#obviously you don't need religion to be a good person but i think it can give the world more interesting meaning
weedle-testaburger · 5 months
whenever i read about religion i kind of go 'you know, even if none of this is true, it's pretty neat how humans have come up with these creative explanations for why the world is the way it is, and they're always much more interesting to me than the 'it's all cosmic coincidence now shut up already' attitude that outspoken atheists have'
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menlove · 9 months
honestly i think a HUGE part of the issue is that most of the left doesn't really understand antisemitism
after wwii it became wildly Unpopular to be blatantly antisemitic. obviously, it still happened. but the result of this is that instead of antisemitism being studied as a historical and pervasive form of oppression that has been around for thousands of years & has many many precedents BEFORE the holocaust.... it became:
something just simply Rude to say or do. if you're a polite liberal/conservative or a leftist, it's just something that is socially unacceptable. there is no real weight to this.
something when FIRMLY believed is ONLY held by people like nazis and white supremacists. who, as we know, are The Enemy and none of us can ever be like them at all ever by the virtue of... not being them. no need to watch your own behaviors, bc you are not a nazi! only nazis could ever be Actually antisemitic
something that erupted out of the ground in germany in the early 20th century, culminated with the holocaust, and ended after. antisemitism did not exist before that and it was solved after when the saving grace of the united states and england liberated the jews from the nazis out of the goodness of their hearts
however absolutely none of this is true. antisemitism stretches back thousands of years and it has not, for the most part, been only "fringe" conspiracy theorists and white supremacists who perpetuate it
antisemitism has been, by and large, presented as very logical. throughout, again, the thousands of years of history of antisemitism, very regular people have been antisemites. and most of them had reasons they felt were perfectly logical and understandable and most of all just. jews were trying to kill their children, of course they hated them! jews were purposefully trying to keep them poor, of course they hated them! jews believed Wrong Things and were morally and spiritually corrupt, of course there was something wrong with them. jews betrayed their country, lost them a war that ended with their husbands and brothers and sons dead, and now were living among them and taking advantage of social benefits out of the goodness of the hearts of the german people, of COURSE they hated them! and the nazis themselves were backed up by science at the time. scientific racism was THE science at the time. charles darwin was a scientific racist. it was all very logical.
and did jews actually do these things? no. but these people saw enough proof that aligned well enough with their morals and their beliefs and their fears & so to them it was completely logical and justified. it wasn't a fringe theory that only an insane person would believe in, or something impolite. it was true to them. to their morals, to their fears, to their core beliefs. it was true.
and so now we see a LOT. a lot of leftists being dragged ass first into antisemitism. because they don't even think they CAN be antisemitic. THEY aren't nazis and THEY aren't white supremacists, of COURSE they aren't antisemitic. but... well. the jews are doing things that go against their morals. they're doing things that validate their fears. the jews are violating things that go against their core beliefs! so of COURSE it is LOGICAL that they should hate them. of course, it is still rude to say "the jews are evil" so it gets replaced with "zionist". (and before you ask yes i am anti-zionism and do deeply believe what israel is doing is unjust and cruel) but even that is slipping.
it is getting all the more popular to go that one step further and instead of just making posts like "spam the hanukkah tag because the Zionists need to learn what their religion stands for" that are blatantly just replacing "jews" with "zionists", they are logically moving to being mask off. if zionism is wrong and half the world's remaining jewish population lives in israel, what about the rest? aren't they suspect? would they not ALL commit atrocities if given the chance? aren't they all racist for believing they're an ethnicity? aren't they all complicit? aren't they all threatening our deeply held leftist beliefs? it's a little weird and everyone has been too quiet for too long bc it's been rude to say but now you can get 300k notes for posting blood libel so why would you keep quiet anymore?
why WOULDN'T you just say "thank god someone finally said it i was worried about stepping on toes" when someone makes a post full of antisemitic conspiracy theory. why WOULDN'T you say "i don't care if all of israel gets bombed and every single person dies after this lmfao they deserve it"? (which would wipe out, again, half the world's population of jews- many of whom living there are anti-zionist and actively protesting their government. or. you know. children.) why WOULDN'T you make posts about how jewish identity is just nazi aryanism? why wouldn't you make posts about how the jews are privileged in america bc they run hollywood and the economy? why WOULDN'T you say the star of david is a hate symbol to you now and that you mistrust anyone using it? or that you find anyone speaking hebrew suspect?
these are all perfectly logical. to you. and YOU are not a nazi or a white supremacist. so it can't be antisemitic.
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rosesnbooks · 6 months
Astrology observations #4
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🧡if your moon is in the same sign as someone's rising sign, this is visible at first meeting. you just feel a certain pull when you see them, and they stand out from others in the room
🧡i have noticed that capricorn moons and/or mercuries like dark humor, it's not for the sensitive ones. that's why they also appreciate shows like the office and seinfeld. not to mention their interest for darker shows in general. developed capricorns are funny, but underdeveloped ones hurt people with their mockery
🧡aquarius/11th house and gemini/3rd house placements love personality tests. curiosity and the desire to understand themselves is strong. the former also want to feel more connected to others because they often feel vastly different than the people around them...these tests help them connect. honorable mentions to pisces placements as well
🧡i have yet to meet someone with virgo placements who doesn't appreciate cleanliness and/or organization. funnily enough, not all of them actually follow these values themselves. they are also good with arts and crafts
🧡virgo moons and gemini moons both have issues with silencing their minds at times, but virgos are definitely stricter with themselves. both placements need to talk with their closest people to process their feelings. they just need to let it out somehow or else, they will feel overwhelmed
🧡water signs are connected to water obviously, but there is something about cancer placements and their love for the sea. it's adorable, and they find comfort in it
🧡i think it's true that opposites attract but i think that there needs to be one point where both sides can meet. for example, if you lack earth placements, you probably benefit from having an earth placement in your life but it works best if they share an element that you have. this way, they they can understand where you're coming from.
🧡a person with scorpio mars cannot hide their intensity from everyone. especially when it comes to things/people that they deeply care about or things that fuel their rage. they can have the most sensitive and peaceful chart, but then that scorpio arrives and stirs the waters.
🧡mars in gemini can go through many difficult trials in life and adapt to anything. it's truly admirable
🧡moon in the 12th find comfort in spirtuality and/or religion. however, they need to be careful not to become fanatics and vulnerable to bad intentions from the people in these fields
🧡3rd house stelliums observe people a lot and, over time, learn how to read them very well
🧡i think parents can learn from their children as well and sometimes their chart confirms that. for example, a parent can have their north node in scorpio, and their kid ends up having one or several scorpio placements. it's up to the parent whether they'll learn from them or emphasize the differences between them
🧡jupiter in sagittarius/jupiter in the 9th house find tremendous joy in travelling. once they try it out, the urge to continue travelling is strong. staying put in one place too long is bad for their spirit
🧡i have noticed that those with earth venus (virgo, capricorn, taurus) don't rush into love as others. i think they just want to find the right person first. they're sensitive souls that want someone to trust and rely on
🧡people with north node in leo notice that they feel alive when they pursue different adventures and when they don't dim their light in front of others. they care a lot about the world and humanity, and they need to let others take care of them sometimes too
🧡it's not easy when your jupiter and saturn share the same house. i think it means you need to find balance somehow. for example, someone with jupiter in the 9th house can find happiness and luck in travel, spirituality, and having an optimistic and open-minded mindset. but also, they may fear pursuing these things either because it seems scary or because they experienced some setbacks in the past. moreover someone with jupiter and saturn in the 11th house has had meaningful friendships that brought them lots of luck, as well as some intense friendships that caused them a lot of pain
🧡pisces placements can adore libra placements because they want someone who'll give them a fair chance and some peace in their lives. pisces people are a bit weary of intense placements because they don't feel 100% safe with them, whereas libras are comforting. honorable mentions to taurus as well, since they can make pisces feel like they're at home with them
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spacebarbarianweird · 10 months
astarion with wizard!tav
Oh, this one is tricky! Never played a wizard (I am too dumb for this class) and I hope I haven't dissapointed you!
NSFW version
Astarion x Wizard!Tav Headcanons
You are this bookish person who rarely goes out.
Like, you left home for once, and look what happened! You were kidnapped and got a tadpole in your brains!
You are smart, intelligent, and know a lot of things. Spells, history, religion, and some weird facts are suitable only for quizzes.
Astarion loves listening to you - he's missed a lot of things within those 200 years, and you help him to catch up.
What do you mean there was a Spellplague? And magic stopped working for a whole decade? And the Time of Troubles when some gods ceased existing?
And you somehow know more about elves and vampires than he does.
"I've read the older vampire is, the longer they can spend in the sunlight. Ancient vampires are almost immune", you once casually told him, and this glimpse of hope stuck with him for a long time.
You aren't social - moreover, you absolutely cannot survive in social situations.
And you were oblivious to Astarion's flirting - like none of his seductive words worked on you. You just didn't get them.
But in the meantime, Astarion started appreciating it. Old habits die slowly, so when he sometimes slips back into all "seduce and fuck" things, it just doesn't work on you.
You know a lot of spells, and you are ready to use them. "Silence" during sex not to attract unnecessary attention. "Darkness" to protect Astarion from sunshine. "Protection From Evil and Good," which helps from inner demons as well as real ones.
But sometimes, you overstep Astarion's boundaries because you think you can help him.
Once, you used telepathy to console Astarion, only to hurt him by violating his mind.
"The only thing that was left intact was my mind, and you decided to get in there!" he yelled at you and disappeared for a few long months while you stayed alone in the wizard tower with only books as a company.
He returned. Of course, he did. But he wanted an apology, which you gave him, and the promise to ask about spells to use on him.
You have a shared love for books and a vast library where you read together and discuss things you've just learned.
You are looking for clues to cure his vampirism or, at least, give him the ability to walk in the sun.
There must be something! Something in this hellish amount of books.
Astarion isn't excited. He knows you are ambitious and need to know when to stop.
And there are too many stories of wizards who lost control of their powers and knowledge.
Besides, some artifacts and spells cost too much for the wizard, and he just wants you to avoid risking yourself for him.
After all, in your relations, he is a hero.
He is stronger and a better fighter.
He is street-smart; meanwhile, you are obviously book-smart.
So he knows how to survive.
And if strange visitors want something from you, beware your husband, who will sit them down and question them like a professional interrogator.
If you need a specific magic item - just say. Astarion will bring it. Just don't ask where he got it and how.
"Blood? What blood? Oh, that blood!"
He loves giving you things - books, primarily, but he also wants to ensure you have other things that bring you comfort, like a delicate shirt or a dress. Or a wizard hat.
And you return the favor. Astarion has a fire-enchanted blanket, which is warm on its own, and a darkness cape that allows him to walk in the daylight for a few hours until the spell weakens.
And, of course, the reflection spell. Now, Astarion knows how he looks.
When Astarion is an absolute mess and tells you he feels like drowning, you conjure the spell and let him look at himself, which helps him feel the ground again.
You are easily wounded in a fight - and he does everything to protect you.
"You body is a fragile vessel of fine potion," he jokingly says.
But he always worries sick - especially when your wounds are of magic origin.
He just doesn't understand what is happening to you, and it makes him sick.
Of course, there is Gale to ask for help from, but he soon realizes that the two wizard nerds aren't as powerful as they think.
Books. You read "useful" ones on magic, history, and others. You have never had time to read for fun!
So Astarion starts bringing you fiction novels. Some stupid adventure stories or straightforward erotica.
Initially, you were hesitant - you aren't used to spending time on nonsense.
But later, you found yourself enjoying a series of novels about the adventures of treasure hunters in the deserts of Halrua.
And love stories. You are absolutely lost in them, especially if they are somewhat spicy.
But you don't want to read yourself - you need Astarion's voice to narrate them!
Astarion mocks you often, but you know that behind your back, he can't shut up about you.
He admires your abilities, your skills, and your intelligence.
In his eyes, you are the most powerful wizard the world has ever seen.
And he makes sure you follow your routine.
Because, of course, you fall asleep on your books and forget to eat or change your clothes
So Astarion takes this role of a "caregiver" - he makes sure you eat regularly, get enough sleep hours (even if he has to drag you to bed against your will), always have a fresh set of clothes, and don't forget to walk at least once a day.
"No, please, one more chapter, I am almost done!"
But no objections - this fantastic brain of yours needs some rest.
Tag list
@tragedybunny @caitlincat-95 @tallymonster @astarionsbeloved @lumienyx @fayeriess @elora-the-slutty-songstress @veillsar @astarion-imagine-archive @micropoe10 @starlight-ipomoea @herstxrgirl @theearthsfinalconfession @ashrio20 @not-so-lost-after-all @vixstarria @wintersire
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queerprayers · 4 months
luther inspired hitler, following him is a step away from following hitler
Welcome, beloved. I don't want to dismiss your message, but I do want to make some things clear. I, like many, have horrors in my religion that I have to be able to address, and prejudices that I do not perpetuate consciously but know that I nonetheless have absorbed from culture, and am responsible for healing. Antisemitism within Christianity is a huge topic, with people devoting their lives to studying it. I would not fault any Jewish person for antagonism toward my communities--you would be right to be wary, and if I intend to continue participating in these communities, I must be able to understand and accept any justified anger or distrust coming my way.
I'd encourage everyone reading to learn more about this through the Wikipedia link, but a brief description/summary for those who don't want details/images: The mentioned article is about an antisemitic artistic trope from the Middle Ages. The church where Martin Luther preached included an image of this sort from 1305.
Martin Luther was antisemitic. This isn't up for debate. There is more to say, of course--we can look at how his attitudes changed over his life (for the worse, to be clear), we can talk about the extent to which he specifically influenced Nazism (this is a complicated conversation that I'm not qualified for)--but he was undeniably, horrifically, antisemitic. There's a Wikipedia page solely devoted to this topic.
That said, there's huge diversity within Lutheranism, seeing as it's a large religious tradition, and if you're interested in learning about Lutheranism and Hitler specifically, I'd encourage you to look into the split within the German Lutheran Church in 1933 and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the Lutheran theologian who was hanged at the Flossenbürg concentration camp. It's fascinating to look back at that while living through such religious division in America right now.
Luther was a complicated man, who did not set out to found a church, and opposed the term "Lutheran." He was attempting to reform the Catholic Church from the inside, because he himself was Catholic. Not a very good one, obviously, but he didn't consider himself anything else. He was a monk for a time, then an academic, and his beliefs got him excommunicated. I've read some of his writings, but not all. I find value in them, while disagreeing with a lot of it. Lutheranism is a space with which I have fellowship with God and humanity, not a set of rules or a devotion to every word of a man from the 16th century. I'm not interested in excusing or defending him, nor do I feel the need to honor him in any way. I hope I disappoint him completely.
I am a Lutheran Christian--and I would not fault anyone for thinking those words function similarly. So to explain: I'm a Christian as in I follow Christ, devote myself to his teachings, pray to him, and live for him every day. I'm a Lutheran as in I am a member of a church and culture that traces back to communities of German Protestants who identified with the theology of Martin Luther. I do not follow Martin Luther. I do not follow Lutheranism. I follow God, and participate in Christianity often within Lutheran communities--primarily because of my heritage and the music.
Protestants don't have Saints in the Catholic sense, nor do we have a pope. Martin Luther is not our Saint, or someone we pray through, or our leader. We don't read his writings in church, we don't look to him for answers. He's someone many people have found wisdom in, someone who has inspired countless reformers, but he is a man. A saint in the Lutheran sense, a lowercase-s saint, a member of Christ's community--a sinner from his mother's womb. He probably wrote more about his own sin then you ever will. He devolved into conspiracy, and said horrible things about Judaism and Catholicism and Islam, and we have seen the legacy of German antisemitism (which he did not create, but obviously contributed to), and it's a good thing I don't idolize him. I honestly don't think about him very much. Yes, I read his catechism in Bible classes, but we were free to disagree with it--we were using his most basic writings as a starting point. The words of his that are most present in my life are his hymns, which we do sing often. His teachings were intended to lead people to the Bible rather than leaders/traditions, which is why he translated the Bible into German, and why I go to the Bible, not to him. I learned about his antisemitism growing up, and prayed for repentance on behalf of my ancestors.
There are people who hold Luther in higher esteem than me, to be sure. Do I think they're basically following Hitler? I don't know. It depends why they value him, I would say. Idolizing anyone is dangerous, especially men in the 1500s. I can think of no historical male writer I value that was not at least slightly misogynist. The two authors I've read today, Virginia Woolf and Shakespeare, both have antisemitic writing. Countless people sainted by the Catholic Church, and countless popes, have been antisemitic. There is no innocent tradition. I'm not trying to excuse any of this, or say we shouldn't be critical, but this is why we don't base religions on people. They have to be founded and organized by people, which means there's going to be issues (and Christianity's are quite obvious), but Christians have to remind ourselves every day that the only human we worship is the one who was God.
I wish you well, beloved. I'm glad you see the evil in my religion, genuinely. Not enough people do. I hope you continue educating people and being active in your fight against antisemitism--if you're not Jewish yourself, hopefully this shows up more as supporting Jewish people and communities, and less like borderline accusing people online for following Hitler because they still use the word for their traditions that their Norwegian great-grandparents did, because it's the word that stuck from the beginning. We're named after Luther's excommunication, not his antisemitism--Catholics would have had to change their name to Lutheran too if that was the theological issue happening. There's a whole conversation to be had on whether we should call ourselves Lutheran, but regardless, the communities and heritage exist, and will continue to evolve.
May God have mercy on the crimes of my community members. May God lead me to walk in the way of justice. May our religion serve us, and may we serve God.
<3 Johanna
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didoldacc · 1 year
penchant ● choi beomgyu
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nsfw content, minors please do not interact!
warnings: manipulative themes and mental health problems, heavy emphasis on beomgyu's beauty, religious references(only used to describe beomgyu's beauty, reader doesn't have an established religion so don't worry), hurt/comfort, reader is also an idol, misogynistic themes, no one in the story is "good" but the villain is reader's group member, toxic relationships, mentions of su1c1d3 cheating, first lovers to exes to lovers, hurt comfort, breaking in, topic of drug addiction, possesive yandereish!beomgyu, soft and hard dom!beomgyu, sub!reader, marking, pet names, oral (both receiving), fingering, praise kink, dacryphilia, size kink, unprotected sex, breeding kink, degradation, dumbification, drowning kink, manhandling, multiple rounds, overstimulation, body worship(not just body worship tbh, reader worships beomgyu basically), choking, hair pulling, objectification, beomgyu takes advantage of reader's low point but great aftercare(finally a good thing), a really dumb solution for the conflict this is my very first full-length fic so i don't know how will this go, let me know if there is anything else i should add to warnings that i have missed. also don't forget to read the disclaimers at the end of the story.
qurbone ta hazole ta: "give up(my life for)/sacrifice(myself to) you, to beautiful you."
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"they say when god created joseph, he wasted more than half of all humanity's beauty on him. yet here you are. even all of it wouldn't create another you."
an intense pain you feel on your chest. it really sucks that you have no one you trust to talk about what you are going through. but even if you did, you are not sure if you have the courage to tell the truth. so you just find a corner where you can silently cry. a place that no one knows except for him. you don't let yourself cry out even though it is exactly what you need so you just sit there in fetal position and put your head on your knees while tears just keeps shedding.
suddenly you hear footsteps coming towards the room you are in. you just wish it wasn't him. you don't want to face anyone, especially him. you don't have the courage to face him. you did nothing wrong to him yet he is the only person that you don't want them to find out. you feel guilty all over again and even though your mind wants to stop your tears shed even more and your sobs become audible.
and your fear comes true. you hear beomgyu's voice. you cannot comprehend what he is saying but it is not hard to assume why he is here. obviously he had to make a phone call. you try to wipe down your tears before he walks into room and check yourself if you look like you have been crying. and unfortunately for you definitely do. as soon as your hand goes to your purse to find something to clean your ruined make up, you hear the door opening.
he sees you and paniced expression covers his face. your ruined eye make up, your sclera turned red, your puffed face, your messy hair. it is impossible for anyone to not pity you in your state so it is not hard to imagine how pitiful you ex would be in this position.
he immediately hangs up his phone. from what you were able to heard, you assumed that the person on the phone with him was his new girlfriend. your lips move slightly upwards to the idea of him hanging up on his girlfriend for you yet you know better than thinking it meant something, of course he was going to hang up when he saw someone crying.
you pull yourself back when he starts to walk towards you. you don't know what to say or how to act. it is all awkward. one does not show their crying face to their ex boyfriends. you feel your heart racing, you can even hear it. and you find your back hitting the wall when he stops walking towards you.
surprisingly he doesn't say anything. he just comes closer and hugs you. his hands reach your hair and starts slowly patting your hair. while his grip on you thightens. you hear him humming a lullaby he knows you love to your ears. tears fall again from your eyes and sobs follow leaving your mouth. even his smell makes you feel safe. at home. you stay like that for almost an hour when he finally speaks. "so are you going to tell me what has been bothering you or you just want to stay like this?" you want to say yes but you decline his offer. you kept hearing his notification sound the whole time he was trying to calm you down. you know you should create new boundaries with him and also you don't want his act of the countenance ruin his new relationship. you just thank him and leave thinking he would let go.
the minute you leave the room, your phone's notification sound keeps ringing. messages you see yet don't open keep covering the upper side of your screen. you know it's from a certain member of your group. she spams your ktalk to say the same thing over and over again. at first you felt guilty and offered to help her deal with her problems. problems that you technically created. thoughts racing your mind. should you tell someone? your manager? your leader? the ceo? beomgyu?
yet you decide not to even though you know if they hear the story they would side with you or once you show them everything she texted.
you find yourself in front of your parents' house. you didn't even realize you were heading there when you wandered around. guess your consciousness chose here since seeing her would not be a great choice for you right now. luckily your parents were away for the next couple of days. you are not sure if them seeing you like this was a good idea.
you start a warm bath for yourself. maybe this could calm you down. dealing with her has become your full time job. heck even full time jobs had breaks, you didn't have that beautiful privilege.
as soon as your body connects with the bathtub, you hear someone opening the door. a fear -that soon fades when you see beomgyu- covers your whole body.
"beomgyu what are you doing here? how did you get in?" he doesn't bother to answer to your question. just stands there and stares at you. you were able to remain nonchalant yet you felt the urge to ask "why don't you just let go? we have broken up long time ago, i don't wanna be burden to you with my problems. it is not comfortable anymore." he just smirks and walks toward you before answering.
"you naive little thing, you never stoped being mine. and i don't like seeing what's mine get hurt by someone else." you feel a knot on your throat. the urge to cry is undeniable. what does he mean? still his? it's true that you are still single after your breakup with him even years later but at the end of the day you weren't his either.
"don't play dumb with me, princess. i know how obsessed you are with me, never really moving on... don't worry i find it cute." you know he is right. ever since the very first time your eyes had been blessed by his beauty, you only wanted to be his. for a while you were his and getting to know the real him didn't help your case of obsession with him. you started to love him more with everything you had learned, craving for even more. even him dumping you never changing anything.
when he sees your face expression turning calmer, he finally decides to answer the question you have asked when he first walked in. "i still remember the password to doorlock, that's how i got in. i am sorry for following you but i couldn't let my baby go like this." you give him a smile full of pain. "i really want to tell you everything. and i will. just let me get my head cleared first. maybe if you let me finish my bath, i will be on my right mind so i can tell the story without victimizing myself."
a sinister expression covers beomgyu's face, leaving you confused with the sudden change of atmosphere. "without me?" he simply says. he stares at your pupil growing bigger like a cat almost covering all of your iris that expresses your shock. "what about your girlfriend?" you manage to ask. "who cares? she knows she is a nobody i just choose to get my dick wet. i will just have to deal with dumping her but that can wait." you know that beomgyu is not particularly fan of the idea of one true love but you also know that he is not just a player. yet you choose to ignore the words coming out of his mouth confusing you more and accept his request. it is wrong but there is no moral compass for beomgyu's asks.
you miss his beautiful face, his beautiful body, his beautiful everything. so the voice in your head that keeps telling you that this is wrong stands no chance. god must have put all his energy while creating him. because there is no other logical explanation of why he is this beautiful. you watch him get naked. he takes his time, almost like he is teasing you. your eyes filled with admiration, you feel sick to your stomach. how can you even look at him after what you have done. sure, there is no way that he was harmed beacuse of the stupid desicions you made with your certain member yet you felt guilty.
as if he was reading your mind he starts talking again. "you were going to clear your mind, remember?" you nod while his now naked body positions himself right behind you. he made you lean your back on his chest while he starts to play with your hair. "so missed this, can't believe i was the one breaking up with you. but you'll forgive me, right? that's what my girl does." you only hum in agreement. though he doesn't need answers, he always gets what he wants when it comes to you.
his hands slowly start to play with you. light sensual touches againgst your soft skin. his hands move from your arms to your boobs giving them a gentle squeeze. the stimulation you feel on your nipples making you lean towards him even more. your new position allows him to give kisses on your forehead. "gyu~" you shamelessly start to moan his name with the really little play. he smiles and orders you to turn around. when you do he brings you to his lap before starting his abuse on your lips.
what starts as a gentle kiss filled with love turns into his way of devouring you. "gosh, you look so cute. i've missed this. i missed you." your face lights up with his words. you waste no time repeating his words of longing. his lips lifts up when he places his hand to your cheek. "you are so pretty. so pretty for me. only for me." you agree "only for you, beomie."
"want to make me happy?" he asks while grabbing your face. "anything, my god. anything for you." he can't help but get excited with the thing you called him. a god. that's what he is to you, right? his hands moving to your neck, his grip thightens around your neck then he sinks your body to water. "hold your breath as long as you can, baby. i wanna see you struggle. don't worry i will be careful that you don't get harmed. and if it's going to be too much just say no, i will understand. " yet you say nothing and with that he forces yor head under the water. the oxygen losing contact with your lungs. you body activates it's panic mode. you try to get out but his grip keeping you suffocated under the water, only thing you can do is just struggle just like he asked. he slowly stops and helps you to come back to surface. "did i hurt you?" you shake your head assuring him that everything is okay. "you did so good for me like a slut perfectly molded for me." you could feel his aroused state.
"maybe i should reward my precious doll. hmm, right?" you get excited with the news. after making sure you both are clean, he lifts you up and carries you bridal style. when he brings you to your room, you both can't help but feel nostalgic. vividly remembering every single time you both sneaked out during trainee days to have some fun here. exploring each other's bodies and your sexualities. beomgyu takes a pride for being the only one that did these things to you. and he is the only one who can. he made sure of it with planting ideas of everyone else being disgusting but him, only he can love you, everyone else is always after their own best interests, they do not care about you, he also scared away whoever men trying to get close to you and most important thing of them all he made himself your god. he was aware of his beauty and he made sure that it is the only thing in your mind, thinking about it nonstop. why did he break up with you in the first place? who knows but believe it he would lose it if someone else touches his property.
after gently placing to your bed, a trail of kisses on your body, especially focusing on the places he can leave marks to claim you once again and show the world you are taken. he goes back and forth between soft sensual kisses and anilmalistic lickerish kisses. once he is satisfied with all of his bite mars around your nect to thighs, he gives your lips a final kiss.
"will you be a dear and spread those legs for me?" you happily obey without any second thinking, leaving beomgyu pleased. his hands immediately travels to your aching core. "hmm, so wet~ ah this boosts my ego, seeing my angel turning into a slut for me. " he comments before thrusting his middle finger into you. "shit, even more thight than i remember. i bet-" he says while his thum starts to massage your clit. "i bet you can't even take my second finger. i don't think you will be able to take my cock, princess. how are you supposed to? look at you so small compared to me~" he says with a scoff. without a warning he adds his second finger and starts to do scizoring motions to get you ready for his size. but with a sudden change of heart, you feel his fingers leaving your hole and he gets up and sits between your legs. "how about my baby gets an orgasm she clearly missed while not being with me, hm?" before you say anything you feel his lips on your clit and his fingers rejoin the party in your cunny. while his fingers thrusting you with a fast and brutual pace, his mouth is way more gentler with your button. your poor finger playing with your clit wasn't enough to make you cum. you don't know why you never tried anything other than that but he is making it up to you with more experienced skills after your break up.
"beomgyu! a-ah too good, too good! ple- please don't stop." you keep repeating like it'sn invocation. feeling overwhelmingly good, it doesn't take too long for you to get close. "cum for me, hun" his voice vibrates on your core and with that your high reaches to you like waves. only being able to pant, you just lay there. beomgyu smiles and gives you compliments. telling you how good you did for him.
before you can regather your consciousness, he makes you sit on the corner of your bed and sits next to you. hands playing with your thighs. he leans towards your ear. "first return the favor and we are talking, okay? and after that i wanna have more fun with you, missed you so much." he whispers. you nod and get on your knees between his legs.
you start with kissing the tip. gosh it has been so long, what if you scupper it up? your hands hugging his member. you slowly start to push your head towards the length. when it reaches to back of your throat, you try your best not to gag. one hand goes to the places that you can't reach to stimulate there too while with your other hand, you play with his balls. trying so hard to be your best. not stoping your tounge swiling and your efforts to suck the soul out of him. apparently what you do is working cuz he turns into a whimpering mess. "that's it baby, just like that like a whore but only for me."
this only encourages you to go deeper making his body to fall back down. "can't believe you haven't done this in more than two years. you are s- so good~" you feel over the clouds with the compliments.
his breath gets heavier when he gets close. manages to say "shallow every- everything that i give you unless you want- ughmp a punishment." right before he relaeses his liquid for you.
laying right beside him, you give him a moment to rest while you try to think of what you are going to say. when he turns his head towars you, he expects you to speak but now you think maybe your problem wasn't that big. when you keep staying silent, he snaps. looking at you with an angry expression he just says "get out with it."
"should i just tell them all at once or-" he interrupts "doesn't matter as long as you get it out off your chest." you keep only looking at him for a little while before you say "it is dumb and i really don't wanna bother-" he interrupts again. "me? you really think it's gonna bother me? you know maybe the only one thing about is your stupid overthinking. i want you to tell. and i don't care if you are comfortable or not. i deserve to know. and if it was that stupid why were you crying like a toddler, hm?" he kisses your cheeks and hugs you. panting your back while giving your face sweet kisses.
"i started it, i thought i was the bad guy. but now i realize that even though i am not innocent, i am the victim, the one who got abused and manipulated." he breaks the connection to see your face. "can you elaborate, darling? who did what to you?" you blink your eyes when you feel them getting dry. beomgyu slightly chuckles to your silliness for forgetting to close your eyes for so long. "go on, i am listening. gosh my silly girl. even missed this."
"i- i don't know why i was doing that, now i find it extremely cringe but i had this similar thing to drug problem." a shocked expression covers his face with the unexpected news. "you did what?" you cringed at yourself even more. "i know it is so dumb but i needed something to cope, you know after we broke up." he smiles "i understand, i wasn't making fun of it or judging. i was just surprised. it is just so unexpected from you. you are scared of authority and public opinion first of all and this thing also hurts people around you and that's where you draw the line. it all is okay though. this doesn't make you a bad person." say says reassuring you.
"yes but i might kinda have shown that little habbit to one of my members and they might have also started it because of me. but i swear i warned her and told her to stop constantly. and i didn't even show or suggest her that. she just saw me doing it one day and she also started to have an addiction it consumed her as a whole. she stopped doing anything productive and always talked about it even when she was not gambling. and i felt guilty." he looks at you with a warm expression this time. "i am starting to see why this is stressing you out that much. and you are talking about 'nincompoop' i am assuming. she was always problematic and a stupid loser. why can't she decide for herself in her age? i don't see the problem here, you are not responsible for an adult who is capable of making her own desicions. "
"i still haven't told you everything..." you stop "okay baby, i was just trying to be responsive. go on, tell me everything, i am listening." you continue "well, later i realized my guilt was unnecessary. i am not victimizing myself, don't get me wrong but she pushed me more into that rabbit hole. you know i am kind of naive-" he interrupts again "not kind of, you are." you speak up. "GYU!" he giggles "i am not calling you dumb, though i can easily get you there with my touch~ you are just too trusting and do not question people around you that much." this time you say nothing, enjoying his teasing but you decide to continue yet again. "since i am KIND OF naive, i started to become the one who is influenced badly rather than being the bad influence. i was rather a casual than an addict. but she was definitely. she then got caught by our manneger. he let it go and told he is not going to tell the ceo. she felt afraid. she was so scared. i felt guilty and promised i will help. she had nothing to be afraid of but you know scared people, they lose it. i suggested her getting help and told her i also will get it even though i have stopped doing it more than a yeand and a half. she stopped cuz she was scared but refused to get help or to do anything to get better."
his hands holding yours, he decide to tease you yet again. "i am guessing the real story starts after this." he feels kinda shocked when you nod. "you know she can easily tell the public, i was the bad influence. and i can't even deny it when she does. she is not stable. i am not making her mental health problems the villain but she never has the good intentions, only wants attention of others even if it's negative. she can easily ruin me, my career. not just me but also the other members. even one can argue that i deserved it and had it coming, you can't tell the same thing about the other girls. they did nothing wrong."
"she was scared that police will find her and she will be put in jail. i told her it has been months. they don't have an evidence even, they can't but instead of listening to me, she found other people's stories online that was not even similar to hers. i kept telling her stop looking at those news or fake stories, she only hurts herself. then i decided to pay an actor for a small role. she was my friend and she accepted it. so i told nincompoop that i had a friend that went through the same thing and her stiation was in a small city, a white lie in my opinion. my friend did everything i asked her to. i know this is way fucked up but i really had the best interest of her. i mean maybe not cause i was getting tired of her clinging on me and constant whining. i wanted to help, really, but she was just... i know she has problems. i am an awful person for instead of understanding her problems, i hate her for them. it is just too much sometimes." you are surprised that he just listened without interrupting even once. you two stay slient for a few minutes before he gathers his thoughts and speaks. "you are not awful. from what i see you tried to help but she started to see you as her therapist. am i right?" you nod then shake your head. honestly you aren't sure what happened between you two. it all feels like a fewer dream.
"i mean maybe you are right or maybe i am not as understanding as i thought i was." he clears his throat. "i think you do way above bare minimum. i really don't trust this girl. wasn't she lying about her mom abusing her, just because her disabled sister got attention while she did not?" you try to defend her. "all people seek attention, gyu. yes her lying was not good but no one got hurt, right? we all are desperate for attention because we all are social creatures so why is she the bad guy?" beomgyu sighs in disbelief. "why are you defending her? no one getting hurt and attention seeking being in human nature doesn't make what she did less wrong but also didn't she hurt you? is that also in human nature?" you get upset with the way he raised his voice at you. seeing your reaction, beomgyu spoke. "i am sorry for raising my voice. it is just you are so naive and i don't like seeing getting hurt, okay? now continue please."
"before i continue, i really need to ask you something. am i a real life bojack horseman for hiring an actor-friend to get what i want." he bursts into laughs when he hears your question. but when he realizes that you aren't joking, he simply says. "no. no, you are not." you giggle and then put your head on his chest.
"gyu, maybe my brain plays games with me but after that she got even worse as if she knew what was i up to. she kept sending me messages of how she was so afraid that police will arrest her and the stories from the internet she read became the only thing she talked about. i said something. it was not a big deal or maybe it was but i said that her trusting her paranoia and the random people on the internet more than me made me hurt and i got offended. i said that just trust me and my friend that went through the same thing. i called some lawyer friends and they said she was totally safe. i wasn't making anything up. i even called a police relative and asked if she is safe and he said yes as long as there is no evidence. and since there is no evidence she was safe. but instead of listening to reason she said and i quote 'i am saying that i am going to k1ll myself and you are making this about you. you are so selfish.' that was never my intention nor the thing i said. but her saying that made me feel selfish. i really don't have any moral compass but if i had one being selfish would be the equivalent of being bad so i felt awful, like i am the worst person ever. i was the one who abused my prescriptions pills which caused her to become a drug addict. i blamed myself but then she confessed that she even took part in drug dealing. i cannot be responsible for that, right? because i never did anything like that even the thing i did i warned her again and again and again. i kept offering professional help even before and after her getting caught. i did my best but she made me feel bad about myself and kept saying 'don't leave me. if you leave, i will end it.' she wanted my constant attention and i am just too tired, gyu." you speak this time without letting him respond until you finished.
he pushes your head up so that he can look into your eyes. "let's just softly ghost her or make her stop talking to you herself. she can't tell anyone you misusing your pills without revealing her substance abuse." you give him a confused look. "how am i supposed to ghost her or never talk to her. we live together, we are in the same band. how will it even work?" beomgyu doesn't respond but instead makes you sit while he keeps his back placed on your bed. though you don't quite get the reasoning behind this, you still want him to play with you as he promised.
he looks ethereal, you think to yourself. how can someone be this beautiful? that moment pushes you to show beomgyu how you worship him. you start with giving him the most passionate kiss he ever had. yor lips longing for his lips for years couldn't care less whose these lips supposed to kiss. you pity the girl yet you do not leave his lips even for a second like a hungry animal.
your kiss trails his whole body. giving every single corner attention they need and complimenting them throughout the way. your soft hands holding his as if they are afraid of losing it again. you don't care about beomgyu's stupid words about people outgrowing each other thing when he dumped you. you two are meant to be yet this thought originally belonged to beomgyu. in his own way, he did this to protect you but clearly he was wrong. what a mess you became after him. it is impossible to not pity you. he doesn't pity you though, he just wants to end your pain while as a giveaway he also gets what he wants.
you proudly look the evidence of kisses you gave filled with desire and little hickeys you covered his stomach with. you trace his bottom half when he stops you. with an easy move he flips you over pressing your body to mattress. his hands holding your arms around your head as if you would escape him if he leaves them. "small little thing~ look how you basically dissappear under me, so cute but it makes me wanna ruin you more, baby. will you let me?" beomgyu's words practically having an incantation effect, you scream your affirmation to him.
his lips immediately attacking yours for a fight for dominance which he obviously is going to win. the taste of his cum being felt by him when you invite his tongue to your mouth. giving him sounds of pleasure and him dueting you sounds, you both feel like you are in heaven.
"such a pretty doll for me to devour~ i bet you would make a great free use fucktoy or a pretty obedient housewife. gosh maybe i should make you one of those." beomgyu says while his right hand trailing down towards your aching pussy. he positions his right hand still taking control over yours.
his two digits playing with your hole with 'come here' and scizoring motions to get you ready, he adds the third one to the party causing a gasp from you. once he feels like you are ready enough to take him, he immediately thrusts into you. he doesn't wait for you to adjust his size. it of course causes some pain following your tears to fall. him only getting more aroused with your tears, his thrusting fastens and gets harder which you don't complain. too lost in the pleasure even with the pain.
it doesn't take you to cum around his dick since beomgyu still remembers your sweet spots to push his member towards to yet it doesn't stop his abuse. his hands moving towards your neck. he gives to much pressure causing you to fight for your breath. "i am not finished, better take it." he says while your body getting close to second orgasm. "cum for me again with me! show me how much you've missed me!" he orders just before you two cum together. his hands leaving your neck to your waist. with an easy move beomgyu manhandles you again on your all fours.
his cock never stopping being hard, he continues his abuse on your poor cunt. overstimulating it making you cockdrunk. beomgyu pulls your hair causing you to moan even louder. he places his other hand on your ass to have a better grip on himself. at this point the only thing you can say is his name while he fucks his cum back into you. enjoying how dumb you got around him, his thrusts fastens. "such a dumb slut. all mine. all mine. all mine. all mine. mine to touch. mine to breed. ugh you can't even respond. you love my cock that much? you can't think of anything but me~" you only being able to understand a little fraction of what he said, you feel the familiar pain building up on your stomach again when he says he is close. you cum around his cock for the third time just before he fills you up again.
he throws himself to your side and brings your back to his chest, spooning you. playing with your hair and giving you compliments not only about the sex you guys had but also your beauty and how angelic you are. he brings you water and makes sure you use the bathroom. he washes your body again. he orders you food you both like. he opens your comfort movie when food arrives. enjoying both the meal and the movie. you two take a nap and when you wake up, seeing him right beside you makes you feel like you are in heaven.
"we should finish our talk." he says leaving you confused. not waiting for a response from you, he says "would you give up everything for me? be my housewife. don't worry i will take care of you and our children." you only get more confused with his words but you nod. what did these have to do with the stiation? he continued. "you will not take the next day pills and you will have my baby. i will marry you. we could be a family and you get your happy ending away from her. since we can't expose her, we can get you away from her." you respond with a "that's dumb but it could also ruin your career. i don't want that. you deserve all the good things, gyu." but he is determined to get what he wants. "then when you get pregnant, we can marry in secret and the company will retire you due to a 'health related complication' i know these all sound dumb but i want you to be mine and mine only. give up everything, run away from your problems even if that's dumb, be with me, start a family with me." you know it all lacks logic but you agree. at the end of the day what would make you two happy is the logical desicion, right?
he smiles when he gets what he wants. he should have found a way to make it sooner but an opportunity came when his lovesick mind was about to go crazy. was he wrong when taking it? beomgyu is never wrong when it comes to you. ready to accept every part of beomgyu.
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disclaimer: this work is of course not written with the intention to show real beomgyu, it is just fanfiction. english is not my first language although i can say i am pretty advanced this work contains ambiguity and incomprehensibility. addition to that some tense clashes. also i know drug is big taboo in korea and also i am not trying to make addicts look bad. if it looked like this, i can edit the story to make it less problematic. i hope you guys don't find it dumb. i originally planned the same conflict with shoplifting or gambling but they sounded cringe...
please do not copy or repost or translate my work. i will put this warning just in case. it is stealing in literal meaning. so please just don't.
i hope you guys enjoyed it~
it is my first full-length fanfic so writing might not be that good so i am apologizing for that. also changed the more darker tone this fic originally had cuz it was all edge no point. but i would really like feedbacks. and i appreciate every single reblog. have a good day! love you all!
taglist: @bomudreamgrl
special thanks to: @/kaespas (cuz if not for her i would have delete most of this fic)
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tyetknot · 3 months
I thought you were joking when you said that the Farrar's books were outdated but holy shittt, even for 1970s wicca/witchcraft those guys were like full gender heterosexual white magic ye harm none thing, I was also seeing their interview were christian kids interview them, and boy it is hard to watch, but on to my question kskk, do you know if they changed later down?,like Janet seems to be okay sometimes,I can't find anything of them on their "controversial views" except their later polyamorous relationship (wich come to think of it I would love to hear their gender rationale on that), and also, how do you personally (if you do so) reconcile this type of author?, like there is no doubt that they are important in craft history, but now they kinda do more harm than good.
Hi Anon! I'm sorry if you've been waiting for a bit, you know how Tumblr is.
So one thing it's important to remember is: back in the 1970s and 80s a religion where women run the show was very progressive. Feminism got bolted onto Wicca pretty quickly once it hit the American West Coast and Starhawk wrote The Spiral Dance. Things like worshipping a goddess who didn't need a man around to tell her what to do were really unusual for the time. All this hippie-dippy shit like being naked in your rituals and such was far out, man, not like those totally square and boring Christians.
The problem is that, like many older people who were once cool and progressive, they just kind of stopped where they were in the 70s and 80s and didn't really......well, progress past that point. This leads to things like statements like that one in A Witches' Bible where they think that actually gay people are perfectly OK in ritual (this was a bit of a controversial point at the time) as long as they act like their biological gender, which is hilarious to us in 2024 because they obviously conflate being gay with being trans in some bizarre fashion. This was progressive for the time. It comes across as incredibly ignorant today. And of course, if their ideas did change, well, the book is already out there, people are reading it, and you can't go back in time and change something that's already been published. You can add notes or amendments to further editions, but I don't believe they ever did that, and Stewart Farrar died in the early aughts.
I find the polyamory thing to be pretty cringe, NGL, because I am a judgmental and suspicious piece of shit and think that an awful lot of the time polyamory is a tool used to make younger women sexually available to older men - good Lord, the age difference between Stewart and Janet - and that's very distasteful.
In my opinion the Farrars are probably the stodgiest and most conservatively-written books you'll find from that time period, and they're a good example of what coven-based Alexandrian Wicca looked like at that time, but there were a lot of more relaxed writers out there at the time and LOTS more a few years later. My primary complaint with A Witches' Bible is rather specifically that asinine Oak King / Holly King thing which they made up entirely and then ineptly shoehorned into the Wheel of the Year, where it just doesn't fucking work, and then everyone else just kind of went with it. No! It sucks and is bad, don't do it!
Do I think they do more harm than good? No, I don't. I think that anyone fairly new to Wicca shouldn't read this book first thing out the gate because it sets a lot of very unrealistic expectations, and because it's pretty old - Eight Sabbats for Witches was published in 1981, which makes it a few years older than me, and The Witches' Way in 1984, which makes it a year younger than me, and TBH there's much newer and fresher material being published every year. I would much sooner recommend someone like Thorn Mooney to new person interested in traditional Wicca.
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Words from the Gods 3 - Signs
I think signs are one of the most difficult things to navigate early on in one's relationship with the Gods. As someone who enjoys doing the occasional lurk over on Reddit, I feel like I see, at least once a day, someone on r/Hellenism saying something to the effects of "xyz happened today when I did/was doing zyx, do you think [insert God/Goddess's name here] is [insert emotion here] at me?" And I think there's a few problems with viewing signs in this way.
Don't get me wrong, I completely understand where they're coming from, especially if these people have come from a religion like Christianity, where signs are frequently seen as a bit more ominous, and searched for with a fair degree of intensity. But signs are a bit different here, both in terms of subtlety, but also in meaning.
For starters, the Gods are never trying to make our lives hard. This will probably be something I repeat a lot over this series, because it's entirely true, but also not something that I see said nearly enough! When it comes to receiving signs, generally a lack of understanding what the sign means can be connected to a lack of knowledge about the God/Goddess who might be sending you the sign. There is a combination of both "historical knowledge" and "personal knowledge" that goes into interpreting signs.
Historical knowledge simply applies to what is widely or historically known about a God/Goddess. For example, Hera is associated with peacocks because of Argos in mythology, or Poseidon is associated with horses and the sea from his own traditional attributes. It's one of those things where, if you have paid any attention to the God you are worshipping, you'll almost definitely understand what's going on, or at least who's saying what.
Meanwhile, personal knowledge applies to something which is directly communicated between you and the God that you are worshiping. For example, even though there isn't necessarily a historical connection between Dionysos and moths, He still sends me moth wings every now and then, specifically eye spots. This is because, after reading the article Riding the Phallus for Dionysos (would highly recommend if you're over 18), I found out that animals with eyespots were sacred to Dionysos, and after that, I found multiple perfectly intact moth wings, all of which had eye spots on them. So even though Dionysos has no traditional connection with moths, He still pops them in my life to remind me that He's around.
The other thing, besides knowledge, is context. This would be why the God in question is sending you a sign. Generally, you should have at least some form of general knowledge as to why They would be doing so. I've found that signs are usually just a divine way of saying "Hey worshiper of mine! I know you've been [feeling alone/asking Me for something/needing a push to do something/etc.], so here is some proof that I'm around!" Sometimes, obviously, the signs that are something like "giving you a push" are a bit vague, but it shouldn't be something so incredibly difficult to understand, you're getting stressed about it.
If signs seem to appear with no context, and no knowledge of either what aspect of the God (historical or personal) it applies to, I would do some research of your own, to start, and maybe throw out a few prayers to the Gods you're suspecting of sending you the sign. At the same time, though, I wouldn't be too concerned. Sometimes, strange things just happen in this world, as do some weird coincidences. I remember that once, earlier in my practice, my parents were coming to visit. I wasn't even worshiping Dionysos at that time, it was mainly Hermes and Hekate. I was praying to Them for a good, safe visit, and seemingly in response, there were dead frogs scattered all over the roads. This made my stress skyrocket, and I was internally panicking the whole visit. Nothing ended up happening, and in the following years, I started noticing that around that time of the year, there were always dead frogs on the road. I was living near a pond, and during the mating season, there would be more frogs, which would get drawn onto the roads, and there would just be... more dead frogs. It wasn't some kind of display that I had angered my Gods, or that something bad would happen. It was just a freaky nature thing that happened to coincide with my prayers.
To draw a conclusion in all of this, I'll say the following: first and foremost, signs can be difficult to interpret, and I'll never fault someone for struggling with it. But at the same time, getting to know a God both personally, as well as historically, is always a good way to understand the signs easier. There is also, as always, the context in which you are experiencing the sign, and if there seems to be none of that, then try to find a natural explanation.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to come ask me about them: my inbox and my messages are always open! (I know my writing can be vague at times - whenever I write these, I am attempting to collect my ADHD thoughts into one coherent Thing lol)
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sorry-moots · 3 months
Foot-in-the-Door Technique
“Foot-in-the-door technique is a compliance tactic that aims at getting a person to agree to a large request by having them agree to a modest request first.”
just something short for bakugou while i work on chapter 12 of my ongoing series description: ua is a college level school, all characters are 18+, reader is implied to have a quirk, quirk is not specified characters featured: bakugou cws: language, bakugou calls reader a dumbass bitch, mention of death but it's just a joke wc: 598
Bakugou loves to show off, so it’s easy to get him to do stuff for you. All you have to do is make yourself seem as pitiful as possible. It’s actually insane how well this works.
"Bakugouu, can you open this bottle for me?" you'd ask with a small pout and the slightest furrow of your brow. "I don’t have the grip strength for it." "Fine, give it here, extra."
"Bakugouuuuu, can you take the staples out of this packet? I stapled the papers in the wrong order and I can’t find a staple remover." "Watch what you're doing next time," he'd grumble as he picked out the staples.
"Bakugou!" you'd call out, running up behind him. "Can you heat up my tea? I didn’t have time to drink it during class and now it’s cold." "Maybe if you had a useful quirk, you wouldn't need to ask for help all the time."
"Bakugouuuuuuuu, can you carry my bag? The strap broke and it’s really heavy." "Take better care of your stuff!" (He's too busy scolding you to notice the oddly clean tear in the strap.)
"Bakugouuuuuuuuuuu, can you tell your friends to shut up? My head hurts." This is his favorite of your requests. "OI, ALL YOU FREAK SHOWS, SHUT UP! (Y/N) HAS A HEADACHE!" Maybe not the best way to go about it.
"Bakugouuuuuu, can you make me something for lunch? They don’t have anything good in the cafeteria today." "Obviously those good-for-nothings don't cook as well as I do. Wait here."
Everyone would always ask Bakugou if he was ever going to ask you out. They all said it was clear you liked him. "(Y/n) asking me for favors doesn’t mean she likes me! Just means she’s too damn pathetic to do anything for herself."
He refused to accept that you liked him, even when your requests became a little more questionable.
"Bakugouuuuuuuuuuuuu, can I borrow your jacket? I’m really cold." "What happened to 'a hoe neva gets cold'?" he mocks you with air quotes before slipping off his jacket.
"Bakugouuuu, my back hurtsssss, can you rub my shoulders?" "Dumbass bitch doesn't know how to lift with her legs."
"Bakugouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, can you carry me to the dorms? My feet are sore." "Well, my ears are sore from listening to you whine all the time. Now, princess or piggyback?"
The entirety of UA was at its breaking point. They couldn't tell if Bakugou was playing dumb or just plain stupid. Still, you were determined.
"Bakugouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, can I spend the night in your dorm? The heat stopped working in mine and I think I might die of hypothermia in my sleep." "Goddamn, woman, at least call me by my name!" "Katsuki..?" "What." "Can you ask me out? I'm really tired of waiting." It was hard to hide the flush that tinted his ears red. "Fine, where do you wanna go."
He takes you to an amusement park to ride the bumper cars! Violence is his religion <3
The next day (and no you did not stay the night), when he looks for you in the cafeteria, he finds you... opening a sealed bottle.
"THIS WHOLE TIME YOU COULD OPEN YOUR OWN BOTTLES?!" "Well, yeah, I'm not a baby." "Then, why--" he starts, but falls quiet and silently fumes as the realization dawns on him. "You're so cute when you're realizing you've been manipulated," you remark with a fond smile.
You stand up and close the distance between the two of you. Leaning in, you kiss one of his blazing red cheeks and whisper, "It's called the foot-in-the-door-technique."
a/n: this is your reminder to lift with your LEGS not your back
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Is equality ideal in and of itself?
The reason that governments and companies are focusing on equality of outcome is to rectify past and ongoing injustices and to give everybody a seat at the table.
If somebody is unfairly advantaged and you then do something to help the disadvantaged person catch up, is it bad?
What’s wrong with a 50% target for female representation when both men and women are roughly 50% of the population ? This isn’t unfairness, the opposite would be unfairness. It’s justice.
"Is equality ideal in and of itself?"
Equality of opportunity seems to me a good goal to aim for as a society: everyone should be free to apply for any position, regardless of race, gender, religion or sexuality, and the best person for the job should get it.
Forced equality of outcome, on the other hand - which is what you are demanding - is a great, unworkable evil, that can only be implemented, for a short time, through brutal totalitarianism, and will progressively worsen and eventually destroy whatever human activity it is introduced to.
"The reason that governments and companies are focusing on equality of outcome is to rectify past and ongoing injustices"
The problem here is you have either consciously or unconsciously taken on Marxist ideas based in "conflict theory" and other identity politics nonsense. This divisive way of thinking about people originally started with class, but then spread to race and gender and sexuality and myriad other smaller warring categorizations. The outcome of this is it makes you see people not as individual human beings, each deserving of the same respect and compassion as each other, but as faceless representatives of groups struggling for power over each other, that those within your political ideology label either "good" or "bad", regardless of their personal circumstances or individual needs.
Under this model of thinking, which you really need to get past, a comfortably well-off, college-educated black woman driving a company car is being oppressed by the homeless white guy eating out of a dumpster she drives past on her way to her air conditioned office job every day.
Madness, obviously, but it's this ideological framework that has led to the far-left calling for "reparations": taking money from poor white people today whose ancestors never owned slaves, and giving it to every different kind of black person today, none of whom have ever been slaves.
This way of looking at humanity is, again, a great evil. And the complete opposite of equality.
"What’s wrong with a 50% target for female representation when both men and women are roughly 50% of the population ?"
So you are demanding 50% of all lumberjacks, coal miners, construction workers, mechanics, roofers, plumbers, long distance lorry drivers, electricians and refuse collectors be women?
How do you propose to do that?
As many as 99% of each of those fields are male, not because any women are barred from those professions at all, but simply because very, very, very few women choose to enter those dangerous, dirty, back-breaking fields.
So the only way you would be able to make any of those professions 50% female would be to force hundreds of thousands of women to work those jobs they don't want to, instead of whatever career they'd rather freely pursue.
Is that what you thought you were asking for?
No, I didn't think so.
And that's because you've likely never once thought through any of the pretty-sounding utopian fantasies you've taken on as your opinions without question.
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queerstake · 7 months
As a queer drawn to the faith and trying to deal with the messiness of entering into everything, I've been trying hard to read more of the Book of Mormon because I only have a very vague understanding of it's Whole Deal, but executive dysfunction, ADHD, and honestly, a million other excuses are making it very difficult. Are there any good resources for walking through the fundamentals? Childish but I feel like I'm disappointing the Lord if I'm not more on top of this.
Hi anon! I totally get it and yes, I can think of a few ideas!
If you're looking for ways to understand the BoM (or even just general doctrine) from more of a bird's eye view:
I hope you don't find this silly, but when I was a kid, the church published an illustrated children's version of the BoM that's obviously way quicker to flip through. It might be harder for you to find those exact editions I read as a kid if you don't have ready access to a church library, BUT I found this!! It's (almost) the ENTIRE BoM illustrated and summarized and it's online!
Looks like they put out videos too that summarize the BoM beginning to end. Here's a link to the video series. I haven't seen these, so I can't vouch for them, but they might be helpful! Similarly, there's a BoM in 60 seconds video you might find helpful.
If you'd benefit from a schedule, the church is currently studying the BoM in sunday school! The past few years, we've been using a study guide called Come Follow Me with weekly assigned reading chapters. I've actually been working on posts about CFM as they relate to queer mormon theology, but I haven't had much posted yet since I've been having a rocky start to 2024. As things improve, I'll be able to hopefully even establish a schedule on this blog!
I'm not sure if missionary lessons is something you're interested in at this point, and it's definitely not something you ever need to do, but the missionary lessons themselves are a pretty good doctrine intro if you're looking for just Mormonism 101 in a digestible way. The missionaries teach out a book called Preach My Gospel, which is available right here. You'll be interested in the lessons, which are found in Chapter 3. If you just scroll down, you'll see some of the links are labeled Lesson instead of Chapter--just click on those bad boys. And if you have any doctrinal questions, I'm always MORE than happy to talk about the church! You'll probably get a faster answer DMing me personally at @logans-mormon-blog, but I'll always answer asks here as soon as time permits.
If you're looking for easier ways to finish the BoM from beginning to end:
The BoM on tape. The church has an audiobook version available on the Gospel Library app and other audio apps like Spotify.
The Reader's Edition. If you can get your hand on a reader's edition, a lot of people find this is an easier way to plow through the BoM. What's special about this one is that it's formatted not like scripture but like prose, and it really does change the reading experience!
I don't know if this helps any, but I struggle with some of the same issues as you and I'm always bitterly disappointed when I'm not able to move mountains. If I had my way, I'd be the most well-read scriptorian of all time and this blog would be updated constantly. But life often doesn't shake out that way. I spend way more time than I want to with my brain entirely burned out of my head. So you're not alone, if that's any comfort. I think God gets it--he made our brains, after all, and knows how hard it is to wrestle with. It's easier said than done, but don't beat yourself up. God loves the both of us and he's the most perfectly patient person who's ever lived. He's not frustrated or disappointed with our efforts. Religion exists, in my opinion, to help improve and enrich our lives, not make them more challenging OR even to make them perfect if we only could just run fast enough. I too wish I could be more diligent and on it, but shit happens, right? And we're not on earth to be perfect, we're here to be happy and to learn. When Joseph Smith was translating the BoM, God told him "Do not run faster or labor more than you have strength and means provided to enable you to translate; but be diligent unto the end." D&C 10:4. We're doing our damndest, and that's all God even wants from us.
If anyone else has more resource ideas, please let us know!
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justlarkin · 3 months
Look, no offense whatsoever, but please don't use this game as a reference of Christians, Catholics, Jewishs, and all those who believe in God.
There's not such a thing, as a good Christian or a bad Christian, you are either devoted to God and his teachings or you are not.
Two, Satan, he is not this savior of all freedom for mankind, be careful. He seeks to kill and destroy. Sure, if you listen to him, you can do whatever you want and not feel guilty about it... but the reality is, that there's a big price to pay. This game twisted the truth to make a "teaching of freedom and not be tied down to any faith." When in reality, people do need boundaries.
Thats why the Lord knows best. He doesn't want to subjugate us, He wants us to be free of sin. God forbids many things, because He knows that those things we find pleasure will destroy us eventually.
You don't need to post this if you don't want to. You can even ignore it. But please, don't misunderstand the truth of our faith because of some game. Because its just that.
No offense taken. I think I should clarify your main concern: yeah, of course the real Satan is bad. I'm just talking about a game here. I was raised Christian, I already get what his whole thing is.
I really don't think anyone here, myself included, genuinely believes that the real Satan is the good guy because a game said so. I'm talking strictly talking about the game's adaptation when I say anything praiseworthy of him because that's how he's portrayed to the reader. Even then, I've already made older posts talking about he's probably not that good in the game itself too with the inclusion of Mephistopheles, traits from Iblis, and the themes from Paradise Lost, showing this most likely isn't a total rewrite of him.
And I absolutely agree! I didn't elaborate, but that's what I meant when I said Shaytan was flawed in the original post. His game version seems like he'd be "perfect" to worship in comparison to the other WRs since he's portrayed as "caring" for everyone and due to the freedom he gives, but there's obviously flaws in his ideology since, like you said, people do need boundaries.
Of course, there isn't a real good Christian or bad Christian when it comes to the religion itself since devotion to the Lord is what matters, but there is still undeniably debate around it, which is why I clarified it as such. It's not about how God would view people, but how non participants and Christians view other Christians. Conversations like "why is that gay guy who worships the Lord and is on the straight and narrow considered a sinner while that other guy who cheats on his wife constantly and steals isn't?" or "Why do Christians treat those who believe different faiths poorly or judge others who worship the same God, but a little differently than they do when they're supposed to love thy neighbor?" or "That person doesn't follow the Bible word for word and go to church every Sunday, so they're not a true believer". It's just about how humanity views each other.
Maybe it's more accurate to say "Christians who give a good reputation and Christians who give a bad reputation to Christianity" because regardless of how God views it, outsiders of the faith are more likely to like a Christian who uses the Lord's teachings to spread positivity than the ones who use it spread negativity and hate ://
Nobody is misunderstanding anything. It's just discussion about a game that has rewritten history, multiple religions, stories, and mythologies to give them a little spin. I'm on here every week talking about how all these figures are actually making out sloppy style or something else as equally silly because the game portrays those ideas, not because I genuinely believe their real counterparts are doing so. Don't take what I'm saying seriously lol. It's not that deep.
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wannab-urs · 1 year
The Spreadsheet Digest - Vol 13
Howdy folks!!
This week I'm gonna throw in some series I've been reading that have probably been recc'd by me before. I did read a few things this week, but I'm like way behind on these series I've been reading, so I spent more time catching up on those. I also read The Ritual which was... an experience. Oh and if you tagged me in a fic and I didn't get to it I am so sorry!! I'll get there I promise.
And as always you can find the spreadsheet here and the Fic Rec Masterlist here.
Anyway! Recs below the slut Javi
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What I Want - a Joel one shot by @proxima-writes
SUB JOEL!!!! Sometimes you need a strong, prideful, world weary man to whimper for you.
Trial and Error - a Joel/Tommy series by @thetriumphantpanda
Am I into breeding kink? No. Am I into making Tommy Miller watch Joel Miller rail me? Yes. I also love how into it everyone is. Someone in the comments said "What if Joel got a secret vasectomy" and like I know that is not true of this version of Joel, but like I also want it to keep not working.
I can see you (Javier's Version)- a Javi P one shot by @proxima-writes
I love a good file room fuck with Javi, so obviously this was just my style. I also love the way Javi gets all frustrated with the teasing. Him crumpling up that note UGHAGH. And then the way you ended it? I won't spoil it, but it made me giggle. I cannot believe you don't write Javi regularly. You nailed it.
Sacreligious - Din one shot by @beskarandblasters
Who doesn't love a little sacrilege in the morning? Fucking in the Mines of Mandalore sounds like a dream... as long as the mythosaur doesn't get you lmao
In Bloom - a Frankie series by @northernbluess
This. Fic. Is. So. Fucking. CUTE! I loved chapter one of course, but chapter two??? My heart UGH. Their date is so precious. And the smut... I have a daddy kink and refuse to be shamed for it THIS WAS SO HOT
a hungry dog on a very short leash - a Joel one shot by @iamasaddie
My Dark Joel Queen never fails to deliver <3 This was so fucking hot. The getting caught cheating thing... the semi-public sex as punishment/blackmail thing. YUMMY YUMMY!! Dead Dove and all that, read the warnings, (are the warnings supposed to turn you on? oops).
some rotten man - a Joel one shot by @iamasaddie
Zero Plot. Just a rough as fuck blowjob. Exactly what I needed... It's so good y'all.
What happens on Coruscant, Stays on Coruscant - a Din/Poe/Cassian one shot by @beskarandblasters
Look we all know the timeline here is a little fucked, but let's pretend they're all around the same age because... Din Djarin, Poe Dameron, and Cassian Andor walk into a brothel and spend the night with you... GOD DAMN that's hot
------- SERIES <333 -------
These are series I keep tabs on in a separate spreadsheet and check once a week to see if they've been updated. Most of these have been recommended before, but they deserve all the attention.
I know some people don't like to start reading WIPs before they're finished, and that is valid, but these are worth it. Oh and some are complete and I just haven't finished them yet. It's my personal spreadsheet so it's a little messy lol.
One Thing I'm Missing / Joel / @joelscruff
Seams / Joel/ @fuckyeahdindjarin
Palomino / Jack / @fuckyeahdindjarin
I Think of You / Din / @prolix-yuy
No Drug Like Me / Dieter / @jazzelsaur (AO3)
Friendly Fire / Joel / @the-ginger-hedge-witch
Psychomanteum / Dieter / @whatsnewalycat
You Make Loving Fun / Frankie / @redahlia-writes
Apothecary / Joel / @atinylittlepain
Losing My Religion / Din / @oonajaeadira
Surrender / Joel / @ezrasbirdie
Short Days, Long Nights / Joel / @frannyzooey
Left in Lincoln / Joel / @toxicanonymity
Dressed For Revenge / Joel / @jksprincess10
Cowboy Like Me / Javi P / @cutesyscreenname
Sweet Creature / Dieter / @wildemaven
Leave Off Your Wandering / Joel / @oonajaeadira
Stitches / Din / @djarinsbeskar
Feelings on Fire / Joel / @joelscruff
Hot and Heavy / Joel / @tieronecrush
Pretend Alleyways / Dieter/Marcus / @radiowallet
Run to You / Marcus P / @foli-vora
Learning to Live / Javi P / @wheresarizona
Raider / Joel / @toxicanonymity
Beskar Doll / Din / @justagalwhowrites
Lavender / Joel / @justagalwhowrites
Hungry Hearts / Joel / @atinylittlepain
June / Joel / @atinylittlepain
Your Summer Dream / Joel / @swiftispunk
Muddy Waters / Joel/Ez / @bonezone44
Adversity / Ez/Frankie / @the-ginger-hedge-witch
Sensational / Joel / @sinsofsummers
Night Walks / Joel / @toxicanonymity
Stepdad!Joel / Joel / @toxicanonymity
Yes I check all of these for updates every single Thursday, though I don't always read every single thing that updated. If you ever think no one cares about your WIP... I do!!!
Happy Reading!
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rose-riot-johnson · 7 days
Hello my Tumblr Peeps😃While I was skeptical about writing about a particular character, due to the feeling that's he's a controversial character, however despite this, I think there are people who like him (atleast character wise), depending on Facebook groups, Facebook pages, YouTube videos pertaining him, etc... So far on Tumblr, I haven't recall seeing much (if any complaints about him)... I was considering waiting for a request to write about him, however I have seen more hate towards others characters, than I did about Hisoka Morow from Hunter x Hunter, especially on Tumblr... So, I will see how this goes🃏♦️♥️♣️♠️
*This fanfic contains 1 or more long paragraphs😅
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🃏He Was Unexpectedly There When I Was Knocked Down🃏(Hisoka Morow x Female Reader)
Genres: Possible Enemies To Lovers Type Of Wound Comfort (Warning ⚠️: Violence, mentions of self-righteous, mentions of religion and religious, blood (and mentions of blood), mentions of murder (which is mentions of killing), mentions of death)
After passing your Hunters Exam, when you met Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio, to you Gon was light hearted, Killua was a cool person, Kurapika is a badass you would like to have as your bodyguard, and Leorio was just hilarious on a good way. As for Hisoka, you weren't sure how you felt about him, as you felt like you are mixed about him. Gon and the others assured you don't need to get intimidated by Hisoka too much, as this is how he usually gets with people. You're hoping this is the case in a way.
On your travels with Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio, you tried to keep, as close to atleast one if them (if not all of them), as much as possible, regardless, if Hisoka is around you or not, because of the fact you rather not risk being alone with Hisoka. Everytime you're around him or see him or he talks to you or even think of him, you felt a vibe about him, where you weren't sure, if you could trust him or not. You just rather try to stay close to your friends Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio (or atleast one of them) as much as you can to try to prevent risking being alone with him.
One night you, Gon, Leorio, Kurapika, Killua, and Hisoka (ofcourse) had been assigned on a mission to take down a bunch of enemy nen users who play Judge, their own God(s), and executioners for their own self-righteous, religious reasons. Once you and everyone else went off to find the self-righteous enemy nen users, everyone unexpectedly had to split up due to each member of the enemy nen user group were trying to ambush your group, so you end up being alone to fight a particular enemy nen user, which he obviously isn't the leader, however he is your toughest opponent yet and he also might be the strongest of the group. You weren't sure what's worse, your fear of risking being alone with Hisoka or the fact that your nen abilities weren't strong enough to even scratch him.
The next thing that happened was when you finally managed to hit your nen user opponent to be able to atleast bruise him, he somehow managed to use his brass knucks infused to knock you unconscious. This is definitely not how you wanted your life to end. Not like this. You just weren't sure where you went wrong during your battle against him.
When you regained consciousness, the first face you saw wasn't the enemy nen user who knocked you out cold with his nen infused brass knucks, as you became shocked that Hisoka's face was the first face you saw. You became startled where you tried to move away from him, as he grabbed one of if your wrists and growled, "Why did you try moving away from me, like that?! I'm trying to help take care of that beaten head of yours!", before you touched your head to with your free hand to notice that he does have a point, as you realized your head has been bleeding from seeing the blood on your free hand and your head must have tooken damage from the strong enemy nen user's nen infused, brass knucks that he had.
"Aren't you going to let me take care of your wounds or not (Female Reader Name)?! Just be glad, I was able to come to the rescue when I did! He did have plenty of nen and I can't just let him finish you off, especially when I see a strong opponent like him! The sooner I take care of your wound(s) on your head, the better!", Hisoka commented, as you decided to let him take care of your wounds due to your fear of angering him in anyway. After you finish letting him take care of your wound(s) that (is or are) on your head you noticed that he has tooken some damage from the enemy nen user who knocked you out unconscious, which you were shocked about. You then asked, "Would your mind, if I take care of your wounds, as well, Hisoka?".
Hisoka was stunned about the question you asked, as you became frightened that he was going to scold and belittle you from him being angered for your question you asked, however instead of what you fear and him being angry, he acknowledged that you were observant about your wounds, as he calmly replied, "Thanks for your concern... However don't focus on my wounds right now... We should find the others, since they might be fighting strong opponents with lots of nen... They're maybe not as strong as the man you faced, however they're filled with more nen than he is, except the other opponent I faced... The other opponent put up a fight, which is why I got most those wounds that I have, but after I killed my other opponent off, I decided to find you, kill the brass knucks opponent to prevent any more wounds on you, then prioritize taking care of any wounds you have before we head off to find the others. Nevermind my wounds until the mission is over!". You did what he said as you then followed him around, as you're afraid to anger him, if didn't follow him around to find the others, at the same token you're relieved he was calmer when he was talking to you than you expected. You're just somehow so surprised that he didn't get angry with you (atleast as angry with you as you expected) nor tried to attack you, to the point you felt you had to apologize to him, as you're wondering if you're apologizing due to your change of heart or any other reason that you have without knowing it.
"Hey, Hisoka... Sir... I appreciate what you did for me and I'm grateful for taking care of me, however there's something I should tell you before we continue finding the others, if you're not angry with me and you don't mind...", you announced to Hisoka before he stopped to turn around to look at you, as he replied, "Why would I be angry with a delightful lady, like you? I'm glad you're grateful for me and all... I usually don't say this, considering that I don't usually care what others thought of me, I just never meant to make you uncomfortable nor frighten you in anyway, my dear... What is it you need to tell me? I'm waiting...", as he's trying to hide that he's nervous due to not knowing what you'll tell him next. "Listen Hisoka... Maybe you're weird and I was getting mixed vibes about you... I just was surprised you saved me and tooken cared of me, without being angry with me... I owe you my most sincere apologies for being a jerk to you by avoiding atleast being alone with you... I was wrong about you and I shouldn't have thought you would hurt me... I just should have realized how kind you were to me...", you apologized, as he became shocked about your talk was about you apology to him. He was puzzled at first before he smiling at you, then he assured, "No need to apologize... To be fair, I wouldn't blame you one bit for avoiding me... I do enjoyed fighting someone who has plenty of nen... There's nothing to forgive, because you, your safety, and your feelings are most important to me, aside from this mission we're assigned to... We should find the others and finish the mission...".
After you found the others, as everyone had defeated the other enemy nen users, which in Leorio's and Kurapika's case(s), they both worked together to defeat both their opponents. Gon and Killua killed their opponents just fine without a scratch. You be very happy everyone is safe and sound.
The next day, you went up to Hisoka, as you then decided to ask him to be in a relationship with you. He asked, "Are you sure this is what you want, (Female Reader Name)?", before you answered, "Ofcourse... I don't want to force you into anything you don't want... I figured I'd ask... If not we can be friends...". He would reply, "You're like a queen of hearts, sweetie... Ofcourse I would go out with you... I may not be the romantic person, however I will do my best to take care of you and to see you happy...". You then kissed one of the sides of his facial cheeks, which made him blush. So, you know he blushed and why he blushed made you smile. Eversince then, not only it's the beginning of a beautiful friendship, however the beginning of a beautiful relationship, as well.
🃏The End🃏
Okay Tumblr Peeps... I hope you enjoyed reading this Hisoka fanfic I've written🃏Those curious about why I have written about Hisoka on my own terms, instead of waiting for me to request him despite of him being controversial, Hisoka hate on Tumblr hasn't came to my attention, plus I have read more hate towards other characters, including a particular character I have written about in 4 of the fanfics I have written in the past, and it's rare I even talk about him, especially in any posts (including Facebook and Tumblr (I believe))🤔Yes, I was mixed about Hisoka when I first knew about him, however the more years that passed by he kept growing on me, so while I'm not trying to make him look like a saint or a perfect angel, I'm also not trying to have him in a bad light🃏🤔I feel in my heart that I want to write about him🃏😃👍
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astrum-aetherium · 1 year
What do you think Henry whispered in Camilla's ear at the end? It's a moment that really stuck with me somehow and I love hearing theories about it
what can possibly be more personal, more ponderous and intimate than i love you?
i'm sure this is something everyone who has read TSH has previously wondered about. i know i have. what i also know is that the most common theory is "live forever", and yes — it would make sense, given that henry is undeniably a devoted little teacher's pet to julian, but it does seem a little melodramatic to me (specifically because julian did abandon them all in the end as well, lol). henry going out with a bang (literally) wouldn't be defined by something as simple as that, however much meaning is attached to it in theory. besides, we've all heard that theory a million times over. i'll offer a new one.
he's goddamn pretentious. to the bone. he refused to take his SATs and thereby consciously denied himself the opportunity to attend any prestigious schools (which he would've certainly gotten into and dominated) for singularly aesthetic reasons. you simply can't get more pretentious than that. i always say that he's too intelligent for his own good — to the point it no longer benefits him at times. just too smart to possess any ability to reflect on himself. almost amusing in that way.
therefore, i believe it was something along the lines of a riddle — something that would keep camilla puzzling over it for a long time succeeding his death. and yes, you can say that his suicide was an impulsive decision and all that, but he had been (even verbally) entertaining suicidal ideology way before he actually went through with it. plus, he just seems like someone who would have something like that — his last words — memorized and ready to go at all times, specifically at a time as dangerous as toying with the possibility of being detained and thrown in jail for murder. just a thought.
i'm almost 100% sure it was also in any language other than english, according to his customs. i've already elaborated on how pretentious he is. he wouldn't make it easy for anyone to figure him out that quickly, not even camilla. the i love you was just a premise, nearly nothing compared to the whisper. and if it's not english, then it must be one of the languages that he does know. assuming that it's either latin or ancient greek, he would go out of his merry way to make it as complex and hardly translatable as he can. he would apply the most archaic of archaic versions of those languages, even with one simple phrase. as i said, he would've planned it out beforehand deliberately. it makes perfect sense.
what it would be, however, is a whole other conversation of its own. maybe that very "i love you" or previously mentioned "live forever", just in a different language. that is the simplest answer i can offer. i like to dig deeper when it comes to mysteries such as this one, though, so i've been gathering my thoughts all day today in order to predominantly satisfy myself with an obnoxiously pretentious answer. how about: "to the stars" (kitsch but fitting, obviously convoluted, and in a different language) or a translated version of "ashes to ashes, dust to dust" — just to deride religion and tradition one last time. or, perhaps, "permanence". something that perpetuates his convicted disbelief in vanitas. "never gone"; "the conclusion". and i know, all of these sound dumb as hell in english, but do remember — they would be uttered in a different language, and in a complex way, too. to be mulled over; wondered about for a long time, even as a scholar.
someone needs to hook me up with ms tartt's phone number so we can settle this once and for all, lol. but then again, i don't want to know. i don't want a simple answer to such a mystifying, ponderous question. i'm fine with eternally musing over it — it certainly keeps me entertained.
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ts-witchy-archive · 7 months
Hello! I've seen a bit of wiccan (?) things for a while, if I were to start I wouldn't even know how to start though. (my autistic ass does not leave the house and my mom would probably think it's weird to make strange concoctions of things) I also don't really know how deities work and how do you find out which one your communicating with? Tbh I've always felt like someone is around but whatever god it is seriously fucking hates me /hj Been better since I started medication but like the luck I have is 50/50 good bad and that is probably not normal. If you answer this it'd be very helpful.
Hi! Thanks for the ask!
I just want to start by defining a few terms for you :)
Wicca/Wiccan: A pagan religion that focuses on nature, magic and witchcraft. It was founded in the mid 20th century and Wiccans primarily worship 2 Gods which are personifications of nature.
Witch: Just a person who practices witchcraft. It's a non-gendered term and a non-religious term/practice. Not all witches are Wiccan but all Wiccans are witches. Witches can be absolutely anyone
Personally, I'm not Wiccan so I can't really tell you much about that but if there is one thing I know, it's witchcraft! There are many different places to start but I'm going to condense it down as much as humanly possible. It'll probably feel like a bit of information overload so just try to take it slow and relax. Enjoy the learning.
My favourite book for beginner witchcraft is 'Witchery: Embrace the Witch Within' by Juliet Diaz. She is a fantastic author and wonderful human. Everything about the basics of witchcraft you could need is in that book (imo). You should be able to find a pdf online if you can't get a physical copy.
As for youtube channels with solid content:
Harmony Nice: She covers everything Wicca. She has a playlist with all her Wiccan/witchy content witch is linked here
The Witch of Wonderlust: Olivia has been a favourite witchy youtuber of mine for a while. I wouldn't recommend jumping into her videos without any prior knowledge but once you have a grasp on the bare bones it should be okay. Here is a playlist she made with everything you could possibly need when beginning witchcraft. SOrt through the videos and see what peeks your interest.
The Hearth Witch: Another wonderful account if I remember correctly. Her videos used to be on the longer end (30-60mins) so if you have a short attention span then maybe not but she has a wealth of information.
I also recommend joining a few discord servers, following a few pages on tumblr just to get acquainted with the community and terminology.
Okay, on to the deity work situation. Deity work is generally considered more intermediate in the witchcraft community. key words being 'Deity WORK'. Worship is completely fair game. Setting up an altar, praying, leaving offerings, doing activities in devotion to the deity is absolutely something you can do relatively quickly.
As for IDing a deity, most people do it through 'divination' which is things like tarot, a pendulum, dice, bone throwing, and other ways. Most people also ask for signs that a specific deity is 'reaching out' to them or wants them to pay attention. You can also politely ask someone who is volunteering their time on tumblr or a discord server to find out for you via divination. If they don't say their doing free readings, obviously, don't ask.
Finally. luck is luck. It makes no sense for a literal God to hate a human. We all have periods of shitty luck and awesome luck! I wouldn't blame that on anything. Sometimes bad things just happen unfortunately. But sometimes amazing things also happen, even if it's just as small is finding 5 cents on the footpath.
That was so long. Congrats if you made it to the end because I nearly didn't when writing this. I hope this helped a bit. Feel free to reach out if you need a hand with anything. Thanks :)
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