#object permanence need not apply
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mermaidlighthouse · 1 year ago
A scene I NEED:
Stede: so how do we contact your ship btw?? Should we tell your crew you’re an innkeeper now?? 😊
Ed: 🧐 my ship????
Stede: 😕 yeah the one you sailed with the spikes on the rails and stuff??? The one you were on before The Revenge???
Ed: ……🙂
Stede: 😟 You do know where that ship is right?!?! Did you abandon your ship and the entire crew?!?!
Ed: 🤔 that doesn’t sound like me…why would I do that??
Stede: 😐 nevermind darling…let’s just…fix the door latch shall we? 😚
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blog-utopiasass · 1 year ago
good news with the discount combo of ADHD and Multiple Tabs, you can!!
They should invent a way to simultaneously read a fic read a book draw art write watch television listen to music and listen to a podcast
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communistkenobi · 3 months ago
I was looking for a book recently on an online storefront and was recommended a book written by a physicist about the history of humanity. this was a popular press book that was not intended to be read by other academics, but it reminded me of this niche genre of books, with experts from the physical sciences writing about human behaviour or history or what have you. Could you imagine coming across the inverse? A popular press book that purported to explain physics written by a historian?
There is some deep imbalance in how public perceptions of “general intelligence” seem to work - those in STEM are generally recognised for their competence, expertise, and intellectual acumen, and this recognition can be generalised, that at some level a demonstration of your expertise of eg astrophysics is a demonstration of your abilities of investigation writ large, that you have figured out some central underlying element of science that allows for basically limitless intellectual extension to any field or subject. A physicist can write a book about human history and be taken seriously by the general public on the assumption that physics is more difficult to understand than history, so any lower domain of investigation is open to them. The reverse is often not extended to a lot of the social sciences, particularly the theoretically-heavy social sciences; theory is just making bullshit up at the end of the day, it has no real practical application because any questions about the philosophy of thought or knowledge - how did we come to know what we know and under what conditions do we know these things - is just the indulgent wankery of people who can’t find a real job.
And of course it would be silly to insist that because you have read Hegel, an infamously difficult thinker, you know how to interpret the lab print-outs of electrochemists - I don’t want this goofy concept of general intelligence to be applied everywhere, I want it to go away entirely, but its current uneven applications across scientific fields indicates a broader problem with public conceptions of expertise and knowledge.
This probably has something to do with anti-communism on some level - social science is not generally regarded as “real science” (in no small part because social science is often the field of bureaucrats, and while animosity towards bureaucrats is deeply sympathetic, I suspect the reasons for this animosity are not themselves scientifically grounded), that while there is a public understanding of “objective facts” that exist prior and external to human interpretation, the politics of knowledge are hegemonically oriented around liberalism, to such an extent that any critique of the assumptions of knowledge are viewed as a dogmatic denial of reality done for the purposes of political infiltration and brainwashing. And I don’t feel totally unqualified to say this, given that this is basically the de facto response from students encountering Marxism for the first time in university. “Marx is too dogmatic” may as well be inscribed above the doors to lecture halls. Hell, Jordan Peterson made a nice little public career for himself railing against “post-modern neo-Marxism,” a phrase so nonsensical that the fact he was not immediately and permanently laughed out of the public arena for saying it is an indictment of how politically illiterate we are as a society!
And the infuriating thing is that a lot of social science scholarship (not just from the US but especially from the US) is complete horseshit, just pure evil garbage motivated solely by a desire to justify the fact that we do really need to keep killing tens of thousands of people a year to keep this whole party going. Every sociologist who calls themselves a “methodological individualist” is contributing to the long-standing tradition of eugenics scholarship but is too craven and vain to admit to this. If you had to describe the sum-total of the social scientific scholarly output of the west in a word, it would be ‘mysticism.’ Because it is the case that anti-colonial, anti-imperial, and anti-capitalist investigations of the political-economic conditions of the world have produced social scientific knowledge on par with the discovery of the atom, but it is not treated as such. “It is right to rebel” is not just a moral claim about violence but a scientific summary of human history.
But I think it is precisely this reactionary state of affairs that makes people devalue the social sciences as an actual site of legitimate investigation, that understanding the historical trajectory of ideas or the political conditions of life are valuable pursuits for any just society. Because social science deals with the social world, the political conditions under which the social world is investigated and understood are themselves bound up in questions of political and economic power. But this equally extends to the physical sciences - I know at least in environmental sciences, there is an ever-growing reckoning with climate change as an imminent threat to all life on earth, and environmental scientists cannot avoid talking about the political conditions of our planet even if all they want to do is study a river. Genocide is measurable in soil samples taken in the American continent. The separation of the environmental from the social is itself a historically contingent arrangement of knowledge.
But this is infuriating to even complain about because I don’t want to sound like an entitled academic or ego-bruised professional. I have no desire to start a faculty war with the STEM fields. I feel secure in my own expertise. I do not want anyone to “recognise my greatness” I am just profoundly lonely in this whole affair. and it just so happens that we exist in terribly anti-intellectual conditions for the most cruel and ugly reasons possible, and so we (me, I) have to suffer seeing books on sale claiming to give a general account of human history written by a physicist
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diaper-fetiswing · 28 days ago
🔞⚠️ Ultra-detailed diaper training guide :
the goal: to become permanently dependent on diapers forever.
here are the headlines from my training plan
I) 🧠 MENTAL PREPARATION : (Acceptance, letting go, submission)
Before you start diaper training, it is crucial that you accept your kink, eliminate all guilt and let go.
1.1 / Accepting Your kink :
understands that your attraction to diapers is legitimate and personal. It’s not “bad” or “abnormal”.
identifies your mental blocks: shame, fear of judgment, self-sabotage
repeat positive affirmations to yourself: “I deserve to be in a diaper / diapers are my true nature”
find support like my blog, ( so if you link to that you can subscribe because my blog will allow you to achieve your goal, that's the goal )
1.2 / Letting go and submission :
wearing diapers all the time is mostly mental... people often come to me and say: "I want to be incontinent to be dependent" except that this is false and unhealthy... mentally, you have to accept that diapers are is your new reality (and it's a lot of work that takes time but once done is even less reversible than incontinence, but don't worry I'm here to help you)
abandon the idea of ​​choice, it is not a choice... in fact you have the impression that it is a choice, but if you dig into your psychological functioning you will understand that it is a need...
practice submission, (well self-discipline if you are alone): in a relationship, if your wife is dominant and Ok, you're lucky it will be easier for you, but my advice also applies to single, except that instead of someone else dominating you, it's you who must discipline yourself. There must be strict rules, with punishments if you don't follow your diaper training correctly. I'll leave the creativity to you for the punishments but they don't have to be very pleasant.
objective : no longer wear underwear apart from diapers + (it's better but you don't have to) no longer see the toilet as an option.
✅️ throw ALL your underwear in the trash, only keep the diapers
✅️ put a diaper on after each time you change (it seems logical, but some times you will be tempted not to wear one again, so always wear a diaper, it's your rule and it's easy to follow)
✅️ always sleep in a diaper
✅️ organize your stocks: you must always have a huge stock of diapers at home...
✅️ (even without aiming for incontinence, I recommend it): prepare yourself mentally: “the toilet is no longer an option for me”
Solution for difficulties :
❌️ WANT TO REMOVE THE DIAPER: you can make your diaper difficult to remove (like by putting velcro on the fasteners)
❌️ SHAME OR DISCOMFORT: remember that you need diapers, that they are necessary.
objective: to learn to remember and automate the use of the diaper.
3.1 / Urinary: loss of control :
✅️ Drink plenty of water to force frequent elimination
✅️ as soon as you feel pressure released immediately: NEVER HOLD BACK
✅️ practice urinating in all positions, including lying down, to break the reflexes of holding back
✅️ at night drink before sleeping and urinate as soon as you wake up.
3.2 / FECAL : if I had to choose I would prefer this
✅️ eat foods rich in fiber, take mild laxatives from time to time to relax your intestines (don't overdo it)
✅️ as soon as you feel the urge, push yourself directly into your diaper without going to the bathroom, even if it's just for a fart
✅️ get used to never delaying elimination
✅️ uses plugs that stretch the anus daily for long periods, such as the balloon plug or the hollow plug, do daily sessions of 4 to 5 hours dilated.
the social aspect is quite important, to really sign your life forever it is important to take this point into account. the social and public part alone deserves an entire book... besides, I would love to write a book on learning about diapers... but that's for the future!
here are my tips for the social aspect:
✅️ accept the outside gaze: if someone guesses or sees your diaper, accept it or ignore it
✅️ expose yourself little by little: outings with a diaper more or less visible under your clothes:
✅️ you can tell a certain person you really trust that you are now in a diaper and that it is forever (without explaining why) and if someone asks you questions then you tell them that you need one and you can't do otherwise...
SO, as I say these are just certain points of my plan to address in diaper training in order to become completely dependent on diapers.
If you want to go deeper into certain steps, let me know in the questions!
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moiraimyths · 1 year ago
can you elaborate on what you mean by romance being a social construct? just trying to understand here, because by that logic to be aromantic is to be against the social construct of romance or what most people view as romance
What does "romance" or "romantic" mean? Most people when answering that question will list specific signifiers or feelings that we commonly associate with romance or romantic feelings, but these things don't have to be romantic. They're 'coded' as romantic because we associate them with romance as a byproduct of our culture. Simple example: Kissing on the lips. Pretty safe to say this action is frequently cited as a romantic gesture. But is it objectively a romantic gesture? No. There are plenty of cultures, currently and throughout history, where kissing on the lips is not romantic. Hell, kissing in some cultures isn't a thing at all/considered unsanitary! Therefore, kissing on the lips is not objectively romantic or some universal phenomenon. It's socially constructed.
The same thing can apply to romantic feelings. First: Feelings of sexuality that often (but not always!) go toe to toe with romance are not inherently romantic. You can be attracted to someone, or be intimate with someone, and not feel romantic feelings. So we need to separate sexuality from romance. What does that leave us with? Great care for someone? A feeling of closeness? A desire to never be parted with someone? Are these feelings romantic? Yes, but they aren't always. Stripped of any other pretenses, you could easily apply those feelings to your friends or family members. What makes them romantic is socially contextual, and subjectively determined. Therefore: Romance is a social construct.
People who identify as aromantic will have different reasons for subscribing to the label. Some may be aromantic because the feelings typically associated with romance just don't happen with them, and sometimes (but not always!!!) asexuality plays a part here as well. But for other aro folk, it's not always that consistent. Maybe they do feel those feelings, but only under some circumstances. Or maybe they feel some of those feelings, but not all of them, or inconsistently, or don't really think of those feelings as romantic at all or in the moment. Romance, like sexuality, is more fluid than we tend to realize, but romance as a specific, socially determined construct can be suffocating for those who don't quite fit in the box. Especially once you start throwing in the other social expectations that romance is typically associated with: Living together, marriage, having kids, permanence, etc. In those instances, some folks may gravitate toward the aromantic label simply because they oppose the rigidness of the construct.
Ultimately, our purpose with our arospec characters (Keagan, Robin, and Daonna) is to explore these variations.
EDIT: Hi! If you're reading this, we just wanted to quickly note that we're actually indie game developers! Right now we're making a fantasy visual novel about Irish mythology, and the game can be played completely platonically. Some of our characters are also arospec! If that sounds like something you may be interested in, check us out on Steam or Itch.
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laurelsofhighever · 1 year ago
A list of potential cures for the Calling, that we know about, that BioWare has apparently forgotten
Andraste's grace: it's not specified whether the flower the kennelmaster has you pick in the Korcari Wilds is Andraste's grace or if the game just needed a one-off asset and decided to reuse one they already had. However, in the dark future in DAI, Leliana is found to have unusual tolerance for the taint, and in DAO she talks about her mother pressing her laundry with dried Andraste's grace flowers, so it makes you wonder. Anyway, the flower stops Barkspawn becoming a ghoul and seems to make them immune to the taint from that point on.
Maric's longsword: he finds it in the Deep Roads and is suprised it isn't covered in the same Blight-rot as everything else - until, that is, he touches the sword to a patch of it and sees it wither away. Whether it's the dragonbone the sword is made of or the runes on the blade is difficult to say, though if it was just the dragonbone then it would make sense for that to be a more well-known property of the material (and would have been an interesting reason for why dragons were hunted to extinction). If Alistair carries it with him, doesit slow the progession of the taint through his body? Does he know its effects, and give it to the HoF to help keep them safer on their journey to find a permanent cure?
That obsidian dagger Duncan finds in The Calling: the dagger belonged to First Enchanter Remille - who also gave the expedition members brooches that accelerated the spread of the taint. iirc the both the dagger and the brooches are made by the Architect with Blight magic, which means the darkspawn magisters have more knowledge of how the Blight works than the Chantry attributes to them.
Whatever the fuck is going on with Avernus: he hasn't managed to cure himself yet, but he's managed to make it to 200 and the Warden can let him continue his experiments if they don't kill him - and he'd be a really useful resource if the Warden later wanted to send him other potential cures for testing.
Dragons: they have an ability to isolate the Blight in their bodies by forming crystaline cysts around the initial infection to stop it spreading. Useful if it can be more widely applied. Also, it's implied that Maric's reaver blood, which Calenhad gained by mixing his blood with a dragon's, is what somehow cured Fiona of the taint, kinda like a reverse STI, BUT in the Deep Roads they went through an area where the walls were coated in a pale, chalky substance suspiciously devoid of Blight-rot and she touched it, so I'm a bit suspicious of that.
Blood magic: makes sense since the taint is a problem that starts with infected blood. There are two major instances in DA canon where blood magic has been used to purge the taint from an object or being (both by elves btw). The first is Isseya using it to draw the taint out of a clutch of unhatched griffon eggs, which she says is only possible because the taint hasn't yet taken over the hatchlings' bodies to the same extent that it had with the adult griffons. The second instance is Merrill purging the Blighted eluvian in DA2. It's insane that Anders - who is a reluctant Warden and who possibly knows the HoF seeks a cure - isn't more excited about this. She literally removed the Blight from a fully tainted object. Since Isseya proved the same can be done with living tissue, it's probably the closest we've come to an actual cure, but since it also took years there's no telling if it could be a practicaly solution for all Wardens
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simlicious · 2 months ago
CC Creation Tutorial: Smooth Seams in Blender
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In this tutorial, I will show you how to make your mesh seams smooth inside Blender (no Milkshape required!) and walk you through the process step by step. We will make a perfectly smooth mesh and transfer the normal data from that mesh to our main mesh using the Data Transfer modifier.
I am using Blender 3.6 in this tutorial (though you should be able to follow along using other versions as well)
You do not need to have much previous knowledge to follow this tutorial, but I assume you know some basics in Blender like how to select, things, navigate around, etc, and know how to import the meshes and put them into Blender.
For this tutorial, I exported the Sims 3 afbodyEP4DressPromBigBow mesh with TSR Workshop. You can use any clothing mesh you like though, and works on any meshes, not just Sims 3 ones.
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This is our mesh. You can already tell that it has the dreaded seams on the neck and the rest of the body.
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First, we need to make a copy of the mesh (in Object mode, select the mesh and hit Ctrl+D Shift+D to duplicate it, then hit Esc to stop it from moving around).
Rename the mesh (I added Seamless to the mesh name).
Make sure the original mesh is hidden (click the eye symbol) and select the Seamless mesh.
Press the Tab key to go into Edit Mode.
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Now we select the parts that we want to have smooth seams. Let's select everything that is skin (you can select a litte piece of the mesh and then press Ctrl+L to select the entire piece)!
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Now, press M and in the menu, choose By Distance. (in older versions, this is called Remove Doubles).
This will remove all double vertices at the seams on the selection we made.
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It will show you how many vertices it removed. The skin looks nice and smooth!
Let's switch back to our original mesh: Make sure you deactivate the eye on the Seamless mesh and activate the eye again on the main mesh. Then, select the main mesh.
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Now, let's add a data modifier to our main mesh. Click the blue wrench icon in the vertical list of the properties panel and then onto Add Modifier, then choose Data Transfer from the list.
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As the source, we choose our Seamless mesh.
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Also toggle on Face Corner Data and click the Custom Normals button.
Hold on, there is a message saying that we should enable Auto Smooth in Object Data Properties. Let's do that next! (if the message does not appear for you, maybe Auto Smooth is already on).
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Click the green inverted triangle button and in the Normals section, toggle on Auto Smooth.
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Now we can switch back to the modifier tab by clicking the blue wrench icon again.
But hang on, what happened to our mesh? There are now black spots over the dress and shadows on the legs!
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This is due to the Data transfer modifier's Mapping setting. If we change it to Topology, our mesh goes back to normal again. Phew!
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Now that the normals look good, we can start the transfer of our new smooth normals from the seamless mesh to our main mesh. To do that, we hit the Generate Data Layers button. This button works destructively, so you cannot undo what it did, just FYI.
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Note: On newer versions of Blender, Generate Data Layers may not be enough to transfer the normals and you may need to apply the modifier instead.
You can toggle the modifier's visuals on and off with the little screen icon to see the results after you click Generate Data Layers to see if it stuck. If it did not (and you see the seams of your base mesh when toggling it off), try to apply it instead.
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I switched from textured to solid shading because the differences are just more noticeable in this mode. This is how our mesh looks now with the modifier turned off.
Because we clicked the transfer button, the normals have been permanently applied to our mesh. The skin is smooth now, and so is the dress (even though we did not smooth that one, hmm...)
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If we toggle the modifier back on, suddenly the dress has seams again! What's going on there? I'm not exactly sure why, but Auto Smooth seems to be doing some smoothing on the dress mesh as well.
I am not sure if this is normal behavior or not, but let's pretend that this did not happen and the modifier in fact did not smooth the dress.
Maybe we just forgot to smooth some areas on the Seamless mesh that we noticed only later on. That's no problem. We simply modify our Seamless mesh again!
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So let's swap back to the seamless mesh and select it (remember to click the eye icons so only the Seamless mesh is visible).
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Let's select the main dress parts and press M -> merge by distance on them. We cannot smooth the whole dress all at once, because then that would remove some seams that we want (like those for the backfaces and the middle section of the dress where the bow is attached).
If we remove the wrong seams, we ruin our normals and will have black splotches.
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Now, let's select the backfaces and areas we left out before and repeat this process: M -> merge by distance.
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Look at how perfect our Seamless mesh is looking now! Now, let's transfer those beautiful normals to our main mesh.
Select the main mesh and toggle the eye icons again, to hide our Seamless mesh and reveal our main mesh.
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Once again, we will use the Generate Data Layers button in our Data Transfer modifier. If you have previously applied the modifier, just add the modifier again to the main mesh and use the settings shown here.
And that's it, you are done! You have a perfectly smoothed mesh that you can export now.
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Final Note: it is best to transfer the normals at the very end of your meshing process because any action that recalculates the normals can reset our custom-made smooth normals again.
Of course, you can simply use the Generate Data Layers button again to re-add them, but it saves you time to only do this step at the end.
I almost forgot to say: You still have to use Mesh Toolkit to fix the seams on the edges of your mesh and do the usual shenanigans.
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weskie · 6 months ago
What The Heart Wants (Albert Wesker x gn!Reader)
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960 words, loose followup to this, tentacle affection, post re5 wesker, scar care, wound tending, shared shower, fluff, light hurt/comfort, IMAGE SOURCE | Fic Directory
wesker is but a shell of the man he once was… accepting that your love remains unchanged has been difficult, yet he still cannot help but bask in it.
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He doesn’t know why you insist on doing this.  Your hands, still warm from the shower you’d shared, smooth along his rippled, scarred skin.  You treat this act as if it were holy, one kept special and secret, reserved only for him.  Like you revere him as a god… as the god he was meant to be.
But godhood was torn from his grasp, leaving him mangled and deformed.  He is but a fraction of the man he once was in nearly every sense.  
Uroboros had saved his life.  It regrew his limbs and sealed his wounds, but it cared not for preserving his image.  For a time, he wondered if that’s why you’d taken up this routine.  Perhaps you’d been so revolted by his marred body that you, full of pity, thought you could fix it.  It seemed a lifetime ago that he’d lashed out over the thought, but it was only a mere two weeks prior that you’d held his cheeks and reassured him of his beauty.
“You’re like sunshine to me.” You’d said.  “I love you."
It had initially been antibiotic creams you rubbed into his skin, each inch of flesh receiving the same reverent, slow circular motions of your fingertips.  After your fretting about infection ceased, you moved on to scar gel– applied diligently from head to toe after every instance in which you’d help him bathe.
He’s resentful that he needs such assistance, even now.  It was unbecoming of the man he was.  Of the man he should’ve been– that he should be…  You always say it’s for the preservation of the compound’s hot water that you join him, but he knows it’s because the weakened muscles of his legs threaten to give out at any moment unless you’re present to provide support. You're simply sparing his pride. 
Back from the dead for three weeks and he could hardly stand on his own.  Confined to a chair just like him, forced to practice that which should come as naturally as breathing.
You’ve got him sat atop the lid of the toilet, standing between his spread legs with his face in your hands.  Your thumbs rub so very sweetly at each ripple, left hand dancing up to work that sticky gel into a section of his scalp that had been singed away in the fires of the Earth.  Your touch is like heaven…
Wesker keeps his eyes shut, telling himself over and over that it’s because he hates the way you look at him while you do this that he does so, not because of the raw tenderness in your gaze. And yet, he cannot help but lean into it when your fingers thread through the surviving thatches of his hair.  The backs of your knuckles meet his temple and he’s unsure of which touch soothes him more.
“Hm, hehe…”
For a moment he thinks you’re laughing at him, but then he remembers…
“It’s happening again!”  You chirp.  Your wide smile and sparkling eyes greet him.  The overhead light above casts a halo around you, painting you as the angel that you are.
He regards you with a disinterested huff, tearing his eyes away from you to look anywhere else– the wall, the shower curtain, the floor.  As if the predicament as a whole wasn’t already humiliating enough, there had been a recent… development.
You should’ve warned him that the damn thing was creeping out of his chest.  Since stepping away from death’s door, Uroboros had gone dormant within a small amber-like formation embedded in his sternum.  Initially it had seemed to be a permanent tumor-like mass left behind, but time had proven it to be where the ‘critter,’ as you’d dubbed it, hides away until called upon.  Except he can’t.  Efforts to summon even one of the tentacles that had so easily encased him were futile and always resulted in the nearest object being thrown across the room in a helpless fury.  Until five days prior, that is.
You giggle as the black mass coils and snakes up your arm, slithering across your back and pulling your bare bodies almost flush to one another.  You embrace Wesker with your free arm, nuzzling into the crook of his neck while the tentacle appendage settles and simply presses you closer.
“If you wanted a hug, you just had to ask,” you coo softly, lips grazing another rough patch of flesh.
Damned thing.
This happened twice before.  Once, having curled around your body, pulling you snug to his side while the both of you slept and leaving you confused and fretful about if you hurt him when you finally woke.  The second was much like now, only it had coiled around your waist while you held him under the stream of the shower.  It took you by surprise, but you never reacted with disgust.  Quite the opposite, really.
“I didn’t.”  Wesker mumbles, but he wraps his arms around you nonetheless.  It feels so very good to hold you…
“Liar,” You accuse happily, pulling back just enough to brush your nose against his.  You look into his eyes as if they weren’t undergoing strange changes with their uneven pupils and fractured blues tainted by hues of scarlet.  “C’mon, we talked about this.  Subconscious desires, remember?”
Of course he remembers; he’s the one who came to the conclusion.  Unconscious even, if the actions during his sleep were anything to go by.  He regards you with a curt hm, which you promptly interrupt with a peck to his lips.  
“Just get my clothes already.”  He tries to muster the energy to deliver it as a command, but he falls short with a sluggish suggestion instead.
“I would," you tease, "but you have to let go first.”  
Easier said than done… after all, he has to want to.
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meanbossart · 8 months ago
Omg omg Meanboss i saw ur Patreon Post rn aaaaand now i can't stop thinking about how Astarion and Drow would react and grieve, if one of them died. Do u have any thoughts to that?
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh boy. I'm almost reluctant to answer this because I feel like this is absolutely DU drow's ugliest side, LOL.
So let me put off the inevitable and start with Astarion: the unlikely more well-adjusted half when it comes to this - if you can call total desensitization being "well adjusted", at least.
Astarion has led hundreds of people to their deaths after supposedly earning their trust, care and attention - I'm not saying every single one of his outings ended in heart-break, in fact the vast majority were probably completely impersonal one-night stands, but at SOME POINT in Astarion's life he must have held some care for people or at least an aversion to the idea of manipulating them into death's maw - until he had to do it over, and over, and over, and over again.
It's very clear to me that Astarion managed to completely shut his empathy out, as well as his sense of attachment especially in the short-term. Those things still exist within him but are like a weak flame he has to keep feeding with kindling if he wants it to stick around; and it would be far easier to just extinguish it at once. If someone close to him were to die, especially unexpectedly, he'd just stomp it out for good and move on as if nothing had happened, probably unable to form another relationship like it for at the very least a couple of years but otherwise remain perfectly functional, and, by all intends and purposes, have gotten over the loss exceptionally quickly.
Obviously, if we're talking about DU drow's death, this would change over time and depend on how long they remained together for. I can't tell you how 500-year-old Astarion would react to the loss of his loved one (too many variables to consider) but one can expect the concept to become harder to accept the more used he grows to someone's permanence.
Now, the drow. He does not deal well with losing, and that applies to people just as well as it applies to concepts and objects. I think he can wrap his mind around the idea of someone dying of old-age, but anything short of that is akin to being stolen from.
Which brings us to Astarion's immortality, and the false sense of security that that brings DU drow. In his mind, if he is immortal, that simply means he won't ever die. This is, to him, is a certain fact the vast majority of the time,save for the rare and brief occasion where he has to face a different reality. This also means that if Astarion ever dies, that is obviously due to a tremendous failure in DU drow's part.
I simply do not think he would get over it. Much like the scenario with Villain DU drow where Orin's death basically begins the countdown for his own, his ambitions from that point forward would cap at revenge, and done that, he would either become something profoundly ugly or just let himself rot. I think this is just... Something inherit to him and the way he functions, making the former memory loss a blessing in even more ways than it already is.
He'd probably also try to resurrect him, but for all his desperation I can at least tell you that he wouldn't fall for/settle for anything lesser than his beloved with their cognizance fully intact, nor do anything that could destroy their corpse. He, uh, Is gonna need that.
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kakao-lovey · 25 days ago
── .✦ The best subliminals of all time ++ my results
Hi Lovies! I've been a fan of subliminals since the moment I got access to the internet, and can confidently say I know my way around them. Note, though, that I did take IRL steps to achieve these results besides subs; however, I think I can give a huge chunk of the credit to them for the luck, discipline, and motivation I needed. So, in no particular order:
I Want It I Got It's A+ mindset subliminal
Not only are IWIGII's subs extremely powerful, they cover all bases. Mindset is a huge factor in achieving academic success, and it's something not often covered in your standard 'Good grades' subliminals. ۶ৎ My results (Last term):
~ A term average of 90% ~ Chemistry 98% overall, Biology 96% overall, Physics 85% overall ~ Maths went from 43% (Term 1) to 92% (Term 4) ~ Best overall (Whole year) in English and German first language ~ A bronze scroll for academics:
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2. Baejin Cafe's emergency clear skin sub
Baejin cafe is my favourite subliminal maker of all time, and this isn't the last time you'll hear me praise their subs. They are intensely powerful, and really go down to every last detail. Here's a snippet out of the benefits: "your skin literally looks poreless, completely even skin tone (both face and body), permanently concealed skin, blemishes don’t even exist in your dictionary, one listen of this is equivalent to the best skincare routine applied for years; one word about your skin is FLAWLESS. your skin is absolutely clear forever; regardless of whatever you eat, the season or anything you do!! your skin is like you have the healthiest diet ever, healthiest water intake and the most perfect skincare routine, completely clear and clean skin throughout, your skin literally looks reflective cause it’s so clear ♡"
۶ৎ My results
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(No filter used, images are two months apart) [Image ID: Two photos, one taken before listening to the subliminal of a face with inflammatory acne, the second taken after listening to the subliminal with clear skin] 3. Mii - Too much money.
A classic, but popular for a reason. Just one or two listens are almost guaranteed to get you your desired amount of money.
۶ৎ My results
~ Allowance bumped up from 100 NAD (5 USD) to 200 NAD (10 USD) per month ~ Received money for my academic awards, and as a gift for my birthday
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[Image ID: A handful of Namibian dollar banknotes] ~1000 NAD (50 USD) (Sorry for poor image quality) 4. Baejin café - Success energy
This is an all-in-one, listen-to-it-while-you-sleep subliminal with heavily detailed affirmations for everything in your life to go perfectly. It can be used as a booster, to manifest a specific achievement/item/person, or to play in the background to sprinkle some cinnamon-sugar on your daily life. ۶ৎ My results ~ Found a kind, heavily overqualified doctor to prescribe me a medication I really needed ~ Got a job as a waiter for a ball, did it perfectly and got a letter of recommendation ~ Won all three of my division's squash games despite having played for only a few months ~ Manifested lots of small things, gifts, food, to find lost objects ~ Found out I am inheriting an insane amount of money when I turn 25 5. Baejin cafe - Mental health + healthy lifestyle
Whenever I feel depressed or overstimulated, I have a nap with this looped in the background, and I wake up feeling fresh and happy. ۶ৎ My results ~ All of my toxic ex-friends left me (Which may sound like a bad thing at first, but it really helped my mental health overall) ~ I recovered from around five months of hypomanic-depressive mood swings ~ I recovered from a very bad thing that has to do with food ~ I became actually happy with my life <3 That's all! Thanks for being here, and keep me updated if you decide to use any of these subs!
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todaysdocument · 26 days ago
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Petition from the Hypatia Women’s Club of San Francisco in favor of Granting San Francisco Water Rights for Lake Eleanor and Hetch Hetchy
Record Group 46: Records of the U.S. SenateSeries: Petitions and Memorials of the Committee on the Conservation of Natural ResourcesFile Unit: Petitions and Memorials, Resolutions of State Legislatures, and Related Documents, which were Referred to the Committee on Conservation of the National Resources during the 61st Congress
San Francisco, February 5, 1910
Hon. Frank P. Flint
U. S. Senator.
Dear Sir:-
The Hypatia Women's Club of San Francisco has voted to request that the permission granted by the Government to San Francisco to take water from Lake Eleanor and the Hetch-Hetchy Valley be not [underlined] revoked, for the following reasons:-
1st. San Francisco has no other available supply of pure water that is sufficient.
2nd. Under the permit Lake Eleanor is to be first developed.
3rd. The Yosemite Park is an immense tract, while the Hetch-Hetchy Valley, where a reservoir is proposed, is a very small space not over a mile wide and not more than three or four miles long and is often flooded for long periods during storms and high water and the making the same as a permanent reservoir rather beautifies than injures this small piece of land.
4th. Yosemite Park of which this valley is so minute a portion, is a vast domain of almost inaccessible mountains, lakes and streams at a very high altitude and largely a regoin [sp] of perpetual snow. It is not, or never will be visited by large numbers of people at any one time.
5th. This vast supply of pure water is running away to the ocean while San Francisco is suffering for a supply of pure water.
6th. The individual who adores every bush or tree that has ever become a familiar object and who sacrifice the rights and needs of a great city for pure water to a more aesthetic desire to permit the slightest modification of scene, is irrational and unjust.
7th. This matter has been fully discussed in every phase at Washington, D. C., for many years before the permit was granted and Government experts have fully reported to President Roosevelt's Administration favorably.
8th. After complete campaigns in San Francisco, the vote to issue bonds for such a water supply was substantially unanimous.
9th It is not at all denied that at all times since this permit was applied for, that its chief and open opponent has been the Spring Valley Water Co., which has a monopoly of the present undesirable and inadequate water supply of San Francisco.
Respectfully submitted by
Edith Webster [hand written]
Secretary Hypatia Women's Club,
San Francisco,
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writerandbaka · 3 months ago
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The jackal and the witch AU ~ Tighnari and Cyno 💚💜
I have sketched out a reference sheet for witch Tighnari and jackal Cyno! Soon I'll draw those of other characters as well for future chapters! ฅ(◕ᴥ◕)ฅ
And as promised, here are my headcanons for this AU:
Magic is basically a component of every living being and manifests itself in different amounts and shapes in different individuals
Magic is invisible to humans. However, some humans are able to perceive it
Humans who know how to use their own magic and that of their surroundings, shaping it to their liking, are called "witches"
"Witch" is a generic word used for people of any gender without distinction (gentleman, ladies, non-binary specimen etc…)
Through spells, witches can shape magic to alter reality
There are mainly two types of spells: those that are free and uncontrolled, and those that are infused in potions
A free spell is easier because it applies directly to reality, which is thus modified at will. However, it’s more difficult to be controlled and managed if you don’t have good control over your magic
A spell infused in a potion is more controlled and specific than a free one. On the other hand, however, it's more difficult to achieve the desired effect this way
Generally, spells are temporary. That means that the magic that shapes and changes reality tends to resume its original form within a certain period of time, returning reality to its original state too
A permanent spell is consequently more complicated and difficult to accomplish. Permanently altering reality requires a good deal of magical power to force the magic of the environment to change shape forever
To perform a spell, the witch's magic influences the external magic, and weaving them together can have a different effect on reality
The witch's personal emotions are very important and act as a catalyst to manage and control magic itself. If one doesn’t have good control of their magic, when they use it, the environment magic can take over from the witch, taking command of the course of the spell and dragging the witch to its will
Spirits are creatures able to see magic, being themselves made of pure magic
Spirits come from the spirit realm, a realm separate from the earthly realm of Teyvat. They can descend to earth only when the veil between the two realms thins, during full moon nights
Spirits can take corporeal bodies only through a contract with a witch, thus becoming "familiars"
The form the familiars take depends on many factors, the character of the witch, their amount of magical power, etc. But they are always only animal forms
To enter into a contract, the witch and familiar set their own conditions (a wish, specific needs, etc.) and when these are approved or met by both parties, the contract is finally sealed
The contract between a witch and a familiar is also manifested by two small objects carried by both of them, which can be jewelry, accessories, etc.
Having a familiar is not mandatory for a witch. The spirit simply helps them control their magical power by giving them an extra dose of magic to draw on and helping them stabilize their own
The witch and the familiar share strong emotions and feelings through their bond
The witch and the familiar cannot be excessively physically distant from each other for long periods of time
The contract between a familiar and a witch binds them inextricably until the death of one of them, usually the witch. In some cases, spirits too can also die if their magic is absorbed or corrupted due to a curse
Curses are nothing more than enchantments or spells whose effects are usually negative for the creature they are aimed at
Curses may be the cause of the presence of exceptions to what has just been written so far 
The Akademiya is a witchcraft school, where students of any age can be admitted to learn to study magic
The council of Sages, or senior professors, are bigoted people who are in charge of school management, often bypassing the principal when the latter is not physically present
There is tension between the principal and the current council of Sages, for a variety of reasons
So, no visions for this AU, but each character still has different aptitudes for certain types of elemental magic rather than others
That’s all!!✨
I won't spoil anything more about the plot, but these are pretty much the things to keep in mind as the story progresses. All of them will be picked up as we go along at various points, so don't worry, I will specify everything again at the right time, so that you can appreciate the fic even without the need of this post (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Oh btw, If you haven't read it yet or if this sketch has made you curious about this AU, here is the first chapter of the Ao3 fic I am talking about! The next chapter will be posted on Monday and is already basically ready! Can't wait for you to read it!!!🪄🌱💕
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jessilynallendilla · 3 months ago
let me know if the links aren't working and feel free to suggest any
Stalling  T 2,363 
Just a perfectly normal conversation between Arkham's newest psychiatrist, and its most troublesome resident. In the staff parking lot. During a jailbreak. How she walks out of this alive is a question even the Batman himself wants answered. 
Who's Afraid Of Who?  G 611 SERIES 
Someone gives Jazz the wrong interrogation room number. Now she goes to visit a certain Dr. Crane...The station officers realize the error in the files when visiting the other resource, 1 hour later it's too late. By the time they arrive at the interrogation room, they find...Dr Jasmine Nightingale became an expert on the mind to help people. That included almost all of Gotham's worst offenders. Dr Crane, aka Scarecrow, is about to find out more first hand. 
Danny The Intern  T 
Danny decided to intern at Wayne Enterprise. He's always so helpful, and polite, and gets the job done. He gets REALLY confused when his co-workers start acting weird: they would either pull him into another room; or make him do some outlandish task so far away, or a group of people suddenly surround him. It’s as if they are trying to hide him from someone. Meanwhile, there is an unspoken agreement amongst the employees: Rule #4: DO NOT LET ANY WAYNES SEE HIM. Otherwise, they are going to lose their most helpful intern (and hopefully a permanent employee) because of those damn Wayne’s adopting addictions. Though of course, it wasn’t long until they messed up Rule #4. 
Trivia Night  G 
Danny gets a job at some underground bar as one of the tenders there. The problem? He wasn’t informed that Gotham’s most dangerous villains would frequently go out for drinks, using said bar to do so. And naturally, through the power of tired college student and brunt-out hero, he manages to gain favor of all of them. So much so that they begin including him on planning heists, kidnappings, etc 
Just Another ̶L̶A̶ Gotham Devotee~  T 
Danny didn't expect much after leaving Amity and his vigilante career for a job at Wayne Tech R&D. All he wanted was a decent roof over his head, non ecto-contaminated food in his fridge, and maybe to stop getting thrown into buildings so often. Hell, he'd even negotiate that last point if it kept the Bats of his back. Unfortunately, fate has never been kind. Ancients, he needs a vacation. 
Specter Of The Month  T 
Far from Amity and those who'd follow, Danny does the only sensible option to make money and watch over his sister. Apply to become an Arkham Asylum security guard. When breakout rates drop and Penguin's released spouting rumors of a ghost haunting BlackGate, a certain Tim Drake grows curious. 
Gotham's Ghostly Bartender  T 
Danny after revealing to his parents he is Phantom and taking his place as King of the Infinite Realms, decides to try his luck as human opening a nightclub in Gotham. It´s going great until he attracts the attention of the Bats because he can´t help going feral on the Joker everytime he finds him on the city 
Help! My Teacher's A Mad Scientist  NR 
wherein Danny is a metalwork teacher at Gotham academy and ends up subbing for Tim's chemistry class. Measurements are just suggestions. 
Pitch-Dark Shades  T 
Danny Fenton is trying to build a new life in Gotham after closing up the connections to the Ghost Zone. Not that all connections are entirely broken, still being able to perceive shades and give them strength when he connects to one of their prized objects. Tim Drake is trying to find his own place in the world, focusing on becoming a better detective by solving cold cases in his spare time. When Tim and Danny meet, a new (begrudging) partnership starts to bloom to solve even the hardest of cases. Or it would if only they told each other the truth. 
New Job, Who's This?  T 8,000 SERIES 
Danny has an interview with the Engineering Team at Wayne Enterprises. He gets a job, but not where he expected. 
Those Who Serve.  T 
Alfred Pennyworth sees a homeless teen who looks like he'd fit right into the Wayne family and decides to take matters into his own hands. It's not like he's just going to leave this very sad, possibly meta teenager alone when there's more than enough space in the Manor to house one more child in need. 
A Matter Of Opinion  M 13,096 
Jasmine Fenton goes down a different path in her attempt to care for her brother. Unfortunately, she could not stop her parents from taking her brother apart. Now, his core is slowly rebuilding his body from infancy, and someone has to pay for letting the Anti-Ecto Acts exist. When she bites off more than she can chew, she learns how to grow bigger teeth, and hunts down bigger prey. 
The Curious Case Of D. Grayson  T 
Dick Grayson gets a job in Wayne Industries as an electrical engineer, or so is the word. Except it's not Dick who gets the job but Danny Grayson, half ghost and professional disaster. Of course, because nothing is ever easy for Danny, the world mistakes him for the prolific first child of Bruce Wayne and therefore rumours start Dick Grayson got married in secret. What could possibly go wrong, am I right? 
Penny Two  T 6,822 
Alfred decides to hire Danny Fentom as an assistant butler. Bruce is uncertain about having a new person in his house. 
He Can See Ghosts Because He’s A Medium, Obviously  NR SERIES 
But no, what convinced him he’s in a different dimension are the ghosts. They’re nothing like the ghosts from the infinite realms, more like stereotypical ghosts kids who were raised normally believe in. The ones no one can see except in the flickering of lights, something falling when it shouldn’t, a strange noise or even sometimes a shadowy figure. But not for Danny, cause of course he can’t be normal. To him these ghosts look like every other living person around him. Or Danny gets trapped in the DC universe, specifically Gotham, and decides since he can see ghosts here he may as well use it. Or or Danny the medium! 
Ghost In The Morgue  M 
There's something off about the new Medical Examiner for the Gotham City Police Department. Danny Fenton, now working for the G.C.P.D. is good at his job. Very good. His reports are always done promptly and accurately. Scarily accurate. His "unofficial reports" even more so, listing details the medical examiner shouldn't know. He's an oddity, and oddities in Gotham attract Bats. 
Mondays, Am I Right?  T 2,681 SERIES 
There was a long silence. He heard his sister breathe in, breathe out, like she was mentally preparing herself to say something. “I… I heard, from other interns I talked to, that guard positions are always open. And that it’s super easy to get in.” 
Unnerving  T 
There's a new doctor at Arkham Asylum, and with the new doctor came a new security guard. Or, Jazz decided to work in Arkham and now it's everyone's problem. 
Arkham Phantom: The Cryptic Security Guard  NR 
Danny becomes a security guard at Arkham. 
Graveyard Shift  NR 
He moved slowly through the dark hall as the alarms blared and flashed, his eyes cutting through the dark. Where. Where did he go? He pauses at a sound, glancing down the left hall as a masked group crouches and goes still. Not paying them any mind, he pays more attention to the blue smoke that finds its way out his throat, curling around his face before trailing off down the hall. He starts walking again. He has someone to find. With barely a thought he slowly fades from the visible spectrum as he continues down the straight hall. 
Shrike  T 
Danny Fenton starts a new life in Gotham but ghosts keep following him, forcing him to return as Phantom to try and keep them in control. The Bats are trying to hunt down the new meta due to the destruction he causes. In his civilian life, Danny finds himself being questioned about his background and knowledge of technology when he wins a full ride scholarship and fellowship from Wayne Enterprises. Both sides of his life ends crumbling before him. 
Wait, I'm A What?  T 
after Clockwork dropped of Danny in Gotham he tries to make the best out of the situation which includes helping out some people. Except along the way that led to rumors that he was an up-and-coming crime boss. A rumor he was largely unaware of. 
Wait! I’m A Cartoon Over Here!?!  T 
A new vigilante group had been working the rounds. Every rogue or villain they came across for the past week got defeated in seconds. Bruce has been aging like a fly due to the stress of trying to catch them. Everyone else wishes to meet and get their autographs. While Damian and Dick can’t figure out why this group's actions, tools, and abilities feel so familiar. That is until Damian gets saved by a teen with snow-white hair and glowing green eyes. Damian just got saved by a cartoon character Dick and he watches regularly. Meanwhile, Danny and the gang got dumped into the DC Universe. They are familiar with the comics, shows, and movies, they know what’s up, and they can survive! They plan not to draw too much attention. Maybe help a person here or there? get an autograph or ten? But, definitely find a way back home.  That plan fails immediately, and now, they’re a vigilante group with a dumb name. But, as long as they stay in the shadows, they should be fine! That all changes when Danny saves Robin and learns something very important yet terrifying. 
Cry Of The Mourning Dove  T   
Danny's made it this far from Amity. An alley way, somewhere in Gotham city. He had a goal, but he's so injured... He's not sure he's gonna find who he needs to find. Red Robin and Red Hood find him first. A kid. Bleeding green. With Bruce Wayne's face. 
Bus To Nowhere  T 
Is it running from your problems if your problems consider you to be a dead imprint of consciousness that killed their son? Yes, but Danny tries not to think about how his nightmares of his parents trying to kill him came true when they found out he was Phantom. After being on the run from his parents and the government for a couple of months, moving from town to town, Danny ends up in Gotham City and decides to risk staying in Batman's territory. He'd take the wrath of Batman over live vivisection via beloved parents or being studied and torn apart by the government. Besides, he's not a meta. Being dead is a medical condition. 
Change In Management  T SERIES 
Desperate for energy to sustain herself and her city, Gotham tries to consume Phantom but loses and instead bequeaths her mantle to him as she destabilizes. This has some interesting consequences as Danny now finds himself inexplicably linked to a crime-ridden city in another dimension. 
In The Dead Of Night  T 
Danny's life has never been normal. One night he is thrust into a situation he never wanted and certainly didn't ask for. Now lost, alone, and injured in an unfamiliar city, he must rely on the help of strangers in the forms of Gotham City's vigilantes, and the family of Bruce Wayne. In order to survive and keep himself out of the hands of an insane cult that is desperately seeking out a power far greater than anyone should have. 
Thirty-Odd Days Of Chasing An Enigma  T 
Danny and the Batfam play hide and seek and tag, all on the palm of Danny's hand, while he tries to gain some much needed balance after a reveal gone bad. 
Anarchic  T 5,585 SERIES 
Danny Fenton is set free on another world, he really should've taken the "No consequences" claim with a pinch of salt 
Hatred At First Sight  G 1,304 
The residence of Gotham were used to rogue attacks and most didn't bat an eye to the extravagance that was the Joker even as everyone watching as he live filmed his assault on the bank in a numb kind of horror that you could only acquire through exposure. He was holding a bunch of hostages, asking the watchers what he should do with them with a wide unhinged smile and maliciously gleeful eyes that watched his many victims squirm in terror. Until he looked at the skrunky kid in a ratty hoodie that looked like he could be a Wayne adoptee. And both froze for a good minute. And like some kind of demented switch got flipped the kid snarled and (still with his hands tied behind his back mind you) launched himself at the Joker. 
Danny's Guide To Not Dying Alone On The Street  G 
After his parents chase him out of the city, Danny finds his way to Gotham to stay out of the eye of the GIW or any other ghost hunters who might be interested in him. After he accidentally shows his powers in a very public setting, can he avoid the ghosts of his past and the ever-increasing number of Gotham Vigilantes interested in him? 
Run Ghost Run  NR 
Danny escaped from the GIW and his parents, but he had to keep running. If those in the infinite realm found out what happened war would happen. Clockwork said to follow the birds and bats whatever that means. For now, he would just hide in Gotham. No one would look for him there. 
Gotham's Haunted  G 
Five times Danny Surprised a Batkid and that one time he was forcefully adopted by Bruce Wayne. 
No Laughing Matter  NR 
Danny kills the Joker, not knowing of the kill switch set to release Joker gas the moment Jokers heart stops beating 
Taking Flight  T 
Danny decides to tell his parents the truth. It doesn't go so hot. Fleeing Amity Park for his life he decides Gotham is the best place to fall through the cracks. Sadly as a black-haired blue-eyed teen with a strong sense of morality the adoption papers were half filled out. Unfortunately for Bruce, Danny has a thing about rich guys with secret identities who want to adopt him. 
Death Is Not The Enemy  T 
Danny gets summoned into a new universe, makes some friends, becomes part of the most powerful vigilante clan ever, punches a bunch of satanists, finds the meaning of family and gets a chance at dreaming big. Definitely not in that order 
Concession To Realism  G 
Clockwork sends Danny to a universe where he'll be safe until he can take up the mantle of Ghost King, a dimension far away from the Fentons and other ghost hunters. Danny is less than thrilled, especially when he starts developing a soft spot for some local bats. 
And So It Ghost   T 65,805 SERIES 
When Danny Fenton is invited to a Technology Fair in Gotham he hopes it will help open doors to a good college. What he doesn't expect is an attack by a technology obsessed ghost, or a visit from the Batman himself. Can Danny keep his identity a secret while also scoring a spot at Gotham University? Or will everything come crashing down around his ears like usual? 
A Vigilante A Day Keeps The Government Away  M 11,158 
Lucius Fox gets a phone call he'd never expected from a source even more unexpected. Now, he's got to figure out what to do with a betrayed child, a traumatized nephew, a protective son, and an adoption-prone Bat. 
I Can Be Both Even If It's Hard (And It's Hard)  G 52,999 SERIES 
Sam and Tucker ran to get Jazz and didn't see Danny come out of the portal. By the time they return Danny has transformed back. This changes things. 
“It's probably just identity theft” Tim looked up from his laptop in the corner as he said it, a courtesy Jason didn't return. “Maybe” he sighed, reading through the document in front of him again. Apparently a kid had cashed in his government trust fund, two years after his death. “I don't know why you care” Tim continued, returning to his screen. Originally Jason hadden’t, had even been offended when Bruce handed him the file with instructions to ‘look into this’. However, the more he did look into it, the more he realised this wasn’t really about the trust fund at all. 
Dull Residue Of What Once Was (A Shattered Cloud Of Swirling Doves)  T SERIES 
Danny didn't expect to become Ghost King. He definitely didn't expect or want to become a target for summoning because of it. He's pretty annoyed at this point. But hey, at least he gets to meet some of his favorite heroes! The Batclan meets King Phantom. It's very alarming. 
Of Course It's A Cult  T 2,696 SERIES 
Danny did not sign up for kingship. Nor did he sign up for random summons by crazy cult people. Fortunately, the sacrifices for this one are still alive and are slightly familiar. 
The Historian  NR SERIES 
I have even documented some stories claiming that the Bat is a living person. Of course, these claims are preposterous and should be immediately discounted. What living person would willingly choose to dress as a bat to fight crime? 
Dead Men Don't Bleed  M 
Dead men don't bleed. When the body begins to break down, the blood settles and congeals in the veins, clotting and preventing them from being able to bleed like the living. This, of course, isn't an issue, so long as your corpse stays dead. 
Tape 01  NR 
Daniel "Danny" James Fenton wasn't just a normal young adult and while everyone seemed to accept this fact, nobody was able to understand it. That's the point, where all his problems started to evolve into something much bigger. So nobody noticed when he disappeared... 
When The Clown No Longer Laughed  M SERIES 
Things have been going well for Arkham Asylum. There haven't been any breakouts in a while, a new team of Psychologists are starting to make a breakthrough with the residents, and Gotham is starting to heal. But with the recent suicide of one Mr. Freeze, Batman decides to look into what is happening in Arkham Asylum. Dr. Penelope Spectra talks about the good she is doing for the inmates, and how they are finally being rehabilitated. But Batman knew something was deeply wrong. When the Clown no longer laughed. 
Time Traveler Code  G 1,486 
Danny has to (re)introduce himself to Batman and his family after meeting them in the alternate Dan future. He has a few other big pieces of information to break to them, too 
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hotheadedhero · 8 months ago
hellooo!! I’ve never done this before. So I’m hoping I did it right.
can you please write a one shot rise Donnie x mystical user (preferably yokai) reader? Where Donnie feels like he’s constantly competing against the reader, and is always down playing mystic. To the point where reader confronts him :>.
AN: Hello there! I'm so glad you trusted me with your first request. It was really fun to write 😋 I hope it does the job <3
Science vs Mystic
Donatello x Reader
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Warnings: angst, arguing, I didn't proof read, kinda made Donnie an ass in this I'm sorry
Donatello’s disdain for the mystic arts and magic alike has always been well known. Ever since he and his family came across the strange world hidden beneath New York, this distaste has only grown. It continues to grow with every adventure involving such, which is becoming a more regular occurrence than he’s comfortable with. 
Then, you came along. You with your inexplicably, aggravating abilities. He had hoped that after the day was saved and the trouble was dealt with, that would be the last of your affiliation. Quite the opposite, it turned out. A permanent friend was made out of you that day, which meant frequent team-ups and visits by yours truly. In his mind, he’s tried to put aside the differences, he’s attempted to let bygones be bygones, but you always manage to steal the spotlight with your ostensibly fantastical displays.
Perhaps it's jealousy. His brothers are always so enamoured by your mystical mastery, showering you with compliments after each fight you assist. They just won't shut up about how cool you are. What's "cool" is how he has been able to make his inventions in a sewer, how he’s turned a bunch of scraps into the glorious creations they are now. Sure, he may need to commandeer the odd chemical from time to time but what he does is leaps and bounds more impressive than your flashy little magic shows. Illusions are based on principles of physics and mathematics. There is objective evidence for it all. The charms that your kind uses to blend in with humanity? Simple. Like how military operations will cater technology to make their vehicles appear invisible, it’s a matter of deflecting light around an object. This same premise can be applied. Rather than deflecting the light, your charms can refract it and make a person appear to be someone they’re not. Mere cloaking devices. In fact, he’s been working on something similar for himself and his brothers.
If not that, chemistry plays a fundamental role, at least. So what if you can shoot sparks of light from your sleeves? Fireworks. That’s all it is and those are just ignited gunpowder with various metal compounds to create different colours. You can make plants grow from the ground at inhuman rates? Poppycock, he says. Ever heard of auxin? Cytokinin? These are just a couple of the plant growth regulators that are so ordinarily used by modern man. Even then, you probably dabble in the use of mutagen to make it seem more impressive.
Scratch the jealousy. There’s nothing to be envious of. He knows that science is superior. It always has been and always will be. He can hardly say he's surprised by his family's fascination. They aren't as intellectually adept as he is. Unfortunately, that commentary doesn't provide him with the closure he needs to feel that much better about it, which is why he resorts to jabbing at your abilities with passing comments, whether they be snide, sarcastic or just downright mean.
You aren't an idiot. You can feel his malice towards you before he even has a chance to open his mouth. At first, you merely thought it was a feature of his persona - that it’s in his nature to berate what can’t be explained by science. That was a misstep in your thinking. His entire deal is that everything can be explained with science. Try you may to convince him otherwise but it’s always the same song and dance: you curate something with your magic and he shuts it down with a zealous drone that is starting to grate on you. 
If you were to ever meet someone outside of your home, you were always taught that there would be an indifference to your powers. People often either shun what they don’t understand or change the scriptures to what they’re familiar with so they can understand it, even if it means they’re wrong. You have always sworn to be the bigger person and not stoop to such levels of belittling pettiness but it’s getting harder. There’s only so many times you can bite your tongue before you start bleeding from the mouth. As waining as it may be on your patience, there are civil ways of going about this. You have been practising the conversation in your head for days now. Everything to want to make peace with has been rehearsed over and over and over again. With your head held high, you march right over to the garage and there he is, tinkering away at one of his many inventions.
“Donatello,” you declare, making your presence known. “Can we talk?”
Without looking, he hums and flails a dismissive hand in your direction. He doesn’t even bother to wave his real hand, opting for the use of a bionic limb so that he may keep his focus on his work. You bite your tongue like you have so many times before and tread closer. You had hoped that your irregular hardiness would be enough for him to realise you mean business but nothing. He fails to turn his music down even, so you take the liberty of doing it yourself. His lack of respect is already urging a rise out of you but you keep your mantra in mind: remain peaceful, aggression leads you nowhere. 
You breathe deeply to settle yourself and start your case, “Why do you always make such a point of overruling my abilities with science?”
“It’s not an overruling,” he retorts blandly. “I’m merely giving you the facts.”
“What you think are the facts,” you correct him.
"Please. Science is unquestionable.” Still, his eyes are glued to his device rather than paying attention to the situation at hand. “Atoms make the very backbone of everything that exists, etcetera, etcetera. Need I go on?” There’s that grating tone in his voice again; snobbish and agonisingly vain. “You can't seriously tell me that ‘magic’ has a constructive place in the world nearly as much as science does."
"I can if it's what I grew up believing," you object, more stern but remaining the peacekeeper where you can. “How would you feel if I tried to pick apart everything you believe and tell you it means nothing?”
He scoffs, “As if you could.” 
“Excuse me?” you ask through your teeth.
The tips of your fingers dig into your palms. By now, your blood is boiling. It’s one thing to throw out the odd comment but now it feels as though he’s making a straight mockery out of you. Keep a steady pace. You can do this. It’s becoming increasingly difficult but you know you can see this through without a violent fit. 
“Science is everything and that is the objective truth. Magic is just-”
“Donatello,” you attempt to gently interrupt him lest he anger you further but he takes no notice.
“- a childish way-”
“- to view the world in fairy-like wonder.”
“Oh my stars, just shut up,” you cry out, "you arrogant, condescending, self-bloated ignoramus!” 
You throw your fists down at your sides and the very ground beneath you shakes. Where he was so absorbed in his creation, he failed to realise how worked up you were getting. You undeniably have his full attention now. If your outburst alone wasn’t enough to shut his mouth, the large cracks around your feet certainly are. There’s a wide, unfocused glow in your eyes and you’re heaving for air. He sits up, prepares to say something but his lips lock back down when yours open again.
“I am not just talking about stories or fairy tales or made-up fantasies from a child’s daydream! This is my life!”
Another loud shriek erupts from your chest, seizing the fragile floor and destroying it further. Luckily, it isn’t enough to permanently harm the infrastructure but it makes for a harrowing sight: your crumbling emotions devastating that which surrounds you. Silence follows, though not completely. Stray pieces of broken brick clammer around you two. 
In the short seconds that you try to regain your breath, Donnie stares up at you. Once shadowed over his hunched frame, your body is now slumped and weary. Your eyes point up at the ceiling in an attempt to stop crying but to no avail. In the end, you decide to just cover them with your hand.
“All you're doing is trying to convince me that my life is a lie,” you shakily whisper, “and if that’s how it’s going to be then I… I just can’t.”
You walk out before he has a chance to consider a response, leaving him in his stupefied state. His gaze follows the largest crack from the floor to the ceiling until it falls back on the doorway. By no means had he ever intended to make you doubt your livelihood. He was just… he was… he doesn’t know what he was doing, actually. Have his unappetising quips really led you to such turmoil? His face slowly morphs into a frown and he finds himself lying back on his shell. Then, his lips scrunch together and his throat groans in frustration. He shouldn’t feel bad for handing out the realities. He shouldn’t harbour guilt when you’ve been stealing his brothers’ attention all this time. 
The back of his head taps back into the ground. Gosh darn it. Jealousy. That’s the kicker. It has been this whole time. He’d like to leave it at that and continue with his previous task but he knows his family would start asking questions. His heart doth protest against his logical brain too much. With another long lament into the open air, he pries himself onto his feet and readies his venture to retrieve you. Such fun. Not only does he have to help a mystic user but now he has to traverse the very land from which you came. 
It doesn’t pan out the way he initially thought it would, however. The time he has to himself whilst he scavenges - the time he has to think - is time enough for him to go over your words. More so, the look on your face. He hates to admit it but his short-sightedness led him astray and hurt you. Whilst he doesn’t put much thought towards mystics, you are still a valued friend of his family. You’ve aided them so many times in their missions. You’re a person of great power even if that power comes from something he disagrees with. His brows furrow and he grimaces. Okay. He’ll admit he was out of line. That can wait, however. He still needs to find you first.
Donatello searches high and low across every surface of the mystic lands as he prowls further, faster. He always forgets how big it is. New York is an impressive feat but this realm could be worthy of putting it to shame on size alone. His efforts almost seem fruitless but, finally, he spots you atop a hillside, sitting with your legs pressed into your chest. The sight of your dimmed spirit tips him further into shame. He hates that fact but he supposes it’s the least he deserves. 
Before he knows it, he’s standing beside you. He didn’t realise he had gotten here so quickly upon finding you but here he is. You just about look up at him but your eyes quickly fall back onto the luscious landscape. There’s no telling what he plans to say or even why he’s followed you this far. You can’t say you have the energy to argue further, nor can you find it in yourself to tell him to leave. You can only hope he chooses his words carefully whilst he’s in the centre of your home.
“I don’t really know how to go about this,” he admits. “I…”
He blows out a breath and sits down beside you. For all the time he took to find you, he thought he would have at least thought about what he wanted to say. It isn’t that he lacks the capacity to apologise but admitting he’s wrong is a whole other kettle of fish he struggles to reach into. The whole crux of this is that he couldn’t admit to being wrong, he couldn’t allow your very being to defy what he believes to be the sole truth and the only truth. If there’s ever a time for trying, it’s now.
“I’m sorry. This has all been blown wildly out of proportion.” Donatello holds his hands together and his mouth curls uncomfortably. Part of this may involve revealing what he wishes to keep a secret but if it stands any chance of helping the situation, it may be his only resort. “I suppose it just seems unfair that you can make all of these things happen with the wave of your hand whilst I work so hard to accomplish the same.”
His head falls between his legs and yours lifts to properly look at him. Had he tried to illustrate this earlier, the whole ordeal may have been avoidable. Better late than never, you suppose. You never meant to feed into whatever inferiority complex he’s dealing with but that still doesn’t excuse the way he’s acted towards you. You want to get mad again and tell him just that but his shrunken stature speaks for you. Guilt is the moral emotion of a man who realises that they have compromised or has violated universal moral standards and bears significant responsibility for that violation - he who knows he has done wrong. That alone is a start to pave the way for what you had longed for. It’s a shame it came to this to begin with but beggars can’t be choosers.
“It was never my intent to upset you,” he continues when you stay silent. “Would you please come back to the lair? My brothers enjoy your company, so…”
“I’ll come back on one condition.” You turn back to the view but an invisible string tugs at your mouth. “You don’t have to agree with everything I stand for but can we at least put our differences behind us and be friends?” you ask and the upward lilt in your voice gives him a hope he hadn’t anticipated to be so easy. “Who’s to say science and mystics can’t co-exist?”
You outstretch your hand with a coy, friendly smile. He wouldn’t have blamed you if you were to give him an earful about his behaviour but this is far better. It’ll be a good chance to at least try and make up for all the awful things he’s said. If not for his own gratification then for the sake of his family in keeping an ally around.
One of his robotic limbs goes for the shake only to stop. If he’s going to do this, he’s going to do it properly. His fingers sequentially tap against his palm before he reaches out and clasps your hand. Your smile brightens and, in turn, his cheeks rise above an apologetic grin. Even if he has his quarrels with your powers, what you stand for, he doesn’t need to hold issue with you as a person. Who knows? This could be the start of a wonderful friendship. Jeez, though, remind him to never get on your bad side. He still needs to repair those damages to the garage.
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merildae · 4 months ago
It’s fight or flight
Either we fight against fascism, hate and systemic subjugation or we flee to one of the few places we are allowed basic human rights
I have my finger on the trigger so to speak regarding applying to international MFA programs (that I’m privileged to have financial access to) but I have some rallying hope that the good people of America will grow some balls and mobilize against fascism and stand against hate, subjugation, and the systemic obliteration of the human soul.
My instinct is to protect myself and flee when I have the unique opportunity to access permanent residency in Canada. But I feel the need to stand my ground and defend the community that has supported me this far in life, my siblings that cannot flee. Should we organize? Should we look back on history and say no? Never again?
There is no under reaction. The beast that has been elected proposes hate, objectives and plans that cannot be ignored. Watching the march towards doom is no honorable option. This country may be corrupt, complexly broken and may have delt us harm for decades, centuries . But forfeiting it to such a monster is a mistake.
I feel hopeless but somehow still find myself dreaming that we can stand up and project our voice in the face of.. evil? lies and manipulation in the name of … it’s hard to put a name to classism? Oppression? Co-signing our collective rights to subjugation by the 1%?
It feels like another day in some ways because this is happening now while we have our personal lives to keep grappling with
But this is major I fear
I hope against hope a figurehead will stand up to lead us in certain civil, organized, stratagized movement against this devil.
We need a voice to back and propel to rally and say no to a beast that has shown its face to the light before devouring everything
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pinkhairswagtourney · 9 months ago
i need some serious help/guidance. i feel like a failure. i don't know where to turn – my family is part of the problem and they don't care about helping me, i don't have any IRL friends that i can ask for help from, and i've been so busy dealing with all my IRL shit that i've drifted away from any of my online friends. i've applied everywhere in my town that's hiring, and i mean EVERYWHERE. either i get aired from the jump, or i get a call back, ask for accommodations during the interview, and then never hear back from them. i feel like a lost cause. i can't continue to ask you guys for help forever, but i don't have anywhere to turn to IRL. without donos + commissions, i would actually be dead by now. i'm not kidding. my family doesn't give a fuck if i'm struggling or not, in fact they put me in positions where they KNOW i will struggle. they don't care. my parents never taught me how to do ANYTHING. every practical skill that i know how to do is self taught. they've literally set me up for failure in every aspect. they didn't help me with homework when i was younger, they didn't help me learn how to read or write, they didn't teach me how to socialize and make friends, they didn't teach me how to drive, how to cook, how to clean, how to apply for jobs, how to do taxes, how to do anything at all. and when it comes to the physical aspect, they knew that i was toe walking from a young age and didn't take me to a doctor because it was "cute" and "funny" how i walked on my tip toes all the time and i was so "clumsy" because i had no balance. the window for non-surgical remedies has closed, and now the only thing that can fix it is surgery, that i definitely can't afford, even on insurance, and i'm going to fall off of my parent's insurance next year when i turn 26. the toe walking has led to chronic pain in my feet, legs, hips, and back, and that, coupled with my fibromyalgia, makes just existing feel impossible sometimes. there are days where i don't want to move from my bed because my entire body feels inflamed. even if i were to get hired, how am i supposed to hold a job like that??? i don't know how to file for disability but i know that i need to, as soon as i can. i genuinely don't know what to do. i'm stuck in this house full of people who use me as a personal punching bag, mentally and verbally and physically. i have to keep my room locked at all times or people will steal from me or destroy my belongings. i can't even keep my insulin or food in the public fridge because my brother has destroyed my insulin with a hammer before, and my food will get eaten even if i label it, so i had to buy a mini fridge for my room. my brother shoved me down the stairs last year and my knee is permanently damaged from it, and that was somehow my fault. the only time anyone is talking to me in a kind way is when they want me to do something for them, and if i don't agree to do it, then all hell breaks loose, i've been screamed at, slapped, kicked, had things thrown at me, spit on, belongings destroyed, holes punched in the wall beside my head with a threat that next time it'll be my face. to the point that i just agree to run their errands and do their chores most of the time anymore. in fact, even though i pay my dad car insurance money every month, 9 out of 10 times he won't let me use the car for my personal reasons (doctor, store, pharmacy) unless i'm also doing something for them. they treat me like a child. no, they treat me like an object. but i'm supposed to be an adult. to be honest, i don't feel like an adult. i don't feel like a real person at all. i don't exist outside of this house or these blogs. i could disappear and only a handful of people would actually notice.
i want to do more than just survive by the skin of my teeth. i want to live, i want to thrive, i want friends, i want a sense of community, i want to feel loved and cherished, i want to be hugged. i can't remember the last time i was hugged. i don't know why i wrote all of this. i think it's a cry for help. i need someone to hold my hand through the process and tell me what to do because i have no idea where to turn. i don't know what the next step is. i know the things i need to do, but i don't know how to do them. i need to pay off my court fees, i need to buy my own car, i need to file for disability, i need to file for food stamps, i need to apply for a tax credit apartment so i can finally get out of this house. i'm just too stupid to figure it out on my own. with the constant swath of bills and no consistent income, it feels like i'm drowning and i'm never going to be able to get out of this situation. i can't do this alone. i need help. i'm so tired guys
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