#now we’re here lol
thatotherman001 · 8 months
Hello!! Just a question if ya don't mind-
Why is Marbles and omar wanted? like what did they do-
Does ryker and Ro know? If so then why do they keep them around?
(I might have missed something-)
I made a lore post not that long ago that goes into detail about the lore, but in short.
Marbles saves Omar from being destroyed by Ryker and their Knights, because of this they are made public enemy #1 due to the potential danger Omar is capable of
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goomyloid · 6 months
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shima-draws · 10 months
Sanji calling Robin and Nami pet names like darling and dearest and love and Luffy’s like :((( why doesn’t Sanji call ME any of those things. SANJI CALL ME DARLING TOO!! And Sanji’s like o-oh 😳
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kyngsnake · 4 months
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Our foster momma had her puppies yesterday!
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matchalovertrait · 6 months
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Harvestfest at the Fyres Home 🍂
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sammydem0n64 · 2 days
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Peep the Jeremiah collage; created from various images on the Internet, his own sprites in game, and me using a variety of brushes to draw A Freak
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buddiesmutslut · 5 months
One thing I hate so much about 911 is the LACK OF APOLOGIES.
Bobby shoves Buck against the wall in s1 & it’s written off as acceptable bc Buck is being nosy, like being annoying is a good excuse to put your hands on an employee.
Buck apologized for the lawsuit & not being around in s3, but Bobby never apologized for holding him back (& lying about it) & Eddie never apologized for screaming at him in the grocery store.
Chim assaulted Buck in his apartment before going after Maddie, and it was never addressed. (Also, does anyone remember if Chim apologized for keeping the Daniel secret from Buck but not the bomber in that one episode? I genuinely can’t remember, I haven’t watched the first seasons in like, a year.)
Also, does Maddie ever apologize for telling their parents about Buck being in therapy? I know they fought about it, but it was also tied in with the Daniel secret (which was fucked but they talked about that) and I can’t remember, but that was kind of shitty, too.
Buck maybe purposefully gets rough with Eddie and definitely hurts his ankle during the game. Sure, we see him feeling bad about it & Maddie scolding him, but no actual apology to his best friend, not even a mention of one.
Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head, & idk man, people are flawed, and I know that these characters aren’t perfect, but part of that is apologizing & making amends when you’re wrong. So much stuff is just glanced over to keep the story moving, and I get it but I’m not a huge fan of it. They all have this great, family bond, but how sustainable is that when you’re not owning up to your mistakes and making it right when you hurt someone?
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darlingpoppet · 1 month
LiminalSpaces— Chapter 3
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Hades (Video Game) | Modern AU (College/University) | PZA | Explicit | Chapters: 3/7 | Words: 21,238 (Chapter 3: 6,763)
Summary: Inspired by The Dreamers, except make it 2010s and vaporwave. Zagreus is a university student who feels aimless in life. His girlfriend dumped him, things between him & his best friend are weird, and he lacks ambition in his studies, all while the optimistic visions of his generation’s future are becoming lost. Until one day, he falls into the orbit of Achilles & Patroclus―a charming, yet eccentric pair who completely alter Zagreus’ outlook on life & death, love & loss, past & future, and the transitions in between. (Chapter 3 summary: Zagreus reaches a stalemate in his relationship with Thanatos. Achilles & Patroclus invite Zagreus back to their place again for what ends up being a highly-charged evening of music, games, drinking, and sex.)
“Ugh, Pat. Why don’t you go get a glass?”
Achilles scowls as he watches Patroclus take a particularly clumsy swig directly from the wine bottle, accidentally allowing some to escape from the corners of his mouth and run in blood-like rivulets down his chin and neck. Achilles, to his discredit, hasn’t been behaving much better. His own glass has gone untouched for a while now, and he opts instead to pass the bottle back and forth between himself and Patroclus.
“I will get one whenever I next have an excuse to end up in the kitchen,” Patroclus says as he hands the bottle back to Achilles. “Consider every sip of wine a kiss from me.”
“Why consider it, when I can just do this?”
Achilles pours some wine into his mouth, holding it there while he leans over to Patroclus and feeds it to him. Wine dribbles out between their mouths as the transfer devolves into a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss. They struggle to stifle their giggles over the mess they’re making, while reveling in the delectations of the kiss.
If they were anyone else, Zagreus might have felt irritated to be made a captive audience to their impudent displays of affection. But as it is, he has difficulty ever seeing their behavior as anything but endearing. And to be fair, he thinks to himself, as he tips back his wine glass for small sip: they are probably really, really drunk.
“We should let Zagreus have a turn at the game,” Patroclus says as soon as he regains his composure.
Zagreus, whose mouth is still full, tries not to splutter as he swallows down his drink all at once. He titters incredulously.
“What, me? I don’t even know anything about the kind of music you like.”
“Don’t you worry about that,” Patroclus says kindly. “I’ll help you with it.”
“Patroclus, no, don’t you dare—” Achilles starts, his voice sharp with warning.
“It’s all right, Achilles! Don’t you want to make our guest to feel clever? And who knows, maybe you’ll know the answer.” Patroclus grins impishly as he bounds over to Zagreus’ side, taking the wine bottle with him.
“And what if he doesn’t?” Zagreus asks Patroclus.
“And if he doesn’t—” Patroclus repeats; he leans in slowly, his mouth now so close to his ear that Zagreus can hear the gentle intake of breath in his preparation to speak. Zagreus feels the coarseness of his beard, the nearness of his warmth, making his skin prickle; he can catch a whiff of the alcohol, along with the earthy, yet floral sweet smell of his dark brown skin. “—He’ll have to do whatever you say.”
Chapter Navigation: 1 | 2 | 3
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 3 months
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brain-works · 2 months
y’know i noticed something earlier that’s kind of uncanny to me but I’m afraid of saying anything to jinx it so
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just wanted to know if anyone else noticed something…
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sort of like some weird correlation between F1 and F2, like when one gets a certain position so does the other
because of the pattern proves correct then…
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but idk i’m just noticing certain patterns here this season ( <— delusional)
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loubetcha · 3 months
anticipating having to start s8 of txf like: “i don’t know if i wanna do this alone. i don’t even know if i can. and if i quit now, they win.”
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Something something, Liko having a heart to heart with Amethio and talking about how there are some things you’ll never know about someone until you talk to them, followed by Gibeon refusing to hear Amethio’s explanation and immediately kicking him out...
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rorygilmoreh4ter · 10 months
i love shipping characters who would kill each other if given the chance
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thisismeracing · 10 months
good morning I just woke up from a dream where I met lando norris and for some reason he was flirty, followed me from both a burner account and hi ls real account and kept messaging me (?)
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padfootastic · 1 year
hello miss padfootastic, today I am thinking about godfather Harry who would move mountains for Teddy, when Remus never moved mountains for Harry. :(
yES!!! miss imp ur so so right for this
i don’t care how ooc it might be but i truly fully believe teddy was a traumatised harry’s salvation postwar. he kept that boy alive. physically AND mentally. harry will literally do anything for him and nothing is ever too big or too much for his godson.
i’m thinking of—harry, parenting teddy, wondering about how easy it is (it’s not, really. he’s a child bringing up another child. but take away the nappy changes and the constant crying and the keeping a living being other than yourself alive part, and it really is easy. bc he loves parenthood. loves teddy. so much) and wondering why remus never wanted this. how he could have given it up so easily. it’s honestly just really sad? like makes him hold teddy tight and never let go? primarily i think he just pities remus at that point.
i can ALSO see harry being offended, not on his behalf, but primarily on teddy’s. because this wonderful, amazing child should’ve not had his father attempt to walk out on him, shouldn’t have had to grow up an orphan but that’s what it is. i’ve only read one fic w a similar premise but i rly need more where harry is just. mad at remus postwar for his treatment of teddy lmao.
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yami-in-leather · 1 year
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New art for the Bitter Rabbit Café coming in August!!
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All of the Bitter Rabbit shop items are so cute I could screeeeeam
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