#occam's cat
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quinloki · 1 year ago
Outside the box
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necile · 1 month ago
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Christ, I didn't realize how long it takes to gain friendship with cats in this game! I mostly stick to minor pets, so this was new to me.
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lost-carcosa · 1 month ago
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humornthoughts · 1 year ago
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(Transcript for those of you with screen readers bcuz I couldn’t figure out how to attach it to the image itself on mobile for some reason)
Person 1:
Chekov's Cat: if you see a cat in the first act, it will probably be relevant later. (example: Alien)
Shrodinger's razor: an unopened box may or may not contain the solution to the story; there's no way to know without opening it. (example: Monk)
Occam's gun: the simplest way to kill off a character is to shoot them. (example: Bambi)
Person 2:
Chekov's Box: If there is a container introduced in the opening act, it will be opened later.
Schrodinger's Gun: Treat every gun as if It's loaded unless you've checked it yourself.
Occar's Cat: If you hear strange noises at night, it's probably a cat.
Person 3:
Chekhov's gun: a narrative principle that states that every element in a story must be necessary, and irrelevant elements should be removed.
Occam's razor: if you have two competing ideas to explain the same phenomenon, you should prefer the simpler one.
Shrodingers cat- a cat in a box with poison that has a 50% chance of breaking, we will not know if the cat is dead or alive until opening the box leaving the cat in a perpetual state of uncertainty
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cat-yura-beletsky · 1 year ago
occam's razor but yura is replaced by a cat in the music video
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heretodestroyou · 1 year ago
chekhovs gun sun, schrödinger’s cat moon, occam’s razor rising
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necile · 1 month ago
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Reginald demanded cuddles. In the kitchen, no less.
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reddslym · 7 months ago
Okay I have a new theory about Grimal. I no longer think she's the Ghoul, but she still definitely choked out Occam. She was in the security room according to the map in the second bumper. Elise stole the keys to this room, and the vents in there go all over the chapter house, including the archives. Elise is later seen putting her hair up in a differently-colored hair tie after the break, blue instead of the green she started with.
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When everyone shows up to see what happened to Occam, Grimal is suddenly wearing a stretched out green band on her wrist, presumably what she used to KO Occam. This is the aforementioend green hair tie. It shows up repeatedly throughout the episode going forward.
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Initially I assumed Grimal was a ghoul due to how nervous she seemed to be about the whole situation, especially after Occam was found. But this reddit post got me thinking: Grimal-Kun-Chama. Or as Fatigue pronounces it, "Grimalkin-Chama". Grimalkin is an old faery creature that takes the form of a cat, and Grimal wears a hat with cat ears in her civvies. Elise's field of study at the Arcanum is the Fae.
In Conclusion: Grimaline Smith of Norfolk, UK is actually some sort of Changeling, Elise knows this, and they were both worried Occam is going to test her blood and find out she isnt human. So Grimal choked him out.
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brainfugk · 11 months ago
I particularly amore Schrödinger's gun.
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falbrightsplace · 15 days ago
What of Riddles and Murder?
I think I’ve left my Tumblr dormant long enough, don’t you? So let’s get into some analysis! Delve deep and see what we can see! And what better subject than one Edward Nygma! The Riddler!
But not just any Eddie.
My favorite Riddler, the one who my own interpretation blends into the most (combined with a dash of Arkham and a fair bit of Pre-New 52 continuity rearranged)! Who, you ask! Who!!!
This smug bastard:
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Zero Year Nygma is special for a lot of reasons. For one he’s a great amalgamation of what was old (the facial structure, nose, and being...well, ginger lend themselves to BTAS) and something delightfully new while touching on some beautiful, horrid symbolism (the Zorro mask is a prime example for the story he’s ‘debuting’ in). He’s also exceptionally violent in a way that simultaneously suits the Riddler in cavalier execution while being somewhat divergent in the sheer scale he inflicts said violence. That extends not just to the big event, but from his very introduction to the story.
The whole idea emerged due to talking with my roommate, a longtime friend who has been privy to every permutation and head canon I’ve carried for that gremlin over the years. In that moment I started to outline every single way he implies, instigates, or outright exacts some violence upon a person or the greater populace of Gotham City. Let’s walk through them, shall we?
From the outset of the story he was suggesting to Philip that the most efficient application of Occam's Razor is to Bruce’s throat. That it was the only option with the prodigal son setting a showdown with what had become a disgraced company in his absence. Even if the matter is tabled, rejected, and ultimately thrown back in his face it was one presented simply to prove that Eddie could read the board. A bone thrown on the pile as a means to validate himself and the clandestine power he held within that little cat’s cradle.
Not only does he push such an agenda with one of the more intense expressions of the arc (a stark contrast to his glib ennui at a baseline or the absolute mania of Savage City), he hints at that fact to Bruce himself after riling the young fledermaus up. Even if, contextually, he can’t understand it there’s a flex of “I know something you don’t know. Something you’d probably like to know. Something you need to know.” with deadly implications. All presented dull eyed and with a smirk after their game, a game he feels he’s thoroughly won on and off the board because those final words in the museum suggest that Mr. Wayne is in check and Edward will never have to see that particularly annoying piece ever again courtesy of the Red Hood Gang.
Then there’s the fact that he essentially pushed a very ill man to not only self experimentation, a deadly prospect in and of itself, but inspired what essentially became one of the most prolific (and horrific) strings of serial killings up to that point in the City’s history. All with silver tongued promises. All to cover for the theft of one Pamela Isley’s research in the panic between his own (comparatively) benign blackouts. And a guaranteed end to the murder weapon he had chosen, come hell or (literal) high water.
We’re already seeing a pattern within the violence of choice, yes? Before even arriving at the big ones it has the Riddler hallmark of being hands off. Yet there is something to be said of the frequency this young version of the villain chooses to employ it. Often while employing a sociopathic bit of emotional sleight of hand, putting on an impish face that can be perceived, at times, as downright goofy or even charming. That can truly mask how awful he is. Yet unlike some variants of the villain, he’s not pushed by a literal demon within the city’s heart or some deeply disturbing event which further cracked his psyche. He’s doing this from the outset and moving towards the trickster that people think of (we’re discounting King and some dismal attempts during the mid 2010’s to try and create a ‘dark’ Riddler renaissance in storytelling) rather than being pushed towards this outcome. Put a pin in that thought, it’ll come into the discussion as we move towards (petty, petty...petty) motivation in explaining how this creates a truly unique, petulant, bombastic and subtly terrifying version of this classic.
Back to the crimes for people who need a refresher!
After having effectively Karl Hellfern for everything his failing body and soul could take, he makes a show to Jim Gordon. We know the one. The string game. With a boulder. A more classic Riddler tact to be sure. Very in line with the death traps that cover an escape and yet the exception here is that there is no riddle. It’s simply physics: a promise of enough force to completely collapse a great part of that floor of a sturdily built office building. It’s a blunt statement wherein the only one playing is Edward himself. Which already suggests he’s stepping further and further into his persona while showing that vicious streak, now sparing that toxic green curtain he’d hide behind while putting on a performance that would put the Mighty Oz to shame. And there’s a glee to it. Literally holding something over someone’s head.
What can I say about the rupturing of the retaining walls? Of essentially setting up an impossible game on only the slimmest of chances. Eddie, your carnie background may have been struck from your resume but it definitely showed here. The results are catastrophic. If you’ve watched The Penguin, go take in the first scenes of Episode 3 again and imagine that while the city is under siege by a super storm of historic proportions. In a blackout. With no hope of anyone coming to save them. There are no pumps to steadily restore even vestigial use of not just certain sectors, but the city as a whole.The visuals are horrific in a way I do not think that the illustration team on this run could have depicted. Nor should anyone have to endure the sheer heartbreak of such grandiose tragedy presented in as visceral a manner as it could be. All played off to a man who comments only to himself, answers to only himself. With that same glibness he applies to all potential casualties. A dull look. A haphazard smirk that is absolutely at home for a Riddler, but given the circumstances? Might have been wiped off the faces of others if presented with such an option. Even for clout.
Savage City is simultaneously where Eddie truly goes from simply himself to elevating into The Riddler. His M.O. is established with the same odds as always: near nil. The difference is that rather than focusing the crime upon a target (either an object or a person as is often the case), he is indiscriminate and demanding that people play his game. In essence he is the Sphinx demanding souls step forward for sacrifice, languidly looking on and pondering what measures to employ. Lions. Truly. The man lives for circuses of his own making.
Then there’s the deployment of weaponized drones, a planned one given his understanding of the weapons tech at his disposal after essentially leaving the back door open to steal everything from under Kane’s nose. These are suppressive, deadly automatons. And while there is some whimsy, it is, perhaps, a much more brutal arm to employ to a darker end than say...Arkham Knight Riddler. They are there to snuff out the competition, to keep the game in perpetuity. If anyone works outside the parameters the promise is humiliation and death.
And let’s talk about that promise, shall we? He is not only a typical sore loser of a Riddler, he is violently so. Basically creating a MAD scenario in which the only way to not essentially ring out the death knell for Gotham was for the would be hero to have lethal current run through them. That wasn’t even a sure shot. Death surrounds Edward Nygma at this point. He is a Rube Goldberg machine of it. By design.
Basic summary, doesn’t quite do the horrors he inflicts justice. He honestly deserves his little cocoon at the end of the arc. Truly. And I say that with certainty. Because not only do we have his body of work for this stretch but we have blatant motivation. If BTAS Eddie grabbed a scalpel to take to Mockridge upon receiving his pink slip, what would you say ZY! Nygma grabbed? And more importantly, why? Because I can tell you that man did not load a several megaton bomb (comparatively) with razor edged bits of esoteric trivia due to being fired. No, the job was always something that could be tossed away. It was the fact that Philip suggested he wasn’t something extraordinary. It was the fact that in suggesting that Edward Nygma was no one at all, a mere cog that tied together greater machines (machines that could move on without him), little Eddie had an identity crisis. A terrible tantrum that turned all that focused calculation into a deathtrap for the world that his mind had could not fathom going on without acknowledging him. His work. His greatness. And in rampaging like a toddler, moving in the reverse trajectory of just about every other Riddler (who again, often are pushed) finds what actually brings him joy. The acclaim of Zero Year? Oh, boy, does he cling onto that like a washed up high school quarter back. Even going so far as to recreate aspects to spook people so they don’t forget. And yet it’s the game that keeps him going. The constant back and forth with the Bat. The joy of a diversion with stakes that demand complexity. And, perhaps, in this manic, destructive regression, the New 52 Riddler was born hanging in that special ward of Arkham in his defeat. Emerging more focused, perhaps a bit more cautious. Still mildly more violent than other iterations...but more historically himself.
And I find that fascinating.
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thetableshavetabled · 21 days ago
What do you think went wrong between the original trilogy and what we're getting now? I've been asking myself that for a while and I truly can't figure it out. Nora can clearly write well, but there's more complexity & depth in just the foxhole court than there is in both the sunshine court & the golden raven, so why didn't she write them just as well?
I'm glad you mentioned the representation. I appreciate the diversity in the book, but it feels more like a caricature when all these diverse characters mean little to nothing to the actual story. You could remove them, and very little would change. To be honest, you could potentially even remove Cat & Laila, and you wouldn't really feel their absence because they offer so little other than - like you said - comic relief.
It's just so disappointing. And it's only serving to make me more interested in the original characters' stories. Especially Neil because many characteristics of Jean are kinda stolen from him in a way that I suppose is meant to make him a parallel to Neil ("I'm fine"/"I will endure", Jean repeating Neil's 'pop' line, etc), but these just remind me Neil exists and that (personally I think) these characteristics were more interesting/original/written-better when they were Neil's. And that, I'd probably rather be reading a book about him/from his POV instead.
If it were any other author I would chalk it up to capitalism, but it doesn’t really fit considering she earns relatively little from these books.
What does fit is how the original trilogy was written with nothing to lose. No traditional publishing constraints, no profit expectations, no fame-seeking, not even advertising. She simply had a powerful story and wrote it exactly as she envisioned.
That original work occupied a unique space between genres. It’s not YA, sports fiction, thriller, nor romance exclusively. This genre-defying quality created unpredictability that captivated readers. The new books commit firmly to contemporary romance conventions, sacrificing the narrative freedom that made the originals so compelling.
While financial pressure may not be a factor, the established fanbase certainly is.
Her close relationship with the fandom has fundamentally altered her creative approach. She clearly doesn't want to disappoint her readers.
She has a devoted following now, and every creative choice becomes weighted with potential disappointment. As the fandom grew, it likely came to include readers with different preferences. The author may be attempting to accommodate a broader audience by creating work that's more accessible and less challenging, sacrificing depth for breadth of appeal.
She is well aware of the fandom’s distaste for Thea and Nicky for example, and maybe she aims to avoid similar issues. There is no characters to actually discuss here, every one of them can be easily categorized into good or evil which makes them extremely boring.
In the end, Occams Razor. The simplest explanation might be the most accurate: she's simply not as personally invested in these new characters. The original trilogy reads like it was written by someone compelled to tell that specific story. These new works feel commissioned by fan demand rather than creative necessity.
Ironically, in an effort to avoid repeating herself she may have overcorrected by removing not just similar plot elements but also the narrative techniques that made her writing so compelling in the first place.
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rottenzombrainz · 10 days ago
a little tkdb OC fic with some more JirAlli than original planned. this was not supposed to be a ship fic.... this wasn't even supposed to be so long.... but fuck it we ball!!
Alli never had the interest or time for classes. Why would she sit down for an hour or two to listen to some old guy ramble when she could be studying anomalies? That's what she does instead of attending class- she studies! Really!
It just happens that right now, she was studying ghouls. The tall, dark, and handsome kind. The Mortkranken Vice-Captain kind.
The Jabberwock girl happily tapped away at the buttons on her dated phone as she double- triple- quadruple texted Jiro, asking him rapid-fire questions about his "research procedures" while emailing him cat memes on the computer in front of her.
I should start heading to class. We can talk more later.
Alli frowned at the latest text on her phone. What?! He was ditching her for class?!
wut?! nooo!! stay w me a lil longer???? plz? wut clas could be so important anyways??
Anomalous Combat.
anoma wut wut? what do u do there? fite anomalies???
Sometimes. Today is a practical class focused on physical exercise and hands-on combat.
so you get to fite ppl?!
That's one way to look at it.
Her interest piqued, Alli skimmed through her files and folders looking for her class schedule.
guess wut? i have anom com rn 2!
She actually couldn't find her schedule... but her and Jiro were in the same year- that means they have the same classes, right?
Really? It makes sense since we're in the same year.
See! She was right!
yah!! I'll c u there <3
Alli abruptly snapped her phone shut and stood up, racing out of the Jabberwock dormitory. Not without finding a little something to give to Jiro. A shiny rock would do on such short notice, she supposed. Full of excitement, the girl rushes out of her room and jumps down the stairs; a feat that would probably have broken her ankles in those platform boots of hers if she wasn't a ghoul.
"Billie! Are you excited to slice some hoes up? I'm excited!!"
She chirped at the small butterfly knife artifact on her waist as she skipped towards the house gates. The blade let out a little jingle that sounded like a slight sigh.
"Whaaaat? It wouldn't be real combat training if we have to hold back!!"
The blade jingled again- this time with a stern tone.
"Fine fine... you don't have to give it your all... but I will~!!"
The bloodthirsty ghoul squeaked with wide eyes at the sudden call of her name. She tilted her head all the way back to look at the sky before feeling a large cold hand pat her head. The physical contact made her squeak again. Happily, this time.
"Jiro!! You scared me!!"
Squeaking a third time like a little mouse, Alli wrapped her arms around the man in front of her and he rubbed her head in turn. Her words would have given the impression of irritation if it wasn't for her beaming smile as she nuzzled into her boyfriend's chest.
"I know you said to meet in class. I hope you don't mind my being here though."
"What? Of course I don't mind!! Walking together is like... ten times better anyways!! Oh! I got you something~!!"
Jiro cocks his head as Alli produces a glittery gold mineral from her bra, handing it to him with a smile. He examines it from a few different angles before responding.
"Pyrite, right? Thank you. I'll have to find someplace nice to put this."
The two began walking side by side as they continued their chat, Alli clinging onto Jiro's arm tightly like a sloth in a tree.
"You can tell just by looking? Wowie you're so smart~!! It could be gold, ya know!"
"Oh. Is it gold?"
"It's whatever you want it to be! Like uh... Shrödonger's cat!"
Jiro crossed his arms the best he could with the clingy Alli latched onto him.
"Shrödinger's cat. I don't see the resemblance. What I'm seeing is what it is: pyrite."
"Mhh... yeah... it's just pyrite....Like Ocum's Razor!"
"Occam's Razor. Are you just naming whatever eponymous laws come to mind?"
The girl's mouth made a small "o" before quickly curving into a wide teethy smile - as if Jiro was a magician who just guessed her card.
"How'd you know? You really are a smartie pants!!"
The tall ghoul stayed silent- but a slight grin grew on his face. And such a pretty face it is! Alli's heart thumped a little louder in her chest at the sight.
Ariving at their destination, other Darkwick students began mumbling amongst themselves as the intimidating Mortkranken Vice-Captain and infamous Jabberwock girl entered the outdoor classroom grounds.
Like a robot following a routine, Jiro gingerly pulled Alli's firmly-grasped claw off of his blazer before taking it off, giving his girlfriend a kiss on the top of her head, and walking towards the locker rooms.
"Jiro! Where are you going??!"
The Jabberwock ghoul cried, quickly closing the gap between them and returning to his side with a pout.
"I need to change into my gym uniform. You should too."
"Gym uniform?!"
"Yes. Don't you have one?"
"Uhm.... Totally!"
Jiro's expression softened with a sigh.
"Ask Professor Dante if there's any spare uniforms. It'd be annoying to exercise in what you're already wearing."
Alli looked down at herself and the menagerie of metal trinkets hand-sewn into her uniform. She stood on her heels as she grumbled at her clunky boots and heavy pocket chains.
"But it takes me so long to get dressed and undressed!"
She groaned, but her partner was already gone. Alli slowly spun in a circle to look around herself, trying to find Professor Dante. Which one was Dante? Probably the one who isn't wearing a Darkwick uniform, right? She shuffled towards a man in a wheelchair like a cautious little bunny.
"Um.... Professor Dante?"
The man in the wheelchair, who was looking through some kind of document, looked up at Alli and adjusted his glasses in silence. Did Alli get the wrong guy?
"Yes, Alli?"
He knew her name? Wow- Alli must be so popular!
"I- um... I need a gym uniform? I think?"
The man -who was hopefully Professor Dante- began to roll towards what looked like a storage shed, the out-of-place Alli cluelessly following behind him.
"Here. This should be your size"
He mumbled as he pulled out a sweatsuit-adjacent uniform complete with a pair of tennis shoes, clearly too big for the petite ghoul. Was he calling her.... fat?! Or maybe he was calling her too skinny? He must be body shaming her in some way- he has to be!
"You can get changed in the women's locker room right over there"
Dante pointed west - never eat soggy waffles- yeah, west, towards a small building parallel to where Jiro disappeared to. Alli took the clothes in her hands, holding them close to her chest as she strolled to her destination whilst looking around like a lost fawn.
Begrudgingly, she began to undress her intricate outfit within the privacy of a bathroom stall. Alli gave the lended uniform a cautious sniff before slipping into it. It smelled ... Industrial. Like a mass-produced cheapy-made piece of clothing from a foreign sweatshop. That's so not punk... Why couldn't she just wear her house uniform?
Alli left the locker room with a grumpy pout and pulled her hair back into a ponytail as she looked around for Jiro. Luckily, when your boyfriend is one of the tallest students in the school, spotting him isn't all too difficult.
The lovestruck girl cheered, leaping into her lover's arms and getting a few odd glances from surrounding students. She nuzzled her face into his chest as her squeeze was reciprocated. Part of Alli felt a little empowered- showing such affection in public. Like she was saying "He's mine!" to any classmates that might have been interested in either of them. Alli was quickly snapped out of her lovey-dovey daze by a voice coming from behind her.
"Alli? I didn't know you had this class too!"
It was Luca- or as Alli knew him, "Biscuit Boy". They've exchanged a few conversations since the two came to Darkwick, conversations usually ending in her receiving a free biscuit, but she didn't really know him. However, she did know that Luca was a good fighter. Good enough to spar with Jiro every now and then. That means he's Jiro's friend, right? And a good girlfriend is friendly with her boyfriend's friends!
"Lukey!! Hiya!! -Yeah, I just found out I have anom com too. Jiro told me you guys get to battle?! When's that? I wanna try! - Oh! I'm feeling kinda hungry.... you got any of those biscuits?"
Luca nodded, pulling out two biscuits and offering one to Alli and one to Jiro; the latter who softly mumbled "I can't eat." after staring at the offer for a few moments. More for Alli!! She opened the little packet and took a bite with a big smile.
"Battle? It's not like that, is it? I've always thought of it as sparring. And Professor Dante only allows it every now and then... -"
"- Like today? Jiro told me it's today!"
"It should be today, yes."
"Yay~!! So what do I do? Do I just.. walk up to someone and start stabbin'?"
Luca's brow furrowed in concern and his eyes shot up at Jiro who merely had a blank expression. The tall ghoul blinked slowly in response.
" Um... you could spar with me, if you'd like. I think just stabbing someone is assault."
"Ha! You sound like the lawyer boy! But that's a yes, yes? We can fight - like right now?"
"Usually we do warm-ups first but-"
"Warm-ups aren't realistic! You probably wouldn't be warmed up for a surprise attack, right?! C'mon c'mon let's go right now~!!"
Without a moment of hesitation, Alli pulled out Billie in his small keychain form- her hand quickly being grasped by two larger ones.
"Exercising and other strenuous physical activity without proper preparation can be quite dangerous. I want you to be safe."
Jiro interjected, crossing his arms after letting his girlfriend's hands go. Alli pouted and groaned, letting her head fall into her lover's chest. She quickly stepped back and hopped in place a few times. That's enough of a warm-up, right? Her love sighed, knowing he wouldn't get much more from her if he asked again.
"Ready Lukey? 'Cus I'm ready! Ready like Freddy!"
Luca nodded, bowing his head slightly before adopting a battle stance. His twin swords materialized in his hands with the chime of his artifact keychain. Alli stepped a safe distance away from Jiro before taking out her own artifact. The red and black checked balisong knife grew to about four feet before whirling around Alli. Just as she was about to strike-
"What do you two think you're doing?"
A monotone voice called out. Not angry - but clearly unimpressed. The blade beside Alli rested before she did at the disapproval of her professor.
"You know the rules, don't you? You can't just fight on campus whenever you please."
"Apologies, Professor Dante! Alli and I were only sp-"
"Yes, sparing, I know. But there are regulations and guidelines. And they're not that hard to follow either."
Luca bowed his head in apology while Alli just cocked her head.
"Regulations? But Jiro said we get to fight in anom com all the time!!"
"- I don't think that's what I said."
"I'm glad you're finally attending your classes, Alli, but there's more to anamalous combat than fighting your peers-"
"Lameeee!! I think I'll just go back to self study. Bye-bye Dante Sensei! Bye bye Lukey! Bye Jiro~!! Come by Jabs later, mkay? I got something for you~!!"
And with that, Alli blew her boyfriend a kiss and walked away. - before quickly realizing her uniform was still in the lockeroom and shamefully turning around to grab it. At least she could change out of the musty sweatsuit now.
With her fashionable clothing back on, the Jabberwock ghoul felt infinity better. Though she'd feel even betterer if she got to slice a bitch.... oh well! That's what missions are for, aren't they? She left the locker room with a pep in her step, already planning what to do with her cleared time.
"Eek! Jiro!!! You scared me!!! again!!!"
"I'm sorry you weren't able to get what you wanted out of this class."
"It's fine! I really don't care all too much-"
The girl's words were cut short by an abrupt hug followed by some gentle head scratches.
"I have some incubation projects I need to check up on but I'll come by Jabberwock if I have the time. I love you."
Alli squealed at those three words. No matter how many times he says them, it'll never get old. She returned his hug and nuzzled her face into his chest, a little jarred by how different his gym uniform smelled to his other clothes.
"Mhh! I love you too! Lots and lots!"
And with that, he let her go with a kiss before sulking back to Luca. As faint as it was, Alli could even see a small smile on his lips. So cute~!! Towa's gonna love hearing about this~!!
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janiedean · 10 months ago
i have seen people claim that the situation with brienne will be the thing that pushes jaime back to cersei. also I have seen people compare what brienne is going through with stoneheart to what jaime went through with aerys and saying brienne may need to put her down
I am the second people and not the first people but like….
I don’t wanna sound rude or anything but with this fandom I feel like no one grasps the point of occam’s razor like sorry but
- jaime spends affc getting progressively away from cers and burns her letter at the end when in agot he’d have dropped everything to run there
- jaime in adwd barely thinks about her and goes like eh ig i’ll have to see her again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and runs off with brienne
- as i am people 2… listen brienne is having the EXACT same aerys situation except worse because like aerys always was a pos and jaime hated him for two years and never gaf about him beyond he’s the king, cat was literally the first woman to treat brienne properly and like a human being and like she RESPECTED her and trusting her with being her liege lady and gave her her first knight job so to speak, also cat was a generally nice person (OVERALL the jon thing doesn’t count but to brienne cat was a good thing) and became a zombie after being horrifically murdered like….. sorry but brienne having to murder her former liege lady gone mad out of grief because she’s out of control and is killing innocents when she cares about cat and knows she was a good person before is like…. kind of hitting worse than killing a guy whom you’ve hated for two years and gave you trauma you know
- also like everyone is conveniently glossing over the fact that brienne would have rather died than killed jaime on cat’s orders and only agreed to it bc she didnt wanna drag two innocent ppl in it but like sorry i think the above + your crazy liege lady wanting to kill the man you love who is also fulfilling a vow to HER together with you is a mindfuck
- also everyone conveniently glosses over the fact that what fucked jaime for good was people not even asking why he killed aerys and deciding he was a pos not the actual killing
- so like…… let’s say jaime from adwd with all the char development finds out that brienne almost died for him (if someone from the brotherhood doesn’t tell him she screamed his name at night i’ll be surprised) and sees her kill cat in front of him BECAUSE she doesn’t want him to die and only dragged him there to save two innocent people
- that’s a jaime who has OBVIOUSLY done some self reflection in the last two books and actually sounded his age in the povs or at least not like he was stuck at 17
- at this point he either could see brienne going through the aeryslike ordeal that HE went through (and is therefore in a position to help her that NO ONE ELSE HAS bc HE knows how it feels that’s it), he’d know that it was for HIM (doubt he has a line of ppl around who are willing to die for him and go as far as almost getting hanged) and he’d see it happen to someone he considers a true knight and HIS protector (like i can go off on that for a year but nvm it now). he’s this close to figure out he wants her to make a honest man out of him…. and THAT could tip him off, AND he could help her not turn into a bitter cynic the way he did, and they could get closer and he could see that the person who saved his ass and looked out for him when they didnt even like each other actually WENT THROUGH IT for him so much she WENT AGAINST HER VOWS when it was the most important thing in the world to her AND at that point they could figure out together that vows should be taken sparsely and meaningfully AND they could fulfill theirs to cat together in her memory…..
- or he can get pissed off and go back to cersei when like he DIDNT fuck off when everyone he’s known for his entire life failed him and that was never enough to make him say well fuck you i’m not coming back until he learned cers cheated on him
like………… if thematically the first one doesn’t seem to people like the most sensed outcome of everything jaime has done since now and of his arc so far okay but then idk what to tell them because at this point is shooting at the red cross as we say here
and anyway without going into that whole bullshit: at the last adwd chapter when cers and kevan talk and she asks where jaime is and dismisses that he’d ever go with brienne over her…. she says he’s been missing for WEEKS and the riverlands aren’t the wall, if he wanted to go back to cers after brienne’s supposed betrayal he’d have been back in camp already and if he had been dead people would have known at that point so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if people want to do the math without counting that stuff in their prerogative but like idg the point of denying the obvious at this rate
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bonefall · 2 years ago
I don’t know if the Erin’s are romanticizing abuse, don’t realize they’re writing it, or both because this is genuinely getting concerning
They’ve written how many abusive husbands and then said that those husbands are actually great people who deserve everything?
Well, let's apply Occam's Razor. Which of these makes the most sense;
The writing team has accidentally written at least 3 (more like 5) realistic depictions of domestic abuse, and just happen to be consistently more sympathetic to the men in the relationships, and find that romantic involvement makes a character humanizing in general Or
The writing team has a warped perception of what healthy love is supposed to look like, and think that the behaviors they depict are normal and just part of relationships.
I think the phrase "romanticizing abuse" is kind of unhelpful tbh, because it's not totally accurate. Most people believe they're doing the right thing. It's not likely that they KNOW what they're doing is destructive, and are secretly twirling an evil mustache as they write it into a teenage cat book series in the hopes of making more victims.
It's not entirely romanticism/glorification, it's deeper. It's the idea that these behaviors are normal, understandable, and they as writers either a total disinterest in the internal lives of the victims (Turtle, Bumble) or the desire to "explore" the relationship as if both sides are on equal footing/mutually toxic (Squilf)
And Tom... Tom's redemption ties into the narrative about blood that DOTC tells. It says that having children produces a goodness in men, and biological connection (even to people you don't know) is an intrinsic, sometimes tragic fact of life. The only time Tom ever does something that wasn't actively malicious was saving his daughter, Sparrow Fur.
For that, and that alone, he is redeemed. And thus deserves a cutesy reward in his afterlife.
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sweetloveandhoney · 3 months ago
((What if...I was cringe and posted oc x canon content? Because it's a character nobody plays as, and if I get unfollowed or hated for it, they are weak and will not survive the winter.))
Professor Layton just. Adores Honey and it feels weird for him because she's entirely not his type. She's opinionated, sassy, and not afraid to throw a drink in a man's face for being a creep.
He fell for her because of how gentle she is with Flora and Luke. When push comes to shove, she defends those kids like they're her own. Not to mention, she's an adventurous little whirlwind who goes along on his globetrotting exploits.
She's good at straightforward common sense type puzzles and is the one who tends to use Occam's Razor when Layton and Luke are trying to play 4th dimensional chess. Sometimes it really is that simple.
Honey is a cuddlebug and will sit on Layton's lap like a cat to get his attention when he works too late. She's soft and warm and small enough to pick up.
She's just as weepy as Luke when he has to leave for an extended period. They're crying and hugging each other like it's the end of Titanic and Layton is just. "I do not know them. These are strangers."
Flora is her little princess, and she loves getting to be the fun stepmom. She is way too indulgent and she teaches Flora spells to protect herself from potential kidnappings.
Speaking of which? She's definitely been kidnapped at least once. It didn't go well for the kidnappers. Layton didn't let her out of his sight for a week, and Sugar and Coco had to be put in their crate tower so they'd give her space.
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frankencanon · 2 years ago
[ ID: Tags that read, #Schrokovam's gunblade /end ID. ]
schrodinger's chekhov's gun. a detail in a story that looks like it should have some big payoff but it's too early to tell if that's relevant or if the author just has a passion for lovingly describing guns.
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