#oc amelda
hellaverseapocalypse · 5 months
And The Whirlwind Is In The Tree
Striker's Story - A Helluva AU
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Pairing: Striker and OC Amelda(adoptive father/daughter relationship)
Warnings: angst, whump, hurt-comfort, injury, blood, harsh language, death, gore, killing in self-defense, graphic depictions of violence.
Summary: What if the Angels didn't stop at the Pride Ring? What if they didn't stop on Extermination Day? What if they never stopped? This is Striker's story of how he survived those 7 years of the angel invasion. An Apocalypse type story co-written by two fans! R&R.
Notes: Welcome! This is the start of myself(@storm89) and Candy's story, And the Whirlwind is in the Tree. (It's a lyric from a Johnny Cash Song). It all started from a fan art we saw, and the idea just snowballed from there. We decided to start with everyone's favorite cowboy, Striker. I hope you all enjoy our hard work! Also, big shout out to @eyecandyeoz for being an awesome editor and the bombastic art she made! We don't own Helluva boss, but we do own Amelda.
 Read on ao3 - 1k words
If you asked Striker where he was at Angel Invasion, he would tell you the truth.
He was robbing a corpse.
Whenever there is extermination, he usually waits it out and robs whatever corpses he can find. Sometimes he luckily finds a dead overlord, they carry the best loot.
This extermination felt different.
There was tension in the air, something that made his tail rattle nervously.
For one thing, the sirens rang way earlier than usual and then the angels started swarming;more than usual.
He then saw one kill an imp and then another kill a Goetia.
The rules have changed.
Striker quickly goes to an alley to find cover, trying to outrun the screams he hears.
They seem to be louder than usual.
Windows shatter around him, exploding from the angelic force. He was about to try to run into a building when red feather caught his eye,
He looked and froze.
A red feathered Goetia lay dead on the ground, next to him was a Wrathian female imp. He wondered briefly if they were lovers when he heard a small cry. He looks at a nearby dumpster and finds a surprise..
There was a small owlet sobbing as she hugged herself. Her red feather shows her parentage to the dead Goetia, but the biggest surprise is the nubby imp horns on her head.
A hybrid...like him.
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“This ain't my problem.” he thought as he backed away; his boot breaking a piece of glass. The halfling eyes shot up at the noises and her eyes locked on his.
The two stared at each other, both not moving.
A nearby scream breaks the tense moment and Striker will later blame what happened next to be the result of unnatural imp instinct.
He reached over and grabbed the halfling, breaking into a run. She suddenly screeched, wriggling out of his hold and running back to the fallen Goetia.
“Oh you little shit!” Striker growled as he grabbed the halfling again, noticing she took something from her fathers body.
He didn't know where he was running, all he knew is that he had to find somewhere safe. An angel attempted to cast a charm on him, but he dispatched it quickly with a swift bullet to its head. The owlet gave another screech, making him turn and face the tip of an angelic spear.
Raging pain exploded in his left eye, making Striker roar in pain as he staggered. He felt that same angel throw him towards a wall, making his head spin.
Before he went unconscious, he heard more gunshot and a tiny hand pulling his own.
Striker groaned as he woke up. A pulsing pain in his eye made him sit up quickly, making his head swim.
“Take it easy, you gonna make yourself sick.”
Striker looked to the source of the voice and saw it was that imp woman that worked for Blitz. What was her name again?
“It's Millie, by the way.” she said, raising her eyebrow at him. Too many questions popped into his head, his sense trying to catch up with his thoughts.
“Something was different,” he mumbled. “Th-the extermination.”
“Yeah.” She said, “ This wasn’t an extermination. It looked to be more like an invasion. We been hearing that the angels are not just attacking folks in Pride, we heard that somehow they are also going to the other rings.”
Striker sat back, letting the news sink in.
Oh this was a bitch of a fucked up situation. He then glared at her.
“The hell you save me for?” He asked, “We're not exactly friends.”
“We are being invaded for fucks sake.” She said with an exasperated sigh. “We gonna need all the help we can get.”
Striker huffed, he guess that makes sense. A thought suddenly jolted him from his seat.
“Wait there was a kid with me!”
Millie placates him with a raised hand.
“She's fine, don't worry.” She said, “ Really scared, but she ain’t hurt anywhere.”
She then looked at him intensely.
“Why’d you save her?” She asked, “Thought you hated anyone that was royals.”
“I don't know.” He shrugged, “I just felt like I had to.”
Millie nodded, a knowing smile on her face to showcase her paternal understanding. Striker growled at that, his hand running over his own features. He froze when he felt the coarse bandages shielding his face.
“Shit, what's with my face?”
Striker shot out of the bed and rushed to a nearby vanity, removing his bandages with haste as he looked in the mirror.
He had a large gash over his left eye and coarse stitches sealing the open wound shut. His eye was now milky and lifeless. Decrepit.
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Fuck his life.
He was blind in his left eye.
All to save some royal bastard.
“Hey.” Millie said, getting his attention. “You gotta get yourself together. Pride isn't safe anymore.”
“So where are you going?”
“Lust. It way safer than Pride.”
“What makes you think I will go with you?” Striker scoffed.
“Cause there's nowhere else to go?” She said with a shrug, about to leave, but then looked back at him, “By the way, the little owl’s name. Its Amelda.”
She leaves the room, leaving Striker alone with his thoughts.
When Striker finally went outside, he saw a lot of people, mostly Imps, packing whatever they had and going through the ruins.
Sweet Satan, Pride was in shambles.
Buildings were toppled and bodies littered the streets. He could see angels flying in the distance, circling over Pentagram City like vultures.
He turns and sees Blitz waving at him.
“Your horse is here.” He said, pointing to the side, turning back to the IMP company van. “Get ready, we are leaving in five.”
Striker would argue back but his new blind eye throbbed. He went to his horse (Fuck, he loved this horse so damn much) and petted his fiery mane.
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“Boy, just what the hell did we get ourselves into?”
He heard a chirp behind him and saw Amelda peeking at him from behind a wrecked car. His tail rattled and whipped in annoyance as he sneered at the halfling.
“Piss off,kid!”
The child didn't move, still staring at him with her purple gaze. Millie appeared next to her and gently took Amelda’s hand.
“Come over here, honey.” she said as she led her away, Amelda still watching him.
Striker shook his head and mounted Bombproof, clicking his tongue as he grabbed the reins.
Something has definitely changed, he thought as he looked at Pride's ruins.
Things are definitely going to be different from now on.
Taglist: @captxin-rex @gospelofme @fangirl-goes-nova @romanoffs-gf @sstarwarsss @r2d2staser @nahoney22 @ashotofspotchka @art-of-the-twistedstitcher @only-a-simp-deals-in-absolutes @justalittletomato @twiggoblin @xsherryberryx @kriffclone @deewithani @tinker-tech @megafrost4 @minx067 @freesia-writes @boontaeveboba @ahoeformando @arctrooper69 @taz-107 @lizzowinkyface @chad-something @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @merkitty49 @nonsenseandm3mes @id-rather-be-a-druid @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @succulent-momma @virtualexpertanchor @padawancat97 @amorfista @storm89 @hurtbywhisperedmuses @misogirl828 @seriowan @plushymiku-blog @the-dathomirian-jedi @ladykatakuri @mysticalgalaxysalad @talesfrommedinastation @dukeoftheblackstar @littlecrowtime
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cardsbizarreadventure · 5 months
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☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆ "I HATE LOVE TRIANGLES!!" Said the person who made one... 😭. I'll be including the little motorcycle trio in my original arc that takes place after the whole doma arc madness lmfao. I am planning on giving them bigger roles to display their characters a little more because I feel like they needed more attention to begin with. This relationship is a one sided crush , because Val in a sense promised herself to focus on her mission but alas you can't stop the people who fall in love with you. 😭 I didn't want to imply a 'Love Triangle' but this basically shows a bit more of my ship dynamics and gives Kaiba space to kind of start to acknowledge that he has feelings that is repressing deep down. He faces a challenge with himself until he begins to feel jealousy without even realizing. Val does bond with Alister/Amelda during the whole Doma arc , rare for Alister he finds a strange sense of comfort around her and her sympathy that she has for him . (And the trio in general.) Maybe in a far distant AU they might exist ❤️❤️❤️. (Fun fact... Alister / Amelda was actually my second crush in YGO when I watched it so many years ago... of course the first was Atem. 😢 But then Kaiba happened and yeah LMFAO-.) "Your hand in my hand... I could never choose to love another... ... Maybe one day I will learn to love you.... too...."
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mediocredoots · 4 months
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Countershipping drawn for @spunkysketches0114 who got a free commission thanks to an anonymous supporter 💖
Commission info
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hopefulstarfire · 1 year
Howdy friends. Should I be working on the main fic? Yeah probably. Am I still working on moving next week and also working with my friends on trying to restructure everything on my fic outline as the ocs develop more? Also yes. So uh have a drabble I wrote today bc why not. Please accept my humble offerings.
The old Impala finally parked in the driveway and Iris cut the engine, leaning back in her seat for a moment. Exhaustion had been setting in since the flight back to the city, and now had driven itself deep into her bones, muscles, heart. Her thumb and index finger massaged closed eyelids, trying to bid away the strain as well as a headache coming on.
If she didn't have a job to worry about going back to in the morning, she'd happily take a week long coma after all of that absolute nonsense. Tournaments and Dueling could be fun, she knew; there was a reason everyone kept coming back to the game. She enjoyed the game.
But having multiple people fall into comas because their minds got sent to some evil dark dimension that she was 90% sure was just the actual realms of hell, her father and the other old douchebags come back to try and kill her, her family's collective trauma thrown back into and her siblings face with the reveal they had another brother that was a complete shithead that had also wanted them dead, and then her brother blowing up the last remnants of the old KaibaCorp and making the others believe he was dead for a solid 60 seconds (she had it timed, she had kept looking at her watch because she knew he wouldn't) had been enough for her to not want anymore adventures for a while.
Logically, she should have just gone home. River and Flora had gone back with her Dad while Mokuba and Seto had flown out to a different branch of their company to start work on the new and improved Kaibaland, ready to make a real amusement park and not the indoor one. Their Mama was probably worried about them. Really, she could have gone back, had a quick dinner, cleansed herself of the bullshit with a shower and some work at her alter and gone to bed before going back to work the next day.
But. She also had clothes at Alister's house and it was closer. She just wanted to be held for a while. It felt like a better idea to go stay at her boyfriend's and just relax for the night because he understood more what being low energy meant for her.
She grabbed her bag out of the passenger's seat before she climbed out of the car. It was a small walk to the door, and she took note to see most of the lights were out. Alister said he was home, but he was probably upstairs or something, since his room was at the back half of the house. There was no way he was asleep -- he slept a max of about four hours and didn't start trying to sleep until at least midnight. He was probably reading or something.
She jammed her key into the door, twisting the lock and set her purse down on the console table. She busied herself with undoing the buckles on her boots before kicking them off and setting them by her work shoes still sitting there from her last overnight stay -- something that was becoming more and more frequent, really.
(Her mother wasn't entirely wrong with her comment about the two of them practically living together since they got together.)
Iris brushed her bangs back, turning to go towards the stairs only to stop as she realized there was a faint light at the end of the hall.
...To be honest, she sometimes forgot there was a proper dining room in the house. The windowed doors to it were always closed and they never bothered using it -- most of the time they ate in the breakfast nook in the kitchen or on the couch. But there it was, this soft glow of light that instantly screamed candles, accompanied by a scent of cinnamon, apple, cidar and pear as she got closer.
"Alister?" She called out, a brow arched in confusion as she neared.
He didn't respond. She walked closer, stepping into the doorway of the dining room to find him standing there finishing off lighting one more candle and setting it back on the table. He had been dressed in a dark blue sweater that cropped right above his abs, and a nicer pair of black jeans. He had even styled his hair to show off the layers he had -- something she only ever saw first thing in the morning, before he'd style it into the more boxy cut he had.
The table was set with nicer plates they never used and wine glasses, along with table runners and napkins she hadn't seen before ever. The two plates were topped with salmon, alfredo spooned perfectly, and bacon wrapped asparagus. There was enough space on the plate for the salad he had in a separate bowl, along with garlic bread he had on a cutting board. There was a platter with mint chocolate fudge for dessert and a vase with fresh red orchids.
His gaze softened as he looked up at her, hand going to set on the back of a chair. "Hey."
"Hey," she greeted, leaning against the doorway for support. She did a final sweep over the table before she met his gaze, taking a step forward. "What's all this for?"
"Well, contrary to what my brothers will tell you, I do, in fact, have a singular romantic bone in my body," he drawled playfully, a smirk tugging at his lips. "And I figured I should use it to give my girlfriend a nice night in with an attempt at a fancy dinner after what I'm gathering was a shitshow tournament."
She tucked her hair behind her ear, coming up to stand in front of him. "Everything that could go wrong in that tournament went nine more levels of wrong we didn't know were possible."
"Yeah, I had to try and fix the camera footage your brother wanted," he agreed. "I saw part of it. The whole thing was made up of...interesting choices on his part."
"That's one way to put it."
Iris relaxed a bit as she studied him. Most of the time, they did a lot of simple cooking and just enjoying each other's presence. They always put in the effort for each other, but this...this was nice.
She wrapped her arms around him, resting her head against his chest. One arm looped around her waist while the other moved to cradle the back of her head, pulling her close to him.
It was funny. She had always felt comfortable around him. Ever since their friendship first started, it felt like she never had to put on the mask or keep a sizeable amount of distance she did with everyone. He was safe.
But the feeling of peace that washed over her, melting away the tension of the last few days, and the warmth that bloomed in her chest was the realization that once upon a time she would have laughed anyone out of the room if they told her she'd someday feel it -- or scare her deep to the core.
But now...
He pulled back slightly, her hands going to her cheeks as he kissed her softly. When they broke the kiss, their gazes met once more, a small air of comfortable silence falling over them.
His hands dropped after a moment as he reached for the chair. "Come on, let's--"
"I love you."
It fell quietly from her lips, but it was loud enough she couldn't make up some lie about it. She hadn't even meant to say it out loud, the words having played on a loop in her mind until her voice decided to just act on it.
Oh my God, what is wrong with you?! It's too early! It took you HOW LONG to start dating--
He stared at her in disbelief. She could have sworn she could see the gears turning in his mind, his cheeks faintly dusted pink.
Iris bit her lip, looking away as her arms dropped back to her side. "I...you don't have to say it back," she covered, feigning nonchalance. "I just--"
His fingers found her chin, gently guiding her to look at him again. His expression had cleared, pulling her back to him with his free hand at the small of her back. Her hands moved to his chest to steady herself at the sudden push, feeling his heartbeat quickening under her palms.
"I love you, too, Iris." His voice was soft and genuine. He wasn't just saying it to say it, even if he was probably just as nervous as her over it.
Her own cheeks flushed red, the rest of her mind practically cheering in victory. "...Ah."
He snorted, kissing her forehead. "I do," he promised her. "I just...didn't know when to tell you. So thanks for breaking that ice for me."
"Yeah, it's um...it's a little freaky to get that out there, I get that." She managed, clearing her throat.
"Terrifying, honestly."
"Even if that did seem only natural to say after we've been dating for a while now and are basically living with each other."
"And everyone in our lives thought we were dating only a week after we met."
"I'm pretty sure Rie in accounting has had our wedding planned since then, actually."
"Oh, she'll be happy then."
They watched each other for a moment before they both laughed, her head leaning against his shoulder. "Fuck, we're bad at this."
"Oh, the worst," he agreed. "I think that's why we love each other."
"One of a few reasons," she quipped. She leaned up after a moment, kissing him once more, this time with a bit more passion behind it. His hands drifted, keeping her held close to him.
They loved each other. They loved each other.
She never thought she'd see the day. Yet, now, rather than it being some world ending concept that she always imagined it was -- the idea of everything being stripped away from her and everything burning down in an inferno...it was just as natural as breathing. Being by his side made everything else feel right.
Once the kiss ended, he looked her over, debating something before he pulled the chair out for her. "Alright. Let's get some food in you," he said, softly. "After dinner, we're taking a bath and going to bed. How's that sound?"
She smiled, a genuine smile that only ever seemed to be reserved for him as she took her seat. "I can't think of anything better."
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nyanbinaryrose · 1 month
Title: Trial By Fire
Rating: T+
Warnings: Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Underage Drinking, Drug Use, Referenced Suicide, Weed Use, Dark Themes
Relationships: Background Dartz x OC. Referenced Past Malik x Yami Bakura. (Malik x Siegfried if you squint.) (Malik also kisses some random pretty boys but its nothing serious.)
Chapters: 5/20+
Other Tags: Post-Ceremonial Duel, Not DSOD Compliant, Multi-Chapter, Uses Japanese Names, Queer Themes
Everything seems peaceful since Atem left, but when trouble stirs in Hawaii, it's up to Yugi, his friends, and even some former enemies, to save the world from the war raging between two sister goddesses: Pele-honua-mea, and Nāmaka-o-Kahaʻi.
A hyper-indulgent Yugioh fanfiction in support of Hawaiian Sovereignty, over 15 years in the making. Loosely based off a RP.
Redeemed villains coping with guilt!
Yugi dealing with post-Atem grief!
Malik in a rock band!
Dartz getting some poetic justice!
Amelda being a (traumatized) badass!
Siegfried going hashtag through it!
Communism, Harm Reduction, and Mutual Aid Hubs, oh my!
Punk house shows!
A fat OC who’s seen as sexy and is a valid romantic interest!
A Hawaiian mahu trans woman OC!
10+ additional named OCs of color!
Narrative condemnation of white supremacy, colonization, and gentrification!
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entamewitchlulu · 5 years
some short Fortuitshipping for @kohakuhime ~ I hope this came out all right, I’m afraid I was a little nervous to try writing with your OC!
He didn’t realize she was nodding off at first — he was too busy shooting meaningful glares at Alister and Valon, who were in the midst of fighting over a bag of cheese puffs and he couldn’t tell if they were doing it as a joke or not, though one way or another if they kept it up, the bag was going to hit some poor other train occupant.
Not that there were many in this car to begin with; only three other people seemed to be traveling at sunset with the rest of them.
“Will you leave off,” Raphael hissed through his teeth.  “We have more food at home.”
“It’s the principle of the thing,” Alister said, snatching the bag of cheese puffs from Valon and scootching down to the far end of the seat.  “These are my cheese puffs.”
“You ain’t even goin’ to eat ‘em,” Valon said sourly, glowering at him.  “I’ve been starving, you can hear my stomach rumblin’.”
“You should have packed your own snacks.”
“Will you two —”
Raphael’s words caught in his throat at the feeling of some soft, fuzzy weight drooping against his shoulder, and his eyes flickered down.  Ellie’s head sagged against his shoulder, her eyes closed but still vaguely fluttering.  As her head touched his arm, she stirred again.
“Sorry,” she mumbled, trying to sit back up.  “Didn’t realize I was so...tired...”
She sagged again.  Almost without thinking about it, Raphael reached toward her, carefully wrapping an arm around her and pulling her to lean against him.
“You can sleep,” he said.
“Mm...I don’t want to...miss the stop...”
“I’ll wake you when we get there,” Raphael said.  “Or I can carry you home.”
Her cheeks went bright red, even through the grogginess — and as soon as it registered what he had said, he blushed too.
“Go to sleep,” he said again, squeezing her shoulder lightly. 
Her head lolled against his arm, and she mumbled something he couldn’t hear.  He didn’t ask her to repeat it, and in a moment, all he heard were her soft breaths.  She was warm, nestled up against him.  He could pretend for a moment that that was the heat that had sprung to his cheeks.
He couldn’t pretend as well, however, when he glanced up again at Alister and Valon staring at him from across the train aisle.  Valon had that shit-eating grin of his on his face, and Alister nodded while he rested his chin in his hand, as though he’d just observed some new scientific discovery.
“You two will be quiet,” Raphael said, much more quietly.  “Or you’ll wake her.”
Valon snickered, but he kept it quiet.
“Sure, sure,” he said.  “Though, you can’t come strangle us or you’ll wake ‘er.”
Raphael rolled his eyes as Valons snickered again and shared a meaningful glance with Alister.  Well...he wasn’t going to hear the end of this again.
Ellie shifted in her sleep, her breath soft against him, and he looked down at her instead.  Her hair was so soft, and he could smell her shampoo this close up.  He shifted his arm around her a little more gently, nestling her more securely against him.
Well...maybe that was all right.
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The Specialists!
I’ll post their individuals later. I drew a lot of boys 😂
I’m not saying 100% that these are their canon heights, but this looks best for a grouped photo
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evdbart · 6 years
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Cute kiddos
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mpuzzlegirl · 6 years
DOMA Ruins, CH 3
So despite the technical difficulties I initially ran into today, I did end up getting this chapter finished! I am trying to post the chapters on Thursdays because that is when I have the most time. This is also the last chapter that is based off of my initial written shorts I wrote three years ago. Chapter 4 and so on will be brand new writing. I also want to give a huge shout out to my friend @bitterpixiebros for helping me edit these chapters, you’re incredible!
Disclaimer: This takes place in an alternate events timeline of an alternative universe. YGO and it’s associated characters belongs to Kazuki Takahashi, and the ocs featured belong to me. This story does cover dark themes of death, violence, as well as other disturbing themes, please be advised. If you do not wish to read or view this, please block the tag au: doma ruins.
Was she imagining this? After weeks of solitude and wandering the destroyed remnants of her hometown, Isabel began to question her own sanity. But even in her isolation, no way could she imagine people with such detail.
“Miss Corazón?” the blond man spoke first, nearly dissolving her doubts of the situation.
“Are...are you real?” she asked once her voice returned to her. It was rough from the disuse, but still audible over the low hum of the motors.
The three men exchanged varying degrees of startled and crestfallen looks---though the redhead was the hardest of them to read. The large man took a deep breath as he spoke again.
“We are, Miss Corazón...we’re real.”
“How do you know my name? Who are you?”
“We’ve met before, not too long ago. My name is Raphael. You’re not safe out here, we can take you out of the city, to Carmon.”
At the mention of her sister's name, her heart almost beat out of her chest. But before Isabel could ask about Carmon, she noticed the necklace around the man's neck. The aqua stone looked similar to the claws the creatures she encountered had, but somehow was more menacing than it appeared.
“I… I can't recall meeting you,” the hispanic girl managed to tactfully get out. “And you seem like someone I wouldn't forget meeting… Where did… we…”
...The train continued down the tracks, each bump causing the car to jump a little more uneasily as they rode. Their car was tense, either from Pharaoh’s sorrow of what happened to his partner, or because of another force laying in wait... 
The other two seemed familiar too, but she was struggling to recall where she had seen them.
“Carmon, get behind me!” Isabel shouted as a figure loomed over them, the younger ready to leap into action to defend her sister.
She noticed the slender man also had a necklace like Raphael’s. The third one didn't, but she could see the ring on his finger
Isabel had turned her weapon into a duel disk, to fight the man from DOMA.
Something about these three made her uneasy.
“Miss Corazón, are you-?” “-will lose this duel, just as Pharaoh did,” he stated plainly, his once blue eyes now red beating down on her, magic pulsing from the stone around his neck. “You claim to be a Guardian, but you fail to understand the weight of that task. Allow my Guardians to teach you that lesson, with the help of the Seal of Orichalcos!”
“ISABEL!” two female voices screamed, and she felt a strong hand pull her away from the light, and Nanu was consumed by the seal.
Isabel looked back from Valon and Alister back to Raphael, her green eyes no longer clouded in confusion.
She remembered now.
They were working for Dartz.
And Raphael was the one who took Yuugi and hijacked the train, leaving Carmon and her to die when their car derailed.
The leader of the group realized she had pieced everything together and was about to speak, but Isabel had already made up her mind. She put her helmet back on and kicked the kickstand up, speeding away from the three of them.
She was gripping the handle bars as tightly as she could, rage and fear coursing through her veins. Like hell she would go with them; how dare they use Carmon as a means to trap her!
It didn't take long for the roar of their engines to catch up with her, but the girl was determined not to be caught. She may have been outnumber and outmatched, but they were playing this game of chase on her turf. Isabel knew her city, and even deserted, the City of Angels always took care of its own.
Making many sharp turns and changing speeds, she maneuvered around debris and rubble to lose her pursuers. She could still hear them close behind, and the road was before her was blocked by a large pile up of cars. Looking over her shoulder, she could see the red bike on her right and the yellow on her left; the black was invisible in the low light. Running out of road and unsure of where the third rider was, Isabel decided to take a risk.
Turning to the left, Isabel pulled the handles up as she made a close u-turn and sped forward to slip right between the two colorful riders. Neither one had the chance to reach out for her, and skidded to a stop just as she slipped down another corner.  
“Raphael,” Alister hissed into his helmet, his headphone picking up the faint sound of rubber on concrete. “She’s gone down Chatworths street, I think she’s headed to the Freeway.”
“I’ll catch up with her, but I need you two to cut off any potential exits.”
Needing no further instruction, Alister and Valon raced around the same corner, but found no trace of her. The redhead spat an angry curse as the Australian called their third companion with an update.
Isabel was waiting in a shadows of building, her engine turned off, crouched low, listening for her pursuers. A few streets over, she could hear the faint roars of the two she escaped, but the fact that she lost track of the third was what concerned her the most. After waiting for several minutes, she just about breathed a sigh of relief when the sound of an approaching motorcycle broke the silence. The final bike came into into her line of sight and she pressed herself against the dumpster as she heard the rider turn off the bike and dismount very close by.
“Miss Corazón,” Raphael’s gruff voice called out, echoing off every nook and surface of the empty street. “Please, we don’t want to hurt you! Things have changed, and all we want is to reunite you with Carmon. She won’t listen to us...but she will listen to you. Please, hear us out and we will take you to her.”
Her heartbeat speed up as his voice wandered closer to her hiding place, so much so that she feared it would give her away. Slowly, she crawled on all fours towards her vehicle, hoping to at least be prepared for an escape.
The man’s pleading and the girl’s trek was halted when a series of growls and clicks began to descend the area. From the roof and the windows came red eyed beasts, horns and talons sharp, teeth chomping excitedly at the potential new victim. Isabel was staring at many pairs of glowing eyes from the darkness of the alleyway she hid in, they slowly moved towards her. Many began sharpening their green claws on the wall and ground, deep gouges trailed behind them.
She started the engine and tore away, the monsters now running to catch her.
Raphael was shouting something after the teenager, but he was drowned out by the screeching and animalistic calls that took over. As Isabel approached the intersection, the other two motorists zipped from the left, Valon skidding between Isabel and the monsters, a hand raised towards the oncoming hoard. Alister pulled in beside his companion, and their small blockade was all Isabel needed to make her escape down the strip.
Hours had passed since she had encountered the DOMA swordsmen and the hoard of Orichalcos monsters. She rode as far as her engine could take her, until she ran out of gas and could barely keep the bike upright. Isabel toppled over and laid limply on the side of the road, dried grass was the only thing to cushion her. Breathing was getting more difficult with the helmet on, and upon ripping it off, hot tears were staining her face and her nose stuffed from crying. Good God, how long was she crying for.
Staring up at the sky with blurred vision, Isabel began to replay the memories that she rediscovered from her encounter with Raphael and his partners.
She had dueled Raphael on the train. She lost. But at the last second, Nanu had pulled her out of the seal’s grasp, sacrificing herself to let Isabel live.
Isabel raised her gloved hands to her face, pressing her palms to her eyes.
Nanu was gone...she was gone, and, most likely, so were her powers too.
Powerless and alone…
No, not alone.
If there was one thing that the encounter with the DOMA members brought to light, it was that Carmon was more than likely alive. They knew where she was, and in turn, the other survivors.
She had to find Carmon now.
As Isabel sat herself up, she noticed something in the sky. Something, in between the dark clouds, wriggled. Standing up, she squinted at the spot, trying to see if it was a trick of the faint light...but another section in the sky wriggled too, adjusting itself for another section to fit better.
Isabel suddenly remembered a name left for her in the voicemail, the name of the thing that Dartz had managed to summon.
Leviathan was blocking out the sun.
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hellaverseapocalypse · 2 months
And The Whirlwind is in the Tree
Striker's Story - A Helluva AU
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Pairing: Striker and OC Amelda(adoptive father/daughter relationship) Warnings: angst, whump, hurt-comfort, injury, blood, harsh language, death, gore, killing in self-defense, graphic depictions of violence. Summary: As the war progresses, it mangles the societal infrastructure of Hell, allowing sinners to venture to rings beyond Pride while simultaneously bringing the fight with them. In this, Striker instills the help of a couple new members of their group when he makes note they are in dire need of assistance in numbers.
Notes from the authors: Hello Fellow Readers, due to unforeseen circumstances, the next chapters will be delayed. Candy and I have decided to post in October, which is in time for the next Helluva Boss episode. Thank you for your cooperation.
 Read on ao3 - 700 words
The third year of the angel invasion, Striker developed a routine.
He was mostly on lookout duty, he honestly preferred the quiet solitude. Fewer angels were invading, they must be keeping them at bay in pride.
They already had a system where they go and hide whenever they see more than 4 angels in the sky.
Then other news came in.
Lust was getting a lot of new tenants.
The angels constantly attacking messed with the natural magic around Hell, making a lot of the defensive restrictions weaker.
So now, sinners could go to the other rings.
A lot of them migrated to Lust or Gluttony, seeing it was one of the few rings that were still intact. One of the most famous sinners was Angel Dust, the porn star. He and Fizz seemed to be friendly. He also saw two of his old bounty hunting buddies, Colt and Murphy.
Both were sinners that worked exclusively in pride. Colt was an armadillo sinner whose shell was hard as a rock and Murphy was a bear sinner whose monstrous strength has saved his hide and theirs more times than he can count.
They greeted him with hearty pats on the back, asking what the Hell happened to his eye and who the little owlet was that’s currently clinging around his leg.
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Speaking of Amelda, she finally started talking. But she only spoke to him, Millie and Oliver.
She was quiet, he strained to hear her at first, but now she is a chatterbox, talking constantly and asking a lot of questions. She still follows him everywhere like a puppy, so he just bit the bullet and lets her, making sure she stays safe.
There was a lot to learn to take care of a Goetia hybrid.
Like the owl things.
He nearly had a heart attack when she hacked up a pellet.
He grabbed her and ran over to Stolas (something happened that resulted in Stella's death and Via had to stay with them), the only owl demon he knew.
He yelled out what was wrong with her, that she was hacking up her own bones or something. The Goetia prince blinked at him and then started to laugh, saying she only regurgitated what she couldn't digest.
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He then saw Amelda grabbing a rat and ate it whole.
He has not lived down that incident; everyone thought it was cute how he got all flustered over her.
He nearly grinds his teeth to dust when he had to ask Stolas for advice on how to properly take care of Amelda, preening her feathers and what not.
He didn't think the prince would help, especially after their last encounter, but Stolas saw how Amelda clung to Striker and after some convincing from Blitz, he taught him to properly take care of her.
Those lessons needed to go to the backseat because they had other problems.
He heard that the overlord Vees were in Gluttony, taking supplies and making a lot of Hellhounds migrate to Lust.
A Hellhound named Tex was the one keeping Gluttony in check, but when the Vees and the Imp Mafia started invading, along with the angels; they were losing ground. He begged Blitz and Fizz for assistance, saying if they helped him get some of the hounds, they would share what supplies they had with them.
Striker honestly wouldn't have done anything, but Blitz was friends with Tex and Beelzebub herself (how the hell was he friends with her?!) and led a raid to get them out.
The raid was brutal.
Funny enough, they don't meet the Vees or the Dons, just loads of loan sharks and followers.
They managed to get away on a train with whatever supplies they could carry and rode out. It was almost down by the letter because Vox was hacking into everything. Luckily, a smart hellhound named Juno hacked right back at him, putting up firewall after firewall to deter Vox, finally letting them get away on the train.
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Gluttony was in shambles and it was only a matter of time before they came to Lust.
Striker sat on his perch, his tail rattling as it rained in Lust again, Amelda sleeping by his side. He could feel it in the air. 
A big storm was heading their way.
Taglist: @captxin-rex @gospelofme @fangirl-goes-nova @romanoffs-gf @sstarwarsss @r2d2staser @nahoney22 @ashotofspotchka @art-of-the-twistedstitcher @only-a-simp-deals-in-absolutes @justalittletomato @twiggoblin @xsherryberryx @kriffclone @deewithani @tinker-tech @megafrost4 @minx067 @freesia-writes @boontaeveboba @ahoeformando @arctrooper69 @taz-107 @lizzowinkyface @chad-something @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @merkitty49 @nonsenseandm3mes @id-rather-be-a-druid @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @succulent-momma @virtualexpertanchor @padawancat97 @amorfista @storm89 @hurtbywhisperedmuses @misogirl828 @seriowan @plushymiku-blog @the-dathomirian-jedi @ladykatakuri @mysticalgalaxysalad @talesfrommedinastation @dukeoftheblackstar @littlecrowtime
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drifter-comic · 3 years
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I figured I should start off with character profiles!! This comic is an AU that follows Amelda after the end of the Duel Monsters anime (not just s4 but like alllll of DM). He accidently joins an illegal street racing group while staying with Seto and makes friends! :-)
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atlantis-prince · 3 years
( Hi this is a curious question towards the mun! If i made a OC or even muses that can/could befriend Dartz (in any verse) would that be alright with you? i wont start anything if its no.. if yes i probably comment on this answer post Dartz should have friends )
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/Hello my precious anon friend!
You've taken the marvellous decision to try and befriend a Seaweed danger noodle.
I would absolutely adore that!! With every fibre of my being, but the only issue is with Dartz himself!
It would have to be a very slow-burn thing as he has major trusting issues to anyone who isn't himself or the close bond he has with the orichalcos wielders. |(Mainly Valon, Raph and Amelda).
If you're willing to have muses that want to try and we can plot then yuss absolutely!!
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hopefulstarfire · 1 year
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@kohakuhime sent us the template she used for Raph and Ellie so obviously I have to do this too so to start us off; trouvailleshipping and futureshipping.
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regatton · 8 years
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@totaldramaxtremist‘s ocs Amelda and Mitsuko, as requested!!
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the-cryptographer · 7 years
it’s one in the morning and i’m trying to piece together a kind of plausible background for the DOMA crew, and it feels like i’m reinventing the wheel, except very poorly. i feel like I’ve heard Sarajevo/Bosnian war before for amelda, and I feel like that seems like a good answer considering all the people who are much better read in world history and culture than i am that have endorsed it. but i’ve set amelda’s age in canon at around twenty in canon, and set his childhood baggage at near age 8 (as per the parallel with seto), and ygo canon itself as starting around 1997 (as per the original publication date of the manga and several other culutral landmarks in canon). And while i like the choice to go period piece with this canon in of itself, it continues to make my life hell because i have to keep trying to look shit up, trying and failing to prevent  achronological slip-ups. and the Bosnian war definitely does not match up to this timeline so i can’t just steal the headcanons of people who know better than i - fuck you, DeLurk. and this seems like a whole lot of effort for what is just going to be a couple of throwaway lines (well, at least here in this fic. hopefully more of the DOMA crew in the future.) but here i am wondering if Azerbaijan and Armenian descent work well enough? i feel like eastern europe, ottoman influence, or the Caucasus is very broadly the section of the world i want to draw from here. i do have a level of familiarity with Soviet influence in the Caucasus from a Russian language/literature/culture perspective, and it seems to check out in a broad sense - the tanks. although this perspective is definitely one where you’re not sure how accurate the cultural/ethnic information you’re getting is given the fact that Russian language/literature/culture is saturated with a rather intimate racism regarding anyone from “south of the border”, so to speak. ugh. i’m just... sure that this is going to fall apart upon closer inspection for anyone who’s really into these kind of details, but i also feel like i should at least try.
also this is completely ignoring any cultural landmarks we get from the series’s epilogue bc, gdi, you don’t get to throw up pictures of mystery world architecture and then pretend that counts as giving a shit, animation team.
for rafael and valon i’m just going to be obnoxious and go with British and Australian respectively. how very fanon of me. rafael is, of course, some levels of culturally sensitive regarding amelda, but valon is a piece of shit that probably makes jokes at amelda’s expense and i love him. they’re currently all based outside of Melbourne, although how often they spend at base varies. they all rented a house together at some point, but they’ve moved out and on since. they’re still periodically in contact and on friendly terms, but they don’t see each other super regularly. they touch base a couple times a year. also rscs, who is a total bae oc, posited a transman amelda hc. his top does look vaguely binder-ish, which is probably not the best birthplace for a trans headcanon, but the idea has still grown on me like a weed. transman rafael also seems like a pretty swag idea. and they kind of overlap amazingly with the general feeling i got about dartz taking advantage and manipulating these marginalised peoples who had been through these hardships. before, of course, canon ruined it by making dartz responsible for their hardships, but fuck canon. i can decide that later though. it doesn’t really matter here, since jounouchi’s POV. and jounouchi is unlikely to realise something like this about people he doesn’t really give a shit about, and mai is unlikely to tell him.
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hopefulstarfire · 2 years
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YuGiOh OC Ship Aesthetic
Trouvailleshipping (Alister/Iris)
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