Ploypilin Pruekcharoen
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plinploy-blog · 5 years ago
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What next—a digital planner and schedule web app (2020)
This project is a final project in Client-Side Developer class, which my partner and I developed an interactive website using HTML, CSS, Javascript, ReactJS and Firebase.
go to the website:
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plinploy-blog · 5 years ago
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ScansIt — a mobile application for better experiences of riding the Link Light Rail (2020)
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plinploy-blog · 5 years ago
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Internship project: RDG 10th anniversary website revamp (2019)
A project for celebrating 10th anniversary of Rabbit Digital Group (RDG)
I have designed a new mobile optimized webpage based on RDG’s new corporate identity (CI), a Rabbit Box—with a fix point, an in-line point, and a free-form point. This project provided me with creative ability to work with a handed brief, as well as to research for the company’s objective to design with those materials.
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plinploy-blog · 5 years ago
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Internship project: Code and Craft website revamp (2019)
This project is to redesign Code and Craft company website (, which I have researched and worked with account executives and a developer in my team. The idea is to present how Code and Craft works as a creative web agency, and show all-rounded services by using circles as the main design. We applied animated works to display the company’s ability to develop websites with interactable gimmicks, and used CI colors of the company to indicate identity.
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plinploy-blog · 5 years ago
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Dubstech Protothon 7: Amazon Self Publishing website design (2019)
Prompt: 81% of Americans want to write a book. In fact, 31% of all e-book sales in the Kindle store are of self-published e-books. Design a product for self-publishing a book on Amazon, decreasing the entry barrier to self-publishing. Things to consider overall user journey, making chapters, motivating the user to continue writing, providing book cover templates, and viewing sales reports.
We encourage our users to write by allowing the user to publish the book in parts, so the user can gain audiences before the book is fully published.
●  Welcome Page: welcoming and inspiring, encourages the user to start writing, includes a gallery or written books and all of its information
●  Writing Page: simple, allows the user to start writing instantly, autosaves and draft options for convenience
●  Dashboard Page: concise information of the current book the user is working on, divides the content into chapters with the number of views for each chapter, options to edit each chapter or add a new chapter
●  Publish Preview Page: to preview the look of the cover and the content of the book
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plinploy-blog · 5 years ago
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Henry Art Gallery mobile application design (2019)
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plinploy-blog · 5 years ago
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Apple Music mobile application redesign (2019)
Problem 1: Overwhelming Surface Design
Since Apple Music has a lot of functions for users to play with, one of its surface design problems is a lack of constraints. When the app is first launched by users, it will show the Library as a start screen which has sub-menus to continue. Likewise, there are also sub-menus in Browse and Radio screens, which asks the users for too much continually taps until they can reach their intended task. Moreover, an Apple Music user, Paine, has commented that there are different vertically stack categories in For You screen that included large cover art thumbnails, which require the users to do a ton of scrolling and wading through contents. (2017) The design of Apple Music provides people a hard time to experience the application, and it limits user ability to enjoy their favorite task in an easy way.
Problem 2: Download Control and Library
One of the popular goals why people use Apple Music is to download music offline and keep it in a playlist. However, many people get confused about how to download music to their playlist, and some users also complain about the Library. Library is where people can see all the albums, music, and playlists they have added; and Apple also introduces iCloud Music Library to allow users to access it from any devices. Nevertheless, some people do not appreciate the Library screen design and have no idea why they need the Library when there is storage in a playlist that can do the same task. Furthermore, there is no directly download function for each song in Apple Music, while only Add to Library and Add to a Playlist are provided. The users need to go check the playlist or Library to find a download icon, which again requires laborious interactions between users and the application.
Problem 3: Visibility for Shuffle and Repeat functions
Almost every music streaming application has shuffle and repeat functions, which provide users different experiences that they can decide whether or not to use. In Apple Music, these functions have not been placed in a noticeable spot, but instead of that, the users have to slide on a clueless screen in order to select a repeat or shuffle mode. From the figure, in the first screen, there are three icons at the bottom; which represent orderly from left to right Adding to Library, Selecting output device, and a combining of important tasks. Another problem is two of three icons have also appeared on another screen where users can select a song, which means these two tasks are repetitive.
Redesign Proposal
Idea 1:
This idea will straightforwardly assist users by having a star ican that can answer every possible question about Apple Music. It will clarify the importance of each icon and function, and the users will also be able to reach every information about the application by just only clicking the star icon. Apple Music will no longer be difficult to use when there is a simple way to find how to reach each specific task.
Also, the surface of the application is changed to be more minimalistic, which provides a clearer screen for the users and increases a feeling of convenience. The users do not have to slide and scroll a lot so that they will have more intention to what Apple Music suggests for them.
Idea 2:
One idea for making a surface less confusing is to remove some unnecessary abilities from the application and reorganize the main design that makes people overwhelmed. I also decide to change the Add to Playlist icon into a selectable icon that users can choose for themselves. Also, shuffle and repeat buttons has brought to a more noticeable spot to provide the users better accessibility to these tasks.
Another big change I introduce is the new Library screen, which the confusing items such as album cover thumbnails have been removed. I also redesign this first screen to be a user profile, as users will be able to firstly see their profiles every time they open the app. Also, all users can search and visit other users’ profiles which contributes a new community connected by music.
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plinploy-blog · 6 years ago
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Logo design for ICONSIAM (2019)
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plinploy-blog · 6 years ago
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Python and Pygame projects:
Memorizing game (2017), Catching the Snitch game (2018)
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plinploy-blog · 6 years ago
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Science project: Electrophoresis Machine Redesign (2016)
The electrophoresis technique is used to divide the ionized molecules with electrical currents using electrophoresis machine as the main equipment of this research on bio-molecules. However, due to the expensiveness of the said equipment we have innovated the electrophoresis machine by using materials that are cheaper in the market made up with acrylic glass, stainless wire and electric poles. The machine will be separated from the switch that is used to let out electric currents. The machine is 16 cm wide 16 cm long and 5.5 cm high with a lifted base of 1.5 cm higher and 6 cm wide. This is to enable a space where tray can be place. Electrical poles will be connected to the machine and a switch of 50 V. Then it is tested with the electrophoresis technique and compared with the one in the lab.
Furthermore, the efficiency of the new design of separating ionized molecules will be tested with 3 types of mediums: Agarose gel, Mermaid gel, and Telephone gel in the market. The results of the new design is similiar to that of the electrophoresis machine in the lab. Moreover, the production costs of the new design is 18.4 times cheaper than the electrophoresis machine that is used in the lab. We plan to innovate this machine so it can be used in bio-molecules labs as well as a teaching media in schools.
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