#oc: the director
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koboldfactory · 10 months ago
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it's pride month
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thunder-threnodies · 1 year ago
Based on an excellent exchange between me, @warabola and @neathbowprideflag, have a piece featuring the Director and Captain Francis Dargor Morgan.
"If you'd hire a Licentiate to kill a part of yourself what would it be?"
"The burning, ever healing Light that lingers. Under the Peligin depths in which I tried to drown it in. Past the horrors I've witnessed and became part of. Snuff it out, please."
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It's not the plain black/white lithography piece the Courier suggested but this image was planted in my brain ever since! Enjoy!
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mysticstarlightduck · 8 months ago
Villain Sneak Peek (Supernova Initiative) - The Director
Oh, I had been waiting for this one! So, without further ado, meet one of the main antagonists of Supernova Initiative, the head of the Junction's science department, a renowned politician and incredibly sadistic bioengineer, The Director.
☆・・Aesthetic/Moodboard ・・☆
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☆ ・・About/General Info ・・☆
An egotistical, sadistic, and cold-hearted scientist, The Director, otherwise known as Dr. Darius Merrik, is the celebrated head of the Junction's science and bioengineering department but also is one of the most important figureheads of the galactic government and a billionaire beloved by the media and the public. However, behind that philantrophic facade, lies a cruel, brutal man willing to go to inhuman lengths to get what he wants in the name of progress, and who does indeed love a good challenge, even if said challenge means playing a game of cat-and-mouse with the unlucky young intergalactic thief that got caught in his web.
☆・・More Info ・・☆
Pronouns - He/Him
Age - 56
Current Role - Antagonist, one of the Main Villains
Appearance - Darius is a tall, imposing man who is disturbingly strong for someone who spends most of his days closed off in his secret lab. He has short to medium-length grey-white hair and sharp blue eyes, as well as an often feline-like smirk that Jack is viscerally terrified/disturbed by. He wears stylish yet practical clothes, often opting for an impeccable, stark white suit over a coal-black turtle neck shirt, with white pants, and white shoes.
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Personality Types -
✶ Enneagram: 3w4
Occupation: Billionaire, Politician, Scientist, Head of the Junction's Science Department, Torturer (secretly)
Species & Place of Birth: Human; Station Nexus
Sexuality: Unknown, but likely (from what little information is known about the 'real him') straight or bisexual.
✶ Character Playlist (A full Character Playlist is still To Be Made)
Birth To My Creation - Frankenstein, The Musical
Within the flesh a force resides If it could only be controlled If sleeping sparks could somehow be revived Think of the awe-inspiring power we would hold [...] I could spare the world the anguish Of loved ones taken in their prime The glory of a brave new world Will someday soon be mine [...] My endless days of study and toil Are finally near fruition The world will be forever changed By history's physician
The King of Villains/When I Said I Was Evil - Voltaire
When I said I was evil What did you think that meant? Didn't mean that I was naughty Or haughty Or slightly irreverent; When I said I was evil What did you think that implied? That I'm careless with the truth? How uncouth Dear God, did you think I lied?! [...] When you're truly evil It's so much fun It's kind of like a game Where some get maimed While you look out for number one
Confrontation - Les Miserables
You must think me mad I've hunted you across the years Men like you can never change A man such as you Men like me can never change My duty's to the law, you have no rights Now the wheel has turned around [...] Dare you talk to me of crime And the price you had to pay Every man is born in sin
A Story Told - Count Of Monte Cristo (Musical)
There are ends we've all got That can justify the means We negotiate Then fabricate the facts behind the scenes Keeping all the details vague And secrets hidden Safe on the balanced sheet of those you trust Because, history is a story told by the winners of the fightYou imply a little Lie a little [...] So we all are agreed Let's be vigilant and wise We must all pretend our naive friend was caught in his own lies [...] What if the cost is just one young man so three more can survive? He's a price we have to pay To live and fight another day for love and glory He was standing in the way of precious justice set on sail So goes the story
✶ Tags:
#wip supernova initiative #oc: the director #oc: darius merrik
Supernova Initiative Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw @finickyfelix
@elshells, @thecomfywriter
Let me know if you'd like to be added!
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lightning-chicken · 1 year ago
Putting the Puzzle Pieces Back Together - Part 2
PART 2: Black Sheep
and finally, after two months… here it is!! this is part 2 of my amnesiac jay fic (which is now officially an au), featuring jay’s experiences in the secret agency the administration!
thanks to the amazing @inspectorghoul for beta reading, and especially for all the latin :D
now for the people who asked to be tagged (if you also want to be tagged next chapter, tell me!): @giftofjay @ninjagokata
excerpt below cut:
As he studied his reflection, Jay noticed again the pinkish-white scars on his hands, branching out like miniature trees. The sight of them tugged something in his brain—these weren’t new scars; they were old scars. From before. Carefully, he reached out to trace them, pushing up his jacket sleeve. His skin tingled at the contact. The scars ran up his arms in streaking patterns and faded at his shoulders.
And there were other scars, too: nicks and scrapes and scratches and burns scattered all over. Not to mention the notch in his eyebrow.
It was scars like these, and reports of falling mechs, that made Jay question what exactly his past self had been doing with his life. And what his past self would think of him now: joining an agency he knew next to nothing about, all because of the chance to do something good and the possibility of remembering who he once was.
“I’m sorry,” Jay confessed quietly to his past self, voice barely above a low whisper. “I won’t forget you anymore than I already have. I’ll find out who you—who we were. I promise.”
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thunder-threnodies · 8 months ago
For services like these you can rely on the excellent work of the "Comsogone, Gant & Peligin, Associated"!
Our experts are the top notch in the matter of killing!
Fears, anxieties, recurrent dreams and nightmares? Francis Morgan, Silverer is your reflection of the day; just describe them how you feel and what you like to have removed, gulp a sweet spoon of Prisoner's Honey and in a few hours you'll be feeling like a new person!
Looking for a more definitive a d drastic change in your personality and drop the burden of unwanted parts of yourself? Parts that you feel are almost strangers to you, trying to hurt you? Our Licentiate, the Director will excise and eliminate as permanently as possible the unwanted aprts of you that you don't want to be you anymore!
Fear of becoming something you will not recognize? Omens and scrying only brings you dread and terror? Our Monster-Hunter extraordinarie Emory will personally delve into the hubting of your Questing Beast and dip theor finger in its viscera to make sure that future will not bite you back!
"C,G&P Associated"; for all your killing needs.
All the prices are in Echoes, no Rat Shillings or other form of coinage a accepted. The killing of parts so strictly tied to your very own being can cause permanent side effects. The C,G&P Associated refuse responsibility for such side effects, the client will be provided an extended list of risks as per the Paragraph 46π, Comma 5763∆, Section æ of the Tragedy Procedures.
(excellent art! So nice the text and the implications, BRAVO! 👀 Love it love it love it!!!)
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Surely exposing yourself to the color that makes parts of your mind and memory go away will be perfectly safe? I mean. Surely it's just going to get rid of the parts you don't want, and *only those parts*? Right? Right?
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paper-possum-party-pal · 2 months ago
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Here are the concepts for the siblings shadow forms! These are still not the finals as I want to refine them and try to make The Narrator at least a little more original.
The differences in stylings are somewhat reflective of their stories. I also wanted to include microphones in their designs, but I couldn’t really figure out what to do with The Director.
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These sketches are about 2 years old except the first sketch which is about a year old.
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styllwaters · 4 months ago
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Nothing like a bit of impending doom to get into that holiday spirit!
Comm for @corvidist featuring Ann watching an 'alien' craft land over the Canadian arctic.
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esspurrr · 3 months ago
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plu-mo · 6 months ago
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peakoh update doots yayge
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i made a self indulgent character out of Elosie hoo hoo ha haacringe cringe cringe someone beat me to death cringe-
the concept is that she’s nene’s boring boring roommate. buuut she covers the rent when nene falls short- so nene really cant boot her. (especially when certain missions take longer than expected to complete)
i will probably never draw this eloise alt again- but the doodle sheet was fun lol
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muppet-facts · 22 days ago
Muppet Fact #1371
In the game Muppets Studios Presents: You're the Director, Yolanda the Rat is given the name Yolanda Steele, and is an executive in charge of keeping the Muppets production under budget.
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View-Master Interactive Vision and Jim Henson's Muppets Programs. Muppets Studios Presents: You're the Director. View-Master Interactive Vision, 1988.
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koboldfactory · 8 months ago
Tell me more about Rad!
Rad's a scavenger who grew up in a strange metal canyon surrounded by glowing floating spheres called stasis fields. her village thrived by fishing scraps out of the stasis fields from the ancient civilizations locked in them. A catastrophe struck that destroyed the village. In the chaos she lost her arm and mother. A future not entirely related event is what caused her to be radioactive and weird though. She eventually comes across a strange lab dedicated to protecting anomalous and mutant entities that would be at risk in the wasteland and decides to work with them a bit!
assortment of rad lore focused pieces:
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thunder-threnodies · 10 months ago
Esteemed Emory,
as per our erstwhile letter, I would like to offer to you a collaborative position in our agency, the "Cosmogone&Gant, Associated" as a Teratomancer.
Seeing how your art involves taking advantage of a shallow sleep to intercede the closest state between the Is and the Is-Not (which we'll refer to it hereby as "Will Be") to divert and perhaps manipulate the upocoming and predetermined fate of an individual requiring your services, we, and more specifically me as your hopefully day by day future collaborator, would love if you accepted our offering.
Our proposal is that I, yours truly Silverer Francis Morgan Dargor, will make use of my art and skills to allow you to enter your state more easily and safely, with the use of the charts of the Is-Not drawn by myself by my own hand, and accompany you as a squire in your quests for the Hunting Beasts that the customers will bestow upon your excellent persona.
I can assure a success rate of our hunts in Parabola for renegade Self-Reflections and various Parts of the Individual, such as jealousy, a precise memory or experience, an art skill or a profession related talent even, well above the eighty-three (83) percent.
We offer our services to regular citize worried about their own well being as well as more Shadowy individuals of various nature and business all throughout the Neath.
Should you accept, you'll be starting a pro tempore period of ninety (90) days, with a payment option corresponding to a value in Echoes equal to fifty-six (56) per successfull haruspicy, amount that will be doubled should we ratify a more definitive accord, and you will be corresponded a further bonus in materials needed for your performances, and in Echoes, equal to twenty-four (24) per successful haruspicy after the first eighteen (18) months after the signing of the definitive accord.
Hope this founds you in good health,
yours truly,
Silverer Francis Morgan Dargor
A Secluded Adress Just Outside London, London; 1899 (again)
(OOC: I had t change the name of the business because we'd have a redundancy of Peligin so me and @warabola are now the "Cosmogone&Gant, Associated" XD)
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lightning-chicken · 2 years ago
Putting the Puzzle Pieces Back Together - Part 1
PART 1: Little White Lies
here it is! this has been in the works for�� a while, and i’m happy that i can finally share it!
also: thanks to the amazing @inspectorghoul for beta reading <3
excerpt below cut:
As he studied his reflection, Jay noticed again the pinkish-white scars on his hands, branching out like miniature trees. The sight of them tugged something in his brain—these weren’t new scars; they were old scars. From before. Carefully, he reached out to trace them, pushing up his jacket sleeve. His skin tingled at the contact. The scars ran up his arms in streaking patterns and faded at his shoulders.
And there were other scars, too: nicks and scrapes and scratches and burns scattered all over. Not to mention the notch in his eyebrow.
It was scars like these, and reports of falling mechs, that made Jay question what exactly his past self had been doing with his life. And what his past self would think of him now: joining an agency he knew next to nothing about, all because of the chance to do something good and the possibility of remembering who he once was.
“I’m sorry,” Jay confessed quietly to his past self, voice barely above a low whisper. “I won’t forget you anymore than I already have. I’ll find out who you—who we were. I promise.”
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pcktknife · 8 months ago
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pokemon oc redraw <3
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ideavian · 8 months ago
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Last attack of the year for @mewguca 's NCTG! my favourite bastard bird forever
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paper-possum-party-pal · 2 months ago
More old drawings for you!
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Here are all the references
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