doesnt care. some random dude asks if hes gonna shave and he looks at them like theyve grown a second head (and he KNOWS humans cant do that. Neo told him). "Why would I. I need this." (it serves the same purpose as whiskers on a cat or something. leave his barbels ALONE‼️‼️‼️‼️) kinda gets dysphoria anyway when looking at humans but gets extra when looking at other women. especially other butches. little does he know hes everyone in a 20 mile radius' butch icon <3 BISEXUAL‼️‼️‼️‼️
***Player = both soft butch and casual femme Player exists in my heart simultaneously because i love them both <3 (i do lean towards femme Player more. Player skirt indulgence etc) she/her trans woman. i dont think she considers herself binary but shes DEFINITELY far on the woman axis of the spectrum. high dysphoria but shes surrounded by cool trans people 24/7 so shes got a good support system :] everyone loves her <3 Doc illegally makes her HRT xyrself <3 shes talked to a cis person like maybe twice in her life lol. i adore her. i feel like shes unlabeled but in the way of "Oghh... Im scared to label myself because I dont feel like i feel like im allowed fit into any category enough... What if Im wrong :(" and its like girl its ok.... you can do ehat you want. forever. i love you. shes the last of the 3 to come out bc shes got 10000 neuroticism, and Swap is chill about gender. Swap takes his a lot of his stress cues about gender from Neo while Player takes them from MALCOM. yeah. Neos like the genderdog they put in the gendercheetah enclosure to keep them calm, and Malcom... is Malcom. dude is a MESS. and Spork came out pre-canon. Sporks been out for YEARSSSS. theyre secureslaying
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sillystringstar · 2 months ago
kamishiro “oghh im so manipulative im such a bad person” kenshin
and like the worst thing hes done is like
“guilt trip” someone
like okay buddy
pack it up
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