#nymph otherkin
aquafluffer · 3 months
this human body is clunky and heavy, can i have my old body back?
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elliott-the-creature · 3 months
Could I request a water nymph wallpaper with blue and tan as the main colors and themes of beaches, oceans, and sea life such as fish and seagulls?
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here you go, I hope you enjoy! such pretty colours, I love water nymphs :3
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fae-vixen · 7 months
As I get more active in the Otherkin and Therian community again, I feel like I need to say that if you're a minor I'll most likely block you. I'm an adult pushing 30, I discuss adult topics and have adult interests! Sex is very connected to my inhumanity as well, so if that makes you uncomfortable don't hesitate to block me!!
Just felt like I should say something bc I've been becoming mutuals with and following a lot of more modern blogs run in a more SFW/All Ages kind of way and that's just not me lol
I'm also just a nonhuman, I'm not a human who believes elsewise, I'm a simple incarnate.
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hopeophilic · 11 months
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My friend made me a flag. This friend right here @genderstealer2000
It is a flag for naiad kin! Feel free to use it if you wish! The colors make me happy :D
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aura-oracle · 2 years
Air/wind elementals
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i-am-trans-gwender · 2 months
I suck at being a therian/otherkin. I want to be a shape shifter but I also want a default form to present as for when I can start commissioning art and eventually posting my own. The problem is I don't know what I want to be besides non human.
I can't figure out if i'm a cat, bat, frog, snake, vampire, gargoyle, mermaid, demon, bee, squirrel, wolf, elf, goblin, dragon, nymph, water elemental, shark, moth, hummingbird, squid or fairy.
I've tried just making a hybrid with all my favorite traits but it ended up being cluttered and tacky.
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aquafluffer · 3 months
its so weird, because all my friends totally know im a therian and shit, and like... they know im a system and that i have more like... supernatural identifying headmates,
but... to talk about otherkin stuff with them? i feel like theyd think differently with that,
first off, any spirituality stuff, idt theyd really get or take seriously? like its one thing to be like "yes hi i am dog" because like... thats obvious? i undoubtedly have alot of dog mannerisms and thinking patterns, they might not view that in the same way that i do, but like... theres a mutual understanding that Something About Me Is Dog, and hell... its even another thing to say like "i was a dog in a past life", because like... at least dogs are a thing that we tangibly know exists? like my friends dont believe in reincarnation, but a dog in a past life makes more sense than....
a water spirit, how in the actual fuck would i explain that to my friends? they dont think water spirits are real, what traits does a water spirit have? dogs bark, and wag tails, and shake their fur, and like scritches and fetch and walks and howling, those are all things that my friends can like... see and connect the dots?
but... a deep connection to water in its most basic, elemental sense? feeling at home in the woods by a lake? the innate NEED to sing and dance as if its in my nature? significantly less tangible,
the need for gills and webbed hands and scales, the deep emotional connection to fish as pets,
hell, even gender feelings with *not a woman, just feminine presenting because i cant imagine that not being the default personally*
or feeling as though my every mannerism is read as significantly more sexual than i intend it,
and honestly, id have no problem trying to explain it through a psychological framework to them, but i feel like even then, they still wouldnt get it, and then id just be lying so whats the point?
how do you even bring that kind of thing up? i dont even remember how i came out as a therian,
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Signs you may be Otherkin
(Full credit to eristic.net)
(Disclaimer: This list is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, a kind of "ha ha only serious ". It should not be taken really really seriously -- that is, you MUST have these traits or you're not otherkin, and/or if you have these traits, then you MUST be otherkin -- because many of these can also apply to humans of a general magical or pagan persuasion and amassing ticks on a list of characteristics does not make a otherkin. However, neither is it exactly a joke list on the order of "You might be a redneck/liberal/geek if..." You might say 's funny 'cause 's true. In any case, caveat lector .
Also, please keep in mind that this list really belongs to another time in the community.)
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You might be Otherkin if...
Physical Characteristics and Remnants of Former Bodies/Lives
1. You feel a lot older than your grandmother and cannot explain why.
2. You miss a place, yet cannot explain where it is.
3. You find it very frustrating that you can't breathe under water or fly.
4. You have "phantom" body parts (such as wings or a tail) that you can feel move, and that sometimes become really annoying with clothes, or cause pain when "slept on". 
5. You modify (or wear special) clothing or sit/stand/walk differently to accomodate physical characteristics your waking body doesn't have - or you don't even realize you're making such accomodations until someone else points out that you are.
6. Your doctor can't figure out how you damaged your back to start with, but you don't really want to tell hir it's a battle injury from a previous life.
7. Trans people often want gender-affirmation surgery. You want SPECIES-affirmation surgery.
8. You are always the first one to hear something in the distance (ie: approaching car, person, storm...).
9. You have either more allergies than normal folks, possibly including odd ones like metals (iron and alloys, silver, gold, copper); stones (hematite, malachite, pyrite); certain herbs; or other substances not commonly considered allergenic, or you have a dragon's constitution and have less allergies than normal folks, and are not prone to disease (you never had the flu, etc.).
10. You have naturally dilated pupils, or see very well in the dark.
11. You have bright green or violet eyes, or eyes with multiple colours in them, or that change color.
13. Some part of your body changes shape and/or color.
14. The "you" you see in the mirror and the physical shell experienced by other people are entirely different entities.
15. You find yourself unable to develop an addiction - after a certain point, certain substances stop affecting you entirely. This is most bothersome when it's much-needed prescription medication.
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Personality Characteristics, Perceptions and Habits
1. You don't consider yourself really human.
2. Your creativity (of whatever persuasion) consumes you to the point of eccentricity. Dance, music, art, and beauty in general are not luxuries, peripheral experiences or mere entertainment, but physical needs.
3. You know, see, and feel a deeper existence than the visible world around us.
4. The woods, glens, etc. speak to you and call you to come join them.
5. You have a deeper understanding of the cycle of life and death than many people do.
6. Most people find their inner children. You found your inner puppy or hatchling.
7. You remember your dreams with more detail, clarity and relevance than your waking moments.
8. Linear thought is a problem, and linear time an even greater one.
9. The books that speak the greatest Truths to you are found in the Fantasy/SF section.
10. Your best friends are nymphs, pixies, and fairies.
11. You think trees or holes in the ground are a great places to live.
12. You catch yourself referring to David Bowie as "cousin."
13. You find it hard to explain to mundanes that there really IS a dragon sitting on your pencil case and she�s been talking to you all through math and English.
14. You can sleep on the floor, ground or a wood bed, but not a metal frame bed.
15. You collect little 'oddities' that don't match anything else you own. Going to an antique store is like going to an adoption agency. You actually own more knick-knacks and stuff than the antique store down the street.
16. No religion seems to fit you, no matter which one you try.
17. You are the definition of "weird".
18. You love to hide in natural places when emotionally or otherwise upset.
19. You can actually speak Tolkien Elvish, and it feels like your mother tongue.
20. You don't match your "real" age in looks, thoughts, words, wisdom, etc.
21. The weather and your moods have more than a coincidental link.
22. You write such good stories 'cause they aren't stories... it's all real.
23. You feel you'd have done much better a few hundred years back. Living History not only describes your favorite activity, it describes you.
24. You have an obesession with honor most people just don't understand.
25. You've been in or almost caused a car accident because you were distracted by the sunset, sunrise, rainbow, moon, stars, lightning, and/or interesting cloud formations.
26. You bore very easily.
27. You get downright pissed when people harm animals or plants or destroy the environment.
28. As a child you always knew where to find the berries in the woods.
29. You are fascinated with language, linguistics, theology, anthropology, slang, subculture and the madness of crowds.
30. You see through spiritual charlatans like they were made of glass.
31.Your personality changes outright depending on the clothing you wear. That includes a mixed personality if you mix two kinds of clothing.
32. You prefer silver rather to gold, bronze, etc.
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Interactions With "the Mundanes"
1. Human language just isn't enough to FULLY convey what you are trying to say. You feel telepathy, empathy, and visual sendings make up most of your languge and you often tend to use these more than spoken words, much to the dismay of those around you.
2. Your friends and family have always thought of you as, shall we say, "different."
3. You never quite see things from the same point of view as your mundane friends. They never get your sense of humour.
4. Mundanes think you are eccentric, very intelligent or crazy, but you think that you are normal and they are the ones who are odd.
5. You have actually answered "elf", "dragon", "fae", "werewolf", etc. under the "Race" section of surveys or when asked by telemarketers.
6. Your friend's cat, who hates EVERYONE including your friend, loves you.
7. People either love you or hate you and you cannot figure out why.
8. Animals and trees are better friends to you than most mundanes.
9. You feel horrible if you have to act human, and weird things happen to you when you try.
10. When you haven't slept for a few nights running, haven't eaten, don't feel pain, etc., the standard explanation from your friends is "but we all know you're not human..."...before you've even told them what you really are.
11. You attract the strangest people. They seem to congregate around you as if attracted by some pheremone only they can perceive.
12. You almost never play a human character in role-playing games. (Bonus points if you refuse to play a human in the SCA or at Ren Faires, but rather play a vampire, elf or faerie.)
13. People's professed personalities and beliefs cause you to break out in peals of laughter at socially inappropriate times.
14. People often ask you if you are on drugs.
15. Hospitals, most schools, government buildings, and large, impersonal corporations either depress you to the point of tears or trigger panic attacks.
16. Small children come up to you and hug you for no apparent reason.
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Magic, Psi and Strange Occurrences
1. You think nothing of adjusting your energy to a "peace" signature to calm down someone who's agitated. (Fun with glamour, folks!)
2. When you don't want to be noticed, you can be wearing three-inch spikes and a mohawk, and people walk past you, oblivious.
3. Your dreams bleed over into mundane reality.
4. You catch glimpses of an alternate reality superimposed or side-by-side with mundane reality. When you're half asleep and half awake, the worlds tend to blur and you can see numerous realities existing at once.
5. Your wishes affect mundane reality in a tangible way.
6. Too many synchronicities happen to you to pass them all off as coincidence.
7. Small children run up to you and point out the nice lady with pointy ears or the big furry man or the dragon.
8. Grown people nervously ask you if you've ever thought of yourself as "elf-like" or "dragon-like," or just get positively freaked out being near you.
9. You "bleed over" in pictures (characteristics visible in your "other form" show up on the film).
10. You dream prophetically.
11. When really stressed/relaxed/magickal you speak in a foreign unknown language or make animal noises.
12. People are spooked when you walked up behind them and they never heard you coming. You move so silently that you can even sneak up on a police dog without it noticing you.
13. Energy work seems so natural for you that even as a beginner you baffle most veteran magic users. You can't understand why people need all those props to do anything magical, when it's so much simpler to just reach and change something. You're unable to grasp that there are people who can't feel magical flows, no matter how often you hear otherwise.
14. You've met someone you instantly knew from dreams you've been having since you were five.
15. From time to time really strange things happen, like you get cut and your blood falls on a white rose and it turns red, and within a month the entire rose bush has deep red flowers.
16. You sense spirits residing within rocks, trees, waters, buildings, mechanical objects, etc., and you converse with them regularly.
17. You didn't know that not everyone did lucid dreaming (astral projection, hands-on healing, aura sight, telepathy, precognition...) until you read about it.
18. You "smell" what kind of mood the people around you are in.
19. Computers often malfunction, act up, and do lots of unusual things in your presence, causing your coworkers to ask you to "stand over there, please" and causing your company's resident computer tech many hours of heartache.
20. Sometimes when you see or meet a stranger you see a flash of their True Nature without even trying.
21. You can alter time, manipulate the weather, conjure things or teleport by accident, etc. without ever having learned how, nor in fact understanding how these are possible.
22. When they unearth an ancient earth artifact that "no one" knows about you not only find that you recognize it, but also that you had been telling your friends about it for the last few years.
23. You don't just dream, you go planet-hopping.
24. Time always does weird things around you.
25. Your friends use you as the resident antenna for the radio, for it always receives better sound when you stand in front of it.
26. You cannot wear watches or other timepieces on your person. If you do, they are rendered completely useless within days and become blithering idiots that have no idea what time it really is anymore.
27. You can hear the stars singing.
28. All of your best friends/lovers/etc. awaken to otherkin natures within a few months of meeting you.
29. You can't ever remember the color of someone's eyes, but you can describe their aura/astral form in detail.
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I kinda only posted this because some people can’t get on the website for many different reasons and this is what I used to discover that I was Otherkin.
Have a good day/night and Look after yourself.
(🦭mod Zeph)
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captaincrumbz · 2 months
HII!! Im always trying to make new friends, :3 especially those with the same interests as me so if you wanna be friends dont be scared to reach out!!
I go by MANYY names, heres some of them:
Arlene Felix, Raymesis, Ly, Flapjack, Harvie, Gumi, Harley, Morty
IM A MINOR. (14, almost 15)
Me real: 🇲🇽🇵🇭🇩🇪🇮🇪
Uh pronouns: He/She/Nor/Er, Also im okay with being referred as they/them but i dont reallyyy prefer it (Also i dont think anyone has referred to me as she/her ☹️)
Im bigender, Panromantic, Bisexual(?) Demiromantic, and Aroflux!!
Im a 8+ year Rayman fan, AND A SELFSHIPPER BTW (This goes for every version of Rayman.)
Im a fictionkin and otherkin! and I have a ridiculous amount of fictionkins BUT heres some of the only ones that matter:
Raymesis and Ly (From Rayman), Bullfrog (CLH), Flapjack (From the marvelous misadventures of flapjack), BENNY (TLM!!!!) Michael afton (fnaf), Shelly Marsh and Clyde Donovan (sp), Maya (cotc), 2d/Stuart Pot (gorillaz), Jevil (Deltarune), Spinel (Steven Universe), Crimson (Tdi), Jim (Jim's Computer), Venus and Frankie (Mh), Playtime (bbieal), Gf (FNF), Amy (Sonic Adventure Dreamcast version, ++ some others), and MANY other characters.
(Fictionkin is believing you were a fictional character in a past life or believe you will be them in your next, fictionhearted is like a connection along with relatablity i guess)
Also im a otherkin, Of a lot of things
Im also a IRL of a few characters
(Such as, Gumball Watterson, Felix the Cat, and Orel Puppington)
sometimes i get confused if a character is a irl or fictionkin of mine
Im currently looking for media and sourcemates
FANDOMS IM IN: Rayman, CLH, Deadpool and Wolverine, Athf, Smiling friends, Felix The Cat, Impractical Jokers, sonic, tawog, thats it right now i guess.
Current Hyperfixiations: Rayman, Deadpool, Smiling Friends, Felix the Cat, Sonic
(Also i was reallyy hyperfixiated on lost media)
I have a Rayman board on pinterest with over 1,020
Im a Punk, Goth (Deathrocker, A REAL ONE TOO.) Rudy, Psychobilly AND Juggalo.
I grew up with a lot Ska and punk music. Dni if you're a poser or you think punk, goth, ect, is the same as emo or smth😭😭, also shout out to my dad who is cool AS FUCK and has the best music taste ever.
Some bands I grew up with: The Toasters, THE ADICTS!!!!!, The Misfits, The Specials, The Selecter, The Reverend Horton Heat, The Slackers, Thee midniters, The Frightnrs
OTHER stuff i like (most which i grew up with)
Spongebob, RAYMAN (again, im 8+ year fan of it, used to hallucinate seeing him in class when i was in kindergarten) A BUNCH of gamecube and wii games, Monster high, spiderman, batman, teen titans, Happy Tree friends (Watched it when i was like a toddler), DHMIS, UNDERTALE, BALDI'S BASICS IN EDUCATION AND LEARNING), Hello neighbor, fnaf, batim, cuphead, Yokai Watch, Sonic, ed edd n eddy, tawog, uncle grandpa, Bob's Burgers, Beavis and Butthead, gravity falls, PLUS A LOTTT OF OTHER STUFF. (I still love all of these!!!)
I get REALLY excited wheb talking about my hyperfixationsb
Socials n stuff: Discord (ASK FIRST!!!!!), Tiktok, Pinterest, Spotify, Twitter (I forgot my user on there) (All the same users, except for tiktok which is captain_crumbz)
Also I have roblox and animal jam :P IM NOT REALLY ACTIVE ON ROBLOX A LOT THO
I have crude humor and i cuss a lot, if cussing makes you uncomfortable PLEASE tell me, ill stop when talking to you.
I(f you dont cuss while talking to me (or in general) i will most likely not cuss much around you)
Leave me alone about past drama.
=================================== DNI: Proshippers, P3dophiles, N3crophiles, Zoophiles, stuff like that.
Homophobes, transphobes, ect.
Ablelists, Racists (🤮),
People who make s/a jokes or say stuff like "Im gonna touch you." ect.... (Or just like, dont say that to me, That makes me uncomfortable.)
People In the tcc.
Those who are on my account just to stalk me (GO GET A LIFE JESUS CHRIST, IM NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU, GO AWAY!!!!! SHOO!!!!!!
Also heres the best post I've ever made ever
ALSO TY IF YOU READ ALL OF THIS ITS A LOT😭, it also needs to be updated
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Yk, I'm gonna share it: I'm otherkin. My kintypes are a Polish-Silesian folk devil (not the folk devil, our lore has many) and a Lampad (an Underworld nymph accompanying Hekate). Being otherkin is deeply connected to my spirituality.
Despite nymphs being technically deities, I not consider myself divinekin, as I see divinity in everyone in their own unique way and just don't consider myself more divine than non-otherkin humans - so I see no reason to use it as a separate identity.
I don't really want to discuss my experience more deeply right now, but I wanted to share with ya'll because it's significant to me🔥🖤🔥
If you have a problem with what I just described, just dni, block, and move on instead of acting nasty.
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a-vampire-moth · 8 months
This is a side blog that allows me to express my nonhuman identities!
I have always felt not like "me" and I have come to realize that I'm nonbinary, but also I am nonhuman.
Name: Cecil
Pronouns: they/them
Age: 18
Identity: Nonhuman(Moth therian, vampire otherkin, nymph otherkin), nonbinary, pansexual
Feel free to interact!
Main account: @what-a-strange-moth
Fandom alt account: @ilovewormhusband
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cozmo-system · 4 days
mini introduction, just formed a couple days ago,,,
name: Mel/Melanie (Melanie Martinez factive)
age: 13-20 (age slider)
pronouns: she/they/doll/it/magic/fluff/cloud/porcelain/fae/nymph/flower/carousel/harlequin/pink/bun
sign off: 🎠
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cis ids: BPD, C-PTSD, NPD, hearing impaired, epileptic, GAD, autism, factkin, otherkin, insomniac, etc.
trans ids: xenogender, demigirl, transdoll, transfairy, transspecies, transanorexic, transporcelainskin, transdeaf, transnarcoleptic, transASPD, transnymph, etc.
I don't know what else to add, I've been learning how this works for the past few days so feel free to tell me anything I should know
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stormyseanymph · 2 years
Call me Trixie 🌙
I realized I was a therian/otherkin in 2020, and have been lurking on tumblr ever since. But I’ve finally decided to put myself out there and become an active part of the community :)
Kintypes I’m certain of:
Ocean nymph
Deep-sea mermaid
Wandering albatross
Kintypes I’m questioning:
Small forest mammal (pine martin or similar)
Southern right whale
Please interact with this post if you post any sort of otherkin/therian/otherhearted content, and feel free to follow if you’re interested in merkin or oceankin stuff 🐬
This is my side blog, so I follow back from my main account :)
Best wishes and stay safe <3
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hello everyone! this used to be a personal blog but now ill dedicate it to otherkin experiences.
im a demonkin, specifically incubuskin; nymphkin, specifically an ice nymph, dragonkin, specifically tianlong, elfkin and kitsunekin.
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my elf name used to be knavic so you can call me that, im still trying to figure out my other names tho.
he/him pronouns only and always looking for friends. feel free to message me :)
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aura-oracle · 2 years
Picrewの「テイク式女キャラメーカー」でつくったよ! https://picrew.me/share?cd=PY5OsS74Bs #Picrew #テイク式女キャラメーカー
Aura, Yuki, Fog, Sora, Pyra, Soma, Mythra
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shoes4centipedes · 2 years
time for my much-awaited introduction post!
my names are Venus, Nymph, and Bodur! (only people who know me irl can call me Ray) :3
I use any and all pronouns!!! Get creative!!
I am a therian and otherkin! ask me about my theriotypes/kintypes!
I have ADHD, depression, and anxiety. I cope with these disorders by indulging in my hyperfixations!
my favorite activities include drawing, listening to music, making OCs, writing, doing my makeup (even tho im bad at it), and talking to my friends!
my favorite bands include Cojum Dip, Will Wood, Oingo Boingo, Tally Hall, EDU, Rob Cantor, and Joe Hawley Joe Hawley! (i do NOT support or condone Joe's actions in any way, i simply enjoy his music.)
DNI list: pro-shippers/com-shippers, anti-mogai, transphobes/homophobes, MAPs/pedos/zoos, Dream stans, anti-agere/anti-petre, anti-BLM, TERFS/SWERFS, n@z1s, bi/panphobes, enbyphobes, transmeds, anti-otherkin/anti-therian
ok i think thats it!
oh and here are some of my favorite blinkies before u go :3
(none r made by me!!)
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