#of a show instead of some funky little name
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thedissociatives · 1 year ago
miss when we used to give episodes of tv shows names
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the-raven-and-the-tower · 2 months ago
The Venatori were really struggling to keep Lucanis contained.
(A possible reason our favorite possessed Crow was suited and booted and ready to leave when we found him.)
A trail of bodies leading to him, a bunch of references to how much havoc he's wreaked, and then a big-ass barrier on the door where they've got him contained in a block of ice like the weirdos they are - baby boy was working on his own breakout long before we got there.
On arrival, we find a scattered trail of dead Venatori guards. Thanks to @wolfsong-the-bloody-beast, we know that somewhere around THIRTY FIVE dead Venatori are scattered around. He was BUSY.
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Rook: Someone or something already took down the guards. Neve: Might work in our favor, but something's wrong here.
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A bit later, we find this note and even more bodies.
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Gee, I wonder why they didn't want to go in the possessed killer Crow's cell. Lucanis and Spite are pissed, they're not accepting visitors.
We find a response to the note, alongside the body of the previous writer (hopefully).
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Bonus shot of possible Dead!Ovidius.
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There's pretty good evidence to show Lucanis's last couple of days-to-weeks would have been enough to drive him to extremes in order to escape. This note was on a desk in one of the rooms - Calivan would have tortured Lucanis to new lengths in order to break him for Zara.
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Adding to that, we know that either out of desperation to break Lucanis and accomplish his task, or needing to gripe to a colleague, Calivan wrote to someone named Felicia Erimond and received "just kill him already" as advice in return.
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When Rook and companion finally reach the area where they've managed to contain him (inside of a spelled block of ice ffs), he's at the end of a longggg trail of bodies and behind a very serious barrier.
They need him contained.
Neve: A barrier. Whatever's in there, the Venatori really want it to stay put. Rook: Then we break through.
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When we bust through the barrier and are finally facing down the final few Venatori mages between us and our Demon, look at this;
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They're casting blood magic around his makeshift ice prison to keep him contained, but as Rook bursts in, they stop --- perhaps allowing Lucanis's escape a moment later.
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The Ossuary mage/guard foremost is not interested in discussion when Rook offers not to fight if they'll simply hand over Lucanis. Instead, he leaps right to calling on the Archdemons themselves.
"Razikale, Dragon of Mystery. Lusacan, Dragon of Night. Hear your faithful call—"
Tiny lore drop on those fuckers. Razikale and Lusacan were said by the Chantry to have been "imprisoned underground by the Maker for usurping His worshipers.' At some point in 9:52 Dragon, Razikale was awoken and freed by Ghilan'nain, and Lusacan by Elger'nan. This led to the outbreak of the Sixth Blight. [from the wiki]
When presented with the possibility of Rook & co breaking Lucanis out, the Venatori reaches for the nuke button.
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And I mean... can we blame them for being afraid of him? We've seen the bodies, Lucanis was kind enough to leave us quite a resume on the floor all over. Then we get to see him pop out of his ice prison like a demonic jack-in-the-box too and rain fury down on his captors.
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Even without facial expressions, all I see in the body language of the Venatori is oh gods it's happening again...
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And then they look up to see this charging at them, the last thing so many of their colleagues saw before they died similarly violent deaths. (Also, slowed-down, his ittle run seems less silly somehow, but the trade-off is that the funky physics of the sword he runs belly-first into do stand out a little more.)
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and then THIS!
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The face of a man who is genuinely surprised by who he's found himself face-to-face with. The first non-Venatori he's seen in 300+ days and not only are they not Crows... they're complete strangers who just waltzed into a secret underwater Venatori prison housed in a crumbling ancient elven temple and asked for him by name?
Not even our famous detective was able to work out his name on her own, so we know it's not information that's easily come by. Clearly this stranger knows who he is and where he was being held --- Lucanis has to be wondering; if that knowledge was out there, why hadn't the Crows found him? And who is this unknown person that just blithely walked in, asked for him by name and was cheeky enough to offer sparing the Venatori a fight if they'd simply hand him over?
It’s been three hundred very bad days for the Demon of Vyrantium and now he having a very confusing one. Plenty more where that came from.
In summary, the (updated) theory; (with credit & thanks to @wolfsong-the-bloody-beast for the excellent details they added!)
Lucanis busted out, got access to his gear and was well on his way to breaking out when he was finally cornered where we found him, contained in a block of ice.
When Rook bursts into the room, the mages maintaining the magic on him lose focus and the world's angriest Crow breaks out to complete his escape, finding himself face-to-face with unexpected help.
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krazyyyyyy · 9 months ago
Sweet Promises Hyugo/Reader
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Synopsis: A vow between two childhood friends to make their friendship last forever...
Words: 1346
Notes: I apologize in advance if my uploading schedule has become a bit funky lately, writer's block is hitting extremely hard right now and with all my WIPS, it couldn't be any more tiring.
But I hope you enjoy this in the meantime <3
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Hugging your knees to your chest, you stare in awe at the graceful flight of a bumblebee as it lands on the delicate petal of one of the many sunflowers that were planted in your family's garden. You continued to watch as the little bee crawled toward the center of the flower and started to drink the nectar.
You wish you could be a bee…
To fly around and drink the sweetness of nectar all day with not a worry on their small minds. They didn't have to deal with endless lectures that came from their parents; no worries about table manners or how properly dressed they were at gatherings… it all seemed like a dream to you.
Once the bee had its fill of nectar, it buzzed happily before taking off to another part of the garden, leaving you all alone.
Even with the bee gone, you stare at the sunflower with thoughts running through your head. How did the nectar taste? If the bee enjoyed it so much, maybe you could too–but you might get in trouble if your father caught you doing such an unladylike act… on the other hand, he was busy at the moment. And what he didn’t know wouldn’t kill him.
Slowly, you reach your small pointer finger toward the center of the sunflower. Maybe there would be some leftover nectar from where the bee drank, but then again, you weren’t exactly a bee and had no idea how the whole nectar thing worked.
Just when your finger is about to make contact with the seeds of the flower, the sudden patter of small feet in the grass behind you, along with a voice shouting your name, stops you in your tracks.
“Y/N! There you are!”
Before you could even turn around, a pair of arms wrap around your neck and bring you into a tight hug from behind. They rested their face against the side of their head, giving you a glimpse of their distinctive cyan hair, which you recognized instantly.
“Hyugo? What are you doing here?” You question, turning your head slightly to look at the little boy behind you.
Never letting go of his hold of you, he speaks happily, “Dad said he had some business stuff with Mr. L/N so he said we could go play outside with you!” He finally lets go of you to cross his arms in a pouting manner, “I tried to make Geo come out, but he’s too busy being a grump right now. Something about it being too hot outside for him.” 
You giggle at that, “Since when is he ever not a grump?”
Hyugo laughs with you, “True…but sometimes he’s a little less grumpy when you're around.” The little boy teases you with a devious smile imprinted painted on his face.
“Shut up! He is not”
“Is too!”
It was now your turn to cross your arms and pout, all while glaring daggers at the boy you supposedly called your best friend. He smiled innocently under your intense glare. And instead of forging some kind of apology, he takes your hand in his to try to tug you toward a different part of your backyard.
“Come on, I have something to show you!” The boy tugs endlessly on your clasped hands, but your feet stay rooted in place, still showing signs of annoyance from his recent comment.
“Why can’t you just show me here?” You raise an eyebrow at the young boy as he still determinedly tugs on your hand in an attempt to bring you along with him. If there was anything you knew about Hyugo, it is that he never gave up, an admirable trait…but also an annoying one at the same time.
“Because it’s super special! Now, can we go? Pleaseeeeee?” He pleads with you with puppy dog eyes that you know better than to try to resist.
“Fineeee” You groan, finally giving in to the boy’s pleas. The little cyan-hair boy lets out a cheer of victory before giddily leading you hand in hand toward his desired spot.
He led you to a secluded part of your backyard, where a giant, overgrown oak tree stood towering over the two children. You were confused as to what Hyugo was trying to show you; considering you two would visit this tree anytime Hyugo’s family would come to visit, both of you spending hours on hours climbing the large tree to see if either of you could reach the top–a challenge that remains to be accomplished.
Staring up at the tree you begin to speak “Ok, so what was it you wan–” 
“Wait! First, you have to close your eyes!” Hyugo abruptly cuts you off. 
“Just do it!”
You groan, closing your eyes, shrouding the world around you in complete darkness.
“Okay! Now no peeking!”
“I won’t!”
For the next few minutes, you stand in your spot with your eyes covered, doing your best to ignore every urge that tells you to peek. And just when curiosity was about to get the best of you, you hear Hyugo call out.
“Okay, you can open your eyes now. But turn around slowly!” The boy can barely contain his excitement.
Following what your friend says, open your eyes before slowly turning your body to face where Hyugo would be.
The sight in front of you leaves you more confused than you were just moments ago.
In front of you, Hyugo was down on one knee with a watermelon-flavored ring pop extended out to you.
“Marry me Y/N!” The little boy shouted, his cheeks a small tint of red.
“What?” You were beyond confused, at the young age of seven you barely understood the concept of multiplication nonetheless marriage.
“I saw it in a movie yesterday! It said when you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you give them a ring and ask them to marry you,” His smile widened as he gestured to the ring pop he held in his hand, “This way we can be friends forever!”
Least that made two children who knew zero to nothing about the concept of marriage… 
You looked at the candied ring in his hand. “Really?” You question in disbelief. You had never heard of such a thing before, a way that you and Hyugo could remain friends forever…it sounded almost too good to be true.
“Yeah!” Hyugo cheers. 
“Then yes! I will marry you!” You exclaim, “Let's be friends forever!”
“Friends forever!” 
With that, Hyugo stands up from his kneeling positioning to excitedly gift you the green ring pop. You knew the ring was made of candy, yet you couldn’t find it in yourself to take even a lick of the precious confectionery as you gently slide the ring onto your middle finger.
Hyugo suddenly springs up in realization, “Oh! I also have another one for myself!” He digs into the pocket of his cargo pants, pulling out a wrapped ring pop. Quickly, unwrapping the small treat, he presents the shining blue ring pop to you. “See? It’s blue raspberry, mom said it looked just like my hair!”. 
You marvel at the blue ring pop, “It does!” You both fall into laughter together at the silly comparison.
Hyugo then slides his own candy ring onto his middle finger, but not before giving it a few small licks, savoring its strong artificial flavor. His gaze then lingers toward the top of the oak tree; his devious smirk returns as his eyes shift back to you.
“Last one to the top is a rotten egg!” He shouts to you, running toward the base of the oak tree.
It takes you a few moments to fully register what he says, but when you do you're quick to chase after your friend, who was already partially up the base of the tree. “Come on Hyugo! That’s not fair!”
Neither one of you made up the top of that tree that day.
But you both made a core memory that would stay with you for the rest of your lives…
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months ago
Robin!Duke Thomas headcanons/rewrite because i'm in my feelings about him.If you think Duke's not a 'core Batkid' DNI and take your segregation somewhere else
He's the 5th Robin instead of Damian and The Riddler plot still happened but Elaine and Doug got jokerized during it so Bruce adopted Duke way earlier and he was 11 at the time
He is also trans,autistic,femme and afropunk!!2nd and 4th are canon coding but it's explicit here.Egg cracked pre-meeting Bruce so trans Batdad gets trans Batson gender affirming care like puberty blockers and makes sure nobody misgenders him.His Robin suit is Tim's Btas suit for proper repurposing,though it's adjusted from tighties to shorts and the pants/leg parts are ripped and the gloves are fingerless for that alt look
Alfred loves feeding him sweets and Duke always gives him the most adorable star eyes and thanks him because he may be rude but he'll be damned if he's mean to his granddad(his favorite sweets are lemon flavored frosted animal crackers)
He was pretty traumatized by loosing his parents and resisted Bruce's parentage at first due to it but came to embrace it as ultimately he's still a little boy who needs a parent to love and care for him.Bruce's reveal of his own orphan status certainly opted him to give him more of a chance but like a true Batkid,he never stops rebelling despite his unstoppable love for him
He arrives post-Under The Red Hood(movie compliant)but during Batgirl 2000(less racist and gayer)timeline wise so he bonds with Cass,Stephanie and Tim and they invite him on hangouts with 'the big kids' and Young Justice takes in Duke as an honorary little brother similarly to how Traya is treated as their little sister.Stephanie shows Duke all kinds of cool funky/cutesy/edgy things she's into which rub off on him per black siblings bonding and Cass seeks to protect Duke in addition and in thanks to him for teaching her some stuff about 'normalcy',like introducing her to arts and crafts and candy bars.Duke's Batgirl is not Babs,although they do get along-It's Tam and we'll get to that in a bit
Duke employs his powers in his Robin work and it earns him the nickname 'The Robin Signal' in reference to how often he uses his light to guide citizens to safety after him and Bruce take out the danger
His first solo/Year One Run is 'Robin 2007',literally,to distinct from Tim's run that wouldn't end for two more years.They got a crossover mini ofc ofc and it was called 'Robins 2009'
Robin 2007 had 53 issues and featured the introduction of Duke's love interest,albiet her debut as her own character was a good while before it in Aquaman:Luna 'Aquagal' Vásquez!!Luna is the Starfire to Duke's Robin i.e a black non-human girl who's bubbly,soft and princess-y but also extremely hardcore,well-hardend and lowkey mean and his longtime best friend from his sidekick days he's a slowburn perfect MADE soulmateisms couple with!!Their ship name is Thomquez but they're purely platonic until their mid-teens when new feelings ignite and riple into existense.Luna had her own run,Aquagal 2007 <3 Robin/Aquagal:Pals in Disguise was a super cute jumbo issue too!!(Notes:Luna is afro-argentinian,half atlantean half human and has white parts in black hair in a pattern that make her look like she has a constant moonglow halo on her)
Also Duke ships Stephcass so hard😭He was ooo'ing and making cheeky comments as soon as he figured out what was going on when Tim pointed it out to him and NEVER stops until they actually get together,which dosen't happen until Duke-yes,11-12 year old Duke-is an adult.He gives Cass tips on how to rizz up Stephanie after talking to Stephanie to figure out what would work best(turns out Stephanie really likes goth x pastel dynamic images/videos,mocking cheesy flirty memes,whimsical love quotes and X-Ray Spex lyrics)
Duke owns a walkman Tim gifted him and talks into it as a 'Robinlog' and it pops up frequently throught his entire existense as a character as soon as he gets it.Duke is also a big fan of My Chemical Romance,hip hop and disco music,black indie shit,classical literature(canon),video games,writing poetry and 'cutesy' diy(bedazzling,scrapbooking,homemade stickers,etc)!!As he grows up he takes up solarpunk bit by bit and same with glamrock!
Duke got exactly one year as Batman's Robin.On his one year adoption anniversary,him and Bruce had a fight over a case that scared him so bad he thought he was gonna fire him like he'd done to Stephanie so he ran away in the dead of night,straightup out of Gotham City(he was also smart enough to pack an oversized backpack of essentials to carry with him).He was found as the sun set as he tried to sleep in a cat alley with a family of fat calico cats he'd been taking care of on his lap by a 20 year old Jason,his departure taking place during Volume 2 of Red Hood and The Outlaws,a 2010-2020 release 120 issues run that takes place over 3 in-universe years.They have a short conversation that leads to Jason finding out Duke is his brother and combined with knowing he has nowhere else to go at the moment and Summer's(my dcsona)yapping about him thanks to their friendship,takes him with him to The Fortress,The Outlaws' base.Duke joins the team and finally makes friends his age in the other Kid Outlaws(which includes other black kids of all genders!!)but Jason is the member he's closest to
Luna comes in a significant amount of Rhato issues and even enough to be an honorary Kid Outlaw but mostly sticks to Aquafam stuff to avoid reducing her down to Duke's love interest.Duke isn't forced to kill but is a brutalist in his tactics thanks to growing up beating up bullies,Bruce's training and the influences around him and it scares him sometimes so he vents and asks for reassurance and they all gladly give it to him,including Luna,who tells him:'You could never be a monster or evil,Duke.You'll always be my best friend in the ENTIREST MULTIVERSE.And even if you were a monster or evil?I'd save you.You saved me when i didn't know i needed somebody to be heroes with to go on.I'd go there-ANYWHERE! for you too'Least to say,Duke is pretty sure this is the point he started seeing Luna in a different light(a girlfriend light.From 'I need her' to 'I need her to be my babygirl')(in the aave way.don't be weird)
The Kid Outlaws are a bunch of punk ass kids with a thirst for anarchistic justice,the fall of the crime system and extra thick milkshakes.They got the punk drips(including piercings done by the adult Outlaws!!)and everything and call eachother siblings and Duke is their leader despite being the youngest as he's the most capable and suited for the job.The KO includes Thad so they're kinda a 'sparkly sunshine boy/bad but sad boy' buddies duo and their inhereted powers and legacies are a source of bonding along with just liking eachother as people.Duke calls him 'The Thadman' and Thad had no choice but to warm up to it and Thad gets Duke to try out energy drinks with him and they collect trinkets and graffiti public property together and them and Jason are Prime Earth's variant of that picture of three black trans guys who just got their top surgeries all smiling together with bandages on their upper bodies
Duke and Jason are so inseperable.They do soul bounding over soul/dominican food(their 'this and yap' /hj),help eachother with hair care(Duke has a twists out and Jason is a dreadhead),are inside jokes lockout between them and their girlfriends,share a bed more often than not,play Animal Crossing religiously together and even got matching icons in The Outlaws group chat(set to Aang and Zuko because they're literally them!!'If we knew eachother back then,do you think we could have been friends,too?' is how Duke feels about Robin!Jason to Red Hood!Jason,,,,,).Jason loves Duke so fucking much and can't stop himself from doting on him and hyping him up nonstop and encouraging him to stop holding back his rage and impulses and jumping people for him and stealing/diy'ing gifts for him a lot and Duke does the classic 'i make fun of you to show you i think you're the coolest ever and how important you are to me' little brother moves to Jason and is protective of him back as he feels he deserves it after all he's done for him and will eternally do for him,most of all making him feel secure in his Robinhood(ha!!)
All the overexposure to so much and such intense science-y proterties and magic jazz and trazz caused Duke's powers to mutate from just dark and light powers to straight up reality warping(to add onto them-he still has his og power palette,it's too iconic to leave out).He gets stuck in a pocket dimension for a hot sec but Summer and Jason pull him out with Thad's help as an expert on that situation.The universe was trying to create the New 52 but Duke's Robinhood was stopping it so in a 20 issue arc to symbolize the 20 core Outlaws aka the 'Outlawed Robin Arc',even the slimest posibility of the N52 ever happening is erased headfirst headon by our titulary gang!Including Honorary Outlaw for two and a half months at the time Tam aka Batgyal!She awoke from her RR2009 coma and it lead to escapades of adventures with both Tim and Stephanie and she was given her own mantle by Luke,who thought it was about time she joined him officially and was her secret keeper on her vigilante life and sneak offs to reunite with Duke as her initial only motivation
In issue 39,Jason snarks he was just 'The Replacement Robin' and Duke defensively cuts him off with 'You were always my favorite Robin when i was little!I never even got to see you in action but you're my favorite for good now!' and Jason is struck clueless,completely unable to come up with a response but touched beyond words on top of his shock.And in issue 110,Duke sadly says '.........I was never a real Robin.I've been with you guys way longer than i ever was with Bruce-' and Jason cuts him off with 'Yeah,no shit you were never Batman's Robin.You're The Outlaws' Robin-You're my Robin and you always have been and you always will be' and Duke gets extremely teary but does a toothy grin too as they're happy tears so Jason smothers him in a hug in comfort and Duke's face takes up most of the final page and a text box reads on the same one:'Duke Thomas is happy.Jason Todd is happy again,thanks to him.They're eachother's Robin,on purpose and by choice'
When Rhato concludes(and The Outlaws stay in touch forever),Duke comes back to Gotham to discover Damian's now Robin and literally laughs at the ridicilousness of the situation,quipping he's glad he already had a new mantle in mind and offers him a hat he thrifted when they meet,along with a smile and affection in his eyes.Damian snatches it from him,huffy and embarrased over the unexpected warm welcome by him but appreciate it and liking the hat only in secret(a yellow one with floppy cat ears strings and an edgy styled strawberry charm).Robins and Batgirls(2022-2023)was a helluva run starring Dick,Jason,Tim,Stephanie,Duke,Damian,Maps,Babs,Cass,Tam,Alysia and Nell and Jason's the only one who got thirst trap covers as it should be(Okay that's a lie,there were Stephcass thirst trap covers too LMAO.Faggot rights!!)
Duke has two core runs post-Robin:The Signal(2020-)and The Lights(2021-),the latter of which is his own team!!The members are Luna as Moonguide and his right-handwoman,Kiran Singh from the Wonderfam,Tanya Spears aka Power Girl ||,Jenni Ognats/XS,Mar'i Grayson/Nightstar,Jennifer Williams/Batika,Sin Harper as Arrowette ||| and the team baby,Darla Dudley as Shazam Girl and two upcoming ocs,a black male Star Sapphire who had his heart broken by a white girl💔and an X-Gene mutant from Earth 616 who ran away from their home dimension!!Duke's reputation as Robin proceeds him as it increases the shenanigans both in his civillian life and as The Signal and Thomquez are my fave classic black love tropes:'Thick baddie who stays keeping her mans fed' and 'Cocky ahh and playful but sweet and soft black dude who accidentally comes across as mocking x Nerdy feminine black girl who's not mean but pretends to be annoyed by his flirting with her because she's too embarrased to admit she actually likes him'.They do matching superhero names as adults to show they're married:Eris(Duke)and Selene(Luna)
Naturally,Duke is enrolled at Gotham Academy at now 15 and he mentors Maps when she comes along,including playing his game of Batwingman for her and Damian.Big hit with the GA girlies but unfortunately for them he only likes Luna and dudes who're mean to him(Woah,he's bisexual!I knew that!Also a Sonic The Hedgehog fan and his faves are Amy Rose,Shadow The Hedgehog and Sticks The Badger and he stans Penny Parker and draws gijinka fanart.Before i forget he also had his own youtube channel pre-Rhato and all his subscribers thought he died and he became a Creepypasta-)
And Batburger is his childhood happy place dating back to pre-Jokerization.He still visits Doug and Elaine and met Gnonom in Rhato only to pull a Percy Jackson and be spiteful and tell him off for his abandonment with zero forgiveness but realistically was still sad and hurt over his neglect so he let himself cry when he got back to The Fortress so Jason and Summer took him to Batburger to cheer him up and that led to his first visit to his parents in a long ass time.It and Batburger trips are part of his lifestyle obligatorily bi-monthly now
Oh the Gotham Police still hate him btw.He does all the work they gaslight people into thinking they do and none of the racism and assaults😔
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midnight--sadness · 2 months ago
k-pop idol AU anon here ˭̡̞(◞⁎˃ᆺ˂)◞*✰ i'm glad you liked my idea!! ♡ and do not worry about intruding or anything like that i love & value your comments!!
here's what i'm thinking for inhun... we need to go back to the 90's for this one.   ☾  .𖥔 ݁ ˖༘⋆𐦍⊹₊ ⋆。˚
inho got an opportunity from a friend of his great uncle (and that friend is none other than the music executive of a famous record label in seoul, oh ilnam), leaving university behind and decided to pursue a music career instead. he didn't want a monotonous life as some office worker anyways.
people are in love with his looks, his music, his bad boy persona... wearing cutoff shirts and the like (SUN'S OUT GUN'S OUT ! 😤). as to which genre, that's up to you guys to decide! but his albums are selling like crazy and his songs are always up top on the charts, never second place. until...
oh ilnam scouted for new talents but to no avail. there is money to be made here! luckily for him, ilnam struck gold when he felt hungry and wanted some comfort food like tteokbokki. because then he saw the most prettiest and beautiful young man at a stall, helping his friend's mom with the orders. the young man is a bit clumsy (he almost dropped ilnam's soju bottle on the ground). his name is seong gihun. a little reserved, sweet eyes, beautiful lithe build. oh, what an angel. a smile that is worth more than diamonds and gold in the earth. KA-CHING! that's the sound of money pouring in!ilnam asked gihun if he can sing. "ah, well, i love going out for karaoke but i wouldn't say i'm excellent at it..." but that's not a problem, nothing a couple of vocal lessons that can't fix!
the next day gihun found himself in the studio along with ilnam and other important figures to brainstorm how to mold him into a superstar. everyone is complimenting his physique and gorgeous face, making gihun blush and play with the hem of shirt. one thing lead to another, and looks like the industry has another rising starlet!
i really love the sound of 90's R&B, so i think i'll choose this genre for gihun (づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡ what started out as playful, captivating, funky songs developed into very foxy, sultry, and smooth. gihun evolved as an artist and got out of his shell, becoming more sure of himself, going with concepts that he likes and what he feels like fits the most. and that is by being an artist portraying himself as both innocent little kitty and a sexy siren. he experiments with outfit too! does not matter if it's a skirt or jeans, clothes are clothes and he is here to look CUN-TY! women, men, no matter who - everyone wants gihun (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*
i think it would be funny if inho never got to meet gihun immediately because he himself is busy recording, touring, practicing choreo, attending award shows, etc. but he does notice there is competition around. on the top 10 charts for songs or album sales they are so close to each other. then he sees gihun on a cover of playboy ("i know he's not a girl, but he's pretty like the rest of 'em! believe me, those magazines will be flying off the shelves!" said gihun's manager. and she was RIGHT). inho's brain short circuits but he quickly snaps out of it has to focus on performing live on a late night show. fuck, gihun was attractive. beautiful curves and features. he needs to know more about him. he needs to have him.
inho and gihun eventually meet at a staff party, celebrating record-breaking profits. inho finds out that gihun might be older and slightly taller than, but he can wrap his strong arms around gihun's tiny waist and lift him up easily. they get to know each other very well, and ilnam sees the chemistry between both singers. he gets this brilliant idea - those two should tour together.
and it's a big success, there is an entire crowd of screaming fans waiting for them to perform solo and together. i'd imagine inho and gihun spending time with each other during the tour would make them fall head over heels in love. not just as artists, but for who they are (,,♡ᵕ♡,,) as people, as one nerdy guy interested in crime/detective books and a clumsy fellow who took in stray cats until his mother scolded him. amidst the singing and showbusiness, they found each other (╥﹏╥)💜💜💜
believe me when i tell you inhun would fuck like rabbits because they're two young men and gihun's hips are made to be gripped at, but because they're two high demand artists and under strict regiments they're not able to fully savor their relationship... i'd imagine there would be many fanservice moments on stage though. like inho holding gihun's waist or giving him a kiss ln the neck. making the audience go WILD. ilnam isn't opposed to this because money but he did tell them to keep it at that and don't go beyond unless they want his higher ups to chew him out (so PDA is not okay but making gihun pose for playboy? alright *rolls eyes*)
omggg 🥹🥹😩😩💖 this is incredible!!
i think inho could rap! that way when they are together the music flows since rap and r&b go great together!
maybe, gihun's manager could be geumja? and even when she has a baby boy she continues working and brings little yongsik with her! years later, he debuts in a boygroup!
and if inho raps then u know he was thanos' inspiration 🫶
omg inhun not being able to share their love with the world 😭😭 sleazy record producers working them like dogs and their only refuge is each other 💖
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oh-no-its-bird · 9 months ago
Naruto/Death Note crossover but it's just me zapping Misa into Naruto w the dimension travel beams (and also I stopped reading Death Note after L died bc I got bored)
Deranged hot goth girl fucks with ninjas more at 11
Ok but taking it seriously:
Her Shinigami eyes could actually cause SO many issues for ninja in general. No disguise ever works on her bc she can see your name !! You can not go undercover with this bitch around she'll catch you near instantly!!
Also her being able to see peoples lifespans would fuck so hard there too, what a party trick to pull. I want her to push someone to do some insane shit while going "nah don't worry you won't die for another few months at least so you'll be fine!! :)"
I don't think she came w the death note itself just bc I don't think Misa could prevent someone from taking it from her and it's way too OP to deal with the logistics of what having it just out there in the world would actually mean. Pretty much any naruto character gets it and the story ends in like 3 minutes flat
I know that there are shinigami in Naruto canon, tho I'm not too familiar w the specifics.
Either way, it could be cool if we really got into Misa's relation to them— she can see them with her eyes already, maybe she can sense them too. She's like being drawn to different artifacts and prisons of shinigami, she can sense them from far away and they call to her ooOOoOoo
She ends up freeing that one specific shinigami from the mask or whatevers going on w that. And since she already has the eyes from Rem, instead of going "oh, thanks lmao *kills you*" when freed, they recognize that shes already been claimed by a shinigami and are like "Oh shit, nice contract blondie." and she has an actual opening to talk to them (and maybe get another funky death god contract along the way)
Misa continues to show she has unstoppable, unbeatable shinigami rizz even into the next dimension. They all want her.
(If nothing else, naruto world has PROVEN that if u roll high enough on a charisma stat, you can convince anyone of literally anything, no matter if it was like the driving force of their entire life since they were 5 or whatever. So why shouldn't Misa get to talk shinigami into liking her just by being violently friendly?? No really, why not??)
Shes collecting death contracts like Pokémon cards, causing actual fucking havoc everywhere she goes via unleashing ancient evils for deals for some of their power (thanks Misa!!)
She doesn't know how to fucking fight tho, she's a 2000's goth girl in chunky heels. She's getting by on her insanely high charisma stats, good luck, and the giant shinigami only she can see standing directly behind her with a giant baseball bat waiting for someone to get close enough to hit
Could be cool if her shinigami eyes let her see yokai in general too, and just say there weren't enough back in modern Japan to notice. But there's TONS around now and Misa is making little kissy faces at them trying to be friends
Her eyes keep her safe by marking her as already claimed by a shinigami, also making most yokai reguard her as one of them. That could also maybe be used to get her places she shouldn't be in / have weaknesses a normal guy doesn't
Like, seals designed for yokai work on her too
Her eyes need to be mistaken for sharingan at LEAST once and it must cause as many problems as possible.
It'd be neat if Rem was there too. Maybe Misa collecting all this power from different shinigami is actually in some quest to bring Rem back, via giving her that power she got from the other shinigami. She's like roaming the land in an effort to get as much power as possible to make Rem a new body or smthn.
The rules of how shinigami exist and are allowed to interact with the mortal plane is different than the rules where Misa is from, so there's like tons of wiggle room for creativity n "woahh I didn't know you could do that!!"
Misa herself is such a go with the flow morally grey gal w a very clear potential and allowance for absoloute insanity— I think she'd be super down with joining whoever just happens to be the first person she meets in Naruto world. Like. She bumps into the Akatsuki first? You KNOW she's gonna join in. She happens to land near Konoha first? Hell yeah she's loving the funky ninja village! Military dictatorship? Fine by her!
Shes so undying loyal, no matter how clearly wrong or deranged the object of her affection is. So whoever earns that affection first is gonna keep it p much the whole way through (honestly this world is just lucky she's still hung up on Light, which is why she still has sommee agency here)
I think the most interesting thing to do w her + what parallels her story best would be joining Akatsuki actually. Cmon, a terrorist organization "dedicated to peace" (through murder) she's so there for it, she's asking to pretty please help bc "Light would probably like it <33"
Also the Akatsuki cloak is like the only naruto outfit I can see her really rocking while keeping her signature style. ALSO also, Akatsuki nailpolish code,,,,
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twodragonsflying · 2 months ago
Here’s a brief summary of Thrawn’s story that is really just me testing out the read more function
Once upon a time, there was a little Chiss named Thrawn. Thrawn was a good boy, and I loved him. But one day, Thrawn made some questionable decisions, and it ended up costing him a lot. After that, people started thinking less of him, including this guy who was, like, twice his age and already hated him for no particular reason. And then that guy just kept hating him more and more and more.
Then Thrawn discovered that this evil dude was doing evil things, so he did more morally questionable stuff to take him down. But then even more evil dudes showed up. And there was also a weird, kind of creepy lady in the mix. Then Thrawn ended up sacrificing himself to save his friends from being punished for the thing he did that actually saved the whole world. But instead of getting a “thank you,” he got exiled.
At this point, he decided to join an evil empire for some reason, where he met a little cowboy. They became besties, fell in love (probably), but we’re not getting into that right now. Anyway, Thrawn kept doing morally questionable things (I swear he had a good reason.) Then he had to send his funky little cowboy away to go back to the ascendancy with the most badass lady in the universe. Who was, of course, mad at Thrawn for good reason.
Then he teamed up with a bad guy who used to not be a bad guy but was actually his old friend from before he became a bad guy. And then Thrawn did more morally questionable… okay maybe now they are outright bad things. Eventually, he and his best gal pal and his cowboy met up again, did some stuff, and even though he was against the giant planet-killing disco ball, he still helped make sure it didn’t get eaten by weird space bat bugs for some reason.
Then he got in trouble with the evil Emperor and got yeeted off into space by some space whales. He ended up teaming up with witches, got done so dirty by Filoni, and made it back to his galaxy. Then he tried to bring back the Empire, but he didn’t succeed because he also subjugated innocent people, and Leia absolutely wrecked him.
All having said, I love him so much. And that’s the story of grand Admiral Thrawn, the end. There’s some details that I left out but you know.
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scrunglepaws · 9 months ago
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So, today my brain said Knux/Tails swap au. Aka Knuckles is Sonic’s young sidekick and Tails is the last fox guardian of Angel Island.
- Design-wise, Knuckles is a bit smaller and pudgier. I actually find it kind of funnier to skew him even younger than Tails was- like 4 or something, and give him an even more baby-ish look. Pudgy cheeks, his half moon pattern is slightly obscured because of his more baby-ish proportions, making it almost look like a bib. But he can still easily just pick up Sonic and chuck him, smash through obstacles with ease, ect.
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- Sonic knocks away some other echidnas that were bullying Knuckles… For his weirdass knuckles? I don’t think other echidna have those? I was going to say his tail, but I guess they all have that bent up funky tail. ((Can you tell I'm lore deficient on this subject,,, girl help)) ANYWAY- Knuckles is peeved because HE COULDA TAKEN THEM >8C and flies off after Sonic.
- Knuckles follows Sonic around to prove himself and acts all tough and Sonic’s just like: “Sure, okay. As long as you can keep up with me, kid. :D” And Knux is just constantly like I’LL SHOW YOU!!! WIPE THAT SMILE OFF YOUR FACE! >8C and is just a little firecracker.
vvvv Mucho ramblings under the cut!
- Ye, I guess it makes more sense for Knuckles to get bullied for his namesake, since Tails was bullied for his. … Does that mean Knuckles used to have some goofy pun name before Knuckles? Oh no. xD
- Sonic keeps having to fly his own plane because Knuckles can’t be bothered to learn to do that. So it’s Sonic flying and Knuckles hanging on the wing? How weird. xD
- Knuckles acts like he’s so tough, but secretly does look up to Sonic a lot and genuinely seeks his approval after a while. But even so, he never gets to the point of idolization that Tails does.
- They have more of a competitive brotherhood rather than the more complimentary one of Sonic/Tails. I feel like that’s just an innate aspect of their relationship due to their differences. There’s a bit less of Sonic rubbing off on him due to admiration (ie: Tails), and more of Knuckles staying true to his nature and being stubborn to purposefully clash and compete with Sonic. In a good-natured way, of course.
- Knuckles is uncouth, feisty and whatnot- but at the end of the day, still introverted and a loner by nature. He prefers to just hang with Sonic (or alone) rather than others. Despite tagging along with Sonic all the time and helping people, his social skills are basically the same as normal Knuckles (but also, he’s baby). He’s generally quiet and stoic around others unless provoked. Sonic just knows exactly how to push his buttons, so he can be easily riled up by him.
- Even though he’s glued to Sonic like Tails was, he’s more… Distant. When he’s not making a show of his worth/strength/ect, there’s a bit less of the… Idk, I guess sweetness between Sonic/Tails? It’s still brotherly, but like… Understated.
- He’s strong enough that he can glide Sonic around like how Tails would fly him around. It probably looks a lot more awkward. Especially since Knuckles is smaller now. xD
- Design-wise, Tails is just… Taller, and I guess a bit less bean-shaped since he’s a teen (16). I imagine him being taller than Sonic, actually. Maybe some goggles, different shoes. Give him brown instead of red so he’s less match-y with Sonic? Or maybe even silver/grey… Brown and silver? Idk, my brain associates Tails with steel for some reason, so.
- Tails grew up isolated on Angel Island.  He uses the whole island as a space to lay out his various inventions and stuff. Probably built a whole ass technologically advanced city up there. The master emerald shrine is decked out with defenses.
- Despite being older, he’s less confident and outgoing without Sonic’s influence growing up. Living alone for so long, he’s even more shy and reserved. But unlike Knuckles who was generally cool with the isolation, I feel like Tails might be kinda sad, or at the very least lonely? D: Maybe he built some robot friends to inhabit the city he constructed. Give the illusion of not being completely alone. And it helps… Somewhat.
- So when Eggman comes to dupe him the first time, Tails totally falls for it just because he’s so desperate for some real company. Also, he’d be just as naïve despite his intelligence, so yeah. He might even go harder into the alliance because he thinks Eggman is really cool for also being a genius roboticist. He might even be legit heartbroken by Eggy’s betrayal- thought he legit had a friend on his level of intelligence to hang with. :c
- So, Tails and Sonic would be rivals instead of bros. So weird. But I dig it. Sonic’s rival being similar to his main enemy (Eggman) is kind of interesting?
- Since Tails has built a lot of automated defenses, basically a wholeass fortress around the master emerald, maybe he can actually leave the island more often than Knuckles was able to? But… maybe he still doesn’t as much because he’s really shy and unsure of himself around other people. And feels like an outcast not only for his tails, but also for being the last fox. And that’s some whole character arc he has to overcome or something.
- I imagine he gets excited when people come to visit him though, and he wishes they’d stay longer. Namely Sonic and Knuckles. I feel like he’d still have some innate need to impress Sonic despite having a rivalry rather being bros. But I mean, they’re still BROS, just not /brothers/. Maybe Sonic visits a bit more frequently than he would have visited Angel Island otherwise because there’s no one he trusts more than Tails to maintain the Tornado. Awww, can’t escape the wholesome Tails/Sonic shit. =3
- … Augh, it’s so weird to imagine Sonic just having friendly fist bumps with Tails, rather than hugs. The hugs are all for his little pudgy echidbro, Knux. WEIRDDD. Unless, of course, Knux is in a tough guy mood and will only accept fist bumps. … I feel like Sonic would still hug him anyway. And Knuckles would be actually cool with it after putting up a fake resistance for a few seconds.
- Cream is Tails’ rival in the same manner that Rouge was to Knuckles, and thus… is… 18?? Or maybe his age. Idk. Either way, she’s a teen. She’s still generally very sweet and polite in personality. But, to put her on Tails’ level, the biggest change to her character is that she has a comparable intellect to him. But, seeing that canon Cream does not show any leanings towards this aspect, I’m going to say that it’s very different from Tails’. By that, I mean it didn’t initially come naturally to her as a kid and she really had to work towards it. Like, very studious and booksmart or something? She  just generally has a very different thought process on techie stuff to Tails- somehow like, equally genius, but opposite? I CAN’T DESCRIBE IT. >8C;;; ??? But it’s how she continuously manages to get past his defenses and be a thorn in his side. But then he can’t even hardly be mad at her because she’s SO GENUINELY SWEET DESPITE IT ALL? AND SHE’S REALLY CUTE AND EMBARRASSES THE SHIT OUT OF HIM BECAUSE HE SORTA KINDA REALLY LIKES HER? SHIT. Anyways, they’re cute.
- But yeah, she’s always… Uhhhh… Why WOULD she try to steal the master emerald? She doesn’t have a thing for gems- that’s still Rouge’s thing. REQUIRES FURTHER THOUGHT. But on top of that, maybe she just in general tries to make Angel Island more home-y in some way while she’s there and it further flusters Tails because it’s also kind of sweet.
- Okay, I got an idea for Cream and the Master Emerald. It’s KINDA SILLY, but oh well. No one said this had to be serious, just fun. :3 Anyway- since Cream is a sweetheart, empathetic, and whatnot: Maybe she feels a special connection to the emerald and can sort of... Feel its… feelings…? I dunno how to describe it. But basically, she feels that, despite appreciating Tails’ devotion and protection, being cooped up in a dark, secluded box is just a bit. Sad for it. So she’s trying to free it for just a bit so it can like, “breathe” so to speak. And Tails, being as practical and scientific as he is, just cannot wrap his head around it. It’s a rock. What is she even talking about? It’s safer this way! Stop busting down all of his defenses just to “be kind” to a nonsentient rock! Wtf!
- Speaking of Rouge, she is now a little kid. She travels around with her unscrupulous mother and they con/rob people. Rouge understands exactly what she’s doing despite her young age and loves it. Idk Rouge’s mom’s name, but they’re like anti-wholesome. And they’re awesome. Rouge does some solo stuff away from her mom also (namely, messing with Knuckles? :D).
- I imagine Vanilla still exists, too, but she’s less present because Cream is independent now. She still loves her mother and visits her often, of course! Always a good daughter in any universe.
- Rouge needs some damn reason to still be coming at Knuckles repeatedly, uh… Maybe he keeps some sort of gem accessory special to him that she tries to steal, but idk man. Kinda lame… I’m running out of steam! qAq And there’s still some goofy, kids version of the flirting sorta going on. But it’s very EW COOTIES and silly because they’re LITTLE.
Sonic: Dangit, I can’t figure out what’s wrong with the Tornado! And ideas, Knux? Knuckles: *gets frustrated very quickly and punches a giant dent in it* Did that fix it? Sonic: *SIGHS as a random unrelated piece comically falls off* I’ll see if Tails has time to come and take a look at it.
This is just pure, unedited brain leakage, so pardon the… Everything. ._. Just figured I’d throw it out in the void because I bothered to write it all down! I don’t think I’ll do anything with it myself, but it’s pretty fun. I wish I didn’t suck at drawing Knux because the lil pudgy version of him is so cute in my head. I also sorta dig this dynamic between Tails and Cream and am a tad tempted to maaaybe… Idk… write a little something for it. Probably not with all the other things I need to write first, though. :T
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nonsensical-questions · 10 months ago
Errmmm annual update,
How are things goin for ya (not about sensetale specifically, just in general)
I appreciate the general check up as i haven't posted anything in a bit, but for a little update i guess, got a new job, pays me more and doesn't give me as many hours, this is a good thing as i can pay my bills just fine without having to work as much, but i am getting called in a lot and i need more money in general so i'm sorta trying to build stuff up... got a new name, i'm still keeping my old one i just have two first names i switch between now so that was funky but it made me feel a little better so it's nice got on HRT a while ago and it's fucking with me emotionally i think either that or i'm experiencing periods as it's not all the time, but it's too soon to tell if it's this or that so right now i'm just enjoying the general effects of it and learning how to deal with stronger emotions, this is a good thing i no longer feel as dysphoric about myself but it still comes from time to time as for projects and stuff i'm working on? got quiet the load honestly, no progress on sensetale for mental health and general self confidence issues, it's still on hiatus until i can get good enough to make the sprites i need or find someone willing to help me out but in non-sensetale related projects... well... i did wanna keep some stuff a secret but some of these have been in the work for a while so... what the hell might as well show some off I appreciate the general check up as i haven't posted anything in a bit, but for a little update i guess, got a new job, pays me more and doesn't give me as many hours, this is a good thing as i can pay my bills just fine without having to work as much, but i am getting called in a lot and i need more money in general so i'm sorta trying to build stuff up... got a new name, i'm still keeping my old one i just have two first names i switch between now so that was funky but it made me feel a little better so it's nice got on HRT a while ago and it's fucking with me emotionally i think either that or i'm experiencing periods as it's not all the time, but it's too soon to tell if it's this or that so right now i'm just enjoying the general effects of it and learning how to deal with stronger emotions, this is a good thing i no longer feel as dysphoric about myself but it still comes from time to time as for projects and stuff i'm working on? got quiet the load honestly, no progress on sensetale for mental health and general self confidence issues, it's still on hiatus until i can get good enough to make the sprites i need or find someone willing to help me out but in non-sensetale related projects... well... i did wanna keep some stuff a secret but some of these have been in the work for a while so... what the hell might as well show some off
vs. mad mew mew genocide route edition! i love mew mew as a character and i've been really inspired to make something relating to her i just didn't know what to, well recently i got my insperation and have been coding it out, don't know what the ending is currently but i have a rough idea of what i want to do, hopefully you will all enjoy it the song is Dummy! from UNDERTALE: Alternate, thank them so much for letting me use the song! couldn't hope for a more fitting battle theme that just so happened to accidently match with the character i was making the fight for lol I have more projects i'd love to show off but tumblr only allows for 1 video so you'll have to have the shitty gifs instead
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after undertale yellow released I loved the concept of everything so much but i really wish some more attention to the lore had been put in, but hey there was still some really cool stuff they did like i loved the guns and ammo types, so i decided to work on what it would look like for the blue soul which i nicknamed melody as her healing things are music notes and clovers are well clovers, this spawned a whole thing where i started making characters and ideas and... honestly i don't think it will go anywhere soon.... if at all but hey a mouse can dream huh? well i might as well show off some characters with little to no context huh?
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not all of these are major characters but just stuff I wanted to show off, if people wanna make art or ask about it, the au name is official "Undertale: Era of Integrity" but for now you just get the designs and simple mechanics that i showed off, i have more to talk about
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an underfell project! this was mainly learning to code KR and fuck around with my idea of an underfell au that takes the canon version and makes small tweaks here and there, i made some sprites to show what i mean
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again not really giving out much info, if people wanna know more let me know i guess! no official name just some underfell concepts i've been working on I do wanna make some playable fights eventually but i'd need to work out some kinks first to make it all work some other projects that feel too small to sorta show off stuff of are a Tale's end sans fight (like from the comic) i was working on with friskbits actually helping quiet a lot and a help_tale sixbones fight (again from the comic) both are almost done but also both have big hurdles i'll need to get past before i finish it, for tale's end it's just... writing, frisky is normally busy and i had major writers block, writing for what you may ask? the comic surely has most of what i need right? haha I wish, there are so many options and it all comes back to that stupid flower, i have like 20 endings based on if you kill or not and then reset and do a certain action, I have the main endings coded but the great flowey remembering my resets makes it way harder to actually finalize the sixbones fight is mainly the absorb stuff, as we never saw that in the comic so i sorta had to improvise and making it looks cool! but I'm sorta just winging it i guess i'm also working on a mettaton date, this one with an overworld, you know how alphys, undyne, and papyrus all got dates? oh and sans too sorta, well toby literally mentioned dating mettaton on the kickstarter and never delivered! so i'm doing it myself, date the sexy rectangle... eventually i'm still on the overworld stuff and need to finish designing mettatons room fully, i'd show some stuff off but i'm not sure how long it's gonna be plus this post is already hella long so just gonna cut this here and maybe talk about it later there is some other stuff here and there but it's mainly just ideas, I had an idea of something something deltatravelers something something OFF but i'm prob not even gonna do that, maybe i'll make some sketches or mock ups for it later but eh i wanna finish projects first i have too many on my plate currently I know a lot of people might be mad, that i'm working on other projects and stuff while im supposed to be working on sensetale, but I'm trying to improve skills and general get better at making the content so people can enjoy it more, and when i was ready i would try and work more on sensetale maybe remake the area do new poses make new characters or sprite something unique and cool, one of the reasons i don't post or even answer questions on this is i don't want to get people's hopes up that this will return soon, i really want it to return soon but I don't have the resources or time to commit to it I had a thought that maybe, I should make this a general au project stuff, so I can show off more stuff and see what people like but i've had 20 or so projects i've never finished. I wouldn't want to show all this cool stuff off and never deliver on it. But perhaps if that is what would everyone would enjoy more, seeing progress and stuff i'm working on, if people would be okay not seeing sensetale in favor of more content? just food for thought, i want to see what people think before i act.
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mr-jack-letterman · 1 year ago
More B-Side Verse!
Next up is Error.
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This is Trojan, the B-Side verse version of Error.
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(click for better quality)
- Within B-Side, Trojan used to be a Science Sans instead of a Geno Sans like Error was.
- Since Trojan originated from a younger and overall nicer Sans variant, Trojan is much more pacifistic and less angry than Error.
- He still destroys Universes, but he's less likely to actually fight people. He does his job and tries to flee as fast as possible when Scribe shows up, only rarely giving in to fighting.
- A glitch is spreading throughout B-Side verse. It seems as though there is no cure, but destroying the infected universes seem to slow it down. So, Trojan does his best to kill off the infected universes using his power, only leaving the uninfected alive. This earns him the title of "God of Destruction" throughout the multiverse as rumor spreads. No one, except Trojan's trusted allies, know of his true motives.
- Scribe and his crew are trying to stop the same corruption, but Scribe believes Trojan is the root cause of it and seeks to annihilate him, thinking destroying "the source" will kill off the rest. He doesn't see Trojan's efforts as "damage control", all he sees is Trojan "spreading more corruption."
- Being alone for so long has made him more like Alphys, very nervous and anti-social, but undeniably brilliant. He has a habit of going on long rambling tangents about data, space, magic, and whatnot. Most people don't understand a thing he's talking about though. He doesn't care, he's just happy to infodump.
- Most people see him as this maniacal mad scientist who tortures people and experiments on souls. Many Sanses like to compare him to some of the abusive and horrible Gasters throughout the multiverse. When, in reality, Trojan has absolutely zero confidence in himself let alone his "mad science."
- Most of Trojan's time is actually spent researching and documenting the different magic and fighting styles all Sans and Papyri have. He finds all the variation extremely fascinating and just rly rly rly wants to learn about it all. (*Cough* undiagnosed autism *cough*/lh)
- Trojan really doesn't have many friends and doesn't get out much. But, unlike Error, he's pretty good friends with Nightmare and his gang of misfits, as well as Cyan, the B-Side variant of Underswap Sans.
- For a long while, Trojan couldn't remember he used to be a Science Sans. Once he did remember, Cyan gave him his necklace as a reminder to never forget.
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The rest of these are not rly that important, they're just funky little design quirks I think are cool lmao.
- Trojan is named after a "Trojan Horse Virus" a type of computer virus that disguises itself as a normal program.
- His name is also a reference to the Trojan Horse in Greek mythology. Within the story, not only was the Trojan Horse a smart plan, the monument itself was an alleged tribute to Athena, goddess of wisdom. Trojan is a very smart cookie so using my tism powers I named him after something connected to the goddess of wisdom essentially NSNDNND.
- Trojan's "strings" are less like strings and more like thick ribbons of green binary. Within the Antivoid, similar to Error, Trojan has a bunch of these ribbons hanging from the "ceiling". But unlike Error, written on these ribbons are the names and serial numbers of all the universes he's destroyed. It's his way of remembering them and memorializing them.
- The binary code surrounding him can spell out various small phrases or words relating to what he's feeling. Normally, they just spell out "Trojan". But as seen above in my paper sketches, they change periodically. The translations for the binary can be found underneath each sketch.
- Trojan's eyelights can change as well. They turn into 1s when he's surprised, angry, excited etc, and change to 0s when he's embarrassed, sad, worried, etc.
- When he's overwhelmed or confused, strings of binary cover his eyes.
If you have any questions about B-Side verse or the world itself, don't hesitate to send me an ask or a message!
Original Error by @loverofpiggies
(I hope tagging is alright-)
Extra info about B-Side verse :D
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emocl0wnpp · 10 months ago
Because i'm in a fankid frenzy again,time to properly introduce my babies!!(part1)
(Also in the current canon they're all adults-)
Also they're all in the same friendgroup-
So first we have Claws' and Jack's kids,Liam and Lau
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A little about them
He was adopted when he was 7(he died as a human and due to a mistake,ended up in hell where Claws found him as a little ghostie creature-)
The doll he "uses as his body" was made to look like Jack(duh) because he looked up to his father as a child
Though as he grew older he looked up to Claws more and more
The doll is made out of porcelain btw-
He knows how to play the piano :D
He was in his school's sport team(main reason why he's buff as hell)
He's very much..expressionless,and has trouble expressing his emotions in general
He's kind of like a mime
But he's a very sweet guy tho!
He's gay..very gay #manlover
He owns a casino in the underworld and is kind of a maffia leader,but still works under Zalgo
Lost some of his colors :((
Mama's boy(the good kind-)
His best friends are Floss,Jay,Corn,Berry and Alan(they'll be mentioned later)
Absolutely spoils Alan(his bf) even if he can't show affection/love properly
Knows his way around guns
If you need a gun he knows where to get them(from him)
Very much overprotective of Lau
Jill's favourite (and only) nephew
Now Lau!
Same story as Liam,except she was adopted when she was 6(Liam was 12 by that time)
The pretty pink princess of her family
Very much a daddy's girl
Jack spoiled her rotten when she was a kid
But thankfully Claws didn't let her to become a spoiled brat
...she's still a brat though,but a likeable one
She was the pretty cheer captain of her school :D
And she was in the theatre club too
Pretty much a Draculaura, Regina George, and Heather C. kind of gal
She works as a model in the underworld (she rich rich)
Loves having girl's only days with Claws(we love a wholesome mother-daughter duo)
Her besties are Cheryl,Jenna and Floss(will be mentioned later)
Makes Jack carry her stuff when she goes shopping
Actually she makes Jay(her husband),Liam AND Jack carry her shit-
Biggest girl's girl out there.
HUGE Millionares and Britney Spears fan
Despite her "bimbo" persona,she's hella smart
Jill's favourite (and only) niece
Next up are the trouble trio..Vicky and Candy's sons Candy Floss(just Floss or Flossy), Candy Corn(or just Corn) and Jay(the pics are in this order)
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First, Floss:
The oldest twin
Takes a lot of pride in being the oldest twin
He's a loveable jerk
Trans guy!! (Still dresses kind of feminine to break stereotypes)
Has a deep ass voice
His hair is dyed. Non if it was his real hair color(his og hair is the same color as Jay's)
He takes after his dad Candy a lot..like a LOT
But he's a momma's boy like Liam-
He had to do cheerleading instead of being in the sports team bc his coach was an asshole,but during his senior year he was allowed to play in the team :D
Bullies his brothers as a form of love
Ngl he's kind of a jerk to everyone but it's his love language
Pretty boy™️
Does modelling with Lau :D
His best friends are Liam,Alan,Jenna,Cheryl and ofc,his brothers
Has a ferret named Noodles
Despite his jerk personality,he's an absolute loverboy when it comes to his lovely wife Jenna
Next up,Corn!
The middle son of the 3
Pretty much the quiet artsy kid
Who knows how to make bombs
Half of his face is burned,but he covers with it makeup
He has a strange shape-shifting ability that makes his colors change according to the seasons(will post it either here or in a p2 post)
He's probably the closest to Candy from his brothers
But he learned witchcraft from Vicky and very much enjoys it
He has a prostetic leg because of an accident(same as his burn marks)
He usually wears funky clothes
His wife is named Halloween :D (she's not my oc but one of my bff's,and idk if he has tumblr or no so i can't show her-)
Even tho he's quiet,when he snaps it's over. He can be a big bitch let's just say that-
But i swear he's a cool guy
His best friends are his brothers,Berry and Liam
He was also in the sports team alongside Liam
He stores stuff in is hair (his hair genuinely works as a portal-)
And last but not least, Jay and his assistant Opal the snake!
The youngest of the twins
And probably the oddball-
The sweetest guy alive
Literally THE husband material
But his heart already belongs to Lau :3
Matching west and bowtie with Liam!!
The patches on his shirt represent his brothers and friends
He owns many snakes,but Opal is his baby
Again,best husband out there,also spoiled Lau rotten
Got bullied by his brothers but loves them regardless
He's has a dad bod!
He has a little portal in his hat
He got Vicky's thick german accent-
Unlike his brothers,he learned a lot from Jason actually
His best friends are his brothers,Liam,Berry and Alan
Lau made him dye a pink strand in his hair-
His dream is to make his own circus and he works HARD to achive that
He's very The Greatest Showman coded
He'd probably love that movie too
Next iiiiis Jenna! The daughter of Jason the toymaker and Jade(i STILL didn't make a post of her-)
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Prettiest doll out there!!
Looks a lot like her mom :3
Her eyes are made from glass
The sweetest girl out there
Daddy's girl,learned a LOT from Jason
Literally just a ray of sunshine
The kindest killer out there if there's a thing like that-
Besties with Lau and Cheryl <33
She did cheerleading too
But she loves all of her friends equally
Also an art kid like Corn-
Even though she's a sweet and well mannered girl,she got her anger from her dad-
She has a slight french accent because of her mom
Her parents did not approve of her relationship with Floss but she didn't care
She's pretty rebellious ngl
But other than that she's just a bundle of joy
Despite all these sweet things i listed for her she's lowkey like Jecka from Class of 09-
Also she's very much a Heather M. and Gretchen girl
Next up,Cheryl and Alan :D
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First Cheryl:
Alan's twin :3(the older half)
She's mute and uses her mask to talk
Modded her mask to sound like Hatsune Miku once
Both of her arms and legs are prostetics(lost them in a fire related accident,along with her voice)
She's a proxy for Slendy
She usually hangs around Clockwork and Kate the Chaser when she's with the other proxies
But her besties are Lau and Jenna of course<33
But she's also friends with BEN and Toby
Both her and Alan are raised by their older sister Natasha
Lesbian women kisser woman lover♡♡♡
Heather D. and Karen kind of gal(she ain't dumb she just loves Karen with all her heart)
Girl failure but it's okay I love her
Did cheerleading with Lau and Jenna as well
Very good around tech and hacking
Her and BEN make a great duo when comes to tech
She learned sign language just to cuss people out
Now Alan:
Cheryl's twin(the younger half)
He gets bullied by Cheryl for being 0.1 second younger
He loves her with every fiber of his body tho
He's dyslexic
He's also a proxy for Slendy
He usually hangs around Masky Hoodie and Toby,they're like the brothers he never had
He looks up to Masky a LOT
But his best friends are Liam,Cheryl,the trouble trio and Berry
And Liam's biggest fan(we love a supporting boyfriend)
He used to be scared of Liam's family,especially Lau since they are in the same friendgroup
He got his burn mark in the same accident as Cheryl
Ngl he's kind of a jock himbo
Unless Liam is around then he's just a simp
Borrowed Hoodie's old,well,hoodie-
Helps Cheryl with tech stuff
Now time for the oddball of the group,Berry
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Zalgo's son
No his full name isn't Berry i just forgot his actual name
Berry is just his nickname
Yes Zalgo got himself a son
Though Berry ain't nothing like him
He's canonically autistic btw and his special interest is humans+human biology!!
Let's not count how many humans Zalgo got killed for Berry
He surprisingly gets along with Lazari
Claws had to babysit him when he was little
Till this day he calls her mom by accident
His bestfriends are everyone in his friendgroup but he's the closest to Liam and Lau
He can be hella scary ngl
When he's mad or just really overwhelmed all hell is unleashed
He's over 5 meters/16 feet tall damn
He's fluffy unlike Zalgo
He made a lot of comments about his dad being all bones AND being bald
Zalgo babies him to death and he hates it a lot
He loves his dad tho
The person in the back holding him is his wife Y(who also belongs to the same friend as Halloween does)
He's a pretty sweet guy who can and will do wrong,but usually he's very friendly to those who are friendly to him
Corn's different season looks along with some other kiddos will be included in another post bc i can't add more pics</3
Hope you enjoyed this tho!!
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doctorstrangereview · 7 months ago
0018: Strange Tales #126
Cover Date: November 1964 On-Sale Date: August 11, 1964
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It all changes here! In celebration, Doc reclaims some cover real estate and the blurb even depicts a scene from the story. What changes? Doc meets Dormammu! Up until this moment, Dormammu has simply been one of the funky names Doc calls on to put the whammy on his foes. Also, until now, most of his foes haven't been all that impressive on power level with Nightmare and Loki being the possible exceptions. And Doc doesn't call on either to power up. Dormammu is on whole other level.
Our story continues immediately after Doc's battle with Baron Mordo last issue. We see his astral body returning to his physical body. Now, Mordo's body should be in the house as well, but that never gets addressed. He must have gotten out somehow; we definitely haven't seen the last of him. No sooner than getting up from his comfy, funky chair (sadly, not the one with the dragon head), he's in the grip of a powerful spell, without his consent, that manifests itself as a floppy white and yellow bullseye. There's a nice touch from Ditko. Doc goes in the top of the bullseye and at the spell's terminus, The Ancient One's pad, he comes out the bottom. It even has a funky curl, like it's squeezing him out.
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The Ancient One is dressed today in a fine frock. The original coloring is red, but the Masterworks recoloring makes it a vivid fuchsia. Once again I prefer the recoloring. Today's crown has less ostentatious horns that the last story but the detail is more intricate. The Ancient One makes a ghost thing visible to Doc just as it leaves. Doc prepares himself to jump to the old guy's defense, but he's like "Don't worry about it, he's just a messenger of the Dread Dormammu. Oh, by the way, Dormammu is gonna invade our dimension and take over. I just got back from being Mordo's captive and haven't had my old man nap yet. Can you deal with this?"
"Sure thing, daddio! Send me!" And Doc disappears into some whirling and hairy dots. Perhaps this is Ditko's answer to Kirby Crackle. The next thing Doc knows he's somewhere else, floating through a ring of smoke and heading toward a nasty beastie indeed. The smoke ring is a nice call back to the splash page!
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The as-yet-unnamed nasty beasty is the G'uranthic Guardian who will show up here and again. I don't know if this is actually a living being or some magical construct that guard's Dormammu's "palace." Doc approaches the nasty beastie who looks down on him and shoots out some light that probes his brain, without his consent. It's a test of some kind that Doc passes and the cool six-sided doors open for him. He steps through, and we get get our first look at how bat-crap crazy Ditko makes this very brightly lit "dark" dimension.
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That's right, the other side of this door is floating in nothing and Doc is walking along a floating ribbon all curled up. Nightmare's realm was weird, but this is drug-trippy crazy! What was Ditko on? This imagery continues throughout the story, so get yourself a copy if you want to see it all.
Next, we get our first glimpse of Dormammu. He doesn't quite look like his popular image yet. For one, he's wearing a two-tone green thing with funky shoulder accoutrements and not the purple we're used to seeing him in. His head isn't surrounded by flames, but smoke and his head is blue, instead of red. He only has a hint of eyes. He's also sitting in a funky throne. We will later learn this is the Azure Throne and it is almost never depicted as blue.
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Dormammu is like "WTF? Who the hell is this? Where's The Ancient One?" One of the sychophants surrounding Dormammu isn't toadying up enough and dares to question Dormammu's ability to instantly wipe out the mortal and he instantly imprisons them until he doesn't feel like it anymore.
Meanwhile, Doc is facing a series of challenges as he moves toward the big bad. His first challenge is a little yellow creature who feeds on spells. Doc figures this out quickly and feeds him until he pops like a balloon. This is being watched by a certain silver-haired lady. Yes! We are finally introduced to the as-yet-unnamed Clea. At first he thinks this is The Ancient One returning, but realizes it can't be "for he is young -- and fair to behold!" While Clea's libido gets fired up, Doc is drawn into some object that looks like a flying magic carpet. "Oh well," thinks Clea, "better luck next time."
Doc defeats a bunch more of Dormammu's minion who appear before him. Dormie's not happy. He banishes them to limbo.
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Dormammu is like "Enough of this! If you need something done, you just gotta do it yourself. Bring it on, earther!" Clea senses things are coming to a head and decides to shout about it.
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The entrance Dormie conjures for Doc is just bizarre. It's like a big sheet of paper with a mini, desaturated bifrost coming out of it. Clea attempts to warn him off, but Doc proceeds to the ominous assignation. Doc finally confronts Dormie at last! "I won't kill you until the Ancient One shows up." Doc replies "Nah! You gotta deal with me." "No really, send in the Ancient One." "Nope. It's gonna be me." "You're funeral, blue dude!"
And we break here until next month. Last month was great, but this is just freaking crazy! Ditko is in top form here. Who knows how many pencils were ground to little nubs to draw these 10 pages? Visually, it's spectacular. Ditko had spent a number of stories with lazy backgrounds, but he must have been saving it up for this story. Dormammu's motivation for invading earth isn't exactly original, but it starts a great story. There isn't really anything in the way of plot holes. It doesn't mess with continuity. And it's the springboard of a new era where the villains are more powerful and the stakes are greater. I can't wait for part two!
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saliosis · 2 years ago
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your subway order total is $19.21
(extra notes below)
ok, so here's the deal with the slight design change! (i swear, it's cool)
i wanted to make chuck latino because i joked about it once (w/ fred stoller being on handy manny saying "my amigos 😆" and then saying his colors look like the flag of colombia 💀) but it stuck for some reason. to me, it works PERFECTLY.... if becky can be an alien who is
"ambiguously brown"
then why can't a sandwich person like chuck also be brown, yknow 🔥⁉️
(help i keep accidentally latinoifying wg characters--)
chuck? nah. he is now, officially
chuck el sandwichero perverso 🥪🇨🇴‼️🔥
(as they call him in the spanish dub aka chica supersabia)
for starters, i wanted to experiment with changing the type of bread he's based on. i can assume chuck is based on the classic sandwich made up of white bread (...💀) so i wanted to change it up for latino chuck.... yknow... yknow.... yknow.... 🕴️
i'm also just not a fan of plain white bread 🤕 LMFKAJDKSN
i had a couple of options to chose from so i can upgrade his sandwichness™ 💭 but i decided to settle onnnnnnn..........................
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funky multigrain bread!! my favorite 🥄🥄‼️ anytime i make a sandwich, i usually reach for this bread... (and when i say "anytime" i mean the times i'm extra and watch a chuck episode while eating a sandwich 💀💀)
i like the idea of chuck having seeds and grains on his face... think of it like moles, freckles, or even acne scars if you will 🤷‍♂️ brent straight-up has seeds on him that represent freckles so why not, right⁉️ we can get creative here w/ it!!
plus- he's so much more bread-like this way
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above is a fast doodle, but it is what i ended up sticking with for my design. if you see in the final drawing, i did shift around with some of his costume colors to make it work with the bread type-colors!!
i imagine brent being a variation of bread that looks similar to chuck. that way chuck can be multigrain bread and brent can be another type.
parent who is multigrain bread + parent who is another type of bread = two siblings, each being one of two options of bread because of genes™ (wow. sandwich person science 😍😍🥪🧬 /s)
my two options for brent's bread type? because i will probably never draw that man? either molasses bread (left) or even dark rye (right)?? but i lean towards dark rye brent because that idea seems so scrumptious to me
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ngl i have never been too sure what type of bread brent is based on......
the wiki doesn't really help me decide. he has freckles that seem to be like seeds, so that means he's a type of bread that has seeds. but also, not that many seeds.... which is likely an animation thing since animating all those damn seeds must be hard. but idk? but his skin tone is very slightly darker than chuck so that makes me think he isn't white bread based™ (help what am i talking about)
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if any bread experts™ out there have some guesses, let me know so we can talk about that more. for some reason, this is really fascinating.
anyways.... latino brent can be real too 🤷‍♂️
brent 😍🥪🇨🇴🔥‼️
(because i swear to god they just call him brent in the spanish dub instead of his long ass name)
but yeah 👍 that's my little hc-chuck related ramble. i may not talk about him, but i really fuckin love chuck 😭
............ .. . . . ... . .... . .. . ...... . .. ...... ....... .. .. .. .....typing this out has made me realize how much thought, effort, and research i have done all because of a joke i made. a joke i made about a cartoon character from a kids show where we haven't gotten new content in years. and that it's likely that i'm the only person thinking so deeply about a family of sandwiches--
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exquisiteserotonin · 2 years ago
Precious Possessions Chapter 4: Mastermind
I lied last week, obviously, not the final chapter. Who knows along this will go. It ends, when it ends. 😏
Series Summary: Defense intelligence conferences are always the same informative but also always boring. You didn't expect anything different for this one, but an unexpected meeting with a man named Dave York, changes the trajectory of your conference experience and maybe even more.
Previous | Next
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Pairing: Dave York x Fem!Reader, Dave York x You
Word Count: ~2.4K
Rating & Warnings: Explicit, 🔞MDNI!!!🔞 This fic contains, but are not limited to the following, dom!Dave, spanking, bondage, overstimulation, PiV sex, creampie, oral (f! and m! receiving)dirty, dirty talk
A/N: Not beta'd (all funky grammar an spelling things are my own).
Plans are beginning to take shape.
And as always a big, big thanks to my slut collective @blueheat1-blog @best-little-secret @basicoccult @redhotkitchen @legendary-pink-dot @sparklefarts38 @arcanefox207 @imalrightllama
Chapter 4: Mastermind
You sat on your plush, cream-colored couch, a blanket covering your lap as you sipped a cup of tea on a Thursday night. Nearly a week had passed since you had come home from the conference. You should have been relieved and relaxed to finally be in your cozy and quiet townhome, away from the noise and the toxic masculinity. Instead, you sat here having flashbacks of the excruciating ecstasy of Dave’s hand slapping your ass, being tied up while he ate your pussy like it was his last meal, and how his massive cock sent orgasms through your body that nearly split you in two. Before he even slipped a finger in you, you both knew you’d never be able to go back to your normal life. Instead of reading a book or binge watching your favorite tv show you replayed one of your conversations in your head.
“What are you talking about?” He asked again as he sat up, resting against the headboard.
You sat up on your knees, playing docile for him you couldn’t stop staring at his large cock. 
“Did you think it was a coincidence that we met, Dave?” You purred. “Some people would say I’m exceptionally gifted at what I do, it only took a little bit of digging to find out about your extracurriculars.”
You remembered him getting angry with you. 
“You have no idea what you’re asking me.” 
Yes, you did. 
“Yes, I do.” 
You crawled towards him on all fours. 
“Teach me to do what you do.” 
You remembered how dark his expression was, how low his brow was furrowed, but also how he licked his lips the closer you crawled towards him. 
“I promise I’ll be a good girl.”
From your hands and knees you lowered your face to his cock. He could look at you, scold you, spank you, or tie you up but you knew he wouldn’t say no. 
You remembered that he didn’t answer for a while, and he shuddered with a moan as you touched the tip with your warm lips. 
Then you remembered him grabbing your hair. 
“If we’re gonna do this, you have to do everything, and I mean everything, I say.” 
“Yes, daddy.” 
“Now give me that pretty, little mouth again.” 
Falling asleep on your couch only to wake up in a daze to traipse to your bedroom was becoming a nightly occurrence since you got home. This evening threatened to follow the same pattern. Nearly 8:00 pm and your eyes were already starting to feel heavy from a cocktail of boredom and exhaustion. The singsong chime of your doorbell camera alerted you to someone outside and you were suddenly awake. You looked at your app and raced to the door to confirm who was standing on the other side.
“Dave?!” You gasped as you swung the door so hard that a gust of air swept at your hair. “What are you---?”
He stood before you with the hungriest eyes, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you in for a  messy kiss before you could utter another word. As he kicked the door closed behind him, his large hands slipped under your shirt, kneading your right breast until he was rolling and pinching the nipple, forcing you to yelp. As he corralled you to the couch, you pushed against him weakly trying to get him to offer you an explanation. His lips gripped yours, fast, searing, and desperate to taste you. Your center, ass, and legs were suddenly cold as he pulled your sweatpants off you and onto the floor. 
Finally, he gave your lips the briefest of respites until they found another set of lips on your body that he was more hungry for. 
“Da--ahh,” you cried as his tongue licked a long, slow, deep stripe into your folds. 
He devoured you with his unforgiving tongue and lips. His wet hunger mixed with your essence sent tingles that undulated outward to every nerve ending in your body. Moans of his name were all that could leave your lips as his tongue lapped into you and as his lips sucked on your bundle of nerves until you were uncontrollably writhing, shaking, and screaming his name. 
“One,” Dave growled, sitting on the couch next to you while pulling you on top of him at the same time. His cock sprung upwards after he unzipped and pulled down his pants. He pumped himself for a few moments and lifted you, teasing your entrance with his erect cock. 
“Ride,” he demanded as he helped you lower you onto him, bucking his hips up to thrust into you. 
His fingers gripped the skin of your hips like a seatbelt keeping you in place. You bounced and rolled on his cock as his hands marked your hips that he was claiming as his own. He was so deep inside you this way and with each grind and thrust you felt his tip reaching into your deepest center, nearly sending you over the edge every time. Searching for a way to retain some semblance of control, you reached behind him and started massaging his balls. A rich moan traveled from his throat as you touched him. In your head, this would have made him cave to you, would have given you permission for you to make him yours for a little while. Yet, with every move and push of his cock inside you, he reminded you of how wrong you were and how in control he was. As if that weren’t enough, he swiped the pad of his thumb across your sweet bundle of nerves, circling it with furious determination as you bounced on his cock. 
“Fuckin’ ride me, firefly,” he said his voice coming out in a low thunder, the movement of his thumb growing faster. “Fucking missed your tight, little cunt.”
You tried to form words to tell him how much you missed him too. How much you missed being impaled by him, but all that came out was moans and screams. The tight, sensitive shivers intensified as he kept working at your clit while fucking into you, bouncing you up and down.  You desperately tried to brace yourself against him as his cock pounded your spongy center until all you could do was clutch at the cushions on your couch as you screamed out his name in desperation and ecstasy as you reached you high.
He laughed again, pressing your torso into him as he sat up. His tongue blessed your nipples with aftershocks to add to your orgasm. 
“Two,” he murmured. 
Counting. He was counting how many times he made you come. Your chest heaved, with hot breaths and sweat that illuminated your skin all the way to your ears. 
“Can you give me one more, firefly?” He teased, rolling you onto your back on the couch. “Strangle my cock with this tight pussy?”
“I, I--,” you tried to will the words out of your mouth through the overstimulation. 
He was your drug and you needed your fix.
You watched in a misty gaze as his dark eyes fixed themselves on you with something even deeper than a primal hunger for you. Your body nearly melted at the touch of his hands as he pushed your legs close together, pressing your knees up to your chest. The ragged breaths that escaped his mouth as he lined himself up at your entrance set fire to the air. A forceful slap of his stiff, wide cock had you crying out for him.
“Fuck, Dave, please!” 
He pushed himself into you, stretching you, his skin causing every fold in you to flutter as his thrusts quickened. 
“Can’t stop thinking about this pretty pussy!” He growled. “Couldn’t stop thinking about it, when I had to fuck her.” 
His words would have made any other woman stop at the thought of him filling up someone else, even if it was his wife. It sent your ego soaring and you clenched him tighter in response. A loud, rumbling groan left his lips and he pounded into you faster. The most sensitive part of your core, began to roll and rumble sending a wave after wave of pleasure that had you searching for anything to grab onto to brace yourself for its arrival. 
“So--fucking--tight,” Dave growled as he held onto your legs in vice grip until you screamed his name over and over, not caring if your neighbors could hear you through the walls, “choking my fucking cock.”
With one final push Dave emptied into you, keeping his cock tight into you for a few moments to feel every tremble your body made for him. Intoxicated in the afterglow, you rolled over with a gasp when he pulled out, trying to regain some semblance of yourself. He gave a quick slap on your cunt and then on your ass, evoking one last desperate moan from your cherry lips. 
“Where’s your bathroom, firefly?” he asked with a low, raspy chuckle, admiring how you lay breathless and weary because of him. 
You gestured down your hallway, weakly. Laying naked on your couch, all you could muster was a soft giggle of ecstasy. After deep breaths, the kind you practiced during yoga, you felt yourself recovering. It felt like a dream as you saw him walking back to you, naked and confident like he was in his own home. He put on his boxer briefs before sitting next to you on the couch.
“Clean yourself up and come sit in my lap,” he stated as he patted his leg. 
You nodded and ran to the bathroom to clean yourself of his cum, its stickiness imprinting itself within you. You brushed your hair quickly and then returned, taking your place on the throne of his lap just as he had asked. His right hand wrapped securely around your waist while his left hand ran over the surface of your legs. There was almost something domestic about it. Another deep breath forced you to force that thought from your head and you took his chin and turned his face towards yours, biting his bottom lip. 
“What are you doing here?” you inquired, nursing his bottom lip with your thumb. 
“You mean other than fucking you?” 
You rolled your eyes as you waited for an explanation, hoping it would ease your anxious thought that someone, anyone might know what was going on between the two of you.
“Yes, other than that.” 
“Carol and the girls are out of town for a long weekend,” he smirked, “a girls scout camping trip.” 
“Mmm, lucky me,” a giddy mischief boiled up inside you. “So I have you all weekend long.”
You straddled him and grabbed his face in your hands. He wrapped his arms around your waist, giving you a discerning look that consisted of a furrowed brow and dark, determined eyes. 
“Oh, I see,” you replied, feeling the warmth of your afterglow cool on your skin. “Mixing a little pleasure with your business?”
You tried not to reveal any kind of disappointment. The sides of your jaw tightened as you narrowed your gaze to his face, trying to read the expression on it. A veil of realization covered you, understanding the importance of his unexpected arrival to your home.
“You are my business; you wanted to learn, firefly, get dressed.” Dave ordered, swooshing a large hand to your ass with a firm slap. 
“Yes sir,” you growled, nipping at his lips and grinding into him. 
“I said, ‘get dressed,’” he reiterated through gritted teeth as he grasped her by the wrists, “I don’t need the distraction and neither do you.” 
You stood up, taken aback with how quickly he shifted from pumping you full of his cum to a man who so easily and systematically killed people like it was a nine to five job. His eyes stayed on you intently, a smirk painting his lips in appreciation of the view that was you. Upon your return you were clothed in a pair of joggers and a sweatshirt. You found Dave dressed in sweatpants and a v-neck t-shirt, his laptop open and on. A close examination of his screen revealed an already comprehensive, electronic dossier created for Brad from where he was born, where he’s lived, all his schools, jobs, and relevant figures in his life, an asterisk by the name of his father, a lifelong diplomat. 
“Nice homework,” you remarked, “but an easy find on the internet.”
You felt the gravity of the situation grow heavier on your shoulders when Dave gave you a cold, harsh glare in response to your quip.  
“Rule number 1: you get cocky , you get killed.”
You straightened your posture at the words and nodded in acknowledgement. Dave excelled at this for a reason. Remembering the intensity and hard work it took you to excel in your job helped you to reframe your perspective of how you expected Dave wanted you to act. You pulled your hair up in a ponytail, hoping to show Dave that you were ready to listen and learn. With his leg he pushed back the stool next to him at your kitchen counter and you took it, moving closer to him.
“I’m not going to make this easy on you, firefly,” Dave said, the tone of his voice void of any expression or urgency, “but we need more than what I have and the only way I can get it is through you.” 
“I’m listening,” a tightness formed in the back of your throat, “what do I have to do?” 
“I’m oversimplifying it,” Dave replied, “but you have to do whatever it takes to get Brad to trust you.” 
An initial, uneasy chill traveled through your bones at the words. It lasted fleetingly, as something different and indescribable took over your brain. You could work with this, especially with someone as slow-witted as Brad.  The sweet memory of how you got that lecherous teacher fired replayed in your brain. This was really just the next logical step from that. An anxious excitement brewed inside you as you turned to Dave. 
“So…when do I get started?”
Brad, the poor bastard, he would never see it coming.
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dropthedemiurge · 11 months ago
My first impression for GMMTV 2024 projects:
Ossan's Love Thailand: Let's just say, first one is instant skip for me, though I am still excited to watch Earth and Mix in something I'll enjoy. I probably should go and watch Cupid's Last Wish instead xD Japanese comedy that is transferred in a Thailand comedy make me fear for my life, to be honest (my tolerance for physical comedy is unfortunately very low). But good luck to EarthMix though, they'll get to play some funky roles, hope they'll have fun!
Leap Day: Woah! It looks very intense and very interesting already. Pond and Dew (who I dearly love since High School series) in a very dark and mystical thriller(?). It's not BL but I love unique plots with darker vibes. Also Gun playing autistic guy (who also gives off creepy vibes because the entire trailer is creepy)? Sign me up twice! I'm going to be checking it out for sure.
The Heart Killers: First and Khaotung wanted to play a cute sweet romcom after all the depressing and dark and difficult characters and tears, right? Well, they also wanted to play mafia or gang roles so I guess that gave Jojo the right to make a ASSASSINS ROM-COM, why not!xD This man is the only one I go for when I want something very refreshing, unusual, gritty, that has flawed and underground characters, weapons and high stakes. It'll probably fumble the ending but I'm definitely going to be here for my Assassin x Tattoo Artist Firstkhao. Also it'll be my introduction to JoongDunk. Second to the top of series I'm excited about!
Friendshit Forever: I actually had to double take because GMM surely loves puns in their titles, right? xD I thought this would be GL but it seems like a very intense friendship-betrayal story, seems like girl actors are able to pull it off and New is going to get caught up between them, sounds interesting but again, not my type of story. Still, points for the shit in the title lol
Perfect10Liners: I literally have 3 couples that I am familiar with because I saw them in other shows, and they all play Thai engineers, and I still have no desire to watch this show? Somehow?! I don't know why but I feel like the writing is not solid at all. Or the premise. I'm not sure what's this show is even about, beside a silly university romcom. I am already craving something more interesting, I'm sorry guys.
Us: I ONLY HAD EMI AND BONNIE FOR ONE MINUTE AND I DON'T WANT TO LET THEM GO! I mean, new discoveries?! This trailer is filmed beautifully, first of all. The acting is already great (also hello, Sing, my beloved!) and the girls have chemistry (I might have a little crush on Emi already). Anyway. I am still waiting for GL that'll be my cup of tea, I hope this will be one.
Hide & Sis: I really enjoy the vibes, the three sisters look badass (and I adore Piploy and Lookjun and Jan), it's very unusual to see Chimon in this role, Gawin continues his police officer streak, but THAT NAME! Who decided on a name for this series and why?xD Probably not going to watch but I give it a stamp of approval.
ThamePo (Heart that skips a beat): Oh! I enjoy idol stories, though I haven't seen many, but I'm always intrigued how shows like this could display the backstage and the complications that come with different positions and spotlight. And thank god GMMTV used their actual boygroup to play idols! And didn't just try to teach actors to dance. I don't know main two actors but they seem to have good chemistry as well?! I'm intrigued.
Break Up Service: I'm all for Off in a very sketchy role (Midnight Motel type of sketchy, only with even higher stakes?xD) but the overall genre is probably not my thing.
Revamp The Undead: I'm sorry but all I know about BounPrem is that these are guys from another agency who desperately wanted to have vampire BL for years or something xD Glad to see the wish being fulfilled! I love how the teaser was filmed, and the plot has a big potential. Don't know the cast but might tune it to check out! Also my guy Kay is here being bad!! (I am collecting my HS gang over all lakorns)
Sweet Tooth Good Dentist: Sorry but I'm going to be mourning Mark Pakin's talent being wasted on series like that x) I don't know the other guy Ohm, sorry, but such romantic comedy where Mark's character is a weirdo and simply falls in love with the client (how was he not fired on the spot) doesn't really intrigue me... But at least it's a step up from his (amazing) side roles.
The Dark Dice: Ooh! I love psychological thrillers and this honestly reminded me of Cube, I just didn't expect Gemini to be the main lead. As someone who watched Gifted, High School and similar shows, this is right up my alley. Very curious to check out and I hope they'll do something deep with it beside a simple mystery.
The Ex Morning: I might be biased but I just knew they would be the last one, what everyone's been waiting for. It's hilarious to think that the plot is based on Krist and Singto's actual lives but I trust P'Aof to write compelling characters and relationships. Also I probably will sigh with relief already because he's one of the very few writers that actually write a complete story with a nice and believable (and not hurried) ending. And I really want KS to come back with a bang, just like TayNew did with Cherry Magic. GMM going exes back to lovers will be very interesting to watch, and Krist Singto grew as actors so much. I'm very excited!
Overall, I'm happy to see GMMTV choosing to try a lot more mystical or dark stories than before, way less school students and also most of these BL stories are about adults! Woah! Finally! The audience is mostly grown up as well, thankfully they realized it. And their announced project about accepting stories and plot from the fans, as well as Interactive Game project by GMM, I wonder how that'll look like.
It's funny how last year I was thinking about making my webcomics and visual novel games with GMM actors and I didn't push through because I had health problems and not enough time, and it's like in 2024 GMM tells me THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT WE WANT. Maybe I should actually make some dating otome novel game or some interesting AU webcomic based on GMM BL pairings, and then show it to all fans and then GMM would notice it xD Who knows? Go kick me so I'd work on one of those projects in my mind.
Anyway, in Part 1 I barely liked any trailers or stories, and I like almost everything in Part 2. I am very very excited.
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not-soup-333 · 2 years ago
I'm Nobody's Rockstar Girlfriend (pt 1)
Hobie Brown x Fem Musician!reader Warnings: N/A Synopsis: Hobie ends up missing part of the most important gig of your career to date, and not only has it been an increasing theme, but you're getting fed up. Other Details: a little angst maybe? (happy ending tho), reader doesn't know Hobie's spider-man, use of pet names instead of y/n, established relationship, Gwen is in this but it's like Gwen in Hobie's universe so she's not a spider person, I'm assuming with earth-42 miles and other Miguel there are others of all the spider people A/N: I'm more in the metal scene than punk so wish me luck. (I am a musician tho so sorry if desc of show stuff/slang seems a little funky weird or technical.) Also, I may have accidentally gotten a little too into how much the music industry hates women a tad sorry guys. (Also if you guys want to see more please don't be afraid to send me some asks!!)
You loved Hobie Brown. Especially when he was on stage. There was something magical about being in an audience full of people and still knowing every song he sang was one that you'd heard first. Every lyric had been bounced off you before it ever made it under the stage lights. The way the light hit his dark skin always made him almost look like he was glowing. Long fingers gliding over the fretboard as he played.
You loved him even more after the performance when he made a beeline for you. Those long fingers you loved tracing designs into your hips as he asked you what you thought, the look in his eyes hoping you loved it each time.
But right now really wasn’t the time to be focusing on Hobie’s music. You were supposed to be focusing on the show you were playing tonight. As you finished checking the tuning of your guitar for the third time, you glanced out of the dingy side room you and two other bands had been shoved into. You definitely weren't looking for Hobie. Even though he'd promised he’d bring you dinner and a pep talk before the show since you’d forgotten to grab something after load-in and sound check had started. Especially when Gwen’s drum set had fallen apart halfway through her setting it up.
As your eyes scanned the large room, it was nearly packed wall to wall with people. "Be back in a minute!" You called over your shoulder to your bandmates before slamming the door behind you. (It had a habit of not closing if you didn't do it forcefully.)
Wandering the large room, you saw a lot of faces you recognized and many more you didn't. Finally after what felt like an eternity of searching you found a few of Hobie's friends standing near the far wall. Walking up, you stopped in front of the group. "Have you seen Hobie?"
One of them looked down and smiled. "Hey, what are you doing here?"
That question made you pause and glance around again. Had Hobie not invited them? You hadn’t thought about that before he’d walked up, he was usually the loudest person in the crowd during your sets. "I'm playing tonight."
"Oh! Congrats! We'll make sure to cheer for you." One of Hobie’s other friends raised his beer in agreement.
"Did Hobie not come with you then?" You felt your face heat by the question, not liking how it probably made you seem reliant on your boyfriend to them.
"Nah. He was supposed to, but then he ran off. Said he forgot something at home or something like that."
Your throat went dry with the answer and you nodded once. He didn't miss gigs. Something had to be wrong. "Oh, okay."
"I'll give him a call and let you know if I see him after the set though."
"Thanks." You mustered up as you turned away from the group. "I'll see you guys later."
As you returned backstage a few people called out a hello and you mustered up a smile before slamming the door shut behind you again and leaning against it. Gwen, looked up from her phone and saw your face, immediately turning to concern. “What’s wrong?”
“Hobie’s… god I feel stupid saying this it’s just… Hobie’s not here.” You covered your face with your hands and tried to push the tears down that were welling up in your eyes. You didn’t like feeling this way. Like your heart was about to burst out of your chest simply because your boyfriend had missed a gig. You had been a fiercely independent person your whole life until you’d met Hobie about a year ago at a basement show. From that moment you’d felt like your life had been tied to his, and suddenly it was important that he missed your show.
“Oh… it’s okay I’m sure he’ll show up. He’s not the kind of guy who’d miss a gig this big for you.”
That sat heavy in your stomach for a long moment before you felt anger rise up in your throat. “This isn’t the first time he’s missed one though, and he’s been missing them more frequently lately. I mean, I haven’t missed one.”
Gwen fell silent but placed a hand on your shoulder as you continued spiraling further and further into your thoughts. “I’m almost always there for his shows and when I’m not there it’s usually some crazy circumstance, and I always listen to his songs before he plays them on stage. I’m supportive of him all the time so where is he right now? Gwen, I will not just be some rockstar’s girlfriend. I have my own career to worry about.”
Gwen nodded and her hand slid off your shoulder. “It sounds like you need to talk to him.”
“Well, I’d love to if I knew where he was!” You shouted, kicking the door right before the headliner’s manager pulled it open. “You guys go on in five.”
Turning to grab your guitar and sling it over your shoulder, you gave your band a look and said. “Let’s go prove we’re a real fucking band yeah?”
While the rest of your band nodded in agreement, Gwen just sighed and grabbed her sticks from where they lay next to her drum pad.
Nothing but adrenaline was going through your veins as you stepped out onto the stage, the bright lights making it impossible to make out most of the crowd as per usual. Still, you noticed when halfway through your set a familiar head of wicks entered the door. That was enough for you to boil over the edge. Turning to the rest of the band after the song was over you pushed the mic you’d been near away from your mouth. “Let’s finish with the new one.”
“But you haven’t been able to finish it without messing up.” Your singer said, pushing her own mic away from her mouth for the moment. 
Knowing this was precious time wasted you shook your head. “Let’s do it.”
“Is this about Hobie?” Gwen said from over her cymbals as your singer turned back to the audience.
“No.” You lied. Well, only partially lied. You needed to prove yourself, but it was also a better closer than the one you all had settled for. And you’d gotten the riff at least once in practice without messing it up. “It’ll be fine. We're going to kick ass." You walked back to your amp and hit the pedal switching the channel for the next song and the show went on.
Your eyes, betraying you, continued to flit back to Hobie as he joined his friends and continued to watch you from the corner. You hated him right now, and the guts he had to show up late to the gig that could possibly be your break. But still his eyes met yours and the smile he gave you made the rest of the world melt away. If only for a moment. Because then you remembered you were mad at him and turned your focus back to your guitar.
By what was either talent or sheer adrenaline, it was the best show you’d ever played. At the end your fingers were sore, and one may have been beginning to crack, but it was good. Incredible even. As you stepped off the stage, breathing heavily and grinning. You saw Hobie leaning against the door to get backstage, arms folded over his chest and legs crossed.
When his eyes met yours he immediately pushed himself off of the wall and began walking to you, a grin on his face. You couldn’t decide if you wanted to kiss him or yell at him. “You were on top of it Love. That was amazing.”
“It would have been even better if you’d been here for the whole thing.” You replied without fully thinking. Well, you supposed it was going to be the latter now.
“I’m really sorry, something came up. I got here as fast as I could.” One of his hands went to your hip but you pushed past him.
“Unlike one of us here, I’m reliable and have to go help with load-out. Let’s talk about this later.”
“I ain’t the one picking a fight here Ma,” Hobie said, wrenching the door open and holding it for you. A twinge of annoyance had entered his voice which left you feeling both oddly satisfied and like a black hole had opened in the pit of your stomach. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it for the whole thing but I really tried to be here.”
“Yeah well, sometimes trying just isn’t enough. I’ve never missed a gig of yours. Except that one time I was really sick but that doesn’t count. And not only that, but this is the most important gig I’ve ever had.” You laid your guitar in its case and latched it shut with more force than was likely necessary. You unclipped the ring that had the key on it from your belt loop and locked the case with such a loud click for a moment you worried that you’d broken off the end in the lock before you pulled it out and put it back on your hip. “I always do my best to support you as much as I can and I haven’t been getting that in return lately. And Hobie I may love you more than even I understand but I am not just some rockstar’s girlfriend and I’m not going to be.”
“Okay.” Hobie’s face was unreadable as he reached out and grabbed your guitar case from where it still lay on the ground. Guilt already began settling in your stomach.
“Car’s in the back yeah?” His deep brown eyes didn’t look at you as he pushed the door open and walked out behind the venue.
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