#spies and gods chapter 3
ranger-kellyn · 1 year
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an 8th grader absolutely wrote this dsklgflkj
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utterlyazriel · 8 months
whom the shadows sing for —(and the thief's echoing hymn)
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a/n: eek not a request but an idea that wouldn't leave me alone! thus... we embark on a mulan-esque story that i hope u will enjoy <3 big thank you's to @strangerstilinski who listened and helped immensely as i whittled a hunky idea down to a plot
word count: 2.9k
synopsis: Someone in the Illryians Mountains has been making a name for themselves— a bastard like Azriel and his brothers, ruffling the feathers of a war camp's Lords. But they seem to have no loyalty to the fighting legion, or much to anyone for that matter. fem!reader
Frost was everywhere.
Despite all the eerie memories that tainted them, the Illyrian Mountains were hauntingly beautiful, even Azriel could admit that.
Pine trees stretched up tall, their timber trunks hidden beneath the snow-leaden branches. It was a sea of swirling frost. Snowflakes eddied down from the frozen sky, a soft blanket of white draped across the landscape.
He was sure that some, maybe the likes of Feyre and her artist's eye, could see that beauty easier than he could.
Beautiful, Azriel thought bitterly, but fucking freezing.
Normally, dealing with the likes of the war camps that riddled these mountains was left to Cassian. He had that raucous, fiery way about him that was far better suited to it. Enough pride to challenge the warriors and more than enough eager attitude to back his taunts if need be.
But Cassian was currently very much occupied— and highly unsuited to crack the whip against some rowdy Illyrians in his current state.
Azriel couldn't help the smile at the thought of when he'd last seen his brother.
Freshly mated Cassian looked as though he had tiny hearts circling around his head at all times. He resembled a puppy following his nose, always that wicked grin on his face as he trailed after Nesta. His adoration was impossible to miss.
Cassian had more than earned the time off. He deserved to celebrate properly, to have a couple weeks with no badgering worries, with no bickering Illyrian warriors to deal with (beyond his usual two).
So, as a mating gift to his brother —and partially to escape a house filled with intolerably mated couples— Azriel had taken over his duty temporarily. To oversee the war camps he detested so much.
Today, he was to investigate the rumoured stirrings amongst the camps and assess the level of threat it posed. More often than not, these sorts of stirrings were simply whispers of rebellion but nothing more.
There was an easy fix; a visit from one of the most powerful Illyrian warriors in history, or even from Rhys himself. It always made the Illyrians a little nervous and those whispers of a coup would sweep away with the wind in a matter of time.
This time, however, the network of spies that operated under Azriel had not come back spinning such rumours.
Instead, there was talk of Lords with ruffled feathers. Lords with bruised egos due to a single bastard warrior, rising in the ranks and not playing by the rules.
The familiarity of the situation was almost too ironic, Azriel thought. He had half a mind to tell Rhys what he had learned and leave them to it. Cauldron knew these brutal camps needed a bastard to challenge their ways from time to time.
But still, there was always the potential for such a warrior to pose a threat in the future. Azriel could not leave a possible danger to brew. No stone left unturned.
The snow beneath his boots was beginning to melt.
He had been standing in the cold and peering up at the war camp ahead, barely seen through the heavy snow falling, for too long now. Snow was gathering on his wings, tendrils of ice shooting through their sensitive membrane. Find the bastard.
Shaking off the snow, he began to walk.
Gods forsaken males and their egos.
The bone in your forearm ached, having taken the brunt of your initial fall in the mud. It's covered in it too, the muck of the ground that always seemed to linger. Always a layer of dirt beneath your fingernails. Truly, one of the many incredible appeals of the Illyrian mountains was never actually being clean.
You'd probably hate it more— if it didn't do such a good job of masking unwanted scents.
But right now with a jagged cut that tears up your left arm, all the way to the elbow, you're cursing the mud. It's likely festering with uncountable grim diseases. You'll have to flush the wound to properly clean it before it begins to heal.
That means water. That means energy that you don't particularly feel like summoning to fetch it. You cast your glance to the window.
Outside, the Mother's Kiss howls loudly.
The southerly chilled wind current that Illyrians don such a precious name is quite fitting for their backward ways — to expect a kiss from your mother to have such a sting on the face.
Tonight, the current seems particularly fierce. The windows of your shelter rattle in warning. A storm had blown through camp rather unexpectedly and you'd caught the worst of it, tangled up in a snarling fest against Brudam.
Brudam, who is responsible for the current state of your arm. Your lip curls at the mere thought of the arrogant male. Your wings bunch up tightly and you huff quietly to nobody.
He'd caught wind of the broth you had made that had filled the stomach of three ravenous bastards in the camp. It had been just enough to keep them on their feet. Tonight, you know that one hot meal might very well be the difference that helps them survive the night.
But Illyrians are a tough breed— and they don't take kindly to people giving handouts, as Brudam had put it.
You preferred the term leveling the playing field.
As if Brudam and his Lord father had ever experienced to ache of starvation. Ever had to sleep in the snow with nothing but their own wings for warmth against a blizzard.
Another deep pain twinges in your arm and you hiss, drawn out of your thoughts. If you have to pick your wins, you can at least admit you're glad he had only found out about the broth— and had seemed none the wiser to the healing tonics you were slipping the freshly-clipped girls.
It ached to see them and their quivering wings. The way the muscles in their backs buckled when they tried to spread their wings, a cut too deep into the wrong nerve. It ached to see it, yes, but beneath that pain was an ocean of bitter and furious fire.
But your righteous anger would not help these girls.
You were not the most proficient healer and the tonics you were attempting... it was hard to say if they would make any difference in saving any females' wings.
You were gathering knowledge as best you could though, scraping together herbs that scarcely grew in the frozen climate. It was a poor imitation of something that might work.
Whether it would be enough... that was up to the Mother. But you had to try.
You assess the wound on your arm once more, wondering about the reserve of water you had in your small hut— whether you could both clean your wound and have enough to hydrate.
Another glance out at the wintry snowscape outside. You grimaced. If you didn't, you would have to bear the blistering chill of the Mother's Kiss to get more.
Weariness weighs on your bones. You hadn't been prepared for the fight, hence your almost embarrassing injury, and it drained you more than you expected.
You stand with a sigh and drag your feet toward the tiny cauldron filled with melted snow collected earlier in the day. It hangs over the fireplace, the embers within long since snuffed out. Your motion stirs them up.
For a moment, you stare into the fireplace. The water in the cauldron shimmers. The shelter creaks around you, bending in the wind.
It's covered in soot, marred by the flames that usually lick it from beneath it. The lip of it, however, is still clean enough to see your own reflection. You peer into it.
And in that reflection, you find a tall figure with massive wings looming above their shoulders standing behind you.
Your heart spasms in shock and you have to swallow your gasp of surprise. Your eyes dart up, frantically hunting for a weapon. You grab the closest object you can, your hand closing around a kitchen fork. And before they get the chance, you twist and lunge, arm raised.
The floorboards groan as your boots slam into them, darting forward to attack. But the male dodges you easily, your strike passing through empty air.
You don't stop, turning and striking for him once again. The male sways back again easily to avoid your swing and you scowl.
Quickly feigning one way, you watch as his hands, weaponless, move to defend his gut — and you change direction, fast. Neck exposed, you snarl as you sink the fork deep into his shoulder.
The male hisses in pain.
You falter for a moment at the noise but it's a mistake. His hands move so fast you barely see them, gripping your wrist that holds the fork and twisting it down to the ground, immobilising you from using it.
You snarl again and tug against him fruitlessly. A swell of panic begins to rise within you as you tug again, again, again. His hold doesn't falter.
"Stop," The male commands you quietly.
This time when you tug, he opens his fingers and you fly back onto your ass, wings flaring out a moment too late to catch yourself.
You expect him to trudge forward, to beat an attack down on you now that you're less defended, but he doesn't move from his spot.
In fact, you realise as you stare at him, cheat heaving, he hasn't attacked you at all.
His weapons, which there are many of them, stay strapped to his side, glittering against the snow's reflected light. You spot the siphon on his hand, a churning sapphire colour — and clock the matching one on his other hand.
This was not just any Illyrian warrior in your home.
Faintly, your panic subsides as you realise that if this male meant to hurt you —to kill you— he very well could have done so by now.
You let your eyes trail up, taking in the face so hidden in shadow, and recognize that the darkness swirling around him is not ordinary shadow.
The revelation has you sitting up a bit straighter, the bindings around your chest pulling tight. You swallow, your throat suddenly dry.
What do you say to one of the most powerful Illyrian warriors in history —one who served on Rhysand's inner circle, friend of the High Lord of the Night Court— when you've just stabbed him with a fork?
As if your thought had reminded him, the male —Azriel, you know his name to be— shifts and reaches for the utensil still sticking out of his shoulder. He yanks it out without a noise of complaint.
Then he says, "Considering your choice of weapon, it's no surprise Brudam cut up your arm."
You scowl at him but at a closer look, you can see that his expression isn't condescending. No, with his raised brows, he almost looks... impressed.
"I wasn't expecting visitors." You bite back defensively.
Azriel's eyes dance with amusement. He throws the fork onto your table with a clatter. "That's how you greet visitors?"
"Uninvited ones, yes."
His amusement fades, the planes of his face shadowed and yet still handsome. Like most Illyrians, there's this incomprehensible sense of elegance to him, an alluring pull tied to his very demeanor.
But looking at him now, even in the dimness of your shelter, you could see Azriel went beyond to type of beauty that usual Illyrians had. An unparalleled grace, an unmatched Adonis.
He is the most beautiful male you had ever seen—and you had just stabbed him with a fork.
"Sorry," You mutter eventually when he doesn't say anything.
You shift onto your knees to stand, your hand coming to cup beneath your elbow— the ache of the injury had begun to bleed back in now that you weren't focused on fighting off an intruder.
"You're forgiven." He says. You can see lightly, through the dimming light, the faint blood on his neck you've caused.
"You fight well," He comments, with the air of a compliment. Something like amusement is in his eyes when he says, "Even with your unusual choice of weapon."
You glare at him as you climb to your feet and all but collapse into a chair. You don't even have another to offer to him. Buried beneath your leathers, your chest aches in pain — a reminder that it's been bound for far too long. You ignore it and tilt your chin towards him.
"Why are you here?"
You're actually sure that even if you offered Azriel a chair he wouldn't take it, given how stiffly he stands before you. He takes a moment to answer, his gaze flitting around the small room you both stand in. Calculating, categorizing.
"There were rumours of a warrior turning up trouble here."
He fixes his hazel-eyed gaze on you. You steel yourself beneath it. "A couple days in your camp and it became clear who the outlier was."
A couple days? For some reason, you can't believe that he's been surveying this place without detection from anyone. Another glance at his shadows, the dark masses that hang around his shoulders, and you can believe it a little more.
Besides, it's hardly as though the Lords would deign to tell a bastard like you anything important.
You clench your jaw but don't say anything.
"Brudam mentioned you feeding some warriors." Azriel continues, his tone unreadable. Though something, you couldn't tell what, glittered in his eyes. "Not very in the spirit of Illyrians."
You scowl at him again. Even if he had once faced these conditions before, you wondered if his time away, spent Cauldron knows where, had softened his memory.
"It's not against any law."
"No, it isn't," Azriel says. His eyes narrow. "But making healing tonics without a Healer's jurisdiction and selling them to young females is."
Your heart stops for just a moment. How could he know that? The last batch you had dropped off had been over a month ago.
Without thinking you snarl back, "I'm not selling them, you prick."
Something blooms on Azriel's face, surprise and a hint of smugness.
Your mouth snaps shut as you realise what you've done. You curse yourself. Slumping back in your chair, your wings sag with you and you let them droop onto the floor, uncaring. He could very well be here to kill you, given the knowledge of what you had just admitted.
For a long moment, there's just silence.
You stare at the floor and wonder which version of the High Lord is true; the Court of Nightmares whose power ripples through these camps and keeps them in line. Or the rumours of a softer side, a dreamer.
You wonder, more importantly, which of those this male before you is friends with.
Something in the floor creaks when Azriel finally moves. He crosses the room swiftly to the fireplace and gathers two logs from the stack of firewood beside it, tossing them onto the pile of ash.
You watch, perturbed, as he hunches over the fireplace for a quiet minute— and when he pulls back, a small flame is burning on the wood. It dances on the log, entrancing and amber-coloured.
Heat begins to fill the room. You pick your wings up and stretch them towards it, grateful for how they begin to warm. You hadn't quite realised the extent of your chill until right now.
It's such a kindness that hasn't been shown to you in many years. Surprise and silent gratitude bloom in your chest.
Azriel turns back to face you. You school your surprise away.
"What's your name?" He asks, his voice gruff.
It's been a while since anyone asked that either. Bastard. Mongrel. Imposter. There are a thousand other words that have become your name whilst growing up here.
You can't tell him your name. In the same way you can't tell anyone here your real name without revealing too much about yourself.
So you shorten it and tell him that instead.
Azriel nods. Doesn't repeat it, doesn't blink at your hesitance. Instead, he just says, "Like I said, you fight well. You could be better though."
You frown at the backhanded compliment, something in you sneering at the jab at your fighting skills. Worse, you know he's right.
If you had weapons suited to your size, exercises that focused on your agility more than your brute strength... There's a good reason you have to work twice as hard as every other warrior in camp.
Azriel looks at your arm, no longer bleeding and beginning to stitch itself up. Shit, you really need to clean that first.
"Clean that and get a good night's rest." He orders, not meanly. Then he crosses the space of your shelter in a few paces of his long legs, heading for the door.
"You—" The question dares to come out of you. "You're not going to turn me in?"
Azriel pauses, one hand, one scarred hand you can now see with the fire going, on the door. So, the rumours of that were true.
"No," He says lowly. He sees you staring, and as if on command, the shadows swirling around his shoulders dart down to cover his hands. They and the doorknob in his hand disappear from sight completely.
You evade your eyes back up to his hauntingly beautiful face. His expression is stony, unreadable. He stares at you for a long moment, the dancing fire reflected in his hazel eyes.
"I'm going to train you."
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 8 months
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The Good Omens Season 2 Soundtrack! 😍❤🎵
The Soundtrack CD has wonderful cover and pics and look at the brilliant booklet! :D When you open it it looks like a box with a fly! :D
Options :):
(best to use the local store of course :), the Silva Screen page is thewebpage of the recording company)
Silva Screen 15.99 €
Amazon.co.uk £10.99
Amazon.com $30.79
Silva Screen 39.99 €
Amazon.com $53.99
Silva Screen 10.99 €
More digital listening options :) (some free)
Episode description and Track Listing :):
CHAPTER 1: THE ARRIVAL - Retired angel Aziraphale and retired demon Crowley's lives are upended when a visitor arrives on the doorstep of Aziraphale's bookshop, bringing chaos. Local shopkeepers Maggie and Nina get locked in to Nina's coffee shop when Crowley loses his temper. Heaven and Hell are suspicious, and Crowley and Aziraphale have a disagreement.
1. Before the Beginning 2. Good Omens 2 Opening Title 3. Into Soho 4. Something Terrible 5. To The Bookshop 6. Maggie and Nina 7. He’s Smoking 8. Tiny Miracle 9. Heavenly Alarm Bells
CHAPTER 2: THE CLUE featuring the minisode A COMPANION TO OWLS - Heaven and Hell are determined to find the missing angel. An overheard song provides Aziraphale with a Clue. Crowley and Aziraphale visit the pub to discuss ways that humans fall in love. While almost 5,000 years ago Crowley is sent to inflict punishments on the righteous Job, God's favourite person, as Aziraphale learns at first hand about temptation, and what Gabriel will and won't believe.
10. Avaunt! 11. The Song is the Clue 12. It’s What God Wants 13. A Mighty Wind 14. Whales 15. Gabriel Returns 16. His New Children 17. Am I Awful Now? 18. Fallen Angel
CHAPTER 3: I KNOW WHERE I'M GOING featuring the minisode THE RESURRECTIONISTS - Heaven sends the angel Muriel in disguise to spy on Aziraphale and Crowley. Aziraphale drives to Edinburgh in pursuit of his Clue, and learns a little about a lot. The couple's visit to Edinburgh in 1827 involves graverobbery, a statue and an unfortunate encounter with a vial of laudanum. In the present, Crowley is in charge of the bookshop, and is disappointed by human beings and the weather.
19. Police Arrive 20. Scotland 21. We’re Going to Hell 22. People Get a Choice 23. My Car is Not Yellow 24. Beelzebub in Hell 25. The Book 26. The Fly 27. Mr. Dalrymple 28. We Need to Cut 29. I’m Going to Save Her 30. Crowley Goes Large 31. Not Kind 32. Beelzebub Isn’t Happy
CHAPTER 4: THE HITCHHIKER featuring the minisode NAZI ZOMBIE FLESHEATERS - Aziraphale's good deed of picking up a hitchhiker on his way back to Soho proves to be a serious mistake. In 1941 Crowley and Aziraphale encounter some surprising adversaries, old and new, as the Nazi spies who almost entrapped Aziraphale return as zombies from the dead, intent on preventing him from attempting a bullet catch on the West End stage.
33. Hell-O 34. Nazi Zombies 35. March of the Nazi Zombies 36. Crowley Pep Talk 37. The Magic Shop 38. Catch The Bullet 39. Zombies in the Dressing Room
CHAPTER 5: THE BALL - Aziraphale tries to bring Maggie and Nina together by organising a meeting of the Whickber Street Shopkeepers and Street Traders Association. In Hell, Shax is determined to launch a full scale attack on the bookshop, with a legion of demons at her command. Nina's heart is broken, as is a bookshop window. Gabriel has a close encounter with Mrs Sandwich and a small plate of cakes.
40. I’ll Let You Have It 41. We’re Storming a Book Shop 42. Monsieur Azirophale 43. The Candelabra 44. Here Comes Hell 45. Gabriel Gives Himself Up 46. Shax 47. The Circle
CHAPTER 6: EVERY DAY - Crowley becomes a Heavenly bee and learns the truth about the Armageddon sequel. Aziraphale defends his bookshop from Shax's army and reveals his halo, Maggie and Nina become warriors, and Jim the assistant bookseller gets some hot chocolate. Crowley and Aziraphale get to the bottom of the mystery of the Matchbox. The Metatron brings an oat milk latte, along with a final offer.
48. Bin Through the Window 49. Gabriel Leaving Heaven 50. The Halo 51. Gabriel Revealed 52. Gabriel’s Love Story 53. Leaving The Bookshop 54. Gabriel and Beelzebub 55. Crowley and Muriel 56. I Forgive You 57. Don’t Bother 58. The Biggest Decision 59. The End?
The vinyl should look like this :) (damn, it gorgeous toooo! :D):
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wangxianficfinder · 6 months
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In the mood for...
March 12th
1. hi! for the next itmf could i please get lxc being called out on his bs? i was obsessed with “weep no more, sad fountains” but i still wanted to see him actually having to come to terms with that fact that he put his trust on jgy above his trust on his brother and was complicit on all of it. thanks!!
break by justdoityoufucker (T, 3k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, LXC Critical, JC Critical, Canonical Character Death, Guānyīn Temple Scene, BAMF WN, Protective WN)
Ghosts Shouldn’t by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 15k, WangXian, Grief/Mourning, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending) also contains many "FU"s against Lan Xichen but more for how the Lan Clan treated Lan Wangji when he protected Wei Ying & took in Yuan.
2. Hi! For ITMF, can you please recommend wangxian fics where other people (could be other canon characters, OCs or outsider pov) find out about wangxian’s marriage and are jealous of how lan wangji is the most devoted, doting husband or even just surprised/ awed with their relationship!
Thank you always for your efforts and time 🫶
Life before you was tragic by covalentbonds (Not rated, 4k, wangxian, Fluff and Humor) The part that’s relevant to the ask is in the second chapter
3. Hi again. ITMF two sets of fics a) where wwx and lwj end up taking care of yuan er after they find him on the door step, a family member leaves him in their care etc b) wwx and lwj having loads of kids adoption or birth wise maybe even a few of the children finding them and just kind of latching on and it's kid fics, the longer the better @thatperson0-0
The Simplest Way Forward by harriet_vane (E, 70k, WangXian, Modern AU, Accidental Baby Acquisition,Kid Fic, explicit in much much later chapters, green card marriage (but not really), pining for your own husband, endless pining, Slow Burn, Happy Ending, Nothing else bad or traumatic happens to the baby, [Podfic of] The Simplest Way Forward by knight_tracer) maybe? WY & LZ aren't together when Yuan shows up but get together days later.
🔒💖 so take my hand (take my whole life too) by cicer (E, 92k, wangxian, Modern, Accidental Baby Acquisition, oh my god they were roommates, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, this fic is not about trauma, it's about the yearning, slowburn, some characters have a pretty strong bias against folks with drug addiction, (this does not reflect the author's opinion of people with addiction disorders!), none of the really grim abuse/drug use affects our main characters, and it takes place offscreen) should be a good fit
🔒💖 love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, YLLZ WWX, Arranged Marriage, political scheming, Gratuitous Domesticity, Mutual Pining, EXTREME SLOWBURN, the inherent eroticism of the forehead ribbon, The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, neither wwx nor lwj want to be Perceived, but sorry kids! it's gonna happen!, rated E but the the NSFW stuff doesn't begin until chapter 19!, bottom lwj in chapter 20 and 27)
❤️ Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste for williedustice (T, 36k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Post-Canon, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, Adoption, Family Fluff, Kid fic, Family drama, Fluff, 🔒[PODFIC] Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste by lunatique)
🔒and having a marvelous time by varnes (E, 108k, WangXian, Yúnmèng Siblings, Sound of Music AU, (i know!!! i know. stay with me on this.), Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Family Feels, spies to lovers???, Protective Siblings, Sometimes You Just Want Your Dads To Admit They're Your Dads, Angst with a Happy Ending, podfic of and having a marvellous time by varnes by Spinifex) this story has WWX adopting a bunch of kids (or maybe them adopting him), but LWJ loves then as soon as he meets them do hopefully this will work for the request.
4. Hiiii thank you for all your hard work!!!!
For the next itmf do you have any
A. Child abuse / neglect wwx where lwj realize something is wrong like in the shadow of moonlit flowers by Reverie(cl410) or works that mention the fact that wwx is not giving his all in exams / is being disruptive on purpose (maybe he corrects lwj on something super complicated) and after he stops his grades gets so much better…
B. Anything where wwx safeword out of a nonsexual situation? Like a meeting with the Jiangs or something triggering??
Anyway thank you so much for everything ✨✨✨✨✨✨ @ihaveasoftspotfora-yuan
Just Say Yes series by edenwolfie (M, 338k, wangxian, canon divergence, matchmaking, pining, cloud recesses study arc, getting together, fluff, humor, hurt/comfort, everyone lives au) Wei Ying misbehaves because he's not challenged enough
🔒 Warming up (to him) by barisan (T, 9k, LQR & WWX, WangXian, Hypothermia, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Temporary Character Death, Medical Inaccuracies, YZY Abuses WWX, JFM Bashing, pre-wangxian, Good Uncle LQR, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort)
Company by WithBroomBefore (T, 29k, wangxian, canon divergence, not YZY friendly, pre-relationship, getting together, fix-it, hurt/comfort, light angst w/ happy ending)
🔒💙 Holding shreds by barisan (T, 5k, WangXian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, No Sunshot Campaign, Body Swap, Not for sexy shenanigans, Chronic Pain, Hurt WWX, Hurt LWJ, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Abusive YZY, Bad Parent YZY,  Bad Parent JFM, Good Uncle LQR, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Inaccuracies, POV WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending, Jiāng Family Bashing, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Getting Together, Smart WWX)
please don't let me be misunderstood by sysrae (T, 3k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, getting hit by cars, Past Child Abuse, Friends to Lovers, Abusive YZY, Caring LWJ, Injured wwx)
5. ur favorite darkji fics? thanksss
A Matter of Time series by mrcformoso (E, 84k, wangxian, time travel fix-it, graphic depictions of violence, underage, LWJ pov, JC pov, dark LWJ, manipulation, grooming, teen body adult mind for LWJ, happy ending for wangxian, problematic consensual underage sex, blood & violence, insane LWJ, manic LWJ)
💖 Ominous by 3neetee (T, 5k, wangxian, pre-relationship, established relationship, character death, fae & fairies, changelings, dark LWJ, dark WWX, BAMF WWX, graphic description, suicide, implied/referenced domestic violence)
Like stones on an unseen board by Vir_Abelasan (Not rated, 11k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Dark LWJ, Older LWJ, Teacher LWJ, dark twin jades, Age Difference, Manipulation, Protective LWJ, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Corporal Punishment, Relatively canon-typical abusive Jiangs, WWX Get a Happy Ending, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Not JC Friendly, Not Jiang Clan Friendly)
💖 I just wanted to see you so bad by Blackberreh, ThatOnePlatypus (T, 1k, wangxian, canon divergence, dark LWJ, minor character death, blood)
💖 Somewhere Sits an Empty Throne by Siamesa (E, 19k, WangXian, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, tgcf fusion, Gods & Goddesses, Ghosts, Romance, vengeance, Dark LWJ, Grief/Mourning, Explicit Sexual Content, Angst with a Happy Ending)
💖 Do you want to hear by allollipoppins, dameauxgentianes (T, 12k, wangxian, time travel fix-it, canon divergence, not everyone dies au, epistolary, Madam Lan lives, minor character death, dark LWJ, Lan WWX, bad parents JFM & YZY, good uncle LQR, no sunshot campaign)
💖 demons run when a good man goes to war by Miranda_Aurelia (T, 20k, wangxian, LWJ & NHS, JYL/JZX, canon divergence, angst w happy ending, NHS & LWJ friendship, not JGY friendly, dark LWJ, revenge, (presumed) major character death, not LXC friendly)
💖  Like the sea loves the shore by Say (E, 15k, wangxian, LQY & WWX, implied/referenced WWX/WC, F/F, rule 63, dark LWJ, protective LWJ, sirens, childhood friends to lovers, fluff, angst w/ happy ending, eventual smut, human WWX, siren LWJ, age difference, non-human genitalia, minor character death)
💖  Buried in the Sky, Hallowed by thy Depths by themunchking (T, 9k, wangxian, supernatural elements, sirens, dark wangxian, canon-typical violence)
💖 The Way You Tremble by themunchking (E, 6k, wangxian, murder husbands, vampires, blood, violence, supernatural elements)
At heart by apathyinreverie (M, 8k, wangxian, WIP, Dark LWJ(Ish), Amnesia, WWX gets to be Not Okay after the BM, Hurt WWX, Recovery, Caring, Protective LWJ, Possessive LWJ, some definite manipulation, but not everything is as it seems, not nearly as dark as the tags make it sound, Canon Divergence, Golden Core Reveal, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, Domestic WangXian, Fluff, WWX Goes to Gusu, WWX happily atticwifing away, Sunshot Campaign, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ)
6. Hi!!
It's been a while since I asked here, but I can't help but to come back for MXTX stories jahaha
I Was wondering, for the next "I'm in the mood fof", may I ask for fics where WWX is good friends with HC from TGCF? I need their bromanceeeeee
Tysm!! @nia-rarita
🧡 The Red Ribbon by Xiao_Hua (M, 21k, WangXian, HuaLian, Canon Divergence, Ghost City, a bit of beefleaf, Immortality, Cultivation Partners, Juniors, XL and HC find a child who happens to be WWX, Fluffy wangxian, WWX is a Supreme Ghost King, First Time, TGCF)
🔒Can we skip to the Good Part? by pink-lotus-pods (kkomaism) (T, 107k, HuaLian, WangXian, Canon-Typical Violence, Crossover, YLLZ WWX, HuaLian are in Love , Married HuaLian, Slow Build, Canon Temporary Character Death, Ghost WWX, Fix-It of Sorts, Canon Divergence, Blood and Violence, Character Study, Panic Attacks, WWX Has a Mental Breakdown, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, unbearable amounts of sexual tension, Suicidal Thoughts, mild but it's still there!, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Genius WWX)
7. Hiiii for the next itmf do you know any alpha to omega wwx ??? Like Juste A Taste by anxiousTypist or any omega wwx and alpha lwj being “roommates”
Thank you for your work !!!!! 🤍🩵❤️🖤
Blissful Ignorance and All Its Benefits by DrPanda99 (E, 20k, wangxian, WIP, A/B/O, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, Oblivious WWX, Alpha WWX, Alpha LWJ, Bitching, Self-bitching?, Masturbation, Size Difference, of the penis variety, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Knotting Dildos, Large Cock, Small Penis, Size Kink, Accidental Voyeurism, Size Queen WWX, LWJ & WWX Have a Breeding Kink, PWP, Compulsory Heterosexuality, Humor)
Two Alphas, One Ship by fenaly (E, 6k, wangxian, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, A/B/O, Bitching, Rape/Non-con Elements, Non-consensual sex, Non-Consensual Bitching, Aliens, Non-Human Genitalia, Blood and Gore, Murder Husbands, Feminizing genitalia terms, Among Us AU, Sci-Fi, Explicit Smut, Tentacles, Shapeshifting, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Monsterfucking, Violence, Alpha/Alpha becomes Alpha/Omega, Breeding Kink, Wank and Tell)
🔒 Unpreventable Happened by 3neetee (G, 15k, wangxian, Modern, A/B/O, Alpha LWJ, Alpha WWX, but not for long, Bitching, Roommates, baby acquisition, fostering, Pre-Relationship, Mutual Pining, WWX is irresponsible with himself, Domestic Fluff, Kid Fic)
Changing by Dixielis (T, 2k, wangxian, A/B/O, Alpha LWJ, Alpha WWX, Omega WWX, Bitching, Mpreg, POV Outsider, Hurt/Comfort, Good Uncle LQR, Modern)
Mutual Nurture by NinaCarow (E, 9k, wangxian, Mentions of Character Death, mentions of abuse, Mentions of Rape, no rape occures tho, A/B/O, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, Omega WWX, Alpha LWJ, Past Alpha WWX, Biting, Bonding, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Knotting, WWX Has a New Golden Core, its just sex and cuteness, mostly)
what home feels like by callmeb6104 (E, 7k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, A/B/O, Alpha LWJ, Alpha WWX, Omega WWX, changing of (secondary) gender, Whump, WWX Whump, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, No Sunshot Campaign, Aged-Up Character(s), Domestic Violence, Bad Parent YZY, Anal Play, Anal Fingering, Ass to Mouth, Multiple Orgasms, sex tears, Hand Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, First Time, Nipple Licking, Nipple Play, Body Worship)
I care for you by Lanwangjisnights (M, 27k, wangxian, WIP, Modern with Magic, Magical Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Alpha WWX, Fox WWX, Knotting, Nesting, Dual Cultivation, Mpreg, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics)
8. Hey!!
I hope youre doing well <33 i wanted to read something similar to how to fall in love with a catfish - a guide by wwx in terms of humour. Im fine with whatever premise/canon/non canon/au etc etc i just want to read something witty-ish funny like how that was.
Thank you in advance!!!!
Inter-Sect Politics for the Absolute Beginner by Elpie (Horribibble) (M, 3k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Brothels, BAMF WWX, Chaotic WWX, Humor, JGS Being an Asshole, Justice, JGY & WWX Friendship)
9. Is there a fic where wwx becomes pregnant through artifical insemination. He doesn't know it's lwj and neither does lwj. They end up getting close and falling in love and later lwj learns he's also the bio dad?
10. hii :D im in the mood for some magical girl/hero AU fics, preferably wangxian but i dont mind other ships or a lack of thereof. what i mean by "magical girl AU" is a modern setting in which cultivators are more or less vigilantes/heroes who can transform using their powers. hellinglaozu on tumblr has an AU similar to the genre im looking for btw, if you'd want a more concrete idea as to what i'm looking for you could refer to it (it's called seventeen romance). thank you!! ^^ @harapecowee
Wei Wuxian Makes a Wish series by natcat5 (M, 119k, wangxian, major character death, underage, madoka magica au, modern w/ magic, time travel, high school au, body horror, self-harm, angst w/ bittersweet ending, time loop, mental instability, suicidal thoughts) absolutely phenomenal madoka magica wangxian au
11. Hey! I’m in the mood for fics similar to Impossible Remains on AO3, aka wangxian fics where WWX dies after the golden core transplant or just earlier than canon! thank u so much to all the mods and the lovely work u guys do! 🥰🫶
Blood of the Black Earth by wirevix (M, 48k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Xuánwǔ of Slaughter Cave, Sunshot Campaign, Sad with a Happy Ending, Ghost WWX, Monster WWX, Canonical Character Death, Although not at the canonical time, Grief/Mourning, Good Sibling JC, Horror)
12. thanks for ur hard work! any pregnant wwx fic recs?
Accidents Will Happen by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 45k WangXian, Post Canon, Mpreg, Fluff, Light angst)
🧡 Brilliant Mistake by brooklinegirl (E, 53k, WangXian, Modern AU, Sex Pollen, Mpreg, dubcon, Modern Cultivators, Dubious Medical Science)
All I Want by Selenay (E, 47k, wangxian, Modern, Mpreg, Post Holiday Romance, Consequences, Reunions, Idiots in Love, wangxian attempt to be sensible adults about it, they are very bad at it, Teacher WWX, Handwavey Biology)
Impermanence, Transience, Permanence by Best Bepsy (BepsyGray) (E, 39k, wangxian, canon divergence, unplanned pregnancy, mpreg, gore, sunshot campaign, assumed miscarriage, medical procedures, childbirth, golden core reveal)
13. Hello! I need your help in suggestions. Can you suggest me a Wangxian fanfiction where Wei Ying hurts Lan Zhan for jiangs or others and latter reunited with him. I have read various Lwj hurting Wei Ying fanfiction but not Wei Ying hurting Lan Zhan @abz18699-blog
14. hii, this is for itmf!
fics where they struggle w remembering things, not like memory loss, maybe where they disassociate. forgetting things which r not so nice and then starting to forget small random details?
thank you!!!!
to the river of rivers by haysel (T, 26k, WangXian, Character Study, Post-Canon, Mutual Pining, Dissociation, Getting Together, Misunderstandings, Trauma, Angst with a Happy Ending, tw for dissociation, sort of sickfic, Hurt/Comfort)
15. I'm assuming that this is where I ask about ITMF recs? If it is, do you have any fics focusing on like, the past characters reacting specifically to Nie Huaisang's 10 year revenge plan, or to how differently Nie Huasang acts after everything? Or at least any fics where the past characters react to the future (whether it be through watching the show, or going to the future, meeting future selves, etc.) that has some amount of focus on Nie Huaisang along with everything else? Thank you!
💖 The Path by Seastar98 (Not rated, 279k, wangxian, JC/WQ, JYL/JZX, fix-it of sorts, CQL verse, golden core reveal, angst w/ happy ending, BAMF NHS)
Nie HuaiSang's Diaries - When Spirits Drift in Time by IlnaHers (T, 37k, wangxian, WIP, Heavy Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Reveal, Time Travel? only the diaries though, Characters Watching the Show, Serious WWX, Hurt WWX, Hurt JC, Hurt LWJ, Protective LWJ, Protective JC, Protective WWX, Hurt NHS, Protective NHS, Character Death Reveal, Progressive Reveal, Melancholy, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Angst, Twin Jades of Lán Feels, Sad, Shock, Mentioned Junior Quartet)
16. Hewwo!!!!! For the next ITMF could i pretty pls get recs for Wen remnants/burial mounds era???? Bonus points if there’s the Wens and/or Yilling people loving their patriarch and extra bonus points if there’s the sects realizing they’re wrong and leaving them alone but not necessarily requirements, i just want Wei Wuxian and his found family being happy making a dire place their home!
🔒 the thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break by RoseThorne (E, 91k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Soulmates, Self-Esteem Issues, Fix-It, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, PTSD, Handfasting, Panic Attacks, Getting Together, First Time, Aftercare, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Torture, Scars, Chronic Pain, Golden Core Reveal, First Time, Switching, sex-related injury, LWJ Stays at the Burial Mounds, LSZ is a Wèi, Good Sibling JC, Dissociation, Burial Mounds Settlement Days)
Until It's Dark by suzvoy (M, 120k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, LWJ Finds Out, Pining, Fluff and Angst, First Kiss, First Time, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Hair-pulling in chapter 23) also has Lan Wangji in the Burial Mounds but has a great depiction of the Wens and how the sects could have responded better
💖 Return to Sender by Thesaurus_with_no_words (M, 72k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, BAMF WWX, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, Temporary Amnesia, Slow burn)
17. Anyone wanna rec me some light-hearted time travel fics? I like the serious ones fine but it's hard to find ones that are funny.
Thanks in advance! o7
🔒 ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water by RoseThorne (G, 1k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, JYL & WWX, JC & WWX, WWX & WQ, LQR & LWJ, LQR & WWX, Time Travel Fix-It, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Past Character Death, Future Character Death, Timey-Wimey, Truth, Honesty, Guilt, Crack and Angst, POV Third Person, POV WWX, Cloud Recesses Study Arc) kinda
Wrong Turn, Right Place by diamondbruise (E, 71k, WangXian, Time Travel, kind of, it’s more reality travel but there’s modern wwx and cultivator lwj, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Jealousy, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Misunderstandings, Cultural Differences)
rerun from the outside by Eicas (T, 2k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Time travel, Crack, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, JC POV)
River Stones by littlesystems (M, 18k, WangXian, Time Travel, Post-Canon, Cloud Recesses Study arc, Junior Quartet, Oblivious WWX, Suffering LWJ, Voyeurism)
Wangxian's Time-Travelling Shenanigans Series by pupeez4eva (Varies, 18k, WangXian, Time Travel, Humor, POV Outsider, Love confessions, PDA, Everyone Lives/Nobody dies) most of their wangxian fics explore lighthearted time travel fix it
🔒An Arrow Through Time by syrus_jones (M, 166k, WIP, WangXian, Crack Treated Seriously, Time Travel, Reverse time travel, into the future, Potentially a Fix-it-fic?, Time Travel Fix-It, Mistaken Identity, POV LWJ, Angst, Gay Panic, Falling In Love, Fluff and Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Canon Divergence, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Young LWJ, Older WWX, Internally Screaming LWJ) though it is not been updated since long
💖 vinegar jug by dandelion_san (G, 7k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel, Humor, Awkward Crushes, Jealousy)
Look forward, the future looks back by SerlinaBlack (T, 1k, WangXian, Time Travel, Fluff and Humor, Attempt at Humor, Dialogue Heavy, Crack Treated Seriously, Madam yu's a+ parenting mentioned, Oblivious WWX, jealous LWJ, WWX in WWX's body)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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kittenintheden · 3 months
NYS sexy spoiler under the cut
LOOK MAN IDK this is going happen in like 2-3 chapters don't worry about it.
She swings her leg over to straddle him and his hands go to the robe riding up her thighs. He pushes it higher, and higher still, all the way to her hips. That’s when he spies the brown leather holster wrapped around the width of her left thigh, bisecting one of her scars. His eyes trace it, thumb pressing to the inside and trailing all the way around until he feels the two hand daggers she has hidden on the outside.
Astarion bites his lower lip and groans low in his throat. He releases it and flicks his eyes up to her face where she looks down at him with a coy smile.
His eyelids flutter. “Planning for a confrontation today, my dear?” he purrs up at her.
“Always am,” she says, settling down onto his bared erection.
He sucks his breath in through his teeth at the feel of soft, smooth fabric running along the underside of his cock. “Gods,” he breathes, pushing her robe up further until it’s bunched around her waist and he can see the lavender smallclothes beneath. “Is that silk?”
“Mmhm,” she hums, spreading her palms over his abdomen and slowly grinding back and forth along his length, maddingly.
“Hah,” he sighs. He lets his head fall back to the mat and feels the tension coil tight and warm.
Ori’s breathing goes ragged and he cracks his eyes to find her flushed and heavy-lidded, chasing her own bliss along his hard cock. It is a thrill, a high, a unique pleasure to give her this, to know the fluttering he can nearly feel in his lustful daze is his doing.
His hands grip her tighter, guiding her movement along him, and hells, if he isn’t careful, they’re both going to-
“Oh, love,” Ori gasps, her head falling forward to her chest as if it’s too heavy. “Oh, I’m going to come.”
He palms her arse hard and works her harder, pleasure rippling through his core. “Come, then,” he gasps. “Go on.”
“Are you-” she pants.
“Don’t worry about me,” he says. “Come, darling. Come for me.”
Dusty gray with a pink undertone flushes her cheeks and she shudders atop him and he can feel it, can feel her go hot and wet as she messes her lovely silk underthings against him, and it’s all he can do not to spill on his own belly right behind her. He holds himself back, panting, because he wants… oh, how he wants… warm and tight and welcoming…
She continues to grind against him even as she comes down, breathing heavily and blinking over his face, her curls falling around her ears like a halo all about her head. She licks along her bottom lip.
“You?” she manages.
He opens his mouth to speak and the words stick in his throat, the tightness in his core overwhelming him. He swallows and tries again, tangling his fingers into the band of her smallclothes at her hips and twisting them.
When he meets her eye again, he says, “Inside. I want to… come inside.”
A lazy half-smile stretches her face as she lifts a heavy hand to the holster at her thigh and flicks open the stay, drawing the dark steel dagger from its place as he whines and lets his hands fall to either side. She holds his gaze as she carefully slips the blade between skin and silk, twisting her wrist until the fabric splits apart. He bucks against her, nearly losing himself again, but holds steady as she repeats the action at the other hip, tossing the dagger to the ground and pulling the ruined cloth away until they’re skin to skin.
Astarion writhes under her, mad with lust, nearly snarling as she teases him again by running her hot, wet folds against his cock.
“I’m barely going to last as is, love, please,” he gasps, hands back on her thighs.
Ori rolls forward to catch the head of him and sits back in one fluid motion, letting him stretch and slide all the way to the hilt inside her, and he arches his chest up off the ground at the sensation.
They stay like that a moment, adjusting, and then she begins to bounce, powerful thighs rising and falling on either side of his. The building tension immediately swells and he whines again.
“Oh hells oh gods oh bleeding-” he says, holding her and helping her move.
She pants above him and takes his hand, dragging it from her hip to her lower abdomen, pressing his palm firmly just above the place where they meet, and he gasps as he feels the bulge of his cock move inside her.
“You like that, sweetheart?” she whispers, still bouncing. “You like filling me up?”
“Yes,” he pants. “Love it when you… take all of me.”
A rolling purr falls from her throat. “Then give it to me, love. Every last drop.”
Astarion’s eyes roll clear to the back of his head and his mouth opens wide as his pleasure peaks and he spills inside her, scalding and blinding and heated. His legs shake from it and when he finds his voice again, he moans out his release, continuing to lift and drop her over him, drawing it out for every receding pulse until he’s fully spent.
When they still, chests heaving from exertion and sweat dewing their skin, he swallows hard and looks to her face to find her smiling down at him.
He flops back, muscles going limp. “Oh, what?” he mumbles.
“Like being invited to come inside, do you?” she teases.
Astarion throws an arm over his face with a hiss. “Shut up.”
Even so, he presses his free hand to her abdomen again and holds it there.
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teriri-sayes · 7 months
Reactions to Chaos Creator's Chapter 258
TL;DR - Cale's group crawls their way into Ryan's castle town via a secret tunnel. Wisha explains about the castle and the spies they had sent. Cale recognizes Wisha's spy and has CH subdue them.
The Chapter Frankly, nothing much happened today except for the end. Half of the chapter was Cale's group crawling inside a narrow tunnel. There were some funny moments, like Cale having a hard time crawling 😂 or Wisha suspecting Cale to be some god-like being and not a human. 🤣🤣🤣
Ryan's castle was actually a castle town. Wisha's group had sent several spies to the castle and the town around it, but they got caught within 3 months. The tunnel Cale's group came out of was the basement of one of their spies's house in the castle town.
Wisha described that spy as a human who managed to survive here unsuspected for 3 months, but Cale's group recognized that spy the moment they met. The spy immediately tried to run away, but CH managed to subdue them.
So who was the spy? It was Cotton, the Holy Maiden of the God of War! 😮 Given how Cale's group had grown suspicious of GoW recently, Cale questioned Cotton on what she was doing here.
Ending Remarks I didn't find Cotton's sudden appearance to be that unexpected because of GoW's role in the previous chapters, but I did not expect her to be working as a spy for the Aipotu residents. Is she Cale's ally or enemy? We'll find out next chapter.
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libraryofneith · 2 months
Out of Mind - Chapter 11 (Joel Miller x Female Reader)
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@hiroikegawa @evyiione @orcasoul
Guess who just graduated and got into grad school! And how am I celebrating? By abandoning my academic endeavours for my fics.
I know it's been a slow burn but we are so close I promise!
If you want to be the first to know when this fic is updated let me know and I'll add you to the taglist.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Summary: Joel shelters you from the storm
Tags/Warnings: [whole fic is 18+, minors DNI], it puts its age in the bio or it gets the block button, nearly freezing to death, survival, nudity, just for body heat honest
It was funny. Moments ago, all he'd wanted was sleep and now he'd done all that he could do, now that he finally could sleep, he was wide awake.
The door wouldn't budge. The hinges creaked and groaned with protest and refused to give way. Joel cursed. He would have to put her down.
She gave a muffled cry of protest as he lay her gently in the snow but it couldn't be helped. He was going to have to put his full weight behind this next push and he couldn't do that while carrying her.
She'd collapsed a while back. She'd lasted longer than he'd feared she would but a combination of the cold, the climb and the lack of sleep eventually drained the last of her energy and she'd curled up in the snow, letting the blizzard cover her, refusing to budge.
"We have to keep going."
"C'mon, we're nearly there."
"You said that an hour ago." Had it been an hour? Time didn't seem to mean anything anymore. There was too much snow to see the sky and he didn't have the strength to look up. Just ahead. He had to keep looking ahead.
"You can't stay here."
"Just let me rest a bit. Just a bit. I'll be fine in a minute." Joel had heard that before. Before, he had pressed on regardless, leaving it to the other person to get back up or lie there and let the snow take them. Perhaps she'd get back up if he left her. Perhaps not. He was not taking that chance.
With her in his arms he couldn't shield his face from the snowstorm and he got turned around four times. Five times he thought he spied the cabin but it turned out to be a large tree, if anything at all. So when he finally saw it, he thought it was his mind playing tricks on him again and he nearly sobbed with relief when the house stayed where it was as he walked on. Now he was there and they couldn't get in.
He took a few steps back then rushed forward covering his head as he bulldozed the door open and fell through. It took the rest of his willpower to get back up.
She barely said or did anything as he dragged her in and that chilled him more than any snow or wind. So he got to work quickly. He taped the door shut to keep out the wind, and any other unwelcome elements. Mercifully there was the remains of a fire in the fireplace and some scraps of paper and twigs. Not enough for a huge fire but it would have to do, any wood out there would be soaked. He got the flames going then took out his flask and cursed as he realised the whisky was frozen into slush. He put it by the fire to warm up then turned to her.
"We're inside but we're gonna freeze in these clothes, you understand?"
"Ciara wake up." Her eyes were open but she seemed dazed.
"Ciara we both need to strip naked, can you do that?" She closed her eyes and groaned.
"Do you need me to help?" A nod. Thank god. He hoped she didn't give him hell later. He stripped himself first. It felt weird taking her clothes off while he still had all of his on. Maybe that made no sense but it was how he felt.
He felt no less cold naked than he had fully clothed, but she shivered as each layer of wet clothing was peeled off and when he exposed her skin, it was so icy that he hissed through his teeth like he'd been burned. But he had to keep going or they were both goners. There was still a bed with a duvet so they wouldn't have to use their wet sleeping bags. He grabbed the duvet and blanket and covered them both and they each took a swig of the semi warm whiskey. Joel shuddered at the cold slush but the burning taste helped a lot. He had to help her, tilting her head back so she could drink. She gagged at the taste but kept it down.
It was funny. Moments ago, all he'd wanted to do was sleep but now that he'd done all that he could do, now that he finally could sleep, he was wide awake. Adrenaline was coursing through his body. He couldn't believe they'd actually made it. And now they were lying here. Like two icicles stuck together.
As much as he hated to admit it, he'd imagined being pressed to her naked form so many times but not like this, not with the two of them barely holding on to consciousness. He'd made sure to look as little as possible but the glimpses - the bare shoulders, the curve where her neck met her body, the divot between her shoulder blades… it was the sweetest form of torture. How was a man meant to sleep just inches away from that? Still, he felt his eyes growing heavy as we watched her, her hair cascading down her back, moving with each breath. He found himself fighting sleep but as he gazed at the hair on the nape of her neck, he was pulled into the smell, the feel and the sweet sweet warmth of her.
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somanyratsinthewalls · 8 months
Burning Hearts Part 7
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Pairing: Law x Straw Hat Zoan Type (named) OC 
Summary: You were teleported across the globe in an instant, away from your crew. Your body was badly broken and beaten, thrust into the harsh landscape of a Northern island. You are discovered by the Heart Pirates and brought back to health. Startled upon waking up in a foreign place with an unfamiliar crew, you are shocked with the news that you’ll be spending two years there. Trafalgar Law, the captain of the Heart Pirates has made a promise to train you, but will it become something more than a mentor relationship?
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Burning Hearts Chapter 7: Repressing (some) Urges 
— — 
“You aren’t focusing your energy.” 
“I can focus enough to kick your ass!” 
Daisy chirps back and forth with Law as they sparred across the clearing in the woods. 
“You either harness Haki or awaken your Devil Fruit. Without that, you’ll get hosed in the New World, regardless of how much stronger the rest of your crew gets.” Law barks at her. 
There was a sharp sound of swords meeting. 
“I thought people were born with Haki, I can’t just get it.” Daisy pushes Law back, finally strong enough to defend herself from his blows. 
“How are you going to know that you don’t have it if you don’t even try?” Law disappears and she searches the clearing for a flash of blue to signify his reappearance. Daisy spins around and raises her blades in defense. 
“You think I’m not trying? Sorry I’m not a bright little gifted kid like you were- AH!” Law pushes Daisy across the clearing and her back hits hard against a tree. 
“A gifted kid? That’s what you think I was?” Law comes at her with renewed force. He uses his power to throw Daisy’s body into the air and back down again. “You think you’re the only one who experienced horrors beyond comprehension?! You don’t know anything about me or my past.” 
Daisy struggles, but she rises to her feet. She spits on the ground. 
“You’re right. I don’t know a god damn thing about you.” Daisy breaths heavily. “It’s like it would kill you to open up to someone. Be a human.” She approaches Law slowly, like a wounded lion still set on taking down a wildebeest, a small trickle of blood coming from the crown of her head and turning that grey streak red at the base. 
Without warning, Daisy launches herself into the air and lunges into Law. They lock in a sparring match that went on for ages before Law finally pinned her to the ground. 
Daisy was bested again. She stared up at the man above her with wild eyes. Law looked down and met her gaze, hands on either side of her face… but shortly after looking in her eyes, Law’s own eyes wandered to the rest of her form. Chest heaving violently and droplets of sweat littering her cleavage and sternum, hair splayed out messily against the dirt floor of the clearing… 
It reminded him of his dreams…
Daisy was underneath him, laying there at his mercy…
Law’s eyes glazed over… 
Law was broken out of his daze by being catapulted across the clearing and onto a ragged tree stump. 
“Fuck…” Law had let his guard down and he left himself open for assault. “What the hell was that…” He picks himself up and sees Daisy standing across the clearing, wings spread. Law spies something else…
Was that a tail?
A long, black, scaled and spiked tail protruded from her backside and slowly flicked back and forth. 
“What? Haki, Devil Fruit? Who said I can’t do both?” Daisy chides with a smirk. 
Law coughs, still struggling for breath after having the wind knocked out of him. There was a silence as he walks towards her. 
“What changed your mind?” Law asks with a raised eyebrow. “And when the hell did you figure that out?” Law gestures at the new appendage. 
“You were being a dickhead. I wanted to beat the shit out of you faster, so I did some training. Turns out, it worked! You just got fucking rocked!” Daisy laughs hard and holds her stomach. 
Law saw her brilliant smile and couldn’t help but smirk a bit at her new found confidence. 
*bdd bdd bdd bdd* 
The transponder snail that Law carried in his jacket began to ring. He reaches into his pocket, pulls out the snail and answers it. 
“Yeah?” He speaks into the snail. 
“Hey Captain… it’s Bepo… can you come back to the base? Something came up and we need to talk to you…” 
“Is this an emergency, Bepo? You know this training is important.” Law grips the snail tighter in his fist. 
“I-I think so, C-Captain…” Bepo sounded concerned.
“Fine.” Law hangs up the snail and puts it back in his pocket. 
“Everything okay?” Daisy sheathes her blades. 
“We need to head back.”
— — 
You and Law enter the base to find it oddly quiet. Usually the compound was buzzing with chatter and the comings and goings of the rowdy Heart Pirates… but now it was eerily silent. Law leads you to the galley and pushes the doors open. He found every single member of his crew packed into the kitchen around the dining table. Bepo, Penguin, and Shachi were seated at the table while the rest of the crew stood around them. 
Every single pair of eyes shot up at the two of you when you entered the room. No words were said. The air was thick with tension. 
You were confused. What had happened in your absence? You then spy a News Coo spread out on the dining table. You read the headline from the doorway. Trafalgar Law Named Newest Warlord of the Sea.
Your eyes bug open wide. You rush towards the table and scoop up the paper. You begin reading. 
“With the gift of 100 pirate hearts, Surgeon of Death, former member of the Worst Generation, Trafalgar Law joins the ranks of the Seven Warlords…” You read quietly out loud. 
You turn to Law. He stares at you, expressionless. You look back at the crew. The same response. 
“Well, it’s obviously a mistake. We just write the paper and say there’s been a misconception and it’s not true, right? It’s fine, right? Law?” You question him as you put the paper back on the table. 
The silence continues. You demand an answer. 
“Law? This obviously isn’t true, right?” You step towards him. 
“It is true.” Law finally responds. 
The silence becomes even heavier. 
“Captain… r-respectfully… w-what the hell is going on?” Penguin speaks up with a shaky voice. 
“You hate the government, Captain… now you work for them-?” Ikkaku chimes in. 
“We work for them.” Law butts in. 
The room is quiet again. 
“I have been appointed one of the Seven Warlords. My bounty has been cancelled along with the rest of the crew.” Law turns from his crew to face you this time. “Everyone’s but Daisy’s, that is.” 
“What!?” You reply in shock horror. 
“After the incident at Marine Ford, the World Government is out for blood with any of the Straw Hat Pirates. Telling the Marines that I was harboring you would only complicate matters. You’ll stay here and you’ll stay hidden. Now that I’ve allied with them, it’s assured that they’ll leave us be.” 
“But Captain-“ Bepo starts. 
“I have 60 million berries on my fucking head and you work for the government now?!” You raise your voice. “You bailed out your crew and now I’m stuck here like a stowaway again?!” 
“There’s a reason for all of this.” Law responds. 
“A reason?! PLEASE kindly explain it to us, then!” You shout. 
“Yeah, Captain, we deserve an answer. Why did you hide this from us?” Bepo asks. 
“I hid it to protect you all. You are my crew and I care about you. You all know that is something I don’t say often, but I mean it. I can’t explain it now, but I promise it will all make sense later. You need to trust me. This is temporary.” Law snatches the News Coo from the table. “You need to trust me, it’s all part of a larger plan. If you don’t trust me, you may leave, I understand… but if you wish to stay, your loyalty will be rewarded.” 
Law looks around at his crew once more before retreating down the hall to his office. 
“Fucking bullshit…” You storm down the hall and into your room. You slam the door behind you and begin cleaning your room to keep your mind off the current situation. 
— — 
Law sits at his desk, again pouring over the text about ancient Zoan Devil Fruits, chin resting in his fist. Law was trying to distract himself from the guilt that thrummed in his chest that appeared from keeping such a huge secret from his crew. 
He wished he could tell them… His crew he loved and cared so deeply for… and Daisy, who was upset with him once again… 
They knew nothing of his plan to murder Doflamingo… and they probably never would until after the plan succeeded or failed… He would die trying to complete his mission or come back to his crew successful and have to pick up the pieces of their shattered trust… 
Either way, he had months to plan and build the rapport back up. He was in no shape to take on Doflamingo now, he had much to prepare. Trillions of thoughts whirled around in Law’s head as he mulled over the text at his desk… he couldn’t focus on the words anymore so he resigned and left his office for the showers. 
In his sour mood, Law skulks towards the bathroom quickly, not paying attention to where he was going. 
“Hey, watch it.” Daisy remarks with the laundry basket that was now half full under her arm, the rest of the contents spilled all over the floor after the collision. 
“Sorry, I wasn’t looking-“ Law bends over to help Daisy pick up her clothing that had fallen to the ground and put them back into her bin. 
“Uh, thanks.” Daisy awkwardly hikes the laundry bin over her hip again and passes him to head towards the laundry room in the center of the base. Daisy rounds the corner and Law lets go of a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in. 
Law looks down at the floor and sees a black, amorphous blob on the ground in front of him. He picks it up. It was a pair of lace panties. 
Law gasps, but doesn’t drop them right away, fascinated by how soft they feel between his tattooed fingers. 
D, E, A, T, H. 
“Hey, Cap?” Ikkaku’s voice comes from the opposite end of the hallway. 
In a panic, Law shoves Daisy’s panties into his hoodie pocket. 
“Yes?” Law answers, almost too quickly. 
“You know we’re not mad at you, right? We just wish you would have told us. We would support you always, I wish you’d have more faith in us is all.” Ikkaku smiled softly. 
“I know. It was…” Law sighs. “A selfish decision. I hope you all can understand.” 
“We do. I think you should talk to Bepo, though. He seems pretty beat up.” 
“Thanks. I’ll talk to him.” 
Law pushes open the door to the bathroom and starts the shower. 
— — 
Law returns to his office after his shower and looks at the clock. 
1:48 AM
“When the hell did it get that late?” Law asks himself. 
Law grabs the text from his desk and brings it with him through the archway of the adjoining room to his bed. He throws the textbook onto his bed and strips himself of his jeans before he climbs in after it. 
After flipping through some more pages, he instinctively reaches into his pocket to warm his free hand while reading. 
The panties. 
He still had Daisy’s worn panties in his hoodie pocket. 
Law gingerly pulls them out and unfolds them. He feels his cock twitch at the sight of the skimpy black lace. He knew it was wrong to be aroused but he couldn’t help it… 
Law stares at the panties in his hands. Every fiber of his being is screaming at him to not listen to his intrusive thoughts but he simply can’t resist anymore, the animalistic urge in him taking over… he pulls the panties to his face and takes a deep inhale. 
His eyes roll back in his head. The heady, musky scent of Daisy’s panties fill his senses. 
Law couldn’t help but imagine the sweet, slightly sour , sweaty taste of her cunt after a hard sparring session in the clearing with him… how she might react if he dipped his tongue in between her sensitive lower lips… would she moan? Would she whimper? Would he know what to do? Would she even like it? He knows what she’s been through, he shouldn’t be thinking of her like this… 
“Shit…” Law gasps and unbuckles his belt. He unzips his jeans and frees his suddenly aching cock. 
“Room.” Law creates a room around his office and uses it to lock the deadbolt on the door. 
With a bit of guilt, Law begins to stroke his cock with the hand the panties were currently being held in. It was so wildly wrong, but he couldn’t help it. He had thought of Daisy writhing on his member so many times that this felt almost natural. 
The lacy fabric caused Law to hiss out at the foreign sensation, only having ever felt his hand down there in moments of desperation like this one. Law begin stroking himself slowly with the panties and threw his head back in pleasure. He closed his eyes and thought of her…
He knew he shouldn’t be doing this… but it felt too good to stop…
“Fuck, Daisy…” 
He had finally said it out loud. It felt so sinful, slipping off his tongue in a moment of lust, but it also felt so incredibly right. Her name felt so comforting and safe falling from his lips, Law didn’t even notice how close he was coming to his own finale. 
“Shit!” Law chokes out as he reaches his climax, ropes of thick cum spurting out all over the filched pair of panties. 
As the remnants of his orgasm subside, Law realizes the filth of his actions. He pulls up his underwear and shoves the soiled panties deep inside his laundry basket, thoroughly hoping they will never be discovered in their current state. 
Law tosses the book off his bed and climbs into the covers. With a huge sigh, he tries his best to fall asleep. 
— — 
You smile widely as you pull a fresh apple pie out of the oven, inhaling it’s intoxicating scent as you place it on the counter. 
Suddenly, as if by magic, Shachi and Penguin appear in the galley. 
“For us?” They say in unison. 
You laugh. 
“Yes, you vultures. Let me cut a slice for your buzzkill captain and then you can have at it. Make sure Clione gets a slice. You know it’s his favorite, okay?” You say as you carve a piece and put it on a plate to bring to the Captain of the Heart Pirates. You grab a fork and bring the plate down the hall to Law’s office. 
You knock. 
You enter. 
“Hey… brought you some pie.” You smile and walk towards Law’s desk to set down the plate. 
“Hmm.. Smells good. Sit. Want to show you something.” Law dismisses your dessert and gestures for you to take a seat in the chair across from him again. 
You sigh. 
“Law if this is about my Devil Fruit-“
“I found it.” Law interjects. 
There was a heavy silence. 
“You… what?” You ask 
“Come, look at this drawing…” Law stands up from his chair and beckons you to come around and look at the book on his desk. 
You roll you eyes and get up to look at the dusty tome. You look down and your stomach drops straight through to the floor. 
“That’s… that’s it…” You cover your mouth with one hand. “That’s exactly what it looked like… I remember it…” Your eyes gloss over, being involuntarily brought back to the day you were forced to ingest that Devil Fruit. 
“A wyvern.” Law speaks monotonously, as if he were prescribing you an antacids. 
“A what?” You whisper, unable to speak louder than that. 
“A medieval type dragon. Claws, wings, fire breath, tail… it all makes sense…” Law runs his smooth fingers over the page. 
“This is you, Daisy. You have this power.” He turns his head to look at you in the eye. 
You stumble backwards and fall on the floor. 
“No, I…. I’m not like that.. It’s something else..” You mumble mostly to yourself. “I’m a weird bat or something…”
“Do bats have tails, Daisy?” Law cocks his head and looks at you, sitting on his office floor.
You begin to retort, but Law stops you.
“Do lizards have wings?” You hold eye contact with the doctor. 
“You showed me that this is the fruit you ate. You can’t argue with this anymore. We will proceed with training using this information. Get some rest. We continue tomorrow.” 
You nod and leave Law’s office. 
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the-darkestminds · 4 months
Autumn's Shadow: Chapter 3
Azriel x Eris (Azriel POV)
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Summary: A covert meeting between Azriel and Eris to exchange valuable intel leaves Azriel reeling—and questioning everything he has ever felt for the Heir of Autumn. Azriel finds himself inexorably drawn to Eris, unable to resist his captivating allure. With the threat of Koschei and Beron looming ever closer, can their forbidden love endure in the face of such danger?
a/n: The plot is not canon compliant. Took some dialogue directly from acosf for this chapter. Also hope the plot makes sense but if not just go with it. Hope you enjoy!
Read on AO3!
Full Chapter List
Chapter 3:
Azriel scanned the snow dusted peaks below him as he flew through the crisp air above them. He was only a mile or two from Koschei’s lake. Soon the peaks dropped out and he was gazing over a massive stretch of water, likely big enough to appear as an ocean if standing on its shores. The water was a cold gray and the surface was choppy from the howling winds that swept across it. He flew over the white-capped water until he spied a small structure seated amidst the murky water. The air around it warped and shifted, as if partially concealed by a glamour. Just as Azriel adjusted his wings to dive closer, his shadows shuddered and writhed around him painfully. 
He heard a loud ringing in his ears, like an animal screeching from far away. It echoed in his head loudly and he reared back at the sharp noise. His shadows pulsed and then sucked back into his skin painfully. Azriel was completely exposed and reeling from the assault of his own powers that he had no choice but to flee. 
Gods, what was that? He’d never once felt his shadows rebel against him, like they sensed a threat and were afraid of it. His mind was spinning as he flew hard away from the lake, as far from it as he could get before finding a spot to land in the secluded woods to catch his breath. He waited an hour, and then two, before his shadows returned and swirled around him once more. Relieved to be back in their comforting presence, he closed his eyes and let them carry him home to Velaris.
Azriel shivered in his leathers at the icy wind that swept through the pines of the Illyrian Steppes and wrapped around him in a cold embrace. Even in the summer, the Steppes were bitterly cold. Now that it was nearing autumn, the chill was unbearable. He contemplated leaving a note in his place for Eris just to escape it, but before he could do so the male appeared before him and instantly cursed at the frigid temperature. 
Eris waved his hand and the winds stopped. Or rather—they bounced off the bubble of heat he had surrounded them with. Azriel lowered his hands from his mouth where he was attempting to warm them and looked at Eris. 
“Thanks,” he said, lamely. Eris nodded, the corner of his mouth rising in a smirk.
“Such things come in handy in Autumn,” he offered, “Though it’s never quite as cold as this.” Azriel’s brows rose. Perhaps they were making progress after all. 
“So? Uncover anything useful on your little trip to see our dear friend Koschei?” Eris asked. Azriel sighed and shook his head, frustrated that he didn’t have any valuable intel to offer up. 
“Nothing. I can sense a deep well of power, seemingly endless, in the center of the lake, but my shadows recoiled before I could approach it. To learn more I’ll need to get closer, and I can’t do that alone,” he admitted. He would need Cassian to accompany him, and right now he was busy training Nesta and the other priestesses. 
“So you have nothing of worth to share with me, then,” Eris said. Azriel hesitated, unsure of what to say. “Was there something else you were hoping to discuss?” His words were laced with amusement. Azriel ground his teeth. Was this how every conversation would be between them? Him, floundering, while Eris mocked him? 
Eris chuckled and stepped closer to him. “You should really try to relax. Despite what you may think, not every word out of my mouth is a personal attack,” Eris smirked at him and dusted some melting snow off of Azriel’s shoulders. Azriel grabbed his wrist. 
“Why did you do it?” He needed to know. He’d been incapable of thinking of anything else since the night Eris had touched him and it was driving him mad. Eris studied him, eyes searching.
“Perhaps I wanted to see what you would do. You’re always wound so tight,” he said, voice low. And then he stepped closer, leaving less than a foot of space between them. “Maybe I’d been thinking of what your pretty face would look like as you came undone.” His voice was barely above a whisper, and Azriel could feel his hot breath on his face. It was intoxicating and Azriel blinked slowly, registering what Eris had said. His heart pounded loudly in his chest at Eris’s sensual words. The male stepped closer still, their bodies almost flush. “Have you been thinking about it?” The words were a heated whisper. “Have you been wondering what it might feel like to have my mouth on your skin?” Sweat beaded on Azriel’s forehead.
Eris leaned in and lightly trailed his lips up Azriel’s neck. Across his throat. Along the hard line of his jaw. And then he brushed his lips over Azriel’s—a whisper of a touch, before drawing back to look into Azriel’s darkened eyes.
“Maybe I wanted to learn how you taste,” his deep voice was throaty with desire. And then he leaned in and brushed his lips against Azriel’s again. Something in Azriel snapped, and he groaned as he opened for Eris. His tongue swept in slowly and Azriel met each languid stroke with his own. Eris pulled back too soon, both of them panting, breath mingling in the warmed air around them. “Maybe I wanted you to think of me when you went to sleep that night,” he purred softly. Azriel’s entire body felt like it was on fire, and he knew he was hard beneath his leathers. He leaned in and kissed Eris again, savoring the delicious taste of him. He wanted more, desperately. But he had to be sure. 
“Are you fucking with me?” Azriel groaned the question against Eris’s lips, kept his eyes closed so he didn’t have to see the mocking cruelty he was afraid he’d find on Eris’s face. But Eris only laughed and kissed him deeper as he pressed his body firmly against Azriel’s. Azriel groaned again softly when he felt the hard evidence of Eris’s desire. When Eris finally drew back, his pale skin was flushed. 
“Maybe I’d like to be,” he murmured darkly, and smiled. Azriel’s heart was racing as he stared at the male he’d always known as his enemy. “I have to get back. Beron awaits,” he said, smile fading. “I’ll see you again soon, shadowsinger.” He waited for Azriel to nod, and then he vanished, taking the warmth along with him. 
Azriel blew out a breath and dragged his hands through his hair. He’d let Eris kiss him, had kissed him in return, again. And he’d liked it. Azriel didn’t know what it meant, only that this feeling in his stomach and chest were something he’d never felt before. 
The cold chased him away from the Steppes and back to his apartment in Velaris. But the feelings remained. And when dawn was near, and Azriel finally drifted off to sleep, his dreams were plagued with Eris, and his fire, and his face, and his lips, as they trailed their way over every inch of his naked body.
The first thing Azriel did when he woke up was take a very cold shower. 
A week later, Azriel stood stiffly in the common room of the Moonstone Palace as he listened to Cassian’s recounting of his and Nesta’s visit to the Prison the day before. She had retrieved the Harp, killed Lanthys, and gathered crucial insight on Briallyn’s motives, all in one fell swoop. He'd be lying if he said he wasn’t impressed. They’d also discovered the fate of the remaining missing Autumn Court soldiers, as Cassian had been forced to kill some of them in their escape from the Prison. Azriel’s mood darkened as he considered how Eris might react upon hearing more of his men had died by Cassian’s sword.
“So Briallyn intends to return Nesta’s power to the cauldron,” Rhys mused, eyes distant. Azriel shuddered at what that might mean for Nesta.
“The Cauldron is still on Cretea with Drakon and Miryam. How does Briallyn hope to retrieve it? Does she even know of its location?”
Cassian shrugged at Azriel’s questions. “All that really matters is that we don’t give her the opportunity to get within ten miles of Nesta,” he said darkly.
Rhys continued thinking aloud as he drummed his fingers on the armrest of his chair. “And now we know she’s after the Trove. Perhaps with all three items she could locate the Cauldron. With the Harp alone, the damage she could do would be catastrophic. Combined with the Crown…” Rhys trailed off and grimaced at the thought.
“So she wants power. To what end? Do her plans mirror Hybern’s?” Perhaps now that she was Fae she had no interest in ruling over human lands. “And what does Beron stand to gain from their alliance? What has she promised him?” Azriel couldn’t figure it out.  
They were quiet while they considered it, and digested all that Cassian had told them, until Rhys said, “We’ll need to find out what Eris knows—if he believes that Beron might take up Hybern's mantle and turn conqueror. For all we know, Beron is under Briallyn’s control, as in thrall to her as Eris’s soldiers are. Or were.” The idea that Beron would attempt to wage war on Prythian seemed ridiculous to Azriel, considering how Hybern had fared in the recent war. But maybe it was as Rhys suggested, and he was merely another pawn in Briallyn’s game. Rhys sighed and added, “If a greater conflict is truly brewing, we need to secure wartime alliances again. And—we’ll need to offer Eris something in return for his continued support. A show of good faith, so to speak.” Cassian scowled.
“He’s shown no signs of wavering in his commitment to us,” Azriel said carefully. 
“When he learns of the fate of his soldiers, he might. We need to remind Eris that we value this alliance and that he is…important to us. That we have his back.” Rhys grimaced as he said the words, as if they tasted bitter on his tongue. Guilt flashed in Cassian’s eyes at the mention of the Autumn Court soldiers, even as he snarled at the idea of gifting Eris anything.
“You sound like you already have something in mind,” Azriel said, brow arching. 
“Eris is coming to the Winter Solstice celebration at the Hewn City,” Rhys said. “Nesta has agreed to dance with him. Seduce him, so to speak.” Azriel forced his face to remain neutral, even as his stomach twisted painfully. Could Eris be seduced by Nesta? “It’ll make him consider what he might attain once he understands that we have no plans to break this alliance.” Azriel’s heart sank as he realized he didn’t really know Eris at all. 
“And you’re okay with this?” Azriel demanded as he turned to Cassian.
“Nesta already agreed. She sure as hell doesn’t care what I think about it,” he grumbled, and Azriel could hear the anguish in his voice. Azriel glanced at Rhys, but he was watching Cassian with a look of concern. Azriel’s stomach twisted further, this time with guilt. If Nesta merely agreeing to dance with Eris was enough to elicit this kind of distress in Cassian, how would he react to learning of what Azriel had done? Shame, hot and slimy, washed through him.
“Wait until after the celebration to meet with Eris again,” Rhys ordered as he stood. “Hopefully by then he’ll feel more inclined to share what he knows.” Azriel nodded. Rhys clapped Cassian on the shoulder reassuringly before winnowing home to Velaris. 
Azriel and Cassian strolled silently to the high balcony of the palace. Cassian said nothing before taking flight, too preoccupied with his own thoughts to bother saying goodbye. Azriel watched him fly away until he was a mere speck against the darkening sky before he let his shadows sweep him away.
The Court of Nightmares was decorated as it usually was, bedecked in black candles, sparkling tinsel, and evergreen wreaths and garlands. Azriel stood at the foot of the black dais, barely more than a writhing shadow as he looked upon the revelers drinking and eating and dancing with cold disinterest. He could feel the rage rippling off Cassian in waves as he mirrored Azriel’s stance on the opposite side of the dais. Behind them sat their High Lord and High Lady, crowned and draped in gleaming black as they presided over the festivities from their thrones.
Eris stood before Rhys and Feyre, tall and proud and adorned in Night Court black as well. His fitted jacket accentuated the sculpted lines of his body and Azriel let his eyes travel down his lithe form—let it linger on the sleek fabric that clung to his muscular thighs.
Azriel realized he was staring and quickly averted his gaze, willing himself not to flush. He cursed himself silently at how utterly far he had fallen. Fearsome Spymaster and Interrogator of the Night Court, blushing at the sight of a pretty male. Silently hating himself, he forced himself to focus on the conversation unfolding around him.
“Ordinarily I would ask you to dance, but my condition has left me unwell enough that I worry about what so much spinning would do to my stomach.” Feyre paused, as if considering, and then said, “My oldest sister shall take my place.” 
Azriel couldn’t stop himself from glancing at Eris’s face then, to gauge his reaction. His face was set in his usual smirk, eyes cold and alert as he inclined his head to Nesta and offered his arm. He hadn't looked at Azriel once. A month had passed since their last meeting and Azriel had begun to wonder if he’d imagined the entire thing.
The music began in a dramatic stroke of stringed instruments and blasting horns. Nesta bent and twirled and spun with the music and Eris met her every step of the way, never faltering. Spin after spin he whipped her around with such force her heels rose off the ground, her head turning with such precision that her very blood seemed in time with the music. Azriel was stunned at the sheer display of skill and grace, from both of them, and he was not the only one. The dance floor slowly emptied until it was just the two of them dancing, while the crowd looked on in varying states of shock and awe. Eris moved like flowing water as he guided her through the waltz, each step precise and purposeful, the music swelling in a grand crescendo around them. 
Azriel couldn’t keep his eyes off Eris as he danced like he was one with the music, smiling with such feral delight that Cassian started snarling softly beside him. The dance concluded and flowed smoothly into the next, this one slower and more refined. The floor filled with dancers once more, all twirling about in a sea of black.
Before Azriel could stop him, Cassian pushed off the wall where they’d been monitoring the revelry and made his way to the dance floor, promptly shouldering Eris out of Nesta’s grip. Azriel’s shadows swirled around him but he made no move towards Cassian. Though he would never admit it, a part of him was grateful for Cassian’s interruption. He couldn’t explain the tight feeling in his chest—nor the burning in the pit of his stomach at the wild joy he’d glimpsed on their faces as they’d spun and twirled together. After a tense exchange, Eris strode away as Cassian and Nesta continued the waltz together. 
Azriel remained where he was along the wall throughout the night, glaring at anyone who dared meet his eyes. He wanted to leave. He hated this wretched city and all the people in it. His mood darkened further as he listened to Eris’s parting conversation with Rhys and Feyre. They dangled Nesta in front of him like a carrot and now waited to see if he’d bite. Azriel tensed as Eris opened his mouth, perhaps to extend an offer for Nesta’s hand—
But Eris merely thanked them graciously for a splendid evening, and for their tremendous generosity in gifting him Nesta’s Made dagger, which he promised to use well. It was now sheathed at his belt. After bowing to them both, he strode out of the ballroom without looking back.
As Eris left the room, Rhys and Feyre exchanged a look of unease. The male had not inquired about Nesta. Had shown no interest in what they had so blatantly, albeit falsely, offered him. Azriel waited one full minute before disappearing into the shadows to follow him.
Eris’s footsteps echoed off the black marble floor as he strolled unhurriedly down the empty hallway leading out of the Hewn City. Azriel kept close behind him, hidden in the dark spaces between the towering pillars and statues of scaled beasts. Just before Eris reached the doors, Azriel stepped out of a shadow and dragged him into one of the dark alcoves by the lapels of his jacket. He turned them and pushed Eris’s back up against the stone wall.
“Shadowsinger,” Eris purred the word in greeting as Azriel let his shadows swirl behind him, blocking them from view of any who might wander by.
Azriel realized a moment later that he had no idea of what he’d intended to say to the male. He’d simply been unable to let him leave without those amber eyes meeting his own, even if only for a moment. And now here he was again, fumbling to come up with something to say in the face of that wicked smile. Azriel flushed and Eris’s grin widened in return.
“I—Why didn’t you inquire about Nesta?” he finally asked. Eris raised a brow at the question and shrugged. 
“Perhaps I will.” Azriel clenched his jaw at the taunting lilt of his voice. “Why?” Eris stepped closer. His voice was low and sensual. “Were you jealous? Seeing my hands on her?” His warm breath brushed over Azriel’s lips and he felt dizzy at the intoxicating smell of him. “Did you wish it had been you?”
Azriel was ashamed to admit that he had. He’d been jealous that Nesta had been on the receiving end of that delighted, unrestrained smile. But he couldn’t say that to Eris, though the male seemed to know it already. He glared at Eris as he fisted his scarred hands at his sides.
“No. I’m asking on behalf of my High Lord,” Azriel lied. He knew Eris could detect the lie when his smile turned feline and he laughed darkly. Eris leaned in closer and slowly dragged his nose up Azriel’s neck, inhaling deeply. Azriel’s throat went dry and he forced himself not to lean into that touch.
“Is that so?” Eris mused softly. “You can tell your High Lord my interests lie elsewhere.” The words were whispered against Azriel’s skin and he suppressed a shudder. Before he could respond, Eris had vanished.
Three days later, Azriel sent Eris a request to meet at their usual spot on the outskirts of Velaris and Eris had agreed. It was nearing midnight when Azriel landed in the quiet glen to await his arrival.
While he waited he contemplated what he might say to the male. Somehow, nothing in his long life had prepared him for this boyish awkwardness he now felt. He knew he should also feel shame, and guilt, over what they had done—what he had allowed to happen. But for the life of him he couldn’t summon any. Only confusion, and a burning desire for more. Azriel chastised himself for the latter. He should put a stop to it. Surely he had lost his mind. Eris was his enemy. Mor’s enemy. He just needed to blow off some steam, perhaps take a visit to Rita’s. It had been a while, after all. 
His stomach dropped when he thought of Mor, of how she would react if she ever found out that Azriel had not only forgiven Eris, but had kissed him, let the male touch him. His mood darkened. Gods, he was an ass. 
He needed to focus. Put his personal problems aside and deal with the more pressing issue at hand: Briallyn, and Beron. But his thoughts gave him pause. Did he forgive Eris? He wasn’t sure what he now felt about that horrible incident 500 years ago. Mor’s hatred of the male had always fueled his own. He had hoped she would let him avenge her, and in turn, admit her feelings to him at last. The idea seemed ridiculously foolish now.
Azriel wondered at the depth of his feelings for Mor. Had he ever truly loved her? He wasn’t so sure now. When he thought of Mor, all he felt was pain and sadness. Whereas when his thoughts drifted to Eris…he shook his head. Tried to brush off the excitement and anticipation he felt at the thought of seeing the male again. 
As the hour passed, Azriel’s excitement faded, and when two hours passed, his anticipation was replaced with dread. He told himself Eris was likely caught up at the Autumn Court and couldn’t get away. It wasn’t the first time it had happened. He was used to Eris being late, but this time it felt personal. Had it been a cruel joke after all? Or was Eris in trouble? The minutes ticked by slowly. 
Azriel told himself he only waited the third hour because the information he needed to impart was important. That was the only reason. But when the end of the third hour was up, he could think of no other excuse to remain. He sighed to himself and launched into the black skies, his wings flapping broadly. 
Azriel decided not to return to Velaris. He knew there was no chance of sleep tonight. Instead, he turned his sights east, towards the continent. He was also due for a scout of the once-human queen’s castle. Perhaps he’d finally find a way inside the fortress he’d been surveying for months. He was still waiting for Cassian to accompany him to the lake. When he’d asked, Cassian had said he was busy and to ask Mor to go with him when she returned. It was unlike him, but Azriel didn’t push. He would need to soon, though.
He dissolved into shadows and traveled on the night for some time, until he felt the landmass approaching and let the shadows slip off him. He flew silently, so high that the air was thin and breathing became difficult. But with his Fae eyesight he could see everything. He kept his eyes peeled for any signs of Briallyn’s sentries, but all was quiet. He tucked his wings and dove quickly towards the dense cluster of trees surrounding the castle, backflapped as he approached and then landed softly in the high branches. He would wait here for now, get a sense of the movements in and out of the stronghold before getting any closer. 
Two days later, Azriel had learned absolutely nothing new about Briallyn’s plans or movements. He cursed in frustration. He’d found no way past the heavy wards surrounding the castle, no weak points or unguarded entrances he could slip through, despite his best efforts. It had been days since he’d slept more than an hour at a time. The exhaustion had been weighing on him heavily and he knew if he looked in a mirror he would see bags beneath his eyes as dark as the shadows that curled around him. He would return home, get some rest, and then try again. Perhaps Eris had learned something useful in the last week and would deign to grace Azriel with his presence.
Azriel shot into the sky. He kept his shadows wrapped tightly around him despite the cover of darkness. Just as he made to bank left, movement out of the corner of his eye made him turn. His wings missed a beat when he realized what, exactly, he was seeing. His stomach dropped, both from the slight dip as he lost a foot of altitude before finding the current once more, and because that was Eris who was bound and being dragged into the side entrance of the castle. 
Shit. Shit. How could he have been so stupid and careless as to get himself caught? Azriel's heart beat frantically in his chest. He told himself it was rage, at Eris, that he was feeling, even as his palms grew damp with sweat and his stomach squeezed painfully. He would kill Briallyn for this. Tear her to shreds for putting her withered, corrupted hands on him. Azriel could go in now, while the door was still open. Before he even finished the thought he knew it was folly. There were too many unknowns, too much could go wrong going in alone, especially with no one back home aware of his plans.
This was why Eris hadn’t shown up to their meeting. Had she taken him directly from Autumn’s forest? Was Beron aware that his oldest son was now in the hands of his supposed ally? He might have wondered if Eris was here willingly if not for the shackles and bruises on him. While his thoughts had raced, Eris had disappeared inside the castle’s side entrance and the door was shut once more. As much as it pained Azriel, he knew there was nothing he could do for Eris now. Not alone. He would just have to wait for them to bring him out again. Surely Briallyn wouldn’t kill him? Not if she went through the trouble of snatching him from Prythian and dragging him all the way to the continent. He had to get back to Velaris now, to warn Rhys and Cassian and come up with a plan. He said a silent prayer to the Cauldron that no more harm would come to Eris as he raced home to Velaris under the cover of shadows.
Next Chapter
Tag list: @unanswered-stars
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 5.5 - 6 - 7 - 8
notes: i feel that this chapter is very underwhelming bc i wrote it at work 🫡 so sorry
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liked by siegenthaler34, nicohischier, and 32,542 others
y/ndevils00 hi people! thank you for tuning into tonight’s (brief) postgame recap! this is a very sad night for my favorite boys, as we lost 6-1 to the winnipeg jets.
we had a meager three penalties tonight!
starting off with erik, who has banned me from making any more name puns (boring!). erik got a penalty for tripping, bringing him up to an astounding 47 penalty minutes this season!
next, i’d like to bring your attention to jack’s picture. nothing special, i just like it.
and then, of course, we have my boyfriend again; chewing on his glove like a rabid little chihuahua <3
the next penalty was from siegs at the very end of the 1st period for high sticking! i had dawson do my dirty work for me and give him a very stern talking to during intermission!
next up, we have hershey bar looking very displeased, and i can’t say i blame him!
we got a little over halfway through 3rd period before we got the final penalty from the newest swiss, timo for holding! he took a lesson from my very rude boyfriend and hid behind the stanchion. i very much did not like that.
however, our lone goal came with SECONDS left in the game, scored by the captain himself! who still looked very disappointed to say the least.
and lastly, bff number 1 says i should apologize to bff number 2 for dissing him last night 😒 so we have a picture of marinara and i’m supposed to tell him that i’m proud of him (i’m not sure what for though? he didn’t do anything 🤷‍♀️)
tagged ehaula, jackhughes, siegenthaler34, nicohischier, tmeier96 and john.marino97
ehaula i know i asked you to stop but now it feels weird without the name puns
y/ndevils00 so….
ehaula so you can do the puns
y/ndevils00 OH THANK GOD! do you realize how hard it was to withhold from them?! it was torture!
ehaula it’s been one post
user18 i’ve become so used to the “haula” puns that i forgot who erik was for a second
siegenthaler34 i made my y/n post debut!
y/ndevils00 it could’ve been for a better reason…
nicohischier you weren’t even there but you still got 2 horrible photos of me
y/ndevils00 i have spies everywhere
nicohischier what does that even mean?
y/ndevils00 guess you’ll never know
jackhughes why?
y/ndevils00 why what? why do i praise you when you don’t appreciate it? i don’t know, you would think i would’ve learned by now
jackhughes no. why the 2nd picture? why do you like it? why call me a chihuahua?
y/ndevils00 i like it. your eyes are so pretty and blue. because you’re small and scrappy and chew on everything.
jackhughes i’m 5’11
y/ndevils00 sure you are honey
dougieham if you went just based off y/n’s posts and comments, i don’t think anyone would ever guess that her and marino are genuinely best friends
y/ndevils00 it’s called tough love <3
john.marino97 she’s evil
trevorzegras i’m forever grateful that i’m a duck so i’ll never be subjected to the torture you put these guys through
y/ndevils00 there’s always next trade szn 😈
trevorzegras the ducks would never trade me
y/ndevils00 i have friends in high places… watch your back zegras
tmeier96 hughesy told me to sit there before i went into the box. he didn’t tell me why but i guess now i know
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes do you not love me? do you not want to see me happy? this is why luke is my favorite
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 luke is your WHAT?
lhughes_06 @/y/ndevils00 i feel so special! thank you y/n/n!
john.marino97 i have multiple questions. starting with: why is DAWSON bff number 1? and i didn’t get a penalty so you could be proud of me for that???
y/ndevils00 i like him better. and that’s very true, however you didn’t get a goal or an assist either so….
dawson1417 translation: y/n holds you to a higher standard because she knows how well you play. she knows you can do better but she’s proud of you regardless.
john.marino97 @/dawson1417 well why doesn’t she say it like that? that’s kinda sweet!
y/ndevils00 emotions are for the weak
john.marino97 @/jackhughes i think your girlfriend is broken
jackhughes she just likes to seem tough on the internet. watch this 👀
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 i love you so much sweet girl ❤️ i can’t wait to get home
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes i love you too, now come home!
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 aww you miss me?
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes sure, but also you lost your game which means you lost the bet and you have to give LSH her bath <3
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paddockbunny · 2 years
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Summary: Aria Armund is hired by Alpine as an "image guardian" for a reluctant Pierre Gasly - AKA she is hired to be his "babysitter". What happens as the season progresses and both of them have their buttons pressed by the other? And what happens when one of them suggests making a rather interesting bet? Rating: 18+. Pairing : Pierre Gasly x Aria Armund (OC) Word Count : 3, 116 Trigger Warnings : 18+, NSFW, language, nudes being sent and received, slight female masturbation mention, I think that’s all… 💞Authors Note : Aria’s POV 🥰 thank you for the support on the last chapter folks! It means a lot!! If you want to be added to a tag list then please comment on the newest chapter not the one prior or anywhere else because it’s too hard to keep up with if it’s not all in the one place.
Fuck this day!
As soon as my shoes were kicked off I practically rushed toward the kitchen and hurriedly ripped open the tape that held closed one of the boxes sitting on the kitchen worktop, desperately trying to find a wine glass for the bottle of wine I purchased on my way home. God, this day needed to be over like, right now. The second a glass touched my fingertips I couldn’t have been anymore thankful that I got a twist cap wine so didn’t have to struggle trying to find a bottle opener. I watched as the gorgeous, beautiful ruby red liquid flowed easily from the thin neck of the bottle into the clear glass. A subconscious sigh left my lips at that moment. If I had thought this new job was going to be easy then boy was I wrong.
Pierre fucking Gasly. What a prick. He was so full of himself. Arrogance practically oozed out of him. It would have been laughable if he wasn’t so bloody misogynistic. My teeth ground together when I remembered how several times throughout the meeting he thought he was so sly but I caught him, each and every time he glanced at my boobs. Quickly, I swiped my large glass of wine off the counter and headed straight toward the sofa. I need to relax. Tension had been wracking my body all day. Even now, I could feel it in my shoulders, my neck, everywhere. As my head tipped back and I took another large swig of the alcoholic crimson merlot I spied my bag. It was laying on the floor with things practically bursting out of it. I really needed to get a larger one for all the shit I had to carry around with me now but shopping was low down on my priority list. However, the bag itself was not what caught my attention. My eyes honed straight in on the top of my new shiny work phone poking out of the inside pocket. A large part of my brain said fuck work while the other was already grasping hold of it after taking no more than a second to lunge for the object like it was giving out some weird siren call before I knew I was doing it. The recollection of Pierre’s resistance to give me his fucking passwords today played on my mind. Then it mixed with the memory of him smiling at his phone and asking if I’d “rather make it a threesome” as he left the shitty office they put me in - for the few weeks I needed it for before being stuck with the fucker for the whole year.
I took out the notepad Pierre had reluctantly wrote his passwords down in and opened up the freshly downloaded Instagram and Twitter apps ready to punch his details into. I had expected to eye roll when I read his passwords but actually they were just simple names and numbers which made very little sense to me.
Username : PierreGasly
Password : Pascale22/9/1996**PSG
Username : PierreGASLY
Password : 10Anthoine_Cate*7
I guessed they were probably family members and whatnot so it wasn’t really surprising. And I sipped more of my wine because I had a feeling I was going to need to brace myself for what I was going to read (and see). The moment I clicked on the little paper airplane arrow icon it suddenly dawned on me that if I had been asked to hand over my own passwords I would have immediately combed through everything and repeatedly hit delete, delete fucking delete. But this was Pierre Gasly. He wouldn’t have even considered deleting anything. He would be proud of all the conquests, one night stands and random faceless nudes he no doubt received and probably jerked off too because well, he was just that sort of person, wasn’t he? He presumably had them going back years and quite possibly enjoyed flicking through them sometimes just to get a kick from the girls that would physically throw themselves at him online in a desperate bid to get his attention. Perhaps sometimes it may have worked and he would have used his social media to arrange a hook-up where he would most likely forget the girls name by the following morning. That was the type of guy I was dealing with here.
Nothing particularly salacious could be found on his Twitter. There were a few suggestive comments here and there, which seemed to get some of his fans all hot and bothered. The one he had referred too today - the doggy comment that I really had to attempt not to pretend to vomit at - popped up and several more referring to things of a sexual nature most guys would have grown out of by 27. So I made a note to discuss keeping things a bit more respectable and PC in future. Digging a little deeper he had liked several racy, risqué tweets from other people (including fans) and again I had to jot down to tell him to reign his hormones in a little bit more than he was currently doing. Although, it wasn’t just the smutty natured comments Pierre had gone through and flung likes at freely. I managed to find tones of comments from journalists, insiders and general fans that were unsavoury toward Ocon (and a few aimed at the team) last season which was in no way going to be allowed now I had to keep an eye on him. It was exactly the type of stuff Alpine had an issue with and Pierre really needed to play ball before things became irreparable. I swigged another large sip from my glass as I finally went into his following list. Unsurprisingly, a couple of pornstars could be found amongst the hordes of sports personalities, brand sponsors and general celebrities. I ground my teeth a little and couldn’t help but note the type of adult actresses he was following - an insight into the type of girls he went for perhaps? Almost all were brunettes with big doe eyes, big lips and of course big boobs. They all seemed to be on younger side, y’know the type that could fake teenage babysitters and naughty neighbours next door. It was exactly what I would expect of Pierre. EXACTLY what I would expect. They were swiftly unfollowed and I felt like there was no way I could be prepared for switching to Instagram without a refill of my wine.
Pierre was most, prolific, shall we say on Instagram. His time spent scrolling on the app was very well known. His trigger happy thumb that fired out likes like hot dinners span a whole meme. “Liked by Pierre Gasly” was even on the back of t-shirts now. I didn’t need to deep dive on my research prior to meeting him to find out how addicted he was to the social media platform. It was one of the first things that popped up when I googled him. Initially I couldn’t help but laugh at this 27-year-old man being hooked to a silly little app but now after having met him, I could see why his juvenile brain would become dependant on the thoughtless validation. I went to the kitchen and refilled my quickly emptying glass with haste. The memory of Pierre being so guarded about his passwords sprung into my brain and so now I desperately wanted to know what he was hiding. I clicked on the bright coloured button with my thumb and smirked knowing how much he would hate this. But as I sat down, he was so conceited he actually wouldn’t hate it at all.
I flicked quickly down the interface. It was full of mostly drivers and brands. I raised my glass to my lips and took a swift drink when I reached a bikini clad model which was followed by another one. Both had been “liked by Pierre Gasly” and I found myself eye rolling, yet again. But this wouldn’t be what he was trying to stop me from gaining access too. After-all they probably all followed scantily clad women who frolicked around in hotel beds and beaches to pay their rent. My thumb hovered over the DM icon and sure it was fucking pathetic, but I felt a little bit of a rush finally allowing myself to tap it.
And I was certainly not disappointed. It was full of exactly what I knew it would be. Girls. There was the “you replied to “x”‘s story” amongst plenty “reacted to your story” & of course the “sent a photo”’s littered his DMs. Starting at the top, I decided to go through the most recent one first. It was from a @Jocelyn_S_Silva and the wine really didn’t prepare me. Jesus! That’s a lot of ass! I saw the little heart emoji at the side of it meaning Pierre clearly liked it and I let out a little bit of a sigh subconsciously. Girls really did send guys this type of stuff very openly and freely and honestly, it was going to be tough keeping him out of trouble if these were the kinds of DM’s he was happy to revcieve. Then the time it was sent caught my eye. Today at 1:33pm. He was with me at 1:33pm. He was in our meeting being a brat, a big headed idiot, a total chauvinist. I scrolled to the messages before and realised that was where he had come from and why he had been late. He had spent the night with this girl.
Jocelyn_S_Silva: 💋 last night was fun Papi, let’s do it again sometime?xxx
I couldn’t help but feel a slight disgust wash over me so I tried to settle it with the carmine coloured liquid in my glass. Who was this girl anyway? I went back to view her profile. A Spanish influencer it seems. 200,000 followers, probably mostly male by the millions of bikini pictures she was posting. I mean if that was how she earned her money good for her, she had an amazing body and she would be best to use it before she loses it but she wasn’t good for Pierre’s image so there was a swift unfollowing and blocking of the bikini influencer (I mean, what the hell is a bikini influencer anyway?)
Then following on from her there was another bikini model from Italy who was clearly someone Pierre had taken on a date and hooked up with after seeing as the message was quite similar to Miss Jocelyn Silva’s. Pierre hadn’t replied to her so I deleted conversation before proceeding to unfollow and block. Next was some girl who had been a paddock guest but had a fairly slim IG if you discount all of the shopping pics. She had sent Pierre various shots of herself in various states of undress and I didn’t need to see much more. Delete, unfollow and block. There were a few conversations with guys I could gather were friends and other racing drivers like Charles Leclerc and Max Verstappen. Then a few more conversations with girls that were extremely entertaining to read. Most were almost comically cringey and stereotypical moves all guys stuffed up their sleeves when talking to women. But one or two of his conversations were enough to make me raise my eyebrows. He was a natural flirt and some of these girls (the ones he seemed to like the most) he gave extra effort too. As I read “…I know you’ll shiver when I kiss down that beautiful neck” I could hear his confidence laced voice practically purring it. And then another girl got “God! I can’t wait to be between your thighs, making you cum all over my tongue” and that was when I had to devour all the remainder of my wine.
Listen, as much as Pierre Gasly was a monumental dick today - acting like he was king of the castle and as if I should fall on my knees for him upon sight alone - I couldn’t deny that the man was good looking. His slate grey, moody eyes sort of smouldered in a way most men would be jealous of. His penchant for smirking was so God damn infuriating that it was hard to conceal the fact that it did in fact work on me and I had to disguise how it actually managed to raise my temperature a little. And besides all else, the man oozed confidence like no one else I have ever met before. It exuded from him. Every single pore in his skin permeated an almost magnetic certitude that was hard not to get drunk off. Having now spent a few hours in his presence could almost understand why women found him utterly irresistible. Pierre had this seductive, alluring appeal that not many guys could mimic. It was so unbelievably natural to the man that several times today you had been amazed that he hadn’t been snapped up yet and found the right woman. After all, he seemed to be able to sleep with them no problem judging by his DMs.
For a brief moment, I really considered putting the phone down, running myself a bath and forgetting all about what my new job was. A glance toward the unpacked boxes and semi furnished flat reminded me of that. Fuck! This was all a step in the right direction but still not one I thought I would be taking. I glanced down at my fading tan and let out a long, laboured sigh. I miss the heat on my skin. The warmth of a beautiful November day back in Aus. My eyes flickered tightly shut and I was right back there. On the porch of the house overlooking the lush greenery and crystal clear swimming pool and right as I almost allowed myself to daydream one day I would be back there, I opened my eyes and the moment was over. The phone was still on in my hand when I looked back and allowed my eyes to focus on it. There’s no good thinking of the past. I click on the next conversation Pierre had been having with a girl and practically choked on the last drop of wine I had slowly tipped out of the glass.
It was a sent photo. From Pierre. Of PIERRE!
From the angle it was evident Pierre was lying down. The tanned, flexed muscles of his abdomen were right there on full display and a shaky, uncertain breath escaped passed my parted shocked lips. His chest hair was a light shade of brown that at this angle looked practically golden. And it continued down to cover the valley of his tight, taught stomach. I felt my mouth water slightly as it was very apparent Pierre liked feeling like a man if the defined “happy trail” was anything to go by. But it wasn’t his sculpted chest that had shock reverberating through my body.
Pierre was clad in a pair of very tight, possibly expensive, black boxers with a VERY obvious erection. The thin fabric was stretched almost to breaking to contain the hard on beneath and suddenly, it dawned on me why he was so unwilling to give me his passwords. But the fact he had hours to have deleted any of these dirty photographs made me wonder if he actually wanted me to see them. Now, that was very Pierre of him!
It was hard to look away from and even harder to will myself to click off. I could tell why Pierre was so smug all the time now. There was no denying he had to be well-endowed and he was clearly girthy. And fuck, he was so confident in his sexuality there wasn’t a chance he didn’t know how to use it. There had to be a reason all of these girls wanted more. This is so fucked! It’s Pierre for fucks sake! It’s Pierre! He’s the arrogant asshole I’ve only known a few hours. Get a fucking grip, Aria!
Then just as I caught the sound of my own trembling, unsteady breathing I felt a dull pulse like beating between my thighs that was unmistakable and I sighed. After all these months? Now? And Pierre?! This was a fucking shocker. Seriously? I thought I was broken. I thought I had turned this particular part of myself off like a leaky tap after, well after what, happened. But evidently the sight of Pierre Gasly’s hard on was all it took to turn it back on. For a minute I simply sat there and had to at least take this in. It wasn’t right. I had to be professional. I had to “look after” him. But it wasn’t like I was about to fuck him and probably a lot of other girls would feel this after finding a photo like that.
Fuck it!
I went with it. I allowed myself to use the moment. Utilise the feeling that was now coursing through my veins. I lay back on the sofa and placed the work phone down so I could use both of my hands to get my tight as hell work trousers undone. Guys did this all the time. They got off to their work colleagues and all that didn’t they? I lifted my leg up a little so I could get a good angle. Just go with it. And a long, steady breath flowed from my lips as I trailed the tips of my fingers down my body. I felt the hot air leaving my lungs against my fingertips as I started there. Then they passed down my throat, my neck, my collarbone and down my silk blouse covered breast caged in my lace bra underneath. My eyes closed slowly while my hand travelled down further. It brushed down my stomach and the little bare skin that had become exposed when I undone the trousers moments ago. With one inner push my fingers continued and pushed down into the elastic of the white cotton panties and I let myself think of the picture. Of Pierre’s picture. Of Pierre. And then the tips of my fingers brushed across where the darkening throbbing pulsing was coming from. God, Pierre’s mouth trailing down my neck would feel so good right now. His fingers could do this better.
Suddenly, I sit up straight. My hand retreating from my waist band instantly.
Fuck no!
No! Not happening! Absolutely not! No way in hell!
No matter how bad I need it, I will never get off on the thought of Pierre fucking Gasly! EVER!
@f1-futurewag-16-3-4-63 @queenofshinigamis @kovalcin @genevieve-blr @mcmuppet @themockingjayreader
Thank-you too @the-lazy-leprechaun for helping develop the plot 🥰
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Fanfic and Meta
My Fanfiction
You’re the Bad Guys (rated E, posting a chapter every Friday) - AU - Crowley and Aziraphale are Cold War spies on opposite sides in 1980s Berlin when a one night stand throws them into spy shenanigans of the highest order. Humour, intrigue and smut, plus a bit of angsty goodness. Oh, and it’s a romance.
What Are You Doing Here? (65K words, rated E) - post s2 - The Second Coming is ON, and Aziraphale and Crowley attempt to save the world with limited effectiveness, not least because their initial plan seems to be just having a lot of sex. Comedy, smut, a full-scale apocalypse plot, a tiny bit of angst and a whole lot of hijinks.
(Now complete!!!)
Bad Communication series (approx 15K words across the series, rated teen) - post s2 fix-it with a large dollop of humour - Nina, Maggie and Muriel give Crowley and Aziraphale a proper talking to about their poor communications skills. And then our ineffable idiots finally talk.
Bad Advice (up there with a suggestion box)
Bad Management (up there with not allowing questions)
Bad Communications (almost ineffably bad. But not quite)
My Meta
God is the Baddie
Status: Quo
I Forgive You: Queerness in Oppressive Systems
Poverty is Ineffable
Season 3 and the System
Celestial clothing pre- and post- fall
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queen--of--shadows · 2 years
A Formidable Pair: Part 1
Azriel x Reader
Summary: As spymaster to the Spring Court, the Reader meets her unfriendly match from the Night Court as they work together to train, rebuild and repair Court relations. 
Warnings: none
Word Count: 865
Notes: hi friends im back 🥲 first and foremost thank you to the anon who requested this! I love your prompts and had so much fun writing a short intro to this new series! I apologize for the unexpected hiatus—I had already written this chapter once before then lost all of my work when my laptop crashed 🥲🥲 anyways I hope you all enjoy! I aim to get the next chapter out sometime this week 🖤
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Sweat gathered and trickled down your neck as the thick, sweltering spring air weighed heavy with the creep of the afternoon sun. Winters in the Spring Court were enjoyable for the average female, a vacation spot even. But as a member of the Autumn Court, and despite your many years of serving the High Lord of Spring, you hated your posting here.
“Does that sound alright, Y/N?” Tamlin asked, his shoulder-length golden hair catching the light with a slight cock of his head.
“Yes, of course,” you replied, tilting your chin down, hands clasped tightly behind your back.
You had been trained for this since you could remember how to walk. Your parents, close friends of the Vanserra family, had recognized your talents from childhood and began lessons under the spymasters of the Autumn Court.
Bred for stealth, obedience, discipline, brutality, lethality.
You were unforgiving. Cold and distant. Like all good spymasters were.
Just like the Night Court spymaster, now standing at your side.
The High Lord of the Night Court’s lapdog.
Lucien had asked you weeks ago to serve as lead spy for a few months as they attempted to repair and rebuild not only physically, but also their relations with the other Courts and High Lords. You accepted, but not without letting Lucien know that he owed you big time. You hated being in the spotlight like this. And the deathly glare you snuck in before averting your gaze back to Tamlin served as a reminder to the handsome redhead, his mouth parted now in a wicked grin.
The past few months, you had been working as Spring Court emissary and spy, traveling to both the mortal lands and across Prythian to the other Courts on behalf of Tamlin to improve relations. Winter, Summer, Autumn, Day and Dawn.
But you hadn’t signed up to work alongside the Shadowsinger, his presence now like an oily stain to your left.
You had been avoiding the Night Court as long as possible. A war-mongering people, their long history of vicious brutality initially intrigued you, but their arrogance and ego, whether a front or not, were repulsive enough that you learned to stay away.
But the Winter Solstice Party was nearing, an invaluable opportunity to show that the People of Spring wanted peace. The trip up north became inevitable.
Rhysand and his spymaster had been visiting over the past week, traveling throughout the Court with Tamlin to learn how he had been rebuilding since Amarantha’s reign tore the entire southernmost lands of Prythian apart. You were praying to the Gods that he wouldn’t rope you into whatever political games he was playing. Still, to your dismay, Tamlin requested that you and the Shadowsinger train the new class of spies in the Spring Court over the next few days before heading north to attend the Solstice Party with Lucien.
If the shadows that nearly enveloped the tall male to your side were any indication of how he felt about being here, this next week would be absolutely miserable.
It wasn’t the bland mask hiding the killer underneath that bothered you. It wasn’t the shadows constantly whispering in his ears, nor was it his deadly, unrelenting gaze as he assessed you like a threat in your own Court. No, it was the haughty, pompous, self-important swagger, the fact that he hadn’t said more than two words to you since his arrival. You knew, just knew he considered himself a better spy than you.
That wouldn’t stand. No, that was going to change. You would shred his Illyrian pride to bits.
You kept your face neutral and didn’t let any emotions shine as you sketched a bow to your High Lord and made your way out to the training rings, sending a silent fuck you to Lucien, who still donned that wicked grin.
You heard the Shadowsinger muttering to Rhysand, likely receiving instructions from his High Lord about what information he wanted over the next week, before the violet-eyed male winnowed away. Then the near-silent footsteps trailing behind you.
He remained wordless as he followed, but his shadows indicated his presence, snaking along the floor lazily—a silent warning. You snorted.
“Is there a problem?”
You stopped in your tracks.
His words caught you off guard. Guttural and deep and dark, like the cold midnight sky given a voice.
You wiped any expression off your face, save for mild amusement, as you turned on your heel to face him.
“I’ve never met a spy that had to rely on anything other than their own wit and training,” you said sweetly. “Your…pets are interesting.” A dark, inky shadow circled you curiously, like a snake assessing its prey.
He pinned you with an icy, lethal stare—the mask of a trained killer, an Illyrian warrior.
A flicker of annoyance shone in his hazel eyes, glowing bright in the sunny rays streaming through the windows lining the halls of the manor.
He stalked quietly past you and out into the courtyard to the spies-in-training, his steps swift and precise.
Ice coated your veins at his dismissal.
You pushed against the rage threatening to lock up your limbs, following the winged asshole outside.
taglist: @cute-baby-ducks @brekkershadowsinger @iangelofmusic @j-pendragonx @foggypeanutmongeroaf @luckypersonmentality @eddiesbixch696 @davinaclaire16 @lexie1o9 @thewarriormoon @halfmeltedcandles @cartoonnerdgirl @wrensical003 @abigailrose98 @cafe-inaaa @moonlightazriel @caosfanblr @redbleedingrose @lovebookie123 @sarahstone217 @minetticatinwonderland @jtargs @bookish-dream @blurredlamplight @rellik181 @simplywitchy @his-sweet-nightmare @theravenphoenix26 @icantthinkofanythingplease @sebby-staan @brooke3132 @azriels-angels @mrs-azriel @sparklymiraclecheesecake @cityofidek @dreambeliever13 @atlascorriganlovescookies @fo-cus @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @elenas-safe-spot @dreambeliever13 @mysticalcheescakemiracle @marina468
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marvelrarepairbingo · 5 months
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Hey gang! We've got another round-up of great fics to offer up below the cut. Marvel Rare Pair Bingo - possibly soon to be renamed, we'll get back to you on that one soon! - is still going strong with a great group of writers and artists, with mini-events and other goodies to share. We hope you're ready to dig into our catalogue of goodies because as usual, we're bringing you the best with some fun rare ships. Also, if you're interested, check out our FAQ and see if you'd like to sign-up for your own Round 3 bingo card. Check out our Discord family as well. We're fun, welcoming, chatty (usually - sometimes life holds us back), and hey, there are even games and mini-events that are exclusive to the Discord group. Don't miss out on the fun!
Title: In the land of gods and monsters Author: Wolfsheart (me) Card #: MRP-001 Square Filled: B2: That’ll never happen again Pairing: Bruce Banner/Thor, Hulk/Thor, Tony Stark/Loki Rating: Teen Warnings: Established Relationship, Established Loki/Tony Stark, Established Bruce Banner/Thor, Minor Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Jotunn | Frost Giant, Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Implied/Referenced Sex, Humor, Sexual Humor Summary: When three rogue Frost Giants show up in Central Park, turn it into a mini and temporary Jotunheim, Thor and Tony do their part in the fight by encouraging their boyfriends…by ogling and thirsty commentary. Word Count: 1289 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55313029
Title: I Feel What You Feel When Everyone’s Gone Author: endlesstwanted Card #: MRP-031 Square Filled: N4: Image prompt: Sam Wilson with the shield Pairing: Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson Rating: Teen Warnings: On the Run, Mild Blood, Developing Relationship Summary: Sam’s having a chill night on the first cold one of Autumn when Camp Lehigh fell onto pieces over Steve and Natasha —literally. Word Count: 3260 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50991697 Title: What Is A Girl Like You Doing In A Place Like This?, Chapter 1 Author: endlesstwanted Card #: MRP-031 Square Filled: N2: Natasha Romanoff Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes & Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Rating: Teen Warnings: Spies & Secret Agents, Mission Fic, Reunions Summary: While on a surveillance mission, Natasha runs into an old ally from a competition agency. Fearing that he could interfere with her case, she decides to pay him a visit before it’s too late. Little does she know how that is going to turn her plans side down. Word Count: 3019 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47567218/chapters/119883439
Title: Of Ice Cream and Park Benches Author: 42donotpanic Card #: MRP-038 Square Filled: I3: melted Ice cream Pairing: Matt Murdock/Franklin "Foggy" Nelson Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Panic attacks Summary: On a hot April afternoon, Matt and Foggy decide to take a break from studying and go for some ice cream in the nearby park. A bad day turns even worse when the park and the ice cream trigger flashbacks of something Matt would rather forget. Word Count: 2898 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51545782
Title: Out Kink The Kinkster Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: G2: Shower Together Pairing: Clint Barton/Bucky Barnes Rating: Explicit Warnings: ABO, Blowjobs Summary: At first, it started as a way to relieve stress and boredom from days spent in a safehouse, fueled by hormones. Then it became something the pair craved from one another, try as they might to deny it. One thing fell into another and they agreed to become friends with benefits, figuring nothing could go wrong. Except it’s them and something always goes wrong. Word Count: 3769 Link:https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/728024464849256448/out-kink-the-kinkster?source=share Title: Fic Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: I2: Dom/Sub Pairing: Clint Barton/Bucky Barnes Rating: Explicit Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega, Alpha/Omega, Omega Clint Summary: Bucky loves it when Clint avoids taking his medicine, it means he can play with his Omega all he wants. Word Count: 1769 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/731913759359205376/clints-medicine?source=share Title: Play Stupid Games, Win A New Way To Keep Warm Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: N2: Huddling Under The Covers Pairing: Steve/Thor Rating: Explicit Warnings: Pissplay, Watersports Summary: After Odin gets under his skin and Steve tries to swim across a frozen river to retrieve their fishing boat, Thor has to find a new way to keep his fiance warm Word Count: 2024 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/732028017798463488/play-stupid-games-win-a-new-way-to-keep-warm?source=share Title: Stress Relief In A Flowery Gown Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: G3: Karma Sutra Pairing:  Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter Rating: Explicit Warnings: Trans Characters Summary: It felt like they were always dancing around one another, denying each other pleasure. What little conversation they have had, Peggy clings onto when her agent gets under her skin. She’d need it most of all when her agent got under her skin once again, denying her the chance to wear one of Rogers’ famous designs. She finally throws it all to the wind when he makes a comment, pulling Steve into her office to fuck these frustrations out and have an important conversation. Word Count: 3644 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/732391483829846016/stress-relief-in-flowery-gown?source=share
Title: Don’t Go Searching For What Goes Bump In The Dark Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: G5: Forced To Hurt Partner Pairing: Clint/Bucky Rating: Mature Warnings: Hurt/Comfort Summary: They had worked for this peaceful life, after a lifetime of turmoil and pain. They deserved this peace that they’d carved out for themselves. Peace can only last for so long, as life liked to remind Clint that it surely was a bitch. His peaceful life with his mate, with the love of his life, his soulmate is crumbled into ruins when Bucky disappears one morning. Clint would do anything to get his mate back, even if that meant walking into the slimy tentacles of Hydra itself. Word Count: 2337 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/732749869200130048/dont-go-searching-for-what-goes-bump-in-the-dark?source=share
Title: Here, At The End of All Things Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: O2: Nightmares Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Mature Warnings: Physical - Touch-starved, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Resurrection, Suicidal Thoughts, Grief/Mourning, Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Trauma, Uncanny X-Men (2018) Wolverine and Cyclops, Alternative Universe - Slight Canon Divergence Summary: The other X-Men have vanished, and a newly-resurrected Scott has called out their enemies to face him at the remains of the School, determined to take as many of them with him as he can. He didn't expect Logan to show up and help. He didn't expect to survive. And he certainly didn't expect Logan to stay and look after him afterwards. Word Count: 3248 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50118301
Title: Resolution Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: I2: Soothing/Healing touch Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Logan is a Softie (X-Men), Sexual Content, telepathic trauma, Not Jean Grey Friendly Summary: After a bitter argument with his ex, Scott is rescued from his doubts by Logan. Word Count: 2474 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53440141
Title: Fifth Times the Charm Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: I1: "Opportunity Knocks" Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Gen Warnings: Scott Summers Deserves Happiness, Scott is Scott, Logan is a Softie (X-Men) Summary: Scott Summers has been trying to ask Logan to the New Year party for a couple of weeks, but it keeps going wrong. When he finally gets the chance, can he overcome he fears to find out if Logan feels the same? Word Count: 2162 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53115751
Title: Long Nights Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: G4: Napping Together Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Mature Warnings: 5+1 Things, Missions, Only One Bed, Pool & Billiards, Grief/Mourning, Hurt Scott Summers, Scott Summers Deserves Happiness, Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Protective Logan (X-Men), Grumpy Logan (X-Men), Making Out, Intimacy Summary: Five long nights that Logan found difficult... and one long night he didn't. Word Count: 3791 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53116726
Title: New Beginnings Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: I3: "I love you" Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Gen Warnings: Krakoa Era (X-Men), Developing Relationship, Intimacy, Making Out, Resurrection Summary: Mother Mold has been destroyed, and the whole of the new mutant nation of Krakoa has been celebrating. Everything has changed, everything is new, and maybe it’s the chance for new beginnings. Word Count: 1475 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53556145
Title: It’s a Party! (It’s a Party! - Chapter 1) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O5: Alternative Reality/Universe Pairing: Logan Howlett & Morgan Stark, Darcy Lewis/Sam Wilson, James “Bucky” Barnes & Darcy Lewis, James “Bucky” Barnes & Sam Wilson, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: blindfolds, mentioning of sabotage, teasing Summary: Logan brought the cake for Bucky’s birthday party and immediately got roped in the preparations by a young lady. Steve put a blindfold on Bucky, who complained. And Sam, he got accused of sabotage. Word Count: 862 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46204081/chapters/116320420 Title: Moonlight - Private Investigations - Chapter 1: Moonlight P.I.? Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O4: Noir Detective AU Pairing: Darcy Lewis & Natasha Romanoff, Frank Castle/Darcy Lewis, Frank Castle & Natasha Romanoff Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: suggestive themes, discussion of death, mentioning of violence, mentioning of brainwashing, mentioning of cheating Summary: To get her P.I. business running, Darcy did a favor for her neighbor. Natasha had a different idea to do so and introduced Frank Castle to her. Word Count: 2748 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47468947/chapters/119626003
Title: Hydra Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O3: Run in with a Hydra (not Hydra!) Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: doubt, mistakes, dark Summary: Our boys have a run-in with a hydra. Word Count: 0(Moodboard) Link: https://www.tumblr.com/muffinengineer86/733819216896180224/title-hydra?source=share
Title: Soaking Wet (Chapter 1) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: G2: Pick-up lines Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Loki Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: porn, unprotected sex, squirting, wet sex Summary: Loki’s eyebrows pinched together. He had trouble processing what he just heard. How could a woman be too wet during sex? Word Count: 948 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48809404/chapters/123127993 Title: Stitches and Biscuits Club Snippets - Chapter 6: Operation “What shark, Tony?” Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: G1: Nightmare fuel Pairing: Darcy Lewis & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Frank Castle, James “Bucky” Barnes & Darcy Lewis, James “Bucky” Barnes & Jack Rollins, James “Bucky” Barnes & Cameron Klein Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: attacked by creature, fatigue, jump scare, pranks Summary: “Dr. Lewis, if I may interrupt. Sir is very uncooperative. I think now is the perfect time to initiate the plan “What shark?". Sir refuses to stop his current project. He hasn’t slept for fifty-three hours.” Jarvis’ voice sounded out of the club room’s speakers as Darcy and club members discussed the newest edition of the “Hot Stitches” magazine. “Yes!” Peter jumped up, all eyes on him. “Peter!” Darcy looked at the youngest club member with a raised eyebrow. Word Count: 1022 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45356182/chapters/125381350
Title: Steam Train (Holiday Hangover: Chapter 10) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: N5: What the hell was that noise? Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers/Brock Rumlow Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, polyamory, triple agent Brock, train driving, crack taken serious, fantasy, dreaming, sexual references, kinks mentioned Summary: Darcy never thought she would enjoy steam trains. Okay, she didn’t enjoy the trains, but her men were having fun learning how to operate one. Brock and Steve loved trains, and she had (with Tony’s help) found a place that gave you the steam train engineer experience. Her nerds not only dragged her with them, no they dressed accordingly. She had to admit they looked good in the train driver uniforms, dirty thoughts good. Word Count: 1153 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44305264/chapters/124924105
Title: Margarita Monday on a Thursday Part 2 (Her Red Lips - Chapter 4) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: N4: Survival Sex Pairing: Darcy Lewis & Yelena Belova, Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: drinking, talking about big breasts, talking about stealing, mention of men’s opinion about big breasts, curse words Summary: Darcy spilled the beans to Yelena. The Russian now tried to summarize everything and make sense of it. Darcy wasn’t forthcoming with the missing details, but that wasn’t what had Yelena upset. No, it was the pitiful content of Darcy’s pantry. Word Count: 1830 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47653312/chapters/123582538 Title: Crystal Ball and Truths (Simply Magic - The 24h Help Hotline) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: Free Space - Magic Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Loki Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, magic au, witch!Darcy, hotline operator Loki, crystal ball, language, slow burn Summary: “Ah, Darcy. How long has it been? Two hours? You must like my voice a lot.” Arrr. Gods. Was he reading her mind? That man was so entitled! She wished the Darth Vader Force choke move was real. “No, not really. As you should know by now, I’m an astrophysicist, and your manuals are shit. On top of it, I inherited a shop full of old magical objects with no manuals at all.” Word Count: 1141 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51385414/chapters/129850864
Title: Legendary Lost & Mythological Found Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: N2: Creepy Housekeeper Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Daisy - Symbiont, Crete, Labyrinth, lost, talk about getting children, minotaur, a creature of legends, found, chocolate, cursing, verbal fighting Summary: Walking back the way he came, Daisy held his nose in the wind and sniffed. He found her trail, but it ended suddenly. The only thing he could make out was her glasses on the ground next to an old stone with a strange glyph, looking like a maze, carved into it. “Fuck.” “Ouch.” Darcy rubbed her butt, looking confused around the dark room. One minute she walked under the bright sun of Crete with Daisy, and the next, the ground beneath her feet opened and swallowed her up. Word Count: 1044 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49330948 Title: Operation “What shark, Brock?” (Stitches and Biscuits Club Snippets: Chapter 9) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: N1: Sphinx Riddles Pairing: Brock Rumlow & Jack Rolins, Frank Castle & Jeff the land shark, Peter Parker & Frank Castle, Darcy Lewis & Cameron Klein Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: canon divergence, Jeff - the land shark, pranks, Jeff on a motorcycle Summary: Out of reflex, Brock waved back. He stopped himself and kept staring at the corner the motorcycle had rounded. “Did you see that?” “What?” “Frank Castle drove past us with Peter Parker and a shark on that bike.” Brock gestured towards the street corner. Word Count: 902 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45356182/chapters/130289551
Title: The Cherry Incident (Her Red Lips - Chapter 2) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: B1: Scars Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Cameron Klein, Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: cuckolding, insults, cheating, unhealthy pinning, shirtless man, triple Agent Brock Rumlow, Brock is kind of an asshole, but not to women Summary: Brock spotted Darcy as she set up a picnic for her boyfriend. Jack only was sarcastic but Brock took it quite literally. And now he was shirtless interrupting Darcy's and Cameron's date. Word Count: 1632 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47653312/chapters/120530506
Title: Waiting for a Reply (Matchmaker Femdom Edition - The Dating App: Chapter 2) Author:  MuffinEngineer86 aka. Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O2 - Taking Care of Someone Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, Yelena Belova & Darcy Lewis, Steve Rogers & Thor Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Avengers Tower AU, language, D/S dynamics, gentle femdom, submissive!Steve, domme!Darcy, dating app, it’s all Nat’s fault, kink negotiations, self-doubt, Yelena is a good friend, Thor is a good bro, alcohol, mentioning of other drug use Summary: Two days went by without a reply to her message. It was not only eating on Darcy but also Steve felt bad for not opening the app. Thor and Yelena helped their friends to overcome their self-doubt. Word Count: 942 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53898709/chapters/136884361
Title: Reassurance (Holiday Hangover: Chapter 14) Author:  MuffinEngineer86 aka. Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: G2 - Hugs and Kisses Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers/Brock Rumlow Rating: T Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, polyamory, twins, fertility god, blessing, royal traditions, pre-wedding jitters, anticipatory grief, Fandal is flirting with Brock’s mom Summary: Darcy leaned into his back as best as her baby bump would allow. “Planning our or your escape?” "Neither." Brock took her hands in his, squeezing them tenderly. "Why? Do you need rescuing?" “No.” She lay her head between his shoulder blades. “Just a little nervous. I know we discussed it, but ...” Word Count: 838 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44305264/chapters/138631783
Title: Coddling The Injured (Dating Trouble: The Flying Wand: Chapter 2) Author:  MuffinEngineer86 aka. Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O2 - Taking Care of Someone Pairing: James “Bucky” Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, No Power AU, language, farmhand!Steve, farmhand! Bucky, handjob, Hitachi Wand, bleeding, sex dream, wound, Sam must never find out, sexy nurse uniform, Nurse!Steve, Nurse!Darcy, Patient!Bucky Summary: “You know I threw the wand!” Darcy asked from the doorway, smirking while playing with a lollipop. Steve’s breath hitched, and Bucky’s mouth fell open with a breathless “Wow!” Her boyfriends' reaction was priceless. Smirking, she popped the lollipop back into her mouth. Her boys did react to her new outfit exactly as she expected. Word Count: 710 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53701648/chapters/137013619
Title: The Flashback Blanket Author:  MycroftRH Card #: MRP-062 Square Filled: B3: Loki Pairing: Loki/Tony Stark (I'm using this as my one popular-ship exception) Rating: Gen Warnings: N/A Summary: Loki was pressed against a wall, green flickering sickeningly around his hands, eyes tinged red. Thor threw himself towards him as Steve grabbed for the shield. “Wait, hang on! Back off!” Tony, armorless, darted in between them, hand held out warningly not to Loki but to Thor and Steve, gesturing them back. “Give him some room, for fuck’s sake - “ he said as he all but shoved them away from Loki. “Stand away, Anthony, he will harm you.” Word Count: 1936 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51245299
Title: Pier Fishing Author:  MycroftRH Card #: MRP-062 Square Filled: N2: Prompt was "break up," but I replaced it with the adoptable "pier fishing" Pairing: Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley/Bruce Banner/Hulk Rating: Gen Warnings: Summary: Bruce & Hulk & Steven & Marc & Jake deal with a sea monster, and also possibly some feelings. Word Count: 2071 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54305425
Title: Pier Fishing Author: MycroftRH Card #: MRP-062 Square Filled: N2, by way of an adoptable Pairing: Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley/Bruce Banner/Hulk Rating: G Warnings: None Summary: Bruce & Hulk & Steven & Marc & Jake deal with a sea monster, and also possibly some feelings. Word Count: 2,071 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54305425
Title: “Insider” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: N5: “Discovering someone’s secret identity”. Pairing: (Not) Brock Rumlow X Jemma Simmons (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Skrull, betrayal, heartbroken. Summary: Jemma discovers a horrible secret. Word Count: 538 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731245857969733632/insider
Title: “Urban building” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G1: “Scary urban legend” Pairing: Brock Rumlow & Jack Rollins (Friendship). Rating: Teen Warnings: Urban legends come true, enchanted building. Summary: Urban legends aren’t real, are they? Word Count: 530 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731336443201486848/urban-building
Title: “Now is real” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G2: Pretend couple becomes real Pairing: Clarice Fong X John Proudstar (Thunderblink) Rating: Teen Warnings: Love, fluff, undercover mission Summary: Clarice and John finally admit their feelings. Word Count: 502 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731517641592815616/now-is-real
Title: “Not an alliance” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G3: “Shapeshifters” Pairing: Raven Darkholme & Erik Lensherr (Work). Rating: Teen Warnings: Shapeshifters, argue. Summary: Can mutants have an alliance with shapeshifters? Word Count: 511 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731698834616516608/not-an-alliance
Title: “I can’t believe it” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G4: “Dealing with a betrayal” Pairing: Marcos Díaz X Lorna Dane (Eclaris) (Love) Rating: Teen Warnings: Betrayal Summary: Can Marcos forgive Lorna and protect their child? Word Count: 540 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731880026978631680/i-cant-believe-it
Title: Melted gift Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G5: “Melted ice cream”. Pairing: Anna Marie D’Ancanto X Robert Drake (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Melted ice cream. Summary: Bobby cook something special for Rogue Word Count: 100 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731972515557261312/melted-gift
Title: “Escaping” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O1: “Survival instinct” Pairing: Clarice Fong/Ferguson X John Proudstar (Thunderblink) (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Escaping, Sentinels, Purifiers. Summary: Clarice and John need to use their abilities to escape from danger. Word Count: 521 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732151821570818048/escaping
Title: “Not normal photos” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O2: “Spooky photographs” Pairing: Ana/Satana Helstrom & Chris Yen (Friendship) Rating: Teen Warnings: Scary encounter, horror, spooky photographs. Summary: Ana and Chris appraised some stuff in an old house. Word Count: 564 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732332935133495296/not-normal-photos
Title: “Not normal photos” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O2: Spooky photographs Pairing: Ana/Satana Helstrom & Chris Yen (Friendship) Rating: Teen Warnings: Scary encounter, horror, spooky photographs Summary: Ana and Chris appraised some stuff in an old house. Word Count: 564 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732332935133495296/not-normal-photos
Title: “Glitter” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O3: Sequins/Glitter Pairing: Nico Minoru X Karolina Dean (Deanoru) (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Glitter, fluff, femslash. Summary: Karolina loves glitter, Nico doesn’t. Word Count: 507 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732514225252139008/glitter
Title: “Undead” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O4: Necromancer Pairing: Nico Minoru & Alex Wilder (Friendhship). Rating: Teen Warnings: Necromancer, spirits, talking to the dead. Summary: A necromancer can’t be a problem for Nico, right? Word Count: 542 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732608594725470208/undead
Title: “Garden” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O5: Surprise Pairing: Karolina Dean X Julie Power (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Secret garden, secret gift, femslash. Summary: Julie wanna surprise Karolina. Word Count: 100 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732876877742637057/garden
Title: Cost Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: B1 “Short term gains at a long term cost.” Pairing: Steve Rogers & Clarice Fong (Friends). Rating: Teen Warnings/Tags: Mention of betrayal. Summary: Steve asked Clarice for help. Word Count: 556 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/745469836561350656/cost https://www.wattpad.com/1429251324-marvel-rare-pairing-round-3-cost https://archiveofourown.org/works/54406006
Title: Cross the Sky for your love Author:  SomeSortofItalianRoast Card #: MRP- 067 Square Filled: O5: Running out of Time Pairing: Tony Stark/Thor Rating: Teen Warnings: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, First Kiss, Injury Summary: Tony had spent years learning how to live as Tony Stark and as Iron Man. He'd never thought he'd be racing across the sky against time itself as he tried to save his Soulmate. Word Count: 2170 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51394282
Title: Wingmen and Airmen, Flirting and Flying - Chapter 1: Two Drink Limit (Limits Were Made To Be Tested) Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: B2: image of Tony & Rhodey Pairing: Tony & Rhodey, Carol & Maria, Rhodey/Carol, Tony/Maria Rating: Teen Warnings: first meeting, flirting Summary: Rhodey lays down the law, Tony scoffs at the very idea, Carol is considering hijinks, and Maria is up for the challenge. Word Count: 1752 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/732862242223210496/new-session-archive-of?source=share&ref=rebelmeg
Title: Wingmen and Airmen, Flirting and Flying - Chapter 2: Darts and Tequila and Pairing Up Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: N5: best friends forever Pairing: MIT Bros, Carol & Maria, Rhodey/Carol, Tony/Maria Rambeau Rating: Teen Major tags/warnings: flirting, drunken shenanigans, kissing Summary: Rhodey braces himself to make his move, Tony makes his, and last call comes as a surprise to everyone. Word Count: 2093 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/732941439022006272/new-session-archive-of?source=share&ref=rebelmeg
Title: Wingmen and Airmen, Flirting and Flying - Chapter 3: I'll See Your Hangover, and Raise You Another Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: N4: found family Pairing: Rhodey/Carol, Tony/Maria Rambeau, MIT Bros, Carol & Maria Rating: Teen Major tags/warnings: hangovers, slightly secret identities revealed, embarrassment, plans for a second date Summary: The boys are having just as miserable a morning as could be expected after their night out, but when they finally do show up at the demonstration, a couple of familiar faces are there to greet them. Word Count: 2068 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/733050469850710016/new-session-archive-of?source=share&ref=rebelmeg
Title: Heart Eyes Over Coffee Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: O2: Unexpected Love Pairing: Bucky/Sarah Rating: Gen Major Tags/Warnings: coffeeshop AU, work dad bucky and his teenage kids, flirting, fluff and humor Summary: Papa Bear Bucky (wow, does he hate that nickname) falls in love at first sight, while his work kids ogle and make helpful commentary. "Helpful" being extremely subjective... Word Count: 2324 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/733488970613374976/new-session-archive-of?source=share
Title: a bruise of a kiss Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: G3: Stuck together - literally Pairing: Loki/Stephen Strange Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Summary: Loki and Stephen become stuck together when a spell backfires. It has mixed results. Word Count: 2690 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51557656
Title: warm like a hug, sweet like a kiss Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: B5: Coffee Shop (+ O5 Bakery AU) Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/Stephen Strange Rating: Gen Major Tags/Warnings: N/A Summary: Down Mainstreet, Westview, NJ, Wanda Maximoff and Stephen Strange meet from across the road. Word Count: 4390 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51554248
Title: What Doesn’t Kill Us Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: Square I1 Mission ends bloody but successful and the adoptable prompt Bruises and cuts. Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes & Thunderbolts team, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/John Walker/Sam Wilson, Yelena Belova/Kate Bishop, James "Bucky" Barnes & Yelena Belova Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Season 1, Drama & Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Injury, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, they're all messed up your honor, Team Dynamics, Mother Hen Bucky Barnes(love that that's a tag), 5+1 Things, Divorced John Walker Summary: It very much starts and ends with John which is kind of an issue because Sam gets so fucking smug about it. “You do know that you’re less their team leader and more their nanny, right?”
Or, five times Bucky looks after his team and one time he lets someone else take care of him. Word Count: 9091 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54242446?view_adult=true
Title: A Shadow Among Shadows Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: I4 Ghostly Chill Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes/John Walker, background John Walker/Olivia Walker, background James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson - Relationship, implied John Walker/Sam Wilson Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Season 1, Smut, Light Hurt/Comfort, Open Relationships, Knife Playdom/sub dynamics, light roleplay, Fighting As Foreplay, John: this better not awaken anything in me, also John: actually on second thought, No cheating Summary: He really wishes he was normal sometimes, normaler. At least Bucky’s in a similar wavelength of messed up, take some lose some and all that bullshit. Or, they have an arrangement. Word Count: 5093 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54254146
Title:  As if We had Plenty of Time Author: stormxpadme Card #: NSFW Bingo Card #2 - complete Square Filled: Caught in the rain | Your clothes are soaked. Take them off. | Fireplace | Sharing body heat | Friends to lovers Pairing: Scott/Logan/OC Rating: Explicit Warnings: none Summary: It's been almost three decades since jealousy issues in the X-Men's team almost led to tragedy. With the relationships between Jean and Logan and Scott and his wife unshakeable by now and everyone having grown and matured a lot, the two couples recently discovered a new and exciting solution for the occasional sexual tension still playing between all four of them. A night of comfort after a funeral in Germany finally offers a chance at least for three of them to embark on this journey of exploration together. Word Count: 11127 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55134730
Title: My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold, chapter 3 Author: stormxpadme Square Filled: MRP Spring Break Adoptables (prompt: 13 - Picnic) Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Explicit Warnings/Tags: none for this chapter Summary: Logan helps Scott recover from physically and mentally being brought back to life. Word Count: 5899 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51254512/chapters/138639148
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punchdrunkdoc · 7 months
Part 3, Chapter 13
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Summary: After the events of S3, Matt Murdock is trying to once again balance life as a lawyer and a vigilante. But he’s been scarred by loss and betrayal - will a mysterious new neighbour help him heal? Or will her secrets drag him back into the darkness?
Notes: This is a slow burn romance with an original female character, told in 3 (maybe 4??) parts. There is mystery, intrigue, action/violence and angst - all the good stuff!
Also available on AO3 and Wattpad
Reference pics
Last week's chapter was hot and sweaty, this week you're getting sweet and sappy! Enjoy!
Chapter 13
Matt paused, his coffee cup halfway to his lips, as a muffled groan of frustration rang out in the otherwise quiet apartment. He placed the mug down on the kitchen counter and padded over to the bathroom. “What’s wrong?” he asked the woman inside.
Calina flung open the door, the steam of her recent shower spilling out. She pointed to the side of her neck and growled, “This is what’s wrong.”
Matt pressed his lips together to keep from smiling. “Oh, that.”
He’d noticed the hickey as soon as they’d woken up. Holding her close from behind, his head inches from her neck, it was hard to miss the warm, copper-rich bruise.
And he imagined it was even harder to miss under the bright lights of his bathroom.
“My sisters are going to see it,” Calina whined. “And they’ll all know what we’ve been up to.”
He rubbed the pad of his thumb over the offending spot and shrugged. “If they need a hickey to figure that out, they’re not very good spies.”
She batted his hand away and turned back to the mirror to peer closer at the mark. “There’s a difference between knowing in the abstract, and seeing the evidence up close and personal,” she complained.
She sounded so put out, and this time he couldn’t stop his smile from forming. The pout in her voice and the embarrassed flush of her cheeks was just so…adorable. He stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He rested his chin on her bare shoulder and tried to console her. “Consider it a belated rite of passage - a part of the teenage dating experience that you missed out on.”
She laughed. “Oh, is that your excuse? You were just making up for my lousy adolescence?”
No. There’d been nothing so rational or altruistic in his actions yesterday. He’d been marking his territory. Simple as that.
Like a total neanderthal, he’d reacted to the thought of another man’s hands on Calina with a primal need to stake his claim.
So he’d licked and stroked and nibbled and marked her. Again and again. During that first encounter on the floor. During the next round, which had started with a mind-altering blow job and had ended with her bent over the dining room table as he took her from behind. And during the third round, which began on the kitchen counter while making dinner, and had moved to the bedroom, all thoughts of food forgotten as he’d spent hours re-learning every dip and curve of her body.
Her skin held the proof of that passion - and not just in the round bruise on her neck. He could sense more evidence beneath her towel. The burn from his stubbled jaw warmed her thighs. The faintest dent from his teeth marred the jut of her hip. Fingertip bruises framed her waist from where he’d gripped her as she’d rode him…
Her body was a canvas, painted with his touch.
He knew he should feel guilty about those marks. But as he traced over them just now - his hands as gentle now as they were rough the day before - he felt nothing but unrepentant satisfaction.
Besides, she wasn’t in pain - nothing he’d done had caused her to be truly hurt.
Just the opposite. He knew when a woman enjoyed his touch. And Calina had enjoyed it yesterday.
Several times.
She turned in his arms. “Why do you suddenly look so smug?”
He shrugged and pulled her closer, dipping his head to nuzzle at the bruise over her neck and inhale the scent from his favourite patch of skin.
God, he couldn’t get enough of her. 
She tilted her head to give him more access, even as she offered a half-hearted objection. “I thought we were going slow today.”
“Whose idiotic idea was that?” Matt murmured, running his hands up the back of her thighs and under her towel.
“Yours,” she said, wriggling out of his arms. She held him at bay with a hand on his chest, her objection more convincing now. “It seemed important to you yesterday before we…got carried away. So I think we should stick to it. Which means…”
“What?” he asked, not liking her serious tone.
“When I collect my stuff from the safe house, I think I should move back into my own apartment.”
Matt’s smile faded away. And Calina hated to see it go - he’d been doing a lot of smiling today.
He’d greeted her this morning with a wide, open-mouthed grin, his elusive dimples on full display. He’d laughed as she’d stumbled out of bed looking for a caffeine hit, her legs loose and unsteady from the ‘work out’ the day before. She’d felt the curve of his lips as he kissed her neck just now, and whatever he’d been thinking of as he traced the bruises on her hips had led to the most self-satisfied smirk she’d ever seen.
Lots of smiles. So many variations of happiness.
But now he was frowning.
“You don’t have to do that,” he replied.
But she did. Yesterday - and this morning - was proof that they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. There’d be no ‘taking things slow’ if they were living together.
And they needed to slow down.
Matt was clear that it would take a little breathing space and some time before he’d be able to trust her again. And he had a point that she also needed time and space. She needed to get used to being with someone. She needed to learn how to open up, and to have faith in them as a couple. 
“I think I do,” she said. “Just for a little while.”
This wasn’t a step back. It wasn’t a break, or something negative. They were just recalibrating their pace. Their relationship was a marathon, not a sprint.
And she wanted them to go the distance.
“I’ll only be across the hall, not in another state this time,” she reasoned.
He nodded, and gathered her back in his arms. “I know. And I know it’s the logical thing to do. But its just hard to think logically when you’re half naked and I can still smell you all over me.”
“Well there’s an easy fix for that,” she smiled. “I’ll go put some clothes on, and you jump in the shower.”
She stepped passed him heading for the door, but he caught her hand before she could leave. He nodded to the shower stall behind him. “One more for the road? We didn’t tick that off the list yesterday…”
“You’re incorrigible.”
“That wasn’t a ‘no’.”
“No!” she giggled. “Now stop tempting me and get cleaned up.”
He gifted her another smile. And this one was full of humour and cocky charm.
It was her favourite so far.
Calina had always liked Matt’s apartment. The huge arched windows let in so much light, bathing his living room in a kaleidoscope of colour from the neon billboards outside. The realtor had given Matt a good deal on the penthouse for that very reason, seeing it as a negative and not the amazing positive that it was.
She loved the colour of his space. She loved the warmth that all that light and those shifting hues conveyed. She loved the sofa they’d chosen together, and the bed they shared - their cocoon from the hectic world outside.
She loved that it felt like a home. It was more than just the sum of its parts. More than just walls, and windows and furniture. Some magical connection between her and Matt and that apartment had transformed it into a home. A place of love and safety and comfort.
Her apartment was a stark contrast.
It didn’t feel like a home. It didn’t feel safe, or comforting. It was just a concrete and brick box. A box with some of her stuff in it, left barren and neglected.
Calina hugged herself, rubbing her arms as she surveyed her bedroom for the first time in months.
Since the night she’d killed a man in here.
She shivered, knowing the chill she felt had just as much to do with that memory as the lack of heating.
Then she shook it off. Forced herself to get over it. It was just a room, after all.
Just a box.
And she could fill it with warmth again.
She flicked the thermostat on, then rummaged in her wardrobe, finding a suitable outfit from the clothes that had been left here. She shrugged out of Matt’s dressing gown, donned the sweater and woollen slacks then padded into the living room, turning on the lamp by the sofa and opening the curtains that looked out onto the street below.
Light crept into the space once more, catching on the dust motes in the air, and she started to feel marginally better about her decision to move back here.
It was the best thing for her and Matt. For them as a couple.
So she would just suck it up.
A little while later, while checking the supplies in the kitchen cupboard, she heard the front door open.
“Here you are,” Matt said. He was dressed in a similar outfit of sweater and slacks and his hair was still slightly damp from his shower.  “You ready to go?”
Calina shut the cupboard door and nodded. “Yeah. But I only have the shoes I was wearing the other night and they’re at your-”
Matt held up the strappy heels he carried in one hand. “These ones?”
She smiled, taking the shoes. “Yes, thanks.”
She sat on the sofa and slipped on the heels, then fiddled with the tiny clasp of the ankle strap, cursing the absence of converse trainers and sensible boots in this apartment. After a few moments of struggling, Matt’s large hands covered hers. “Let me,” he offered.
His clever, dextrous fingers made short work of fastening the straps, but then he paused, still crouched by the side of the couch. His warm hand stroked her calf beneath her loose trousers as he stared up at her. “Are you sure?” he asked. “About moving out?”
She reached out a hand and smoothed the hair off his forehead. “I never technically moved in. Staying with you…it was only supposed to be temporary. A safe place to stay while the threat was neutralised.”
“It was always more than that.”
“I think you’re rewriting history again, Counsellor. Like all your talk of falling in love at first sight, or scent, or whatever-”
“That was the truth, Callie. Why can’t you believe it? Why can’t you believe that someone could fall for you so quickly and completely?”
I’m a good person; I’m worthy of love.
The mantra sounded in her head, a reflection of Matt’s words. Of Katya’s words. Of the supposed truth she still struggled to believe.
It was the hurdle she needed to overcome to be with Matt again. She needed to truly accept his feelings for her. To trust them. To believe that he wouldn’t throw her aside at the first sign of trouble.
“You’re loyal, and you’re kind,” Matt continued, trying to convince her. “Smart and funny and beautiful. Not to mention a brilliant fighter. I didn’t stand a chance, sweetheart.”
Calina smiled, appreciating the words, even if the sentiment still didn’t quite penetrate her layers of self-doubt. But then she remembered those doubts weren’t all her fault. “You hid it well,” she replied, giving him a mock-punch to the shoulder. “Too well. I spent months thinking everything I was feeling was one-sided!”
Matt groaned and pulled her to her feet as he stood up. “I know, I know. That was all on me and my issues. I’m sorry.”
She stepped closer and wound her arms around his waist. “We make some pair. Couples counsellors would run a mile from us.”
“Or they’d see dollar signs from all the hours and hours of therapy they could charge us for. A man with abandonment and trust issues, and a woman too scared to commit.”
“A match made in heaven,” Calina giggled. But as she turned over Matt’s words in her mind, she felt the need to correct the record. “I”m not scared to commit to you, Matt. Not really.”
Matt sensed her more serious tone. The smile dropped from his lips. “What is it then?”
“I want to be with you. I want a future with you. It’s just…It’s like you said. I find it hard to believe that you want the same with me. It's insecurity, rather than fear of commitment. Lack of self worth, I guess.” She ducked her head, knowing she sounded so pathetic.
Matt gently tipped her face up again with a finger under her chin. “What can I do to help you? To make you believe in us?”
“I don’t know," she shrugged. “But listing all my attributes and calling me 'sweetheart' doesn’t hurt.”
He laughed. “I can keep doing that. Sweetheart.” He murmured the endearment against her lips as he kissed her softly.
“All the kissing doesn’t hurt, either.”
He kissed her again. Longer this time. “Noted.”
She turned serious again. “But I think I need…”
“I think I need to find something outside of us. Something that will help me feel useful and worthwhile.”
“Like a job?”
“I guess so. But I have no real qualifications. No experience - apart from that disastrous week I tried working in a coffee shop. I don’t know what I can bring to the world - besides my ability to manipulate and steal and hurt people.” She couldn’t stop her words from sounding bitter.
“Hey,” he said, cradling her face in his hands. “You have so much to bring to this world. You’ll find what you were meant to do. And it will be something good and you’ll help so many people. I know you will. You just need some time to figure it out. And you have plenty of that now.”
She nodded. “Thank you. And thank you for putting up with me when I get like this - all self-defeating and pathetic.”
“You’re not pathetic. You just have some stuff to figure out. I’ll help you as much as I possibly can. We’re a team now. We’ll take care of each other.”
“I like the sound of that.” She leaned up to kiss him, then stepped back, eager to change the mood. “In the spirit of taking care of each other, are you hungry? We could grab some lunch at that diner around the corner before we head into Jersey.” She grabbed her keys off the kitchen counter and headed towards the door.
Matt shook his head, following her. “No.”
“No, you’re not hungry? Or no to the diner?”
“No to both.” He stepped closer to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. “The first time we go out to eat together is not going to be at some greasy diner. I told you - I’m going to take you on a proper date.”
She smiled at him. “Well, when is this mythical first date scheduled for?”
“How about tomorrow night? I can pick you up after work.”
“Sounds like a plan.” She felt butterflies at the thought of a date with Matt - which was ridiculous considering all they’d been through. They’d already slept together. They’d lived together and professed their love…
But it would be her first proper date.
She couldn’t help teasing him about that as they travelled downstairs in the elevator. “Are you sure 24 hours is enough time to plan?”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“Well, this isn’t just our first date. Its my first date. Ever. And, collectively, its the newly-freed Widows’ first date. They’re all living vicariously through me, so there’s a lot riding on this.”
“It’s a good thing I work well under pressure.”
She linked her arm through his and rested her head briefly against his shoulder as they walked through the lobby. “I’m kidding, you know. I’d be happy just going to that diner with you.”
Matt dropped a kiss on her bent head. “I know. But you deserve something special.”
“I have something special: you.”
At that, Matt stopped. He pulled her close and kissed her properly. Slowly. Leisurely. Like they had all the time in the world. Like there wasn’t a neighbour collecting their post from the mailboxes just a few feet away. Like the sound of the traffic outside wasn’t a cacophony of horns blaring and engines revving.
Like they were the only two people on earth, and nothing mattered but this moment.
“You sure this is the place?” The taxi driver looked sceptical as he peered through his windscreen at the abandoned building.
Calina smiled as she handed him cash for the fare. “Yes.”
“You need me to wait? This doesn’t look exactly safe. You’re just a woman and he’s…ya know.”
Her smile dropped. “He’s blind, not deaf. And we’ll be fine. Thanks for your concern.” She sneered as she said the last word - because while the driver clearly thought he was being considerate, he just came across as condescending and rude.
She slammed the door shut after climbing out of the cab and huffed as the car drove away. “Can you believe him?” she asked Matt. “He acted like you were some helpless invalid - one who wasn’t even worth talking to.”
Matt just shrugged, not seeming bothered in the slightest. “Some people can’t see beyond the glasses and the cane.”
“Doesn’t that make you mad?”
“It used to. But being underestimated helps me in a lot of situations.”
“Well, it makes me mad. You’re the most capable person I’ve ever met - the most amazing fighter I’ve ever seen - and that man treated you like you were nothing. Don’t you get sick of hiding what you can do?”
Matt shrugged again. “Not when the alternative is living under a spot-light like Tony Stark or Captain America. Or having to abide by the Sokovia accords and follow the Government’s whims. I’m happy just taking care of my tiny part of the world. Anonymously.”
“It’s probably just as well. I wouldn’t want hordes of Daredevil fans lining up outside your apartment every day waiting for a glimpse of the man behind the mask.”
Matt chuckled. “I don’t have fans.”
“Yes, you do.” The reply came from the now open door of the building in front of them. Katya stood in the doorframe, a welcoming smile on her face. “One’s upstairs waiting to thank you.”
“Inessa’s here?” Calina asked, jogging up the steps to greet her sister. “I was going to stop by the hospital to see her.”
“She got released this morning, so we picked her up.”
“How is she?”
“Has a killer headache, apparently, but otherwise she’s fine. Thanks to Matt.”
Katya hesitated a moment, then stepped closer to the man in question and gave him a hug. It was an awkward, brief embrace - Katya not used to displaying affection, and Matt not used to accepting gratitude - but it warmed Calina to see the two people she was closest to getting along.
“Thank you,” Katya repeated. “From all of us. But I know Inessa wants to thank you in person too - I’ll take you up to see her.”
Matt glanced at Calina, and she could see the embarrassed reluctance on his face, even with his glasses in place.
But she wasn’t going to rescue him from this moment. “Go,” she urged, “I’ll pack up my stuff and find you later.”
He turned to follow Katya in to the building, and Calina smiled.
Even anonymous superheroes deserved to be thanked once in a while.
Chapter 14
Tag list: @hollandorks @stilldreaming666 @sio-ina-bottle @tearoseart-blog @acharliecoxedfan @freckledbabyyy
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
One Piece Chapter 1095 - Initial Thoughts
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We are back
and the big guns have come out to play
Luffy's down, Kizaru's down, Bonney's dangling off a demon And it's been 6 weeks since we last saw Nico Robin, we just want her back safe
TCB has been slow and tumblr's already showing panels so I had to use mangaspurs today, translations are a bit more wonky on that side so sorry if a bit of context is lost.
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too
Another monkey thief cover page this time with Buggy's nose
Marines naturally panic, those who don't want the upper part of their face removed are heading for the hills in confusion
Those allowed to see are of course ready for action as Bonney has stabbed a Gorosei
Saturn however stops them 'If I didn't want to get stabbed I would've dodged'
Whatever Saturn is doing it seems to be sourced from his eyes, as he fires a projectile (still thinking Haki) to knock Bonney off and grab her
Sanji tries the same but he also gets headstruck
The sword wound heals as well when removed, as anticipated
The Vice Admirals circle Vegapunk and the pirates, but again Saturn wards them off, very confident about the situation
He also reprimands Kizaru for taking so long
Kizaru is conscious, but he admits that he cannot move, which Luffy all deflated and wrinkly understands, so I'd say that counts as Luffy defeating an Admiral
Saturn though quickly goes to stamp the life outta Luffy
Franky for the save with a Strong Right to get him out of trouble
Saturn exudes his confidence by reminding that even though Luffy and Bonney's appearances are unexpected, they are massively surrounded
I wouldn't challenge fate in finding a way to escape Saturn, there's a giant leaving its slumber...
He thanks Vegapunk for his contributions, but then asks him - in order of most painful - who he should kill first? As they want him to suffer for opposing the World Government
It seems like Saturn also has some kinda pressure that's keeping Sanji, Franky and Vegapunk from approaching him
Bonney however stares daggers at Saturn claiming he killed her father
Not only was Kuma a slave before, he was also apparently from a tribe that 'committed a great crime', the Buccaneer people
I'm guessing it's Buccaneer because they translate it like 3 different ways in this chapter
That knowledge has surprised Vegapunk, either he was sure they didn't know or he didn't know
Surrounded by Marines and held up by Saturn as he orders them to shoot her head, Bonney remembers the words of her father, words about his young desires to bring freedom, and be like the Sun God Nika
Sanji and Vegapunk protest her execution, but they're still held down
Bonney asking Kuma if Nika will set her free is telling too, was Bonney also once a slave?
Kuma Flashback Time, right into his birth in the Sorbet Kingdom 47 years ago
Nani? Gentle, caring parents who unconditionally love their child? I can hear the death bells already
It seems the father was known as Klap, Bartholomew Klap, and he had the Buccaneer blood passed down to Kuma
The WG seemed intent about erasing it since they had spies in the hospital when Kuma was born, who leaked the information
Naturally the dragons took Klap back as a slave, along with Kuma and his mother despite Klap's protests
Kuma was strong as a kid, but abused
While in slavery the mother did die, Klap had to tell Kuma so I'd guess the Dragons killed her
Klap also tells Kuma about Nika, the same way Kuma would tell Bonney
But that would be his last tale to tell, as the Dragons shoot him in front of Kuma for being 'too noisy'
38 years ago in the West Blue we skip ahead
The Celestial Dragons are literally culling people in a non-WG country, and they do it every 3 years!?
This time it's God Valley!
God Valley wasn't even a Celestial Dragon place, they just wanted its resources and are killing the natives...how colonial
The King of God Valley doth protest, and protest until his swift death
Young Figarland Garling is the culprit, he's popular with the ladies and seemed unfazed by getting deducted 10,000 points for killing someone before the start
This time they're also sending out problematic slaves into the cull
And Saturn was there, completely unchanged in age
This is the field we saw in Kuma's memory bubble with Bonney, he was trying to escape God Valley and was being dragged back
Someone from the top notices that Kuma has Buccaneer blood
Buccaneers apparently have giant's blood too, maybe furthering the whole theory of Joy Boy being a giant before
There's only one person in the world with a laugh like that though
Young Ivankov was a slave too, and had a sister, Jinny, who looks like she'd be Bonney's mother given her looks and the fact that she's already eating meat
And now a break? Oda c'mon man, that means it'll be at least 8 weeks since we last saw Nico Robin
Well it looks like we will be delving into that Kuma flashback after all.
Not much else to tell I don't think, good to verify that Kizaru is defeated, and that Saturn is more than just talk I mean he did floor Sanji with a glare.
Given the build up I feel like Luffy is gonna - pun intended - bounce back to save Bonney, since he is Nika, but then the Sleeping Giant may assist with the rest. I am still hoping that Franky can get some shine in this arc but not as hopeful. We didn't get any of Zoro vs Lucci either so unclear how that's going, it should've been over before this anyway.
The Kuma flashback is already hitting us with surprises though; God Valley didn't belong to the Celestial Dragons, but then what does that make of the incident? Ivankov and Kuma were there so will we see it? Roger and Garp had to defend the Celestial Dragons, but were they more defending the slaves the Dragons had already planned to slaughter? We also have to wonder how baby Shanks ended up in a treasure chest. The introduction of Jinny being potentially Bonney's mother adds more implications, since that'd mean that Bonney is also Ivankov's niece, unless the clone theory on Bonney is that Bonney is in fact a clone of Jinny raised as Kuma's daughter. There's also the matter of Buccaneer races, if Bonney is biologically Kuma's daughter shouldn't she have those genes too that the WG would wanna erase? A new chapter of questions has opened and unravelled.
But seriously where is Nico Robin???
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