#oc: Emaline
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hale-of-stiles-heart · 2 years ago
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cosmic-mango · 3 months ago
Their ''bonding'' sweater
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bby boy without his glasses
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Randy Boggs and @lazy-egg4710's oc, Emaline, dying bonding together, as they really can't stand each other, but Li (my oc)gets fed up with it, gets pissed off and puts them in this kinda itchy sweater.
I really liked doing the inner lineart, it's beautiful. I did the "don't use black color inside the lineart" thing, hehe. I really like the whole drawing, although I think I could have drawn Em's wing in a better pose...
The flamey letters are Li's doing, hehe~
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Ugh, I hope didn't forget anything..
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into-the-feniverse · 1 year ago
I’m still upset about Wolfwood’s age in TriMax
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sweetiepeabooks · 8 months ago
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"Emaline Kit is still a trainee in the guild, and she's on a daring mission to graduate young and join the agency as soon as possible. I've watched her these past three years, and she has potential to be one of the greatest agents in history. Yet...she does carry a lot of baggage. I'll keep her history between us, but there is a reason behind this determination."
- Senator Sun of the Solis District
The last character and newest member of the Black Herons! Here is Kit, the youngest (soon-to-be) agent who is determined to be the best.
She's mature for her age, but she does carry a lot of angst with her. And she makes it very well-known that she does NOT want to be on the team. She's just there for the time being.
Also, she prefers that people don't call her 'Emaline.'
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twilightstarr-zinnia · 1 year ago
Having thoughts about Wriothesley and Achille on an overworld vacation but then they run into a quest that involves helping one of Wri's younger foster siblings because I need to see him in big brother mode.
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feniverse-unfiltered · 1 year ago
Oasis- Relationship notes (Em specific)
Trigun Stampede Gang x OC (Emaline Rowe)
OC: Emaline C. Rowe (AKA Em/"Menace")
She's a bounty hunter after the $$60 million prize on Vash's head, but inevitably finds herself befriending him and the rest of his goofy clique
• Vash:
The only reason Em meets the group at all is because she's a bounty hunter who decides to try and cash in on his bounty. So, her first meeting with Vash is a little... rough to put it lightly. She happened to spot him and the rest of the crew while laying in wait for a different target, spotting them walking through the desert, and once clocking him as the $$60 million man decided to make a move. She captures him and they travel to the next town over for her to try and collect the reward, but while waiting for the JuLai military police to get there things get crazy and she decides he isn't worth the effort. But they end up striking up an odd friendship of sorts in the interim, much to everybody else's surprise once they finally catch up to the two of them.
As far as first impressions go, Em definitely didn't fully believe that he was The Humanoid Typhoon at first. Thought he was much too much of a goofy idiot for that to be the case, and she was a little disappointed that he didn't put up more of a fight. However, by being such a goofy idiot he manages to worm his way into her good graces and actually befriend her, so she likes him well enough. She does enjoy flustering him though, like she does with most people.
In turn, Vash definitely saw her as a very intimidating and very dangerous individual, but as he spent more time with her and got to know her, he found her to be a rather interesting gal, and a lot kinder than she seems. He didn't think he'd be able to win her over in any way, but he's pleasantly surprised to be able to refer to her as a friend of his.
Nicknames for Vash: red, typhoon, pretty boy, cowboy, bronco, straw-head
Nicknames for her: n/a, just Em/Emaline
• Nicholas D. Wolfwood:
Seeing as his first interaction with her was her threatening his friends and stealing his mark out from under him, he definitely didn't like her at first. The only reason he didn't shoot first and ask questions later was because she had used one of the others as a hostage and Vash had gone with her willingly, to prevent more violence. So he was really bewildered to find the two of them chatting amicably in the next town over like nothing had happened, and incredibly annoyed that she decided to stick around for a bit. But they eventually find common ground, and he ends up liking her a way more than he thought possible.
Em doesn't think too much on him, she thinks he's a little strange and finds him intriguing to say the least, but her sights were set on bagging a bounty so she didn't spare him much thought at first. But once the tension dies down, she ends up finding Wolfwood to be a very interesting and amusing individual. She likes to mess with him and try to get under his skin (she loves messing with "tough guys" like him). Sometime during the timeskip/post JuLai they start casually hooking up, whenever they happen to cross paths. And while neither would admit to it, they end up being really close friends.
Nicknames for Wolfwood: Mister Preacher-man, black, holy man Nicknames for her: Menace, Miss Thang, Sniper chick, Bullseye, sharpshooter, animal, troublemaker
• Roberto De Niro:
Like with Wolfwood, didn't think much of him at first. But as she spent more time with the group she couldn't help but find him more amusing. She likes to annoy him (not in the same way or as much as she likes to annoy Wolfwood, but he's up there).
Roberto knows she's bad news, and takes every chance he can to remind anybody who'll listen of that fact, especially in the beginning. But after awhile he just resigns himself to the fact that they've managed to pick up yet another stray on Meryl's big story pursuit. He'd never admit it out right but he does find her antics to be amusing from time to time, but he absolutely hates how she's always stealing cigarettes off of him, and thinks she's more trouble than she's worth. (He also doesn't appreciate her calling him old all the time).
Nicknames for Roberto: Drunkle, old codger, geezer, old dog
Nicknames for her: Menace (the originator), trouble, bounty chick
• Meryl Stryfe:
Honestly, didn't even see her when she first attacked the group, so she was surprised and a little amused to have this bite sized gal walk up and start berating her. She thinks Meryl is an adorable little small fry who's very easy to rile up, and Meryl is generally unenthused and wary of her in the beginning. But they eventually learn to tolerate each other. Even though Meryl doesn't always agree with her or approve of her actions, she does begrudgingly respect her at the end of the day though, and is a little impressed at how skilled she is.
Nicknames for Meryl: blue, little miss, firecracker, pint-size
Nicknames for her: n/a, just Em, or "bounty hunter lady"
• Fen Holloway:
Em's first interaction with Fen is using her as a hostage to try and get the others to put down their weapons and get Vash to surrender without too much hassle. To be fair, she didn't mean to single her out, she just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and within grabbing distance. So the two start off on a shaky foot, and Fen is rather wary and intimidated by her. But as time goes on they actually become really good friends (Fen has that effect on people).
Fen is definitely a bit in awe of her, she thinks Em is the absolutely coolest woman alive. And Em thinks Fen is a rather cute little thing, but definitely needs to learn how to be less of a people pleasing pushover, just a bit. Their relationship develops a bit more post JuLai/during the time skip, as Em happens to run into Fen again when traveling through her town, which rekindles their friendship. During this time, Em teaches Fen a thing or two about self defense and actually gives her some of her old gear. She's happy to see her toughen up a bit, and to be the one to help her do so.
Nicknames for Fen: shutterbug, lens-head, green, bug girl
Nicknames for her: n/a, usually just Em or Emma (Fen is the only one in the group who can call her Emma without fear of getting punched)
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tals-tower · 1 year ago
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More from the Lelouch family. We have Emaline and Coranthe when they were kids. This is how Coranthe got hurt 😞.
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as you can see, she got quite injured. She’s the one hiding behind the roses in the first sketch. She stepped in to save Emaline and almost died
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Emaline is fine just filled with guilt and insomnia (honestly same)
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millifaceagain · 18 days ago
This is amazing! I appreciate the work you put into my character!
Finished Art Commission Piece
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This piece is for February’s art raffle. This oc belongs to @millifaceagain
Commisions are open or you on the look out for March’s art raffle to get a free commission
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gumnut-logic · 1 year ago
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Found this Scott and Em Harris 'discussion' on my hard drive.
Em Harris is an OC from Gentle Rain.
Language warning for this as she is not happy at all.
“I’m just trying to keep you from dying! Don’t you see that? I care about you and you are the last person I ever want to see dead out there, so just fucking listen to me for once!”
Scott blinked at the fire in her words. He would have taken a step back, but he was held by his seat in One, its safety harness and back preventing him from moving an inch away from the fury of his wife.
Em hovered in front of him, the white of her medical baldric glaring at him. It had stains. Some identifiable, some not so much. But all of which he wished he could have protected her from.
But he couldn’t.
Because she was who she was and there was no way he could hold her back from helping people any more than he could himself. If there was one thing they both shared, it was that.
Her determination was what made her so beautiful.
“No!” She held up a hand. “You don’t get to speak after a stupid stunt like that. All you had to do was wait for Virgil.”
“There wasn’t time!”
“Another thirty seconds, Scott! If Virgil hadn’t caught you, YOU WOULD BE DEAD!” Her pale blue eyes electrified with a mixture of fury and fear. “I almost lost you! For no reason!”
“A life was saved!”
“Virgil nearly missed the both of you! He has enough bruising from his leap off that cliff after you to inspire his next painting. Kay is going to kick your ass, flyboy.”
Scott swallowed. Kayo he could handle, but he hadn’t realised Virgil had been hurt. “Is Virgil okay?”
Em sighed and looked down a moment before looking him in the eye. “No. No, he is not. You owe him an apology.”
As if he was aware of his name being mentioned, Virgil’s calm voice issued over comes. “Thunderbird Two departing danger zone. Transporting injured to Capetown Medical and returning to base.”
The line cut out before Scott could reply. The lack of personal address or even his callsign was enough to illustrate exactly how much shit he was in with his brother.
“Scott, please.” And suddenly the anger in her voice was gone. “Why? Why is your life not worth as much to you as it is to me?”
She wasn’t crying, but there was so much grief in her voice, he had to reach out and pull her to him.
There was resistance at first. She was as stubborn as she was determined to the point of the words being synonyms.  But then, as light as she always was, he drew her into his arms, hoverscoot rising at an angle and their baldrics clattering as they met. Her head landed on his shoulder and he held her there, stroking the nape of her neck where her hair bun left it bare.
“I’m sorry.” It was an exhalation.
“Please don’t do that again.” It was muffled into his uniform.
“Em, you know I can’t guar-“
It was exactly the wrong thing to say. She flung herself backwards, pulling away. Practised reflexes let her go out of respect, but he grabbed at her again. No!
She didn’t let him reach her, her hoverjets humming almost as angrily as her expression.
“No, Scott Tracy, you can guarantee. You can tell me that you will wait. You can tell me that you will consider. You will tell me that you trust your brothers’ knowledge and experience. And you can tell me that I am important enough in your life for you to not give up that life in a situation that can be easily avoided.” She drew in a breath. “If you can’t value your own life enough yourself, then value it for me.” A breath. “I love you, Scott…please.”
Every rule, every philosophy, every self determination screamed at him to deny her. The thought of putting his life above others was anathema. But his strategic mind flipped the equation without permission and he saw his actions from her point of view.
His brain listed off his abilities, how he should have been able to handle the situation safely.
And how it had all gone so far south so quickly, and how only the quick actions of his engineer brother had prevented a very long plummet down a very high cliff.
His first thought had been gratitude and admiration for his brother’s skill and the fact the rescue was a successful one.
He didn’t register Virgil’s grunts as anything other than simple exertion. Now looking back, now he didn’t have his arms full of terrified rescuee, he could take a moment to examine exactly what had happened.
Virgil hadn’t said a thing.
He had rappelled them back up the cliff. It had been all business and as the adrenalin had waned, Scott had just felt tired. Em took the rescuee into Two and after a silent scan with Virgil’s mediscanner, Scott had returned to One.
It was just another rescue almost gone wrong.
Virgil had just saved the day…again.
What if he had waited? Would the man have fallen?
His heart feared what would have happened if he did. That was why he had jumped himself despite the fragility of the rockface.
He looked up at his beautiful wife. “I don’t know if I can stand by and risk a death I can prevent.”
Her lips thinned, but her eyes were sad. “Neither can I.” She drew in a breath. “Commander Scott Tracy, as Lead Medical Officer of International Rescue, I’m citing you for reckless self-endangerment and recommending psychological review.”
His eyes widened. “What?”
“I can’t lose you, Scott.” Little more than breath. “Not like this.
“I just can’t.”
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lunarfly-studios · 1 year ago
Sunflower - What name(s) were you originally thinking of calling your OC and Rose - What is your OC's favourite form of self-care? - Kit Price and Eve Moon
Eve has been shelved until further notice for the time being since the cast of PaW is being reworked, so I'll just focus on Kit for this ask lol
Sunflower - What name(s) were you originally thinking of calling your OC
Okay, so, interesting thing about Kit is that--
Well I mean, she's a self-insert for one thing. So yk, she was always Kit from the get-go, since that's my name. I WILL say her last name has gone through changes over the years.
It was originally Beaumont until I decided that just didn't vibe for some reason. It landed on Price after some other considerations, tho i forget what those other options were admittedly lol
But in trying to transition her to a more original character for Moon Rising, I often consider renaming her. A couple of different options I've listed for her are
Kristine / Kris
Evelyn / Eve
Kaitlyn / Kate
Robyn / Ray or Raine
Emaline / Emma or Emi
Caroline / Cara or Lynn
Rosaline / Rose
Gwendolyn / Gwen
Right now the top contenders are Kris, Rose, and Eve. Though just keeping her Kit with any number of names is still on the table, in the event I gave myself an alternative penname.
Rose - What is your OC's favourite form of self-care?
Generally speaking, in spite of the wealth she both inherited and generated for herself, Kit's forms of self-care are pretty simple. Take a shower, do some light skincare, drink some water, listen to music...
Depending on her energy level, she may go outside to take a walk in the garden, or just lay in the dark with her heavy blanket, stuffed animals, and her cat offering some DPT by laying on her chest.
A nap or guided meditation generally helps. Anything that helps her turn her brain off for a bit helps her disconnect for a while, so she can come back with a clear head.
She's most likely the type to listen to those ASMR audioplays on youtube. (Yk, YurriVoice, CardlinAudio, Shining Armor Audio, etc)
Alternatively, she may go across the estate and sit in the small little bunny enclosure she has and just. Vibe on the floor surrounded by bunnies for an hour.
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hale-of-stiles-heart · 2 months ago
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surohsopsisofclouds · 3 months ago
Remind us tomorrow to draw our oc Emaline. We've become obsessed enough to give her a design, but I need to sleep right now.
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into-the-feniverse · 1 year ago
He’s NOT soft 💢
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bloomqd · 4 years ago
open to: f / m / nb.  
from: this meme.
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“  i keep waiting for you to hurt me. ”
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azziezee · 5 years ago
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Meet the innocent teacher from NRC, Emaline Siegfried. Emaline is my rendition of the Innocent Teacher MC from @softyswork headcanons who is beloved and lusted over by her students. Here’s what the text says if you can’t read it in the image-
Name: Emaline Siegfried
Age: 25
Home: Unknown
Residence: Ramshackle Dorms
School Therapist of NRC
Dorm Mother of the Seven Dorms
Health and Psychology Teacher
  Despite being known as the dorm mother of Night Ravens College, because of her youthful appearance compared to the other faculty members and being the only female among the staff she’s commonly known as Big Sis Ema by her students.
  Despite being so young, she has two degrees in both psychology and Education. Though incapable of using magic herself, that doesn’t stop her from aiding her students in their own mental journeys .
  Her compassionate heart and supportive nature play into her being one of the most beloved faculty members that make up the NRC staff.
  Though she’s normally attentive to the emotions of her students she actually fails to notice the romantic affections that many her students hold for her, being a kind, attractive, big sister type in a school full of teenage boys.
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feniverse-unfiltered · 4 months ago
This is a spam blog for @/into-the-feniverse’s feral thoughts and cringe work.
NOTE: there may be occasional nsfw/suggestive content.
Follow at your own discretion
Current fandoms: BNHA | Trigun | LaDS
Content: c.ai screenshots, archived work, tag commentary, post rambling, the occasional writing and artwork probably
C.AI bot masterposts: Dabi | Trigun | OC's
Tag/OC & Relationship guide under the cut
Marlowe Fenley Holloway ("Fen") - multi fandom OC
Emaline C. Rowe ("Em"/"Menace") - Trigun OC
Sora Holloway - BNHA second gen OC
Kotori- Trigun kid OC
Kaeda- Trigun kid OC
Takoda Kao - OC (original story: Solace of You)
Moth to a Flame = Dabi x Fen
Hallowed by you = Wolfwood x Fen
Until the Stars Burn Out = Vash & Fen
Red Sun = Vash & Em
A scarcity of sorts = Wolfwood & Em
Like Candlelight = Takoda & Fen
Feniverse rambling = random posts/commentary by me,
Feniverse nonsense = shitposts and the likes
Feniverse posts = non specific posts made by me
Feniverse writing = writing done by me
Feniverse doodles = all art tag
character ai posting = character ai posts/screenshots
[character name/show] posting = any post related to a specific character or show (Note: Touya = kid Touya and Marlowe = kid fen)
[character name/show] doodles = art specific posts
Pair: [ship name] = character relationship posts
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