#ny nj new us
kay9leo · 1 month
It's hard being the new kid...
Sort of "modern" HL AU
Meet Iñaki "MC" Martinez Cariaga! She's the new transfer student from the United States. She was late for the sorting ceremony so she's currently houseless right now, hence the gray tie. Unfortunately for MC, her ancient magic is a magnet for attracting trouble and getting her into situations she rather not be in, sort of like Percy Jackson.
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Fun Facts:
Normally her eyes are brown, but ever since she ended up in the UK, if she's around the presence of high Ancient Magic activity, her own ancient magic activates, turning her eyes a magical blue. They also turn that color when she's using it. At the advice of Prof. Fig, she tries to keep a small flow of it running consciously if she's not at a nearby ancient magical source.
She's also big runes fan! Since her family comes from both Central and South America, she has a big love of studying Mayan glyphs and Incans quipus (they use that instead of runes to conducting their magic). She also knows some indigenous words in Kaqchikel and Quechua; some for fun and some for spell casting. Seeing Norse runes in person was the one thing she was definitely looking forward when going to Hogwarts.
While she doesn't originally goes by MC back in the States, it became her deferred nickname/shorten version of her double surname Martinez Cariaga to use at Hogwarts. She's gotten tired of both professors and peers taking too much time to say it or have them accidently butcher her surnames (or first name even). Her nickname of MC is used so often that it gets to the point that barely anyone remembers that her name is Iñaki 🤣
Ancient Magic & Hogwarts Castle
I headcanon that the Hogwarts Founders were ancient magic users who build Hogwarts and never told anyone about their abilities. Since the place is humming with Ancient Magic, MC's eyes are always a constant magical blue. It's when she leaves Hogwarts grounds that she has to focus on maintaining that magical flow.
The Big Move, Fourth Year & the Reserved New Girl
Unfortunately, Iñaki's dad lost his job during the first layoffs of the Great Recession in early 2008. Thankfully, he had a buddy who hooked him with a new temp job in London, causing the Martinez Cariaga family to move across the pond from New York to London during the end of summer. While she loved the idea of traveling and going to Europe (and maybe even learn more about the different ancient runes used there), she wasn't too pleased at the idea of moving abroad and leaving everything she knows and loves.
Instead of starting her freshman year with her close friend group at Excelsior (NYS magical school system, Ilvermorny is the New England private magical prep school - the most famous, oldest and only school most people know outside the US), Iñaki is starting 4th year at Hogwarts.
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Note: The words between "< >" is spoken in Spanish. MC comes from a Spanish-speaking Latino household. If the words are not in between "< >" assume she's speaking English.
6: At the end of MC's first week:
<¡Hola Mami!>
< I'm fine. ¿And you? >
< Nothing interesting happened this week. >
< ¡NO! ¡It wasn't like I fought a dragon or a troll this week. >
< ¡Just because I faced the Jersey Devil in 6th grade or the Headless Horseman in 7th OR befriended Champ at Lake Champion in 8th doesn't mean weird things always happens to me! >
<¡I'm fine Mami! Nothing happened...>
<¡I had to Mami! ¡He told me he wanted to give me a "proper Hogwarts welcome" before we started! I told him "That's how we say 'Hello' in New York." Made it too easy for me by saying his spells out loud. The prof said I was a great example of how magical duels are different in the New World with our non-verbals...>
<He was cool with losing. ¡Sebastián even gave me a tour of the magical village nearby and introduced me to the "dueling club" the school has! >
< We dueled together…¡It was fun! I almost forgot how much I miss home… >
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< I still want to go home. >
< No Mami. I don't mean visiting you guys back in London. Home as in New York. >
< ¿Why should I make friends if we're only going to be here for a year?>
< ¿It's only a year...right? >
< ¿Right? >
< I gotta go...I promised my classmates I'll study with them for our exam next week. >
< I love you too. >
*Flips phone closed*
*Ends call*
MC's trying...but she is rather homesick.
She's now stuck in Hogwarts and isn't too keen on making friends since she has no clue whether she'll be there for a year or not - it all depends whether if they extend her father's work contract and she's isn't keen on making friends if she's only there for a few months in her mind. It gets to the point where Sebastian trying to friend her is like an unstoppable force meeting an unmovable object. (He ends up winning though when she accidently slips up and calls him her friend later on in the year).
For now though, MC is a very angsty teen right now and had her world flipped upside down.
At least she can take out her angst in dueling club 😅
I want to thank @myokk for listening to my ideas about my MC and to my sibling who needed to borrow my laptop for work (leading me to doodle and actually make a digital drawing on my tablet -that I use as a second monitor for work- since I couldn't edit some papers on those days). Without them this drawing wouldn't have happened.
I'm never doing this ever again because I a bit too perfectionist for art and I hated the number of layers I needed. It was supposed to just be a SIMPLE digital doodle!!!! Instead I made this 😭. Never again. I'm sticking to my pen doodles. I was bored out of my mind and I was either reading or doodling while my sis was testing out her new laptop and I was on stand by in case she needed me.
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xxc4rt3rxx · 2 years
Try to manifest that I will be completely and totally normal abt whatever American rock band from nj my chemical romance does
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theshatterednotes · 1 year
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American poet Elinor Wylie
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usedcarsale · 2 months
NJStateAuto.com in Jersey City NJ
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ravenkings · 4 months
I'm sure this kind of poll has gone around before, but I'm curious...
reblog for larger sample size
(also apologies if i got some of the state abbreviations wrong)
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packerfansam-blog · 10 months
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fullhalalalchemist · 1 year
July 20, 2023 Congress is right now determining what is included in a must pass spending bill the NDAA. Often congress will sneakily add as amendments their bills that they can't pass in a normal setting.
If you remember, I made a previous post about EARN IT being reintroduced here.
The EARN IT Act and it's copycats are bipartisan bills that will greatly censor if not completely eliminate encryption and anything sexual and LGBTQ+ from the internet, globally. Anything the far-right doesn't like will be completely gone. The best way to stop them is to use https://www.badinternetbills.com/ to call your senators.
Following it's initial introduction earlier this year was massive opposition from human rights, LGBT, tech, political groups, and grassroots groups. Bc of this, the senators decided to remake the bill but give it a new name, so they can still pass Earn It without actually passing Earn It. Those bills are the Stop CSAM Act (yes really, they actually named it that), and the Cooper-Davis act.
The entire point of these bills is to mass surveil and censor everyone and I don't know why more people or senators speak out against it. There is a direct timeline from when the Attorney General Barr (under Trump) said he wanted to do this to it's initial introduction in 2019, and how the senators explicitly knew they couldn't actually say that so they lied and said it was about "stopping CSAM" or "stopping drugs" for Cooper-Davis Act.
These bills essentially do the following:
they gut encryption, the one thing actually protects you from having your data seen by anyone. Do you want republicans to know you're trans? that someone had an abortion? that they spoke out against the govt? to see your private photos you have uploaded to the cloud? to see what porn you watch? if youre a journalist, or an abuse survivor, any hacker or abuser can see your stuff and track you.
they gut parts of Section 230, the one thing that allows anyone to post online and birthed social media. Previous gutting into 230 gave us the tumblr nsfw ban and killed that site.
they create an unelected commission with some already established govt body (DOJ, FTC, etc) that will include law enforcement and people from NCOSE or other Christian conservative groups who will decide what is and isn't lawful to say. no citizen can vote who's on this commission, and the president gets to pick. it's like the supreme court, but for the internet.
lead to mass censorship and surveillance because of the above
We have until the end of the month to stop this, but this can be added literally any moment until then. It's literally code red. If this is added it goes into effect immediately. The BEST way to stop this is to drive calls and emails to the senate. https://www.badinternetbills.com/ connects you directly to your members of congress & gives you a call script.
It is ESSENTIAL to call the Senate leaders who can stop this. Here's a more precise call script you can use: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1huD5Ldd1lPTECYTEb9Gg2ZzrqW6Y9tryHT-MdjOl8kY/edit
All these people expressed concern over Earn It, so we need to press them hard to not allow it's copycats Cooper-Davis or Stop CSAM into the NDAA. This is URGENT and needs all hands on deck. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) (202) 224-6542 Maria Cantwell (D-WA) (202) 224-3441 Jon Ossof (D-GA) (202)-224-3521 Alex Padilla (D-CA) (202) 224-3553 Cory Booker (D-NJ) (202) 224-3224 Mike Lee (R-UT) (202) 224-5444
Please please please spread this message and blow up their phones.
TLDR; The Senate is trying to quietly push the Earn It Act's copycat bills into the must pass NDAA, which will lead to mass censorship and surveillance online by gutting Section 230 which is the entire reason you can even be on tumblr and why the internet exists, killing encryption which put everyone's lives in danger, and appointing far-right people to a supreme court-esque commission that the president has direct control over. They could be added in ANY DAY and we need to push hard to stop it before it gets to that point. CALL YOUR SENATORS **NOW** BY USING https://www.badinternetbills.com/ AND CALL THE SENATE LEADERSHIP AND SPREAD THE WORD!!!!
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batboyblog · 1 month
House Election 2024
In the House Republican have a majority of just 4 seats, flip 4 seats and Democrats get a majority and can pass things like national abortion rights, voting rights, bills on student loan debt and medical debt and much more. So here's a list of the key races for control of the House, so look up your district and find a way to get involved.
Find your House District
Shomari Figures (AL-02) Flip
Mary Peltola (AK-AL) Hold
Amish Shah (AZ-01) Flip
Kirsten Engel (AZ-06) Flip
Jessica Morse (CA-03) Flip
Josh Harder (CA-09) Hold
Adam Gray (CA-13) Flip
Rudy Salas (CA-22) Flip
George Whitesides (CA-27) Flip
Joe Kerr (CA-40) Flip
Will Rollins (CA-41) Flip
Derek Tran (CA-45) Flip
Dave Min (CA-47) Hold
Mike Levin (CA-49) Hold
Adam Frisch (CO-03) Flip
Yadira Caraveo (CO-08) Hold
Jahana Hayes (CT-05) Hold
Darren Soto (FL-09) Hold
Whitney Fox (FL-13) Flip
Jared Moskowitz (FL-23) Hold
Nikki Budzinski (IL-13) Hold
Eric Sorensen (IL-17) Hold
Frank Mrvan (IN-01) Hold
Christina Bohannan (IA-01) Flip
Lanon Baccam (IA-03) Flip
Sharice Davids (KS-03) Hold
Jared Golden (ME-02) Hold
April McClain-Delaney (MD-06) Hold
Hillary Scholten (MI-03) Hold
Curtis Hertel (MI-07) Hold
Kristen McDonald Rivet (MI-08) Hold
Carl Marlinga (MI-10) Flip
Angie Craig (MN-02) Hold
Monica Tranel (MT-01) Flip
Tony Vargas (NE-02) Flip
Dina Titus (NV-01) Hold
Susie Lee (NV-03) Hold
Steven Horsford (NV-04) Hold
New Hampshire
Chris Pappas (NH-01) Hold
New Jersey
Sue Altman (NJ-07) Flip
New Mexico
Gabe Vasquez (NM-02) Hold
New York
John Avlon (NY-01) Flip
Tom Suozzi (NY-03) Hold
Laura Gillen (NY-04) Flip
Mondaire Jones (NY-17) Flip
Pat Ryan (NY-18) Hold
Josh Riley (NY-19) Flip
John Mannion (NY-22) Flip
North Carolina
Don Davis (NC-01) Hold
Greg Landsman (OH-01) Hold
Marcy Kaptur (OH-09) Hold
Emilia Sykes (OH-13) Hold
Val Hoyle (OR-04) Hold
Janelle Bynum (OR-05) Flip
Andrea Salinas (OR-06) Hold
Ashley Ehasz (PA-01) Flip
Susan Wild (PA-07) Hold
Matt Cartwright (PA-08) Hold
Janelle Stelson (PA-10) Flip
Chris Deluzio (PA-17) Hold
Michelle Vallejo (TX-15) Flip
Henry Cuellar (TX-28) Hold
Vicente Gonzalez (TX-34) Hold
Missy Cotter Smasal (VA-02) Flip
Eugene Vindman (VA-07) Hold
Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (WA-03) Hold
Kim Schrier (WA-08) Hold
Peter Barca (WI-01) Flip
Rebecca Cooke (WI-03) Flip
If you live in any of these congressional districts (or close to them) you absolutely must sign up to volunteer and help! you! yes you! get to decide what America looks like in 2025, is it gonna be Project 2025 and Trump? or Kamala Harris, Tim Walz and the Democrats protecting your right to control your own body, taking action on the climate and making life more affordable? its up to each of us to do all we can to get to the country we want.
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laurellynnleake · 1 year
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Hey fellow Northeasterners on Turtle Island, aka the USA and Canada! Recent wildfires are spreading smoke and dangerous air conditions across New England. I only realized this because of social media, so I'm spreading the news further with maps for visuals. Things are officially UNHEALTHY so everyone needs to be careful, especially anyone with heart or lung conditions.
If you're in NY, MA, RI, CT, NJ, etc, please be careful!
Close your windows (consider sealing them if it's really bad)
Wear respirator masks (ex N95s) outside
Turn on air filters if you've got them
Use fans inside to keep cool and keep air moving
Check for air coming in around window AC units! You can probably still use your AC, but remember that their filters generally don't block smoke.
Remember, wildfire smoke doesn't just include burnt up trees but can include all kinds of hazardous materials, so the less outside air inside your house the better. If you've got any DIY Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes around for COVID-19 filtration, they excel at filtering out other dangerous particles too. Here's a diagram for making one, :
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Also, try to avoid strenuous activities (ex moving furniture, climbing lots of stairs, etc) and listen to your body's needs. If you need to lay down and do nothing for a while, go for it. Stay hydrated, especially if your throat is getting scratchy! If you've got asthma, make sure your meds are close by.
Take care of yourselves and each other out there!
6/7/23 UPDATE:
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Thought I'd add more context and sources for people to look up their own areas! The above map shows the current outbreak of wildfires across the West Coast and Midwest, versus the huge plumes of smoke traveling across the north, middle, and east of the continent, including Mexico. Click the source link to explore the map yourself.
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IDs are in the alt text!
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hearts4hughes · 5 months
jack hughes x fem!reader | part 2
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- cuddling and lots of it
- he usually prefers to be the big spoon, but when he wants to be comforted he’ll be the little spoon
- dates throughout ny and nj
- he loves taking you to secret spots and showing you his favorite places
- him being glued to your side at parties or bars
- he death stares any guy that looks at you too long
- his love language is physical touch
- his hand is always intertwined with yours or his arm touching your waist or thigh
- constantly buying you new jerseys or sweatshirts with his name plastered on the back
- you have a whole rack full of jerseys and he loves it
- playing games against each other and getting insanely competitive
- usually ends with someone getting the silent treatment
- his jaw clenching and muscles tensing when he’s jealous
- him getting mad at you and being seriously stubborn
- he’ll hold grudges out for the whole day, but will melt into your arms at night
- he actually can’t sleep without you
- on roadies he needs to take melatonin in order to sleep because he’s so used to being next to you
- the two of you spraying perfume and cologne all over each others clothes before roadies
- it helps you both feel closer together
- he loves spoiling you
- every chance he gets he’ll buy you expensive gifts
- you try to tell him he doesn’t need to spoil you this much but he ignores you
- he’ll never take off any bracelets you give him
- in the summer he’ll have bracelet tan lines
- his brothers teasing him because he’s so in love with you
- you even tease him sometimes (even though you share the same feelings)
- him always saying cheeky things to make you blush
- either it’s a slap on the ass or a cute remark, he loves watching you suddenly getting shy
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emo-batboy · 11 months
Trick or treat!
Hello :D Here's your treat
Battinson and Cars
He is a car guy. He loves his car. It is his baby. He can fill his car with gas, yes. That is a thing he can do on his own in his own garage with his own gas.
But he does not know how to operate a gas pump. (New Jerseyans are crying in solidarity.)
Bruce gets into so many car accidents.
Like yeah, he's Batman. But he's also that kind of driver who is perfectly okay when he's on autopilot, but the MOMENT he remembers he's driving a death machine on wheels next to other people driving death machines on wheels, and if you accidentally cut them off or forget to use your turn signal, they will rear end you?! He gets a little antsy :/
The second he overthinks it, he's making mistake after mistake. What are you gonna do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But when he's in his tricked-out batmobile engaging in a high-speed chase while narrowly avoiding death at every turn? A vigilante with no regard for the rules of the road other than "Do Not Hit People?" He’s suddenly a professional stunt driver! Fuck it!
That’s one of the reasons no one could possibly believe he’s Batman
"Bruce Wayne Reverses into Bush at Local Wawa, Cries as He Calls the Cops on Himself"
Then four hours later...
"The Batman Performs INCREDIBLE STUNT on Garden State Parkway, Saves Lives and Kitten Stuck in Tree"
You think these are the same person? Please be serious.
He is the only person in the JL who can reliably parallel park.
He's also a fucking speed demon. (This is Jersey. The Norm is going 90 in a 55. And back to the "autopilot" point) if he's lost in thought, he's definitely breaking the law. And overtaking like five cars a minute.
Alfred taught him to drive (and is lowkey the one that gave him driving anxiety. He is a very strict teacher.) Because of this, his first car was manual :) Now, he prefers it because it feels cool and action-y when he changes gears on the highway.
Bruce got into his first car chase when he was 15. (Baby's First Car Chase <3) Don't ask me how.  Don't ask why. Just know he does. (I mean, I do have an answer but I'm not giving it to you.) This also means he did it without a license because he was too young to even have a permit at the time.
He has a hatred for literally anyone with Pennsylvania or New York plates. Why? Because they’re slow as fuck and try to turn left at the intersection when there is clearly a jughandle??
(Homework for everyone that doesn't live in NJ: Look up "jughandle" or "jersey left" and tell me your thoughts.)
He was so pissed at the amount of potholes in Gotham that he personally filled them as Batman in the middle of the night. (Wtf are his billions of tax dollars going to?)
Once Bruce was muttering curses at the idiot in front of him with NY plates only to see Clark fucking Kent exit the car. Superman could not understand why Batman kept glaring at him for a week.
I did not spell-check this. Happy Halloween :)
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doudouneverte · 9 days
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a/n: I totally agree with you
Other plans
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*not my GIF*
Pairing: Sarah Zadrazil x NY/NJ Gohtam!reader; FC Bayern frauen x reader
Summary: A date with your wife while her team take care of your daughter....well that was your plan
Type: Fluff
Warning: none
word count: 1849
Loud noises, and people everywhere, some walking faster than others, some who looked stressed or late. It was in this state that you left the plane. It was one of these days when you would come back to Europe after a big season in the US.
It was a hard choice to make at first. I mean, yeah, it is always hard to leave your family and your friends behind, but this time it was for football, so they understood. Well, almost everyone, because at first it was strange for your daughter to leave Germany. For her defence, a kid doesn’t really think about things like that.
“Look, it’s mama!” You’re surprisingly very energetic, yelled after she saw your wife. You look at where she was pointing to see a smiling and very beautiful Sarah waiting for you two. The middle fielder quickly closed the gap between you and hugged the little girl tightly.
“Hallo, meine mausebâr. Were you good for your mom in America?” The Bayern player asked.
“If we ignore that she was very spoilt by all the girls, then yes.” You replied while you gathered all your bags.
“I also missed you.” Your wife said before giving you a light kiss, making your daughter grimace. “Here, Maya, let’s show mama how strong you became and help us to carry the luggage in the car, okay?” 
The four-year-old girl nodded vividly and started to grab her backpack. You and Sarah took the rest of the luggage and followed your little girl to the car.
“I'm pretty surprised that she has so much energy right now.” The middle fielder remarked.
“Actually, she had a nap on the plane because she wanted to ‘not be tired and the first one to hug mama’.” You quoted with a smile. “Totally a mama’s girl.”
“Yeah, but we both know that you love our ‘mama’s girl’.” She mocked you with air quotes. “Now let’s go back home; I think you really need to rest too.” She caressed your cheek and admired your tired face.
It’s not really a surprise for her; you always had been the stressed one in the couple, so she could guess that you overthought the last night or packed and unpacked to be sure that you didn’t miss anything.
Being back in Germany, and especially in Munich, was a little strange feeling for you. Maybe because you’re Austrian, so you’re technically not ‘back home’, but the other thing was that the last time you played in the Bundesliga was when Sarah still played with you for Potsdam. Of course, southern city was a very great place for Maya to grow up, but you couldn’t help but miss the house you shared there.
“Finally back home.” Sarah announced before turning off the engine.
“Mama, can we see Sydney and Klara?” Maya asked very excited.
“It’s a little late today, but I promise that they will come to see you tomorrow after training. Now, what do you think to help me and your mom to unpack everything, and then I will give you your bath? What do you think about that?”
“Really?” The little girl asked.
“Yay, and I will show the new toys Esther brought me!”
“I really want to see them, but right now, help me to wake up your mom so she can help us, right? We can’t do everything on our own.”
After a few hours of unpacking things and a mama-daughter time, it was time to eat before sleeping.
“--and then, mommy took the ball, and she ran very, very fast to before she passed the ball to auntie Esther... Oh, auntie Esther played for Spain, and she’s really good, but I still prefer Klara and Syd–”
“Maya, please, babygirl, can you finish your dinner before?” you asked.
“But I was about to tell mama when you scored.” Your daughter pouted.
“You still can tell me before your bed story.” Your wife reassured her.
And it was with this promise on her mind that Maya finished eating and immediately waited for her mama. Being totally exhausted because of the precious hours, Sarah easily convinced you to let her deal with the four-year-old girl. When she came back to your shared bedroom, she found you still awake and waiting for her.
“She has a lot of energy recently.” She commented, making you laugh when you remembered how the team struggled to keep up with Maya’s energy.
“You should’ve seen her with Kelley. I swear this woman never grew up.”
“Well, she’s about to spend all her time with the girls.” Your wife reminded you before laying next to you. You both looked at each other, not exchanging a word, just smiling and appreciating the time together. "Congratulation, by the way. My wife is a NWSL champion.” She gave you a light kiss, which made you smile even more widely.
"Look, who’s talking? You won the Bundesliga last season. And I watched your game; you’re ready to do the same this season too.” You countered.
“I know, but it’s different when it’s come from you.”
“What do you mean by that?” You asked with a falsely offended look.
“I mean that we need to celebrate that properly, and that’s why I think I will take you on a date tomorrow.” She explained.
“Oh, really? Then I’m pretty glad to win this thing then.” You grinned and caught her lips between yours before you decided to finally call it a night. 
The next day everything was planned to let you spend a lovely day with Sarah while some Bayern players would take your daughter to a ‘tanten and Maya day’.
“You have everything you need in her bag. I packed some snacks if she got hungry, and she had a bottle of water. If–.”
“Hey, Y/n, it’s okay. We know how to take care of our little girl here.” Jovana cut you off.
“Actually, she’s still legally our little girl, but I’m really glad that you accept to spend the day with her today.” Sarah said coming out of Maya’s bedroom.
“Okay, now where is she?” The striker asked. Just after that, you all heard some footsteps coming in your direction.
“Mommy, look, Syd bought me this.” Maya showed you a Bayern kit that, of course, the younger player brought.
“It’s suit you very well, little mause.” Linda said, making you roll your eyes. “What, isn’t she cute?” She asked you directly this time.
“Okay, now girl, we need to leave before there’s too many people.” Lea announced, and everyone followed outside.
“Lea, you’re in charge!” You told her, and she nodded. "Why do I feel a little stressed?” You asked your wife when everyone left.
“It’s okay; nothing will happen to her. She’s with her favourite aunties; nothing can happen, don’t worry. Now let’s get to change for our date.”
Everything was perfect. It was maybe one of the best dates you ever had together. And even if there were still a little doubt about how the Bayern players took care of Maya, you forced yourself to trust them.
You were walking hand in hand with Sarah, talking about how much you missed her, and she was talking about how everything was going so far. And it was when you really started to relax that the middle fielder received a call.
“Uh, hello, Linda. Everything is alright?” When you heard that, you instantly froze.
“Yeah, of course. All is good. I just need to ask you a question. Maya still has all her baby teeth, right?” Sarah’s eyes instantly opened more wide.
“Linda, what happened?” She asked very stressed. Not knowing what her teammate was talking about, you started to get anxious. You started to gain her attention, but she was too focused on the call. “Where are you?... Okay, we’re coming right now.”
“What’s happening?” You asked when she hung up.
“Maya fell, and it seems that she lost a tooth, and she’s crying a lot.” Your wife explained before dragging you to the car.
The ride to join the girls seemed endless. You couldn’t stop your heart from beating more than usual, your palms were sweaty because of stress, and you couldn’t look away from the road even in the passenger seat.
Once Sarah stopped the car, you immediately unbuckled your belt and rushed out of the car. You called for the girls, but no one replied. A few seconds later, Sarah was by your side, and she told you that Linda texted her precisely where they were. You followed her, a little anxious, even if your hands were attached together.
You walked a few more steps until you heard voices. You tried to decipher what they were saying, but the middlefielder dragged you with her when she started to accelerate. Then you both found Maya sitting on a bench with her favourite plush that you packed earlier. You started to run to her, but you stopped when you suddenly saw the girls coming out of nowhere.
“Surprise!!” They yelled together, making you look at them with a confused expression.
“What the hell?” Was the only thing that came out of your brain.
“We planned this before you came back.” Your wife explained after she joined you.
“Honestly, we didn’t know what to do to bring you there, so we used the help of Maya.” Lea said this time.
“Wait, you’re telling me that you almost gave me a heart attack for a…for a party?” You asked.
“Well, it’s not any party. It’s your party. Sarah thought it would be a good idea to organise that because we couldn’t be there to see your final against OL Reign.” Caro said.
“Yay, it’s mom’s party. Mama, can we eat cake now?” Maya asked, making you laugh.
“Of course, babygirl.” You said very amused.
Honestly, it was not really what you were thinking about two days ago. But you also didn’t think you could win the NWSL this season a few months ago.
And that’s how what should have been a date with your wife transformed into a party thrown to make up for something she didn’t have to.
“So, did you like your surprise?” Sarah asked once you were back at home.
“Yeah, that’s definitely the best surprise someone ever made me.” You replied.
“Well, you already gave me the best surprise I could ever dream off four years ago, and now I just try to match that, but it’s not easy.” You caressed her cheeks and admired her face with an enamoured expression.
“You don’t have to match anything; you already did so much all these years together, and I absolutely love you for that.” You said and pecked her lips gently, which helped a smile appear on her face.
The brunette was about to reply before Maya came into the living room. “Mom, can you read me a story tonight?” The four-year-old asked.
You looked at her and at Sarah before replying, “Okay, but what about, mama’s coming too?” The younger brunette nodded excitedly and ran to her bedroom, followed by you too.
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duranduranofficial · 2 months
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Prepare yourself for a night like no other 😈
Duran Duran invites you to DANSE MACABRE with them this Halloween at Madison Square Garden in New York City. It will be no ordinary show: a unique production featuring the hits alongside songs from the crypt on October 31st.
In addition to Halloween, Duran Duran has announced addtional showdates in the US.
OCT 21 | Allentown, PA | PPL Arena
OCT 23 | Verona, NY | Turning Stone Resort Casino
OCT 25 | Uncasville, CT | Mohegan Sun
OCT 26 | Atlantic City, NJ | The Borgata
OCT 28 | Baltimore, MD | CFG Bank Arena
OCT 31 | New York, NY | Madison Square Garden
NOV 02 | Manchester, NH | SNHU Arena
Artist VIP Pre Sale goes live on Wednesday, July 10 at 10 am est
Public On Sale goes live on Friday, July 12 at 10 am est 💀💀💀💀
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usedcarsale · 6 months
🚘 EZ-Qualify - WE GET YOU DRIVING 🚘 ➡️ NJ State Auto in Jersey City - 406 Sip Ave. Jersey City, NJ -- Text for FREE PRE-APPROVAL and Get Directions: 201-685-2991Secure your dream at NJStateAuto.com and hit the road in style!Search Cars: https://linktr.ee/NJStateAuto🚙 EASY AUTO FINANCING 🚙NJ State Auto Used Cars406 Sip Ave Jersey City, NJ📲 Call or Text: 201-200-1100www.NJStateAuto.com
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catwouthats · 6 months
Young Justice (98’) and their ACCENTS because it drives me insane
Bart Allen: Internet/game accent with a southerner twang (plus, speedsters process the world around them differently, including language, so I imagine there is a sort of “speedster accent” since he’s not used to speaking slow)
Anita Fite: Bayou, Haitian, and slight Jamaican accent (probably got not as strong after less time with her relatives. Btw her dad is Jamaican. Also, where did she move to with her dad after gma’s death? Bc that would influence it too)
Tim Drake: Gotham accent (NY or NJ. Mid-Atlantic) kinda privileged white boy version.
Kon El: I hc him as speaking in a “charming” city/suburb way (Delaware aka metropolis), while trying to hide that ever so slight rural mid-west accent from slipping out at certain words
Cissie King-Jones: A suburban east-coast accent (She is from Pennsylvania) but add the fact she goes to an all girls school (groups can form their own dialects)
Cassie Sandsmark: suburban east-coast accent mostly. (mixed slightly with NYC style accent)
Slobo: he’s from another planet, but if ya interpret how they spell what he says mixed with his personality you get rough city-southern (slurred speech with some consonants spat. Harsh, gravelly voice.)
Secret: She grew up in Rhode Island (suburbs I think?), so New England accent. Also, based on how they show her speech bubbles/text: soft spoken, week voice, strained
More languages headcanons:
- Kon tries to avoid saying words like “dog” around his friends and crushes. When he does have to say it, he’s very conscious of how his pronouncing it and will pause a moment before saying it slightly slow.
- Because of Bart being neurodivergent, he picks up accents easily. And his accent can fluctuate occasionally into the accent of who his speaking to. (This is technically canon)
- A Valley Girl moved to Cissies school and infected the whole school with her accent. She then has a slight valley accent for a bit (never fully goes away)
- Bart Allen confuses the FUCK out of other southerners since he speaks so fast with a slight southern accent.
- Bart’s voice is fucking weird in general bc he had to get used to speaking 10x slower than normal (bc VR world n shit)
- It’s canon that Cassie says “like” a lot, and I just wanna point that out again
- They all mock the way Tim speaks
- Nobody mocks the way Bart speaks (some of them want to but literally don know how to since his accent is so weird)
- Slobo’s accent is slightly softer than Lobo’s (genetic runt n all). He tries to force it to be harsh most of the time though.
- Secret is so soft spoke with a strained voice bc of her ptsd. After she becomes human again she is slightly better, but the way she strains her voice hurts her now since it’s a solid body.
- Not exactly a hc, but did Anita smack Kon after he mocked her accent? Bc if they didn’t show it in the comic, I hc she did. Kon tried to be better after mocking her accent that one time though (This is canon. She pretended something he said once was a racist thing and he got so scared. She laughed at him for it and said she was just messing).
- Strangers sometimes stare at Bart and Slobo talking to each other bc their accents are so odd. When one of them notice, they silently signal to the other, and then they both suddenly stop talking to turn ominously to the person looking. (They also later let Anita in on their trick bc they noticed that some racist people occasionally shoot her weird looks. They love scaring bigots with this trick.)
- After all her parents died, Anita noticed her accent start to slip and that frustrated her, so she made sure to make sure to have her Haitian accent prevail (visits to her hometown, etc.)
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amtrak-official · 2 months
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