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Patrick Jane (The Mentalist) - Professor AU - Chapter 3
Early mornings are made for troubled musings and a good cup of tea.
“What’s got you so distracted?”
You lift your head.
“Oh, Lisbon! I didn’t even see you there. Good morning.”
She just smiles, taking a seat.
“What’s wrong, you’ve been staring at that cup of tea for ten minutes. I came into the kitchen and made two sandwiches and you didn’t even notice.”
You sigh.
“It’s nothing really. It's just Dr. Jane. He’e been gone for three days. I stopped by and an adjunct was teaching his class. At first I thought he just had a cold so I texted him, but he said he was fine. I don’t want to be pushy but I’m worried.”
Her brows knit.
“You don’t know?”
“Know what?”
“Jane is a consultant for the FBI. I thought you knew. Everyone knows. Sometimes they call him in for help on cases. That’s why he has an adjunct professor specifically assigned to him.”
Your mouth fell open. It’s crazy that you didn’t know, but then again, the last eight months you’d spent avoiding him like the plague, so it’s no wonder. Before you could barely stand him, much less pay attention to anything that was associated with him. He must have assumed you were aware also otherwise he definitely would have told you. You rub the back of your neck, embarrassed.
“It might be a fumble on my part.”
Lisbon smiles.
“You should give him a call. Some of the cases can get tough. He likes to smile and put on a front but I know they affect him. He’d rather deal with it on his own than ask for help. “
You nod.
“I will. Thank you Lisbon.”
“Of course, anytime.”
With the newfound information, the second you were in the confines of your office, you call.
It’s clear that he’d just answered the phone.
“Hey Dr. Jane, it’s me. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“Of course not. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I just wanted to see how you were doing. Lisbon told me today why you were gone. I had no idea you worked with the FBI.”
“I was wondering what the text was about. I’m sorry, I just assumed you knew. It’s not something that I boast about.”
“I understand. I guess I’m partly to blame. Until recently I was pretty much Anti-Jane.”
He laughs and you feel relieved. You’ve missed hearing it for the last few days.
“I’m glad you’re now Pro-Jane.”
“So am I.”
A comfortable silence settles. You can almost picture the smile on his face.
“Well I won’t keep you on long. Let me know if I can help with anything when you get back. “
“I will. Thank you for calling Professor.”
You grin widely.
After a few seconds you end the call feeling content.
The rest of the week you’re more at ease. You also anticipate him coming back. Maybe to the point that others are starting to notice.
“You’ve been smiling an awful lot lately.”
Abbott observes.
Usually faculty members didn’t look so content to be in meetings. You were boh waiting for the rest of the members, and you’d been humming the entire time.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“If you say so.”
From the look he sends you, it’s clear he didn’t believe it. The door opening pulls his attention. Maybe he’ll interrogate someone else.
“Jane, good to have you back. I’m assuming the case was a success.”
The second he said Jane you lit up like a Christmas tree.
“It was. We caught the smuggler.”
Jane turns when he sees you and you pat the seat next to you excitedly. He smiles at the gesture, placing his folder down.
“It’s good to see you too, Professor. I hope I didn’t miss anything exciting.”
“Nope, nothing at all. It’s pretty boring when you’re not around. Oh, I caught Rigsby stealing my special sauce again.”
Jane laughs.
“You should start charging for it.”
“I know!”
You both exchange a smile and Abbott says nothing, just watches the interaction as the room begins to fill up. The meeting goes by smoothly. Jane walks you to your office as you ask about his case.
“I can’t imagine what that’s like. Is it scary?”
“Not usually. I’m not in the field the way some of the other agents are and I work with a pretty strong team. They usually only call me in when they’re short an agent or working multiple cases.”
You nod.
“That’s impressive. You’re like an actual FBI agent.”
He grins.
“I’m not really an agent.”
“I mean you are, kind of. Wait, do you have a badge?”
You look very excited, so of course he realizes that he has to show you. He slides his hand into his pocket, pulling it out. He hands the ID badge to you.
“Wow.. this is so cool! The rest of us are just boring professors and you're there kicking butt.”
“Actually Lisbon used to work with the CBI, Cho was in the military and Vanpelt and Rigsby both worked in cyber crime.”
You gape, their background aligns perfectly with what they teach. You’re just a health and human performance professor.
“Are you serious!! So I’m the only boring one!”
You pout as you pass back the badge.
“I don’t think there is anything boring about you.”
“You’re just saying that to make me feel better. I don’t need your sympathy Mr. FBI.”
He laughs at your dramatic response.
“I’m being honest. You’re special. “
You don’t really believe it, but when you turn to him he’s wearing an expression that you haven’t seen before. Your cheeks flush and you fidget.
“W-Well if you say so.”
“I do say so. Quit sulking, let’s go have a cup of tea.”
You perk up at that.
He just smiles at how quickly your mood changed at the mention of tea.
Days with you are anything but boring.
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Lex Luthor (Smallville) : Short Story - Chapter 3
Clark returned home that evening a bit sullen.
The entire situation was just disheartening, Especially since you'd been glowing the entire day. When it was actually time to present, you'd given the teacher prior notice. Clark was happy to finish the presentation.
From the look of the teacher and his peers, he'd pretty much nailed it. But it wasn't as fulfilling when he was the only one being commended.
"She just exploded. Then she called in sick today. (Y/N) was so excited about the presentation. We got full marks. But it doesn't feel as enjoyable without her there."
He'd been contemplating just rushing over to your place, but Lana and even Chloe stated that you would come around when you were ready.
"Clark, maybe you should give her time. Everyone has things they need to deal with. This is just one of those times. She'll come around."
Martha rubbed his shoulder comfortingly. Jonathan was usually all for tarnishing the Luthor name. But it didn't feel like the right time to go on a rant on how bad the Luthors were.
"I'm going to see her."
Martha planned to advise against it, but he was already out the door.
Clark was nothing if not persistent.
"I shouldn't have reacted so badly."
It was immature of you to leave Clark to do all the work.
But seeing Lex there felt like he was rubbing it in your face. Your eyes dropped to the image on the wall. The perfect depiction of a family. Two happy parents and a brilliantly glowing child. So much had changed in the span of a year. It was hard to recognize the person in that photo, because it didn't feel like you.
"Sweetheart, there's a young man at the door. Oh! It's Clark!"
"Mom, wait no!"
She'd already opened the door, and you wince when he spots you.
"You don't look sick to me."
"Sick? I thought you said you needed some time to work on your project for tomorrow?"
Your mother asks.
"Thanks a lot Clark."
Your mother folds her arms, and you know that look.
"Grounded for a-"
"A week I know."
You glare at Clark, and he follows awkwardly behind as you head to your room.
"No pie for dessert either."
"What!! That's not fair!"
"Next time don't lie to your mother."
You grumble on your way up the stairs.
"What was that?"
As you enter your room, you're careful not to slam the door. Clark watches you amused.
"You don't know her like I do. I can't risk losing dinner too."
Clark can barely contain his laughter, and you find yourself giggling as you take a seat on your bed. Clark slides a chair over, sitting next to you.
"How was the presentation?"
You were a bit scared to ask.
"It would have been better if you were there. " You lower your head.
"I'm sorry I bailed on you. "
"That's not really what I'm concerned about. What happened last night. You just blew up. I was worried. "
It's at times like this you wish you were a much better liar. Because you can just make something up, but Clark would see right through you. You grip the bed, and he moves closer, placing his hand over yours.
"You can trust me I promise."
You haven't known Clark for that long, but he hasn't done anything to prove that he's untrustworthy. If anything he's exceeded your expectations. Your lips quiver, and when he feels the slight tremble in your hands, he's concerned.
"Clark...I'm a meteor freak.."
It's a mix between a sob and a whisper.
The tears begin falling, and you fully expect him to pull away. Run out of there screaming, but he does neither. He moves to the bed. Pulling you into a hug. You just continue to cry. Because no one knows, not even your mother.
Suddenly it makes sense.
He remembers the situation with Earl.
You pull back slightly, wiping your eyes. Clark doesn't need to hear more. He just wants to provide support, but you need to get it off your chest.
"My dad he..he worked at that plant all his life. Everything was fine. When my parents had me I was healthy. That's what the doctor said. But then last year they shut down the plant and my family suffered."
It's hard to go back to all those painful memories.
"I watched my family struggle to the point that my dad collapsed from exhaustion trying to keep us afloat. He died the following year, and that's when my abilities started to manifest. The Luthors, they took so much from me. Seeing him there looking so unaffected hurt.."
Now he understands.
All he can hope to do is help you through it, because nothing he can say will completely banish that pain.
For now, all he can do is be a good friend.
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Jubal Valentine (FBI/Grimm): Short Story - AU: Chapter 3
“I’m glad we finally made it to the coffee shop, I just didn’t think you would make me work this hard for it.”
You laugh as Jubal opens the door to the cafe and you step in, sliding off your beanie. When you suggested a run through the park, he agreed. It was even better that you both had the day off, so no sudden calls to disturb the peace.
“I’m just helping you enjoy it more. Nothing’s better than a sugary donut and a cup of joe after a run.”
“I have to agree with you there.”
You giggle.
“Make yourself comfortable, I’ll get the drinks. Anything special?”
“Just cream and sugar.”
“Got it.”
He takes a seat, and you move to place your order.
You and Jubal have been texting back and forth for the past month. Given your jobs, it was a challenge to set a date and stick to it. You’d had time for a few walks after work, and now you’re finally buying him the promised cup of coffee. He lives about five miles away from you, which isn’t bad.
In a weird way you’re happy for the friendship. It’s easy to talk with someone who gets how crazy life is. Even better is that he isn’t a direct coworker. Those types of things always get messy. You have enough craziness in your life, so you want to cherish this normal.
When your order is called, you grab it, along with the two donuts. You move back to the table and Jubal straightens with a grin.
“I’m glad that you’re a woman of your word, that looks amazing right now. “
You laugh, because he’s reaching for the donut before you fully place it down. He takes it happily and you leave the drink at his side as you take a seat and he digs in.
You grab a napkin, doing the same. The first bite he takes leaves powder all over his cheeks and beard and you end up laughing.
He smiles.
His cheeks are full and you just shake your head, handing him a napkin.
He takes it, finishing up his donut as he starts wiping the excess powder.
“Well, that was delicious.”
His attention moves to his coffee and you grin behind your cup.
“I hope so, otherwise I would have to assume you just like making a mess.”
“Who doesn’t like a little mess?”
You chuckle, placing your cup down.
“I think given our jobs, it’s nice to avoid the mess.”
He nods in acknowledgement, taking a sip of his coffee before he places it on the table and relaxes into seat.
“Thank you for this, really. Not just the free snack, but the company.”
You were about to say the same.
“You read my mind Agent Valentine.”
He smirks at the little rhyme and you smile.
Some of his texts on nights that you were heading home seemed at the right time. You’d just had a tougher case and planned to wonder, and to your surprise, Jubal had the same mindset. He’d shown you a route in the city he took when he just needed to clear his head before he went to sleep.
Not all cases end the way you want, and for a lot of those nights, the both of you didn’t always talk, you would just walk and admire the many lights, or bustling people, and that was enough. Given your recent development, sometimes you need the extra time.
You’re grateful that your life doesn’t seem as exciting as Nick’s. You haven’t encountered a plethora of criminal wesen and you’re thankful.
You also hope that one day you can tell Jubal without sounding like a nut case.
That’s a topic to think about for another time.
“Well, since you bought the first one, I should get the next one. How does Saturday sound?”
You nod.
“Next Saturday is perfect.”
He’s smiling just as widely as you as he continues drinking his coffee.
After you make it back to your place, you’re happy.
The rest of your day you just busy yourself with mundane tasks and go through a few of the books Nick left the last time he came. You’re on the phone with him at the moment.
“What the hell, is this octopus head thing real?”
He laughs on the other side of the call.
“As real as you and me- Hey no Kelly don’t put that in your mouth!”
You laugh at the subtle parenting in the background and you hear Adalind giggling.
“Don’t worry Nick, I’ve got him.”
You assumed she took whatever the toddler had grabbed to salivate on.
“I swear he gives me more heart attacks than wesens do.” Nick mutters.
“I bet you he’s just like his dad when he was a kid.”
“I’m almost positive I was a very well mannered child.”
“Yet there is no proof.”
Adalind’s laugh echoes through the speaker and you’re playing with the pencil in your hand as you smile.
“So Nick tells me you met someone.”
You groan.
“He’s just a friend.”
“Mhmm, sounds like more than friends. Nick says you text all the time.”
“What! She’s my wife. She basically squeezed the information out of me.”
“Didn’t really take much squeezing. You get pretty tame whenever I do that thing with my-”
“And with that we’ll talk to you later! Bye (Y/N).”
The tone echoes before you can reply and you just let out a snort.
“He’s such a sucker.”
Looks like the rest of your evening is free. You get comfortable as you read a few more chapters of the book before you tuck them away. You’re about to get started on dinner, but your doorbell rings.
You’re not really expecting anyone, and when you open the door, you didn’t think it would be Jubal.
“Hey, sorry, I didn’t mean to show up unannounced. I figured since we both have the rest of the night free we could stop by and grab a few burgers, maybe have a walk on the way back.”
You smile. He’s shuffling a bit in place, as if he’s ready to go and you do your best to hide your smile.
“I’d like that.”
You throw on a sweater and follow him out.
The air is cool, and it feels just perfect for a walk.
Jubal is telling you about his week, and a few extra details about his coworkers, his family. It’s funny how much you both confide in each other. Maybe it’s because he’d seen you at your most vulnerable once, he wants you to be on even ground.
The topic drifts to that night, he’s explaining about his meeting and how he’d managed to bump into you.
“My friend was celebrating an engagement. They met at that bar, so they figured it would be a nice place to tell everyone.”
That’s actually really sweet.
“At least one of us was there for noble reasons.”
Jubal nudges your arm with a smile.
“Happens to the best of us. “ He offers.
He’s not wrong. He’d told you about his battle with alcoholism himself. It’s not like you were an alcoholic, it was just a tough time. You wanted to forget, even if it was for a short time.
Then Jubal showed up and you pretty much just ambushed him and he tolerated every awkward and silly action. Looking back is always a bit embarrassing. Hearing the reruns is even more so.
“I actually said that?”
“Yes, word for word, you swore that even if you were going to get robbed, at least it would be from an attractive criminal.”
Your cheeks flush and you shake your head.
Jubal is enjoying it, so you suppose it’s not that bad. You’re just watching as he explains in detail all that happened that night. Each memory he presents is followed by the sound of his laughter. You’re just admiring him. Despite all the crap you dealt with that day, you’re grateful that at least something good came out of it.
You don’t process that he’s asked you a question until he turns to you for the answer. His words die off and you can’t truly hide your shameless staring.
Your breath is a bit uneven, and he seems to mirror your expression.
After a few moments, he looks away, and you feel like you can breathe again. The subject changes, and you’re a bit thankful for his ease.
The walk ends after you both grab a bite and head back.
Now standing at your door again, you just wear a warm smile.
“Thanks for the burger and the walk.”
It’s nice just to have someone to listen, hear you.
“Always a pleasure. I guess I’ll see you next Saturday for our coffee run. I’ll be sure to beat you next time. I was just taking it easy on you this morning.”
You giggle.
“Whatever you say Valentine.”
He’s smiling, and when he steps closer, you lift your head just a bit. He’s taller than you and you have to adjust yourself. Both to his height, and the closeness that is beginning to have an effect on you. His gaze is almost too much. You’re almost positive that he’s going to take another step and close the distance, but he just offers a smile, glancing down at his feet as he moves back.
“Thank you, I know I say it a lot. But I appreciate it. Talking with you, laughing with you, looking at you..”
That last one sounds like an unplanned confession. It seems he’s registered the words, because he suddenly looks a bit flustered, and he laughs under his breath, placing his hands on his hips in a manner you’re certain he does a lot at work. It’s just a simple mannerism, but you can’t help but find it attractive.
You’re about to say something, voice your own interests, but his phone goes off. He looks down, and just from his expression, you can tell what his next words are when he looks back at you.
“Go save the world Jubal.”
You smile, and he nods with a little smile of his own.
“I’ll do my best.”
You both share a look before he finally steps away with a little nervous chuckle. You watch him leave with a content sigh.
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Lex Luthor (Smallville/X-Men) AU - Fanfiction - Chapter 10 - Final
Wade took his leave a few days later, and you haven’t caught the scent of your brother, safe to say he’s gone.
That night that your brother left, you explained it all to Lex. But neither of you have spoken about it since then. You aren’t really sure what to say about it. You’re a bit surprised he’s so casual about almost being attacked, then again, his life is typically in danger every few months.
It must feel like routine at this point.
Lex isn’t oblivious, you’ve become a bit more quiet and distant. As he’s seen, there is little that breaks you professionally. Even now he knows there is so much on your mind, yet you accompany him to every meeting, every trip and carry out your duties no different than any other day.
Today he’s meeting with a few investors, and as it turns out there is another political rally close by. It’s loud, hard to miss, and when he exits the car to get into the hotel, that’s when the gunshots go off. In a matter of seconds he’s guided into the hotel, and you turn to the head of security. Screams echo and bullets are apparently still flying.
“Don’t let him out of your sight.”
That’s your only instruction before you go bolting out the door. Lex and his present bodyguard don’t think much of it, people are still scrambling, yet you are sprinting to get across the street. It doesn’t seem to register until the bullets now appear to be aimed in your general direction.
You jump onto a car, and the bullet that whizzes by hits the window of it. It seems you’ve spotted the vantage point of this person, because Lex peeks through the glass long enough to see a van parked with the window open and a rifle aimed.
The next jump you make is over the hood of a car, and when you land, you take one aggressive action and reach into the window of said van. A scream of a man echoes when you pull the rifle and toss it to the ground, taking the man with it. He tumbles to the floor, clearly disoriented and you stamped the gun, and yanked the man to his feet. He looks startled.
“How the hell did you do that..”
You’re frowning, and the cop cars ring in the background. Officers race outside of their squads cars when they pull up and you shove your attacker unto his stomach as you pull out a zip tie from your back pocket. He grunts at the force, and the second you have him restrained you look up at the officers that are now trained in your direction.
“Hands in the air!!”
“I’m hired as security with Luthorcorp. I’m going to reach into my jacket pocket and pull out my ID. Don’t shoot.”
You press your knee to keep the man down, and you slowly reach for identification.
They still look careful, and one man approaches with his gun drawn as you slowly show your ID. He glances at it, then at you, slowly nodding in acknowledgement.
Another officer came over to remove the rifle, and you straightened when the rest of them began to pour in to check the other civilians and detain your shooter. As he was being pulled off the ground, he was shouting.
The officer just snorted as the shooter was led away.
“Says the guy that opened fire on innocent people.”
You nod.
“I don’t care what your political views are, if you’re hurting people I’m going punch you in the face.”
The officer turned to you with a raised brow and your expression stayed neutral.
Now he seemed a bit scared.
“W-Well thanks for the assist. If you could just give your information to the officer over there we can take it from here.”
“Of course, have a good day.”
You walked away without another word.
It took a while for it all to be sorted, and Lex observed the entire exchange. By the time you made it back to the hotel, it was a given that you would need to find another place to stay.
Another venue was booked and you were in Lex’s room setting up for the night as his other security took residence down the hall.
After a few patrols you decided to call it a night.
Now showered, you stepped out to the sight of him on the bed with a few documents out. You could tell he wasn’t very focused, because his gaze was ahead, instead of on the text.
“Are you okay?”
You moved over taking a seat and he offered a smile, nodding.
“I’m fine. I wasn’t the one scaling vehicles and taking down criminals. If you’re not careful another company is going to see your skill and snatch you up.”
“I’d never work for another company.”
Your words are sure, and Lex is once again reminded of your loyalty. Even before any feelings were expressed, you had informed him of how you worked and explained you would go as far as risking your own safety for him.
“About my brother..”
Ah, this is what he’s been waiting for. This is clearly what has been weighing on your mind.
“One threat won’t keep him away. As much as I hate to admit it, we’re family and I still..I still love him.”
It’s painful to admit, because you know the kind of monster he is, so what does that make you?
You look away.
“Either way, I’d understand. I wouldn’t blame you. My life is pretty messed up.”
Lex just offers a smile.
“You’re saying that to the guy that lost all his hair in a meteor shower that gave the town superpowers.”
You can’t help it, you crack a smile yourself.
Lex conveys understanding.
“I think it goes without saying that neither of us want to walk away. For the first time in my life I feel like I’m doing something right. Watching you today, rush out there to save people you don’t even know, it makes me want to be someone better.
Having you in my life makes me a better man, and I know it might be selfish, but that’s all I want. To be better, do better, with you.”
You never saw yourself as someone to be admired. You’ve made your share of bad decisions, so you’re no saint, but it feels like his words go both ways. Fighting in war is much different.
The idea of protecting your country is so broad that many don’t really give it much thought. But what you did today, it felt different. Much different than just firing a gun in the name of patriotism.
You want to be better too.
Maybe he reads it in your expression, because all he gives is a smile as he leans in.
That first kiss is gentle, quick. When you pull back, you lick your lips, and his eyes are trained on them.
You swallow.
It’s taken you a long time to trust anyone again. You always thought it would be easier to walk away. Getting attached was dangerous because there was always the chance of losing the person you loved. You never wanted Lex to ever encounter Victor, but it was naive to expect that it wouldn’t happen.
The fact that he’s still here, it’s both frightening and reassuring. Because now you’re not sure you’ll ever be able to walk away.
You’re in love with him.
You love him.
“I love you too.”
His words make your breath catch, because you haven’t even said it aloud, yet he knows.
How does he know….
He cups your cheek, and when he pulls you in, your expression evens out, because this kiss is just as gentle, yet holds every bit of passion. The slow caress of his lips are just as amazing as the first time that he’d kissed you. Every soft touch after makes you melt. You feel a bit light headed.
You’ve shared a number of these moments.
Those hurried desperate kisses are typically the ones most talked about, yet this one, right now, feels just as crazy because your heart is pounding so loudly you’re almost convinced that you’ll lose yourself.
Your hand reaches out, smoothening against his shirt. You can’t fully catch a breath, because everytime he parts, he gives you just enough time to exhale before he comes back, claiming you in this heated embrace.
His free hand moves over yours that’s against his chest and when he moves it’s just a bit to the left, you can feel it, each crazy beat. His heart is racing almost twice as hard as yours. He gently holds your palm against his chest, almost like he needs you to hear all of it. Every excessive thump.
Your body is so warm, your heart is so full.
Words don’t need to be used.
You both understand.
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Harry Wells (Flash) - Oneshot.
You’re not certain how things really turned out that way.
With Team Flash crazy things tend to happen.
The lead of a crime syndicate had led you all to a club. Except the minute you saw the guy, Barry and the others had to fall back because he’d pretty much seen their faces.
They retreated, which left you and Harry there to get close enough to record the current conversation to prevent further importation of drugs and meta human weapons.
“Harry, you need to get closer! We can’t hear or see anything.”
Cisco’s order over the coms didn’t help.
He was pissed.
Not only was he in this public space surrounded by sweaty bodies and loud music, but it seemed almost impossible to get any closer without blowing the whole operation.
With a drink in your hand, you were just as anxious.
The sound changed, and Harry’s eyes tracked the target.
Evan Agram.
He was now moving to the dancefloor with a woman.
“He left the section.” Harry grumbled.
“Damn.. wait! This might actually work. Can you get closer to him, maybe we can copy his phone. We’d have everything.”
Cisco sounds excited and Harry's expression doesn’t get much better.
“How exactly am I supposed to do that Ramon?”
“I don’t know, be creative. We’re counting on you.”
Harry huffed, and you looked around, trying to figure the best way to proceed.
The melodies in the club were a big distraction.
Lookin' in your eyes while you on the other side
And I think that, shawty, I got a thing for you, yeah
Doin' it on purpose, windin' and workin' it
I can tell by the way you lookin' at me, girl
The people around seemed to have slowed down, and there’s an opening right next to your criminal. The subtleness of the lyrics along with the space that is practically calling, well the idea seems obvious.
Now how are you going to pitch it to Harry?
This isn’t the first time you’ve been to a club with the guy.
He usually tagged along on little adventures when Cisco pestered him. He’s a natural loner, so all it took was a bit of reverse psychology and he’d join the group.
Yet now, it's not like those times.
This is a case and a serious one, you need to do whatever’s necessary to stop these men.
You school your features, before you work up the nerve.
“Harry, we have to dance.”
His head turns in your direction and he looks as though you’ve grown an extra head.
Before he can protest, you take the device from his jeans pocket and slide it right into your cleavage. Harry is clearly at a loss for words. He won’t admit it, but that just might be the best spot because most men would rather take a knee than admit to staring down there. It seems to be perfectly hidden, and you take a hold of his wrist, downing your drink in one swig before you’re leading him to the dancefloor.
Harry all but stumbles behind, and when you get to where you need to be, you turn to him.
“Just follow my lead.”
You sound so sure, and he can’t truly say much. You turn towards your target, and he seems none the wiser, because you wrap Harry’s hands around your body as you begin to sway with the music. He doesn’t want to blow the cover, but it’s hard to think, because you guide his hands to the most scandalous placement.
One is lying over your stomach, just under your navel and the other is on your left thigh.
His body is tense, you can feel it, but you need this, to stop this man.
“Relax, just move with me.”
It’s a careful whisper and with each second that passes, he forces himself to obey the instruction. The more he relaxes, the more you seem to. You let out a breath, gaze moving back to Evan. His focus is trained on his lady friend, and you’re grateful, you’re much closer than you expected.
“Awesome, we’re scanning his phone now, it should only be about another minute. Keep doing what you’re doing.”
You’re certain if Cisco knew what the two of you were doing he would not be so enthusiastic.
Despite the questionable approach, you try your best to think about anything other than Harry’s hand on your inner thigh.
“The music, focus on the music.”
I wanna make love in this club (ayy) (wanna make love)
In this club (ayy) (yeah)
In this club (ayy) (oh-oh)
In this club
I wanna make love in this club (ayy) (make love)
In this club (ayy) (in this club)
In this club (ayy) (yeah)
In this club (ayy) (listen)
Bad idea, bad idea!!
The music does nothing to help, so you just think about how many people you’ll be helping when you stop the guy.
You just keep moving with the rhythm.
Each sway, each move is replicated by Harry, and it’s actually making this a bit harder. You’re grateful that he calmed down enough to convince the people around that you’re a couple just enjoying a night out. You shouldn’t over think this but he feels strangely good. So close, so strong.
His arms, his chest, his scent, it’s all so enticing.
“Snap out of it.”
This is no time for distractions.
With the amount of people around, somehow you end up moving closer to Evan, and you’re actually relieved that your plan worked out so well, because his back is turned to you as the woman smiles.
At one point someone bumps at the side, and you almost stumble, but Harry tightens his grip to keep you grounded.
“Are you okay?”
Those words are whispered into your ear, and you know it’s not his intention to be that seductive, but it sends a quiver throughout your body that you desperately try to control. His breath on your neck, his hand that has moved a bit lower due to the action of a party goer, it’s driving you insane. You were the one who came up with this genius plan, so you can’t complain.
You exhale shakily.
“Yes..yes I’m fine.”
Harry seems to settle, and you’re both still swaying with the song.
You’re not sure if the accidental push has brought you both closer, because he feels pressed more firmly against your back. You’re doing everything to ensure your arms don’t tremble, because they are laying delicately over him that has captured you quite completely.
“This was a bad idea..”
You murmur.
You’re ready for his agreement.
“I think given the results, it was genius.”
This time his lips brush your ear and you’re almost certain this isn’t just a trick in your mind. Is he intentionally trying to drive you crazy?
“We got it!!”
Cisco’s voice cheers over the com.
“Alright guys, whenever you have a chance, just sneak away. Be careful.”
Barry instructs.
You hum in agreement.
The song is nearing its end, just in time. If you had to deal with this anymore you might actually pop a vessel.
Might as well give me a kiss, if we keep touchin' like this
I know you scared, baby, they don't know what we doin'
Let's both get undressed right here, keep it up, girl, I swear
I'ma give it to you non-stop
And I don't care, who's watchin', watchin', watchin'
Watchin', watchin'
Oh, in this club, on the floor
Baby, let's make love
The suggestiveness of this song makes everything much worse.
It trails on for a bit longer before it dies out in the background. When it does, you can feel the way Harry slowly steps away. You turn to him to convey a job well done, maybe save some face, yet the second your eyes meet, it’s far worse than when the both of you were basically grinding on each other.
You’ve never seen such an intense look in his eyes.
Working with the guy for the past two years has shown you many sides of him.
Mostly annoyance.
Yet now, the heat in his eyes almost brings you to your knees. You should make a break for it, escape, but you can hardly get yourself to move. It feels like a challenge to breathe.
The loudness of the new song jolts you back to earth, because bodies begin flooding the dancefloor and Harry looks up, and once again that irritated look returns. He looks back at you, indicating that you both leave. You nod, stepping forward as he moves to the side to follow behind to ensure you aren’t trampled.
Once you’re both in the clear, you meet your friends outside.
Barry seems satisfied, so does Cisco.
When the information is passed on to CCPD, Joe is more than happy to arrest Evan. Apparently certain criminals aren’t that great about not boasting about crimes they have committed. With the contacts and information you copied off his phone, the following morning over a dozen arrests were made and a few million in drug money was recovered, along with some very high class tech that was definitely stolen.
Cisco spent the better part of the day boasting that it was his expert leadership skills. Barry couldn’t help but give that to him.
You’re happy that you were able to help. Working alongside Team Flash as a cop has taught you so much. A few years ago when you were appointed as a detective in the precinct, you never thought this would be your life. But you have to admit, it’s always rewarding when you catch the bad guy.
You should have been celebrating with everyone else, but your mind refuses to give you the satisfaction. You’d spent the time observing Harry from afar.
All of you were in the cortex, but you chose a spot on the opposite of his to stand and you’d been careful to keep your distance for the entirety of all the conversations that were exchanged. Yet your eyes were practically glued to him.
The way he moved, the way he talked, even that somehow attractive glare. It’s like your brain had suddenly become aware of him and it was driving you crazy. It’s not like you didn’t think he was handsome before. There was just always this air of professionalism. You’d had your fair share of one on ones, but this, this was different.
You hadn’t realized that you drifted off until Frost came looking. Given that you’re closer in age to her, Caitlin and Iris, all four of you have become a bit closer. Caitlin is the empath, Iris is the motivator and well, Frost is just blunt.
“So what’s the deal with you and Harry?”
There’s that bluntness.
You slide down the wall of the speed lab, burying your face in your knees.
There’s no use denying it.
“I don’t know I just..we needed the information so I made a call.”
In actuality, you’ve done operations like that before. Times where you had to go undercover, play a part. This isn’t the first time you’ve had to get up close and personal with a colleague, so why is this time different?
“So you got the hots for him.”
You lift your head, face flushed, despite your need to stop it.
What can you say to that?
Frost just grins, giving you a harsh pat on the back.
“Go get em tiger.”
Somehow that makes you feel worse.
You just drop your head back into your knees with a groan.
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Earth 2 Harry Wells (Flash) - Oneshot
If there was one thing that you hated, it was a know it all.
You grew up with geniuses.
Your father, mother and both brothers.
It ran in the family.
That’s why you knew they expected you to follow in their footsteps and become a scientist. It was interesting and all, but you wanted to use your gifts to stop crime.
You were smart, unfortunately, a certain variant of Wells didn’t seem to get that.
“It’s not something a normal person would understand.”
Her words were condescending, and the rest of Team Flash just winced as they prepared for it.
“I’m gonna shoot you.”
You reached for your gun and Barry sped over taking your hand before you could get it out of the hollister. Harry just walked away with his tech in hand and you glared until he was out of the room.
“We’ve been working together for a year, can’t you guys try to get along.”
“When he stops being an asshole I’d love to.” You hissed.
You stormed off, probably back to the precinct and Barry sighed. Cisco just grinned.
“They’re totally into each other.”
Caitlin wore a weak smile, and Barry moved to Iris’s side for some moral support.
This had been happening for longer than they could really remember. You’d joined their little group and just like that, you and Harry became mortal enemies. There was nothing they could truly do about it.
So they carried on, working the cases.
The most recent one was a string of robberies. Barry recovered a battery, and after Harry explained the purpose for the item, it was decided that leaving it at CCPD would be too risky.
So he dropped it at Star Labs and decided to follow up on his hunch. Caitlin was working on scanning the properties to ensure they wouldn’t be exposed to anything, and Cisco was working on a case to contain it in, just in case the bandit came looking.
Unfortunately that was sooner than either of them expected.
The alarms in the building went off.
Caitlin was on the other side of the building, so you hoped at least she was out of danger.
Cisco and Harry practically came sprinting into the cortex.
“Time to go!”
Cisco called.
He intended to grab the battery from off the table behind and breach you all to another part of the lab, but the second he was within five feet of it, a blast hit one of the computers nearby and the residual from the beam knocked him right off his feet.
Your first instinct was to reach for your gun.
“Don’t even think about it!!”
The yell made you freeze and Harry was glaring in the criminal’s direction. He had one of Harry’s weapons, a dangerous one at that. Getting hit with one of those blasts was guaranteed injury, maybe even death.
The man holding said gun was someone you all recognized.
Devon Miles.
Notorious for criminal activity of all kinds.
His aim was focused on Harry and when he saw the battery sitting on the table behind, you could tell he’d already decided what he wanted.
“Listen to me, think this over, you’re a thief, not a killer, you really want to spend the rest of your life in a jail cell for killing a cop?”
His aim faltered for a second, but he didn’t stand down.
“I’m already looking at a life sentence, might as well cut my losses and make a sale to get out of this crazy ass city.”
Obviously he’d already made up his mind. Harry stepped directly in front of the battery, blocking Devon’s view and he snarled.
“Give it to me!!”
You were maybe a few meters away.
You were at a disadvantage and this man seemed unhinged.
You needed to talk him down, at the very least distract him. Handing him the device was out of the question. Barry had explained that it was a battery, but used recklessly, it could be a potential bomb, and you know Harry would sooner take a bullet than let something that dangerous into the hands of this maniac
Harry refused to fold, and when Devon gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger, you supposed it was instinct. You jumped right in front of him and the meta charged weapon struck you right in the center of your chest. Your body hit the ground with a thud and you ended up skating a few feet away.
Harry was stunned, and Devon dropped the gun in surprise, cursing as he tried to make a break for it in the other direction. He made it all the way to the doorway before he was knocked off his feet.
Harry recognized the stream of vibrations. Cisco was leaning against the wall with a huff, glaring at Devon who was now on the floor.
The criminal was down, passed out.
There should have been celebrations, but Harry’s gaze moved back to your form, and the pit in his stomach got bigger.
His tone was stern, like he expected you to just get up and yell at him, but he got no response. With unsteady steps, he walked over to you. Cisco seemed to understand the severity of the situation. Harry kept walking, kept calling.
He kneeled, still nothing.
When his hand touched your shoulder and he carefully guided you unto your back, your eyes were still shut.
His voice was shaky, and Cisco was quick to call in the calvary.
Harry stayed planted by your side the entire time.
When the team learned of the situation, Barry practically sped you over to the med bay and Caitlin connected the patches, ready to run everything. The waves from the gun were strong, and since you caught it head on, they weren’t sure what to expect.
Caitlin had managed to finish setting up the drip and heart monitor when your body jolted and you sat upright with a gasp.
It was the first thing you said, and he seemed to be frozen in place. The fact that you were awake right now was more than a little surprising. Barry spent a few minutes assuring you that everyone was fine.
Harry knew he should have said something, but words wouldn’t form and he just ended up somewhat fading into the background as Caitlin got to work.
She was thorough, and after much fretting from your friends, she’d drawn a conclusion.
“We think that you might have been affected by the particle accelerator. No abilities manifested, but you have dark matter in your body. You’re a meta, we’re just not sure what kind. I’m going to keep running tests. None of this is final, but at the very least all your vitals are stable.”
You nodded at Caitlin, looking down at the small bandage on your arm. Aside from a bruised bicep, you were healthy, and that was more than enough.
“Thank you Caitlin.”
She smiled, and Barry looked more than a little relieved. Cisco offered a pat on your shoulder as he gestured to your badge and your gun that was on the table at the side.
“Don’t worry, I kept them nice and shiny for when you came to.”
You laughed, nodding at him.
“I appreciate it, Cisco.”
He shrugged with a grin, and you laid back on the bed, letting out a sigh. Harry was standing off at the side. Your eyes moved to him, relieved that he was uninjured.
Still, you felt like you needed to double check.
“Harry are you-”
“You’re a fool.”
His tone was no different than any encounter that you both shared, and your brows furrowed.
“You made a stupid decision because you’re reckless.”
Harry’s words were harsh, and he expected something, anything, but you just looked away. No more words were exchanged, and Harry just adjusted his glasses as he stormed out.
Barry wasn’t sure what to do. Iris just sent him a nod and a smile, and he returned it, heading to speak to Harry as she moved to your side.
Harry retreated to one of the smaller labs to work on something. That’s where Barry found him, tickering with something or the other.
“You might want to go easy on her, Harry.”
Barry’s words seem to fall on deaf ears, because Harry was still hyper focused on his device.
“She’s a genius, Harry.”
Harry scoffed, turning to Barry to retaliate, but the serious yet solemn look on his face made his words stop.
“She understands more than you realize. (Y/N) has been helping Cisco with upgrades to my suit, she figured out the equation to stabilize the nuke we stopped last summer when you were training Jesse and she can read and understand all the translations from the speedforce.”
That caught Harry’s attention.
“When she first came, it took her a few hours to figure out I was the Flash. Her closing rate is impressive and she can solve equations like it’s child’s play. She’s not like you or me or Cisco. She comes from a family of geniuses, she could have been a billionaire like the rest of her family members, but she chose law enforcement to help people."
He wasn't aware of that fact.
"All she’s ever done is help and I think she really admires you, but sometimes when you rebuttal her or talk down I think it just reminds her of how she was back home and for her, that’s suffocating.”
He swallowed at the evaluation, now no longer interested in his tech.
“Please just..try to meet her halfway. She jumped in front of that blast to protect you.”
In the back of his mind, he knew that. That’s why it pissed him off. The idea of you risking your life for him.
He didn’t deserve it, none of your kindness.
Barry said nothing more, just walked out an encouraging look, leaving Harry to his thoughts. He wasn’t sure how long he stayed there, just staring down at his feet, contemplating all of your conversations.
It felt like an eternity before he finally willed himself to suck up his pride and move.
When he walked back into the cortex an hour later, you were packing up your things to head back home. Caitlin had pretty much explained that you were healthy and if there were any changes, you should return. You hadn’t even really heard him until you turned and he was right in front of you.
You backed up, swallowing. You were ready for some kind of insult, but he just removed his glasses, lowering his head.
“I’m sorry.”
Clearly that was not what you expected.
Now that you were actually looking at him, you could see the guilt on his face.
“Seeing you on the ground, unconscious because of me was hard. Especially since I know you hate me.”
You shake your head.
“I don’t hate you Harry.”
He gave a humorless chuckle, lifting his head to present all the evidence on why that couldn’t be true. But when he looked at you, it was sincere. Your expression, that statement.
“I don’t hate you. I’d never let anything happen to anyone on this team, especially you.”
In a way, he was baffled. All your encounters proved otherwise, but your eyes were so honest and caring that it seemed to dawn on him that despite your many arguments, you actually cared about him.
His eyes drifted to the bandage that was visible on your right bicep and that guilt returned. Your eyes caught what he was looking at, and you wore an impish smile.
“I’m okay.”
You assure.
He nods, placing his glasses back on his face.
“Please, just be careful in the future.”
There was actual concern in those words. Not something Harry often displayed. You know that given the situation, he must have been scared. Despite the scary events of the day, you had to admit it was kind of nice seeing the more tender side of Harry.
You stepped forward, and when you placed your hand on his arm lightly and leaned up, placing a kiss on his cheek, you could tell he was a bit surprised. When you pulled back, you smiled.
“Thanks for apologizing casa nova.”
It was a jab, one he’d refute any other day, but at the moment, he couldn’t get out much. You just continued to smile as you stepped back.
“Have a good night Harry.”
With a soft laugh, you were walking away and he cursed.
He realized in that moment that he’d lost, miserably.
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FBI Masterlist
Jubal Valentine Short Story (AU)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach) - Noble Series 1: Our Love - Chapter 23
In order to save some face, you do your best to act like you hadn’t been doing the hanky panky with your captain.
Once you return to the thirteenth squad, you and Byakuya meet Ichigo and Rukia at the front as you all take off to do your rounds.
“Renji went to the eleventh squad. Apparently there’s been more activity throughout the barracks. Two lower level hollows showed up.” Rukia reports.
Your eyes harden.
“Was anyone injured?”
She shook her head.
You laugh.
“It’s one of the few times I’m glad we have a crazy guy like Kenpachi.” Ichigo says.
Rukia nods
“He took them out. Hanataro dropped by just in case. Hirako-taicho thinks we should start assigning medical reapers to each division.”
That might actually be a smart idea.
“Rukia, maybe we should-”
The explosion nearby cuts your statement and you jolt when you feel the familiar raise in spiritual pressure. On instinct you all draw your blades. You’re stunned, because the minute the dust clears, the many pairs of glowing eyes shocks you.
You’re surrounded by hollows, and not just a few either.
At least two dozen.
“So many…”
This doesn’t make sense. How did they manage to climb through without so much as a sound? Usually there is more than a warning.
You barely have a chance to think about it, because they all attack at once. The four of you pitch off into different directions. You’re not surprised that they follow.
You sheath your blade, lifting your fists, Rukia takes a stance and Byakuya has already released his shikai. The stream of flower petals catches your view.
“Getsuga Tensho!!”
Ichigo is working from his spot, and you feel the brush of cold which no doubt is from Rukia. She’s managed to freeze three of them. The two that come in your direction are knocked right into the ground, the concrete lifting upon impact. Byakuya’s has sliced up at least a half dozen by now.
Taking down them isn’t hard, especially given the skills you all possess.
In a matter of minutes, there’s nothing left but the rubble from attacks landed. You huff, straightening when Ichigo slices the very last one. You’d like to say that you’ve won this round, but nothing about that makes sense.
There was no benefit of sending a bunch of hollows for your group. He knows you’re all more than capable, he has to. You can’t help but feel like he’s been watching you this entire time. That day in the trees, possibly back in Karakura Town.
They all move to your side, and you search the sky, hoping for something, some kind of explanation behind this attack. Now that you’re all airbourne, you get a better view.
“What do we do Taicho?”
He looks about ready to give instruction, but another explosion goes off and your head darts in the direction. The obvious option would be to head in that direction to assist, but another follows, then another, and another. The rush of spiritual pressures stuns you. Your eyes widen, because all you seem to see is smoke from multiple areas across the soul society.
It’s not just one attack, now the plan seems clear, he’s trying to create panic in the chaos, because you can hear the yells of fellow reapers.
“This..this should not be possible. How is he controlling so many hollows..”
Rukia asks in disbelief.
The last person that had that type of ability was Aizen. Not an enemy any of you would like to revisit. The destruction is terrifying. Your hands tremble, Byakuya isn’t oblivious.
“Devastating, isn’t it.”
You lift your fists at the words, and everyone in the space reacts to it. You don’t even get a punch in. A thorn goes right through your shoulder and you barely get a sound out. Your blood splatters, hitting Rukia’s cheek and she turns with every intention to attack.
Byakuya and Ichigo are not far. Their intention is to fight, but the barrier rises and the attacks they fire offer resistance. There’s a green transparent box around your body as well as Rukia’s in the space.
Danuja lifts his hand, and a green ring wraps around your throat and Rukia’s.
Your breath hitches, because you can’t truly move. Not enough to grab your blade, help Rukia.
Stop Danuja.
Both Ichigo and Byakuya don’t need much instruction.
“Getsuga Tensho!!”
“Senbonzakura, Kageyoshi!”
Both attacks hit the barrier, but none of them do any damage. Once their energy fades, Ichigo stares in alarm.
There isn’t even a dent.
“Damn it!! RUKIA!! (Y/N)!!”
Your shaky gaze meets Byakuya. You can see the panic in his eyes. You feel responsible. If he’d only grabbed you, at least you would have felt less guilty. All of this is happening because of you.
Rukia looks pissed.
“Why can’t we move!!”
She’s right to question it. The rings are only around your neck, but you can’t move your limbs.
Not at all.
Danuja merely grins, moving closer.
“I don’t think you’re in any position to speak so boldly. You nobles always think you’re so entitled.”
There’s so much hate in his voice. You bite down on your lip.
“Danuja..w-why are you doing this?”
You can’t understand how someone so kind could do something this cruel.
“We..we used to be friends.”
He sounds angry, and you swallow.
Ichigo and Byakuya can do nothing but watch.
Danuja stands right before you, eyes cold.
“I was nothing more than your maid, so was my mother.”
His words are painful to hear. But from his point of view, you get it.
“All you had to do was marry that stupid old geezer and she would still be here. The day you left, it broke her. It killed her. I lost the only person in this world who cared about me because you were an entitled brat.”
Your eyes shake, and when he snaps his fingers, you can feel a familiar tremor. Byakuya and Ichigo turn their gaze with the new arrival of hollows.
There’s so many, it’s frightening.
Danuja smirks.
“Let the games begin.”
#bleach#byakuya x reader#byakuya kuchiki#rukia kuchiki#ichigo kurosaki#battles#reapers#soul society#protective#truth#love#care#zanpaktou#trust
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Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach) - Noble Series 1: Our Love - Chapter 22
Your eyes adjust to the lighting in the room, and when you look over you’re a bit shocked.
Byakuya is lying beside you and you replay what happened.
Your face erupts in color and you grip the covers, hiding underneath.
“I’m a pervert!”
You’d literally asked him to touch you, and at the end you were practically begging for it. You can’t believe you’d done something so shameless. Especially given the circumstances. For a moment you stay buried under the covers, but after a few moments, you peak out. Your gaze moves to Byakuya’s sleeping form.
He looks so relaxed, calm. You’re so used to that stoic expression, those piercing eyes that exude power. Here in the silence of his room, everything just feels so right. Now that you’re so close, you take in just how delicate his features are. His eyelashes are long and his dark tresses look soft to the touch. They are partially sprawled on the pillow, and his even breaths make your eyes soften.
He’s probably never been this vulnerable with anyone, but he’s let down his guard to show you all these different sides of him. You can’t truly express your gratitude. All you can think is..
“I love you Taicho.”
It’s a whisper.
You know he won’t hear. You aren’t sure that you’ll ever be brave enough to say those words directly to him. But for now, this is enough.
More than anything you wish you can stay like this forever. But that’s unrealistic.
Danuja is out there, plotting his next attack. Everyone is being diligent, but that won’t be enough. He’s successfully managed to evade detection multiple times and you’re still unsure of what he wants or how to stop him.
You can’t hope to understand why he’s even doing this.
It’s true his family worked for you, but you’d always seen him as your friend. You viewed Akemi quite the same. She was more of a parent than your father ever was.
“You look troubled.”
Byakuya’s words make you jump and you look down. His eyes are open, but his hair is still messy from the position and your cheeks immediately heat up.
“I-It’s not fair when you look so erotic this early in the morning Taicho!!”
You’re pointing at him accusingly, and he simply runs a hand through his hair, straightening on the bed.
“I should be saying similar words to you.”
For a moment you aren’t sure what he means, but when you look down, the casual gray kimono you’re wearing has loosened right at the center and your chest is slightly visible. You squeal, pulling the garments together.
“T-That was an accident!!”
You begin waving your hands around wildly and Byakuya just leans in, silencing you with a kiss. You lean against him, hands laying softly on his chest. When he pulls back, you’re dazed.
“Ohaiyo, (Y/N)-san.”
The soft greeting makes you melt.
“O-Ohaiyo, Taicho.”
He’s so smooth, you’ll need to be more careful.
He pulls you gently to his chest and you both fall back against the bed. Your cheeks set aflame, face now pressed softly to his chest. He strokes your hair, and all your previous worries seem to have vanished. He is so gentle with you, so careful with everything he does. It makes you feel so warm inside.
“I apologize for being overly eager yesterday.”
You shake your head bashfully.
“I-It’s okay.”
You liked it. When he lost himself like that. You were the one who begged him to touch you, he was only fulfilling your request.
“You were very vocal yesterday, I have no doubt that everyone in the manor heard you.”
You blush.
“T-That’s your fault!!” You protest.
“In the future, you should avoid being so seductive.”
You just puff your cheeks, because there is nothing you can say to that.
You’re starting to wonder if your stoic captain is really just as horny as any other guy.
The more you learn about him, the more you seem to understand that he isn’t as nonchalant as he’d like others to believe.
#bleach byakuya#enemies#trust#rukia kuchiki#ichigo kurosaki#care#family#nobles#byakuyaxreader#byakuya kuchiki#past#power#love#bleach#protect#soul society#soul reapers#gotei13#fights
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Lex Luthor (Smallville/X-Men) AU - Fanfiction - Chapter 9
“Why are you still here?”
You were more than a little irritated, because on your day off, Wade thought it was smart to break into your home. After you impaled him, on principle of course, you’d relented. Now he’s just lounging on your couch.
“I told you I’m here for you Wolvey-poo~
You lifted your hand to possibly punch him again, but the doorbell rang, distracting you. With a huff, you head to the door.
You’re not really in the mood to entertain guests, especially since the one currently inside of your home was uninvited.
The door opens, and your expression changes. Lex is standing there, decked down in a suit as usual, hands in his pockets. His little smile sort of makes you deflate.
“Is that the bald billionaire!”
Wade’s call is your alert back to reality and you’re glaring again. Lex simply laughs.
“Can I come in?”
You nod, stepping aside as you let him in. When you close the door, you turn to him.
“I apologize, I stabbed him twice but he’s still here.”
“That was very painful by the way.” Wade speaks.
You’re more than a little irritated.
“Maybe we can go somewhere. “ Lex suggests.
“I’m in!!” Wade calls.
“Not you!!”
Your yell makes him slide back against the couch.
“You’re no fun.”
You just sigh. Being around him is like looking after a foul mouth toddler.
It’s clear that he won’t give up, so the three of you head to the Talon. Wade is keen to keep a low profile which is surprising. He’s wearing a hood and glasses. When you’re all seated and Lex moves to order, you turn to Wade.
“You don’t have to do that around me. You know I don’t care.”
He turns to you, and for once, the sarcasm isn’t present when he lightly lifts his glasses. There’s a spark of appreciation in his eyes. It’s uncommon for Wade to talk without some quip or snide remark.
“I also know you came to warn me about him.”
His shoulders stiffen and he lowers his glasses, leaning into the seat.
“No idea who this he is, but I’m sure it must be bad news.”
You roll your eyes, glancing over at Lex from your spot.
“I’m not an idiot. I can smell him on you. When you decided to stick around I realized that must have been the reason.”
You’re still looking at Lex.
“I appreciate it, you coming out here to look out for me, it means a lot.”
You have no doubt he knew about Lex for a while. He was there when your life fell apart the first time after you lost practically everything. Becoming a soldier was a way to numb yourself.
“Still have no clue what you’re talking about.”
He’s just laughing now and you shake your head.
It’s comforting to know he never changes.
The remainder of the evening is not very eventful. Aside from Wade’s usual antics, it’s quiet. That’s why when you step out of the car at your house, and Lex follows, your head turns to the right, facing the street. Wade draws his guns at that very moment and Lex is alarmed when he hears the sound of your blades unsheathing from between your knuckles.
The car door slams, and the silhouette of the man you’re all facing is not lost on Lex.
The taller man just grins, blond hair prominent.
“It’s been a while, Logan.”
“Not long enough, Victor.”
His lips turn into a smirk.
The tension is high and Wade slides off his hood.
“Say the word and I pop him Wolvey.”
Lex is shielded behind the both of you, unsure of who this person is, but clearly he’s not a friend.
“Is that how you greet your brother, Logan?”
“Don’t call me that.”
Your tone is sharp, and Victor is still grinning. You hear the sound of his claws drawing, the pointed pieces of bone are a horrible reminder of how many you’ve lost to those weapons.
“You’re still the same Logan.”
You hate it, that name.
It was a stupid nickname he’d given you when you were both kids. Maybe if he hadn’t turned into a monster you would have cherished it more, but there was nothing but pain attached to those memories and that name.
“So you think you can turn your back, settle down and walk away from your family?”
“We stopped being family the minute you started killing innocent people.”
“None of those people were innocent!!”
Your outburst makes your hair spike up, and Lex merely watches. He’s never really seen you lose your temper like this, and when a few tears fall, it’s clear that this person, they must be your best friend, the one you spoke about that day.
“John Grey was…he was the only one who ever treated me like a human being and you killed him just so I wouldn’t be happy. You’re not my family, not anymore.”
Your words, although shaky, hold resolution.
There’s no going back, and maybe if he’d apologized, expressed sympathy, you could have forgiven him and moved on. But he’s here again with some sick idea that you’ll run away with him to do who knows what horrible things.
“If you take another step, I’m going to kill you where you stand.”
Your tone is cold.
Your eyes show that those words aren’t empty. Wade doesn’t move or speak, because he understands. From the moment you confronted him at the Talon, there was an unsaid agreement that his priority would be to protect Lex.
Victor doesn’t look as confident, and it’s possible he no longer thinks it’s a bluff, because the smile on his face slowly drops. You know he understands what it means. While you have these advances, he doesn’t, maybe he understands now that you could have killed him all those years ago. He’s always been the stronger one, even after all the experiments, beating him was almost unheard of, but now, after what you’ve survived, both in your life and in the war, you no longer had those barriers.
You’re not afraid.
He says nothing, just retracted his claws. Lex swallows, and Victor snarls. Once those claws are gone, he glares.
“The name’s not Victor, it's Sabertooth.”
That’s the only thing he says before he turns, walking away.
His steps seem to echo down the road, the view of his back feels oddly familiar. You’re positive that’s how the last encounter ended, except you’d been the one who ran away that time.
You’re no longer willing to compromise your happiness, you’ll remove any obstacle that tries, even if it is your own family.
“Thanks for having my back, Wade.”
He holsters his weapons with a grin.
“Anything for you Wolvey-poo!”
Yep, he’ll never change.
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Dick Roman: Oneshot - Fraternizing With The Enemy.
It didn't make sense.
He knew who you were and he had you captive. There was no reason for you to still be breathing.
His henchmen were watching you like a hawk, handcuffed to the bed. Your head was still slightly throbbing from the hit you'd received, but your frown is set. When the door to the room opened and you spotted the perfectly tailored suit, you prepared for the worse.
That grin was planted on his face.
"A Winchester as I live and breathe. I can handle it from here. "
He ushered the men away and your hard stare moved to him.
His smile just widened.
"I'm honored that you feel so comfortable using my name. Most people insist on the surname, I think it's more courtesy. Spineless walking meat."
You kept your face stoic, if nothing but to show no fear. Sam and Dean were already cooking a plan, all you had to do was stall. The second they came bolting in, the bobby pin in your hair would be enough to slip out of the cuffs.
"So what, you're just going to talk my ear off, or are you going to eat me."
There was a look in his eyes that had you a bit unsettled.
"I do enjoy a meal before bed, and you're already here, so maybe I should indulge."
You swallowed, now slightly tugging at the cuff on your wrist. He was just watching you, so close. He could kill you at any time, so why wasn't he? You have no doubt he's aware that your brothers will pull a rescue. After all it's their fault you're in this mess in the first place. You told the idiots the trail they were chasing was a trap, but no one ever listens to the logical one.
"While I'd like nothing more, wherever you and I have an encounter, I lack the urge to feed. Typically looking at you sad excuses for organisms give me that tingle for a bite, but with you, it's different."
His hands moved to his wrists, slowly loosening the cuff links. You're not certain of what he's getting at, or why he still doesn't chomp down, not that you're really complaining. You appreciate all your bones being in place at the moment.
"So tell me, anything tingling?"
His words are confusing. You're trying to keep your tough facade, but the longer he looks at you, the faster your heart races. You'd like to say it's adrenaline, or simply fear, maybe even anger, but that would be a lie. His hands drop, and he moves over, taking a seat on the bed. You're trying to straighten from your lying position, hand now a bit stiff against the metal bed post. It's hard given your angle.
"How many times have we met so far, four?"
"Five." You reply, gritting your teeth.
That just urges another smile from him.
"You're keeping score, I'm flattered."
You're liking this less and less. You're about ready for the calvary.
Where the hell are your brothers!!
You're in a pretty vulnerable position as it is. You suppose there are worse ways to go.
At least he has silk sheets.
"See, I'd like to think of myself as a people person."
"Really, is this before or after you eat them?"
"I'm ambitious."
You snort.
"I'll remember that when we finally chop your head off."
The threat makes him chuckle.
"Is that really what you want to do?"
Your brows knit, eyes holding nothing but agitation.
"Of course, you really think you're going to turn this planet into a buffet! We're going to stop you."
He clicks his tongue.
"I have no doubt that Sam and Dean want their revenge, but you, not so much. I told you, I understand people. It's hard not to be in this type of profession. I've got a really good feel for you and I can tell right now your heart is beating a mile a minute, but it isn't terror, is it (Y/N)?"
His words make your eyes widen.
"W-What the hell are you talking about?
This is going into dangerous territory.
He smirks.
"I think you know."
He licks his lips, and when he leans over, you should be petrified. You know what he is, what he's done, he could kill you right now and feel nothing, but instead his hand presses into the sheets at the side of your head.
You're positive your expression must say it all. Surprise is too small a word. His lips are possibly an inch away, but he doesn't close the distance. Your breath is shaky, shallow. You're almost certain you might not even be breathing anymore.
"You want me as much as I want you, don't you Winchester?"
His eyes flicker to your lips and you gulp.
Those words should not be causing flips in your stomach.
"Y-You're wrong!!"
"Am I?"
His breath against your lips feels like a drug. You should be trying to free yourself, but your brain is scrambled. To make matters worse, you couldn't be in a more compromising position. You're laying in his freaking bed.
"I'll kill you!" You threaten.
"Foreplay, exactly what I like."
He pulls back, and you curse yourself for missing the feel of him hovering. Closing your eyes, you turn your head. You need to regain some kind of composure. You take a few calming breaths. When you feel the release at your wrist, you look up.
Your hand drops and Dick just leans back into a seated position.
"You're free to go."
The cuffs fall off at the side and you're still just lying there in disbelief.
"Walk on out, I won't stop you."
Maybe it's your hunter instinct that kicks in, but you slide your machete right out of your boot, and in a matter of seconds you have him pinned to the bed, blade at his neck. He's still grinning at you, hands against the bed in a surrender. You hate the fact that this is certainly a trick.
"I'm not like those others, it'll take more than a blade to subdue me, but you can take your best shot."
You figured as much.
The boys dropped a car on Edgar and he walked away and he's just a lackey.
Even if that's the case, you should try, you've never thought twice before, so why hesitate now?
"Feeling squeamish?"
He's taunting you, right about now you should make him swallow his words. Something, anything other than staring at his delicious soft looking lips.
"Do it."
Your breathing staggers and before you know what's happening you're dropping your blade at the side of the bed, and grabbing the collar of his suit. Your lips press into his desperately, and he reciprocates with just as much heat. This man could very well snap you like a twig, but instead he's groping your body like you're both teenagers hiding under the bleachers.
He rips your plaid shirt open and you gasp, but don't fully pull away. His hand finds its way under the parted fabric and you moan into his mouth when he cups your breast. His hands are a bit rough in their ministrations, but you're not much better. Your tongue is exploring his mouth thoroughly as you grind your hips into his.
This is wrong on so many levels, but you can't seem to stop yourself. Your fingers start tugging at his shirt. You manage to get the tie off, and his shirt is your next destination. You pull the material and the buttons all pop off. He lets out an appreciatively groan, and you pull away, lips moving to his neck. His eyes are closed and his hands move to your back.
"You're good at this Winchester."
It's a little murmur.
You growl between kisses.
He just laughs, pulling you back towards his lips. You accept, enjoying every bit of it.
You hate that he smells so good, feels so amazing.
You should stop, you need to stop. You have to.
"Don't stop."
It sounds like a demand, one you seem to find yourself following.
At least until the door to the room is kicked in.
Apparently the cavalry has arrived.
"Son-of a bitch!!"
Yep, that's your brother alright.
You practically jump off the bed, stumbling to your feet.
"I-It's not what you think!"
"Really! Cause it looks like you were sucking face with that wide mouth monster! Dick, really!!"
You wince, moving to your brother's side immediately. They both have machetes. Sam is also holding a bottle of what you can only assume is borax. As you glance in the corridor, you see the two idiot guards from earlier lying on the floor, heads a few feet away.
Dick finally rises, still sporting that air of confidence.
"You boys couldn't have come at a worse time. Things were just getting interesting."
"Shut up you wide mouth bastard!! If I didn't hate you enough before now I'm gonna enjoy chopping your head off!!" Dean is furious and Sam still looks as though he's processing what he saw.
You stammer.
"D-Don't judge me, you've slept with a werewolf and a demon!"
"Fair enough." Sam reasons.
"No, not fair enough, this is Dick!!" Dean complains.
"At least my first crazy was an angel, things could have been worse right?"
Dean is still holding his blade threateningly at Dick, but your statement seems to divert his attention.
"Wait, what? What angel?"
You laugh awkwardly, because you can see Dean going over all the potential ones that you've encountered that haven't tried to off you. When he lands on one, he looks on in disbelief.
"W-We were both drunk, it was only one time!" You defend.
His mood has gone from bad to worse.
"Damn it (Y/N)!!"
There's nothing you can really say to justify the discovery. It takes a moment to realize you're all still pretty much standing there with Dick. He hasn't really moved or said much.
"You're a fiery woman Winchester."
Dean throws his glass bottle with force and it breaks on impact on his face, the sizzling echoing. With the distraction, he takes your hand, pulling you along and Sam follows behind as you all take off running.
"Call me anytime (Y/N)." Dick shouts.
Running through the building, you cut through a few more of his guards before you're all jumping into the car, Bobby at the wheel.
The drive home is interesting to say the least.
Bobby was obviously curious about Dean's overly pissy mood.
"What the hell is with our family and monsters, seriously?!"
Dean sounds a bit beside himself.
Sam looks away awkwardly and Bobby just shakes his head once he gets the full story.
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Patrick Jane (The Mentalist) - Professor AU - Chapter 1
You were usually a patient and reasonable person.
As a professor you had to be. But even the most upstanding citizen could reach their limit. Yours was typically whenever a certain blond showed up.
“Dr. Jane, what a pleasant surprise.”
It really wasn’t.
He smiled at you and for a moment you felt as though he could hear your thoughts. You hated that the most.
The way he seemed to look right through people.
“I’m glad you think so because I was asked to assist you with the upcoming event.” Your smile dropped immediately.
“Come again?”
“The Summit Week Event. Professor Lisbon caught a cold. The President asked me to lend a hand in her absence. Sort of like a personal favor.”
How the hell was someone as unlikeable as Patrick Jane on such good terms with President Abbott. It’s frustrating.
“I appreciate the help.”
Right now you’d prefer to jump out of a window.
Head first.
“Great, let’s get to it.”
He took your wrist leading you away and you just scowled. He’s always been pushy and annoying. That’s why you knew you would have to speak with Abbott.
~The President’s Office~
“Are you kidding me Dennis! Of all the people you could have sent, why him!!”
“Now, now, Jane isn’t that bad.”
You glared, and Abbott cleared his throat, straightening in his chair.
“Listen, we’re down a professor. Lisbon is recovering. I didn’t really have a choice. I couldn’t let you run the program on your own.”
“With him I’m basically doing just that. He’s going out of his way to make my life hard.”
“Maybe he likes you.”
Another glare and Abbott was rethinking his life choices.
“Last month he stole my parking spot even though he has his own. He used up all of my grandma’s famous sauce and he keeps drinking all of my favorite tea!! Why is the devil’s spawn even employed here, shouldn’t he be busy making plans down in hell!”
“Let’s not make things personal.”
“It is personal!! Find someone else or you’ll be dealing with a homicide!!”
You exited the room without another word, slamming the door. Huffing, you checked your watch. You didn’t want to be late for class. When you lift your head you almost stumble at the person before you.
“D-Dr. Jane!”
You hadn’t expected to see him here.
“It seems you're finally honest about how you see me. Unfortunately I won’t be going anywhere. Abbott asked for my help so I’ll be giving it whether you want it or not. I’ll ensure that nothing goes wrong.”
For once he isn’t wearing that cheeky smile. He seems genuinely upset and you want to swallow your tongue. You can’t take back those words, so you just do your best to proceed through the week.
Jane had been earnest. He collaborated with you in all the events. Designated students for set up and take downs. It almost felt like you were dealing with a completely different person. There had been so many chances that you wanted to apologize, but every effort you made was met with that tight smile right before he walked away.
The Summit Week was spectacular. At the very last day Abbott had to give a speech and he had credited everyone, including you and Jane. You knew he felt it, the tension between the both of you. Jane barely looked at you for the majority of that night.
By the time everything had ended and it was time to head home, Jane was the very last to leave. He was locking up when you realized it was just the both of you. He turned, handing you the key. Right then and there you should have said it. Apologized. But you couldn’t work up the courage and he just sent you another one of those smiles.
“Have a good night Professor.”
With that he was gone, and you were left standing there, keys in your hand and guilt in your gut.
You tried to distract yourself the following week. You’d bought a brand new box of tea. You hoped a cup would soothe your already sour mood. When you stepped into the kitchen however, a certain giant was standing with your bottle of hot sauce.
“Rigsby! Is that my sauce!”
He jumped, then turned to you.
“Y-Yeah. I’m sorry. It’s just really delicious. I’ll get you a new bottle I swear.”
It was still pretty full. You’d replaced it after the last one had been devoured.
“Have you been using it this entire time?”
He nodded a bit bashfully.
“I kind of thought you knew and just didn’t say anything. Grace says you’re way too nice. She thought you were just letting me have it.”
He laughed softly.
It dawned on you that maybe you’d been wrong. He handed you the bottle and you tilt your head. Your eyes drifted to the table, the familiar packet catching your attention.
“Who’s cup of tea is that?”
Rigsby shifted his gaze.
“Lisbon’s I think. She said there was an unlabeled box in the back. She wondered why someone would just throw out perfectly good tea.”
You couldn't believe it.
This entire time you thought the occurrences were just Jane making your life hard. When you’d confronted him, he never denied it. He just smiled at you, so you took it as an admission to guilt. You’d condemned him with little to no evidence. Jane was the only one aside from you who loved tea, so you just assumed he did it after he took your parking spot.
Your day was going from bad to worse.
Excusing yourself, you decided it was time to own up. Even if he never wanted to talk to you again, the least you could do was apologize. Since his focus was criminology, his department was on the other side of the building. You knew that he was probably teaching a class at the moment, but you couldn’t wait another second.
When you got to the chosen floor, you searched for the class. You got there in ample time, and you caught sight of him giving a lecture through the glass of the door. With a determined knock, you stepped in. All heads turned to you.
“Dr. Jane, could I speak with you for a moment?”
He didn’t look surprised. You never understood how he did that. He took one look at you and it was like he could read exactly what you wanted to say.
“I’ll be right back.”
He spoke to the class as he walked up the small staircase. Walking across the room, he followed you out the door. You took a few steps down the hall, now comfortable when you were in a more secluded spot.
“Is there something I can help you with?”
There wasn’t the usual amusement in his voice. You feel horrible, and initially you came to apologize, but you needed to know why. It just didn’t make sense.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything? This whole time I thought it was you.”
You knew he understood what you meant. With a sigh, his hands were at his side.
“After the incident with the parking spot it seemed like you’d already made up your mind about me. I didn't see the need to explain myself.”
You feel like a monster. You’d judged him over something so petty. This whole time you were accusing and vicious and he’d just taken it without complaint because you were always careful with your words until that day at the office.
“I also..enjoy talking with you. Even if you were spitting accusations.”
He looked away at the last admission and your eyes widened. Now you feel worse. He just wanted to be your friend and you treated him like an enemy.
“I’m sorry about everything! I was wrong. Rigsby was the one eating my sauce and Lisbon found my tea and thought it was left behind by someone. I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!”
You bowed, even though it felt excessive. Anything would be better than seeing that hurtful disappointment in his eyes. You kept your head low, just waiting for some spiteful words. Whatever he would say, you knew you deserved it.
“So you don’t think I’m the spawn of satan.”
There was a playfulness in his tone and you lifted your head. He was smiling and you lit up, shaking your head.
“You’re an angel!” You insisted.
Jane laughed.
“I don’t think that’s entirely true. I could have told you that Rigsby was the one eating your sauce.”
“You saw him?”
“No, he’s just the only one who eats massive amounts of food with hot condiments. Your tea also ended unlabeled because you probably left it on the kitchen counter. When the staff came in to clean up the tag must have fallen when they placed it back in the cupboard.”
Backtracking, you can’t help but agree. You did leave it out in the open a few times. You stare at him in awe.
“How did you know that?”
“Criminology professor remember? It’s my job to spot the clues and make sense of what happened.”
He’s wearing that smug little grin and you’ve never been so happy to see it.
“I appreciate the apology. I hope in the future we can work well together.”
He holds out his hand and you take it eagerly with a smile.
“I’d like that.”
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Lex Luthor (Smallville) : Short Story - Chapter 1
Usually when you were placed in group assignments, your teacher had a habit of putting you with the popular squad.
You knew the hope was to get them motivated to do the work, but it always backfired. Because you would do all the gritty work, and they would get equal credit.
It annoyed you to no end. But full marks was better than failing because of the lazy students. That’s why when you heard you were paired with Clark Kent, you prepared for the same outcome. Packing up your stuff, he’d walked over at the end of the class with a smile. Your eyes were fixated on your books.
“It's fine, I'll get it all done. Just make sure you’re on time when we have to present.”
His brows furrowed.
“We’re supposed to work together. I’m not going to let you do all the work.”
For a second you think he’s putting on a show because the teacher is probably lingering. But when you lift your head, the room is cleared and he’s looking at you like a sad puppy.
“Wait, you’re serious?”
You bite the inside of your cheek.
“O-Okay. We can meet at the Talon to go over ideas. I was thinking of maybe a fundraiser since it’s an outreach program. “You suggest.
“I had the same idea. Plus my mom makes awesome muffins. I can get her to bake some and we can work on the fliers. All the proceeds would go to a non profit organization. “
You’re impressed to say the least.
“That’s actually a great idea.”
His eyes light up like a child and you don’t think much of it. You’re just focused on the project.
The following day you both agree to meet up to discuss further. Clark has invited you to his home, so when you show up, you shuffle at the door. After a moment it opens and he welcomes you in.
“My mom just made some pie if you’d like some.”
You decline the offer, raising your head when you meet his parents.
“It’s nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Kent.”
They offer smiles, and for a moment you actually see a bit of resemblance. You know for a fact that they aren’t truly related, Clark is adopted after all. So maybe it’s more their energy that’s similar. The way that their smiles just emit a certain sincerity.
“Are you ready to start the project?”
Clark nods and just like that, you’re excusing yourself. You follow him to the loft, very aware of the little looks he keeps sending you. By the time you make it to the little room at the top of the stairs, you’re laying out your books to get to work.
You turn to Clark to ask what other ideas he has, but he’s much closer, and you run right into him. You grunt at the force, and he grabs your shoulders to steady so you don’t fall. You gather your footing and the minute you’re solid, he releases.
“Sorry about that.”
You can’t help but glare.
“Listen, you don't have to pretend to care. I can just complete this all at my place. I won’t tell the teacher.”
He looks discouraged.
“But I want to help. I’m not pretending.”
You’d like to believe it. His parents are crazy nice and he’s crazy attractive. There’s definitely a catch.
“Is it really that hard to believe that I’d want to work on this with you?”
You bite the inside of your cheek.
“To put it bluntly, you're a jock. Your type isn’t exactly known for being selflessly helpful.”
“Well I’m different!”
He’s adamant, and he honestly looks kind of cute trying to look angry.
“Yes, I’ll prove it. Tell me what to do and I’ll do it! I’ll do the whole project just to prove it to you.”
His persistence is a little funny, so you decided why not.
“Here’s what we’re going to do.”
You lay out all your plans and for the weeks that lead up, he follows every instruction to the dot. You're being a bit extra with some of the requests.
Like the excessiveness of the flier placement, or the particular table cloth that you insist needs to be part of the whole set up. He doesn’t even complain, you’re not certain he even catches on to what you’re doing, which is hilarious in itself.
The idea is pretty straight forward, so there’s no need for the runaround, but Clark is like a puppy. Given the right instruction he just completes the task.
A week before the actual planning of the event you’re in the loft doing some unrelated homework as you discuss attire for the day.
“So I should get a suit right, should I? I think I should.” He continues to mutter.
He’s pacing as you complete a few of your algebra questions. As he’s making circles into the ground, you cast a smile over.
“Thank you Clark.”
You lower your pencil and he stops in place.
“For what?”
You laugh internally.
“For helping with the project. It’s the first time in a while that I’ve actually enjoyed doing a group project. Especially with a Jock.”
“You keep calling me a jock.”
He mumbles with a small pout.
This time you laugh aloud.
“You’re so different from what I imagined that it’s actually amazing.”
You’re in stitches and Clark’s face flushes.
“Why do I feel like you’re making fun of me!!”
“Because I am!”
You continue to laugh up until the point that Martha walks up the stairs with a slice of pie.
“I thought I’d drop in with a snack, it sounds like you’re both having fun.” She smiles, handing you the plate and you take it graciously.
“Thank you Mrs. Kent.”
“Of course. Thank you for taking care of my son. He’s really been enjoying this project. I think he likes you. “
Martha giggles and this time your cheeks flush as she waves goodbye. Once she’s gone, Clark is awkwardly shifting in place. You clear your throat, lifting your chin.
“Don’t go getting any ideas, I don’t date jocks.”
“I-I’m not a jock!!”
You’re once again in a fit of laughter.
Without a doubt, this is the best project you’ve ever done.
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Jubal Valentine (FBI/Grimm): Short Story - AU: Chapter 1
You’ve had shitty days, but this felt like by far the worst.
Being a cop was hard enough, but when you found out about a particular quirk, well, there was a part of you that wanted it to be a lie, or some bad dream. Yet it was all real.
Not only do you have to deal with the crazy your job as a detective entails, but now you have to manage this supposed gift.
At least that’s what Nick Burkhardt called it.
“Another shot!” You called the bartender.
He seemed a bit skeptical, maybe even impressed because you’d been at this bar downing drinks for the last hour like it’s nobody’s business. He poured another, and you took it, emptying the glass as you dropped your head on the counter.
“Life sucks.”
That’s all you could think about at the moment.
“Hey there, having a hard time?”
A man slid into the chair next to you and you lifted your head, squinting. It’s possible that you’re a bit impaired.
“I’m fine.”
You weren’t in the mood for company or conversation.
It was a bit impressive that you said that without slurring.
“Come on, don’t be like that.”
When he placed his hand on your thigh, you moved back, but ended up stumbling out of your seat. You intended to say something, but someone stepped in front of you.
“I think the lady wants to be alone.”
His figure was blocking you, and all you could do was nod childishly in agreement as you stuck out your tongue. The man looked pissed, but backed down, walking away.
“That’s what you get..f-freaking jack..jack..”
You knew the word, it would come back eventually.
Your savior turned to you with a smile.
“You should be careful drinking alone in that state. Is there something here with you, maybe they can take you home.”
He seemed genuinely concerned and for a moment you just looked at him, eyes narrowed. He’s tall, pretty green eyes and a salt and pepper goatee.
His stance looks a bit official.
FBI, maybe even CIA if you had to guess.
His air of authority exudes that. Hands on his hips, attentive look. What are the odds that you would encounter another cop on this sulky night.
When the silence stretched, you stepped closer, as if inspecting his face. He raised a brow, curious.
“You’re not a wesen are you?”
“A wesen..”
Maybe if you hadn't been so wasted you would have caught the look he wore at the word. You just ended up waving it off, shuffling back to your seat. It took a bit of effort, but you’d managed to put yourself back into your seat. Lifting your arms, you placed them on the counter as you dropped your head back down, exhaling.
“I’m not sure how I feel about leaving you here alone.
You just flick your wrist around.
"It’s fine. I’m (Y/N).. I can..handle anything.”
Your face is still buried in your hands, and he feels even less assured at your slurred sentences.
“Okay, I’m calling you a cab.”
He pulls out his phone, and you straighten when he turns his back to order a ride.
Your eyes run over his form, and when they move back up to his face, he turns to you.
“I’m gonna need your address.”
You nod, sliding your little purse out as you hand it to him and he just looks at it in his palm before shaking his head with a smile.
“You should be a little more guarded, what if I was a criminal?”
“At least you’re *hic* a-a good looking criminal..”
You’re now admiring him, and he just laughs a bit softly before he opens your purse in search of your driver’s license. Once he gets it, he slides the card back in and holds it out to you. You just tilt your head to the left.
“Right, drunk. Got it. I’ll hold onto this. Do you think you can stand it?”
You rise to your feet, and that’s as far as your body allows. The next step you take is a sway and he catches you before you lose your balance.
His hand is on the small of your back and against your shoulder. How much closer, you can see the beautiful hue of his eyes. He’s distracted for a second, but slowly begins to steady you. Now that you’re not bent, you smile and he chuckles.
This will be an interesting night.
By some miracle he got you into the cab, and straight to your house.
He’s skillfully ensured you didn’t strip right at the front door.
Going up the stairs would have been easier if you hadn’t grabbed every bar on the railing on the way there.
It took a while, but managed to get you through the door of your bedroom, and you were giggling, right up to the point that he placed you in bed.
He was laughing along with you softly.
“I guarantee you won’t be this cheerful when you wake up with a hangover tomorrow.”
He joked.
He slid off your shoes, placing them at the side of the bed. You were getting comfortable, so you barely processed much when he stepped away, muttering about getting you a drink and painkillers. When he returned, you blinked, now very aware of the bottle of water he’d placed on the dresser.
“I couldn’t find any painkillers and I think it’s a bit creepy to just dig around your place.”
He was wearing a playful smile, and you couldn’t help but appreciate how caring this stranger was acting even though he didn’t know you, or your situation. You were just looking at him, and after a moment of your slightly awed expression, he cleared his throat, looking away.
“Okay, well I hope you feel better. I should probably get going.”
He stepped back, ready to leave and you flinched.
He stopped in place and you gripped at the sheets.
“Please don’t..don’t go..”
You suddenly looked scared.
“Hey, hey it’s okay, you’re fine. You’re in your home.”
He moved forward to reassure you, but you shook your head, gently taking his wrist.
“I’m scared, I don’t want to be alone, p-please don’t leave…”
You were pleading, and he seemed conflicted.
“I don’t think I should-”
“I want you to, I trust you.”
He wore an easy smile, shaking his head.
“You really should be more guarded, especially for a cop.”
Your brows furrowed.
“How…you know I’m a cop..?”
That made him laugh, and he pointed to the badge on your dresser.
Obviously you hadn’t remembered to put it away before you went to the bar to get wasted. At least you’d been more conscious with your gun.
“You need to be careful.”
You just looked at him cutely and he shook his head again.
“You’re not listening to anything I’m saying right now, are you?”
You only smiled, and he relented, taking a seat on your bed. You were still holding his hand.
“I’ll stay until you fall asleep.”
Your face lit up, and in your excitement you’d tugged him forward. The forceful pull made him fall unto you, and you simply laughed, hugging him. He was awkwardly trying to keep his hands off any forbidden territory. You just inhaled softly, letting out a content sigh.
“You smell good..”
You released after a moment, and when he straightened, he seemed a bit flustered. His eyes met your own and just for a second, something about his gaze just made you feel safe. Maybe that’s why you were finding it hard to look away. Your breaths mingled, and you were certain he would lean in.
He looked a bit entranced and you weren’t much better. The second the both of you got closer, he took a breath, closing his eyes as he pulled back. You blinked, clearly disappointed. He just placed his hands on his hips.
“I’ll..I’ll take the chair.”
He decided.
You didn’t want him to leave the room and the bed held too much temptation. He walked in a circle for a second before he finally moved to your mini sofa and sat down, running a hand over his face.
“No kiss..”
You sounded saddened and this time he actually laughed aloud.
“Goodnight (Y/N).”
You smiled, as if you’d forgotten the entire ordeal, nodding happily.
You sounded cheerful as you laid back in the bed and he slightly slid down the chair with a smile of his own.
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Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach) - Noble Series 1: Our Love - Chapter 21
Sneaking into the room, you quietly close the door, letting out a breath.
“I think I lost her.”
You know her intentions are good, but the constant attention makes you a bit awkward. Especially after she’d basically stripped you down.
You press your hand over your face with an exhausted sigh.
You haven’t had anyone take care of you this way for what must have been centuries. You’ve just gotten very good at looking out for yourself.
Turning around, you seem to realize where you are. You step forward, and the distinct aroma hits you. The room is extravagant, and when you see the expensive bed sheets and pristine carpets, it seems to dawn on you where you are.
“I-Is this Byakuya’s room!!”
“This is where you ran off to.”
You flinch, turning around. He’s standing right there, and his robes settled from the flash step he’d used.
“I-I wasn’t snooping around I promise!!”
“I assumed as much. You managed to evade Yuki.”
You rub your neck bashfully.
“After I took a bath she tried to dress me even though I told her I could do it myself. It was just a bit awkward.” You’re laughing lightly, but he can see it. That subtle conflict.
Now he understands.
“I apologize. I should have been more mindful of the situation. I will be sure to advise her accordingly.”
His words make you aware of what it is he means. After all, you did grow up in a noble home.
“That’s right..”
Maybe that’s what made you uneasy. Not so much the help, but that reminder.
“I guess I’m no good at reading myself sometimes.”
Those little things always seem to catch you by surprise.
“There is no need to force yourself.”
You know that, and you’re grateful that he’s so understanding. More than anyone, that day you’re sure he realized how painful it was. How different the roles are. Noble men are expected to exude strength, power.
They are the ones that society views as the leaders. Noble women are supposed to be gentle, quiet and always presentable. A portrayal of elegance, obedient to the head of the family. Everything that you’d lacked or failed to do.
In that world, those things will never change, that’s why you had to leave.
Stepping into any noble house should make you anxious, but when Byakuya is so close, so supportive, you can’t help but feel safe, protected. You want it, more than anything, that warmth the day that he held you, listened to all your woes, let you cry out all your fears.
Your hand moves to the front of your chest and you clench your fist, pressing it to your robes in hopes that it will alleviate the thumping that has started with the question you are about to ask.
Your voice is soft, and he’s intrigued by the redness that now adorns your cheeks.
“She’s blushing..”
He’d like to know the reason why.
“Will you..will you hold you did before…”
You can’t believe you’re making such a bold request, but you can’t help it either. As bashful as you’d been, you haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. It’s not just his touch, but the fact that he could have gone much further that night.
If he’d slid open your door and asked to continue, you would have done so willingly. Even now as you stand before him, there is nothing stopping the both of you, but he’s been good at controlling himself.
“Are you trying to seduce me?”
At this point your face is possibly every shade of red. You puff your cheeks, because his words feel teasing.
“F-Forget I said anything!”
You sprint to the door, about to yank it open, but his hand presses against the hard surface and you freeze. He’s so close, and your breath is a bit jagged. You can feel his lips brush your ear.
When his free hand cups your breast you let out a startled sound. The minute it escapes, you try to reason with him.
“T-Taicho n-not by the door s-someone will hear-Ah!”
You let out another cry when he nibbles on your ear.
“I don’t care if everyone hears. You should know better.”
You whimper, and you try to move your hand to cover your mouth, but he’s quicker. He pins both your wrists with one of his hands, and the one that was previously on your breast slides down, pulling at the tie on your waist. Your robes slide open and your sword falls to the ground. You’re stunned at how easily he’s managed to free you from your garments.
His lips are still buried into your skin, and when your robes fall open and your skin is exposed, his hand slides between your legs. You gasp when his nimble fingers slide between your folds. Your eyes widen, and you cry out when he gives you a slow purposeful stroke. Your legs are trembling and your hands end up closing into his hand.
“Your body is so honest (Y/N).”
Another moan releases from your lips, and when he starts increasing the rate of his strokes, some more desperate sounds follow. Each careful rub against your sensitive nub feels like too much.
He groans into your ear, and your body jerks forward at the force of your release. You can’t seem to control anything. You’ve never experienced anything like that before. You’re gasping and moaning even after the tremors stop. When you’re finally able to breathe normally, you sob at how great it all feels. It takes you a moment to realize that your thighs are a bit wet.
Byakuya still has a grip on your wrists, and you don’t think much of his silence, not until you glance behind you and see the way his irises have significantly darkened.
You gulp.
His hand is still between your legs, and when he slides his hand down a bit lower, your mouth falls open, because one of his fingers slides in so easily. You let out a strangled moan at the foreign feeling.
“You’re so hot inside..”
He licks your ear and you shiver, hands balling into fists. Your head falls back against his shoulder and he lets out an appreciative sound, right before you feel another finger sliding its way inside of you.
The slickness makes the digit go in with ease, but the size is stretching you. You no longer care for the noises that you're making, because you’re being way too loud to feel anything other than satisfied.
He finally releases your wrists, and you immediately reach behind and grab at his robes. He’s more than satisfied with your desperation. He begins thrusting his fingers into you so calmly, so slowly and it’s frustrating. You try lifting your hips to control the pace, but it does nothing. You moan in frustration.
“Would you like me to go faster?”
You nod immediately.
“Y-Yes! P-Please..Please Taicho!!”
He removes his fingers altogether and you’re convinced that you’ll fall apart.
“I need you to say my name.”
The request confuses you.
“T-Taicho I don’t-”
“My name.”
He orders.
You make a grab at his arm.
“B-Byakuya please!!”
You’ve never uttered his first name before now, and he must have realized. Without any more instruction, his fingers return to where you need it most and he thrusts into you.
Your body jerks and you all but scream, because he has indeed picked up his pace. His fingers are working you and your cries encourage each careful action. It’s amazing to the point that tears begin to gather at the corner of your eyes.
You can feel your release, and when it hits, you do in fact scream. You can’t help it. Byakuya accepts it gladly, still working you until your body calms down and your cries become little whimpers. When his fingers slide out, your knees buckle and he catches you by the waist, lifting you into his arms.
You’re too much of a mess to process much, and he presses a kiss to your cheek.
“I’ve caused a mess, so I will take responsibility and clean you up.”
You can’t do much but nod as he heads in the direction of the bath.
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Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach) - Noble Series 1: Our Love - Chapter 20
Once you’ve grabbed your zanpakuto, you’re headed back to Division 6 to meet up with Ichigo and the others.
Renji is already there, along with Ichigo, Rukia and Shinji.
“What took you so long, things are getting crazy and we still haven’t found that guy running a muck around the place.”
You bow at Shinji.
“It’s my fault Hirako-san. Taicho was just checking in to make sure I was okay.”
“No need to apologize (Y/N)-chan.”
He’s at your side in seconds, grabbing your hands with a smile. You laugh, and Byakuya’s stare is anything but inviting. Shinji ignores it. He’s about to continue complaining it seems, but his eyes spot something.
“(Y/N)-chan, were you injured yesterday? Your neck is bruised.”
He releases your hand, and you tilt your head, pressing your hand to your neck thoughtfully.
“You should not have let you guard down around me.”
Your face immediately heats up at the memory.
Your face is telling a completely different story.
Shinji is obviously confused, at least at first. But then he looks between you, then Byakuya, then back to you. It isn’t hard to put the pieces together. He practically explodes, pointing at Byakuya.
“Nothing that is of any concern to you.”
“Why you-”
“Scatter, Senbonzakura...”
He drops his blade and Shinji panics.
Everyone else takes a step back and you wave your hands to advise him against it.
He says it so calmly and all you hear is the howl from Shinji when the attack lands. Shinji’s body disappears into the sky, and Byakuya casually turns back to all of you, sheathing his blade.
“I am ready to have some tea.”
You all wear blank expressions.
It’s clear that Byakuya is nothing if not a man of many skills. Only he could do something and brush it off so nonchalantly.
The day will be interesting to say the least.
“I wonder if Shinji is alive.”
Ichigo voices.
“That’s the tenth time it’s happened. His body is used to it.” Renji states.
Seated in the manor, they really shouldn’t be discussing it so calmly. Once Rukia is done with her tea, she stands.
“We should head back to my squad barracks. Ukitake-Taicho has been speaking with Kyoraku-Taicho to come up with a plan of action. Kurotsuchi-Taicho has also offered to assist in return for experimentation on the intruder. “
Renji and Ichigo sweat drop.
“That really shouldn’t be the deciding factor.” They complain.
Mayuri will forever be a scientist.
“Looks like we have no choice. Let’s go, Ichigo.” Renji calls.
“Quit ordering me around.”
Even though he says that, he follows along. You just smile.
“Taicho and I will return to the Sixth Division as well.”
You rise and they all nod, bidding you goodbye. When they’re gone, you turn back to Byakuya.
“For the time being you should stay here.”
You’re not surprised at his request.
“I appreciate the worry, but I don’t feel right relaxing when everyone else is working so hard.”
“You need your rest.”
“I really am-”
The woman appears at your side and you flinch.
“Ensure that she is rested.”
“Hai, Kuchiki-sama.”
Before you can protest you are dragged away by the woman.
“C-Chotto matte!!”
It’s too late, she shoves you into what looks like a spa room. The assumption is that she’ll let you get undressed, but she begins rolling up her sleeves and you start sweating.
“Leave everything to me (L/N)-sama.”
“K-KYA!!!! “
#byakuya kuchiki#care#fluff#bleach#soul reapers#humor#captains#protective#feelings#trust#love#cute#friends#protection#lovers
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Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach) - Noble Series 1: Our Love - Chapter 19
It was a miracle you were able to get any sleep that night.
Given the events of earlier, you spent a few minutes blushing under the sheets before your body seemed to catch up with the exhaustion the day had brought. When you woke the following morning, your eyes shifted to the door. With a yawn, you stood, heading for the door slowly.
“He’s probably still out there..”
You were once again blushing. With a careful pull, you peaked your head out. You expected to see Byakuya, but Renji was seated on your couch with his arms folded and his eyes closed. When he sensed you, his eyes opened and he stood.
“You’re awake.”
You nodded, stepping outside fully.
“W-Where is Taicho?”
“He went to check up on Rukia. She was a bit shaken after everything happened.”
You can’t help but smile.
“Such a softie.”
You thought.
Renji stepped forward and you looked up, a bit confused by the guilt he was displaying.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?”
If anyone should have been sorry it was you.
He looked off to the side.
“Yesterday that guy kept saying terrible things and I didn’t even stand up to defend you. Ichigo, even Kuchiki-Taicho were ready to fight, but I didn’t do anything.” He clenched his fist, and you shook your head, moving closer as you took his hand.
“It wasn’t your place to question them. I can’t expect you to go against the Head Captain or the head of a noble family, especially since I wasn’t honest about everything. I should have told all of you the truth. Maybe if I did, things would have turned out differently. I don’t blame you Renji, I’m just glad that you’re all still willing to accept me.”
“Of course we are!! You’re one of us!!”
The statement makes you smile and you bow.
“Thank you Renji, you have no idea how much that means to me.”
Your bright smile makes him blush and he looks away, pulling his hand away and placing it at the top of your head, pushing you back softly.
“Don’t get cheeky, you’re still a menace. You owe me for always saving you from Zaraki-taicho.”
You laugh, batting his hand away playfully.
“I’ll make sure to put in a good word to Rukia on your behalf.”
His face gets redder.
“What the hell’s that supposed to mean!!”
You’re just laughing at his clearly embarrassed state.
Your antics come to a halt when there is a knock on your door. You move over to open it, and there stand Rukia and Byakuya.
“R-Rukia! Taicho!”
You move to the side to let them inside. Rukia looks relieved and you just give her a little smile.
“I’m fine, I promise.”
She nods.
“I’m sorry. I should expect as much. The situation yesterday was just..a lot to digest.”
You understand.
Your gaze moves to Byakuya, and the second his eyes land on you, your cheeks flush.
“Do you feel better?”
You nod.
“Hai, thank you Taicho.”
He says nothing, just takes a step, hand reaching out as he cups your cheek. Renji and Rukia are staring in the background.
“I prefer it when you smile.”
Such a smooth statement and your heart is thumping again. Rukia and Renji seemed at a loss for words.
“When did this become a thing!! “
Renji asks, pointing between the both of you. Rukia smacks him over his head, he falls flat on his face. She grabs his collar.
“Please excuse his rudeness, we’ll be taking out leave Ni-sama!”
In a flash, both of them are gone.
You’re embarrassed to say the least.
“T-Taicho! Y-You can’t be so carefree when others are around.”
You don’t have a good reason. Truthfully you thought he would have preferred to keep this private, but it’s clear that he doesn’t care who knows.
You’re secretly happy.
“I guess it’s fine then..” You murmur.
You still won’t really meet his eyes.
Something tells you the recent progress might be a little too much for you.
#bleach byakuya#fluff#care#soul society#gotei13#captains#soul reapers#trust#humor#bleach#feelings#love#cute#byakuya x reader#admitting feelings
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