#numb selfcare
i am wORKING
i dont want to WORK
i want to be a little nymph, traipsing through the forest without a care, eating and drinking and sleeping whenever i want
but i CAN'T
because my parents had me and now i have to make sure i am healthy enough to work because now i owe it to myself and i need money to pamper myself
im so dONE
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charriesjourney · 1 year
Warts Removal at YSA Clinic!
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"Listen to your body: Pain, numbness, and weakness in the lower back and legs could be signs of lumbar spinal stenosis. Don't ignore them. Take action for a pain-free life."
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guiltswept · 27 days
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( willa fitzgerald. cis woman. she/her. ) - let me introduce you to a member of the eversley family, imogen eversley is the eldest daughter. they are thirty-two and are known as the magnet to the family because they are effervescent, capricious, and prodigal. when you get to know them, you think about a swan drowned in its own pond and its sprawled, feathered halo floating in the dirtied water; leaning precariously against a balcony banister as a lover takes delight, numb to the ongoings of the party below. but they’re still an eversley, nonetheless. this character is penned by: (james. 25. est. they/them).
content warning for... teenage pregnancy, adoption mentions, and implied domestic abuse ( nondescript ).
full name — imogen thomasin radcliffe eversley.
nickname(s) — gen, ginny ( family only ).
place of birth — hampshire, england, united kingdom.
date of birth & age — february 24th, 1992. thirty2.
gender / pronouns — cis woman, she/her.
sexuality — bisexual.
occupation — fashion designer; failed. violinist; failed. painter; failed. art connoisseur. socialite. world traveler. philanthropist. winery board member.
astrology — pisces sun / scorpio moon / cancer rising.
labels — the magnet ( others considered: the robin / the thespian / the philanthropist / the fervor / the hedonist / the illustrious ).
residence — eversley estate ( previous residence: radcliffe manor, yorkshire ).
traits — worldly, vindictive, sanctimonious, resplendent, prodigal, wanton, blasé, sumptuous, capricious, grandiose, indulgent, inconsiderate, self - serving, condescending, effervescent
interests — non - profits; and smiling for the cameras. silks, furs, pearls. cashmere. parties; dancing - switching from partner to partner. partaking in a fifteen - step selfcare routine every morning and a twenty - step selfcare routine every evening. red lipstick. cigarettes, cigars; the occasional vape and the occasional joint. the occasional bump. sweet red wines. the summertime the french countryside. idle gossip; innocent flirtation. sharing a bed. hoarding her wealth. club music. the occasional argument. breaking things; particularly glass.
aversions — cheap fabric and fast fashion. american beer. others being privy to her outbursts. losing; admitting defeat. others disagreeing with her. things outside of her control. losing her voice. being an embarrassment; being caught off - guard. sparkling juices ( go big or go home? ). the texture of velvet. the concept of golf. being perceived in a way she wouldn't like to be. grocery shopping. bicycles. when produce is older than a few days ( it's not fresh if it wasn't picked that morning ). poor weather.
most played — a mistake by fiona apple.
notable features — meticulously curled blonde hair, purposefully disheveled with each manicured finger that runs through it; bright green eyes that spark arguments whenever they're referenced as hazel, like - get a grip.
general disposition — a practiced litheness to every movement; a head held high, and sanguinity that nearly feels forced.
character study — daisy buchanan ( the great gatsby ) & marie antoinette ( marie antoinette ) & holly golightly ( breakfast at tiffany's ) & emma woodhouse ( emma ).
background & events.
being the second born means being the second best; and imogen eversley would spend the entirety of her childhood overcompensating for it. if the eldest were anything like their father, then imogen was like their mother. or - she tried to emulate the matriarch, to the very best of her ability. elegance, grace; a certain poise that she couldn't imitate, no matter how hard she tried.
it had always been clear to imogen that she'd never be their parents' favorite; god knows the competition was stiff. she tried anyways; picked up hobby after hobby, only to be met with a natural mediocrity that even the finest tutors couldn't teach out of her. she met each failure with anger, with frustration; with tears and screams, echoed throughout her childhood bedroom, void of comfort. never publicly - never in front of her family. her own private tantrums; all for herself.
however splintered, shattered her own ego may be - imogen always graced the corridors of their home with a practiced smile; practiced grace, practiced elegance, a practiced caricature of ignes. never her own person - just mimicking those she wanted to be.
the only time she felt - herself, truly and wholly, was in her teenaged years - with the son of one of their estates' staff. their secret meetings became the only thing imogen truly looked forward to; the only place where she could be stripped of her façade, where she wasn't an eversley, but just imogen. and then she fell pregnant.
teen pregnancy; the first person she told was her aunt cressida; more alike than imogen would've cared to admit - partial shame in the fact, partial fear that it only affirmed that she'd never be like their mother. aunt cressida brought comfort; brought everything she knew not to expect once her parents found out about her pregnancy.
adoption mention; she was right, of course. as soon as the news was broken to them ( rumors floating the corridors, whispers among the staff, the averted gaze from who she supposed would be her child's paternal grandparent ) - imogen was whisked away. gone for a year, without a single trace. a special abroad program, her parents would tell their friends, their family; her own siblings. the year stretched like a decade; lasted like a second - both forever, and instant. a blur. naturally, she didn't keep the child; its adoption had been set up the moment she left the estate.
imogen returned to eversley estate a year later, and nothing has ever been the same since. a tighter leash, and a gaze in her parents' eyes that only affirmed her worst fears. she was a disappointment; and once that opinion was held - it would never change. she leapt at the chance to go to university far away; an actual abroad program that would take her out from the estate, that would lessen the grip around her throat.
the degree is useless; something art or philosophy related, pretentious, and incredibly imogen. she spends her time in different european cities, writing essays on philosophers she doesn't care about - on art she doesn't understand; drinking into the early hours of the morning, arguing beliefs she doesn't hold while being peppered in drunken kisses from people she's met the same day. when she graduates university - not much changes.
years pass - and imogen's rarely been back to the estate. sometimes for the holidays, but sometimes it's a postcard from whichever island she's decided to spend christmas at. she's been around the globe at least three times; sometimes she stays in a country for months at a time, sometimes days. everything is up to her own whim - and she still chases the euphoric high her first love gave her. technically, henry radcliffe is her twenty eighth love, but numbers are arbitrary.
they marry almost as soon as they meet, their relationship only months in, but his family's of wealth almost equal to her own, and of course it must be fate that they, two wealthy brits, meet in bora bora of all places ( fork found in kitchen ). it's an extravagant wedding, held on the radcliffe property ( maybe it's the hurt in imogen's heart, but she refuses to have it at the vineyard ) and an attraction for both family and friends to gawk at.
implied domestic abuse; the first year is dreamy; or maybe imogen's head is just in the clouds - but it plummets quick. it becomes increasingly apparent that henry is not the man imogen thought he was. that his honeyed words were just that - honeyed. sweet enough to soften... everything. she knows she has to get out - that whatever their marriage became wasn't love, not anymore. she knows - she has to contact charles. she has to contact her father.
and charles eversley handles it. what he does, or rather, who does it for him - imogen doesn't know. all she knows is that henry's on an indefinite work trip, and that she's packing her bags and moving back into her childhood bedroom for the time being. part of her is - surprised at the swiftness. that she'd been helped at all. part of her is waiting for the catch. there's always a catch, isn't there?
introspection & details.
in childhood, imogen was an overbearing, wannabe overachiever who just managed to achieve. she's always felt like a part of hector's shadow, lurking only a few paces behind him. her ego's always been incredibly fragile; and it doesn't take much for her to break.
is prone to fits, or outbursts - or breakdowns; whichever takes fancy. it's when she becomes - so overwhelmed by the stress and weight of - everything, that she just completely shuts down. often resorts to violence - has broken many of her own possessions in her childhood. she's always hidden her outbursts - and has gotten better at managing them. for the most part.
in fact, she hides all of the... unsavory parts of her well. her demeanor is always languid, lithe - relaxed and unconcerned with the estates' happenings. on the inside, she's biting her nails until blood draws.
she loves to host parties; loves to mingle with others, loves the attention - loves to chat, especially when it's meaningless. especially when she can talk about herself. has hosted many charity galas, mostly for that purpose. and for the orphans! always for the orphans!
she's extremely socially unaware; most worldly topics escape her, despite her numerous travels. she can get away with it for the most part. it also doesn't help that she's - patronizing at best, thinking she's above most because of the money she's raised and donated for charity ( even if some of them are just fronts ).
imogen doesn't know how much bananas cost at the grocery store. or most produce for that matter. maybe the most likely out of her siblings to just throw a wad of money at something and assume it's exactly paid for.
unironically downloads and pays for those video skit apps that always have ads on tiktok like "i'm the fated luna to my professor, the alpha king!". unironically enjoys them. is also prone to terrible, terrible romance books. the littler the plot, and the greater the smut - the better. hasn't read nonfiction since university.
many were surprised when imogen first married ( though, naturally she's now - separated? divorced? widowed? ) because of her... habit of acquiring multiple lovers at a time. she's never been a long - term person, not since her first love. even now, back at the estate - imogen may or may not be involved with a few family friends... or staff. they always say old habits die hard.
extremely charismatic when she wants to be; has a deep, inner need to be loved and admired. hates being alone for too long - has a tendency to drink by herself, which either causes havoc or causes her to spiral.
selfish and narcissistic; will always think about herself first ( besides her family... sometimes ) and is a strong believer of selfcare days ( where she does nothing but lounge by the pool ). she's terrified of getting older - of looking old; is terrified of the day where she becomes undesirable, and therefore truly worth nothing.
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Friday, May 5th 2023
Sun in Taurus ♉️🌎, Moon in Scorpio ♏️🌊
We have arrived at the end of a karmic cycle point and the beginning of an energetic shift with the full moon in Scorpio and lunar eclipse taking place today. There is no doom and gloom to this energy and anyone who truly analyzes the events in their life for the last year and a half or so will understand the karma they’re clearing. But hey, I guess that’s only if you care. Some will float through this feeling quite happy and others will feel deep emotional pain. Either way, it’s a good day to just take in the heaviness of this energy, whichever way it’s coming at you because it will be felt for a couple of days more.
The background energies today are actually kinda cute with Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries which is social and flirtatious energy. Sink your teeth into that energy if you’re lucky enough to be numb to this because at 1:34 PM here in the Atlantic, the Lunar eclipse will take place. The moon will oppose not just the Sun but also Uranus and Mercury in Taurus which scrambles our thought process. Why you ask? Well Uranus is the only planet that naturally spins backwards and signifies chaos and radical change. Mercury, the planet of the mind is at the half way point of its retrograde. Both planets dealing with communication and currently inducing reflection. One at the personal level and the other affecting society as a whole. They’re meeting up with the sun, our vital force energy and all are in a tug and pull with the moon, our emotions.
This is not the moon to manifest or set intentions or charge crystals or even clear energies. These planetary bodies are doing it for you. It’s a day to just be. To reflect, accept and try to understand the things that have either entered or left your life in the last year and a half. This eclipse is part of a set of eclipses along the Taurus/Scorpio axis line which started November 2021. It will set the course for a new path today but will wrap up the themes of this cycle by October 2023.
Today we understand. Tomorrow we improve. By October, we let go. That’s what today’s energies are about. Look around the areas of your life involving intimacy, attachments and/or your personal finances and see if you can find your theme. We’re not all the same and if you’d like some help with understanding the themes of this cycle for you, please reach out. That’s what I’m here for! ☮️💚✨
Learn more about your personal energies and how the daily forecast affects you! Comment below⬇️ or DM me for a FREE consultation.
Grow With Me Astrology provides astrological roadmaps that empowers people to take full control of their lives.
Let me reveal to you the most powerful tool you already possess.
If you’d like to support or donate:
🅿️ PayPal @KameyBatizWilson, Venmo @KameyBatiz or CashApp $NaliniFlor
#astrology #loveyourself #bethechange #healing #dailyhoroscope #selfcare #love #zodiac #sun #venusingemini #sunintaurus #plutoinaquarius #eclipseseason #saturninpisces #taurus #mercuryretrograde #scorpio #eclipse
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blueparzival · 1 year
"10 Self-Care Tips to Boost Your Mental Health"
Hey Tumblr fam! It's important to take care of our mental health, especially during tough times. Here are 10 self-care tips that can help boost your mental health:
1) Practice mindfulness: Take a few minutes each day to focus on your breath and be present in the moment.
2) Get some exercise: Even a quick walk or yoga session can help release endorphins and boost your mood.
3) Connect with loved ones: Whether it's through a phone call or video chat, connecting with friends and family can help you feel less alone.
4) Treat yourself: Indulge in a favorite hobby, buy yourself a small gift, or enjoy a tasty treat.
5) Take a break from social media: Unplug from the digital world for a while and enjoy some offline activities.
6) Get enough sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night to help your body and mind rest and recover.
7) Listen to music: Music can help reduce stress and anxiety, so put on your favorite tunes and let yourself relax.
8) Try something new: Whether it's a new hobby or a new food, trying something new can help stimulate your brain and boost your mood.
9) Write it out: Journaling can be a great way to process your emotions and work through any challenges you may be facing.
10) Seek help if needed: Remember that there is no shame in seeking help from a mental health professional if you are struggling.
Remember, taking care of yourself is a form of self-love. I hope these tips help you prioritize your mental health and feel your best. Don't forget to share with your friends and loved ones who could use some self-care too! #selfcare #mentalhealthawareness #wellness
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thewomenshealthclinic · 3 months
🌟 Reveal Younger-Looking Skin with CO2 Laser Resurfacing! 🌟 https://thewomenshealth.clinic/co2-resurfacing/ https://youtu.be/B3vU8Q8SFjc Tired of dealing with wrinkles, sun damage, or acne scars? Our CO2 Laser Resurfacing treatment is your ultimate solution for smoother, rejuvenated skin! 💫✨ In this 1-minute video, learn how our advanced treatment can transform your skin and boost your confidence. From patch tests to personalized care, we've got you covered every step of the way. 🔍 What to Expect: Patch Test: Your safety is our priority! Discover why a patch test is essential before your treatment. Treatment Day: Get ready with numbing cream and learn about the procedure to feel prepared and confident. Treatment Experience: Find out what CO2 laser resurfacing feels like and how we ensure your comfort. Recovery Guide: Follow our step-by-step recovery instructions to minimize downtime and maximize results. 💡 Special Offer: Book your free consultation today and start your journey to radiant skin! 🌟✨ #WomensHealth #CO2Laser #SkinRejuvenation #AcneScars #SunDamage #WrinkleFree #Beauty #Wellbeing #InnovativeTreatments #Skincare #SelfCare #FreeConsultation #Aesthetics
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m-bige · 4 months
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Friday, 17th of May, 2024
Current progress:
Hygiene - Brushed teeth twice today, had a shower, and moisturised my face after my shower.
Physical activity - Nothing today, was a bit too tired to attempt shit.
Eating - Had a burger with Fiend and his girlfriend. My first food in 29hrs and my first full meal in 3 days.
Sleep - About 5hrs.
Selfcare - Went and saw an old friend and spent a good couple hours with her just venting and catching up then and out for dinner with Fiend and his girlfriend.
Academic growth - None today.
Overall mood - Woke up feeling REALLY numb today, which consisted on throughout half of the day but then got anxious and jittery, then sad, then calm and maybe sad again soon.
Been a bit of an out of it day today. Woke up feeling numb and that was sad and odd given the context and how I was feeling the day before.
I started jittering out a bit getting anxious, stressed and overthinking so I went and saw an old friend which was nice to catch up and vent. They tried to get too cozy with me which set of some internal repulsion but once I got over that I was good.
Went and picked up Nugg from school after that and told him the bad news. We both had a cry and I told him that I love him and the person that had the bad news loved him no matter what. I apologised for the bad news (since it was ultimately my fault). After that we got him sorted for the night, dinner, shower and then I dropped him at mum and dads as I’m not really in a good space at the moment.
Fiend came over and hung out tonight then I went out with him and his partner to get a burger. It ended up being a lovely night and made my day a whole lot better!
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truetubes · 9 months
Holy Water Numbing Mist Spray by @saintmarq is available at True Tattoo Supply! 🔱
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@truetubes @truetattoosupply
#truetattoosupply #truetubes #truetattoo #truegrips #numb #numbing #tattoonumb #holywater #stmarq #holywatermist #comfort #care #tattoo #tattoos #pain #tattooartist #tattoosupplies #tattooshop #selfcare #painfree
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eight-twenty · 1 year
Eight things: (The Lack of) Life Lately
the world is shite rn. but we are expected to live life normally somehow. so here's life.
Finding the fountain of youth I just turned 31 and a month, and the fading youth is starting to show. From the whites on my hair, the slowing metabolism, and the crackles from joints I never knew existed and the dimming lights on my eyes. When I was young (literally just more paychecks and a year ago) I used to find youth in trendy ampoules of skincare and habits guised under #selfcare. Now I've been finding it thru the consumption of things I used to (and should've enjoyed) as a kid, healing the inner child per se. In case it has not been sprawled out in my online spaces, I have been devouring Anime*, DraMione fan fiction**, Windows 2000 games, library trips, and for a brief moment of pure bliss I've been intentionally away from being online. 10/10 will recommend. Ironically, I've started this extra anti-aging routine thru the discovery of "The Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan", a limited anime series about a 31 year old children's host (I do children's parties on the side too!) who struggle behind the scenes work and his own bleak life. The consumption of childish media has put my mind in such a numbing state and I've somehow learned to take life less seriously--the hand drawn characters on screen can do the hardcore living for me. *Currently, the state of the world is giving off Marleyan and Eldian energy yeah? **Started by testing the waters through Manacled that it left a whole in my chest in the end, and found healing through DMATMOOBIL (the best after-cure of Manacled's dark themes) and Remain Nameless (the perfect combination of above titles). Escapism at its best. Living the cringe but free thirties indeed.
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2. Relearning to be comfortable with visibility. Lately, I have been so careful about visibility, at least online. Lately, every piece of content I give away to the internet feels like creating a horcrux. Preserving my being through self expression online didn't use to feel so painful until of late. The online space used to be my refuge, the space where my irl personality could shine through because all I ever need to show up for it are words; it also used to be the place I can comfortably showcase my so-called income generating 'talents' (okay, not so-called, I know I'm capable) to make up for the lack of popularity and nepo connections. However, I have such a love-hate relationship with being recognized. Having an ounce of validation makes me want to squirm into a cave. Having too little recognition also makes me feel I'm doing my god-given skills a disservice. It takes a certain amount of privilege to not have to put your self out there, especially for someone who needs (and wants) and audience to shine through in their areas of passion. I am continuously learning and coming to terms that my work would never speak for itself without me calling attention to it. It's actually quite arrogant of me to think that people will just flock to my work--and to assume appreciating me for the raw talent without self-promoting makes me better than anyone. As a wise philosopher of my generation once said:
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3. Inexisting is a fantasy that keeps me going.
Visibility being said, being invisible irl sounds so good rn. Being away from it all but without having to die or without having to be obliviated from existence has become a concept I've loved toying with lately I know I can't be invisible, but I can be inside a Pikachu mascot for a day, and that's the closest I can ever get to inexisting--and I kind of want that.
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photo from reddit
Having to participate in society has become so daunting.
4. I've been going to church on Sundays again Hozier, my lord and saviour, once sang "If there was anyone to ever get through this life with their heart still intact, they didn't do it right." to which I also say "If you've been through catholic school all your life with your faith still intact, you didn't do it right"
Without the outside pressure of guilt, going to church on your own terms feels like therapy; the idea that someone else who is bigger and better than you is to be blamed for your misfortunes (and luck) feels nice. 5. Random wedding detail nobody asked for: I am a girl dad's gworl. I purposely didn't have a father-daughter dance at my wedding (as per tradition) because I hated the idea behind it, of it symbolizing the father giving his daughter (or responsibility) to the now husband. Why can't people just get married without the thought of having to be given away--or having give up the life you loved living. marriage built on other people's beliefs is so weird, man.
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General piece of advice that nobody also asked for: Marry based on your idea of what a marriage entails, even if it's not practiced by many. Do it to create your definition, not by tradition.
6. The fear of "utang na loob" will ultimately be my downfall in this country life. Everything they say (by they i mean sitcoms) about Canada is true. People in Canada are awfully nice and are painfully so sincere about wanting to help. And perhaps the reason I'm struggling more than necessary is because not only do I now know/want to ask for help, but also because I don't know how to receive help without feeling like my life is to be built in returning the favor upon acceptance.
7. A charcuterie board of cheesy feelings I am also reaccepting how I am a super cheesy person at the core. I simply can't be cynical and detached (i have tried). I like reaching out first, i like sharing paragraphs about my latest obsession, i like take cares and nice meeting yous, sweetness and earnestness. I like giving warmth and affection. i think it's cool to.
I never really understood the idea of self-preservation. I never learned to quantify generosity when it comes affection (love, trust, even money). To quantify emotions and feelings (e.g. subscribing to the idea of not knowing how to love anymore because you've given to someone who didn't deserve it) is like believing in the concept of virginity—that a woman becomes 'less than' once it has been given. it's silly and outdated. To borrow from my (not a philosopher) old tweets filed under the thread "concepts and ideals that we need to stop preaching because the world is entirely different now"
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the world continues to be entirely different the last time i thought it was different (taking at a worse turn i believe). send a paragraph long message of nothing to someone. that will surely mean everything. 8. Consistency remains to be a concept I struggle with, and that I believe is the solution to my being. Consistency to me is stripping away sincerity in exchange, and I have always preferred the latter.
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dragonblogger · 1 year
Check this out on Amazon: https://geni.us/Xkel0FP If you're suffering from pain, soreness or numbness in your feet, the BREO foot massager may be able to help you out. This foot massager comes with deep kneading, compression, scraping, rolling & heating function. This reflexology massager helps stimulate the nerves and improve blood circulation to relax sore, tired, and achy feet after all day working or standing. #massage #footmassager #selfcare Follow our Amazon Influencer Store for more photos, vids and product recommends https://ift.tt/CierMKY Disclosure: By clicking on links and purchasing any products from the video description or comments we may earn affiliate commissions from Amazon or other affiliate programs we are part of. #commissionearned by ShoppingDragons
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dralhallaj · 1 year
#hotweathertips #reels2023 #sweating #reelsfb #عمان #water #تعرق #الام_الكلى  #مناخ_حار
#تشنج #تشنج_حراري #طفلي #طفل #طفلة #طفلتي #heat #HeatStroke
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#sport #sport #sports #sportgirl #sporgiyim #walk  #walklikeus  #walking #walks #walker #walkies  #walkingdead #رياضة #رياضة  #رياضة #رياضه #رياضه_لياقه  #مشي  #المشي  #رياضه_المشي  #المشي_للصحة  #ضغط_الدم  #السكر  #السكري_والضغط #الخرف #الحفاظ_على_الوزن #الوقايه_خيرمن_العلاج  #الوقايه_من_السكري #DM  #diabetes #hypertension
#limb numbness #neuroscience #neurop #DM #b12 #calcium #potassium #iron #vitamins  #تنميل #تنميل_اليدين  #كالسيوم #كالسيوم_حديد_بوتاسيوم_زنك #انفلونزا #حساسيه #flu #رياضة #صحة #مصر #عمان #حكه #influenza #best #bellydance #reels #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelsviral #reels2023 #facts #facebookreels #face #shorts #دكتور #doctor #health #healthcare #disease #infection  #allergy  #itching #eye #earrings #ثقافة #you #Youtube #youtuber #youtubers #youtubeshorts #young #style #summer  #share #smile #snow #S
#انفلونزا #حساسيه #flu #رياضة #صحة #مصر #عمان #حكه #influenza #best #bellydance #reels #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelsviral #reels2023 #facts #facebookreels #face #shorts #دكتور #doctor #health #healthcare #disease #infection  #allergy  #itching #eye #earrings #flu #رياضة #مصر #غذاء #ثقافة #سعوديات #دكتور #influenza #طبيب #infection ثقافة #yoga  #Youtube #youtubechannel  #youtubers #youtubeshorts  #youngentrepreneur  #style #reelsinstagram  #reelsviral #reels #reelsfb #reels2023 #reelsvideo #fun #foodie #food #fyp #girls #gym #garden #gold #gelnails #gift #summer  #share #smile #snow #S #love #TFLers #tweegram #photooftheday #20likes #amazing #smile #follow4follow #like4like #look #instalike #igers #picoftheday #food #instadaily #instafollow #followme #girl #iphoneonly #instagood #bestoftheday #instacool #instago #all_shots #follow  #quote #Quran #qotd #qatar #quiz #wedding #work #weekend #women #win #workout #everyone #entertainment #webstagram #colorful #style #swag #etsy #europe #explorepage #explore #relax #review #travel #tbt #training #trend #Tiktok #technology #yorkshire #yellow #york #yum #uk #usa #ufc #Update #University #UCL #instagram  #instagood I #india #italy I #interiordesign  #inspiration  #interiors  #onlineshopping #offer #ootd #online #of #onlinestore #photooftheday #photography #Pakistan #picoftheday #property #party #ad #art #aiart #anime #artist #AmaZing #summer#s  #selfcare #share #shoplocal #shorts #dance #dogs #diy #decor #design #dogsofinstagram #fightcoronavirus #fightagainstcoronavirus  #home  #handmade  #jobseekers  #jobs #jewellery #joinus #June #jazz #kitchen #k #kids #kenya #korea #kitten #london #love #life #lifestyle #luxury #livemusic #zodiac #zerowaste #zen #zelda #zara #zoo #xyzbca #xiaomi #xboxone #xbox #xrp #xmen #covid #COVID2019 #COVID19 #COVID19PH #Corona_Virus #CoronavirusLockdown #viralvideo #viral #viralpost #video #vintage #viralreels #best #beauty #business #beautiful #baby #BMW #nCoV2019 #nCoV #nature #news #natural #nails #music #model #movies #makeup #motivation #mentalhealth #memes #homedecor #holiday #hiring #happy #reelsviralfb #جدة #جديد #جمال #جده #جمالك #جميل #حمص #حلب #حديث #حب #حجاب #حلويات #خبر #خدا #خواطر #خطوبة #خاص #خصومات #هدية #هدايا #هنر #هذا #هەولێر #هولندا #عاجل #عشق #عرس #عمان #علي #عيد #غزل #غزة #غريان #غرق #غرفة #فلسطين #فرنسا #فن #فولو #فيديو #فنون #قلب #قران #قميص #قفطان #قطر #قصة #ثم #ثروت #ثانويةعامة #ثوب #ثلاثة #صور #صحة #صورة #صباحكم #صباح #صلاة #ضحك #ضد #ضحكه #ضحكة #ضحكني #ضلع #طلا #طرابلس #طرطوس #كل #كويت #كتب #كيك #كندا #كربلاء  #منقول #ميسي #مكة #محمد #من #تونس #تركيا #ترند #تم #تدريب #تعليم #السعودية #المغرب #العراق #البحرين #الاردن #اليمن #لبنان #ليبيا #لندن #لا #للبيع #ليفربول #بيروت #برشلونة #بغداد #بنغازي #بنزيما #باريس #يارب #ياحسين #يوم #يا #ياالله #يوسف #سفر #سلێمانی #سبها #سياحة #سعودية #ست #شاهد #شعر #شير #شال #شحن #شاورما #دمشق #دبي #دعاء #ديكور #درعا #ديرالزور #دعا #ظریف #ظفار #ظالم #ظلم #ظهور #ظروف #زندگی #زليتن #زواج #زلزال #زوارة #زارا #وهران #وصفات #وطن #و #ورد #واشنطن #ة #ةة #رمضان #روسيا #رونالدو #روح #رواية #ء #ءامين #ذكريات #ذکر #ذكرى #ذكر #ذهب #ذات #فيديوجرافيك #ريلزات #ريلزا #انستقرام #انستجرام #انستج #انستاغرام #سنابات #سناب #انفلونزا #حساسيه #flu #رياضة #صحة #مصر #عمان #حكه #influenza #best #bellydance #reels #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelsviral #reels2023 #facts #facebookreels #face #shorts #دكتور #doctor #health #healthcare #disease #infection  #allergy  #itching #eye #earrings #ثقافة #you #Youtube #youtuber #youtubers #youtubeshorts #young #style #summer  #share #smile #snow #S
#انفلونزا #حساسيه #flu #رياضة #صحة #مصر #عمان #حكه #influenza #best #bellydance #reels #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelsviral #reels2023 #facts #facebookreels #face #shorts #دكتور #doctor #health #healthcare #disease #infection  #allergy  #itching #eye #earrings #flu #رياضة #مصر #غذاء #ثقافة #سعوديات #دكتور #influenza #طبيب #infection ثقافة #yoga  #Youtube #youtubechannel  #youtubers #youtubeshorts  #youngentrepreneur  #style #reelsinstagram  #reelsviral #reels #reelsfb #reels2023 #reelsvideo #fun #foodie #food #fyp #girls #gym #garden #gold #gelnails #gift #summer  #share #smile #snow #S #love #TFLers #tweegram #photooftheday #20likes #amazing #smile #follow4follow #like4like #look #instalike #igers #picoftheday #food #instadaily #instafollow #followme #girl #iphoneonly #instagood #bestoftheday #instacool #instago #all_shots #follow  #quote #Quran #qotd #qatar #quiz #wedding #work #weekend #women #win #workout #everyone #entertainment #webstagram #colorful #style #swag #etsy #europe #explorepage #explore #relax #review #travel #tbt #training #trend #Tiktok #technology #yorkshire #yellow #york #yum #uk #usa #ufc #Update #University #UCL #instagram  #instagood I #india #italy I #interiordesign  #inspiration  #interiors  #onlineshopping #offer #ootd #online #of #onlinestore #photooftheday #photography #Pakistan #picoftheday #property #party #ad #art #aiart #anime #artist #AmaZing #summer#s  #selfcare #share #shoplocal #shorts #dance #dogs #diy #decor #design #dogsofinstagram #fightcoronavirus #fightagainstcoronavirus  #home  #handmade  #jobseekers  #jobs #jewellery #joinus #June #jazz #kitchen #k #kids #kenya #korea #kitten #london #love #life #lifestyle #luxury #livemusic #zodiac #zerowaste #zen #zelda #zara #zoo #xyzbca #xiaomi #xboxone #xbox #xrp #xmen #covid #COVID2019 #COVID19 #COVID19PH #Corona_Virus #CoronavirusLockdown #viralvideo #viral #viralpost #video #vintage #viralreels #best #beauty #business #beautiful #baby #BMW #nCoV2019 #nCoV #nature #news #natural #nails #music #model #movies #makeup #motivation #mentalhealth #memes #homedecor #holiday #hiring #happy #reelsviralfb #جدة #جديد #جمال #جده #جمالك #جميل #حمص #حلب #حديث #حب #حجاب #حلويات #خبر #خدا #خواطر #خطوبة #خاص #خصومات #هدية #هدايا #هنر #هذا #هەولێر #هولندا #عاجل #عشق #عرس #عمان #علي #عيد #غزل #غزة #غريان #غرق #غرفة #فلسطين #فرنسا #فن #فولو #فيديو #فنون #قلب #قران #قميص #قفطان #قطر #قصة #ثم #ثروت #ثانويةعامة #ثوب #ثلاثة #صور #صحة #صورة #صباحكم #صباح #صلاة #ضحك #ضد #ضحكه #ضحكة #ضحكني #ضلع #طلا #طرابلس #طرطوس #كل #كويت #كتب #كيك #كندا #كربلاء  #منقول #ميسي #مكة #محمد #من #تونس #تركيا #ترند #تم #تدريب #تعليم #السعودية #المغرب #العراق #البحرين #الاردن #اليمن #لبنان #ليبيا #لندن #لا #للبيع #ليفربول #بيروت #برشلونة #بغداد #بنغازي #بنزيما #باريس #يارب #ياحسين #يوم #يا #ياالله #يوسف #سفر #سلێمانی #سبها #سياحة #سعودية #ست #شاهد #شعر #شير #شال #شحن #شاورما #دمشق #دبي #دعاء #ديكور #درعا #ديرالزور #دعا #ظریف #ظفار #ظالم #ظلم #ظهور #ظروف #زندگی #زليتن #زواج #زلزال #زوارة #زارا #وهران #وصفات #وطن #و #ورد #واشنطن #ة #ةة #رمضان #روسيا #رونالدو #روح #رواية #ء #ءامين #ذكريات #ذکر #ذكرى #ذكر #ذهب #ذات #فيديوجرافيك #ريلزات #ريلزا #انستقرام #انستجرام #انستج #انستاغرام #سنابات #سناب #يوتيوب يوتيوب #يوتيوب يوتيوب
#انفلونزا #حساسيه #flu #رياضة #صحة #مصر #عمان #حكه #influenza #best #bellydance #reels #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelsviral #reels2023 #facts #facebookreels #face #shorts #دكتور #doctor #health #healthcare #disease #infection  #allergy  #itching #eye #earrings #ثقافة #you #Youtube #youtuber #youtubers #youtubeshorts #young #style #summer  #share #smile #snow #S
#انفلونزا #حساسيه #flu #رياضة #صحة #مصر #عمان #حكه #influenza #best #bellydance #reels #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelsviral #reels2023 #facts #facebookreels #face #shorts #دكتور #doctor #health #healthcare #disease #infection  #allergy  #itching #eye #earrings #flu #رياضة #مصر #غذاء #ثقافة #سعوديات #دكتور #influenza #طبيب #infection ثقافة #yoga  #Youtube #youtubechannel  #youtubers #youtubeshorts  #youngentrepreneur  #style #reelsinstagram  #reelsviral #reels #reelsfb #reels2023 #reelsvideo #fun #foodie #food #fyp #girls #gym #garden #gold #gelnails #gift #summer  #share #smile #snow #S #love #TFLers #tweegram #photooftheday #20likes #amazing #smile #follow4follow #like4like #look #instalike #igers #picoftheday #food #instadaily #instafollow #followme #girl #iphoneonly #instagood #bestoftheday #instacool #instago #all_shots #follow  #quote #Quran #qotd #qatar #quiz #wedding #work #weekend #women #win #workout #everyone #entertainment #webstagram #colorful #style #swag #etsy #europe #explorepage #explore #relax #review #travel #tbt #training #trend #Tiktok #technology #yorkshire #yellow #york #yum #uk #usa #ufc #Update #University #UCL #instagram  #instagood I #india #italy I #interiordesign  #inspiration  #interiors  #onlineshopping #offer #ootd #online #of #onlinestore #photooftheday #photography #Pakistan #picoftheday #property #party #ad #art #aiart #anime #artist #AmaZing #summer#s  #selfcare #share #shoplocal #shorts #dance #dogs #diy #decor #design #dogsofinstagram #fightcoronavirus #fightagainstcoronavirus  #home  #handmade  #jobseekers  #jobs #jewellery #joinus #June #jazz #kitchen #k #kids #kenya #korea #kitten #london #love #life #lifestyle #luxury #livemusic #zodiac #zerowaste #zen #zelda #zara #zoo #xyzbca #xiaomi #xboxone #xbox #xrp #xmen #covid #COVID2019 #COVID19 #COVID19PH #Corona_Virus #CoronavirusLockdown #viralvideo #viral #viralpost #video #vintage #viralreels #best #beauty #business #beautiful #baby #BMW #nCoV2019 #nCoV #nature #news #natural #nails #music #model #movies #makeup #motivation #mentalhealth #memes #homedecor #holiday #hiring #happy #reelsviralfb #جدة #جديد #جمال #جده #جمالك #جميل #حمص #حلب #حديث #حب #حجاب #حلويات #خبر #خدا #خواطر #خطوبة #خاص #خصومات #هدية #هدايا #هنر #هذا #هەولێر #هولندا #عاجل #عشق #عرس #عمان #علي #عيد #غزل #غزة #غريان #غرق #غرفة #فلسطين #فرنسا #فن #فولو #فيديو #فنون #قلب #قران #قميص #قفطان #قطر #قصة #ثم #ثروت #ثانويةعامة #ثوب #ثلاثة #صور #صحة #صورة #صباحكم #صباح #صلاة #ضحك #ضد #ضحكه #ضحكة #ضحكني #ضلع #طلا #طرابلس #طرطوس #كل #كويت #كتب #كيك #كندا #كربلاء  #منقول #ميسي #مكة #محمد #من #تونس #تركيا #ترند #تم #تدريب #تعليم #السعودية #المغرب #العراق #البحرين #الاردن #اليمن #لبنان #ليبيا #لندن #لا #للبيع #ليفربول #بيروت #برشلونة #بغداد #بنغازي #بنزيما #باريس #يارب #ياحسين #يوم #يا #ياالله #يوسف #سفر #سلێمانی #سبها #سياحة #سعودية #ست #شاهد #شعر #شير #شال #شحن #شاورما #دمشق #دبي #دعاء #ديكور #درعا #ديرالزور #دعا #ظریف #ظفار #ظالم #ظلم #ظهور #ظروف #زندگی #زليتن #زواج #زلزال #زوارة #زارا #وهران #وصفات #وطن #و #ورد #واشنطن #ة #ةة #رمضان #روسيا #رونالدو #روح #رواية #ء #ءامين #ذكريات #ذکر #ذكرى #ذكر #ذهب #ذات #فيديوجرافيك #ريلزات #ريلزا #انستقرام #انستجرام #انستج #انستاغرام #سنابات #سناب #انفلونزا #حساسيه #flu #رياضة #صحة #مصر #عمان #حكه #influenza #best #bellydance #reels #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelsviral #reels2023 #facts #facebookreels #face #shorts #دكتور #doctor #health #healthcare #disease #infection  #allergy  #itching #eye #earrings #ثقافة #you #Youtube #youtuber #youtubers #youtubeshorts #young #style #summer  #share #smile #snow #S
#انفلونزا #حساسيه #flu #رياضة #صحة #مصر #عمان #حكه #influenza #best #bellydance #reels #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelsviral #reels2023 #facts #facebookreels #face #shorts #دكتور #doctor #health #healthcare #disease #infection  #allergy  #itching #eye #earrings #flu #رياضة #مصر #غذاء #ثقافة #سعوديات #دكتور #influenza #طبيب #infection ثقافة #yoga  #Youtube #youtubechannel  #youtubers #youtubeshorts  #youngentrepreneur  #style #reelsinstagram  #reelsviral #reels #reelsfb #reels2023 #reelsvideo #fun #foodie #food #fyp #girls #gym #garden #gold #gelnails #gift #summer  #share #smile #snow #S #love #TFLers #tweegram #photooftheday #20likes #amazing #smile #follow4follow #like4like #look #instalike #igers #picoftheday #food #instadaily #instafollow #followme #girl #iphoneonly #instagood #bestoftheday #instacool #instago #all_shots #follow  #quote #Quran #qotd #qatar #quiz #wedding #work #weekend #women #win #workout #everyone #entertainment #webstagram #colorful #style #swag #etsy #europe #explorepage #explore #relax #review #travel #tbt #training #trend #Tiktok #technology #yorkshire #yellow #york #yum #uk #usa #ufc #Update #University #UCL #instagram  #instagood I #india #italy I #interiordesign  #inspiration  #interiors  #onlineshopping #offer #ootd #online #of #onlinestore #photooftheday #photography #Pakistan #picoftheday #property #party #ad #art #aiart #anime #artist #AmaZing #summer#s  #selfcare #share #shoplocal #shorts #dance #dogs #diy #decor #design #dogsofinstagram #fightcoronavirus #fightagainstcoronavirus  #home  #handmade  #jobseekers  #jobs #jewellery #joinus #June #jazz #kitchen #k #kids #kenya #korea #kitten #london #love #life #lifestyle #luxury #livemusic #zodiac #zerowaste #zen #zelda #zara #zoo #xyzbca #xiaomi #xboxone #xbox #xrp #xmen #covid #COVID2019 #COVID19 #COVID19PH #Corona_Virus #CoronavirusLockdown #viralvideo #viral #viralpost #video #vintage #viralreels #best #beauty #business #beautiful #baby #BMW #nCoV2019 #nCoV #nature #news #natural #nails #music #model #movies #makeup #motivation #mentalhealth #memes #homedecor #holiday #hiring #happy #reelsviralfb #جدة #جديد #جمال #جده #جمالك #جميل #حمص #حلب #حديث #حب #حجاب #حلويات #خبر #خدا #خواطر #خطوبة #خاص #خصومات #هدية #هدايا #هنر #هذا #هەولێر #هولندا #عاجل #عشق #عرس #عمان #علي #عيد #غزل #غزة #غريان #غرق #غرفة #فلسطين #فرنسا #فن #فولو #فيديو #فنون #قلب #قران #قميص #قفطان #قطر #قصة #ثم #ثروت #ثانويةعامة #ثوب #ثلاثة #صور #صحة #صورة #صباحكم #صباح #صلاة #ضحك #ضد #ضحكه #ضحكة #ضحكني #ضلع #طلا #طرابلس #طرطوس #كل #كويت #كتب #كيك #كندا #كربلاء  #منقول #ميسي #مكة #محمد #من #تونس #تركيا #ترند #تم #تدريب #تعليم #السعودية #المغرب #العراق #البحرين #الاردن #اليمن #لبنان #ليبيا #لندن #لا #للبيع #ليفربول #بيروت #برشلونة #بغداد #بنغازي #بنزيما #باريس #يارب #ياحسين #يوم #يا #ياالله #يوسف #سفر #سلێمانی #سبها #سياحة #سعودية #ست #شاهد #شعر #شير #شال #شحن #شاورما #دمشق #دبي #دعاء #ديكور #درعا #ديرالزور #دعا #ظریف #ظفار #ظالم #ظلم #ظهور #ظروف #زندگی #زليتن #زواج #زلزال #زوارة #زارا #وهران #وصفات #وطن #و #ورد #واشنطن #ة #ةة #رمضان #روسيا #رونالدو #روح #رواية #ء #ءامين #ذكريات #ذکر #ذكرى #ذكر #ذهب #ذات #فيديوجرافيك #ريلزات #ريلزا #انستقرام #انستجرام #انستج #انستاغرام #سنابات #سناب #يوتيوب يوتيوب #يوتيوب يوتيوب
#جسم #ادوية #ليبيا #ليمون #ثوم #زنجبيل #baby #body #clean #club #cleaning #lemon #garden #garlic #ginger ging#انفلونزا #حساسيه #flu #رياضة #صحة #مصر #عمان #حكه #influenza #best #bellydance #reels #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelsviral #reels2023 #facts #facebookreels #face #shorts #دكتور #doctor #health #healthcare #disease #infection  #allergy  #itching #eye #earrings #ثقافة #you #Youtube #youtuber #youtubers #youtubeshorts #young #style #summer  #share #smile #snow #S
#انفلونزا #حساسيه #flu #رياضة #صحة #مصر #عمان #حكه #influenza #best #bellydance #reels #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelsviral #reels2023 #facts #facebookreels #face #shorts #دكتور #doctor #health #healthcare #disease #infection  #allergy  #itching #eye #earrings #flu #رياضة #مصر #غذاء #ثقافة #سعوديات #دكتور #influenza #طبيب #infection ثقافة #yoga  #Youtube #youtubechannel  #youtubers #youtubeshorts  #youngentrepreneur  #style #reelsinstagram  #reelsviral #reels #reelsfb #reels2023 #reelsvideo #fun #foodie #food #fyp #girls #gym #garden #gold #gelnails #gift #summer  #share #smile #snow #S #love #TFLers #tweegram #photooftheday #20likes #amazing #smile #follow4follow #like4like #look #instalike #igers #picoftheday #food #instadaily #instafollow #followme #girl #iphoneonly #instagood #bestoftheday #instacool #instago #all_shots #follow  #quote #Quran #qotd #qatar #quiz #wedding #work #weekend #women #win #workout #everyone #entertainment #webstagram #colorful #style #swag #etsy #europe #explorepage #explore #relax #review #travel #tbt #training #trend #Tiktok #technology #yorkshire #yellow #york #yum #uk #usa #ufc #Update #University #UCL #instagram  #instagood I #india #italy I #interiordesign  #inspiration  #interiors  #onlineshopping #offer #ootd #online #of #onlinestore #photooftheday #photography #Pakistan #picoftheday #property #party #ad #art #aiart #anime #artist #AmaZing #summer#s  #selfcare #share #shoplocal #shorts #dance #dogs #diy #decor #design #dogsofinstagram #fightcoronavirus #fightagainstcoronavirus  #home  #handmade  #jobseekers  #jobs #jewellery #joinus #June #jazz #kitchen #k #kids #kenya #korea #kitten #london #love #life #lifestyle #luxury #livemusic #zodiac #zerowaste #zen #zelda #zara #zoo #xyzbca #xiaomi #xboxone #xbox #xrp #xmen #covid #COVID2019 #COVID19 #COVID19PH #Corona_Virus #CoronavirusLockdown #viralvideo #viral #viralpost #video #vintage #viralreels #best #beauty #business #beautiful #baby #BMW #nCoV2019 #nCoV #nature #news #natural #nails #music #model #movies #makeup #motivation #mentalhealth #memes #homedecor #holiday #hiring #happy #reelsviralfb #جدة #جديد #جمال #جده #جمالك #جميل #حمص #حلب #حديث #حب #حجاب #حلويات #خبر #خدا #خواطر #خطوبة #خاص #خصومات #هدية #هدايا #هنر #هذا #هەولێر #هولندا #عاجل #عشق #عرس #عمان #علي #عيد #غزل #غزة #غريان #غرق #غرفة #فلسطين #فرنسا #فن #فولو #فيديو #فنون #قلب #قران #قميص #قفطان #قطر #قصة #ثم #ثروت #ثانويةعامة #ثوب #ثلاثة #صور #صحة #صورة #صباحكم #صباح #صلاة #ضحك #ضد #ضحكه #ضحكة #ضحكني #ضلع #طلا #طرابلس #طرطوس #كل #كويت #كتب #كيك #كندا #كربلاء  #منقول #ميسي #مكة #محمد #من #تونس #تركيا #ترند #تم #تدريب #تعليم #السعودية #المغرب #العراق #البحرين #الاردن #اليمن #لبنان #ليبيا #لندن #لا #للبيع #ليفربول #بيروت #برشلونة #بغداد #بنغازي #بنزيما #باريس #يارب #ياحسين #يوم #يا #ياالله #يوسف #سفر #سلێمانی #سبها #سياحة #سعودية #ست #شاهد #شعر #شير #شال #شحن #شاورما #دمشق #دبي #دعاء #ديكور #درعا #ديرالزور #دعا #ظریف #ظفار #ظالم #ظلم #ظهور #ظروف #زندگی #زليتن #زواج #زلزال #زوارة #زارا #وهران #وصفات #وطن #و #ورد #واشنطن #ة #ةة #رمضان #روسيا #رونالدو #روح #رواية #ء #ءامين #ذكريات #ذکر #ذكرى #ذكر #ذهب #ذات #فيديوجرافيك #ريلزات #ريلزا #انستقرام #انستجرام #انستج #انستاغرام #سنابات #سناب #انفلونزا #حساسيه #flu #رياضة #صحة #مصر #عمان #حكه #influenza #best #bellydance #reels #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelsviral #reels2023 #facts #facebookreels #face #shorts #دكتور #doctor #health #healthcare #disease #infection  #allergy  #itching #eye #earrings #ثقافة #you #Youtube #youtuber #youtubers #youtubeshorts #young #style #summer  #share #smile #snow #S
#انفلونزا #حساسيه #flu #رياضة #صحة #مصر #عمان #حكه #influenza #best #bellydance #reels #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelsviral #reels2023 #facts #facebookreels #face #shorts #دكتور #doctor #health #healthcare #disease #infection  #allergy  #itching #eye #earrings #flu #رياضة #مصر #غذاء #ثقافة #سعوديات #دكتور #influenza #طبيب #infection ثقافة #yoga  #Youtube #youtubechannel  #youtubers #youtubeshorts  #youngentrepreneur  #style #reelsinstagram  #reelsviral #reels #reelsfb #reels2023 #reelsvideo #fun #foodie #food #fyp #girls #gym #garden #gold #gelnails #gift #summer  #share #smile #snow #S #love #TFLers #tweegram #photooftheday #20likes #amazing #smile #follow4follow #like4like #look #instalike #igers #picoftheday #food #instadaily #instafollow #followme #girl #iphoneonly #instagood #bestoftheday #instacool #instago #all_shots #follow  #quote #Quran #qotd #qatar #quiz #wedding #work #weekend #women #win #workout #everyone #entertainment #webstagram #colorful #style #swag #etsy #europe #explorepage #explore #relax #review #travel #tbt #training #trend #Tiktok #technology #yorkshire #yellow #york #yum #uk #usa #ufc #Update #University #UCL #instagram  #instagood I #india #italy I #interiordesign  #inspiration  #interiors  #onlineshopping #offer #ootd #online #of #onlinestore #photooftheday #photography #Pakistan #picoftheday #property #party #ad #art #aiart #anime #artist #AmaZing #summer#s  #selfcare #share #shoplocal #shorts #dance #dogs #diy #decor #design #dogsofinstagram #fightcoronavirus #fightagainstcoronavirus  #home  #handmade  #jobseekers  #jobs #jewellery #joinus #June #jazz #kitchen #k #kids #kenya #korea #kitten #london #love #life #lifestyle #luxury #livemusic #zodiac #zerowaste #zen #zelda #zara #zoo #xyzbca #xiaomi #xboxone #xbox #xrp #xmen #covid #COVID2019 #COVID19 #COVID19PH #Corona_Virus #CoronavirusLockdown #viralvideo #viral #viralpost #video #vintage #viralreels #best #beauty #business #beautiful #baby #BMW #nCoV2019 #nCoV #nature #news #natural #nails #music #model #movies #makeup #motivation #mentalhealth #memes #homedecor #holiday #hiring #happy #reelsviralfb #جدة #جديد #جمال #جده #جمالك #جميل #حمص #حلب #حديث #حب #حجاب #حلويات #خبر #خدا #خواطر #خطوبة #خاص #خصومات #هدية #هدايا #هنر #هذا #هەولێر #هولندا #عاجل #عشق #عرس #عمان #علي #عيد #غزل #غزة #غريان #غرق #غرفة #فلسطين #فرنسا #فن #فولو #فيديو #فنون #قلب #قران #قميص #قفطان #قطر #قصة #ثم #ثروت #ثانويةعامة #ثوب #ثلاثة #صور #صحة #صورة #صباحكم #صباح #صلاة #ضحك #ضد #ضحكه #ضحكة #ضحكني #ضلع #طلا #طرابلس #طرطوس #كل #كويت #كتب #كيك #كندا #كربلاء  #منقول #ميسي #مكة #محمد #من #تونس #تركيا #ترند #تم #تدريب #تعليم #السعودية #المغرب #العراق #البحرين #الاردن #اليمن #لبنان #ليبيا #لندن #لا #للبيع #ليفربول #بيروت #برشلونة #بغداد #بنغازي #بنزيما #باريس #يارب #ياحسين #يوم #يا #ياالله #يوسف #سفر #سلێمانی #سبها #سياحة #سعودية #ست #شاهد #شعر #شير #شال #شحن #شاورما #دمشق #دبي #دعاء #ديكور #درعا #ديرالزور #دعا #ظریف #ظفار #ظالم #ظلم #ظهور #ظروف #زندگی #زليتن #زواج #زلزال #زوارة #زارا #وهران #وصفات #وطن #و #ورد #واشنطن #ة #ةة #رمضان #روسيا #رونالدو #روح #رواية #ء #ءامين #ذكريات #ذکر #ذكرى #ذكر #ذهب #ذات #فيديوجرافيك #ريلزات #ريلزا #انستقرام #انستجرام #انستج #انستاغرام #سنابات #سناب #يوتيوب يوتيوب #يوتيوب يوتيوب nfluenza #best #bellydance #reels #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelsviral #reels2023 #facts #facebookreels #face #shorts #دكتور #doctor #health #healthcare #disease #infection  #allergy  #itching #eye #earrings #ثقافة #you #Youtube #youtuber #youtubers #youtubeshorts #young #style #summer  #share #smile #snow #S
#انفلونزا #حساسيه #flu #رياضة #صحة #مصر #عمان #حكه #influenza #best #bellydance #reels #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelsviral #reels2023 #facts #facebookreels #face #shorts #دكتور #doctor #health #healthcare #disease #infection  #allergy  #itching #eye #earrings #flu #رياضة #مصر #غذاء #ثقافة #سعوديات #دكتور #influenza #طبيب #infection ثقافة #yoga  #Youtube #youtubechannel  #youtubers #youtubeshorts  #youngentrepreneur  #style #reelsinstagram  #reelsviral #reels #reelsfb #reels2023 #reelsvideo #fun #foodie #food #fyp #girls #gym #garden #gold #gelnails #gift #summer  #share #smile #snow #S #love #TFLers #tweegram #photooftheday #20likes #amazing #smile #follow4follow #like4like #look #instalike #igers #picoftheday #food #instadaily #instafollow #followme #girl #iphoneonly #instagood #bestoftheday #instacool #instago #all_shots #follow  #quote #Quran #qotd #qatar #quiz #wedding #work #weekend #women #win #workout #everyone #entertainment #webstagram #colorful #style #swag #etsy #europe #explorepage #explore #relax #review #travel #tbt #training #trend #Tiktok #technology #yorkshire #yellow #york #yum #uk #usa #ufc #Update #University #UCL #instagram  #instagood I #india #italy I #interiordesign  #inspiration  #interiors  #onlineshopping #offer #ootd #online #of #onlinestore #photooftheday #photography #Pakistan #picoftheday #property #party #ad #art #aiart #anime #artist #AmaZing #summer#s  #selfcare #share #shoplocal #shorts #dance #dogs #diy #decor #design #dogsofinstagram #fightcoronavirus #fightagainstcoronavirus  #home  #handmade  #jobseekers  #jobs #jewellery #joinus #June #jazz #kitchen #k #kids #kenya #korea #kitten #london #love #life #lifestyle #luxury #livemusic #zodiac #zerowaste #zen #zelda #zara #zoo #xyzbca #xiaomi #xboxone #xbox #xrp #xmen #covid #COVID2019 #COVID19 #COVID19PH #Corona_Virus #CoronavirusLockdown #viralvideo #viral #viralpost #video #vintage #viralreels #best #beauty #business #beautiful #baby #BMW #nCoV2019 #nCoV #nature #news #natural #nails #music #model #movies #makeup #motivation #mentalhealth #memes #homedecor #holiday #hiring #happy #reelsviralfb #جدة #جديد #جمال #جده #جمالك #جميل #حمص #حلب #حديث #حب #حجاب #حلويات #خبر #خدا #خواطر #خطوبة #خاص #خصومات #هدية #هدايا #هنر #هذا #هەولێر #هولندا #عاجل #عشق #عرس #عمان #علي #عيد #غزل #غزة #غريان #غرق #غرفة #فلسطين #فرنسا #فن #فولو #فيديو #فنون #قلب #قران #قميص #قفطان #قطر #قصة #ثم #ثروت #ثانويةعامة #ثوب #ثلاثة #صور #صحة #صورة #صباحكم #صباح #صلاة #ضحك #ضد #ضحكه #ضحكة #ضحكني #ضلع #طلا #طرابلس #طرطوس #كل #كويت #كتب #كيك #كندا #كربلاء  #منقول #ميسي #مكة #محمد #من #تونس #تركيا #ترند #تم #تدريب #تعليم #السعودية #المغرب #العراق #البحرين #الاردن #اليمن #لبنان #ليبيا #لندن #لا #للبيع #ليفربول #بيروت #برشلونة #بغداد #بنغازي #بنزيما #باريس #يارب #ياحسين #يوم #يا #ياالله #يوسف #سفر #سلێمانی #سبها #سياحة #سعودية #ست #شاهد #شعر #شير #شال #شحن #شاورما #دمشق #دبي #دعاء #ديكور #درعا #ديرالزور #دعا #ظریف #ظفار #ظالم #ظلم #ظهور #ظروف #زندگی #زليتن #زواج #زلزال #زوارة #زارا #وهران #وصفات #وطن #و #ورد #واشنطن #ة #ةة #رمضان #روسيا #رونالدو #روح #رواية #ء #ءامين #ذكريات #ذکر #ذكرى #ذكر #ذهب #ذات #فيديوجرافيك #ريلزات #ريلزا #انستقرام #انستجرام #انستج #انستاغرام #سنابات #سناب #انفلونزا #حساسيه #flu #رياضة #صحة #مصر #عمان #حكه #influenza #best #bellydance #reels #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelsviral #reels2023 #facts #facebookreels #face #shorts #دكتور #doctor #health #healthcare #disease #infection  #allergy  #itching #eye #earrings #ثقافة #you #Youtube #youtuber #youtubers #youtubeshorts #young #style #summer  #share #smile #snow #S
#انفلونزا #حساسيه #flu #رياضة #صحة #مصر #عمان #حكه #influenza #best #bellydance #reels #reelsfb #reelsvideo #reelsviral #reels2023 #facts #facebookreels #face #shorts #دكتور #doctor #health #healthcare #disease #infection  #allergy  #itching #eye #earrings #flu #رياضة #مصر #غذاء #ثقافة #سعوديات #دكتور #influenza #طبيب #infection ثقافة #yoga  #Youtube #youtubechannel  #youtubers #youtubeshorts  #youngentrepreneur  #style #reelsinstagram  #reelsviral #reels #reelsfb #reels2023 #reelsvideo #fun #foodie #food #fyp #girls #gym #garden #gold #gelnails #gift #summer  #share #smile #snow #S #love #TFLers #tweegram #photooftheday #20likes #amazing #smile #follow4follow #like4like #look #instalike #igers #picoftheday #food #instadaily #instafollow #followme #girl #iphoneonly #instagood #bestoftheday #instacool #instago #all_shots #follow  #quote #Quran #qotd #qatar #quiz #wedding #work #weekend #women #win #workout #everyone #entertainment #webstagram #colorful #style #swag #etsy #europe #explorepage #explore #relax #review #travel #tbt #training #trend #Tiktok #technology #yorkshire #yellow #york #yum #uk #usa #ufc #Update #University #UCL #instagram  #instagood I #india #italy I #interiordesign  #inspiration  #interiors  #onlineshopping #offer #ootd #online #of #onlinestore #photooftheday #photography #Pakistan #picoftheday #property #party #ad #art #aiart #anime #artist #AmaZing #summer#s  #selfcare #share #shoplocal #shorts #dance #dogs #diy #decor #design #dogsofinstagram #fightcoronavirus #fightagainstcoronavirus  #home  #handmade  #jobseekers  #jobs #jewellery #joinus #June #jazz #kitchen #k #kids #kenya #korea #kitten #london #love #life #lifestyle #luxury #livemusic #zodiac #zerowaste #zen #zelda #zara #zoo #xyzbca #xiaomi #xboxone #xbox #xrp #xmen #covid #COVID2019 #COVID19 #COVID19PH #Corona_Virus #CoronavirusLockdown #viralvideo #viral #viralpost #video #vintage #viralreels #best #beauty #business #beautiful #baby #BMW #nCoV2019 #nCoV #nature #news #natural #nails #music #model #movies #makeup #motivation #mentalhealth #memes #homedecor #holiday #hiring #happy #reelsviralfb #جدة #جديد #جمال #جده #جمالك #جميل #حمص #حلب #حديث #حب #حجاب #حلويات #خبر #خدا #خواطر #خطوبة #خاص #خصومات #هدية #هدايا #هنر #هذا #هەولێر #هولندا #عاجل #عشق #عرس #عمان #علي #عيد #غزل #غزة #غريان #غرق #غرفة #فلسطين #فرنسا #فن #فولو #فيديو #فنون #قلب #قران #قميص #قفطان #قطر #قصة #ثم #ثروت #ثانويةعامة #ثوب #ثلاثة #صور #صحة #صورة #صباحكم #صباح #صلاة #ضحك #ضد #ضحكه #ضحكة #ضحكني #ضلع #طلا #طرابلس #طرطوس #كل #كويت #كتب #كيك #كندا #كربلاء  #منقول #ميسي #مكة #محمد #من #تونس #تركيا #ترند #تم #تدريب #تعليم #السعودية #المغرب #العراق #البحرين #الاردن #اليمن #لبنان #ليبيا #لندن #لا #للبيع #ليفربول #بيروت #برشلونة #بغداد #بنغازي #بنزيما #باريس #يارب #ياحسين #يوم #يا #ياالله #يوسف #سفر #سلێمانی #سبها #سياحة #سعودية #ست #شاهد #شعر #شير #شال #شحن #شاورما #دمشق #دبي #دعاء #ديكور #درعا #ديرالزور #دعا #ظریف #ظفار #ظالم #ظلم #ظهور #ظروف #زندگی #زليتن #زواج #زلزال #زوارة #زارا #وهران #وصفات #وطن #و #ورد #واشنطن #ة #ةة #رمضان #روسيا #رونالدو #روح #رواية #ء #ءامين #ذكريات #ذکر #ذكرى #ذكر #ذهب #ذات #فيديوجرافيك #ريلزات #ريلزا #انستقرام #انستجرام #انستج #انستاغرام #سنابات #سناب #يوتيوب يوتيوب #يوتيوب يوتيوب
#bad_habits_on_kidney #kidneydisease  #habits   #habit   #habit_related_kidney  #عادات_سيئة  #عادات_سيئة #عادات_سيئه   #عادات_سيئة_يجب_التخلي_عنها #عادات_سيئة_تجنبها  #عادات  #امراض_الكل  #كليه_الانسان#instagrammers #igers #instalove #instamood #instagood #followme #follow #comment #shoutout #iphoneography #androidography #filter #filters #  # #contests #photo #instadaily #igaddict #TFLers #photooftheday #pics #insta #picoftheday #bestoftheday #instadaily #instafamous #popularpic #popularphoto#followme #like4like #TFLers #liker #likes #l4l #likes4likes #photooftheday #love #likeforlike #likesforlikes #liketeam #likeback #likebackteam #instagood #likeall #likealways #liking #liked #health #fitness #fit #TFLers #fitnessmodel #fitnessaddict #fitspo #workout #bodybuilding #cardio #gym #train #training #photooftheday #health #healthy #instahealth #healthychoices #active #strong #motivation #instagood #determination #lifestyle #diet #getfit #cleaneating #eatclean #exercise #شرب_الماء #شرب_الماء_قبل_الأكل #شرب_الماء_بكثرة #شرب_الماء_مفيد_لجميع_أجزاء_الجسم👌🏻 #شرب_الماء_قبل_الذهاب_الى_النوم #شرب_الماء_للحامل #شرب_الماء_جالس #شرب_الماء_الدافئ #water #water_drinking #healthbenefits #benefitsofwater #water_before_anything_else_is_good_for_your_body #water_before_breakfast #water_befor_shower #waterworld  #water #water #waterislife #water_is_our_world #water_is_important #water_is_my_element🌊🌊 #alzheimer #alzheimers #alzheimersassociation #alzheimersdisease #isolation #water#lacks #dehydrated
#dehydratedskin  #dehydratedtreats  #dehydratedskincare  #dehydratedskintreatment  #lack_of_water  #lack_of_water_in_body_symptoms #lack_of_water☹️ #lack_of_water_in_the_body  #lack_of_water_causes_fatigue #جفاف  #جفاف_البشرة  #جفاف_العين  #جفاف_الفم  #جفاف_الجلد  #جفاف_الجلد  #جفاف_اليدين  #جفاف_الشعر_وعلاجه #جفاف_الجسم  #جفاف_البشره  #جفاف_الشفايف  #جفاف_الحلق #جفاف_اللسان  #جفاف_خشونه_نعومه_الشعر_البشرة_ماسك_طبيعى
#The_perfect_and_final_solution_for_colon #colon  #COLON TREATMENTS  #final_solution_for_colon #chamomile  #mint  #tea #teatime #tealover الحل_الأمثل_لصحة_أفضل #الحل_النهائي_والاكيد_والمضمون😍 #القولون_العصبي #القولون_العصبي_علاجه_بالاعشاب #القولون #القولون_العصبي_خريطة_الأطعمة #القولون_التقرحي   #irritiblebowelsyndrome #irritablebowelsyndrome #بابونج
#شرب_الماء #شرب_الماء_قبل_الأكل #شرب_الماء_بكثرة #شرب_الماء_مفيد_لجميع_أجزاء_الجسم👌🏻 #شرب_الماء_قبل_الذهاب_الى_النوم #شرب_الماء_للحامل #شرب_الماء_جالس #شرب_الماء_الدافئ #water #water_drinking #healthbenefits #benefitsofwater #water_before_anything_else_is_good_for_your_body #water_before_breakfast #water_befor_shower #waterworld  #water #water #waterislife #water_is_our_world #water_is_important #water_is_my_element🌊🌊 #alzheimer #alzheimers #alzheimersassociation #alzheimersdisease #isolation #water #waterfall  #waterproof
#العزلة #التوتر 
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archcacao · 2 years
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🌟 Weekly motivation 🌟 January 26th, 2023. Ireland, Irish sea, Portmanock Air temperature: 6 C Water temperature: 6 C Enjoying life, being happy when you have full health, a loving partner, supportive family, regular income and everything is going smoothly, is easy. Like it's easy to be in a warm sea in the middle of the summer. While, when you decide that — instead of avoiding or numbing the pain & discomfort —, you'll embrace challenging environment & situation and you'll go through them in order to develop, learn and become the best version of yourself mentally, physically and emotionally, is not easy, but worth it. Knowing your WHY, makes the work and the process easier and more enjoyable. ✅ Find your reason before it finds you. ✅ Find the tools & methods that work for you. ➡️ Some examples of effective tools: #cacao #ceremonialcacao #homeopathy #soundhealing #soundbath #aromatherapy #meditation #stressmanagement #mindfullness #councelling #healthyfood ✅ Face your current environment with courage and learn, develop, care, love, grow. Everything is temporary. So is the pain. But the outcome will be different. Have an amazing week. Rock it! With love, 💞 Andi #weeklymotivation #knowyourwhy #knowyourworth #selfcare #selfdevelopment #gratitude #connection #change #coldtherapy #coldwater #coldwatertherapy #seaswimming (at Dublin, Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/ComOnEvMWxi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sanjayrithik · 2 years
Best Laser Facial for Dazzling Skin!…
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If people want to brighten their skin and eliminate the signs of aging, they are the perfect candidate for a laser facial. Light-skinned people are suitable for this facial as they have less hyperpigmentation. The Best Skin and Laser Centre in Karur is safe for the skin and gives excellent results without any side effects. One thing people should keep in mind when choosing a doctor is that it takes an experienced pair of hands to deliver laser treatment safely and effectively. With the Best Skin and Laser Centre in Karur, people can ensure that they get treated by the best skin doctor.
There are a few things people should know before deciding to get laser treatment. There are different types of laser treatments for facial skin. A skin doctor can decide which is best. For some patients, the procedure may hurt a little but not always. In such cases, people are advised to visit the Best Skin and Laser Centre in Karur regularly. Lastly, the effect lasts for years, but people should maintain good skin care after the treatment. Depending on the treatments used, the areas treated and the tolerance level, the procedure may or may not hurt. Anyway, it’s tolerable.
Some skin doctors prefer to numb the target areas to ensure comfort. During the treatments, the entire face will be treated or the doctor will target specific areas. Full-face laser treatment can take up to two hours. Usually, bandages are applied to the treated areas; For ablative lasers only, people need to keep them on for about 24 hours, after which they need to clean the treated areas five times daily.
Find us inside Sanjay Rithik Hospital at 77A, Sengunthapuram road, Karur 639002, or call us at +917305203958 you’ll browse our https://sanjayrithikhospital.com/ for details.
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