#counselor oc
luna-bright5 · 3 months
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My character sheet for CWP!! :D
guys, meet Luna Bright Fujioshi!
funny thing that Thiago (her twin bro) has the same highlights as Harper, but they’re whiter ;w;
a lotta scratches due to ✨ LORE ✨
and her eyes can turn 100% light yellow when her emotions are stronger or she’s near her father (Sun) :3
sorry if I put way too much info! ;w;
@campwillowpeak hope u like it :D
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suiana · 1 year
✎ yandere! school headcanons . . .
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✎ warnings . . .
― obsessiveness, stalking, possessiveness, mentions of murder, manipulation etc.
(gn! reader x yandere! ocs)
✎ yandere! school where everyone is obsessed and in love with their lovely little english teacher, you.
✎ yandere! students who listen attentively in your class. doing their homework, answering questions and just overall being good students! they'd do anything to make their favourite teacher happy :) fyi they don't do any of these in other classes.
✎ yandere! history teacher who loves talking to you about history! he's so energetic, so sweet :) he also likes talking about his past and how he wishes to make history with you. but you're a little dense and don't see his flirts. it's okay! you'll cave one way or another :)
✎ yandere! math teacher who's cold and stoic to everyone but you. giving you heartfelt smiles, little trinkets (that are very expensive), and lots of red roses! anyone can see that he's courting you, except for you of course. he's a little bit annoyed at your denseness but finds it attractive nontheless.
✎ yandere! school counselor who's there for you when your date dumps you. oh dear! what an asshole he is! don't worry, she's there for you :) after a change of clothes, some hydrogen peroxide and some burying, she's there 24/7 for you!
✎ yandere! school nurse who patches up your wounds and injuries lovingly. how'd you even get these anyways? the small pout and light blush on his cheeks whenever he patches you up always remind you of a small puppy! after patching you up, he thanks the people he hired to hurt you lightly with a wad of cash for the opportunity to be so close to you.
✎ yandere! principal who's an attractive middle aged woman of tall stature. she always gives you a bonus and treats you so kindly! you are ever so thankful for her and the amazing job she allowed you to have :) as if she didn't have her sights on you since day 1.
✎ yandere! security guard who swears he does this for your safety! it's not stalking if he's doing it to keep you safe :( following you around after school hours, scaring away pests that approach you... you see?! he's only doing this to protect you!
✎ yandere! pe teacher who you find kind of weird with how deeply he breathes around you and how his face always flushes pink at the mere mention of your name. and why are his knuckles always bruised? you know he works out a lot but still... it's cause he's always fighting creeps who want your attention silly!!
✎ yandere! school who loves and cares for you in their own little ways. you're their precious darling after all.
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turboemmy · 1 year
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s ᴄ ʜ ᴇ ᴍ ᴀ
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rinwellisathing · 5 months
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So some attempts at various BG3 characters in Heroforge for the BG3 campaign I'm running currently. Varying degrees of success, as you can see. Also Sentry is there
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viquipo · 8 months
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Do u guys remember when Mayfield off handedly mentioned Adam was supposed to get a love interest in season 2? Yeah I do.
He's supposed to be Eve if you didn't notice did you get it did you get my thing. Yes I thought of this in math class I'm failing it anyway so who cares
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cowboyjedii · 2 months
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Second annual werewolf comic! Should I do this every year? This took me forever to color! I was having some comic burnout. Also coloring night scenes are hard. I did this for a SCAD class like my last one. Gay werewolves are my specialty. I posted this on my art blog @halofthebramblewoods but I posted it here to since my last comic got so much love on here!
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gwaedhannen · 9 months
[Excerpt from Sorrow Beyond Words: Collected Testimony of the War of Wrath, 4th Edition; ed. Elrond Peredhel. Archive of Cîw Annúminas, inaugural collection]
“Simply reaching Menegroth was a struggle. Doriath had become a twisting nightmare of overgrowth and rot and mists, as Morgoth’s power warred with the remains of the Girdle and our old songs. Ai, our home, our haven! I know the name of every holly in Region, before the exile. We found deadfalls surrounded by dozens of animals who’d lain down beside the trees and rotted before they died. Blind moose more antler than flesh staggered towards us even after a dozen arrows. Vines covered in dripping thorns reached for our eyes. The cherry trees were overladen with fruits that smelled like gangrene. Deildhod stumbled into a nest of maddened vipers, and only escaped because their tails were all tangled together into a festering mass and could hardly move. We never saw or heard a single bird. I’m amazed we lost no one in that whole push through Region. No, I speak a lie. I know how we passed through with nothing worse than scrapes. Elrond was with us, and the ghost of Melian’s love still recognized her kin.
“Esgalduin had nearly been dammed by one of Hírilorn’s fallen boles, but the bridge still held. We crossed and reached the ruined gates, wrought twice and broken twice. Within there was only darkness to be seen; we knew not what manner of horrors Morgoth had sent to infest the city, but Ingwion was unwilling to leave them at the rear of his forces as he moved north, if it could be helped. Celeborn stood at Elrond’s right and myself at his left. Far less an honor guard than the heir of Elu Thingol and Melian Besain deserved. Yet in those dark days it was all the honor we could muster. King Dior Eluchíl had known thirty-six summers when he was unrighteously slain. Queen Elwing Nimaew thirty-five when despair took her to the sea. Lord Elrond Peredhel beheld the city of Elu for the first and only time in his twenty-ninth summer.
“Elrond stood before his inheritance and Sang. He sang a lament, for the lost endless years of joy and peace, for deep halls lit by birdsong and echoing with wisdom, for the Forsaken People who awoke the forest and earth with many voices, for the works of beauty never to be seen again on this side of the sea. He sang a promise, that the glory of Menegroth will be remembered in the songs of Middle-Earth for as long as its children endure. He sang thanks, for the protection the halls granted us until it could shelter us no more. As his song at last ceased, I thought I heard nightingales answering him.
“Stars shone on his brow, and his hair glistened as the vault of night, and the memories of our once-eternal bliss in the woods of Thingol’s realm under Elbereth’s gifts arose in my mind. Let Oropher dream of a deep hall for his own; let Celeborn reign where he will at his wife’s side! I knew in my heart, as the echo of nightingale songs faded, that there was no lord or king I would ever stand beside save Elrond Elwingion.
“The living stone in which our kingdom once thrived knew his voice, and at long last laid down its burden and passed. The darkness over Menegroth was lifted, and we went forth into its corpse, and no beast or orc could stand before us. I do not sing of what we found and left behind when we cast down the bridge and gave leave for the river to flood the caves. It is not worth remembering.”
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Everyone is leaving.
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1 from fox cabin, 2 from panda, and another from wolf cabin. They already left. She thinks two might have meant something to her.
A sibling, maybe? No, she wouldn't forget someone like that.
Áfonya could go, but it feels like her feet are rooted in place.
This camp was...different than what she expected it to be. A pleasant suprise, if you will.
She made friends, had a roof over her head. And it begins to dawn on her that she has nowhere to return to.
And it begs the question.
What if...what if she doesn't leave?
She could spend her days on the camp grounds, not having to spend another storm outside.
She can't exactly go back to the village, it burn to crisps. (She can't shake the feeling that it might have been her fault.) And they wouldn't exactly be happy to see her return alone either. Wherever they are now.
They are patrolling around, making sure no egg leaves. They are terrible at their job, it seems.
Mr. Rabbit, he is talking to to the camp director. The longer Áfonya stares at the bear, the tug in her chest strengthens.
The counselors starts to have a concerned expression on his face the moment his eyes land on the egg.
"You have to go, Áfonya. I can help you leave." He whispered.
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Áfonya can't believe it.
Does he not want her to stay?
(He was the first adult in a good while to be kind to Áfonya, he was patient, nice, and understanding. Áfonya, Áfonya is none of that. She is supposed to bring doom, she is supposed to be mad.)
Hah, after she was starting to believe that somebody cared. She frowned, looking at the rabbit, saddened.
She feels betrayed.
She clutches her plushie tightly.
Mr. Rabbit spurs up an excuse to Not Cucurucho, as to where they are going. Some lie about making sure she doesn't leave. But now she knows that he wants her gone.
(Why does it hurt? Why does it hurt that Mr. Rabbit doesn't want her near? It is something she should have learnt early, it is something she learnt early. Everybody leaves eventually.)
The way they are going is...too familiar. She knows she had taken this path before, afraid and shaking.
It is sunrise. The orange hue slipping in before light blue takes over. The mornings are like any other, chirping of the birds who were up earlier than any other. They do not care for misery, nor do they care for happiness, they only care of sustaining their flight against the wind.
She follows quietly behind Mr. Rabbit, trailing. The door opens, the metal screeching loudly.
Corridos upon corridors, Mr. Rabbit fills in the silence with mumbling, but for most of the journey, not a word is said.
She faintly wonders about her cabin mates. They've been nothing but kind too, it was fun hanging out with them. She has no idea where they are right now, did they escape too?
Soup, Ping, and that new egg, Outdoor. They didn't speak much, her and Outdoor, besides greetings. Maybe they could be friends too, someday, but not today.
This place is too familiar, the blank walls are...surely something. Doors line every wall, who knows what lurk behind each and every one of them, who knows who watches through the gaps.
After what felt like forever, they reach a door, the rabbit pushes it open, glancing nervously at the egg.
It's the outside.
"Run, Áfonya."
And Áfonya does.
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She is free. From what? She doesn't know.
But what she does know is that she is alone again.
(There was no one to tell if she cried watching the sunrise.)
Poor Áfonya 😭😭😭 Congrats(?) on escaping!
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alberichfanpage · 1 month
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"Jerren? Yeah, his gay ass would organize a festival."
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gaemms-chamois · 10 months
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quick little concept for my own endministrator
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halofthebramblewoods · 2 months
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Second annual werewolf comic! Should I do this every year? This took me forever to color!! I was having some comic burnout. Also coloring night scenes are hard. I did this for a SCAD class like my last one. Gay werewolves are my specialty.
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moonlit-knightz · 1 month
Welcome to camp! Meet your counselors!
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new fic uploaded!
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gravyhoney · 3 months
Swords class at summer camp did a bit on quarterstaffs and made me realize I wrote Charlie with a quarterstaff without having anyyyyy quarterstaff knowledge. Anywayssssss guess who knows how to break bones with a quarterstaff now :3 (it’s me btw. And I guess by extension, Charlie.)
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turboemmy · 10 months
hehe ^_^
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aliendudedrawz · 19 days
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Fucking gay counselors
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disastercit · 6 months
quick sketchbook oc drawing before I have to go to work 😮‍💨
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and then they became besties 👍
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