#nynaeve sedai
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gl00mytuesday · 6 months ago
this is a Moiraine Damodred and Nynaeve Al’Meara stan blog
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emillungs · 9 days ago
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she could have killed you in the hall and she didn’t. ask yourself why and how you might use that weakness against her.
okay so the first episodes made me spiral (again)
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bridgetwinderart · 21 days ago
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(18 inch x 24 inch, water-based oils on paper)
Prints Available: www.bridgetwinder.com/shop
All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws without artist consent or a credit line: Bridget Winder Art. 
WEBSITE: www.BridgetWinder.com
PATREON: www.patreon.com/bridgetwinder
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youronebraincell · 17 days ago
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pien-art · 2 years ago
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wot s1 basically <3 (click image for optimal quality)
available as print here ! available on redbubble !
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cassandrablah · 7 months ago
So I'm about halfway through book three of the wheel of time right now, and I'm just thinking about the parents back at Emond's Field. Because (spoilers) Mat and Rand's fathers BOTH took a very long and harsh journey all the way to Tar Valon to see if their sons were alive or if any of the other kids were okay, only to be told that they had no idea where they were. I mean think about it.
These people woke up one morning to FIVE of their kids missing after a terrifying raid in the middle of the night, and the only way they were told that they left on their own free will was because at least one of them (I think it was Egwene) left a note. They go through the spring, summer, fall and then the winter and hear nothing. All they know is that their children has been taken by an Aei Sedai and there's a good chance that they won't be coming back. But they still have hope.
So now I imagine all the townspeople having a meeting thinking about what they should do, if they should do anything. Eventually they either decided to send Master Cauthon and Tam out, or they decided to do it themselves. They're farmers. They have no money and Tar Valon is very far. There are Trollocs and dark friends everywhere. They know this because they saw them with their own eyes. But they go anyway because they need to know if their children are okay. We have no idea (at this point) if they ever got into any trouble, or how they were doing on money and food. What we do know is that they got to Tar Valon, saw the Amrilyn Seat, and were told that they had no idea where their sons or the children of their friends were. Can you imagine having to walk away after that?
I know that if I had gone to those lengths, risked everything out of fear for my child, and spent at least a year and a half wondering if they were dead somewhere or brainwashed by these witches, I would have lost my mind. My heart would have broke and I don't think I would have been able to put it back together. Because not only does no one know where they are, but one of the strongest influences in the continent don't know.
I feel so bad for the Emond Fielder's. They just want things to go back to the way they were.
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fleetwoodsnakk · 2 months ago
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fun fact everyone in the red ajah is hot.
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Can someone please make a gif of The Forsaken using Traveling teleportation in season 3 episode 3 and send it to me because how is no one talking about this? Can't wait to see what Balefire looks like.
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wibblyrlin · 1 year ago
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THE WHEEL OF TIME | 1.06 x 2.07
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gl00mytuesday · 5 months ago
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a wheel of time collage of my loves
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emillungs · 1 month ago
Your Liandrin drawings give me life. Thank you for feeding us. You’re doing god’s work for her all too small fandom. 😔🙏🏻🫶🏻
everyday i think to myself damn i need more fanart of liandrin… and then i get up and start drawing. the real secret for beating procrastination fr
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emylilas · 2 months ago
Ladies of WOT - a potential community ?
Hello fellow WOT show enjoyers!
I am deliberately not tagging the show because I am aiming for a very specific demographic. Among those who watch WOT and are talking about it in different spaces (discord, twitter, here), I've noticed that people are having very different experiences watching the show, depending on what they want the focus to be on; to the point it might sometimes feel like we're in very different fandoms.
I realise the show is a book adaptation and I understand why people would expect more attention to be given to Rand, or Perin, or Mat, because those are the names who often come back, rather than some of the Aes Sedai who aren't as fleshed out in the book (I'm looking at you, my beloved Liandrin), but I have no interest in developing a sense of community with people who are watching the show for very different reasons than I.
I am absolutely not here for the men of the show, it's fine if you are, good for you but don't come at me. There are some men whose stories I enjoy following, but I'm here for the aes sedai, the forsakens (I can't wait to really meet Moghedien next season), the younger girls, the seanchans... and I would very much love to be able to share my love for the show and those characters, and to enjoy the show with people who share a similar enthusiasm.
Here's my issue, though, I find it hard to build a sense of community on Tumblr, interactions are limited by a very poor comment section, which is a shame.
I don't believe Twitter should be the main place for fandoms, because there's no room for in-depth conversations and everything has to be done quickly, It's more about posting and liking than engaging together.
I enjoy Dreamwidth and it would be, I think, a lovely place to build a community (besides, there is some WOT content over there) but I know it's not the most popular place, and it works more as a forum, which might lack the spontaneity of conversations.
Then there's Discord, and I am conflicted about Discord, on the one hand, it's convenient to chat and it can be well organised, on the other hand... I have wandered on quite a few fandom servers and they weren't for me, except for one. They're usually too crowded and I found that, in some places, the conversations are overwhelming in quantity but there aren't any real discussions.
As for that ONE server that worked for me, that one is quite special. You see, it's a small fandom of a show with a lot of wasted potential, but it's also the best fandom I've had the pleasure to join. People really interact, most of us know each other at least vaguely, we have a general idea of what are people's likes and dislikes, even when they aren't people we've chatted a lot with, and the mods always come up with fabulous events to keep the community living and it does keep on living, even after the show got cancelled in 2022. This discord doesn't have that many people in it, we talk a lot about the show, we also talk about specific characters, talk about ships in their dedicated channels, chat about our progress in our fic/gif/edits and support each other... people are interacting and we're all loving it. And those same people participate in fandom events because what unites us, even if we don't love the same characters or ships, is our love for that same show.
This is this sense of community built on the common love for a show and its potential that I would like to find for WOT, and more specifically in this case, about the women of WOT (but of course, talks about the show as a whole are always welcome and encouraged, it's just that watching with a preference for the female characters really change the conversations ones might have...) Especially with the new season coming in March, with all those new intriguing women that joined the cast, it would be lovely to have our little corner somewhere to chat together, as a small part of a bigger fandom, rather than individuals floating in the big WOT show tag and struggling to connect.
(And maybe those places already exist and I just haven't found them yet and I'm the only one struggling to connect. In this case, if you know places, please fill me in, I am dying to connect with fellow ladies of WOT lovers.)
So I guess that's it. I would love for us to get a chance to better connect, as show lovers (book readers are welcome, but please, be really mindful of spoilers, I am sick of being spoiled things even though I muted tags because people believe using emojis to talk is good enough to prevent spoilers, like we don't have functioning brains enough to put 2 and 2 together...).
To sum up my wish list: I wish we, those of us with similar interests (I don't care which women you enjoy in WOT, I love them all and they're all interesting, even if I have my own preferences I will gladly chat about any of them with you), could create a little corner in this big fandom so we can start acting as a community rather than separated individuals scrolling through tags. But a community who takes its time, to have nice little chats about the show and its women, to discuss our ideas and hypothesis, to share our thoughts and headcanons about our favourite ships (and yes, please, let it be plural and not just one ship) and characters, to support each other's in our writing, drawing, giffing, editing... all that, free of the drama that too often seem to happen in fandoms. A little place where we could always find someone who's up to chat a little about the show, and its women.
(Little place, because I really think once you're over 100 persons in a discord server (and probably less) it becomes nearly impossible to really get this feeling of a community).
So I'd love to know your interest in building such a place, and where you think it would be the most convenient for you!
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ayo-cowbelly · 2 years ago
wheel of time s2 eps 1+2 as memes ~ *slight spoilers*
part two!
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tiredmoonslut · 11 days ago
Okay so pretty undeniably they're doubling down on show!channelers having stronger resistance to damage, yeah? I suspected it all the way back in 1x01 when Mo pulled that trolloc blade out like it was nothing, but Liandrin and Nynaeve both getting impaled multiple times and not immediately falling dead has got to be Power related, no? I mean, it would make sense, given all the other physical benefits the Power has
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alverelover · 6 months ago
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spacetimeaccordionfolder · 2 months ago
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Some art from reading The Great Hunt!
Perrin, Egwene, and Nynaeve were my favorite characters this book. Already started The Dragon Reborn and am very excited for all the Perrin povs.
if therapy exists in this world these 20 year olds (and 28? year old Nynaeve) should be going. And that was only book 2 of 14! excited to see how things get worse for them.
Oh and this isn't The Great Hunt specific but
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Moraine as the "just according to keikaku" meme
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