#obvi but holy
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cyb3rangel1 · 4 days ago
ough hes so handsome
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Ultimis Tank Dempsey and a kitty (drew my own cat) he likes. He has a softer side ( I actually melted when I heard that he loves cats and he has a daughter. HE A GIRL DAD aahhhh!!) I love this big buff marine so much 🥹
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cupidsncheerios · 23 days ago
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do you think he designed the eye of zaun logo pre-drowning and it got REALLY ironic after, or did silco sit himself down to come up with a symbol for the revolution and go “i’ll write your sins in neon lights, bitch” after vander was already long dead
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hood-ex · 1 month ago
So, do you recommend the new Nightwing run? I couldn't finish TT's run, and I was waiting to see if the new is any better. What are your overall thoughts so far? Also, is Barbara as present as she was in TT's books? Or does it actually feel like it's a NW only story ahah
We're only 5 issues in, and I wasn't super hyped by the first 2 issues, but I'm feeling more invested and excited with where it's going now.
Some things I like are:
The comedic tone of the writing that was so prevalent in TT's run is gone. Sure, there are some lighthearted moments (especially between Dick and Babs), and Dick uses the "holy __" liner, but it doesn't feel like every conversation is set up as a joke. I can actually take the situation seriously because it's written seriously.
I like that we're seeing some repercussions of The Alfred Pennyworth Foundation. TT created the foundation as a way for Dick to solve a bunch of problems and get a pat on the back for it. Watters is like hey, actually, even though Dick means well, some shit has slipped through the cracks, and the Pennyworth Foundation has created some negative effects in certain areas of the community. There are actual consequences in this run, which seemed lacking in TT's run.
Dick hasn't gotten knocked out from a head wound/revealed his identity to anyone yet, so that's a huge plus. He comes across more competent and this is probably because he doesn't have 100 other heroes running in to help him (the Titans are underground because of the gang wars, which means they're not present). He's just working with Babs and Melinda (and Babs feels less intrusive to some degree, but yeah, she's still present in this run). Dick also mentioned in #121 that he borrowed the batcomputer's compstat system to triangulate the Teddy gang's operations, and I like that he did that instead of passing that off to Babs.
Dick is trying to keep the gangs from beefing while also trying to keep the over-powered cops from hurting the gangs (mostly the Teddy gang). He's also trying to help the mutated gang called the Flyboiz because some of the Flyboiz are trying to get clean, but they're being further mutated by the toxic corpses they're underground with. I like that Watters isn't writing these gangs as like that's gang #1 and gang #2 and they're all terrible hooligans. Instead, he's allowing Dick to interact with the gangs on a more personal level, which allows him to realize that even though these people/kids are gang members or drug users, they need help and support in some form or another.
I'm thrilled that Watters has brought back the destruction of Bludhaven from Nightwing Vol. 2. I like that we can connect the history between volumes, especially something as big as thousands of people dying from Chemo.
Love that Watters knows "Hey, Rube!" and used it in a flashback scene.
There are definitely things to enjoy in this run so far, so I'd recommend giving it a try.
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thecatspasta · 3 months ago
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Slaying the Dragon
Headcanon under cut:
Basically the ender dragon is a show of strength for the watchers. Its meant to be there to go 'Hey yea we're still around'. But when a Watcher gets cast out due to disobedience or some other issue, they will outcast an actual Watcher to a world where they already have heavy influence and the people living on it are aware of Watchers prior
The admin, due to already closely working with magic and code, will be chosen to defeat it, separated from their group. Success will result in that person turning into a watcher and failure will result in them being sent back to their world for the Watchers to select a new challenger
Grian was one chosen, not because they liked him by any means, but because he was the only one to fit the requirements and they couldn't exactly pack it up and leave once they started their focus on Evo, so they had to make due and pray he failed the fight. He didn't
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dykedvonte · 5 months ago
Mouthwashing au where the ship doesn’t crash but Polle comes alive like a manifested embodiment of Jimmy’s guilt and culpability and tries to hunt down the crew based on his subconscious thoughts.
Only he can see it at first but as his mental state gets worse over it, it manifest more to where he either takes responsibility or it slowly consumes the others for their perceived accountability before coming for him.
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pinazee · 9 months ago
I honestly believed that lauren lopez was a full time starkid and wasn’t really auditioning for other things because it would be insane if the industry saw this effortlessly funny, talented, and beautiful woman and didn’t immediately put her in something.
Hollywood is broken.
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cringefail-clown · 1 year ago
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more of the cam cafe au, this time with strilonde family dynamic
so dave and rose are siblings and they both had their kids very young (other parents dipped out as soon as possible). they helped each other out with raising the kids while working on their careers, so the trio grew up very close to each other, roxy often acting as a mediator between dirk and hal as they were on each others cases basically since birth lmfao
gonna do the j squad next but holy shit is their family tree... complex
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xxplastic-cubexx · 4 months ago
cherik are so classical yaoi with their insane size difference in every iteration
at least in classicverse and movieverse theyre relatively similar and then fuckin krakoa breaks the door down with the most yaoi type shit i ever seen in my life
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kaijugolisopod · 21 days ago
red dead redemption game devs did a great job of making Lemoyne one of the most miserable video game locations of all time
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apolsup · 7 months ago
How we feelin bout Springtrap del colo🤨🤨?
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something something they found an old camera and he managed to fix it así q compraron un rollo y sacaron la foto idk¿
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vanlegion · 1 year ago
After careful thought...
I am now convinced RVB is, in a nutshell at its core, two twenty year long dimetric slowburn romance tropes comprised of viewing each from the lens of 'I'd die for you/I'd live for you' while accounting for the repercussions of those choices on the lives of those around them while also examining at the same time the 'Inability to let go/ever start' and how it ultimately locks your mind in a perpetual state of 'What if?' without taking the risk of DOING all by asking the simple fucking question
Ever wonder why we're here?
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sargeantsarmy · 8 months ago
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Infected Dylan i love you 🫶🫶🫶
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presidentdragon · 4 months ago
my appetite as a kid (normal mode): I'm so fucking hungry can I have a snack or something?
my appetite as an adult (hard mode): I haven't eaten in a few hours a granola bar would be pretty choice right about now
my appetite on 40mg methylphenidate (nightmare give me god of war mode): all I've had today is 3 cups of coffee and I am shaking from low blood sugar but if a piece of food even LOOKS at me I'm going to blow up
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alwaysonthemend · 2 years ago
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so um i found this on pinterest 👀 🍑
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kindheartedgummybears · 11 months ago
sorry for disappearing yall life has been a bitch and a lot of personal issues are going on at once, but there is some good news! New 5 chapter fic dropping soon, hope yall like Vinya and monsters.
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heavenzcore · 5 months ago
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