siiobhansmythe-blog · 7 years
hey lil mama lemme whisper in ya ear
Send one of these to my muse and they'll react to having it whispered in their ear. It's a mix of fluff, angst, and nsfw.
"I'm going to kill you."
"You're mine, and mine alone."
"No one's gonna harm you."
"Stay away from me."
"Watch your back."
"Kiss me or kill me, the choice is yours."
"I'm going to make you tremble."
"I love you."
"I hate you."
"By the time I'm done with you the whole block is going to know my name."
"What's that? Cat got your tongue?"
"If you don't leave right now I'm going to kick your ass."
"I want you, now."
"I need you."
"You can't touch me."
"Promise me you'll be gentle."
"You don't make the demands here."
"Stop me if you hate me so much."
"I'm going to tear you inside out."
"Say my name."
"Stay with me, please."
"Don't leave."
"You're the best thing I have."
"Please don't hate me."
"You're all I have left."
"Say that you love me, please I need to hear it."
"Just leave I don't need you."
"Hope is a lie."
"I want to have your babies."
"I want you to have my babies."
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siiobhansmythe-blog · 7 years
supergirl sentence meme: episode 4-6
you’re safe here. 
saving the world means everybody. 
you promised me that you were gonna be here. 
i’m just- i’m freaking out. 
she was mad at me for you not dating enough. 
chocolate pecan pie is the best dessert in the galaxy. 
you always looked great in blue. 
i mean, she does kind of give off a sapphic vibe.
we can watch orphan bIack after. 
you’re always warning me about something. that’s our dynamic. 
if i could legally adopt her, i would. 
people don’t want your brand of negativity anymore. they want optimism, hope, positivity. 
if the weather’s getting you down, don’t worry. it never lasts. 
she has always come down hard on me for not protecting you. 
i truly hate hospitals. 
how much longer until it’s appropriate for us to leave? 
you and i both know that you’re tougher than a bolt of lightning. 
i don’t understand how you could allow this. 
she’s going to do things that you don’t like. 
you know better. you should have stopped her. 
the stars aren’t going anywhere. 
you lied to me for years.
 she risks her life to protect other people, and she’s a hero. and yet, i do the same, and i’m in trouble? 
you were always so much harder on her than me. 
and you and i– we’re gonna have words. 
i’ve transcended. do you really care how or why? 
i didn’t get where i am by running and hiding from a fight. 
sounds like you’ve got your hands full here. 
you’re useless. 
everything i am, everything i have, is because of her constant pushing. 
you always make the hard choice. you look to help others before yourself. 
i wanted you to be better than me. 
i can draw her out, but then we’ll have to work together. 
cool, it’s like ghostbusters. 
i really wanted one of you to watch the other one die. 
congratulations, you have the wit of a youtube comment.
i wonder if i have enough power to stop your heart. 
the world is full of so much noise and snark - much of it, we generate. 
there’s a lot i don’t know about you. and that should probably change. 
who cares what that guy says? 
she’s taking on way too much, way too fast. 
people who click don’t spy on each other! 
if someone’s targeting one of my assets, i want to know who it is. 
please don’t yell at me, this isn’t my job. 
i didn’t know that she could smile if it wasn’t based on cruelty to others. 
i didn’t tell you about it because i knew you would have this reaction. 
get me a salad for lunch. i don’t care what kind as long as it has a cheeseburger on top. 
she is living down to my expectations by prioritising her career over my own. 
you know how sometimes people just want to help other people? 
so, you think that if you do me this favour, i will owe you something. 
that sounds like a woman who knows what she wants. 
okay. that is cool. 
she’s gorgeous, she’s smart, she smells nice– hell. even i want to date her. 
well, was she out saving the world? 
my mom says it’s okay to be a nerd. she says if you can face your fears and come out of your shell, then nerds can win in the end. 
i prefer not to rely on the government to solve my problems. 
i’m trying to change the world. so anyone invested in maintaining the status quo would be interested in targeting me. 
and here, i thought we had something special. 
i believe there’s no higher calling than helping others. 
the world needs a new kind of hero. 
i’ve never met anyone worth trusting. 
that is a very lonely way to live. 
you are staying home. 
i don’t know what i would do without you. 
you do not seem like the kind of person who gets frazzled.
just because i look a certain way on the outside, everyone assumes it matches the way i feel on the inside. 
i don’t put much faith in the government’s idea of protection. 
what happened to you was a tragedy. i’m trying to prevent another one. 
be honest, your heart was never really in it. 
i’m starting to think you have a thing for me.
i want to help you. i understand what it’s like to be overwhelmed, but you are not alone. i can help you. 
please, do not kill all of those people. 
we had an epic nerf gun battle. 
you have just stumbled upon the most annoying question of the century and you are so young that you do not even realise it. 
far too many women burn out trying to do too much before they’re ready. 
you can have it all, just not at once and not right away. and not with that hair. use conditioner, for god’s sake. 
in the end, you can’t control people. 
easy peasy fresh and squeezy. 
i suspect that whoever is responsible for these attacks might be curious about you.
the fun is just beginning.
you cut me off, dude! 
watch where you’re going next time! 
you cannot lose control like that! 
those idiots nearly killed people, and you’re getting mad at me? 
that’s the thing. i am not mad, i am controlling my anger. i suggest you get into the habit. 
i’m just glad these two men were only in the hospital, and not in the morgue.
call me old-fashioned, but i still prefer male doctors. 
i need to find out what really happened to him. you’re the only one who can help us. 
we have an executive order forcing you to comply. 
game night is the last shred of normalcy that remains in our lives. 
maybe the roar of the ocean will drown out the sound of her voice. or maybe it will just drown her. or me. 
don’t you think you’ve made enough of a fool of yourself over him for one day?
everyone’s noticed how you throw yourself at him. 
you should try being a little bit more professional. 
it helps when you really know your partner. 
it’s like when you see a movie star in person and you’re like ‘is that it?' 
i don’t say this often, but i am craving a good fight right now.
i’ve invested too much time and effort into this. 
i’ve been screaming your name over and over for the past minute and a half. ninety seconds, i have been boiling alive in my office. ninety seconds, each of which, if amortised to reflect my earnings, is worth more than your yearly salary. 
don’t talk to me like that! please! i work so hard for you! i don’t ask questions, i don’t complain, and all you do is yell at me and tell me i’m not good enough! and it’s mean! why are you so mean?! 
i didn’t mean that. i don’t know what happened. i just snapped. 
chop chop.
hope no one’s trying to kill me this time. 
i’m not the bad guy. 
it’s gone rogue, and i need your help to find it. 
if you want to prove to me that you’re not the bad guy, then help me find the real one. 
'never trust a man who doesn’t drink, because he’s probably a self-righteous sort– a man who thinks he knows right from wrong all the time.' 
play nice. 
you’re not good enough for her. 
you ally yourself with people you think are special. but that doesn’t make you special. and i think you know that. 
here’s the thing: everybody gets angry. there is no pill that will eradicate this particular emotion. i know this because if there were such a pill, i would be popping those babies like pez. 
you apologise too much, which is a separate, although not unrelated, problem.
whatever you do, you cannot get angry at work. especially when you’re a girl. 
he picked up a chair and he threw it out of the window because somebody missed a deadline. and no, he didn’t open the window first. 
that would’ve been professional and cultural suicide.
the real key is that you need to figure out what’s really bothering you. 
you weren’t really mad at me.
 you need to find that anger behind the anger. figure out what’s really making you mad.
i’m not gonna let you hurt them!
you saved my life. 
you let that thing get away- i thought you were on our side. 
he used your humanity against you. and now more innocent humans could be in danger. 
you seem to only help people if it helps you. 
i’ve seen what happens to the selfless. 
wow! and i thought rocky balboa practicing on dead cows was cool. 
girls are taught to smile and keep it inside. 
it’s not like black men are encouraged to be angry in public. 
say what you’re mad about and then let the fists fly. 
i hate how my emotions get the best of me! 
i hate that i’m never gonna have a normal life!
i’m realising that being myself doesn’t make me feel more normal. and it never will. 
think you can keep your cool this time? 
i’m not afraid of my anger anymore. i can use it. channel it to work for me, not against me. 
you’ll have to kill me.
we are on the same team. 
i hope that one day, when you realise what a terrible mistake you’ve made, it won’t be too late.
you’re my hero. 
you don’t get to talk to her that way. 
i understand that you have always been threatened by my success and you try and elevate yourself by denigrating me. 
be careful, you might cut yourself. 
i’m bleeding.
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siiobhansmythe-blog · 8 years
[ ☎ ] my muse calls yours in tears.
[ ✪ ] our muses are stuck in an elevator together.
[ ◐ ] my muse is having a sleepover with your muse.
[ ✿ ] my muse attempts to cook dinner for your muse.
[ ◈ ] my muse makes a drunk confession to your muse.
[ ღ ] my muse makes an attempt to cheer your muse up.
[ ✦ ] my muse pushes yours out of frustration/anger.
[ ❢ ] my muse discovers yours all bloodied and bruised.
[ ➤ ] my muse accidentally punches your muse in the face.
[ ⌚ ] my muse recalls their favorite memory with your muse.
[ ✜ ] my muse collapses in front of yours, all bloodied and bruised.
[ ☯ ] my muse tells yours that they never want to see them again.
[ ✈ ] my muse asks yours to accompany them on a trip/mission/etc.
[ ● ] my muse catches yours snooping through their belongings.
[ ☻ ] my muse wakes up in your muse’s closet the night after a party.
[ ✌ ] my muse reaches out to yours after months of no communication.
[ ☢ ] the car broke down in an unfamiliar part of town, and our muses are lost.
[ ✠ ] it’s three in the morning and my muse unexpectedly arrives at your muse’s home.
[ ☁ ] the entire city is without power due to a storm, and our muses run into each other during a supply run.
18K notes · View notes
siiobhansmythe-blog · 8 years
[ ☎ ] my muse calls yours in tears.
[ ✪ ] our muses are stuck in an elevator together.
[ ◐ ] my muse is having a sleepover with your muse.
[ ✿ ] my muse attempts to cook dinner for your muse.
[ ◈ ] my muse makes a drunk confession to your muse.
[ ღ ] my muse makes an attempt to cheer your muse up.
[ ✦ ] my muse pushes yours out of frustration/anger.
[ ❢ ] my muse discovers yours all bloodied and bruised.
[ ➤ ] my muse accidentally punches your muse in the face.
[ ⌚ ] my muse recalls their favorite memory with your muse.
[ ✜ ] my muse collapses in front of yours, all bloodied and bruised.
[ ☯ ] my muse tells yours that they never want to see them again.
[ ✈ ] my muse asks yours to accompany them on a trip/mission/etc.
[ ● ] my muse catches yours snooping through their belongings.
[ ☻ ] my muse wakes up in your muse’s closet the night after a party.
[ ✌ ] my muse reaches out to yours after months of no communication.
[ ☢ ] the car broke down in an unfamiliar part of town, and our muses are lost.
[ ✠ ] it’s three in the morning and my muse unexpectedly arrives at your muse’s home.
[ ☁ ] the entire city is without power due to a storm, and our muses run into each other during a supply run.
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siiobhansmythe-blog · 8 years
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Winn loved seeing her smile, especially considering how they had started out. She might not have been too good at expressing her feelings, but if he could make her smile like this then there had to be something between them and he was willing to give it a shot. He noticed the slight blush on  her cheeks too, but didn´t say anything about it, knowing  she wouldn´t appreciate that. It made him smile a little brighter though and he handed over the flowers.
“And you are beautiful.” He then smiled as he waited for her to put them into a vase so they could leave. Once everything was settled he held out his arm for her and escorted her towards the elevator. “You know, I´m glad you agreed to this.” He then smiled as they stepped inside and he pressed the button that would take them to the ground floor. “Really great.”
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         She let her head dip as she was complimented - only the slightest bit, so as to conceal any lingering (or newly forming) blush on her cheeks. He was just so sweet - maybe to a fault. No one had ever been sweet to her like that, not even any past boyfriend she’d had. Winn was the closest she’d ever gotten to a butterflies-in-my-stomach relationship. This little gesture of a nice Valentine’s Day date... It was more than she’d gotten ever before in the past. And while openness and vulnerability were not things she excelled at, the appreciation and flattery was there.          “Thank you,” she answered, simply. “I must say - you look handsome, yourself.” She’d be remiss to keep all the praise for herself, even if that was her usual call. But she did have to show some appreciation for the effort he was putting into this whole thing - and she wasn’t exactly ashamed to be seen with him in public. Siobhan took his arm and stood beside him in waiting for the elevator. “Well... I thought it would be pretty stupid of me to not take you up on this offer. It’s, um... Well, this is sort of a new Valentine’s Day experience for me.”
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siiobhansmythe-blog · 8 years
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     all  she  offers  is  a  soft  nod,  mimicking  siobhan’s  actions  and  taking  a  few  gulps  of  her  club  soda  (  it’s  not  the  best-tasting  thing  in  the  world  to  her,  but  it’s  the  only  non-alcoholic  drink  she  can  think  of  at  the  moment  that  isn’t  water  ).  it’s  been  such  a  long  time,  so  many  months,  but  …  still,  lyra  fears  she’ll  never  feel  ‘  at  home  ‘  on  this  planet.  it’s  conversations  like  these  that  really  make  her  MISS  starhaven,  but  she  knows  she  can  never  go  back.  lips  curve  upwards  as  her  glass  is  placed  back  on  top  of  the  surface  in  front  of  them.  what  was  it  like,  driving  across  such  a  wondrous  bridge?  starhaven  had  amazing  structures  —  but  earth  was  on  a  whole  other  level.  ❛  i’d  imagine  you  became  desensitized  to  the  AWE,  but  i  don’t  think  i’d  be  able  to.  ❜  simply  an  assumption.  one  not  meant  to  paint  siobhan  in  a  certain    way  ;;  lyra  just  feels  as  though  a  lot  of  humans  take  a  lot  of  things  for  GRANTED.  how  many  times  have  people  seen  certain  monuments  that,  to  anyone  who  wasn’t  born  on  this  planet,  were  astonishing  oddities?  she  feels  strangely  the  same  about  c o l l e g e  ;;  on  her  planet,  one  would  be  taught  the  basic  necessities,  like  reading  and  writing  their  language,  and  the  history  of  their  home.  they  didn’t  have  anything  like  UNIVERSITIES,  where  one  could  pick  the  course  of  their  choice  and  pursue  careers  and  learn  about  …  photography  or  culinary  arts.  there  were  so  many  options  available  to  her,  though  —  maybe  she  could  sit  down  and  speak  to  winn  about  it  someday  …  ??  ❛  what  did  you  study  during  your  time  there?  i  think  that’s  what  has  me  the  most  …  OVERWHELMED  about  the  thought.  i  wouldn’t  know  what  to  go  for.  i  don’t  exactly  know  how  it  all  …  works.  ❜  her  boyfriend  hadn’t  told  her  MUCH  about  his  previous  endeavors  in  romance  ;;  lyra  didn’t  want  to  pry,  and  she  knows  it  isn’t  her  place  to  ask.  but  she’d  managed  to  vaguely  learn  about  siobhan  enough  to  remember  the  name  and  recognize  it  when  it  was  given  to  her.  are  there  any  hard  feelings  now  that  they’ve  been  speaking  for  some  time?  NO.  in  fact,  she  thinks  she  likes  her  quite  a  bit.  she  shakes  her  head  as  her  fingers  stir  the  straw  in  her  soda.         ❛  ah  —  no,  not  really.  i  mean,  i’m  still  looking,  but  it’s  been  hard.  ❜
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           “Desensitized maybe as a kid, but now... Well, it’s all sort of nostalgic now. I miss it. Haven’t been back there in a while.” Because I’ve been in prison and am now on parole. “I’m sure if I did go back there... I’d be flooded with awe again.” Deep eyes found a mark on the counter in front of her (yet again). When did she become so stupid? So full of herself and locked in these huge goals that, truthfully, weren’t entirely realistic? But it isn’t anything to dwell upon in Lyra’s presence. Quickly, she snapped herself out of it, bringing her eyes back up and listening to the blonde beside her. College. Right. “I went for business,” Siobhan answered simply. “Communications,” she added, for more clarity. “I knew I wanted to someday - hopefully - be some kind of... CEO, or something...” There was an almost bitterness in her voice as she spoke, and a wave of her hand dismisses the whole thing as if it were simply nothing - nothing but a fallacy, not her once, maybe promising dreams. “You just kind of have to figure out what it is you want to do - who you want to be, and... Well, then the whole college thing sort of falls into place...” Was that exactly how it went? No, not at all. But simplification for Lyra’s sake, while she was still adjusting to Earth and all, seemed like the best thing to do. “I’m sure you’ll find something soon, though. As long as you keep looking, of course.” 
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siiobhansmythe-blog · 8 years
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#jer being a precious human bean
619 notes · View notes
siiobhansmythe-blog · 8 years
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I have nothing. No job, no friends…
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siiobhansmythe-blog · 8 years
five word prompts
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siiobhansmythe-blog · 8 years
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           pensive  state  of  being  only  intensified  by  every  additional  moment  of  quiet  that  ticks  by,  inaudible  traces  of  near - mockery,  he  feels.  there  is  a  reason  or  two,  winn  thinks,  that  he  does  not  often  engage  in  certain  exchanges,  ones  of  genuine  feeling,  of  confession,  of  letting  one’s  barriers  down.  the  first  reason  is  innocent  enough  ——–  he’s  simply  not  good  at  it.  the  others  fall  directly  into  a  grey  area,  one  of  confusion.  he  hates  admitting  himself  clueless,  knows  one  of  his  strongest  traits  to  be  his  mind,  his  way  of  putting  the  pieces  together,  connecting  the  dots,  and  here  he  is,  with  a  head  full  of  jumbled  thoughts  and  not  the  slightest  idea  how  to  sort  them  through.  for  a  moment,  he  ponders  that  perhaps  he  should’ve  just  let  the  situation  lie,  as  he  always  does,  as  he’s  so  used  to  doing,  because  now  he’s  gone  and  he’s  potentially  opened  a  door;  but  siobhan  he  finds  himself  putting  unexpected  faith  in,  quite  a  lot  without  realizing  ——–  and  with  the  previous  day,  he’s  put  a  large  chunk  of  himself,  one  he  rarely  allows  to  others,  on  the  line.  what  she  does  with  it,  how  she  takes  it,  he  cannot  predict.  but  the  spark  of  relief  when  she  speaks  of  a  connection  of  sorts  flares  almost  immediately,  because  that  is  exactly  why  he  told  her  the  things  he  had.  getting  through  to  her,  that  was  his  goal.  “ …  wait,  is  that  true? ”  and  just  like  that  he  feels  another  pang  of  empathy  in  his  chest,  things  finally  beginning  to  add  up,  as  he  recognizes  that  fear,  that  hesitance  to  open  up.  he  has  a  suspicion,  he  knows,  and  that  is  what  cautious  mind  chooses  to  zero  in  on.  ( comment  about  his  stature  might  as  well  not  exist. )  “ you,  um …  siobhan,  you  know  if  you  think  there’s …  something  like  that  going  on,  you  can  just  tell  me.  you  don’t  have  to  feel  like  you  can’t …  let  anyone  in,  you  know?  i  mean,  what  i  told  you,  yesterday …  i  wanted  you  to  know  that  you  didn’t  have  to  be  alone. ”
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         Siobhan Smythe is neither naive nor stupid. She knows he sees right through her, right through to her true feelings - her feelings of reticence and defensiveness, and fear. But he knows how it is, right? At least maybe he could be understanding. Understanding of how hard it is let people in when one of the people you’re supposed to be able to trust unconditionally lets you down and betrays you. So the answer to his question was of course a big fat yes. Yes, it was true. This little computer elf had somehow weaseled his way, however minimally, around her edifice and was getting dangerously close. It was scary as all hell, and the banshee wasn’t quite sure how to navigate these waters. Chocolate eyes find a focal point on CatCo’s lustrous linoleum floor, jaw clenching as she tried to avoid giving an answer as long as possible, though that effort was futile, and she was well aware. She had to answer, or risk being perceived as weak or scared. She hated how comforting his words were. (Was this guy a therapist or a motivational speaker on the side?) He was making her all the more inclined to take that terrifying step forwards in letting him in, to knocking down her walls just for him. “Of course it was true,” she answered shortly, though with much less edge than she intended. “And I know. I know that. But it’s not that simple. I can’t just...” Brunette locks shake with her head as her eyes find the floor again. “I can’t put myself in the position to trust someone and then have it all come back and bite me in the ass again. Alright?” She’s sort of lying again. She knows trusting Winn probably won’t come back and bite her in the ass.
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siiobhansmythe-blog · 8 years
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         How many times had she gotten this reaction? At this point, it had to be more than she could count on her fingers. A gentle bite of her lower lip stifled an impulsive sarcastic reply. “Probably the same thing you’re doing here,” Siobhan answered with slightly raised eyebrows. Knowing that wasn’t the answer Kara was looking for, she continued. “I’m paroled. So... I’m as free to roam the city as you are.” Not quite true, but a good enough answer for now.
              @siiobhansmythe​ liked for a starter.
     “S – SIOBHAN?” the blonde managed to get out, eyebrows furrowing slightly before a hand shifted up to adjust her glasses (she wasn’t hallucinating, right?) “What are… what are you doing here?”
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siiobhansmythe-blog · 8 years
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     COMFORTABLE  isn’t  exactly  the  word  lyra  would  use.  she’s  been  on  earth  for  a  couple  of  years  now,  and  still  —  she  hasn’t  been  able  to  feel  at  home  on  this  planet.  not  only  has  finding  another  starhavenite  been  practically  IMPOSSIBLE,  so  there’s  no  way  of  connecting  to  anyone  on  that  front,  but  as  previously  mentioned  ;;  humans  can  be  so  cruel  about  her  appearance.  about  how  she  isn’t  like  them,  which  somehow  equals  to  ‘  she  doesn’t  need  to  be  treated  like  a  person  ‘.  no,  earth  isn’t  her  home.  it’s  just  where  she’s  a t ,  for  the  time  being.  ❛  it’s  quite  alright.  it’s  been  some  time  now  —  it  doesn’t  feel  like  such  an  open  wound  to  talk  about  it  anymore.  ❜  what  a  bold-faced  lie.  ❛  and  i  feel  quite  comfortable.  thank  you.  ❜  and  another.  she  can’t  help  it  ;;  it  wouldn’t  be  too  wise  to  start  divulging  personal  information  and  make  this  already-serious  conversation  TOO  DEEP  for  their  liking.  the  way  she  abandons  this  topic  so  easily  and  so  happily  is  probably  proof  of  her  dishonesty,  but  she  hopes  siobhan  won’t  comment  on  it.  ❛  ah,  san  francisco.  that’s  the  place  with  the  iconic  BRIDGE,  is  it  not?  ❜  most  cities  she  had  managed  to  memorize  by  their  landmarks  —  the  golden  gate  bridge  happened  to  be  san  fran’s.  ❛  but  that’s  interesting.  actually,  it  took  me  a  while  to  wrap  my  head  around  earth’s  EDUCATION  SYSTEM,  to  be  completely  honest  with  you  ;;  and  i  haven’t  been  able  to  procure  any  WORTHWHILE  JOB  yet,  due  to  my  looks  and  lack  of  a  d e g r e e .  i  suppose  college  should  be  my  next  step.  ❜  and  yet,  the  thought  is  so  overwhelming  and  foreign  to  her  that  she  finds  herself  internally  shying  away  from  the  idea.
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         “Well, it’s good to see you’re settling in alright.” Siobhan sipped her water delicately, manicured nails meeting as hands wrapped around the glass. She might as well have been drinking some comfort tea from a mug, the way she was clutching her cup. She can’t imagine moving to a different planet; Siobhan had never even lived outside of the state. California was her comfortable, warm little bubble. No need to burst it and venture out. Of course, one could argue that California hadn’t exactly been treating her well, given these past few years, though that was beside the point. Her lips allowed a light chuckle; Lyra must not have been doing too shabbily here on Earth if she knew the Golden Gate Bridge. “Yes, the Golden Gate. I drove across that more times than I can count.” A brief wave of nostalgia washes over as she remembers her sunnier (no pun intended) childhood; what she’d give to turn back time and start everything all over from there. Again, beside the point. Lyra’s talk of next steps and college and jobs impressed upon Siobhan that she seemed to have a good head on her shoulders. At least she had some reasonable aspirations. “College is amazing,” she replied, as if that could provide some comfort. “I loved college. The whole experience. I did learn a lot...” She trailed off, realizing she’s probably not the best case study for career success; she was unaware of how much Winn had actually divulged about her. She seemed to have been recognized as his ex, so there must have been some conversation. “But it is a lot to take on, I suppose... Do you have a job currently?”
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siiobhansmythe-blog · 8 years
“I believe you.”
Three Word Starters → ACCEPTING
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         ‘I believe you.’ Siobhan couldn’t recall ever being happier to hear those words. She’d spent the weeks upon her paroled return to National City streets trying to convince everyone around her that her homicidal urges were behind her, that a good person really was what she aimed to be. And finally she’d gotten through to someone and proved herself. Lips slightly agape, chocolate eyes widening a bit, the banshee stood in pure disbelief for a moment. “Thank you...”
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siiobhansmythe-blog · 8 years
“Pain changes people.”
Three Word Starters → ACCEPTING
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         While she remained ever stoic, Lyra’s words pluck at her heartstrings - yes, they do exist. Siobhan understood more than the Starhavenite could probably ever know. After all, wasn’t “pain changes people” her whole slogan nowadays, now that she was set out to show the world Siobhan Smythe 2.0? A maelstrom of emotions conjured up inside her with just that simple statement, but the only physical reaction allowed was a simple nod. “I know, Lyra. Believe me.”
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siiobhansmythe-blog · 8 years
“You don’t have to play coy with me - what do you really want?”
Miscellaneous Starters → ACCEPTING
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          A stifled scoff barely escaped her lips as thin eyebrows slid upwards. “I don’t play coy,” Siobhan answered simply, laying off her usual edgy tone, though the notion that a coy proposition would ever slip from her tongue is a bit amusing. She was a go-getter. “That’s not my style.”
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siiobhansmythe-blog · 8 years
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         Lord & savior, patron saint @winndowsvista has made me glorious Siobhan icons so that my blog can look slightly less like a compost pile. :’)
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siiobhansmythe-blog · 8 years
3 LITTLE WORDS... || starter pack
Send me one to see how my muse reacts. Some are fluffy, some are angsty, some are smutty, some are something else entirely…
Some of these may be triggering or NSFW!
“I love you.”
“I hate you.”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“I guess so…”
“I guess not.”
“Love me, please.”
“Don’t say that.”
“Don’t do that.”
“Don’t touch me.”
“Please, hold me.”
“Pain changes people.”
“You haven’t changed.”
“Please don’t go.”
“Look behind you.”
“Go kill yourself.”
“I can change.”
“Don’t ever change.”
“Want a hit?”
“Do you smoke?”
“Fuck me now.”
“Take my hand.”
“Lead the way.”
“Duck and cover!”
“Just go home.”
“Take me home.”
“Walk me there?”
“Everyone, shut up!”
“Just shut up.”
“Please stop it.”
“Please don’t die.”
“I need you.”
“I want you.”
“Want a hug?”
“Want a kiss?”
“Are you sure?”
“Are you lying?”
“That’s the truth.”
“I’m not lying.”
“Oh my God.”
“For fuck’s sake!”
“I got it.”
“I found it.”
“Call me later.”
“Text me later.”
“Don’t call me.”
“Are you crying?”
“I wasn’t crying.”
“Please don’t laugh.”
“Please don’t cry.”
“That’s a lie.”
“What’d they say?”
“What’ll it be?”
“It’s last call.”
“It’s almost midnight.”
“Do you promise?”
“That’s a promise.”
“Are you serious?”
“Don’t bullshit me.”
“I punched him.”
“I killed him.”
“I kissed him.”
“I love him.”
“I hate him.”
“I lied before.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“I’m not sorry.”
“I’ll come over.”
“Can you come?”
“Want to cuddle?”
“Maybe we should.”
“Maybe we shouldn’t.”
“You don’t say.”
“Make me come.”
“Did you come?”
“I stole it.”
“I broke it.”
“Any bones broken?”
“Are you okay?”
“Are you hurt?”
“That must’ve hurt.”
“He was lying.”
“It’s our song.”
“Can I help?”
“Help me out.”
“Please, for me?”
“Anything for you.”
“I doubt it.”
“I believe you.”
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