#odd squad edit
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personinthepalace · 9 months ago
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The cars are driving on the wrong side of the road. No, that's not odd. It's British.
Orli and Ozzie in the first Odd Squad UK trailer
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dumbistsmartass · 3 months ago
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ravioliet · 4 months ago
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some odd squad text posts i made earlier today. these are so fun i need to make these more often
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agentomen · 1 year ago
“the odd squad villain.”
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incorrect-odd-squad-quotes · 3 months ago
Oona, reading a comment: "Agent Oona is so tiny, she sleeps in a hot dog bun"
Oona: How did you know?! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
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serendertothesquad · 1 year ago
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Behold: my Odd Squad Photoshop edits from high school Photoshop class! I may not be able to draw well on a tablet but damn these are fine edits.
Top-left edit is unfinished -- I never went back to finish it and I don't have the PSD file anymore so it is what it is. Might take a crack at it again someday if I can get access to a computer that can actually support Photoshop, though...
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cc--2224 · 11 months ago
I Told You So
Pairing: Tech x F!Reader
Summary: After a mission goes wrong, Tech realizes that you are more precious to him than he originally thought, and though he is upset that you didn’t listen to him, he is more upset that he nearly lost you. And he intends to finally do something about it.
Warnings: This is very much 18+ Minors do not interact! Slight canon typical violence and mentions of injuries in whatever plot this has, smut; oral - f receiving, unprotected p in v (wrap it before you tap it!!), porn with feelings, possessive Tech, slight praise kink? language
Notes: I don’t know where this came from, it has been a minute since I’ve written anything remotely spicy let alone an actual smut fic. But please let me know what you think!
Word Count: 5.5k
Taglist: None, let me know if you'd like to be added!
Edit: Thank you all for the likes and reblogs!! I hope you enjoyed it 💚
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"It is unwise for any of us to go out on our own, we should be working in teams of two." Tech pointed out as you were gearing up for your mission. You were to locate and rescue a Republic senator who had been imprisoned by the Separatists and bring them back to Coruscant.
"There's an odd number, we can't go in teams of two." You pointed out. "I can handle myself, I don't want to divide your squad." 
Ever since you had teamed up with Clone Force 99, you had gotten to know them well, but you still felt like an outsider. In some ways, you were, but you never really felt like one of the team. It wasn't uncommon for you to be the odd one out for teamwork, and to you, this was no different.
In truth, you had always hoped to be partnered with Tech when you were given the briefing, but his talents were more complementary with one of his brothers. Ever since you met him, you were drawn to him, his brains, his demeanor, the way he lit up when speaking about something that interested him which ended up being nearly everything. He was handsome and skilled, and he welcomed you into the squad immediately, over the following months, you began developing feelings for him.
It never hindered your performance on missions, not only because you were never paired up with him, but you were good at compartmentalizing your feelings from your work. You wanted to get closer to him, but there never seemed to be a good time, and even if there was, you just didn't know how to bridge the gap. 
"You can join Crosshair and myself, it will be safe for you." He suggested.
"We'll cover more ground in three groups. I'll be fine, I doubt there are even going to be any platoons that far out." 
Tech shrugged, "Suit yourself. I will send you the coordinates for our rendezvous point. Keep your comm on."
You nodded and left the Marauder with your equipment. 
You had no idea that this mission would be more dangerous than many you had encountered, but Tech knew, he always did.
As you approached the outskirts of the village, you saw a clear path straight through to the compound where you suspected the senator was held. It seemed a little too good to be true, there should have been droids out here, not full platoons, but someone keeping watch. 
You drew your blaster to be safe, and crept onward, keeping an eye out for anything out of place. You could hear chatter over the comms of the others checking in with each other, and then you heard Tech say your name. 
“All clear. As I said.” 
Tech didn’t reply and you lowered the volume on your comm, still keeping it on, but not wanting to draw attention to yourself. 
You had made it about halfway through the clearing when you saw blaster fire strike about ten paces to your left. You looked up, trying to see where it came from when you saw a platoon of B1s headed your way. 
“Easy work.” You mumbled to yourself, aiming your blaster forward, shooting them as they neared you. 
It was easy work at first, but there didn’t seem to be an end to them. When you’d shoot one, two more would appear, and before you could even disable a squadron of them, a tank appeared over the horizon. 
“Kriff.” You said. 
You considered calling for backup, but your pride couldn’t handle Tech telling you that he told you so, so instead you took a grenade out of your pack and threw it toward the platoon. It didn’t seem to damage the tank, but it at least got rid of the marching battle droids.
If you had raised your comm to ask for help, you would have heard Hunter say that the target was secure, and call for everyone to return to the ship, but you were the only one who didn’t check in. 
“Tech, Crosshair, you two go find her. Wrecker and I will bring the senator back to the ship.” Hunter told them. 
They left their post and headed to your last known location.
“Why didn’t she just join our team?��� Crosshair finally asked.
“I did suggest it, but due to her stubborn nature, she was certain she would be fine on her own.” Tech’s tone indicated his annoyance. He wanted to be as annoyed as he sounded, but more than anything he was worried. 
He liked having you around, you were always willing to listen to him prattle on about whatever topic was on his mind. You were kind, you treated him and his brothers well. The idea that you could be taken from them had never crossed his mind until now. Unlike you, he had no idea of the way he felt about you. He had rarely had feelings for anyone before, he didn’t know how it was supposed to feel. All he knew was that he didn’t want to sit through a briefing without you, or ramble on about some useless topic without you intently listening, and he didn’t want your last conversation to be the last conversation. He didn’t want to be right about this one thing. 
When they saw the explosion in the distance, he began to fear he was right.
The tank fired toward you, it missed its mark and you were able to avoid a direct hit, but the explosion was just a little too close. You were sent flying back from the shock wave, and you could hear buzzing in your ear before everything went black.
If you hadn't gone out on your own, someone could have been looking out for you. Tech could have been looking out for you, just as he insisted upon.
But instead, you were so certain you could handle yourself that you had gotten yourself in trouble.
You woke up in your bunk, bandaged and sore, but still alive. You didn’t know what happened, and you weren’t exactly eager to find out, but you knew you had to face everyone eventually.
Wrecker smiled at you when you walked into the cockpit, “Well look who’s finally awake!”
Crosshair didn’t say anything, instead looking at the back of Tech’s chair. 
You heard a sigh, and then Tech turned his chair around, eyeing you up and down.
“Something you need to say?” He finally asked.
“What happened with the mission?”
Hunter spoke, “Got the senator. We’ll be arriving on Coruscant shortly.”
Had you really been asleep that long?
"I told you you should not have gone on your own." It seemed Tech was tired of the small talk.
You looked at him, unsure of what he wanted you to say. “I was just doing my part of the mission, nothing I did was out of line. I didn't know there would be that many droids on the outskirts." It was a losing argument, and one you'd rather not have in the cockpit of the Marauder in front of everyone, but Tech didn't seem interested in anything but the argument.
"Precisely. If you had gone with Crosshair and I, you would not have encountered those droids. And now you are injured because of your own mistake." He had raised his voice, something you’d never heard him do.
You flinched slightly at his words but he continued, “What happened to keeping your comm on? We were trying to reach you.”
“My comm was on!” You retorted, “Just turned it down so I wouldn’t be spotted.”
“Yes well, a lot of good that did you.” He responded sarcastically. “We might not be there to save you next time. Keep that in mind before you choose to do something so reckless.” He turned away from you, facing the front again.
Your eyebrows furrowed at the back of the chair, "I didn’t ask to be saved, in fact I’d rather be back there with the droids. Maybe then-"
Hunter cut into your argument. "That is enough, both of you." 
He looked at you with his eyebrows knit together, "Go lay down, rest is going to help your injuries, arguing is not."
You opened your mouth to protest, but before you could say anything, you turned and went to your bunk.
After you were out of earshot, Hunter spoke to Tech.
"What was that about? You can't just yell at her, she got hurt, she learned her lesson already."
"As I have mentioned, she would not have-"
"Stow it. We all know what's going on between you, even if you don't. You need to figure it out before your next outburst." Hunter turned in his chair to face the front of the ship again. Tech looked on at the dancing lights of hyperspace.
Tech didn’t speak to you for the next week. The five of you were granted time off after saving the senator and you had all decided to spend it on Coruscant, but with the tension in the ship, it didn’t seem like much of a vacation.
You knew that all you had to do was apologize, but you didn’t feel like you did anything wrong. 
You knew the others were getting tired of yours and Tech’s attitudes; they all knew that it was more than just the mission. They knew about your feelings for each other, and they knew how worried Tech had been as he treated your wounds and bandaged you up. 
The only thing they could do was to force a resolution.
“Okay, we’ve had enough.” Hunter said loud enough for both you and Tech to hear at opposite ends of the ship. “We’re all going out. And that includes the two of you.” 
He slammed down a flyer he had found for a gondola ride through the upper levels, complete with all the sights Coruscant had to offer. 
“Is that really necessary?” You asked, glancing at Tech from the corner of your eye. You couldn’t think of anything less beneficial than the five of you being cramped together in a confined space you couldn’t leave.
“It isn’t a request.” Hunter informed you. 
You sighed and left the ship, followed by the others, and finally Tech, and you made your way to the park where the dock was located.
The five of you slowly arrived at the front of the queue, and when it was your turn, you were shoved into a gondola along with Tech. None of the other batchers joined you, but before you thought to exit, the vessel's door had closed and you were moving. 
You sat down on the bench across from Tech, still avoiding eye contact by looking out the window, arms crossed. 
Tech still kept his silence. Even a week later, he was still considering Hunter's words. Was there something between him and you? He knew he didn’t want to lose you, but that was completely normal, wasn't it? And even if it wasn’t normal, that doesn’t mean whatever he felt was reciprocated. But if you did return his feelings, he knew this might be one of the only chances he had to act on it, to tell you how he felt.
When the gondola had reached nearly the top of the track, the view overlooking the Jedi temple, he sighed and finally looked at you. 
"You see, I... I felt responsible for your injuries."
"You felt responsible?" You repeated after a pause. "Wasn't it my fault that I got injured? For not following your oh-so-wise plan?" 
You were acting petulant, but your emotions were still running high and the confined space didn't help.
"Well yes, if you had done as I suggested, you would have been free from injury."
"Right, because you know everything."
"Crosshair and I left with zero injuries. So yes, this I know to be fact." 
"Do you really have to say 'I told you so'? I'm sorry, is that what you want to hear? I'm sorry that I got hurt because I didn't l-"
You didn't have time to react before you felt Tech's lips upon yours. One hand was on the side of your face and the other was digging into your waist.
The vessel rocked slightly at his movement, causing you to grip onto the bench. Your eyes were still wide at the sudden contact, but when he didn't back away, you closed your eyes and deepened the kiss, moving your hands to place them on his chest. 
He stopped to take a breath, his lips still hovering tantalizingly close over yours, breathing you in, committing your perfumed smell to memory.
You closed the gap this time when you decided he had enough time to catch his breath.
His tongue darted out and swiped across your lip, asking for access to explore. You allowed it, moaning into his mouth when you felt his tongue against yours. 
In one swift movement, he sat on the bench and pulled you into his lap, resuming the kiss once you had situated yourself. 
Your hands moved up, resting on his shoulders briefly before snaking your arms around the back of his neck, holding him close. You could feel his strong hands massaging your thighs before resting on your ass, testing the waters by giving it a squeeze, you bucked your hips slightly in response. 
You could feel a coiling sensation in your stomach, a heat pulsing through you, and pooling out onto your panties. You wanted him, and you could feel based on his actions and the stiff bulge in his pants that he wanted you just as badly.
He broke the kiss, and moved his head back, causing you to chase after his kiss. He put a finger to your lips and smirked.
"You must be patient, the gondola ride is near the end of its course, and I still have more to say about the mission." 
You frowned in protest, feeling all that heat suddenly dissipate as he gently pushed you off of him.
"Not to worry, the Marauder is nearby, no one else will be there and we can continue our conversation there, if that is what you want."
You nodded in agreement.
"I apologize, but I will need to hear an answer before I can comply."
"Yes, I want that." You said too quickly, trying and failing to not sound too desperate.
He smirked again. "Good girl. You and I still have much to discuss."
You whined slightly at his praise, then waited for the door to open as you neared the dock.
After disembarking, Tech grabbed your hand, pushing past the people exiting their respective vessels. Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair were nearby, but you didn't see them as Tech ushered you back toward the landing port.
"I guess they finally talked about it." Wrecker had said, staring wide-eyed after you two.
"We should probably give them some privacy so they can talk more." Hunter shook his head, smirking toward the ground.
"Just as long as they don't talk in my bunk." Crosshair said as he crossed his arms.
The door to the Marauder wooshed open, and the two of you hurried on board. Tech was back on you before it could close again.
He pushed you back into the wall, pinning you there as he kissed you. Placing hot kisses on your lips, your cheek, your jaw, your neck, anywhere he could.
"Do you realize how worried I was when I saw you?" He asked between kisses. "When I heard the explosion, when I rushed over only to find your body on the ground?"
He stopped kissing you and looked into your eyes, "I thought I lost you before you were even mine to lose."
"Tech.." You tried to move a hand from his grip to place it on his face, but he tightened his hold on it. “I’m sorry.”
“I do not want your apologies.” He told you, “I want you by my side, I want you to be safe. I…” He kissed you again, this time more roughly, eliciting a moan from you again. “I want you to be mine.”
Behind his goggles, his pupils were dilated, his eyes half-lidded.
The coiling feeling returned. Your stomach was in knots. You had never seen Tech like this before, you hadn’t seen him behave so possessively, and you wanted to see more of it.
"Then make me yours." You said, only a whisper. “I want to be yours.”
His mouth found yours again, not bothering to ask you to give his tongue space to enter but instead forcing it past your lips. His knee slotted itself between your legs, close enough to tease you, but not close enough to give you friction where you desired it most. You bucked your hips trying to find it on your own, and he smiled into the kiss.
"What do you want, mesh’la?" He asked you.
You bucked again in response. He removed one hand from yours and brought it down, pushing your hips back against the wall so you couldn't move them again.
"I told you, I need to hear your words. Tell me what you want."
"I want you. I-I need you."
"Then I should not keep you waiting."
He let go of your hip, and with the hand that was still holding yours above you, he guided you over toward the console.
"Here?" You asked.
"Well, of course." He guided your hips downward so that you were seated. "I cannot help but think about how pretty you would look while I fucked you right on the console of my ship."
You let out an involuntary moan at just his words alone.
He caressed the side of your face, and with a feather-light stroke across your jaw, he tilted your chin up to meet your gaze. Despite his words just a moment ago, he placed a gentle kiss on your lips once more, and his hand slowly traveled down your neck, over your breast, down your stomach, and rested at the hem of your shirt.
He looked into your eyes, silently asking for permission. You nodded eagerly and he pulled your shirt up over your head. He tossed it onto the seat behind him and then looked at you, admiring the newly uncovered parts of you.
"Beautiful." He whispered. Out of everything done so far, this one word was enough to make you blush, you tried to turn your head away but he stopped you.
Leaning down over you, he placed a kiss on your shoulder, then your collarbone, trailing down to your breasts, still obstructed by your bra. His lips kissed the top of one, while his hand held the other over the fabric. You reached behind your back and unclasped it, giving him access to another part of you where you wanted to feel his touch.
He tutted quietly. "I could have done that myself."
You rolled your eyes jokingly and he resumed allowing his lips to explore your skin, now alternating between kissing and sucking. And where his lips weren't, his hands were. Squeezing the flesh, thumbing over your nipple while his mouth worked on the other.
Soon, he continued his exploration, and as he neared your stomach, he lowered himself down until he was kneeling between your thighs.
His gaze was hungry as it focused on your center, his lips formed a tight line, holding his mouth closed to prevent his tongue from hanging out.
His hands were on your knees, he trailed them up your thighs, stopping at the waistband of your pants, once again looking up at you to ask your permission. You situated yourself to make it easier for him to remove them, and soon they too were discarded, thrown back toward the pilot chair. His hands were back on your thighs, prodding the soft skin, placing hot, open-mouthed kisses on each of them, sucking them enough to leave marks.
You whined, both at the sensation of him marking your legs, but also at the lack of sensation where you really wanted him to be.
He smirked up at you, and then spread your legs further apart, slowly moving his face toward your aching cunt. He could see how turned on you were, and he licked his lips before speaking.
"Stars, you appear to be soaked."
"Mmhm." Was all you could manage, all your attention was on the fact that he was inches away from giving you the friction you needed.
"Cyar'ika.." He scolded. "Words. You need something of me, what is it?"
"I... I just need you, I need your mouth, your fingers, your cock, I-I need to feel you." Your desperate words turned his gaze dark.
"Good girl, telling me everything you want," his praise caused you to squirm, trying to close your thighs just to feel friction, but he held them open.
"You enjoy it when I call you that?"
"Gods, yes." You moaned.
He hummed in response, keeping that knowledge filed away.
He finally pressed his face forward, nose rubbing against your clothed pussy. You whined in response. He dragged the tip of his nose upward, knowing exactly where you wanted to be touched, and he hooked his fingers around the waistband of your panties, relishing in your whines and pleas for him to finally take them off of you, and soon he relented, letting them join the rest of your clothes before he dove in.
He ate you like a man starved, licking you through your folds, tasting as much of you as he could.
"G-ah, fuck, Tech," you cried out, your hands reaching for his hair. The feeling of your hands gripping his hair causing him to groan.
His lips wrapped around your clit, alternating between sucking it and circling his tongue around it. He could feel you squirming at his touch and he reached one hand up, resting it on your hips, hoping to help anchor your.
With his other hand, he circled your entrance, teasing you, making you beg him to touch you before he obliged.
He slid one long finger into you as far as he could, pressing against the spongy walls, exactly where you needed to feel him.
He let go of your clit and let his tongue run up and down your folds, getting another taste of your juices.
"M-mmo-" You began to say, being cut off by the feeling of his tongue making another swipe up.
"My apologies, you will have to repeat yourself." He looked up at you, his face slick with your arousal.
"More, I need more."
He raised an eyebrow and plunged another finger into you. Your head rolled back and you cried out.
"Is that what you wanted?"
Your grip tightened on his hair, pulling his face back into you. His hot breath fanned against your cunt and you sighed in contentment.
"Gods, you are a needy thing." His purred, his voice vibrated against you as he attached himself to your clit again.
He sucked on you while his fingers made scissor patterns inside you, all the while you could feel the coil start to tighten.
"I'm close-" You cried out. He didn't change anything about his rhythm. He strived to get you there, he was eager to please you after he had been so harsh toward you earlier. His tongue circled your clit and he could feel you pulsing around his fingers.
You could feel the heat growing in your stomach, your moans got louder as you got closer. He slid his fingers out, and before you could complain about the loss, you felt his tongue swiping up and down before dipping inside you. His fingers resumed drawing circles on your clit as he drank from you.
Your thighs clenched together, forcing him to stay exactly where he was, you muttered out a string of curses as the coil finally snapped and you cried his name as you came undone. He kept lapping at you until you were through.
You released your hold on his hair and he stood back up.
"You taste magnificent," He smirked, licking your arousal off his fingers before his mouth found yours again. You could taste yourself on his tongue as he leaned you back onto the console. You shuddered when you felt his stiffened cock press against you. His hands began grabbing at your breasts and your arms wrapped around his neck pulling him in.
"You are perfect." He said as he began kissing every piece of you he could. He locked onto your neck, he kissed you fervently, then gently bit down, giving you a mark that would be difficult to hide from the others, not that they didn’t already have an idea of what was going on here. But that’s what Tech wanted, he wanted to show everyone that you were his. 
"Tech.." You said quietly,
"I want to see you." You pushed yourself back up onto your elbows and looked into his eyes.
For a moment, just for a moment, he froze, but soon enough, his hands moved to the fastener on his pants.
"Let me do that."
He smirked and helped you off the console gently.
You worked on the buttons on his shirt first, unbuttoning them slowly, placing gentle kisses on his chest as each loose button reveals it to you.
He tilted your chin up and leaned in for a kiss, pressing against you. You could feel his stiff bulge press into you again and your hands moved faster to unbutton his shirt.
You pushed it off his shoulders when it's finally unbuttoned, and you looked at his toned chest. You knew he'd be strong but it was still a surprise to you. Your fingers danced across his torso, feeling the muscles under his smooth skin, before finally landing on the fastener of his pants.
You look up at him, just as he did for you, asking for his permission. He pressed his forehead against yours in response, you smiled and kissed his lips, then moved to undo the fastening. He helped you to slide his pants off, and he stepped out of them, kicking them off to the side.
You could see the outline of his cock much clearer against his briefs and you could feel your mouth water, you clenched your thighs together, not wanting to wait to feel it inside of you. He raised an eyebrow at you.
"You desire it so badly?" He asked you, forcing your gaze away from it and back up to him.
You nod quickly, "Yes."
He smiled then rutted his hips against you, "Then please, continue."
Your hands moved to the waistband of his briefs, he moved his lips to yours again and you returned the kiss before kissing along his jaw, then his neck. You peeled the waistband down and he hissed as his briefs grazed across his cock. They had soon joined the rest of the clothes and you looked down.
You bit your bottom lip and you started to lower yourself down but he stopped you. You gave him a confused look, and he smirked.
"There will be plenty of time for that at a later time. But for now,"
He continued by guiding you back onto the console, laying your back down and he stood between your legs with his hands on your thighs.
"Are you comfortable?" He asked.
"Yes," you assured him.
You felt his cock rub against your folds, before he positioned himself at your entrance.
"Ready?" He asked.
You bucked your hips in response and he pushed himself in without another word.
You arched your back as you felt him stretch you open, if there was any pain, it quickly turned into pleasure as he buried himself in you inch by inch.
When he was fully sheathed, he gave you a moment to adjust before he started to move. He started out slow, he made sure that you were used to the feeling of his thrusts before he picked up the pace.
"Gods, you are taking me so well, cyar'ika."
You replied with a moan. You bucked your hips to meet his pace and he smirked.
"Is there something you want?"
"Mmm p-please, go fas-faster" you answered between thrusts.
"Very well," He obliged, his hands gripped onto your thighs and he buried himself again, quickening his pace at your request. He looked at you as you took his cock, the way your back arched, how your tits bounced with each thrust, the way your face contorted in pleasure.
He tightened his grip on your thighs, you took that as a hint to wrap your legs around his waist and he moaned in response, feeling himself go even deeper inside you.
"You are so perfect, such a good girl for me." Your walls clenched around his cock at his praise.
He thrusted into you harder wanting to explore the new angle he was permitted.
“Fu-uck,” you whined.
"Is this okay?" He asked, unsure of if he was hurting you.
"Gods, yes!"
He set a brutal pace, but you bucked your hips, meeting his thrusts each time.
Tech could feel himself nearing his climax, his pace started to become slightly more erratic. He slid one hand down your thigh toward your center. He circled your clit with his thumb, intending on sending you over the edge with him.
Your walls clenched around him again at the contact. You were getting close again. Your moans grew louder as you neared the edge.
"That's it," He said, he wanted to feel you come undone again. He continued circling your clit as he thrusted into you. "Be a good girl and come for me once more, come on my cock."
Your second orgasm crashed over you without as much of a warning as the first, your legs tightened around him, he slowed his thrusts down, helping you through it, and he moaned at how your walls constricted him. He knew he wasn't going to last much longer.
"Wh.. Where do you want me?" He asked.
"In-inside," you said, still overcoming the last of the waves of pleasure.
He didn't ask any further questions, he buried himself as far as he could before he stilled, his cock twitching inside you as he painted your walls with hot ropes of his seed.
He moaned out your name as he finished, feeling himself soften inside of you, he pulled himself out of you and you pushed yourself up, wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing his lips, your tongue darting into his mouth.
He returned the kiss, holding you close to him, and his hands traveled across your thighs, before lifting you up from the console.
“I love you.” You told him, resting your head on his shoulder as he held you. “I think I always have, but… In case it still wasn’t obvious.”
He smiled and carried you toward the refresher, sitting you down on the counter when you arrived, giving you a chaste kiss on the lips. “Perhaps it was not obvious over the last week, but now, I would have more questions if you did not.” He smiled at you, “I love you too. But next time, if I ask you to join me on a mission instead of going off on your own, please listen to me.”
“But look where it brought us.” You replied with a smirk.
“Perhaps that is true, but for your own information, you do not need to nearly get yourself killed in order for me to fuck you. You could have just asked.”
He grabbed a towel before he quickly left to retrieve your clothes and clean off the console. Tech soon returned to you and turned the water on, helping you off the counter and guiding you to the shower where he joined you. It didn’t take long for his lips to be on you once again. 
While it was your stubbornness that led you to this point in the first place, you were suddenly very eager to see what would happen on the next mission, should you and Tech finally be paired together.
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gyalwtf · 8 months ago
how can you not see it?
how do we feel about the new banner style??
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Details ; Aj Shabeel × (shorter)fem!reader. reader also has a channel of her own btw
Warnings ; swearing, aj is a meanie, this guy is INLOVE
Aj being the menace he is, and you being the most gullible person in the world was surely a recipe for disaster. I guess that's his way of affection. He's actually so mean, but he doesn't want you to know he means it lovingly, like romantically lovingly.
The amount of times he's told you the most bewildering piece of information ever, only then to follow with, “you fucking idiot, I was lying!” or a “no.” whenever you asked if he was really telling the truth, all while laughing at you of course.
Niko, the unhelpful best friend he is, always teases him about you, right to your face, completely dumping his efforts of trying to keep his feelings away down the drain. It's not like Aj isn't obvious either, like you could tell from a mile away that something was odd with how he acted with you. I mean, you couldn't tell, but everyone else could.
The amount of times he was called out during a beta squad shoot — where you were invited as the guest, for staring at you was absolutely outrageous, but you know what's worse? You thought it was a joke! You thought that, ‘oh they need to stop bullying Aj for shit he didn't do,’ when he was literally just staring at you the entire time instead of paying attention.
There isn't a single universe he doesn't bully you for your height, like how are you shorter than him?! Seriously, how. Also brings you up every time someone calls him shorter, always yapping about how you're shorter or whatever. It's really funny. It's also funny that he absolutely violates you with his insults, but always also defending you whenever someone tries to insult you. Not direct defending, but more like saying that they're worse than you and blah blah blah.
It feels like everyone in the beta squad — and their other friends as well, know about Aj's crush, crazy how you don't know. You know what the biggest giveaway is though? His pet peeve is physical touch, where the hell did that pet peeve go when he's around you. He isn't necessarily having physical touch with you a lot, but if you ever tried to initiate out of the blue, he didn't exactly deny it.
He's such a cutie. One time you tied up his hair into pigtails for whatever reason, he thought he looked ridiculous and everyone laughed at him, and you also did cause he looked adorable you couldn't lie. He would never actually admit it, but he wants you to play around with his hair again, he really liked it.
Absolutely no way you don't have one of his silly hats. Like, one time in a video, he brought a new one, and at some point you took his hat. Like just straight up went, “don't mind if i do!” he didn't mind of course, maybe just acted like he did but he let you wear it the rest of the video. He definitely 'forgot' to take it back — he wanted you to keep it, something about you wearing his hat, and keeping it made him feel funny, and when you texted him about it, he said not to worry and to just keep it. So that was his plan hm.
Following the last paragraph, the clip where you took his hat became one of the main intros to many ship edits of you both. Funfact: he watches those ship edits. For sure, secretly smiling like an idiot when he watches them. However, the comments he leaves say otherwise, like he replies with full on “oh hell nahhhh” but there was this one time that a fan got him to watch one while he was streaming. He couldn't hide a smile from forming on his face, no matter how hard he tried. Unsurprisingly, that also became an edit intro.
Definitely has you come over sometimes to stream with him, or to hangout whenever you both aren't busy. What a coincidence that Niko is somehow always out when you come over, Aj tells you he's busy, but Niko would tell you he wants you both to have some alone time. Streams with you are just full of teasing and bullying. Apparently, that's both of you guys' love languages.
You wouldn't trade him for the world. His blonde highlights, evil ass but also cute most of the time smile, his funny personality, the way he speaks, the way he acts around you, and everything else, is all so important to you. Especially that hat you stole from him.
Was gonna post this on tuesday, but i accidentally posted it now. Whoops. Hope you guys enjoyed it though! First Aj fic aaaagh.
© gyalwtf 2024 - please do not repost, translate or copy any of my works on other platforms without permission.
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personinthepalace · 5 months ago
this literally happened in odd squad haha:
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tw: theft, body horror, facial disfigurement
Hee hoo I got your nose!🫰👃
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ravioliet · 6 months ago
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hey so i made more of these since everyone seemed to like that last one
part one
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wisteria-lodge · 2 months ago
Part 1 - Disney Ladies 1937-1985
Part 2 - Disney Ladies 1988-1993
Part 3 - Disney Ladies 1995-1998
I’m going in chronological order, and doing both A Squad and B Squad, because I’m interested in tracking how the ideal “disney girl” has changed in the last (almost) 90 years. Right now I’m only looking at the human-shaped heroines of Disney animated theatrical releases. A more detailed break-down of the system I’m using is right here, but the basics are these: 
BADGER ~ Loyal to the group.
SNAKE ~ Loyal to yourself and your Important People.
LION ~ Subconscious Idealist. Ideals are linked to feelings and instincts. 
BIRD ~ Conscious Idealist. Ideals are linked to built systems and external facts. 
BADGER ~ Connect with the group. Make allies, work steadily and well. Be whatever the situation calls for. If you find a locked door, knock.
SNAKE ~ Connect with the environment. Notice things. Tell people what they want to hear. If you find a locked door, get in through the window.
BIRD ~ Collect skills, tools, knowledge, personas, useful friends. If you find a locked door, track down the key or learn to pick the lock.
LION ~ Be honest, be direct, speak your truth. Either the obstacle is going down or you are. If you find a locked door, kick it in.
(& Tarzan, Kerchack)
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Disney’s Tarzan is a ridiculously Snake primary movie. Like,  just to make this really, really clear, the first thing we see - the absolute cold open, is - 
Burning ship! Storm! Fire! Tarzan’s parents get into a lifeboat! He looks at her. She looks at him. Phil Collins --
We get it. You can lose literally everything, but if you’ve still got your Person, you’re going to be OK. 
And this movie’s ethos is definitely Snake, not Loyalist. Badger primaries do not get a flattering edit. The antagonist for the first half is Tarzan’s adoptive father Kerchack, who is deeply protective of his band of gorillas (all girls, by the way. He's the only guy. Which is how gorillas work, and the film doesn’t exactly bring attention to it, but still. Interesting detail.) He’s a loud Badger primary: the only thing that matters is keeping his family out of danger, and from his perspective Tarzan is a problem from day one. He is too obviously an outsider, not a true member of the community, and Kerchack makes it clear that Tarzan is not his son. “You can’t learn to be one of us," he says.
The antagonist for the second half of the film (it’s a weirdly structured film) is the Jaguar/Clayton. They are 100% the same entity. Clayton shows up immediately after the Jaguar dies, and shows up wearing the exact same color palette. There is a recurring misunderstanding where Tarzan refers to the sound of a gunshot as “Clayton.” This is not supposed to be a person, this is violence personified.
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Clayton is also our visual representation of The British Empire/Colonialism, with his spats and his khakis and little pencil mustache, and Brian Blessed doing his voice. He is there to grab the resources (gorillas) and take them back to England. So… that means we’ve got some more Toxic Badger going on here too.
In this film, the Badger primary idea of “community” is framed as stifling, artificial, at odds with nature. Clayton, Jane, and Jane’s father show up in the jungle dressed all wrong, and while the sympathetic Porters gradually shed layers, Clayton’s character design never changes. He does not learn to adapt to the jungle, he is only England™
There’s also the recurring joke of Jane’s “Proper Victorian Lady” persona. It’s very useful for getting Clayton specifically to do things for her… but she also brings it out in moments where it seems false and not terribly appropriate. Like when she’s talking to monkeys, or to Tarzan. The second she realizes that Tarzan can speak English she snaps into “Proper Victorian Lady” instead of following up on the attraction that’s clearly there. She’s holding him at arm's length, and why??? The moment where he comes out dressed in European clothing is bittersweet, like Tarzan is hiding or losing part of himself. “Society” is at odds with instinct/freedom/love, and in terms of Primary, that’s the major conflict between Tarzan and Jane.
JANE. Tarzan, you can't imagine what's in store for you. You're going to see the world. Everyone's going to want to meet you. Kings, scientists and famous writers. (...)  TARZAN. And I'll be with Jane.
Jane is talking like a Badger (you’ll be part of the community.) Tarzan is talking like a Snake (I’ll be with you.) And Jane DOES feel like a Badger through most of the movie. She talks a good game. But right at the end - when it really comes down to it - that’s not the call she makes. 
JANE. I belong in England, with you and people and — PROFESSOR PORTER. But you love him. Go on.
At which point Jane joyfully jumps off the boat and swims to shore, implying that her Badger primary was a model, and she was always a Snake primary underneath. 
Jane Porter might model Double Badger extremely well, but she’s actually a double Snake like Megara. She’ll go all Proper Victorian Lady to flatter Clayton, but she’ll also manipulate the baby monkey (“Oh I can’t believe you fell for that one”) before commenting on how its performance isn’t quite up to her standards (“Don’t give me those crocodile tears.”) She’s also something of a Single-Player Environment snake. When she gets comfortable, she starts learning how to use the things in her environment. She’s delighted when she learns she can use her parasol as a weapon. Jane also seems to pick up that Tarzan is a Bird secondary and interacts with him accordingly, which her slideshow of buildings, customs, and art from the mainland.
(Tarzan is definitely a Bird secondary: he's an inventor, he makes weapons, he loves teaching himself things. He’s much more tactical than Kerchak, who - as a 300 pound gorilla - uses his lion secondary to literally charge into fights. Phil Collins tells us all we need to know about Tarzan with the lyrics: “I want to know / Can you show me?” Perfect Snake Bird anthem.)
When we see Jane at the very end of the film she’s entirely improvisational and fluid, down to her absolute bottom layer of clothing, surfing the vines with Tarzan. It’s a gorgeous bit of animation. I definitely get a sense of the joy she feels at being so unconstrained and evenly matched. That's one more thing that makes me think she's a Snake secondary, who ends the film in Neutral.
(& Milo, King Kashekim)
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Atlantis is so close to being a good movie. All it needs is a slightly longer runtime, and like… two less characters. (Mole and Cookie. Don’t need them.) Kida gets less screen time compared than some of the the other ladies on this list, but she has enough presence and a cool enough design that she easily earns heroine status. It also helps that she’s basically the plot.
Kida wants to restore the traditions and knowledge her people have lost, and that motivates pretty much everything she does. She finds the history and culture of her ancestors deeply important, comforting and grounding in a very Badger primary sort of way, and laments that “We were once a great people. Now we live in ruins. The kings of our past would weep if they could see how far we have fallen.” She is very much not Jane, who needs to shake off “civilization” in order to live her best life. 
The problem though, is that Kida falls into a very Badger primary trap. When she’s asked to give up everything to protect the group - including her well-being and identity - she does it without a second thought. She gets turned/turns herself into a magic crystal in order to power her civilization while it’s under threat, and I cannot think of a better metaphor of what it means to be an Invisible Badger, who is only the group with no identity outside it.
The ‘Heart of Atlantis’ crystal that “thrives on the collective emotions of all who came before us [and] in return, provides power, longevity, protection” is just a good metaphor for a ‘Badger Primary’ in general. Also, the way that the Atlantean King tries to weaponize it, ultimately destroying his civilization, works as a metaphor for the way a Badger primary can Explode, becoming authoritarian and harmful to the same people it is trying to protect.
Clearly the film itself is not a fan of this decision, as our protagonist Milo loves Kida and does everything he can to un-crystal her. I think it’s implied that his love is one of the main things tethering her to humanity? Still, I would say that this film, unlike Tarzan, has a pretty Badger ethos. King Kashekim is our tragic misguided Snake primary, willing to let his whole civilization crumble so long as he gets to keep his daughter, and our villains seem to be mostly Hedonist Snake treasure hunters, willing to destroy a culture so long as they get paid. The film is definitely critical of certain types of Badger primaries, but ends on a note of collectivism. Milo has finally found a community that values him, and he stays behind to help Kida, now the Atlantean Queen, rebuild her civilization. She’s still a Badger, just one with better boundaries. 
She’s also a Lion secondary. Kida moves in straight lines, speaks her mind, and doesn’t care if you have a problem with that. She does the thing where she’s so honest and blunt it’s almost rude. I suspect that her father is also a Lion secondary - we know that he was reckless and militaristic when he was young, and he seems positive that if Kida even knew about the Heart of Atlantis, she would make the Lion secondary call and dive headfirst into it. Sadly, in the main timeline of the movie the King’s secondary is extremely burned, and he’s basically incapable of any kind of action. 
Milo has an idealistic Lion primary that's a bit Burnt at the start of the film. When we meet him, he’s spent years being told that everything he believes is a joke, and he’s finally starting to doubt himself, scraping by just using his Bird secondary. Like a lot of Burnt Lions, Milo latches onto someone (Kida) for their confidence and their purpose. Luckily, once he unBurns there's a Paragon Lion under there that matches up very well with her Badger.
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Lilo is an interesting one to sort, because she’s little - and also kinda going through it. Her parents died in a (fairly recent) car crash, and even though they’re not *on screen* and honestly mentioned very little… their absence is felt. Lilo's unofficial family motto is “Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind.” But objectively, Lilo’s parents did her behind, and she spends the entire film trying to reconcile that.
Lilo is very young, dealing with a tragedy, and I also think the interpretation that she’s on the autism spectrum makes a lot of sense. We see her having meltdowns, struggling to transition from one activity/location to another, she clearly wants to make these connections with kids her own age, but it’s just… not working. All of that could absolutely point to a five (six?) year old on the spectrum. So the question becomes - okay, so is Lilo acting this way because that’s her personality, or is she acting this way because of the autism/trauma? That's a question I get a lot, and my answer is… I don’t think the traits this system is interested in are created out of nowhere. But, circumstances can absolutely make them louder or softer. 
Like, Lilo has a number of very strict rules that tip over into magical thinking. She can only eat peanut butter sandwiches because she has to feed part of her sandwich to her fish, and she can’t feed her fish tuna (dead fish) because that’s “an abomination.” It’s very important that she keeps her fish happy because her fish controls the weather. And THAT’S important… because her parents died in a rainstorm. All of this is 100% a coping mechanism: Lilo is trying to create rules in a chaotic world to feel safer. She’s after a sense of control. This also ties into her fascination with 'goodness' versus 'badness:' she’ll say things like “I’ll be good I promise,” worry about being an “abomination,” make charts of Stitch's "badness level" and also voodoo dolls because “my friends need to be punished.”  It’s something she's focused on, and I think it’s because she is aware that… she’s kind of a problem.  
Her older sister Nani loves her… but Nani also loses her patience (she’s 21, 22 at most) and Lilo is aware that she stresses out her sister and makes her life more difficult. But, she has trouble changing her behavior because she's, you know, a traumatized autistic six-year-old. Which is really important when it comes to understanding Lilo’s relationship with Stitch. On one level, she identifies with the way he leaves all this destruction in his wake. He makes her look better by comparison, and I think she also sees a path towards redemption in teaching Stitch to be “good” (ie - useful and less weird.) When she tells him “You wreck everything you touch, why not try to make something” - I think she’s projecting, and really talking about herself. If Lilo is teaching Stitch to be good, then she has a purpose, and a way to affect the world. We know that feeling powerless is a big thing for Lilo. 
So, if I’m putting her in the SHC system, she is definitely an External primary. None of this is about being true to your heart or even being true to another person, this is trying to figure out the rules of the world and putting together a workable system to live with. This focus on morality and punishment is also something I see a lot with young External primaries. While this trait might have been exaggerated by the events of Lilo's life, I do think it’s something that was just in her the whole time. 
At first I thought she was a Badger, because of the way Lilo focuses on the importance of family. Also, her first instinct after she thinks Stitch has betrayed her is to outgroup him: “You’re one of them - get out of here.” But “Ohana means family” seems like it was something her parents said a lot, and ‘Stitch isn’t one of us,’ is something she’s heard from Nani (absolutely a Badger primary.) I think a big reason Lilo values hula dancing is because hula dancing is important to Nani.
So now I’m leaning towards Lilo being a young Bird, trying to cobble together a system for understanding the world under non-ideal circumstances. She’s very comfortable believing fantastical things, and is cool with accepting that Stitch is a weird kind of dog. Like Tarzan and Atlantis, Lilo and Stitch is lightly critical of that Badger ethos: the group is wonderful, yes - but the group will not always be there. The conclusion Lilo (and the film) comes to is: Ohana means family, family means never getting left behind… but sometimes people leave. Either because they want to, or because they have to. What you have to do is remember them. You make them part of yourself. As Lilo puts it, "I’ll remember you, though. I remember everyone that leaves." I think this is such a lovely way of understanding Bird primaries, which unfortunately have a reputation for being cold and detached.
In terms of secondary, I think Lilo is probably a Lion. She’s very direct, very honest, terrible at lying, and unintentionally trails destruction. Nani tries to give her a kind of script to follow when the social worker comes over - but even in the moment she seems to know it’s kind of a lost cause. However, Lilo is also really young and the narrative doesn’t give her the opportunity to solve many problems. So I would not be surprised if Lilo's secondary looks different when she gets older. She is fascinated by Stitch, and Stitch is a shapeshifter-mimic. He’s kind of a cartoon version of a Snake secondary. Maybe that's a clue that Lilo's best self is a Snake Secondary too, but she hasn’t built a bridge to that part yet. Eh, I could see it either way. Definitely an Improvisational secondary though.
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Nani is a very Burnt Badger primary. There’s this recurring thing with her and her love interest David, where they’re kinda dating, or were dating… either way, Nani can’t quite bring herself to let him into her life. Even though she likes him, he likes her, and he even gets along with Lilo. She spends a lot of the film looking like she’s 100% focused on her little sister in a Snake primary way… but Burnt Badgers look like miserable, stressed-out Snakes, and that is absolutely Nani. She clearly used to have a big community - at one point she even tries to leverage it for a job. But I think she responded to the death of her parents by closing up, refusing to let anyone new close to her. She might lose them too, and that would hurt too much. 
This film is also really good at putting Nani in situations that would be really rough on a Badger primary specifically. Nani clearly feels deeply connected to her Hawaiian culture - she’s an accomplished hula dancer, she loves surfing, and in the most heartbreaking scene of the movie she sings “Aloha Oe” to Lilo, when she thinks child protective services are going to take her away in the morning. This is famously a song written by deposed Hawaiian Queen Lili'uokalani, after she was forced to leave her people. These are all things that Nani pulls on to give her strength. However… she is also working as an honestly quite objectified waitress/hula dancer in a theme park-ified version of Hawaii catering to tourists. She’s not happy there, and it's an important moment when she leaves. 
Even when she’s in really serious trouble, Nani can’t bring herself to tell anyone what’s going on, to get help or even just emotional support - and that's the Burnt Badger talking. When she is absolutely at her wit’s end and has no idea what to do, she grabs David and she grabs Lilo and they all go surfing. It’s that Badger primary need for community, even if there’s no way that community is going to help.
Nani is probably a Bird secondary. She practices when she's nervous and has a lot of skills - but is much more overwhelmed during the wacky finale than Lilo, and definitely needs a second to get it together and figure out the situation. She conceptualizes ‘dealing with Lilo’ as a skill that she has learned and gotten better at: she’ll build little ‘traps’ to catch her younger sister, and can translate things into “Lilo.” I think she may have constructed a bit of an Actor Bird model for dealing with her sister (and another for dealing with her boss.) Lilo will use bits of her system to argue with Nani, and clearly expects this strategy to work.  
LILO. Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind, or forgotten.  NANI. I hate when you use ‘ohana’ against me.
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If Nani and Kida share a deep connection to their cultural history, Captain Amelia and Kida share this incredibly direct, blunt, borderline rude Lion secondary. Only Amelia's is is less 'cultural misunderstanding' and more just... British.
Captain Amelia absolutely rubs Jim Hawkins and Doctor Doppler the wrong way (an occupational hazard of being a very loud Lion secondary.) But she also comes off as extremely trustworthy, which something you get from the You-Move secondaries (Lion and Badger.) Amelia is a version of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Alexander Smollett (just also a cat girl, and in space) and this bit from Treasure Island suits Treasure Planet equally well: “Contrary to all my notions, I believe you have managed to get two honest men on board with you, that man [Captain Smollet] and John Silver.” 
Of course, Captain Amelia wins over Jim and Doppler once they understand that she wants her crew to be equally direct right back at her. She wants all the information, as quickly as possible, so she can make the best decisions. Her eyes light up when Doppler tells her she’s wrong about how supernovas work... because she’s able to use the new knowledge to create a daredevil way to escape the situation. Near the end of the film, Jim comes up with a crazy solution that involves a piece of alien tech. He knows how the tech works, doesn’t have time to explain it. But because they’ve had enough practice being honest with each other, Amelia just does what he says - no questions asked.
This is also why she gets so offended when John Silver tries to flatter her… and Silver’s good at flattering. He charms his crew, he charms Jim. But Amelia tells him to “keep that kind of flim-flammery for your space court floozies” because of course the two captains on opposite sides of the mutiny are foils. Silver makes Jim feel important and special. Captain Amelia tells him point-blank when he’s being an idiot and gives him no special treatment. The nuanced position this film takes is that Jim… kinda needs both. 
In this movie about treasure hunting, Captain Amelia is the only character who doesn’t seem to care about the “Loot of a Thousand Worlds" at all. She is here to do her job, and is deeply skeptical about treasure hunting in general. Her speech at her First Mate’s funeral makes her priorities clear: “Mr. Arrow was a fine spacer. Finer than most of us can ever hope to be. But he knew the risks, as do we all. Resume your posts. We carry on.” Her highest praise is that Arrow did his job well... and part of doing your job well is making peace with the fact that you might not make it out alive. She takes her job, her title, and her ship extremely seriously. 
So, Amelia is definitely an Idealist primary, and her Cause seems to revolve around being the best captain possible and… going on adventures. This is also the case with Doppler, who she ends up with at the end. He frames his treasure hunting trip in very Badger primary language when he’s talking to Jim’s very Badger Primary mom… but in reality he just wants to go on an adventure. 
I could honestly see either Lion or Bird primary for Amelia. But, the fact that she’s ex-military and still in good enough standing to write Jim a recommendation letter makes me lean Bird. (I think a Double Lion Amelia would have burned more bridges.) Also, the rules and organizational system she lives by seem to exist outside of her in a very Commodore Norrington sort of way. It’s not something she feels internally, and this is comforting. Honestly, Amelia gives off very Commodore Norrington energy in general, and he’s a pretty loud Bird primary. 
( & Bob/Mr. Incredible, Edna Mode)
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Helen’s superpower is ‘flexibility,’ so of course she’s going to be an Improvisational secondary. I'm going with Lion instead of Snake because - like Captain Amelia and Kida - Helen is very comfortable being incredibly direct. She actively sets up confrontations, waits in the dark for Bob after he stays out late with Frozone, then actually gets in a plane to confront him when she thinks he’s having an affair.
Bob Parr is also a Lion secondary, and unlike Helen (who is able to turn down the volume during Dash's parent-teacher conference) he has trouble even softening what he says, phrasing it in a way that’s palatable to the person he’s talking to. That trait gets him in trouble with Buddy/Syndrome, then his boss at the insurance company, and there’s also the implication that the government keeps relocating them because Bob keeps blowing their cover. (This is 100% the case in a cut scene set at a neighborhood barbecue, where Bob appears to cut off a finger and instead breaks the knife.) 
I also think the fact that Helen and Bob are both Lion secondaries is a big part of what makes their relationship function. Lion secondaries seem to really value the opportunity to have arguments and fights… while also knowing the interaction is fundamentally safe, and isn’t going to spill over into the other parts of their life. When Bob gets back late, he and Helen fight in a way that honestly just seems like their way of blowing off steam. They’re both able to turn it off completely when the kids walk into the room. 
Helen also calls herself out for “overreacting” and has to force herself to take a moment to think when she first figures out that Bob is lying, a very Lion secondary moment. She gives Violet the insanely Lion secondary advice that “When the time comes, you’ll know what to do. It’s in your blood.” Edna Mode is also a cartoonishly loud Lion secondary, and I'll bet that shared secondary is a big part of why she adores the Parrs. Also, Helen loves her motorcycles, which at least in fiction is a very Lion-secondary coded mode of transportation.
Helen’s flexibility extends to her primary as well. When we first meet Elastigirl in the “documentary” prologue, she’s completely happy doing the superhero thing while Mr. Incredible is already thinking about settling down. But, in the main timeline of the movie, Helen seems perfectly happy doing the suburbia thing and raising the kids. Then in the sequel, after the Deavors convince her that she can do the most good by being a poster child for non-threatening Supers, she has a fantastic time doing *that.* The fact that she’s able to change her worldview so easily without having a big emotional crisis about it (the way that Bob does) makes me think she’s probably a Bird primary. That difference in primaries seems to be where most of the friction in their relationship comes from. 
Helen actually tells us her philosophy in the sequel: “If laws are unjust there are laws to change them, otherwise it’s chaos” and “World is what it is, we have to adapt.” It’s a bit Badger flavored - work within the system, adapt to the system - but the way she lays it out is Bird. And then she gets a little tipsy and starts debating philosophy with the villain for fun. Which is a very Bird primary activity.
(& Dash)
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Violet feels very at odds with both her family and her world… and since she’s a Badger primary, that’s especially rough. She wants to fit into a community, but there is no community for her. She’s the only member of the family who actively does not want powers: “We act normal, Mom! I want to be normal (...) What do you know about normal? What does anyone in this family know about normal?” We also get the line, “Mom and Dad’s lives might be in danger, or worse - their marriage.” Which is definitely a joke about Violet’s slightly cartoonish Badger primary priorities. 
It makes absolute sense that she’s so hung up on the idea of popular dreamboat Tony, at the center of so much community, since that's exactly what she wants. And because she herself is very not normal, she tries to hide - both with her superpower and with her hair. Violet is the first computer animated character who wears their hair long and loose, and the animators put in the effort because it’s so tied in with her character. As she gets more and more in tune with her family over the course of the film, the way Violet wears her hair changes. Her mom tucks it behind her ear, her dad comments that he likes this new way she’s wearing it better. She eventually pushes it back with a headband because she’s not hiding from them anymore. Violet is happy and effective being a part of the superhero team that is her family. It’s interesting that her powers (invisiblity, creating force-fields around herself) are fantastic support/team-attack powers, but not that useful on their own.
However, one more source of friction between Violet and the rest of the family is that she’s the only non-Lion secondary. Her little brother Dash is a Lion. (He’s probably a Double Lion like his father, they’ve both even got a little of that Glory Hound Lion primary thing.) But Violet’s powers keep her out of sight, she is the opposite of confrontational. It took me a second to recognize her as a Snake secondary, because most fictional Snakes are much more comfortable around people…  but Violet is also in a less-than-ideal situation. Still, she is observant, good at picking up on what’s going on around her, and uses those things to solve problems. It’s her idea to track down Syndrome using the coordinates he’s put in the rocket, and in the sequel she’s the one who figures out how to use Jack Jack like a gun, and successfully turns the out-of-control ship around.
Violet is sneaky, using her abilities to spy on her parents and stow away on her mom's trip. She doesn’t like using her snake secondary at other people - she’s very self-contained - but she is more than happy to direct it out at the world. Violet is also perceptive when it comes to people, and will often just come right out and say things like “Are we going to talk about it… the elephant in the room” or “I think Dad has made some excellent progress today, but I think it’s time we wind down now.” Which can look a little like Lion... but in this case, it's definitely Neutral Snake.
Jane ~  Snake / Snake, models Badger / Badger
Tarzan ~ Snake / Bird
Kerchack ~ Badger / Lion 
Kida ~ Badger / Lion 
King Kashekim ~ Snake / Burnt Lion 
Milo ~ Burnt Lion / Bird
Lilo ~ Bird / Lion (possibly Bird / Snake) 
Nani ~ Burnt Badger / Bird
Captain Amelia ~ Bird / Lion 
Helen/Elastigirl ~ Bird / Lion
Violet ~ Badger / Snake
Dash ~ Lion / Lion 
Bob/Mr. Incredible ~ Lion / Lion
Edna Mode ~ Bird / Lion 
(art credit to Cursed Concepts for the beautiful pins I have used to illustrate this series.)
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serendertothesquad · 4 months ago
I....don't think ollison is supposed to be a boy? Ollison is played by Leonie Aruparayil, and her IMDb page refers to her as an "actress" and with she/her pronouns?
Ahhh, really? I hadn't noticed that. Given the appearance and the voice, plus the fact that someone brought up her being referred to with they/them pronouns (which I didn't manage to find), I thought she was a boy. Looking her up, though, yeah, you're 100% right. That's my bad.
Thank you for the correction!
0 notes
personinthepalace · 1 year ago
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Quotes from my favorite Odd Squad character!
In no particular order...
"And I was starting to think we didn't have anything in common!"
"Pencil room."
"I ate a lot of garlic bread! 😀 So. Much. Garlic bread... 😦"
"Argh! Too slow!"
"I've never been more sure of anything in my life. Well, there was this one time in Paris- never mind. Just zap us."
The rest is under a read more because this is long
"I don't use them! I just make 'em! GO WOLF PACK-"
"I like you." "I like me too :)"
"Oh. So you're that guy..." (NOT romantic!)
"Whoops. I've been working out a ton."
"First of all, I don't think you're fixing that desk..."
"No no no, you see, I said the opposite-"
"I'm starting a dirt farm in New Mexico."
"...too slow again."
"I have an idea." (Stares off into space w/o elaborating) "Are you going to tell me what it is?" "Oh, uh, yes, follow me."
"I made a wax figure of myself!"
"What are you doing?" "Destroying a gadget. I need the parts to build other gadgets, and destroying this one will be good fun. aaAAAHH-"
"I'm so bad at goodbyes. I always talk too much. See, I'm doing it right now!"
"But what happens when your Oonabot becomes smarter you, takes over your life while the actual, real Oona is out getting lunch?" "Uh, what's going on?" *RUNS*
"It's like my hands are covered in butter! Nervous butter, not tasty..."
"Help... me..."
"Take a look at my calculator-inator!" "That's a regular calculator." "Just--just LET ME HAVE THIS ONE!!"
This girl is not sane seriously
"Therefore, while destroying this gadget is likely a mistake, it'll probably be the best decision of my life, so if everyone will please stand back, this sound is likely to be loud! AAAAAHHHH-" (crash)
"Well uh, see you later!" "What? No!" (drags her backwards)
"All I know is that I can't see color anymore. But that was okay, cause I just bonk the back of my head and bam! I can see color again!"
"I also programmed her to laugh at all my jokes." "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" "She doesn't really know what jokes are!" "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" "I'll... turn that feature off now." "Ha-ha-ha-ha-"
"I made this one if I want a healthy snack. I just reach into her ear, a carrot, and I can make ranch dressing come out of her nose!"
"Wait..." (hits her head) "Color went out again."
"Ohlm, please leave my lab."
"And now that I control all scientists, I shall be the one to rule the world! MWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Joking. Joking. So joking. I'm gonna smash these!"
"🎵 Everything's cooool..."
"🎶 Everything's gonna be fiiine!" "Please stop singing."
"I thought I might record this if I'm doing... less well... but yeah, like she said, I'm coo-"
"🎶 Everything's not coool..."
"Let the unboxing begin! I love the sound when you rip open tape! Sounds so good. Ooh, crinkly! Box inside a box, pretty cool..."
"Let the unboxing begin again! I love the sound when you rip open tape! Sounds so good. Ooh, crinkly! Box inside a box, pretty cool..."
"You can destroy that thing." "Crush it." "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH-" (thump)
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danieyells · 6 months ago
hey danie idk if anyone has asked this but is it possible for you to post all the chibi chatter, if it’s not too much work? thank you!!!
It shouldn't be too much work! I was planning on it after I'd gotten some rest lol
Comment conditions are based on my observations and may not be accurate.
From my observation, only finding items, entering, and leaving rooms are guaranteed to be commented on.
Aside from the campus screen, the Galaxy Express, the Library(Story) screen, and the Characters tab also have chibis, and some comments may be easier to see on them You can swap out chibis in these locations by restarting the game, except for Galaxy Express which cycles through the characters in your first squad.
I don't know what time Towa starts talking so I had to guess where his actual word dialogue goes since nothing is labeled in the scripts I can see. Once I figure it out I'll probably go in and edit the post.
With that out of the way!
Jin Kamurai
Found an item:
"Pick that up."
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"Pain in the ass..."
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"I'm going home."
"Not too bad."
Reading animation:
"Waste of time."
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"Ha." "What?" "So noisy..." "Tsk..." "Damn it..."
Character idle animation:
"Time for a smoke."
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"You want brownie points?"
Tohma Ishibashi
Found an item:
"Well, would you look at that..."
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"Excuse me."
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"I should get back to my work."
"Most interesting."
Reading animation:
"I see..."
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"What's next...?" "Fascinating..." "Ha ha ha..." "Your dedication is much appreciated." "As I suspected."
Character idle animation:
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"Well, well."
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"Impressive progress."
Lucas Errant
Found an item:
"Who left this here?"
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"Excuse me."
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"Time to train."
"What's this?"
Reading animation:
"Very educational."
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"I see." "Ha!" "Ha ha." "That's odd." "I understand now!"
Character idle animation:
"Time for a break."
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"All right, let's go."
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"Your hard work paid off."
Kaito Fuji
Found an item:
"Must be my lucky day!"
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"Crap, I'm late..."
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"Make-up classes again..."
"Whoa, check this out!"
Reading animation:
"Huh, you don't say."
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"Gross..." "Gotta read the latest Q&G." "Heh heh heh..." "What's going on?" "Just keep walking..."
Character idle animation:
"No way..."
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"Maybe I'll stop by the campus store."
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"Whoa, nice!"
Alan Mido
Found an item:
"What's this?"
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"Time to get started."
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"...Guess I'll head back."
"...Where am I?"
Reading animation:
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"I'll stop by the Pit." "Gotta wash the cars later." "..." "...I should go for a run." "...Be careful."
Character idle animation:
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"...Time to go."
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"Good job."
Leo Kurosagi
Found an item:
"Lucky me."
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"This is dumb..."
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"Okay done!"
"What? That's hilarious."
Reading animation:
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"So loud..." "Huh..." "You're all so basic." "Ah ha ha." "Ooh, let me take a vid."
Character idle animation:
"You're all so easy to please."
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"My bad!"
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"Damn. Let me see!"
Shohei Haizono
Found an item:
"The hell's this?"
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"What is that..?"
Reading animation:
"Right, I get it now."
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"Pfft..." "Can't keep my eyes open..." "Yeah, yeah." "Hey, got an order." "Maybe I'll go for a jog."
Character idle animation:
"This is a real drag..."
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"Guess I should start prep."
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
Haru Sagara
Found an item:
"What's this!?"
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"All right, let's do this!"
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"Time to get back to work!"
"Wow, take a look at that!"
Reading animation:
"You don't say!"
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"All right!" "Energy drink time!" "Gahaha!" "Here, take a flier!" "Hey there!"
Character idle animation:
"Drink up, fella!"
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"Let's go, Peekaboo!"
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"Smashed it!"
Towa Otonashi
*note about Towa, I don't know the timeframe in which he begins to actually speak. For the home screen he starts at 4pm but that doesn't appear to be the same for the chibis. As such I'm guessing on what words go where atm. I might try again later at night to see if I can figure it out.
Found an item:
"~~~~!" "What's this?"
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"~~~~♪" "Hmm...?"
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"~~♪~~!" "Let's go!"
"~~! ~~!"
Reading animation:
"~~~~?" "This is fun!"
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"...♪" "...♪~~♪" "~~? ...♪" "...? ...!" "...?" "I can do it!" "I'll help you!"
Character idle animation:
"...! ...!" "Heh heh ♪"
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"~~! ~~♪"
Ren Shiranami
Found an item:
"What is this...?"
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"This sucks..."
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"Gonna go home and watch a movie."
"What's this?"
Reading animation:
"Not you again..."
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"Ugh, another GPS..." "Why me...?" "This is the worst..." "Diner shift tomorrow... " "Shit..."
Character idle animation:
"Pfft... That's hilarious."
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"Ugh, I'm exhausted..."
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"Wish I could live here instead..."
Taiga Hoshibami
Found an item:
"Hey, lucky me."
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"What is this place?"
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"This is mine."
Reading animation:
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"Whatever!" "Screw this! I'm going home!" "Guess I'll go play a few rounds." "Huh?" "I could eat a horse..."
Character idle animation:
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"Guess it's killing time."
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"Want a prize?"
Romeo Scorpius Lucci
Found an item:
"What's this?"
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"Get out of my way."
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"This is a waste of time."
"Looks cheap."
Reading animation:
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"Tch..." "Excuse me!?" "He's calling me again?" "You're in the way!" "TGA..."
Character idle animation:
"This works a charm."
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"Found you..."
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"Not bad, for you."
Ritsu Shinjo
Found an item:
"What's this?"
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"I am well prepared."
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"Time to switch locations."
"I'll record this just in case."
Reading animation:
"I need to commit this to memory."
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"Ha." "Nothing seems out of the ordinary." "Start of recording." "Ahem." "Insufficient cause for suspicion..."
Character idle animation:
"End of recording."
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"Just as planned."
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"Have you submitted the paperwork?"
Subaru Kagami
Found an item:
"What's this?"
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"Please excuse me..."
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"I'm going to head out now..."
"Wow... This is amazing...!"
Reading animation:
"I see..."
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"It's very crowded..." "That's troubling..." "I'm sorry..." "Ha ha." "What time did we agree to meet?"
Character idle animation:
"I've got an idea for my next plot..."
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"Everyone is so impressive."
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"Hard work pays off."
Haku Kusanagi
Found an item:
"Oh, I found something."
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"Coming in."
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"Phew, done."
"Well, would you look at that..."
Reading animation:
"All right, gotcha."
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"Hmm...?" "Time for some tea." "Ha ha..." "All right, what's next?" "Huh..."
Character idle animation:
"Break time."
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"Better get to work..."
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"Hey, nice work."
Zenji Kotodama
Found an item:
"What's this...!?"
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"Are you awestruck?"
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"To my oasis..."
Reading animation:
"Ah, excellent!"
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"Copacetic!" "Ha ha." "I've been struck by inspiration!" "Hmm..." "Oh!"
Character idle animation:
"It's biwa time."
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"Come, my little sheep."
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"I applaud you!"
Edward Hart
Found an item:
"Here, I found this."
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"I suppose I ought to get started."
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"Time for a brief respite."
"Not bad."
Reading animation:
"Ah, this brings back memories."
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"Ah ha ha ha." "(cough cough)" "Such peaceful days." "Why, hello there." "My, my."
Character idle animation:
"Well, look at you."
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"Ah, to be young."
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
Rui Mizuki
Found an item:
"Finders keepers!"
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"Let's do this!"
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"Yo did you see this?"
Reading animation:
"Ha ha, you got that right!"
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"Guess I'll just chill." "Oops, gotta buy detergent." "For sure!" "Heh heh." "Someone's in my DMs!"
Character idle animation:
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"Come on over!"
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"Whoa, that's wild!"
Lyca Colt
Found an item:
"I smell treasure..."
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"Just watch me."
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"C'mon, let's go."
Reading animation:
"I don't get it."
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"What's with this place?" "Hmph!" "Tch..." "Ngh..." "Huh."
Character idle animation:
"You wanna go?!"
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"Quit looking at me."
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"That's so cool!"
Yuri Isami
Found an item:
"I found this! Me!"
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
"I'm making my rounds."
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"We're going!"
"Are there new subjects here?"
Reading animation:
"This is good data."
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"Oh?" "Hmph." "Ahem." "You're all parasites..." "Hmm hmm hmm hmm..."
Character idle animation:
"Ha ha... Ah ha ha!"
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"An inevitable result."
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"Acceptable, I suppose."
Jiro Kirisaki
Found an item:
"Oh, this?"
Entering a room, approaching the boundaries of a decoration:
Having had stepped off the boundaries of the room or decoration:
"Bye then."
"I see, so that's how it's structured."
Reading animation:
"Makes sense."
'Interacting' with the room or decoration, doing work, changing pathing, deciding to leave a room, idle etc:
"This is annoying." "Take care." "Sorry?" "I'm going to harvest some things." "Nearly time."
Character idle animation:
"Hurk...! Urgh..."
Standing idle(Galaxy Express and Library only that I've seen?):
"Is that a new patient?"
???(new building/decoration? level up??):
"Has something changed?"
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jadelover69 · 5 months ago
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i am a minor!! (so pls dont get 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 out of nowhere)
she/they is prefered!!
orthodox christian!!
fem twst enjoyer!! (hehe i lub women /silly😼😼😼)
kinda cringe actually 😝😝
FOLLOW MY TWIN @shinysparklesapphires OR ELSE 😡😡😡 /j
Tumblr media
♡︎-Monster High
♡︎-Ever After High
♡︎-Dork Diaries
♡︎-Descendants (it’s the edits for me)
♡︎-Gravity Falls
♡︎-Twisted Wonderland
♡︎-The Land of Stories
♡︎-watching youtubers do deepdives into bad books/movies
♡︎-Epic: The Musical
♡︎-A series of unfortunate events
♡︎-Maya Wink ASMR
♡︎-Scooby Doo: Mystery Inc
♡︎-Total Drama
♡︎-Smiling Friends
♡︎-The Disastrous life of Saiki K
♡︎-Nerdy Prudes Must Die
♡︎-Not Even Emily
♡︎-Thea Stilton books!!!
♡︎-Odd Squad
♡︎-Sonic Boom (it’s funny okay!!)
♡︎-Greek Mythology
♡︎-Epic: The Musical
♡︎-Trollhunters: Tale of Arcadia
♡︎-Lego: Elves
♡︎-The Dragon Prince
♡︎-I’m in love with the villainess
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proshippers, comshippers, darkshippers, ppl who like dark romance on tiktok, homophobes, ppl who shame or make fun of any religion, israel supporters
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♡︎-The Eve’s Knight: lesbianism
♡︎-Yumi Guide to...—͟͟͞͞★ (yumi’s blog):
♡︎-BRUTUS: 1
♡︎-POCKY DAY (ft. yumi and jade):
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♡︎-𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝
♡︎-𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤
♡︎-𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬 (watch out😼😼)
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♡︎-twst fanschool based on disney tv shows!! (<- scrapped idea!!)
♡︎-twst fanevent!!
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♡︎ - twitter!!
♡︎ - strawpage!!
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♥︎- remember jade leech is love jade leech is life
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【 MOOTS.ᐟ.ᐟ】
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rattlebear25 · 3 months ago
I wanted to debunked this before i left because it is the "big" plothole reviewers of this show criticized while, if you think a little and watch more than one time the episodes can understand:
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Vaggie was an Exorcist who thought that only Exorcist Angels can kill each other (Lute almost killed her with bare hands) so she couldn't know about a second way to kill angels (the angelic weapons). Then since she is weaker, Adam, Lute and the other angels are stronger than her, she considered this first option (Exorcists can kill other ones) useless to mention and not useful anymore. Carmilla and Vaggie are talking about a way to harm in a deadly way the Exorcists, not just harmed them. Then the show has other episodes where they can explain this so how ppl can call it a plothole when the story isn't finished? Idk.
EDIT: Another thing that i noticed is that Carmine called Vaggie not very smart so that's why she didn't get it quickly (it has sense, Exorcists are more focused on physical combat rather than using the brain). Another option is that Vaggie will have thought that Adam and Lute being the leader and vice leader are stronger and therefore are able to hurt the other Angels but excluding them they cannot be hurt. So Vaggie says "no" because excluding her commanders there were actually no ways to hurt the exorcists for what they need: what's the point of knowing that the Exorcists can only be hurt by the two Leaders? Vaggie and the rest of the squad at that moment needs a solution that applies to all of them against the Exorcists, but saying that only Adam and Lute can do it doesn't count so she says "no" for that.
Furthermore she has never tried to verify if the Exorcists could even be hurt while Carmilla has, calculating that she realizes that the angelic weapons are effective because they had already tried to hurt them in some way, failing because they did not kill them in a mortal way.
PS: Maybe i am wrong but i find odd that the show is careful about details both graphics and narratively and then fails right here. Then there are various clues that confirm what i said while in other medias when i saw a plothole i didn't find any explanations
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