#specialist oc
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banjo-snail-punchy · 5 months ago
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Oh to be cradled by an ultraviolent Specialist that will be the Prime Asset's follower.
Another idea for my Prime Asset OC - his location also comes with a new Specialist called 'The Follower.' A cult-like person who wanders the chapel, but will also attach itself to Reverend Jones. It vanishes often, but it's merely stalking the Reagents and making their locations silently known to Jones and the other Prime Assets.
To reveal the Follower's location, the Reagent must attack Jones to stir the Follower. It also carries blades and will try to rip them apart. It will not show itself if the Reagent attacks other Prime Assets.
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writer-of-various · 2 years ago
Christine: I feel bad for you...
Savannah: *nods and has a hopeful look*
Christine, deadpan and in French: Nah, I'm just kidding. You're still a bitch.
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serendippertyy · 3 months ago
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my new and improved ref sheet for tinsel tangle! I love my little guy sm..if it wasn't obvious he is based off my sweetums bernard ofc 😚❤️
I edited a couple things and made it in the show's style as to not confuse ppl w my pony design headcanons! the main reason for this redo ref sheet is to keep things simple for when I do trades/commissions, I have had so many ppl draw him with the lion like tail and while I love it, I feel as though I should specify it is not a necessary detail if lion tails aren't part of ur style! :]
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ladiemars · 9 months ago
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second part of my friend’s commission ft. her detective and mason!!
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docvigne · 2 months ago
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Looks like the January slots theme is yellow. Order number two!
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echosong971 · 4 months ago
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POV: you're losing in Crucible
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eobe · 2 months ago
You are reborn into the Star Wars universe, in a time, place, and family of your choosing. You retain all of your knowledge of canon events, and could change their outcome if you so chose. What do you do?
an unforeseen writing escalation. If you‘ve been tagged and don’t want to read – ignore 😂🫶
Oh kriff, what did I do to deserve that.
That’s what I asked myself, CT-1618, since I got fragment by fragment of the memories of my former life on a strange planet in a galaxy that far away, that my soul travelled not only through space, but also through time.
And Maker, this is kark. If I don‘t want to be decommissioned by first chance, I had to keep my mouth shut and my head down. If I had to speak, then well-considered. The silent, broody cadet with the ongoing frown and the crossed arms, that was me.
I almost enjoyed everyone getting calm and my clone brothers‘ full attention when I finally had something to say. So time came to use that for a greater good.
Down in the barracks after curfew I hesitated over-notable to make my batch vode curious and then I started cautiously asking them what they think about „The Mission“ – the one of our nightmares.
Either I had luck or it was easier than I thought to get them started to think individually. I recognized my chance to change things with patience, if I manage to spread some tiny well placed seeds without getting caught – and to get some tiny well placed stones into rolling.
Even as a single clone trooper I could try to find evidence. I only needed skills to get my chance, so I specialized on coding and data decryption and also spread cautiously word about my interests and achievements to get support from my superiors. It worked – I got qualified for ARC training.
I also noticed the rumor about „The Mission“ being not only a strange clone thing but something possibly dangerous made the round, also some more triggers I set, like that we‘re more than just numbers.
I asked my trusted vode to tell me if they heard news about the rumors other clones maybe whispering behind hands about things I started. I always had only one back question: „Did they mention me?“ Luckily never. My brothers mocked me being that nervous. „Vod, calm down. Source unknown as always.“
I felt a little hope the first time a stranger clone in the 79s chatted with me and after some time and drinks he hesitated with a calculating glance and asked with lowered voice what I think of those rumors about „The Mission“ – that one from our nightmares. I couldn’t hold back a small chuckle but answered well-considered as usual.
I collected and encrypted every data I could find, also tracking the reports of the 501st to stay tuned. Did little hacking attacks and got better. Being a silent and specialized ARC trooper in the 41st Elite Corps allowed me to broaden my network, but my connections and attempts to get through the security walls of Serenno for the chips‘ data went dangerously wrong.
My closest vode shivered with me as we heard talking our superiors about Serenno being cyber attacked – from our position. Kark, the seppies seem to have a new specialist.
„Do we know the source?“ My batch brother Forest asked – perfectly hiding that he knows the source better than he liked in this moment.
They didn‘t find the source. But I found something.
„Name and number, trooper!“
Done. The day and the moment had come and I was absolutely done, but I might have now the tiniest and silliest chance to change a really big event in the timeline!
I had lurked in the 79s, looking for some blue markings on armor to grab myself some key figures, but I had to run into the Marshal Commander of Coruscant himself. Literally.
And spilled his caf all over his spotless armor.
Kriff, maybe I was only done, but I have to try my luck for the sake of the whole karking galaxy.
„ARC-1618! Name‘s Source, Sir and I‘m incredibly sorry, Sir…“ I rambled? knowing that not only my own poor life depends on.
The first time in my life I babbled like the most talkative brother of my Squad (named Text, no kidding) and it was important to do so and to make it right – I had a plan that requires proper acting.
I had absolutely no problem to show my sweating nervousness and shrinked under the seething glare of the elder clone and finally sweared, that I‘ll spend him a caf every time when I see him – Pause for effect and dramatic gasp (for this one I imagined my big brother Voice the one time the bulky clone actually got unsettled) – then I widened my eyes like in shock, like realizing what I just said and I froze my body like prey that got caught and hoped that I just had managed my masterpiece.
And Dank Farrik, it worked. I knew that I had won in the very moment that I saw a slightly mad glint lighten up in the furious eyes of Coruscant‘s head and an actually scary grin showing the canine teeth, all the older and greying Commanders seem to share.
My heart and my brain were racing on my way to order the maybe most important caf in the whole galaxy and as I sat down at the table with the waiting Commander, who tried to hide his amusement I had the feeling that I truly got a chance now.
So I started to track the schedules and reports of the Coruscant Guard and „stumbled“ over Commander Fox as often as possible, without making the tired but sly man suspicious. We fastly got into really good caf talks and so one day I dared my luck, making the older clone curious with showing in a matter of fact truly undecided and hesitating.
l leaned a bit over the table, shooting a short look left and right and asked with lowered voice „Sir… may I ask you a question? I heared rumors and maybe the Marshal Commander is able to clear that.“
Fox raised an eyebrow with an asking glance.
I took a deep breath.
„What do you think about… The Mission? You know, the one of our nightmares.“
Great, I escalated 🙈 Thank you for the inspiration, dearest Anon. I‘m not a writer, I have a writing blockade for more than half of my life, but suddenly one of my unintroduced OCs took over… 🤷🏽‍♀️
Yeah, I hope you have fun with a non-mother tongue, non beta-read, non-writer‘s spontaneous writing 😂🫶
@foxwithadarkside Look, who‘s gone AWOL 😁
@crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf Does this count for an OC showcase?
Chaos Squad, you might recognize some names 😎 @lonewolflupe @wings-and-beskargam @ghostymarni
Taglist, I apologize for my attempt to override my current art blockade with a pathetic try to draw something with words: @eclec-tech @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @general-ida-raven @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @ladylucksrogue @spaceyjessa @morerandombullshit @freesia-writes
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drowxiv · 16 days ago
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Just got this commission back from Blue over on Bsky and I'm in LOVE. I normally won't share commissions here but I mean...... just LOOK AT HIM. I've been staring at this all day. Commission by Blue - Blue on Bsky
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sleepycl0wn · 9 days ago
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Doodling! featuring my specialist expop oc (Nikolai, guy with a gun) and My PA (cooper)!
I missed drawing cooper, haven’t drawn him in a hit second.
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thescrolls-haveforetold · 2 years ago
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Promise me, child
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writer-of-various · 2 years ago
"We only had each other...and Savannah took her away from me. I will get revenge."
Leon Owens, Post BO4
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coffin-of-dust · 13 days ago
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DID ANOTHER ART TRADE WITH THE REALEST HOMIE EVER @judasiscarithot!!! They gave me some gorgeous Flint art, this is so cute and I am loosing my shit over it. 😭😭😭😭 LOVED DOING THIS WITH YOU! My half of the trade under the cut. They asked my to draw their sick ass OC, Jean! Please go check them out bc they have some amazing work.
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theyanderespecialist · 4 months ago
Runaway Fiance~ 1 (Mini-Series) Yandere Ra Al Ghul X Marie (DC)
My Co Author For This: (Who Marie Is inspired after) @mamamaries
(No one's pov)
Marie slowly opened her eyes, not moving at all at first. She was waiting to hear footsteps. And she did.
She tried to visualize what she was hearing. She's only have so much time. Only such a brief window. She could probably lie if anyone saw her.. but she'd rather not deal with it at all.
When she'd first met Ra's- he seemed..like a dream come true. Courteous, polite, well-spoken, well-educated. Maybe a little too educated because..god he was much smarter than her- but he seemed like a dream.
She never expected him to show interest in her, she never expected they'd be together.
He seemed so old school. But she didn't mind, he didn't push her for intimacy. Something she often appreciated. She was too scared to kiss and it just..it had to be the right moment. They hadn't gotten too far- aside from that one time in the hot tub- that got...quite intense.
He always talked about how he loved this planet, like she did. How people had to be better for each other and for the world.
That was true- but he lied to her about what he did to achieve that- what his league did to achieve that.
How do you go about telling your girlfriend, now fiancée that you just so happen to not only be suspiciously loaded but..oh, I don't know..run an entire league of assassins and call yourself the demon head of it- trying to murder whole cities worth of people, blackmail, weapon smuggling- how do you even try?
Well, she could tell you. You don't. She found out by mistake when she got a little too curious.
Which is why she was leaving. She swore to him when he proposed that he'd be her family now, that she'd be a part of his world and he'd be a part of hers- but she didn't want that.
She didn't even bother taking anything but enough money to just- grab a ride and go. Go somewhere. She didn't care. Maybe she'd die of frostbite out in the snowy tundra but she didn't care.
All she cared about was running. And run she did. Through the snow, through the harsh wind. Her legs- she couldn't even feel them anymore. She finally reached a village and managed to get someone to take her on their plane after begging enough. Wherever it was going. That's where she'd live. She couldn't ever go back home. That's the first place they'd look. It took weeks to finally get somewhere she felt was safe, and even now, she always was worried they'd find her...and they'd kill her. No doubt.
She was settled down, working in a small shop and being helpful in any way she could. She even flirted with one of her coworkers. He was not Ra, but he was sweet and a very good man. John was a simple man who came here to help out his grandfather, the owner. She was happy to work with him. But she never let anyone take her photo, as the risk of it getting online. She lived her life the best she could but she also now lived in fear.
"Morning Mar!" John says as Marie walks into the shop. "I am so glad you came in, we will be busy today, the festivals start tonight! I-I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the first night! You know l-like a date!"
John was nervous but he wanted to ask Marie out to have a date with her.
(John I am sorry but you will die XD)
(John is done for he's cooked) 
(XD Yes he has sealed his fate XD) 
She hadn't dated since Ra's. Her first and only relationship- it was.. not ideal. She didn't trust anyone.
"A..date? I... I don't.." she stopped. "I haven't..dated in a long time. I'd..I'd like that." She didn't know if she actually would.
She would not even admit it to herself, but she was still attached to Ra. Her deep connection still had her attracted to him, that is what made finding out about him hurt all the more. She was the first man she was ever fully attracted to and wanted to be with in real life. So when she found out the type of man he was it was like a stab to her heart, but she still loved him on some level, and that made it hurt the most.
However, if she does not learn to move on and learn her heart come to terms she cannot be with Ra... Then she will never heal.
"That is great!" John grins so happy he was over the moon, he really liked Marie and could not wait. 'I will close the shop tonight, so you can have time to get ready!"
Marie nodded John was so different like a puppy dog almost wanting to do everything to make Marie happy.
She gave him a sort of tense smile. She never told John the truth, only half of it. She had a dangerous Ex, one who could never know where she was. That's all he needed to know.
"Thanks, John." She said.
They continued to work in the shop and had a great time. The day was busy and John made sure Marie took plenty of breaks so she did not get overwhelmed
She had some pretty serious social anxiety. No one could come behind her or from the side- he had no idea what her ex did, but it had to be bad.
"Well, that's it for the night, you go, I'll stay behind and lock up," John said as Marie slowly waved and began her journey back to her shitty little apartment.
She was unaware that one of Ra's assassins was in town for a job, and he saw Marie crossing the street.
"I be damned." He says and pulls out his cell phone on the third Call Ra Answer.
"What is it, I am busy in this meeting." He says as he pulls the victim's eye out of his skull.
"I just caught sight of your fiance, Marie." He says and Ra's froze, it had been a year... a year without her and she was found.
"Where are you?" He demands stabbing the victim in the head and ending his meeting. 
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treel · 7 months ago
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Hello, I'm still alive, with this very self-indulgent meme of Invader Zim OCs. Featuring Stomach Fish (along with a handful of characters that have never appeared in fics and no one besides me and four or five other psychopaths care about)
Selpa gets two spots because he was literally made to be hated. He only exists to be a bastard and I think that's beautiful
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masonscig · 2 years ago
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one of my favorite book 3 demo moments courtesy of @gncrezan <3 thank you so much for drawing my favs <333 ONE DAY TO GO PEOPLE !!!!!
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thirtybythirty · 1 month ago
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i am never drawing this tattoo again (a lie)
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