#of her is formed. the beast attacked her and she was only barely able to escape with her life
casually-salad · 11 months
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meet Ever! a psychology major who is being hunted by something she could never imagine existed. who knew a hiking trip could go so wrong?
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colourstreakgryffin · 8 months
I was wondering if you can do Alastor x daughter! Reader? She’s manifested from his magic and because of that she has some of Alastor’s powers. However, she’s the complete and total opposite of him. She’s kind and sweet like Charlie, but is very shy. She never likes bringing out her true demon form for she is very terrifying. Alastor is very protective of her. Although, what if she sees Alastor get hurt by another overlord or Adam and he turns into her demon form to protect him and everyone is surprised by this and maybe even terrified of her.
OMFG. Yes! Second Alastor request in a rooowww! I love this man uncontrollably and he would be a good daddy. He’s a stag papa with his little fawn for reaaall! I love this idea, lots of loves and so much thanks for giving Hazbin Hotel more attention— or, I guess Alastor!
Father! Alastor- Hell’s Angel
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Okay… Alastor wasn’t suspecting to pop a kid out of thin air when he actually wanted to pop a kid out of thin air. His magic is very powerful, no doubt but he birthed a child from solely his own powers and about 100% of his own DNA so his daughter’s features are primarily matching his own but there are some personal key differences Alastor wanted you to have to seperate yourself from him
So, you’re not a carbon copy of your dad, the Radio Demon. More just have the same deer features and red colouring
Alastor also wasn’t suspecting to have born an angel of his own. Sweet, affectionate, cheery, always smiling but smiling in a more welcoming and natural manner than her papa. He doesn’t mind it, you’re his babygirl. He loves you dearly, even after he just shat you out from literally nothing. He’s just surprised!
Well, at least Charlie loves you because you’re like… exactly what she loves and Alastor gets jealous of how well Charlie bonds with his own daughter!
Alastor has never known how to handle his own powers so when you begin manifesting voodoo dolls and portals containing all kinds of demonic beasts, he has to figure out how to get around all of it without hurting you a single bit. He has a whole plan scheduled out for anytime your powers trigger at random
Alastor’s protective, loving, clingy and carries you around a lot. He loves being able to bond with you, he likes hearing your cute deer noises when you’re trying to talk to him. He never lets you leave his sight and whilst he reframes from murder, he may just kill Vox for insulting his little fawn
Alastor now has all the full right to tell awful Dad jokes, since he is a proper Dad now. Rest in peace once again, Angel Dust
Yes. Alastor is the type to spoil his daughter. Spoil rotten, he isn’t going to stop and he isn’t sorry. He loves his little princess and no matter what, he’ll give her what she wants. If anybody dares to take what she wants from her, he’ll send them to double hell then give his babygirl extra hugs and kisses as apologises
Alastor knows, like him, you have your own full demon form and for a harmless sweetheart like yourself(that only uses your powers to help the Hotel staff). Your full form is actually terrifying and you know that, which is why you avoid it. You don’t want to scare anybody, especially not your beloved dad so you always reframe from getting too mad
Just let Papa Alastor handle anything bad. He’ll protect and care for you in the most sweet, cuddly way possible
Alastor is a lunatic, barely sane, monstrous all under a passive-aggressive, well-mannered, dapper 1930s gentleman image but when it comes to you, you’re the most healthy thing he has and he feels genuine love, care and affection for his own offspring. He only views you as his daughter, nothing else or anything exploitative. After all, he acts more like the one serving you than anything. He’ll get you whatever you want, no questions asked
Alastor wants to keep you away from threats so when Adam attacks the Hazbin Hotel. He has no choice but to leave you with Charlie. However, this didn’t last long since you knew your father was struggling when you heard his voice’s radio effect cut out. That was immediately a sign that you, not even a ten-year-old, to jump in and it caused you to rampage against Adam when you used your powers to track down and make it over to Alastor
“PRINCESS! GET AWAY FROM HERE NOW!” Alastor, despite the giant thick cut across his chest, staining his red pinstriped coat, over the white trims of his dark red lapels, yells out as loud as he can to catch his child’s attention, to get her to back off. Struggling to rise up to his feet with his tall fluffy deer-like ears pinned back. A sign of his fear, not because of seeing his babygirl in her full demon form throwing everything she has at the angel, Adam but because you’re in so much danger attacking Adam
Adam isn’t a merciful being, despite being an Angel, and the risk to your life is extremely high. Your demon form is ten times more demonic than any sinner can manifest, due to being produced by raw demonic magic, you form into a pure demonic entity
Screeching out in a menacing echoey way, entirely black and clumpy, phasing in and out like mist, shaped like a mighty Wendigo deer with literally zero resemblance to your cute little form. To you, your father’s in danger and with his cane snapped in half, his powers limited and his radio voice effect gone
You can’t just sit around in Charlie’s arms and let Alastor get killed by this psycho angel!
You have to risk everything to let Alastor escape. However, he isn’t going anywhere without you and is frantically trying to think of a way to get you away from Adam as the said holy entity keeps throwing swings after swings with his holy sharpened guitar to break off all the attacks coming from your Wendigo-style full form, letting out many strings of hateful curses at both you and Alastor. It’s clear with all the shadowy spines and green electricity shocks that you’re desperately trying to fend off the much stronger Angel to try protect your father
But if the Radio Demon himself couldn’t take on Adam for any longer than a few minutes. Of course, you don’t stand a chance, lasting half the time Alastor did. Being beaten when Adam outspeed and charged down a devestating sharp swing on your full form’s form head after you attempt to attack again. Thinking rather fast, you used your magic to cushion the blow to avoid it actually killing you
Being thrown over on the opposite end to where Alastor is and fading back into your normal demon form, a nasty big cut all down your back to the end of your fluffy deer tail, sobbing and clenching fangs
The staff watching nearby were terrified yet impressed. Impressed a child of your age and confidence was able to get that many hits on Adam and manage to guard yourself from a attack from Adam himself, getting away with merely just one cut
The Radio Demon growls frustrated and outraged at being forced to watch his child being thrown around like some doll and get even more hurt, now cornered by Adam, since it’s clear he doesn’t care to attack Alastor anymore. Thinking just as fast and getting up properly with his snapped-into-two cane in one tightening fist
Alastor phases through into the shadows in an almost melting fashion, dragging you down with him in the same shadowy engulfing manner by a single black trail travelling over to where you laid, leaving the bloodthirsty human ancestor as the victor of this fight. Needless to say, Alastor was so pissed. Pissed he lost the fight when he had managed to get many hits on Adam at the first section of the fight and pissed that said Angel dared to put his hands on his angel
At least… you’re safe now. Bleeding, hurt, crying and tired from overworking yourself whilst laid in Alastor’s arms, but you’re alive and okay. In your father’s hold and safe. Away from the Hotel and protected by the Voodoo’s shadowy magic
“You’re okay, darling… you’re okay. Papa’s got you, he’s always got you”
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jxsterr · 1 year
hey. what if link was so consumed by grief he was angry. cuz a tired link is brilliant, a riddled-with-illness-and-depressed link is even better, but what about a link that is so sick of all of this happening to both zelda and him that he's just FURIOUS.
like he's angry as fuck at how, despite everything they have done to protect hyrule, they're right back where they started. all that effort they put into sealing the calamity, those a hundred years link spent asleep just to be able to live again and those a hundred years zelda spent tearing herself apart just to hold that beast back, all for it to be for nothing. all that effort to dispel the ganon from their time only for ganondorf to appear from another time. it's borderline comical. link has to laugh or he'll cry. he's so tired of this constant fight but he's only tired for himself, when it comes to thinking about how much zelda has suffered and continues to suffer it conjures anger so vivid he feels it in his chest. he's so angry at how much the world continues to punish someone who has done nothing to deserve it, someone who has given her all for the people of this world and more and yet she cannot even feel the grace of peace for longer than a few years. she of all people deserves a break more than anything and he finds himself wishing he'd fallen instead of her.
link finds it hard to process or even care about the goings on in lookout landing after he finally wakes up (again). purah is babbling in his ear about something to do with increasing monster attacks but it's impossible to remain present when his mind is so torn up over zelda, his zelda. gods. she really is gone, isn't she? he doesn't know where she is, doesn't know if she's still breathing, or if he'll ever see those emerald eyes again. it's so much harder this time because last time he didn't even know her—at least not as much as he knows her now. her face was blurry back then and her voice was something so familiar yet so distant, but now he loves her. he knows her inside out, knows her favourite tea to drink in the early mornings and what books she'll pull from the bookcase based on her mood. the sun died that day and so has a part of him.
the air beside him feels so thick with emptiness that he finds himself getting lost in helping the local folks just to fill it, taking up a few errands and joining in with the monster control forces just for someone by his side. weeks pass since her fall and link finds himself stuck in the anger phase of grief. it feels like a disease, he doesn't like how angry he feels but goddess he can't stop feeling this way. it's just so fucking unfair. more often than not link finds himself venturing out of lookout landing deep in the night just to kill. not defeat, not vanquish, but to draw blood in a feeble attempt to quench the burning rage inside his soul. he tears his pathetic excuse of a sword mercilessly through the flesh of unsuspecting bokoblins, slices through the tendons of gloom hands and unleashes the full extent of his fury onto the phantoms of ganondorf's shrivelled form. he yells as he plummets the tip of his sword through the phantom's chest until it disperses into thin wisps of gloom, but it's still not enough. it's never going to be enough. he repeats the same useless task every night yet it does nothing to change anything. he's still angry.
purah's told him about the phenomenas pestering the four corners of hyrule but he can't bring himself to focus on the world just yet, so he goes to mount lanayru. he's waist deep in frozen water with hands clasped around one another when he begins his plea to the goddess. he asks her why zelda was served a fate as cruel as this, and why he seems forever cursed to walk hyrule alone. she doesn't answer. it irritates link, so he repeats himself louder. she still doesn't answer. he's yelling at her now, using the full extent of vocal cords that have barely moved since he awoke, and driving his fists through the spring water in an act of overwhelming frustration. answer me! tell me why we have to endure this! he cries, but the goddess is evermore silent. he chokes out a sob, and then, in a moment of fury, unleashes words undeserving of anyone to hear, not even ganondorf himself. he needs something that will just sit there and take it and right now he's beginning to understand the frustration zelda felt all those years ago when all her efforts went under appreciated. he decides this act is some sort of revenge for how the goddess has ignored them, even if it really isn't her fault; he just needs to feel like he's done anything of use when he's been rendered so powerless. his bitterness only continues to grow the longer she ignores him, until he's exhausted himself from the outburst and stands in the water until his limbs go numb. pathetically quiet, he curses the goddess.
when link learns of zelda's fate after the final tear, he goes missing for weeks. the only noticeable trace of him in the world is the sudden lack of monsters in some areas of hyrule, namely the lynels. the tears had acted as a sort of comfort to know that at least wherever zelda was, she was able to find some sort of comfort or happiness there. the memory of zelda and sonia made him cry hysterically afterwards, of course she still finds a way to speak of him even when they're separated by a millennia or more—but the final tear makes him feel like the air was knocked out of him. he can't even think about it, he tried to ignore zelda's dragon floating aimlessly about the skies for the first few days but the grief became too much. he finds himself cross legged on her snout, braiding blue nightshades amongst silent princesses in her mane, taking comfort in talking to her about the weight of everything on his shoulders. purah's search party is useless when he spends the first week or so constantly by zelda's side, sleeping in amongst the warmth of her locks and offering her buttered apples whenever she perched. "hey, old girl."
seeing zelda this way, knowing she has destroyed herself just so that he may prevail in the fight against the enemy who caused all this suffering.. link vows to become his worst nightmare.
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erictmason · 18 days
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“An Unexpected Transformation”
Sonic cried out as loud as he could against the thundering storm, racing through the swampy forest with desperate speed.  The dark skies made it difficult to see, and the thick gnarled trees left him little room to navigate.  Yet he continued to run all the same.
He could still see her looking at him with such fear in her eyes…could still hear her ordering him to leave her behind.  The strange blackened veins running along her body…the weakness of her breath…the cold weight of not knowing what was happening to her even as they both feared they knew the answer.  And when the hedgehog had refused her order, the princess had used what remained of her strength to knock him down and run off into the depths of the forest.
It was foolish to give chase, even by Sonic’s standards.  He had no real clue where Sally was by this point, and the rain from the storm was only making the forest harder and harder to move through.  Yet he couldn’t just…leave her.  Even if…even if she was already…!
That grim thought was swallowed up as Sonic suddenly found his momentum stopped cold; something had caught his feet!  Lurching forward, the hedgehog’s eyes widened as he saw the familiar sickly green-brown of Mega Muck all around his ankles, barely able to twist his body around in time to prevent himself from landing face first in the stuff.  That still meant, however, that his arms and the back of his head found themselves caught in stretchy slimy strands of it, leaving him thoroughly trapped.   
Then a terrifying roar filled the air, piercing through even the thunder.
Sonic grit his teeth, struggling with all his might to break free of the muck.  He knew that sound very well by now, after he and Sally had tried so hard to run from it.  They had only barely managed to keep one step ahead of it…until now.  The muck held fast despite Sonic’s best efforts, however, and so he could only watch as several nearby tries began to tremble and crack…as the sound of a low growl drew closer and closer…until a towering figure emerged from the darkness.
It had the broad, muscled body and fierce mane-crowned head of a lion, but it stood taller than any Mobian Sonic had ever seen; bat-like wings spread from its back, a scorpion’s tail curled behind at the rear.  Its eyes had an eerie ember-like glow to them, and soon they became fixed on the hedgehog.  With a growl, it bore its considerable fangs at him, slowly but sinisterly stalking towards the muck-pit where Sonic remained trapped.  “Gotta get free!” his mind screamed at him.  “Gotta find Sal!”
 The beast raised its sizeable paw into the air, claws gleaming against the lightning that flashed behind it.
Yet just as it was about to strike, a new roar echoed out.  Sonic’s ears perked up; it seemed impossible, and yet all he could think of was, “That…that almost sounds like…!”
From out of the forest, a sharp form cut through the air, tackling into the lion-beast with the strength and speed of a bullet.  Even low to the ground as he was, it was impossible for Sonic to mistake what he saw: Sally, flying through the air on leather wings.
Her eyes burned with the same eerie glow as the beast’s, her knees and elbows were now accentuated by sharp barbs that seemed to grow out of her body, and her chipmunk-tail had been replaced with a longer reptilian one.  With speed and ferocity, she attacked her beastly adversary.  Biting, clawing, pulling, pushing...even though she was far smaller than her opponent, her attacks were fearless and relentless. 
The beast would not yield easily, however.  Even as Sally scrambled across its body to avoid being grabbed in its claws, it thrashed and stomped about, rattling her fiercely.  It gave the beast chances to scrape and slash at her, even as she managed to keep avoiding its grasp.  “You’ve got this, Sal!” Sonic shouted up, even as he continued to try and free himself.  “Wipe the Muck with this creep!”
He could not tell if Sally heard him, or if she could even still understand him.  But he had to smile as he watched her assault continue, slowly but surely forcing the beast to back away from him.  That did make it harder for the hedgehog to make out how things were progressing, however, and he felt a cold surge of fear as both Sally and her enemy let out howling roars again.  “Who’s crying out in pain, and who’s crying out ‘cuz they won?” he wondered anxiously.
An answer came when the beast sank to its knees, and then collapsed entirely. 
Sally stood over its fallen form, wings spreading out just a bit further as if taking in her victory.  She briefly shook herself off before turning her attention back to Sonic, slowly approaching him and kneeling at his side.
“Hey Sal,” Sonic said softly as the squirrel leaned closer.
She sniffed at him, ears flickering and eyes slowly moving over Sonic’s prone form.  Her clawed hands reached out to him, taking sharp grip.  Then, with a yank, she pulled him free of the muck.  “How’re you…feelin’?” Sonic asked, tentatively reaching out to her.
The squirrel stepped back, however, her ears and wings both folding down.  “…oh…” Sonic whispered, his own ears drooping a bit.
They looked at each other uncertainly for a few moments.  Then, crouching down to all fours, the squirrel darted back off into the forest.
This time, Sonic did not chase after her.    
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xcalciumx · 2 years
Priority | Mitsuri Kanroji x Reader x Obanai Iguro
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Word Count | 4.0k
Warnings | Mentions of blood ig. No spoilers. Mentions of Doma (ew.) ANGST i didn’t mean for it to be, but it is what it is. Tears. Drama.
Summary |  After a mission goes wrong, you’re left to battle with something far worse than a demon: your emotions. Or in which Mitsuri and Obanai are kinda in love with you but you’re kinda broken. 
part one | part two
Your ribs trembled as you struggled to stay upright, each inhale more painful than the last. The wracking pain in your lungs gave way to the harrowing coughs leaving your lips as you wobbled precariously on your feet. The coppery tang of blood invaded your nose, ears ringing. 
In front of you, the demon pranced about with his golden fans. 
A particularly harsh cough burst forth from your throat, your hand gripping the nichirin sword in your grasp tighter as you propelled your feet forwards. Gotta keep moving. Can’t stop moving. The dewy grass beneath you turned to dust as you narrowly avoided another one of the demon’s attacks. You took a wide berth around the demon's form, trying to allow time for you to control your breathing. It became glaringly clear that this was no inconvenience for the monster.
“Now, now. Why put up such a fight?” The white-haired beast crooned, his eyes tracking your every move as you came to a stop, legs no longer able to fully support you. “If it’s any consolation, you’re not the first hashira I’ve killed. Oh no, far from the first. You know, you’re very pretty. It would be an honour to carry you with me for eternity…”
A crazed look crept onto the demon's face as you ground your teeth together, shaking your head to clear away the dark vignette bordering your vision. You ignored the throbbing pain in your ankle, forcing yourself not to stop. Every inch of you screamed for reprieve - begged for mercy. But you could not give in. 
You had long since discarded your blood soaked haori, your sword was one strong blow from breaking and your vision was swimming with big black, ink-like blots. 
You knew that one wrong move would spell the end. 
Under the moon's guidance, you sought far into your soul, searching for a way to get out of this alive. Anything. From the deep nothingness of your mind popped a face, much like your own. 
“My darling baby. Don’t stop. Never stop.” You blinked blearily at the person in front of you. Were you hallucinating? Is this what death felt like? Two warm hands cupped your cheeks, and suddenly you felt four years old again. “You need to snap out of it. You’re not going to die - not my girl. Not today.” 
Your mothers voice was ringing in your ears. But as you went to grab for her, she vanished, leaving only the forest and carnage behind. A sob bubbled out of your mouth, wet tears dripping down your cheeks and mixing with your blood like some twisted painting. It had been too long since you had seen your family. Since they had…you vanquished the thought. You must have looked like a wreck as your gaze pinned onto the demon. His eyes widened in a childlike wonderment, his lips curling into a soft frown. 
“Tears? Human emotion -” 
You didn’t let him finish his monologue. Mustering all the strength left in your body, you darted forward, hair whipping everywhere as you recited the forms that you had said a thousand times before. A slicing pain came from your abdomen but you paid it no mind, just like the rest of the cuts and bruises now littering your body. You got closer and closer, each breath hurting like a jagged knife to the heart. But you didn’t stop, couldn’t stop. The final words of your twelfth form ripped from your lips and you barely registered as you swung your sword in an arc above your head. You were so close. The demon's neck was so close. From here, it would be like cutting cheese. It should’ve been like cutting cheese. 
Solid force bashed against your sword, a loud metal THWANG echoing through the silent woods. Blood rained over you like a shower, hands shaking as you severed through the demon’s neck. The momentum drove you forward, and you were left stumbling onto your knees, head smashing against a rocky outcrop. Screaming was impossible, your throat felt so raw and stripped of skin that even muttering became impossible. Your body was on fire, burning you apart from your toes to your scalp. You couldn’t keep up your constant breathing anymore, lungs constricting rapidly inside your shuddering form. Something sharp poked inside of you. Maybe a broken rib or two or six. You could feel that your ankles were both broken, and your arms were like cooked ramen, floppy and useless. 
The stars in the sky dimmed, or maybe that was just your vision slowly fading. Whatever it was, you welcomed the darkness. With the upper moon dead, you could resign yourself to death peacefully, knowing that you’d contributed to the efforts to defeat Muzan Kibitsuji. Or that’s what you thought.
“Oh my, you sure are stubborn.” Said a voice, breaking through the hazy cloud that had settled over your mind. “You nearly got me, you know? Pity that your sword couldn’t keep it up any longer.” 
Terror hugged you like a ghost. He wasn’t dead. You hadn’t killed him. That sound…it had been your sword breaking. It didn’t make sense. You had felt the blood spraying your skin, had felt the sword cutting through his flesh. How…? 
“Don’t be afraid, little one. You will live on through me. Or well, in me.” The demon was giggling to himself, his pants brushing against your corp uniform as you lay broken on the ground. You had lost. This was the end. All your efforts had been null. You should’ve known that you would never truly make it as a demon slayer. The only reason you had made it this far was luck. If the universe hadn’t been playing its stupid tricks, then you would have been massacred like the rest of your family. 
Yeah, so much for being a Hashira. 
Laying on the cold grass, you questioned how you had ever been strong enough to qualify as a pillar. To be considered ‘the best of the best’. What a load of crap. 
You couldn’t feel your legs, or your arms. Something heavy was pressing against your back and suddenly your body was forced to its feet. The arms looped under yours were the only thing keeping you standing. As much as you wanted to fight, you physically couldn’t. Hours had already passed since the upper moon first arrived. What you first thought was a simple mission had escalated far more than you could ever imagine. It was only you and him; everyone else was dead or well on their way. Your heart cried for the junior members of the corps. They hadn’t stood a chance. 
Dark. Everything was so dark. Sharp tingles of pain were creeping up your neck, your body felt like it was being moulded into something else. 
Dark. The dark was here. 
You couldn’t die like this. 
Tears were streaming down your face. Were they? Maybe you were just imagining it.
You needed to fight. You needed to fight. You needed to fight.
The most you could do was pry a single eye open. 
Through your squinting vision, you saw the large white moon, so far away up in the sky. The trees whistled with the wind, swaying gently in your peripheral. The demon was elsewhere. Behind you? Was that what the pain radiating from your back was? Maybe. Maybe not. You didn’t know. Everything was numb. A voice whispered into the shell of your ear.
“I can hear your heart slowing down…you sure don’t wanna die, huh?” 
You stared forwards, towards the trees. Was there someone there? What was that sound? 
A warm hand clasped yours. You couldn’t see her, but you knew your mum had come back. And she was tugging, tugging. Tugging you away somewhere. You let your eye fall shut again, just wanting this to be over. Your mum was taking you home, everything would be okay. 
No. Something muttered deep in the black depths of your mind. Look. 
“I just want this to stop,” you tried to say back, but your vocal strings were fried, your life was slowly slipping from your grasp. 
The voice came again, this time with a fiery barrage of anger.
So you did. 
Your gaze narrow and shaky, you watched as a roaring snake blocked out the moon. And there was pink, pink everywhere. The pressure on your back suddenly disappeared and your body was left to tumble to the ground. This time, nothing could stop your descent into darkness. 
“Mmh,” a groan rumbled in your chest. The ground was rapidly moving beneath you, your arms deadweight on your chest. You were floating - no, someone was carrying you. You tried to move your body, but the flaring pain immediately stopped you.
“We’re nearly there,” a quiet voice mumbled somewhere above you. If you weren’t in so much pain, you would have flinched at the sudden noise. Where were you? What was happening?
Peeking your eyes open, you managed to make out the mismatched coloured eyes of the man carrying you. Something silky slid along your neck. 
You tried to say his name but failed, eyes blinking once, twice and then falling shut again as the darkness returned. 
The next time you woke up, it was to a dimly lit room. A plush pillow was situated under your head and a soft blanket was draped loosely over your lower half. Your whole body ached like a buttcheek on a stick, that was for sure. When you tried to move your legs, nothing happened. Your eyes grew wide, but you winced, your skin feeling tender around your left eye. Huffing a breath, you wiggled your way so that you could sit upright, staring in horror at your legs. Were you…?
“Don't get ahead of yourself. Your legs are in casts for now, they’re just broken.” 
Head whipping to the side, you saw Shinobu situated off to the side of your bed. You gaped like a fish, eyes darting between her and your unresponsive legs. A small smile covered her lips. 
When you tried to speak, your mouth was too dry. You only managed to cough.
The Insect Hashira got the hint, picking up a glass of water from the bedside table. You took it graciously in trembling hands, gulping down the liquid like a dry sponge. It became clear that you were about to choke, and Shinobu did nothing as you did just that, water sputtering from your lips as you hacked up your lungs. When your coughing fit finally ended, you handed the glass back, slumping unceremoniously back onto the pillows. The room stayed silent for a moment, your heavy breathing occupying the space. You were in the Butterfly mansion, that much was clear. However, you didn't know how. The last thing you remember, you were on the cusp of death and hallucinating some wacky-ass snake covered in love hearts. 
“How…” you rasped, making eye contact with Shinobu. “How’d I get here? Am I dead?” 
Shinobu stifled a giggle into her haori, magenta hair flying around as she shook her head no. She smiled at you, getting up from her seated position. 
“Well, Obanai and Mitsuri brought you back here. Poor girl was crying too much to explain what happened and you know how that damn Snake Hashira is.” 
You narrowed your eyes, trying hard to remember the past events. As you did, Shinobu made her way to the door. You raised a brow in question, but she only smiled again and slipped out of the room, silence following in her wake. You groaned. So much for asking questions.
For the next couple of minutes, you dwelled on your thoughts, eyes slowly drooping shut. Just when you thought you would fall back asleep, the door to the room burst open. Loud yelling instantly invaded your ears. 
“Yahhh! You’re awake, oh, you’re awake! Do you know how scared I was? Oh! You were bleeding everywhere and you wouldn’t respond when we were saying your name! I thought you were dead. I thought you…” You could only blink in shock at the love hashira. Her yelling quickly quieted down to sobs as she ran over to wrap her arms around your neck. Gargantuan tears rolled off her face and onto your prone form. “Never do that again, okay! When Obanai and I found you, we thought we were too late. Nyahh, why would you fight an upper moon demon alone you dummy!” The crying girl reached a new crescendo as she started yelling again, her voice causing a new throbbing to start up in the back of your head. 
“Okay, ‘Suri. I’m alright,” you whispered, hoping to soothe her screaming. Two big green eyes stared at you for a moment, a steady stream of tears still rolling from them. She went to open her mouth again but you sighed, reaching a hand to stroke her bubblegum hair back from her face. A red tint now accompanied the wet stains on her cheeks. She bit her lip hard, eyes darting all over your face before she wailed one last time and slumped over you like a cat. 
Internally, you cried at the pressure that she put on your ribs, but covered it with a small smile on your face. 
“Oi, you’re hurting her.” 
Mitsuri leaped off of you in an instant, hands covering her mouth. With her no longer obscuring your view of the room, you could see Obanai stood motionless in the doorway. He quietly entered, closing the door behind him. His dull eyes roved your form for a second, before settling on your face. 
“How do you feel?” 
You bit your lip to stop from saying how you really felt. That was, complete and utter shit. Instead, you managed a small grin, watching as he came to sit on the edge of the bed. Mitsuri followed, climbing up onto the sheets and snuggling up close. 
“Fine. How long have I been out?” 
Mitsuri hung onto your arm for dear life, and you watched as her bottom lip wobbled. 
“Two weeks now. I didn’t know if you were ever gonna wake up.” She said sadly, burrowing her head into the nook of your neck. From the side of your eye, you watched as Obanai rolled his eyes at the girl's words. With your free hand, you patted the love hashira on the back, hoping it gave her some sense of comfort. Craning your neck to the side, you averted your stare back to the Serpent Hashira, knowing he’d at least answer some of your questions without bursting into tears.
“What happened back there? I mean, I thought I was dead for sure.” You ended your words with a small laugh, but he didn’t seem to find them very funny. 
“When Kanroji and I arrived, that demon was absorbing you from behind.” That explained the numbness in your back. “You looked as good as dead, hell you were dead. But somehow we managed to ward him off long enough to grab you and get you back here.” 
He stopped talking, gaze assessing the look on your face. At your prolonged silence, Mitsuri popped her head up to look at your expression. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“You didn’t kill it?” you asked slowly. Next to you, Mitsuri gulped. Obanai just looked at you. “You let it get away?” You insisted, neck cracking as you raised up onto your weak forearms. Mitsuri uttered words of warning but you ignored them, brows pulled tightly together. Your eyes flew between your fellow hashira, lips opening and closing in disbelief. 
“That wasn’t the priority.” Obanai said simply. Your eyes focused on him. Besides you, Mitsuri hummed her agreement. 
“Why?” you growled. “How was that not the priority? I fought that damn demon for hours. Okay? Hours. The two of you together could have beat him no problem, upper moon or not. And what, you just let it get away? This is our job! This is what we do! If we don’t kill these demons when we get the chance, how the hell are we supposed to ever stop Muzan, huh? Ubayashiki won’t be happy to hear this. I’m not happy to hear this!” 
Mitsuri ducked her head, but Obanai’s gaze didn’t waver. 
“Ubayashiki knows.” 
You grit your teeth. “‘He knows’, that’s all you're gonna say? Why not explain your actions then! Explain why you let an upper moon get away when you were in the prime position to kill it!”
The raven haired man stayed silent this time, eyes finally falling to his lap. 
But you weren’t done with this, no way. A heavy pressure bared down on your chest, stopping you from getting full lungfuls of air. All the pain did was remind you of what happened. Remind you that you nearly died. And for what? What did you almost die for, if the demon got away in the end? You said exactly this, watching as the two avoided meeting your eye. 
“I swear to god,” you seethed. “You better tell me that you know where that demon went, or so help me…” 
The silence gave you your answer. 
Mitsuri sat up fully, eyes brimming with fresh tears. She took hold of your hand, bringing it close to her chest.
“We did it for you,” she babbled, tugging on the sleeve of your hospital jacket. “Please don’t be angry.” 
You wrenched your hand away.
“Well I am! I am angry! How can you say -”
“Stop it,” Obanai suddenly snapped. Both Mitsuri and you shot your eyes to where he was now standing up. His gaze had hardened, fists clenched by his side. “Don’t get mad at her. She did nothing wrong. We had two options: kill the demon or save your life. Now, I don’t know if you have some suicidal tendencies or something but we made our decision and we chose you. It’s up to you if you can accept that or not, but there’s no going back, so just stop.”
“Obanai…” Mitsuri whispered but he kept his steely glare directed at you. 
“That’s the problem,” you hissed, recovering from your initial shock. Out of all the hashira, Iguro was one of the quietest - rarely did he raise his voice or get angry like this. Nevermind that though, the beating in your head and the irritation you felt urged you on. “You made a dumb choice. That demon is gonna go and he’s gonna kill hundreds of more people. Why? Because you had a severe lapse in judgement? Is that why, Obanai?” 
Obanai met your words head on, his eyes narrowing. 
“Maybe it was a dumb decision,” he growled. “But it was our decision. Mitsuri and I. We chose you. You were more important in that moment. What about that can’t you understand?” 
“Oh, I understand perfectly fine! I understand that there are two incompetent hashira among us that don’t understand where their priorities should lay. How's that for understanding?” 
Mitsuri gasped quietly next to you but you didn’t dare tear your gaze away from the serpent hashira. If you could have seen his mouth, you swore he’d have been sneering at you in this moment. You watched as he took a few deep breaths, eyes shutting in what looked like exasperation.
“You.” He declared lowly. “You are our priority. And I am not going to apologise for saving you. Nor is Mitsuri. So, get. over. it.” The last words sounded like they were spoken through gritted teeth. Your nostrils flared. 
“I am not your priority.” You argued, eyes blazing. 
“That is not up to you to decide.”
“No? Well I just did! If you think… “ you started, voice beginning to rise. “If you think that my life is more important than taking down Muzan, then you're delusional. You’re crazy!” 
“Do not put words in my mouth!” Obanai hissed back, Kaburamaru copying this sentiment. 
Your eyes shot open as you laughed mockingly. “I’m not putting anything but the truth in your mouth!” 
“Stop it!” Mitsuri cried, now standing as well. “Stop it, the both of you!” 
Both your heads whipped towards the pink haired girl, who now had her hands clasped together as if she were about to get on her knees and beg. 
“Mitsuri,” Obanai said softly, his tone doing a complete 180. “It’s her, not me.” 
It’s a miracle your neck didn’t break at the speed in which you turned to glower at him. Your throat, still not completely healed, scratched with every word. 
“Me? Are you kidding? It’s ME?” You were hysterical at this point.
Obanai didn’t concede. 
“I don’t understand what your problem is. Really. This is pointless. What you’re saying is pointless!”
You were going to murder this man. You were going to have to commit seppuku for the war crimes that you were about to commit against him.
“Why!” You finally exploded. “I just want to know why you think saving me was your priority! Especially, when we both know that the right thing to do would’ve been to ditch me and kill that son-of-a bitch!”
This time, Obanai didn’t respond. You were panting, glare prominent on your face. Your ribs were hurting and all the shouting hadn’t helped the headache you were sporting. Off to the side, Mitsuri whimpered.
“Tell her, Obanai,” she murmured. He glared at her, then at you.
“No.” He said.
“Tell her,” she urged again. 
You could quickly feel the rage swelling in your belly.
“Tell me what?” you croaked, voice ran raw. You wanted to shout and scream and demand answers, but you were so tired. 
Obanai stayed quiet. Your eyes darted to Mitsuri now, who squeaked at whatever she saw in your gaze. Her hands fumbled nervously with the front of her uniform, teeth gnawing on her bottom lip. She shot a look at Obanai.
“We, um…” she started. On your other side, Obanai said something quietly. You didn’t hear, but Mitsuri clearly did as she grew a determined look on her face. 
“‘Suri…”  You warned.
No one spoke for a moment, before…
“We love you!” Mitsuri wailed, volume going unchecked as her face turned as red as hot coal. 
You blinked, suddenly stumped for words. “Huh, you mean…Huh?” 
Mitsuri started to cry again for whatever reason. You could only stare dumbly.
“I love you,” Mitsuri babbled between sobs. “He loves you too but he won’t say it!” She continued to cry. 
When you looked back at Obanai, he refused to meet your eye. 
A sudden knock on the door shocked you out of your stupor. Shinobu peeked her head inside, but immediately stopped as she took in all of your faces. Without a word, she quickly retreated, door slamming shut.
The room went dead silent, aside from Mitsuri’s quiet sniffles as she tried to gain control over her emotions. 
Slowly, you started to speak, directing your words at Obanai as you did.
“Tell me that’s not true. It’s just Mitsuri being Mitsuri, right? Right.” He still didn’t look at you, silently shaking his head. You felt your chin wobble. “Don’t say that,” you protested. “Don’t say that!” You grew angry again, poking a finger into the snake pillar's chest. Your body turned to Mitsuri. “‘Suri you don’t mean that. Don’t say that, please. Please.” 
She only smiled sadly. One of her hands reached out as if to comfort you, but you backed away into the pillow behind you. Your eyes widened in horror. 
“Get out,” you crowed. “Get out, now!” 
“What?” Mitsuri whispered.
“Get out of my room.” You stated, curling in on yourself. Mitsuri stepped forward, looking as though she didn’t know what to do with herself. Her eyes stared into yours, but it was like she wasn’t actually seeing you. 
“You don’t mean that. You’re just tired, you need time to recover. You don’t… After everything, you can’t possibly mean to say…” 
You choked on a sob, pulling the blankets higher over you. Bound by the cast, you did what you could to turn away from the both of them. Mitsuri said your name one last time but you covered your ears, tears finally springing into your eyes. 
“Get out…” you murmured, too tired to do anything. Too tired to beg or yell or cry. 
You heard as Obanai moved, saying something quietly to Mitsuri. Footsteps, then the door to your room closed and you were left all alone again. 
Maybe that’s all you’d ever be. 
Do we want a part two to this? I kinda do lol
part two is out!!
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ornii · 1 year
The Waking World
Enid Sinclair X Male Reader
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What was it? The Blood… the screams.. the nightmares?
Jericho houses a dark truth behind it. Crackstone was not the only force to hunt the monsters of Nevermore, a small group formed long ago to hunt Beasts gone Awry. Established during the height of Crackstone as reign, the Hunters sought to slay Monsters that became too rowdy or were dangers to the world. The Club seemed to fall apart once Crackstone had been murdered. But one family still remains, an old man and his grandson. A young hunter in training and his elderly grandfather took it upon themselves to hunt the monsters that plagued the world, unfortunately, or I suppose fortunately, love Struck the young hunter first.
The Night was still Young, and the Hunter had made his trudge though the Forest. His footsteps crashing in the ground and breaking leaves. He huffs, carrying his equipment for the hunt. He knelt down near a tree, touching an odd liquid.
“Blood.. humans..” he quickly looks up to search for any trails of what it could lead, but what he saw was, something else. A young woman, pinned to a tree by some, monster, a Hyde. Its bulging eyes and elongated teeth were closing in to turn her into minced meat. The Hyde was going to finish the raven haired girl. Before the shell of a pistol tore though the cheek of the Hyde who dropped the girl. She turns sternly to the man approaching.
“Escape while you can!” He yells, The Hyde turns It’s attention towards him, and with a quick draw, he fired again to get its attention. The Hyde charged at him, and he prepares his second weapon, a rusty saw blade, crudely made and reeking of oil and stained blood. The girl watches the Hyde pin him to a tree. And he slashed the Arm of the monster. He rolls out of the way and goes for the legs. Fighting beasts wasn’t a tall task for an experienced hunter, but this beast was well beyond his comprehension. He switched his blade to a longer form and began to fight defensively; taking quick cuts and shots where he could, desperately attempting to avoid the claws of the beast. But that only lasted for a moment, before the Hyde dug its claws into his chest and tossed him into a hallow tree, shattering it on impact with his body.
The hunter rolls onto his stomach and barely gets to his hands and knees, trying to shake off the assault. The Hyde’s horrid growl echoes though the darkness, he barely rose up, and prepared a knife in his hand. Ready to deliver a final attack, for this could be his last. He could barely see the moving shadows in the dark, before stopping on one. He stares at it, wondering if taking his eyes off of it only for a moment would result in his death. He waited, until the Hyde leapt at him. Suddenly the beast was blindsided by another monster. He sheaths hus knife and searched for his saw blade, which was jammed into the earth a few feet away, he grabs it ready to fight. He looked to his side to view the Hyde fighting a werewolf. A Werwolf saved him, how comical.
He sighed and was preparing an explosive to kill them both, as he prepares, he stopped.
“This Monster spared your life, would it be right to kill it?” He fought himself, he puts the bomb away and charged in, he rushed in, and leaped upon the back of the Hyde and yanked his head. Allowing the werewolf to attack, biting its leg, and with one final leap he dragged the Hyde down and began to punch without question, eventually knocking the Hyde out, the Hunter collapses to one knee from exhaustion. Drawing his Saw, he approaches the wolf.
“I apologize for this, I suppose I should thank you… but a Hunter must hunt.” He raised his Saw blade, but slowly halted as the Werwolf transformed back into a, girl. His will slowly began to dissipate and the girl looks up, realizing what’s going on. He lowers his blade and quickly turns around.
“… you’re naked.” He says, the girl quickly covers up.
“Y-yeah.. I noticed.” She replies, he says nothing but simply leaves. Not able to go though with what he planned.
It was the next morning, a dreadful headache was plaguing (Y/n), who had fallen asleep at the table at the coffee shop.
“That’s him, right there!”
“Hm… he looks disheveled.”
Enid and Wednesday watched from the window. (Y/n) had a long night to say the least, saving Wednesday and Enid from the Hyde.
“I don’t see him as a threat, you could effortlessly claw his throat out, actually I would enjoy to see that.”
“Gross. I Just want to talk to him. Can you be there? Please?” Enid says, and Wednesday lingers for a moment, before replying.
“Fine. If you pussyfoot around the subject I will tell him myself.” She says. And Enid enters with Wednesday. They approach the booth, and the man slowly opens his eyes, and spots Enid at his desk. He remembers her eyes, the piercing beauty of it.
“The Girl…” he mumbled.
“I need to talk to you about last night.” She says, and he calmly sits up.
“I have little to say, but speak.” He replies, Enid slips and sits across from him.
“I’m not here to thank you for saving me, you we’re going to kill me, weren’t you?”
“That’s what hunters must do..” he admits, “Beasts Roam the world, killing innocent people, enslaving those under their thumb.” He explains, Enid frowns at this.
“You.. you’re Not a Monster, You’re Not a beast. You’re a.. pretty Girl..” he says, Enid looks a bit confused.
“What’s the difference between someone like me, and Tyler? The Hyde?”
“You aren’t going to kill people out of blood lust, are you? You aren’t enslaving people for your whim, you seem.. annoyingly optimistic.” He says, Enid didnt respond. But clenched her fist, Wednesday was about to speak before Enid cut her off.
“That’s bullshit.” She says softly, (Y/n) eyes the girl.
“We’re Born Like this, sometimes we cant control it but that doesn’t mean we deserve to die. We want to live normal lives, be happy, why can’t you understand that?” She said, which caused the Hunter to halt in his thought process.
“Because.. that is all I know, to hunt and kill and.. protect. Perhaps you view it as a sin, but it is an necessary evil, a pact I made.” He says, he prepares to leave by stepping out of the booth. Before Wednesday and he were face to face.
“I do not wish for a confrontation.”
“That flew out of the window when you went to kill Enid.”
He sighs and says nothing, and considers this for a moment.
“What do you want?” He asks.
“I want to know why.” Enid says, and (Y/n) was a bit surprised by her response.
“You wish to understand? Fine, I will take you to my Grandfather, he can explain more.” He says.
The Trio leave and head towards the forest.
“The Church of Healing was formed years ago, while Crackstone was at his highest in power, he was merely a puppet for most, as the Hunters grew in strength we began to push him out, and allowed Goody to deliver a final blow to him.” He explains, they reach a large thick forest, and he kneels down at a tree and calmly placed his hands on it, suddenly the trees began to shrink, and reveal a hallow path.
“I’ve never seen this.” Wednesday said.
“You simply did not have the insight to see it, there are things the human eye cannot comprehend without knowledge.” He says. And he leads them deep into the path, eventually they reach it, the gothic worshop of the old hunters.
“Hm.. I’ve seen worse.” Wednesday said, but Enid was more creeps out.
“Anyway, where’s your Grandfather?” Enid asks.
“He usually partakes in the Workshop with the doll, but I suppose he must be in the garden. Come.” He said. And walked along a right path, eventually the trio enter a lush beautiful garden, adorned with pearly white flowers. And at the head of the tree, an old man sat in his rocker, they approached and (Y/n) knelt for a moment.
“Grandfather, I have brought.. ahem. Those who would understand our cause.”
“Oh… I See.. This is why Nevermore flesh stirs upon our land, why do you wish to understand why we hunt your kind?” The old man asks, Wednesday was first.
“Because our lives are at stake, how did you hide this? This entire place? What hellish magic did you perform?” She asks, the old man chuckles.
“Curiosity.. a deadly virus. You wish to know the truth, I will tell you, but alas it will do you none well.. (Y/n). Your mother and father died from the actions of Nevermore, but.. there is a way to return back to your Waking world. But, it requires a sacrifice, and these two will do. You will forget the dream, and awake under the morning sun.” He says, offering these girls lives to him, “you will be freed.. from this terrible dream.” He said, (Y/n) felt the tense of his hand, as Enid grabbed it, a bit afraid. He began to realize it all.
“I cannot do that.” He says, which makes the old man grip his cane a bit harder.
“She saved me from death, perhaps, perhaps we can reconsider our stance on this all.. perhaps things aren’t not as black and white anymore.” He asks, the old man said nothing. But what terrified (Y/n) and Enid, was when the old man stood up…
"Dear, oh dear, what was it? The hunt, the blood, or the horrible dream?” He asks…
“Grandfather?” (Y/n) asks.
“Oh, it doesn't matter. It always comes down to the hunters' helper to clean up after these sorts of messes…” the old man drew a weapon with lighting speed. And looked calmly to the three.
“Enid.. Wednesday.. Get back! Now!” He yells, the girls slowly back away as (Y/n) slowly drew his cleaver. The old man chuckles as he approached and murmured..
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“Tonight, Gehrman joins the Hunt..”
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grimmswan · 3 months
Love Bites (But So Do I) part 5
Captain Swan Supernatural Summer @cssns
In his search to find a way to make Emma his again, as well as do away with her werewolf lover, Neal learned of a witch that would create a potion for anything a being desired.
For the right price, of course.
“I need three potions. One to kill a werewolf. One to make the woman I want desire me again. And one that will allow me to sneak up to them and administer the first two.”
“That which you desire comes with a high price. Are you willing to pay it?”
Neal didn’t care what the price was. It was well worth it if it meant destroying his rival and having Emma back.
But he started second guessing things when it wasn’t gold the witch wanted, but half of his strength and his vampire speed.
He was barely able to defend himself with his abilities fully intact. If he were weakened, he would not stand a chance in a confrontation.
Neal went through with the transaction. Certain that once Killian was dead, and Emma was in love with him again, he would have nothing to worry about.
The witch crushed some herbs over Neal’s head and muttered a few words. A green smoke emerged from his mouth, drifting to an empty vial that the witch quickly put a cork into once it was full.
Payment made, the witch went to her cupboard and retrieved the potions Neal desired.
Holding up a vial that glowed yellow, the witch said, “Before you enter the property of your former lover and her beast, pour this over yourself. They will be unable to smell or hear you coming.” Holding up a glowing blue vial, she continued, “This potion will render any being powerless for three minutes.” Holding up the third vial, that switched from black to red, and back to black, the witch cautioned. “I would suggest you throw the vials at your attended targets at the same time, and act fast. The third potion will make your desired beauty forget everything and become your mindless slave, but only if she is away from everything that would remind her of her past.
Not wanting to waste any time, Neal rushed to the grand home Emma and Killian shared.
Just as he was on the edge of the property, Neal poured the first potion over himself.
He believed the best course was to climb around the outside of the building, peeking in through each window in order to discover which room the couple resided in.
Taking them by surprise was the only way he would accomplish what he wanted to do.
When Neal discovered the window he needed, he was overcome with rage. Inside, he saw Emma on the bed being taken by the werewolf. Though at that moment he was in his human form.
 She was positioned on her hands and knees. He was behind her, his grip tight on her hips as he pounded into her.
Neal did not believe she could actually be enjoying such force, but her moans showed that she did.
She would be moaning for him soon enough, he vowed. He would make her pay for all of the trouble she had caused him.
In fact, he decided that he would deny her any pleasure until she had properly and thoroughly made all of the suffering he went through up to him. As well as apologize for allowing herself to be touched by such a beast.
Neal fantasized about making Emma use her mouth, and only her mouth on him. He would not even allow her to touch herself until she showed that she was truly sorry for walking for all that she had done.
He shook himself out of his imaginings.  
Now was the best time to attack. While they were distracted. He just needed to break through the glass and douse them with the potions.
He would finally be able to kill Killian and have Emma obedient and all to himself.
But just as he put his hands on the glass, electric currents were sent coursing through Neal’s body. He screamed in agony. It felt as if his entire body was on fire.
The sack with the potions dropped to the ground, shattering the bottles inside. 
When the torment finally ended, Neal discovered he had been thrown to the street.
 Looking at his hands he discovered the tips of his fingers were blackened like ash. His once glossy nails had disintegrated. Checking the rest of himself over, he saw that his clothes were ruined. They were completely covered in burns and holes. Too much of his skin was on display and it looked red and charred.
With so much damage to his body, Neal knew he had to quickly get back to his home to recover. 
If a person of authority saw him, they would ask questions he would be unable to answer.
He knew he was not supposed to be anywhere near Emma or Killian. One more offense to the pair and the council would declare Neal a nuisance. Meaning he would be fair game for other supernatural beings to attack.
And if he were attacked at that moment, he would not have the ability to run away fast enough. 
He was self aware enough to know that he did not have any ability to defend himself.
But it was too late. Killian, in his beast form, emerged from the estate and came straight at Neal.
Powerful jaws ripped the pervert apart. Neal screamed in a mixture of fear and agony as massive claws dug into his flesh, tearing away a large chunk with every swipe. The massive werewolf foot was clawed and impressively strong. The full weight of the beast pressed down on Neal’s groin. Razor sharp claws sunk into the soft flesh. With only the slightest movement, the clawed foot tore away the appendage the creep was so fond of.
“I’m not going to kill you now.” Killian rumbled. “I want you to suffer knowing that while you are writhing in agony as your body is recovering, I will be making Emma’s body writhe in pleasure.”
He kicked the mess of the vampire into a nearby gutter, off of the street and out of the way of vehicles and pedestrians.
Neal was forced to recover among the insects and vermin. With half of his vampire strength gone, it would take him twice as long to heal.
Killian returned to his and Emma’s bedchamber, shirtless, covered in blood and sweat.
Emma’s eyes glowed green with desire as she gazed at her lover. Every inch of him was masculine male. And she loved that she could call him, hers.
Though he had only been gone a few minutes, she had missed him terribly. Everything felt cold and lonely without Killian holding her.
Emma had felt so empty when Killian had withdrawn from her to deal with their nuisance.
When they realized that their security system, one especially designed to guard against supernatural beings, had been triggered, Killian had insisted on going to investigate.
Emma’s pleasure was important to him, but her safety was even more so.
She could tell it was torture for him to leave her side. But he took his responsibilities to her seriously, and his code of honor would never allow him to ignore any threat to her.
He was so good to her. She wanted to do everything in her power to show him how grateful she was for his affection and protection.
She watched him hungrily as he moved to the water basin and removed his pants.
When he reached for a wet cloth, Emma realized he intended to wash before returning to their bed.
With vampire speed, she moved behind him. She trailed one hand down his chest as she slid her tongue over his neck.
“Let me get you clean. I promise to make it enjoyable.”
“I don't doubt that, love.” Killian returned with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. “A man would have to be mad to turn down the chance to have you touch him.”
She guided him to the bed and laid him on his back.
A relaxed sigh escaped Killian’s lips as Emma ran her lips and fingers over his skin.
“I love your scent,” she confessed to him. “I especially love how you smell after you've been in a fight. I love licking the blood and sweat from your skin. You taste so good.”
She finished her sentence by licking a long stripe up his length.
“Bloody hell, Swan! You have the best technique for getting a man clean!” He moaned, gripping the sheets so he didn't stop her from doing whatever she wanted to do.
He had a strong feeling that whatever she intended, he would enjoy it.
Hours later, Killian wasn’t close to being clean. But he didn't care. He felt too good to care about anything other than the naked blonde writhing her body against his.
She had begged him to allow her to pleasure him with her mouth. In return, he had begged her to position herself so he could use his mouth on her.
Loving her scent, her taste, the way her silken petals felt as he slid his tongue through them, Killian feasted on her with ravenous hunger.
The more pleasure he gave her, the more she moaned, which in turn created more pleasure for him.
It was an endless cycle of bliss. Both sent the other to paradise, where they took each other to the stars again and again.
But as good as they made each other feel with just their mouths, they both needed to connect in every possible way.
Killian grabbed Emma’s hips, pushing them down with one hand with the other arm wrapped around her waist, lifting her to press her back against his chest. 
With amazing ease, he slid himself into her heat. They both moaned at being connected at the most primal level.
“Bloody hell, love, how do you feel better and better every time I’m inside you.” Killian groaned.
He moved his hands over her body, taking special care to stroke her breasts, then slowly moving lower.
One hand reached her clit. He continuously caressed the red pearl, wanting to give her as much pleasure as possible.
With him touching her just the way she wanted, Emma was barely able to stay in rhythm. Not that it mattered. She gave Killian exactly what he needed when she came around him, crying out his name in her euphoria.
Keeping his fingers on her fold, he tightened his arms around her waist, and pumped savagely into her until they were fully sated.
They collapsed on the bed, kissing and caressing one another, whispering words of love and praise until they drifted to sleep, held tenderly in eachothers arms.
Outside, in the gutter, the only moans coming from Neal were those of severe agony.
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monstersdownthepath · 11 months
Lord of Skies and Temptation: Pazuzu, King of the Wind Demons
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CR 30
Chaotic Evil Large Outsider
Bestiary 4, pg. 50-51 (Image from the Complete Book of the Damned, pg. 87)
Among the eldest and most powerful of the Demon Lords, Pazuzu was one the first non-Qlippoth demons in all existence along with his former lover, Lamashtu. His dalliances with Lamashtu during the early days of creation were things of both legend and horror, their meetings on fledgling worlds striking the unfortunate planets with the force of asteroids and populating them with all manner of unholy creations. Both of them would scheme and vie for the position of God of the Abyss, but in the end, the throne would only accept one. Tearing the domain of beasts from the god Curchanus, Lamashtu ascended to the rank of Demon God and kicked the ladder out from under her, preventing anyone else from following in her shadow. She now regards Pazuzu as little more than someone she dated in the past, nothing more than a brief fling... something which whips the winged Demon Lord into a berserk, frothing fury.
Or, well, it did. As the ages have passed, Pazuzu has gotten more subtle and patient, and has begun seeing value in manipulating mortals. He's begun to work in Lamashtu's shadow, weaving just enough purposeless destruction into his antics that she barely registers his presence with anything but passing interest, but with every word whispered into the ear of a willing mortal, he erodes the pillars on which the Demon Queen has built her castle by another slight scratch. It may take a few thousand more years yet, but he has all of eternity; one of the perks of being at the top of the pecking order himself. Very, very few other Demon Lords wish to cross him, and for good reason. That "CR 30" isn't just for decoration!
The other biggest reason is that almost every Demon Lord in existence has some manner of flight speed, and Pazuzu's Avian Mastery means ANY creature with a natural, nonmagical flight speed must make a DC 40 Will save to attack him; failure causes the attack to not only fail, but also locks the victim out of being able to directly attack Pazuzu for 1d4 rounds. This ability is unlikely to come up against players (unless they're all Strix, for whatever reason), but he has a great many other tricks that definitely will.
To anyone coming here from D&D, yes, Pazuzu still retains his most famous ability: Hear Name. He can hear his name every single time it's spoken aloud by anyone on any world or plane and through every barrier and form of protection there is. This ability presumably works on any speaking creature, gods and innocent scholars and babbling toddlers alike, so one could imagine it getting annoying for him. However, if his name is said thrice in the same breath (even if it's just part of a long run-on sentence), he instantly knows the exact location and true name of the speaker, which is information that's infinitely more useful for him; he rejects calls from his cultists more often than not but tends to at least investigate anyone who's unfamiliar to him on the off-chance it may be a new soul he can corrupt. Be careful trying to get his attention, though, because if he happens to be on the same plane as a creature that says his name three times, he can immediately try and Possess the poor fool and ride along in their soul for the remainder of their days (or until he possesses another target but shh).
That may not seem especially useful as a Demon Lord who spends most of his time in the Abyss, but Pazuzu is explicitly noted to not do that. To avoid divine retribution he must remain hidden (at-will Shapechange aids in that regard) and work subtly, but Pazuzu is one of the few Demon Lords who can not only freely travel to and from the Material Plane, but often does to further his own schemes personally. How does he get there? Well, that's the fun part! All Demon Lords can use Miracle while they're within their own domains, but their Miracle can only be used to shape their realm or create an effect in-line with their divine domains... but Pazuzu goes a step further with Wish available to him 1/day, the spell completely unrestricted in his hands and allowing him to simply Plane Shift wherever he pleases without issue. Powerful enough outside his lair, but he can use the Mythic Augmented version while in his domain to perform truly berserk feats that borderline breaking the game's rules entirely. Mythic Augmented Wish is basically a blank check in the DM's hands, and it alone is what allows the Lord of Temptation to steer the mortal world in whatever direction he desires.
If he doesn't Wish himself into the universe, he may still use Astral Projection (as all Demon Lords can) to send his essence in instead, his projection acting in every respect as his flesh and blood body, including being able to use Possession on anyone who speaks his name thrice. What IS Possession, you may ask? Is it like the spell of the same name? Haha, ha, no, you WISH it was that weak. Pazuzu's Possession is the stuff of legends, a Save-or-Suck that can decide not only a battle, but a campaign if it's used successfully. Once per day as a swift action, Pazuzu can target any creature within a mile (or on the same plane, if the target is someone who spoke his name thrice) whose name he knows and attempt to possess them. That target has one DC 43 Will save standing between them and the Demon Lord being able to ruin their life; if they succeed, Pazuzu can never attempt to possess them for as long as they live (being killed and returning to life voids this warranty), but if they fail? Ooh boy.
Pazuzu can permanently read the mind of a possessed creature and, by concentrating, can receive all their sensory information. Not so bad so far, especially since the creature retains their own will and control over their body, but this is only at the Demon Lord's whim. As a swift action, he can seize total control of their body and command them to perform any action he wants them to, without restriction. He can force a possessed target to attack their allies, use their most powerful magic to destroy everything around them, destroy or throw aside all of their possessions, hand over a MacGuffin or slay a helpful NPC, fight alongside him or grant him their resources, or even end their own life, and the victim has no ability to resist his control or deny his orders. No saving throw, no force of will, no nothing. While the overt uses are bad enough, if the Demon Lord is especially cruel, he may have his victim speak their true thoughts--no matter how damaging to the party's relationships they may be. He always knows what they're thinking and can force them to say whatever he wants, including just straight up making up "truths" for his victim to helplessly spout, but sometimes the real truth is more painful than any lie he could conceive.
He can use his swift action to command his possessed victim to perform any action they could take on their own, but he has an even worse trick as well: He can channel his spell-like abilities through his puppet as well. Mercifully, the spells are scaled to the victim's stats rather than his own, so a creature with 5 Hit Dice would only deal 2d8 damage with his Unholy Blight and Telekinesis would only last 5 rounds, so it's all fairly balanced... except for Whirlwind and Summon Demons, the former conjuring a destructive, controllable cyclone that can bodily lift and throw Medium creatures like pebbles, and the latter a spell-like that Pazuzu can use 3/day as a swift action which conjures a flat CR 20 encounters-worth of demons regardless of the possessed host's level. The only thing their level affects is how many rounds the cyclone or the demons stick around, and even just 3 rounds is enough time for them to wreak unholy havoc before vanishing.
Other tools at Pazuzu and his puppet's disposal include, but are not limited to: Desecrate, Blasphemy, Shapechange, and Dominate Person all at-will. At 3/day there's the aformentioned Whirlwind, Quickened Dominate Person, Sympathy, and Symbol of Persuasion, and finally as his 1/days besides his Wish, there's Dominate Monster and Time Stop. Useful enough in his hands, but combining them with the talents of his puppet? He may not have to lift a finger. Beyond these, the uses for Greater Teleport at will are infinite, but with his ability to force his puppet to use it, he could easily kidnap them from across any distance by having them teleport right to his side for whatever wicked designs he has.
One DC 43 Will save failure is all he needs... but luckily, a Lawful creature gets a +10 bonus to this save, while a Good creature gets +20, and both these bonuses stack for Lawful Good creatures, meaning the shining paladin of Iomedae only has to succeed a DC 13 save to avoid being possessed, so pathetically low that characters expecting to engage the Demon Lord in combat can only fail if they roll a 1 and even common citizens have a fair chance at battling his influence. Unfortunately, as Lord of Temptation, he does have a trick for that: Profane Wishcraft. Any creature that accepts a Wish from him--even if they're coerced, mislead by Shapechange or a possessed victim, tricked into it by Sympathy, or controlled via Dominate--has to make a DC 43 Will save or have their soul contaminated and shift immediately to Chaotic Evil. While this is terrible enough for the hope of their immortal soul, it also leaves them open to Possession without the protection of their alignment.
We've talked a long while about Possession, but in truth it's Pazuzu's biggest and most flexible tool, and his most unique ability. It's not mind-affecting or any form of curse, so there's no way to avoid it but its saving throw. The victim can't end it by their own action (because he'll know and stop it), and any creature who breaks the effect via Dispel Evil or Dispel Chaos must succeed a DC 30 caster level check or he just possesses them instead. Even if it's ended, here's a fun fact: There's no per-day restriction for any creature that says his name three times, so the unfortunate victim is one Suggestion or Dominate away from being worn like a puppet all over again!
If Pazuzu didn't have access to this signature ability... well, there's just not a lot that's actually special about him. He's powerful, yes, but generically powerful, using potent but boring spell-likes to seize control of his enemies and smashing apart what he can't control with his Scepter of Shibaxet, a personal artifact he can call to himself at any time. In its scepter form, the Scepter of Shibaxet can pinpoint the exact location of any creature hostile to its wielder at-will (a boring but incredibly practical power), can be presented as a standard action to induce panic in all creatures within 60ft who fail a DC 23 Will save, and can 1/day be used to permanently destroy any magic item. That last one is sure to raise an eyebrow or two, especially if your big suit of magic armor was the only thing standing between you and the Scepter's alternate form as a +5 Anarchic Keen Unholy Longsword! That's 2d6+20 damage up to four times a round, +2d6 if you're Good or Lawful and +4d6 if you're both. If he's being harried or feels like harrying, he can use Flyby Attack and Greater Vital Strike in tandem with his 150ft fly speed to deal 6d6+20 as a single blow instead.
However, he's incentivized to stand and fight. Not only for his weapon Full-Attack, but because he's also got a painful beak (2d6+15), his free hand and his two birdy talons (1d6+5), and his lengthy scorpion tail (2d8+15) loaded with a poison that not only drains 1d6 Wisdom with each failure to resist it, but nauseates the poisoned victim. In addition, if Pazuzu doesn't move more than 5ft in a round, he becomes surrounded by his Aura of Locusts that pour from his mouth and fill a 10ft square around his already 10ft body. Any creature that enters or starts their turn in this space must succeed a DC 43 Fortitude save or be nauseated... but I can't help but feel this is a tragically missed opportunity. Why not let his locusts do extra damage? Why not give him a free Vomit Swarm every round? Why doesn't he have Creeping Doom or, hell, just Insect Plague since he literally passively exhales insects? It'd make him a lot more interesting than he ends up being!
But I suppose that's why he's as close to a "demon king" as there currently is in Pathfinder. His kit is simple and effective, as he's essentially an incredibly fast and incredibly resilient melee tank, with his standout Possession ability carrying a thousand plot-hooks and party wipes by itself. The relative dullness of his kit in battle is made up for by all the chaos he can cause out of battle, granting wishes and demonic powers to his mortal thralls and minions, and using his menagerie of crafting feats to gear them up to deal with whatever would make them nigh-insurmountable threats to the party... or to tempt the party into working for him with whatever treasure they need to combat an entirely different, more immediate threat. In this way, he serves almost the same purpose in the Abyss as Mephistopheles does in Hell!
You can read more about him here.
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Return To Me (Pt 1)
For the safety of your family your father, Jake, decides to move the family out of the forest. Now you and your siblings must navigate your new lives in the reefs. (Warnings Spoilers) Word Count: 1837
Sa'sem: Parent(s) Sempu: Daddy Sa'nu: Mommy Tawtute: Skyperson/Human ______________________________________________________________
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Life has been like a dream and a nightmare all at once. My siblings and I grew up with stories about how our sa'sem met. Also, about how Sempu became Toruk Makto and led the Na'vi to victory against the tawtute, sending them back from where they came. For many years that's all they were...stories. Now they've become reality. A bad man has come back to Pandora, looking for revenge on Sempu. That man and some others ambushed my younger siblings and taking them captive to get to him. Sa'nu, Sempu, Neteyam and I managed to save them, barely making it out alive. Tragically they managed to kidnap our beloved friend, Spider. Instead of attacking the tawtute and saving Spider, Sempu has decided to give up his title as Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya and flee.
“Sempu!” I call from my ikran as we fly away. “Where are we going?”
“Somewhere safe.” he answers.
Then I look back to the forest, our home. Neteyam was supposed to be the next Olo'eyktan, I was going to help him protect the people by being the next Toruk Makto. Kiri has to leave her mother behind. Lo'ak hasn't found his place in the forest yet. And poor TukTuk might never be able to tame her own ikran. Worst of all, I don't know if we will ever see our grandma, whose now all alone.
"When are we coming back?" I ask Sempu.
"I don't know." he sighs.
It took about a week to arrive at our destination. A feeling of relief filled me when I saw the Matkayina village. When they see us, a horn is sounded, and I can hear the people making different calls before diving into the water. When we land a crowd quickly forms around us.
"Be cool. Sempu tells us. Then he spots Sa'nu taking her bow. "Leave it."
He holds up his arms to show that he is not a threat and Neteyam copies him. Sa'nu takes TukTuk's hand so she doesn't stray too far away. Kiri pulls her shawl closer to her body, seemingly uncomfortable with the attention on us. Lo'ak seems to be taking in the surroundings.
"Hey." Sempu says coming to a stopping in the center.
The crowd parts for two boys. The shorter one had short curly hair and the taller one, who's actually a little cute, had his hair braided into a bun. They must be important giving how the crowd parted for them. My brothers and I greeted them, but they didn't return it. Instead, the circled around us and started to mock our bodies.
”What is that?” The shorter one laughs pointing at Neteyam’s tail which causes the other one to laugh as well. “Is that supposed to be a tail?”
"How are they supposed to swim?" the taller one laughs.
I let out a hiss and make my way over to them. But I don't get far when Neteyam grabs ahold of my wrist.
“Easy.” he warns. “Just be cool.”
I send the boys one last glare then relax my body. But Neteyam doesn't let go of my wrist, he knows me so well. This time a girl joins the crowd and scolds the boys for teasing us. The first thing she does is scold the boys for mocking us.
“Hey.” Lo’ak smiles to her which she responds with a blush.
“We just got here baby bro.” I giggle nudging him.
I share a smirk with Neteyam as Lo'ak blushes and turns away. Then a beast flies over us causing everyone to duck. The rider is Tonowari, their olo'eytkan. Lastly, Ronal, their tsahìk, joins his side. We greet both of them but only Tonowari returns it.
“Why do you come to us Jake Sully?” Tonowari asks.
“We seek uturu.” Sempu announces. “A sanctuary for my family.”
”You are forest people.” Tonowari points out as Ronal starts to circle us. “We are reef people. Your skills will be useless here.”
“We will learn your ways.” Sempu says and we nod in agreement.
"Their arms are thin." Ronal says grabbing TukTuk's arm them mine. After that she starts to tug on tails. "Their tails are weak. They will be slow in the water."
“Ow.” Kiri whines when Ronal tugs her tail next.
“Y/N.” Neteyam warns. I didn't realize that I started to bare my teeth at the tsahìk. “It will be over soon.”
“Not soon enough.” I grumble.
"These kids are not even true Na'vi." she proclaims holding up Kiri's hands.
"Yes we are." Kiri says, snatching her hands away.
"They have demon blood!" Ronal continues as she holds up Lo'ak's hands next. Then she moves to Neteyam and I. "This poor child is so mixed with the demon that one hand has four fingers while the other has three."
As I look around I seem some of the people look scared and even disgusted. But when I look at the tall boy who was mocking us earlier, he looked curious more than anything. I doubt they will let us stay. I wish I could grab Sempu, tug him back to the ikrans, and fly back to the forest. We don't need to run and hide, we must fight. Sadly, I know Sempu will not fight anymore if he can help it.
“Look. Look. I was born of the Skypeople and now I am Na'vi." Sempu says holding up his hands so he can take Ronal's attention off of us. "You can adapt. We will adapt."
“My husband was Toruk Makto.”Sa’nu tells them which dad cringes at. “He led the clans to victory against the Sky people.”
“This is what you call victory? Hiding among strangers?” Ronal questions walking between our sa'sem. “It seems like Eywa has turned her back on you, Chosen One.”
They get into a hissing match which Sempu has to apologize for. Much to our surprise the clan leaders let us stay. Tonowari tells us that his children will show us what to do. They are Ao'nung, the tall jerk who was teasing us about our tails, and Tsireya, the girl who Lo'ak has a crush on. They show us to our new home and tell us to fins them when we have settled in so they can show us around the reefs.
"Okay Sullys." Sempu says. "Fall in."
"Remember?" Neteyam asks pulling Lo'ak into the mauri. "Family meeting.
"I need you kids to pull your weight and be on your best behavior." Sempu starst, directing the last part mostly to Lo'ak and I. "Learn fast and stay out of trouble. Understood?"
"Yes sir." Lo'ak answers. Neteyam smirks and grabs his neck.
“I want to go home.” Tuk responds with tears in her eyes.
“Awe Tuk.” Sa’nu says sympathetically.
“Tuk, this is our home now.” Sempu tells her taking her small hand in his big one. “Now we’re going to get through this together.”
“What does your father always say?” Sa’nu asks.
“Sullys stick together.” we mumble together.
“Now with some feeling.” Sempu smiles softly. “Come on.”
“Sully stick together.” we say again a little louder.
After the family meeting we join Ao'nung, Tsireya, and their friend, Rotxo, on the docks. Rotxo was the one who was teasing us with Ao'nung when we arrived. They're going to show us around the reefs. Swimming in the ocean should be easy, we have many ponds and lakes back in the forest. The metkayina teens dive in the water while the others cannonball in. Tuktuk hesitates so I hold a hand out to her.
“Just think of it like the pond we swam in back at home.” I smile.
“Okay.” she says taking my hand and together we jump in the water.
The water is surprisingly warm when I enter it. Tuk and I catch up with our brothers who are already following the Meykayina teens. It’s so amazing underwater. There are so many animals that are different colors and sizes. Completely different from the land animals we grew up with back in the forest. But it quickly starts to get harder to hold our breath and we have to go to the surface to take a breath. Once we are collectively able to catch our breath we poke out heads back under the water. Tsireya does some hand movements under the water. When she notices our confused faces she just signals us to continue to follow them. So we dive back under and continue to swim. But again we don’t make it far before we need to go up for air again.
“Are you alright?” Tsireya asks joining us above the surface.
“You’re too fast.” Tuk cries. “Wait for us.”
“We don’t speak this…finger talk.” I tell her.
“Yea, we don’t understand what you’re saying.” Neteyam adds.
“I will teach you.” she tells us.
“You are not good divers.” Ao’nung says popping up out of the water. “Maybe good at swinging through trees-”
Tsireya smacked him in the head. I laughed which caused him to scowl at me.
“Kiri?” Rotxo asks. “Where is Kiri?”
“Who?” Ao’nung asks.
“You’re supposed to be watching her.” I say splashing Neteyam.
"Bro, we're twins we're both supposed to be watching her." he relies, splashing me back.
“What do you mean you’re twins?” Tsireya asks curiously.
“Well, we have the same face and were born at the same time.” We explain together.
“But you two are different.” Rotxo points out.
“True.” Neteyam says. “Think of us as two halves of the same whole.”
“Anyway, I’ll go find Kiri.” I say bringing the conversation back.
“I’ll join you.” Ao’nung announces. When me and my siblings give a weird look, he quickly adds. “She doesn’t know the danger of the sea.”
Without good reason to refuse Ao'nung and I swim off from the group to find Kiri.
“So, tell me more about you and Neteyam,” he says out of nowhere.
"No." I grunt.
“Why do you speak at the same time or finish each other's sentences?” he asks anyway
“We know what the other is going to say.” I explain.
“So, who would be the leader of the forest?” he asks. “Since there are two of you.”
“Technically it is going to be neither of us since our father gave up his title. But it was agreed that Neteyam would be Olo'eyktan and I would be Toruk Makto.” I say through grit teeth. “Can you let me focus on finding my sister?”
After that he stops asking questions. I poke my head under the water and i finally spot Kiri. I take a breath and make my way to her. Suddenly, something wraps around my body. I try to fight it off but it won't let go. Just when I feel like I'm about to pass out I'm brought to the surface. The first thing I hear is Ao'nung's laughter/
“What is wrong with you?” I demand.
“You should’ve seen the look on your face.” he answers, still laughing. “You were so scared.”
“I thought you said that you were going to make sure I was safe.” I hissed. “Why did you do that?”
"If you were more observant, I couldn't have snuck up on you." he smirks. "Regardless on if you're new to the reefs you should always be aware of your surroundings."
I just splash him and dive back under to get my sister. She's playing with a school of small fish, which swim off when I approach. I give an apologetic smile and she waves it off to signalling she is not upset. Together we swim to the surface to talk.
“I know you’re excited to explore the ocean but try to stay with us.” I plead with my younger sister.
“I’ll try but everything is so wonderful.” Kiri smiles dreamily. "You must join me sometime. Eywa has made such wonderful things."
“We must get back to the others.” Ao’nung announces. “We’re going to show you how to ride ilu next.”
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed part 1 of return to me. I'm not too sure how many parts this will be, but I can promise that I will work hard on this <3 I'll see you in the next story. Pt. 2
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 11 months
Penelope when ruby comes out the tree penny but younger then when she was in atlas but older then Penelope comes out too.
Penny uses the trees recreation of maiden magic to get the cat off jaune " step off one of my dads and stand aside we are going home to my other dad"
_WBYJ Was locked in Battle against the Cat, using Neo's semblance to summon a constant stream of enemies while they took jabs at the group's members.
Jaune managed to block strikes, before knocking the Cat onto their side, the fractured remains of Crocea Mors held high to strike. Then the cat changed.
They made to look like Penny, back on the bridge all those years ago, the ghost that had followed him in the form of a Clockwork Girl that he loved so dearly.
He couldn't bring the sword down. He Froze.
Pain tore through his back, something slashing where his armor didn't cover.
He nearly fell in shock, barely managing to avoid a swipe from the Cat, raising his shield to take the next claw attack.
It never came.
The Cat leapt above him, Weiss attempting to blast the beast with fire, only to hit Jaune and send him flying into the bough of the Tree.
As he fell his life flashed before his eyes, His failures, regrets, everything he ever did wrong. But also the love. The kindness. Every shared laugh, every hug, every smile.
And he cried, but accepted his fate. If he had to go out, he knew his story would be told. The real story.
He didn't even feel the ground, he simply felt arms wrap around his chest as his descent slowly stopped.
???: Jaune? Are you alright?
Jaune: ... Penny? So you're here to.
Penny: I couldn't exactly leave you all behind! I worked too hard to live to die just yet!
Jaune opened his eyes, and saw someone who died the same day as Pyrrha. Curled Ginger hair sat at shoulder length, Gleaming green eyes stared back at him.
Penny, Not Penelope, not the Penny from Atlas, Penny From Vale. The Vytal Tournament Finalist.
Jaune: I- I'm alive?
Penny: Of Course!
Jaune: What happened? You're Flying?
Penny: I am my best self! The me I want to be! I was able to request certain items to make up for my lack of Maiden Powers and Mechanical abilities!
She wore large, combat-style boots with small emission ports that exhausted humming green energy, with wires that ran along her legs and back to her Chestplate. That, in addition to the Chestpiece that housed Floating Array meant she had a decent recreation of her Mechanical Body's abilities.
Jaune: That's- There'll be a better time to talk! We need to get back the others!
Penny: Then please try to refrain from gastrointestinal Upheaval!
Jaune's stomach lurched as they rose, Penny dragging him up to Weiss, Yang, and Blake.
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jellyjutsukeisen · 1 year
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Karina Moonstar
Karina Moonstar, also known as the 'The Lady', is the most feared and power deity of all beings. There are many myths and folktales about her, but the most famous (and closest to the truth) is the story of Karina, who was an abandoned and rejected star from the sky, raised by animals and creatures of the woods with no human interactions. People called her the boogeyman of the woods, the witch and beast of the greens, therefore nobody ever dared to go through the forest. Not understanding why people hated her, Karina just wanted to be like the other humans and make friends.
One day, a young man dared to step into the forest (as a dare by his friends) but got lost very soon and remained in the cold, dark forest till nighttime. Scared, but mastered all his courage, he tried to find his way back when he stumbled upon the "beast" of the woods, Karina. He dropped his cheap-made sword and reach his hand to the girl. That moment, marked the greatest, most warm, and most generous love ever been told.
And like most beautiful stories, this also had a tragic end... The villagers found out the boy's frequent visit to the woods, and even his relationship with Karina.
They locked up the boy in the dungeon and tortured him, accusing him of treason and betrayal to the kingdom. Finding out, Karina desperately came to his aid and raided the kingdom with animals (not killing anybody) and saved him, retreating to the woods. People started hunting her down, burning down the forest and killing the animals.
Confused, heartbroken and scared, Karina was only able to hold the boy in her arms protectively, but soon ran out to try and save the forest and stop the humans with words of sincerity, but nothing worked. She was shot at by every men present. But the bullets never reached her as she was shielded by the body of her lover. Bloody, he only smiled at her; "I love you... I will love you in every chance I get to live again... You are my everything, Karina... so please,... find me in the future..."
He died in her arms, and as the villagers raided to attack her, Karina let out the biggest and loudest scream/cry/roar anybody has ever heard, ripping her mouth wider (causing the scar across her cheeks) and with only her roar she killed everyone, and destroyed the village and the forest. She was the only one remaining with her dead lover in her arms, and with menacing, yet sad and teary eyes, she stared down at him and promised "I will love you forever, nobody else- not even your next life- ONLY YOU! ONLY YOU, JERALD!"
2,000 years later....
Karina, 'The Lady', the first of the 10 Wizard Saints, the creator of lacrima and magic power, the Queen of Magic.
The Invincible Dragon.
Karina Facts:
~She is a very twisted and menacing person, who does not hesitate to kill.
~She is way too goofy for her level of power, and very unserious and unbothered. (Thinking about it, she is lowkey a female Gojo XD).
~Karina was the first to join Stella's team after the time skip.
~Karina is a dragon and her magic is Maker Magic called Magic Maker: Different ancient marks of different magic types appear on her body which she can combine; for example the symbol of fire magic and air magic appears on her body= Fire tornado, hot wind, fire wind etc.
~Due to her Maker Magic, she is always eager to (sometimes teasingly) coach Gray (but mainly seriously, which Gray does reject, but would take her advice to face value and use them).
~Her jaw can still open very wide, especially when she releases her dragon form.
~Being the most powerful, she barely uses her magic, and usually retreats to a wooden sword (left behind by her lover) and a golden bow 'n arrow (into which she concentrates her magic power to make the blow stronger).
~The strongest Wizard Saint, also known as the 'Godmother of the Council' by most royal servants.
~Her past lover's name was Jerald Ferdinando. He has been reborn 4 times, each time Karina has fell in love with him (even if refusing), but always pushed him away or was (almost always) killed, which only deepened the scars around her heart even more. For the fifth time, he was reborn as Jellal Fernandes.
~Their theme song would be 'One That Got Away' by Katy Perry.
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Yachie Kicchou:
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The Animal Realm is one of the many afterlives in Buddhist cosmology. It’s only barely better than Hell, basically the silver medal in pain and suffering.
In Touhou Project, it's a world dominated by a small number of crime syndicates. In order to survive, you have to pledge your eternal servitude to one of these organizations. These three or four organizations often fight amongst each other, but no one outshines the others for very long. It's a world where animals rule and have domesticated humans for food and labor. It's a world where individual thought is rejected in favor of groupthink, and where the strong crush the weak with an iron fist.
Nobody exemplifies this cruelty more than Yachie Kicchou, Matriarch of the Kiketsu Crime Family. The Kiketsu family is comprised of animals that specialize in sneak attacks and the like. The otter spirit from before is one of her henchmen.
Yachie Kicchou is a jidao, a Chinese half-turtle half-dragon hybrid. I don't know much about them because every time I google them it just brings up Yachie.
She's a cold Social Darwinist who views everyone around her as mere tools to be used. She even outright rejects the idea of friendship. She feels that's simply the way everyone feels in the Animal Realm. At most she relishes a challenge as an opportunity to improve and evolve. And she'll always say "nothing personal, it's just business". Sometimes she may appear to help someone by say, saving their life, but she always has some ulterior motive. She makes her minions work 24/7/365, because she's just that cruel.
Yachie has what are effectively mind-control powers. Well, she calls it "the ability to remove a person's ability to fight back". It's very subtle, but you'll suddenly trust every word she says unquestionably, and you'll start addressing her in polite professional terms, regardless of how rude you usually are.
Yachie Kicchou appeared as the 4th boss and potentially the real main villain of Touhou 17: Wily Beast and Weakest Creature. She was the one who sent the beast spirits to Gensokyo to warn everyone of an upcoming invasion. As it turns out, it was her invasion!
She showed up in the middle of New Hell, and quickly put the protagonist under her thrall. She still fought them, but only as a test of strength to see if they were up to the task. After the fight, she told them that she was not their enemy, that the real enemy lay deep within the Animal Realm.
None of the three main characters were able to resist her at all. Even the headstrong, independent Marisa was reduced to calling her "Master". The only person she's ever called that before was Mima back in the PC-98 days.
If you got a game over throughout the game, Yachie even attempts to kill the protagonist for failing her, with only the protagonist begging for another chance being enough to stay her hand.
Yachie reappeared in Touhou 19: Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghosts, as with the rest of the Animal Realm leaders.  She actually winds up having a much poorer success rate in this game, failing miserably in her goals of conquering Gensokyo and destroying the Hakurei Shrine, as well as getting lost in Gensokyo along the way.
Yachie's spellcards are neat. She can shoot green laser beams that form the hexagon patterns of turtle shells. She can also breathe fire. They're all named things like "Hell Sign" or "Oni Sign".
In summary: Yachie is a vile tyrant and probably the most evil character in the series.
Oh, and she is the titular Wily Beast. The Weakest Creature... is humanity. So the name of the game basically means Yachie Kicchou and the human spirits.
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mumms-the-word · 7 months
Day 26 of the BG3 Fic February Challenge
Hoo boy am I behind anyway have a hastily written Freyr-and-Minthara-are-a-little-too-into-the-slayer-form fic for you bye
Check out my masterlist of BG3 fics!
26. Using a new power for the first time
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“Minthara!” Freyr shouted, his stomach dropping as he saw Ketheric swing his hammer right toward Minthara’s skull. She deflected with her shield, but only barely, the force of Ketheric’s strength driving her to her knees.
Freyr swung his greatsword wildly at Kar’niss, cleaving off two of the drider’s spider legs in one go, rolling out of the way of the drider’s other legs as he screamed and lashed out. He had to get to Minthara before Ketheric could hurt her. He refused to let that rotting corpse get the better of him or anyone else with him.
His human form was too slow, too weak. If there was ever a time to test the limits of his Father’s gift—whoever his father was—it was now. Freyr flung his sword aside and called to the beast that lay fretfully dormant within him. His body bent and twisted, bones snapping and lengthening, flesh ripping and stretching. It was painful and delicious all at once, this transformation. Scales and leathery skin replaced his human flesh, spikes forcing themselves outward from his spine, horns from his head and his jaw. Two completely new arms erupted from his sides, tipped with lethal, black claws. He arched his back as the transformation ended, screeching with a new voice, his face a wreck of needle-sharp teeth and vicious mandibles.
Ketheric would die this day. He would die for good this time.
Freyr leapt across the roof of Moonrise Towers to land just behind Ketheric, lashing out viciously with his claws. Sparks flew where his claws met the metal of Ketheric’s armor, but they caught death-taut flesh, too, ripping into it and leaving deep gashes that oozed thick, rotted, blackened blood. Ketheric stumbled out of the way, turning to face this new threat.
If Freyr’s face were capable of grinning, he would. His entire body sung with zealous bloodlust, even as the battlefield around him offered very little for actual bloodletting. No matter. He would grind the bones of these necromites beneath his taloned feet and rip Ketheric into so many tiny little shreds that he would never be able to reform again. Freyr practically salivated at the idea. 
Ketheric bared his teeth at him and readied his shield but Freyr swatted it away with ease, unbalancing him. Ketheric responded with a heavy blow to Freyr’s side. Freyr felt his new ribs crack under the blow, but he barely felt the pain. This new form, this slayer body, was capable of handling so much more than his weak human form did. He screeched again, his voice reduced to banshee cries and guttural roars, and once more attacked Ketheric, driving him back toward the center of the roof.
Ketheric leapt back, out of reach of Freyr’s claws, and glared at Freyr from across the platform. “My Lord beckons me,” he said. “You have no idea what you’re meddling with. You’re a pawn—a slave—to forces you cannot comprehend. Even this mangled form is a testament to your ignorance. No more.”
He lifted his hammer. The entire structure of Moonrise Towers seemed to shudder and shake under the force of a new entity, until at last one of the smaller towers erupted in a shower of stone and brick, a colossal tentacle curling out from within. It bent closer toward Ketheric, snaking its way toward him.
“I am the Chosen, and you are nothing,” Ketheric said, taking slow steps backward. “Follow. See.”
The tentacle brushed against him and soon both disappeared in a flurry of black ash.
Freyr growled, as much as his slayer form could be said to growl. Behind him he heard the death rattle of the drider as someone, either Seraphine or Astarion, dealt the final blow against him. Around the roof, necromites collapsed in a clatter of useless bones. There was nothing else to shred or claw anymore.
Freyr shook his large, monstrous head quickly, banishing the frenzied thoughts. He refused to hurt Seraphine, Minthara, or Astarion. Well…maybe Astarion a little bit…
But as he turned to contemplate how much he could draw blood from the pale vampire, he found himself facing Minthara instead. She stood before him, splashed with blood both black and red, her own, Ketheric’s, Kar’niss’s, Freyr’s. Behind her, both Seraphine and Astarion stood, looking warily up at him.
“Gods above,” Astarion said. His expression seemed both impressed and deeply perturbed. “Look at you…”
“Since when could you do this, Freyr?” Seraphine asked. She tilted her head, frowning. “Assuming you’re still in there?”
Freyr rumbled, the closest approximation to a chuckle he was capable of, and gave a nod. Astarion suppressed a shiver at the sound. 
“As charming as you are, just make sure those claws don’t come anywhere near me.” He smirked. “But I must say, you do make quite the pretty pitfiend.”
Freyr growled. The temptation to swipe at Astarion was only growing. He fought to keep it down, turning his attention again to Minthara. She had yet to speak.
He cocked his head at her, trying to ask her what she thought without words. She gazed up at him, her red eyes staring unashamedly and without judgment. It was difficult for him to read her expression at first, but after a moment, her lips curled into a smile.
She reached out a hand to brush her fingers down the length of his arm, taking in the leathery skin, the new bumps and spikes. She hooked one finger around a long, curving claw, examining it with fascinated wonder. When she looked up into his face again, her smile only grew.
“You are exquisite,” she murmured. 
Freyr bent his head down, crouching his body slightly, bringing his face closer to hers, but she didn’t flinch. They regarded each other curiously and silently, Minthara drinking in every detail while he stood before her, breathing in the scent of her through this new form’s senses.
“Hm. It is almost too bad Ketheric fled before you could unleash the full might of this new power against him,” she said at last. “We shall have to rectify that.”
“Ah, sure,” Astarion said, lifting a finger. “Except that Ketheric seems to have fled down a big fleshy hole—and not a fun one, either. Can that new beastly form of yours even fit?”
Freyr lifted his head to regard the destroyed tower that the tentacle had emerged from. Astarion had a point. It would be very difficult to climb down after Ketheric in this form. With some reluctance, he relinquished his control over the slayer form. His body twisted and crunched inward again, another round of pain and pleasure, until he was at last standing before his companions again as a man and not a slayer. 
He flicked slick blood from his fingertips casually as he reoriented himself in his original body. “I’m glad you approve of my new gift,” he said to Minthara. He smiled darkly, rolling his shoulders. “I can’t wait to see what else it is capable of.”
“You will have your chance soon,” Minthara said. “And I will grant you many more chances afterward. But for now, we pursue Ketheric.”
Freyr gestured for her to take the lead. “After you, Minthara.”
Astarion groaned and rolled his eyes. “Oh get a room, you two. Bloody psychopaths…”
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
In the beastars au, I kinda feel bad for the sons of Dio (and josuke) because the rest of their family has context for the whole weird transform into a monster thing while they’re just are completely confused on why it’s happened especially when they’re kids and their parents don’t know what’s going on either. On minute completely normal child, next moment transforming into god knows what.
y e a h -
Tomoko having a heart attack when her infant child cries out in the middle of the night, body warping and breaking and growing until he was something so inhuman she could barely recognize him. How he had thin fur and eyes scrunched closed, patches of bald skin with the beginnings of what looked to be feathers. The sounds he makes aren't like anything she's ever heard and Tomoko doesn't know what to do
by the time the sun rises, he's back to the same infant who she knew to be her son. Only then a month later it happens again. Then another month later again then again then AGAIN, and before the year is up Tomoko knows her son isn't normal
but this is fine. Strange creature or no, this is still her son and she will love him regardless. She learns to keep track of Josuke's transformations, learns how to care for this other side of him. She reads countless books on animal care and does everything she can to help him stay healthy because she knows if anything ever happens to him it will be up to her and her father alone to fix it
and....... unfortunately things don't go quite so well for the Brando Children
of the four of them Rikiel had it off the best. His mother just assumed it was a curse or yet another ailment of his. His beast side was never villainized, but it was never fully embraced by the boy either. He just saw it as yet another thing preventing him from truly living his life and would usually spend his forced transformation nights locking himself in a room and rarely transformed beyond necessity
funnily enough though, Rikiel has easily the best control of the four. While he never loved this part of himself, he had no fear of it nor did he try to suppress it or let it run rampant. It was just another part of himself that he was forced to burden and he accepted that without much issue. His mind is almost completely intact when in beast form (forced nights not withstanding) so at the very least he never has any fears about hurting people
Ungalo was almost entirely left on his own. His mother didn't care much and more or less left him to fend for himself growing up, and because of the lack of guidance Ungalo ends up falling into the same habit Dio had when it came to transforming: letting his beast run completely rampant and do whatever it pleased. He made no attempt to control his beast's impulses mostly because he believed that it was completely natural and therefore impossible
Ungalo was definitely wary of his beast, but this was because since he gave it so much control he could rarely remember anything from the transformations. His mind was completely taken over by the creature so more often than not, when he awoke he was left disoriented and in the wake of whatever he had done with little to no memory of what actually happened
Donatello's situation in turn is almost the complete opposite of that, and his family tried doing everything they could to suppress it and keep it hidden. He was practically forbidden from interacting with his step/half sisters, and his transformation nights left him to be locked in an empty basement until it was over. He was lonely and angry and unfortunately, this just led to his beast form lashing out uncontrollably
eventually on one transformation night when he was 13, there was a slight mistake and they weren't able to get him into the basement before the sun set and in his terrified, hopeful state, he took the opportunity and bolted for freedom....... only come morning he got arrested for a crime he didn't commit
and last but not least, Giorno
his mother genuinely didn't realize what her son was for a good while. She was rarely around at night and always missed his forced transformations, so it was years before she learned of it. It actually wasn't until she married Giorno's step father that she learned about it and as expected, neither reacted very well
Giorno avoids being in his beast form as much as possible. Not because he hates it or fears it that much, but because being in it is dangerous. He's so small, so fragile, when he's like that, the perfect size to be grabbed and thrown around and his "parents" have made their opinions of distaste very clear. He knows what they think of that part of himself, so transforming is just asking for pain or to get locked in a closet for hours. Any time he has to transform, he always hides himself away where they can't find him
unfortunately, this means Giorno lacks both experience and control in that form. Whenever he's transformed he's terrified and that can cloud a lot of his consciousness which ends up making it even harder to change back. Not to mention...... Giorno has a lot of scars. He almost lost his wings on more than one occasion, and it's only thanks to Gold and his elytra keeping them safe that they aren't, but it's obvious to anyone looking at his form that the world hasn't been kind to him. At the very least, the Bucci Gang are able to give him to much needed love and over time he gains more control and confidence
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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Alright, so I just made up this character this morning basically right after waking up, and I thought I’d draw her and show her to you. As I said in the image, this is Ruby Cacao Cookie, and she’s supposed to be Dark Cacao’s older sister (not by that much though)
I got her name because a few weeks ago, I was looking up ruby chocolate to see what exactly it was, and apparently ruby chocolate is made from a new species of cacao bean called ruby cacao. She was originally just going to be a character named Ruby Choco that Dark Cacao used to know, but then I remembered that ruby chocolate came from ruby cacao, so I thought “ooh maybe they could be siblings if she were Ruby Cacao” and so yeah
Also, as you might be able to guess, she’s supposed to be where Dark Choco gets his red eyes from, since while I like Dark Cacao ships (mainly Jujube/Cacao and Pure Vanilla/Dark Cacao/White Lily (does that have a ship name? I’m calling it purecacaolily)), I’m pretty sure in canon, Dark Choco’s only supposed to have one parent, that being Dark Cacao. So why not say he got it from another family member?
I made her hair a different color so she stood out from Dark Cacao and Choco, so I colored it after the ruby cacao pods I saw online. But I still kept the white streaks to show the connection
To be honest, I was struggling today with both her design and backstory (which was also my revision of my take on Dark Cacao’s backstory, since I’ve changed what I thought about it), mainly since I have two tests today, one of which I still need to take, and this morning my brain was split between doing physics problems in recitation, reading the books/notes for my Literature test in like an hour, listening to the discussions going on at the table, and coming up with stuff for her. Then after that I was just mentally exhausted from the Literature exam. Only in the past few hours have I been able to come up with something
Aight, so. The backstory. Note, the main character in this story will be Dark Cacao, since this also serves as my retcon of his old backstory
So Dark Cacao came from the Cacao Tribe, a place that at the time, was barely holding on. The people were starving and struggling to find enough food, the beasts in the area had grown more vicious, and their best warriors had all now crumbled away. Because of this, the people of the tribe had basically lost all hope, and were just waiting for their inevitable demise. Any concept of happiness or laughter were nothing but a pipe dream; it was a truly miserable place. Dark Cacao lived there with his sister, Ruby Cacao. They didn’t understand why the adults had all just given in to despair, and wanted to speak out against it, but they were just children, and so no one would listen to them.
One day, the tribe’s demise came in the form of a particularly devastating attack on their village (I haven’t decided what). Dark Cacao and Ruby Cacao were just barely able to escape, and they, like any of the other survivors, fled into the mountains.
They wondered why things had gotten so bad in their tribe, and eventually figured that maybe if they had chosen to keep trying and help each other instead of always being hopeless, they could have saved themselves. So the two (it was technically Ruby’s idea, but Dark quickly agreed with it) decided that they won’t make that mistake, and that they would try and help Cookies in need.
They did this for a while, this giving them a drive which helped them thrive in the wilderness, up until one particular day when they found a group of Cookies being attacked by some monsters, and they fought them off (they can probably fight and use swords at this time, though it’s a bit rudimentary), but in the process Ruby Cacao got a pretty nasty wound. At the time, she shrugged it off, but on the journey back to the Cookies’s village, it quickly grew worse and she all but collapsed. They were eventually able to get to the village and find a healer, but by the time they did, it was too late, and unfortunately her wound would be fatal, due to internal bleeding. Soon, Ruby Cacao succumbed to her wound, but not before making Dark Cacao promise that he would continue to help other Cookies in need, and then crumbling in front of him
Edit: okay, so after more thought, I’m changing the backstory from when the Cacao Tribe was destroyed to when Ruby Cacao crumbles (everything I italicized) because I don’t like it. In my defense, what I wrote here was kind of literally my first draft that I had only come up with in a few hours. I’ll keep the original just for posterity, but just note, it’s not going to be part of it
So they managed on their own for a bit. While it was more difficult now that they didn’t have others to rely on, regardless of how helpful they were, but they found a way. However, one day they got attacked by a hungry beast, and while they were eventually able to drive it off, in the process Ruby Cacao got seriously injured.
Dark Cacao tried to help, but he could only do so much, and so he tried to find someone to help her. He was able to find other travelers or tribes, but when he asked for help, they turned him away, as they had to look out for themselves. By the time he was able to find a doctor that would actually try to help, it was too late, and soon Ruby Cacao ended up crumbling in front of him
After this, Dark Cacao was left in a daze, unable to process her death, and finding himself climbing the mountains in a blizzard, as if to join her. Thankfully, he was saved by a certain pair of twins. After this, he took some time to process it all, and told himself that he had to make sure that no one else goes through what he did by helping those in need. And so, he became a wandering warrior, helping where he could
During this time, he was very lonely, and desired companionship again, but at the same time, didn’t let himself be close to another person both because he didn’t want to lose someone again, and because he felt finding someone new would be a betrayal to Ruby Cacao, as if he was just replacing her. But most notably, his experiences had led him to have a rather cynical outlook on the world and other Cookies. He had learned that in this world, Cookies tended to only look out for themselves or the people they cared about, and that compassion for anyone else was scarce. He’d help others, sure, but he wouldn’t trust them, at least not to the extent that he could rely on them. So even if he wanted to be around others, just didn’t see a reason to risk it.
He dealt with those feelings for a long time, until he met the other Ancients and went along with them on their travels, eventually coming to the realization that there is good in this world, and he can allow himself to open his heart to others and be with them, even if Ruby Cacao was still gone
Over the years, Ruby Cacao is something he’s kept close to his heart, but also something he doesn’t like talking about (only the other Ancients know about her). Though, for a while, he was starting to feel as if he was forgetting her, as it had been so long since he saw her face. But when Dark Choco was born, and he saw those red eyes, he felt that painful pang of familiarity as he remembered once more
But yeah, that’s Ruby Cacao. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a Calc test to take
Edit: I just realized that I didn’t really mention anything about her actual personality. To be honest, I haven’t really thought about that much, but I’ll work on it
#cookie run#cookie run kingdom#cookie run oc#dark cacao cookie#ruby cacao cookie#my art#my oc#all right I’m back#pretty sure I did horribly on my test but moving on#so yeah pretty different from my old story#but after actually getting Dark Cacao and going through his story as well as just examining him in canon#I sort of got a different impression than I did initially#he seems like he never allows anyone to get close (other than his friends)#and I mean the dude straight up says he doesn’t know how to laugh#his backstory is probably pretty horrible#and also Might of the Ancients seems to suggest he hasn’t really met the dragons#or at least doesn’t know them personally#so in this they’re far less involved#but I think I may have understated them as they are kind of the reason Dark Cacao’s resolve is restored#and the three of them all have a deep respect for one another#oh yeah also another thing I forgot to mention#I like to headcanon the Ancients met and started traveling together when they were around Gingerbrave’s age#meaning that all of this happens to Dark Cacao before he’s even 12#he’s a literal child when dealing with these things#also this means that Ruby Cacao died a child as well#oh also he hasn’t told Dark Choco about her or his past#edit: in the edit I feel like Ruby Cacao has even less personality but I’ll work on it#and also I changed it bc I thought it was better for Dark Cacao to come to the conclusion to help others himself#rather than it all be Ruby Cacao#it’s sacrificing Ruby Cacao for Dark Cacao
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librathefangirl · 2 years
Libra's Febuwhump 2023
So, with Febuwhump officially over, I wanted to take the time to do a little check-in, see where we've gotten so far (Don't worry, all stories will still be written, just, you know, not in February).
Fics Posted: 14. Chapters Posted: 21. Total Word Count: 32,052. Fandom: The Seven Deadly Sins / Nanatsu no Taizai.
Here's a complete list of the stories so far:
Touch Starved - Who'll Hug the Prince of Hell (6,650 words)
5 times someone held Meliodas when he felt like he'd break, and 1 time when he wasn't the one breaking / aka sad boy gets surprised hugged.
2. Flinching - A Touch of Light (1,590 words)
A chill she couldn’t shake formed in her gut. Meliodas – the Prince of the Demon Realm, the Leader of the Ten Commandments, the Next Demon King – was frightened by her mere touch. / Elizabeth struggles with what it means to be a goddess befriending a demon.
3. Muzzled - One Man's Beast (3,051 words)
(Monster Sins AU) The boy twisted uncomfortably at the scene in front of him. He should have seen this coming. Nothing good ever came from working with a monster hunter. The creature in the cell was unlike anything he had ever seen. Granted, he hadn’t actually seen a demon before.
4. (Alt. 6.) Limp - I'll Carry You(r Weight) (941 words)
Those monsters choose the right time to flee. Now Ban was too preoccupied with Meliodas’ unconscious ad bleeding from. As it was, they’d get to live another day. Ban gently scooped Meliodas up in his arms. As he did, he couldn’t help but quietly curse at how tiny he felt.
5. "That's gonna scar" - Marks of a Brother (1,730 words)
When Zeldris was just a little baby, there was a gomicl dragon attacking the palace. Meliodas had barely started his official training with Chandler, he was in no position to do anything – but he knew where his father's priorities were. His baby brother was the only pure thing left in this wretched place. Someone had to keep him safe.
6. Secrets Revealed - There All Along (826 words)
King sighed, slumping over Chastiefol. It wasn’t like it was really a surprise. Sure, King had been shocked – he’d never seen Meliodas demon form before – but he can’t say he was surprised. Of course, he hadn’t known Meliodas was a demon. Though he had suspected it. There were some things about Meliodas that didn’t make sense. Now they did. “You’re upset.” King buried his face in Chastiefol at the sudden voice. “I’m not really in the mood to talk, Gowther.”
7. Made to Watch - A Debt to Pay (1,389 words)
This was why Gowther had gone alone. He hadn’t wanted the others involved in this. Especially not the captain. Galvina was fixated on revenge. At least the others were strangers, irrelevant faces in her blind rage. Meliodas was not. He’d been there 3,000 years ago, and as the leader of the Ten Commandments she could just as well blame him for Gowther’s actions.
8. Panic - The Things I've Done (The Sins I Carry) (1,704 words)
After years of being under a curse, finally being able to be you is a lot easier than dealing with the sins you have committed. A nightmare leads Gilthunder to the Boar Hat in the middle of the night.
9. Voice Loss - With the Forest as My Witness, I'll Silence All My Screams (2,476 words)
It wasn’t like Gloxinia didn’t know how the goddess clan felt about demons. None of them were subtle about it. He knew they still didn’t trust Meliodas. He just never thought they’d try something like this.
10. (Alt. 3.) Soft Words - Help Me Brother, for I Am Falling (1,464 words)
(Modern All-Human AU) He shouldn’t do this. Worst Big Brother Award right here. The last thing he wanted to do was risk dragging his baby brother back into this mess. He just didn’t have anywhere else to go – and by some miracle, Zeldris opened the door. “Yo, Zel. Been a while,” Meliodas mumbled, trying to smile as he leaned heavily against the wall. His vision blurred slightly around the edges. Oh, that probably wasn’t good. Zeldris’ eyes narrowed, “What the hell are you- You’re bleeding.”
11. Fever (+ Alt. 9. Natural Disaster) - The Heat of the Storm (2,456 words)
While searching for a rare relic, the Seven Deadly Sins are forced to take cover from a harsh blizzard. As they wait out the storm in a cave, Merlin notices Meliodas unusual and dangerous reaction to the cold. After all, demons and blizzards does not mix well.
12. "Can you hear me?" - Bleed This Water (2,150 words)
Meliodas’ hand shot out almost instantly, grabbing hold of Ban’s arm as he bristled at the jeer. He had a point of course. Even if King in that moment wished he would have just let Ban fall for the apparent provocation. He shoved back the mental image of Diane’s upset expression at insults like that and focused back on the matter at hand. The captain was right. The last thing they needed right now was a bunch of dead villagers. Especially ones who were only armed with… water?
13. Forced to Hurt a Loved One - My Love, It Burns (3,225 words)
The realization burned. An ember deep in her heart growing hotter and hotter the worse the situation got. It hurt. After all, Elizabeth had spent over 3,000 years avoiding this very moment. Not always consciously, but when the memories had been there, she had hoped and prayed and wished for this day to never come. Now it was here.
14. Captivity - No Kin of Mine (But a Kin of Kind) (2,400 words)
(Dragon Meliodas AU) The first time Meliodas met his would-be brother was in the secret highly reinforced cage in the pit of the dungeons. Of course, this was before he was forced into the form of a demon and enslaved as a son of the Demon King. It was years before he would even consider Zeldris his kin. … The hatchling shifted from foot to foot, his hesitation hanging heavy in the air – until suddenly he pushed himself through the food hatch and into the cage.
All fics can also be found here (ao3) and here (tumblr)!
Thank you so much for all the love you guys have showed so far!! I'll hope you'll stick around for the rest of the ride (and everything that comes after) ❤️❤️
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