#clone oc voice
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eobe · 2 months ago
You are reborn into the Star Wars universe, in a time, place, and family of your choosing. You retain all of your knowledge of canon events, and could change their outcome if you so chose. What do you do?
an unforeseen writing escalation. If you‘ve been tagged and don’t want to read – ignore 😂🫶
Oh kriff, what did I do to deserve that.
That’s what I asked myself, CT-1618, since I got fragment by fragment of the memories of my former life on a strange planet in a galaxy that far away, that my soul travelled not only through space, but also through time.
And Maker, this is kark. If I don‘t want to be decommissioned by first chance, I had to keep my mouth shut and my head down. If I had to speak, then well-considered. The silent, broody cadet with the ongoing frown and the crossed arms, that was me.
I almost enjoyed everyone getting calm and my clone brothers‘ full attention when I finally had something to say. So time came to use that for a greater good.
Down in the barracks after curfew I hesitated over-notable to make my batch vode curious and then I started cautiously asking them what they think about „The Mission“ – the one of our nightmares.
Either I had luck or it was easier than I thought to get them started to think individually. I recognized my chance to change things with patience, if I manage to spread some tiny well placed seeds without getting caught – and to get some tiny well placed stones into rolling.
Even as a single clone trooper I could try to find evidence. I only needed skills to get my chance, so I specialized on coding and data decryption and also spread cautiously word about my interests and achievements to get support from my superiors. It worked – I got qualified for ARC training.
I also noticed the rumor about „The Mission“ being not only a strange clone thing but something possibly dangerous made the round, also some more triggers I set, like that we‘re more than just numbers.
I asked my trusted vode to tell me if they heard news about the rumors other clones maybe whispering behind hands about things I started. I always had only one back question: „Did they mention me?“ Luckily never. My brothers mocked me being that nervous. „Vod, calm down. Source unknown as always.“
I felt a little hope the first time a stranger clone in the 79s chatted with me and after some time and drinks he hesitated with a calculating glance and asked with lowered voice what I think of those rumors about „The Mission“ – that one from our nightmares. I couldn’t hold back a small chuckle but answered well-considered as usual.
I collected and encrypted every data I could find, also tracking the reports of the 501st to stay tuned. Did little hacking attacks and got better. Being a silent and specialized ARC trooper in the 41st Elite Corps allowed me to broaden my network, but my connections and attempts to get through the security walls of Serenno for the chips‘ data went dangerously wrong.
My closest vode shivered with me as we heard talking our superiors about Serenno being cyber attacked – from our position. Kark, the seppies seem to have a new specialist.
„Do we know the source?“ My batch brother Forest asked – perfectly hiding that he knows the source better than he liked in this moment.
They didn‘t find the source. But I found something.
„Name and number, trooper!“
Done. The day and the moment had come and I was absolutely done, but I might have now the tiniest and silliest chance to change a really big event in the timeline!
I had lurked in the 79s, looking for some blue markings on armor to grab myself some key figures, but I had to run into the Marshal Commander of Coruscant himself. Literally.
And spilled his caf all over his spotless armor.
Kriff, maybe I was only done, but I have to try my luck for the sake of the whole karking galaxy.
„ARC-1618! Name‘s Source, Sir and I‘m incredibly sorry, Sir…“ I rambled? knowing that not only my own poor life depends on.
The first time in my life I babbled like the most talkative brother of my Squad (named Text, no kidding) and it was important to do so and to make it right – I had a plan that requires proper acting.
I had absolutely no problem to show my sweating nervousness and shrinked under the seething glare of the elder clone and finally sweared, that I‘ll spend him a caf every time when I see him – Pause for effect and dramatic gasp (for this one I imagined my big brother Voice the one time the bulky clone actually got unsettled) – then I widened my eyes like in shock, like realizing what I just said and I froze my body like prey that got caught and hoped that I just had managed my masterpiece.
And Dank Farrik, it worked. I knew that I had won in the very moment that I saw a slightly mad glint lighten up in the furious eyes of Coruscant‘s head and an actually scary grin showing the canine teeth, all the older and greying Commanders seem to share.
My heart and my brain were racing on my way to order the maybe most important caf in the whole galaxy and as I sat down at the table with the waiting Commander, who tried to hide his amusement I had the feeling that I truly got a chance now.
So I started to track the schedules and reports of the Coruscant Guard and „stumbled“ over Commander Fox as often as possible, without making the tired but sly man suspicious. We fastly got into really good caf talks and so one day I dared my luck, making the older clone curious with showing in a matter of fact truly undecided and hesitating.
l leaned a bit over the table, shooting a short look left and right and asked with lowered voice „Sir… may I ask you a question? I heared rumors and maybe the Marshal Commander is able to clear that.“
Fox raised an eyebrow with an asking glance.
I took a deep breath.
„What do you think about… The Mission? You know, the one of our nightmares.“
Great, I escalated 🙈 Thank you for the inspiration, dearest Anon. I‘m not a writer, I have a writing blockade for more than half of my life, but suddenly one of my unintroduced OCs took over… 🤷🏽‍♀️
Yeah, I hope you have fun with a non-mother tongue, non beta-read, non-writer‘s spontaneous writing 😂🫶
@foxwithadarkside Look, who‘s gone AWOL 😁
@crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf Does this count for an OC showcase?
Chaos Squad, you might recognize some names 😎 @lonewolflupe @wings-and-beskargam @ghostymarni
Taglist, I apologize for my attempt to override my current art blockade with a pathetic try to draw something with words: @eclec-tech @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @general-ida-raven @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @ladylucksrogue @spaceyjessa @morerandombullshit @freesia-writes
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srgtmajor · 5 months ago
Voiceclaim for jp I HATE HIM!!!!!!!!
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just-null · 2 months ago
I have never seen or read Demon slayer (and tbh I don't really plan to). And I've also never even heard of the clones up until your blog, so my only knowledge and understanding of them is almost solely formed on your interpretation. You made me want these guys in ways that are concerning feminism. I can't even think about picking up the manga because if the canon is somehow different by your interpretation I fear I would feel as if the canon ones were ooc. Like, no, Null never said they would do that🤨 does this guy Koyoharu even know what she's talking about??🤨🤨
Your cult leader loves background characters and tries give them as much love as the popular ones!!
sighs.. but tysm.. I try my best to make them in character as possible even if some qualities might irk you, but isn't that what makes them even more loveable? I hope I can bend the perception of more characters in due time.
Even if you did watch/read demon slayer, you wouldn't see these jerks until season thREE and EVEN THEN. SLAMS HEAD AGAINST THE WALL. WITH SO LITTLE SCREEN TIME. That's also probably why you haven't seen them around. they don't have much content or focus on their backstory, so the Fandom didn't get as attached. and I make it up with the scraps given.
holds your hands. I do recommend at least watching the scenes with the clones in the anime. their VAs did such a good job, I love both sub and dub. Sekido's grunts, Karaku's laughs, Urogi's laughs (and screeches), And Aizetsu's WAVERY VOICE all echo in my head constantly. I miss them.
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plushrats · 13 days ago
another batch of clone voice claims!!! always on that grind
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theclonehighocsever · 2 months ago
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"I'm not a giant man"
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mochiandturtles · 9 months ago
Now that I think about it, I feel like Voice of the Resilient (a.k.a my Narrator clone voice oc) would be completely weirded out that his body is not human is some shape or form.
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luigigirl12 · 3 months ago
This is what Nala's voice sounds like
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thechaoticfanartist · 1 year ago
Grim steals Obi-Wan's lightsaber 22 BBY Colorized
(Audio is from Nimona)
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added or removed) : @padme--amygdala @soclonely @mrfandomwars @jgvfhl @starlonkedd @shinhatigf @togrutanduin @jedi-valjean @one-real-imonkey @traygaming @aiylasdrawings @keoxus @veiled-in-stars @sentineljedi @spicysucculentz @amelia-song-pond @it-was-rose @saturnsokas @thejediprincessqueenofnaboo @veradragonjedi @arrthurpendragon @shrinkthisviolet @doodlebugs-and-doodleart @thebrainofoctavian
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clonememesfrikyeah · 2 years ago
I just had the most galaxy brain idea for a clone oc. Trans Arc trooper named Jo’an. Joan of Arc.
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eobe · 3 months ago
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Introducing a bomb tinkerer! 💣 Meet clone trooper Voice, heavy gunner and demolition expert of the Owl Squad 🦉 under Padawan Commander Eo in the 41st Elite Corps.
He just made a little fox grenade for a friend who collects little fox figures 😎🦊✨ @foxwithadarkside
Short facts about Voice:
Gentle giant with beautiful voice. Almost getting too bulky for his already advanced Phase-2 armor and gear (too much heavy stuff dragging) Happy if somebody asks him to sing.
Slowly tattooing his whole body with what he experienced, patterns of cultures he visited and what‘s important to him.
Likes to do the puppy eyes to make his brothers to do what he wants, but in flirtation mode also showing hints of a dark side.
Tinkering handy little bombs for battle in his freetime, humming and singing with his beautiful voice almost innocently…
… but unlocking them in battle with a tilted head, wicked grin, a dark glance, whispering: „And… bam.“ 💀
Taglist: @eclec-tech @lonewolflupe @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @justanotherdikutsimp @ladylucksrogue @spaceyjessa
OC tag dear: @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf
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cila-17 · 24 hours ago
Elsie Clone High AU voice claims (not finished yet)
Seth Green as Harry Houdini (sounding like Monty Monogram from Phineas and Ferb and Leonardo from the later seasons of the 2012 TMNT)
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I was gonna go for Zachary Levi at first but he sounded too mature for a teenager. Love both their voices I feel like Seth Green is a good choice
Jason Ritter as Roy Evans
yes! Dipper Pines baby!
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He’s got right amount of cracking in his voice for the part!
Ashly Burch as Elsie!
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I’m thinking she could sound like Enid from OK KO although I also think Lainey from The Loud House would be a good fit too. I’m picking voice actors with a wide range that can do many kinds of voices. Breezy from Adventure Time is where I see it most fits with Elsie.
TJ Miller as Ernest! yes. Fred from Big Hero 6
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but you Gravity Falls fans may know him better as Robbie! Yeah! Which is what I’m going for!
I may change it if I find someone else, I’m looking for someone more mopey and deep voiced. But he’s close enough.
Mae Whitman as Bess!
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I think she could sound along the lines of April O’Neil from the 2012 TMNT but again. Wide range.
and last but not least the star of all the stars of voice actors…
Tara Strong as Margery! she’ll sound like Raven from Teen Titans! It is settled!
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And that’s it so far!
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dragon-subway · 1 year ago
what do your star wars ocs sound like?
the main four i think about ����
Fen - Message lost (Lon Cover) [listen to it]
Gnash - Commander Mayday (the bad batch s2ep2)
Essie - Fern Brady [this one in particular]
Cake - Commander Cody (the bad batch s2ep3)
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oozeandgoo-art · 10 months ago
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everyone is sooo in love with vakori on account of le is so cool and smart and deeply pragmatic and is also completely batshit insane
#oc#monochrome#sketch#velan#vakori#rocaim#rocaim and vakori are rex and taz and adder and silas's parents#adder and silas get their looks from vakori; rex and taz to a slightly lesser degree get it from rocaim#rex specifically is like a sharper clone of him. fucks velan up all the time because their personalities are completely totally different#rocaim was very like. gentle and understanding. good with kids and well-liked by basically everyone. a very effective mediator#rex is obviously none of those things lmao. every time he says something particularly insensitive it surprises her for like six years runni#anyway rocaim is in love wtih vakori. velan is in love with vakori. vakori is aro as they come but insanely pragmatic#like. ok le's based loosely off my ex. like. so le's SCARY pragmatic. so fucking cool about it everyone with a brain is specifically like#'woag oh my god le's so pragmatic im in love with her'. anyway eventually le's like 'hi rocaim. here are the objective reasons that i think#that if we got married it would mean i had better standing and more power in the organization we're both committed to. would you be#opposed to possibly getting married with me on the grounds that it would get me respect and power' and rocaim. who is already head over#heels for ler specifically because le makes these kinds of decisions and sees with this kind of logic is like. Absolutely. 100%#then for the next four years of their formal engagement people keep taking rocaim aside and being like hey... i have bad news...#...that leya you're engaged to... le's not romantically interested in you the same way you're romantically interested in ler... le only#wants you because you're an Ath and le wants a voice in the interclan meetsings... and then when Rocaim is like yeah i know#thats why i want to marry ler isnt that like the sexiest fucking reasoning you've EVER heard. no one gets it but velan#who is also in love with ler for the same reasons but has no such claims to power#and who also is not equipped for a polycule nor willing to try to go behind rocaim's back because unfortunately for her. she is also in lov#with rocaim. me when im in love with my friend and my friend's wife and also i'm pretty sure they both reciprocate but they're both#married and i dont really know what to do about it and also all three of us are very Traditional and that is not the Tradition:#and then they both die and she never quite deals with that.#but she DOES get to raise their (surviving) kids :) most of whom are fucking nightmares#life is so difficult for velan. like actually#closerverse#cv
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plushrats · 14 days ago
don’t think I’ve ever shared these here before sooo here’s some voice claims for a couple of my clones !! <3
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year ago
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I know to you I don’t seem very strong, but I assure you before you can catch me I’m gone
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mookthecoroner · 7 months ago
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Screech loathes to leave his station, but scheduled infirmary inspections are what they are. And that is unavoidable.
Figuring out how to stretch the limited medical resources puts a sour taste in his mouth, and so the old vods already bitter temperament only gets worse after doing inventory.
Screech is also known for his horrendous bedside manner, but no one can tell him to stop with his raving about other people's stupidity when its distracting you from the bone sticking out of your leg being put back inside.
Not to mention he has the biggest stash of contraband booze in the guard and is more likely to share if you behave.
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