#obviously it would be way better if they simply were not involved romantically at all
timewizard-oldman · 7 days
makes me so mad how the whole jeffannie arc was dragged out for the entire show when it could have ended MUCH earlier....... like at the end of 2x01 when annie said she thought jeff was gross now..... or when she told britta that she only kissed jeff to feel cool and mature....,. or in virtual systems analysis!! there were so many logical end points for this weird unnecessary plot point but they had to stretch it out for six whole seasons
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xjulixred45x · 4 months
Can i request headcanons of hunter with a Romantic and platonic s/o that is like flutershy from mlp? Like,extremelly shy,meek and sweet,loves all animals no matter how dangerous they are and probably a beast keeper,i hope is not to much for you,keep doing good work and take care🫶
Oh yes! Yes! Thanks for the Request!
Hunter Noceda x Fluttershy! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: this include Golden Guard Hunter so, he's kind of a adorable jerk sometimes, but it gets better, Reader is very shy and kind, Reader is a Beast Keeper, References to Belos but nothing grafic. Fluff.
As always a little context.
reader has always had a great connection with animals (perhaps her parents could have been farmers or already part of the beast coven?) and this was both a great advantage and a double-edged sword.
On the one hand, she could be quite safe in Bonesburgo compared to the average, since she could VERY easily tame the creatures that came across her, be they fairies, spiders, any creature.
Her family may even have been able to make a living from this lol
However, it also had its bad side since reader was not able to see that most of these animals and creatures were only friendly and docile to HER, generating incidents such as fairy infestations, bringing honeycombs of fire and causing injuries, things for the style.
Although, being bonesburgo, most people only saw readee as a very tender killing machine whom they should respect more than anything else xd.
Apart from that the affinity with animals only increased as she grew, drawing more attention.
reader joined the coven of beast keppers very early, gaining even more prestige, much to her bad luck.
Because precisely having had so much attention from such a young age made her become more shy and in a certain way reserved.
She simply doesn't like to be the center of attention, so she tries to be as discreet as possible.
More when sometimes she gets involved with famous creatures in smuggling or that Belos does not explicitly allow.
Maybe even thanks to this, reader tried to live as far away from people as possible, simply because that way she could raise her little animals and not so little animals in peace.
but obviously you can't always make a living from what you do in the garden (I would like to) and you go to the city from time to time for supplies.
NOW, I have two versions of how Hunter and reader may have met.
1- on one of these trips to the city or 2- the reader could be the apprentice of Eberwolf (the leader of the Coven to which she belongs).
For a certain matter of ease, I'm going for the second.
Training with Eberwolf is... strange, mostly because reader has to interpret everything he "says", but it's not as bad as one would think considering the feared reputation of the coven leaders.
Hunter would probably know at a superficial level about the existence of reader, mostly from the incidents involving her "little animals."
but I don't think they interact as such until the episode where Hunter wants to earn the respect of the Coven leaders.
There not only Hunter interacts with Darius and Eberwolf, but also with reader.
Maybe Eberwolf is trying to get Reader to go with Hunter to improve her social skills since they are both of a similar age, or maybe he just wants to annoy her, we don't know.
or even reader may be one of the few people who actually stay when Hunter calls the Coven leaders because well, he's the Golden Guard! He technically has a higher position than her and doesn't want to get into trouble.
and thanks to this small show of respect and "discipline" Hunter drags her with him to his mission as an "assistant" which, to the reader's discontent, involves interacting with people.
Regardless of how she has been assigned to Hunter, reader at first is used to just following him because she doesn't really know what to do in this situation, she is almost as socially inept as Hunter, so when they try to come up with ideas of how to get more people in to the emperor's coven, they unintentionally end up sabotaging themselves.
H: Do teenagers like the same things that we don't? rules, train-
R: fierce but cute animals? follow the strongest? silence?
H: animals that end our enemies for us? you are a GENIUS-
In a way they do bonding through their VERY WRONG ideas of normality and when they go to bring recruits they fail even more than in the canon.
(I imagine reader doesn't think much about FlapJack at first, she just can't help but see the Palismans as animals too, so she pretends she didn't see anything every time Hunter talks to him).
However, when the topic of the Flying Derby comes up, things definitely start to take shape.
I don't think Reader is weak basically, you have to have strength to handle wild animals even if they are tame, so when they practice a little, Hunter ends up QUITE impressed with how much weight she can actually carry.
(When he makes a comment about it he meant it as a compliment but it sounded ruder than he intended. He facepalmed for a long time).
Reader quickly becomes friends with Vinny and hee griffon, even telling her everything she knows about his specific breed type, diets, allergies, clothing size--
reader compensates her lack of speed with strength and her animals, speed is Hunter's strong point so they both complement each other quite well.
reader may even share a little of her philosophy with the animals (and people) to Hunter when they win, having a better understanding of each other and the "opportunities" they were given.
Even when the mission ends and Reader has to return to Eberwolf, Hunter continues to seek her out for other missions after that.
I would say that for quite some time their dynamic is like a "villain" that no one takes seriously with a faithful "servant", except that Hunter treats the reader as a sidekick or teammate. He doesn't feel like he can do the job without her.
especially when her positive affirmations become something he EXPECTS, or he gets used to having hair from whatever animal the reader brought with her that time, or when he learns to sharpen his hearing to hear whatever the reader murmurs when she thinks that He's not listening (which he's not doing! Not at all!)--
Let's say it's obvious to everyone except them.
If we talk about a relationship in general, it is a perfect balance.
Hunter wants to pretend for a long time to be the perfect guard, who doesn't make any mistakes and who is arrogant and so on. but in reality he is much more in need of attention and AFFECTION than he wants to admit.
reader is someone who evokes a certain tenderness and kindness, someone who you would think would be incapable of harming a fly, but is much stronger than she seems, she could perfectly turn all the fauna of the Boiling Islands against you--
Hunter learned quickly not to underestimate reader and sincerely likes that she can handle herself, of course, it doesn't mean that he doesn't like to show off a little and protect her from time to time, but knowing that she can protect herself leaves him very in peace.
Hunter wants to know as much as possible about the reader's interests to be more helpful when her "little animals" get out of control.
I honestly think Hunter is surprised how the reader can find any of the creatures on the Boiling Islands remotely endearing (except maybe King?) but he definitely understands how her connection to nature (which doesn't want to kill her) helps the reader.
Hunter supports any animal his partner brings in as long as it doesn't bite her off a limb.
although the Hunter post Time Skipe is definitely much more into the topic of animals and will happily introduce the reader to the WORLD OF WOLVES.
Hunter is happy to have a partner with so much empathy and who sees the good even in beings who objectively cannot see them that way, having lived with Belos all his life. Hunter is truly touched by how the reader takes care of the animals as if they were her own babies.
Hunter will definitely fight for the reader's animals (not only for her, but because at this point he is as in love with her as he is with the animals).
Hunter himself is shy, and although at first it was difficult for him to adapt to his partner's shyness, he quickly adapts and even feels safer with her because of it, because he knows that she will not judge him for having problems communicating certain feelings.
👏introduce👏reader👏to👏Darius👏both he and Eberwolf definitely saw it coming from afar, but Eberwolf still made good money.
I know I just said that Hunter would not be overprotective, but I can see him being cautious in social settings since the reader's personality can be the target of either 1- teasing or 2- attempts to make her feel bad for that very reason, and Hunter ITS NOT HAVING IT.
Don't even get me started on unity day :,) Hunter would insist the reader not only not go to the congregation, but to RUN AWAY AS FAR AS POSSIBLE. If reader didn't do it and, worse, was with Hunter by the time the drain spell passed, both of them would be heartbroken to see the other in so much PAIN.
We could say that it is even the reader's personality that helps him in especially dark moments, like when he is in the human world (without reader) he probably tries to cheer himself up or tries to think of an alternative plan thinking just " What would do reader?" and so even if it's just being a little happy thinking that "she would probably hug a "bear" or whatever that thing is"
reader is like his TORCH of hope in the black sea where Belos left him, which encourages him to get out of there, see all the possibilities, be HAPPY. and Hunter wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING AT ALL.
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rainbowsky · 7 months
twitter BJ_ByYourSide/status/1427940852433776640 I'm confused on why this clip isn't on everyone's favorite list. There so much here! DD not wanting to sound fake and wanting to keep stuff away from the media. Reminds me of when he seemed upset with dd for praising him until gg reassured him he was being sincere. And obviously this is crush behavior- "what did he say about mee", so cute! Do you know when this was filmed? I would imagine the earlier stages cause he seemed insecure
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This is the link, to make it easier for readers.
Hi Anon,
I'm a bit confused about why you think this isn't a popular clip. This one is actually quite popular, and fans made a big deal about it when it was first released. It's maybe not as popular as the 9 minutes of bickering on a boat or the lewd moments or jealousy in 3 languages, but it's also not nearly as exciting as those clips.
To me in order for a clip to be exciting it has to be entertaining (and ones containing both of them are always the most entertaining) or it has to reveal something new about them (jealousy in 3 languages seemed to give clues about their sexual orientation, for example).
This clip, while cute and also somewhat hilarious, doesn't give anything all that new. We already knew that DD is into GG, we already knew that he's the sort of person to be invested in what GG thinks about him and in what GG says about him.
I also don't see this clip the same way a lot of fans see it. I don't see it as 'early days, guy has a crush on another guy' at all. It strikes me as fairly normal behavior that doesn't give us much timeline insight. I think anyone discussing an interview where they were a likely topic would want to know what the other person said about them, especially if they were romantically involved with them.
If anything, that clip makes me eye the Devil's Timeline even more. There are a few things that stick out.
DD is speaking pretty openly about how sweet, handsome, cute, etc. GG is. That's not something I see someone as reserved as DD saying about someone he doesn't know well, to people he doesn't know well.
When the producer says that GG said they 'have a good friendship', everyone in the room starts laughing. To me it comes across as, "That's the understatement of the year." Like the people there know that GG and DD are more than just friends.
When DD brings up the game, I think he's musing about things he could have mentioned in the interview but didn't - not that he's 'excited about having had some alone time with a guy he has a crush on', as so many turtles think. That's only reinforced by what someone said in the comments of that clip, that "I didn't want to say it" in reference to the game was actually mistranslated and would be better translated as "I forgot it", which is why the producer said, "Your reaction was slow."
Similarly, someone in the comments said that "Am I fake?" (in response to why he didn't say all these glowing things about GG in the interview) would have been better translated as, "I would have sounded fake." So some fan impressions come out of how the clip was translated.
Everyone's going to have their own interpretations/impressions of things. A lot of fans read DD as insecure here, trying to pump the producer for information about his 'crush'. That's not at all how I saw this clip.
To me, judging from DD's body language and demeanour, he comes across as relaxed and maybe a bit bored. I don't see any insecurity at all in his behavior or speech.
He's obviously quite comfortable in his surroundings and with the people around him. DD is a scrupulously polite, often very reserved guy. He simply wouldn't behave so casually around people he doesn't know well or have a good rapport with. Some of his behavior could come across as rude if he's interacting with a superior he doesn't know very well.
So this clip tells me that DD has developed a laid back relationship with the crew, which leads me to believe he's not the 'new', 'shy', 'insecure' person that fans read him to be.
I also get the impression - like I said before - that DD is already in a relationship with GG at this point.
It's hard to say when it was recorded, but likely well into filming. After all, those interviews were filmed as promo, and it's unlikely they'd start filming those things before the cast and crew had gotten well into the groove of the project.
Just my two cents. Like I said, a lot of people have a different view of this and that's their right. We'll likely never know for sure what this was really all about.
If people don't talk about clips like this much now, it's probably because the BTS is really old and people aren't talking about any of the BTS much these days. These BTS moments were all filmed nearly 6 years ago.
Edit: here's GG's interview, which is being discussed in that clip.
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ell-begins · 1 month
I’m gonna get absolutely slaughtered for this one but it’s been bothering me for ages so I need to say it 😭😭
I cannot see eddie being gay, like,,,at all
I mean, there is obviously the possibility of bi or pan etc, but I just cannot see him being gay (or tbh even liking men - STAY WITH ME HERE OK READ THE REST BEFORE YOU GET MAD 🙏)
like you’re gonna sit here and tell me that the man who just got walked in on with a woman cosplaying his dead wife is a homosexual and is in love with his best friend? like do not get me wrong at all, I love buddie, and if they were to ever become a couple I would be ecstatic - but I genuinely cannot see eddie being romantically or even sexually involved with a man (especially not at the minute with where he’s at) 😭😭
I could definitely see buck and eddie having a queerplatonic relationship, but at this point I don’t know if I could see them being in a romantic relationship, at least not right now. Eddie is going through it as of the end of season 7, even if they were to decide to make buddie cannon, eddie isn’t in a good place right now, and realistically it wouldn’t be happening anytime soon (and if it did I Imagine it would be slightly unhealthy)
I know some people are gonna be like ‘oh, he can have a revelation like buck’ but (although I am aware lou said it was initially gonna be eddie x tommy, meaning yes that is entirely possible and I completely understand why people think this will happen) the difference is that Oliver has being playing into buck being bi for years, this has been a widely accepted headcanon that even he has agreed with, so it made sense that it happened, and wasn’t just something that came out of nowhere. Ryan has consistently said that Eddie is straight (and while I understand that he isn’t the one who decides that + he has limitations on what he can say publicly) I feel like him having some form of revelation might not work (similar to why it was buck x tommy instead of eddie, as ryan didn’t think it would work for eddie + the whole marisol arc). And, as I said earlier, eddie realistically isn’t in a good place right now, and trying to push buddie after everything that happened at the end of s7 will likely cause it to fail before it truly starts, especially as it’s likely that it could be seen as Eddie using Buck as a rebound of sorts, rather than truly wanting to pursue a relationship
I have been a buddie shipper since late s3 so yall better not come for me for saying this 😭🙏 (Before anyone asks, yes I am a bucktommy shipper too - I am simply happy because BUCK is happy, I think they are cute and Buck is clearly doing well. And no, I am not ‘jumping ship’, I am doing this crazy thing called multishipping, which is common fandom practice 🥰 so if I have anyone trying to call me out for abandoning buddie or whatever I might actually end it cuz there is no way 😭)
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Trader Johann RTTE Season 3
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Hello Lovely People! About a year ago, I mentioned how my sister and I were working on a list of all of the references and head-canons that we had noticed regarding the Johann betrayal in the seasons and episodes leading up to the reveal, and I had posted wondering if anyone else would be interested in see that list. The response was overwhelming, and we set to it.  
This was such a fun process, and we got to rewatch a huge portion of RTTE through working on this list. It has been such a labor of love, and I am so proud of it. HOWEVER 
Here is our disclaimer. We do A LOT of inferring and connection of head cannon dots in this post. Therefore, please DO NOT fill any re-posts with anger or negativity if you strongly disagree with a head-canon that we have included in this list. We would love to discuss them, but please don’t simply repost “wrong” or anything else related if you don’t agree. We would love for these posts to be a place where the community can discuss the craziness that is Traitor Johann and not argue about who is “right” about one connection or head-canon or another. It is also highly likely that we missed something that disproves any details or head-cannons in a different episode or time, and if you notice that, please let us know!  :)
Season 3 Notes:  
Episode 1: The Enemy of My Enemy 
Johann knows exactly what will draw in Hiccup, a dragon hunters’ ship might be the only type of ship he would even stop to investigate. It was also placed close enough to the Edge that anyone who was on patrol would have found it. The ship was obviously a trap.  
Headcannon: Dagur never knew that Johann was involved, which is pretty much proven later. These men shown are not Viggo’s, and this is maybe the first time in the series where this is the case. The branding also could prove that these men are not even Johann’s but Krogan/Drago’s. I think there is a lot left to individual interpretation as to when and how Viggo, Krogan/Drago, and Johann came together to try and take down Hiccup with the King of Dragons.  
Episode 4: Turn and Burn   
(This is one of my favorite episodes because I am a huge fan of Snotlout, and this episode has a TON of Hiccup and Snot bonding) Nothing related to Johann though.  
Episode 5: A Buffalord Soldier 
Viggo admitted that he killed the people on the fishing boat to poison one of the riders. This is similar to the dragon hunters’ boat from episode 1. Placed just enough in the reaches of the Edge’s water space that one of the riders was guaranteed to find it. He also knew that Hiccup was capable of finding the dragon and he was not. Viggo’s respect for Hiccup was used over and over again to lead to benefit for Viggo.  
“I knew where to get the supply, if I could only generate the demand.”  
Viggo didn’t even know for certain that the dragon existed, but he knew that Hiccup would search for it until the end of the earth and there was a better chance than Viggo himself to find it. This is similar to how Johann uses Viggo and Hiccup to lead him to the King of Dragons. I also think that Viggo might have used the Scourge as a way to make his men search harder for the Buffalord, and when they couldn’t find it, tried to tap Hiccup’s brain – which worked for a short time.  
“Supply and Demand” is also a phrase that Johann has routinely used in the show.  
“That’s a loss I’m not willing to take.” Hiccup’s line to Viggo. I believe that this was what clued Viggo into Hiccup’s affection for Astrid, that he had romantic feelings for her that were deeper than even the extreme friendships that he had with the rest of the riders. Viggo had not previously known that and used it against him once he had the chance in S4E10.  
Episode 7: To Heather or Not to Heather  
There is a shot here that the dragon hunters were tipped off that the Riders would be aiding the Nadder migration by Johann. My sister and I believe that he was working totally in the shadows and pulling strings to try and create accidents or incidents for the Riders during this time, but never took bold actions because he was trying to maintain the relationships that he had built for as long as possible. I think there is a solid chance that this was one such planned incident.  
Episode 8: Stryke Out 
The man in charge of this ring hates Ryker, and is confident in his job enough to say that which means that he could be employed by someone who he believes would protect him even if that comment got back to Ryker. The island that Hiccup and Snotlout found was a trap, and a linkage island for traders to meet up, maybe even run secretly by Johann for his wares too.  
“Tell me where they are!” is one of my favorite moments of the entire series.  This is one of my favorite twin sub-plots of the series as well!  
Episode 9: Tone Death  
Mysterious dragon trader/hunter, who slips in and out and has amazing knowledge of how to get to place to place.... Could this be Johann? Or another one of his goons under specific orders?  It is never really again mentioned, but the Death Song egg is certainly in the "rare and valuable" category that Johann flaunts.
The egg could have been planted as a trap for the Riders. The hunters tried to protect it for a time, but it was very easily abandoned over the threat of their own capture, something that is fairly uncommon in the rest of the series. “They want the egg? Give it to them.”  
Episode 10: Between a Rock and a Hard Place 
Losing the quarry and the stronghold was not in Viggo’s plan, this was a time he underestimated the Riders, and led to a big loss. We think this could have been one of the first times that compounded Johann’s eventual decision to come out of his shadowed leadership and break his cover.  
Episode 11: Family on the Edge 
Hiccup: “Viggo doesn’t defend it because he thinks we don’t know about it.”  
Dagur: “Hiccup, you’re too gullible. Why attack now...did the number of ships go up?”  
Hiccup: “Well-”  
Dagur: “Of COURSE IT DID. Because eight ships wasn’t enough to draw you in! Use your brain Hiccup!”  
Viggo and Johann have a deep understanding of exactly what pushes Hiccups buttons, and Johann would have heard enough conversation to understand what the riders were comfortable taking on. I think a lot of people forget that this man was akin to a yak to the Berkians and the Riders. He was part of their community, and his personality was enough to equally make you forget that he was there, yet never forget him. That is part of his genius and mentioned in the reveal. Behaving as a “buffoonish fool” made him invisible in important conversations. They assumed he wasn’t listening or understanding but he was always doing both.  
“That it was a trap. All along.”  Excuse me while I sob over this episode again even though he lives.
Episode 12: Last Auction Heroes 
The whole thing at the beginning was doubly staged if you can think through that irony. All three parties playing different “decieving” roles in order to maintain an image for another. It’s crazy to think how easily the riders were played here in Viggo and Johann’s perspective.  
“Are you sure he is coming?” “Positive.” This could have been the first time Johann put Krogan and Viggo togehter to try and open them to the idea of working together to defeat Hiccup, or even be aware of each other on a deeper level. We know that Krogan and Viggo were enemies at one point, and this could have been the first show of trust for both of them to try and form a truce in the name of taking down the Riders, or finding the King of Dragons.
Johann is the one who convinced Hiccup to bring the gold, and it is never shown that anyone else displayed wealth, even though he told Hiccup that was the only way into the auction.  This could have been the agreed upon way between Viggo and Johann that the rider in disguise could be pinpointed.  
Episode 13:  Defenders of the Wing Part 1 
Terror-mail: Its a 50/50 that either Johann or Viggo came up with this strategy of the line where Viggo and Hiccup would “split” the archipelago. Either way Johann benefits.  
Tag Gang:
@camille-the-space-ghost @valiantdust @autisticlittleman @little-bullheaded-shit @g4laxy-drag0n @idontknowreallywhy
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fallenrocket · 3 months
I get that a lot of Star Wars fans are way ahead of me on this one, but episode 7 of The Acolyte helped me understand "attachments" in Star Wars in a way I never have before.
I've complained plenty of times about the Jedi's views on attachments. After all, virtually every Star Wars story is ultimately about love and friendship. Even though we know that Luke goes against Yoda's teaching when he goes to help Leia and Han in ESB, and even though they take a serious hit at the end of that film, we as viewers know that trying to help his friends is still the right narrative choice. And when he leaves them in RotJ, it's not because he's "detached" himself from them. It's because he cares for them--he's realized that Vader senses his presence, and by staying with them, he's putting them in more danger. By leaving and facing Vader, he's doing what he needs to do for him while also trying to protect Leia and Han. The trio is the heart of the original trilogy.
Star Wars is built on relationships of all kinds, whether you're looking at Obi-Wan and Anakin, Jyn and Cassian, Din and Grogu, and so on. But relationships in and of themselves aren't attachments.
Attachments are what we see in episode 7. Sol's desire to bring Osha to Coruscant as his padawan isn't even fully about her. It's about his own feelings, this selfish and possessive want that overrides his reason. It leads him to shut out the clearer-headed voices around him, and he acts rashly and desperately. And as a result, a lot of people get hurt. Including Osha. And including him.
Sol is obviously not the only player involved in the horrible events that transpire. But even though he doesn't intend for these awful things to happen, he plays a major role in bringing them about, and that's because he makes everything else come second to the "connection" he insists he feels with Osha.
I get it now. That's an attachment. Anakin missing his mother and worrying about her well-being (when she's, you know, stuck in slavery!) is a relationship. Anakin slaughtering an entire community of Tusken men, women, and children after she's killed is an attachment. Grogu loving Din is a relationship. Grogu Force-choking Cara when she and Din are arm-wrestling is an attachment.
And it makes sense why the Jedi would be concerned about this. Besides opening them up to the Dark Side, they simply have so much power that that sort of single-minded focus on a selfish desire makes them dangerous. I wouldn't say Sol specifically goes "Dark Side" in episode 7, but he contributes to a horrific level of pain, suffering, and death. All because he lets his feelings crowd out his judgment.
I also understand why the Jedi would be especially wary of familial and romantic relationships. It makes sense that they'd view these as putting a Jedi most at risk of developing an attachment. But I still think that cutting young children off from their families and forbidding romances for Jedi is a shortsighted way to go about it.
In my view, their methods are a little bit like abstinence-only sex ed. If the only teaching is "no romance, attachments are the path to the Dark Side!", that means any Jedi who catches feelings for someone and wants to pursue it will feel obligated to keep it a secret, like Anakin. They won't be equipped to watch out for warning signs that they're developing an attachment, because they haven't been taught what that feels like, and if they do realize they're getting into trouble, they won't be able to seek help from anyone.
I feel like it'd be better if romance was allowed but relationships were "declared" to Jedi HR. Then they could look out for one another, help to ensure that they're finding love and connection in healthy ways that aren't putting others--and themselves--in danger. By just saying "no" and leaving it at that, they're not preventing the problem. They're only forcing it into the shadows where it'll grow out of sight.
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merakiui · 11 months
I know you talked about the eels being the world’s greatest uncles, so I gotta ask, where were they in your yandere Azul fic in His Blueberry Eyes? I know for narrative purposes you wanted to isolate the reader, but I gotta know: did they know that Azul pushed reader down the stairs? Were they present over the pregnancy? Whenever they had to babysit the reader when they moved to the city, did they ever ask her how she was feeling or if she was willing to try again? I don’t know, I still have feelings for that fic and I’m craving fluffy platonic Jade and Floyd who desperately wanted to coddle a baby tako.
The tweels were going to be excellent uncles in HBE, but Azul tries to keep them at arm's length from you. >_< part of me likes to imagine the twins catch on to his obsession in its early stages, but they don't say anything because they know how sensitive Azul can be and they both note how obviously happy he is with you (and surely Azul knows better than to let his attachments spiral into something unhealthy, right?). They're not going to coddle him; he can take care of himself.
This also isn't their marriage, so marital problems are between you and Azul. It's not something the twins want to involve themselves in, lest they risk complicating matters or unintentionally causing more rifts. I think it's a difficult tightrope to walk because they try to tell him he needs to relax and stop being so controlling and manic, but Azul is stubborn and insists that the twins don't know anything; they have no room to say anything about his marriage because it's not theirs.
The main issue is that Azul can't keep anything from the twins even if he wanted to. They read him like a book. So even though Azul never admits the real reason for why you lost the baby, the twins can read between the lines and suspect the truth hiding behind layers of lies. It hurts because the twins were very supportive and excited when you were pregnant, but Azul sort of,,, shut them out during that time because he was so worried and anxious and self-conscious. He also just doesn't like the idea of other people, even his close friends, being within your proximity when you're pregnant.
As for when they'd look after you, I think neither of you talked about Azul. Most of all, the twins wish for your happiness and if Azul's an unhappy subject they'll make the day all about you to put your mind at ease, if only for the afternoon. I imagine Floyd and Jade took you to all of the places you'd like to go to but never could because of Azul. Sure, he wants you to stay home, but that's so boring. When you're with the twins, you can do whatever you want and be free and safe and happy.
Maybe they dropped little hints about the main issue at hand. I imagine both of them (in the days leading up to the scene in HBE where he kills you) put the idea of divorce in your head in hopes that it might help you figure out what to do or where to go from there (though they really couldn't have imagined Azul could be capable of something like murder; that surprises even them). Maybe they pulled you aside and simply told you, "Whatever you choose to do going forward, we're here in case you need us," or something along those lines to let you know you're not alone in this and that you have their support. Because it's painful to see both you and Azul suffering in different ways, and the twins value family and friendship so much. It's unhappiness all around. T_T
Even though they are only mentioned in the fic, I imagine Jade and Floyd were quite fond of you. Perhaps it's a platonic fondness (or a romantic fondness if you would like to read it as such), but they really do care for you. If I were to ever write more with this universe, I'd like to include scenes in which the reader interacted with them or what they do now that Azul is in custody. There is a lot that could be expanded upon.
And maybe the "hotel" Reader mentions staying at is actually the code word for Jade and Floyd's place. Maybe that was her safe haven. :( maybe the twins and their visits were what kept her sane for such a long time. In the aftermath of everything, Jade and Floyd miss you. The gutting thing about loss is that, even though they know you're never going to return, they still wait for a phone call from you or a text from Azul telling them to go look after you. Without you or Azul around, it's going to feel empty and lonely for a long time.
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moon-alight · 1 year
Can I please request an &team ot9 where their s/o comes out as asexual?
I am in love! (As an asexual girl myself) this felt very personal and I almost cried by this so here you are.
Asexual; a person who does not feel sexual attraction towards anyone.
&Team reaction to you coming out as Asexual
Warnings: Sexuality, talk about smut but very light, lighthearted
Word Count: 1822
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You had been a nervous wreck all day. Usually people tell their dates this before they enter a relationship but you just didn't dare. Kei was different from other guys you have previously been involved with. He was someone you really had strong feelings for.
So, you chickened out from telling him again and again and again. Today, you decided, you had to tell him. Especially since a make-out session had turned heated and you felt like you should explain your position.
He immediately answered your text and met you at your home. You let him in and sat down with him on the couch saying that you had to tell him something important but your silence made him nervous.
"Baby? Something wrong?" You avoided his eyes and he felt his heart speed up. "You can tell me anything,"
"I'm asexual." It was out before you knew it. Kei stared at you, obviously waiting for more but you fell back into silence.
"That's it?" He asked carefully to which you shrugged.
"I know I should've told you sooner but I was afraid. People don't tend to have the best reactions towards the news."
"Sweetheart, you gave me a heart attack! I thought you were about to break up with me!"
"What? I thought you would break up with me!"
Let's just say, he was really okay with it lol.
You met him in public in hopes this would make you able to control your feelings a bit better in case he would dump you. You and Fuma sat in front of one another on a small wooden bench in the middle of a park on a beautiful summer day.
"Is there something wrong, beautiful? You have been distracted today." Curse Fuma and his well-observing behavior. He somehow always knows how you're feeling.
"I wanted to tell you something. . ." But when you turned to him and saw his cute dark eyes, you almost chickened out again. Almost. "I um. . . I am asexual." You had looked down but your head shot up when you heard laughter.
"Yeah, no kidding."
"What?" You asked him with a frown to which Fuma smirked at you.
"It's not like it was obvious, beautiful." He said, chuckling. "I mean, you should see your face every time you watch a heated scene in a movie, or when a sexual song comes up. Oh, not to mention the way you always avoid make-out sessions."
"You knew?!"
"Yeah, I did. Now, do you want ice-cream?"
You decided to be up front. On the second date with him -- in which you were skating outside together -- you watched him do small tricks on his skateboard before just blurting it out.
"Fun fact, I am asexual."
Nicholas stopped what he was doing and turned to look at you. It had come so sudden, so fast. He simply wasn't prepared to say the least.
"What? What is that?"
"It is a sexuality like lesbian or gay but. . . I just don't feel sexual attraction to anyone."
"So, you're not attracted to me?" Give him a break, he had never heard about this before.
"Romantically, yeah. Sexually. . . no." It was hard to explain and you were sure you just fucked this relationship up as well but Nicholas merely nodded.
"Yeah, okay." He said and walked towards you.
"You're not going to cut me off?"
"Nah." Nicholas replied and stopped when he stood in front of you. "I like you -- as you said -- romantically." You smiled at him. "Besides, I am used to my hand now anyways."
This man had gone home when you told him about your sexuality after saying goodbye and giving you a forehead kiss. He had never rushed down the street as fast as he did now. He entered his house and went straight for his computer.
It was late, darkness surrounded the house and thick rain droplets hit the windows. You sat on your bed, ready to go to sleep when your phone rang. It was your very sweet boyfriend. You picked up without a second thought.
"So, you feel no sexual attraction to anyone?" He asked to which you hummed. "But. . . you love me?"
"I do, yes."
"I tried to look it up but it wouldn't explain to me what it is exactly that you experience. I'll admit it, I'm lost."
"Why didn't you just ask?"
"Because. . . because I didn't want you to feel as if I was judging you -- which I am not -- but I have no clue what you're feeling or how you want me to react. I'm sorry."
"Oh my God, EJ?"
"Go. To. Sleep. We'll talk tomorrow."
"Promise me to explain everything?"
This guy was so confused when you began to rant about sexualities and different kinds of feelings. You were just watching Kung-Fu Panda. Why did this have to be so weird?
You had started your rant because a friend of yours convinced you that Yuma should know the truth and as much as you agreed, you were terrified. Isn't 18 - 19 supposed to be the ages to experiment? What if he wanted to do that but you were holding him back?
"Whoa! Whoa! Calm down, woman. I have no idea what you're talking about."
"I am. . . asexual."
"A. . .sexual?"
"Yes." You replied and held your breath as you waited for his reaction. Yuma realized he wasn't gonna get more information from you so he picked up his phone and searched it up. After reading for about five minutes he put his phone down.
"Well, good to know."
"I understand if you want to break up."
"Who said. . . I wasn't." Yuma usually is insanely clueless but he could sense just how scared you were. "Listen, angel. . . I'll call you angel. I don't care whether or not you'd like to suck my dick."
"I know." He whispered. "I just want you to be my girlfriend. To cuddle, maybe kiss if you're comfortable but I would most like to just be around you. Because that makes me really happy."
(I'm sorry, I'm, crying)
-Jo (Side-note; I see Jo as the cute little purple guy from the movie 'home' am I the only one?)
The moment the confession left your lips, you felt the sphere around the room shift. Funnily enough, it was a good shift. As if something heavy was just lifted from your lungs and you could breathe again.
"That's okey with me." He told you after the confession. You avoided eye contact as you stared at the ground.
"I totally understand if you don't want to see me anymore." You were prepared. You always were. Because being asexual in a world of hypersexuals was hard and sometimes you felt like a real alien.
"I don't like you because you could possibly benefit me sexually." Jo replied with a small shrug. "I like you because you are an amazing person. I do not mind your sexuality. If anything, it's just another thing to love about you."
He saw the tears in your eyes and walked forward. He wrapped his long slender arms around you and rubbed comfortingly up and down your back. You revelled in the warmth of his body against yours.
"Thank you."
"No need to thank me. I'm only saying the truth."
"What is that?" It was the first time you let Harua enter your room. It was supposed to be a cute indoor date night since your actual plans were ruined by the storm outside. What you had forgotten, however, was the big asexual flag that hung proudly above your bed. "It looks like one of those sexuality flags but a lot more dark."
"It is actually a sexuality flag." It wasn't your preferred way of bringing it to him but you didn't want to lie either. Harua looked at you curiously. It was obvious he had never seen this flag and you could not blame him. Many of your friends had also never seen this.
"What sexuality? I didn't know you were part of the LGBTQ+ community. I swear I have never seen this flag before." Harua looked genuienly so curious. You found him adorable.
"It's the asexual flag." You hoped he knew enough but of course, he kept staring at you, waiting for you to continue. "I am romantically attracted to guys but sexually I am not attracted to anyone."
"That is possible?"
"Yeah." You breathed out. Harua nodded softly and sat down on your bed as he looked at the flag before looking back to you.
"Tell me more."
"Asexual?" It was a simple question and honestly you were prepared for far worse. You had expected him to walk away but your torture needed to continue for a little while longer as Taki had no clue what you were talking about.
"You know, the sexuality--"
"No, I know what it is, I just. . . didn't expect you to be part of that community." Taki stated with a small shrug. "That's all."
"Are you mad?"
"Mad? At you? For being yourself?" Taki asked and honestly if he said it like that, you did sound stupid. "How could I ever be mad about something like that? If anything, I'm really proud of you for coming out to me."
"Of course. Something like that takes a lot of bravery." You smiled sheepishly at him to which he chuckled and opened his arms. "Come here." You walked over and hugged him tightly. "Unicorn, vampire, asexual. It doesn't matter. I will love you anyway."
"Was that a quote from Hotel Transylvania?" You asked him.
"Maybe. . ."
-Maki (I see this as the coming out scene from Nick in Heartstopper)
He was scrolling on his phone as you approached him. You were a nervous wreck and you didn't understand why. You had been friends for so long, even started dating. . . why were you so nervous?
"Maki? Can I ask you something?"
"Of course, cupcake."
"Do you know what asexuality is?" Sensing in the tone of your voice that this was an important topic, Maki turned off his phone and paid his undivided attention to you.
"I have heard about it, yes. Why did you ask?" It was a small action but it meant the world to you. You loved how he was always so soft and sweet and patient and how he paid attention to everything you did or said. It only made it harder to be honest.
"I think. . . or I'm pretty sure that's me. I am asexual." You looked down, waiting for the blow to hit but it didn't.
"That's okay, thank you for telling me." Again, so sweet, so soft, so patient. What did you do to deserve this guy?
"You're not mad?"
"Of course not." He took your hand and pulled you down before wrapping his arms around you. "I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like you couldn't tell me this."
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kiirostarz · 8 months
I rewatched "Best Friends Whenever" because I always wanted to know how it ended…
hahah… it's just another disney channel series… But.
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I feel like this is soooo forced (I literally feel like someone is trying to convince me that they are just "friends")
and I'm sorry, I'm one of the people who believes that two characters can be best friends without anything romantic involved. But not this case. I don't know if it's because Shelby's character mentions that she was looking for what her daughter would look like with Cyd. That in one episode they use the word "girlfriend" (I know that wasn't Shelby but being THAT character they could have used another word, and they decided on exactly that.)
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Also because there are other series like this where true friendship is reflected and you don't ship the characters, unless the story itself tries to build it, like 'I didn't do it!'
And I'm sorry, but I didn't feel any chemistry Naldo and Cyd. And Naldo had chemistry with Barry… if not… how do you explain that.
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AND WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MARCI! THAT WAS BARRY'S FIRST LOVE! and I'm sorry but I don't know how to feel about daysi. She appeared so little that she didn't even interest me.
The first season was good. I understand why my 12-year-old self was entertained. The second… huh. Honestly, I think it was unnecessary. They invented a problem… strange… instead of… I don't know, continuing with the daily life of a normal teenager. Time traveler, obviously. But the truth is I don't know what they were thinking in that season, because they simply erased all the progress from the previous one.
I think there were better ways to do a second season, instead of putting daysi as the main problem character, it could have been multiple characters. After Cyd and Shelby altered space-time, or whatever it's called, cracks constantly appeared in many parts of the world, taking people out of their place, the two helped them, blah blah blah, they learned a valuable lesson, blah blah blah, they returned them to their home, and the end.
This was just an opinion, I liked reliving that nostalgic series.
And I think Landry Bender is still my crush…
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beauspot · 2 years
thoughts after i saw black panther wakanda forever again.
firstly queen ramonda’s muscles in this movie were crazy 😭 i don’t even think i noticed it the first time. all of the women in the dora looked strong as hell and beautiful i’m obsessed. since we’ve introduced ironheart and we’re supposed to be getting a tv show(?) i hope happy and her get involved and it would be hilarious if she becomes friends with peter and mj but mj has no idea who peter is but riri does(and she’s the only one who does).
the fight scenes in this movie are so good, like some of the best in the mcu, there’s less cuts and the use of slowmo especially in scenes with the water makes them so gorgeous.
the black and gold in shuri’s black panther suit represents her brother and tradition and the vengeance of her cousin n’jadaka.
why does m’baku challenge for the thrown? with him in this movie it feels off for him to do it for selfish reasons maybe shuri asked him too.
i know the romance plot was scrapped because of test audiences but to me(this is MY OPINION 😒) the romance would have made their ultimate rift so much weightier. what if they had at the end of her tour simply had namor tell her they were more alike than anyone else he had ever encountered and asked for her hand BEFORE asking her to burn the world or if he asked for her hand in order for the scientist to be returned and she said yes. to then be drawn out of the water and have his people killed so he turns around and kills her mother and the final fight hits so much harder.
shuri not only doesn’t kill him because of his people but because some part of her does love him. this is not me negating the relationship they already have, it’s beautiful whether they ever are romantically involved or not i just think it would enhance the story.
also it’s been bothering me but shuri is not 19 and i keep seeing people say she is. she was 19 before the blip friends 😭 in universe it’s been 6 years since the first black panther.
another thing that bothers me is people fully missing the point of the talokanil as antagonists. yes they are the villains of the movie but they are not. VILLAINS. their goal is the same as the wakandans. to protect their home. over the years this goal has been warped by grief and anger and it’s completely understandable. people who look like them have been enslaved and beaten and killed and the surface countries have made it very clear they desire vibranium to control the world. not to help it. hate him if you want but namor is right. the world will turn on wakanda and the only ally they have is talokan.
The core of this movie and honestly black panther as a series is the way black people and other poc are so focused on hating one another, a hatred that was taught to divide us when killmonger, and t’challa, and namor, and shuri, are not enemies. they are victims namor and killmonger understood that better than t’challa and shuri because they’d seen first hand how the world treats people who look like them. Now obviously they could have gone about it another way, a better way but don’t misconstrue that to mean killmonger OR namor were wrong, they weren’t.
i’m very excited about phase 5 moving forward and i can’t wait to see these characters again even though I know it’ll be awhile. shuri will probably be in the next avengers and i have no idea when namor will be back. i hope we get this movie on streaming soon so i can analyze it more closely
OH LAST THING. i see what y’all were talking about with okoye and attuma and i totally agree lol
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kohakuxrin · 1 year
What Sunrise could have done
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According to some interviews, the reason Yashahime was created was because the anime producer Suwa Michihiko demanded a continuation, which was an unreasonable request because after 12 years of various headcanons and fanfics following Inuyasha’s conclusion with the unlikely chance to get a sequel since Takahashi tended to just start a new manga once she concludes one and never made a sequel to any of her other works, it could hardly meet everyone’s general expectations.
However, Sumisawa and the Sunrise staff did not try to think of something that everyone would easily accept like they claimed.
- They knew that the relationship between Sesshomaru and Rin was perceived differently by fans. Rin was fond of Sesshomaru and he cared for her, but it was not necessarily romantic feelings they were displaying and Takahashi never remotely implied in the story that their relationship was or would become romantic whatsoever. And yet they depicted them as a couple and in a controversial way as they seemingly picked the youngest age possible for her in order for her to keep her childish voice tone and for their children to be born before Inuyasha and Kagome’s daughter, which makes it even more awkward. How can we not find this repulsive? Isn’t it obviously awkward to many for an adult and a child whom he looked after and who was obedient to him to become romantically involved? Especially since it was aimed toward a younger audience, it goes without saying: not only it’s immoral to portray an underage-adult relationship as normal and beautiful, it can also be dangerous.
- And after a most satisfying conclusion to the original story, to have Inuyasha and Kagome imprisoned in a secluded place for about 14 years, depriving them of raising their child who is sold off by her teacher to pay off her debt and literally becomes a slave struggling to pay for her freedom, and to waste such an amazing character with a great look and great abilities by treating her as comedic relief and frequently shunting her in favor of Towa and Setsuna, despite the three of them having been framed as a trio… They didn’t think it would be a massive bummer for those who were satisfied with the end of the original story to see the original protagonists who had already gone through a great deal of hardships and their child being trashed like that? It’s obviously necessary for what was last seen in the original work to have lasted for a continuation, as conflict is an important factor for a story to drive it forward, but that doesn’t mean it has to be devastating.
How on earth is that something everyone would be ok with? It’s plain obvious that they simply took the liberty to write something of their own vision, not really taking into consideration the fandom.
So based on what Sunrise and Shiina did (I find Shiina’s version to be better than Sunrise’, especially about the Youreisei (Grim Comet) which was given a better appearance and an origin), all the while using some ideas I came up with, here’s an idea of what they could have done that I believe could have most likely pleased the majority of the fans:
To begin with, it was stated that Inuyasha had concluded with no single thing unanswered, yet: Other than being stated to be 1000 years old and the Bone Eater’s Well having been constructed out of its wood in the first movie, the Sacred Tree of Ages had not been explored and it was not explained why the well connected between two eras.
Therefore, since the Tree of ages was an important element in Inuyasha, especially for being the place where Inuyasha and Kagome first met, I thought of this:
Instead of being daughters of Sesshomaru, Towa and Setsuna are daughters of a female demon who was affiliated with the tree of ages. The twins would be presented as mysterious half-demon twins and together with the daughter of Inuyasha and Kagome who had first met at the tree, they would form a trio of half-demon girls whose parents had a history with the sacred tree of ages, whose origins would be revealed as they venture.
And here’s what I thought so far for the mother of the twins and the sacred tree of ages:
The mother of the twins was a good-hearted demon who, during the Heian era, fought Kirinmaru who had a vile ambition, and defeated him, although he swore to return in around 500 years. (It could be that Kirinmaru wanted to use a chunk of the Youreisei which he had repelled, to activate the windmill of time to take back his daughter Rion which a piece of Youreisei nonetheless took away from him. But he had to fight the mother of the twins who was the guardian of the windmill, and not only was Kirinmaru defeated, but the fragment had lost its power. So Kirinmaru had to wait for the Youreisei to return for the chunk to regain its power)
Not too long after, she met a human male with whom she’d conceive her children, but both would suffer a tragedy leaving the twins orphaned. (It could have been that her pregnancy weakened her, and Zero took the chance to attempt killing her to have out of the way for when Kirinmaru would return. And she succeeded in mortally wounding her, by first killing her husband to render her so angry that she wouldn’t think carefully, although she managed to drive Zero away. She was ready to die and join her lover but eventually struggled to stay alive at least until her daughters were born, and she died after giving birth to them)
Someone placed her daughters in the sacred tree where they remained asleep and didn't age, and would wait for them to reemerge around 500 years later to defeat Kirinmaru again. They were released 15 years prior to Kirinmaru’s return so they'd be old enough to accomplish their duty, and the one who waited for them put the barrier in the forest around the tree and watched over them without letting them know of his presence. (I actually thought of Yotsume, instead of being an enemy, being the one who placed the twins in the tree and watched over them all the while using his illusion techniques to keep them from leaving the forest and not let anyone find them, since he reminds me of the owl in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
The reason why Inuyasha did not age while he was sealed to the tree and why the bone-eater well made from wood of the tree connects to around 500 years later would be explained as the origin of the tree of ages is revealed while the mother of the twins was alive, or the way the twins were placed in the tree to reemerge around 500 years later would be the reason.
  Now, considering how the fans could interpret the future following Inuyasha’s finale for themselves, imagine the various interpretations, especially for the most prominent characters: What if some picture Inuyasha and Kagome having not just one child? What if some picture Miroku and Sango having more children? What if some picture Shippo growing up? What would become of Rin? (I picture her becoming a doctor running a clinic in the village of demon slayers: https://www.tumblr.com/kohakuxrin/647638096456859648/as-i-re-imagined-yashahime-with-towa-and-setsuna?source=share)
So I believe the best option is an adventure without involving the original cast (Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kirara, Kaede, Sesshomaru, Jaken, Rin, Kohaku, Koga, Ayame, Ginta, Hakkaku, and also Gyokuto, Kin’u and Hisui). It would have most likely been disappointing for many fans not to see what the original cast became, but I believe it is better than being likely upset with how they’d be portrayed.
Only the first episode “Inuyasha Since Then” would feature them as a throwback. I’d add a little scene with Koga, Ayame, Ginta and Hakkaku since they were prominent characters (my idea of a scene would be: some wolves report to Koga that something is going on in Kaede’s village but he assures Ayame that he won’t go for Kagome because he accepted that his responsibility lies in his leadership in the wolf demon tribe, and he thinks “Dog Turd, Kagome is your responsibility, so you’d better assume it well!”)
And as it gave an opportunity for Noriko Hidaka to also return to the cast like all the original cast’s seiyus did in “Inuyasha Since Then”, the spirit of the sacred tree of ages depicted as a sentient being with a mind and will of its own which borrowed the appearance and voice of Kikyo seemed alright to me.
Then the rest of the story would be with only new characters (Towa, Setsuna, Moroha, a substitute leader of the Demon Slayers and some members, Jyubei, Takechiyo, Yawaragi, Yotsume, Four Perils, Riku, Zero, Kirinmaru, Demon Mother and Human Father of the twins...) and some characters from Inuyasha whose involvement would most unlikely upset anyone (if they are well portrayed) would be involved (such as the Higurashi Family, Myoga, Totosai, Hachiemon, Sesshomaru’s mother, Bokuseno, Hosenki II, Master of Potions, Jinenji, Shiori, Royakan, Mimisenri, Nazuna, Sayo, Koharu, Taichi…)
All those who appeared in “Inuyasha Since Then” would not appear again during the Yashahimes’ adventure and whatever became of them would not be revealed, although a reason for the absence of most would be required. It could be that shortly before the trio assembled, Inuyasha and the others had to leave to a faraway place to take care of a situation of which as much help as possible was necessary, which would possibly mean that even Sesshomaru and Koga went along. (That situation could be the Youreisei, because Kirinmaru waited for it to return to have its chunk regain its power, and would not try to repel it again. And they had to be at a specific spot where it would appear, and had to prepare themselves for it). And those who seem not likely to participate in that situation like Kaede would not be seen by not having her village seen/involved.
Moroha was raised by her parents and it would not be said that she is their only child, to leave the possibility that they had more children if some fans prefer.
And as a finale, I though of this: Moroha had received a letter from her parents saying that they dealt with the situation without any casualty, but Towa and Setsuna wouldn’t meet them and return to the Reiwa era together for they’d be faced with making a quick decision of which era they wanted to remain. They say goodbye to Moroha who later sees her parents having made their return (their respective seiyus would speak but their faces would not be shown (like in Pikachu’s vacation: Ash and his friends were not fully seen)). Inuyasha rejoices at eating ramen again while Kagome reads a letter from her family that Moroha brought back. After reading it, Kagome wishes to send them a letter back and Moroha tells her that there is a way. In the present, Towa and Setsuna surprise the Higurashi family with a chest containing a letter from Kagome. They reveal that they discussed with Moroha and thought of having Kagome write a letter and bury it in a chest within the Bone Eater’s well in case they would not meet, which made it as if the well worked one last time, and they waited to reveal what they thought of after unburying it to avoid any disappointment if nothing was found. Kagome’s words moved the family to tears, and much to everyone’s surprise, she also wrote words for Towa and Setsuna, saying that although they didn’t get to meet, there was no hesitation in writing to her adopted nieces with whom her daughter had an adventure and she hopes they are happy to be adopted in her family who preserved the sacred tree of ages of which their mother was affiliated with. Then as Yashahime’s theme goes, both families in both eras celebrate for the Yashahimes at the same time.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Has it ever been mentioned if Tai and Summer we actually romantically involved? Maybe it's just me but the scene where they talk didnt feel like a married couples and more like really good friends. It would be interesting if Tai isnt actually ruby's father and him and summer decided to just co-parent ruby and yang to give them a normal family life. I just feel icky that tai ran to summer as soon as raven left.
Obviously it's entirely personal what does or does not feel "icky" to you, though it if helps, I frequently remind myself that RWBY has nonexistent timelines. Like, by the writers own admission none of this has been thought out. So if you get into the nitty-gritty and start asking questions like, "How long was Raven gone before Tai became romantically involved with Summer?" yeah, you might run into some timing snags that impact our overall view of the relationships. However, that's not because the writers wanted to engage with that kind of complicated dynamic, but simply because they throw out plot-points and ages without ever thinking through with how those two things intersect. I feel similarly regarding the "Yang raised Ruby" fanon (which is fanon and I find it frustrating that much of Volume 9's sisterly interactions, like Yang standing in front of Blake, have been squeezed through this largely unsupported lens of, "Well, Yang is basically Ruby's second mom so that's why this moment is wholesome and not a super weird animation choice) which doesn't hold up upon scrutiny, at least not without a lot of assumptions. If you start thinking about when Raven left, when Summer left, Ruby and Yang's ages, when they were both born, the adventure into the woods, them starting their training young enough to get into Signal, who was supposedly around when, what's a literal fact and what's just someone's emotional interpretation of events... any simple timeline falls apart. There are simply too many contradictions and vague claims to map out a coherent, canonical timeline. We can assume and headcanon many options, but they remain just that: assumptions and headcanons.
BUT that means there's plenty of space for your interpretation, anon. For me personally, I don't think RWBY is ever going to reveal that Tai isn't Ruby's dad and I read the not-very-romantic-y interaction between him and Summer as simply indicative of RWBY's overall approach to romance. After all, Blake and Yang have been in love for several Volumes now, but up until the big kiss all they did was hold hands. However, what RWBY puts on screen is what they've put on screen, which means it's perfectly valid to watch something that looks fairly platonic and extrapolate from there. One of the things the RWBY fandom needs to get better about is allowing the prevalence of fanon to produce outright anger over other ideas. Fans harass others for arguing that it's unlikely Yang actually raised Ruby, or theorizing that Qrow might be Ruby's dad, or writing fics where Blake and Yang are in different relationships. There's such a focus on maintaining the One True Fanon that it obliterates the very purpose of fanworks. We're meant to be transforming the canon in ways that please us and, if we're up to sharing it, pleasing an audience of like-minded folks too. Why would you want to adhere to just one standard telling? That's boring. That's just canon 2.0. You might as well watch RWBY, watch one other version of it (like Ice Queendom) and call it a day if you're not willing to allow a wide variety of creative content to exist. You don't have to engage with it, no one says it has to be your personal cup of tea, but leave fans who want to play with the fictional dolls their way alone. The internet is a big place and the block button doesn't have a limit.
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irenes-journal · 1 year
Hi everyone, welcome to my brain being overly active at 2am because of medicine and an awful sleep pattern thanks to being super sick for like two and a half weeks.
So under that post I reblogged from aphtwt confessions saying they hated Laurance, I mentioned in the tags (before I changed them) about how Laurance sees Aphmau during the pregnancy “arc” (it was literally in the 97th episode so I’m not sure how much of an arc is really is) and I wanted to explain it further since I feel like I did a bad job doing it originally.
Disclaimer before I start: I don’t like the pregnancy subplot lol. I don’t think that’s necessarily unpopular either. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen so I’m going to to analyze it anyway, especially because what spawned this post specifically mentions it.
So obviously in canon, Laurance eavesdropped on Aph when she admitted to being pregnant to Katelyn, Zoey, and Cadenza. I always thought when I was younger that Laurance responding like he did (going full shadow knight and answering the calling of the Nether) ONLY because of a pregnancy was weird. Like that’s really dramatic of a response, and I really hated it. So I decided to ease the many questions that have plagued my mind for years by coming up with this explanation onto why he reacted so strongly.
Simply, Laurance put way too many of his feelings into Aphmau. She was a physical manifestation of his humanity in a way, the feelings he felt for her is what kept him in tact. He was holding out a hope that she will reciprocate those feelings to him, and practically “bring him back from the dead.” But she didn’t reciprocate those feelings, which in turn “killed” Laurance.
While I personally hate the narrative of “because I was here earlier, I deserve her more than you do,” it was obvious that was being written in MCD. Garroth did it to Laurance, and Laurance did it to Aaron. This mindset is what evidently “killed” Laurance off, he was holding out for something that was not going to happen. He unknowingly put his feelings of humanity on an unwilling subject, and that was Aphmau.
Laurance didn’t seem like he wanted to even admit that he had died sometimes. He wanted to continue being a guard, serving a lord and protecting people. He wanted to be that morally upstanding individual. He wanted love, pain, joy, sadness…he just wanted feelings. But the call of the Nether made it harder for him to feel that range of emotion. He became more short tempered, bitter, and pained. But a sliver of him had hope, that’s what kept him in tact. But his hope was attached to a person. There was a risk that would backfire on him, that he would be hurt and then lose control. That’s exactly what happened to him.
He could have been like Vylad, and try to detach/squash many of the feelings he has as he tries to gain better control over himself. Vylad was very controlled, and that’s why he tried to help Laurance like he did. But possibly there wasn’t enough time for Laurance to truly learn how to do that before his fragile state evidently cracked with something as deep and consuming as heartbreak. Since he could no longer find the means or the will to control it, he decided to leave. He probably thought that he was going to hurt those he cared about regardless of staying or leaving, and leaving at least ensured that they would at least be safe from him. That or he didn’t want to deal with it.
Aphmau is not at fault for falling in love with someone else. She did not choose to be Laurance’s emotional link to humanity, it was just unknowingly placed upon her. Despite how many people dislike aarmau or Aaron, being romantically involved with him isn’t an immoral act of her character. It’s just a disappointment to viewers who were long term garmau or laurmau fans.
Should Laurance have put his feelings humanity into something else? Probably. Putting all of your faith into a person (and their feelings about you) who could very well disappoint you, even if you don’t want to admit it, is not the smartest move. But that sliver of hope and feelings of love made him see the world, specifically her, through rose colored glasses. He didn’t logically make a decision to put that much level of importance onto Aphmau, it was his heart talking over his head. But he did, and that’s how he ended up digging his own grave.
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ateez-himari · 4 days
Hi bb!!!! Thank you for the heartfelt reply you gave me cause like mingi has to be the most geniune idol out there❤️‍🩹, I'm not saying that he shows us everything cause obviously there's plenty of emotions or actions he can't show us but the fact that he always acts out his emotions makes me happy🥹
It's rare to see idols being natural(they're not to blame cause it's basically the idol standards put by fans) which I think is stupid, "fans" should know better than to hate on their idols for doing basic human activities such as eating normally, and should instead be happy to see their idols acting naturally and being comfortable enough with their fans to show this domestic side of them
But speaking of my actual question I knew it's gonna be MATZ I mean they're the oldest and they always think two steps ahead💓, but it's so cute that all of the members supported them and I'm so glad kq has this rule cause honestly I wouldn't expect such fine men to be single🤭, and it's stupid when comapnies put a dating ban like what? that's a basic human right to have someone love you in a romantic way
And I honestly feel sad when people focus on woosan or seongjoong just for their closeness and moments rather on their skills and talent, but I mean we're already so far into that no one could change their mindsets🤷
And im so happy they're going to couple events like that's so cutee🥹
And I wanna ask a question because I wanna do a little something hehe🤭if you were to choose a song that perfectly fit mingi's and hima's relationship what would it be??
Love you mwahhh💗💗
Hey sweets 🥰, I'm so sorry it took so long but I've finally caught up with everything so I can answer this! I completely agree with you honestly idols are humans just like their fans and they fall in love, they make mistakes, they get their heart broken, but they should get to experience this as openly as the rest of us. (Seeing how boyfriend material all of them are, I refuse to believe they're single too dw 🤭)
MATZ being the oldest meant that they were very involved in her life specifically especially because of the environment she came from (she was loved a lot but people also made many mistakes, so she was always unconsciously older than she should have been). Actually I'll give you a little spoiler for a draft that I have; When they lived in LA Himari used to sleep alone on the couch but one night Hongjoong fell asleep on it while everyone was washing up, which made her share a mattress with Seonghwa and from that day forward nightmares became rare, so they kept that sleeping arrangement until moving back to Korea.
This is a tough question so I went through quite a long playlist to answer this (it was fun don't worry) but I would say Intro: Serendipity by BTS (Jimin). The title means 'the occurrence and development of events by chance (in a happy and beneficial way)' which is essentially what brought them together, it was simply the chance of them being the same group as one another that led to the meeting of two soulmates.
The song itself talks about the fact that two lovers fit one another perfectly while the speaker asks whoever is listening "Let me love you" and since both struggle with loving themselves, it illustrates perfectly that the love they cannot create is simply given by the other. There's also a line saying "As much as my heart flutters, I'm worried", which expresses the deep rooted anxiety both have to this day (although that worry can extend from their relationship to truly anything in their lives). In a very cute coincidence, Jimin also refers to the person listening to this song as "my angel" which is Mingi's nickname for Hima🥹
I always write them as two puzzle pieces created solely for one another and this is what the song talks about, people that fate brought together by pure coincidence which led to the blooming of a beautiful relationship. The overall sound of this track also suits what their love is like, very gentle, calm, complete and despite being simple flows ever so perfectly throughout time. (Euphoria by BTS (Jungkook) would also have been a good song for them)
The fact that they were made for one another doesn't mean that she didn't truly feel love for Eunwoo or Mingyu, but it was different than what the two of them have. It was adoration, affection, love, and she felt at peace when they were together but it was not the sense of completion she has with Mingi, it didn't feel like their hearts beat in sync, their voices didn't sink into the depths of her mind when hearing it even for a brief moment.
As usual sweets thank you for your question (and your patience)! Love you too, MWWAAHHH 🥰💕
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amooo1023 · 2 years
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Out of all of the girls, (especially when she later became an adult in the series) I think she would the tamest of them all due to how much she actually grew during her time in amphibia. I also want to tell you how much I actually enjoyed writing this so thank you anon. Anyways, there's both a romantic and platonic side of Anne in this but the platonic one is way shorter due to how little changes with the romantic one. (There's a small cut between the romantic and platonic involving the reader thinking about their friend. Anyhow, enjoy!
Yandere Jealous Anne x Reader (AFTER HEADCANONS)
• Anne isn't quick to get jealous or violent. However when it came to you, it was mostly suspicions that later turned into jealousy.
• Her thoughts would pass through like "Why were you with them?" Or "Why did you look so happy with them?" She wasn't jealous at first, instead introducing herself to your friend and starting simple conversation to get to know them.
• At first it was nice and simple. Your friend was relatively humble, nice and barely seemed to push any topics. She was fine with them, she didn't mind you being friends with them.
• Depending on how your friend felt about you, maybe they were in love with you or maybe they were simply your best friend. Anne would eventually get jealous.
• If your friend romantically liked you she would be quick to get irritated. However not showing an inch of frustration or retaliation towards them. Only listening while silently seething her teeth.
• She would notice how happy they made you, and although she was happy you were happy it was more less over that you might catch feelings for them. And she noticed your blush tinting and reforming on your cheeks whenever they were near you. Because of this she grew jealous and would be a lot quicker to even get there due her noticing your friend's romantic feeling to you.
• She was jealous she couldn't make you blush or smile that warmly at her. She wanted to be in your arms and also you be in her arms, but those goals and dreams had slowly started to crack the more your friend who obviously loved you showed you affection and you only reciprocating it.
• She was also starting to notice how you slowly but shortly started to gain feelings for them too. It was draining.
• Anne would probably try to manipulate you and your friend. And although she wasn't that good at it she knew almost everything about you already so it wasn't that hard to make you see her more than your friend. And while she slowly got more affectionate with you, you would be with her more and more. While she was spreading lies about you to your friends and lying about your friend to you.
Your friend would then suddenly disappear from your life. A friend you once thought you loved and knew. But perhaps it was for the best. Anne told you about what they did, she was bad influence, you knew better now.
• Again Anne would use any method besides violence to get people out of the equation and even then she doesn't always need to get rid of them.
• What if your friend like you platonically then? How would Anne even manage to get jealous then? Simple, they were stealing you away from her. Or you gained feelings for them.
• Almost every single moment of your life would be spent with your friend and she went mostly ignored. You would always hang out with them. It was unfair. She wished she could be as good of a friend you considered your friend to be. No, infact she was BETTER than your friend. She could be better! Just give her a chance, just let her prove herself to you.
• It didn't take long before you announced them as your best friend which hurt Anne. She didn't show it though.
• But at the same time she knew your friend wasn't exactly bad so she kind've felt bad about distancing both you from each other.
• Anne would probably do the exact same thing to both of you if it was platonic. It would be just less quicker and less affectionate and well all romance.
• Anne isn't really a bad yandere, even when she's jealous she's not THAT bad. She's actually pretty tame due to how much she grew during her time in amphibia. She would probably be worse if she were still the teenager who first got warped into that portal. Just falling madly in love with another teenager who she felt was just like her.
• Again probably the most tame out of all of the girls, Sasha would probably be in the middle and Marcy would probably be the worst of them all considering her obsessive and otherwise sometimes delusional clingy behavior.
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brandonxdylan · 1 year
Ranking the GAY EPISODES of Beverly Hills, 90210 - Part 1
Pride month may be coming to a close, but I didn’t want to let it slip by without doing a little something special. I thought it would be fun to do an overview of all of the gay-themed storylines from the series. There were quite a few of them over the years (although not as many as there were seasons of the show, which perhaps is saying something), especially considering for a show that didn’t have any significant queer content on a consistent basis, and certainly no gay regulars to speak of. These episodes run the gamut from throwaway fluff to pretty dark and heavy, and I’m going to rank them in terms of how effectively I think they handle the “gay” element (spoiler alert: not well), as well as how satisfying they are in terms of soapy drama.
I really tried to give these episodes a fair shake, knowing that it would be pointless to judge them for not delivering deeply nuanced takes in an era where we simply were not getting that on prime time network television. I feel like they still mostly fall short, but there’s enough good stuff in here to warrant some genuine consideration.
A couple of caveats before going forward. First of all, some of these episodes deal with some serious themes (AIDS, suicide, gay bashing), so consider yourself trigger warned. Secondly, this post is all in good fun, so lets not take it (or my hot takes) too seriously.
#8.) Crimes and Misdemeanours (Season 8, Episode 19)
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Kicking things off, in dead last we have this dud from season 8, which has precisely one, single joke to offer, and still manages to screw it up. Steve runs into a woman at the Peach Pit, and while flirting with her, makes passing reference to Brandon, his “partner.” Obviously, he means business partner, but when she invites Steve and his “boyfriend” Brandon to lunch with she and her “girlfriend,” she clearly means it, and Steve somehow doesn’t think anything of it, and is all to happy to report to Brandon that he snagged them an awesome double date. At lunch, the two “couples” somehow get through the entire meal just beating around the bush, with the women (obviously lesbians by this point) clearly referring to Brandon and Steve as a couple, but these dummies of course don’t pick up on any of this out of sheer dimwittery and, I don’t know, super thick hetero-goggles or something. No, it’s not until Steve and Brandon are invited to the women’s apartment for dinner (which Steve expects to be an orgy, because of course he does) and they’re literally staring at the one bed shared by both women that either of them start to realize what’s really going on. Gay panic ensues, and the whole thing is played for laughs (not that there are any). I’m a sucker for these ridiculous sicomy setups involving misunderstandings and misplaced romantic interest, and this show can occasionally do them well (the luau episode from season 10 is a fabulous example of this, and also has some fun gay content - more on that later), but the problem is none of this is funny or surprising. Neither is it insensitive or exploitative. It’s just kind of stupid. The reveal can be seen coming a mile away, and the whole episode is just buildup to what I’ll generously call the punchline. A better show would’ve done a lot more with this, maybe playing with the concept of Steve seeing heterosexuality as the default, and being blind to other possibilities. Ideally, it also would have had more than one joke.
#7.) Comic Relief/Santa Knows (Season 8, Episodes 13-14)
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David takes a job at a car wash, where he notices a bunch of his coworkers making very boring and unimaginative gay jokes about a young male employee named Ben who lives in the garage’s office due to the fact that his dad kicked him out for being gay. David confronts Ben’s parents in the hopes of getting them to see the error of their ways, but the interaction ends with Ben’s dad choosing to declare that “I don’t have a son,” rather than accept Ben for who he is. It’s really harsh, but in dad’s defense, David has very little tact, and it’s really none of his business considering he met Ben five minutes ago. In spite of this, Ben still holds out hope for a reconciliation. While his mom is somewhat more receptive than his dad, she still tells Ben that it’s for the best that he give his dad time to cool down. David once again intervenes, asking Ben’s mom - a woman who is very clearly deeply torn between her love for her son and her need to grant her husband the authority he commands - why she can’t just explain to her husband why taking Ben back in is the right thing to do, as if it’s just that easy. And that’s really the problem with this storyline. It deals with some really dark and emotionally complicated subject matter, and it’s just so glaringly obvious that telling this story from the perspective of a detached outsider is not the best way to approach it. Especially considering it’s David, whose track record for empathy and compassion is fucking zero. Give this to someone like Steve, which would allow him to experience some emotional growth alongside Ben’s parents, or Valerie, who has her own history of familial turmoil (though she does pop up later in this episode and isn’t much more helpful than David, so maybe scratch that one). All of this proves to be too much for Ben to take, and David discovers that he plans to slit his wrists. This is where Val gets involved, as she and David basically just berate Ben into not hurting himself, with Val insisting that she understands Ben’s particular struggles more than she actually does or possibly could. They both give him the “tough love” treatment which, hey, is maybe not what this kid whose parents openly hate him actually needs. Still, it all ends up somewhat happily because of course all Ben and his parents really needed was for someone from the gang to show up out of nowhere and yell at them a bit in order to figure their shit out. This is a story worth telling, but coming at it from the perspective of someone who has nothing to do with it doesn’t allow for much depth. And it really doesn’t satisfy as a soapy plot line either. Even that would require more of an investment from the viewer, and we simply don’t have time or reason to suddenly be all in on this character who comes out of nowhere for two episodes and then disappears forever. Ultimately, this story is just too bleak and depressing to be much fun, and too shallow to be emotionally satisfying.
#6.) Summer Storm (Season 2, Episode 3)
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This isn’t ranked low because it’s a bad episode. On the contrary, it’s actually a pretty good episode from one of the show’s best seasons, and builds on one of the show’s most iconic storylines - namely, Brenda and Dylan. However, that doesn’t really concern us here. What does concern us is the B story, about how Kelly meets a cute volleyball player named Kyle. They flirt a bit and eventually go on a date, but when Kelly starts putting the moves on Kyle, he suggests they cool it. Spoiler alert, it’s because he (sort of) comes out as gay later in the episode. But even if he didn’t, Kelly’s reaction to this is really weird. She takes it oddly personally that he doesn’t want to get naked with her on the first date, and gives him the cold shoulder the next day. I haven’t watched these early seasons in several years now but I guess Kelly’s always been a pouty drama queen. Anyway, Kyle does eventually confide in Kelly, telling her that he’s tried to be into girls, and that he genuinely likes her, but that he knows they can’t be more than friends. It’s kind of cute, and Kyle’s conundrum is a pretty common one. Though it’s definitely possible to assume he doesn’t come out as fully gay because the show didn’t want to go too far, it’s also kind of nice to get a portrayal of a character in the process of figuring out his sexuality, without any clear resolution. That is how it works in real life sometimes after all. But considering this is such a minor storyline and the queer content is pretty tepid, it’s hard to rank this any higher than I have it.
#5.) Baby, You Can Drive My Car/Family Tree (Season 10, Episodes 8-9)
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Dylan meets with a guy named Andrew, who is one of the directors of a local community centre for kids, in order to discuss making a hefty donation. Andrew makes passing reference to an ex-boyfriend, which prompts a discussion about how Andrew has to remain closeted among co-workers out of fear of losing his job. He knows that there are some bigots out there who would have some not-so-great feelings about a gay man working with their kids (that old chestnut), and his co-director is apparently one of them. Dylan tries to reason that “hey, it’s the 90s,” and that Andrew shouldn’t have to be closeted for those reasons. Andrew, of course, knows better, and while he agrees that no, he shouldn’t have to, the fact remains that he does. To demonstrate that at least he accepts Andrew for who he is, Dylan puts his arm around him in a playful (yet platonic way). Unfortunately, this happens in a dark parking lot and within the presence of a group of homophobes whom proceed to attack Dylan and Andrew with a baseball bat. While Dylan manages to wrestle the bat away from one of the guys (sure) and escapes with just a few bumps and bruises, Andrew doesn’t get off quite as easy. Dylan’s eager to spill details to the cops, but Andrew refuses, on the grounds that he not only doesn’t want to drag this whole unpleasant incident out any further, but he also doesn’t want to draw any more attention that might put him (and his job) at further risk. Andrew’s fears prove to be perfectly justified when, through circumstance, his co-director, Patsy, finds out anyway, and suggests Andrew take a (permanent) leave of absence. As is always the case with this show when there’s a Gay in trouble, a member of the gang makes it their problem to solve, and so Dylan confronts Patsy about Andrew being let go. Although Andrew specifically tells Dylan that he doesn’t want his help, fearing that pushing his luck with Patsy is just going to make things more public and humiliating, Dylan says that he can’t justify donating to a bigoted organization, and he threatens to pull his funding if Patsy doesn’t agree to hire Andrew back. She reluctantly relents, allowing Andrew to return to work, but she pulls her son from Andrew’s basketball team, and soon enough, more kids start to drop out for the same reasons. As things escalate, Andrew decides that if his presence is going to detract from the mission of the centre - to provide care and support for kids - then he should quit. However, Dylan swoops in with one more ace up his sleeve. He talks to Patsy’s son directly, and gets him to question whether he really is uncomfortable with Andrew, or if it’s just his mother’s influence that’s making him think that way. This works, and all of the kids who had previously dropped out assure Andrew that they not only want him there, but they need him there. All in all, this is a decent storyline, but it does engage with a few tropes that rub me the wrong way. First of all, it’s never not at least a little annoying to watch straight characters sanctimoniously decide that doing their version of “the right thing” is more important than respecting the wishes of the gay characters whose safety and livelihood is what’s actually at risk, and this storyline is a pretty egregious example of that. It also follows the usual 90210 pattern of having characters just badger others relentlessly until they conveniently get their way. Granted, this case gets a bit of a pass in that regard, because the tirade that Dylan fires at Patsy is kind of satisfying, and Luke Perry is a good enough actor to make it feel properly motivated and believable. We do love an ally king.
Watch for Part 2!
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