#mentions of religion and religious
rose-riot-johnson · 7 days
Hello my Tumblr Peeps😃While I was skeptical about writing about a particular character, due to the feeling that's he's a controversial character, however despite this, I think there are people who like him (atleast character wise), depending on Facebook groups, Facebook pages, YouTube videos pertaining him, etc... So far on Tumblr, I haven't recall seeing much (if any complaints about him)... I was considering waiting for a request to write about him, however I have seen more hate towards others characters, than I did about Hisoka Morow from Hunter x Hunter, especially on Tumblr... So, I will see how this goes🃏♦️♥️♣️♠️
*This fanfic contains 1 or more long paragraphs😅
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🃏He Was Unexpectedly There When I Was Knocked Down🃏(Hisoka Morow x Female Reader)
Genres: Possible Enemies To Lovers Type Of Wound Comfort (Warning ⚠️: Violence, mentions of self-righteous, mentions of religion and religious, blood (and mentions of blood), mentions of murder (which is mentions of killing), mentions of death)
After passing your Hunters Exam, when you met Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio, to you Gon was light hearted, Killua was a cool person, Kurapika is a badass you would like to have as your bodyguard, and Leorio was just hilarious on a good way. As for Hisoka, you weren't sure how you felt about him, as you felt like you are mixed about him. Gon and the others assured you don't need to get intimidated by Hisoka too much, as this is how he usually gets with people. You're hoping this is the case in a way.
On your travels with Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio, you tried to keep, as close to atleast one if them (if not all of them), as much as possible, regardless, if Hisoka is around you or not, because of the fact you rather not risk being alone with Hisoka. Everytime you're around him or see him or he talks to you or even think of him, you felt a vibe about him, where you weren't sure, if you could trust him or not. You just rather try to stay close to your friends Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio (or atleast one of them) as much as you can to try to prevent risking being alone with him.
One night you, Gon, Leorio, Kurapika, Killua, and Hisoka (ofcourse) had been assigned on a mission to take down a bunch of enemy nen users who play Judge, their own God(s), and executioners for their own self-righteous, religious reasons. Once you and everyone else went off to find the self-righteous enemy nen users, everyone unexpectedly had to split up due to each member of the enemy nen user group were trying to ambush your group, so you end up being alone to fight a particular enemy nen user, which he obviously isn't the leader, however he is your toughest opponent yet and he also might be the strongest of the group. You weren't sure what's worse, your fear of risking being alone with Hisoka or the fact that your nen abilities weren't strong enough to even scratch him.
The next thing that happened was when you finally managed to hit your nen user opponent to be able to atleast bruise him, he somehow managed to use his brass knucks infused to knock you unconscious. This is definitely not how you wanted your life to end. Not like this. You just weren't sure where you went wrong during your battle against him.
When you regained consciousness, the first face you saw wasn't the enemy nen user who knocked you out cold with his nen infused brass knucks, as you became shocked that Hisoka's face was the first face you saw. You became startled where you tried to move away from him, as he grabbed one of if your wrists and growled, "Why did you try moving away from me, like that?! I'm trying to help take care of that beaten head of yours!", before you touched your head to with your free hand to notice that he does have a point, as you realized your head has been bleeding from seeing the blood on your free hand and your head must have tooken damage from the strong enemy nen user's nen infused, brass knucks that he had.
"Aren't you going to let me take care of your wounds or not (Female Reader Name)?! Just be glad, I was able to come to the rescue when I did! He did have plenty of nen and I can't just let him finish you off, especially when I see a strong opponent like him! The sooner I take care of your wound(s) on your head, the better!", Hisoka commented, as you decided to let him take care of your wounds due to your fear of angering him in anyway. After you finish letting him take care of your wound(s) that (is or are) on your head you noticed that he has tooken some damage from the enemy nen user who knocked you out unconscious, which you were shocked about. You then asked, "Would your mind, if I take care of your wounds, as well, Hisoka?".
Hisoka was stunned about the question you asked, as you became frightened that he was going to scold and belittle you from him being angered for your question you asked, however instead of what you fear and him being angry, he acknowledged that you were observant about your wounds, as he calmly replied, "Thanks for your concern... However don't focus on my wounds right now... We should find the others, since they might be fighting strong opponents with lots of nen... They're maybe not as strong as the man you faced, however they're filled with more nen than he is, except the other opponent I faced... The other opponent put up a fight, which is why I got most those wounds that I have, but after I killed my other opponent off, I decided to find you, kill the brass knucks opponent to prevent any more wounds on you, then prioritize taking care of any wounds you have before we head off to find the others. Nevermind my wounds until the mission is over!". You did what he said as you then followed him around, as you're afraid to anger him, if didn't follow him around to find the others, at the same token you're relieved he was calmer when he was talking to you than you expected. You're just somehow so surprised that he didn't get angry with you (atleast as angry with you as you expected) nor tried to attack you, to the point you felt you had to apologize to him, as you're wondering if you're apologizing due to your change of heart or any other reason that you have without knowing it.
"Hey, Hisoka... Sir... I appreciate what you did for me and I'm grateful for taking care of me, however there's something I should tell you before we continue finding the others, if you're not angry with me and you don't mind...", you announced to Hisoka before he stopped to turn around to look at you, as he replied, "Why would I be angry with a delightful lady, like you? I'm glad you're grateful for me and all... I usually don't say this, considering that I don't usually care what others thought of me, I just never meant to make you uncomfortable nor frighten you in anyway, my dear... What is it you need to tell me? I'm waiting...", as he's trying to hide that he's nervous due to not knowing what you'll tell him next. "Listen Hisoka... Maybe you're weird and I was getting mixed vibes about you... I just was surprised you saved me and tooken cared of me, without being angry with me... I owe you my most sincere apologies for being a jerk to you by avoiding atleast being alone with you... I was wrong about you and I shouldn't have thought you would hurt me... I just should have realized how kind you were to me...", you apologized, as he became shocked about your talk was about you apology to him. He was puzzled at first before he smiling at you, then he assured, "No need to apologize... To be fair, I wouldn't blame you one bit for avoiding me... I do enjoyed fighting someone who has plenty of nen... There's nothing to forgive, because you, your safety, and your feelings are most important to me, aside from this mission we're assigned to... We should find the others and finish the mission...".
After you found the others, as everyone had defeated the other enemy nen users, which in Leorio's and Kurapika's case(s), they both worked together to defeat both their opponents. Gon and Killua killed their opponents just fine without a scratch. You be very happy everyone is safe and sound.
The next day, you went up to Hisoka, as you then decided to ask him to be in a relationship with you. He asked, "Are you sure this is what you want, (Female Reader Name)?", before you answered, "Ofcourse... I don't want to force you into anything you don't want... I figured I'd ask... If not we can be friends...". He would reply, "You're like a queen of hearts, sweetie... Ofcourse I would go out with you... I may not be the romantic person, however I will do my best to take care of you and to see you happy...". You then kissed one of the sides of his facial cheeks, which made him blush. So, you know he blushed and why he blushed made you smile. Eversince then, not only it's the beginning of a beautiful friendship, however the beginning of a beautiful relationship, as well.
🃏The End🃏
Okay Tumblr Peeps... I hope you enjoyed reading this Hisoka fanfic I've written🃏Those curious about why I have written about Hisoka on my own terms, instead of waiting for me to request him despite of him being controversial, Hisoka hate on Tumblr hasn't came to my attention, plus I have read more hate towards other characters, including a particular character I have written about in 4 of the fanfics I have written in the past, and it's rare I even talk about him, especially in any posts (including Facebook and Tumblr (I believe))🤔Yes, I was mixed about Hisoka when I first knew about him, however the more years that passed by he kept growing on me, so while I'm not trying to make him look like a saint or a perfect angel, I'm also not trying to have him in a bad light🃏🤔I feel in my heart that I want to write about him🃏😃👍
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aalghul · 5 months
jason doesn’t feel guilty for the murders he committed!!! he can’t feel catholic guilt or want repentance or atonement for something he doesn’t feel guilt about! and there are dozens of religions we could explore jason in that would be so much more fun than catholicism or any type of christianity
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Does it ever hit you that Martha sat down in New New York and told the Doctor that she needed his honesty more than she needed to go home and that religious music played in the background at that scene and it was almost framed as a confession, in the most religious sense, and go a little bit feral? That as early as her third episode, she was framed as his equal, equally divine, equally a doctor, able to confront him, able to make him honest, able to sympathize with him, able to abide with him? That so few companions have ever spent so much time in one time period with the Doctor (1969/1913, for example), being with him/her, not running, just staying? That for every fucking thing Ten did wrong as John Smith/after coming back to himself in Human Nature/Family of Blood, he trusted her enough to leave himself vulnerable and human in her care, because he trusted her as a Doctor, because she was just as much a Doctor as he was? That Martha was, more than any other companion of the Tenth Doctor's, his equal, that her final speech about not being second was not just talking about her not being second best to Rose but about being second best to him? That she finally understood what had been true from the moment that they met and she closed Stoker's eyes and the Doctor realized that she had not just bravery and cleverness but a kindness that he had forgotten, that Martha Jones, more than anything else, has been and always will be The Doctor?
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robo-milky · 12 days
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“Are you aware of the most beautiful book?”
REVEREND/PRIEST/CULT LEADER! ROOK MAKES A COMEBACK!! May do more stuff with him- also made me really happy that a good chunk of y’all wanted to see more him (like a year ago-)
Definitely not my usual style but I felt like forcing myself to render since I was unsatisfied with my style previously, and this definitely helped- Even forcing me to look up actual references- Even though art is just a hobby now, I still want to improve for the sake of it-
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aphidclan-clangen · 3 months
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part 2 out of 3
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blurryeyeswhump · 2 months
Day 1: gaslighting, hypnosis, brainwashing
Whumpee was face down on the ground heaving in gulps of air and dust and whatever else littered the concrete floor beneath them. They showed no signs of getting up or even trying. Whumper stepped back a little, admiring the beating he’d just dished out. Restraints weren’t even necessary anymore. Whumpee never even tried to fight back, not for quite sometime now.
“What did you do to deserve this?” Whumper mused.
“What?” Whumpee coughed out a few moments later, lifting their head to wipe the blood and saliva from their mouth.
“You’re religious aren’t you? I hear you down here sometimes, praying. You find God in here or did you bring Him with you?”
“No, I-“ Whumpee swallowed hard, “it’s from before.”
“So what did you do? To deserve me?” Whumper had no idea if this would work or not. But Whumpee’s mind was ripe for fucking. Starved of food and water, of light and any human interaction that wasn’t pain.
Whumpee finally started to push themself up to their knees.
“That’s not how it works,” they said, eyes lowered.
“No? You don’t think so? You can’t think of one thing you’ve done deserving of hell? Even one on earth? Come on, you think the universe would allow something like me to happen to you if you didn’t deserve it at least a little?”
Whumpee looked up at him with new eyes. Guilty, shameful eyes.
“I can absolve you, sweetheart, I can free you from all of this. But you have to admit
to me, and to yourself, that you deserve it.”
Whumpee looked down again. Whumper cocked his head and spoke.
“Do you deserve this?”
“Whumpee…” he was so close he could fucking taste it.
Whumpee covered their face with their hands, but Whumper could still hear their little tear-soaked voice.
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bizlybebo · 10 months
anyways since it’s the holidays shout out to religiously traumatized people, people questioning their religion, people who just got out of their religion, people considering getting back into their religion, people who miss their religion even if it ended up hurting them, people who never practiced religion, people who have practiced religion their whole lives, and people who don’t celebrate christmas/celebrate other holidays because of their religon
and FUCK the mormon church
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littlest-bugz · 4 months
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[no images or poetry belong to me]
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liquidlycan · 5 months
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with themes of religion, rams, and tainted divinity
cw religion
art by du-buk! please god play 8:11! it's fantastic :)
requested by lycan
x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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cimonim-toasty · 2 months
Imagine if Catholic!Yuu came to Twisted Wonderland with a rosary or something similar and Lilia (who is very vampire-coded imo) just will not/cannot approach them when they have it on.
I don’t even believe Earth’s religions exist in Twisted Wonderland (or most of them, at the very least). Which makes it even better because then there’s literally no reason for Lilia to not be able to approach Yuu. He just can’t do it.
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veldigun alex cuz I said so (theyre inspired off of cherubim :3c)
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yanderemommabean · 1 year
maybe youve already written about this, but have you ever thought about a yandere priest?? 🫣 theres barely any in the already very niche yandere community and as someone who has a thing for priests and corruption, hnnggggg. i think itd make very good material for some batshit crazy yandere. itd be a mess, really. maybe a priest willing to abandon their god for you, rid themself of their white collar, breaking their servitude. to get on their knees to pray for forgiveness not to the lord above, but to pray at the altar of your flesh.
maybe, a priest who truly believes that you are the epitome of purity, so they must keep you clean and rid of all sin threatening to corrupt you. even if it means sullying their hands to keep you pure.
or maybeeee a truly unhinged priest who stumbles upon a broken darling and gives them promises to shepard you into the light, so you must trust them for they'll wash you of your sins. how could you distrust a servant of god?
OR, OR, its just some overzealous heretic who uses the word of god to justify their actions, whilst manipulating you to falling on your knees upon their feet.
Ugh I ADORE yandere priests. The type to make you the focus point of worship? YES! The ones who have abandoned their god because you have brought them more bliss and salvation? Tasty. The ones who see you as their god and even possibly makes others believe it too? Delicious, 10/10, its always so good! I also really love the ones you mentioned where they see you as everything pure as portrayed in their books, so they must protect you, they can't let you fall into unworthy hands, must be the only ones to ever touch such a beautiful, pure image of perfection. I've written about a few, years ago, it's been a while, but its a wonderful trope with so many ways to write about it! makes me wonder who fits this trope the best, there's so many good characters!
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sh1-n0bu · 5 months
lmao i almost got fooled into some sort of religion today.
so, a few weeks ago, these people from a church called “the church of god” was talking to people on the streets abt their church and introducing them and stuff. and i was stopped by one of them. the two people who explained their church to me were fellow uni students and very sweet and kind. after weeks of ditching and running away from a word i gave to check out their church, i decided to go today. the two girls introduced me to their church, some bible verses, how it was scientifically proven and has prophecies that came true and stuff. i went inside completely open minded but the way the one girl immediately went, “okay go and prepare the baptism things” to the other was what caught me off guard. they called in a senior member, told me how my soul would be ‘saved’ from the lake of fire by going through baptism and shit and even brought a baptism resume for me to fill out without telling me about it beforehand.
i thought it would be just a simple introduction to their religion, church, what they do and stuff and yet they almost manipulated me into becoming one of their followers without letting me know. they didn’t even explain to me that they would give me resume to fill out after explaining abt their religion to me and shit. and the part that made me lowkey resentful was that they wouldn’t accept my no as an answer. i don’t mean to be mean or disrespect any religion, but if this is how people are gonna act and try to forcefully take someone into their religion, how do they not expect to get some lash backs???
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hey yall should keep drawing vaguely catholic renaissance style art of luz like yall did with hunter after hollow mind. girl gets belos's drip and all of yall pointed at her and said "religious trauma"
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danipedrosas-boatest · 6 months
Hi, this is very random but please do not make jokes about Fabio’s religion.
This is slightly biased because I’m also Catholic, but please do not make jokes about his faith to support your opinions about the sport. It’s one thing to not know that he’s religious, but it’s a whole other thing to make jokes about it. It’s very offensive.
Fabio has talked about being Catholic before, as well as having tattoos with the cross, a cathedral, and a nun. This clearly means a lot to him and they are not just for aesthetic purposes.
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aphidclan-clangen · 4 months
Ollie how are you ALIVE??.
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boy has so much mental illness it’s insane
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