frogwithgun · 29 days
Writing time!!!!!!
Got this idea while listening to Sleepless 10/10 song would recommend.
4:05 AM. Big bold letters on his clock tease him with the fact that he still can't sleep. And how could he? How could Geto possibly sleep soundly when his best friend is just down the hall unaware of how he feels? He couldn't.
It drove him up the wall. So instead of trying to sleep any longer he just got up and went to the showers. Hoping that maybe the warm water would help him rid his mind of those clear blue eyes that reminded him of summer skies.
It didn't. Fuck.
He goes back to his room and flops down onto his bed. His hair splaying all around him. He sighs. Then he sits up and looks at the clock again. 5:01 AM. He reaches for the nightstand and grabs a hair tie. Carefully putting his hair up into a ponytail.
There's nothing to do so early in the mornings. So he gets up and decides to get dressed for the day. He had a long day of missions and classes ahead of him after all.
And hopefully he would get to see him.
"Suguru! You're awake!"
He jumps and turns to look over his shoulder. Ah there he is. Hair tussled from tossing and turning all through the night. Somehow looking perfectly imperfect. And his eyes are not yet covered by those sunglasses. Geto has to stop himself from swooning.
"Yeah. I've been up for a while. Couldn't sleep." Gojo nods. A wide grin on his lips. Geto can see the slight gloss from those candy flavor lip blams he loves to wear. He wonders, how do they taste?
He forces those thoughts away. "Why don't you come to my room next time then?" And Geto struggles to find out if he's being serious or teasing.
9:00 AM.
"And he's messing with me! I know he is! 'You can come to my room next time.' But I'm onto him!" Geto is in the infirmary with Shoko. Forcing her to listen to him ramble about his boy troubles. She hands him a cigarette. "Need this?"
Get immediately takes it. "There's no way he was being serious. He was probably just teasing me again." He's sitting on one of the beds and pouting. While Shoko tries to work. "Well maybe he is being serious." Geto scoffs and takes a drag from the cigarette. "Yeah right. You know he loves to mess with me."
Shoko rolls her eyes. "Look you're his one and only or something. He calls you two the strongest. And you're the only one he let's call him by his first name. If that's not enough of a sign I don't know what is!" She throws her hands up exasperated.
Geto rolls his eyes again. "I'm just waiting for him to say something more. Maybe tell me that he likes guys with black hair. Or purple eyes." He shrugs. Shokos buries her head in her hands. "I swear you two make me wanna kill myself." Geto laughs while Shoko glares at him.
"If you don't tell him I will." Geto shrugs. "Really? Let me show you something my dear friend." Shoko nods and they both leave to find Gojo.
10:30 AM. Geto finds Gojo. Shoko trailing behind him. "Satoru!" Gojo turns and lights up. "Suguru!" He runs to Geto and jumps into his arms. Something Geto had to get used to. So he catches Gojo with ease. "My mission was soooooo long!" He complains. And Shoko feels like ripping out her hair.
How is he so oblivious? "Satoru I love you. I love you so much it hurts." And Gojo, with the biggest smile, says, "Aw Suguru! I love you too! You're my best friend." Geto looks at Shoko, still holding Gojo, and glares at her. "Damn. So maybe you need to try harder?" Getos eye twitches.
Then he nods. "Ok fine." He full on kisses Gojo. Tasting that coca cola flavored lip balm. And Gojo just smiles. "I missed you too! We should go get some mochi!" Shoko blinks.
He's hopeless.
For some reason I love the idea of an oblivious ass Gojo and a very obvious Geto. It's so cute to me
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aimtodraw · 8 days
Babysitting as a love language (superbat)
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Richard: Don't get me wrong, he loves me too (obviously) just not enough to go through today again.
Bruce: What the hell did you guys do today anyway??
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silusvesuius · 11 months
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they want to be caesar and koba so bad
nerevar+dagoth @wirethroat requested 💛 but tumblr won't let me format the answer to the ask the way i want it so it goes as a post. some bonus stuff too
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i want his uggy mask to have a permanent 'sad' expression rather than a blank one ... it's all for the theatricals
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u can't really tell but the second one is vivec; idk what 2 do with that drawing so i'll just drop it here lul
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llitchilitchi · 7 months
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the Chapel of Akatosh always had a particular feel to it
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thetarttfuldickhead · 3 months
Okay, so while aware!Roy and oblivious!Jamie isn’t necessarily my main hc for these two, never let it be said I’m not prepare to play around with notions for the funny hell of it. So when I saw the above-linked post by @roykentschesthair, I immediately started thinking about post-S3 Roy knowing that he’s attracted to Jamie, and knowing that Jamie is attracted to him as well.
Jamie knows neither of these things.
Eventually Roy starts to nurture the idea that maybe him and Jamie should act on their mutual attraction, just to, you know, see where it leads? Given that they’re already best friends and that they’re obviously very into each other physically (even if only one of them realizes it that at this point), getting together could well lead to something pretty amazing, yeah?
Only, there’s the fact that Roy is Jamie’s new gaffer and while there’s strictly speaking no rules about a coach dating his player, Roy strongly feels that it might be just a little bit iffy for him to proposition Jamie. Like he’d be taking advantage. Putting undue pressure on the lad. Now, if Jamie were to proposition Roy, however… Well. It’d still be iffy, but Roy can live with that.
Unfortunately Jamie is utterly clueless about being into men in general and into Roy in particular. Cue Roy trying, with mounting frustration and desperation, to rouse Jamie to the fact that he is in fact not just vaguely appreciative of the male form in a stricly professional manner. Attempts might include choosing certain films for their occassional movie nights and dropping less and less subtle comments during them, as well as increasingly suggestive exercises during the private training session they still do twice a week. Roy has, however, already been far too weird about those exercises, so nothing he throws at Jamie seems to faze him even a little, or lead to any revelations.
If it weren’t for the fact that she’s already been very clear on never wanting to mediate their bullshit, he’d ask Keeley to have a word with Jamie, bisexual to bisexual. Maybe he’ll even brave it, because he. can’t. do. this. for. much. longer.
In the meantime, Jamie is pleased as punch that Roy is giving him even more attention than before, and no, Isaac, of course it ain’t weird that he tied me up like that, it’s to strenghten my core, yeah? Felt dead good, too, you should try it.
(Bonus point if Jamie once the other shoe finally drops immediately goes to Colin for help on downloading Grindr and maybe taking him to a gay bar and act as wingman while Jamie explores this new side of himself. Colin looks up to meet Roy’s death stare across the dressing room, and immediately invents like a million excuses why he can’t, not tonight, and probably not tomorrow, or ever, actually, sorry, Jamie.)
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tizeline · 1 month
What does Donnie think of Lou jitsu befpre finding out he is splinter?
Basically the same as in canon - super cool action star, great movies...... vague unexplained feeling of familiarity wonder what that's about, awesome taste in fashion, etc etc.
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secret-smut-sideblog · 5 months
Warm Water
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Gale x F! Tav
PG-13 complicated feelings, touch starved/touch driven, allusions to intimacy, jealousy, love triangle (sort of), crossed signals, nuclear amounts of yearning
With one of Tav's love languages being physical affection, Gale tries to keep his touch hungry skin from her. The sirens call of her arms could overwhelm him, but he's far from the only one heeding her soft song...
"Do you want a hug?" Tav held her arms open in offer.
Gods did he ever.
Tav was a very physical person he soon came to realize. When she had pulled him from the stone she had reached forward to innocuously pat him free of dirt from his harsh landing.
"Oh! Thank you!" He had chuckled, trying to will the blood from his ears.
"No problem." She had remarked good naturedly, clearly thinking nothing of it.
Outside of their resident vampire, who's boundaries she respected by keeping distance, it seemed everyone enjoyed her physicality. Grappling with Lae'zel, braiding Shadowheart's hair, practicing dance with Wyll. Karlach was fully indisposed when she regained touch, watching from the sidelines no more. Carrying Tav on her back, holding hands, wrapped in a bear hug basically the whole day.
Gods Tav shared literal bear hugs with Halsin.
But Gale... he nearly avoided her. He had been touch starved for so long that what she offered felt borderline gluttonous. Overwhelming his senses, reducing him to a giddy puddle.
He knew she meant nothing by it. She was affectionate with everyone, and yet it made his heart flutter.
He was having a hard night, grappling with emotional assailants from all sides. Between his personal woes, their daunting task at Moonrise, the constant oppressive atmosphere of the Shadowlands, and the needling pain in his chest... it was difficult to stay in high spirits.
Tav had finished her plate, setting it down to be washed. Turning to him with warm eyes to ask.
He stared at her outstretched arms, the solace and weight he knew lied within them.
With a shuddering breath of defeat, he mumbled an agreement and fell into her embrace.
Immediately, he melted into her, strong arms wrapped securely around his back. One hand rubbing reassuring circles between his shoulder blades. His head fell into the curve of her neck, nearly whimpering.
Gods, she was so warm. In all ways, truly, but her body was the morning sun. Radiating intoxicating heat, he pulled her closer greedily.
He knew it was Astarion that was sun starved, but Gods. He needed to touch her, to be touched by her, like he needed water.
He feared he was pushing it, but she only rested her head against his chest. Her eyelashes tickling his neck, sighing. Arms crossing around his waist.
It could have only been a minute at most, but it felt simultaneously like an age and a blip. So much and not nearly enough.
When she made to pull away, he had to coaxe his arms to release. Immediately feeling her absence like bath water fallen cold.
"You're a good hugger." She smiled, wiping a tear he hadn't felt escape with the side of her thumb. Hand naturally cupping his face in the process.
His eyes closed, leaning into her like a cat pushing it's head into her hand, before he caught himself. Straightening up and giving her a casual smile.
"Well, I'm glad we could both enjoy that experience. Not spending tender moments making a fool of myself is one of my goals, truly."
She laughed, and it lit up his heart like it always did. Her laugh was a bright point in their otherwise suffocating surroundings. The way it tumbled out of her uncontrolled, seeming to catch her off guard which often made her laugh harder. The way she would turn her head to the side before bursting out into giggles. He even got her to snort one time, her hand shooting up to cover her mouth, even more gasping laughter muffled there.
He was trying to deny that he was smitten with her, but it was a losing battle. Everything about her was so warm. Mortal. A tenderness and tenacity that you can only achieve walking the earth. A polar inverse of his previous lover.
Her voice broke him out of his lovesick reverie.
"Do you want help washing up?" She offered as if to prove his point, already twisting her hair up into a secure pile on her head.
The chivalrous part of him wanted to wave her away, let her get on with her night. But he had always been a greedy man, and more time spent with her was a call he was loathe to refuse.
"Sure, I could use an extra pair of hands." He smiled.
He could use them elsewhere, too.
He cleared his throat into a quiet cough, keeping his eyes firmly on the dishes he was stacking. Gods, get ahold of yourself.
He conjured a mage hand to carry one of the heavier stacks, leaving her to the lesser of the piles.
She hummed softly as they headed towards the water, a few strands falling out of her tied back hair. The setting sun kissing her form with hues of pink and gold.
As if her warmth wasn't enough to entice him, Tav was devastatingly beautiful. Wide slightly upturned eyes, the graceful slope of high cheekbones and an aquiline nose, heart-shaped lips perfectly encapsulated by two dimples.
Naturally, several sets of eyes watched her in longing as they left the camp.
He wasn't fooling himself that he could stand up to the competition. Halsin especially, outside of their strife in unraveling the cause of the shadow curse, that man looked at her like she rose the sun. Practically forming hearts in his eyes when she would come over to chat.
Once she had trouble reaching some fruit in a tree, and he, unprompted, lifted her in one motion onto his shoulders. She had squealed out a delighted laugh, then refused to get down. Kicking her feet, palms sitting on top of his head. They had walked around camp like this was the most normal thing, only Halsin's big smile betraying his usual calm demeanor.
Even Karlach had started to develop a shy flirty rapport with her, her tail swaying and curling when they stood together. Absent-mindedly leading her by her lower back. Staring after her when they would end conversations with a quiet sigh.
And though their resident vampire insisted that she got on his nerves, Gale knew better. One night he had gotten up to get water, naturally passing Astarion's open tent. They were both kneeled inside, their nightly feeding session.
Astarion was completely slumped into her, drinking languidly. One of her hands running gently through his curls, other secure around his waist. Head leaned into his.
She had caught eyes with Gale over Astarion's shoulder as he passed, smiling sweetly, lifting her fingers in greeting.
The whole scene was so intimate, but she treated it as if it were natural. And, truly, was it not? She had the mesmerizing presence of comfort and calm that people gravitated toward. It honestly shocked him more that only a handful of their companions were chomping at the bit.
They set up next to the water, him washing and her drying. A dish rag slung over her shoulder. They worked together like a dance, the moment feeling like a microcosm of imitated domestic bliss. He could so easily imagine her doing this with him in his tower. Sitting on the counter, receiving dishes as he handed them off. Teasing each other, her foot bothering his side. Eventually giving up on the dishes altogether and bending her over the cou-
"Careful! We almost lost a goblet!" She teased, catching the glass as it slipped downstream from him. "I don't think Wyll could recover." She laughed, drying it in a practiced twist of her towel.
"Ah, apologies. I'm a little lost in thought tonight." He offered sheepishly.
"Any you care to share?"
Not if she wasn't about to get very comfortable with an array of unvetted topics very quickly.
She saw his hesitation and smiled knowingly, returning to her task. "You know, I'm surprised you agreed to let me help with this, I kind of got the impression you don't like me."
He stared at her, flabbergasted. Pausing his hands entirely.
Only starting back up when her hands emptied, offering up a flat palm for the next cutlery.
"That"s... not the impression I was trying to impart. I ensure you."
She sighed, the slightest air of relief. "I'm glad. I'm expecting so many more hugs in the future. To make up for lost time, of course. Just a criminal amount."
He smiled at her, scrunching up his nose playfully. "Oh? You're involving me in grand scale crime rings now?"
"Yeah. Ring these arms around your neck, boy."
He laughed loudly, fully dropping a cup into the river.
"Oh, goodbye..." She laughed, mock wistful watching it go.
"I think you've been a great help, but perhaps it's best I finish this undistracted." He teased, embarrassed heat in his ears.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm very cute, I know." She winked, lifting the dried dishes and slapping the towel down on his shoulder.
She leaned down and gave him a quick kiss on his forehead, heading back toward camp casually. "See you later, wizard."
It took a second to break out of the short circuit his brain struck him with.
He watched her go, Halsin taking up beside her when she returned. Taking the dish pile from her easily with one hand.
Gods damnit. This is why he had been holding back from her. There was no shot in all of the hells, and he didn't know if his heart could take it.
The Last Light Inn was lit up with happy drunken chatter, and Gale was searching tops of heads to find her stark black hair.
The day had proven grueling but surprisingly successful. Art woken and Thaniel returned, even the prisoners in the Moonrise basement freed. They were leaps and bounds closer to lifting the shadow curse and the mood was jovial. Tav had decided they should celebrate, and all present company agreed. They needed a little revelry with all that had passed and what was to come.
Gale was standing on the balcony, more than happy to keep back from the crowd. Chatting idly with passerby's but mostly just people watching. A pleasant buzz going from the good liquor they had found in a crate.
Of course his eyes led back to her. Sitting next to Shadowheart, Tav's ankle resting against hers. Tapping her foot against Shadowheart's playfully as they talked.
Silver hair weaved through the crowd, falling in a dramatic huff next to her. Handing them their drinks, Tav and Shadowheart's faces lighting with inebriated glee.
If Tav was affectionate sober, she was a puppy with a little wine in her.
Taking her drink, she turned to Astarion, cupping his face and gently kissing his cheek. Pulling back to say something, her face relaxed. So sweetly smiling at him.
He saw Astarion gently lead her hand away from him but left their fingers touching. The tips of his ears pink in his own inebriation.
The massive form of Halsin left Jaheira's side, patting her shoulder in familiarity. The next to head towards her.
He crouched down to her to say something. She cocked her head slightly, smiling up at him, nodding.
Halsin bent his shoulder down and pulled her by the waist onto him. Hooked by the hips on his wide shoulder. Her legs curled up, face open in a laugh. Waving goodbye to the collective from his back as she was carried outside.
Before his feet had spoken to his mind, he was following them out, leaving his glass on the banister.
He lost them for a moment, then caught that blue shone black hair at the animal pen. Tav gently petting a calf's nose as Halsin spoke softly.
Something stopped him then, the jealousy fueled stride of his feet slowing. They were so soft in this moment, and he no longer had the incense to intervene. Maybe it was the wine wearing off, but it suddenly felt childish to barge in.
Tav's eyes caught him regardless, waving him over excitedly.
He smiled, going to her much more kindly.
"Gale! Look! Bab-ey cows..." She hummed happily.
"Indeed. Fascinating creature, that." He teased.
"Big brown eyes~" She sing-songed. "Like you!"
The herculean strength it was taking not to kiss her, the wine rendering her adorable.
Halsin was looking at her in what his face must be echoing. Soft and smitten.
"Ah, I would cherish more time together, but I must tend to Thaniel." Halsin rumbled, adoration creasing his face when her eyes met his. "In the meantime, I will procur some fresh lavender for you."
"Thank you, and no rush!" She chirped up at him.
He smiled, palming the top of her head.
"Goodnight, sweetheart." He looked to Gale. "Make sure she returns safe."
"I can handle myself..." She huffed.
Gale nodded solemnly to Halsin regardless. The druid seemed satisfied by the conviction in his face, patting her head twice before departing.
Tav waved to the little calf and without further discussion took Gale's hand and started walking.
His fingers instinctually wove into hers before he could process what was happening. Pulled to walk easily.
They had arrived at the dock, the moon ribboned water lapping gently.
She pulled her boots off with a little grunt, letting her feet dangle in the tide. Falling back onto the sea fragrant wood with a satisfied sigh.
He followed her lead, the cool water surprisingly pleasant, swelling softly along his ankles. Back flat, staring up at the tapestry of stars. Insect call rising and falling like breath.
"So... lavender?" He tried, shockingly short on words.
"Oh! It's for hair oils. Surprisingly, maintaining hair this long is kind of difficult in the wilderness." She kicked her legs slowly as she spoke.
"You know, my mother taught me how to braid..." He offered.
"A rare skill set." She remarked solemnly, the edge of a cheeky smile on her lips.
"I'm trying to offer you some help, you ingrate." He admonished.
"Mm-hmm," Her lips pressed together hard, trying to contain the wide smile he could see her fighting. "And I'm sure I've got a gold star around here somewhere. Hold on let me check..."
She rose, making to run off, already giggling.
He caught her around the waist, and before his mind could speak to his body, pulled her into him.
Their mouths slid together so easily. He moaned softly, her lips falling plush and velvet against his. Lighting a molten in his core and a high call in his heart.
She kissed him back for an exquisite and terribly short moment, then pulled back. Lips leaving him to drop slightly open in wide-eyed shock.
Oh. Oh Gods, he had not meant to do that.
"I'm sorry, I uh," He stumbled, already rising to feet. "It seems I've had too much wine..."
He cleared his throat, picking up his boots, eyes determined on the shore. "I'll just, I'll head back to camp. Pardon me."
Quick feet took him up the boardwalk, white knuckle gripping boot leather.
Spotting that shock of white hair rounding the corner, he steeled his face.
"Astarion, Tav is on the dock. Make sure she gets back to camp safe." He commanded.
Astarion seemed confused and offended to be given a order, until he saw the state of him. His keen eyes picking up on his red fluster with a wide malicious smile.
"Of course, Gale dearest." He purred, clearly relishing in his obvious blunder. "She's in practiced hands for the night."
He breathed the next words in a breathy hum. "Enjoy the remainder of yours, darling."
Gale watched him go, clenching his jaw so hard it initiated a headache. Or was that the wine? Did it matter?
Astarion walked on heels, hands clasped behind his back. Exuding the satisfaction of a cat with a saucer of milk. Step brightening even more when she caught sight of him approaching.
In the time he had left her side, she had disrobed down to her underclothes. Gesturing toward Astarion then the water in an upturned hand, saying something to him, eyebrows raised mischievously.
Gale halted entirely, suddenly very certain he had made a mistake walking away from her.
He heard the bark of Astarion's laugh at her offer, pulling his shirt over his shoulders.
His yearning kept his eyes on her long enough to watch her lower into the water. But he couldn't take any more, chest aching. Shame propelling his feet further from her.
Truly, no one could get in his own way quite like himself. Circling angrily around the brick corner, eyes scanning determinedly until he found who he was seeking.
"Jaheira, where can you find lavender in this Gods forsaken wasteland?"
Part 2
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swiftielouie55 · 11 months
i just read the most rosekiller smutted smut in the world lol it was insanely good btw
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galerion · 1 year
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lyraofthestarsss · 2 days
Minecraft diaries rewatch but you take a shot every time Aphmau is oblivious to someone’s romantic feelings
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hatkuu · 9 months
bestie kylar buying you a collar w his name on it and you’re still like “awww you’re so sweet thanks bestie !!” kylar is RAGING
i think bestie kylar starts reevaluating his friendship with you at that point tbh. you're like "omg!! is this an upgrade to our matching necklaces!?! wait. where's yours???" and kylar is staring at you, burning holes into the collar on your neck because why are you not understanding that he's noT YOUR BEST FRIEND ANYMORE—
...yeah... poor kylar is losing his mind in this situation.
you'll happily wear the collar in public though, which soothes him a lot - mainly because everyone steers clear of you - because you're clearly labelled to who you belong to :) he also begs you to wear it during your ...teaching sessons. you're like "oh? are you sure? don't you want me to pretend to be your crush?" and i think he'd go crazy and just start crying then and there.
but yes this would be soooo entertaining especially if you were happily showing off the collar to everyone you meet like "look!! kylar got me this pretty collar!! aren't we such good friends??" and kylar's hovering behind you menacingly bc he can't decide if he wants to encourage your behaviour or kidnap you to make it known what his title should be to you :) (hubby, my love, pookie bear, shnookums, future husband... etc. etc.)
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worstloki · 1 year
Do you think Thor ever gets tired of the himbo jokes? People always valuing his physical strength like he’s got nothing else to offer but good cheer and a strong swing
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askingthexsector · 3 months
*gives a plush of this magnificent but feral creature ( my nemesis oc cough ) and runs away*
( i just wanted an excuse to send a ask, your art looks so good what the fork )
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"Let me FUCKING marmalise it"
"no. how do you even marmalise a plush."
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bugboi-of-gotham · 7 months
*As the phlebotomist draws bbs blood she gasps seeing the color, it is only through years of training that they don’t outright drop the vial of bright green blood* oh dear…. Seems there will be many tests we have to run….(Apologies I fell asleep, figured it might be better to start a new thread)
Huh? That's normal though?
*bb is evidently confuzzled at the reaction*
That's just blood? Is it not suposed to be that color or?
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llitchilitchi · 7 months
reblog/comment your opinion with explanation pls
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starlightshore · 2 years
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[has alt id]
getting into Mild Horror territory haha! Nothing extreme though. Just some ghostly-ness. Also, work on these will be slow as I'm using this as a way to cool down after some grueling shifts at work.
[Start ]
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