#obey me angst smut
lovetei · 11 months
Okay, this have been on my mind for a while now…
So! MC in the manga is a sheep (get turn into a sheep because they aren’t familiar with the magic? Idk). I was just wondering that at the end of the exchange programme how would the boys react to Mc’s “true form”
This is such an interesting thing to write 🖤
By the way, this is another request stuck in my drafts, I promise I'll try to make up for it and post more :')
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Their reaction to Sheep MC changing into their human form at the end of the exchange program
Warnings: Slightly suggestive, no proofreading, wrong grammar, spelling errors, kind of long
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Links: Masterlist
It was the end of the exchange program and he's seeing you off
A large portal behind your back
For you, it might be the portal that will lead you to the freedom and whatever normality this program took away from you for a whole year
The portal that you've been waiting for
But for him, it's nothing but a spiral of magic that takes away the only comfort he has
The comfort that he seek for
And his twisted heart aches whenever he remembers it
But he hides it off with a smile and a wave
He waved at you one last time before you turned around
"Uhm... I feel weird-"
The extreme feeling of despair left his body for a second and was covered with confusion
That soon turned into worry as your sheep form completely fell to the ground
The noises you're making is not normal and they're all panicking because they've never heard of it before
And the fact that you started glowing didn't ease their mind.
Could it be that some higher demon planted some spell inside of you?
He looked at you shock
No, more like-
He looked at your new form, shocked.
The way your naked body is laying on the ground right in front of him...
Right in front of them..?
He can't help but sigh and thought that, everything would have been fine, perfect even, if you turned into this form in front of him
But no, you just have to turn into your original self in front of everyone
Now he can't even embrace you.
All he did was take his coat off and throw it to your body as his face flush red.
You turned around to look at them as you clutch his coat with that adorable expression before you run off and enter the portal
He's left there, shocked and speechless
He didn't know what the hell just happened
But what's he's sure of is that he's going to get you back
And you're going to show that expression to him one more time
But that time, it will just be the two of you, alone.
This man is bawling his eyes out
His original plan is to watch you leave as he cries and once you're gone he will walk it off like a real man, with tear stains of course.
He set his mind to it, gambling for the whole week after you leave so that he can forget you
Even for just a moment
But no,
You won't even let him have the peace of mind
Or leave him with a nice memory
Instead your sheep body dropped to ground and made everyone think that you're about to die!
But you know what more you did?
You turned into a human!
Your human form!
He went from 😭 -> 🤨 -> 😮 -> 😭 -> 😳 in a mere minute
He just stood there with a flushed face
A blushing dumbass who don't know what to do but watch as Lucifer threw his coat on you
And watch you run away with that cute expression, embarrassed expression on your face.
You drive him insane
Now he's all fired up, willing to destroy the mortal world just to get you back in his arms.
This one too is bawling his eyes out
While holding his camera of course
He's filming every part of this
He's standing there like "WAHHH MCCC! W-Wait is the angle r-right..? I need to capture how b-beautiful MC is..." while sobbing words out.
His hands are holding the camera shakily but the movement suddenly stopped when you said you feel weird...
His eyes shot open and his tears stopped
Are you okay..?
. . .
He's malfunctioning the moment you dropped to the ground and started to glow
And he malfunctioned even more when you turned into your human born, as naked as the moment you were born.
Now his sniper instincts came in and the camera is as focused as a laser
He's staring at you wide eyed, face as red as a tomato and his mouth agape
He doesn't know what's happening
But what he's sure of is that he needs to film it
The moment you grabbed Lucifer's coat and hugged it to cover yourself
And the moment you stood up and looked at them with that cute expression
But the moment you left, he hid the camera
This film is for his eyes only...
He's gonna need this for a 'project'...
And you know what else he needs?
He's smiling everything off as he watches you leave
But you know deep down some anger is boiling
Considering how hot his pact mark is getting
Because, why do you have to leave..? Did he fail to satisfy your standards..?
He can't help but roll his eyes internally
But in the middle of his self talk, you spoke
"I kind of... Feel weird-"
And then you dropped to the ground and he's suddenly panicking
Any other feeling except for confusion flushed out of his body
He ran up to you immidiately but the light dimmed down and your naked body lay before him
He can't help stop in his tracks and just look at you and blush
Before he can even register anything, Lucifer's coat is already hugging your body
Which causes another wave of wrath to hit him
He just glared at Lucifer and saw that he's not even paying attention to him
He's looking at you
With a foreign expression in his face
So he also looked at you and...
Why the fuck did you have to look so majestic..?
You met his gaze and your face flushed before you ran out and entered the portal
He just remained still
Looking at the ground where you once sat
He can't move, he's shaking so much...
He feels like he's about to explode...
"WAHHH MCCC!" He whined out as he openly sobbed
He loves you so much!
Just why do you have to leave him!
He can't help but pout at you as you say your final goodbye
But what about him?
Why do you have to leave him too!
I mean it's understandable that you want to leave them because they're all such nuisances to you why him?!
He can't help it-
What do you mean you're feeling weird?
He's slowly walking to your direction
But you started to glow..?
Suddenly he's bearing his teeth expecting enemies around
Oh wait...
His mind is scrambled
He completely stopped working
And he'll probably be out of service for the next few days.
He's probably standing there with Belphie in his arms
He's giving you his infamous puppy smile hoping that you'll give him what he wants
Hoping that you'll fall for it like the usual and ran up to him an dsay he's cute instead of leaving
But there's a part in his heart that knows you won't
He's sad and happy at the same time
He's happy because you'll finally live the way you do back then
But he's sad because you have to leave to do so...
You're feeling weird..?
You're glowing, MC!
He's shaking Belphegor awake now
What's happening to you-
. . .
He'll be one of the most respectful and cover his eyes
But he's secretly peaking through the gaps
Your flushed face...
Looks so cute...
You look...
You looked delicious...
Just enough to eat...
Now he's hungry.
Hungry for something... New?
Something that includes you.
He's awake actually
He watched everyone, he heard everyone gave their final speeches to you
But when you were about to leave
He forcefully shut his eyes and leaned on Beel
Hoping that his sin would take over and he fell into some deep slumber
But why of all times... Why isn't it cooperating..?
His brows are furrowed as he forces himself to sleep
But suddenly everyone dropped silent...
So you finally left?
Wha- why is Beel shaking him?-
Why the fuck are you glowing now?!
No no no...
Is it the work of some demon?!
. . .
You're... Naked...
In front of everyone...
Beel better hold him back or else he's about to run after you and do what his brothers can't
But he knows you won't like that.
So he clinged to Beel-
Why do you look like that?!
That's his last thought before he ran and almost caught you but the portal closed
"Hmm... What a shame~"
He'll make sure he'll catch you next time.
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squeakyducky · 11 days
He's so unreasonably attractive for no reason here it's so not fair 😞
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hopeluna · 4 months
✘︙Asmodeus !
♡! hope's notes: yes this is a repost from the old blog, hush
CW: body insecurities
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"If i'm more pretty, do you think they'll like me?"
The silence that followed gets broken by Asmo's laugh. He mutters a small "idiot", shaking his head, chuckling at the mirror in front of him. Well, the half broken mirror. Most of the broken shards and pieces were on the floor anyway, few embedded on his knuckles.
Looking around the room, Asmo sighed tiredly. Pillows strewn around on the floor, torn pillows ; his pristine silk bedsheets all crumpled up on the floor too. His beauty and skin care products were more or less useless now, most of them had their products dumped in the sink, some in the trash.
He supposed, in a ironic way, it was a beautiful mess.
Lucifer was definitely not going to be pleased and so, albeit reluctantly, Asmo got up to first clean his hands. A little magic would cover and heal it up.
This was the fourth-no fifth "breakdown" he has had in a week. Not his proudest moment. Its all your fault really, or at least that's what he tries to tell himself.
Asmo knew he was pretty. He is pretty. Its a fact. But then again, beauty is subjective, isn't it?
So, maybe he wasn't pretty to you. He has tried to change to your preferences though. He's wore perfumes you'd like, clothes that you find attractive, colours that you love. He doesn't understand why it's not working, he's tried everything.
Asmo knows this is pathetic but what can he do? His looks, as he's been told, are all he's got. So if you don't like his looks, you're never gonna want to speak to a ugly Asmo!
The next morning comes and he's there for breakfast as usual, joking and talking with his brothers as if he did not want to peel his skin off last night.
"You know- I have to say, I think blue looks really attractive on some people!-" his ears perk up as he glances at your direction as you talk animatedly with a hardly-listening Beel munching on his and your food.
I could use some blue in my wardrobe. Asmo continues eating as he makes a mental note to go shopping later.
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© hopeluna. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost any of my work in this or any other site. Do not steal or modify my ideas/concepts either.
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danger-noodle-uwu · 1 year
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Trigger warning [mentions of killing/arguments/death/break-ups/cheating/etc]
Wrath is vengeful, wrath is destruction however this never bothered you or got in the way of dating Satan, The Avatar of wrath himself.
But as one could say, the true nature of a being could never remain under the covers. There was vengeance peering above the surface, and destruction awaiting at an unknown's doors, you did not knew.
Satan had great many contacts and to keep that up, he need to do few favors but not every favor was not-so-bloody. And lost in such an expectations of others did he forget an important day like today.
As always the day started as chaos, which couldn't have been helped either way and the blond had grown sick of that, unknown to the cause of chaos and decided to act upon the list he had, completely overlooking your smile, or the stunning outfit complimenting your figure or the day itself.
Upon this ignorance of his, you really wished face-palm. His demeanor was rather annoying, which only fueled you more to smack him. Really hard.
Today was well-planned, at least that's what you thought before dragging him away from his target and scolding him for leaving you on your own in a place crawling with demons.
Satan being the literal embodiment of wrath yet also your lover said "Get off me. I have things to do. And stop being so damn clingy." "Hey, it's your fault for leaving me on my special day!plus, there's sooo many things I wanna do toda–"
"Please shut up for once in your goddamn life!!" His sharp scream cut you off as his eyes bore into yours; eyes full of hatred and disgust as if you were a wretched grotesque placed before him.
Those words accompanied by his harsh glares was enough to make your heart shatter and knifes to be jabbed in your chest while eyes stung with tears that you pathetically hid by averting them as you asked "what did I do wrong..?"
Who knew that one sentence was enough to make those unshed tears flow and litter your rosy cheeks that he'd usually squish and fawn over but alas, all that comforted you was his back.
"Your whole being is the most ugliest!" Lies. Lies. He knew his tongue spat venom at you with words that could never be true because you're his world but the blinding rage doesn't allow him to say so and thus instead, his hand runs through golden locks out of pure frustration as he finally turned to face you.
There was something terrifying about him that very moment which made you mumble out a small "...I'm sorry..." before running off; the sharp pain in your heart only grew with him staring at you like that. It was all just too much. His wrath was suffocating you but to ruin your birthday without even remembering it.
You did didn't care for how bad your muscles ached as you ran further away from him. All that you wanted is to be alone and cry your heart out in hopes that this agony would subside yet part of you hoped that he cared and would come after you or stop you. Which never happened.
Satan has always been so...uncooperative and complicated towards everyone that it almost made him unreachable at times especially when it comes to Lucifer however today, it became different.
His face was scrunched and tense as Lucifer advised him to give you space before talking things out and perhaps getting you a gift as well for both an apology and your birthday; his body pacing back and forth in his room reconsidering things he's spoke until now, not even bothered to consider this as a special day while his elder patiently waited for him to calm down. They both how much you mean to Satan despite him hurting you and making you feel unwanted.
And would anyone look at the avatar of wrath while he's on his knees; practically begging to set things write and for you to accept his apology. However much like always, you don't fail at surprising him when your lips clumsily crash against his.
That he moment he knew how truly beautiful you are in every sense. From physical appearance to your dream-like soul. Every inch was perfect.
'Touchy and irresponsible as always' you sighed looking over and frowning at Asmodeus who was so clearly lost in the seemingly endless attention they give him as their hands roam his body while he's biting his lip. He was enjoying this, wasn't he?
The thought of him being touched by somebody else made your stomach churn and eyes sting with hurt and envy; he was the avatar of lust, true but couldn't he not do this on your birthday at least and pay attention to you.
You could bet as to how pathetic you were looking drinking demonus with tears in your eyes and surrounded by demons who could just swallow you whole without your lover even batting an eye. Afterall, he'd rather be someone's bed warmer than your boyfriend.
"Hey...are you okay?" Honestly, you didn't know this stranger's name or anything about him but he still had some concern for your well-being; way more than your beloved however made you self-conscious as how pathetic you may have appeared and let your emotions get the best of you in front of unknown people.
"Yea..." you replied flushed from embarrassment and the crimson liquid that rested in your glass. It was really humiliating and made you feel awfully shy at the same time.
"If you say so, but don't hesitate to tell me if there's anything bothering you or if—" He leans closer to whisper in your ear before continuing "—someone's bothering you..." His voice was authoritative yet gentle much akin to a soft breeze from the human world despite being a demon.
"Oh! And I'm Ethan..." a blush ghosted over his cheeks as he realized that he hadn't even introduced himself while you told him yours as he gave you his number offering to help you just in case.
Truth be told, you were smiling to yourself glancing on the tissue that he wrote his number on and the fact that he even wrote happy to help made you grin wider. It was such a sweet gesture.
However unknownst to you, Asmo seemed to have noticed the whole interaction and was fuming with envy; so jealous that he could put Levi to shame. His face burned with heat and beads of sweat rolled down. He hated how that putrid demon had the audacity to flirt and blush at you yet his anger only stirred further when you smiled at him.
The avatar of lust stormed over to you and dragging you out of the fall, harsh grip on your wrist that would probably leave a bruise and then slammed you against the cold wall in the alleyway.
"What are you—!!" You were muffled by his lips smashing against yours; hands roaming your body as desire burned in your veins. Lips synced and danced against each other into a steamy make-out session however he pulled away.
"Why were you flirting with that guy?! You know that demons can hurt you then why my darling must you do this?!" It was irritating as to how he interrogated you but didn't even consider his own actions and the way he neglected you.
Did he even remember your birthday..?
"You say this as if YOU weren't smothering some random people in front of your girlfriend on OUR date!!" And finally, he realized what he's been doing all day. He was avoiding and ignoring you, too busy and consumed by his own...thoughts while you constantly tried to spend quality time with him.
"Baby...I'm sorry..." He coos gently holding your face and cradling you as tears cascaded your face. You looked so miserable because him and he made an internal promise to treat you better and not neglect your emotions.
"Y-you even forgot my birthday..." you sobbed into his soft hands as his eyes widened before he kissed you again. This time much gently and lovingly; full of adoration and affection but desperate for you.
You knew he meant it but forgiving is easier said than done. Even if you would accept him, it'd much later as for now, you wanted him to show is emotions; his real self that was vulnerable and loving; one that was guilty of hurting you. One that loved you beyond his own sin.
You would be lying if you said your heart wasn't melting for him as his hand intertwined with yours while the other rested around your waist and blush littered his face; all for you.
All of him softened just for you; all those emotions showered upon you because all of his love was meant for you.
Gluttony is like a venom that spreads in your body; turning one into a hungry beast ready to devour his prey and another into a starved being—but for somebody who personified the sin in itself would be beyond a monster or an other horrendous creature imaginable.
Thus, can you really blame Beelzebub for ingesting the whole food supply of house of lamentation alongside of some cutlery after a seemingly intense workout as well 7 hours of helping satan shift his books in order to clean the empty space.
He was salivating at the sight of everything before as his vision molded it into something edible...delicious and well; in front of him were you, standing there awkwardly as his eyes hovered over you however not in a lustful but more like a locking the meat of your bones manner.
"B-beel, you alright..?" His intense gaze made you feel uncomfortable as you shifted in your place yet he didn't blink once as if his hunger overtook him...making him forget who you were.
You couldn't breathe, couldn't move an inch without him lunging at you with those eyes full of hunger for anything to satiate the emptiness within his stomach including you. However, Luck was on your side since it was your own birthday as Asmodeus happened to pass by the scene hoisting his phone up taking selfish before rushing towards you.
"Darling, Beel, what are you guys... doing?" By the end of his question, he knew what was coming. He is well aquaintated with Beel's endless hunger that violently shook the atmosphere in the whole house.
As you stood unblinking staring back at the avatar of gluttony trembling with fear whilst his ragged breaths were heard in the silence of the hall. The very next second he pounced at you transforming into his demon form; claws beared as if he was readily about to rip your heart out.
Yet somehow you were alive; alive and thrown over like a sack of potatoes on Asmo's shoulder as he sprinted towards his room with an echoing sound of certain rumbling in the background that made shiver in dread.
"Honey, you're alright. You're safe, okay? Phew!" He collapsed next to you on the floor next to you after ensuring the door was properly locked, clearly out of breath while still attempting to comfort your troubled form.
Despite knowing he cannot control his hunger, you couldn't help but tighten your throat or fall victim to the ache plastered within your chest. He loves you, you know it but this...hurt more than expected.
The clutches of gluttony were like shackles that bound him and drove him to try to...the thought alone makes you want throw up or is it because his twin succeeded at a similar task.
"Hey...Mc, don't cry, darling. It'll all be okay, I promise! Forget everything it's your birthday, isn't it?" The blond cradled you in his arms trying to shush away your tears meanwhile you sobbed and cried; planned everything, got up early to bake for him and even got the tickets to a movie he was excited about.
"It's so unfair! So unfair, Asmo!!" Why did this have to happen when all you did was try your best? Why are you doomed to fail at every given task? Was this all your fault?
Such thoughts consumed you wholly as your sobs turned into more cries that dragged Asmo's poor heart along with it; it hurt him so much to see someone he considered family be hurt so much. To be broken that they're reduced to a teary mess on the floor.
In the hallway, Lucifer and Satan towered upon Beelzebub who finally calmed down, happily chomping the food he was given; almost uncaring of his twin that laid kissing the ground with a large bruise forming on his forehead.
"W-where *chomp* is cupcake?" He muttered with a mouthful, thinking you must be hungry and not even remembering what he did as he was a puppet under the control of his sin.
"In Asmodues's room..." Lucifer sighed while Satan raged at the sight of the havoc wrecked upon his book—cursed ones, collector's edition, etc. They were everywhere torn into half or bites into and discarded afterwards.
"They must be sobbing since you were ever so nice to them on their birthday!" Satan mocked knowing how badly his brother fucked up while the orange head gushed the memories right into his eyes. Each moment he made a decision worse than the other.
"Oh my poor Mc, sleep well..." you didn't realize how exhausted you were from the whole event that you passed out between Asmo's arms who later tucked you within the comforting confines of your own bed.
But peace never really lasted long as you woke up, only to be greeted by a decorated room, a cake with several other snacks littered on the table and Beelzebub by your side with apologetic eyes as a melody played accompanied by the voices belonging to the remaining brothers.
"I'm sorry, cupcake...I didn't mean to scare you or hurt you, I just don't know what's wrong with me but please forgive me...I love you..." His eyes bore guilt as he was reminded of an older time, an older mistake before his hands caged yours affectionately before kissing them lovingly.
The orange headed demon never wished to be more than your protector, that gives away his life to save yours but also a lover that wants to build a family with you; one that he loves dearer than himself.
Does fate really hate you? If not, why must it be you who suffers with people misunderstanding you or blaming you for actions not performed by you?
"Come on, it's not that bad...just a stupid nightmare!" You hopped onto your feet before changing into your outfit for the day; one that made you feel good about yourself unlike the haunting nightmares that weren't leaving you alone.
As you left your room trying your best to force a smile out, there was a voice that felt familiar as it belonged to a certain great demon who bestowed the wishes of having the best birthday.
"Happy birthday, h-human!" He spoke loudly as if reminding the others of the day despite the whole hall being empty. The gesture in itself was funny, his hand putting your head like a puppy except for the part he himself looked like one.
"Thanks, mammon." And there it was your signature smile that could possibly make anybody melt, though how could you believe it; a rose can never see its reflection.
Reaching the dining hall, the atmosphere felt tense as if everyone was on edge, all but one person. He was missing entirely. Belphegor wasn't there. Was he still asleep?
Before you could ask, Lucifer announced "Belphegor will not be joining us today." And continued to finish his breakfast with what seemed to be a bothered expression.
"Hey beel, what happened?" You couldn't help wonder what did your boyfriend did this time to piss of the eldest and if so, why wasn't satan assisting the crime. "Belphi, h-he said some really mean things..." beelzebub was feeling guilty fill up his stomach, his appetite dying or perhaps killed by someone else.
"Okay..." you knew that the orange headed demon was hiding something, swallowing his own words however why you just couldn't decipher. His voice was strained that it made you feel very uneasy about what really conspired when you were asleep.
"Levi, can you tell me what really happened? Please!!" You pleaded with puppy eyes as soon as the remaining brothers had dispersed from the dining hall; to avoid the extra ears and overly exaggerated explanations.
"Normie, first off promise me you won't tell anybody that i told you this!" He whisper-yelled as you nodded your head vigorously. "Okay--fine, so belphi woke up in a super sour mood and since lucifer decided to call him to the dining hall himself...he said a lot of mean things..."
Leviathan felt a bitter taste in his mouth knowing his next words would most likely ruin your birthday and put you into doubt of your own relationship and partner.
"He spoke a lot of nonsense about lucifer, you know normie...And he--um, he said you weren't that great and just kinda wasted his time w-which is like total bullshit, right? Like normie, you're like Henry 3.0, totally cool and awesome!" He tried his best to soothe the wound he had to give you in order for the truth to be told.
But there it was, a sound of your own heart being crushed and sensation of wet tears dripping down your cheeks. It hurt you so much to hear that your lover spoke of you behind your back that you couldn't take it anymore and sprinted all the way back to your room; leaving Leviathan to only his worry and concern in the dining hall.
Especially on your birthday, that in itself felt like a cheap move being played on you as you felt needles pricking through your chest, and it hurt so much. It felt like the nightmares were true when they played the same scenario where he used you; he used you like a pawn.
Meanwhile, in the twins' room, Belphegor laid in bed with a weird feeling filling him; one that felt so heavy that he couldn't sleep it off. But why? He just couldn't pinpoint.
"Belphi, have spoken with Mc yet? It's their birthday...you should really go to see them..." the avatar of gluttony had his head lowered as he pouted; visibly hungry but at a lack of food.
"WHAT!" "Yea its their birthday, belphi..?" Belphegor panicked for at least 5 minutes before gathering himself and rushing to the kitchen to make something--a cake, should it be okay but what if you're craving ramen instead..? Or something salty? SHIT
He's never been so frantic and panicked; he felt like a single mother raising 6 children...wait why does that sound familiar? ANYWAYS, no time for that.
It took about 2 hours for the whole thing to be prepared; while he had tasked satan to buy your favorite snacks. In the end, he was drenched in sweat from the whole last minute preparation that he did.
On the other hand, you were passed out on your bed; tears dried up on your face and slightly puffy lips and very gracelessly flopped onto your bed.
Belphegor's heart ached at the sight of you, he knew his words have been heard by someone who didn't deserve them. Who deserved love and not such cruel things.
"Love, wake up...c'mon its your birthday..." He voice was gentle as if a one wrong word could shatter you like glass and his hands caressed your cheeks; before kissing you passionately.
You rubbed your eyes as your boyfriend kissed your forehead and pulled you off of the bed. He was smothering you with kisses somewhat lazily; letting eachone feel feather like on your skin.
"Happy birthday my star, I'm sorry for what is said earlier...I promise you that I never meant any of it...I just--lost myself to anger, I'm sorry." He's efforts were visible in both his voice and your room; the blanket Fort certainly seemed impressive and most likely he had your favorite movie paused.
"It's not okay to speak such things about you're partner belphi on any day let alone their birthday. Yet I am much kinder than you think...I forgive you." You pouted with fake anger evident in your voice; playing pretend was fun as hr fell for your words in the beginning but definitely caught up in the end.
And as the day came to a close, you both were snuggled into each other's warmth and cuddling; the harsh words and hot tears forgotten or perhaps changed into smiles of contentment.
Afterall, belphegor was your dark sky and you were his star; without one the other would feel empty and out of place. He was the one who wanted to drown into the depths with you or burn with the passion he held for you...And both remain a pleasure to him...
A/n; I had no ideas for belphi and was abt to write he slept that it off like he was in a coma xD
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cherryxblossxms · 2 months
🔞 i guess it's because there's an event happening and that's why he's on my mind, but i've been thinking about sexual tension and some angst with Lucifer
[NSFW, minors DNI. GN reader, unrequited feelings(?), casual sex, getting caught. Maybe alluding to some angry/jealous sex, possible dubcon at the end?? This is....wayyyy longer than intended/accidental ficlet]
Like just imagining really coming to be attracted to him. Emotionally attracted because he's responsible and serious and intelligent, and then has his sweet and romantic moments that seem like they're only for you. And physically, he has every reason to be the Avatar of Pride. He's probably one of, if not the most, gorgeous men you've ever laid eyes on. Those intense ruby red eyes, broad shoulders, skilled hands that produced both gorgeous handwriting as well as wonderful piano music.
It comes to the point that you can't make eye contact with him or you know you'll get flustered. Starting to get distracted by thinking about what he'd be like as a lover, as a boyfriend. Slight touches are enough to send your daydreams on a journey. But knowing he likely doesn't like you that way, that the feelings aren't returned. And anyway, the plan is to eventually return to the human world, right? Is it worth getting into a relationship now, just to separate so soon down the road? But rather than deal with the rejection and heartache, just swallowing those feelings down and trying to move on with your life.
Of course, amidst the inner turmoil going on in your heart, you didn't expect to get involved with Lord Diavolo instead, the prince approaching you with the most unexpected offer that you decided to accept, perhaps against your better judgment.
It wasn't anything serious, definitely just a fling, simply responding to mutual attraction and a mutual desire for some stress relief. Honestly, it happened rather suddenly, a curious kiss after a meeting quickly evolving into more, but once it started, it was easy to just go with the flow, taking your moments alone to indulge and just release that tension. You reasoned it was both a good way to forget your feelings and still enjoy some kind of attention, and thankfully he was an excellent lover.
However, you had to admit to yourself that, as gorgeous and skilled as the devil prince was, you'd be lying if your mind didn't seem to wander off more often than not to a certain red-eyed devil. Even as Diavolo worked to rearrange your guts over his office desk, risking any documents he decidedly abandoned in pursuit of... greater pleasures, even as his golden eyes burned into you and he devoted himself to learning your favorite spots, your mind still went back to Lucifer.
If Diavolo knew that your heart was elsewhere, he didn't mention it. You were an adult and you weren't dating each other, he had no right to question it regardless. And as the heir to the throne, he had other things to focus on anyway. The whole point of the fling was something simple, pleasurable, and the less you two thought about feelings and regrets, the better.
Of course, assumptions can often be your undoing.
During one such beneficial "meeting" between you and the prince, your hands were grasping— broad shoulders, the desk, his hair, whatever was closest— as you tried to hold on for dear life. Something had seemed to really get under his skin lately, so he was working on releasing all his stress into you instead, his desk at risk of breaking, based on the amount of creaking that could be heard. His large cock bullying its way into your body repeatedly and pressing up against a particularly sensitive spot inside was driving you close to climax, and the overwhelming pleasure was driving any coherent thoughts from your mind.
The volume of the room was loud and only getting louder by the second, a sinful symphony of pants and grunts, rhythmic wood creaking, and the wet slap of Diavolo's balls against your ass. Thus, it was no wonder neither of you heard the approaching footsteps, or at least, couldn't be bothered to pay it any mind. Diavolo adjusted his grip on your hips at the last second, really driving his cock home inside you, and you could feel the band about to snap.
Just before you could go over that delicious precipice, the door to Diavolo's office opened, and your head whipped around to see the intruder. Of all the people it could have been, you should have known there was equal chances of being walked in by Lucifer as there was Barbatos. And yet, seeing him there still froze you to the spot as his eyes met yours.
Or rather, it would have. But Diavolo made one more thrust, the thick head of his dick pressing the sweetest little spot inside, and it was enough for the band to finally snap. In what felt like ages but was all within the span of a second, everything came crashing down. Your body tightened before releasing all at once, spasming in Diavolo's hold as you couldn't help but release a cry. The feel of your hole tightening around him dragged him into climax with you, and he seated himself deep inside before filling you with his cum.
What would have been an otherwise heavenly, earth-shattering orgasm was short-lived, as the horror of what happened quickly dissolved any remaining pleasure. You pushed against Diavolo's chest, trying to get him to move, to at least pull out of you, so you could pull yourself together and try to explain-- explain what, exactly? You weren't even sure, and it wasn't like Lucifer didn't just see you cum on his boss' dick just a minute ago, and in fact were still stuffed with it atop his desk.
You couldn't read the expression on his face, and didn't get much chance to explain anything before Lucifer apologized for interrupting and left.
It's days before you can speak to Lucifer again, practically cornering him in his office despite how hard your heart is pounding and how much you want to run away. You're expecting many different reactions: disappointment, shaming, anger, perhaps even indifference. But when Lucifer finally snaps, what initially seems like anger seems to morph into what is instead... jealousy? Questioning you on when your relationship with Diavolo started, how long you two have been fucking, if there's anyone else you're riding like a whore besides the prince.
You can't help the way your face burns when he spits out that word, "whore", but there's no time to attempt a defense before Lucifer is pushing you over his desk, a hand grasping your hip so hard you might bruise, the other yanking your hair to look back at him. The look in his eyes then blows you away, equal parts desire and anger swirling in those bloody depths. You'd ask him what he's going to do, but the solid length pressing against your backside is answer enough. Despite the shame hanging over you, you can't help the part of you that's thrilled that he wants you like that, even if it was happening for all the wrong reasons. But as the sound of a belt unbuckling caught your ears, you accepted your punishment and just hoped there'd be time later to truly confront each other.
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love-fictional-ppl · 3 months
Sugar Daddy!Lucifer
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Inspired by this blurb
Summary: Lucifer who likes to spoil your rotten
Pairings: Lucifer x fem!reader
Warnings: language, reader is feminine, drinking, Luci rich as hell, the word pregnant gets thrown once, lingerie, prolly sum other stuff
You consumed every thought in Lucifer’s head, most of which were sinful even for him
Every time he passed a store and saw something that reminded him of you, he had to buy it.
It started with him just bringing you random things you would point out in stores, weeks after
Then, he started gifting gifting you dresses and jewelry that probably costed him thousands of Grimm
Next he started taking you out to the nicest restaurants in the devildom, ordering drinks off menu, treating you to a full course meal with dessert
At one point you had tried to tell him it wasn’t necessary he do all this, but if anything he only seemed hurt by the idea that you would want him to stop
Honestly Lucifer took pride in the fact that almost everything you owned he bought.
Mammon’s jealous by how much money ur allowed to spend and get spoiled with
Lucifer couldn’t help but buy you several lingerie sets in red and black, he’ll rip them off you but it’s ok he’ll buy you more anyway it’s not his fault he’s in love with your pussy
You will never have to worry about money with this man. Oh no, your tv broke! Don’t worry, Luci will buy a new one. Oh no, you lost your fav heels! Luci will buy a new pair
Tbh idk which one of you is worse, Lucifer for financing your unnecessary wants or you for taking advantage of the situation, it’s ok tho bc ur both aware
I mean at least yk you don’t need to worry about working, nd hey, if he gets you pregnant atleast you know your financially token care of
A/N: I was going to try to make this a bit longer but I didn’t know what to add😭😭 Not Proofread!
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Lucifer is suspicious of you.
Of those butterflies you tell him you get when Mammon is next to you, of the smile that your face melts into when you realize that he's watching you.
He has seen it before, he thinks. You looking at Mammon like you look at him. He knows what that look is, and the idea that he might have misread you makes him sick.
And then, of course, the thought that you could ever have the ability to deceive him in the first place is preposterous. You would not dare.
And he is right. You would not dare. The way Lucifer has you hooked around his fingers is enough to make anyone with any common sense wary.
But you? You have no common sense. And your sense of self-preservation has been warped since you fell through the portal and ended up here, in Devildom. You don't understand what he's capable of, not really, and you find yourself wanting to test it.
The fact that the demon who is always on your mind is Mammon? The brother he is the closest to? The brother he is the most protective over? That doesn't make the idea any less alluring.
That is why, one night, after a day of hanging out with the Avatar of Greed, you are back in your room, and you text Lucifer.
'Can I come over?'
You know that he will let you in.
'What is it, MC?' he asks. He sounds tired. But he lets you in nonetheless, and you're sure he's got an idea of what's going on.
"I have to confess something," you say, sitting down on his bed. He takes a seat next to you, and the way his eyes shine in the light makes your breath catch in your throat.
"I think," you say, voice barely above a whisper, "that I have a crush on Mammon."
You hear the sound of his hands clenching into fists, and a dark chuckle from his mouth.
"A crush, hm?"
"I feel awful for it," you continue, leaning in, your hands gripping the sheets.
"Oh, but you do?" He moves closer as well, and the heat between your bodies is palpable.
"It's like my heart belongs to you, but my head belongs to him." You look away, feeling your face heat up. "And it's not fair."
"You're a selfish human, aren't you, MC?"
He lifts your chin with his gloved hand, and your eyes meet. His expression is a mixture of disgust and amusement, and it's making your insides stir.
"I... I guess I am," you murmur. "Is it wrong to want to be happy?"
"Oh, you poor little thing," he snarls. "Did you really think it was the right choice to confess this to me?"
You should have known he would react like that. After all, he's the Avatar of Pride. The last thing he would want to do is to share you.
"No," you say, biting your lip. "I didn't. I just wanted to see how you would react."
He chuckles again, and the sound makes your hairs stand on end.
"Oh, my dear. You do not want to play these games with me."
"What if I want to, though?"
"You wouldn't."
"Maybe I will."
Lucifer laughs, and it's a low, deep, dark sound that echoes throughout the room.
"You don't know what you're getting into, little human. Are you sure this is what you want?"
His eyes glow, and a smirk is present on his lips.
"Then you're an even bigger fool than I thought you were."
Your heartbeat quickens. You don't know why, but the threat in his voice is making you feel things you can't explain.
"I'm willing to take the risk."
Lucifer's hands are on your face, and he's looking at you with an intensity that's hard to describe.
"You'll regret this."
"I won't."
You're not sure where this sudden burst of confidence has come from, but you're thankful for it. It's the only thing that keeps you from running out of the room screaming.
He leans in closer, and your lips are almost touching.
"Let me be the one to teach you a lesson, then," he whispers.
And the kiss is a mix of fire and ice. His lips are cold against yours, but his hands are burning as they roam across your body, setting every part of you aflame.
"You are mine," he growls.
He's got you pinned against the bed, his hands gripping your wrists tightly. His claws are digging into your skin, and his eyes are glowing.
"Say it."
"I'm yours."
You're panting, and you can't tell whether it's because of his kisses or because of his possessiveness.
"Do you love him?"
The question catches you off guard. You've never heard him ask a question like that.
"No," you say, voice trembling. "Not in the same way I love you."
You see his lips curl into a smile.
The rest of the night passes in a blur. You don't remember much, only his hands all over you, his kisses leaving marks all over your skin, his words whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
You wake up the next morning with him still sleeping beside you, and you can't help but smile.
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belphegorey · 15 days
⌜venom, barbatos⌟ it had been so long since you last spoke ships ⎯⎯ yandere-ish!barbatos x sorcerer!afab!reader tropes ⎯⎯ referenced death and murder, jealousy, love confessions, angst, vaginal tail sex, right person wrong time, tongue
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Nothing could stop the anticipation — he was going to be mad. Dusts of chalk kissed the skin of your calves, ground mushroom powder rested on your hands. Runes and symbols surrounded your summoning circle, charm and latin words spewing protection. The old words so familiar on your tongue recited as easy as though it were your name. Warm wind surrounded your naked body, collecting the tributes and offerings you laid as well as the mushroom powder.
You opened your eyes to watch the ingredients spin around you. The colour teal laid hidden in the gusts of wind, glowing faint and ominously. The words continued to sing from your lips as you readjusted your kneeling form. The rune bracelets and flowers along your wrist jingled while you ran a single finger up the slit of your pussy. Wet. Just as he liked. The tremble up your spine was easily ignored in favour of the incoming form in front of you.
He was still as beautiful as always. It was your own fault for believing that one day when you rang for him he would arrive with disfigurements. Though, you were sure he would still manage to look handsome regardless. His pocket watch was tight in his hand, the engaging of your eternal words still haunting the front. It even looked recently polished and maintained. “I am sure that you are aware of the time?”
Barbatos was in his formal suit. Pressed and primped to perfection. His horns scratched into the roof of the room, tail near frozen behind his body. You remained on the floor kneeling, looking up at the demon. “Of course.”
He remained still in front of you with a stiff smile. Fury. You had known Barbatos long enough to understand how he displayed his emotions. His tail cracked at your words and returned to its place. “Then I would assume you understand what day it is?”
With the smallest of glances you flew your grimoire onto your lectern. It closed itself and the vines extended to lock it shut. Just what day was it? Formal attire, horns and tail pronounced and more anger than you anticipated. His eyes glinted with rage and a soft teal glow emitted behind him. “Yes,” that was right; Diavolo’s ball to celebrate the success of his exchange program. You still were curious why you had received an invite in the beginning — it wasn’t as though you accepted the student role he had offered.
“And yet, you still summoned me?” He still wore pristine black gloves, sleek and warm over his hands. You followed them with a subtle gaze, from the return of his pocket watch to the breast pocket of his suit to when he gently held his chin. He still had them, then. You assumed that Barbatos would have hidden the gloves many decades ago. “Have you no shame?”
Then again, he still kept the pocket watch you had also gifted him. At least the gloves did not hold as much memory behind it. You dusted your hands and stood up inside the summoning circle. All the chalk was gone, along with the petals and tributes you used to bring him to the human realm. “Of course not, you should know that better than anyone else.”
The thumb atop his chin grew tense from his clenched hand. “Many things can change in one hundred years.” Had it really been so long? Last you had counted it was only eighty-two. The idea of time has grown so irrelevant over the years. A hundred years was barely a day in your life. For Barbatos, it was far less.
It felt normal when he took in your body before him. Every scar along your skin marked times that he had been there with you. His eyes stopped on the long one along your hip — the first you had received and the one he openly favoured. Barbatos only glanced for a moment at your crotch, there was no care or surprise. You would have preferred he kept his eyes down, but instead he decided to watch your eyes directly. It made you shy.
Not shy enough that you hid the body you both were familiar with. Instead you glanced away from his strong eyes, illuminated in teal and black. Even after the many millennia that had passed, his presence still commanded parts of you. The glowing of his eyes in complete darkness was still a spark that illuminated fire within you.
“Let’s not waste anymore of your time, Barbatos,” his silhouette has grown to take over the whole room, extinguishing each candle you laid. His horns scratched further against the roof as he took a step closer to you. In avoidance, you turned and groped the desk for a vial. “You should know why I’ve summoned you.”
The whip of his tail gave you pause. It slithered around your leg and stroked at your ass. The scraping on the roof continued. A century without the touch — your body nearly succumbed in an instant. “I’m surprised it took you so long to contact me for more.” His point was far. Your last meeting had been strange, you hadn’t wanted it to ever end… so you ran. The memory of Barbatos haunted you each night in punishment for your cowardice.
You turned back to him, clenching your jaw to avoid reacting to the tail. Barbatos was barely an inch from you. Dusting from the roof rained down slowly as he angled his head softly, his same smile watching you. His tail coiled tighter around your leg while the tip slipped between each thigh. “I found someone else who offered me the same deal -“
“And price. I’m aware.” He took the vial from you with restraint. You nearly shivered at the touch of his gloves briefly against your hand. Hand-made just for him, well over five hundred years ago. His small smile the day you gifted it to him told you everything you needed to know. “I dealt with him accordingly.”
Your nod did little to distract from your small smile. Barbatos hasn’t changed. Your heart lurched in memory of the final words you’d spoken to one another.
I’m afraid I adore you.
…I’m sorry, but…
“Rumour was that he had lost a bet against Mammon.” He held the vial behind a sharp fang, allowing his venom to fill the vial. Its colour was shared with his eyes — glowing teal. You pressed a finger into your palm as the tail rubbed against your pussy. Each ridge and divot reminded your body of the lost flame Barbatos supplied within you. The one that only he could bring. “I assume that Lord Diavolo and Lucifer aided in that story?”
His eyes bore into you once again. You felt stuck in his web, much like it had been that first night you met. He had scared you so easily. You had never encountered a demon before, never practiced sorcery either. Barbatos had been surprised at your nativity to his word, even remarking so when the battle you called him for was won.
That night, covered in blood of the men you had begged he kill, was only the start of your alliance. “It would bring forth a bad reputation about the young Lord if people discovered that I slaughtered a demon out of pride,” his tail rubbed back and forth against you. Wet slipped against it and down your inner thighs. You supposed it was your own fault for the demon’s death. There were far easier ways of collecting his venom that didn’t involve sex. The relationship was bound to return to Barbatos eventually. You were surprised it had lasted the eighty years that it did.
Refusing to turn from the man in front of you, you placed the venom behind you on the desk. “I suppose it would. Though you did leave me with a few years of no venom at all.”
When it came to collection with the demon, it was far more frequent. You needed to visit him at least once a year to keep your supply. Though, it was smart that he had made numerous vials in anticipation for your last visit. Asmodeus had once mentioned over a manicure that many demons were allured by you. You blamed that on your status and the lack of pacts you made to get there.
None, to be specific. The closest one you ever got was Barbatos, and you refused to make it official. “Shouldn’t you have needed more?” With him, collection was more complex. The withdrawal of venom was easy and the strength of it lasted far longer than another’s. The sex that would follow was where it got complicated. You never wanted him to leave when it was done.
Though you were the one who left him the last time. “We had more frequent meetings than you and I.” His furious smile only got brighter. A clawed hand moved to your hips, digging into your skin. You hadn’t squirmed, hadn’t jumped, nothing when he touched you. It was all you had wanted for years. The tip of his tail dip up into your slit, circling your hole. “His was simply not as potent as yours, Barbatos.”
A growl vibrated in his chest. Behind your back he pulled each glove off, returning cold hands to your boiling skin. A century had done nothing to aid your need for him. After many lifetimes of constant encounters, shared murmurs and longing touches you would never be rid of it. “Could you say that again for me, little lamb? Your compliment… it simply feels far too nice to hear only once.”
The name gave you pause. Just how long had it been since he called you that? At least one or two thousand years. You’d grown out of the lamb wandering around a world of wolves. Barbatos, maybe one of the biggest dangers around, helped you to do so.
“What is this?” The demon materialised before you. He wore a uniform and vest, broken pocket watch hung in the breast pocket. White gloves tapped at his chin in curiosity. You shivered on the dirt ground of the forest, his glowing eyes were shifting back and forth. “A little lamb conducting a first ritual?”
Your cheeks were puffy from tears and your white gown torn in your hasty run. “Can you help me?” Your hands were shaking — the summoning circle worked. The women in the cabin were right. You tried to fix your hair and stand, wobbly legs made you fall. “Please, I need you to save me.”
Like you said, you had known Barbatos for many lifetimes.
“I haven’t heard that for a while…” you hummed and lifted a chin to look up at him. In the Devildom, your heights were more equal, but in your realm his monstrous species had more height. An inability to completely hide their true nature from humans. “I think the last time was soon after the brothers fell.”
His claws went to your cheek. Even with his fury of being taken from the ball, from your running away, his touch was as gentle as it always had been. His crooked finger caressed your cheek one and you leaned into it without fight. “You’ve always been my lamb.” There it was again; your fear. Even after so long with each other the softness he spoke with scared you. Pacts, love… you couldn't stand it. It was constricting. It was the lock that kept you strained. It was the marriage you had narrowly escaped with Barbatos’ help.
You cleared your throat and fixed your head. “The fact your venom is stronger is simply that. A fact. I am certain you already know that too.” His circling tail at your hole continued its torment. More slick showered down it and your thighs. His cheeks flushed pink and his claws held you tighter. “You have to return soon Barbatos. Would you prefer our usual deal or instead like something else as payment?”
His tail slipped inside of you without another word. You gasped in surprise at his haste. The curling of his tail around your thigh and down your ass was mimicked inside of you. “What I always want.” The hand along your oldest scar, his favourite, traced the wound with a fond softness. Your legs shivered as his tail dug deeper within you, his palm pressed to your gut to ensure your moan.
“Barb,” you huffed between each shallow breath he allowed you. The claw from your cheek teased down to your neck, tracing the rope marks from the witch trials centuries ago. You could remember that day. Once you'd been caught in the trap, Barbatos burned the whole town to the ground and saved you. “You… what're you…”
His thrusting tail grew in speed, halting your words. It had been so long, you clenched around the tail with an airy cry of pleasure. Barbatos leaned in and shushed you with his kiss. Messy and needy — completely unlike him. Even the first time you'd lain together, everything was proper and respectful. Even when he used his tail it was tame! His fangs locked with your teeth and his long tongue pressed in.
It was no secret that his tongue was long and forked. You had kissed him many times before and he had licked at your cunt even more. Yet again, it was different. Far less restraint. One of his arms grabbed your leg and folded it over while the other pulled at your hair. His tongue was deep in your throat. Air was limited. Your body shook in his hold and he only held you tighter.
The sloppy noise of his tail fucking you spurred you further. You never thought it would be something that made you aroused. He was always clean with you! Quiet even when you were babbling with tears in your eyes. You had long relied on passion through his gazes. Not his intimate actions.
You whimpered around his tongue and fisted at his hair in return. He moved you both against the wall, your back pressed against photos and diplomas. His actions had your hips gyrating right against him. His clothed erection against your cunt. A shiver ran through your back, imagining both his cock and tail ruining you.
The fire in you was successfully sparked by Barbatos once again. You thumbed at the base of his horns and he growled, chest vibrating against you. His tail curled down itself for girth and stretched you. Your hips lifted from the wall as you got closer. So close.
Only Barbatos.
His tongue left your mouth as you came along his thick tail. You cried and moaned together while tugging at his hair, rubbing your face against his neck. His claws held you tight and pressed into your skin without puncture. His dishevelled appearance looked glorious. His kiss and biting at your neck felt even better.
“That's it,” he whispered into your ear as his tail slowed down in its thrusts. When it left entirely, even undoing its coils around your body, you felt empty. The endings were always your least favourite part. You supposed you deserved it after how you had left things with him. What kind of person just runs away when someone confesses their love? “You did so well, my little lamb.”
Again with the nickname. You moved away from his warmth and looked up to your damaged room. Why couldn't you have admitted you shared the love he felt? There wasn't even a mention of marriage, pacts, anything. You had just left your mind to wonder about the horrid things you feared. “You haven't -”
“It doesn't matter,” he let go of your leg and gently placed you down on the floor. First, he collected his gloves from the desk while ducking his head to avoid ruining your roof further. He fixed his hair and attire that you had successfully dishevelled. “I have to return to the young Master’s castle.”
You hid your pout behind a stiff lip and turned up nose. Was this how he felt that night one hundred years ago? Was his soul also crushed at the sight of your back turned to him? “Of course. I'm sure he and all the guests are waiting for you.” He nodded and placed his gloves back on. Your heart clenched that he had kept them.
“Goodbye, lamb,” his pride was as high as your own. You should have known he would want you to suffer as he had. How stupid could you be? A single moment of love would not forgive years of agony.
You were cut off by him kissing you once more. His gloved hands held your cheeks as he pushed you back to the wall, teeth clashing with yours. Yet again, he had caught you off guard. Your heart thumped loudly, you were sure he could feel it in your chest. “I’ll return tomorrow night,” he pulled away and pressed his forehead against you. He… wasn't mad?
That was more like him. Barbatos was one of the most patient and proper beings you had met in your long long life. It was something you loved about him. But, as he disappeared out the door to his home, you couldn't help but smile at the venomous passion he hid.
Though, that was reserved just for you.
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© belphegorey 2024 ⌜18+ banner from @/cafekitsune thank you <3⌟
notes ⎯⎯ i am in love with barbatos :)
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lovetei · 10 months
Hi i just read the current fic you wrote about the brothers seeing sheep mc turn into human in front of everyone and was wondering if i could request a fic/headcannon where sheep mc turn into human when they are alone with the brothers.
Thanks for reading 🥰🥰🥰
Eyy, I knew someone would request this sometime. So as the poll result, I'll make this request first. I actually do requests in a "first come, first serve" manner before but I guess I'll do what you guys want to see first :b
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Their reaction to Sheep!MC turning into their human form, naked, in front of them
Warnings: Suggestive, Vulgar words, might not reach your expectations, your gender is not specified, wrong use of tail, wrong use of desk, wrong use of car hood, wrong use of library, wrong spelling, wrong grammar
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Links: Masterlist
Tags: @commets-space @ikevampharem
Parts: Their reaction to Sheep MC changing into their human form at the end of the exchange program
You were on your small form
Sitting on top of Lucifer's desk, discussing some things about school
"I'm sorry, Luci. Can you give me a break..? Somethings wrong with me-" Is what you said before your small hands touched your forehead.
He asked you what's wrong but you just remained silent
Then you started glowing
And there you are
Sitting on top of his desk, naked, with both of your legs on each of his sides
He looked at you in shock, his hands trembling, having a hard time trying to stop them from pulling you close to himself "Well, well, well..." He stood up from his seat and pinned you on his desk.
He climbed on top of you with his knees in between your legs "I guess I'll be opening my christmas gift earlier than everyone else." Is the last thing he said before the doors of his office remained locked for the rest of the night.
You're out with, in a cliff, looking at the stars late at night
Sitting on the hood of his car as you two looked up at the sky and point out the beautiful constellations visible
When suddenly a shooting star passed by
Mammon kept on giggling and told you to make a wish and so you did
"I wish I can have my real body back..." Is what you said.
And after mere seconds, you're glowing, brighter than the stars.
Mammon looked at you, shocked, not believing the view in front of him "MC..?" He asked and you looked at him flustered, knowing that you're fully exposed "Are you okay?!" He asked panicking.
You just assured him that you are but then he smirked "You are?" He asked his voice deeper than before as he got on top of you "Then... How about if I do this?~" He teased as his hand hiked up your inner thigh.
You and Levi are in his room, exploring the new event that appeared in your favorite game.
Sitting on his lap, you started to feel something wrong, like your blood is rushing and you're starting to feel hot even if you're close to Leviathan.
"Levi... I don't feel good... Can you hand me that water?" You asked.
Before he can even think about doing so, you started glowing which caught him off guard.
Right after the light dimmed down, your naked figure that is slumped on his desk while sitting on his lap appeared right before him like some reward.
"I'm so sorry, Levi let me just..." You tried to get off his lap but he held you down, his nails digging on your waist.
You tried to look back at him but his tail appeared out of nowhere and kept your head in place, he then stood up "What are you doing..?" You asked. It's not weird that he stood up, I mean he could be uncomfortable.
But what's weird is that he brought your hips together, his grinding behind yours "H-How could I stop myself..?!" His voice is whiny, even sounds like he's the one getting bent over.
"How can I stop myself when y-you're already in the position..?" He asked as you felt his fingers slowly entering you earning a loud gasp "Urgh!-" You chocked as soon as you gasped as his tail forced it self down your throat "Be good please... Just be g-good..!" He begged.
Studying inside the Library with Satan will always be one of the best times
But this session will sure be one of the most memorable
In one of the hidden corners of the library, Satan is teaching you about the books only HOL can have.
When suddenly, a light lit up, brightening the dark corner of the library
But that wasn't a light
It was just you
Satan panicked as he thought that maybe he accidentally activated a spell while reading the book titles but... It seems that he's panicking for nothing.
He asked you a few times if you were okay and when you reassured him that you were, he can't help but smile as he watch you jump up and down out of pure happiness, seeming unaware that you're naked in front of him.
Just when he thought everything is perfect, someone just has to barge in 'I'm not letting anyone else see them like this.' is what he thought before he pinned you on one of the shelves with one of his hands covering your mouth and the other one caging you.
You asked "T-This is a good news... Why are you s-shutting me up?" like his good little slut, not even talking about how your legs is starting to quiver after he put one his in between yours, grinding them against you just right.
"Hmm... Do you want them to see you like this?" He leaned in closer to your ear as he licked your neck. He kept his hand on your mouth as he humped you up and down his leg, muffling all the sounds you're making.
"Shh... Control yourself and don't make a mess. You don't want to mess up all these books just because you're being a slut now do you?" He teased before you heard him unbuckle his belt.
Being a sheep sure is hard...
You can't wear anything else other than the clothes Asmo makes you.
And by most of the time the only thing you need to wear is some white collar with a tie to look presentable.
And so that's what you had Asmo make you for your formal presentation next week.
"Wow, Darling. Your skin is really... Glowing..?"
You looked at him shock, not knowing what to do after you saw yourself naked with only the white shirt collar and the black tie "Asmo-" "Stand up." He ordered.
He look stressed... His hand is covering his eyes as he he slowly turned around while you stand up. He then stand behind you, looking at your body through your reflection.
"I can't look at you face to face dear..." He explained as he plays with your hair from behind, and that's when you noticed how the pink of his eyes glow brighter than ever.
"But I can't let you go too..." He whined as his hands dropped to your waist "So what should we do..?" He asked as he went down to suck on your neck.
"Ah... And I'm not asking you to go out or anything..." He added "I just want to know what position you want to start to with~"
You're on top of the kitchen counter as Beel eat the dessert you created
He's clearly enjoying it too, smiling so bright as he eats
"Beel can you check if I turn off the oven..?" You ordered as you started to feel hot
Beel looked at you in shock as you started to glow thinking you got caught in fire.
You looked at him in shock as you remained still "MC?" He called out and you just nervously said yes.
He remained silent as he looked at up and down "Is there something wrong..?" You asked while smiling nervously and he shook his head.
"No, I just... Got hungry." He commented making you confused, earlier he told you that your dessert made him feel full for once and now he's hungry again?
"Yes, yes... I feel full after eating those desserts but I'm hungry..." He repeated "For the one that cooked them." He added which caught you off guard.
It was late at night and you're cuddling with Belphie
It's usually cold during night time in the Devildom but you're feeling unusually hot for some reason
You looked to your side and saw that Belphie is not even sweating
The room suddenly brightened so you thought that someone opened the room and turned on the lights
But Belphie is here and Beel is out for night work out
Oh... It's coming from you...
You looked around and realized that Belphegor is still asleep, you also realized that you're naked, completely, and so you tried to get off the bed to at least put some clothes on and get back to cuddling him.
Wanting to surprise him as soon as he wakes up, the thought makes you giggle constantly but when you're about to get off the bed someone grabbed your wrist.
"Fuck..." He groaned out, his head thrown back and his eyes glowing purple "I want to elt you do what you want and wait until the morning so that your little surprise plan will work but..." He explained.
"But you just have to make me so damn hard." He teased, even chuckling a little before he picked you up and put you on top of him, slightly grinding you against the obvious tent in his pants.
"Move." He ordered "And maybe if you satisfied me enough I'll let you get off this bed and pretend that I don't know about your plan the next morning." He mocked.
"That is if you can still walk after this." He grinned.
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asmoslverboy · 6 months
Asmodeus, ever blessed by the hands of Aphrodite. Her love, her grace, and her divinity— all poured into the making of your lover. Not a single drop gone to waste. He is the hum of a canary, the song of a muse, the painting of an artist, and the verse of a bard.
How is it so that one such as himself found a liking in you? He doesn't seem to question this as much as you do.
Asmodeus, Avatar of Lust, one who knows how to best embrace desire and how to help it spark in others. He was the one who ignited and brought to life all those sinful wishes each person (or demon) has had.
But that was never the case with you, was it? His attempts at seducing you were none but aimless. How is it that you can resists his charm, he wondered. He was troubled at first, concerned that his magic had limits that could not be surpassed.
But as time passed on, he learned to accept it. And as he did accept reality such as it was, he started sensing your yearning for him. But it was nothing compared to what he had seen in the eyes, in the souls, of others.
Your need for him was different. He knew it as well as you did.
And to be seen by you, not as someone who was there to simply give you a night of unforgettable experience, but as someone who you'd choose to be with in more means than just one, someone who you'd spend your limited days with— knowing that was his purest form of satisfaction.
To be loved by you, and to love you in exchange, is what he'd desire most.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
only in dreams
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you're not as quiet as you think you are.
solomon x reader | one-sided lucifer x reader
1k words | nsfw | gn!reader
cw: normal mode 45-18 AU (solomon & reader are in a relationship/share a bed). voyeurism; angst (unrequited love)
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There are nights when Lucifer dreams of you.
The most recurring dream is the night he made his pact with you. Weary and emotional with your imminent departure lurking over the horizon, you stared him down in all his prideful, black-feathered glory. Your courage on that night, and so many times since, never ceases to amaze him. 
The time you lived together in the House of Lamentation gifted him so many fond memories. Fleeting images and scents and sounds are subconsciously connected to the things you’ve done, the words you’ve shared, and all the ways your very existence has changed him. He is often reminded of you and your friendship; he is haunted by the knowledge that you are only his friend because you love another.
He can’t drink a particular vintage of Demonus without remembering your last night in the Devildom (with him). Sometimes he listens to the cursed TSL record and regrets not asking you to dance. You looked enchanted by the beautiful, haunting melody when you listened to it; he believes you would’ve said yes.
Above all else, he remembers the feeling of your arms wrapped around him while you held each other in the warm glow of the fireplace. He remembers choking down the urge to ask about your feelings for him. He told you that your friendship was enough, and it is. Lucifer’s hope that one day you’ll want something more is buried deep within his heart.
Sometimes when Lucifer dreams of that night, different events spring to life in the filthiest corners of his imagination. He sees you before him, eyes dark and glittering with barely-concealed lust. He dreams about your trembling hands cupping his cheeks and the slow anticipation when you draw him closer. He can almost feel the soft kiss against his mouth, hesitant at first until he pulls you against him and drinks down your whimpers with kisses of his own. He imagines leading you to his room and slipping off layers of clothing until nothing remains secret between you. He craves your fingernails scratching along his back while he moves inside you and pleasure consuming you both until the Devildom dawn.
When he wakes up from dreams about the night that could’ve been, he can almost hear your soft moans against his ear while his cock aches against his sheets for relief.
Tonight, Lucifer wakes up with familiar pangs of lust churning deep within his belly. Across the room, he hears a sound that is absolutely not a dream.
He glances at the bed next to his. It’s closest to the window, and the full moon hangs bright in the sky; your naked body is bathed in its ethereal glow. He watches your chest rise and fall in time with your breathy sighs. Your back arches off the mattress while Solomon’s hand holds your hip in place. The sorcerer’s head bends low while his mouth worships you between your thighs. Your hands are tangled in his hair.
Lucifer knows he should look away and pretend Solomon isn’t preparing you with his fingers while his lips suck greedily along your arousal. He knows he should close his eyes and forget the image of you tilting your head back as pleasure threatens to overwhelm you. 
Lucifer makes an effort to imagine anything possible that will distract him from what’s happening in the bed beside him. He gives up when your breath hitches and you come with a moan, the sound choked and desperate from your attempt to be quiet. The sorcerer between your legs raises himself up and over you, caging you underneath him while his hips slot perfectly against yours. Lucifer can see the moment when Solomon finally claims you - your legs wrap around his waist and he lowers himself so he can drag his lips and teeth across your skin while he rocks inside you.
The bed creaks slightly in time with Solomon’s thrusts. You’re trying to be quiet but neither of you are succeeding. You’re biting your lip to try and muffle your sounds, and Solomon is groaning his pleasure against your neck. The rhythm of his hips slowly picks up speed, and Lucifer watches one of Solomon’s hands disappear between your bodies. Whatever he's doing to you makes you whine with need. Solomon tries to smother the sound with a hard kiss, but he’s nearly as loud as you are, and you both end up panting against each other’s lips.
When you both reach the precipice, Solomon suddenly covers your mouth with his free hand in time to muffle your cry. He drinks in the sight of you coming undone beneath him, and his hips start to lose their rhythm. He makes a growling rumble deep in his chest, and your body jolts when he bites into your shoulder to hide his own desperate shout.
You’re both breathing heavily, laying with tangled limbs under the moonlight. Lucifer can see sweat glisten on Solomon’s back. The sorcerer eventually lifts himself off you and cups your cheek as he stares into your sleepy, half-lidded gaze. He returns your warm, syrupy smile with one of his own.
Watching the two of you make love didn't feel as intimate as watching you kiss afterwards, and Lucifer finally looks away. 
Solomon gets up from the bed and Lucifer pretends to be asleep while the sorcerer fetches something to clean you with. When he rejoins you in bed, your murmurs eventually taper off to deep breathing and soft snores.
Lucifer feels dirty in more ways than one. His pants are sticky from his own release, the sounds of your pleasure driving him over edge untouched. He swallows thickly around the lump in his throat and wonders when he became so desperate.
When he drifts off into a restless slumber, Lucifer hopes he never has to relive this night again in his dreams.
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read more: solomon masterlist | obey me masterlist
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he-calls-me-kitten · 2 years
Jealousy, Jealousy (Part 1)
Solomon x F! MC
Long Slowburn, Angst to comfort, Rough language and behaviour
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"I'm resigning as your apprentice, Solomon." The conviction in your voice was clear. You had clearly contemplated it for some time.
"You're... you're not even close to ready for higher level magic MC-" Solomon was clearly caught off-guard. More shocked than displeased.
"I don't need it. I don't need anything to do with magic or being a sorceror. I just- I'm done. So thank you for everything so far, but you won't need to waste your time with me anymore." You barely met his eyes before you walked out.
This was two days ago. You were careful to tell him on a Friday, so you could avoid him for the weekend.
Mammon and Asmo both asked you whether you'd like to go out with them, but you refused. You didn't want to run into him on the streets either.
A part of you felt guilty for doing that to him. He did deserve an explanation atleast. But what could you possibly tell him?
I can't be around you anymore because I'm desperately in love with you but you already seem to have someone else.
No. It makes no sense. It sounds so juvenile and conceited, you shake your head and bite the inside of your cheek. You cringe at how strange and tense your next interaction with him might be.
But that wasn't a good enough reason for Lucifer to let you stay home. So you took a deep breath and left for RAD.
To your relief, you had no classes in common in the first half. At lunch you sat alone, in a place where you'd usually never sit. Further lowering the chance to see him. So you ended up with a friendly bunch of Succubi from your classes.
They were complaining about how the assignments were too long to complete in one week and you wholeheartedly agreed. While one of them was mimicking the professor's stern voice, another one screamed.
She was holding up her phone and squealing in excitement. You peered at it. Asmo posted a new Devilgram story.
Of course.
You feigned interest to match the energy of these excited fangirls. But honestly you'd lost your appetite, listening to the conversation.
"Oh look, isn't that Solomon in the back? Oh he looks extra smoldering today. I wonder where he's staring so intently?"
"Yes yes that's definitely him. They're always together aren't they? Like an old married couple haha!"
"Solomon stays in Asmo's room when he stays at HOL, doesn't he? Oooh I wonder what sort of kinky things they get up to in there?!"
Asmo is incapable of loving him. He has known him for centuries and yet doesn't know anything about him. Even simple things like his favourite work of fiction or his music tastes. He has never taken interest in what Solomon's works or passions.
"Oh but I've heard Lucifer is more Solomon's type. Did you know he's been trying to get a pact with him since the last century?"
"Oh yeah I've definitely seen them around too. There's even fanart of them in the RAD fansites now ahaha!"
"They are totally like rivals to lovers. Did you see the magical duel they got into once? They are so equally matched!"
Lucifer cannot stand the sight of him, let alone trust him. He always told me how dubious and shady Solomon was, literally asking me to shut him up and keep him away once I became a sorceror.
You couldn't sit and stew in this conversation anymore, painfully close to puking out all the contents of your stomach. But they caught you trying to leave.
"What about you, MC? As his apprentice who do you think suits romantically Solomon?"
You wanted to scream it. But you didn't. How selfish and conceited of you. Who the hell were you decide? And it's not like people were not allowed to have their opinions on it. You couldn't in your right mind, judge them for simply making the most logical assumptions.
"Haha I honestly couldn't tell. We never really talked about things like these." You laughed awkwardly before excusing yourself. The bell rang just in time. You headed straight to class.
You were clutching your books to your chest. How did things turn out like this? You were sure to be as fast as possible. How did all the seats get filled up? And why was the only empty seat next to Solomon?
"MC, please come in and sit down. We need to get the class started." The professor said, impatiently. You nodded in apology and headed in the direction of your doom.
You could feel his eyes on focused on you, sending chills down your spine. But you didn't dare glance more than once. It didn't help that this was a double period.
And anytime your hands or elbows accidentally touched, you flinched, muttering soft apologies and tried to move your seat away. But somehow your seat was being pulled back into place again.
"The next assignment is to be done in pairs. So everyone partner up with person you're sitting next to and finish it by next class. Class dismissed."
Oh, just my fucking luck.
"I'll come by the House of Lamentation at 7:30 tonight." His voice was icy as he got up from his seat, moving back so you get out of class first. On your way home, all you could hear was the sound of your heart pounding wildly.
You were suprised that the house was still empty at 7. You texted the brothers asking if something happened.
Satan texted back about how there had been a sudden increase influx of student requests and the student council has too many of them to review.
Beel texted you to eat without them cause they might have to stay in school overnight. You felt your anxiety rise. The thought of being all alone in the house with Solomon...
The doorbell rung exactly at 7:30. You opened the door and welcomed him in. The coldness never left his eyes. His footsteps were deliberately slower and more weighted as he followed you to your room.
"I've set up the initial requirements of the experiment, so if you have the magical items and extracts, we can just get started right away-"
The door shut and locked loudly behind him. You thought you could get away with pretending everything was fine but clearly he had different intentions.
"I believe you owe me some explanations, MC." He walked over to the bed, grabbing your wrist along. You could feel the repressed anger in his grip. It scared and excited you all at once.
You found yourself cornered against the wall behind the bed, your ankles binded together by his glowing ropes. Struggling was useless. He leaned forward until you could feel his hot breath on your lips.
"Sorry about the extreme measure MC, but you have a rather unpleasant habit of running away from conversations."
To be continued....
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froggibus · 1 year
Sated at Last - Mammon
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Pairing: Mammon x f! reader (reader uses female pronouns and has a pussy)
Genre: smut/NSFW
Word count: 2.4k
Summary: after finding out you’re a virgin, Mammon is determined to change that
CW: cherry chaser Mammon, reader is super innocent, virgin!reader, loss of virginity, protected sex (yeah, that’s right B), fingering, P/V, (very hurt/comfort of me tbh), very very slight dacryphillia, soft dom! Mammon, aftercare!!, kinda just wholesome and fluffy
its been a while since i wrote any obey me but idk i thought this idea would be kinda cute + mammon lives in my head rent free lol
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“Wouldn’t that hurt?” You scrunch up your eyebrows at the sex scene playing on the tv. 
“Wouldn’t what hurt?”
“That position, the way they’re…doing it,” you look at Mammon seriously. 
Mammon tilts his head and gives you a lopsided grin, “you mean missionary?”
He chuckles. “You’ve never done it missionary?”
“No,” you shake your head. “I’ve never done it at all,” you admit. 
You say it so casually and then go back to laying in the crook of Mammon’s arm, your head resting on his chest. 
Fuck, is all the demon can think. He was already infatuated with you, much to his dismay, but your confession has only made it worse. And looking at him with those goddamn doe eyes and asking about sex? He’s so gone. 
He’s grateful you’re too focused on the movie to see the pink tinge to his ears or the strain of his pants. He tries to focus back on the movie, but all he can think about is you and how innocent you are and how sweet you would taste. 
After that night, you’re all he can think about. When he’s studying, when he’s working, even at the fucking dinner table. All he can think about is spreading you out and claiming you before some guy with less honorable intentions does. 
He’s your first man, it’s his job to look out for you. He’s just looking out for you. That’s all. There’s nothing else to it—you’ll get eaten alive in the Devildom if they smell that innocence on you. 
It doesn’t help that you seem to follow him around wherever he goes. You cling to his side at dinner, spend more time in his room than you do in yours, and even hang out at his work while he’s working. The only y/n free hours he gets are when he’s sleeping, and even then he dreams about you. 
“Are you okay?” You tilt your head at the white haired demon.
You’re laying on his couch on your stomach, watching him play video games on the floor. 
“Hm?” Mammon snaps out of his daze, blue eyes meeting yours. 
“You’ve been kinda…off, lately.”
He shrugs, “I’ve just had a lot on my mind.”
“What’s on your mind?”
With impeccable timing, just as Mammon finishes his level and properly looks up at you, the strap of your bra slips down your shoulder. The thin piece of fabric makes his face flush, and with the way he’s reacting to it, you’d think he saw a glimpse of your panties or something. 
“I think,” he sighs. What can he even say to not sound like a total creep? “I-I just need some alone time.”
“Alone time?”
He tugs on his hair in frustration. “Y-you’re so clingy, y/n!”
Your jaw falls open at his words, and there’s an icy feeling spreading inside of you. Clingy? He’s calling you clingy? He’s the only person in the entire Devildom that you feel safe with. The only person you want to be around. 
“I just…I don’t have any other friends here,” your shoulders slump and those cute doe eyes fill up with tears. 
Mammon knows he fucked up as soon as he sees the dejected look on your face. “Gimme some space, y/n.”
You don’t say anything else before you run for the door, tears stinging at the corners of your eyes. Mammon watches you leave, and he hates the way it makes his heart hurt. 
Still, it needed to be done. He hates the thoughts he has about you, hates how possessive he feels over you, hates how greedy he is. How he just wants to ruin your innocence for his own selfish gain. 
People really are right about him. 
It only takes an hour before you’re knocking on his door, eyes puffy with tears. Mammon takes his sweet time shuffling to the door, trying to build up the courage to look you in the eye. 
“Mammon,” your voice is soft and low. 
Mammon curses himself for the way his cock swells at the sight of the tears on your face. He’s supposed to protect you from guys like him, but here he is, getting all worked up over your tears and virginity. 
He opens the door, looking down at you seriously. You look up at him, and despite how he had treated you earlier, you still look at him like he hung the moon.
“I just—just want to know what I did wrong,” you say. 
He opens the door wider, “how about you come in?”
You quietly pad into his room, settling down on the couch like you always did. You draw your knees into your chest, waiting for him to sit across from you. 
“I-I’m sorry for being sucha jerk lately,” he says. “I’ve been…struggling, with some personal stuff.”
“Personal stuff? Is everything okay?”
Damn you for being so cute and understanding. He adjusts his pants, taking in a deep breath. 
He can’t meet your eyes, his cheeks flushing. “D’you remember when we were watching that movie a few weeks ago?”
You pause for a minute and he swears he can see the gears turning in your head. You blink a few times, trying to remember. “Do you feel weird because I asked about sex? I’m sorry if I invaded any boundaries and—”
“I feel weird because you said you’re a virgin.”
He looks anywhere but you, his face absolutely burning. If it were possible for him to die of shame, he would. You don’t say anything for a while, trying to think of a reason why he would feel weird about your sex experience. The idea that he thinks of you like that at all is enough to make you clench your thighs together. 
You don’t know why, but you lean in and press your hand over his. “Why?”
In an instant, he’s laying on top of you. One of his hands has your hands pinned above your head, the other is supporting his weight so he doesn’t crush you. You can feel the muscles through his t-shirt, feel every breath he takes and the racing of his heart. You wonder if he can feel the same from you. 
“Because I can smell it on you, and some demons would ravage you if they could smell it on you.”
You take a shaky breath, squirming beneath him. “Some demons?”
“Horrible, selfish, greedy demons that just want to take your innocence for themselves.”
It’s then that his words click for you. Mammon wants to take your virginity, the Mammon wants to have sex with you. Mammon’s been avoiding you because typical of him, he can’t confront his feelings for you. 
“What if,” You pause, knowing that if you say what you’re going to say, everything will change forever. “What if I want that greedy demon to take my innocence?”
His eyes darken. “You don’t want that, y/n. Not from me. I-I ruin everything I touch. I don’t want to ruin you too.”
“Ruin me, Mammon. I don’t care if you ruin me, because it’s you.”
Your words ignite something in him, and suddenly his lips are on yours and his grip is tightening on your wrists. He’s hungry, wasting no time in attacking your mouth with his. He slides his knee between your legs, grinding it right against your sweet spot. 
He’s so turned on, so driven by his own hunger, that it takes everything in him to pull away. “You’re sure you want this?”
“I’m sure.”
“Alright, get in my bed and take your clothes off.”
You obey him, heading up the stairs to his bed and stripping out of your clothes. You cover your exposed chest with crossed arms, laying back on his bed. 
Mammon follows suit, stripping out of the t-shirt he was wearing. His toned stomach makes your face heat up and pussy gush. You look away as he takes his pants off, only looking when he crawls into the bed next to you. 
He slides an arm around your shoulders, tugging your head into his chest. His other hand trails down your thighs, pushing them apart to give his long fingers easier access. He taps your clit with the pad of his finger, eliciting a moan from you. 
You’re reactive, good to know. 
He plays with your clit, rubbing and pinching and rolling it with his hands. “That feel good, baby?”
You can only nod, letting out a breathy mhm in response. Your pussy reacts with every movement of his hands, your hole clenching empty air and leaking juices all over his comforter. 
“What do you need, baby? Tell me.”
You whimper, bucking your hips against his hand. It feels so good, so intense, and it leaves you wanting more. Wanting him. 
“Use your words, baby.”
“I-I need you…I need you to fuck me.”
His hand trails down from your clit to your drooling hole, slowly slipping one of his fingers inside of you. You whine even more now, throwing your head back and closing your eyes. 
Mammon slips another finger inside, slowly working you open on his hands. “Are you okay? Do you want to keep going?”
“I-I want you,” you urge, eyes tearing up from the pleasure building inside of you. 
“I know, I know. But I gotta stretch you out first or you won’t be able to take it.”
His words make you gush even more and he chuckles, taking advantage of how wet you are to slip another finger in. He goes faster now, curling his fingers inside of you. You wrap an arm around his shoulder, running your hand through his hair. 
He pulls his fingers out slowly but you still wince at the emptiness. He can’t help but lick your juices off of them, his cock only getting harder from the way you taste. He gets up from the bed, rummaging through the nightstand until he finds a condom. 
You watch as he rolls it onto his shaft, your eyes widening at the size of him. He climbs back onto the bed between your legs, and you spread them as wide as you can for him. 
“This is what you want? You’re sure?”
“Just fuck me, please.”
He gets it in right away, driving it into you slowly. You’re a little tense, and he’s a lot bigger than you expected, so it takes a minute for him to get it all the way inside of you. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt, though. He’s so deep you can feel it in your tummy, and despite the way it stings, your pussy has never felt better. 
He doesn’t give you much time to adjust—he’s so excited to finally be fucking you that he simply forgets. You don’t mind, though. You’re so horny that you don’t care, even if it does hurt for the first few thrusts. 
He’s slow at first, but as you relax and get wetter, he picks up the pace. He’s propped up on one arm, his chest almost flush with yours. His thrusts are intense, and so deep that they hit the parts of you that you’ve always wanted to be touched. 
“You’re being so good right now,” he pants, “taking me so well.”
You cling to his shoulders, tangle your fingers in his hair, anything to ground yourself to the reality that you’re being fucked by Mammon right now. He moans, but they’re more like quiet whines and they only egg you on more. 
With every deep thrust, the moans are forced out of your throat, and though you try to be quiet, Mammon looks at you with a crooked smile. 
“Shh,” he holds a finger up to his lips. 
“S-sorry,” you say, but you’re cut off by another loud moan when he bottoms out again. 
He covers your mouth with his hand, speeding up even more. He thrusts into you over and over, going as deep as possible every time. The heat inside of you is only building, and you feel like you’re going to burst at any second. 
“I’m gonna cum,” he whines. 
You nod, wrapping your arms tighter around his shoulders to draw him closer. He’s driving his hips into yours so hard that you can feel bruises starting to form on your thighs from where they wrap around him. 
He slams into you, and you come undone. Your muscles contract and relax, and the muscles in your legs start to twitch. Your grip on his shoulders loosens as you focus on the way your whole nervous system seems to have caught fire. 
Mammon collapses into your chest, thrusting a few more sloppy times as he fills the condom with cum. He keeps his head on your shoulder and his cock inside of you while he catches his breath. 
“How are you doing?” He asks. 
“Good,” you say, rubbing circles on his back. 
“Do you need anything?”
You shake your head, “just you.”
“I’m all yours,” he kisses your forehead.
He pulls out, leaving you feeling cold and empty. He ties off the condom and throws it in his trash bin before pulling his underwear back on. 
He passes you his t-shirt, “you can put this on. I’m sure you’re gonna be a little sore so if you don’t wanna wear your panties, that’s okay.”
He helps you tug the shirt over your head, and kisses the tip of your nose. “I’m gonna grab some water, you should go pee before you go to bed. Okay?”
You nod, standing up on shaky legs. He’s right, you are a little sore. There’s a weird tight feeling in your tummy, not unlike the one while he was fucking you. You manage to make your way to the bathroom, grateful that it’s so close to his room and that it’s so late at night that no one else was around to notice. 
When you get back to Mammon’s room, he has the comforter pulled back and a glass of water at your bedside. 
You crawl into the bed and take a few sips of the water. “Thank you,” you mumble. You slide under the comforter and turn over on your side. “For everything.”
“Get some rest, baby. Sweet dreams.” He flicks off the light and goes to bed next to you, and everything in the world feels right again. 
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love-fictional-ppl · 5 months
A/N: was supposed to be longer but I felt like this was good so we gonna keep it a blurb😭
Nightmares are something Lucifer is used to unfortunately. Not because he has them particularly, but because his brothers fall victim too often, Lucifer has had his share of nightmares as well though.
If and when Lucifer had nightmares, it would be about the celestial war. About how many angels died because of him. About his sister, forced to be human in order to survive.
Tonight was another night where Lucifer became a hostage in his own personal hell. Him fighting surrounded by his brethren. Him falling and losing his wings. Him bargaining with diavolo. Him saying goodbye…
By the time she was torn from him, he always would wake up sweating with tears running down his face. This time he at least had you next to him, so when he violently sat up you awoke with him.
“Lucifer, it’s three in the morning,” once letting your eyes adjust you see the tears, “hey what happened?”
Heart racing and panting, he recounts how his dream went. Once you soak in his words you simply lean over and hug him.
You lay down pulling his head onto your chest with you. “I’m here now, sweetheart,” is all you tell him before you both drift back to sleep.
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wearyeyebrow · 1 year
Worthy In Blue
Summary: You’ve been working on a little surprise project for Lucifer involving navy blue rope and a mahogany chair. You know Lucifer has a penchant for ropework, so what if you gave him an evening to put those skills, and your own, to good use?
Tags under the cut.
Tags: submissive lucifer, dominant MC, rope, restraints, MC is in rope, Lucifer is restrained, pegging, cunnilingus, gn MC, afab MC, mutual possessiveness, romance, established relationship, pre-nightbringer
Tonight is the long awaited Grimte Banquet where all the noble houses gather. Relationships are maintained, new ones started, and it’s all Lucifer can do to keep his brothers in line. Luckily, he has you to keep Mammon by your side and Beel full of food.
The night drones on spent managing many noble advances. He spares you a weary glance and you wink at him from across the hall. He can’t help the quirk of his mouth, a slight smile amidst everything. You’re impossibly charming.
A few moments later and he hears your voice in his ear. “Meet me in the coat room, I have something to show you.”
You slip away and disappear somewhere in the crowd. Eventually he manages a moment alone, horribly curious as he finds his way to you.
You close the door behind him, nearly hidden amidst coats of all sizes. “Hi gorgeous,” you wrap your arms around his waist.
"A coat closet?" He muses.
“I won’t keep you. Pretty sure Beel is looking for me too… Here.” You hold up your phone, “What do you think?”
You’re showing him a picture of… rope? “This is what you wanted to show me?”
“I could hardly send it to your phone right now, what with the entire royal court surrounding you. Plus, I’d rather explain its implications in person.”
“Mm. Are you free next Friday night? Around 10pm?”
“I…” he allows himself a small smile, “I might be able to spare you some time.”
“Oh might you?” You smirk, “Well, if you’re too busy I completely understand. I’m capable of appreciating my own hard work.”
He acts affronted, grabbing you by the waist and kissing your hand. “Would a willing participant not please you more?”
“Isn’t that why I asked you in the first place?” He’s captivated by the crinkle of your nose, by the warmth of your smile.
“You’ve caught me,” he chuckles, “I’m all yours.”
“Then it’s a date. Do you like the color?”
You show him your phone again and he hums appreciatively. "Did you get it from Cloven Boutique? I didn’t think they stocked colored rope."
“They don’t, I dyed it myself."
“Truly?” He looks closer, in want of his glasses. “It looks like a professional job."
"Well, I had to get the color just right - I love the look of you in blue."
"Oh?" His tone softens.
“Mhm…” You appreciatively sweep your eyes up his body, lingering the gold peacock tie-clip you got him last month. You reach out and adjust his collar, “I love seeing you in things I’ve bought.”
“You have good taste.”
“Do you really think so?”
He frowns. “I wouldn’t wear something if it didn’t suit me.”
You laugh, “I know, I just wanted to hear you say it.”
“You’re horrible.”
“I’m charming.”
He fondly rolls his eyes. “I suppose both descriptors are accurate. I will look forward to it all week.”
“I think it’ll be worth the wait.” You lean up and brush your lips against his, “Don’t dance with too many nobles now.”
“Haven’t you noticed? All eyes are on you tonight. It’s taken everything in me not to whisk you away.”
“Likewise, darling.” You wink at him again and his heart certainly doesn’t flutter.
Lucifer knocks on your closed door, waiting for you to beckon him inside.
The first thing he notices is an old mahogany chair in the middle of your room, stolen from the hallway. It sits odd against your comfortable furniture.
You make a show of locking your door, brushing against his shoulder as you pass by. Then you cast a noise canceling spell - nothing but an emergency could disturb you now.
When you meet his eyes you're delighted by his wanting expression, unguarded and open in his desire. "I wonder…" you walk over to him, "how much you've thought about this night, curious about what I've planned?" You straighten his tie, close enough to see him swallow.
"It has been on my mind." He takes your hand in his own and kisses your knuckles, looking every part adoring.
You chuckle fondly, "Especially in the evenings, when you think of me?"
His cheeks heat up but his gaze is steady. “I won’t deny it."
“Honesty suits you." He goes in for a kiss just as you pull away. "I want to show you something."
He makes a curious sound and you leave him to open your dresser drawer. "Now, you knew I'd be using rope tonight, but for what exactly I didn't tell you." You gather the rope in your arms, "It might not seem like much of a deviation."
"Oh?" He eyes the rope you've picked.
"You still like it?"
He turns the rope over in his hands, "It’s richer than I remember. How did you do it?"
"Blue mangled beetles - kind of like carmine, but the process is simpler. When dried and crushed they make a beautiful dark navy dye that doesn’t bleed."
"You did your research."
You chuckle and take the rope from his hands. "Only the best for you. Gloves off."
He slips off his right leather glove, finger by finger - wait. “Blue?” You look at him inquisitively. His nails are a rich navy blue, perfectly manicured and glossy.
His eyes flicker behind you, cheeks dusting pink. “I painted them a few days ago.”
You're confused for a minute, then it hits you. “Wait - because of me?”
His voice drops, “You - you mentioned-" He clears his throat, "I thought you might like them.”
"I love them, Lucifer…" You kiss his knuckles, his palm, his wrist, before pulling him in for a proper kiss. His hand cups your jaw and he makes a small, plaintive sound. He really had been thinking about your words all this time.
You pull away with reluctance. "It's time I tell you what we’ll be doing tonight. Shall we start the scene?"
He clears his throat again and sweeps his own magic over your door. "Let us begin."
"Any titles are allowed tonight, you can address me however you’d like. Red to stop the act, yellow to pause, and green for all good. Fire if you want to stop the scene entirely."
“Then…" the glint in your eyes makes him a little weak in the knees. "I know you have a penchant for ropework. And I know how much you enjoy earning my praise. So, I had a thought - tonight I’d like you to use your ropework skills and tie me up, but I want full range of motion, you know, a design strictly for aesthetics.” You pull the rope taught in your hands, “And then, if you do a good enough job, I may reward you with some rope of my own. What do you say?” You hold out the rope to him.
You smile and oblige, settling into the cold wooden seat. He eyes you and then the rope, contemplative, before loosening his tie and rolling up his sleeves. He circles you, and you admire the focused, pointed look on his face as he carefully plans an intricate design in his mind’s eye. He’s completely in his element and you love to watch him work.
“What an intriguing idea...” He takes the rope from your hands with soft reverence, feeling the rough texture between his fingers. “You really got such a nice shine to it,” he murmurs, mostly to himself. He breathes out slowly and gestures to the mahogany chair, “Please dear, relax.”
“Ah,’ you suddenly realize, “This might help.” You lift up your shirt and drop it next to the chair before shimmying out of your bottoms, leaving you bare before him.
“Yes…” he murmurs as his eyes roam your skin.
You feel a pleasant tingle up your spine when he brushes his fingers through your hair, gently gathering until he can put it up properly above your neckline. Your body relaxes under his touch.
The first knot is an anchor tie just below your bust, he uses four strands and divides them into two, slipping each half over your shoulders and back down to meet your back. The rough texture warms you from the outside in but his careful touch is cool against your skin.
You watch him as he works, loving the interplay of shadow that falls across his sharp features. He catches you staring.
“Am I pleasing to look at, Madam?”
“Yes, very much so.”
Your pact mark sings and you chuckle, bemused at the sensation. “You like it when I compliment you, don’t you, my little black bird?”
His cheeks heat up and his eyebrows furrow, as he’s put off by the pet name, but the humming in your chest only continues. “I can feel it, you know? Honesty really does suit you best - your face is much prettier wearing it.”
The tips of his ears turn pink but he circles you, wrapping his arms around your midsection to finish fixing a knot in place. Suddenly his warm lips press into the crook of your shoulder. The deep undertones of his voice make you shiver as he whispers in your ear. “You will be the death of me.”
You turn to meet his eyes, coy mischief in your own. “I think you’ll survive.” He chuckles and you kiss him once, twice, just to make him simmer. He almost goes back in for a third but you brush your thumb over his bottom lip. “Not yet.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” He kisses your shoulder once more.
Time passes in a lovely, hazy sort of way. Lucifer relaxes into the process as you'd hoped he would. It’s a gentle sort of focus where his mind is set on something, a place where nothing else can bother him or tear away his careful attention. He loves taking your direction, easing him out of his mind, constantly wound too tight.
Finally he kneels to finish the job, gingerly maneuvering one of your legs up and over his shoulder to wrap a strand around the back of your thigh. His eyes wander this time, following the line of your body until he lingers between your legs. As if he can’t help himself he kisses your skin, leaving a delicate trail up the inside of your thigh.
You cup his jaw in one hand and he kisses your palm, eyeing between your legs. “After you finish,” you murmur, “You’ll have to earn what you get tonight.” His eyes flicker to yours and he continues moving, finishing the tie he started.
“I believe I’m finished, will you stand?”
You do so, feeling the bend and flex of rope. Nothing feels too tight, everything is snug, hugging the curves of your body. You admire what lacing you can see, particularly the delicate design around your hands and wrists. He truly had taken his time, a glance at the clock proves that an hour has passed.
Finally you turn around and examine his work in the mirror. Your eyes light up at his intricate ropework. You’re beautiful, elegant, fully mobile and yet covered in faux restraints. You admire yourself, making a show of your appreciation. His chest puffs out and the pact mark on your chest rumbles. You gently circle your clit with one finger and enjoy how he shifts uncomfortably behind you.
You want more from him. Your body aches from an hour of foreplay.
You cup his jaw with one hand. “Kneel.”
“Yes Sir,” he murmurs, almost breathless.
His willing, almost eager demonstration of your power over him, of his own lack of control, further spurns you on, and you know he can hold your weight.
"Show me, then, devotion to your work." You prop one leg up on the hard mahogany seat, exposing yourself for him. Rope hugs your thighs, indenting and highlighting what he wants most.
His eyes flicker between your face and your clit. He licks his lips. "Thank you, Sir."
You run a hand through his hair and brace the other on the back of the chair. As soon as his tongue touches your clit you gasp, unable to help yourself. You’ve been on edge for so long now, throbbing at every new rope and delicate detail. You savor his mouth, rocking your hips into his face gently. "Yes…" he sucks and licks as you drip onto his tongue and he moans softly at the gentle tug of your hand in his hair.
You'll come quickly and you know it - you rock against him faster now and he wraps his fingers through the ropes on the back of your thigh before squeezing your ass and petting between your legs.
You look down at him, at his disheveled appearance, tousled hair, and too-tight pants. “Lucifer, darling, you - ah - you don’t have to say anything, no thoughts, no control, just take what I give you."
He groans and claws at the backs of your thighs, pulling you forward against his mouth.
You tilt your head back. "Good man, good job-" he whines and flicks his tongue with renewed vigor, "fffuck, right there…"
You fuck his face, shivering and shaking, chasing your orgasm. He holds you upright and supports your body, grasping at his own ropework. You moan and twitch. A glance at the mirror brings you closer still, “Look baby, look at you, making me feel so fucking good… shit-” Your grip on his hair tightens as you twist your hand, pulling him forward. He moans, high and breathy, harshly breathing through his nose.
His right hand supports your waist while his left squeezes your ass. Just a minute more, a second more, finally, finally his palpable desire sends you over the edge, and god how it fills the air. He takes it all and you don't fall, even as your legs lock and your grip falters. You shake and shiver in his tight grasp, palms holding tight to his shoulders. He keeps licking, just enough to keep you there until tension dissipates and you’re overstimulated. Only then does his grip loosen, following your body as you stand on your own, knees shaking.
There's an unspoken tenderness in his eyes - your baby takes pride in service.
You step away from him when you can, fixing his hair and cleaning your cum from his lips. "Sit on the chair, darling."
His knees crack when he gets up, stiff from his place on the hardwood floor. He sits, bulge straining against his trousers, watching you with rapt attention.
"I think…" you turn around, "You've more than earned your reward - as if there was any doubt in my mind."
“Oh?” He practically glows at your praise.
"And…” you walk over to your nightstand once more, "I'm not done with this yet." He swallows, gaze fixated on the rope in your hands. You smirk, "You like that idea?"
He shifts again. "Yes I - very much."
You reach into your nightstand and pull out a matte black silicone dildo, smaller, elegant even. You hold it up. “What about this? Are you up for it tonight?”
“Yes,” he nods, “I prepared myself for the possibility.”
“Perfect,“ you breathe, already excited. “Then…” your smile is nearly wicked as you regard him and his cock throbs in earnest. “Clothes off. Hands behind your back - hold your forearms.”
He acquiesces, knowing exactly what you want.
Soon he’s sitting naked on the chair, hands held behind his back, willingly at your mercy. Your ties aren’t nearly as elegant, but they restrict his movement and hug his body. You restrain his arms behind his back with a chest harness, carefully distributing the weight of the rope, adding just a touch of flourish. Even in such a simple design he looks lovely. Blue really is his color, you think, admiring him. He catches your eye.
“I was right,” you say, tilting his chin up for a chaste peck on the lips, “You look lovely in blue.” He groans and chases your lips this time. You let him, just once, and deepen the kiss yourself, before grabbing him by the hair, wrenching his head up. “Not yet, darling.”
“As you wish.” He’s breathless and kiss bitten.
You leave him and stack two large pillows on top of each other. You motion for him to stand before grabbing him by the restraints. “I will help you get into position,” you chuckle darkly, “I want you face down.”
His cheeks feel hot but he nods, “Yes Sir.”
“Good man. Lie down.”
It takes a moment since he can’t move his arms but you finally have him exactly where you want him, chest pushed into the bed, hips and ass raised by the pillows beneath him.
He tilts his head to look at you with one eye, eyebrow raised as you appear with more rope.
‘Can’t have you squirming too much, now can I?” He groans into the pillow beneath him and nods.
“Tell me if you’re ever uncomfortable or need to readjust, this position might get tiring after awhile.”
“I’m sure I can take it.”
“I’m sure you can, but I’m not asking. Tell me.”
He shivers. “Yes Ma’am.”
You uncap the lube on your nightstand and snap a glove on. He shivers at the cold feeling of your lubed finger rubbing against him, but as your hand warms so does his body and he slowly starts to meet your gentle thrusts as you enter him. You love this part. It’s incredibly intimate, almost more so that the ensuing sex, because anyone else would have been thrown out long ago - he has only ever done this with you.
Once you’re up to two fingers comfortably you withdraw your hand and replace it with your lubed up strap. “Ready?”
“I’ve been ready.” You smack his ass and he gasps.
“What was that?”
“I apologize, yes I - I’m ready.”
“That’s better. One more remark like that,” you murmur, pressing in slowly, “And I’ll rethink your reward.”
He hisses, wiggling his hips, “A-Apologies - it won’t happen again.”
‘I know it won’t,” you smile, “because you love this too much.” Finally, finally you move your hips, slow at first, until finding a gentle rhythm. You use his bound legs as leverage, pushing deep inside of him as his low, desperate moans fill the air.
As his body strains against the rope it holds tight, digging into his skin - this heat, this pleasure, your power over him is dizzying. For a few blissful moments he can’t think, all he can do is feel you surround him and hear your haunting voice in his ear.
It is easy to admire him, Lucifer Morningstar splayed out before you, rocking his ass into your hips, wanting more, more. You grab the rope holding his forearms tight against his back and pull, arching his back against the sheets. He cries out, and you lean down, pushing all your weight on top of him.
“That feel good, baby? Heh, you love it don’t you?” Your hips are slow and deep, grinding on his favorite spot, “You love being fucked like this. Wrapped in my rope, under my hand-” He moans, long and debauched. “I’m the only one who gets to fuck you like this, you belong to me, don’t you?”
You’re breathless above him. “We belong to each other, right, love?”
His eyes open and he gazes at you in the adjacent mirror, “Yes…” You dip and kiss the back of his neck, soft and sweet, "Hnn…" he takes in a shuddering breath and lets his head fall forward.
“That's right, no one else deserves to touch you, no one else is good enough, worthy enough.” You whisper in his ear.
He gasps your name and pushes his ass against your hips, pathetically fucking himself on your strap. Every slap of your skin sears welts into his body. You grab his hair and jerk his body up.
“Eyes open, look at yourself.” He didn’t think he could get any redder, but the sight of you behind him, fucking his ass with slow purposeful thrusts, restraining him while tied in his own ropework, it's too much, he can’t - he’ll -
You wrench his head up, “Keep looking,” you pant, “look at the face you make when you come for me.”
He can’t help it, he comes fast and hot, hips stuttering, mouth open and gasping. You slow but you don’t stop. He whimpers but dutifully stays, taking it all.
“Good man,” you praise him, “So. Fucking. Good-” you punctuate your words by digging your nails into his back. You slowly drag them downward and tiny specks of blood bubble to the surface. He hisses but his cock jumps beneath him. “You like a little pain, don’t you?” You slap his ass with an open palm. “Answer me.”
“Yes, yes Ma’am -”
“Yes what?”
"Fuck - more, please-!”
“Filthy.” You bite, before indulging him with another slap on the ass.
You run your nails gently over the welts and he sighs in bliss. In this moment of calm you use all your strength to hoist him upward again, until his back is flush against your chest. You wrap a hand around his throat and start to bounce him on your cock. His eyes roll back and he groans, reaching around to grab your hip as he rocks back into you.
“When I cut you loose,” you pant, “I want you to lie down on your back, legs spread, waiting and ready for me again. Do you understand me?”
He swallows breathlessly and nods.
You lean him forward and gently pull out. You untie his legs, and then his arms before dropping the rope next to the bed. His body is tinged red with slight rope burn, just how he likes.
He rolls over onto his back, finally making eye contact with you. You smile at him, gentle, and his pupils pin. “Spread your legs for me.”
Lucifer grabs his own knees, and spreads his legs while you refuse to let him lose eye contact. His red flush is delicious, and so is his twitching cock, clearly enjoying this.
You grab more lube from the nightstand and quickly reapply before holding one of his legs to your chest and slipping back inside. He groans and rocks his hips forward, savoring the feeling.
You slowly snap your hips forward, reaching deep inside him, you keep repositioning until he gasps and then you hold there. Little thrusts of your hips grinding against his ass. He gasps low, moaning sweetly in his deep voice as sweat trickles down his temple.
“Kiss me-” he croaks, reaching for you. You melt into him and grind against him as his hands roam your body. He doesn’t realize he’s whimpering and shuddering, or if he does he doesn’t care.
You continue like this for a while, enjoying his gasping deep moans in your ear, his lips and teeth on your neck. Finally, at your mercy, you gently trace your fingers over the head of his cock. The noise he makes is agonizing, and you have half a mind to continue neglecting him. But he has your heart as you keep up that gentle, light contact, and he doesn’t ask for more. His head is spinning, filled with thoughts of you, you, just you.
You speed up your hand as your hips get tired and he grips your back, rocking into you. Finally you feel him tense, feel his blunt nails dig into your back.
“There you go, my pretty bird,”
He gasps, light and beautiful, shuddering as he comes, keening as each slow, deep thrust of your hips milks another dribble of cum out of him.
You kiss again and again, covered in sweat, cum, and specks of blood, ignoring the passage of time.
Darkness blankets your bedroom, barely lit in deep navy shadow. Your fingernails fall up and down rhythmically over the rope burn on Lucifer’s back.
“I heard you were approached last week.” He murmurs.
“At the Banquet…? Oh, did Asmo say something?”
Lucifer chuckles, "He said something akin to "Everyone here is itching for their chance, don't let them out of your sight."
You feign exasperation. "And what did you do, you let me out of your sight. Now I'm in bed with a demon."
Lucifer snorts, "The very same demon you propositioned in a coat closet."
"What can I say? I know who I want," you kiss his temple.
Lucifer leans into you further, draped across your body. "Don't you have plans early tomorrow morning?"
“You yawn again, “Solomon said he has something important to talk to me about. What exactly, I’m not sure… he can wait until I've had breakfast.”
“That sorcerer…”
“He wants you so bad,” you chuckle, “I mean, it isn’t up to me, but I enjoy acting as if it is.”
“Rest assured,” he kisses your shoulder, “he’ll never have me, not like you do.”
Your smile is gentle. “I love you, Luci.”
“And I you.”
Lucifer closes his eyes and relaxes his sore body, satisfied and calm. He resolves to make you breakfast in the morning before seeing you off to Solomon.
Truly, he thinks, there's nothing he can’t face as long as you’re there when he wakes.
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sweetbearbakery · 1 month
Anyways, welcome to the new
✨️Sweet Bear Bakery, Request Game✨️
(Please boost this post❤️)
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Once again, my rules are:
I will do
•Kinky shit
•Diffrent reader variations ( Trans, cubby, black reader, ect)
•Very heavy degradation themes
Fandoms I write for
•Jujitsu Kaisen
•Demon Slayer
And if you are wondering what an NSFW moodboard is then go to (dolcettamagica)'s account to see what I mean.
Please feel free to request, this is a safe space.
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