#I do have quite an urge to draw something along these lines…
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captainhysunstuff · 7 months ago
Light didn’t meet L’s successors while L was alive because it would have swiftly taken a turn into their version of the Radioapple “Hell’s Greatest Dad” song.
Or the funnier option. Soichiro and Ryuk going at it over custody of Light. (Soichiro’s the most likely character to shout “Take that, depression!”) 
Both ideas are brilliant~!!! 🤣 VERY drawn to the Soichiro vs. Ryuk pitch~!
Looks like that you need some aid
From the head honcho of the NPA!
Here’s what the top brass have to say:
“Great work!” “Amazing!” “The pride of the force!”
I’m your guy! You know I’m great!
I’m your pal! Your ultra cool roommate!
Remember when I killed that guy you hate~?
Guy’s victim:
He was a jerk! Thanks, Kira~!
Oh, you~. 😏
With the successors, would it be Mello and Near vying for L’s attention if he requested their help or something? That’d be pretty darn entertaining, too~. I could even picture Matt interrupting like Mimzy does (maybe he just beat a hard level in a game or managed to break through a firewall). 😆 Who would interrupt the Soichiro vs. Ryuk version? Misa? Sayu or Sachiko? Maybe Matsuda??? I feel any of them could work!
Excuse the enthusiasm, but seeing this at work gave me a real kick and I had something fun to think about the rest of the night. Thank you~.
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noirscript · 7 months ago
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call avoidance.
Yandere Hotline: 3/?
featuring: implied drugging. implied tresspassing. lots of male masturbation. unsolicited phone sex (?). implied kidnapping. AFAB!Reader (yan calling reader mommy)
note: this is written while half-asleep. not edited. brain go brrr. i'll add the src some time.
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Dealing with mad people can drive anyone insane. But if you're given a hefty sum to keep the insane ones company, you'll take. Life is tough, but you can choose your own hell.
"Got you some drink. Your favorite flavor," Heidi, your 'neighbor' in cubicle, said cheerfully as she placed the drink and sandwich on your spot.
"Well, who are we kidding." You shook your head before placing the plastic cup in your trash bin along with the tasty sandwich that came with it. "They're really persistent, you know?"
You smiled sheepishly as you arrange your cubicle to start a new day. Unlike your workmates, your place is quite neat and devoid of anything that would identify that spot as yours.
No personal images pinned on the corkboard. Not even a framed picture of whoever inspires you to get up and work hard without becoming insane yourself.
Upon accepting the job offer, you made sure to draw the most visible line to keep your personal life to yourself. You've heard some stories—some myths—about some agents disappearing without any trace overnight. Like they never existed in the first place.
"I hope they fuck off, you know?" You sighed before putting on your noise-cancelling headphones. "May we survive this shift," you grumbled as you wait for the first call with baited breath.
You have frequent customers. Most of them were pleasant to talk to. Let's just say that they're not exactly the dangerous type of callers. Those type clients were, most likely, drawn to the idea of being a 'yandere' as a fantasy. Sometimes, there's a hint of sexualization.
Almost every person on the floor are taking calls. Including you. However, your gut's been telling you to ignore the call. Maybe it's one of those unhinged callers who believes that you're theirs. Like they own you and all of your time.
You still have some available credits for call avoidance since you rarely used your credits. Surely, this one call will not affect your performance rating.
While waiting for the phone to stop ringing, you decided to clean up your work email. Being bombarded with useless newsletters about food and books on sale is the worse. Not only does it make your inbox crowded, it's also spammy.
You were fightung the urge to just select all and delete everything at once when you suddenly heard a notification. One after another.
One from your email, another one from your messaging app, and lastly—from the internal chatroom.
You opened the email with an attachment. It was a blank email but as soon as the preview for the attachment appeared, you almost gagged.
It was an image of a man's cock. There were translucent liquid splattered everywhere while the tip of his dick is on a cup—filled to the brim with iced coffee with foamy top. Your favorite.
Your hands were shaking as you exit the window of the website. You clicked the messaging app first. 'Perhaps it was just a promotional message from one of those companies.'
But no.
It was a message from a private number. You don't have any idea how they did it, but they kept sending you images. Most of them were blurry, but the ones with better quality almost made you vomit.
It was taken in a small room. At first, the room was dark, but eventually the image light up. His face was blurred, but you could clearly see what he was doing.
He was fucking your pillow. The one you've been using since you've moved in a better place with better security.
You were confused. And scared.
How could he easily enter your place? Your keys are with you and only the management has access to other duplicates.
"No way..." you whispered as you close the messaging app's window.
One bomb was dropped after another. And you knew something's off.
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Due to multiple reports of call avoidance and drop calls, the management has decided to relieve you from your position as an agent effective immediately.
As we value your well-being, rest assured that you will be receiving your full payment for the next three months along with the other benefits that the company has sworn to provide you.
We sincerely appreciate your efforts for the last three years. We wish you all the best from this day forward.
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You were devastated, yet relieved upon reading the letter. You've been wanting to receive this for months. It was the only way out of this place and this industry. You've also managed to save up a lot that you can start fresh somewhere. Far from this place.
Another phone call managed to bypass the automatic system of the place. You took a deep breath before accepting the call.
"I can't... wait... haah..." the man on the line was clearly doing himself. By the eay he sounds, he's probably close. "We'll move to a big house... haah... hngg... a baby, a babyyy... nhnn... come home..."
Your eyes widened upon hearing your name. Not the screen name you gave them, but your legal full name.
"Let me... hngg... make you a mommy... d'you want that, huh?" You could a wet sloppy noises in the background. "Tiny baby... sucking on your tits... while I make a mess out of you?"
"No need for... apologies..." he was breathing heavily. "I'll see you soon, okay?
He chuckled. "That's me, my princess... took you long enough to say my name."
"How did you get into my house?" you asked while gritting your teeth.
"Patience, my love. We could talk all about it once you're home. Should I get you something to eat? Chicken? Cake? Sandwich? Coffee?"
"I'm done with you."
You immediately pressed the end call button before gathering your things and left. Not even a farewell to your friends.
But there's something you should probably know.
Heidi can't wait to be an aunt and to be your sister-in-law!
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romanteacism · 13 days ago
A Butterfly and A Dragon’s Flight Chapter Ten
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Chapter Summary: Aemnd had lied to get what he wanted, but it would seem it would also be the cause of why he lost the one he wanted the most. Word Count: 7,091 Warnings: Revalations, Lady Elinora and Prince Aemond Growing Closer, Daeron and Edward Protecting Elinora from Aemond, Secret Rendezvous, The Truth Prevails, NOT PROOFREAD
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True to her word, Elinora, along with her pet Peony, sneaked out of her chambers before the first light and met her supposed betrothed under the willow tree near the pond. Throughout the entirety of her journey to the pond, she felt an anticipating and nervous pound on her chest as she was to meet the prince. 
She was cautious with each step she took, fearing that she might get caught and be found. Thankfully, as she arrived by the grounds, she could already see the boot-clad feet of the prince that peeked out under the leaves of the lopsided willow tree. Just as he said, he was waiting for her. When she made her way under the leaves, prince Aemond’s gaze was pointed upward as he assessed the branches of the great tree that hid the two of them from the other’s view. “Hello,” Elinora called out softly. She was expecting him to grow startled by her sudden presence, but no one could truly shake the stoic prince. He only lowered his head and faced her, a half smile on his thin pink lips as their eyes met. 
“You came,” Aemond breathed out. He knew she would come, but still, he was surprised as he had her sneaking out and meeting him illicitly. “Of course. I did promise you I would come,” She said and dared to step forward and closer to him. Her words and action seemed to spur the half smile of the prince into a full one, causing a flutter in her heart. She quite liked it when he smiled. There were lines on both sides of his cheeks that she liked to marvel upon, having the urge to feel them under her fingertips. 
“You never break your promises, do you?” Aemond questioned and took steps closer to her, and he could sense that it took a great deal of courage for Elinora not to take a step backwards. “No… I— I feel ill when I do,” She admitted and averted her gaze as the icy stare of the prince managed to draw a blush on her cheeks. She chewed on her cheeks as he took another casual step forward, placing him only a breath away from her. 
The prince raised his brow, only now hearing such afflictions for a broken promise. “Really?” He questioned and turned to the kitten in her arms that stirred as it wanted to play on the ground. “How so?” Elinora pursed her lips and gently placed Peony on the ground before returning her gaze to the prince. “I… I feel uneasy, as if something is gnawing at my insides and wishes to come out— perhaps it’s guilt, but it’s the same sensations I feel when I ate something unaccustomed to my system,” She explained, eyes shifting uneasily as she only remembered her promises to her family to never go about without their knowledge. 
Aemond hummed and reached forward to brush away a fallen leaf from her head, “That’s how you feel now, isn’t it?” He asked and watched the surprise in Elinora’s eyes as he managed to know how she felt so easily. “A—a bit,” She admitted, making the prince sighed. “Well then, let us feed the ducks so you can be on your way… I would not wish for my dearest betrothed to feel such ill feelings,” Aemond stated and watched as color further bloomed in Elinora’s cheeks. 
The two returned to their usual customs of feeding the ducks. Aemond sat on the damp ground, but he had taken out his handkerchief and laid it on the grass for Elinora to sit upon, not wanting her to sully her dress. Between them was a sack of crumbs and dried fruit for the water birds, and behind them, Peony happily played on the grass, the kitten leaping in the air as she tried to reach the butterflies that found Elinora once more. 
“How long have you known that we are betrothed?” The girl suddenly questioned as a butterfly landed on her dress. Aemond licked his lips, his mind quickly creating a fictitious story to tell the girl. “For years,” he answered, but he second-guessed his response as a slight frown appeared on Elinora’s pretty face. “I— I was not allowed to tell you nor seek you out... which is why I had stayed silent until late last night,” He quickly added, watching as the confusion in her eyes faded. “Oh,” Aemond bit his lip and nodded, an odd twist in his gut as he continued to lie to her. He never felt guilt when he lied, but why then did it announce itself now? Why must guilt now appear when his lies would be the tool for him to finally have the one he wanted?
“Why?” Elinora asked as she gently threw crumbs upon the water, her gaze shifting between the ducks and the prince. “I do not know... perhaps it is the same reason why your family had never told you of my identity,” Aemond reasoned, and another ‘oh,’ left Elinora’s lips. “I wish they had revealed it to us sooner,” She admitted. 
Aemond chewed his cheeks as he heard the tone of longing in her voice. “It just seems like a waste of time... we could have used it to know more of each other,” She added and turned to the prince who had already been looking at her. 
Aemond sometimes debated if the gods were real. Something so ethereal and mystifying surely could not exist. He always thought they were just made up by the exaggerated thoughts of mortals. But as he looked upon Elinora, with the first light shining behind her, casting almost a halo and the butterflies flying over her head along with the falling leaves of the willow tree… Each and every doubt in Aemond of a higher power’s existence faded as only the gods could truly create someone as Elinora. 
“Me too,” was all Aemond could say. His mind preoccupied to etch the image of her in his mind. Aemond felt his heart momentarily cease beating as a smile appeared on her lips. “But I suppose we have our whole lives to know each other, now don’t we?” She said, a glint in her jade eyes, and Aemond swallowed thickly as he had another passing urge to pull her to him and feel her frame against his and their lips pressed on one another. 
But his sensibilities quickly returned as the sound of a bell tolling surrounded the peace they were once in. A sigh left Elinora’s lips. “I should go.” She stated and moved to stand, and the prince quickly aided her. “Shall I see you at tea time?” She questioned as Peony ran to her feet and she dipped down to carry her kitten. “Of course,” Aemond said, a bit annoyed by how time was quick to ruin the sparse moments they had. But his irritation quickly faded as another smile came to Elinora’s lips. “Good day… Aemond.” She said, still customizing herself to utter his name without any titles. “I shall see you later, ñuha sōvion.”
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“Oh gods… I feel like someone is hacking my head with a morning star!” Daeron groaned as they gathered for their first meal of the day. Helaena and Elinora were already having a peaceful tea time in the gardens when both of their brothers came, groggy and bearing the consequences of the previous night. Elinora smiled in amusement as Edward only grunted in response, the young lord messaging his temples. 
The girl had been waiting for a few moments now for Prince Aemond to arrive, and though the two were not who she was expecting and waiting for, she still found their arrival most welcomed. Especially due to their state, they cannot pose any threat when her betrothed finally arrives. “Here, have some tea,” Elinora said softly and filled their cups. “No— I feel like anything I will consume would just be vomited in a few hours,” Daeron grunted, and Edward only nodded along, not having the capacity to speak. 
“This is what you get for downing three bottles of Dornish reserve, each,” Elinora sighed and watched as a butterfly flew to her finger. “Lady Elinora, I had forgotten to thank you,” Princess Helaena suddenly said, and Elinora’s brows slightly furrowed at her words. “Whatever for, princess?” She questioned as she urged both Daeron and Edward to drink their tea and perhaps eat a pastry. 
“Your gifts, for the twins. They were simply enthralled! Jaehaerys had been painting the moment he opened your gift, and Jaehaera had simply ceased opening her other gifts as she saw the harp you gave.” Princess Helaena smiled, and Elinora twiddled with the ends of her hair as she felt butterflies form on her stomach as Aemond had made it that those gifts she helped him procure be ones she gave. “They’re most welcome, princess. I’m glad they liked them.” 
Just as a silence enveloped them, Elinora heard footsteps approaching, and she could hear her heartbeat ring in her ears as she thought it to believe to be of Aemond’s. However, as she raised her gaze, the anticipating throb in her chest ceased as she was met with Ser Gwayne. “Good morrow Helaena, Eli.” He greeted, and Elinora placed a smile on her face even though she was slightly disappointed that it was not Aemond. “Good day, Ser Gwayne. Are you to join us for tea?” Elinora questioned, quickly glancing at the empty seat to her left that she had intended to keep vacant so Prince Aemond could sit there. 
“Oh, no… I only came to summon Daeron and Edward— we are to train,” He said, a mischievous smirk on his lips as the two men groaned in unison. The both of them slumped further into their seats at the reminder of the deal they had made with the knight. Daeron and Edward often indulged themselves with the parties and balls thrown in the Reach, and it concerned the knight and Lord Tyrell, and so they made an agreement with the two. If both the young prince and young lord were to indulge in wine during festivities, they must as well be prepared to indulge in an hour or two of training the following day. 
“Isn’t that a bit... mean? Look at them— they can barely sit up,” Elinora said in concern as she sat before the two who leaned their weight on the table. “A deal is a deal, Eli... perhaps they’ll think twice the next time they drown in their cups.” Ser Gwayne stated and forcefully pulled the two men to stand. “Enjoy your tea,” the knight smiled at the two girls before escorting their brother, who stumbled to the tiltyard. 
When they were gone from her view, Elinora let out a sigh as Prince Aemond had still not come. It was nearing high noon, and Princess Helaena had left a few moments after Ser Gwayne and their brothers went about their business. Elinora, on the other hand, stayed longer. Sitting in her usual spot, she waited for a prince who promised her that he would come. But when the sun’s heat had been proven to be unbearable, all Elinora could do was blow on the inside of her cheeks and reluctantly stood and return back into the castle wall, trying hard not to take this instance of a broken promise to heart. Perhaps there are just people who do not take their promises to heart. She thought. That thinking quickly made Elinora glum. 
On the other side of the castle, in the highest tower, Aemond ran down the stairs and through endless hallways just to reach the gardens and keep his promise to Elinora. His grandsire summoned him to discuss the day-to-day business of the kingdom. A matter that was supposed to be inconsequential to him and should have been overseen by the heir to the throne, but his brother had no wish for such responsibilities, and Otto had always envisioned that it would be Aemond who would take his place as hand when his eldest grandson ascends the throne so he thought it best that at least one of them was well versed to rule. 
Just as he reached the grounds and he was nearing the spot where the girl would have tea with his sister, Aemond sighed as he saw no one present in the distance. He knew that Elinora had left, but he still went on and ventured to the spot just to make certain she was truly no longer there. The prince pursed his lips as there were still a few butterflies flying above the table, and the scent of Elinora lingered faintly in the air. He had missed her by mere short moments. The prince sighed and clenched his fists in annoyance. He had promised her! He had promised her that he would come, and he had broken that promise. Even if it was a small matter, Aemond still fretted that it would offend Elinora seeing how seriously she takes her promises; he only wished for her to see that he too will keep serious any promises he shall make to her and only her. 
Aemond marched away from the gardens and aimed to return to the keep, but his feet carried him to another place— as if knowing where Elinora would be. Aemond then traded the gardens for the godswood and there he saw Elinora stood under the branches of the Weirwood tree and staring upon it to asses the scarlet leaves. 
“Do you ever wonder why its leaves are red?” Aemond questioned quietly as he walked his way behind her, noticing Elinora was slightly startled by his presence. “Oh— hello,” she said, eyes slightly wide as she had failed to notice that the presence she had been seeking for the past hours finally arrived. “Hello, ñuha sōvion,” Aemond smirked and stood beside her. 
“So, do you?” Aemond repeated as there was silence that was quick to envelop them. “Do I what?” Elinora questioned, mind a bit discombobulated as she was trying hard to compose her erratic heart. “Do you wonder why this tree’s leaves are always red?” Aemond said, patient as he repeated himself once again. “Oh, is not because of its sap?” Elinora questioned, not truly certain what the prince was trying to say. 
“Well yes, but— why? Other trees do not have sap that is as blood like as this.” Elinora tilted her head to the side as the prince stepped forward and looked closer upon the red carved face on the white trunk of the ancient tree. “I do not know… but maybe we are not supposed to question it,” Elinora said, making the prince’s brows furrow in question. “What do you mean?” 
“I… I just think that sometimes, somethings should not be questioned— I think we just ought to let it be and perhaps appreciate it rather than question its being,” She answered and looked upon the red leaves and intertwined branches of the tree. The prince blinked upon the words the girl uttered, trying to understand how she was. It was not that she was not inquisitive… There was just something that Elinora forgoed to question and test— unlike him, who must know and understand everything. He found that trait of her quite perplexing but still authentic to her nature. 
“I— I apologise that I was unable to meet you in the gardens… my grandfather had m—“ 
“It’s fine,” Elinora cut him off, a small smile on her lips as she moved her gaze to him. Aemond raised his brow as the girl cut him off, making him think that it was not truly fine. “No, I had promised you tha—“ 
“Really, it is truly fine… You need not explain yourself, my prince,” Elinora implored. Aemond pursed his lips as his title once again found itself to Elinora; he thought they had abolished that— she was the only person that he actually wanted to say his name. “I understand that you have duties to perform... it was silly of me to ask you to join us for tea when you have more pressing matters to oversee,” Elinora said and tried to walk further away from the prince as she felt nervous under his stare and needed to distract herself. But the prince was quick to grasp her arm and gently pulled her closer to him. 
“I do not wish for you think that I break my promises so easily,” Aemond sighed as he peered down the girl whose thoughts he could not read. Was she truly fine? Or was she just saying it to appease him? “I do not think that...” Elinora trailed, “You need not fret about it; it is just a small matter, my prince.” Aemond breathed out as he searched her light jade eyes to see if she spoke the truth or otherwise. Aemond sighed once more and dared to move his touch to cup her cheek, feeling as the girl freeze for a moment before slowly melting in his touch. 
“The gods have blessed me to have such an understanding betrothed.” He hummed and watched as a smile tried to creep its way to Elinora’s lips. Aemond had another urge to intertwine their lips, unable to resist the way Elinora looked upon him, the scent of her that pulled at him, and her lips so pink and plush. However, the girl then spoke, “Why did you tell Princess Helaena that the gifts you bought were from me?” She questioned quietly, and Aemond raised his brow. 
At his silence, Elinora began to expound further. “You said you needed gifts for the young princess and prince... why then did you make it out that I was the one to acquire them?” Aemond pursed his lips and let his fingers trail down from her cheek and to her silky hair, twiddling the strands between her fingertips. “The truth is… I had already acquired a gift for the twins, which I gave two days prior to their name day. It might seem that I am spoiling them if I give them another.” Aemond explained and watched as confusion etched itself in Elinora’s face. “Then why did we go to the city?” 
“Oh, ñuha sōvion, do you truly not see? I wished to know more of you… I wished to spend time with you, unbothered by the court and others who know us.” Aemond explained but frowned as well as the furrow between Elinora’s brows did not dissolve. “But... why couldn’t you have just that?” She asked, slightly pulling away from the prince. “I just— I do not like being lied to and deceived...” Aemond’s stomach dropped at her words, his mind conjuring all the lies he had told her and the biggest deception he had made. 
The prince, however, quickly recovered and pushed away the thoughts and moved closer to the girl. “That shall be the first and last lie, ñuha sōvion,” Aemond whispered another lie. Elinora nodded slowly, “Do you wish to join me in the chapel?” She then asked slyly, and Aemond could not resist the grin that passed his lips as he nodded, and the girl boldly intertwined their hands as they walked to the direction of the chapel. 
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When night came, Elinora was in her parents’ apartments waiting for her brother so dinner would commence. Her entire day was spent with Prince Aemond, and Elinora could not have chosen any other way to spend it. The entire day was filled with her and the prince getting to know each other better, and Elinora thought it was the most productive since now all of her questions upon whom her betrothed was had been settled. 
Elinora could not help but to smile when her mind would think of the prince, and she had to take hold of herself as others might grow suspicious of her sudden glee. When the doors of her parents’ chambers opened, it revealed her brother along with Daeron, both young men exhausted and could be clearly seen as they did not bother to change for supper nor styled and groomed their hair as they often did. 
“I did not know you were to join us,” Elinora said to Daeron as the both of them sat at either side of her seat. “The... my... mother’s chambers— it’s too far,” He struggled to say as he settled further into his seat. “I see the both of you had the most productive day with Ser Gwayne.” Lord Tyrell smiled teasingly, glancing at his daughter, who, too, grinned at the state of the two. “Could you pass me the peas, sister... and mayhaps feed me as well?” Edward asked, voice filled with tiredness as they had spent the entire day in the tiltyard and accompanying Ser Gwyane, who seemed to only walk briskly around the keep just to torment Edward and Daeron. 
Elinora laughed at her brother’s request but denied him. She, however, placed portions of the dishes served into both of their plates to prevent them from any more strenuous activities. “I have told you both that too much indulgence is a sin... now look, the gods are punishing you.” Lady Tyrell sighed at her firstborn, who sat across from her, struggling to lift a fork to his mouth. 
“Anyway... what did you do today, flower?” Lady Tyrell questioned her daughter, trying not to mind her son who had indulged in wine the night before— an attribute that the lady must admit she detest. “I had tea with Princess Helaena, then went to Godswood and spent the rest of the day in the chapel,” Elinora answered, omitting the constant companion she had the entire day. “That’s good. I’m glad you had not forgotten to tend to your prayers even when I am occupied.” Lady Tyrell smiled at her daughter, and Elinora could only force a smile as she felt a tinge of guilt. Though she did spend most of the day in the chapel, only a sort of moment was spent praying since the majority of it was used with her and Prince Aemond speaking to each other.
For the rest of the dinner, Elinora had remained silent and kept her head down as her mind seemed to refuse to set the thought of Prince Aemond to the side, even just for a few moments. So, to hide the smile that kept inching on her lips at the flush on her cheeks, she lowered her head and instead tried to look busy with her food. 
“Why are you smiling?” Daeron suddenly questioned as he caught sight of Elinora’s hidden face and asked why she had lowered her head for most of the dinner. “Oh… I— I just remembered brother asking me to spoonfeed him like he was a babe. Edward says the silliest things when he’s tired. Or drunk.” Elinora fibbed, avoiding the violet gaze of Daeron, and her old habit of twiddling with the ends of her hair returned. Daeron looked intently at Elinora, ready to question her further, but his tiredness could not him. 
When supper ended, Elinora was relieved to return to the privacy of her chambers, and the moment she shut the door, she let a beaming smile slip past her lips. A smile that had been begging to be let out for the past hour. The girl let out a dreamy sigh as she floated about her room to the corner where Peony lay on the ground, a velvet pillow under her small body. “I cannot stop smiling, Peony!” The girl exclaimed quietly as she took her kitten given by the prince into her arms. Her whole body filled with elation and a giddiness she could not repress. 
“In truth, I cannot believe that he is my betrothed... but who am I to question providence? If he is whom the gods say I shall be wed to, then I am most happy for their judgement.” Elinora whispered to her kitten, who simply let out a small noise before settling further into her arms. “I... how could have I been so... so clueless? How could I think that all of our interactions were just coincidences? It was fate!” Elinora continued to ramble on to her pet, mind completely muddled with the mere thought of her betrothed. 
She had never felt this way before, and she had no idea what to do with herself. Is this what being in love felt like? She could not help but think. And with that thought, she felt her cheeks further grow with heat. Had she truly fallen already? She always thought that it would take time before she would actually fall in love with her betrothed— she thought she would have to marry the man not with love but with tolerance and only learn how to love him. But this new development had her completely bemused as this was always how she had preferred it. To have love grown naturally and not out of necessity. However, Elinora was the cautious child her parents had raised, so she thought it best not to succumb to such thoughts just yet and decided to further know her intended before admitting the passionate feelings swelling in her chest. 
Elinora let out a deep breath and let the silence of her chambers try to calm her down. Perhaps she was just filled with excitement, and with all the teachings instilled in her mind, she always thought that a lady filled with excitement was a lady who is as well filled with inappropriateness. 
Elinora bit her lips and set Peony on her bed, ready to retire for the night and be rid of the giddiness that consumed her for the night. However, as she heard rustling coming from the balcony, she could not help but grow curious. Elinora cautiously walked to the opening in her chambers. The moon shone brightly, and it was a breezeless night, making the rustling she heard questionable. 
The girl peered down the ledge of the balcony but found nothing, so she made herself believe it was all in her mind, but as she turned to return to her room, she saw the ivy that clung to the stone walls rustle, and Elinora looked down and gasped as she saw the prince clinging and climbing upon the vines. 
“H—Hello?” Was all she could say as the prince struggled to pull himself up, “Might you help me here, ñuha sōvion?” Aemond grunted as he was nearing to grasp the railing of the balcony. Elinora hastily peered over the railing and led out her arm, all the while her heart raced in her chest as she questioned the presence of the prince at this time of the night. 
When the prince finally pulled himself to the balcony and stood his feet on solid ground, the shock on Elinora’s face did not fade, and she could blink upon her betrothed who seemed aglow by the light of the moonlight. “You might be questioning why I’m here,” Aemond said lowly as he dusted himself off. “A bit,” Elinora replied, biting her tongue as a smile wished to appear on her lips once more, but she reminded herself that she must not seem too eager— especially not at this time of the day. 
“How did you even climb all this way?” She could not help but question as she glanced down to see that the ground was so far away from her chambers. “I did not. The room below yours is a closet with a window with a wide enough opening,” Aemond answered at the mystified look on her face. Aemond let out a breath as his mind seemed to ponder at his actions. 
Truthfully, if he saw another act as such, he would scoff at their patheticness— being in love does make you do the silliest of things, and Aemond vowed then that he would never fall for another. It was Elinora alone who he would willingly do such pathetic actions for. 
“I… I only came to bid you goodnight.” Aemond finally admitted and watched as the confusion faded away from Elinora’s face, and his words brought forth a smile that made his knees weak. “Oh... you could have just knocked upon my door— you might have fallen an—“ Aemond sighed and cupped her warm cheeks once more as he could sense Elinora was to fret. “I am most skilled, ñuha sōvion, you need not worry... and besides, this was the only way— If I knock upon your door, I might be found.” He whispered lowly, unable to prevent the way his face was nearing the girl’s. Gods! He wanted to kiss her. For the sake of his sanity, just another kiss!
But his girl was most chaste and simply moved a step backward. “So you came to say goodnight?” She asked shyly, and Aemond gave a nod, trying to be satisfied with the fact that he held her in his hands even he could not kiss her. “Well then... goodnight, Aemond,” Elinora said, now fretting that she might be compromised and they would be found as her family did have a habit of just barging into her chambers to bid her goodnight as well. 
Aemond let out a breath and let his thumb caress her soft cheek, “Goodnight, ñuha sōvion. I shall see you by the pond tomorrow? As always?” He asked, and Elinora gave an agreeing smile and nodded. Aemond sighed and dared to step forward to hastily place a chaste kiss upon the forehead of the girl before going back from whence he came from. Having the lasting image of Elinora blushing before him as his lips once again grazed her skin. And Elinora returned inside her chambers to sleep with a beaming smile as she realized how she had truly fallen for the prince. 
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“She’s not in her chambers,” Daeron yawned as he and Edward woke early, as they had to return to their patrol over Elinora. They had forgone their cautious actions the previous day due to exhaustion, and Daeron was certain that his brother had found some way to slither himself to the side of the girl once more. Elinora’s giddy smile during the other night’s supper was proof enough for him. 
“The... the pond then,” Edward said in a tired trance, and the both of them threaded to the grounds even if their body still ached, and all they wished for was to have a few more moments of respite. “You check the pond, I’ll search the Godswoods,” Daeron stated, as he recalled what Elinora had said last night, that she spent a few moments in the Godswood, and he only wished to make certain that the girl was truly alone as she tended to her customs. 
Edward then went to the pond as quick as his tired feet could carry him, but as he arrived, not a soul was to be found except for the happy countenance of well-fed ducks that glided upon on the water. Daeron, on the other hand, had stumbled into the godswood, and the only thing of note was the presence of butterflies that have the habit of following Elinora around, leading Daeron to hypothesize that she was once there he had missed her by only a few moments. 
The youngest prince sighed and moved to leave, but a feeling within told him to venture towards a corridor less travelled by. Daeron did not think twice as he followed his intuition, threading the path two had threaded earlier. 
Daeron held his breath as he was nearing an arch with a white, swaying cover, ready to discover Elinora with his older brother, but the scene before him was one that had the power to make his hard and solid constitution faint. There, he found Elinora and Aemond in each other’s arms with their lips against each other. His brother cupping the girl’s cheek and Elinora clinging to the leather-clad shoulder of the One-Eyed Prince. 
The youngest prince could only do but one thing. Pull away his brother and give him a harsh punch on his jaw. “You bastard!” Daeron yelled as he moved to strike his brother once more, and all Elinora could do was gasp at the sudden intrusion and the violent scene before her. “I have warned you! I—“ Daeron exclaimed, no following words could find him as the rage of the scene he saw had muddled his mind. He believed that what he saw was Aemond taking advantage of his dear friend, but as Elinora moved to pull him away and come to his brother’s aid, the rage he felt slightly faded as it made way for confusion. 
“What are you doing? Get away from him, Elinora!” Daeron attempted to grasp her hand, but Elinora’s trembling frame only moved to cradle the head of Aemond, who was discombobulated as he was caught off guard of his brother’s attack. “Why would you do that?!” Elinora finally spoke, unable to bear the sight of Aemond with cuts on his face as well as blood oozing from his lip and temple. 
“He— he was taking advantage of you! Come now, Elinora... let him be!” Daeron insisted and forcefully took hold of her arm and pulled her to stand and away from his brother whose senses were finally returning to him. Daeron would not show it, but he felt an eerie chill as he saw how his brother’s eye suddenly darkened as he moved to stand, and all the youngest prince could do was tuck Elinora behind him despite her protests. 
“He did nothing wrong! I— he... he is my betrothed!” Elinora exclaimed and pulled at Daeron so she could stand between him and his brother. She saw it in his eye, there was violence brewing in the cold lilac eye of Aemond, and Elinora could no longer stomach any more violence between the two. 
As the words left her lips, Aemond turned cold as she uttered his lie. “What?” Daeron asked incredulously. “What are you saying?! He is not your betrothed!” Daeron exclaimed, seeing in her pale jade eyes that she obviously believed such farse. “He is! Why would I kiss anyone other than who is promised to me?” She questioned and glanced between the two as she tried to convince Daeron that what he had seen was not all that improper. Unlike her, yes, but not at all improper since she only kissed her betrothed. 
“Oh gods...” Daeron could not help but breathe out, “Not only have you sullied her, but you lied to her as well?!” He exclaimed at his brother, who tried to reign in his rage and tried to salvage the lie he had sold to the girl. But it would seem to be futile because just in a short moment, all that he had done to be closer with Elinora would be burnt and gone. 
“Lied? What? Aemond... you are my betrothed, yes?” Elinora questioned, turning to face the prince who could only look upon her, without reaction, defense, or explanation leaving his lips. “Aemond, please... tell him. You are my betrothed, yes?” Elinora pleaded as his silence only placed further nerves in her. 
Daeron’s jaw ticked, and he placed a gentle hand on Elinora’s shoulder and gently pulled her to him. “He isn’t, Elinora. Aemond is not your betrothed— he cannot be. He is set to marry a Baratheon girl.” Daeron said menacingly as he looked upon his brother in contempt as how could he be so cruel to lie to Elinora. How could he have taken advantage of her good and naive nature? 
Elinora shook her head, tears welling in her eyes as she refused to believe the words Daeron had uttered. “No… Aemond, please, tell me you are truly my betrothed. You had not lied to me,” She said, voice barely above a whisper as she could not phantom the fact that she had trusted him and her trust may have been trampled upon. 
Aemond could not speak. Unable to utter the truth because if he did, he knew Elinora would be forever out of his grasp. “See, Eli… He cannot even speak. He is not your betrothed. He had decived you.” Daeron whispered and clenched his fist as a tear finally slipped out of her eye. 
“Tell her, brother. Tell her how you lied. Tell her!” 
Aemond resisted pounce on his brother at his provoking words, but he could not do so as Elinora stood between them, tears streaming down her face and betrayal hanging in the air. Aemond tried to reach for her, words still unable to leave his lips, and all he could offer was his touch. But as his hand grazed her arm, she flinched away as if he had scorned her, and when he looked upon her eyes. Her kind, warm jade eyes haunted his dreams; all he could see was hatred. Hatred from a girl who had not once in her life hated anything. 
Elinora shook her head at the pleading look in the prince’s eye and as he once again tried to hold her hand. All she could do was push him away and run from the dark corridor where the truth was revealed and where Aemond had lost his butterfly. 
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“I’m going to kill him— I swear Daeron. I’ll be the one to fully blind him.” Edward seethed as the two of them paced outside the chambers of Elinora, who had locked herself inside as she let out her woes. Daeron could only sigh. His mind still bothered with what had transpired earlier. It was one of the few times he had seen Elinora cry, and he must say, he did not care for it. The way pearl tears dripped down from her jade eyes and how her lips quivered was an image he did not wish to think upon any longer, but it was haunting him. 
“She has been crying for hours... should we perhaps check on her?” Daeron asked and looked upon Edward, who seemed apprehensive. However, the young lord nodded as he did not wish for his sister to sit unhappily in solitude. 
The two men breathed in a deep breath before pushing open the door of Elinora, but the door was unable to fully open, and a shared question appeared between the two. They pushed further on the door and expected Elinora to be sprawled on her bed with Peony as she cried, but they were only welcomed with opened trunks and dresses haphazardly thrown inside them. “Sister?” Edward called warily as they made their way into the chambers that were awry. 
“C—Could you help me? I… I do not know how to fold,” Elinora then appeared from the wetroom, hair disheveled, eyes swollen, and cheeks stained with tears. She was holding a bundle of her fine dresses and Peony following along behind her. “Eli, what are you doing?” Daeron questioned as he tried to pick up the discarded items on the floor. “Trying to pack— though I’m finding it impossible... nevermind that I know how to embroider a whole dress in an afternoon, but I cannot seem to fold that said dress into my trunks! Perhaps this is what my septa should have taught me. Do you think it is too late for me to request such lessons?” Elinora rambled as she tried to distract herself from the gnawing pain in her chest. 
The two men were rendered in confusion as they watched Elinora try to fold the dress she wore during the Queen’s name day. They watched her try to figure out how to align the sleeves with one another, but she would ultimately grow frustrated and bundle the fine gown into a ball and throw it into an open trunk. “Elinora, we’ll have your maids do that. But sister, you must tell us why first,” Edward said softly as he tried to lead her to sit and pry away her dress from tight grasp. 
“Why?” She asked her brother, who looked upon her in concern. “Why? Because… Because I wish to go home— I want to go back to Highgarden.” She said, tears now starting to well in her eyes once more. “Please, brother… I wish to leave— I want to go—“ Elinora blubbered, ready to sob once more, and Edward was quick to embrace his sister and let her cry into his chest. “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry, brother. I had br—“ Edward hushed his sister and patted her back as she struggled for breath in between her sobs. 
Edward hushed as he had an odd sense of deja vu of the last time he held and comforted Elinora. It was years ago, when she was twelve, and their parents had locked her in a tower for playing a game of hide and seek with a boy. She could not understand their punishment nor what she did wrong, so all she could do was cry in her brother’s chest. “I’m so sorry,” She repeated. “I have dishonored our house! I had brought shame to myself and our name!” Elinora wailed, and Edward shook his head as he doubled his efforts of trying to bring comfort to the sobbing girl. 
“Daeron, could you give us a moment? Perhaps call Elinora’s handmaid so she does not sleep in this mess?” Edward asked, and Daeron quickly gave a nod before making himself scarce. “Sister, listen to me,” Edward whispered as he held in his hands Elinora’s face, willing his sister to meet his eyes. “You had not done anything wrong, do you understand? We shall not speak of this only because you know of what the reactions of mother and father be— but I do not blame you sister… you have not done anything wrong except trust the wrong person.” Edward said sincerely and earnestly tried to wipe away Elinora’s tears with his thumbs. 
“You do not hate me?” Elinora sniffed as she met the eyes of her brother. “Hate you? Gods, sister, of course not.” Edward said, “But what I have done— wh—“ Edward hushed her once more. “No more talk of this, Elinora... let us forget all of this. Everything done— all that has transpired shall be left here.” Edward decided. “The kiss... the prince... forget it all and leave it here.” Edward added, and Elinora could only nod as she hoped that her departure from Kingslanding would as well mean the departure of Prince Aemond from her mind and heart.   
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Tag List: @sapphirevhagar @dahlias-and-marigolds @shygardengalaxy-blog @m-riaa @summerposie @emerald-jade1 @darylandbethfanforever9 @sunmoon-01
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The start of my Astarion rabbithole begins here...
Summary: You can't sleep without Astarion. Even still, nightmares continue to haunt you but Astarion vows to do all he can to ease your pain.
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“Yes darling?” Astarion asks the moment he feels your face collide with his back, lifting his gaze from his book. Your arms wrap around his waist, pressing his body against yours and Astarion will never tell you how much he loves that feeling. No matter what you bribe him with.
You incoherently mumble something in return, burying your face into the back of his shirt.
“I can’t quite make out what you just said, dearest. You’ll have to speak up a bit more,” he bites back a laugh at how you give an angry grumble in response and closes the book, gently prying you off him.
Turning around to face you, he presses a kiss to the top of your head before tilting your chin up so that he can press another kiss to your lips, his cold slender fingers gliding over your warm skin. The tip of his index finger traces along your jawline as he hungrily kisses you deeper, his other hand tangled in your hair.
You kiss him back with equal fervour, eyes closed. His fangs graze your bottom lip, drawing a hint of blood which he immediately licks up, letting out a soft moan at the sweetness that floods his tongue.
“You still have not told me what it is you desire, my sweet,” he nuzzles into your hair, arms wrapped tightly around you. His book lies on the ground long forgotten, all that he can think about is how nice you feel in his embrace, as though you were made for it.
“Cuddle,” you yawn, rubbing your eyes. “Can’t sleep without you.”
“You miss me that much, dearest?” He teases. “Come along then, you need your sleep.” He pretends as though your words haven’t set his ears on fire, that the sudden rush of warmth in his chest wasn’t caused by your proclamation of how much you wanted his presence and gently guides you back to your tent, barely remembering to pick his book up.
Once he’s tucked you into your bedroll, pushing hair out of your face before you start sneezing from the tickles, he removes his tunic and gets comfortable by your side. The moment he lies down, you snuggle up to him, burying your face in his chest. Your body curls up, fitting against his like a puzzle piece.
“Good night, Astarion,” you murmur drowsily.
“Good night, my sweet,” he runs his fingers through your hair, the motion lulling you to sleep like it always does. He relishes in the way your hair smoothly parts for his fingers, the softness of the strands brushing against his skin. Ever since he introduced his hair routine to you, your hair condition had been improving and he was pleased with how much you loved to show it off to him.
It doesn’t take long for you to drift off, lips parting slightly as your chest gently rises and falls with each breath. Astarion enjoys this part of your nightly cuddles the most, it reminds him of why he fights so hard each and every day. If he had to withstand the exhausting hikes, fights and idiocy of the rest of the party just to see the small smile of contentment on your face when you slept, he would do it for an eternity without hesitation. All that mattered to him was that you were happy, safe. Free.
He gently hums a tune he remembers you humming before, resisting the urge to kiss you over and over again, knowing that it would wake you up. His fingers dance along your back, tracing the scars that mar it. He’s long memorised each and every single one of them, whether it be from the passionate nightly activities or simply cuddling, just like tonight. Even though you find them disgusting, he finds them beautiful. They are signs of what has failed to kill you, of what you’ve pulled through. They told those who saw that that you were strong, that you were a survivor.
He finds himself tracing over the thin scar lines along your arm that wrap around like vines. You’ve never told them where you got them from, each time he tries to breach the topic you shy away, changing the subject with a laugh. He knows glimpses of your past from the nights the two of you have sat together under the moonlight, talking about whatever came to mind at the moment, but he never quite got the full picture. You purposely avoided talking about certain things and he never once probed further out of respect for your privacy, but moments like this make him wonder what someone as cheerful and bright as you had been through to become a completely different person when such topics were discussed.
Still, he won’t push you further than you’re comfortable with. You’ve never done it to him, even if it clearly frustrated you how little he was willing to divulge and he respected you for that. You would tell him about the scars on your arm when you were comfortable with it, he knew, and he could wait. He was a vampire spawn, he had the time to wait.
You shift in your sleep, eyebrows furrowed and fingernails digging into the bedroll beneath. A nightmare .
Astarion gently rubs your back, whispering sweet assurances into your ear and pressing his forehead against yours, hoping it will calm you down. The whimper that escapes your lips breaks his undead heart and he wishes he could enter dreams, just so that he could fight off whatever nightmare was plaguing you tonight.
“It’s alright, love. It’s just a nightmare,” he whispers, despising how powerless he is. “I’m always right here, right by your side.”
“Star,” you whimper, eyes cracking open. “Help. Hurts.”
He desperately presses more kisses to the top of your head, holding you tightly. “I’m right here, I’m right here.”
He repeats the three words over and over again like a mantra, cradling you as you cry into his chest, sobs wracking your body. His hand rests on the back of your head, his body curled around yours to shield you from the world.
“Let it all out. No one else is here,” he murmurs. You cry even harder at his words, gasping between each sob until you have no tears left to give. He ignores how your fingernails have dug into his shoulders so much that you’ve drawn blood, far more concerned about how you are feeling.
“I’m sorry,” the words feel thick in your throat. You wipe your eyes, looking up at him with such pain in your eyes and sniffle.
“Don’t be, love. We all need a little space to cry.” He presses his lips to your warm, tear-stained skin, willing all your pain away.
Wrapped in his comforting embrace, you slowly drift back to sleep with the feeling of his hand rubbing circles on your back. Once he’s sure you’ve properly fallen asleep, he lets himself slip into a meditative half-trance, but always keeps an ear out for you just in case. He won’t ever leave you to face your demons alone. You’d do the same for him anyways, he’s just repaying the favour, right?
You reach out towards him in your slumber, throwing an arm around him so that you can pull him closer. Your breath tickles his skin and something within his chest squeezes, taking his breath away.
I love you, his lips form the words but no sound comes out. Watching your now peacefully slumbering form, his undead heart comes back to life but words still fail him. For now, he’ll resign himself to practising the words so that when the moment comes, he will be able to say them, and know you will say them back.
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farity · 2 years ago
Let’s Pretend
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x you
Summary:  You suggest a pretend betrothal 
Warning:  Future Smut
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“She is quite accomplished,” his mother was saying, listing every skill the young woman, currently pretending not to be aware of their conversation, was said to have. 
A servant took his empty dinner plate and Aemond noticed a small strip of paper left next to his wine cup.  He didn’t react, but looked around to see if anyone seemed to be expecting him to read it.  
There were visiting nobles, but other than the girl his mother clearly wanted him to speak to, he saw no one else that would pique his interest.  Pretending to be listening to his mother, he turned the little strip of paper over.
“West terrace, in grey.”
The handwriting was small and neat.  Feminine.  He crumpled the paper in his hand, felt for his dagger at his hip, and waited for a lull in the conversation to excuse himself.
“My prince?”
He turned to Ser Criston Cole, always alert for his family’s safety.  “Nothing to worry about, stay with the queen.”
He walked around the opposite side of the courtyard so he could survey the west terrace at his leisure and saw only one person sitting there.  She was writing something and not really paying attention but she was wearing a grey gown.  
* * * * * 
You saw the shadow falling over your notebook, then looked up into the face of prince Aemond Targaryen.  “Oh good, you made it.”
“Who are you and what do you want?”
You told him your name, ignoring the rudeness in his tone.  “I have an idea that may solve both our problems.”
His expression, a mixture of boredom and disdain, didn’t change, and he didn’t say anything in reply.
“I know the queen wishes for you to marry, yet you do not seem to be inclined to court anyone.  I want to be left in peace and quiet but after last month’s wedding, I am the last daughter left in my house, and soon they’ll trot me out like a prized mare at auction.”
When he still said nothing, you thought maybe this had been a bad idea.  But you’d started this conversation, and apparently you’d have to finish it.
“I suggest we form an attachment, only in pretense, of course.  Once it is known we are betrothed, the pressure will be off both our backs and we can continue our lives without the intrusion of others.”
He sat down facing you, looked from your face to the notebook where you’d been drawing.  “And why would I, a prince of the realm, in line to the throne, be betrothed to someone from a minor house, when we can gain much from a better alliance?”
You took a slow, deep breath, trying not to give into the urge to slap him.  “I am highly accomplished and learned, I excel at all the gentle arts - I embroider, weave, sing, dance, and play, I-”
“And draw,” he added, condescendingly.
You slammed your notebook shut.  “What I mean is, it is a perfect plan.  We live far apart, so it could be a long betrothal, and while I might be from a small house, we are an old lineage and have a very competent army..”
He leaned back, crossed his arms.  
Fine, if he didn’t want to go along, he didn’t have to.  “The prince wishes for his attentions to land on more exalted territory, I see.”
Aemond shrugged, not denying it.  “I am the son of the king.  Brother of the future king.”
You rolled your eyes.  “That is never going to protect you from being saddled with some obnoxious wife for the rest of your existence.”  There was nothing to it, then.  “But, I understand.  I only ask you keep this to yourself, as I have other names on my list and only two more days here to figure something out.”  You stood, gathering your pencils and eraser and took a step toward the staircase.
The prince’s hand shot out and grabbed your wrist.
* * * * * 
He remembered her now.  He had met her before, the smallest of five children, one boy and four girls.  She was usually trying to catch up to her siblings and Aegon had pulled her hair once.  
Aemond knew well he was expected to marry, and to do so for the benefit of his house.  He would do his duty, of course, but none of the ladies at court, nor the visiting nobles, had made a good impression on him.  Not to mention half of them could barely manage to look at him and keep the fear and disgust from their expressions.
Her plan was a sound one, except for the part where sooner or later they would either have to marry, which would ruin the purpose of the whole thing, or end their betrothal, which would put them back at the beginning. 
But it would buy him time.  Time to maybe find a suitable wife.  Time for Aegon to find his way.  Not that he ever expected that to happen, but time might help.
He pictured her on his arm, standing next to him, underneath him in bed, and made an impulsive decision.
She looked down at the hand around her wrist and then back at him.  “Prince Aemond?”
“You will burn your list,” he said, the sudden thought of her on anyone else’s arm making his stomach twist.  “and I will make it known I am courting you.”
“How are you going to make it-”
He pulled her to him, grabbed the back of her head with his other hand and kissed her.  Her lips were soft and sweet, and she made a little sound of surprise that went straight to his cock.  He heard her book and other things falling to the floor, as well as the whispers of people witnessing the scene.  He was still holding on to her wrist but he felt her other hand touching his face, the side with the scar.  For a moment he panicked, wondering if this was where she’d realize her mistake and run away, and he deepened the kiss, his tongue sweeping in to taste her while he could.
Instead of running away she pressed herself against him, and Aemond realized he had to stop.  He grabbed her arms and ended the kiss and saw the confusion in her eyes when he pulled back.  “Take my arm and come with me.”
“My things,” she said absently.
“I’ll send a servant.”
* * * * * 
By the time you retired to your chambers, it was all over the keep.  People were looking at you, whispering, pretending to ignore you.  The queen kept giving you appraising looks while the princess Helaena waved at you and smiled.  
“My daughter, have you something to tell me?”
Your father’s voice startled you as you finished an earlier sketch.
“Father,” you said, “it appears I have caught the attention of Prince Aemond.”
“As long as that’s all you’ve caught.”
Your father shook his head.  “How long has this been going on?” he sat next to you, his expression kind as always.  “He should have spoken to me before he approached you.”
“I think rules are different for the Targaryens. father,” you hated lying to your father, but you weren’t going to be married off to some strange lord who might be an abuser or worse.  “I am sure he will speak to you soon.”
He kissed your forehead, then started heading out.  “But tell me this,” he said suddenly, turning around, “do you like him?”
Oh good gods.
“Father, I do not think one likes Aemond Targaryen.  One may respect and appreciate him, and you know me, I much admire learning.”  You smiled at him, hoping he was convinced.
“Good night, father.”
You waited until the door closed behind him to exhale.  Two days.  You just had to get through two days and then you would be back home.  You stared down at your notebook and scratched out the drawing you’d been working on.
* * * * * 
“The Queen wishes to see you.”
You knew this was coming but to be summoned to the queen’s presence was unnerving enough that you had to take a couple of deep breaths before walking in.
The queen sat behind a desk, her father standing to one side, Aemond to the other.  Your father stood across the desk, and he nodded at you as you came in.
You curtsied deeply to queen Alicent, then took the chair next to your father’s.  
“My son has shared with me the affection and admiration he has for you,” the queen began, “something he has, clearly, managed to keep completely secret.”
“Your father has agreed to the terms and the dowry he will provide on the day of the wedding, as well as the vow to provide military support if needed.”  Ser Otto Hightower looked at your father, and continued.  “Prince Aemond wanted to present you with a betrothal gift before you depart tomorrow, and you are expected to dine with us tonight.”
Aemond walked up to you, opened a small box that revealed a pendant with a sapphire in the center.  “May I?”
You smiled up at him, “of course.  Thank you,” you turned, lifting your hair so he could place the delicate necklace on you.  You felt his fingertips brush against the back of your neck and barely managed to contain a shiver.  
“It is beautiful,” you added, looking down to admire the sparkling jewel.
Aemond took your hand and kissed it.  “It suits you.  Will you walk with me?”
You nodded, and left the room on his arm.
Once the door closed behind you you blew out a breath and let him lead you outside the main building. 
“Do you think they believed you?”
“I do not care,” he shrugged, “all that matters is that they accepted my request and made the necessary arrangements.  You are still leaving tomorrow?”
Did he want you gone already?
“Yes, of course.”
You noticed the looks from people you passed, deferential toward Aemond, and a mixture of pity and confusion toward you.  Frankly, you didn’t care.  Your plan had worked, you could enjoy a few months of freedom, and then you would figure out what to do.
Aemond guided you around a corner and past a series of statues.  “In a few weeks I will visit you.  It would be appropriate and we can talk more about how to proceed.”
“Dear brother.”
Aemond stopped and you turned at the sound of prince Aegon’s voice.  He was leaning against one of the parapets, half shielded by the side of the wall.
“You’ve been keeping this little morsel hidden.”  His eyes went from the top of your head to the bottom of your dress, lingering on your breasts.  “I can see why.”
“Your Highness,” you said politely, your fingers tightening on Aemond’s arm.  
“This is all very sudden, isn’t it?” Aegon added, then glanced at your belly.  “Do not tell me you are in a delicate state.”
Aemond stepped forward.  “Of course not.  If you will excuse us, brother.”
You could feel Aegon’s eyes on your ass as you walked past him, resisted the urge to turn around.  Aemond pulled you closer to him.  “Is that what people think?  That I am with child?” you asked as you turned a corner onto an empty hallway.
“Does it matter?”
You stopped, letting go of Aemond’s arm.  “Well, yes, but eventually people will know it is not true,” you mused, and caught him looking down at your stomach.  “What?”
“Nothing.”  He offered his arm again and you took it.  
“I will see you at dinner, then.”
Aemond looked down at you before stopping close to your chambers.  “Wear the pendant from now on.”
“I have some other jewelry that will be more suitable-”
He stopped and pulled sharply on your arm, making you turn around to face him.  “If I say wear the pendant, then you wear the pendant.  It is a gift from your betrothed and if we are to signify that you are mine then you must be mine in every way that can be perceived.  You will wear the pendant every day, back home and here, you will write to me every other day and you will speak of the love you have for me to every person you fucking meet.”
Your eyes widened as he pressed you against the stone wall.  “You wanted this and while I agreed, I will also make sure that you do things the way I want them done.  I have done my part to ensure the news was made public-”
“By kissing me,” you said curtly, and his eye went straight to your mouth.
“Yes,” he said, lowering his voice.  “It was quick and efficient, was it not?”  He leaned in, the tip of his nose brushing against your cheek.  “The work of but a few seconds and an hour later the whole keep knew.”
He was warm, impossibly warm, his body almost covering you completely, and he began nuzzling your neck.  “They will say they one-eyed prince has found happiness at last,” he murmured, and you closed your eyes.  “The prince without a dragon now has both the greatest dragon of all and a beautiful wife.”
When he raised his head, you looked up at him and it was the most natural thing in the world to let him kiss you.  
* * * * * 
He had to stop.  He kept telling himself just a few more seconds, but it kept getting more difficult to let go of her and in the end he had to shove away from her.  Her cheeks were pink and she was breathing hard and now that he knew how she tasted he wanted more.  
“Go change for dinner,” he said sharply, and turned to leave.
Aemond made his way to his chambers, throwing his weapons down with more force than necessary as he changed clothes.
She’d be gone tomorrow and he wouldn’t have to worry about her.
He sat by the hearth, realizing he didn’t want her to go.  He threw off his jacket, disgusted with himself.  He barely knew the girl, was this really going to be a problem?  She was the fourth daughter from a barely relevant house, she wasn’t particularly beautiful or tall or graceful or had any distinctive feature that put her above other ladies.  Once she was gone he wouldn’t think about her, wouldn’t recall the sweet taste of her lips or the scent of her skin.
He sat there for a few minutes before he realized he had been rubbing his fingertips over his lips for who knew how long, and wished it was already tomorrow.
* * * * * 
Dinner was eternal, you decided later as you let the maid help you with your dress.  Aemond had stared at you as you had walked in, and you had no idea if he was pleased with how you looked or thought you looked like a nightmare.  He didn’t say anything, either, which didn’t help.
Your father seemed to enjoy himself, which at least made the whole thing just slightly worth it.  
You’d go home tomorrow, which frankly, would be a respite from all the pretense and lies and all of it.  You’d write to Aemond as he’d requested, that would be easy enough, although what you were supposed to write you had no idea because you barely knew him but you would think of something.  He hadn’t said if he would write back, though.  
As you slipped under the covers, you thought back to the kiss he’d given you this afternoon and the harsh way he’d ended it.
* * * * * 
“We will be expecting you back for Aemond’s name day,” the queen said, “it will be good for you to become familiar with court life, being from such a faraway land as you are.”
She made it sound like you were from Essos, but you smiled and curtsied and then went up to Aemond, who was standing by the carriage with your father.
He extended his hand as your father walked into the carriage and you took it.  He kissed your cheek, a chaste kiss unlike the previous two you’d shared.  “When I get back to my mother’s side I want you to stop the carriage and run up to embrace me.”  He pulled back and helped you get inside next to your father, and then began walking back.
You waved at everyone and sat back, keeping an eye on Aemond.  The carriage started and once he was almost at his mother’s side, you hit the ceiling of the carriage.  “Stop!”
You race out of the carriage toward Aemond, who catches you as you throw yourself at him and wrap your arms around him.  You hear a sound of disapproval from the queen and ignore it completely, because Aemond’s mouth is on yours and he’s holding you tightly and now you really don’t want to leave.
But he pulls back and when he looks at you, he only nods, so you smile and turn around to get back in the carriage, and wonder if what you are feeling is going to get much worse.
* * * * * 
@arryn-nyx​   @  girlwith-thepearlearring    @greenowlfactif  @hydrationqueensworld    @megzdoodle   @melsunshine  @queenofshinigamis     @throughgoeshamilton   @travelingmypassion    @watercolorskyy
@hb8301   @kaemond-zafiro    @arcielee
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ghostlynightpanda · 30 days ago
HELLO I was wondering if u could do a last boss x chubby reader fic 😞😞 ur the only person who has good writing and does the character last boss so idk who else to ask 😞 (ur free to decline or ignore this if u don't know how to write for chubby people ♥️)
(Un)wanted Attention - Last Boss
A/n: I‘ve never wrote chubby reader before but tried and hope that you still like it!
Synopsis: After winning yet another game, you manage to draw attention to yourself. Good as well as bad.
warnings/content: Last Boss x fem!chubby!reader, kinda body shaming and bullying, fluffy end
You had just returned from your last game, your heart still pounding in your chest. It was the sixth of hearts game—the perfect card suit for you. Even though the game was physical, your specialty in hearts had allowed you and the other players at the Beach to find a way out before things got too dangerous.
The match took place in a paintball arena. Players were randomly divided into two teams, and the objective was to eliminate the opposition—a setup that sounded as straightforward as any typical spades or clubs game. So why had it been a hearts game? You'd been mulling over the question as the countdown to the game ticked by, until you noticed them: a set of paintball guns lying in a far corner. A sign next to the phones read "Choose any weapon of your liking," presenting players with a range of options—from guns to axes to knives. All deadly. So why would anyone opt for a nonlethal weapon if the goal was to eliminate opponents?
The answer was simple: it was a hearts game. The Voice had never said you had to kill your opponents to win, only to "eliminate" them. You struggled to convince not only your own team but also members of the opposing side to set aside their blind urge to shoot and consider your theory. Fortunately, a few of the militants were playing with you. Aguni and Niragi, though placed on different teams and not exactly friends, both recognized that in this harsh world they needed each other, having formed a bond over these games. They agreed to try your approach instead of mindlessly blasting everyone down.
As you walked toward your room, you passed Last Boss. He had participated in the game as well. Ever since you knew him, he had watched everyone in silence, his gaze inscrutable. Usually, his silent observation was hardly unusual—but today, something in his stare felt different, though you couldn't quite put your finger on it.
The next day, you sat by the pool as usual, having little else to do in this strange post-apocalyptic world except wait for the next deadly game. You'd made a few acquaintances you considered friends, though you knew that when survival was on the line, anyone might sacrifice anyone else—and you'd likely do the same. These games had a way of bringing out the worst in people, forcing everyone to choose between killing or be killed. 
Between the games, the company at the Beach was a welcome distraction. That was one reason you had joined, along with Hatter's intriguing theory about the cards. However, the Beach wasn't all nice. There were also psychos and killers—people who not only wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice others but did so with a twisted relish, enjoying the pained screams of their victims. Another annoyance was the dress code. You were forced to wear swimming clothes at all times. As a newcomer, you'd been offered a range of bikinis, but none was in your size, leaving you having to wear a size too small. Every step made you worry that your top might ride up since it offered little support. Thankfully, Ann—one of the executive members of the Beach—went out the next day and got you clothes that were both more modest and better fitting. Still, walking around half-naked was never entirely comfortable.
"Hey, you were with us last night in the sixth of hearts, weren't you?" a voice called out, making you turn in confusion. You were on your way to the pool bar for drinks when two men approached.
"Yes, I was," you replied shortly.
"Better be happy you chose a different approach to the game. Otherwise, you'd have made a large target," the other man snickered, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes.
You were no stranger to comments about your appearance—after all, you'd been a bit chubby your whole life—but even so, those remarks stung. More than that, you found it astounding that in a place where everyone was fighting for survival, some still felt the need to joke about appearances. Didn't they have anything better to do?
"Why are you rolling your eyes like that, huh?" the first man snarled, glaring at you. "You think that was a joke?"
"I know it wasn't a joke, but it wasn't clever either, nor do I think it deserves a response," you shot back, matching his tone.
"Who do you think you are, talking to us like… that?" he demanded, his voice suddenly rising to a shrill pitch on the last word.
Before you could turn to see what was happening behind you, a katana appeared in your line of sight. Its tip was pressed against the throat of the first man, cutting through the skin ever so slightly and drawing a thin line of blood.
You froze, your eyes darting between Last Boss, the menacing katana, and the two now-frightened men before you. For several tense seconds, no one moved. Finally, Last Boss lowered his weapon. He glared at the men and then nodded toward the exit, silently ordering them to leave. They quickly bowed and mumbled apologies as they scurried away.
„Last Boss." You breathed, lowering your head as he now turned to look at you. Was he gonna threaten you next for nearly starting a fight in the middle of the pool area? But to your surprise, he seemed almost shy, not meeting your eyes as you looked at him hesitantly. „Thank you for your help." You finally decided on saying, after it was clear that he wouldn't threaten you. To that, he only nodded before quickly walking away. But despite his hasty exit, you were sure that he had the slightest blush on his cheeks
You watched him disappear into the building, and as the tension ebbed from your body, you whispered, "What the hell was that?"
In the following days, you noticed a few odd developments. For one, the two men who had harassed you by the pool were found dead the next day, suspected of being traitors. Also, everywhere you went, Last Boss seemed to be nearby, silently watching over you—not in a threatening way, but in a manner that was strangely comforting. How could someone as influential as him care about your well-being? It just didn't add up.
Yet, he appeared again when you decided to take a break by the kids' pool—a rarely used area where you could sit on the edge and let your legs dangle in the water, soaking up the warm evening sun in solitude.
"Hey," you greeted softly as Last Boss approached. He hesitated for a moment before sitting down beside you. He didn't speak, but you didn't mind; the silence between you was pleasant.
Lost in your thoughts, you were startled when he finally spoke in a low, gravelly voice. "They were assholes," he muttered.
It took a moment for you to grasp that he was referring to the men from the pool a few days earlier. "Ah, you mean those guys from a couple of days ago?" you asked, wanting to be sure.
He nodded, and you couldn't help but smile. "It's not the first time someone has made a comment about my looks. I don't care what they say about me," you said, tugging absentmindedly at a loose thread on your jacket sleeve. "But they weren't entirely wrong—I'm not as skilled at spade or club games as some others."
"Everyone has their weaknesses," Last Boss replied, leaning back on his hands as he gazed at the water. "I'm not very good at diamond or heart games."
"Sounds like we'd make a good team, then—complementing each other's weaknesses," you said with a shy smile, suppressing a giggle as you noticed his cheeks turn red.
"I guess so," he whispered almost inaudibly, turning his head away so you couldn't see his blush. It was an endearing moment.
The two of you sat in companionable silence, enjoying the warm summer air and each other's presence. Occasionally, your hands brushed against one another, a small but welcome reminder that even in this living hell, unexpected lights of hope could still be found.
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magicxc · 1 year ago
Stay With You
Pairings: Trevante Rhodes x Black Reader x Aldis Hodge
Word Count: 1652
Warnings: double penetration, hand job, cream pies
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BBJ Masterlist
“Y’all when I said let's go camping, I was thinking something along the lines of smores, maybe even a cute lil bonfire,” I ranted. “But to be out here in natures ass crack, the possible meal of a grizzly bear is where I draw the line. 
“Y/N, we’re in a makeshift tent in the backyard, I doubt a grizzly is making it this far into the city,” Aldis sighed. 
“And if he does, we’ll hear him,” Trevante added. 
“Was that supposed to make me feel better?”
“This is practice Y/N, you stay complaining like this on the real campsite and a grizzly will be the least of your worries.”
“Aldi, is that a threat?” I gasped. 
“No, it’s a warning, so take heed.” 
“Ohhh Aldiii, you giving out warnings now?” Trevante mocked. 
Deadpanning Tre, I look over to Aldis to assess what the problem really is. 
“Aldi, you know I don’t do the whole nature thing, but I’m legitimately trying FOR YOU." 
“You ain’t gotta try if all you gone do is keep complaining,” he protested. 
“I AM -“
“Hey hey hey y’all enough,” Tre interrupted. “Let's put a pin in it before one of us says something we can’t take back. 
Always the peacemaker that one. Trevante is quite literally the definition of lover not a fighter, whereas Aldis on the other hand is my little hot head. We tend to clash from time to time, but we’re learning which buttons not to push. 
He’s been begging us to go camping for a minute now and I finally gave in last weekend, opting to do this only if I could work my way up there. Tre is no more keen to do it than I am, but pushed those feelings to the side for all the times Aldis has been so willing to try something for us. I guess it didn’t help that I’ve been bitching since we crawled inside here. 
Sighing, I apologized for my earlier whining and creeped over to his side of the tent to seal it with a kiss. He accepts it with a grumble, but the scowl on his face tells a different story. 
“Baby, I am so sorry for not coming in here with an open mind and if you let me, I’ll have us all making noises a grizzly wouldn’t dare interrupt.”
I get a small smile in return, but it’s not the heart melting one I’m used to seeing. 
“Please, forgive me and come morning I’ll fix your favorite breakfast.”
“There are no stoves in the woods,” Tre reminded. 
“Right, well I’ll do whatever it takes to survive in nature,” I promised. “No soap, no toothpaste, just a knife and my killer instincts.”
A chorus of woahs follows from both men, Aldis urging me to relax, emphasizing the idea that living in nature surrenders the use of modern technology not hygiene. 
“Yeah well I’ll stay clean ONLY if you forgive me,” I bargained. 
Chuckling, he leans in and pecks me on the lips, formally forgiving my prior tantrum. 
“Moving forward, I don’t wanna hear no lip and you’ll do exactly as I say,” he demanded.  
Wrapping my arms around his neck I lean in for another kiss, mumbling a yes sir. Deepening it, I feel Tre’s palm run across my ass, caressing its curves in the softest way. 
Aldis’ arms wrap around my waist, pulling me in closer as his lips run over mine, trailing down to my chin, my neck, and stopping just shy of my breast. 
“Now, tell me more about those non interrupting grizzly noises,” he says through light pecks. 
Shuffling off the floor Tre gets behind me, locking me in between them, sprinkling his fair share of kisses along my back in agreement with Aldis. 
Turning so that my body faces forward, I rest my arms on the shoulder of each man; leaning firstly into Tre and then into Aldi to swap a little bit of spit. 
“Well, for starters we’d need less clothes.“
“Like this shirt for instance,” Tre proposed as he tugged it off me. 
“And these pants,” Aldis added, unbuckling them. “They don’t really serve much purpose do they?”
Shaking my head no, I help them shed the rest of the clothes by ridding myself of the remaining undergarments. Now in my birthday suit, I watch as each man's clothing finds itself in a pile next to mine. 
Tongue slipping between teeth and over my lips, I can’t help the jolt of excitement that washes over me as I ready myself for both my men. Leaning over to Tre, I sink my teeth into his skin as I suck on his sweet spot, no doubt leaving a hickey - eager to mark him in the sexiest way. 
He breathes out soft, shy pants and I reach down to grab his semi hard dick as I stroke it back and forth. Dribbles of precum ooze from the tip and I drag my thumb forward to smear it against his length, allowing me to jerk him off a little more smoothly. 
Tilting over to my left, I lean into Aldis and dip my head into the firm arch of his shoulder blade, peppering his jaw in open mouth kisses; spots of saliva left behind after each one. 
He then grabs my left breast, his mouth swirling around the hardened nipple as my head tips back at the delicious sensation, quiet mewling tumbling past my lips. Tre follows suit with my other breast, tweaking and kneading before taking the nipple into his warm mouth. 
Hand gliding down Aldis’ lap, I stop at his girthy member, tracing over each thick vein while I softly run my hand over his nuts. Bringing my hand to my face, I spit in the palm and return it back to his length, this time stroking him with ease. 
Breathy moans follow, but it comes out muffled around my nipple and I take this chance to speed up in pace on both men, hoping to see their creamy finish. 
“Tell me how good this feels,” I whimpered. “Matter of fact, cum for me so I know it’s real.” 
Heated lips run along my skin, tongues leaving wet trails in their paths while hands get entangled with limbs and moans get engulfed into the noiseless night. My body feels hot with desire, eyelids fluttering closed, and mouth ajar, I couldn’t tell who was doing what but my movements never ceased; eager to bring my men over the edge. 
Their heavy breathing becomes more erratic, my cooing and encouragement having them spill onto me as my hands come to a slow stop and I lick each fist clean. 
Grabbing the back of my neck, Aldis pulls me in for a kiss, thumbs spreading my lips open to taste himself. Pulling away, I turn over to Tre and dive in for another round of tongue twisting, saliva trailing down our chins as we pull apart. 
“On all fours Y/N, you know wassup,” Aldi directed. 
“Yes sirrrr, Tre you on the bottom baby?” 
“I’m wherever you want me,” he winked. 
Lying down on his back, he helps position me on top of him, dick in hand as he watches me slowly slide down his length. A heavy gasp leaves us both at the heated feeling of being connected. After we adjust, he gives me a lazy smile, mouthing a quick I love you to which I eagerly return it.
“Ready for me angel?”
“Go for it Aldi.” 
“I’ll be your genie, Y/N, every fucking day if you let me,” he confides, smearing his cum between my ass. 
“Your every wish would be my command,” he continued, entering first with his finger. 
“You’re my beacon of light honey,” he insisted, adding in another digit. “In an otherwise bleak and cruel world.” 
“You both reassure me that all is not lost,” he chanted, driving his fingers into me, the pace deliciously unwavering. 
“Y’all have given me the joy to call you guys family,” he admitted, removing his fingers entirely. 
“But this ass? Oh this ass Y/N is what I can call home,” Aldis ended as he thrusted to the hilt. 
No matter how many times he’s entered my backdoor, I can never get used to his sheer size. He always knocks the wind out of me and I find myself planted face first into Tre’s chest, his hands cradling my jaws as I seep back into reality. Sweet nothings are whispered into my ear but it’s the driving force of their dicks that fully reels me into the present. 
“There she is,” Tre snickered. “I got you baby girl, don’t you worry.” 
I barely recognize the sounds coming from me, my words now indecipherable, cockdrunk and drooling as they tear me apart. Aldis wraps his hand around my throat, drawing me in to plaster my lips with sloppy kisses while Tre takes a hold of my waist to drive his dick further into me, my pussy stretched around his dick as his tongue explores the shape of my neck. 
My fingers are embedded into skin, whose I don’t know, but the crescent shaped marks will reveal it sooner or later. Tongue sliding against Aldis’ while Tre’s fingers dance every which way across my waist and thighs, I can’t help the howl that escapes me; grizzly bear be damned, my body feels worked over past its limits. 
The peak that I hit seems never ending, my soul paralyzed and heartbeat accelerating, while everything around me ceases to exist. I come down just in time enough to feel them splatter my walls simultaneously which elicits a minigasm of my own. 
Loud, labored panting is all that I hear. Rough, calloused hands is all that I feel. Navy blue sky littered with twinkling stars is the view that meets me and I must admit that camping isn’t so bad after all. 
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feyd-meowtha · 8 months ago
A wee snippet from the upcoming MOTA 90s House AU...
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“So you’ll try to talk your way into a nightclub underage but you draw the line at drinking? Weirdest jailbait I ever met.” Bucky said, shaking his head in a way that was equally condescending and unbearably attractive.
Cool, experienced, old enough to be here - Bucky was everything that Gale was not and it made him so mad that he wanted to kiss him and never stop. He appreciated that this was not the normal reaction to someone pissing you off but he also understood that this was anything but a normal day and allowed the thought to stand.
“Stop calling me that,” Gale huffed, deciding that bratty was the way to go with this guy. That worked for him. The whole coquettish looking up through your lashes always sounded like bullshit anyway.
“I told you I'm eighteen and you can’t even be that much older. You’re what, like, 25 tops?”
Bucky just laughed and tapped his nose, which could have one of two meanings but Gale was pretty sure which one it was this time.
“A lady never tells,” said Bucky before turning his attention to the shot of tequila sitting untouched on the counter, a slice of lime balanced across the top and a packet of salt sticking to the bar mat next to it.
“Hand.” Bucky said. It wasn’t an instruction and it also wasn’t quite a request but Gale did as he was told, dropping his hand into Bucky’s broad palm. What happened next was something that Gale would be replaying in his head for the rest of his life.
Quick as a flash, Bucky’s tongue darted out of his mouth and he licked a long stripe along the back of Gale’s hand. Gale watched bug-eyed as he ripped the salt open with his teeth, pouring it onto Gale’s wet skin before chasing it with another lap of his tongue. After that he downed the shot and presumably sucked on the slice of lime. Gale honestly couldn’t be sure because his brain had left his head and was currently oozing out of his ears onto the sticky linoleum floor.
“Fuck, I love tequila,” Bucky said, shaking his head as he savoured the burn and relinquished control of Gale’s still wet and now salty hand. Gale resisted the urge to lick the remains of the salt off himself, taste the saliva that shone purple and blue under the disco lights. He fought the temptation, allowing his hand to fall onto the bar where it tingled hot and cold.
There was a loud snort from the other side of the bar as the blonde bartender ducked down behind the glass wash in an attempt to hide his giggles. Bucky spun to face him, looking pissed as Gale’s faculties finally returned to him.
“It ain’t the first time you’ve done that is it?” Gale said, eliciting another snort from the bartender.
“Fuck’s sake, Hambone,” Bucky said, gesturing with his hands, “just because you got no game don’t mean you gotta go and ruin it for the rest of us.”
Then he turned back to Gale.
“Would you believe me if I said it was?”
“No.” Gale said flatly, mind still on the drying spit on the back of his hand. He sipped at his coke. It was fizzy and sweet and it gave him something do do with his hands and his mouth, other than all the things that his overstimulated brain was suggesting.
“You caught me, nothin’ gets past you does it?” Bucky said with a grin, “None of em were as pretty as you though.”
Coming soon to feyd_meowtha on ao3!
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starrysamu · 2 years ago
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✦ you and nanami have been working side by side for three years now. when nanami brings his son to work with him one day, it changes the entire trajectory of your relationship in only 24 hours.
✦ nanami kento x f!reader
✦ word count: 1.9k
✦ warnings: none.
contents. | 3. | 4. | 5.
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“he really likes exercise equipment, but he’s too small to use them, especially the elliptical that we have at home. i’m afraid he’s going to hurt himself. instead, we go to the park when we can so he can play. he likes spending time with his friends there. he likes it when i cook dinners for him, which is most nights. he hates vegetables, and i’ve heard it’s common for kids his age but it’s been really tough to get them in him. sometimes - ”
he stops abruptly and blinks at you. you blink back. 
“sometimes?” you urge quietly. your hands are folded on your lap and your chest is pressed against the edge of the table. 
he clears his throat. “ah, i lost my train of thought.” 
you smile, knowing full well there’s no way a man like him just “lost his train of thought.” 
you’ll give it time, though, because this time it’s different. this time, you’re willing to wait.
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chapter 4
“another friday, another yuto, hm?” 
“another?” yuto yells disbelievingly. “there’s another yuto?” 
nanami shushes him. truly, it was just another day of figuring out how to phrase things to a small child.
“no, no, that’s not what i meant - i’d like to call a lifeline to help explain to yuto that he’s the only yuto for me, and i simply meant that - ”
“another friday, another nanny not available,” nanami mumbles monotonously. his voice - low and deep and rich like velvet - incites a completely inappropriate response from you. 
you frown, masking the tugging in your stomach with unamusement. “you’re the worst lifeline.” 
nanami turns to look at you point-blank, hands folding over his abdomen. 
your frown deepens when he doesn’t say anything. 
he draws in a deep sigh before turning back to yuto. “you know the drill. i’ll get you that mango custard today.” 
nanami probably broke his back trying to find someone to look after yuto. the sharpness of his eyes have softened, already weathered down from the morning. 
“mango custard?” you wiggle your eyebrows, leaning back to get a good look at yuto. “the dessert game keeps getting upped.” 
“i lo-ove mango,” yuto declares with his entire chest. “but i think dad likes it more. we also like strawberry. we like cake. cake is so good, like especially the cake with the little strawberry pieces in the middle of the slice -” 
“yuto, i think she knows what cake is.” 
nanami grunts as he leans over to pull yuto’s jacket around him, zipping it up to the very top. you grin at the sight: a sky blue marshmallow. 
“very flattering,” you gush. you feel like one of those aunties that’ll come up to him in 10 years and ask, ‘do you remember me?’ when there’s no way in hell he would remember you from such a young age. 
“look at all that extra padding. i think you’re ready for your first sports game.” this time, you wiggle your brows at nanami. 
yuto is not paying attention to you. yuto is actually quite upset that he’s got this suffocating jacket on him. he hangs his head back exasperatedly, letting out a long groan. 
“don’t make that face,” nanami murmurs. “it’s cold in the office today.” 
yuto starts to flop his arms and legs around like a fish. the chair wobbles, swiveling to the side pitifully. nanami reaches for the armrest to stop it from spinning and you watch, partly in awe with how the office chair practically consumes yuto whole. once he’s sure yuto’s giving up the resistance, nanami turns back to his computer. 
you try not to stare at nanami. you’ve always been drawn to his sharp features, but you think something else tugs at you now - pity, maybe? just thinking it fills you with dread. you hope it airs along the lines of longing, sympathy, even. 
he’s working with pinched eyebrows and the softest, most exasperated sighs - a large contrast from stoicism and silence. your chest tightens. 
you cross one leg over the other and swallow. “is there anything i can help you with today?” 
you can’t recall the last time you asked him that. you remember asking religiously during the first two quarters of working at the company, back when you were fresh-faced and impossibly ambitious - and back when he was simply polite and efficient enough to always say ‘no thank you.’ 
out of the corner of your eye, you catch yuto slouching defeatedly in his chair. 
would you have acted differently had you known? should you have tried harder to extend yourself? 
does this … does yuto change things? 
it shouldn’t. you don’t think it does, at least. 
you frown to yourself. you’re still contemplating it when he murmurs, “i think we just need to finish making the presentation for tomorrow.” 
your lips almost part. almost. 
“i might need some help with yuto,” he admits, eyes trained on the file on his computer. “he was a little … apprehensive about coming with me today.” 
this might be the longest response you’ve ever gotten to that question, much less to any of your other questions. 
“yeah, sure, anything,” you nod quickly, smiling at yuto. “really? who would’ve guessed he hates coming here? i thought this was the funnest place on the planet.” 
yuto scrunches his nose. “dad said funnest isn’t a word.” 
“he’s right, kiddo.” 
“then why’d you say it?” 
“for fun.” 
you lean over and drag his chair to sit in the middle of you and nanami. 
nanami looks at you before looking at yuto. when he looks at you once again, you tilt your head to the side. what? 
he shakes his head and turns back to his computer. 
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it’s almost embarrassing how your back pops when you reach your hands up to the ceiling and wiggle your fingers. you sigh out in relief and slump forward. 
it’s friday. it’s friday. it’s friday, it’s friday, it’s friday. 
“do you have the excel sheet from the sukuna account?” 
you’re sensing a foreign invader. your eyes narrow. you’re like a white blood cell, and gojo satoru is a pathogen - a threat to your peace and serenity in the workplace. 
“ah, hello, dear, sweet gojo. the bane of my existence.” 
“how charming.” gojo grins. “happy to be of service.” 
“shut up,” a new voice says. “stop bothering her. i need to bother her. and him. both of them.” 
you smile tersely. “ah, hello, dear, sweet utahime. currently the other bane of my existence.” 
“i’m happy to take over the role from gojo,” she says curtly, passing a file to you. “i need you to look through this before i submit it for approval.” 
“must i?” you ask, pressing the back of your hand to your forehead and tilting back dramatically.  
while you’re busy brooding over extra work, gojo comes around to pick yuto up. 
yuto giggles when gojo holds him up like simba. he circles around in his spot, yuto still suspended in air. “everyone praise king yuto. king yuto, we thank you for gracing our presence today - ”
nanami doesn’t shift, doesn’t twitch, doesn’t budge a single muscle. he doesn’t watch gojo swing his child around, he doesn’t ask gojo to put him back down. 
full, unadulterated trust. 
doubt creeps in. you remind yourself you haven’t known him for that long, you suppose. what’s it going to take to get there, though?   
you watch quietly, gnawing on your lip. 
“stop bothering everyone,” utahime hisses, tugging on gojo’s collar. “hi, yuto,” she coos, taking him from gojo. “you’ve gotten so big. do you remember aunty utahime? i haven’t seen you in so long. how’s work going today?” 
yuto sighs dramatically. it’s obvious he doesn’t remember her, but he’s itching to complain. “work is so bo-oring. i think dad and i should go to the park every day instead.” 
gojo ruffles his hair. “sorry kid, this is what life’s all about. luckily, you got a rich dad and … ” he looks to you, “an entertaining friend over here, so you’re basically set for life.” 
“entertaining?” you parrot, scrunching your nose. it leaves a sour taste in your mouth. 
“derogatory,” gojo clarifies. 
“how sweet.”
utahime sets yuto back down in his seat. “anyways, just look over that when you can,” she says to you and nanami. 
“yeah, and the sukuna account,” gojo tacks on. “you guys are the best. just awesome. amazing people. great coworkers. keep up the great work.” 
you press your palms to your eyes and lean back in your seat. “i think i’m gonna have to go into overtime,” you groan, once gojo and utahime are out of earshot. 
“we can finish,” nanami mutters under his breath. “it’s fine, we’ll finish in time.” 
you’re not sure if he’s trying to convince you or himself. 
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you’re fighting for your life. you’re fighting the urge to scream and rip your hair out and do literally anything and everything the main character in a romantic comedy would do when nothing is going their way. 
you glance out the window. the sun has been gone for several hours now. you’re left to fend for yourself in this dusty, dark office - which, you figure you might be able to see better if you just got up to turn the lights.
lights are for the weak. it’s time to rely on your hunter-gatherer instincts. 
(you doubt hunter-gatherers were as lazy as you are, but that’s another discussion). 
you sigh and lean back in your seat. 
“why’re you sitting in the dark?” 
the lights click on and you jump in your seat. 
your heart is racing a million miles when you rub your eyes to adjust. footsteps approach you. what do you do? what would the hunter-gatherers have done?
you open your eyes. nanami towers over you, yuto attached to his hip and a grocery bag in his free hand. 
“we thought you might still be here.” 
you don’t know if you should be nervous. did something happen? 
“what’re you guys doing here?” 
he looks at you a little sheepishly. “yuto’s idea.” 
oh dear. what’re you to do now? what’re you to do now that you've seen this side of him? what’re you - a woman of nature, one with the trees and the wilderness - to do with a man like this? 
he’s shot you straight in the heart with a bow and arrow. 
“we got you a mango custard,” yuto grins. “you have to try it. it’s so much better than the strawberry cake.” 
“also got you some noodles if you’re hungry.” 
as if on cue, your stomach growls. 
you are no longer one with the wilderness. if you really think about it, this is the  modern version of gathering. 
nanami sets the bag down on your desk with the slightest curve of his lips. he grunts as he sits in his seat, yuto clinging to his front like a koala. 
“eat,” he murmurs, reaching for your mouse. 
he leans forward and you feel the warmth in waves, rolling off of his stiff suit. you still in your spot when he casually hands yuto over to you. now you’ve got a whole child hanging off of your right arm and a bowl of noodles in your other hand, with nanami brushing over you everytime he moves to type something on your computer. 
your heart blooms, flowers uprooting from your arteries. you’ve been watered after a long, dry day.  
“eat the custard.” yuto is whispering in your ear, but every time he speaks, he gets louder. “eat the custard. eat the custard, eat the - ”
yuto brings his voice back to a whisper. “eat the custard.” 
you giggle, holding up the box. “i gotta have these noodles first, right?” 
“no you don’t,” yuto shrugs. it must be nice to be a three-year old, considering how easily he made that decision for you. he shifts so he’s sitting on your lap, digging through the grocery bag to find the custard. “i think you should have the custard first.” 
“let her eat.” 
you let your eyes rest on nanami for a moment. his brows are slightly furrowed, with the same pinch from this morning. it feels that just as much as he hates overtime for himself, he hates it for you too. 
it makes you feel warm. 
“thank you,” you whisper. 
if he hears you, he doesn’t say anything. he makes sure your computer is shut down by 8:00.
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contents. | 3. | 4. | 5.
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rubykgrant · 9 months ago
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Another re-draw with Grif and Simmons... but this one ticked me OFF while making it; it was so difficult re-doing the lines for a full-body picture, AND I kept drawing one the wrong layer, so I had to do it again and again (it's cool that MS Paint has layers now, but that also means the wrong-layer problem happens). I mostly wanted to do this again because I can see what I WANTED for the shapes in the original, but it isn't quite there... so I fixed things a bit, and added more colors/shading, plus some lazy "scenery". I also finally adjusted their outfits to the fancy designs I came up with. This is from my story in which Grif and Simmons finally go out on their first date... after technically being boyfriends for months (because they're stupid like that). They have a brief chance to enjoy themselves without some bonkers problem happening, so they go full sappy-romance (a nice meal together, a movie, dancing in a park while a live band plays music, and finally a walk on the beach at sunset. They deserve to be happy for once~)
Chapter for this scene below!
“So, where are we going?” Simmons asked, unsure of what to expect.
“It’s right over there…” Grif nodded in the direction he wanted them to go.
This was an interesting park; it had different areas, some flat and open grass for people who wanted to start a game where they kicked a ball around, some filled with flower beds surrounding fountains and benches, some almost like taking a walk in the woods under towering pine and oak trees.
Grif’s destination was down a little brick walkway, where there was a courtyard that overlooked a ledge, with hanging plants growing up metal garden arbors.
Simmons came right along, letting Grif lead the way. As they passed under the arch of leaves and flowers, Grif glanced at his boyfriend’s face, and was satisfied to see an expression of bright interest (he was hoping for this reaction, because this area of the park was like stepping into a scene from a fairytale… it was easier to let yourself get all sentimental and romantic when the person you were with appreciated it).
Together, they walked to the stone railing, and looked down. Far below them was a field with several small gazebos, and one large amphitheater. It was there that drew Simmons’ attention, because a group of musicians and performers had gathered. Grif’s attention was still on him… the way he looked in the soft evening light, the way the gentle breeze was sweeping his hair across his forehead, the way he was smiling like an excited kid. All kinds of fond feelings twisted in Grif’s chest… he was starting to enjoy having butterflies so often.
“How did you find this place?” Simmons asked.
“Well, while you were off having your family crisis, and I was dealing with being super extra depressed, um… Sarge actually started forcing me to go on walks with him in the morning,” now that WAS a little embarrassing, but Grif’s done trying to put up a front anymore. “And don’t start apologizing again, I’m not telling you this to guilt-trip you. Anyway, he was making me walk around outside with him, something about how I’d get bed-sores and start growing fungus if I just stayed in bed forever, and one time we found this little corner of the park. I started coming back here on my own in the evenings, because it’s kind of a cool spot. Back then I thought about how, like… if I got to hang out with you again, I’d want to show it to you… so yeah. Here we are,”
Simmons listened intently as Grif talked, and held back his urge to say how sorry he was… he still hated himself a little for the way things happened. This moment wasn’t about all that, though; this was about Grif wanting to share something with Simmons, and he was NOT going to ruin it with left-over shame. Instead, he gave Grif’s hand a gentle squeeze with his own organic one. All that stressful crap was over. He wasn’t going to let his family hurt him again. He wasn’t going to leave Grif like that again, either. They were finally together, they were on their first real date, and Grif was being so sweet…
All those feelings about regret fell away, and Simmons leaned against the railing, a helpless dreamy expression on his face as he smiled at Grif. He couldn’t do anything to stop it, so he didn’t even try. Grif smiled back, and seemed to understand that they were BOTH absolutely stupid for each other… they always had been, but now they could do something about it. Simmons tilted his head forward, and Grif met him halfway for a soft kiss.
“Thanks for bringing me here. This was a really great day, Grif…” Simmons said when they leaned apart.
“Oh, we’re not done just yet,” Grif told Simmons as he blinked his eyes open. “Wait a sec…”
It had finally gotten dark enough, here in the shadows of nearby tall buildings, for the lights to flicker on; several lamp posts began to glow around them, and down at the amphitheater, music started to play. It was an unknown tune, but something grand and soothing, slow without being like a lullaby.
“This is why I wanted to bring you here for a first date,” Grif elaborated, slowing stepping backwards from the railing and into the middle of the courtyard, bringing Simmons with him. “You never got to have an awkward date at a lame school dance. So, that’s what’s happening dude. We’re dancing!”
“Haha, oh my GOD! You- you really planned this?” Simmons stumbled as Grif yanked him closer, laughing the whole time.
“That’s right! I told you, I wanna be all your first-date-experiences, and that includes doing the slow-dance-shuffle,” Grif grinned.
“What, exactly, is the slow-dance-shuffle?”
“It’s the thing little middle-schoolers do when they don’t know how to dance yet, they just kinda hug and shuffle their feet, so they rock in a circle. Don’t worry, it’s easy…” Grif wrapped his arms around Simmons as the music swelled, growing louder. “And unlike middle-schoolers, we don’t have to worry about teachers and chaperones telling us to leave room for Jesus while we dance!”
Simmons almost fell down from laughing, leaning all his weight into Grif. A moment passed with them both giggling before they finally managed to compose themselves.
Now, Grif settled his hands on Simmons’ waist, warm and comforting. Simmons loved it whenever he felt Grif touch him… on his back, his arms, his chest… the times Grif affectionately holds his face… Simmons can’t believe he spent so many years NOT feeling Grif’s hands all over him. He can’t get enough.
Simmons slipped his own hands up to rest on Grif’s shoulders, and Grif pressed their bodies together. This wasn’t going to be a fancy waltz or anything complicated… just the slow-dance-shuffle. Unlike most REAL first-date dances, this was intimate and comfortable, close and cozy. It also wasn’t taking place in a school gym decorated with balloons and streamers; they were in their own little corner right here, flowers draped above them, pleasant lights illuminating the area, and beautiful music playing… it was utterly ROMANTIC, and Grif was very proud of himself for pulling it all together.
“You know, one of the schools I went to, they made us do dancing for PE,” Simmons said as they shuffled.
“Ha, so did mine. It was square-dancing for some reason,” Grif replied.
“Me too, but they also made us do ballroom dancing. Which looks stupid as hell in gym clothes,” Simmons grimaced at the memory.
“Oh shit, like actual proper ballroom dancing?” Grif winced as well. That sounded emotionally painful.
“Yep. It was so ridiculous, because we’d do it after running laps, so the kids were all sweaty, and nobody wanted to touch each other. Not exactly fun,”
“What about this? Right now?” Grif asked with a smile.
“Yeah… this is fun,” Simmons agreed.
“Good. I wanted today to be fun, but y’know, special too. That’s why I said we should dress-up a little nice, and why I wanted to do all the things we like together. We don’t get a lot of chances for special things to happen to us, so I decided I was going to MAKE this happen. We deserve to have a goddamn LOVELY TIME at least once in our lives, right?” Grif gave Simmons an extra little squeeze around his waist.
“I’m so lucky to have you with me…” Simmons sighed, closing his eyes and letting his head rest against Grif’s.
“Excuse you, I’m the lucky one,” Grif responded, nuzzling his face closer.
“Nuh-uh, I’M the lucky one!” Simmons argued.
“No, Me!”
“No, Me!”
They attempted to drown each other out by both shouting “ME ME ME ME ME!” before dissolving into laughter once again, which then slowly faded as they kissed. They hummed and continued to sway, moving slowly in a circle… dancing. Simmons was dancing with his boyfriend. They were boyfriends, and they were dancing. What an extraordinary thing. People did things like this every day, but that didn’t lessen the feeling that it was special. Perhaps it even confirmed it.
Eventually, they heard the music end and the crowd below applaud. They stopped dancing then, just hugging and holding each other for a while. A gust of wind made the flowers and leaves rustle pleasantly around them, and brought the sweet floral scent from other areas of the park in the air; some mixture of lilacs, honeysuckle, daffodils, roses, iris, pink ladies, wisteria, and more. This was, undeniably, a lovely time.
Without speaking out loud, the two seemed to decide to walk back to the car. Because of the tall trees and surrounding buildings from the city, the park was now a patchwork of dark shadows and warm light; the setting sun was still burning brightly in the sky, and wherever it's glow touched, the world turned to gold and deep shades of red. Where the light was blocked, everything became cooler colors, a combination of blues/greens/purples. As both men walked, in and out of the sun and shadows, it was almost like stepping through different seasons at different times of day (summer in the late afternoon, winter just before dawn).
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chelemlem · 11 months ago
about 500w of a random nothing prequel to this. (814 + r63 + implied infidelity)
The great thing about being young, dumb, and you know, Jenson winks, is that it's socially acceptable to excuse herself from all the schmoozing and shoulder-rubbing to sneak the odd ciggie with the servers. 
Back by the venue kitchens halfway into one of these things is where she finds Oscar: plonked on a wooden crate, phone in hand.
Maybe it's the peachy champagne from before, but Lando's limbs feel loose enough to pitch forward, perching her chin on Oscar's shoulder. Mm. Clean and cheap — some kind of citrus soap. 
"Whatcha hiding out here for?"
Oscar, to her credit, takes it in stride. 
"Not hiding. Just, uh. Quali's on."
Why bother? Obviously Verstappen's taking it. Oscar wrinkles her nose in an ehh gesture, screen angled so Lando can watch too. "Dunno, Red Bull are pretty shit around Marina Bay."
Are they, though? Then again, Oscar still backs Ricciardo out of some vague sense of patriotism, so maybe she's not the best judge of wheel.
"Bet you only fancy him 'cause he seems like he's hung," she says accusingly, and Oscar fucking. Creases in silent laughter. Huh, easy crowd. 
With her mouth open, Lando can see how the top line of her teeth dip low in the middle. A bunny rabbit. 
Ugh, fine. She has nothing better to do, and Oscar seems like a marginally more interesting time than the other models and heiresses inside. A proper little athlete. Might as well.
It turns out to be quite a long time, them sitting here. Like, two missed calls from her brother long. Nothing important. He's just in town on business and wants to do lunch. On the cusp of closing some deal that would make even Jense's eyes water.
"I have three sisters," Oscar offers. They have their backs to opposite walls, legs extended. Lando isn't really tipsy anymore, but she still kind of has this insane urge to close the gap, press her ankle along the exposed square of Oscar's instep. Are those Tommy? Fuck's sake.
"Mm. And you're the oldest?"
Oscar blinks. "Is it obvious?" 
"Bit, yeah."
Seems like a pain, honestly. There's a reason Lando's parents let her get away with everything — because they have Oliver to cushion the fall. Everyone agrees she'll probably land an MRS degree before an MBA. 
Oscar smiles, a tad wry. "Bet they're glad you're still making connections, though."
"Whad'you mean?" Lando says, shuttering. The back of her neck feels warm. Fucking—is she being slut-shamed right now?
Oscar shifts on the floor, looking for the first time: uncomfortable. "Isn't that why you're here?"
Uh. Lando is here because she'd wanted to date a MotoGP rider growing up and Jenson is the next-to-next best thing. Specifically here, in this greasy produce cellar with Webber's little girlfriend, though? Well.
"Fuck if I know, mate." 
Oscar snorts, her shoulders going lax. She starts to say something else when Lando uncrosses her legs, uncomfy from the sweat building behind her knees. The cream satin hitches up, baring a triangle of thigh that draws Oscar's gaze like a condemned moth to flame. Her mouth snaps shut.
Their eyes lock. Only for a second — but it's enough. 
Enough for Lando to pause and consider. And smile. 'Kay then.
Everything after that is a bit of a blur. 
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recentadultburnout · 2 years ago
Info for writer in Thai series fandom: Pet name & tone indicator sound
Some words to call your lover
Sweet and polite
คุณ-khun or เธอ-tur with ฉัน-chan, เรา-rao or ผม-phom(offically this one is for men, but it did get used by women) are words that can be used with people who are not your lovers but are considered to be quite sweet to call your lover that. I already mentioned it in Chapter 4. Chan and tur are very popular choices for song lyrics.
ที่รัก-thirak straight up call a person "someone you love". Rak is love, so if we want it literally, it would be beloved or something along those lines. I never saw anyone actually use it seriously before. Just a parody of something, or like I do, to tease a friend. Or, if we count, I think I've heard a mom call her child "mom's thirak" before. We could add สุด-sud in the front, sudthirak, make it mean "someone you love most."
แฟน-faen Boyfriend/girlfriend but non-binary. If used as a pronoun, then it usually comes with those Thai sounds khrap/ka at the end. You probably need to draw the word out for good measure too. Its sound is the same as how the word fan in "fan club" is pronounced in Thai, so there are a lot of fan club or faen khrap puns/jokes used with actor shipping situations.
คนดี-kondee Khon is a unit of human in Thai, and dee is good. เด็กดี-dekdee Dek is a child, and dee is the same as dee in Khondee. I feel like both Khondee and Dekdee have a bit of a patronizing feeling. But not always in a bad way, though. Is that a thing? Like, if you used those words with someone sincere, you probably felt the urge to take care of them at least a little bit. You probably feel like they are a precious, cute little thing. Something like that The fact that Im 100% sure parents used dekdee with their children might factor into it. As for Kondee, I'm about 90% sure.
Dek means kid, but we use it quite loosely, so twenty-somethings get called Dek all the time, and if it were by an elderly person, then the Dek in question might as well be a mother of two.
พ่อ แม่-por and mae As in father and mother. Usually, it starts when a couple becomes parents. A fur baby will do too for some.
Insulting words as a pet name
เด๋อ-der clumsy, foolish, silly, awkward, stupid, dull, dump_ Those things mix together, but like, in a soft version. Usually used with something add to the front, such as ไอ้-Ai, เด็ก-dek, or some Thai's sound for tone indicator(?) to the back, or both.
อ้วน-uuan fat, chubby—อ้วน can actually be a parent-given nickname too. I know some women around my mom's age range whose nickname is that. Personally, if it says it in a particular way, I find it really cute.
เหนียง-niang double chin
เถิก-terk go bald,the description of a hair line that starts to recede.
ลุง-lung Uncle (the one that is older than the father) aka old man. Usually used by a noticeable younger person. Not that they actually date someone older than their dad, or do they?👀
เด็กโง่-dekngo Stupid child, but like, an endearingly stupid, childish person.
ดื้อ-due _Not obeying, refuse to comply_ often used to describe a child. I saw ดื้อ  get translated to stubbon a lot, but personally, I find that not quite fitting (not that I have other words in mind). It might just be a me thing, though.
Probably a full-on PDA couple, act cute to each other 24/7
เล็ก-lek Small,tiny
ใหญ่-yai Big,giant
This two are a pair. Sometime it will have something added to it, ตัว-tua which means self/person/body, for exemple.
Animal + small or pi/nong/por(dad)/mae(mom) + animal Something like, cat, bear, pig, dog
Ex:Pi Muu(pig)/Nong Miao(cute alternative way to call cat)/Miao lek(small)/Por Mee(bear)
บี๋-bie Short from baby
Repeating a syllable of a nick name two times for a lovey-dovey pet name is also a thing.
ไอ้ต้าว-ai tao Tao is a meaningless sound that was derived from a word that was a prefix "เจ้า-Jao." It is used to express that the speaker thinks the person being mentioned is cute/childlike. They most likely appear with a strangely sweet voice. Sometimes used for friendly mocking of someone for being childlike.
Eng sub-cute dimples = Ai tao dimples
หนู-nhu Nhu is something that is used with children, but it also can be for a lover. Can be innocent or quite sinful depending on the context. (This one is already mentioned in Chapter 4 too)
เค้า Kao and ตัวเอง Tua-eng are a pair. Kao is for calling yourself, and Tuaeng is for calling your lover. What is of interest is that Kao typically refers to the third person, and Tuaeng refers to "oneself." It kind of gets perceived as something silly that people in love do. There are some words that are born from distorted "tuaeng" that you can use for a lover too, such as using only the first word "tua", shortening the "tua" sound to make it sound like 'ta-eng, or combining the two sounds to make it sound like "teng". The "Kao" might be replaced by other words such as Rao, and it might help lower the silliness, or not? Lately, I have seen some traders (usually women small business owners) call their customers Tuaeng to make them feel closer to them. Not Kao, tho. I have yet to see any shopkeeper use Kao for "I.".
Kind of a little roleplay, but not really?
ป๋า-pa Dad as in father or 💰Daddy💰 as in sugar daddy.
An overly respectful way to call someone or use a title that the receiver doesn't actually own is also something I see and think is pretty cute.
Legal prefix
เด็กหญิง-dek ying 
abbreviation - ด.ญ.
For those who were assigned female at birth under the age of 15
Translate to - none
เด็กชาย-dek chai
abbreviation - ด.ช.
For those who were assigned male at birth under the age of 15
Translate to - none
abbreviation - none
For those who were assigned male at birth, from age 15 onward
Translate to - Mr.
abbreviation - none
For those who were assigned female at birth and marriage (optional since 2008),
Translate to - Mrs.
นางสาว-nang sao
abbreviation - น.ส.
For those who were assigned female at birth, from age 15 onward
Translate to - Ms.
Some words/phrase that relevent to love life.
เพื่อนคู่คิด มิตรคู่ใจ-phuea khukhit mit khuchai This is a phrase that describes a marriage partner as a friend ( phuea = friend) who will help you think ( khit), a trusting ally (mit ), and your best friend who you can rely on. I find it to be very romantic.
คู่ชีวิต-khu chivit life partner
คนรู้ใจ-khon ru jai person who knows your heart
ศีลเสมอ-syn samoe (like the name of a character from Cutie Pie)
ศีล Syn = precept
เสมอ samoe = same,equal
"Syn samoe" is a figure of speech that is probably roughly equivalent to "birds of a feather flock together." It is a concept that in order for one to be able to associate with others with ease of mind, one needs to hold the same moral code and values. If a person only holds on to one of the precepts, not killing, they wouldn't be suited to be with someone who also does not steal, not only as a lover but also as a close friend or someone close in general. And also the reversal, which is that if you can be close with someone, then you must be on the same level as that person, good or bad.
คนคุย - khon kui Person (you) talking to If A is Khon Kui of B, then they are getting to know each other with romantic intentions, but nothing is serious yet.
กิ่งทองใบหยก - king thong bai yok - jade leaf gold branch A very suitable match, used for those who are about to get married.
ผีเน่าโลงผุ - phi nao long phu - rotten ghost, decayed coffin When a couple is a very suitable match, but it's because they both are bad
ทองแผ่นเดียวกัน - thong phaen diao kan - the same gold sheet To become one piece of gold is to be connected by marriage. Ex: These two families are going to become the same piece of gold soon = someone from each of their families is going to marry the other.
ข้าวใหม่ปลามัน - fresh rice, creamy(?) fish A word to call a newlywed couple. Anything new is good, so in a period of newlywed bliss, everything will be good in your eyes.
ถ่านไฟเก่า-old coal Old flame, ex-lover who still might get back together
โซ่ทอง-gold chain A child is parents' gold chain that will link parents' hearts together forever. Basiclly, it is a concept that by having a child, the couple will be more committed to each other. Kind of scary if you ask me.
จีบ-jeeb _woo, flirt, spark, spoon, court, bind around_ I saw this translate to flirting most of the time, but while flirting is not serious, จีบ can be.
หยอด-yort is to put or pour it little by little in a narrow place; in some contexts, it means to drop in sweet words when you talk to someone, aka flirt.
อ้อน-oon is to plead, to implore, to cajole, to wheedle, to whimper. 
กัดก้อนเกลือ-kat kon kluea-to bite on a cube of salt Is to be poor. usually mean when your financial situation is likely to be better than it is if not for your choice of partner.
ป๋า pa - เสี่ย sia - เด็ก dek pa/ dek sia When these words are used together, pa or sia is an (usually) older, wealthy (this one is a must) man, and dek, which translate directly to child or young, is a (usually) younger person who got financial benefit from being in this relationship. Pa or Sia is a sugar daddy, and Dek is a sugar baby, basically. 
คบ-kob Is mostly used to mean dating, but it can also mean "associate" or "friend with", and it has been used for a variety of ambiguous speaking scene in drama and novels.
ชง-chong-brew It's kind of like creating an opportunity for someone else to say a pick-up line. Say things in order to push your friend toward the one you think your friend will like (whether the assumption is correct or not). Say a pick-up line or flirt with someone for the other person. GMM actors do it to other shipping pairs all the time. I find it quite funny, lol.
เพื่อน=friend But it can also mean accompany if you say it in some way. You could say that you want someone to go somewhere with you as เพื่อน and that would mean that you want them to accompany you, not that they are your friend exclusively. You can say it to anyone. friend, family member, lover, co-worker, etc.
Here Ayan say that he thanks Akk for นอนเป็นแฟน instead of นอนเป็นเพื่อน. 
เป็น=as ,are, be, become, have, constitute, be able to 
นอนเป็นเพื่อน=to go to bed with someone and keep them company
เพื่อน can also mean co-worker, school mate, 
slice-of-thai.com, thai-tones.com, [Learn Thai] Five Tones in Thai (Pronunciation Practice) <--Some of the links for the Thai 5-tone explanation.
I think it would help in the next part (and with the Thai language in general) if you could remember what tone is what.
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The mid one, number 1, had no mark, and the other is as you can see in that orange band.
อา, อ่า, อ้า, อ๊า, and อ๋า is probably going to be the same when spelled in English (unless we make something up, like, อา=ah, อ่า=aah) but in Thai, you can see that the mark on top of them is different.
There are also a bunch of things that are relevant, like the way each type of Thai alphabet has its own base(?) tone in itself, making tone marking affect them differently. Ex: low consonant + dead syllable + short sound = rising tone (5) Even though it is written with no mark tone and so looks like it should probably be a mid tone (1), but we are not here for an actual Thai lesson, so you just need to remember that different tone is a thing and different tone = different mening.
Sounds that we use to indicate the tone of the sentence
****This topic isn't really an official and well-organized thing, plus my knowledge and ability to explain are quite limited, so maybe don't see it as a fact but something subjective?
If I put a check mark in the example column, it means it makes sense to put the sound in that row in the blank. Well, at least to me, it makes sense.
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A sentence that has some polite words in it doesn't mean that it is in fact polite or that the speaker is being polite and proper. So while Khrap and Ka are polite, people still can and have used them to end a sentence that is so impolite you will get customers yelling for your manager to fire you for saying it.
Some of those sounds can also be paired with other too. For example, Na(4) and Si(2) can be paired with Ka(4) and Khrap(4), as well as a few others, and include each other.
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cryogenically-frozen · 2 years ago
Kiyotaka Week Prompt 6: Future
I decided instead of doing a drawing of him as an adult (I think he would become a teacher if you're curious), I would draw what I thought he was like just before the killing game started. So, basically, two years older than what we see in-game.
Yes I am aware we see him helping set up the school in the anime for lockdown and he looks exactly the same but I reject that reality and replace it with my own for the sake of this post and Kiyotaka week funsies.
Also, you can't tell me that they didn't change appearance at all in the two years they went to school at Hope's Peak.
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I think Mondo would have told him something along the line of "you would look super cool with long hair" not thinking anything of it so he started growing it out. He was about to cut it short again because he wasn't sure if he likes it being longer and it had just gotten to that awful length where he can't tie it up but it also is constantly in his face.
When the school went into lockdown he decided to let it grow out until they could leave the school again. To help, Mondo gave him the headband he uses to keep the hair out of his face when he takes his make-up off.
His hair is also going lighter at the roots. His dad had told him he had gone grey at a very early age but Taka hadn't quite realised just how young his father had been talking about. He'd talk to him about it if he weren't locked in the school for the foreseeable future.
Mondo convinced him to try eyeliner. He says he isn't sure about it but still lets him do the eyeliner for him everyday. He's offered to teach him how to do it himself but, in a move suspiciously out of character, he decided he'd rather not learn and let Mondo do it.
He can't learn because he already knows. He watched very intently as Mondo did it whenever they had sleepovers.
Also, Leon pierced his ears. It was Taka's idea because he liked Leon's earrings but now he's doubting the decision. He's dreading his dad seeing because "I know he won't care but what if he does?!" If the killing game hadn't happened he would have grown to love his new studs but, for now, he's fighting the urge to pull them out and let them heal up because he doesn't want them to get them infected. Two years have not done anything for his overthinking.
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andisupreme · 1 year ago
On a different note than I've been on lately, HOO WEE BALDUR'S GATE!!! I am consumed utterly. I'll do art of my Tavs someday I swear but since it takes me forever to draw, obligatory (spoilery) ramble under the cut of who I've got so far.
First run was a lawful good dragonborn paladin who romanced Wyll and I think accidentally ended up in a throuple with Karlach at the end? Pretty sure it was intended to be a platonic ending but the way Wyll was so heartbroken and distressed over Karlach dying, absolutely begging her to come to Avernus "with people who love you, Karlach!"
Cue me in character snapping my head over to look at him like "oh worm? You feel that way about her? Do we like her vibe?? I mean I like her vibe do YOU like her vibe? Did we, husband and spouse, spot her from across the camp and like her vibe?" And the thought of this engaged couple dragging their bestie to Avernus so they can keep Zariel off her back, always living on the run with only each other for comfort? DAMN I've never felt the urge to write Main Character insert fanfiction until now but I get it.
Second run has been a tiefling cleric of Selune specifically made to romance Shadowheart and GOD that's been hilarious. The Selunite quips are 90% of the time entirely their own thing, divorced from the romance plotline, so you can talk to her and she's batting her eyelashes at you just as you walk past a Selune statue or something and there will be an exchange along the lines of Shadowheart: "Ugh." Myna, pulling a 180: "You watch your tongue, Sharran! That is the third time you have spoken ill of my god." Shadowheart, immediately matching this energy: "You and your Moon Witch, or should I say Moon Bitch." Myna: >:O -30 seconds later- Shadowheart: "I'm starting to smile more you know. I think that's your fault. ❤️" All I can think of is this is a cleric couple who roleplays religious conflict in the bedroom but it keeps getting a little too real and sex is paused because they start actually arguing about it.
And then I'm not quite done with Myna yet. About halfway through act 3 now. But yes I have started the obligatory Durge x Astarion run. Made my sad blorbo elf man, Nox. Being traumatized over a murderous entity mind-controlling him for years and having amnesia is kind of his whole backstory deal so I couldn't pass that up. Also he's gay and Astarion is literally right there so...
Yes after my first run I've been planning everything around the romances sue me.
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byanyan · 1 year ago
when they decided to use his arm as a blank canvas, he let them, finishing a book he’d finally sat down to read. no stranger to letting them draw on him, this time was no different, he made no attempts to stop them. eventually, once he finishes the last page, he finally looks down to see what they’ve been doodling…. and when he sees what they’ve come up with, his eyes light up. he’s liked everything they’ve done so far, but this… this is different.
a line of stars, all different sizes, that all absolutely loves. he stares fondly down at their design, admiring every little detail. and then, he looks up at them, excitement written all over his face. “ i really like this design, i think it’s my favorite thing you’ve drawn on me… ” there’s a pause, his gaze falling back onto his arm. “ i want you to tattoo me, maybe you can squeeze me into your work schedule. ”
ㅤthey're just vibing. music playing too loud in their ears, head bobbing along to the beat as they leave trails of ink on the skin of sol's arm, they're bouncing between markers with nibs of different sizes, but they're not putting that much effort in. they're trying, yeah, but it's more for fun than it is anything serious so, when they're nearly finished and sol's book closes over, his attention turning to their work, they're surprised when they glance up at his face and he meets their gaze, excited. a smile isn't unexpected; it's actually quite common to see when he looks at what they've drawn on him, something which always makes them feel all warm inside, but there's a light in his eyes this time that's a little... different. more enthusiastic than usual.
before his mouth can even open, byan is pulling their headphones off, dropping them to rest across the back of their neck as their other hand draws to a halt mid-stroke. sol speaks, and they simply blink at him, expressionless. they're stunned. eyes fall back down to the line of stars they've been drawing, almost as if to figure out what's so special about them, to make him that happy. to make him... want a tattoo? —a tattoo of this?
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ㅤㅤ" wh— ...huh? "ㅤhow do words work, again?ㅤ" ...for real? "ㅤhe's... never expressed interest in getting a tattoo before. admired theirs, sure, which is something they've always loved, but he's never seemed interested in having any of his own and, while that's something that's never bothered them, they're afraid to let their hopes get too high. afraid that he might change his mind, that this might be a spur of the moment thought brought on by a doodle they've done on his arm that he happens to like more than the usuals.
ㅤㅤ" i mean, i can— "ㅤthey'd literally bring him in tomorrow after all their appointments are done and work an extra couple hours just to do it for him if he really wanted—ㅤ" but if you're actually that interested... like, i kinda based this one on mine... "ㅤturning the hand still holding their marker over, byan reveals the line of stars drawn in white ink which dot their inner wrist, a tattoo they've had since they were fourteen that he's surely seen thousands of times by now.ㅤ" but i could sketch out somethin' nicer for you, y'know? let you make some changes where you want 'em so it's yours instead'a just some shitty doodle'a mine. "
even thinking about it is exciting, though. their own eyes light up the more they speak, the more they think about it, about really getting to share their passion for tattoos with sol in such a permanent way... it's difficult to not get caught up in the excitement of it, even if it is just a concept for the time being.
ㅤㅤ" 'cause i'd totally do that, y'know. work ya into the schedule too, or bring ya in after hours, whatever works better for you with the shop— "ㅤthough they don't realize it, byan is beaming as they pop the cap back onto their pen, practically vibrating as they resist the urge to get up and run to grab one of their sketchbooks right this second.ㅤ" —but i'd wanna make sure it's somethin' you want, y'know? somethin' that's yours, somethin' you're not gonna regret. nothin's stoppin' us from startin' tonight though, if you're serious, 'cause, like, honestly? i'd fuckin' love to design a tattoo for you, i'd love that so fuckin' much. "
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theoldaeroplane · 2 years ago
my therapist thinks I am currently dealing with "ambiguous grief" which is when you are unable to receive any closure about a loss (in my case, estrangement). this is probably why i keep getting the overwhelming urge to start crying in the middle of work for no apparent reason! it's annoying!
i read something recently about it being common for trauma survivors to be fine through their 20s and then start to fall apart in their 30s. i also read something recently about how some surveys have found the average age of death for autistic adults is 36. i turned 33 last week so that's fun. on my therapist's advice I am trying to """process""" the grief, which is awkward and confusing and i do not know how to do it. current attempts involve a three hour playlist and a lot of messy drawing.
i think this has arisen now because for the last year and a half I have kind of been in survivor mode. I was burned out on my previous job, got fired from the one I took after that, was unemployed for a while, then wound up somewhere with a shitty toxic boss that actively made me feel like I was living with my parents again. it was so bad I had to quit with no other jobs lined up, so then I was unemployed again. it's only now as I kind of find myself settling into this new job that a lot of this I guess trauma response has started to turn up, as im no longer using all my energy just trying to keep the shitshow running.
ive also been coming to terms with being disabled. i never thought of myself as disabled until now and it's a big mental shift. nothing about *me* changed, apart from gaining a better understanding of myself, but now I realize that ... oh. i guess I've been disabled all along. i suppose it was more akin to turning on a light in the end. it's unpleasant to look at now, but at least I can stop banging my shins into things as often.
as always, stuff is complicated and scary. its at least not all bad, like life usually goes. ive been volunteering at a barn that does therapy work using horses and ive really enjoyed that. i got nice new sneakers last week (work has a dress code) that feel fantastic. the Adderall seems to be working. im poor, but not as poor as I thought, and I have a path out of that. im fortunate to have a good therapist and, for now at least, the ability to see him regularly. my sugar snap peas are growing taller every day. maybe they'll even grow food.
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