#oc moonshine
ninjadeathblade · 5 months
Febuwhump Day One: Helpless
Warnings: Implied abusive relationship, threats, brief use of a knife, a little bit of blood, swearing
Word count: 179
Author's notes: I haven't actually done any kind of monthly writing challenge before haha so a little nervous about this. That being said, I will release this into the wild. So we're starting the month with my OCs, Moonshine and Winter. 90% of my writing this month is for OCs. That being said; here!
Moonshine stepped backwards. “Look, Winter, the kid was just trying to-”
He went quiet as the other drew a knife.
“I don't care what the kid was trying to do. My contracted are my business, not yours,” Winter replied quietly, spinning the blade.
Moonshine swallowed, cursing as he walked back into a wall.
Winter's approach was slow. Measured. Careful.
The blade was against his throat before he even noticed.
Winter's pale, icey eyes narrowed. “So you are going to shut the fuck up and stay out of my business. Alright? Or do I need to remind you about the contract you signed with me?”
Moonshine lowered his gaze to the floor. “I'm sorry.”
The blade pressed down against his throat a bit more, just enough to well blood before moving away.
Winter stalked back across the room. “Good. Now, I've gotta talk to the kid. Stay here until I get back.”
Moonshine nodded shakily, knees buckling as Winter left.
He curled into a corner of the room, tears streaming down his face.
This place was worse than any hell.
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deathblade-oc-kingdom · 6 months
*sighs* that one AU where Dawn and Moonshine adopt Eel
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seagiri · 16 days
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presenting these idiots
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hell-river · 5 months
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You don't understand, you should never know, how easy you are to need.
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chubchow · 1 year
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sketch of my lab, Moonshine, throwing some scratch for his chickens
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llumimoon · 7 months
The request doesn't have to be dndads! I will draw for different fandoms and even OCs if you provide references!
Here are some examples of sketch requests I've done before:
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lucin-kun · 15 days
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Tried to create my own pen this time and tried to change my lineart
What do you all think?
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alanide-art · 5 months
A Clergyman of the moon finds solace.
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thatguylucass · 4 days
MLP OC - MoonShine
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It's giving pretty boy
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While Shay's talent is art making.. It doesn't mean He sometimes struggle with it....
Specially legs, Don't tell Sombra
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trippin-chippin · 7 months
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Guess who finally broke down and drew this ✨me✨
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humonculuss · 2 months
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Atalanta lounging
another painting of my sphinxsona ✦ She's lighting her pipe with her tail and that's moonshine + cream beside her.
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ninjadeathblade · 4 months
Febuwhump Day Sixteen: Came back wrong
Warnings: Swearing, murder mention, threats, blood
Word count: 420
Author's notes: This really isn't that whumpy but I will take any excuse to write stuff with Dawn and Dusk body swapping because they are my fave OCs.
Moonshine took deep breaths, crouching behind the wall.
Dawn was… somewhere.
They're stalked away with a dark look after they split up, seemingly going to find their assailants.
He screamed as a hand clasped over his mouth.
“And that's why I can't trust leaving you on your own.”
Moonshine stopped screaming, looking up at the person beside him.
It was Dawn but they had amber eyes and purple horns.
Not brown eyes and red horns.
The Rot-Blood elf removed his hand and Moonshine realised that blood was splattered up his front.
“Dusk?” He inquired.
The other elf rolled his eyes, seemingly wiping a bit of dust off his shoulder. “Got rid o’ those creeps.”
Moonshine stood up shakily. “So, Dawn let you take over?”
Dusk let out a bark of laughter. “Oh fuck no! But I get the job done quickly. And they don't like fighting. So it's always better for me to handle it, even if it means forcibly hijacking the body.”
Moonshine frowned but didn't press.
“So, what’re you two having for dinner?” Dusk asked, beginning to walk back towards the main streets.
Moonshine quirked an eyebrow as he followed the other elf. “You weren't listening?”
Dusk made a face. “I had other business alright, I have a lie outside of babysitting Dawn.”
“Don't act like it's a chore,” Moonshine growled.
Dusk snickered. “Alright, I do love ‘em. Just try not to get trailed by Winter's creeps again.”
Moonshine opened then closed his mouth.
Dusk turned to him, piercing amber eyes dissecting him.
“Moonshine? If you don't look after my little sibling then I have no problems with murdering you despite how upset it might make Dawn.”
Moonshine swallowed nervously. “Okay.”
“Now, you're gonna pay for dinner and be a gentleman for your date, alright?”
“Yes Dusk.”
The Rot-Blood smirked and reached over to ruffle his hair. “Good.” Dusk's arm slipped down to loop around his neck as they tugged him closer. “You break their heart and I break your bones.”
“You've used that one before,” Moonshine squeaked.
Dusk's hold loosened and Moonshine slipped away. “Wait, really? When?”
“On the ship after I came back.”
“Oh alright,” Dusk said and seemed to think for a moment. “I'll feed you to that shapeshifter weirdo that worked for Winter if you hurt Dawn in any way, shape, or form.”
“That's a new one. Assuming you're talking about Angler?” Moonshine responded.
“Cyan hair?”
“Yeah, that's Angler. Now c'mon, I need Dawn back if I'm going on a date with them.”
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deathblade-oc-kingdom · 6 months
Time-loop AU
Basically some different ideas of time-loops different characters could be in:
Dawn would be stuck reliving the day they broke up with Moonshine. No matter how hard they tried, they could never convince him to leave.
Dusk would relive his sacrifice that started the apocalypse. No matter what he did, he eventually realised that he had to accept that it was the only way to keep Dawn safe.
Moonshine would probably be stuck in a cycle of his worst days working for Winter.
Eel would spend an eternity trying to figure out how to save both Shark and Tsunami. They didn't want to lose the closest thing they had to a brother but when they did save Shark, they lost Tsunami.
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meow972 · 1 year
Au where Twilight is the princess of the night instead of Luna and they're a little bummed out by it :(
Design was inspired primarily by early season 1 Luna
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I could talk about what goes on in my Twilight Luna and Celestia au brain for hours, but uhm, basic summary
Celestia initially apprenticed Twilight w the intention of them eventually replacing Luna if they couldn't get her out of being nightmare moon, Celestia didn't let twilight know of this. Then first 2 episodes happen but Twilight didn't make friends w the other characters so Nightmare Moon was not defeated n rehabilitation w the magic of friendship but just sent back to the moon again w Twilight's spell. Celestia makes Twilight the new Princess of the Night to take her place. Twilight is saddened.
Moonshine also exists in my Twiluna au which makes it an au within an au,,it's confusing, idk im insane for ponies :P
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brotart · 5 months
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Timestamp illustration! Call Vesper a girl again and I'll boil your teeth!
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firecurls-27 · 11 months
Summer time!
I watched a video about a 1950’s fashion show about swimsuits, and I just got inspired! And what better way to spread inspiration by giving it to others?
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Summer ends for me in 2-3 weeks, so have some summer girls!
Gala belongs to @nightmaretherabbit
Rosé belongs to me
Tea belongs to @marshmallow-biscuit-blog
Paris belongs to @sk3let00nz
Moonshine belongs to @trippin-chippin
Elise belongs to @purplemang0z
Ross belongs to @zibiscusloon
Video I watched:
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