#ofmd 205
thedowneyheart · 4 months
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Izzy Hands (205)
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thesillydoll · 1 year
2x05 and 1x05 | Deja vu.
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I love hearing Taika’s Waihau Bay accent come out. I’ve noticed it in these two scenes specifically. Any more? (Don’t say Korg 🙂).
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tillychmo · 10 months
OFMD: Budget Cuts, Ed's relationship to the Crew and the importance of context clues.
Right, let's get the nerd-outs on this blog started!
Kicking off with Our Flag Means Death (obvious spoilers for both series ahead) and a wee talk about budget cuts, Ed's relationship with the crew, and the importance of context clues:
We now know that OFMD had a massive 40% budget cut between series 1 and 2 – considering this, it's important to realise that budget cuts can have a hand in basically anything the fandom has complained about this series. It doesn’t mean that it is to blame for all the things (nor that all of the fandom's complaints are warranted for that matter), but it definitely can be an active factor.
One of the things I've seen a fair amount of people complain about is the fact that the audience didn't see Ed apologise to every single crewmember on the Revenge after his return, and this specifically is what I would like to talk about in this post, because I believe that the budget cuts (and having only 8 episodes instead of 10) are undeniably to 'blame' for the less than explicit 'Ed apology-tour'.
Having that much less money between series 1 and 2 means that you have to go out of your way to cut corners and make big decisions really fast – when that happens, you’re bound to have oversights (this includes pacing issues, cut scenes, choosing to give focus on one character’s arc over another (this especially is important here), etc.).
The writers clearly made the choice that finishing Izzy’s arc was their number one priority this series – most likely because after a 40% budget cut they feared that they wouldn’t get a third series – which means that all of the time that series 1 spent on Ed and Stede, was now suddenly shifted to Izzy, despite the fact that the Gentlebeard-love story is the heart of the show. So instead of giving us all the healing and growing scenes between Ed and everyone else, we got 'context clue' scenes. Just like we did with Izzy in series one – the big difference being that s1-Izzy’s context clues were meant to make us dislike him for plotting against Gentlebeard, and s2-Ed's context clues were meant to show us that Ed actually wanted to and tried to change for the better. Now, is it an oversight to think that a positive character-change can be picked up by the entire audience only by way of context clue-scenes? Yes. Clearly. We are (as people) generally much faster to see and believe the negatives, than we are to see and believe the positives. This is part of why so many people feel like Ed’s redemption should have been spelled out for us – that they should have actively shown us that he made amends to everyone.
But they gave us the scenes with Fang/Kevin, the ones with Lucius, and the one with Izzy as context clues for the crew coming to terms with the things that happened. The scene with Archie, Olu, and Jim where they’re drowning their brooms is another context clue – sure, Archie is saying “that’s just how it is”, but she’s in no way unhappy about it. She’s just ‘happy go lucky’ “move on, mate”. Jim even says “I think for that was pretty solid, for him”. Both Roach and Frenchie agree. Pete is just happy that Ed's wearing the cat collar.
They are pirates – their take on these things are different from how we would react in the real world. And Lucius in that scene is an example of how we (the real-world people/the audience) are reacting when watching that scene “the bar is on the floor” – BUT look at how everyone else in that episode reacts to Lucius ‘not just moving on’. Everyone else – even Izzy, who up until this point has been the only human in a crew of muppets – thinks he should just let it go and move on. It’s literally spelled out in the conversation they have in that scene in 205: Lucius: “And you? Are you happy with this?” Izzy: “With what? Pirating? Well, this is a pirate ship and I’m a pirate, so yeah. I’m good with it. You still mad he pushed you off the ship, Twatty?” – Izzy is telling us here that ‘stuff like this is just what happens on pirate ships’ and in the shark-scene his parting words to Lucius (who is representing the audience) is literally “Not moving on is worse”.
We are absolutely meant to take all of these as context clues for the crew moving on. And even more so during the party scene in 206, where Ed is not 'only being tolerated because of Stede' – he actively encourages Stede to let the crew have fun, which results in Archie's "This guy's devout as fuuuuck".
Now, would the series have benefitted from those extra scenes that would have helped further along the narrative of the crew moving on and coming to terms with Ed? Absolutely. But again – budget cuts. And there’s an important thing that seems to be forgotten in a lot of these discussions – which is that they crew did love Ed in series 1.
Ed became part of their family – which is obviously why it hurt that much more (especially for Lucius, who was the only Revenge-crew member to get really close with Ed) when he lashed out and hurt them. But that doesn’t mean that they stopped loving him. You can absolutely love someone you don’t like or even hate. The two are not mutually exclusive. That’s why dysfunctional families are so toxic and hard to get out of. Because if you didn’t love them, then you would have absolutely no problem in leaving their toxic arses behind. And THAT is what our favourite crew is – family. And Ed is the family member who went through a (TW!) depressive suicidal psychosis and hurt everything and everyone on his way. Is it going to take time to rebuild the trust in Ed that they had in series 1? I think so, yes. And I think there’s a possibility that that could come into play in series 3, though I think it's just as probable that we are meant to read it as a closed chapter. But the crew's love for Ed? Nah, that never went away. It got buried in a heap of sh~t and trauma – but that doesn’t mean that the crew doesn’t love Ed, when he is simply being Ed ❤️
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non-bean-ary · 11 months
If season 1 had your favorite episode, please vote here
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and now it's time to play that ancient game of mine -- moments in my fanfic scribblings that wound up kinda mirroring canon!!
(this is totally just for my own amusement. don't mind me!)
ofmd 204 & 205 spoilers!
this was my fix-it fic that i wrote in a deranged haze the day after 1.09 & 1.10 aired, and then never posted because there were a few small transition scenes in between all the meaty emotional stuff that i was just too lazy to ever finish up. upon rereading, i actually kinda like it and wish i'd finished it though!!! maybe i will one day, and just post it as a historical relic from march '22.
(Ed and Stede meet at last!)
“What’ve you been up to?”
“You haven’t heard?”
“I’ve heard a bit. But I’d rather hear it from you.”
“Oh, you know. Plundering, pillaging, being the punishment this sorry world deserves. That sort of thing.”
“Very neat. And what’s with the–” Stede gestures awkwardly to his own chin.
Ed touches his kohl-painted face. “Wasn’t going to wait for it to grow back in before I got back out there. I’d wasted enough time.”
“Right, yes.” Stede lets out a wistful, slight laugh. “I was starting to get used to your bare face.”
“Really? That’s not what scared you away?”
“I wasn’t scared away.”
“Oh, so you just decided to abandon me for some other reason. That’s great. It feels great, knowing that. Life’s so much better now than it was ten seconds ago. Wait. Fuck.” Ed stands abruptly, shaking the table. “I swore I wasn’t going to do this. I’m fucking Blackbeard, I’m the kraken, I’m hell on waves, I eat babies for breakfast.”
“Oh, Edward.” Stede stares up at him, aghast. “Please tell me you haven’t had a breakfast baby.”
“Obviously I didn’t really,” Ed says impatiently. “It’s just an alliteration thing. It’s the vibes.”
Stede puts a hand to his heart and exhales. “Thank God.”
(okay, with this one i mostly just wanted the breakfast baby joke to finally see the light of day. but there's a slight overlap!)
(Ed and Stede make up very quickly, and then try to make the crew feel cool about that!)
“Hey, Blackbeard.”
“Hey, Black Pete.”
“Oh, it’s just Pete now.”
“Cool, cool. I guess it’s just Ed now, too.”
“Welcome back, Ed. If I could just, uh, say one thing?”
“Sure, mate, what’s up?”
“VENGEANCE!!!” Pete screams, and pushes Ed overboard.
The crew bursts into cheers.
Stede can’t really fault them, all things considered.
“That was just a bit of vengeance for you, babe,” Pete tells Lucius.
“Thanks, babe.”
Once a sopping-wet Ed’s been recovered, there’s the general consensus from all non-Stede crew members that he’s going in the brig.
“We’re really happy for you, Captain,” says Frenchie, “but he’s been a menace.”
“Obviously acting out of deep-rooted pain and some unprocessed childhood trauma,” says Lucius magnanimously. “But all the same, he’s been a massive bitch.”
“I think everyone should get a turn punching him in the face,” says Jim.
“Nobody’s punching anybody!” Stede says, in his clipped captain’s orders! tone. “But you’re right. I’m sorry, Ed; the people have spoken, and the brig it is.”
“No, I get it.” Ed holds up his hands in surrender. “Super fair. And hey, Jim, you can go ahead and punch me if you like.”
“They won’t punch you, they’ve just got hurt feelings–”
Stede is cut off by Jim punching Ed right in the stomach.
Wow. They really don’t waste any time.
“Sucker punch,” breathes Ed through what must be a dizzying amount of pain. “See, I was expecting the face, ‘cause you said the face–”
“Surprise,” says Jim.
and this is from a fic i actually posted! [x]
Stede decides to risk getting shot, and puts a hand on his arm. They stand still together. “I wish I’d gotten it right the first time. But this, right now, it’s the next best thing we’ve got. I’ll keep fighting if you want to fight, and I’m pretty sure my crew and I will win our ship back from you and your sorry lot within the week–”
“--but while we’re fighting, Ed, just know that I lo–”
But before he can say the words, Ed interrupts. “Nope. Don’t.”
“But I–”
“No.” Ed meets his eyes. “I mean it, mate.”
Stede listens. He lifts his hand from Ed’s arm. “That’s all right. You must know what I mean, if you don’t want me to say it that badly.”
“Of course I want you to say it,” Ed mutters. “That’s the problem.”
“Ah, right. Terrible.”
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wowbright · 2 years
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I've gone to make this post a couple times this year and never posted it because most of my top posts were loooong. But this morning, I remembered, and just in time: This is Tumblr! I can edit a post before posting it! So I deleted the bulk of those long posts, and if you want to read them, you can click through on the little links.
Also, I wrote this little introduction!
Interesting and very relevant to post #2 that none of these are related to my fanfic or Glee, the two main reasons I am on Tumblr.
Without any more to-do:
I posted 3,369 times in 2022
That's 2,354 more posts than 2021!
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#fanart not mine - 223 posts
#klaine - 223 posts
#signal boost - 212 posts
#gpoy - 205 posts
#ofmd - 198 posts
#to read - 194 posts
#fandom - 190 posts
#kurt hummel - 160 posts
#fic rec - 140 posts
#us politics - 136 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#this story isn't just about falling in love—it's also about trauma & grief and the role beliefs play both in creating & healing those things
My Top Posts in 2022:
Controversial take: AO3 is an archive, not a social media site. If you have no intention of keeping your fics up after you leave a fandom and are just going to delete them, maybe you should post them only to social media and not use up bandwidth on AO3.
You've already put your words out into the world. Other people have already read them, and likely downloaded them. They are no longer only your own. You cannot make them disappear from the world, so why are you trying?
Orphan your works, don't delete them.
283 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
You know those straight guys who seem really nice and awesome, but then complain about their female friends "friendzoning" them? As if being nice to a woman entitles you to her affection and her body? As if her agency, her own desires, ultimately don't matter that much?
So they're "nice" guys, but they're not actually kind or generous?
Marcus in Young Royals is the gay version of that.
He seems great at first. Just the kind of guy that Simon needs around him. Someone who's easygoing, who likes him, who supports him, who's uncomplicated and open and doesn't require much work.
Read the rest at:
387 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Since I'm seeing anti-voting posts on my dash again, and Tumblr is even *recommending* them to me, let's be clear about this--
Voting is one of the most basic tools for participating in American government and policy. It is not perfect, but it is there.
The people who say that change is possible without voting, that protecting minority interests is possible without voting, rarely lay out a course for how those things could be accomplished.
Sometimes, they make vague promises that "activism" and "pushing for change" is what is needed instead of voting. This makes no sense. Engaging with elected officials is an inherent part of activism. Voting is a way of engaging with elected officials. Voting is activism.
No, some say. Not that kind of activism.
Okay, then what kind of activism?
Historically, the only way to accomplish change without voting is through physical force, i.e. warfare.
That's right. Warfare. Like the Civil War, or I guess what we will soon be calling Civil War I.
Read the rest at:
556 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
I was thinking about a conversation I had with a fellow writer a while back and I think it might also apply to fandom.
He was upset because his partner did not read much of his fiction. His partner was supportive of his writing in every other way--supporting his need to have space to write, asking questions about it, being a listening ear during brainstorming, encouraging him to make friends with other writers, etc. He (the partner) had never said anything belittling, discouraging, or negative about my colleague's writing.
But he didn't read much of it. The writer I was talking to wrote sci-fi, and his partner didn't read sci-fi. In fact, he (the partner) was not a big reader of fiction at all.
I told this colleague of mine something that I had decided about my own relationships: my friends, lovers, acquaintances, relatives, etc., have no obligation to be my fans. I met almost all of them outside of the context of writing. Our relationships are built on those things: common history, common non-writing interests, common social circles, common humanity. They didn't decide they liked me or wanted to hang out with me because of what I wrote. And I didn't decide to hang out with them because I thought they would read my stuff.
Read the rest at:
685 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I wish there was a way to block "cute animal videos" that are actually depicting mistreatment of animals. People physically manipulating pets to do things that they clearly do not want to be doing is not cute. People provoking irritation so that their cat or dog makes the funny sound they make when they are irritated is not cute. People making pets of wild animals is not cute.
1,538 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
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sidewalk-scrawls · 2 years
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#ofmd - 2,173 posts
#talking tag - 607 posts
#izzy hands - 461 posts
#mash - 327 posts
#art - 240 posts
#wwdits - 205 posts
#con o'neill - 179 posts
#ask - 141 posts
#<3 - 131 posts
#toh - 117 posts
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Okay but the galaxy brain move to take two famous pirates from the 1700s and make a gay romcom about them
239 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
Hey, ever think about how Ed stops Izzy's decision to leave by promising he was gonna kill Stede and let Izzy be captain, and then he just. Doesn't do any of that?
And then do you think about how, a few episodes later, Stede kicks Izzy off the ship after humiliating him in the duel, and Izzy looks at Ed like, "please don't make me leave," and then Ed just shrugs? Because I do. I think about it a lot!
407 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
OKAY so was looking at this tweet where someone counted all the ways that Izzy refers to Edward when addressing him directly (which is very cool!):
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But with n=25, 4% describes exactly one instance. Meaning that Izzy only directly addresses Edward as “Blackbeard” once. And it’s after Edward feeds him his toe.
579 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
Love the shift from Lucius in ep 1 being like, “Sure, let’s kill the captain!” to Lucius in ep 7 telling Blackbeard to stop being an asshole because he’s hurting Stede’s feelings.
1,098 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Crying at this article calling Tumblr an "upstart" platform jdgdks
79,142 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
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agentmika · 2 years
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#cher.txt - 205 posts
#ofmd - 195 posts
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#stranger things - 119 posts
#disco elysium - 78 posts
#iwtv - 77 posts
#prev - 71 posts
#severance - 71 posts
Longest Tag: 86 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
for whom does the slug react? it reacts for thee
229 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
thinking about the reverse arc between lumon middle management and the MDR team. the way the MDR team all began as individuals (Helly lashing out, Irv holding too tight to the rules, Dylan keeping distant with his perks and sarcastic apathy, Mark struggling to lead) with the unified machinations of Mr. Graner, Ms. Cobel, and Mr. Milchick keeping them down. the way that their unified front fell apart as they each began breaching routine, striking out without communicating to each other, leaving each other high and dry as they individually fucked up (milchick's overtime w/ dylan, cobel letting them explore, graner. well-) while simultaneously the MDR team was reaching out to other departments, forming deeper connections, and learning to truly trust each other
249 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
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257 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
As someone who has now seen Everything Everywhere All At Once twice, something I keep coming back to is the simple impact of choosing to name her Joy.
With the themes around generational trauma and their mother/daughter relationship, it still would've been impactful for Evelyn to tearfully cry out or fight for "my daughter" and she, of course, refers to her as such on occasion. But when she fights for "[her] Joy," and speaks the word/name in that sense, I feel like it just really underlines the movie's additional message about choosing hope and kindness and to seek out the good amidst the chaos and confusion.
Choosing Joy.
553 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
there is something so delicious about the old guard's concept of temporary immortality. you will die and you will not stay dead. you have no hint or warning that this will happen before it happens for the first time and if other immortals do not find you to teach you, you have no idea of its limits, and actually, even then, you don't know. the oldest of you has been alive for millennia. the second other that she knew died after only a few hundred years presumably, and no one knows why. nile reminded andy what it felt like to feel unbreakable. but because you are immortal and it is temporary and you don't know when it will end, can you really live life that much differently? lower stakes, perhaps, but death, still, is always a possibility. you're too new, andy tells nile. but what if someone came along, and died after only ten years. after only ten deaths?
you will die and you will not stay dead except that one day you will.
2,598 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
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thedowneyheart · 4 months
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Izzy Hands (205)
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thesillydoll · 1 year
Modélame así, dame ahora tu mejor,
Pose, Pose, Pose, Pose
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Ed and his (not really) cursed suit!
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dykecadence · 2 years
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#ofmd - 205 posts
#de - 198 posts
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#persona - 66 posts
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Longest Tag: 136 characters
#hua cheng li: people will 🗣 the hustle aint worth it💪but im proof 🥳 800 years on the grind🏋‍♂️ and gege knows my name🥰never give up
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199 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
misha collins un-coming out is supernatural's greatest queerbait to date
249 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
i think nope is fascinating. the way it preys upon our expectations of what an alien should be. we want them to be benevolent, we want them to be evil. we want them to have intention and intelligence. and we want the same thing from animals but both are bound by their nature. at the end of the day they succumb to survival instincts and we cant fully understand them. jean jacket is a perfect mirror for gordy--something we think we can learn to control or understand but that will ultimately never be on the same level as the humans trying to engage with it. they will behave as trained so long as the situation is beneficial and unobtrusive to her. jupe's fault, the thing that kills him, was that he made the same mistake he did with gordy. he mistook patterns of behavior as a sign he had some sort of control but he never did. it's fitting that jean jacket is a eldritch being of incomprehensible composition because animals are truly foreign and unknown beings no matter how much we believe we can tame or control them.
286 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
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465 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
everything everywhere all at once said "nothing matters but be kind anyway" and i havent been able to have a coherent thought since
8,088 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
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skeletaldomains · 2 years
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#bcs spoilers - 87 posts
#ofmd - 70 posts
#mtl - 61 posts
#stranger things - 61 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#stupid anti vaxxer asshole that i had the misfortune of being in contact with against my will tested positive and i’m not taking any chances
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I love them so much you dont understand
474 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
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See the full post
596 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
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This pic goes hard as hell feel free to screenshot
870 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
I need to kill someone with hammers
880 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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will poor thang flourish or perish?
11,469 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
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sailorbryant · 2 years
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#vegaspete - 65 posts
#kinnporsche - 51 posts
#bad buddy - 37 posts
#gmmtv2023 - 30 posts
#not me - 23 posts
#ofmd - 22 posts
#🤣 - 15 posts
#kinnporsche the series - 14 posts
#<3 - 13 posts
#❤️❤️❤️ - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 48 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
I don't know why the Thai BL industry as a whole is training us to have a pavloveon like response to balconies/rooftops but I'm here for it
121 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
Every other actor in KP when their character does something bad: He had his reasons.
Jeff: He's a fucking idiot. I wish I could fight him in the parking lot.
133 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
At this point, I don't know who is more unhinged.
Bible and Build for putting 100% of their bodies, minds, souls, tits and ass into putting on a Materclass in acting, the absolute titanium balls of the screenwriters for the "I'm hungry, I'm your pet feed me" as a declaration of love, or all of us for gobbling it all up like starving fucking hyenas.
167 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
Which is a bigger crime against humanity?
Vegas putting his legs in the pool with his pants still on, or Chay putting his headphones over his hair while it's full of dye?
171 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Every other actor in KP when their character does something bad: He had his reasons.
Jeff: He's a fucking idiot. I wish I could fight him in the parking lot.
205 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
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spineless-lobster · 2 years
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#bbc ghosts - 668 posts
#ofmd - 400 posts
#our flag means death - 362 posts
#the captain - 228 posts
#others art - 205 posts
#edward teach - 114 posts
#six idiots - 102 posts
#stede bonnet - 93 posts
#blackbonnet - 81 posts
#ofmd fanart - 80 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#it’s like the story in my head is an inconceivable eldritch abomination and i cannot put it into words without melting the human mind
My Top Posts in 2022:
The Captain better be able to throw his swagger stick only for it to return to him like it’s Mjolnir or something. I wanna see him chuck it at someone and then it just appears back in his hand.
361 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
It makes me feel better that the reason why Humphrey is not on Mike’s Ghost Board is because he has a big ass portrait in the stairwell
Our king deserves nothing less 😌
501 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
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I remember I made this aaaaages ago when I first found out that I was asexual. So might as well share it here!
1,270 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
Sex isn’t real you guys are just doing the cha cha slide wrong
1,716 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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POV: You fucking died
2,655 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
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I’ve only been on Tumblr for around 5-6 months but I have enjoyed every minute on this goddamn hellsite. Much love to all my mutuals!!!!!! I can’t wait see what insanity 2023 will bring!!!!! >:)
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officialbillhader · 2 years
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#awesomepie3221 - 2,084 posts
#iasip - 1,516 posts
#spn - 402 posts
#ofmd - 332 posts
#wwdits - 308 posts
#wwdits4 - 172 posts
#marvel - 149 posts
#asks - 141 posts
#barry - 124 posts
#wwdits spoilers - 123 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#im obsessed with how hot you guys are for him and i’m sitting ehre like that’s bill! that’s my bill! he’s playing stefon! i love you bill!
My Top Posts in 2022:
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205 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
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See the full post
216 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
Why did english get rid of æ ð and þ. We should bring ðem back
251 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
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This is how half of u talk in this fandom
255 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Lindsay heard slap him and went oh dont mind if i do 😏
271 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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