#oc fifi
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rogdona · 3 months ago
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deathblade-oc-kingdom · 1 year ago
Incorrect Quotes (feat. the gang)
Dusk: Rules are made to be broken.
Dawn: Rules are made to be followed, nothing is made to be broken.
Moonshine: Um, piñatas?
Chida: Glow sticks.
Fifi: Karate boards!
Hanibe: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Dusk: Rules.
Fifi: I can't believe you live nearby and won't let anyone crash at your place.
Hanibe: You already know too much about me.
Chida: I know exactly three things about you, one of which is you not letting us crash at your place.
Moonshine: Is something burning?
Winter: Only my love for you~
Angler: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait til I get back.
Shark: Of course, how else am I meant to flip this table?
Dawn: This is a mistake...
Dusk, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about some day!
Dawn: But not today.
Dusk: Fuck no, today is gonna be a mess.
Winter: Three words, say them and I'm yours.
Moonshine: Leave me alone.
Shark: On a scale from "damn Daniel" to "fre sha voca do", how are you feeling?
Eel: In between "it's an avocado thanks" and "how did you defeat Captain America", but as a solid answer I'd say "I don't need a degree to be a clothes hanger". How about you Angler?
Angler: Probably "road work ahead".
Moonshine: I speak multiple languages and this is not one of them.
Law enforcer: Have you seen someone named 'Eel' around here?
Hanibe: Ugh, yes, they made a horrible mess of the blood fountain.
Fifi: It looks fine to me.
Vari: Three words. Say them and I'm yours.
Chida: I have dinner?
Vari: Oh thank god I'm starving.
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nursemimosa · 11 months ago
for absolutely no reason here are the voicecanons I have for my OCs Fifi and Raine. Read about 'em in the cut below!
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Taeko Kawata has the sweetest voice, and maybe it's a bit too youthful sounding for my 40-something himejoshi but I can't see it any other way. This is absolutely Fifi's voice. I love her inflection? vocal fry? and how melodic and innocent it sounds? The perfect voice for a passionate gal. How crispy her voice gets when she gets excited and exhausted when she sighs, Amy is absolutely kindred spirits with my Fifi.
(this second video is totally younger Fifi-core)
singing (not the same character, but same seiyuu!)
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for Raine, I think Nami Miyahara's role as Momoko Askua suits her best. There's a sense of a hysterical personality waiting to burst from a shy demeanor, which is perfect for Raine.
Momoko is one of the main inspirations for my current iteration of Raine; an exchange student who is shy, as she doesn't know the language of her new home when she is first introduced, much like Raine, a newcomer who feels like a stranger among friends.
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lovelynezu · 10 months ago
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fifi with big apple
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tboyblaze · 4 months ago
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eggman's awful dogs
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savingsallow · 28 days ago
— A Day with Crackers 🦉
[val & pets: just val hanging out with her pet owl]
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strawberrymintyyy · 24 days ago
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Happy ₗₐₜₑ Valentine’s Day!
He’s thinking about here. He can’t get her out of his mind.
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rogdona · 6 months ago
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ninjadeathblade · 1 year ago
Shout out to picrew. Great for finally having my OCs designs visualised.
Anyway, happy birthday to one of my OCs, Fifi (also known as Tsunami)!
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Girl deserves hugs. Love her.
Happy Birthday Fifi, you've existed in my brain for two years now.
Feels kinda stupid but I'm gonna say it: she's one of my favourite characters. Does it make me sound selfish? Okay yes. But she's evolved so much from her original concept and I'm proud of her. I've put her through so much.
Anyway, I need to rewrite her first appearance. Again.
Miss you Fifi. Hope that you aren't being too illegal in my brain space right now.
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deathblade-oc-kingdom · 1 year ago
2, 5, 8, 13
Hanibe, Fifi, Karxe
Hanibe -
• Hanibe is more of a loner. She has her close knit family and maybe a couple friends but that's it. She's not actively seeking friends or social time. She'd prefer to continue inventing.
• Hanibe doesn't have a signature weapon per se. She'll usually resort to whatever object is closest. But she does keep a certain blade that Gotura bought in her favour.
• Embarrassing moments huh? Well, there was one time that Hanibe fell flat on her face while trying to demonstrate a new invention to Gotura and Notimeo. That was kind of embarrassing.
• Well, Hanibe just isn't that interested??? Not to say she hasn't thought about it - she has - but she would rather prioritise her work. She's had a few flings and casual hook-ups but doesn't feel like she could settle down unless it was with someone who understood how important her work is.
Fifi -
• Incredibly sociable. Doesn't matter who they are, they're a friend now. Unless they've hurt one of her friends at which point that stranger is dead to her.
• Knows how to use lots of weapons. Eel mostly taught blades but Fifi then picked up pistol and rifle skills from Vari and Chida. So Fifi's fighting style is usually to dual a sabre and a pistol.
• The time she got pinned to a tree with a knife and couldn't get down. In her defense, she was pinned on the side her arm was. And she didn't have her other arm. She was stuck for a couple hours.
• Fifi,Fifi, Fifi... Where to start? Poor girl has had crushes but hasn't been in a relationship. She loves romance and wants to experience it but no one's reciprocated her feelings. That and it's kind of hard to start a relationship when you're a runaway half-blood princess who has become a mercenary.
Karxe -
• Oh the baby. If she had the opportunity I'm sure she'd love to make friends. Sadly she only ever met three people while she was alive (Moonshine, Nightshade, Dawn).
• She's a pacifist. She doesn't fight.
• When Karxe first tried to make a bubble bath, she used way too much bubble mixture, which resulted in accidentally flooding Nightshade's house with bubbles. Safe to say that Nightshade was not please and Karxe learnt her lesson.
• Poor baby. Never knew love. Never got to experience it. Don't know if she would ever fall in love to be fair.
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nursemimosa · 1 year ago
Will you write in detail about the girls befriending and falling for their partners? The summaries from the pairing memes are so cute, and I'd love some Fifi/Larry dialogue! I need to see her pick on him.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) you're in luck, I have a whole bunch of info already transcribed from when I made the edits of the meme templates, and from my (recently heavily updated btw; OC info carrd), so I'll post them here again, and annotate them as well! for you, and anyone else interested, they'll be below the cut (plus this will be good exercise to help me start my fic's outline)
let's start with my knight x princess girls first; Dendraine (Dendra x Raine). dorky sapphics.
Dendra is a very close friend to both Raine and Fifi upon their arrival to the academy. She meets Fifi first, and they have a kind of playful nemesis type relationship. It is through Fifi that Raine meets Dendra, as Fifi had been working at the academy for a little over two and a half years when Raine arrives for her work study. Raine is paired up to work with Fifi.
Dendra seems to be particular about how Raine feels, often asking if she needs a bite to eat or having her accompany her during a workout. Raine has been sickly her entire life (think Wally from RSE/ORAS, who she does have a connection to as a fond friend in my ficverse btw), and she's also a bit of a lonesome wallflower that doesn't bloom until she meets her friends. (Dendra going "Osu! Hey new girl!" to her tho...)
When she hears about Raine's plans to become a Coordinator, she doubles down and insists that Raine train with her more often to help her gain stamina since I can imagine them being pretty arduous (and in my ficverse they're more like concerts). They train pretty frequently (with Fifi, Miri, and Saguraro in tow).
Both Raine and Dendra seem to be harboring unrequited feelings for people they know. (aka in my fic, Dendra likes Tulip and Raine has always been in love with Jasmine. Raine knew Jasmine back then, and she loved that even though she was shy like her, she was very strong. In my roleplay days, Raine was totally obsessed with her, and I decided to carry that over haha)
Despite this, Dendra finds herself frequently wondering about Raine's well being and how she is feeling. This culminates in her realizing that she may have developed feelings for Raine and leaves her at an impasse- every interaction with Raine leaves her flustered, they're both complete dorks whenever they interact! Tulip and Miri toootally chide her on her crush and ask if she's confessed yet.
After an event that leaves Raine crestfallen (spoiler I guess: but she loses a contest and sprains her ankle in front of her old crush who prior to this, implicitly rejected her), she begins to see Dendra in a new light. Like wow this girl has been by her side all this time....
Raine goes through a bunch of things and realizes she wants to be a teacher and a coach for contestants, based on her experience in the circuit and she will have to do so outside of Paldea. Dendra panics, because she realizes that time is running out to tell her that she likes her. It is shortly before Raine leaves that Dendra confesses her feelings, and Raine responds; saying that she will make sure to prioritize seeing Dendra first whenever she has the chance to visit Paldea, which, while not a direct answer; reassures Dendra. They're long distance girlies 🥹 I don't think Raine would ever leave Paldea in full as her found family is there but this is how their early relationship would play out.
and for the fan favorite plainpancake (both on here and on twitter!? thanks 4 da luv guys)
Larry might have been the first friend that Fifi ever made upon her arrival to Paldea from Unova, as she had originally worked and lived in Medali before moving to Mesagoza. She found solace in the variety of resturants there and upon choosing the Treasure Eatery as her after-work spot, Fifi would find herself frequently running into Larry. After like.. seeing him three times in a row she introduces herself by making idle conversation with him about the food (he ordered the same thing every time she saw him). He's a lot more quieter than she's used to, but she thinks he's a good listener, and deems him friend worthy. She is very used to people rudely telling her to quiet down since she tends to get excited about her favorite things & he's polite about telling her, which she appreciates. She worked with colorful people of all types in the entertainment industry, so she doesn't judge, and in fact, tries to match his energy. He isn't annoyed by her, but doesn't really respond much to her either. Food helps bridge the gap.
From there she makes it a self-appointed tradition to share a dinner with him at least once a week. This continues even after she gets a job in Naranja Academy and moves to Mesagoza. Their friendship starts off quietly and cordially, but Fifi grows comfortable with sharing snippets of her day and eventually going on long winded diatribes about her special interests, much to his chagrin. Whenever she has something she can't really discuss with her friends at the academy, he is usually the one she ends up (drunkenly) pouring her heart out to for better or worse.
Also important; She did not know anything about his roles in the Pokemon League until after she takes on the Gym Challenge. She is taking on the gyms to work on a complex she has with battling and battling against close friends makes her a little nervous (this isn't why she has the complex though). She wins against him the first time, but is completely blindsided by the fact he's in the E4 and it causes her to choke and lose.
After she loses to him she begins to feel smaller and wary around him, feeling like a weak nuisance, so she takes a siesta from dinners at Treasure in the meantime. After a brief respite (chaperoning a field trip in Kitakami, and touring Blueberry Academy with Raine), she finds that one of the main reasons she took her loss to him so hard was because she looked up to his skill (his lack of motivation be damned).
also. she likes him. she doesn't realize it, but she's always liked him. Dendra and Rika cannot fathom this at all and pick on her immensely. "THAT guy? Mr. Milquetoast?? REALLY?!" Rika would totally tell her that he was asking about Fifi during the time she took a break from Treasure just to make the woman flustered.
Fifi's initial confession would probably happen after an incident I have planned involving Area Zero and her being scolded by the League about it. Larry felt unsuited for a relationship as he has expressed little interest and desire for one through the course of his life, causing disappointments in previous relationships (aroace king I feel u). Fifi has stuff of her own, and both felt they would be too busy due to their different jobs. Fifi suggests taking things slow, or even agreeing to stay close and seeing how things develop, to which he tenatively agrees. She confesses once more later on, and he responds saying that he "quite enjoys [her] company", which she gleefully takes as a reciprocation and embraces him. It's sweet and cute. they simultaneously "we're close friends marrying for tax benefits" but also do cherish each other's company. can't wait to write it all.
As for dialogue:
F: "I didn't think ya'd get so into the show*. Whadda ya think about it? Who's your fave?"
L: "Evie. The main character. She's ordinary like me and appreciates simplicity. I understand that. And when she gets overwhelmed and has to hide away in her room to decompress.. I felt seen."
F: "Heh... I always figured you'd be a main character lover. Not that there's anythin' wrong with that."
L: "Your tone of voice implies that there's something odd about liking the main character. Am I right?"
F: "Main characters are usually seen as plain and blank slates so that the audience can grow more attached to them via means of projecting on to them. It's not a bad thing! I just think it's funny. Not only didja pick the main girl but the one who's Tera Twinkle attribute is linked to her Eevee. The Normal type. You're so predictable!"
L: "So I'm plain and a blank slate.. I see. Nice to understand how you see me." F: "Guh! I didn't mean it that way. The main character is supposed to be warm and caring, even if others see them as plain. I think there's something to be said about finding joy in the mundane, right?"
L: "No offense taken. I feel joy sometimes. I'm pretty happy right now (his face is cardboard as fuck).
F: "ahhhhhh.... I'm friends with un-sugared oatmeal!" (she pats him sympathetically on the shoulder or something like that and he doesn't react idk)
*Fifi is obsessed with a magical girl show from her childhood involving magical girls and eeveeloutions that I made up for this universe. Thinking of calling it Eeeveelution/Evielution Twinkle. I think she could bond with Penny over it too lol
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lovelynezu · 10 months ago
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fifi with giant carrot
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tboyblaze · 5 months ago
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what did toby mean by this
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miku2 · 3 months ago
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more fifijima. this time inspired by that one scene from the live action yakuza movie
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etrange-fleur · 1 month ago
AGGRO (アグロ) [VC: Morikawa Toshiyuki]
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"Well then, this is the end of the job presentation. If you're interested in the job, please sign this contract... well done."
A Fragarian serving Retsuko. Thanks to his skill learnt through his past work experiences, he manages the job organization for each resident in the kingdom. People from other kingdoms trust him, yet nobody knows what truly goes on in his mind.
More info about Aggro + full body and face close-up under the cut!
Gender: cis man
Pronouns: he/him
Height: 203 cm
Birthday: November 7th
Hobby: going to the karaoke with Retsuko
Special skill: playing the guitar
Likes: Retsuko, Sweepie, visiting other kingdoms
Weakness: do not assume he has one.
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Very small note but I wanted to clarify that he likes both Retsuko and Sweepie (another fragmem OC of mine) in a familial way ^^ he treats both of them like a father would treat a daughter
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jadetheblueartist · 3 months ago
Same thing as this beautiful post by @willanara BUT WITH FRIDA AND CAMILLE
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Frida is raised by Big Mama who might be a changeling, not sure yet. She has no cutie mark bc she has gotten zero time for things she enjoys yet in life. Once she does try stuff out, she will probably find a talent in something to do with storms (bc her color palette is so stormy dhdhhdbdbdb I didn’t even realize before) oh and instead of her shoulder plates, she has wing plates! Camille is a little pony lost and living in the Everfree Forest. She’s got her cutie mark in magical stuff, predominantly runes and potions! Not as much to say about her bc she’s pretty much the same fhdjjdjdkdkdjd
And our special guest…. Mazie! @exhaustedwriterartist ‘s rottmnt turtle oc (who got ponyfied….)
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