#now I’m im just straight up lying about the dead that’s a different story
padawansuggest · 1 year
‘Don’t speak ill of the dead-‘ yeah no I’m gonna actually. Either there is no afterlife and therefore we just pop away and they aren’t available to hear or understand my grievances, or, the afeterlife is real and they’re where they deserve to be. Simple math babes.
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luthien-t · 4 years
Pregnancy Scare
Loki X Female! Reader
54. Why’s there a pregnancy test in the trash?
110.You passed out for like an hour.
7.You’ve gone to the bathroom fifty times today.
warning: Angst to fluff, mentions of abortions, mentions of death (if u squint), 
“Hey!! I saw your prompt list, could I request a Loki x reader, with numbers 54 and 110 please ? 🙂 “
“For Loki x F!reader 7 "you've gone to the bathroom 50 times today" and 54 "why is there a pregnancy test in the trash?" Where reader is too afraid to tell Loki she is pregnant because he has stated his fear of being a bad father and since reader is mortal, he doesn't know what will happen to her body. *angsty fluff pls!!*”
More prompts
“I’ll be right back, just gotta go to th-“
“The bathroom, yes, I know” He chuckled and you just stared at him like a deer caught in the headlight. “That wretched bathroom has been stealing you from me all day, love.” His eyes were glued to the book he was reading to you with a smile on his face and you chuckled nervously. “What?” You mumbled and stood, unlatching yourself from his body and looked down at him. “You’ve gone to the bathroom at least 50 times today, I believe” A smirk was printed on his face as he joked.
 “You midgardians and your fragile physiology” His eyes averted from the book and up at you, the smirk on his face slightly dropping and you laugh nervously this time, walking towards the bathroom, taking big large steps towards the door. “Heh, yep, be out in a sec!” You yell through the door and lock it, staring at the door before locking it again, just to be sure, you thought to yourself before pulling out the third test you’ve taken today, checking the results.
Your grip on the small test in your hand tight, your body trembling as you sat down on the bathrooms floor, the tears in your eyes fogging the view and you hoped that maybe it’s the reason why the test result is positive. You blinked your eyes quickly, moving your tears out of the way. The results remain the same. You assumed your period being late 2 months was just a hormonal issue, but now? You were terrified.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” You mumbled and threw it in the bathrooms trash-can. This can’t be happening, this was the third test you’ve taken and all the results were all positive, all you can think about is him, about that one conversation you had with him months ago.
Your body laid flush against his chest, your head buried into his neck and his hands untangling the strands in your hair. “Aren’t you worried?” You mumble to him, you just asked him about the possibilities of you getting pregnant. “Why would I be worried? We are two completely different beings, darling. Besides, you’re on birth control. We will be fine.” His voice was calm, he sounded confident but you can feel his heartbeat speeding under your chest.
“We could be the exception, Loki” This time you adjusted your body, with your chin resting on his chest and eyes looking up at him. Lokis expressions flickered quickly between worry and fear. “Darling-“ He started, but you can hear the fear dripping from his tone. “We can’t even comprehend what might happen to you, if you ever carry my child” His eyes were distant and looking away from you and you remain silent, not wanting to ruin the vulnerability he is fighting to hide. “With me? A god? A frostgiant. You could-“ He then stopped and looked at you, as if trying to memorise your features and bit his lower lip, this time you nod slightly with a slow blink, showing him that you understand.
“Besides, I can’t be a father, you know I can’t” He whispered the words to you and you let out a sigh through your nose. You knew what he meant by that, but how can you convince him otherwise when he saw things you only heard through his stories?
A knock on the door pulled you out of your thoughts and you jumped slightly, your head turning to the door. “Y/n? Are you still in there, my love?” It was Loki, he must’ve noticed your long absence while you were lost in your own train of thoughts.
“Yes? Give me a minute!” You voice wavered and his shadow under the door stood still, you prayed that he didn’t notice and would drop it but you know he wouldn’t. Yet to your surprise, he said he ordered lunch and walked away. You let out a loud sigh, wiping your tears quickly and washed your face, you have to find a way to tell him.
Your mind starts to wander again as your feet lead you of the bathroom, what if he leaves you? What if this is the final straw for him and a wake up call that you’re just a midgardian who won’t even live past 80? “Darling?” He’s standing by the door frame of your room, watching you. “Is everything alright? I can feel your thoughts all the way from over here.” He chuckled lightly and walked towards you. “I’m just tired, thats all” You stumble on your words quickly and force a smile on your face as he wraps his arms around you, had he noticed your blatant lie? He didn’t show. His arms engulfed you in a tight hug, his lips pressed on the top of your head. “You look like you’ve seen the dead, whats going on?” He smiled lightly down on you and you shook your head, feeling light after his release, black dots forming in your vision. “Nothing, I’m just-“ You swallowed and walked towards your bed, needing to lay down. “woah, woah, woahh.” He whispered as he watched you rush towards the bed as your words slurred the same mantra. Im just tired, Loki. That was the last thing you mumbled before your body closed off on you.
You must’ve been asleep for a while because the sun was setting and the beams were reflecting off of the opposite buildings glass and righy into your eyes. You sat up and there he was, reading his book on the bed next to you. His brows furrowed and his lips pressed into a thin line, memories of the morning slowly coming back to you.
“Hey” You whispered, clearing your throat after.
“You’ve been passed out for like an hour.” His eyes remained on the book, his tone was stern as he flipped a page, even though his eyes didn’t follow the words on the page. “Sorry, I’m just-“ Your whispered words were interrupted by his. “Tired? Yes, I know.” His tone slowly became angry and your hands found the hem of your shirt, nervously tangling it with your fingers. You try to pinpoint why his anger was pointed at you, trying to find a way to solve this.
“Can we continue where we last stopped?” You refer to the book he was reading and his head turns to you, his eyes seeing right through you and you wonder if you’ve done something wrong to upset him. He stared at you for a while, his eyes flickering between your eyes and every inch of your body.
You can feel a wall being built between you two and that there is nothing you can do, both of you remained still and quite for a moment, just staring at each other.
“Why is there a pregnancy test in the trash?” He goes straight to the point and you can feel your heart dropping to your stomach, your knees feeling weak and your hands stop fiddling with your shirt. “Wh-“ He interrupts you again. “Why. Is. There. A pregnancy test. In the trash?” He speaks slowly, though his voice was stern, you can hear the fear dripping through the words.
“I’m sorry.” You spoke quickly, tears threatening to spill in your eyes and you look up, away from him. He shuts his book with a slam and sits up, looking at you, reading your face and the multiple emotions switching in your eyes.
"I'm sorry" You repeat again, your words hidden behind the breaking of your voice and the sob threatening to shake through your body. Loki sat still, waiting for you to calm down, his brows no longer furrowed but his eyes still filled with anger. "What is all this, y/n? Is this why you've been going to the restroom all day?" He asks, whispering the words to you, trying to keep his emotions out of this. You nod and he lets out a sigh through his nose. "I can go get an abortion and we can get past this, Loki. I'm sorry for lying and I didn't want to tell you until I was sure and-"
"Stop." He rests a hand on your knee, trying to stop you from rambling on and on about this. "stop, before you say something you might regret." He continues and you bite your tongue, trying to decipher what he means by that.
"You know I love you, darling. But this is a lot to take in." He whispers to you, his head leaning towards your and you nod, blinking to try to stop your tears from falling. "I know you don't want a child with me, Loki." You whisper back to him and he shakes his head. "It's not like that." His eyes drop to your hands, shaking slightly. "I want one with you, but-" He looks up at you and you read his eyes, filled with fear and conflict. "I am not fit to be a father, darling. Not one worthy of such title." This time you shake your head and cup his head. "But you are, my love!" You hold his hands in your face and lean closer. 
"I don't even know how to hold a baby, Loki. But this is our child. We will manage." You smile gently at the words our child and he shakes his head slightly. "What would happen to you?" He asks, your shoulders drop, eyes looking anywhere but him. "What am I to do without you here? With a child I can not raise alone?" A chuckle escapes your lips and he furrows his eyebrows.
"If I am not fit to carry this child, My body wouldn't have allowed it happen, love." The hand Loki had on your thigh pulls you closer to him and you mumble to him. "I promise you, If I ever feel like my body is giving to much, I will tell you and we can find a solution. Like we always do." Your arms wrap themselves around his neck and he remains quiet. As if debating and calculating his next words.
"Ruma." He says before kissing you softly and you raise an eyebrow. "What?" You pull away from his lips, your head tilted slightly. "If the child is a girl, we will name her Ruma." A smile slowly appeared on his face and you chuckle. "Oh really?" He nods again. "And Murö for a boy." You giggle at his sudden shift and your head tilts backwards, your body shaking with happy tears.
"Already thinking of names? We're not even entirely sure, love" You look back at him, his arms snaked their ways around your waist, pulling you to his lap, adjusting your legs around his waist.
"Be quiet." He whispers, shushing you along the way and you try to hold in a giggle. "Let the child rest, now." One of his hands slipped under your shirt and you smile widely at the view unfolding in front of you, joyful tears forming in your eyes. 
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rheic-arts · 3 years
Just something I've been thinking about - hell knows I don't actually talk here much but tumblr is a wonderful place to spitball - is, like, Disney villains? How everyone waxes nostalgic for the queer-coded gems of the 90s renaissance and dismisses the modern twist villains? I have a theory.
First I reccomend checking out other posts and videos explaining the origins of the Hayes code and how only villains could be queer coded etc etc and that 'no rep is worse than bad rep' explains a tiny part of it. Those posts are way better written than mine and I'm tired.
Second is that villains just objectively get better songs and all are welcome to fight me on this but villain songs just slap so much harder.
But my theory comes in two parts. 1 - the old Disney villains were FUN, whereas new ones are SERIOUS. and 2 - campy, extravagant, loud and dangerous villains are a unique brand of queer *power fantasy*.
OK. Seriously. Old Disney villains were murderers, theives, backstabbers, tricksters and they fucking revelled in it. There was NO mistaking any second of screen time that these guys were having a blast being themselves - and as such anyone watching is going to be caught up in it! We're going to be entertained! Which is the point! Of a film! Arguably watching Ursula pull out ariels voice or Maleficent casting lightning from her tower was WAY more entertaining than the romantic tension between two leads we damn well know will snog at the end.
Modern villains like Bellwether and Callaghan spend most of their time onscreen pretending to be nice. They're still fulfilling their roles as antagonists, but now they're boring to watch because they're actively trying to come across as ordinary. Until their reveals - in which they show themselves (esp in Bellwethers case) as bad people. Which is less entertaining than a splash of real world depressing - like. Damn sheep lady if I wanted to watch lying rasicts get into power underhandedly I'd turn on the news.
Old Disney villains were escapism - camp, loud, entertaining escapism that let you live in a world where people can legitimately drop bangers out of thin air while monolouging about their planned regicide (be prepared) and it was the regicide that made you the villain, not the camp performance.
On to point 2 tho -
As a smol baby bi at the tender age of seven watched Jafar slay his eyeliner routine while manipulating the sultan, saw Ursula become a hundred feet tall with a deep booming voice and the power of all the seas, saw maleficent become a full on dragon and hook nearly stab a child onscreen - you know what that tiny child wanted more than anything? Especially given in mind she was seven and would have no concept of queerness for nearly a decade?
What that tiny child, who was connecting so much harder to the villains than the protagonists, wanted, was that kind of power.
Bear in mind im whiter than a snowflake so these films were absolutely targeting my demographic, but for ages I hated being asked if I wanted to be a princess. Like, no?! I wanted to be kick ass! I wanted people to notice me, respect me, be in awe at what I could do! Be Afraid Of Me!
(it is worth noting that I am extremely competitive and had just started karate. The thrill of paid for violence is intoxicating, but we're deviating from the point here.)
As I've grown older that wish for respect has mutated into an altogether healthier drive to do well at work and to generally be a good person. That wish for fear has made me killer at Halloween decorations and costumes.
But now that I'm 25, quite comfortably bi and experimenting with Agender pronouns, what brings me back to the old villains is that despite being drawn in the era where being LGBTQA+ on TV got you dead they were unabashedly themselves.
Look I barely have to code switch or pass for straight and have grown accustomed to my queerness in a wonderful age of acceptance, and I STILL find that kind of cackling-shrieking-delight a BALM for my soul. That kind of self acceptance, self CONFIDENCE, to be outwardly proudly different to the point of revulsion to the masses is such a power fantasy I can't even describe.
I can't imagine someone not becoming sick of hiding and hurting, sick of living a lie out of complete necessity, and not wanting that desperate karmic release of paying back that pain tenfold with no consequences. Damn right you should be scared of me! I'm everything you hate and I hate you right fucking back! The fantasy of dropping your moral compass into the dirt so you can finally feel good about your existence keeps me warm at night, and I'm the child who cried when my dad accidentally stole a CD because I couldn't bear the thought of getting in trouble.
Who doesn't look at 1959's sleeping beauty and just gaze in awe of how much Maleficent fills the frame and commands attention, respect, even as she inspires fear?
You're an absolute liar if quick witted, fast talking, God of inevitable death Hades didn't make you laugh in the way sassy gay besties do even as he tried to kill a baby. We're all going to die, might as well be as ourselves, right?
I've lost where I'm going with this. Just. I feel like new generations are seeing queer coded villains as 'being gay is bad' which was legit the intent in the 40's! While getting the most rep media wise in living history. It's like this unspoken ability to relate to the vibes in media while not condoning the villains actions (because its fiction. There's no need to condemn or not, because its a story and we had absolutely NO power to change the Disney megatitan trajectory, so we took what we could and ran with it) is slowly getting lost to takes so fucking flat that you could bowl some skittles across continents and not get a bump.
Idk, power fantasies about capes, eyeliner and having horns while committing crimes is very very cool. I'm going to go watch pirates of the carribean and look at the clothes I desperately want but will be forever too scared to buy. Cheers.
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kmelanin · 4 years
untitled document-teaser
Hiiiiii!11!!!!!!1 How are you guys.
 im currently working on a story, do I know where its going? no is it finished? no
But im really in love with it at the moment, and im sad that I don't post much, so heres a teaser! I don't wanna post a whole part, because I want to get further in it, before I start posting. 
teaser 1.
It was soon almost nine at night, which was closing time. You had a half hour to tattoo the last two people. You go to the front desk where Cyn was sitting on her phone. Jazyn went home, complaining that her body was aching from giving so much energy to the whole day. 
You look down at the list, seeing the last two names written in english, 
‘K. Taehyung’
‘J. Jungkook’
You would be lying if you said seeing their names didn't make your heart race. You looked around and saw no one sitting down in the waiting area. You frown in confusion. 
“Outside, they wanted a smoke before sitting down for the tats.” Cyn nods over to the front door. You nod your head and walk over. Opening the door, the little bell above rang, catching their attention. You look over and see the red headed boy blowing smoke out of his mouth, and the other inhaling.
“Cigs are actually disgusting.” You mock them. They both smile at you throwing their cigs down and walking towards you. You shake your head and walk back inside, with them behind. 
“You both can come back since you are the last two.” You say quickly giving Cyn a hug. Cyn then starts to shut things down, so she can go home. 
You go to your bag and pull out some gum. You pass one to them.
“Your breath smells like hobo ass, aka cigs. Chew.” You give them a sarcastic look of disgust.
“No cigarettes around you, alrighty.” Jungkook grabs the gum, following Taehyung.
“So what would you guys like?” You ask sitting down at your little corner desk. They both sit in the extra chairs that are next to your desk and the tattooing chair.
“Just the number seven, right here.” Jungkook says pulling his collar down on his white t-shirt. He points right above his collar bone on the left. 
“And here.” Taehyung says pointing right next to his ear, right where his sideburn would be growing. That's when you notice the slight haircut he got in the time you have been apart. His sides were cut very short, especially where the sideburns grew. It then registered to you, that no matter what these boy do, they will be drop dead fucking gorgeous. Jungkook gave you this soft yet intimidating vibe, it gave you goosebumps just thinking about it. Taehyung, well he gave you straight hard, dominating chills. He can easily change from a baby face, to daddy 2.0. 
God bless their parents.
“Yn?” Jungkook asks, waving a hand in your face. You shook out of your thoughts and smiled a bit embarrassed. 
“Right, sorry. I'm a bit tired, I've been tattooing since around noon.” You laugh it off, and grab your sketchbook and begin drawing the number seven in a few different ways. 
They both grin at each other, both admiring your cuteness. 
“Wait, that's almost nine hours, have you eaten?” Taehyung peeps up after a moment. 
“Mhm…” You nod, erasing a bit and cleaning up the pictures. After you were done, you showed them and let them choose. They eventually chose the most simple one, making it easier for their other friends to agree and come. 
You find out that they are a part of a group of friends, sometimes mistaken for a gang. Yoongi and Namjoon and them, along with three others. They all want a tattoo they all can get, so the younger two getting something small and simple, will hopefully force the others to shut up and just get the tattoo and be done. 
    While tattooing them both, you realized how fucking nice their hands are. Yes you had a hand thing. No you didn't care what anyone said. But they topped it off forsure, adding tattoos and rings to the equation. You glance down at Jungkook's hand and hold his collar down. Shit.
    You suddenly got goosebumps at the thoughts. Thankfully you were grabbing more ink at the time. 
    You were finishing Jungkook up when a thought popped into his head. 
    “How old are you?” His voice cuts out the slight silence. Taehyung smacks him on the arm, making Jungkook blush. “You know, for honorifics.” He gets nervous. You just laugh at them. 
    “24, November.” You wipe the left over ink off of his neck. 
    “Damn, I'm december, you're barely older than me.” Taehyung laughs. 
    “Of course, I'm still the youngest.” Jungkook shakes his head.
    “Haha, well you're all done.” You sit back, a bit upset. You want to continue tattooing.
    “Thank you Noona.” He mumbles. You quickly reach up and flick his fresh tat.
    “Ah! What the.” He grabs his neck a bit and looks at you.
    “Absolutely not.” You cross your arms and frown, showing him that you were serious. His eyes widened and bit.
TEASER 2. hehe
“I'm hungry as shit. I'm going to get food.” Joon says packing up his bag. He nods towards you and Jungkook, then leaves out of the door. When the door shuts, you turn your attention back to Jungkook. He looks back at you, and he quickly bows a bit. 
“I guess I should get going too.” You could tell he was feeling awkward. He spun on his heel and headed to your door.
“You don't have to, I have nothing to do all weekend.” You shrug, stopping him in his tracks. He looks back at you with wide eyes.
“You want to hang out?” He questions you. 
“If you want to.” You shrug. You look at him up and down. You loved how different his style is compared to Joon. Jungkook had on black joggers, with a chain in the belt loop. Then a black oversized t-shirt. Tattoos peek out from his shirt, you notice that there's tattoos all over his collarbones. Tattoos run down his arms. Everything about him, gives you hot bad boy vibes. But his face, his personality- based on how long you've known him- , was so soft. 
Maybe he is a bad boy, maybe they all are. And you were dancing on thin ice.
Of course he wants too, Jungkook thinks. He didn't understand why your presence makes him so nervous. 
“I'll text Namjoon, and we can go to the skate park.” He nods, pulling his phone out. 
Before he met you, he could walk up to any girl, look at any girl, get any girl. Now he's rethinking everything. He can't look you in the eyes without wanting to jump on you. He can't get the images of you and Taehyung heavily making out with him in the club. He lost count on how many times he jerked off to the image of you and his friend, let alone the remembrance of the feeling of your ass grinding and rolling against him. 
Everytime you talk to him, his heart beats entirely way too fast. It makes him stumble and mumble. Even the guys would tease him until cheeks turned red.
Just the other night, Taehyung caught Jungkook in the hallway one night. Everyone else was either gone, or sleeping.
“Going to the shower to paint the walls again?” Taehyung laughs a bit, shoving Jungkook's shoulder softly. Jungkook smiled a bit at the joke, and shook his head.
“That joke is so old, Hyung.” 
“You know what won't get old?” Taehyung asks him, walking closer.
“Mhm?” Jungkook asks, nothing thinking anything of his advances.
“Her delicious ass lips on mine.” Taehyung's hand comes up and grabs Jungkook by the neck, pinning him to the wall. Jungkook didn't realize that he was backing into the wall. 
Taehyung wasn't being too rough, he knew what Jungkook liked. Taehyung pressed his body against his, replacing his hand with his face. He runs his nose gently up his neck and up, grazing his lips against his. Jungkook moans out at the teasing, wanting some type of relief. 
“Just imagine Kookie, all of the kisses,” Taehyung places a tiny kiss on his lips, causing Jungkook to chase him a bit, but Taehyung's hand stops him. “The scratches she can give you,” His other hands grazed down Jungkook's arm. “The hickies.” Taehyung grabs Jungkook's growing bulge, knowing how to make the younger one break. 
As expected, a huge moan rips through the younger one. Taehyung suddenly being overthrown and being pushed into the other wall. The smile on Taehyung's face was covered by Jungkokos lips. Taehyung doesn't waste any time and kisses him back. 
This happens all the time. Between all of them, and all remain really good friends.
Both smacking lips, and moans against each other, with the thought of you in their mind.
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pumakaji64 · 4 years
fuck im gonna watch the film theory on Ratatouille even though it’ll make me mad
 part 1.
preface: It’ll probably look like im taking this way more seriously then I actually am ( I mean I love the movie so on some level yes I am ) but I tend to come across way more aggressive then I mean too in my writing oops. Like I don’t mind people having different takes on a piece of media, you can respect and authors intent while still having your own thoughts about a work even if they don’t line up because sometimes what a creator tries to convey and what they really do aren’t exactly the same. But if you’re gonna have such a wild take you better be able to back it up with some real good evidence. Overall tho I’m mostly just doing this cuz im bored lol ( also I haven’t seen the movie in awhile so my memory is a little foggy )
So going in I already know what the argument is gonna be “ good guy bad, bad guy good” whatever, so I’m just gonna comment on the argument and presentation itself as I watch the video
Ah I see we’re going with the good ol’ “ not technically lying but intentionally omitting and/or wording things in a manner that benefits my argument “ technique, I’ve used that before.
Nitpick: As someone on twitter brought up: Protagonist doesn’t mean “good guy” it’s the leading character that the story if focused on, so even if Remy is a bad guy he’s still the protagonist.
I get it’s probably a joke but Remy’s whole deal isn’t that he wants to be famous. He just genuinely loves cooking but can’t do with without fear of being murdered since he’s y’know a rat.
He doesn’t willingly leave his colony, he’s separated from them after he blew their cover by getting caught while cooking and for prioritizing taking the cookbook over escaping.
I’ll just say it now since i’m sure it’ll be brought up later, yeah Remy is kind of selfish, and thats actually a good thing. Him being a flawed character makes him more interesting and this also swiftly sets up his character arc early into the film.
“ If this sounds like an inspirational story about overcoming obstacles and achieving your destiny... you missed the point.” bruh the arc words of the film are literally “Anyone can cook”, it’s about overcoming prejudice to achieve your dreams in spite of everyone telling you not to because of the identity you are born with ( this is not just seen with Remy but also Colette, a female chef )
“Narcissist” As I said before yes Remy is selfish and at times this makes him unlikable but he genuinely cares about his family but he struggles to connect with them since they can’t understand why he’s so passionate about cooking.
Calling it now, the crux of this argument is going to be the scene where Remy gets mad about Linguini taking all the credit for Remy’s work during an interview. Which yeah I’ll agree that Remy was being unrealistic but Linguini had been ignoring Remy’s advice and had grown a bit of an ego which of course eventually leading to Remy having a heated gamer moment and doing abusing Linguini’s trust which the story punishes him for. It’s not a simple right or wrong situation but more of a two wrongs don’t make a right type.
“Jerk of a creature” Newsflash! Not all protagonists are nice, even the ones that aren’t villain protagonists!
First point: Remy is a thief and a hypocrite. I’ll admit I was agreeing that Remy is a hypocrite until he gets to the point of Remy letting his family steal from the kitchen. 1.) This was when him and Linguini were starting to have a falling out, he was angry at him and starting letting that affect his judgement. Was this wrong of him? Yes and he regrets his actions. 2.) Remy cares for his family even if they don’t always get along and his anger at Linguini makes it easier for them to pressure him into letting them steal.
“Remy never learns his lesson” maybe not explicitly but he does face punishment throughout the story. Stealing the book and food from the old lady costs his family their home and gets him separated from them. Allowing his family to steal from the kitchen leads to Linguini calling off their partnership. I don’t remember him stealing again after that.
Also is he implying that Remy is bad for stealing the will that proves that Linguini is the rightful heir to the Gustaeu that Skinner was trying to hide so he could keep profiting off of a dead mans work?
Remy is aware that what he’s doing is wrong, we are shown this through the figment of Gustaeu which represents his conscience reprimanding it but Remy continues to justify himself until it’s too late. He is a flawed character.
“In a realistic context.” Good thing this is a Disney kids film
Fraud!? You’re gonna grill Remy for fraud when Skinner is the one intentionally keeping Linguini from learning about his birth right?!?!?
“Poor Linguini. The sap that Remy controls like a puppet.” here we go again with the manipulative wording hooray
I see where he’s going with this one and it’s really funny to me that’s interpreting Gustaeu’s “Anyone can cook” line the same way Ego does for most of the film. Ego takes the opposite stance MatPat does by mocking the line because to the critic not everyone has what it takes to be a great chef. It’s by the end of the film he changes his perspective on the line to the idea that a great cook can come from anywhere even in the most unexpected of forms like Remy.
Gotta love the clip he added of pre-character development Remy being a jerk to Linguini before to two even met. It really ads to the manipulative wording he uses to make Remy look underhanded and shifty.
Is he really gonna gloss over Remy attempting and failing to teach Linguini how to cook? Remy is a fucking rat who can’t talk directly to Linguini attempting so teaching him would be really damn hard. Not only that but they are on a time crunch and don’t have the time necessary to teach Linguini how to cook like Remy can.
Also whose to say that by watching what Remy is making him do Linguini hasn’t picked up any cooking techniques by the end of the film.
It’s not like Remy freaking forced Linguini into being his man-puppet. Remy is a small animal who can’t talk to people so honestly Linguini has most of the power in their dynamic. Linguini can call of their partnership anytime he wants and even does so after Remy is caught letting his family steal. 
“And whats it for? Just so Remy can cook! Just for his own benefit!” BRUH, DID HE NOT SEE THE PART WHERE SKINNER THREATENS LINGUINI’S JOB IF HE CAN’T RECREATE THE SOUP!??!? (Also skinner only wants to keep Linguini around if he can make money off of him )
God damn he really is taking advantage over the fact that most of his viewers either have never seen the film or only watched it when they were young to straight up ignore elements of the fucking plot lmao
“Who hasn’t forced un-consenting adults to kiss “ I can’t believe MatPat is trying to #cancel Remy for being #problematic, #remyisoverparty. The stretch is real my dudes.
Jesus I feel most of what I have to say will just be me restating what I already said. Ugh lemme just summarize it: Remy is a flawed and selfish rat who often prioritizes following his dreams over his responsibilities putting not just himself but his family at risk. But guess what? He faces consequences for that! His actions get him separated from his family and lost in a giant city, the only reason he doesn’t die is because he got lucky and found Linguini ( also because it’s a film and it ending at the start would be lame )
Also so is he arguing that Remy should just accept his lot in life and give up on his dreams because he can’t change the fact that he’s a rat ( which MatPat often reminds us by calling him unhygienic a lot so far ) as if that’s not the crux of his character dilemma.
I agree it’s wrong of him to put his family at risk but that only applies to the opening of the movie. How is he the only one in the wrong later in the film when both him and Linguini acknowledge to risk of their teamwork?
Here we go with the disease thing again. This is anti-rodent propaganda and I will not stand for it! >:(
Also bruh it’s a fucking kids movie.
??? how the fuck would Remy be aware of rats carrying diseases??? does he work for the fucking CDC????????
“Remy is bad because he kidnaps the pest inspector” Because it would get the restraunt shut down if word got out about the rats!!! And the only reason there are so many rats in the kitchen during this part is because the staff except for Colette all walked out!!!!!!!!! Which, guess what MatPat, wouldn’t just fuck over Remy but Linguini too!
“Oh sure they wash themselves but only after they walked into the kitchen!!!!” and I thought I was bad with nitpicking!
No need to bring up that The Jungle is a fictional story, nope! I guess it’s only fitting to use a fictional book as evidence for an argument covering the logistics of a fictional movie!!!!!!
Remy didn’t fucking “quit” his “job” as a rat poison sniffer, he still does it but he also cooks in secret. When he’s caught he’s separated from his colony ( which MatPat still hasn’t brought up ) so of fucking course he can’t keep sniffing for a clan when he is literally not there!!!!
Also if he’s talking about later in the film when Remy refuses to rejoin the colony when he reunites with Emile then we get the moral dilemma of Remy rejoining his family while fucking over Linguini who can’t cook because Remy is a small rodent and can’t adequately teach him do to a language barrier.
lmao this dramatic emotional music he’s playing bruh
He really is taking the kiss thing that seriously
“I’m not saying Remy shouldn’t follow his dreams” Thats literally what you are saying
“Chef Skinner does nothing wrong” Okay you law-loving bootlicker lol
I’m not ready for the second half of this so im gonna take a break and make a part 2 later
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im not that familiar with treatsforbeats i watched like. a few videos but other than that i know nothing! but i would be glad to hear you info dump!
there is SO MUCH..... im gonna put a read more below because this turned out to be way longer than i expected. but you asked for me to infodump so here goes
okay so. treatsforbeasts, i dont know what the whole meaning behind the channel is. i cant specifically say what the goal of the channel’s content is because its all in my interpretation. but i do know that there are meanings behind each video as silly as it may seem and im just gonna list them off here (note that not all videos will be included since i may not be able to interpret every one, also this is going from earliest to most recent)
1. men with small hands carry very little treats to give to little girls with the sharpest little teethinterpretation of this video is csa/child sex trafficking. “little treats” refers to pills or some form of drug (small, makes u trip). however the “sharpest little teeth” could represent the little girl fighting back.
2. mom ordered ants for my birthdaychild abuse. mother forces son to watch and/or possibly engage in inappropriate activity with her husband.
3. i love jesusobviously a dark parody of christianity/catholicism. shows how blindly some fanatical christians/catholics will follow their beliefs, to the point where they no longer truly “follow” it as theyve warped the message to fit their own morbid desires (using christianity/the bible to excuse hatred and judgment upon others).
4. i me you love godanother dark parody of christianity/catholicism. i believe it mocks how fanatical christians/catholics focus only on the negative aspects of the bible instead of learning the true messages, as many of the words used are from the bible and are negative words.
5. behdsPROBABLY just a silly video but, i think it represents how people let negativity embed itself into their lives and complain about it even though it’s so easy to just let go of it.
6. jaffreymocking some sitcoms for how dumb and repetitive they can be.
7. kiss papa’s mustachepossibly child abuse, again.
8. storytimereferences/implies child abuse. storytime is also the name of one of treatsforbeasts’ songs on his Sanguinarius - Sin Nomine album.
9. hymns for him (1 + 2)just total parody albums of christian rock. vocals make you feel like youre dying but its actually kinda good to listen to in some parts
10. i screaming inside my headRoii (the character)’s first appearance. also probably symbolizes how depressing some kinds of music are
11. felines have nine livesnot sure but i feel like this is a warrior cats reference, in complete and total honesty (dont watch it if you dont like c/at d/eath though, its fictional but. yeah)
12. beastsreflection of society as a whole
then there’s. the two short films and sin nomine. so i’m gonna delve into that now and be warned, it’s fuckin long
treatsforbeasts is the self-titled short film and the first longest video on the treatsforbeasts channel. basically what i get from this is that treatsforbeasts, the channel itself, symbolizes an actual channel that chauncy (the child character in the short film, who is portrayed as a literal oral fleshlight with a body) watches. he consumes these concepts, such as internalizing misogyny (claw-paw skit), toxic masculinity (can i like balloons skit) and being exposed to a normalization of christianity (heaven and hell skit). there’s also a skit in which a spider binge eats and then proceeds to throw it up, which chauncy actually mimicks when his father brings him food.his father very much disapproves of these messages being shown on tv. he tells chauncy in regards to the claw-paw skit, when chauncy belittles the female character, “that’s not very nice, now is it”, and says “you can like ballons, you can love balloons if you want to”. his father goes on long tangents about how many institutions have normalized and inherited the concepts of christianity, and that it is one of the contributing factors of violence in the world. he references colonization, the holocaust, and in general mentions minorities.we learn that the father actually ended up being a father to chauncy in the first place due to (nsfw tw) masturbating in a sock to a picture of robert smith, and 9 months later chauncy was born. so technically there is no mother. the father talks about the meaning of life, and how everyone on the inside is a little bit of a freak, but there’s only two real ways you can accept that: 1) realize that your freakishness gives you a special lense through with you see the world and aid it in the ways the sane and happy ones probably cant, and 2) realize that real way number 1 is just lying to itself and that youre still a somewhat integral part of the lives of those you care for so deeply. he says that choosing which way to live really reverts back to the meaning of life, that you cannot live day by day believing there’s no reason to. “but whatever reason you give yourself to live, [...] you do it, because it is correct to live.”
sin nomine comes after the first short film, but i’ll delve into that after because really it touches on many many of the points and interpretations here.
the second short film, the beast is dead, was released just this year on valentines day! i think the main focus of the short film ranges from relationships to just once again a mockery of christianity/catholicism. once again it starts off with a father and his son. there is no mother figure present though she’s said to have left, due to the father watching too much “birdies”, a show, which i think is a metaphor for porn addiction. the father is implied to being prone to neglecting the son’s wants and not really caring for him, being disappointed in him, etc. etc..something important about the beast is dead is that it uses masks to portray those who are “followers” and those who are not. the father, interestingly enough, does not wear a mask. he seems to acknowledge what his son is saying when he goes on philosophical rants as well, but disregards them as nonsense and ends up leaving after bonking him with the stupid spike (metaphor for how parents will shut their children up by giving them a phone or toy to play with).the three other characters who don’t use masks in the beast is dead are Roii, Tom, and Doctor Zoughth (pronounced Zoth). Roii makes a comeback, finally! but this time he’s singing a song called “i love the sound of screaming babies”. it symbolizes how men will impregnate women and then run off, whether or not because they fantasize about pregnant women. it could also be a want of seeing a hurt child (hence the line “i know that all of you watching must think i’m insane, for loving when something so innocent is in so much pain”).however another interesting factor is that, the characters who don’t have masks, aside from Tom and the father, have red eyes at some point. this is a metaphor for how they’ve lost their humanity. Roii, at some point in the music video scene, only has one red eye whereas his other is normal. this hints at how part of him has lost his humanity while the other is still in tact.the other character that has red eyes is Dr Zoughth, but instead of him having only one red eye, both his eyes are red. this doesnt show until later though when he’s taken Tom away from the masked characters (followers). Dr Zoughth is very much self-aware. he is not blind, but simply has lost his humanity. Tom tries to reach out to him, to get him to think differently, that maybe resorting to coping with emotional struggles by worshipping something simple like flesh or something more higher than himself and forgetting his own mortality isn’t the healthiest way to live. but Dr Zoughth, having been long gone already, does not accept this and executes Tom.his own personal disciples grow tired of his tyranny and kill him and perform a ritual of some kind, disposing of his body (in the river i think, not sure). this entire ending of the film is basically the title, the beast is dead. but, i believe the beast is not dead, personally, because someone like Zoughth will always live on in other people, other beasts.there’s also a scene called grandma hespar and i think it implies how little people focus on sexual abuse towards men (when it’s from women).
anyways, with that being said, it’s time for sin nomine.
so now that i’ve explained pretty much all of treatsforbeasts to you, and whoever else is reading, it’s clear that the person behind this has issues with christianity (or catholicism), and child abuse. the person behind treatsforbeasts is Jordan Diniz, as he is also the person behind sanguinarius.
sin nomine is a very personal reflection of jordan’s life from what i gather. it depicts his struggles with how he views the world around him, whether that be due to personal experiences or not. at first i interpreted most of sin nomine to be the story of someone who is lgbt, but with jordan himself coming to me and telling me he is straight (POLITELY), it’s clear that is not the case.
so it most likely has to do with trauma. either religious or not, or both. it even says in the song storytime (remember i mentioned it earlier?), “fast hand, white hot trauma, reverberates inside the skull. innocence and intellect raped, reveals a view of a darker world. flesh on flesh, the bonds of affection - confused for the bonds of submission and fear. self-hatred and mistrust repel all beauty that comes near.” i don’t like to say that this solidifies a personal experience, but it’s highly possible.
a lot of sin nomine kind of goes over the same points in different ways, but it makes you think. i definitely feel like something happened to jordan at some point in his life but that is his story and it’s not my place to truly tell, since i don’t know him personally.
there’s also the other channel, adrianturcher. it has videos with seemingly no real purpose except for there being two videos with the same names of two songs on sin nomine, “nex memoria” and “a fetish for psychos”. nex memoria is just a compilation of clips that seem to symbolize the process of death (nex memoria is a latin phrase which very roughly translates to “memory’s death”). a fetish for psychos is a bunch of old clips from parties and shows that possibly jordan himself attended. they’re from 2002 judging by the date in the video. the lyrics in the song “a fetish for psychos” also seem to hint at these events, so it’s possibly that it’s like looking back on happy memories that make you feel sad instead or something. the song also might possibly reference a mother at the beginning.
sanguinarius also has its own channel simply called sanguinarius. there’s the music video for divine comedy (one of the songs on sin nomine) and a cover of because you’re young by david bowie, posted on his birthday a year after his death.
anyway, that’s. pretty much all i have to say. jordan diniz is a fuckin’ mastermind, he’s really good and cool and he’s very kind from my experience talking with him a couple times. he supports the gays as well!
sooooo, treatsforbeasts does have some very creepy/unsettling moments in its content but its EXTREMELY good and i recommend getting into it if you can. 100/10
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cherryblossomshadow · 5 years
Untamed thoughts
Character notes
Okay, it’s official. I’m obsessed. I didn’t think I could be into something so intensely, so soon after Good Omens, but here I am. This is just so the high fantasy, repressed feelings, magic- and sword-fighting stories I’ve been missing 💖
So, I wanted to record some of my thoughts from watching Untamed, before I get too far or watch/read other formats.
So spoiler warning for anybody who hasn’t seen anything, and also warning that I haven’t finished, so I’m guessing at things I don’t know and don’t understand…
So the first couple minutes was a straight up bloody swordfight. So when they whipped out the magic….like I was nOT EXPECTING THAT! BUT I AM HEEEERE FOR IT. YESSSS! It honestly took me so hard by surprise, and I wish I understood how their magic system worked, but it looks like I’ll have to read the book for that.
Jiang Cheng
Okay, the first couple minutes I rewatched two or three times because I understood nothing. But I latched onto three names to keep track of. Wei wuxian, the guy that everyone inexplicably wanted to kill. Lan Zhan, the Neji-looking dude that really wanted to save him (and somehow wasn’t also being attacked), and Jiang Cheng, the guy that really hated Wei Wuxian and hit him with his sword to plunge him to his doom. He notably did not attack Lan Zhan, too, which like … would have been easier than reaching over the ledge to strike the dude hanging by a hand, but whatev 🤷‍♀️.
Also, nobody was actually paying attention to the man they purportedly wanted to kill because they were all fighting over …. something (was it the Stygian metal? I forgot at this point)
And then flashforward several years, and Wei Wuxian is summoned and he runs into a bunch of Lans and Jiangs? (Not totally sure, but I recognized Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng! At least their names when it came up on screen). And Jiang Cheng was really rough to whats-his-face, the little Jiang (who seemed like a nutball with some daddy issues, but 🤷‍♀️) which seemed to fit my current characterization for the-guy-who-super-hates-Wei-Wuxian.
AND THEN THE ETERNAL FLASHBACK STARTED. Look, I’m not even all the way through the flashback at this point. I just started the part where they all got summoned to the Wen Clan for “lecture.” And like, he was like Wei Wuxian’s brother?! They were like super close?! It really hurts to see the pure domesticity of their relationship when I know he will be responsible for his death. And he’ll do it with so much … anger.
And yeah, everytime he was around Wei Wuxian, he seemed annoyed and always complained about him. But he really cared (the bunny scene? The how worried I- I mean, my sister was), and I’m so scared to find out what turns him against Wei Wuxian.
Edit: from the second his mom stepped on screen, I was like wholly focused on Jiang Cheng’s face. She stepped up to him and said nice things and he looked so happy, I literally said out loud, “Ah, so he’s a Mama’s boy.” But then she started spitting venom, mostly against everyone else, but no she turned on him, too. Said he would NEVER measure up to Wei Wuxian. And isn’t that the most horrible thing to say to your child. The father was absolutely no help (three wives really?) and no one spoke against her, even when she attacked Ah Li (and who could bear to speak bad about Ah Li?).
Wen Qing
So, I wasn’t sure what to think of her at first. We knew she was working for the “bad guys,” but she was mostly doing it for her brother so, ya know, I kinda withheld judgment for a while. She tried (not too hard, but ya know) to look for the Stygian metal, but for some reason didn’t assault or steal from Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan when they found it? (Maybe she didn’t know, but they were pretty bad at lying about it). And they were trying to set up a cute little romance between her and Jiang Cheng, which seems cute so far.
AND THEN SHE WARNED HIM AT THE INN. Like, okay, that’s it. I’m hers. I’m sold. Like, not only was she rebelling against what Wen Chao told her, she’s doing it in a smart way that is unlikely to get her killed. Direct defiance isn’t quite her style; behind-the-back subterfuge is. And I am HERE FOR THAT. AND FURTHERMORE, the way she got Jiang Cheng’s attention, and maneuvered a way to get close enough to whisper to him WAS BRILLIANT. I rewatched that scene several times because it was so clever and subversive, I really loved it.
I wish she would explain things to her brother. Just saying “stay away from Wei Wuxian, your friend, the guy who saved you” does not work, my dude. You could have at least pointed out the fact that you kind of repaid his debt. Like that was a valid point that you forwent to give him an ultimatum.
Wei Wuxian
Okay, the first thing that sold me on Untamed, I’m not ashamed to say, was Xiao Zhan’s face. It’s just … Undescribable. Beautiful. I could stare at him all day. His smile? Dead. The black outfit with copious red is my favorite. After episodes of seeing him in white, when he changed into that iconic black and red, *swoon* … I think my mind froze. AND THERE’S A RED RIBBON OR SOMETHING IN HIS HAIR? ARE THEY TRYING TO KILL ME?!?!
But of course there’s more to his character. Ahem, that’s arguably more important. But like I’m not blind.
Anyway, he seemed pretty typically lackadaisical, goofing off main character, ya know. Insanely confident in himself, which being a protag, was not unfounded. I felt kinda bad for him whenever he tried to goof off with Jiang Cheng or Lan Zhan and they just … totally shut him down. Cut him off. Ignored him. That hurt. But he was indomitably cheery, and I respect that.
MY FAVORITE MOMENTS HAVE TO BE WHEN HE GOES FROM GOOFING OFF TO BEING BADASS IN 0.03 SECONDS, THOUGH. He’s done it before, but the most recent in memory is when he STARTS RECITING THE LAN CLAN’S RULES INSTEAD OF THE WEN CLAN’S. LEGEND. He’s just spouting off and having a good time and tHAT SMIRK! But then he turns, and his face turns serious, and I just. Chef’s kiss. BDE
Lan Zhan
Okay, I am really anxious to see more because a lot of his interactions with Wei Wuxian have felt … closed off to me. Like, granted, I’m not good at reading body language and subtext, which is why I like reading, so they have to TELL me. But Lan Zhan….you’re killing me here. I’m so blind.
Ya know, when his brother and uncle were talking …. I wonder what he was like before though. It sounds like he’s all uptight for a reason (maybe he used to be different and something happened?) so I’m excited to see Wei Wuxian break through his barriers.
His behavior … it’s super straightjacketed now, but I wonder. He kinda reminds me of Tenya Iida (BNHA), and I think he has Chaotic Lawful energy. IM CALLING IT NOW. (Btw, icydk, chaotic lawful is a totally, ahem, valid alignment defined as: “He has a strict moral code but it’s Chaotic as all f*ck”
Edit: Now, I recently watched some episodes from the Wen Clan arc (or whatever it’s called; I’m currently trying to avoid spoilers, so I’m avoiding the wiki), and he CARES. (Granted, he’s gotta be hurting bc his whole clan was like annihilated? Maybe? Did he give up the Stygian metal? It’s all really unclear?) He yanks the whip out of Wen Chao’s hands like nobody’s business, like Nobody Touches Him Except Me. I’m so excited!
Lan Xichen
Okay, it took me forever to understand that he was the clan leader? I had assumed it was the uncle dude. And where’s their father???
But when he whipped out the flute and magicked everybody’s swords into the ceiling. Yasss.
Also, um, I kinda sensed something with him and Meng Yao. Like, maybe it’s just rare to see men having such respect for each other. But that was such a hard meet-cute, I’m like … I mean, is it just me?
Okay, rant over, don’t mind me. I might keep this updated, but i mostly wanted a record of my thoughts thus far on Untamed, bc honestly, I’m already planning my rewatch 😁
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In which I play maddening classic with only Byleth and Dimitri and liveblog on discord 1/15/20 - 2/2/20
because if I’ve got to see a character die repeatedly, countless times, it might as well be dimitri.  
So I'm on maddening and classic with only dimitri and I’m going to kill off every other character. I heard if they reach 0 hp in part 1 they stick around the monastery and you can talk to them they just aren’t a part of your class anymore. Give me your blessings.
I died on the prologue! ... i dont have a healer... Death count:2
I am definitely new game+ cheating this for professor level and skills. I was thinking magic focused but she can't be too squishy... Gremory would help that. Also why do all the magic classes have bad growths. Give me a moving fortress of magic!
Ashe went down, 7 to go. Ch3 turned into a survival horror... but i made it out
Ch 6 is hell. Any idea for how to kill every last one of them in 25 turns with only byleth? Or alternately get to and take down the death knight. Only byleth and dimitri run. And no dimitri this chapter, Byleth's a thief
My main problem in crowd control. If i had infinite turns then i could agro them 1 by one... Maybe I've built byleth wrong and just don't have the stats. Is the warp route faster? Haven't tried that yet. In hindsight this was a bad idea for my first maddening run. I'm so used to not using byleth much that this is very different. Damn archers...  Got done in by chip damage the first time...
I I dont know what happened... but I beat the death knight.... I was expecting to die becausr i accidentally opened the door so i skipped what actually happened.... Next thing I know game is telling me i got a dark seal What  Did I crit? With a silver sword? Im in shock I DONT EVRN I dont even know if it was a crit! But byleth is thief so lethality is out of the question Maybe I should go give a sacrifice to rng god
so I was in shock but yeah I used the warp route and avoided fighting most of the enemies.
So i'm now at the winter ball chapter and felix is still alive (i've decided to off one character every chapter so Miklan downed sylvain. oh and first time through ch5 i accidentally stepped into range of one of the center archers so every unit rushed me and i died) and i tried felix's paralogue and wowo its impossible. Rodrigue dies in 2 attacks, outruns my healing and likes to charge headfirst into the enemy. My record so far is 3 turns before he dies. Might give up since this is optional.
(i eventually finished the paralogue but gave up saving anyone else so i didn’t even get anything good out of it)
The ally A.I. is sooo bad. Jeralt. Dad. Please stop getting yourself killed
Almightly Father in Heaven preserve me. I'm making dimitri learn reason.  maybe his rationale will start making sense no more moon logic for you boy
Hey. Why wont the game let me make dimitri a dark bishop
I need dark mage certification first? Or is the internet lying to me
Well dimitri is at c+ reason but I'm tired of grinding.  
got dimitri from c+ to b+ in a battle. But the boredom makes me want to cry.  Also might have miscalculated.... Fighting an assassin in a forest.... i have 35% hit and no other weapon. They have like 18% hit....  When will i be free...
I made dimitri into a dark bishop and he beat lysithea in the magic tournament.  Also just the thought of dimitri in slithers is funny to me
wrath is how i survived the sothis paralogue. crit everything
chasing the empire around in the hold tomb with 2 units was actually kinda fun
I cant believe that worked... Final battle of part 1. I charge down the middle. And it works 4 turns for infanty to cross the field... and it worked ... Welp i somehow made it to part 2 intact. Endless waves of reinforcement here i come
(Oh yeah and rng is punishing me right now by giving terrible level ups)
For the bridge is it best to go straight for the commander?
bridge wasn’t too bad but I was convinced to spare dedue so i had to fend enemies off him like ants to a dropped ice cream cone. if dedue reaches 0 hp or you don’t do his paralogue he dies in fhirdiad and I’m trying to get everyone off my party but not dead, soooo he’s along for the ride
I'm stuck on am ch 14 ... how do I defend 4 spaces when I have 2 units... Those pegasus knights keep dodging too... Damn pegasus knights.... without them i could just hold a choke point with 1 unit. I have 4 gambit uses maximum... Another thought I had is to out fly their flyers so I can shift byleth over quickly. if I take out randolf in delusional prince the map doesn't end. It just stops reinforcements right? 
Soo I tried to kill randolf but my movement is too low. It takes 3 turns to reach him...
Yup this is possible. But because I can't do things the quick way. I'll have to do the long way of waiting out the right side and then heading for randolf with byleth all the while holding out with dimitri in the center and hoping rng favors me for lije 20 turns
ALRIGHT WhIcH oF yOuSe a LIAR Sooo .... killing randolph does not stop reinforcements nor does it get you a victory, the fire attack is the only way. Time to go guard another npc with a death wish. Also Gilbert is unkillable in AM
FEAR ME The only way to beat a pegasus knight to to out pegasus knight the pegasus knight Falcon knight bae-by! I am unstoppable I. Am absolute (I am never doing this again)
Finally got past that defend 4 spaces with 2 units and endless reinforcements
I've figured out how to level grind since same level enemies are giving like 7exp each
Alright. Taking suggestions, on how to keep hilda and judith alive in golden deers plea.  Alternately, how to kill arundel in 2 thurns without archers destroying me.  With only byleth and dimitrti.  Right now I'm thibking retribution-> byleth and gunning it. Suggestions for abilities/battalions? My current thought is vantage, alert stance+, renewal, wrath, pavaise, and evasion ring and bridgid hunters
Well i can get to arundel before hilda dies but not judith. I'm starting a campaign to save judith. Please pledge your support on the indiegogo page below
whew judith and hilda and both alive! Stride was a good idea. just make a run for arundel. Kinda sad i didn’t get the aurora shield but eh I got the stat increases at least. I also tried propping up judith with byleth healing them but tanking doesn’t exist in maddening so that didn’t work.
I've been skipping cutscenes because there’s no one else there but gilbert
Things I have learned this playthrough: how to grind skills, how to grind levels, how to save scum level ups. 
I’m actually getting a lot of dialogue I missed before just because Byleth and Dimitri are taking down every single enemy unit
At fort merceus, and i want the black pearl.  And i'd like to avoid lindhardt and caspar.  I'm thinking 1: fly over nab the pearl and kill death knight.  2: wait it out and eliminate every last unit ob the map.  What turn does death knight start running? Or is when you get to a specific part of the map?  Or am i thinking of an entirely different map...
New plan. Forget everything else and kill death knight
I have beaten the death knight. I have beaten the impregnable fortress. 44% crit rate.  But I didn't get the black pearl in the treasure chest and i want my item so... i might redo the battle
Got my pearl. for an idea what the battle is like each turn each of the 2 units needs to be on one specific tile for the best chance of survival, if they die i usually had to restart the battle or change something to get a reroll. and you do this for like 5 turns learning the combinations with a mix of guesswork and trial and error. you also need to move quickly because if 4 units surround you, you’ll be stuck until you’ve defeated every single enemy unit on the map or more likely you die.
Ok story time.  So I'm on ch 21 of AM now and aux battle no longer give me exp so my only way of leveling is healing (the exp curve is brutal). Even with the double use of bishop, i'm running down to the wire getting 1 level up/battle (plus the next battle where they gain stats for its more like 1 level/2 battles). I ran out of healing with like 500exp left to go so i restarted but by the end of the 20 heals and 10 recovers I had a different number and now I’m confused Reddit is telling me turn count? Affects exp gain?
Anyways I'm in enbarr.  One of the many wonderful things about playing with only dimitri and byleth is that you can't change their starting positions in battles
Wow i did that on my first try. O.o  Huh that actually worked... Good thing hubert is squishy. spared dorothea and petra too. huh.
I just had a realization... on the last map of AM. If I apply retribution to everyone... could I kill edelgard with that without having to cross the room? Hmmmm must try it out
Nope cant counter attack. Good thing enemy units on this map are acting defensively and only attack when you go into range.  If they swarmed me I'd be dead (again)
Once you reach a certain tile they do swam... i lasted like 4 turns... need to clear the room to stop reinforcements...
(its impossible to stop reinforcements with 2 units on maddening. once you get to the throne room a new wave comes each turn. but clearing the rooms before hand buys you time before you are overwhelmed). To give an idea of what’s going on aux battles are aprox 10 levels below my units. regular enemies are about the same level (so each is a threat and my 2 units can die on any turn) and bosses are usually a couple levels higher.
Hehehehe I am so powerful I have beaten maddening with only byleth and dimitri (Dedue came along for the ride too but was never deployed to battle)
The final AM wasn't as hard as some of the others (defending garreg mach) but boy is it long.  I think my final turn count was in the 50s.  Also the credit screen character battle  count maxes out at 999
I think I got dimitri and byleth up to like 70 base crit last playthrough. Plus wrath and defiant crit almost garunteed each hit was a crit.
nope it was more like base 120 crit
In the end for both dimitri and byleth I used rng based builts around avoid and critical hits (after i figured out what the hell i was mid way through part 1). dimitri went through the brawler line and then split time between war master and great lord. Byleth went up the thief line to assassin and then falcon knight. for both of them i also got most of the class skills.
considering this was my first maddening or classic run, I looked at 0 strategy guides (like an idiot) and had no idea what i was doing in the beginning, I’d say I did pretty well for myself.
oh and I was mistaken about something, if a unit reaches 0 hp in part one they die off screen during the timeskip (except gilbert to my despair) so there was no real point to sparing dedue. I really do hate gilbert, it seems no matter what you do you are stuck with him all of AM. there is no salvation. and this is why i skipped all the cutscenes this time around.
Dedue didn’t have much if any influence on the playthrough. Dedue was never deployed in any of the chapter battles but he did tag along as an adjunct (no weapon equipped) in aux battle sometimes because I felt bad for leaving him out all the time (that and dedue pops up later in battle on the map in part 2 and if he was still a level 1 commoner i would have 0 chance of beating the map since enemies rush him). so him leveling up was to negate the consequences of keeping him alive. If i had gotten him killed i wouldn’t have to worry about keeping him alive later. By the time I got to part 2 the skill gain from tutoring was negligible compared to the amount gained from grinding in battles, also both units were starting to max out on skills (S+) so choosing to explore the monastery gave little benefit. Interestingly, you can’t do a lot of the monastery activities if you only have 1 student (choir, dining, etc). So even after Dimitri stops loafing around, having dedue there for eating meals and stuff wouldn’t have helped and I’d choose battle anyways.
I now know more about how the game works than I ever wanted to... For example the calculations for any probability check (hit/miss, crit, level ups, pass/fail) are long done by the time you see them. so to reroll the dice so to speak you have to go back a certain amount of time (varies for each thing. Level up stats are determined before you enter the battle field so you have to reload a save on or before the preparations screen. Whether you pass/fail a certification is already determined by the time you reach as given calendar date, so you have to reload to before that day. If you divine pulse a 95% hit rate that your unit missed to right before any action is taken with that unit, they will still miss. With only 2 units you will probably have to rewind to the previous turn, but with a full party you need to go back at least a few units but I don’t know the exact number. More or less forcing the game to run at least one different probability calculation than your target will reset whatever result was determined for your target.
When you have an infinite number of iterations, even the most unlikely outcomes eventually come to pass.
This run was  60% luck, 35% perseverance,  4% "grinding", 1% skill, 100% pain
edit: 5/1/2020: looking back, i was a stubborn idiot (as usual) for refusing to look up strategies or other solo maddening runs that people had already done. i can definitively say omegarevolution dealt with the defend map far better than i did. i never even considered +20hit to deal with falcon knights
oh yeah and i don’t have dlc or the nintendo online subscription so i couldn’t use any of that.
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staliasjeronica · 6 years
Riverdale 3.16 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- TBH Hermione does have a point. After what happened to Midge in Carrie… you go for this musical? But whatever Cheryl wanted it and she’s going to get it because THAT’S MY FUCKING BABY OKAY
- THE OPENING IS KEVIN AND A SOLO THIS IS ALL I EVER NEEDED! Also why does his voice/this remind me of Winn from Supergirl???
- Why does the girl in the background look just like Midge??? That’s—
- What the fuck is that choreography tho sksksksks
- MY GIRL VERONICA ❤️❤️❤️ She’s so sad about her and Reggie breaking up catch me CRYING
- I hate to admit that that tiny bughead peck was kinda c*te
- “Why did I hit him?” bitch… who? Also Reggie wondering why he’s a creep I’m—what? he’s changed wtf I don’t see how he’s a creep/why he was a douchebag but alright
- “Are all of you this miserable?” well… yeah… they can never be kids because your bitch ass husband’s plot is being dragged on that it’s boring now so like… yeah… and now they’re being manipulated by a stupid ass tree so ummm
- “She was a real mess after her breakup with Toni” no 😭😭 but love that they literally broke them up just to base the musical around it like… seriously? lol alright at least I know they get back together because they’re the top and only few healthiest couples on the show so
- First off… Reggie shoving Fangs and calling him a geek…? Okay… BUT HIM SHOVING SWEET PEA INTO CHERYL BITCH!!!! Cher calling my boy a pervert I’m sad I want them to be boss ass bitch friends like that’s all I need!!
- OMG JORDAN’S VOICE “WHAT DID I EVER DO TO THEM?” literally just choke me bye
- Betty I get that you automatically hate his choice for making Evelyn co-director but uhhhh he directed the last one with Fangs so your sentence is plain wrong lol
- Poor baby Fangs, the trauma of Midge he never got to really address because last time he was accused of her murder and then almost killed himself so like he never had time to mourn I’m—lmao did Kevin just say no to that or like was he being like “no bitch we’re going to talk about Midge fuck your trauma”
- SP’s pettiness love it. “STRAIGHT” reggie neither you or Archie are straight but cool
- This is why they were all lying down? That’s… weird but okay. ALSO I hate agreeing with Betty that this entire thing was to recruit people into the farm :( it’s weird because mostly what Betty does is annoying but this season she’s been mostly okay.
- Evelyn… leave SP’s solo alone :( he deserves this. HE’S LITERALLY A LEAD TOO
- Betty, one of the main’s in the play, is telling Evelyn this musical is for recruitment. Then why tf are you in it Betty
- FP being dismissive of Jughead and how much he cares about the trailer? Smells fishy… 
- Poor Veronica. like yeah her dad is a cunt but like it’s her parents… my poor baby
- So what if he knows? He’s doing illegal shit, it doesn’t fucking matter??? He’s such a whiny pissbaby
- Veggie… is hot… I love them and want them back together :(
- VEGGIE. VERONICA LOOKS SO GOOD UGH I LOVE THEM. Stop with the “Endgame” not only because ew but because she’s said that to Archie and that may be… triggering.
- Did Evelyn just give Kevin a spiked brownie…
- Evelyn you sneaky bitch… I know this is what brings Kangs together but I didn’t want it like this!!!
- FANGS… wow an actual line that provides insight into his life? Mmhm
- That almost smile Fangs gave… was cute… but I’m not here for this recruitment.
- SP IS A PETTY BITCH SKSKSKS like that’s bad but like… shit I can’t wait for SP to rage and save his best friend from a stupid ass cult
- “That is what we in the theater call a breakthrough” um I assume you’ve never been in theater but also I don’t think that’s correct…
- ALSO ALL THIS BERONICA IS SO SWEET I MISS THEM. Still, though, Betty needs to apologize for all of the shit she’s done and said to Veronica
- “He’s a real class act, that Sweet Pea…” girl he has every right to be upset though. I mean he shouldn’t have outed your relationship. Also, the definition of “class act” is a person or thing displaying impressive and stylish excellence so like is that supposed to be an insult…?
- Reggie is so good ughhhhh 😻😻
- Evelyn go away you shady bitch. Also what’s the point of getting mad at Toni for wearing red? lol
- DEAD GIRL WALKING BITCHH I LOVE THIS. OH MY GOD PEACHES? THIS IS THE SCENE? SHE JUST CAME ONTO PEACHES. NOW SWEET PEA. THIS IS THE SCENE. Also Jordan’s voice… choke me! ALSO I love how he’s down with it though? Like I’m guessing this isn’t him and Toni’s first thing… but why are they doing this threesome on the stage lmaooooo
- SKSKKSKS PEACHES AND PEA (MMHM why does that sound nice… she beat him up nooo) LOOK AT EACH OTHER LIKE “THIS BITCH MADE US UNDRESS AND THEN LEAVES” like thank GOD because Choni but still
- NO ONE CAN TELL ME DIFFERENTLY, SP LIKES TO BE BOSSED AROUND. HE’S A SUBMISSIVE. The way Toni pointed and he just followed? He loves being bossed around bye my story Unholy is correct thank you and goodbye
- GOTTA ADMIT THE “can I borrow your camera?” WAS CUTE OKAY
- Archie practicing his moves looks so weird when it’s not on a punching bag or anything like—
- Did Betty seriously think that her taking that picture would work??? Should’ve taken a video but mmhm
- How did Toni get in. I feel like Cheryl would have immediately taken her key. BUT ALSO THE HEATHER’S REFERENCE. AND CHONI. UGH CHERYL’S ABOUT TO CRY STOP STOP STOP!!! Literally this scene proves that Choni is the HEALTHIEST couple on this show like they ACTUALLY took time to talk through their shit (kinda, not the full thing but the start of it at least)
- Did… Jughead just call the Ghoulies/Serpents tonsils??????????
- “… the longing for what they’ve lost” *Swosie looks at one another KNOWING this bitch did this on purpose* COLE SINGING OMFG this really irks me that Bughead has actually been kinda cute on this episode? CHONI BITCH YES. NEVERMIND BUGHEAD GO AWAY I JUST WANT MY TWO QUEENS
- Also if this doesn’t include Swosie… why were they given the sheets and shit from Kevin and whatnot? This is evil. But this proves that Bughead COULD be cute and healthy if they weren’t these annoying little shit heads that they are now like let them be kids and normal and not shitty people… it’s not that hard.
- Betty… I was about to say that you telling him to not let his emotions get the best of him was actually a good idea but then you suggested burning down his fucking trailer. I get it, you’re a Blossom, but chill the fuck out. You ALMOST had a good idea and weren’t being stupid… but now you ruined it.
- Boo fucking hoo your wife tried to kill you Hiram
- So now that even Hiram says that there’s no family anymore… can he let her and Archie (bc come on that all can’t go away with some words and a handshake/mutual agreement) the fuck go? ALSO POOR VERONICA
- First of all… SP saying hi to Evelyn… not sure how I feel about that. SECOND OF ALL FANGS IS THE CUTEST BYE
- Bughead really get off to violence and shit huh… that’s… weird. But sure.
- why is Betty wearing the crown sweater it looks so weird idk why and Jughead looks so out of place lol
- Oh this cult clap is creepy… why… that’s so weird stop. Also it’s not like other people to not join in on the clapping but alright
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agentdagonet · 5 years
Echoes, Ch. 26
Find it here on AO3
Find it here on tumblr:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Fic Summary: Feet dangling off the edge of the bed, hands still resting on the earpieces of his glasses, Eggsy opened his eyes.
And promptly shut them again, screwing them shut like a child who had the distinct misfortune of biting into a raw lemon. Breathing harshly in his nose and out his mouth, trying to stave off whatever delusional panic had befallen him, Eggsy reopened his eyes.
Or: The Hologram Story Nobody Asked For
          ‘You know I love you, yeah?’ Michelle’s voice didn’t waver, but her eyes remained focused on the cup she clutched between her hands. They were sat together on the sofa, enough space that Daisy could fit between them, had she been awake; Eggsy hummed in agreement, mouth preoccupied with the tea they had masterfully made themselves to give them a way not to talk. 
           They both knew they had to, the way they were going just couldn’t continue for much longer. Something had to give.
           ‘... I’ve spen’ a lot of time, mum, tryin’ to find a way to explain my shit in a way you’d get it- but, see, knowin’ how to talk to someone means you gotta know ‘em. An’ it kinda hit me that we don’ know each other well ‘nough for that.’ Eggsy sighed, one hand tugging through his hair while the other held the cup on the armrest. ‘Not as adults, at least- an’ I don’t want to be harsh on you, but it feels like you still see me as a kid cos you weren’ really awake enough to see me when I was one.’
           ‘I know your age, Eggsy-’
           ‘It ain’t about age, mum- least, it’s not about the number. It’s about where my head’s at, the age I am here,’ he brought the hand from his hair to hiss temple, ‘an’ here,’ his heart, ‘not some numbers.’
           ‘I don’t understand.’ It’s quiet, muttered around the lip of her mug, with a furrow between her brows. ‘I know the estates and… and Dean,’ she swallowed heavily, ‘weren’t very forgiving or anythin’ but we got by.’
           ‘When Harry came by and told you about dad,’ Eggsy turned fully toward his mother, who was buried in her mug and growing tenser by the moment, ‘when he gave me this medal cos you were just gonna toss it out of spite,’ Eggsy pulled it from his shirt and over his head, laying it on the cushion between them, ‘he told me to take care of you.’ Michelle’s head shot up, eyes wide and mouth slightly open.
           ‘The first time Harry ever saw me, he knew who we were- dad talked about us constantly. He knew the news he was going to deliver was awful and that nothin’ could replace what he saw as his having taken from us. He blamed himself- he fought tooth an’ nail to get that medal for us against every regulation there was- and he knew you weren’ gonna accept help from anyone but he gave me the medal anyway. Told me to take care of it- and you.
           ‘I didn’ really get it at the time, but then you just… didn’ get up for a while. I had to go to school, I had to eat, and you didn’t seem to hear me askin’ you about that stuff. I didn’t get a buncha stuff at school and you wouldn’ help me so I ended up talkin’ to my teachers and figuring it out me’self. I started figurin’ my own food- an’ then I started figuring yours. Tried to pester you into much of anything but it was just so hard. An’ then you started dating again- or, well, going out, an’ I had a whole new challenge.’
           ‘It weren’t all that, babes-’
           ‘Mum, I love you, but it was. My fears for Daisy, the reasons I didn’ tell you when I found out what really happened to dad, aren’ just nightmares an’ shit made up. I don’ want her havin’ to do even a fraction of what I did at her age. The fact that you can’ see, even now, everythin’ that was wrong back then scares me.’ Eggsy lifted his mug back to his face, barely sipping as an excuse to pass the buck for a bit. 
           ‘I just… I guess I can’t put it all together in a way that makes sense, Eggsy. Harry- the one who told me about your dad’s death, who died ‘imself, and then wasn’t dead- his guilt ain’t yours, and I don’ get why you’d be so torn up abou’ the death of a man you barely knew. An’ keeping secrets is one of the few things I know the estates taught well, I don’ like it but I understand that bit. Mostly. Still hurt, tho.’ Michelle sounded entirely lost, and wished desperately for a cig or a stiffer drink than tea- but she was trying not to rely on shit like that anymore.
           ‘Harry told me to take care of you- so I did. Not that I really thought he existed for a bit there, to be honest. Without the medal I’d’ve chalked ‘im up as a figment of my imagination. I just knew that someone ‘ad given me an important job, and I was gonna do it. But, to be honest mum, you’re tough as shit to take care of. I started to give up, an’ I went off to the Marines to try an’ make something of myself for me. Figured you was okay, what with a live-in boyfriend an’ all, but that weren’t the case at all, cos-’
           ‘Yeah, mum, Daisy. You called up me in a panic, bangin’ on about losin’ me like you lost dad and I dunno if you really knew what you was doing. Maybe you weren’t doing it on purpose- I hope you weren’t-’ the last was murmured, ‘but you used my takin’ care of you against me. You pushed every button, pulled every trigger, and then- d’you remember the last bit o’ that call? I can’t forget it.’ 
           Michelle shook her head, mug forgotten on her lap.
           ‘You tol’ me that it wasn’t like I could make a career out of that anyway. You just… dismissed my choices like they didn’ matter a whit- I was nearly twenty, mum! Did you know there’d been Olympic scouts at my gymnastics practises? That girly shit Dean said was a waste of money coulda gotten us out of there, no medal necessary- I liked gymnastics, but someone else said different and you leapt to please ’em. 
           ‘You didn’ really treat me like a person; you didn’ explain or ask what I thought or even talk to my coaches. One day I was doin’ something amazing and the next day I was told we were never going back there again, and yeah I wasn’ an adult but I’ve never been an idiot, mum. Just. Over an’ over again you showed me that I wasn’t the most important thing in your life, or even like top five sometimes, so I stopped tryin’ to be. I let Dean get to me, let ‘im use me to run his shit and whatever the fuck else he wanted to keep ‘im from goin’ after you or Daisy an’ I stopped trying to find a way out.
           ‘I gave up, got myself stuck, an’ Harry just abou’ dragged me back into bein’ a person again withou’ even knowin’ it! He was a right prick about it at first- said he though’ dad’d be “bitterly disappointed” in me.’ Much to MIchelle’s confusion, Eggsy grinned his way around the words and huffed a laugh. ‘He was actin’ on the assumption that my life choices were my own- but I set him straight quick. Got me goin’ off about posh arseholes and silver spoons, an’ looking back I think he was a bit proud I didn’ hold my tongue, but then Poodle and the boys showed up. And, well, you know what happened after that. Fuckin’ Dean, and Harry saving my arse cos I refused to grass on ‘im even after… well, after everything.’
           ‘I think you’ve gotten off topic, Eggsy. I don’t need a step-by-step of you ‘n Harry-’
           ‘Except that’s exactly what you asked for, mum. You don’ get why his death fucked me up so badly an’ I’m tryin’ to explain it to you- but you don’t really want to know why it affected me so badly- you’se wonderin’ why his death affected you long after you’d put ‘im and his message from your mind.’
           ‘Now wait a minute, Eggsy- I ain’t lying to you about wanting to know shit. I’m not lying about wanting to understand why his death put you in such a state. I’m not making shit up about not understanding and trying to understand you. I don’t get it, I’m trying here,’ she wiped at her eyes angrily, refusing to look away from Eggsy despite the state she’d suddenly put herself into, ‘but you’ve got to give me something to work with, babe! You’re going on about bein’ grown up and at the same time you‘re harping on about shit I can’t even remember!’
           ‘EXACTLY!’ Eggsy jumped to his feet and threw his hands up, thankfully having dropped his empty mug to the ground beforehand, ‘That’s the fucking problem, mum- you don’t remember. And, maybe, what you do remember somehow measures up as not as bad as some other shit but I don’t have that luxury! You know what I remember? You, blacked out on the couch; you, lettin’ Dean’s boys paw at you in the livin’ room; you, turning away the first time Dean hit me; you, ignorin’ Daisy crying for hours until I gave in and got what she needed.
           ‘And, yeah, I know shit was tough- I’m not tryin’ to compare sufferings or some other bullshit- I know you think you were doing the best you could; I know you think you did the best you could with the shitty hand you were dealt. I know.’ Eggsy stopped, took a deep breath in his nose and out his mouth, lips pursed tightly, and did it again. Again. Until the red faded from his face and his heart slowed down enough to feel rational again.
           Michelle hadn’t moved. She tried to convince herself that she was listening out for Daisy moving about in her room, what with the ruckus, but adept as she was at lying to herself it wouldn’t stick. This man in front of her was a stranger to her- she knew he was her son, but she didn’t know anything about him, apparently. She didn’t know his goals or his struggles, she didn’t know his friendships beyond the tangential moments they crossed her path directly; how was she ever supposed to bridge this gap she hadn’t known was there?
           ‘Let me finish, mum- if I don’ do it now I don’t think I’ll try again later.’
           ‘Okay.’ She swallowed heavily, hands so tight around the mug she was surprised it hadn’t shattered, and waited.
           And waited.
           ‘D’you know what I don’t remember, mum? I don’t remember dad’s voice. I don’t remember his laugh or much of anythin’ about him to be honest. Sometimes I think I see him when I’m asleep but I dunno how much of that’s just my head making shit up with the one picture I’ve got of him, and how much of it is an actual memory I can’t get to when I’m awake. I don't want to find out how much of it's all in my head, honest. An’ maybe all that’s not the healthiest start to a relationship, of any kind, but it’s a sight better than drugs and a meal ticket.
           ‘Harry didn’t save me, and fuck knows he was a right arse at the start of it; but my refusing to grass gave him enough reason, I guess, to give me the chance to prove myself. He threw every one of my biggest regrets, especially the ones I didn’t get a choice in failing at, in my face. An’ then he turned it about in a way only someone used to getting his way can- he told me to jump. And I said “why not” instead of “how high” an’ he was glad for it. He didn’t give me shit besides a chance; he didn’ tell me what was goin’ on ‘til it were too late to turn back and let me prove myself. Not to him, but-’
           ‘To yourself. He… He took you away from everythin’ that held you back an’ let you push yourself. He let you figure yourself out without any of us stoppin’ you.’
           ‘He believed in me, mum; and, yeah, it all started cos he figured he’d as good as killed dad himself but he let me figure it out myself. Never treated me like a kid or like I was less a person for bein’ different- and I fucked it up anyway, mind, but he let me try- and then he died and the one person who’d believed in me was gone. An’ the last thing I’d said to him was accuse ‘im of havin’ dad stuffed somewhere in his house like one of them pinned butterflies. He went straight off for America from that fight, an’ then he died-’
           ‘And you blamed yourself.’ Her Eggsy, if she could call him that to herself without wincing, had gone and fallen into the same pit Harry had after Lee. He slumped back into the sofa, head hung low, and Michelle took the moment just to look at him. To see the way his jaw clenched and unclenched the same way Lee’s had when he was upset. The way Eggsy’s eyes had the same tilt his dad had had. All the little pieces of Lee that Eggsy had no idea he’d inherited because she’d refused to talk about him and brought people into their lives who forbade it. Because she’d... let her grief consume her.
           ‘Well, now I know what Merlin was on about,’  Michelle muttered to herself, one hand propped against her chin, ‘when he said I’d let my grief consume me. I didn’ even see you was strugglin’ more than I was, babes, cos it was different. I ain’t gonna claim that I get it now,’ she shook her head and a self-deprecating laugh escaped, ‘but I’m gonna say that I’m gonna try and see that I don’ understand and that’s okay.
           ‘I know I didn’ do right by you, Eggsy; I know I let other shit be more important and I pushed you away cos you reminded me so much of Lee that it… it made me angry. How could I keep bein’ who I’d been before, when he was gone? And I didn’ even realise that I was takin’ it out on you. Or,’ she corrected herself, ‘maybe I did, but I didn’t want to admit it to meself. I spent so much time tryin’ to ignore everything that’d changed and not enough trying to figure out how to be your mum- a mum, actually- after everythin’. You kept gettin’ bigger and then you were grown and leavin’ me and I just… panicked.’
           Eggsy refused to meet her gaze, one hand clenched tightly in a fist while the other rubbed itself aimlessly against the sofa cushion. He’d always known his mum was fucked up; the older he got the more obvious it was that she’d just had all her strings cut when his dad died and she let just about anyone make choices for her cos she couldn’t handle the responsibility of being a person. And yeah, having the explanation helped and all, but it was a bit like finding out that Snape’d been a dick because he was a spy and loved Harry’s mum- it was a good reason, but it wasn’t an excuse. It didn’t make things better in retrospect, it didn’t make him happier to know; it didn’t bridge the gap she’d dug between them. It was a good way to learn what not to do- but didn’t help much when trying to figure out what TO do.
           ‘I don’ think I’m ever gonna understand, Eggsy, but I don’ want you avoiding me- or Daisy- cos of the shit I did before. Or didn’ do. I ain’t gonna claim to fix it or anything- but I want to try an’ do better; I want to learn how to be… well, maybe not a mum- think you’re a bit old for that, an’ that’s where I fucked this up in the first place. I tried to push you to talk an’ you weren’t ready, or maybe just not ready to talk with me ‘bout it, cos I thought I knew best. And it’s pretty obvious here that I don’t. So, maybe I can learn to be your friend- one that’s got a load of stories to teach you what not to do.’
           ‘You’re always gonna be my mum, tho. You fucked up, a lot, and I’m tryin’ not to… to project my past onto Daisy cos you’ve changed. V-Day made us all re-think a lot of shit, in a lot o’ ways, and I know you’re trying. There ain’t much to drink here, you’ve been chattin’ with Harry and takin’ Daisy to school and being a proper person. I can see it. But, sometimes, seein’ you trying makes me mad as hell- cos why wasn’ I enough to try for?’ Eggsy felt a tear escape, traitorously run it's way down his cheek, but refused to wipe it away. He was allowed to feel, damnit.
           ‘Oh, Eggsy, there was nothin’ you coulda done. You did your best- I just… wasn’t quite there yet. I couldn’t see past the moment I was stuck in like- like your bloody snowglobe, that one Lee brought home for you his last leave. Everythin’ was fine long as I didn’t leave that bubble and tha’s on me, babes. My shit ain’t your responsibility, an’ that goes double for your guilt over Harry. Obviously his dying didn’ stick, but you’ve gotta let that shit go or you’re never going to see eveythin’ that’s in front of you.’ Michelle thought briefly of Harry the first time he’d come by, how lost he’d been when she’d just brushed aside his guilt like a stray bit of dirt where it shouldn’t be. ‘And I ain’t talkin’ about being grateful- I know you’re plenty grateful that shit’s landed as it has, love- but you… I dunno, maybe it’s just cos I see you so little with that “tailoring” job,’ Michelle mimed the quotations with her fingers, ‘but it feels like you’re doin’ the same shit I did, but, like, the opposite. You’re tryin’ to keep yourself in that moment back when shit wasn’t all fucked up, an’ if you’re moving forward it’s fuckin’ slowly.’
           ‘Like you’re one to talk, mum.’
           ‘But tha’s just it- I was doing that. I was stuck and stickin’ there and I didn’t even care I was doing it ‘til some madman decided to shove my faults in my face in a way I can only thank every god above and below Daisy doesn’t seem to remember.
           ‘Learn from me, Eggsy- don’ get stuck just cos it seems safer.’
           ‘I don’t know how to be safe, mum- I just know how to get from one crisis to the next.’
           ‘Good thing you’ve got the time to learn, then. Even if you’ve got yourself a group of folk who prolly don’t know any better than you do.’ That seemed to cut loose some of the tension, both chuckling and bumping shoulders, and when had the space between them shrunk so much? Physically, mind, but hopefully they’d started filling in the emotional gaps.
           They sat in silence for a while, finishing off their now-so-cold-it-was-a-little-gross tea and clearing the sitting room. They got up to wash their mugs, stood comfortably beside each other at the sink, a happier echo of tense moments past. Michelle didn’t want to leave anything for Eggsy to wonder at, cos chances were that they wouldn’t ever speak like this again. This was the only chance she’d have, probably; but even if it weren’t she needed to know that Eggsy had heard her.
           ‘I need you to know that I mean it when I tell you I love you, Eggsy. I don’ really know how to love you, now, but I know it’s there- I just can’t express it right, I guess. And I’m so proud of you- you grew up so much when I wasn’t looking. When I was lookin’ away on purpose. But you’re an amazing young man and I am so proud of you- even when you won’t tell me all about your fancy dangerous job and I have to imagine what’s goin’ on.’ Eggsy smiled ruefully and scrubbed a hand at his neck, cheeks flushed but unrepentant. Michelle smiled and slowly opened her arms, wriggling her fingers to goad Eggsy into her embrace- which he did without protest, and she lifted herself just enough to reach his ear and whisper the words she couldn’t bring herself to say to his face.
           ‘You’re so much like your dad; you’ve got his justice and his fury and I’m gonna try an' tell you that more often. You deserve to know that you’re doin’ him proud- and he deserves to be remembered.’
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kurooshis · 6 years
can i hav som Nishinoya scenario (soulmate AU) where the reader (fem) and him are soulamtes, in this AU you'll find your soulmate through the red string. and the reader found him, she's from Tokyo, but Nishinoya refuses to believe it and so he pushed her away, maybe got a lil mean because of his devotion for Kiyoko(i luv dis girl tbh). please end it happily. THank YoU!
tHIS TOOK SO LONG IM SORRY. i’m going to separate this fic into parts because if i put it all together in 1 story it’ll be very long
Beep.    Beep.    Beep.
You wake up, and you hear a foreign sound. As it gets louder and clearer, you realize where the sound is coming from. Heart rate monitor. Heart rate monitor? Why? Where are you? Are you dreaming? Did some–
“Thank God, you’re now awake. How are you feeling?”
You hear a voice, it was the doctor. Taking a deep breath, you looked around only to see plain white walls, a tray that contains medical things and a window pane with a small curtain. You’re in a hospital. But why are you in a hospital? 
“Your legs are broken and some of your ribs are fractured, but don’t worry I already did what I could so it just needs time to heal. You’re lucky you’re still alive.”
Lucky? What’s the point of being alive if your family doesn’t want you? What’s the point if you don’t have any friends? Does anybody even love you? You don’t even have any memories to keep or any people to cherish. You should’ve been dead by now.
It was a normal spring day when your depressive state consumed you. You couldn’t bear it anymore, and the top of the building just looked like a release from sadness.
“(Name), let’s go,” Instantly recognizing the voice, you didn’t have to turn your head to see the person who called you, it was your mom. As you follow her on the way to the parking lot, you noticed a red string tied on her pinky slightly glowing. You blinked your eyes and shook your head. No, you’re only dreaming, right?
You’ve heard a lot of stories about this, how that red string is connected to your soulmate even if he or she is miles away. But some people say it was just a myth, so you didn’t actually believe it. Maybe it’s just your brain fooling with you.
When you got home, you saw your dad watching TV, then you realize that he also had a red string attached to his pinky but what’s noticeable was that it wasn’t connected to the one your mom has. As you head straight towards your bedroom, you kept wondering why each string was going in a different way. Lying down on your bed, a bright glowing light caught your attention. Looking at your hands, you saw a red string starting to form around your pinky. Perhaps soulmates are real after all. If so, aren’t soulmates meant to love each other? Maybe there is someone out there who loves you.
Standing up, you instantly grabbed a backpack and packed your things. You decided to follow your red string, which was leading to the place where your soulmate is.
After 4 hours of traveling, the string led you to Miyagi. It was an unfamiliar place but at least you have the string to guide you to where you need to go. 
While walking around, the string started to grow more and more visible as if it was completing itself. You kept following it and saw that it was connected to someone. He was sitting on the ground on the side of an alley feeding a stray cat. You didn’t know if you should approach him and tell him about the string because maybe he’ll see you as a crazy person.
But you did anyway.
“Hey, do you need help with something?” He asked as he noticed you staring at him. You didn’t know what to do or say. He’s a stranger, you don’t know anything about him. You’re basing this decision off of something that might be a side effect to what happened to you. Red strings. 
“Um, the string led me here,” You said just loud enough for him to hear.
He squinted his eyes and raised his brows in confusion. “Excuse me? What string?”
You can already see on his face how he thinks of you. Crazy.
You took a deep breath, preparing for what you’ll say next, unsure of his reaction and the aftermath of your decision.
“You’re my soulmate,” You breathed out. This time, he heard what you said clearly.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Hello, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this and please stay tuned for the next part!  
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sighingstarbeam · 6 years
Spies and Gods - Chapter 3
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Summary: Reader gets to go to the Avengers HQ and meets some new people, including a god of mischief, as well as reuniting with a face that she thought she'd never see again.
Word Count: 4,428
Warnings: Reader has a nightmare.
Chapter 2 | Chapter 4
It took you a minute to process what Tony said. You couldn’t believe that you were about to go stay in Avengers Headquarters, the Avengers Headquarters. So many thoughts were running through your head, one of them was if you were going to meet any of the Avengers. You especially wanted to meet Captain America. You had so many questions you wanted to ask him about the 1940’s since he was actually there. But you secretly fangirled over Natasha Romanoff, who was by far your favorite Avenger. She might not have superpowers like the others, but you’ve always looked up to her for being capable of protecting herself while simultaneously kicking ass. You grew giddier by the minute but forced yourself to hide it from Tony.
There was only one thing that didn’t make sense to you. Why would Tony bring you there of all places? You didn’t want to ask and risk not going to see the headquarters, but it was odd that he didn’t send you anywhere else. You decided to risk it.
“So why Avengers Headquarters?” You asked, “You can just drop me off at a motel. I’ll be fine and I’ll even pay for the night.”
“I could, but I figured HQ was a bit nicer than some sleazy hotel like the Hilton.” He made a sharp turn, the engine lightly roared, “We’re like a hotel, but cooler.” Tony’s eyes lit up, “That has a nice ring to it. ‘Avengers Headquarters: We’re like a hotel but cooler’. Don’t steal that I’m officially trademarking it.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, “I won’t, I promise.” He smiled back, a flicker of delight surrounded him.
The rest of the ride was silent, other than some rock music playing through the stereo. You looked at your phone in your pocket and realized you had a dozen texts from Lilly and Maya. Dammit, they’re probably worried sick.
[Lilly]: omg girl where r u???
[Lilly]: maya found elliot on the floor
[Lilly]: we think he had a seizure
[Lilly]: nvm hes up
[Lilly]: holy shit did iron man really taze him???!!!
[Lilly]: omfg im sorry elliot was such a dick i kicked him out
[Lilly]: hello???
[Lilly]: pls respond
You thought about what to say to her. They knew you were going out that day, but you weren’t exactly honest with your intentions. Your phone buzzed and your battery icon showed you only had ten percent left. You at least wanted to send a message telling them you’re okay.
[You]: i’m fine, staying somewhere else for the night. battery almost dead i’ll tell you everything later.
You were relieved that Lilly made sure you were fine, but you felt guilty for not telling them where you were or why you were out. They’ve been so nice to you and all you’ve done was keep secrets from them. Hopefully once this whole fiasco was over you would go back and apologize, maybe even make it up to them somehow.
So much was running through your head. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t even notice Tony pull up a gravel driveway. Looking up you saw it, the Avengers Facility that was home to most of Earth’s mightiest heroes.
You gaped at the sight. The structure was ginormous and seemed to be attached to another building. Aircrafts were laid about on platforms, you figured they were some sort of jet wings or something similar. You’d be lying if you didn’t want to fly in one of those. The area was surrounded by trees, making the building seem far more advanced in comparison to its surroundings.
Tony looked at you with a small gleam in his eye. He seemed to adore that you were fascinated about the building, and you haven’t even set foot in it yet.
The car pulled up to what seemed like a slanted glass wall. Tony rolled down his window and stuck his head out, a small machine scanned his face. “Welcome home, smartest Avenger.” the familiar female voice said. Of course it would say that. Tony slyly smirked as the gates opened with an immense creak, you rolled your eyes well knowing he programmed it to say that every time. The doors opened horizontally, allowing Tony to drive in.
The doors closed behind you as lights lit up to reveal the room. There were multiple vehicles parked around. Cars, trucks, a few motorcycles, and even a huge Hummer that could be mistaken for a military truck. Maybe it was military given where you were.
Tony swung the car in a spot a little too harsh, making you grip the passenger seat. He then turned the engine off and exited the car, you followed behind. “So, whaddya think so far?” He asked.
“I’ve barely seen anything and it’s already a lot,” you said, “but it’s really cool.”
“Thank you.” Tony said, opening a glass door for you, “I made a lot of modifications when we first moved in. Everything was so out of date dinosaurs would’ve called it vintage.”
“How old is this place?” you asked.
Tony hesitated, then he spoke, “This used to be a warehouse built by my dad. He kept a bunch of Stark equipment here until it was abandoned. Then I figured we needed a base of operations and boom, here we are.”
You stepped through the doorway to be greeted by a large white room with tall windows. The floor was plated with grates and mirrors mixed into the floor. Most notably in the room were a pair of jets sitting right in the middle like they were decor, but you knew they were used due to the fuel tanks next to them. You turned to look at Tony and saw the Avengers symbol of an ‘A’ high above the doors. “Wow, you guys sure know how to decorate. It’s almost like an Ikea ad.”
You could’ve sworn that you heard him chuckle, but you were distracted by more voices coming from the other end of the room. It sounded like two men, but you couldn’t quite hear what they were saying.
Tony went ahead so you followed. The two of you approached the source and you almost yelled in excitement. Right in front of you was Captain fricking America. It was weird not seeing him in uniform, but you didn’t mind the white t-shirt that showed off some of his muscles.
He was talking to two other men. Where they were standing you could only see the Captain’s face while the other two’s backs were turned to you. All you could tell was that one was slightly taller than the Captain, had short blonde hair, and wore a denim jacket, while the other man was about the same height as the blonde haired one but had intensely dark hair to his shoulders. The dark haired man stood out like a sore thumb, not just because of the hair but he also wore a completely black suit.
You looked at Tony, who was now walking ahead of you, and noticed that his mood changed entirely. One moment he was eager but now he seemed vexed. He didn’t show it much but you could tell in his eyes that something was different. Maybe it was because of the men the Captain was talking to.
The Captain noticed the two of, “Welcome home, Tony,” he shifted his attention to you, “I see you brought a guest with us tonight.”
The other two men turned around to see the new visitor to the Avengers HQ. The blonde haired man gave you a welcoming smile. You weren’t sure but you swore you’ve seen him before. His face was familiar but you couldn’t place a name.
Meanwhile your eyes met with the dark haired man. His face seemed uninterested but his green eyes were focused directly on you, like they were trying to study who you were. You were good at reading people, but this man wasn’t like the others. He seemed different than the rest, not because of the way he looked but his eyes told a story you couldn’t figure out. They seemed full of emotion while the rest of him was stoic.
You focused on him for what seemed like eternity until Tony spoke, “Yep. She’s an exclusive guest with us tonight.” Tony looked at the Captain, “If you would be so kind Jeeves and show her a room, I’d like to catch up with buzzcut and Hot Topic wannabe here. I’ll fill you in later.” The dark haired man rolled his eyes while the blonde haired man laughed. The Captain sighed, then patted the blonde haired man on the back. He walked past you and you followed, looking back at the two men, especially the one in black.
The Captain opened a door for you, making you feel giddy again. Now it’s just the two of you walking down a corridor. You looked around and admired everything about the building, how sleek the walls and floor were, you felt like you were in a futuristic setting in a book.
“Tony must trust you a lot to let you stay the night,” the Captain said, pushing a button to an elevator, “how do you two know each other?”
“I think he’s my dad.” You responded, the Captain looked perplexed by your comment. Might as well be straight forward, “My name’s Y/N.”
“Steve Rogers.” He held out his hand and you gladly shook it. You honestly didn’t realize he had a normal name instead of just being called ‘Captain’. Hopefully he didn’t feel you shaking nervously.
The elevator dinged and the two of you stepped inside. Now it was really just the two of you. You looked at him up and down. He caught you and you jerked your head away hoping he didn’t really see you. He smirked, “I take it you’re a fan?”
“A bit.” No, not just a bit, but you didn’t want to seem weird. “I’m a fan of the Avengers, but I swear I’m not making up being Tony’s kid to meet you guys if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“I wasn’t thinking that at all,” Steve smiled, “I’m just happy that you aren’t the type of fan that bombards us on sight.”
You looked at him concerningly, “Some people don’t actually do that, do they?”
“You’d be surprised how many times it’s happened,” The elevator stopped and opened its doors, you followed Steve down a long corridor, “people these days don’t have much respect for personal space as much as they use to.”
“Oh right, I forgot you’re from the 40’s.” You actually didn’t forget, it was on your mind this entire conversation but you didn’t want to be the first to bring it up, “What was it like back then? If it’s okay if I ask.”
Steve chuckled, “Different. Definitely different than now. New inventions, how people look and talk and act, it’s like I stepped foot on a different planet rather than sleep for seventy years.”
“I wish I could sleep for that long,” you joked, “I bet it’d be the best sleep I’ve ever had.” You looked at Steve for approval, but instead he gave a puzzled smile. You guess your joke was too soon for him.
The two of you walked down the hall lined with doors until you stopped in front of one of them. Steve opened the door revealing a wide room with a plain double bed, dresser, desk with a lamp, and chair. You stepped foot in the room and also noticed to your right a door which you assumed was either a closet or a bathroom.
“This room isn’t occupied at the moment,” Steve said, “so you can use it for however long you’ll be staying.”
“It’s just for the night, but thank you.” Before you got comfortable you suddenly remembered your now dead phone, “Oh, I don’t suppose you guys have a charger. My phone’s dead.”
Steve pointed to the desk against the wall, “Put it face up on the surface of the desk right there.”
You looked at him questionably, but did as he said. The moment you put your phone down the desk flashed a neon blue before your phone turned on, the charging symbol on the screen turning on as well. You gasped, then looked on and around the desk to see that there were no power cords or outlets the desk was plugged in to. You picked up your phone and saw it was already on twenty percent, “Holy crap, this is the fastest I’ve seen it charge in like, ever! How did-”
“One of Stark’s inventions.” Steve smiled at your reaction, “The table has some electrical stuff to charge any electronics without being plugged in. Don’t ask me what’s in it or how he did it I have absolutely no clue. I’m still getting the hang of how video games work.”
You laughed, “It’s techy things, got it. Thanks.”
“Let us know if you need anything.” With that Steve closed the door behind him leaving you alone in the room.
You set your phone back down on the table to let it charge fully and went to inspect what was behind the door. As you suspected it was a bathroom, but it seemed more like a hotel bathroom than a normal one. There was a large counter with a sink in it, a huge mirror with vanity lights embedded in it was placed behind the counter. The shower was as wide with glass walls, not to mention a big bathtub right next to it. You definitely were gonna take a bath before you left in that thing.
After inspecting the rest of the room you plopped yourself on the bed and checked your phone that was now at sixty percent. You were starting to wish you could take this desk home so you didn’t have to buy a new charger every time it stopped working.
Everything you’ve seen was incredible, but you knew you couldn’t get too attached here. It was only for the night of course, and even if Tony is your dad and invited you to stay you knew you had to keep moving. Staying in one place was too dangerous for you.
You checked your phone a few minutes later, it was at eighty percent and around five o’clock. It felt like it was later in the day for how tired you were. You figured you should text Lilly and Maya now before you forgot. So you texted the group chat everything that happened today, from confronting Tony to where you were now. Several minutes went by and nothing. Usually at least one of them is on their phone and would respond. Something inside you began to worry that something bad happened to them, but you shrugged it off. Maybe they were still dealing with Lilly’s now ex boyfriend.
You felt your eyelids begin to droop as you started to doze off from the long day you had. You thought you should get some sleep, even though it was still early. You placed your phone back on the desk and stared at the ceiling, your eyes going in and out of focus as you drifted into a deep sleep.
It was the same dream you have almost every other night. Everything was blurry, dark, and shades of red splattered everywhere. From the blurry images you could only see one face. His face. The same damn face that makes you regret ever being alive. He started running to you, faster and faster, you try to run away but your feet don’t move. They can’t move. Before he reaches you, you wake up.
You barely heard the knock on your door, but the moment it opened you shot up from the bed fully awake. You breathed heavily, wiping away the sweat from your face before the person could come in.
The door opened revealing Tony with a plate of something you couldn’t quite see and a glass of what you presumed was water. “Hey kid, brought some leftovers from dinner. We would’ve asked you to join but you were pretty knocked out.” He turned on the light and your eyes adjusted.
You looked at your phone and checked the time. It was a little past nine, so you only slept for about four hours. You let out a quick yawn and stretched your arms, “Whatcha got for me?”
“Just some pizza. I didn’t know what kind so it’s just cheese.” Tony extended the plate and glass of water towards you.
You looked at the plate and back at Tony, “I’m a vegan.” You said as stale as you could. The expression on Tony’s face was priceless and you couldn’t help but laugh, “I’m kidding. Pizza’s fine, thanks.” You gladly took the plate and glass from Tony who now has a relieved yet glaring look.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it.” Tony turned towards the door, but you wanted to have an actual conversation with him.
“Wait,” he stopped, “can I ask you a few questions?”
He turned back around and took a few steps towards you, “If it’s about your mom I already told you-”
“No, I just wanna talk.” You scooted over on the bed, allowing enough room for Tony to sit down. Getting the hint, he sat down at the foot of the bed. “So, does every Avenger live here? I swear it’s like a sitcom trying to keep up with how many of you guys there are.”
“Kardashian-esque, aren’t we?” He joked, “Not everyone. There are a few who aren’t public with their identities yet and some who do their own thing. We keep in touch from time to time, making sure the world hasn’t blown up yet.”
You nodded, thinking about how there were others out there with super abilities protecting the world. Then you thought of Thor, who wasn’t even from this planet. “What about Thor? Is he ever coming back?”
Tony looked at you puzzled, almost as if you had three heads. “You know you saw him earlier, right?” Now you gave him a puzzled look, he saw this and raised an eyebrow, “He was talking to Cap when we got here.”
You suddenly remembered the man with short blonde hair. There was no way he was Thor, “That was Thor? Last I checked he was in armor and had longer hair than I did, oh, and even had a hammer that shot lightning from it.”
“Yeah a lot happened to him while he was gone. Banner too.” Tony scratched the back of his neck, “It’s best if he explained it to you. I’m still confused even though he told me twice already.”
That settled who the blonde man was, but you were still wondering about the dark haired man. You’ve never seen him fight with the Avengers, unless it was some sort of special ops or secret missions he went on, “What about the other one? The one with black hair. Is he an Avenger?”
Tony froze, he opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. He thought for a minute before finally speaking, “He’s not an Avenger. He’s Loki, brother of Thor, almost destroyer of our world.” His tone went flat towards the end.
Loki. So that’s who he was. Everything was clicking in your mind, “Was he the guy who almost destroyed New York a few years back?”
“Yep. Thor claims he’s reformed a little bit now, but after they’re done helping their people he’ll be out of here in no time.”
“What do you mean they’re helping their people?” You asked.
“They kinda sort of had to obliterate their home world with their sister on it and now all of Asgard is on Earth now.” You didn’t know how to comprehend what he said, so you just went with it, “I offered them all jobs at Stark Industries to work for a few months to get started, hopefully that goes well and doesn’t get too medieval.”
“That’s surprisingly nice of you.” The media had always made Tony Stark seem like a typical rich guy who was all about himself, but after today you were second guessing yourself. First he invited you to stay the night after saving you from a creep, his attempt to make amends with you was stale but you appreciated it no less, and now he offered an entire city to work for him after their home was destroyed.
“I’m a surprisingly nice person.” Tony shrugged, “Just like when I tazed America’s Most Wanted back at what you called an apartment.”
A new thought emerged in your head. How did Tony know where you were to save you? “Wait, did you follow me to my apartment?”
Tony stood up, “I wouldn’t say ‘followed’, more like making sure you got home okay.” He opened the bedroom door, “Oh, and you’re welcome by the way for that.”
“I could’ve handled it,” You started to feel angry, but you didn’t want  to ruin the bonding moment the two of you had, “but thank you.”
Tony grinned, “Get some sleep. I’ll take you home first thing.” He turned and exited the room, closing the door behind him.
Once again it was just you. The short conversation you had with Tony lifted a weight from your chest, but now there was only one thought in your head that you couldn’t shake. Loki was the one who attacked New York with an army of aliens, but they looked nothing like him. You could only wonder how he had that large of an army, or if he was working alone. Even if he was working alone or not, was he going to try to attack again? Thor said that he was reformed, and when you looked in his eyes you couldn’t see any malicious intent. Just his green eyes observing you, your mind couldn’t stop thinking about his eyes and the way it gleamed in the light. The rest of his face was unexplainable. His sharp cheekbones, the way his lips pursed and his eyebrows furrowed when he looked at you.
You couldn’t get him out of your head, so you decided to finish your dinner and check your phone again. Your phone was blowing up with texts from Lilly and Maya, mostly along the lines of how cool it was how Tony Stark could be your dad, but they also forgave you for not telling them and it was personal problems. You were relieved that they could forgive you, but you still wanted to make it up to them. Trying to get Loki out of your mind you thought of things you could do with Maya and Lilly to give them your gratitude. A few ideas sparked in your head before you drifted back to sleep.
The next morning you woke up from a dreamless night. You looked at your phone that read nine am. That should be a suitable time to get up and get ready for the day. You looked around the room, you almost forgot you spent the night in Avengers HQ. All of yesterday felt like a weird dream, but this all really happened. You stood up from your bed and headed to the bathroom. You undressed, hanging your clothes from the day before to air out as you turned on the shower. The cold drops soon turned warm. You let the water run down your hair all the way to your toes, removing yesterday to go down the drain. As you washed up a certain god entered your head, but you quickly dismissed it easier today than yesterday.
You stepped out of the shower and dried yourself off, changing into yesterday's clothes as they were your only clothes you had on hand. You would’ve packed at least a pair of pajamas, but a surprise sleepover with the Avengers caught you off guard.
You grabbed your phone and bag as you left your room, only to be greeted by Tony walking down the hallway accompanied by another man. “Good morning, Y/N. Hope you slept well.” Tony said. “Rhodey, this is Y/N, the one I told you about. Y/N, Rhodey.”
“You can call me James if you want.” He reached his hand out. You shook his hand, recognizing him as the man who flies Tony’s suit War Machine.
You shrugged your bag over your shoulder, “I’m ready to head out whenever.”
“Got all your things?” Tony asked, you nodded your head, “Alright, I’ll be ready in a few.”
Rhodey looked at Tony, “So soon? She can stay a bit longer, at least for breakfast.”
Tony turned to Rhodey and furrowed his eyes at his contradicting remark, “I don’t suppose why she shouldn’t.” He jerked his head for you to follow him, “Come on, I’ll get Cap to make you a smorgasbord.” You grinned, the hunger finally setting into your stomach.
You followed Rhodey and Tony to another room. It had many sitting areas and a kitchen off to the side. There were two people in one of the sitting areas talking, and few more people in the kitchen. Your eyes gleamed as you recognized the people who filled the room.
In one of the sitting areas was Wanda Maximoff, also known as Scarlet Witch with freaky but cool powers. Next to her was Vision, another one of Tony’s creations that helps the team. In the kitchen was Banner, who you remembered from yesterday talking to the Falcon, actual name Sam Wilson. Then there she was. The woman you were ecstatic to meet from the beginning, Natasha Romanoff AKA the Black Widow. You gawked at them but quickly kept your cool to not embarrass yourself.
“Everyone, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is everyone.” Tony waved his hand towards them.
“I already know who you guys are,” you said shakily, “it’s really awesome to meet you.” Your eyes looked at Natasha, your heart thumped in joy.
You heard the doors open again and looked to see who joined. It was Steve walking with- oh no.
“Mornin’ guys.” Tony acknowledged the two, “Y/N you might not know this man, but this is Bucky. He’s the newest addition to the team. Old friend of Cap’s.”
Your eyes were wide as your heart began to race. Bucky looked at you in familiarity,  but it looked like he couldn’t place it where he knew you from. You could tell he remembered the second his eyes went wide as he recalled. “I know you.” Bucky stated, “You’re with Hydra.”
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sorcererinthestars · 7 years
u know im always gonna send you a prompt when you ask for them love haha. how about some supernatural au mavin? Michael needs some ingredients from the Fae world. good thing he has his own personal Fae to lead him through it. Michael though knows how to listen to the rules of the fae and keep himself out of trouble. though he still manages to attract a lot of attention just by being a human in the Fae world. And making his boi feel far more protective than he thought the Fae ever could feel
Uhm…. I like the world of the Fae a lot more than I thought. This description is based on fantasy stories I’ve read and legends I’ve had the privledge to be told while I lived in the world that still believes in the Fae (England, Scotland, and Ireland). I ate them up like candy, I’m obsessed, and they colored this image quite a lot. So some of this is based in “fact”, if you can call the whispers of an old man on a rocking chair “fact”. 
WC: 1588
The world felt colder here. That was the first thing that Michael always noticed when he passed through the portal to the other side. It didn’t feel dead, no. Dead was the wrong world, for the world of the Fae was always bursting with color and life. But the life seemed /wrong/, twisted somehow, unnaturally merged with magic that kept it in a state of tortured bloom for far, far longer than any natural thing should exist.
Gavin always seemed different in the world of the Fae, too. He sparkled a bit too much. His teeth were just a bit too sharp. His eyes glowed a bit too much with a wicked sort of mirth. A look Michael would find incredibly amusing and appealing in His world is now terrifying. Everything in this world is terrifying and unnatural. It’s not for Him. He shouldn’t be Here.
But he is, because there are ingredients he needs to fetch. If they needed invisibility potions for their next heist, he had to harvest some of the lily blossoms that grew only near a specific spring in the world of the Fae. Gavin Owned him, at least in the Fae concept of ownership, and so Michael knew he was safe. Theoretically. Time seemed to drag like it wanted to keep him here and the fruits, hanging large and appetizing down on the trees would spell his death.
There were a lot of hidden dangers in the Fae world. Things that watched when you weren’t looking. That whispered sweet promises in your ears on the dancing wind. Michael knew this and didn’t listen. He never once let go of his Fae’s hand, knowing Gavin would protect him.
But there were things in the Fae world that even Gavin would get swept up in, calls to his base nature that were extremely difficult for him to avoid. The Dance was one. The Fae loved to frolic and make music. Their dance happened every night on the Fae full moon - and every night on the full moon was the correct phrase, for their merry-making would last for weeks, months, even /years/ in the human world.
Once - and only once - Michael almost got swept up in it. They passed by a group of Fae gathering for a dance and Gavin had almost run to join them. The fiddles were already going, their haunting song growing through the night. If Michael had grabbed hands with one of the dancers, he’d be gone. He’d dance forever, until he died where he stood. That was the plight of the Faerie Dance. That was the doom of the dancers. 
Gavin had saved him in the end. Come to his senses and realized his human wasn’t made for such merry-making. He had managed to tear Michael away from the music, shoved wax in his ears until Michael could think again and lost the dewy, star-struck look in his eyes. A kiss warned the other Fae away and, like scavenging wolfs backing away from their prey, they retreated into the woods, until their eyes were the only things left. Watching. Waiting for a human to stumble and be pulled into their trap, feasting like wolves on the life-force of the unwary. Those too easily entranced.
It took months before Michael crossed back over after that, but with Gavin’s protection - worn like a cloak of gossamer gold over his shoulders - he wasn’t bothered much again. Gavin fought to keep him away from wandering eyes and enchanting hands and Michael felt safe with him. His boy rarely felt deep emotions but here, where everything was amplified a hundred times, the human emotion in him was too. Gavin was like a wolf and would tear apart any who approached them, teeth sharp as knives and smile just a bit too wide.
To get to the spring and the flowers they needed to harvest, they had to pass through the Court. Michael had never been there. Gavin assured him that was the Court of a minor Flower God and that they didn’t need to worry. He just had to stay close. Michael never was disobedient, not in the world of the Fae. He didn’t know enough. Gavin just warned him again to keep his mouth shut. A promise here was binding. A boast was a sealed death warrant.
Everyone knew the story of the best bagpiper in the world who got sucked down a Faerie hole to learn from the best and then was never able to leave, playing perpetually in their world for their dance forever more. Sometimes, legend has it, you could still hear him playing on the marshes of Scotland. Michael wasn’t sure how true the story was when he heard it on the concrete streets of Los Santos, but he wasn’t about to risk it. The rules of Fae ownership were fickle and he wasn’t about to break them.
The Flower God was naked. Most Faes were. Michael wasn’t bothered by this. Honestly, it made the man more appealing. It made him want to lay in the lush grass at the man’s feet and open his body up to him. That was the lure of the Fae, their charm. It was only when one looked closer could you see their sharp teeth and wicked claws. They were predators and Michael was a prey animal through and through. Shivers ran up his spine. He didn’t Belong Here and he knew it.
Gavin - with a low hiss - staked his claim, drawing blood from Michael’s body and smearing it over his lips. His. Michael was his, sealed with a bloody kiss. The show was morbid and ceremonial, but it appeased the wandering members of the Court from getting any closer. The whispers of pleasures beyond Michael’s knowing faded away and he was released from their spell. The smell of fragrance faded from his nostrils, replaced by the crimson tang of his own blood. Gavin’s blinding gold shimmer faded but for a moment, Michael could see the tendrils of satin wings fade back into his body. His little Faerie had sharp claws. He had to remember that.
They leave the village on the other side that they had come and time seems to minutely speed up, leaving them in a copse of never-dying trees. Gavin is breathing hard, crimson blood still on his lips, looking vicious. Michael just squeezes his hand. In the Other World, he’d have comments. Now, it felt like his tongue was tied to the roof of his mouth. He couldn’t speak even if he wanted to. A wrong word here spelled imprisonment, entrapment, death.
Even drowning in pleasure was drowning all the same.
When they emerge out into the spring, it trickles and runs like diamonds down a waterfall of magic. Michael’s almost dizzied with it. Gavin bends down and drinks straight out of the pool like some sort of animal. His body sparkles and he is rejuvenated. With a grin and a cock of his head, he dips his hand in until a few drops of the magic water - the water of the Fae - glimmer on his fingers. He gently returns and presses the droplets against Michael’s lips and he suckles greedily on the fingers. The water is like a shock, like the purest water and the most potent alcholol. It’s heady and intoxicating and he licks all he can get off of Gavin’s fingers and then - without stopping himself - licks what remains off of Gavin’s lips.
Gavin allows him two greedy kisses to steal what’s left of the droplets before stopping him. Sex is an Act here, a Right of Passage that Michael cannot transgress on. It’s another form of body magic and another way to steal a human’s soul. Stealing a droplet of magic water is one thing and that’s another.
Michael understands and goes to collect the lilys while Gavin strips down, skin tan and glowing gold as he bathes in the stream, the real reason he comes. The water falls off the gorgeous curves of his body and Michael is forced to look away or else fall victim to the promises of this world. The Temptations.
Gavin’s completely dry when he steps out, just another secret mystery, but looking rejuvenated, healthy and strong. The scars and stresses of the human world that had gathered on his skin are gone. The waters of the spring had restored him.
Holding out his hand, he brushes a kiss on Michael’s knuckles. Bag full of lilies, Gavin throws his hands up and incants an ancient ritual Michael would never be privy to know. A faerie ring is formed. Holding Michael close, they step through...
And collapse in the woods near Mount Chillad, falling on the dusty ground. It’s less vibrant. The ground is painful and dry, aching for the water of the magic spring across one magic barrier of time and space. Gavin’s Faerie ring is verdant and beautiful and surrounded with little mushrooms - the perfect trap for a curious hiker.
It’s only when they’re lying on the dirt, gasping, does Michael let out a long laugh. Gavin chuckles too and suddenly they’re kissing, all the adrenaline and fear they both felt fading. Back to normal, a witch and a displaced Fae. Not a God-being and his follower, but two men with strange abilities. 
The World of the Fae is a dangerous place and woe betide those who dare to test its mysteries unaccompanied, lest it swallow you whole.
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strngrthngz-blog · 7 years
Steve Harrington x Sinclair!Reader
Request: A fic with a PoC reader? For stranger things and Steve. I literally haven’t seen ANY of these, and since it’s Indiana… she could be Lucas’ sister? Whatever you want tho, thank you!
A/N: 1) So, I’m 100% aware that there aren’t a lot of PoC fics up in a lot of fandoms and I will not let that happen with this one. I’m going to try to be as inclusive as I can, so send in requests please! I am down to write mostly anything. Also, I’m gonna make sure to keep the descriptions for the reader as neutral as possible, unless specified, for future fics. 2) I would love some feedback from you guys. What you liked, what you didn’t, anything. Thank you! 
Summary: When Y/N thinks that Steve is just being himself around her, her brother Lucas tells her otherwise.
If you guys want, request anything or check out my other stories! 
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“Sto-p it, St-eve! G-god you’re so ann-oy-ing!” You shouted at him in-between giggles.
“Oh, now you’re really getting it, unless you just admit it!” Steve replied trying to wager with you. 
“No, because it’s not true!” You said way out of breath.
“Alright, you’re asking for it then.” He pulled his hands back, giving you a false sense of hope and a second to breathe before putting his fingertips back deep into your sides. Steve had been tickling you for what seemed like hours, your stomach hurting and your head feeling as though it couldn’t take the pressure anymore.
“Alright! Alright! I’ll admit it, you’re the best babysitter ever!”
“That’s what I thought.” He smiled proudly and leaned back on the couch, putting his hand out to help you sit up.
The party had finally tired themselves out and it was time for everyone to go home. Steve waited by his car with Dustin as you waited inside for Lucas to get a comic book from Mike. While walking out of Mike’s room Lucas stopped and stared at you.
“What’s up?” you asked him, a little concerned by the serious expression on his face.
“Are you and Steve dating?” He asked, keeping eye contact.
“No, god no, Lucas. What are you even talking about?” You asked, a bit embarrassed that even your younger brother had caught on to your crush.
“Everyone says you guys are in love and should just kiss already, Y/N.” He said, shocking you. You quickly recovered.
“Ew Lucas, you and your weirdo friends need to mind your own business!” You said before storming out to Steve’s car, not wanting to have this conversation with Lucas.
You and Steve had decided a few weeks ago to babysit the party together. You were always around anyways, being there for them before Steve was. You were always dropping off Lucas or walking with them to whoever’s house after school, making sure they were safe.
You would run into Nancy and Jonathan from time to time but never really got to know them. With Steve, it was different. He had noticed you dropping Lucas off two weeks after he became friends with Dustin. Eventually he invited you to stay one night, giving you the excuse that he couldn’t take any more of the farts and prepubescent humor by himself and promising he would drive you home after. As unappealing as the first part sounded, you agreed, because no one could say no to Steve’s smile. You would join them almost every time they would get together.
 You would usually let the kids do as they pleased, while you two would sit and watch from the other side of the room. Far enough from the smells and loud curse words they would yell, sometimes being too loud, earning a harsh ‘hey!” from you both.
 The jokes started almost immediately after you agreed to join Steve on his babysitting adventures. 
“So, are you our mom now?” Dustin asked, earning a face shove from you as you rolled your eyes.
“I’d rather drop dead.” You said, trying to sound uninterested in the thought of being somehow romantically involved with Steve. “Then why are you always with us.” Lucas would ask with a knowing look. It was obvious you were there to hang out with Steve and not just watch over your little brother. But you would never admit to it.
“How else am I gonna get information to blackmail you with.” You said and smiled at Lucas earning an eye roll from him.
“Now I know where Erica gets it from.” He said before turning his head from you. You just laughed and walked over to the couch Steve was sitting on.
“You know, being a single dad is hard.” Steve said before feigning a sigh. You laughed lightly at him.
“Well, if anyone can do it, it’s you.” You said as he wrapped his arm around you.
“Well, it would be easier if I had some help.” He said pulling you in a little closer and pressing his lips to your hairline. You felt yourself get hot.
Steve was always making comments about how the two of you should be together, you knew they were only jokes to entertain the kids but it didn’t stop you from getting flustered.
Knowing Steve from school, there was no chance he was interested in you. He was the King of the school as they said. Getting any girl, he could possibly want, going to all the cool parties and hanging out with all his friends.
You on the other hand stuck to your small group of friends, only going to parties every couple of months and having absolutely no love life.
At school, Steve would sometimes pass by your locker, offering to walk you to class and on occasion even offering to drive you and your brother home, along with Dustin. Recently he had started sitting with you at lunch, sometimes suggesting getting a bite outside of school. You knew you were just friends and you weren’t going to fight it, knowing you would rather have that then admit your feelings and lose him entirely.
 It was another D&D night at Mike’s house, you were recruited by Steve to watch the kids while the Wheelers were out, but couldn’t because you had a project to finish.
When the game was over and the kids went back home Lucas ran into the house, going straight to your room.
“STEVE LIKES YOU!” He yelled at you, causing you to jump out of your chair in surprise. 
“Oh my god Lucas, I thought something happened! You can’t scare me like that!” You told him getting angry at him.
“Are you deaf? Did you hear what I said?” He asked with wide eyes and flailing arms, confused as to why you weren’t reacting.
“Of course I heard what you said, but you can’t be saying things like that Lucas, you know it’s wrong to lie.” You said picking up the book that had fallen off your table and pointing a harsh finger at him.
“Y/N IM NOT LYING! He told us tonight, well basically. He was going on about how much he missed you and how pretty you were and how soft your skin was and how lucky I was because I got to see you every day. I nearly barfed at the last one.” He said acting as if he was throwing up. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“This isn’t funny Lucas.” You told him pushing him out of your room and slamming the door. You leaned against it and pressed the book you were holding tighter to your chest.
“Whatever Y/N, I’m not lying and you should definitely tell him you like him. I actually approve.” He yelled through the door before stomping off to his room.
 You couldn’t believe what Lucas had said, it was way beyond belief that Steve would like you. But what if he did?
When school started again on Monday, Steve had walked you to two of your classes and caught up with you before lunch. 
“Hey Y/N, wait up!” You heard from behind you and turned to see Steve slightly jogging towards you. You let him catch up before continuing your walk to the cafeteria.
“So, I was thinking maybe we could go out for lunch today.” He looked at you and smiled.
“Sure! But only if you promise to get us back before class starts this time.” You told him and laughed, remembering last time you were 15 minutes late because Steve insisted on getting dessert. He laughed and put his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him as he usually did.
He saluted at you, agreeing to the conditions and lead you through the parking lot to his car, opening the door for you before getting in himself.
You had decided to go to your usual place, a small restaurant by the main streets of Hawkins. It was usually empty at this time save an older couple and a few people on their lunch breaks.
You two sat in a booth, both of you on the same side with his arm slung around you. You enjoyed being this close to Steve, you always felt tipsy from the mix of his cologne and hairspray. High off his scent, you had the courage to ask him, wondering if Lucas had been telling the truth. Before you could say anything, Steve has opened his mouth.
“So, the usual?” He asked, skimming through the menu, but already knowing what he was going to order.
“With a chocolate milkshake.” You said and he nodded, approving of your choice.
Steve ordered for you both, making sure to even ask for the ketchup on the side how you liked it.
You guys shared the milkshake with two straws. You would blush when you would lean in to take a sip, from being so close to Steve’s face and from the winks he’d send you every time.  
When the waitress came by again Steve offered to pay as usual. Something you would always fight him on but he would win every time.
You and Steve headed back to school, with time to spare. You decided to stay in his car, to talk and listen to music until the bell would ring. You decided to talk to him, checking the time on your Casio watch. As nervous as ever but knowing that you had the possibility of running when the bell rang if things went wrong.
“Steve.” You spoke up, getting his attention as he looked through his music to find something to put on.
“Y/N.” He replied. You smiled up at him, not being able to look away when he made eye contact.
“I wanted to talk to you.”
“About what?” He curiously asked, turning to you to fully give you his attention, his leg on the car seat and his arm holding his head up.
“Us.” Was the only thing you could get out, your voice giving out. He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Us? Like, us together? Okay.” All you could do was nod. It was silent for a few seconds and he looked at you, waiting for you to say something.
“I like you.” You spit out before your brain could even process what had happened.
Steve laughed, a big hearty laugh that stirred his entire body. You wanted to run, you wanted to hide, but mostly you wanted to cry. Your eyes started to water, humiliated by the situation. Of course he didn’t like you, you were so stupid. How could you believe what your little brother had told you, he only just had his first kiss, what did he know.
Steve stopped laughing when he saw you, quickly leaning over and grabbing your face.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong? I’m sorry, was it because I laughed?” He said wiping away at your tears, a concerned look on his face. You slightly nodded.
“I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything.” You cried out. 
“No! Oh god, I’m such an asshole, Y/N, I wasn’t laughing at you!” He pulled you into him, hugging you tightly. “No, baby, please stop crying. I only laughed because of course you like me, I like you too. Why do you think we’ve been going on these dates?” He said pulling back and looking at you, wiping away the last few tears.
“D-dates? Wait, you like me back?” You looked up at him, and he couldn’t help but laugh again.
“Y/N, of course I like you, I’ve liked you since we started hanging out while taking care of those shit heads. God, you are so cute, you know that?” He said and smiled down at you before slowly leaning in, waiting for your reaction.
You were shocked to say the least. Steve Harrington liked you? THE Steve Harrington liked you? And you two have been going on dates?
You quickly grabbed on to him and leaned forward, pressing your lips to his. It was soft, and romantic, unlike any kiss you’ve ever had. Everything that had been held in between you two had been let out with the kiss, a conversation with no words.
“You are an idiot Steve Harrington. If we were going on dates the least you could do was tell me!” You said after pulling away from the kiss, giggling at him as he kept you close to him peppering kisses all over your face.
“I thought it was obvious, it’s not my fault!” He said before pressing one last kiss on your lips and smiling at you.
“So, does this mean you’re officially my girl, Y/N Sinclair?” He proudly smiled at you, already knowing your answer. You nodded at him, throwing yourself further onto him, your turn to pepper kisses all over his face.
“The hair babe, the hair!” he said but you kept going, laughing at him.
The moment was interrupted when the bell rang, signaling the beginning of another class. You both looked at each other, debating whether or not to skip. You both silently agreed as Steve turned on the car, peeling out of the parking lot. You hung onto him the entire car ride, with his arm slung across your shoulder, holding you tightly to him.
“I like you so much.” Steve said, squeezing your arm. “I like you even more than that.” You teased, feeling pure bliss wrapped up in your boyfriend’s embrace.
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cartoonishlullaby · 7 years
A Midwinter’s Night
Hey guys Im writing a Winter Snow fanfic, it was originally gonna be a oneshot but now I’m thinking I might continue it. 
Also before you read this, I’d suggest reading this headcanon post first if you haven't already, it provides some important backstory to this fic.
 From the day they met, it was destiny. The chilly and sweet-talking snow sprite who carried out winter storms from his ice castle somewhere in the north, and the once terrifying, cold-hearted warlock who was now quite a kind and agreeable creature. They were kindred spirits, I’ve heard people say. And it all started one cold midwinter’s night.
Never did Winter know that one day someone would let light back into his life, that someone being Kris Kringle himself. He remembered feeling years of darkness fall away with a single act of kindness. It was only a toy, a small gift, but to have someone actually think of him? Someone who still saw the good in him when even he had stopped believing in it himself? He hadn’t known how to feel. But he felt the warmth in his heart melting away the icy curse he had placed upon himself all those years ago. Maybe it really was time to change.
 But he was far from healed. His heart may have thawed, but it was still scarred. No magic in the world could change that. He kept it well hidden, but ever since his reformation he began to remember things.
 One night while he was lying asleep in his bed, he saw it once more. That night, that horrible night, when they came after him. He was only trying to help, he was only trying to save them, they didn’t listen, they didn’t listen, nobody would help him— 
 He woke up sobbing, burying his face in his pillow. He was too old for this, he knew it. But the last time he had a working heart he was practically a child. He had a lot of feeling to catch up on. 
Owning a heart certainly had its burdens. 
 One day Kris, or, Santa Claus, as he was now called, had invited Winter over to his house. Upon arrival, Kris told him, “Mr. Warlock, there’s someone we’d like you to meet.” 
 “Winter, please.” He said, but he knew at this point his old friend was never going to learn. 
 Kris continued, “My friend, the Snow Miser is coming to visit us today, er, by any chance have you heard of him?”
“No, I can’t say I have. Who is he?” 
“Oh he’s a real magic man, that one. He controls all the weather up here!” 
 “Well I think I do a fine job making it snow on my own.” 
“Well sure you do, Mr. Warlock, but wouldn’t it be nice to have some help?”
Winter didn’t get a chance to respond. Suddenly the loud BANG of someone kicking the door open rang out through the house. “Good heavens Snowy!” shouted Mrs. Claus, as she headed over to greet their newest guest. A tall man with icy white hair, a long pointy nose and kind, sparkling eyes entered the room. “Pardon me, I do like to make an entrance,” he chuckled, then bowed to kiss Mrs. Claus’ hand. Then, catching sight of Winter he exclaimed, “And who is this! You must be someone new, I never forget a face.” He went to shake Winter’s hand. 
 “I’m known as the Winter Warlock, but please, call me Winter.” 
 “Winter! Got it! Nice name!” And he smiled. He had a winning smile, the kind that gave you a certain confidence in yourself, that you didn’t get from other people. 
“Thank you!”
“So tell me about yourself, Winter? What brings you here?” 
“Well, Santa and the Missus wanted me to meet you.”
“Oh, I’m flattered! I just love meeting new people.” 
Kris turns to Mrs. Claus at this. “They seem to be hitting it off well,” he smirked.
Snow Miser at this point had retired to a nearby couch, and was prompting Winter to sit down beside him. Winter obliged.
“So what is it you do, Winter?” Snow Miser asked. 
“Well, I’m sort of a magician, you see.” 
 Snow Miser’s eyes widened. “What a coincidence! Me too! I thought I sensed it in you! Y’know, I can turn things to snow with the touch of my hand!” (upon overhearing this, Jessica had her fingers crossed that he wouldn't sing the song) “And I have a great, magical ice castle back home, with the equipment to do all kinds of neat stuff, I can send out a blizzard to anywhere in the world in no time!” 
 Winter sighed. “That’s fascinating, really, but does it ever get lonely, being all alone in that castle all day?” 
 Snow Miser paused. And for a moment, the fast talking entertainer was gone, and someone far more realistic, more vulnerable was sitting there on the couch. “Well I have my minions, but.. yes, I suppose it does get lonely. Sometimes I wish I had someone to share it with.” 
 Then he perked up. “But sometime you should come visit! It’s a wonderful place, really!” 
“I’d love to,” said Winter. 
 Soon Mrs. Claus called them into the kitchen, because dinner was ready. At the table, Winter and Snow Miser continued to talk, telling stories of the adventures they’d had, Winter narrowly skirting the story of his past, back when his heart was frozen. He said one day he just decided to move to live on the mountain, which was partly true, but he never told why. Santa and Mrs. Claus exchanged looks at this, but said nothing. A man’s past is his business, they supposed.
 Soon it was time for them to leave, but home was an awfully long way away on Snow Miser’s part, and the weather was terrible. While neither Snow Miser nor Winter would have minded the cold at all, it was also pitch black and snow was blowing like nobody’s business, if the cold didn’t bother them, it wouldn’t matter, they’d get lost in the dark. 
The Clauses insisted they spend the night, and Mrs. Claus showed them to the guest room. “There’s only one bed I’m afraid, I hope you two don’t mind, you could probably put a pillow in between yourselves if that would make you more comfortable.”
 Snow Miser brushed it off. “Oh Sugarplum, we’re adults, there’ll be no problem here!” he said, but then he turned to Winter, a look of concern on his face. “You’re not uncomfortable with this are you? If you are I’m sure I could sleep on the couch…” 
“No! It’s no problem at all! And thank you, Jessica, for letting us stay the night.” 
“Yes, thanks a bunch, sugarplum.” 
 “It’s the least I could do. Now sleep well boys.” She said, and closed the door.
 Winter yawned. “Well, we should probably get some sleep.” He crawled into bed. “Goodnight Snowy, it was really nice getting to know you today, I’ll see you in the morning.”
Snow Miser’s face lit up. “Hey, you called me Snowy! I like that. Did you get that from Jessica?” 
“Oh, well I suppose I might’ve picked it up from her tonight.” 
 “...It’s cute, coming from you.” 
 Winter froze. Snow Miser just smiled at him, then turned away to go to sleep, so he did the same. 
 But it wouldn’t last. The awful thing about dreams is that you can’t decide when to have them, what they’re about, or who is there when you have them. Oh how Winter had hoped for only pleasant dreams that night, or even a dreamless sleep, but that simply was not to be. 
 And he was seventeen again, in his old hometown again, and they were chasing him again, and they were dragging him through the streets, and he wanted them to let go, he was fighting them, and begging them to listen,, and then— 
 And then he was at the front porch of a house. He knew exactly what house too. It had been his last hope. This time he didn’t want to go to the door, he wanted to run away, he couldn’t take it again, but the dream wouldn’t let him, it had to play out every memory.
He saw his fists banging at the door. He heard his voice cry out to one particular resident of the house. “Joseph! Joseph it’s me! Open the door!”
Joseph answered the door, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and gazed right past the frantic mess on his front step in horror at the oncoming mob. He then looked Winter straight in the eyes, who at this point pleaded to be let inside, for Joseph to take him away somewhere, to please protect him, he was scared, more scared than he’d ever been before, but Joseph just shoved him backwards into the snow.
“Get away from me. My god, what have you done now?”
“I was only trying to save them, they won’t listen, please let’s run away now. We can start over!”
“There’s no way I’ll do that! They’ve already seen me! They’ll have me dead by morning! And it’s all because of you! For your own good, you should get out of my sight. You’ve gone too far this time.”
“Joseph please, listen, the whole town is about to be attacked!”
“You sent someone to attack our town? You really are a mean and despicable creature, aren’t you.”
“No!! No... I didn’t... I’m trying to stop them, I—“
And then he was on his feet, running through empty streets with the mob on his tail, tears streaming down his cheeks, in air so cold he was sure they’d freeze to his face. Joseph didn’t care about him, nobody did, he should’ve known, he was so stupid, he was… he was… 
 He felt someone shaking him frantically. 
 He opened his eyes. He was back in bed, a worried Snow Miser leaning over him, the room glowing a pale red from the shade of the wallpaper. 
 “Oh, you’re okay, when you started screaming I was so worried!” 
“Was I screaming?” 
 “You sure were. It didn’t make any sense, but it sounded like something terrible was happening to you.” He paused. “Have a bad dream?” 
 “Yes. I’m afraid I have a lot of bad dreams these days.” Winter responded, sitting up, his eyes cast down to the blankets. 
“Mind telling me about it? You don’t have to, but you know, sometimes it helps to talk it out.” 
 And there was something so much more intimate in that room, in the silent hum of nighttime. Finally, it seemed, the storm outside had let up, and it was just the two of them. While Winter hadn’t felt comfortable sharing at the dinner table, he felt now things were different. He trusted Snowy, even though they had only just met, and Snowy put on an air around most people, he knew deep down he was more than all that. After all he was the first person Winter ever met who called him by the name he wanted to be called. That said a lot about someone, he thought. 
 So he told him everything. About his childhood, about learning magic in secret, about Joseph, about being lied to, about the night everything went wrong, about being betrayed by his entire town and the one he loved most. By the end of it, he was crying again, and Snowy hugged him tight, and didn’t let go. 
 He then spoke in hushed tones. “Oh, Winter, sugarplum, I’m so sorry. You didn’t deserve any of that, you hear me? In fact, your good-for-nothing hometown never deserved someone as wonderful as you.” 
 It felt so nice just to be held. He didn’t realize how much he had missed this. “Well it was my fault for being dumb enough to trust him.” 
“Don’t you believe that for a second. I think we should live in a world where people who love each other can trust one another, don’t you think?” 
 “I do think that, but the world isn’t like that, Snowy.” 
“Maybe we can make it like that, then.” 
 Winter turned his head, a little confused by the implications of that statement. “What do you mean by that?” He asked. 
 “Oh… nothing, I suppose.”
 And perhaps they fell asleep like that, because when Kris peeked in the door to check on them that morning, they were still cradled in each others arms. Kris chuckled to himself. He thought about telling Jessica, but he figured, he’d let all this play out in it’s own time. 
 And for now, they were awfully cute together.
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imanabsolutenerd · 7 years
Dog Sees God: Ghost AU (CB/Beethoven)
Yo yo this is Dog Sees God fan fiction btw. Lmao I’d call this a sneak peak but it’s like most of the first chapter written. But not all of the chapter. Haha, I just thought I should post it since I’ve been writing it for a long while. So here you go. I hope it’s not too terrible aaaaah Also I don’t have a title for this fan fiction?? Anyone have an idea, I’m terrible at titles.
Anyways! Enjoy! 
Beethoven felt himself wake up. As he slowly slipped into consciousness he surprisingly didn't feel an ache rise to his head, or dread creep up his chest. Like most mornings. As he slowly opened his eyes, they were not crusty and tried with bags hanging under them like always. He was lying down on his back and staring straight up. Bright white was the only visible thing in sight. 
Before the thought of heaven really came to mind, Beethoven briefly wondered if he was alive, in a hospital and doctors were the ones shining such a bright light upon him. He wondered if he failed to die. When he overdosed on whatever of his mother's prescription pills, he dreaded surviving more than anything. He had nothing to live for, and if perhaps, he was alive, he didn't want to face people looking at him with pity and disgust. Looking at him because there was something wrong with him like, they would after they found out about his father. It would be like CB said before, awkward for everyone, but mostly awkward for Beethoven. 
As his vision cleared he got use to his environment . He realized, wherever he was, it wasn’t the real world. Maybe he was in heaven, or this was all a dream. Perhaps he did survive after all and his imagination was occupying him through his slumber. Could he be in a coma? Is it possible to dream whilst in a coma? Beethoven exhaled and tried to slow down his questioning thoughts.
He sat himself up slowly, and it was when he felt absolutely no pain in his hands that Beethoven knew he was dead.
Everything was too real. He lifted his hands and interlocked his fingers, then rested his forehead down upon them. Everything was real, it wasn't his imagination. His imagination wouldn't allow him to create a dream such as wonderful as this.
He sighed in what felt like relief. Beethoven couldn't really pinpoint his emotions right now. But he was dead. Now, what he didn't know, was where he exactly was. Everything around him was just white.
Was he in heaven? He hoped so. Beethoven didn't overthink too much about the afterlife when he chugged down the pills. He just thought anywhere but here would be better. His life was no longer worth living. There had to be some sort of redeeming reward for living a life such as his own.
Taking a deep breath, Beethoven rested his shoulders and closed his eyes. He felt relaxed and completely free of stress since what felt like years. He gently smiled. It felt nice. 
As soon as he opened his eyes it wasn't pure white that covered his vision. No, he seemed to be inside a church. He was sitting in a coffin. He looks to his left and faced a couple dozen people sitting on church benches. He looked to his right and there was a glass work are of jesus and the cross.
What the hell? Did he just wake up at his own funeral? Did he just comeback from the dead? Did God gave him a second chance?  
After jumping out of the coffin Beethoven looked around. The people in church all seemed saddened, grim or plain bored. Some seemed on the verge of falling asleep. But no one noticed Beethoven as he stood on his feet, facing them all with shock and confusion.
He realized that he wasn’t alive. He was still dead, no one in the room could see him. There couldn't be any other logical explanation. Beethoven was a ghost. A priest was speaking as Beethoven continued to stare around his surroundings, trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. He was dead right? But still on earth. He came to the conclusion that he was a ghost. Technically. Either that or he rosé from the dead but was completely invisible. 
Beethoven looked around to see who he was at his funeral. His mother was there of course, along with a couple of aunts, uncles and cousins who all never talked to Beethoven all that much. He still appreciated their presence.
Beethoven smiled fondly when he saw his grandmother and his cousin Ashley. They were the only two people who really engaged with him during family reunions. His grandmother was nice. When she would visit she would tell him stories as he played the piano. And Ashley was genuinely kind to him, not rude or dismissive. And they both didn't treat Beethoven differently after his entire family found out about him and his father. It was a shame that Beethoven didn't see the two much. 
But they were present at his funeral, and Beethoven was appreciative and felt a faint feeling of happiness. If there were any family members he wanted to be at his funeral, it was those two.
However, now Beethoven busied himself by looking for someone else. CB. He started walking around the church, scanning each row of people sitting down on the wooden benches, in search for CB. Who was... his boyfriend. And his friend.
His only friend. 
CB's sister was there, which Beethoven probably should've expected. And surprisingly, Marcy and Tricia were there. Beethoven grimaced when he saw Matt's face.  Excluding CB's sister, they we're all probably forced to go to the funeral by their parents. But CB wasn't present. Then everyone started walking outside and people were caring his coffin to his gravestone. Beethoven almost shivered at the thought of being locked in a coffin and buried alive deep under ground. Unable to escape. He much would have rather been cremated.
But Beethoven didn't think about that too much. He walked outside with the rest of everyone. It was bright outside but surprisingly not enough to harm Beethoven's eyes. As he walked with the group of people, going completely unnoticed, he circled around them and searched for CB. Eyes scanning the same people over and over. 
Beethoven eventually came an unenviable conclusion, CB, his boyfriend, his only friend, the only person to ever truly make him happy for the first time in years, didn't show up show up to his funeral. And that hurt. After the vows, the funeral was over and everyone left. Beethoven decided to follow CB's sister home. It sounded stalker-ish, creepy, but Beethoven felt like he had to see CB.
Beethoven's been to CB's house only once. And it was the night of the party, after they kissed and slept together. 
Once they arrived at the sibling's home, CB's sister opened the door. And they walked inside. The place looked cleaned than it did when Beethoven first... visited. Perhaps because CB's parents were actually present. CB's sister walked upstairs than down the hall to what Beethoven assumed was her room. He slowly followed her up the stairs and stopped when he got to the top. He was very hesitant to see CB and didn't exactly know why. Beethoven took a deep breath and closed his eyes. It was surprisingly easy to relax himself. He opened his eyes and began to slowly approach CB's door. Then CB's sister walked right through him. Beethoven jumped in shock- not use to the feeling of people fading though him. He had more questions, so he was invisible and untouchable to humans and all life, but not to objects? Because he still felt the ground on his feet, the clothes on his back. Beethoven's wonders were soon forgotten fort the moment when he saw CB's sister at her brother's door. She looked hesitant. Beethoven walked up to her as she turned the door knob and opened the door. She took two steps in and was hesitant to speak. Beethoven stood at the end of the door as he looked around CB's room. It took a moment for him to realize CB was on the bed, body completely covered by blankets. He was facing the opposite side of the doorway. The room seemed more messy than what Beethoven last remembered. "CB." She finally spoke. "What?" CB grumbled in an irritated but mainly exhausted voiced. Beethoven stood there at the door as he watched the siblings exchange. "You- you should come to school tomorrow. It's been almost a week and- and..." She trailed off. "Mom and Dad want you to go back tomorrow, okay? I'm sorry it's just-" "Fine." He cut her off. "Whatever." And CB's sister still stayed there. CB could feel her presence. "You can go now." "CB," She walked towards him. "I know it's hard, because you two were close-" And attempted to comfort her older brother. "I don't care." "And- you did care about him. He was your friend-"   "Sally." CB shuffled through the blankets awkwardly as he turned around and glared at her. "Just- just leave okay?" Just leave it, I don't want to talk about him, okay? Beethoven frowned. CB looked exhausted, depressed, lost. CB's sister only looked at him sadly as she tried to ignore the irritation she felt due to her brother. He was grieving after all. She huffed and turned around "Fine. Whatever, Charles." Beethoven watch her as she lazily waved her hand and walked out.
Hnnnnnnn idk how i feel about this im sorry if it’s shit hkrsghasdlhsf 
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