#nubia of themiscyra
soranatus · 6 months
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Wonder Woman (2023) #10 Pride Month variant cover by Phil Jimenez and Arif Prianto
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xoxshayy · 21 days
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obsessed with the amazons !
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smww4ever · 13 days
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Superman: “Nubia, has Doom’s Doorway been opened again?”
Nubia: “It appears so. Evil is coming.”
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Wonder Woman: “We must warn the people of Earth.”
Superman: “Terrible times are coming, Diana.”
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lexion219997 · 3 months
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Wonder Woman cover featuring Diana,Nubia, Io, Artemis by Phil Jimenez and Arif Prianto
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viaov · 1 year
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Jen Bartel, Nubia
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cgbcomics · 2 years
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marshmyers · 4 months
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Have the Amazons really attacked man's world?!
After an alleged Amazon kills over a dozen people, the U.S. begins to put a ban on all Amazons. Quickly, other countries begin adopting the same policy and guarding themselves against Amazon aggression.
Led by the fearless Queen Nubia, a group of Amazons, including Wonder Girl and Faruka II, frantically search for answers as their existence and way of life are threatened. Can the tribes survive these accusations?
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mysterycitrus · 10 months
Donna 🥺
my girl 🥹
Headcanon A:  realistic
sometimes she's stretched taffy, spanning over timelines and universes and always threatening to snap back into her like a rubber band. she worries she's losing herself, she worries she's becoming more. after being dead, it's so much effort to try and remember, to try and put the pieces of this version of herself back together. her head always hurts when she wakes. sometimes she can't picture her own face.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
she has a compilation of dick absolutely stacking his landings. it's one of those auto-generated montages with public domain music and sparkle effects, titled richard's little accidents, and her favourite clip is him diving head-first into a popcorn machine. whenever he's annoying her, or wallowing, or she wants roy to laugh, she puts it up on the monitor in the tower and turns the volume up to full. he doesn't actually hate it, she knows, because he always fights a smile.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
she was a mother, once. she never talks about terry long, or the accident, and she never speaks his name, but she can't help but compare baby wade west to robert. she holds him gently like she held her own son, and feels such unimaginable grief. lian was different and she’d kept herself carefully in the present, but wade's hair is a dusky red and when he screws his mouth up to cry she's almost herself again, freshly twenty with her own new life in the world. bobby's been dead so much longer than he ever lived. she hands him back to linda, flushed with pride on the gurney, and leaves the room to shake apart.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
she works with kory a lot, out of costume. it's really nice. kory's career has plateaued at supermodel status, but kory's never been interested in isolating her worth in a fashion career, so now she's scouted for projects she's interested in. they do a lot of humanitarian projects (obviously) but also outreach profiles for non-earthlings, and themiscyra, and atlantis. she does a page spread for nubia, and gets nominated for an award. she keeps her negatives carefully filed away. they, at least, are harder to tamper with than her mind.
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
DC should give the Wonder Woman title to me instead of Tom King. I have whole arcs about Diana as a diplomat, politician, and teacher that I could write. DC PLEASE LET ME FIX HER JOB, DO AMAZONIAN WORLDBUILDING, AND BRING BACK HER CIVILIAN SUPPORTING CAST AGAIN!
Diana busts up an artifact smuggling ring and then has to deal with the international repatriation of ancient artifacts to their home countries. Bring back Helena Sandsmark and use Cassie in a supporting role.
Some major international incident occurs and Diana is running herself ragged trying to deal with it from multiple ends. She eventually has to choose between fulfilling her duty as Wonder Woman and dealing with the realities of being Themiscyra's official diplomatic presence at the UN.
Diana and Artemis have to work together to save some human trafficking victims and I get to write an exploration on the Themiscyran Amazons' isolationism vs. the Banas' interventionalism as methods of protection, self-defense, and dealing with collective trauma.
While setting up a cultural exchange project between the different Amazon tribes, Diana is appointed as the neutral representative to oversee an all-Amazonian Olympics/games festival. Shenanigans ensue as the goddesses start picking favorites and the games get gatecrashed by a mythological threat (aka "what Trial of the Amazons should have been about")
Diana, Artemis, and Donna decide to take Cassie and Yara on a traditional Amazonian coming-of-age journey. The story acts as a way to explore important touchstones of Amazon culture and the differing cultural and societal expectations they might face as adult women, both in their respective Amazonian tribes and in Man's World.
Nubia enlists Diana to go with her through Doom's Doorway to help retrieve some Amazons who were sucked in by a mythological threat while on guard duty. If they're still alive, they will be brought back to Themiscyra in celebration. If not, their bodies need to be retrieved for funerary rites and the women's re-entrance into the Well of Souls.
Exploring Donna as a linchpin connection point between the human world, all of the Amazon tribes, and the gods.
And so many others, because these are all largely Man's World and worldbuilding stories. Digging into her actual rogues gallery (Circe! Ares! Silver Swan! Doctor Poison!) and setting up bigger conflicts would be so much fun.
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korgbelmont · 4 months
Read Wonder Girl: Homecoming and it was interesting to be introduced to and learn about Yara Flor and the Esquecida. I've now added Trial of the Amazons to my list as it seems the story leads into that.
Much like Nightwing, it has left me with questions such as when did Hippolyta join the Justice League and Nubia become Queen of Themiscyra?? I think this takes place not long after Death Metal so I know Diana isn't around (I have got Afterworlds on my to read pile, so I am hoping that will give some answers).
It was great to see Artemis, and I am really surprised she doesn't have her own series. The last I saw of her, she parted ways with Red Hood (which was upsetting because I love them together), so I am curious as to what she's been up to.
This also included Yara's Future State story, and it was really painful knowing what will happen to Potira as she was a cool character to be introduced to as well.
This small two part story is also the first time I have seen Hades in DC comics, and he didn't look how I expected.
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soranatus · 7 months
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DC’s Amazons Week - Day 1: Sisterhood
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roseamongroses · 2 years
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my curly hair agenda
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smww4ever · 8 months
A One-Minute Visual Story 🎥
The Amazons: Doom’s Doorway 🚪
Extension of Nubia & Diana, Doom’s Doorway is a rift between Themyscira and Hades. The Amazons are tasked with guarding it. In my interpretation/reimagining, it is a portal. The doorway creates illusions to tempt those to enter it, when it’s not what it appears. And sometimes things try to escape.
Enjoy. I hope you immerse yourself as I do into this mythical world. These longer visuals take time to build. My eyes were struggling last night besides dealing with life and family illness. ✌️
And The Ambientalist came out with this new song. Just beautiful.
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lonestarfangirl2014 · 5 years
Some Info on the wonder family in my earth Legacy AU AKA Wonder Woman/Wonder girl fandom I need MAJOR HELP
I have my own fanon universe I’m building and I’m currently working on my version of the titans. On my version of the team there are three founding female members that have Amazon/Greek heritage. two of them are pretty much complete OCs, The first one who is also considered the teams first leader is the great granddaughter of Ares named Olivia (her mother is my interpretation of superwoman from the crime syndicate while her grandmother is my interpretation of Penthesilea a amazon from flashpoint) while the second one is the granddaughter of Zeus(making Diana her Aunt) I decided to name her Monique and the last one who is my interpretation of Diana’s little sister Drusilla is the daughter of Ares(making her my first OCs great aunt)
I also have like three males(maybe four I haven’t decided) who are part of the Wonder legacy to. And for the record only one maybe two are officially part of the Titans
Two of the males are Jason and Thrax Twin brothers to Diana and Drusilla respectably. Jason has the title Of Wonder Warrior And is a member of superhero team And I haven’t decided if Thrax is a hero yet or if I should really even include him at all in my AU.
While the third is my interpretation of Hunter Prince from the justice league legacy arc. He isn’t a Titan per say but he’s been offered membership(yes he still has major mommy and daddy issues). The fourth is a OC son of a Bana Mighdall Amazon(haven’t decided who yet but I know for sure it’s not Artemis who around Jason Todd’s age in this universe) who I call Alesandro/Amasis(child of the moon) who is part of the titans. Yeah he and Hunter don’t get along that well(I gotta develop this further but I’m thinking something like former boyfriends or former friends with benefits)
I need help with coming up with lassos. I already decided that Olivia is getting a lasso of submission similar to her mom.... I really need a name for her besides Lois ugh until I figure out one out I’m calling superwoman Atalanta after her And Dianas great aunt.....also have I mentioned that Superwoman and Wonder Woman are related several different ways but commonly refer to each other as maternal first cousins when interviewed by the media here?
But what about the others? I checked the DC Database Wiki and it said that Drusilla has a Lasso Of Truth similar to her sister but I don’t know if I wanna go that route because I kinda want to give each of Diana siblings a different type of lasso....actually I think I might just go with Thrax and Jason having a sword and Shield like Hippolyta did when she was Wonder Woman(yeah that’s canon in my universe except there’s no time travel and she went to mans world as a teenager) Nubia also Exists here as Hippolytas eldest child and I haven’t decided on a lasso for her either... should I have Hippolyta carry a lasso to(it could get passed down to one of her kids and in that case I’m thinking either Nubia or Diana since their the 1st and 2nd eldest daughters)
Also before anyone ask I’m still including both Donna and Cassie in the family but in my universe Drusilla debuted before both of them so she probably gets the Wonder girl name first(or at least she’s the public wonder girl since both Donna and Cassie are pretty much private superheroes only working with the justice league covert operations team of young superheroes until they both been in the life for a few years).
Donna Troy is currently called Troia and in my universe she was born on April 26 a year and three almost four months older then Jason Todd And a year plus four months younger then Dick Grayson. Her backstory is as follows.
Donna was orphaned by her birth mother, Dorothy Hinckley, a dying unwed teen who had given her up for adoption at Willowbrook Orphanage in Newport News, Virginia. Soon after baby Donna was adopted by Fay Stacey and her husband Carl but after Carl was killed in a work-related accident, Fay gave Donna up for adoption again, unable to raise the toddler because of mounting expenses. When her orphanage caught on fire Donna was saved by the titan Rhea who, being one of the mythological Titans, brought her to New Cronus and raised her as one of twelve Titan Seeds, orphans from various planets who would have died if Rhea had not saved them. Each one was given the name of a place that worshiped the Titans, and Donna was given the last name of Troy in homage to the ancient city. She was returned to Earth at age 12 , where her memories of New Cronus were erased until such a time that she would return and take her place among the Seeds as gods. She wound up crashing into the sea near Themyscira where she was saved from drowning by Queen Hippolyta herself. The only thing she remembered was the Name Donna Troy. Hippolyta dearly missing each of her own children decided to adopt young Donna and thus named her a recognized princess of Themyscira. As a adult at the current age of 22 she has successfully reconnected with Fay Stacey as well as her new family and is currently searching for her birth mothers family. Her lasso is the same as comic canon Lasso of Persuasion
I haven’t decided how I want Cassandra Sandsmark background to shape up. Should I have her as the Demi goddess daughter of Zeus like her New earth and young justice(tv show) incarnation or the daughter of Zeus son Lennox like her Prime earth/new 52/rebirth incarnation? I’m leaning towards the latter since her time on the new 52 teen titans was my favorite incarnation of her in the comics. Her lasso is the Lasso of Lightning
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dianaof-themyscira · 3 years
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Wonder Woman #785 variant cover for International Women’s Day by Nicola Scott & Annette Kwok
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wwprice1 · 3 years
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Absolutely incredible cover by Nicola Scott! Stunning!
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