abominableroyalty · 4 years
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                                   Bend and kneel for me.                         Or raise your neck to lose your head.
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abominableroyalty · 4 years
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just mileena playing five finger fillet game.. on d’vorah’s face
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abominableroyalty · 4 years
part of what makes her so intriguing is how she’s so monstrous looking and it adds such depth to her so like making her look more human just seems like a cop out
mileena is beautiful but giving her lips was cowardly
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abominableroyalty · 4 years
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abominableroyalty · 4 years
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Curiosity killed the cat, he supposes. Maybe it was wrong, but she had sized him up as a meal from the onset, so he didn’t exactly feel inclined to be the gentlest in his questions. He wanted to know what he was up against. It appeared he has prodded a tiger into ferocity. A flick of his wrist summoned Flambert from the pocket dimension he kept it in. He’ll fight if she attacks, killing doesn’t matter to him. Though the information lost… that would be a shame. He wanted to know more about this place but nearly everything had seemed a hostile entity. Maybe one day he will find a friendly face, but he is starting to doubt it. “I am not of your lands and not beholden to your rule.”
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“You inhabit this realm, you occupy its space, and breathe its air. You fall in line with its rule or be buried by it.” He was pretty, but he was dead emotionally and very mostly physically from what she could smell. A rotten festering taste was all he would give her. However, if she were to tear him to pieces, it would not be the flavor, it would be for the pleasure of doing so. Such a handsome face would peel so easily of flesh as any other, and she was far from feeling polite about doing so. His tricks of what little she’s seen do not shock her as her appearance had him, it is sorcery, magic she was familiar with, and the sort she had mastered in measures of her own as well. Outworld had conquered his kind before, or so she assumed, not human but another immortal blood sucking race to be swept into the masses that horded themselves within Outworld. “Just because you are pretty and pompous does not mean you are above law.”
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abominableroyalty · 4 years
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“Fascinating.” He’s seen so many strange things here and yet… nothing compared. Raphael had long since abandoned any qualms with what he had become, he made peace with his monstrousness. What was done to him was a different matter, but he couldn’t change what was made of him. Not in the physical sense. To see another that others would see as a monster… one more terrifying than he… “Even the metal ones? What are you, precisely?”
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“What I am is Kahnum of Outworld. An Empress, above you. Not some creature to be poked and prodded at your curiosity.” Vile little bloodsucker, it should come as no surprise she’s not exactly pleased with this curious line of questioning, it was far from his business. Burning away at her with those questions was more effective at setting her short fuse ablaze far more than any insinuations he’d made of her before. Nimble fingers tighten around the grips of her sai, eyes narrow to hateful slits and her teeth snarl like the beastly woman she was. The Empress had treated him as nothing more than food and it was still more dignity than she received in kind.
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abominableroyalty · 4 years
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There it was, such beauty hiding horror underneath. He’s actually taken aback for a moment, not once expecting such a ghoulish display. Though in all his years, he could appreciate life still managing to surprise him. “I sustain myself on blood, I’ve no need for tissue and bone.” Though souls were better, it was simply that he refused to use that gift so often, wondering at what price did it come, eventually. “Devoured them all?”
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No stranger is she to such shock on the faces of those who see her Tarkatan fused visage. Yet still Mileena cannot help the twinge at her cheek, jumping in front of the torrential assault of hateful insults did little to alleviate her hatred. Did little to quell the rage that her sister did not face such questions. “All of them.” She affirms with a distinct snap to her words.
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abominableroyalty · 4 years
   LIKE NAILS ON A CHALKBOARD, Itsuki was unable to stop herself from shivering. so much so like an orphaned child flung out into the unforgiving cold of winter itself. Still, her brows would furrow themselves at a small attempt at BRAVADO, as her hands and feet would adjust themselves into a familiar stance. Was this– what– was she? INHUMAN EYES had given the other away, from the moment their gazes met. 
   And yet, Itsuki was still far too inexperienced to actually identify what species this creature was. It would take the little Cryomancer in training a moment, as she swallows and nearly chokes on some heavy spit in her mouth. But, when she finally does speak: “D-Don’t tell me dat’s yer way of greetin’ everyone ya meet, sis.”
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So cute, this poor little thing, seemingly all alone in the world. On heeled steps she struts herself forth with an Imperial confidence that only a future Kahnum like her could have. “Only the tastiest of little ones.” Those piercing eyes that very nearly seemed to glow in the shade of the night. Like the horrific predator she was, she lingers, she watches, she imagines the taste of the young one’s flavor on her lips. But she is civil, as much as she can be. She was not the same conqueror her father was, and did not command the same level of power he did.
The young girl was small, but she held with her a cold that could be felt so plainly on the air. The thick and delightful stench of fear aside that began to oh so delightfully consume the air, lip hungrily quivers beneath her mask. “All alone out here, little one?” A delighted lilt burrowing its way into her tone, while those piercing slits remain fixed.
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“You’re not afraid are you?”
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abominableroyalty · 4 years
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“A meal?” His interest piqued. Did she sustain herself on the lifeforce of others as well, or was it metaphor? “I’m afraid I’m not as tasty as I look. My blood is tainted and blackened. You’ll find a poor meal in me. Though perhaps we’re not so different.” Those eyes of hers, they almost seemed animal like, unlike his eyes that burned like crimson fire. “Mine has killed plenty, my teeth have found their home in many throats.”
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With an eager delight she tears with a force as voracious as her appetite off her face to bare her pointed razor blade like teeth. “Only throats? You poor man, the flavor lays far deeper within.” A vampire, she thinks to herself. A kind of creature not unfamiliar to her or the realm from which she hails. Though he seemed far different than those from realms that her father crushed beneath his mighty heel. “I’ve killed my own fair share of fools, tainted blackened blood, artificial metal beings, and everything in between.”
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abominableroyalty · 4 years
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“If I’m being honest, most of them deserved what they had coming to them. But I am long lived even by ordinary standards.” Others he had met in this realm had been older still, but they knew of the kind from his realm, and he was a unique case. Nearly 500 years of roaming the earth, improving his skills and his otherworldly abilities had made him a fearsome thing indeed. One of the last of his kind, a malfested. “Hm. Would you prefer a honeyed tongue? It’s as deadly as the barbed one.”
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“I love my meals to talk sweetly, little man. It makes them taste all the tastier.” She was no stranger to a barbed wire tongue, or biting disrespect from those she deemed as lesser. As Kahnum, as daughter to Shao the mighty conqueror she was smarter now than to trust sweet words so blindly. Betrayal bittered her mind, and hate fueled that growing hunger for power in the pits of her stomach. “A tongue is only as deadly as the stock one takes in it.”
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abominableroyalty · 4 years
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                                   Bend and kneel for me.                         Or raise your neck to lose your head.
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abominableroyalty · 4 years
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Mortal Kombat | Mortal Kombat: Deception | MKD: Trailer.
Our dearest Kahnum, Lady Mileena, at her best and being awesome as usual.
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abominableroyalty · 4 years
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“There are few from my realm like me. And I am far from a fool.” Though she isn’t wrong about the mouth, he carries death in it as he does in his hands. Teeth that have torn through the throats of many who were unfortunate enough to cross him. Hands and blades that have done much the same. “And you speak to the longest living noble of France. Titles mean very little in the long run, though, don’t they? Everything dies in the end, after all.”
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“Considering how your realm treats true royalty, I doubt that’s much of a feat.” She was not as precise a fighter as her sister, not having honed all that skill over centuries. But she was still engrained magically with skill to make her a terrifying and formidable assassin, and her father’s rightful heir. To be honest, she wasn’t even sure fully how long humans lived-- It was nowhere near as long as Edenians or Tarkatans if she was even a quarter educated. “A lesson I’m afraid you will not be around to tell anyone else if you continue to speak so rudely.”
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abominableroyalty · 4 years
mileena vc: i came to fuck or i came to eat, ur next response determines which it is
man: hi mileena: so you have chosen death.
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abominableroyalty · 4 years
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Mileena from Mortal Kombat 11
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abominableroyalty · 4 years
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Red eyes narrowed and focused on the woman before him. Behind the acknowledgement of his good looks laid the insult that felt more like a challenge. Does he know how to fight. Centuries had bred him into one of the best swordsman to ever walk the Earth. Purplish lips curled up into a smirk filled with dark promise. “I assure you the looks are meant to be disarming. I have killed many before you, and if you are looking to be added to that list, I will oblige.”
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“Such a nasty mouth for such a pretty man. Your realm does well with making fools like you.” She bites back with nearly a hiss, hungry eyes locked upon him, watching while meat did little more than waltz about and insult her. At this rate he would be lucky if she would even step on him let alone indulge in him. “Learn respect, pretty puppy. You speak to the Kahnum. Rightful ruler of Outworld, and you would be privileged to die by my hand.”
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abominableroyalty · 4 years
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Ragged poorly kept black locks hang from either side of her head to frame her masked visage. Predatory eyes dissect the fleshy man who walks with a certain pomp in his step. “What a pretty boy. Does he even know how to fight, I wonder?” A mad bout of laughter as heeled steps carry her to circle like a vulture over a dying man. “It certainly smells like you know how to die.”
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