#npa management
What is the process of one-time settlement in banking? | NPA Management
Why do people take loans? It is a great way of helping your finance for various things. You may take a loan for completing your education, buying a new house, the wedding of your kids, to go abroad, or anything else.
If you are a company, then you will take a loan to diversify your business or launch a new project.
You make great planning and ensure that repayment of the loan is done in time. However, no matter how systematic your repayment plan may be, you cannot foresee all the possible bottlenecks. You may become a victim of unforeseen circumstances. There could be an unexpected loss in the business, or you lose your job due to an illness.
Such circumstances will seriously hamper the ability to repay your loan. You will miss the installment and get follow-up calls and reminders from the bank. It affects your credibility and market value.
When a bank or financial institution sanctions a loan, it expects that the loan will be repaid within the stipulated time. For a bank, a loan is an asset that generates income in the form of interest.
When the loan is not paid, it becomes an NPA or Non-Performing Asset. NPA is not desirable for any financial institution. When it goes beyond a threshold, it becomes a risk to the survival of the bank. Hence, it requires concrete npa management methods.
When a bank fails to recover the loan, it approaches the borrower with options like a one-time loan settlement. Though it looks like a simple offer, it may ruin the credit score of the borrower.
What is a One-Time Loan Settlement?
It is part of the overall npa management policy of a bank or financial institution. In this process, the bank or financial institute agrees to accept a smaller amount instead of the entire due amount. When it does so, the bank waives off the rest of the amount and makes repayment easier for the borrower. The option may be offered by the bank after six months of non-repayment.
The bank takes various measures to investigate the case before arriving at the conclusion. It will allow them to validate the reason for not paying the loan.
How Does the process of one-time settlement carry out?
First, the bank should believe that the reason for non-payment is legitimate. The bank offers a moratorium period. The option is for those borrowers who want to pay the amount in one go. After an agreement, the bank will waive off a part of the outstanding loan amount to make the repayment easy.
How much amount will be written off will depend on the gravity of the financial condition and the ability of the borrower to repay the loan. Since the borrower is agreed to settle the loan, its repayment status will be recorded as “settled” and not “closed”. The credit score of the borrower will be affected by the difference.
One-time settlement is considered an important tool of npa management policy.
It is quite obvious that opting for a one-time settlement is not advisable unless it is necessary. There are some other alternates to it.
The borrower should liquidate the savings instead of applying for a loan. Also, it should negotiate with the bank to request an extension for the repayment term. Or, it should ask for a restructured repayment plan.
The borrower can request the bank to hold off the interest rate or reduce it for some time.
One-time settlement is the last resort. For a bank also, it is not a profitable proposition. Therefore, it will use it only when there is no other solution.
For more information - https://www.npaconsultant.in/blog/blog-details/what-is-the-process-of-one-time-settlement-in-banking-1
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lc-manager-x · 2 years
I think I saw one of the agents trying to teach Nothing There how to say "I am not Nothing There", just something to keep in mind.
If anyone tries to teach nothing there how to speak, atleast make it something funny or something that WONT get anyone killed, please!
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finlender · 14 days
 Finlender: Your Partner in Navigating NPA Accounts
Managing Non-Performing Assets (NPA) is one of the most significant challenges faced by financial institutions today. At Finlender, we understand the complexities and financial strain that NPAs can impose on your business. That's why we offer specialized funding solutions designed to help you navigate these challenges effectively and strategically.
What Are NPA Accounts?
Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) are loans or advances for which the principal or interest payment remains overdue for a period of 90 days or more. These assets do not generate any income and are often viewed as liabilities, impacting the financial health of lending institutions. NPAs can arise from various reasons such as borrowers facing financial difficulties, economic downturns, or inadequate risk assessment processes.
Finlender’s Approach to NPA Management
At Finlender, we offer a comprehensive approach to managing NPAs that goes beyond traditional methods. Our solutions are tailored to support your institution in mitigating risks and recovering value from non-performing assets.
1- Expert Assessment and Advisory: Our team of financial experts conducts a thorough analysis of your NPA portfolio to identify underlying issues and potential recovery strategies. We provide actionable insights and advisory services to enhance your NPA management practices.
2- Strategic Funding Solutions: We offer flexible funding options specifically designed to address the financial gaps caused by NPAs. Whether you need immediate liquidity to cover operational costs or long-term funding to restructure non-performing loans, Finlender provides the necessary financial support to stabilize your institution.
3- Innovative Recovery Mechanisms: Utilizing advanced analytics and recovery tools, we assist in maximizing the recovery of NPAs. Our innovative mechanisms are designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your recovery efforts, ensuring that you can reclaim the value tied up in these assets.
4- Partnership and Collaboration: We believe in building strong partnerships with our clients. Finlender works closely with your team to implement customized NPA management strategies. Our collaborative approach ensures that you receive continuous support and guidance throughout the recovery process.
Why Choose Finlender?
Choosing Finlender means partnering with a financial institution that prioritizes your success. Our proven track record, deep industry knowledge, and commitment to innovation set us apart. We are dedicated to helping you transform your NPA challenges into opportunities for growth and stability.
Tailored Solutions: We understand that each institution’s needs are unique. Our solutions are customized to meet your specific requirements.
Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the financial sector, our team brings unparalleled expertise to the table.
Client-Centric Approach: Your goals are our priority. We focus on delivering results that align with your business objectives.
Get Started with Finlender Today
Navigating NPAs requires a strategic partner who understands the intricacies of financial recovery. Let Finlender be that partner. Contact us today to learn more about our funding solutions for NPA accounts and how we can help your institution achieve financial resilience.
Finlender – Empowering Your Financial Future.
READ MORE...NPA and OTS Finance Private Equity Project Finance, Corporate Finance Company in India - Finlender
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devendrajain15 · 8 months
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npaconsultant1234 · 11 months
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In order to avail the best OTS terms, the borrower should have a better negotiation edge over the lender Financial Institution or Bank. The Lenders are not willing to offer considerable waiver under OTS when there is ample scope to recover its entire dues by way of sale of mortgaged assets. Thus first and foremost we have to create tools which will enable us to have a better bargaining position with the Financial Institutions/ Banks.
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the-rsace · 1 year
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Npa consultant provides various types of NPA services We at npa Consultant provide professional guidance to manage non performing assets Npa Consultant has a team of experts in various field like Legal, Banking and Finance etc
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mediapasta · 1 year
Npa consultant provides various types of NPA services We at npa Consultant provide professional guidance to manage non performing assets Npa Consultant has a team of experts in various field like Legal, Banking and Finance etc
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rinneroraito · 5 months
Good Girl
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I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve seen Raye Pember die.
My eyes sting and I press my eyelids shut for a good minute or two as I sink back into the couch I shared with The World’s Greatest Detective, L. I bring my feet up on the couch, pressing them against my chest as I exhale sharply. Even though I had my eyes shut, I could feel his wide eyes on me.
“Miss Uehara, if you’re feeling too tired to continue I am allowing you to leave. I can take care of this on my own.”
Eyes still closed I raise a finger at him, prompting him to pause his thoughts or even discard his suggestion.
“I’m alright, Detective. Can we take a break though? Just a few minutes, I want to take my eyes off of the screens so I can have a fresher view of it.”
“That’s alright, you can go ahead and take a break. I’ll be right here.”
“Take a break with me.”
I open my eyes and meet his gaze, the shadows under his eyes making his stare sharper than he intended.
“Just a few minutes, it’s going to help you, too. We can just sit here and talk.” I suggested, but it came out more as a plea than anything.
He scans me with his shadowed eyes, pondering my suggestion.
“Alright, fifteen minutes then. Does that work for you?”
“That’s plenty enough, thanks.” 
I peel my eyes away from him as I reach into my jacket pocket for a lollipop. It could have been the way I was almost begging to take a break from watching the surveillance footage that gave it away, but it was very apparent that I was on edge. I know that he noticed.
My nails scratch against the candy’s wrapper as I try to open it.
“What the fuck...” I mutter to myself in growing frustration as the wrapper stays stuck to the lollipop.
“Let me.” L reaches out a hand to me, offering to open it. I hand it to him with a frown and he takes it from me, holding it daintily with only his thumb and forefinger.
“You seem to be on edge, Miss Uehara, are you getting frustrated over the latest developments in this case?” He asks as he wraps his other thumb and forefinger around the base of the lollipop’s wrapper. Once he gets a firm grip around it, he twists the stick around and the wrapper crunches open.
“Frustrated is one thing, I’m… Angry? Confused? Dispirited” I shake my head. “It’s a lot of feelings to process, a mixture of emotions I have to keep in check or my judgment could be clouded. Not a good look for a Detective or an Investigator to be taken away by their emotions too much, that’s what I believe.”
I turn to him and he’s already peeled off the wrapper from the lollipop.
“It’s just as I thought then, considering the scale of this case is nothing compared to what you used to handle at the NPA. Here.” He offers the lollipop back to me, holding it upright by his thumb and forefinger.
“I don’t want it anymore.” I huffed sullenly.
“Please don’t be stubborn, Miss Uehara.”
He stares at me, and despite the piercing abyss that were his dark eyes, there seems to be a gentleness in his gaze. 
“This is an incredibly high profile case after all. The fact that you’re here persevering despite your conflicted emotions and managing them as healthily as you can is nothing short of commendable. Now here, it’s yours. I helped unwrap it for you, please take it.” He reaches the candy closer towards me that it was pressed against my lips, his face still sporting the usual stoicity he’s associated with. 
“You’re doing your best, you’re aware that you need help and you should accept it.”
The light from the screens made him look uncanny, hauntingly captivating.
I gingerly open my mouth and he places the lollipop snug against my tongue. My eyes widen as his thumb and forefinger drop to my chin, pressing them upwards to close my mouth.
His words come out calm and as comforting as he could sound.
“You feel like this case is like that lollipop you were struggling to unwrap. But I’m here to help, and just because I’ve offered my assistance doesn’t mean it’s mine alone, it’s ours. Do you understand?”
Biting down gently on the stick of the lollipop, I nod, still holding his gaze with wide eyes.
“Good girl. You’re doing well.”
My eyes grow wider as I feel my ears start to burn. And I could swear his stoic expression had transformed ever so slightly into something more smug.
“Interesting...” He says as he slowly inches his face closer to mine, tilting his head,  inspecting me.
“Miss Uehara, do you happen to be blushing?”
My hand finds its way on his chest, preventing him from getting any closer. I look away in an effort to hide my flustered expression, trying to get my bearings.
“Let’s get back to work, Detective. You can ask me about that later.”
I look up at him. And for a moment, there was the ghost of a smile on his pale face.
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deathnotewiki · 9 months
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October 8, 2004:
Matsuda breaks into the Yotsuba building and overhears high-ranking employees discussing murder.
Caught by the executives, Matsuda poses as Misa Amane’s manager and promotes her to them.
Matsuda fakes his death by falling off the balcony of Misa Amane’s apartment at the investigation headquarters.
October 8, 2009: NPA director Kanichi Takimura is abducted by Mafia members working under Mello.
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dicenote · 6 months
I just had a terrible idea for a roleswap between my four fav dn characters so here we go
Lawliet "L" Wammy (age: 18)
A brilliant student but a bit of a shut-in
Spends all his time either in school or locked in his room on the computer
True Crime fan before it was cool
His father Quillsh is proud of his impressive grades but really wishes he'd go out more
A bored Shinigami (maybe Ryuk? idk about swapping the Shinigami) directly hands L a Death Note because they thought he'd have fun with it.
L immediately uses it and his detective skills (along with his connections online) to solve cold cases.
"Light" (age: 24)
Real name: Tsuki Yagami
A mysterious, faceless detective who works alongside his mentor "Asahi" to solve cases that seem fun.
"I am the Light that will purge Kira's darkness! I am Justice!"
^^Total drama queen. The maniacal laughter with his voice modifier is just *chef's kiss*
Has no problems with using criminals to get results, but Asahi will often call him out on his more questionable choices.
Officer Misa Amane (age: 23)
During the Kira case, her alias is Misaki Anai
Just recently hired on the NPA
Often gets sent to fetch people coffee, much to her dismay
Wants to protect innocent people, but is unsure about her stance on Kira most of the time
Works on the Kira Task Force alongside Light and the other NPA officers
(Maybe Aizawa's the chief in this timeline? Idk about putting Quillsh on the NPA, it might be more fun to see how Kira would operate without that inside info)
Pretends to be Matsu-Matsu's manager to keep an eye on him
(She has way too much fun with the manager gig and hates having to pass it off to Mogi later. Or maybe she's a lot sneakier during the Yotsuba arc. idk)
Touta "Matsu-Matsu" Matsuda (age: 22)
Not-so-successful model (but he's having fun with it)
After finding a dropped Death Note and reading the rules, he figures out that Kira must have one too
He uses secret messages to find Kira on a Kira fansite
The two of them try to crack cases and go after criminals together
I'm still debating if Matsu gets the Shinigami Eyes. If he thinks it's the only way he can be useful to Kira he might do the trade. But also I want him to live so 😭😭
He's a pretty good cover for L once the two of them meet in person- L can pretend that he's made a friend in school to keep his father off his back
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palant1r · 1 year
Please give me your task force headcanons. This is a stick em up.
ALL RIGHT ALL RIGHT IM HANDING EM OVER!!! i'll limit myself to three headcanons for each member otherwise we'll be here all day.
Aizawa: -Divorced his wife at some point during the timeskip. This was good for him because his wife is canonically physically abusive — but Light absolutely used that to spur on the separation, having learned his lesson from Naomi and wanting to tie up loose ends since he planned to kill Aizawa at some point -Was a police detective prior to joining the NPA. Was in the same precinct as Ide and somewhat of a mentor to him -Unwinds by going to karaoke bars with total strangers. The others never find out about this
Ide: -The second most sympathetic to Kira out of the task force, just doesn't show it. He sees what Kira is trying to do, and doesn't really oppose it on coherent moral grounds, it's just not the kind of world he wants to live in, and he knows there's no place for him in it. He's a very practical person. -Aroace and doesn't realize it, so he's just continually baffled by romance. But he's still able to pick up on the romantic feelings of others, like he does in chapter 108. -Gets roped into watching soap operas with Matsuda
Mogi: -Gay. Him and Matsuda have run into each other at a gay bar and not acknowledged it -Oldest of a pretty large family, and learned to cook dinner for his siblings while his parents were out working late. Went all-out cooking for Misa because he hadn't had time to cook for a while thanks to the Kira investigation. -After pretending to be Misa's manager for a while, he ended up running into some of the people he'd met there, and they insisted on inviting him to a networking event. He excused himself to the bathroom and then climbed out of a window.
Matsuda: -Was on a riot unit before joining the NPA. The only member of the task force who has actually killed someone in the line of duty. -Has a small scar on his cheek from the raid explosion. Along with Aizawa, also has burn scars on his arms and chest. -Hums at his desk sometimes without realizing it, and is thus singlehandedly responsible for almost every song that gets stuck in the others' heads
Soichiro: -Initially tried to discourage Light from being a cop, but gave up upon seeing how determined Light was to follow in his father's footsteps -Before the fake execution, double and triple checked the gun to make sure the bullets were actually blanks (psa that's still extremely dangerous, never EVER fire blanks at someone, but i'm just gonna assume things are different in the death note universe to explain why light didnt straight up fucking die) -After seeing L tie a cherry stem in a knot with his tongue, tried to do it himself but to no avail.
Light: -His mom buys almost all his clothes -Tends to forget to eat. Misa and Matsuda are constantly reminding him to do so, which irks him. He never used to have problems with meals, but after the 50 days confinement, he started to have trouble with keeping track of them. He refuses to even entertain the possibility that this confinement could have traumatized him in any way -Likes his coffee sweet, but drinks it black out of spite towards L
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The handling of NPA Management and debt settlement are both vital to a bank s financial stability The debt balance cannot be reinvested until it is repaid
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mikami · 5 months
Counter point to Anon's argument about Light not having time to thoroughly check all the criminals he kills: Death Note is a series that was written without any consideration for how long anything would realistically take. Mello travelling from LA to New York, L speedrunning the Task Force HQ construction and Gevanni crafting Mikami's notebook are all examples off the top of my head. Light is a guy who has the sort of time management to act as a member of the NPA, L's successor and Kira all at the same time post-time skip. If Ohba wrote the series with the intention of Light at least somewhat investigating the people he kills, then I'd say we should just take it at face value personally.
I feel like the rules of time and space get looser especially in the second half, while in the first half we still get scenes like Light talking about how he carefully has to manage his time to be able to keep up with schoolwork, killing, and sleep... but it is not the pinnacle of realism then either, that is true. Your argument is sound to me.
I think personally I come down somewhere in the middle between the two arguments - Light definitely checked people, but he didn't like... run whole investigations himself, he just made his judgements based on what was already in the police files.
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thefirstknife · 8 months
hi! i have a little question about ahsa and the person she was bonded to during the golden age. do we ever get a concrete idea of who they were? do we know their name?
Yeah! His name was Gideon Tepin:
The tear held steady again, returning the man and his moment to existence. Síocháin took note of the badge on his coat that read "Gideon Tepin—NPA—Senior Marine Biologist."
It's unclear if she was bonded to just him, because he notes that he isn't the only one who can hear her. But Ahsa may have been desperate towards the end, to warn them:
Tepin looked upset and turned away before speaking. "She's afraid. That's why we're all having them. Something's wrong. She's showing us what's coming in plain view!" The man angrily swiped his hand through the air in Sloane's direction. "It's like she's screaming it into my head. I know I'm not the only one hearing it." "It chose us." He stepped forward and placed his hand on the border between then and now. "I'm dreaming my own memories, but with little differences. Little omens. Black ships in the sky."
We don't know much else, as this was only stuff that Sloane and Siochain managed to see through the time shenanigans on Titan (similarly how time was messed with on Mars). They only got a glimpse of the Golden Age and this conversation.
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devendrajain15 · 9 months
Section 61 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code has faced scrutiny for its perceived strictness, raising questions about its impact on corporate insolvency proceedings and stakeholder interests.
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coffeeviolinist · 1 year
Stolen Helicopter
Rei sighed and rubbed a hand over his eyes tiredly, trying to rid himself of the headache he could feel threatening to build up. It had been an unusually stressful day at the office today, even by his standards, and it was barely past one-thirty. Several of his NPA subordinates had fallen sick with the flu going around Beika, which left Rei and Kazami to pick up the slack.
Still, though, he supposed he couldn't complain too much. Filling out a mountain of paperwork was tedious, but Rei would happily take it over riding in a car with Vermouth all day or dealing with Gin breathing in his general direction. Even though he was still supposed to be a loyal Organization member, that didn't mean he wanted to see them any more than absolutely necessary.
On the other hand, he was definitely going to regret it if he didn't step away from his computer for a few minutes. He had been typing away at his laptop for the past seven hours straight, and he could feel the strain the bright screen was putting on his eyes. Deciding that now was as good a time as ever to take a short break, Rei got up and headed for the break room, hoping to grab a canned coffee from the vending machine. When he entered, he found Kazami drinking a mug of tea and watching a news report on the television.
"Kazami," Rei said by way of greeting, giving his subordinate a nod.
"Eh? Oh, Furuya-san, you're taking a break too?" Kazami asked, looking understandably surprised. Rei's workaholic tendencies were almost legendary amongst everyone who knew him.
"Not for long. I just came to get myself some coffee, and then I'll be heading back to my desk," he corrected. Glancing at the television, he saw that the newscaster was currently reporting on a stolen helicopter and snorted. "Stealing a helicopter, really? Honestly, the things people will do for attention these days..."
"Well, it seems to be working. They've got cameras all over the scene," Kazami pointed out mildly.
Rei just shrugged, not really having an answer to that. He would have turned away and gone to get his coffee had something else not caught his attention.
Why do I feel like I've seen the people on that helicopter before?
Slowly, he turned to look at the screen again. Just then, one of the news cameras focused on the passengers in the helicopter. As soon as he saw who was inside, Rei wanted to scream out of anger and excitement.
There were two people inside the helicopter.
Two people that he knew very well.
Conan Edogawa and Shuuichi Akai (currently disguised as Subaru Okiya), were waving at the camera, both of them sporting identical mischievous grins. Akai appeared to be saying something, but the microphones weren't close enough to pick up what it was. Rei would have tried to read his lips, but his brain seemed to have short-circuited.
How the hell had they even managed to get a helicopter in the first place?
"We are still on the scene where attempts at convincing these two to return the helicopter have continued to be in vain," the reporter announced. "Several rescuers were prepared to offer them a deal in exchange for the helicopter, but the man informed us that 'only a sucker would fall for a bargain with us' and the boy claimed that the only way he would consider a deal is if we brought him a dragon."
Finally, part of Rei's brain finally kicked back into gear, and he whipped out his phone, furiously dialing Akai's number. Fortunately for whatever remained of his sanity, the sniper picked up fairly quickly.
"Hello, Furuya-kun, is there something-?"
"Shuuichi Akai!" Rei growled into the speaker. "When I told you to find a way to keep Conan-kun entertained today, this was not what I had in mind!"
"Well, really, you could have been more specific-"
"Hi there, Amuro-san!" Conan's voice piped up. "Are you watching us? We're on TV right now!"
Rei let out an exasperated sigh. "Yes, Conan-kun, I can see that you're on TV. And so can everyone else in Japan, I'm sure. Honestly, what on earth possessed you to think that-?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," the shrunken detective interrupted. "Don't worry about it, we'll give it back once we've had enough fun. And hey, we've got a message for you too! Look at the TV!"
Confused, Rei looked back at the television, then groaned when he saw that Akai and Conan were holding up a giant banner that read "HELLO ASSHOLE".
He was so grounding them both when they came home tonight.
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