#occasion cane users
sadbootyshorts · 29 days
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w2sology · 7 months
harry, private but not secret relationship.
(i hope u understand what i mean 😭)
i know exactly what you mean and i LOVE this type of trope so so much 🤭
under the sheets, harry lewis.
summary: everyone knows that you and harry are together, yet no one really knows what goes on in your relationship. but when fans get little snippets, they can't help but fawn over you both.
warnings: mentions of sex
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having been together since before harry had started youtube, all his friends knew you, and of your status as his girlfriend. but with his rapid incoming fame, you thought it would be better to shy away from the spotlight.
and of course, harry respected this. but he was still gonna let people know that he was in a relationship.
it started off with small mentions of you in his videos. "my girlfriend got me this the other day... my girlfriend said that... i know my girlfriend would like to..." but never fully dropping your name.
everyone knew you were together, but hardly anything about your relationship was ever revealed unless harry said something or if the boys mentioned you briefly.
whether or not you had a public account on socials varied, you liked to switch between public and private.
harry, bot being the average active social media user, would hardly post things. yet most of the time when he did, it would always correspond to you.
a snap of a restaurant with your plate opposite his, a walk in the park with a dog you were dog sitting, your leg just about in the frame, or if he was bold enough, a mirror pic that you took, your face covered by your camera but his fully visibly as he stared lovingly at you through the mirror.
slowly but surely, you would join in too on the secret snapshots into your relationship.
it would start with a post on your story of a picture you took on harry's phone whilst he was on set with the boys, and it was clearly his phone because of how fucked up it was. then it would progress to making tiktoks while wearing clothes that were so obviously his.
it was cute to see you two showing bits of each other online whilst not giving away too much, but god did it have fans dying for more.
when thy'd run into you two in public, you found it so cute that they'd take the time to speak to you as well as harry, even if you'd shy away so as to not interrupt them and harry.
but harry would still have you close by; a fan once posted a selfie that they took with him, and his hand furthest away from their body could be seen in the corner of the picture still intertwined with yours.
when harry was on twitch, streaking either by himself of with his friends, you'd occasionally peak inside the room to check on him, not realising that you were on camera.
one time, you were so tired when you cane back from work that all you wanted to do was lay in bed with harry, but when you figured out he was streaming, you figured his arms would suffice.
so you quietly opened the door to his room, and found yourself snuggling into his arms. harry was surprised, probably putting two and two together and realising that you didn't really care what was on camera, and so returned your embrace. that stream absolutely rocked people's worlds.
and the dates !!! the dates would be the cutest things EVER. he didn't mind going all out but he also wasn't against the occasion cosy date indoors.
on the odd time you did get out, of course there would be pictures and videos of you two sitting in close proximity in a cosy booth at a restaurant, both you all smiles and harry not being able to take his hands off of you.
and if there was one thing about harry, he loved physical touch.
it pained him to not be all over you in public because you didn't want to showcase your relationship like that, but he still found a way to make sure he was either near you or touching you.
be that a hand on your thigh under the table or linking your pinky fingers together when you stood near him.
and the way he'd kiss you; he'd look at you to make sure it was okay to do so before gently placing his lips on yours, pulling you in closer to him.
and even though he can hear simon and toby's shouts of "ew" or "look at those lovebirds" he simply waves them off whilst you hide your face in his chest.
harry loved to have you as his little secret thing, it gave him an even bigger energy rush than he usually had; the idea of being caught was just so exciting to him.
like when he rocks up to filming with a few hickies around his neck, unable to have covered them with his compression shirt that he mistakenly wore.
the comments under that video were enough to you have you covering your face when harry brought it up, as well as the digs that the boys took at you and harry apparently "going at it like animals."
but harry didn't care, it was the best part of the relationship and he got to keep it all to himself, unless he slipped up in front of the camera that was.
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lesbxdyke · 1 year
Decided to steal my own tags from This Post because I didn't want to detract from the very good points being made about wheelchair accessibility in the art
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So I'm disabled. And I often have to use crutches as a mobility aid. Sometimes one, sometimes two. And even with that, I still sometimes can't get around.
There have been numerable occasions in my life where something has been marked as 'accessible' that is not accessible to me, because it was made with ONLY wheelchair users in mind.
And like I said in my tags, it's a genuinely great thing that things are now being made with wheelchair users in mind! I am genuinely heartened and happy that wheelchairs users are being recognised in public spaces and accommodated for!
But they are not the be all and end all of physically disabled people.
I need the extra space of a disabled bathroom. Especially as another physical disability of mine causes me to often require space to change underwear or clothing.
However, if I'm having a bad pain day, I can't wash my hands. Because the only sink is at the height for a wheelchair user. So my options are to eschew hygiene and pray that a cleaner wipes down the door handle regularly so others aren't interacting with a thing that I have touched without washing my hands, OR risk furthering my own pain by bending to reach the sink, which could end in me stuck in the bathroom as my back seizes and I cannot move.
As I'm sure you can imagine from reading that, neither option is a good option, but one is a safer one for me. And I hate it. I'm 'lucky' in that I have to always carry baby wipes with me anyway so I'm somewhat able to mitigate the hygiene issue, but what if I didn't? What if I didn't have the extra disability and just had the back problems that required the extra space of the disabled bathroom for my mobility aids? What then?
I also have a radar key (for those not in the UK: disabled bathrooms are often locked. A radar key is a skeleton key for disabled bathrooms all around the UK) so I can always gain access to the disabled bathrooms. Except... I often have to find staff to help me open them anyway because the door handles are low and I can't bend to press them.
Now this post isn't me saying that the world should be built only to cater to me in particular (tho gods it would be nice!)
This post is talking about competing support needs and how my experience as a disabled person, struggling with how so much 'accessible' stuff is only designed for wheelchair users is just as valid as a wheelchair user celebrating that they can use an ATM and a public bathroom without needing the aid of a stranger or a carer.
I've seen quite a lot of people, in real life and elsewhere on the internet, want to call it Ableist when people ask for there to be a different option that would be inaccessible for a wheelchair user to use within an accessible area like a bathroom. They think it's able bodied people, or parents (since often in the UK, disabled bathrooms also double as baby changing, which is a whole different kettle of fish) demanding we take away the accessibility that the bathrooms are there for. They don't think about people on crutches, or canes, or with mobility that changes by day, or who can walk unaided but cannot bend, or, or, or.
Two sinks in a disabled bathroom would change my life. One wheelchair accessible, one not. I could wash my hands. Other people who needed the bathroom could wash their hands. Everyone could be hygienic in an accessible way!
Two ATMs, side by side. One lower, one higher. I can access my money. Wheelchair users can access their money. Everyone can withdraw their money safely in an accessible way!
Maybe there's no solution for some (like the door handle) but if others were solved, then the remaining ones would bother me a lot less. It's a lot less frustration and humiliation inducing to say "Hey, can you open the bathroom for me?" When you know you'll be able to wash your damn hands once inside, yknow?
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honey-crypt · 2 months
Hi! Hope you're doing alright! I was wondering if for the disability month write-a-thon you would consider writing something with Elliott and a farmer who uses a cane and can't be on their feet for very long due to pain? And how he might try and help them out on rough days? (Or whatever strikes your fancy). You have such a good Elliott and your writing is lovely, thanks! Have a good one!
a/n: very happy to have gotten this request haha! i'm a cane user so a good bit of this is based off my own experiences :D enjoy!! (also tysm for your kind words hehehe)
★ elliott with a farmer who's a cane-user ★
★ elliott admires the variety of canes you have, you have one for every occasion but his favorite is your everyday cane
★ it has a quad tip and some sort of spring that helps you through the uneven ground of the farm and the valley
★ and the stickers? there are so many! he loves how each sticker on your cane symbolizes a part of your beautiful self
★ has offered to give you piggyback rides many times, especially if you two are coming back to the saloon and your feet are really achy
★ he understands that you know what's best for you but it doesn't mean he can't spoil you on high pain days
★ having a high pain day? no farm work, elliott says!
★ of course, his daily chore is to feed the animals but he also makes sure to check the greenhouse, harvest any crops, etc. when you have high pain days
★ elliott always has an emergency rest day kit prepared for you, often consisting of epsom salts, your favorite treats, lotion, and so on
★ regardless if it's a high pain day or not, elliott wants to pamper you
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 6, Poll 2
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Olivia-Fear and Hunger 2: Termina
She is a wheelchair user and bisexual. During the confessional scene, players can have her admit to being attracted to any of the other train passengers, although O'saa immediately clocks her for being specifically attracted to one of the women on the train. Additionally, reading her mind in the demo reveals that she finds both Marina and Levi attractive.
Olivia is my personal favorite disabled representation in any horror game since she does have to get through the game differently compared to the non-wheelchair using players, it is simply another way of experiencing the game. She's also just a very fun character among the horrors. She's also super down for killing the horrors with a gun she found! Elated even!
Havelock Vetinari-Discworld
Canonically disabled (bad leg and uses a cane), fanon commonly as not-straight and even in-universe no one has any clue what this mans sexuality is. Also incredible queer vibes
I love this man. Guy is a trained assassin who is probably some flavour of neurodivergent and is also running the biggest city in the world. He is a benevolent tyrant who despises slavery, actively drags the city towards the future with actual helpful projects such as revolutionizing the banking system and including species other then humans in the city and generally works for the city, not personal gain. Too many of the other rich people don’t really like him, which means his biggest supporters are the beggars guild, the sex workers (Who he allowed to essentially unionise) and occasionally the city watch, whose leader severely dislikes rich people and only supports him because everyone else would be worse. Vetinari also keeps the discs equivalent of Leonardo da Vinci in his attic. To be fair, he is there voluntarily and could probably leave if he really wanted to. The inhabitants of the city he rules have no idea what exactly his sexuality is and speculate about. Him having a potential affair with the ruler of another country is speculated, but there is zero proof for that and to be honest, common fanon is that he is most definitely not straight and likely more closer to gay or asexual. As a ruler of the city there were several attempts to depose of him, including such ideas as summoning a dragon to be able crown someone as king, poisoning via arsenic-laced candles (Vetinari was able to identify the poison while halfway delirious) and on one notable occasion getting turned into a lizard. During one of these attempts he got shot, which results in him having to use a cane. Also, Vetinari really likes dogs.
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dont-hug-me-its-yuri · 2 months
Yay!!! Happy Disability pride month gang! Have some head canons! (Some of these only really apply to the human versions I have of them so I’ll clarify when it does apply to them as objects aswell)
I’m mostly doing main characters like the teachers and the main three in this post but I’ll probably make one for side characters if anyone wants that :3
l Sketchbook l Uses crutches due to muscle weakness in their lower legs (<- Human) and Autism
l Tony l Cane user due to weak and frail bones, Visual impaired but refuses to use glasses they do use a monocle on occasion though, Autism, and Anger issues
l Shrignold l Autism and seasonal depression
l Colin l Visually impaired as a human and wears glasses (still wears glasses in object form but doesn’t technically need them) and Autism
l Steak l Missing his right eye after the electricity episode covers it up with a white eyepatch though
l Spinach can l Leg amputee, uses a wheel chair to get around (Human), Autism, adhd, and minor speech impediment
l Bread Boy l Autism, deaf and mute
(Fridge doesn't have any disabilities btw)
l Lamp l adhd and depression
l Briefcase l Visually impaired and uses glasses (canon) and autism
l Brendon l autism and depression
l Coffin l needs reading glasses (seemingly canon??), autism, ptsd and depression
(The twins also don’t have any disabilities)
l Warren l Autism and attachment issues
l Choo Choo l Cane user (Canon)
l Electracey l Autism and adhd
Main three!!!
l Yellow guy l Autism and adhd
l Duck l uses reading glasses, cane user due to chronic pain, autism and ocd
l Red guy l Autism and depression
Every character is neurodivergent!!!
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gayinajar · 14 days
People stop acting like young cane users are using them as an accessory PLEASE.
There are so many occasions where I go out and nearly everyone around me disregards how heavily I rely on it and acts like I will be fine if they act like assholes.
Obviously there are nice people, but there's also people who act like I'm invisible or my mobility aid serves no purpose. Which, as someone who is so fucking heavily reliant on it just to be able function in the world, is such a mental and physical pain.
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batmanshole · 1 year
batgirls disability headcanons
because i like to make characters i like disabled teehee
barbara: well this one is obvious but. wheelchair user due to paralysis and she did NOT get magic cured. okay? okay. also autism YAY
cass: language disability like in (some) canon. contrary to popular belief she does NOT have selective mutism or use ASL. selective mutism is a different disorder that she doesn't fit the criteria for, and her disability lies with language as a whole concept. ASL is a language, therefore she has trouble with it.
steph: fibromyalgia and chronic migraines. she's also autistic. she uses forearm crutches on occasion. they are purple, obviously.
bette kane: fibromyalgia and a chronic leg injury. maybe this is why we haven't seen her in a comic for 100000 years. she uses a walking cane.
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tsisisail · 9 months
for drawtectives headcanon prompts what about how good they are at physical activity and knowledge on sports n stuff
Hell yeah!
Rosé is more athletic then one might think based on her personality, but she generally avoids situations where she has to display this out of laziness. She was in bbasketball (two b’s, because this is drawtectives) when she was in high school but was kicked out due to not having high enough grades, and that sort of ruined it for her.
That’s the only sport she really knows anything about, and she doesn’t even remember a lot about it. (Rosé actually has a pretty poor memory in general, especially regarding her childhood.) If you were to ask her about most sport related matters she’d probably just make something up.
Grendan is probably the healthiest drawtective by most people’s standards. All the dog walking and hiking is enough to get their blood flowing, and unlike her compatriots, he wouldn’t resort to living off of instant ramen or gravel if left to their own devices.
Even if she’s fit though, they’re not particularly sporty. Grenda just isn’t a naturally competitive person, and it stresses her out to keep track of the rules and who’s on what team. During PE he’d mostly waffle around trying to look busy, or sit on the ground picking flowers and playing with dirt.
York is, obviously, jacked as hell, and excels at all sports in the Northern Tribes (such as stick-fight, wherein you hit your friends with the biggest stick you can find and the winner is the last person standing, or thing-hold, where you try to wrangle the most unwieldy creature for the longest amount of time.) The prize to most of these sports was brain damage.
York doesn’t really get the point of sports he didn’t grow up with. The drawtectives tried watching a boccer game once, (or bootball if you’re not Bamerican,) and he kept asking why no one was just picking up the ball.
“They could just walk over there and throw it in.”
“That’s against the rules, York!” Rosé would explain, more affectionately then exhasperated.
“But that doesn’t make sense. They could just win. Why do the rules stop them from winnin’?”
This went back and forth for a good while until they decided to just watch Bokémon instead.
Jancy isn’t very athletic at all, being both very old and a cane user. It’s nothing she’s particularly embarrassed by, she’ll be the first person to inform you of her limits. She has a tendency to overexert herself regardless though, so a lot of the time her children have to gently pull her away from her work.
Jancy actually probably could’ve been quite good at sports when she was younger, but she was too busy solving the various murders that inexplicably plagued her childhood. She really didn’t need any more excitement in her life.
Eugene is extremely weak regarding athletics. He doesn’t take particularly good care of himself, and the only reasons he looks toned is because he’s dehydrated.
He gets winded pretty quickly and has pretty much been that way since he was a kid. Apparently a poor sleep schedule and constant stress due to being unsure of if you’re hallucinating isn’t really good for your health. Who knew!
If you ask him if he likes sports he’d actually say he likes swimming and surfing, but really he mostly enjoys an excuse to go to the ocean. He finds it calming. (He has almost drowned on numerous occasions which he isn’t deterred by in the slightest, mostly because he doesn’t really realize anything unusual happened.)
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randaccidents · 6 months
I've got an idea, but, I don't remember if it was mentioned (ah yeah, me and my memory of a pebble)
Alright so.
Heart with crutches.
That's all
That the whole idea
OK I HAVE BEEN. LOOKING INTO THIS TOPIC FOR AWHILE SORTA. Because my Tridential Whole!Soul ALSO has muscle weakness so I was looking up whether crutches or walking canes would be better (neither so I just made him the most stubborn stupid man alive)
But yes yes I have been quietly considering that in the background of doing the main portions of this AU. Since Heart ends up with 4 weak limbs that randomly knock out on him occasionally, and lets be honest he would want to wander the house instead of being stuck in his room all day. Let him have his hobbies!
Anyways my long ass thought process that came out of this below. Fair warning it is DEFINITELY going to be inaccurate because this is like.... an hour of research? And I am Not a mobility aid user At All.
I'm going to assume that Heart is fully weight-bearing, meaning he can place full weight on his legs (even if theyre weak)
Off topic, I did debate a walking cane but. All Four Limbs. Yeah that's not gonna work out. I also debated a wheelchair and then realized that they would have to remodel the whole dang house AND that Heart is definitely pretty vocal about having access to Things. (and also that he's nowhere near ready to accept what he's lost yet. that he's not going to be the same Heart)
On one hand, crutches (hospital standard issue variant, very often seen in media). Very nice, very cool, but imo unwieldy and not meant for lifetime use, especially in their messy ass house. Apparently they hurt the elbows if used wrong or for extended periods of time? Plus the fact that it would limit Heart a lot since he would have to not drop them aaaaaand he has a little problem called weak arms as well. And idk something about those crutches made my brain go "you've seen a better version of crutches before". No offence to crutch users its just that my brain KNOWS there's something that fits better.
And then I FINALLY remembered what the fuck I was thinking about when it came to crutches.
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This kind! (dont axe me its on a Creative Commons license I am LEGAL)
The vibes fit better. He's still blatantly a crutch user but its more flexible? There's bars for him to catch himself on or lean his weight entirely on the occasion when all four of his limbs decide to clock out on him. (reads medical guide) And apparently elbow crutches are among the most versatile mobility aid? I did Not know that. Also the entire "weight thrown off because he no longer has to lean forward to balance out the weight of his wings" thing.
Although as a little bit of a downside, Heart doesn't accept he needs crutches initially. He's fine guys he swears. He can walk on his own, he doesn't need some stupid sticks to walk just because his legs are shaky today (immediately falls over trying to walk and almost cracks his head on the counter).
Heart takes awhile to accept that he lost something in his decision and he does, in fact, require mobility aids now. (That realization is its own bout of mourning and grief) But he will learn and adapt and accept his new normal in time. Maybe one day he will see them as just as much a part of himself as his wings once were.
(On a more lighthearted note Heart absolutely is still a gremlin that pokes Perseverance and Penitence with his new in-built poking sticks. Whacks them on the head from the sofa. Smacks the remote off the table when he sees Perseverance reaching for it because The Stick is Longer. Little things that make the crutches a stand-in for his wings. Perseverance is incredibly vexed by the fact that he cant just. Take the crutches away because that's just mean to Heart. But also please stop hitting his head and saying "bonk".)
So yes. Heart with crutches :3. Very good idea thank you.
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caixxa · 1 year
A1,A 2, B6, B9, BASICALLY ALL OF THE C QUESTIONS! PLS I WANT TO KNOW! (if you feel like responding lmao) thank you, love you and hope you are having a really nice day! <3
Sorry that it took so long to answer! I had a hellish day and we live on almost opposite time zones, so.
A1: When did you start reading fanfiction?
Summer 2016, after Euro 2016. As an adult, well past 30, I rediscovered the fun of being A Fan.
A2: How did you find your first fic?
I googled, learned new search phrases to google until I found the stuff I really liked. I think the first searches were like "Gareth Bale fan fiction" and the really effective one that I think finally led me to Ao3 (I have no idea what the first sites were) was more in the way of "Cristiano ronaldo gareth bale m/m slash" lol. I read only as a guest user for months, I didn't make my own account until I wanted to write and post my own work.
B6. What is your favourite story trope? Why?
Friends to lovers with sexual exploration on the way. Seductive younger man developing in a twisted power balance/imbalance relationship with an older man. Stuff with sexual tension and a vibe of something forbidden.
B9. Who is your OTP?
I'm such a multi-shipper! I always say it's Aho/TT because they are soulmates and the Finnish connection and two cherubs who share a brain on the ice and fly together and are stupid codependent bros. But I've come to think that the true OTP is Sepe/mentors and authority figures. I came to that conclusion when I heard on the Canes Corner podcast that in his first interviews, he always mentioned Ron Francis, and I couldn't but nod along. Of course he did. A franchise legend who drafted him, of course. He still mentioned him on the Siim Liivik podcast like last summer, you know. He loves Rod, he loves Pekka, he loves Justin Williams, he was so into Burns being traded to the Canes. He's a fireball on the ice but off the ice, his daddy kink can be seen from SPACE.
THe C section:
What trope are you tired of reading? Why? Self-harm or suicide as a romantic plot point. It should be self-explanatory, I detest all variations of the trope where romantic counterpart saves the protagonist from shit they should figure out with themselves first, especially if there is a "love as a miracle cure" element to it. I feel similarly about th "you deserve better, let me save you from your abusive relationship by making you mine". No. If this happens from a base of friendship and they develop love later, that works, but falling in love as a cure because The One Sees Your Beauty When Others Don't is yucky. Elaborate proposals in front of an audience gathered specifically to celebrate the occasion as peak romance is so weird too, maybe I just don't get American wedding culture. (These tropes are more present in m/f imagines than m/m rpf, tho)
What word or expression always makes you cringe when you read it? "Too" when it's supposed to be "to" is the only one of those that I often see in fic writing, but in general, "Their" when you mean "They're" or "it's" for "its" when native speakers do it... IT'S YOUR OWN LANGUAGE! HOW CAN YOU NOT GET THE EASY ONES RIGHT?
Is there anything that makes you nope out of a story? What is it? Double spacing between each paragraph. I know that it's mostly because the Ao3 rich text editor doesn't copy/paste google docs right. I will have to be REALLY drawn into the story and want to read it really bad to struggle through that.
What thing that fandom loves do you actually kind of hate? Why? Hockey fights. They're so unnecessary, they're just an example of the American fixation on violence and vigilante justice. It's okay to me that hockey is a rough game, cross checking and body checking is absolutely fine by me, but dropping the gloves.. it's such a stupid, primitive thing to do. Hockey does fine without it. I know this is unpopular bc y'all love violence. I see all the wrestling posts y'know, and all the "hot" tags in hockey fight posts. *points at all directions, staring judgementally*
What character that fandom loves are you just kinda “meh” about? Why? Hockey players: Anthony Beauvillier. This is just about his looks, I don't see what most people see, he looks so plain to me.
Is there anything in canon that made you want to quit the show? What was it? Why did you hate it? Are we still talking hockey/sports because all i read is sports rpf? Well, I used to like F1 but Ihave very little interest in it now. I just don't think that a motorsport that is done on vehicles for no other use than driving on these extensive tracks made of concrete and asphalt just for it is just gross. In rally, there is at least something organic (lol) and relatable. Also, the last Cristiano Ronaldo fic I read was after his transfer to Juventus, after that I think he's made a fool of himself.
Who is your NOTP? Sepe/Seth Jarvis, Sepe/Jordan Martinook. I think it's bc I have zero attraction to the other guy haha, plus Jarvy only gives me goofy little brother vibes, not ship vibes. Also, Cressi was the big ship when I entered football rpf and I could see the two superstars, rivals, el clasico etc etc intellectually but I just sensed no chemistry between cr7 and messi whatsoever so it's always been kinda NOTP for me.
What is one plot twist you wish people would stop using?  Do all the plot twists your heart desires, man, writing is supposed to be fun! But what I said in C1 counts here too.
What show did you really try to watch, but you just couldn’t? This happens with all the shows. I watch a few episodes but can't find the time to finish them. I also skipped a lot (most) of NHL games last season because I need to sleep.
What book could you just never get into, no matter how hard you tried? I don't try hard with my reading, if I don't like the book I quit. The hardest I've tried was probably War and Peace which I read so slowly that I eventually forgot what had happened before and kinda drifted off it after maybe 20%.
Thank you for the ask and have a super duper fine summer!!
(the ask game post is this)
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sadbootyshorts · 3 months
I'm so glad I didn't have to deal with pharmacy bullshit with my ketamine. I can get it today after 4pm. Now I can take my last pill and not need my cane today. I haven't had to use my cane in 6 months because of ketamine and that makes me so happy.
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aethlingg · 2 years
ok i have a question for cane users and i think i know the answer but i need reassurance and to make sure.
i am not physically disabled, but i have been considering getting a cane to help with occasional joint and hip pain. it doesnt even happen that often but i walk a lot so it would be nice on occasion. is that. like ok? idk i feel like me as an able-bodied person shouldnt be using one but also. idk???
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notagarroter · 2 years
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I posted 2,774 times in 2022
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#it's weirdly comedic to imagine dracula rushing downstairs to grab the laudanum bottle and drug the wine before the maids catch him
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Just binge watched sherlock for the first time and something and came across your blog. In your opinion do you think Sherlock has professional combat training, maybe trained as a professional but decided to opt out of doing it? Or did he learn from experience? Him holding his own against Mary's former partner must say something.
What an excellent question!
I think there are two plausible answers here... One is that Sherlock has a history working for whatever government agency Mycroft is supposed to represent, and got his training that way. Now, Sherlock implies on a few occasions that he refuses to work for Mycroft (like in ASIP and TGG), and sometimes they clearly work at cross purposes (like in HLV). But Mycroft does offer him work in HLV (which Sherlock is forced to accept by the end of the episode), and he probably wouldn't be able to do that if Sherlock didn't have some pre-existing relationship with whatever intelligence agency, along with appropriate training.
The other likely possibility is suggested by the original canon. In Doyle's stories, Holmes tells us that he has studied a martial art called Baritsu -- probably a reference to Bartitsu, a wacky but real fighting method drawing together jujitsu, boxing, and cane fighting, among others. If our Sherlock was engaged in something similar, he might be basically self-taught, or perhaps working with private trainers or sparring partners.
Personally, I think the first option is a bit more likely, but the second is more fun. ;)
Anyone else have different headcanons for where Sherlock got his training?
84 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
This video is giving me so many feeeeeeeeeels
96 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Re: Dracula
I keep seeing posts here observing that Bram Stoker's original readers would not have been as versed in vampire lore as we moderns are -- vampires would have been a new concept to them, right?
I just want to say, no, not really.
In addition to Carmilla and Polidori's Vampyre, may I introduce into evidence the hugely popular but now largely forgotten Varney the Vampire?
Varney was serialized between 1845-47 as a "penny dreadful" and was basically the Twilight of its day. Even people who didn't read it would have heard about it.
Point being: when Victorian readers read about two pinprick holes in Lucy's throat, they would have known EXACTLY what that meant.
See also
155 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
I'm very sad that my dash doesn't have one single post of Sherlock saying "am I the current king of England?"
I don't have time to make or hunt for gifs! Someone needs to get on this, please.
181 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
lmao we're in the new yorker for being weird has-beens
Tumblr is something like an Atlantis of social networks. Once prominent, innovative, and shining, on equal footing with any other social-media company, it sank under the waves as it underwent several ownership transfers in the twenty-tens. But it might be rising once more. Tumblr’s very status as a relic of the Internet—easily forgotten, unobtrusively designed, more or less unchanged from a decade ago—is making it appealing to prodigal users as well as new ones.
The Tumblr users I spoke to, both new and returning, cited a few unfashionable aspects that keep them using the platform. Tumblr’s main feed doesn’t shuffle posts algorithmically based on what it determines might appeal to a user... Posts appearing in the feed are undated, and many accounts are pseudonymous, creating a respite from the frenetic exposure of other social media. Users spoke of the platform feeling disconnected from the “real world”—no President would ever try to shape world events with a Tumblr post.
What makes Tumblr obsolete, for the moment, are the same things that lend it an enduring appeal. The fact that it maintains a following should remind us that we use social-media services by choice; no platform or feature is an inevitability.
400 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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emptycabin · 3 months
This is a blog solely for us to talk about our mental illnesses/disabilities. There will be vents on occasion.
The List (there's probably more/this may be worded weird)
Disabilities: Autism, PCOS, Fibromyalgia, Chronic fatigue, Cane user
Mental Illnesses: Polyfrag system, MADD, OCD (not as bad as when we were a kid but it rears it's head every so often), Delusions, ADHD
Tags/triggers (will be added to as needed)
#Passive ideation - When we're suicidal but more in a if smth happens it happens way
#Delusions - Often has some level of derealization to it so that's your warning there
#Paracosm - Anything about our paracosms, may get more specific tags later
#Sys mess - Anything about our system will go in here
If you're worried that we put a lot of our trauma in here and someone is going to try to purposely trigger us with it then one thank you for your concern. But we'll be alright as we have protectors who will check those things and we all liberally use the block button. 💜
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diony-svs · 6 months
Intro Post
(Haven’t done this yet, been living in obscurity for a while.)
This is my personal and disability blog.
If you are an art blog, I likely followed you from @grimloire !
If I followed you as a fandom blog, you’re on your own, friend. [awkward thumbs up]
Hi, I’m The Grimoire, or Grim.
Hi, I’m The Grimoire, or Grim. I use he/they pronouns and I am an adult disabled transmasculine gothic metalhead cane user. I have a plethora of physical and mental conditions, some of which I will talk about on this blog. Notably, I have HC-DID, FND, and a connective tissue disorder among other things.
I will reblog fandom content on this blog on occasion. This is not a clear cut disability blog even if I post about that a lot.
I will post about RAMCOA on occasion. Posts will be tagged accordingly.
I have a lot of interests and I may or may not post about them. I write a lot of fanfiction and am working on an original series’ worldbuilding right now. I am, of course, an artist—typically digital art, but I have been straying back into traditional art. I also bake, game, and play and create music.
Send me asks anytime for music recommendations and I would love to provide, as music is a special interest. :D
I block freely.
My triggers are mine to deal with because of how specific they are. I will block tags and blogs with little thought. I also do not tolerate people’s bullshit. This is my blog. If you don’t like it, find another blog to follow.
-Grim & Co
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