#also really really need remus to be. Treated. like the not great guardian he is
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hello miss padfootastic, today I am thinking about godfather Harry who would move mountains for Teddy, when Remus never moved mountains for Harry. :(
yES!!! miss imp ur so so right for this
i don’t care how ooc it might be but i truly fully believe teddy was a traumatised harry’s salvation postwar. he kept that boy alive. physically AND mentally. harry will literally do anything for him and nothing is ever too big or too much for his godson.
i’m thinking of—harry, parenting teddy, wondering about how easy it is (it’s not, really. he’s a child bringing up another child. but take away the nappy changes and the constant crying and the keeping a living being other than yourself alive part, and it really is easy. bc he loves parenthood. loves teddy. so much) and wondering why remus never wanted this. how he could have given it up so easily. it’s honestly just really sad? like makes him hold teddy tight and never let go? primarily i think he just pities remus at that point.
i can ALSO see harry being offended, not on his behalf, but primarily on teddy’s. because this wonderful, amazing child should’ve not had his father attempt to walk out on him, shouldn’t have had to grow up an orphan but that’s what it is. i’ve only read one fic w a similar premise but i rly need more where harry is just. mad at remus postwar for his treatment of teddy lmao.
#teddy lupin#harry potter#side note i read a fic once where harry says ‘u saved my life. we’re even now’#and teddy’s like ???#and harry’s like ‘after the war’#and it’s all very sweet#but that’s basically the vibe#can also imagine him being a helicopter parent tbh#his experiences shaping him into what he wished he had as a child etc etc#also really really need remus to be. Treated. like the not great guardian he is#like bro ur bestf died and his kid is left w/o anyone who cared for him#ur telling me u won’t even make one measly visit???#not even as a benevolent stranger?#get outta here w that shit#harry should’ve been more mad and i stand by that#i GET why he wasn’t. truly. but that doesn’t satisfy my mean lil heart lol#pen’s asks
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Young Snape x Ravenclaw reader
All characters are in their 5th year at Hogwarts. Reader is a ravenclaw (A/N I am a Ravenclaw so...YES!)
"Y/N!" Lily said shaling you violently. "Y/N wake up!"
With a groan, you opened your eyes to see the redhead hovering over you with a mischievous smile on her face. "Come on, were going to Hogsmeade today."
"Who let you past the Ravenclaw knocker, Evans?" you giggled, rubbing the sleep out of your eye and yawning. The Ravenclaw house was infamously known for letting Ravenclaws and ONLEY Ravenclaws into the common room and since Lily was a Gryffindor, she definitely didn't get in on her own.
She faked shock as she dramatically placed her hand on her chest, with a gasp.
"(Y/N), I'm shocked that you assumed I had help."
You looked at her with tired eyes, you knew her too well.
"It was Xenophilius Lovegood"
"Now that makes sense" you replied to her in a groggy tone. Standing up from your bed, you grabbed whatever clothes you wanted to wear that day. "But I can't go, you know my "guardians" didn't sign the slip."
Lily's smile grew even wider as she handed you a piece of paper. You took a glance at the paper and quickly put two and two together.
"Oh my god, you didn't" you said snatching the sheet out of her fingers and opened it.
"No, I didn't. Sirius did."
On a once blank line at the bottom of the permission slip was now filled in with your guardians signature.
"H-how did?.."
"Don't ask me how but... he did. Now hurry and get dressed the boys will be halfway through breakfast buy now"
Time skip (your in your regular clothes and just entered the great hall)
The smell of toast and pumpkin juice hit the pair of you right in the face. It was breakfast time and buy the looks of it most people were still asleep, leaving all of the good stuff for the taking.
As you and Lily walked to the 4 marauders, you felt a pair of familiar eyes watching you. When you saw it was Severus Snape you smiled and gavehim a small wave in wich he shyly gave you one back.
Even as children, you and Lily had always been together. You found out you were witches together and you met Severus together. And despite his home life he was the kindest person you had ever met. When you found out you were going to the same magical school as him you were over the moon and so was he. When you actualy got to Hogwarts the 3 of you became as thick as theaves but when you met the marauders he slowly became distant with you ... it broke your heart.
"Ah here are the lovely ladies now," James said with a gleeful smile.
"What took you so long?" Sirius said, standing from his seat to allow room for Lily and you.
Lily gave them an apologetic smile and sat nest to James who took the opportunity to wrap his arm around her.
"Sirius, I owe you a favour" you said showing him the permission slip with a smile.
He gave you a cheeky smile and said with outstretched arms " How about a hug and we call it even?"
"Sounds like a deal,"you smiled as he pulled you into a hug. It lasted for about a minute until you felt eyes on you again. When you pulled away, you saw that Sirius was looking behind you with a smug grin on his lips. You followed his gaze to see Snape with a broken look in his eyes.
With a hint of anger on your face, you turned back to the curly-haired wizard. " You know, Sirius. Being an arrogant git doesn't suit you one bit" you hissed, tapped Lily on the shoulder, told her you'd see her in Hogsmeade and made your way out of the hall.
After giving your slip to Mcgonagall, you began your walk to Hogsmeade before everyone else. You knew the way since you had been before. The walk was quiet and it was a welcomed breath of fresh air. It was pleasantly quiet and calming, the sun was shining and the wind was whistling through the trees.
Halfway through your walk you heard some movement behind you, you turned around you saw the familiar black-haired boy you had known for years. He looked somewhat shocked to see you and you too were surprised at first. He never seemed like the type of person to go to Hogsmead, but it was good to see him out of the castle.
"Oh hello Severus, I thought I was here by myself."
His shock was slowly disappearing and he took a few steps to walk around you. "I apologise...ill... get out of your way"
"What? no." You questioned, taking a few steps to stand beside him.
"Join me. Other than Lily you're the only person I can stand talking to."
When you said this he looked at you in a way you had never seen before. Admittedly, you understood his reaction to some extent. someone you hadn't spoken to in ages suddenly asks you to join them on a walk? very strange.
"I mean if you want to join me.. Id understand if you don't."
"N-no id like that" he quickly interjected. "I would like that."
The two of you started walking, side by side and for the first time in ages you talked. And it felt like nothing had changed between you.
"So... how has school been treating you?"
"Its been the same as every other year, I'm afraid. Very... unfulfilling. What about you?"
You sighed and fiddled with your shirt. "It's been stressful, to say the least, Severus. I'm majorly failing potions and my... friends are jerks."
"But you're friends with Lily and shes good at potions, why don't you ask her to help?"
"Are you kidding me? She's too busy hanging out with James." you chuffed. "And besides I've already asked her."
Another look crossed his face. This time you could practically see the cogs turning in his head before he spoke up again.
"Well... I can tutor you... if you wish."
Of all of the things you expected him to say you never expected that. He wanted to help you? "Really Severus? Id hate to impose."
"I wouldn't have offered if you were imposing."
A small smile crept onto your face. "Thank you Severus, but are you sure you want to be stuck with me for an hour?"
He gave an amused chuff and answered " I'm sure I will survive."
"Alright well I'm free all day on Sundays so.... does 1 pm work for you?"
"It does indeed, in the library and bring a notebook"
Before you could answer your name rang through the air. It was Lily, James, Peter, Sirius and Remus making their way down the hill.
Almost eminently you saw Severus demeanour change. He became fidgety and his head slowly curled itself to look at the mud path below his feet.
"Listen, Severus, I um... I have to walk with them now so I'll see you tomorrow yea?" you said nudging him and trying yo look him in the eye. when his gaze met yours you offered the tallboy a smile.
"Yes. tomorrow" he said before quickly scampering off down the road.
The group eventually caught up with you and Sirius threw his arm around your shoulders. " Hey, what you talking to Snivellus Snape for?"
Your eyebrows knotted in confusion as you pushed his arm off of you and looked at him. "What did you just say?" You genuinely didn't hear what he said but given his response, it clearly wasn't something good.
The smile on his face then morphed onto fear at the realisation of what he has just said. His eyes scanned his friends faces and they were just as scared for him.
"Severus, Severus Snape. that's what I said" he chuckled. The rest of your friends chuckled with him. You weren't convinced that's what he said but you went along with it since you were in an awkward situation.
"RIGHT LADS, WHO WANTS SOME BUTTERBEER!" shouted Remus pointing his wand towards the Hogsmead.
Everyone cheered and continued walking down the dirt path while you lagged behind, pulling Lily to walk with you.
Time skip to a few months later
As agreed, you and Severus would meet up in the library every Sunday for tutoring and during that time you learnt so much. Not just about potions but about Severus too. This clearly was something he enjoyed doing and he was eager to do. You also learnt a lot about yourself during this time.
Turns out you had quite a knack for potions when you had the right teacher and your grades slowly got better too.
Unfortunately that wasn't the only thing you learnt during this time. You found out that Sirius had a crush on you. He of course had yet to tell you this news himself. Peter let it slip in one of your charms class and you were shocked.
Then, on top of that, unbeknownst to you, Lily had told the boys what you were doing on Sunday afternoons and Sirius was pissed, to say the least.
This particular Sunday, Severus had asked you to meet him next to the tree across the Black Lake. He heard it was going to be nice out and since it was just going to be a reading session you thought why not.
On your journey there, you heard yelling and cheering near your destination. As you got closer you began to recognise some voices and when you heard Severus yelling you sprinted towards the tree.
When you exited the shrubbery you saw Sirius and the boys laughing at something above them. It was Severus. Sirius had cast a spell that pulled Severus feet first into the air. Hanging him upside-down.
You felt your blood boil in your veins. You didn't know this was going on or for how long but it stopped right then and there. Within seconds you grabbed your wand and shouted at the top of your lungs "EXPELLIARMUS!".
The amount of fear that glazed everyone's eyes in that seconds, was nothing more than horrifying. None of them expected you to be there (over an hour early) and they definitely didn't expect you to have this much anger pumping through you as you did in that moment.
The spell practically forced Siriuses wand out of his hand making Severus slowly land on the ground.
You walked right up to Sirius, who was quivering in his boots, and pointed your wand right at his face.
" YOU! You slimy, egotistical, peace of shit!"
"N-Now (Y/N)" He stuttered, holding his hands up in surrender.
"SHUT UP! now you will answer my questions with 100% honesty or I will destroy that pretty face of yours. Understand?"
He nodded his head vigorously.
You didn't need to worry about the others shooting you with their wands because they were just as scared as their precious "Pad Foot".
"Why are you doing this Sirius and for how long?" you seethed.
" B-because I'm in love with you..." He said looking at you with hopeful eyes " and so is Severus. I did it because I was Jesus."
You pushed your wand under his chin " I know the first bit but how long, Pad Foot?"
He went silent and lowered his gaze. "Since our first year"
You sighed and looked at the rest of the group. Your anger was slowly going away.
" You knew about this?" You asked. However, when you didn't get a response your anger quickly returned.
Simultaneously they all nodded their heads. Your friends.. they were your friends and they purposefully hurt someone so that you would go out with one of them. It made you sick!
You raised your wand and pointed at all of them.
" Don't ever talk to me again or else the next time I see your names on the murders map will be in the dark forest. 6 FEET UNDER THE WHOMPING WILLOW! UNDERSTAND?" you yelled, tears at the corner of your eyes.
Sirius was upset, he took a few steps closer to you. " (Y/N), please"
"WHAT did I just... say?"
As he took another step towards you, you shot a bolt of electricity at his feet. "get out of my sight, all of you."
Within seconds they ran away with their tails between their legs.
Throughout this exchange, Severus was stood right next to the tree. He heard every word that left your lips and felt the emotion on every letter but at the same time, he felt fear. He felt the fear that was radiating off of the murders and he felt a fear he thought he would have gotten used to buy now. The fear of being rejected by the one person he loved more than anyone else. After Sirius had exposed his feelings to you.. that fear almost consumed him. When he saw you fall to your knees and drop your wand on the grass, However, he put the fear aside and went to comfort you.
Your face was already stained with tears. The pain you felt was excruciating and your hands were shaking from the amount of adrenalin. But... despite all of that when you saw Severus face come into view you smiled at him.
" You" you said breathlessly in a calm voice.
He knelt down to your level, with a clenched jaw, worry written all over his face.
With the smile still on your face you looked at him and said "You, Severus Snape are lucky that I love you too"
Please feel free to drop your ideas in the comments or private messing me. Love ya!!
#severus snape x reader#severus snape#alan rickman#harry potter#fluff#young love#ravenclaw#snape x reader
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I have a crack au idea for you- taken seriously or not. Asmr Channels AU. Logan’s have page turning, whispered facts, or silent videos. Roman has a bunch of RP videos, rarely is he himself and if he is- its him rambling about self care. Patton’s channel is mostly petting cats/dogs asmr, cooking, paint mixing or the goo stuff. Virgil is silent and never shows his face in his videos but his binaural sound affects like rain and thunder are fantastic. He also does ear to ear talks about anxiety
And as extra- remus’ are always ear eating or some gross obscene shit that makes the front page, and deceits videos are full of fx makeup and roleplays as well as quiet tapping. I’ve thought way too much about this because fuck i listen to so much asmr.
clone! clone! clone! okay, I also listen to a ton of ASMR so bood af on that front, also this could definitely be taken as crack but I love YouTuber AUs (in general for all fandoms) so I’m gonna take it seriously.
Alright, so I love the idea of Patton being like,,, the Dad of their corner of the ASMR world–like, he does ASMR videos that are also kind of educational (healthy tips, positive affirmations, step by step recipes, etc.) as well as very soft and caring (big brother/best friend roleplays, tucking you into bed, etc.). The others all absolutely watch him and would all vehemently deny it if asked because they don’t want people to know how much they need all of that.
Patton’s the only one who’s met all of them in real life and they also all independently came to the conclusion that they adore him and would protect him with their life (platonically or romantically, you decide) and again, would absolutely deny it if asked.
Virgil I agree would be great at soundscapes and things like that–sounds of a forest on a cold, winter’s night; thunderstorm outside your bedroom window; etc.–and definitely specialises in the slightly creepy while still being relaxing. He’s also done some more experimental stuff, like playing around with different sounds on the mic and dedicating videos to the ones that worked.
He’s never shown his face or even said anything though which is why it’s such a big deal for him when he agrees to a collab on Dee’s channel of Dee doing his makeup. (Pretty much) everyone was really nice about it and so, even though he doesn’t do it often by any means, he knows he has a little more freedom to make videos with his face or voice in it if he wants to.
I absolutely love the idea of Dee doing makeup stuff and I think he could do roleplays but they’d be a lot more sparing–something sort of ridiculous treated genuine like, “Planning To Overthrow The Government - Roleplay” or something like that. He also had a pretty popular series where he imitates other ASMRtist’s styles, even going so far as to dress up like them. He’s done everyone in their little corner except for Remus cause he refuses to stoop to that, no matter how easy he would be to imitate.
Roman turned up to their apartment semi-unannounced, so the two of them have done a collab together, though it was mostly unplanned. It ended up being a slight disaster because Dee wouldn’t stop flirting and Roman wouldn’t stop laughing, but they did end up with a passable video–and learnt that they actually get along quite well.
Remus started creating ASMR videos to spite Dee–his roommate–except then he actually started to enjoy it. And then he realised his brother had actually been doing it for years too and, since he was gaining notoriety pretty quickly, he continued not only cause he enjoyed it, but because he knew it would piss the two of them off.
He started with mouth sounds and eating videos and that sort of thing, though he pretty quickly stumbled upon the slightly weird roleplay videos that exist and was absolutely sold on them. So, he’s made a series of kidnapping ones, vampire feeding/turning videos and even an Addam’s Family roleplay. He got Dee to assist with costuming and makeup for that one since he decided it was necessary to play every single character himself. Virgil’s the only one of them who actually watches Remus’s videos but he thinks if he brought it up, both Roman and Dee would find a way to silence him. So he doesn’t.
Roman definitely also does roleplays, though he does the considerably more common ones–doctor, hairdresser, store clerk, etc. His favourite one he did was a guardian angel roleplay cause he got to employ all of that religious knowledge he’d gained growing up but didn’t really use. He’s done a series of softly singing you to sleep videos too, and he also does videos in Spanish as well as English.
Roman discovered Virgil’s love of Disney when he made varying Disney themed soundscapes on his channel and so when they meet up at a con they definitely do a Disney themed collab–a roleplay on Ro’s channel and more trivia on V’s.
Logan does more strictly educational facts because he initially started creating the videos purely for himself. His hypothesis was that since you learn a language well from exposure, that could translate to other methods of learning. Therefore, if he surrounded himself by the knowledge he needed to know when he was relaxing or right before going to sleep it could blend into his subconscious and assist him in processing the information.
He shared this method with Virgil–his best friend–who was basically willing to try anything to help him study. V said while it may not have necessarily helped him study, he did fall asleep really quickly and then subsequently explained to him the concept of ASMR. Logan was actually drawn in almost immediately.
So, Logan makes educational videos as well as some simple sound videos Virgil has helped him out with, as well as videos where he simply read part of a fiction book or textbook. His first roleplay was a librarian one and he kept getting excited about the books, and Virgil, who was helping him out with it, couldn’t stop pointing out what an absolute nerd he was.
I may have gone slightly overboard here but, uhhhh, yeah. I really love this idea.
#sanders sides#sanders sides au#sanders sides headcanon#virgil sanders#roman sanders#patton sanders#logan sanders#deceit sanders#remus sanders#I know that if you examine this it seems like Virgil has also met all of them#but he did Not meet Remus when he collabed with Dee because Dee locked him out of the house#those two are kind of like siblings (probably part of the reason Dee and Ro get along so well)#ask lo#your-cringy-brother#I do Not have a fic for you. you get this instead
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Don’t Trust Dumbledore ch.27
Twins POV
After they followed the goblin out of the room, they were shown to a different smaller office. An elder goblin sat behind a large wooden desk, “Misters Fred and George Weasley, welcome. I believe you have a letter for me.” They both nodded and George handed over Harry’s later. They each took a seat in one of the two large chairs sitting opposite if the desk. They watched the goblin for a few minutes while he read over the later.
Then he stood up, “If you will give a few moments I will get the correct documents.”
When he was gone, Fred looked over at George, “What do you think Harry is looking for?”
His brother looked back at him, “Thefts? If I thought someone else had access to our vault that’s what I would be looking for.” They both sighed.
“What are we going to do about Ron?” George growled angrily.
“First we need to see if it’s just him.” His brother said quietly, not liking the idea of doubting their family. George groaned. “You don’t think dad, or Bill? And I know Charlie wouldn’t, he doesn’t even really know Harry. Percy hasn’t been around--”
“Mum and Ginny.” His brother added.
“We start with Charlie.” Fred said confident, “He is the least likely to have been involved in anything involving Dumbledore, he doesn’t like the headmaster. Always said something was off about him.” George nodded, “Then Bill, he likes Harry, I’m sure of it.” They sighed together and added in sync, “then father.”
The office door opened before they could discuss it anymore and in walked the same elder goblin as before, only this time he carried a large black box and a frown.
They looked at each other, question what could make the goblin look like that. But neither voiced it in fear of upsetting the goblin more.
“I’m afraid I have found something troubling.” The goblin said, placing the box on his desk and taking the lid off. He took out two aged white envelopes and placed them on the desk, frowning at them.
“What are they?” Fred asked, tempted to stand and grab one, just to see.
“James Potter and Lily Evans wills.” The goblin said.
Both twins looked at each other then the goblin confused, why was that a bad thing?
“We don’t understand.” They said together.
The goblin heaved a heavy sigh, “They have never been read.”
The goblin nodded, not seeming bothered by their twin speak. “I had assumed that young Mister Potter, would have read them years ago. Or perhaps his guardian. It is must strange that they have not.”
“I don’t think Harry knows.” George said.
“He would have read them.” Fred added.
“Well,” The goblin looked at them, “Mister Potter has given you both permissions to look at, read, and make adjustment should you see fit of all things pertaining to his account and vaults. That includes these.” He waved his hand over the letters.
Again, they looked at each other. They were here to see if anyone had been in Harry’s vaults. Not see something so personal.
Fred looked back at the goblin and was about to tell him to leave the will’s for harry, but the goblin held up his hand.
“You are thinking of saying no.” They nodded, “I would advise against it. Wills can hold important, prudent, information.”
They both understood what the goblin was saying, but it still felt wrong. Fred looked over at George, “Should we?” He asked. His twin looked at the envelopes. “If it’s as important as it sounds, “George said with a sigh, “Then I think Harry would be okay with it. As long as we can give them to him later?” The last bit was said to the goblin who nodded.
Fred reached over to the desk and took the first envelope; his hands shook as he opened it.
The last Will and Testament of James Potter.
I know this is supposed to be straightforward and all proper, but if this is my last chance to talk to you, then I will do this my way. Harry James Potter, you have been a blessing and no matter what happens son, please know I loved you very much. Now for the that in which I leave you, my son, four properties and both our family vaults. One vault is like all old families, full things of monetary value, but the other is more sentimental, photos, books, old toys, things that may not be worth much to many but might be to you. I know these will not replace me (and heaven forbid your mother, if something happened to us both) but I hope I leave you with a home for to build a family with and some things to remember me by.
Potter Manor. My Grandfather did not like Potter Manor, he said it was to big and to empty. So, he and my grandmother bought Potter Cottage, where my father and then me were raised. I asked my father once why he never returned to the Manor and he said the cottage felt like a home, where as the manor felt like a house. I never visited the Manor, though I had plans to. Perhaps you will go see it for the both of us.
A house in Hogsmeade. It has No Title, as it was bought as a wedding gift to my parents and they never moved in. I tried to convince Moony to take it and the stubborn man didn’t talk to me for a month. Maybe he will listen to you.
My family home, which I was raised and now the place your mother and I must return to.
Potter Cottage in Godric’s Hollow
And finally, the home we bought for ourselves and hope/hoped to raise you in, Liliana Cottage just outside Tinworth village. We only got a short while here, never even long enough to invite Sirius or Remus to visit. I had hopes that after the war we would return. But with how things are going, we may never get the chance.
I also leave you my clock, I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. (Your mother isn’t too happy about this one, she thinks you shouldn’t get it until you are out of school.)
For the hardest part, if the worse comes to pass, and should you my son lose not just me but your mother, I name Sirius Black as your Godfather. If he too should parish, then I name Remus Lupin, in his place. You are both great men, and the best friends I could have asked for. Look after my boy.
--James Potter.
Fred wiped a tear from his cheek and turned to hand the letter to his brother, who in return looked stunned over the later he was reading. When George finished, they exchanged letters and now he found himself reading over Lily’s Will.
The last Will and Testament of Lily Evans Potter.
I pray you only read this when you are a man. Maybe after you have already started a family of your own and I have gotten to play with my grandchildren. Though I fear that is unlikely. This war has taken so much and to many, I know it will take more still. My only hope is that you are not alone when you read this. Hopefully your father is by your side and if not him then one of those silly idiots he calls his best friends.
I think I will make this simple, as I have no the heart to make it long and drawn out. I, Lily Evans Potter, name Sirius Black as Harry James Potter’s Godfather, and with him I know Remus Lupin will be there like always saving his friend from his own stupidity, and I know James will name Remus as well, but I fell with this war and all of our roles in it, that I should name another just to be safe, and if James is reading this I pray you understand my choice. If Sirius Black should be unable, I name Severus Snape to take his place.
Whether he is placed with Sirius, Remus, or Severus, he is to have nothing to do with my Sister Petunia Dursley. She hates magic and anything associated with our world, I fear for how she would treat him.
Harry, I do not know what the future holds. I don’t know how you will be raised or by who, and I hope with everything that I am that me or your father are there. But if not, I know that Sirius and Remus love you almost as much as we do. As for Severus, I wish I had fixed what was broken long ago. He is a good man, though I fear he was and still is a little lost. I have no doubt if asked, he would protect you and care for you. I just hope he can forgive me for the mistakes of a confused and angry young girl. Know this my son, that you are loved. Live well and be happy.
“Snape.” He muttered and looked over at George, now understand the stunned look completely.
“Should we tell him?” His brother looked back at him, just as confused.
“Maybe that should be Harry’s choice?” George said with a shrug.
“Now, for the rest.” The goblin said.
They both sighed.
“These are signed documents from Albus Dumbledore with withdrawals from Mister Potter’s vault. On them he has signed as Guardian, but from the Will’s you both have read. He is not in fact, Mister Potter’s Guardian.” George went to say something but the goblin held up his hand, “There are also large money transfers to Petunia Dursley, Vernon Dursley, Molly Weasley, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. All signed off on by Dumbledore. There a few couple smaller transfers in the names of Ginny Weasley and Dudley Dursley.” The goblin handed them a small stack of papers.
“I do not believe that Albus Dumbledore was aware of Mister Potter second vault as he never received a key for it. So, all of Mister Potter family’s person belongs are still intact.” The goblin stood up and walked around his desk to stand in front of them.
“I also have a denial of custody form signed by Albus Dumbledore towards one Remus Lupin.” Fred felt a wave of sorrow for Harry and Remus, they had been denied a chance at a few happy years all because of the headmaster.
“One for a second tracer spell on Potter’s wand,” The goblin went on, “several requests for curse breakers for Potter Manor, though it appears the familial wards kept them out, no matter how many times Albus tried.” George winced, wondering if the curse breakers were okay, trying to break through familial wards was dangerous.
“Two requests to claim the Potter family seats in the Wizengamot, both denied. An arranged marriage agreement between Harry James Potter and Ginevra Weasley signed by both Molly Weasley and Albus Dumbledore.”
“What!” They both shouted jumping to their feet. George held out his hand for the paper, the goblin handed it over. They both looked down at it. And it was true and he wanted to rip it to pieces and from George’s grip on the paper so did he. Fred couldn’t believe their mother and it explained Ginny’s obsession with Harry. They had both tried talking to her over the years but she kept telling them that Harry and her were meant to be. He sighed and looked at his brother, this was all their mothers’ fault.
Before either brother could rip apart the paper, the goblin took it from George’s hands.
Fred cleared his throat, “anything else?”
The goblin nodded and moved back towards the box, he pulled out two smaller boxes and handed one to each twin.
They opened them in sync, both gasping at what was inside.
“The Potter and Peverell, family rings.” The goblin said, “Mister Potter is the last heir to both. As far as I can gather Dumbledore knows of the Potter family ring, but also knows he has no claim, even if he was Potter’s guardian, I do not believe he knows of the Peverell ring, as Potter’s trustees, I leave them in your hands to return to their proper owner when he returns.”
After that they placed everything back into the black box, and carried with them as they left.
The next morning, they sat home the black box on top of their work table, them on their couch with a bottle of fire whiskey.
“Where do we start?” George asked as he sipped his glass.
Fred groaned dropping back against the couch. With his eyes closed he muttered, “Charlie. We still have some of the Veritaserum left over from the Truth or Dare potions.”
“You want to slip him Veritaserum?” George asked.
Fred frowned, “What if we ask him to take it? He is our brother he should trust us.” George snorted. Fred opened his eyes and grinned, “Okay, so must of the time he shouldn’t trust us, but if we tell him it’s important. He will.” His twin nodded.
“I’ll fire call him.” George said, standing up and walking into their bed room were the fireplace was.
Fred tried to hold back the nervous energy that seared through him, but by the time George walked back into their living room, he was sitting up, foot bouncing on the ground. George gave him a look and turned towards the kitchen. He appeared several minutes later with three cups of tea.
Not long after that Charlie walked out of their bedroom.
“Okay what’s up?” Their older brother asked, crossing his arms over his chest and narrowing his eyes at them.
George stood first, “we need a favor?” He said.
“What kind of favor?” Charlie asked looking at George suspiciously. Fred snorted.
“That cup,” His twin said, pointing at the third cup on their small coffee table. “Has two drops of Veritaserum in it. We need you to trust us and drink it.” Charlie lifted his eyebrows surprised. Then he looked back and forth between them. He must have seen how serious they were because he walked over to the table, picked up the cup, and downed it in one long drink.
Both twins let out a sigh of relief.
“What do you think about Harry?” Fred asked standing up to join his twin.
Charlie gave them a ‘what the hell look,’ clearly not expecting that.
“I feel bad for him. He’s had a hard life and the pressure the world puts on his is wrong. He’s a kid.” Their brother lowered his head. Fred looked at George, wondering which of them was going to ask the next question. He could tell George really didn’t want to, so he took a deep breath and asked.
“Did you know mum has been stealing from him?”
Charlie’s head shot back up, “She what?” He almost shouted.
“Or that Ron hates him?” George asked finding courage in his brothers’ outrage.
Charlie’s eyes went wide. “He wouldn’t, they’re best mates.”
Fred shook his head, “him and Hermione have been lyin’.”
“Why?” Charlie asked, moving past them to drop down on their couch. Their brother looked much like they had when they found out. Full of disbelief, hurt, and anger.
“Money.” Fred said dropping down next to him.
“Power.” George added, dropping down on the other side.
“Dumbledore.” They said together.
Charlie let out a choked sound, “You have proof?” he asked them.
Fred used his wand to summon all the papers and floated them to his brother’s lap. Him and George sat there quietly as Charlie read over them.
“Why does he want into the Manor so bad?” He asked about a half hour later.
“What do you mean?” George asked.
“Five attempts to use curse breakers to get in. And no telling how many times he tried without them. What could be in there that he wants so bad?” Both twins shook their heads.
“Okay, you guys have to tell me what's going on?” He said handing the papers to George.
The twins looked at each other. “We can’t. We can tell you about this, but not about what’s going on with Harry right now. Sorry.” Charlie studied them. Then nodded in understanding.
“Alright, what about Bill?” His voice broke as he asked.
“Asked you first.” The twins said together. Charlie shook his head with a smile, “Not sure if that’s a compliment or not.” They grinned at him.
Then George sighed, “I’ll call him. The Veritaserum is in the kitchen.”
Fred got up and walked into the kitchen Charlie following behind him. As he reached for a cup Charlie spoke, “You okay?”
Fred put the cup down on the counter and reached for the kettle, “I don’t know. Our family, Mum, Ginny,” His brother gasped, “Ron. they have been using Harry. And he trusted them. Trusted us. How could we not have seen it?” He looked at his older brother for help, he just didn’t understand it.
He poured the tea and picked up the small potion bottle. He tried to pour it but his hands shook.
“I don’t think we will understand until we can talk to them about it.” Charlie said, reaching out to take his trembling hand. Then his brother took the potion and dripped two tiny drops into the cup, he put the top on it and took the cup from the counter.
“Fred,” He looked up at Charlie, not realizing he has been staring down at the counter top, “Bill is good. He wouldn’t betray anyone. I promise.” Fred looked up and tried to give his brother a smile, it was weak at best. But he just didn’t have it in him. Charlie sighed and walked out of the kitchen.
He just couldn’t believe that he was at a point in his life he was having to doubt his family. The very people he had never doubted. Sure, in recent years Percy has become an arse. But he still thought he could trust him. But the fact that his mother and Ron had been doing something so horrible behind their backs to someone he and George viewed as family, it was breaking his heart. And he wasn’t sure what he would do if his father had known. He closed his eyes and tried to clear away the tears he could feel building in his eyes.
He hasn’t heard George walk in, but suddenly he was wrapped in a warm hug and he dropped his head against his brothers’ shoulders. He could feel George shaking just as badly as him. They stood there long enough that they heard Bill come in. They didn’t move when they heard Charlie greet him. They didn’t move until they heard Charlie call them.
“Ready?” He muttered against George’s shoulder. His brother shook his head, but pulled away. They took a second to clean their faces, then they walked out to great their oldest brother.
“Hey Bill.” They said together faking smiles. Though he didn’t look like he bought them because concern spread across his face and he looked over at Charlie, who dropped his head.
“What’s happened?” Bill asked stepping towards them worry and fear in his voice.
“Bill,” Charlie said, pushing off the couch. “We need you to drink Veritaserum.” He said evenly as he picked up the cup and handed it to his brother. Bill looked confusedly at the cup then back at the three of them.
“Why?” He asked, thought George felt relieved that his brother hadn’t out right said no.
“We can’t…” Fred started,
“Tell you.” George finished.
Their brother sighed and shook his head, then lifted the cup up and like Charlie finished it all in one drink.
“How do you…”
“Feel about Harry?”
Bill gave them a confused look, “His a nice kid, a little reckless but brave.” They grinned at each other.
“Did you know Ron has been faking his friendship with him?” Charlie asked. Bill shook his head, “No. Why?” He asked, Charlie shrugged, “Probably the same reason mum has been taking money from him.”
Bill froze, “what?” He asked in disbelief.
“Her and Ron.” Fred said. Bill looked at all of them.
“This has to do with Dumbledore doesn’t it?’ He asked, with a heavy sigh.
“What do you mean?” George asked.
“A couple months ago,” Bill started, “I caught Mum and Ron talking at an Order meeting. He was complaining about something and asked her if Dumbledore would fix it. She saw me walking in and shushed him. I tried later to ask him what it was about but he just shrugged me off.” Bill frowned, “It gave me a weird feeling.”
Before they could say more, there was a knock at the door. The twins winced. They had forgotten who they had invited over. George pulled out his wand and summoned all the bank documents. Then ushered both his older brothers into his bed room, while Fred went to answer the door.
He smirked when he opened it to find Blaise Zabini, standing there.
“Well Hello,” He said cheerfully. The younger Slytherin blushed, “Hey.”
In their bedroom George had shoved both his brothers towards the fire place, picked up floo powder and said, “Shell Cottage.”
“What the hell George?” Bill asked as he stumbled into his home.
“Sorry, we...umm…well when we found about this stuff,” He shook the papers, “We also learned some other stuff, but there was a Truth Circle involved, so...” He shrugged, “and there were others. We invited them over today to talk about it all. You guys can’t be there. Sorry.” He took a breath to stop his rambling, not used to doing all the talking, “But I can leave these with you. And you guys can come up with a plan. We need to find a way to undo what the Headmaster has done.” He looked back towards the floo, “Maybe see if one of the houses is safe? I know Harry hates his Aunt and Uncle. I think it would do him good to have somewhere to go that Dumbles and our mum or Ron or the ministry--”
“That no one knows about.” Charlie said cutting him off, a smirk on his face. George nodded.
The two older Weasley’s looked at each other.
“I would also like to talk to a few of the Curse-breakers see if I can learn anything about what Dumbledore wants from Potter Manor.” George wasn’t sure, “What if someone tells him?” He asks.
His brother rolled his eyes, “I’ll be careful. Promise.”
“Now go!” Charlie said, shoving him back towards the fireplace, “and George,” He looked at his brother an eyebrow raised, “You two be careful too.”
He smiled, “You know us.” Then he spun around and grabbed the floo powder as he called out his home, he heard his brother mutter, “I know that's what worries me.” He smiled as entered his bedroom.
He hadn’t been gone long but when he walked into his living room, Blaise was sitting in the middle of the couch, Professor Snape to his right and Fred to the left. From the playful grin on his brother’s face he was having fun teasing the olive skinned Slytherin.
“What’d I miss?” He asked.
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The Boy Who Came to Live as Severus Snape's Son
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/hBb56sL
by dianasmarch
After the death of Lily and James, Severus Snape took it upon himself to raise Lily's child. He might have been called a "guardian" to Harry on paper, but the love he had for Harry was as strong as the love a father has for his son. How will Harry navigate through life as a seventeen-year-old boy with a little too protective and rather strict fath— guardian and trying his best to meet his expectations while also dating his once nemesis, Draco Malfoy? And why in the world is Ron so mad at Draco all the time? Hermione is... Well, Hermione, and Harry needed her to be just that. Sirius' worry for Harry's safety grows with every letter he sends him. Remus wants Harry to just stop trying to save everyone all the time at the risk of the poor boy's own safety and Snape sees eye-to-eye with Remus on just this one thing because the boy cannot seem to stay out of trouble!
And among all things, The Dark Lord has risen again.
How the fuck is Harry going to deal with all of this?
Words: 3124, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Neville Longbottom, Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick, All the Harry Potter characters honestly, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini
Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Ron Weasley/Harry Potter (one-sided), Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson
Additional Tags: Hogwarts Sixth Year, Sirius Black Lives, Severus Snape Adopts Harry Potter, Snape being overprotective over Harry, Draco is madly in love with Harry, Snape is the best, Sirius Black is in hiding, Remus Lupin is back at Hogwarts, Snape's grandfather treats Harry as his own great-grandson, Snape has been raising Harry since he was a baby, Harry lives in the Snape mansion in the summers, Self-Conscious Harry Potter, no one dies, Except what if they do, I love being a writer, Protective Severus Snape, Protective Sirius Black, Overprotective Sirius Black, Overprotective Remus Lupin, Overprotective Severus Snape, Protective Remus Lupin, Snape is not fond of the remaining marauders but puts up with them for Harry's sake, Snape loves Harry as his own son I literally cannot stress this enough, Ron has feelings for Harry, but it's one sided, Jealous Ron Weasley, ron hates draco, Smut, yes there will be smut, I skipped a night of sleep to write this, Protective Albus Dumbledore, Snape loves Harry but also likes to give him a hard time, Snape being Snape lol, Protective Draco Malfoy, Jealous Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson is really smart and gives the best advice, Pansy and Hermione are made for each other, They're secretly dating though, Blaise is adorable, The Golden Trio is the best, Obsessive Behavior, Smart Hermione Granger, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/hBb56sL
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What shouldn’t be, is
A/N: here you go chapter 1 of this story earlier than i expected but that’s only because i couldn’t sleep really. Anyway yes Remus was the winner he does deserve all the love in the world, that cinnamon roll damn him for being so cute and lovable, so enjoy and give me feed back and I am still taking requests just to let you know
At four years old I lost my parents. I was found by a giant, cuddling my baby brother who was only one. I may not have understood it at the time but the giant known as Hagrid told me that my parents went to heaven so my brother and I have to stay with our aunt and uncle, it was that moment that I swore to myself to always protect Harry.
Seven years later and I’m eleven years old, my birthday only being two days after school finishes and summer starts, my brother Harry only eight. My life with the Dursley’s wasn’t great but they did treat me better than harry, aunt Petunia and uncle Vernon only really treat me like they do because I am the closest thing to a daughter that they’ve got and my cousin Dudley is scared of me so he does pick on me or call me names, as much as he does to harry but even then when Dudley does pick on harry I’m there to tell Dudley off, I am older of course. I was coming down the stairs collecting the mail on my way to the kitchen noticing that I have a letter, I pause in the doorway of the kitchen, pushing my glasses further up my face, on this letter it had the exact location of my bedroom which was creepy. I turn it over and see a waxed seal with an emblem embedded into it, this emblem had a lion, snake, badger and a raven on it with the words ‘Hogwarts of witchcraft and wizardry’ confused I asked my aunt and uncle,
“Aunt Petunia? Uncle Vernon? What’s this?” holding the letter up for them to see, catching the attention of everyone in the room including harry Dudley and aunt petunia and uncle Vernon, and when I see the horrendous looks on their faces I become scared.
“It’s nothing rose just give me the letter and don’t worry about it again okay?” she told me with a slight nervous tone
“Okay” hesitantly giving her the letter. Walking aver to harry in the kitchen and telling him to sit down at the table and that I’ll handle breakfast.
It was back to normal for the next few days after the event, although aunt Petunia and uncle Vernon seem to be more cautious around me. One day I was in my room doing some school work when there’s a knock at the door
“Rosalie get the door!” aunt petunia yells from downstairs, I sigh, put down my pen and get up from my chair, walking downstairs pushing my glasses up to my face before I open the door only to see an elderly women in a long floor length cloak and a pointed hat and a man who wore many scars across his face and his hands and most likely all over his body although he carried a friendly face and an aura of kindness.
“Um. Hi?” I said with a slight questioning tone
“Hello dear” the older women replied back in a friendly tone
“Yes hello how are you?” the man then replied back as well
“I’m ok? I guess. Um what can I help you both with?” still confused over the whole situation
“Ah yes, well I hope so, do you happen to know a Rosalie potter?” the man asked still friendly
“That would be me” I replied
“Oh lovely you look so much like Lilly although you ha-“
“My father’s eyes, yeah it would explain why I am blind as a bat” I chuckled hearing that from my aunt and uncle one day
“Yes indeed” she smiled almost seeming to reminisce
“Um excuse me but may I ask what your names are? As you seem to already know me”
“Oh yes of course how impolite of us, I’m Professor Minerva McGonagall and this is Remus Lupin” the professor proclaimed
“Wait Lupin why does that seem familiar to me?” I question knowing the name from somewhere but can’t for the life of me remember
“Oh I was a friend of your parents, I used to read you bedtime stories” Remus said smiling remembering life back then
“Right yeah I vaguely remember that. So what do you want with me professor? And Remus?”
“It’s to my knowledge that a letter was sent to you a few days ago from Hogwarts? Although we never got a reply from you and we assumed you didn’t know how to reply to the letter so the head master requested for me to come as get your answer and to shop for your school belongings if you choose to come to Hogwarts.” the professor proclaimed I turned to Remus wondering where he came into this
“And as I was close with your parents and I was with the head master when he asked McGonagall to visit you I asked to come along”
“And here you are”
“And here we are” he replies with a chuckle
“Rosalie who is at the door? Just invite them in already!” aunt petunia yells from the living room and with a slight roll of the eyes I step aside to let the two guests in, and as Remus walked by me a heard him chuckle and mumble ‘just like James’ which made me smile a bit. I walk them into the living room where everyone was. When everyone looked up to see who the guest were I turned to the professor and Remus asking them if they would like a cup of tea which they said yes to so I told them to have a seat and that I would make them some tea. As I’m walking back I see harry and Dudley leave and give them questioning looks
“They didn’t want us in there with them” harry shrugs. I walk in with the tea and hand one to both of them and sat down on another seat.
“We were wondering if we would be graced with Miss Potter’s presence at Hogwarts for the next year.” McGonagall said calmly despite the clear awkwardness in the room
Petunia and Vernon yelled at the same time, startling McGonagall, Remus and I. Before what looked to be an argument could break out I spoke out
“What exactly is Hogwarts?”
“It’s the school both of your parents went to. A school for witches and wizards, you’re a witch Rosalie” Remus consults to me in a calming tone
“Mum and dad went there? Can I go?” I ask excited to have a better connection to my parents
“Well that depends on you aunt and uncles answer” McGonagall replied with I accusing look towards Vernon and petunia, who still look defiant. I sigh and ask
“Can I have a moment alone with my aunt and uncle please?”
“Of course dear” her and Remus stand up and walk out of the living room into the kitchen and I quickly turn to my guardians
“Look do you want me to grow up without any control of my magic and end up blowing this house up? Cause I could and I might if I don’t go” I accuse to which once petunia and Vernon look towards each other with realization on their faces and I know I won
“Ok professor, moony, you can come back into the living room now” without realizing what I just said and turn towards the strange guests with a smile on my face until I see a shocked look on Remus’ face
“What? What’s wrong?”
“You called me moony” he mumbles out shocked although I could still hear him
“Oh did I? I don’t know why I said that it felt normal to call you that I guess I did that when I was younger” I explain
“Yeah, yeah you did” he sighs out, still in shock I guess
“Well is that ok?” worried now that it might make him upset
“No, no it’s fine, great actually
“Excellent well it looks like I’m going to Hogwarts, although I don’t know what I have to get or where I have to get it from?” suddenly thinking about what I’ll need for school
“Well that is also why we are here, to take you to get your school supplies and don’t worry I have a requirements list here with me right now” McGonagall explains
“Well I’ll just go and get my bag and we’ll go to wherever we need to go to” I say with a new found energy running through me as excitement takes over me. When I get my shoulder bag and Remus, professor McGonagall and I then leave the house after explaining to harry that I had to go and get school supplies for a knew boarding school that I’m attending with my new professors and a promise that I’ll be back later.
“Right where a we going?” I ask as we stand outside of the house
“The leaky cauldron and then Diagon alley.” McGonagall exclaims.
#Remus Lupin#remus lupin imagine#remus x reader#professor remus#professor lupin#new story#Harry Potter#harry potter imagines#minerva mcgonagall#professor mcgonagall
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