#nova and comet comic
qrious-k · 2 months
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My webcomic, Nova and Comet is now out on Webtoon!
Nova has just finished college as an alien exchange student. She's happily living on Earth with her best friend Comet the space goat, and her two roommates, Sludgie and Candace. There's just one problem - she can't find a job! Can Nova find her dream job as she navigates human culture, relationships, and Comet's shenanigans?
Updates are every other week~
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mimikiplovesgaming · 2 years
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Comic tiiiiiiime! I had an idea of giving Widdle a pair of wings for a while, talked with my sweet pal @startistdoodles , and I wanted to make a comic of how that happens! (Holy crap NOVA gave me so many hand cramps DX worth it)
Part 2 soon to come!
Widdle belongs to me!! Prisma soon to arrive!
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capricioussun · 6 months
Posted that too early lol anyways while I continue chipping away at stuff, does anyone have any questions about any of my outcode guys? Like Comet, Wingdings, Dos, etc etc
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Golden Rule PlaceHolder Members
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Made some placeholder Golden Rule Members for my fanfics until the canon ones comes out (Hopefully in 2023 👀) in format of Flug’s Journal notes.
I wanted them to have the same vibes as the Villainous characters, so I based them off comic book characters, the Villains in the show, and how the fight between them vs Flug, Demencia and 5.0.5. if they we’re to ever face them.
They're kinda also based on the frat and sorority or mean group of popular kids you see on movies on TV, but I also want to give them more of a backstory and layers to their character, to give them more depth, like the background characters in the show.
Based on my headcanon they also have gold accessories to show that they are part of the Golden Rule.
Golden Tres: I thought of these 2 characters based on the Trinity (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman) They are basically the Trinity of the Golden Rule alongside GoldHeart and are GoldHeart's right hand men and he appoints them to be in charge of things when he's not around. Cosmic Queen (CQ) uses her charm and media personality while Armour-Geddon (AG) uses his violent intimidation tactics in order to achieve what they want. Both of them are supposed to represent Flug and Demencia respectively. So Flug and Demencia will have to put aside their differences and work together to defeat them 2 v 2. Their relationship is like Lady Dimitrescu and Karl Heisenberg, and they argue a lot but they are able to put aside their differences to work together when it comes down to it. GoldHeart represents Gold, so I thought Cosmic Queen and Armour-Geddon should represent Diamonds and Silver respectively.
Cosmic Queen: Everyone, as you know today P.E.A.C.E. day, so just a friendly reminder to all heroes to look extra happy when you encounter the press later today.
Armour-Geddon: Anyone showing insufficient happiness will be killed.
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Fight: I thought of this character because it would be cool Flug to fight a magic hero (ability not mentioned in Flug’s notes because he doesn’t believe in magic) in a magic vs science fight. She can move around her comets like missiles while the gang has to dodge it. Flug has to build a mind-blocking device and attach it on her head to stop her using powers, but she uses a lot of long distance attracts so it would be difficult, so Demencia and 5.0.5. would have to distract her while Flug would try to sneak up on her.
City: Nova City (The city of fashion and extraterrestrial presence)
Gold Accessory: Long Hand Rings (can be used to control her powers)
Inspiration: I was inspired by Miss Heed and Space themed villains. Cosmic Queen is a fashion diva and a model like Miss Valdoom, and Stardust because she was stealing some gems so I decided to incorporate it into her outfit (the gems might have something to do with her power haven't decided) As well as Amora the Enchantress (Thor) and Star Sapphire (Green-Lantern), Superwoman (Crisis of Infinite Earths) and Amora the Enchantress.
Reason Why She Wants To Be A Hero: Her main motivation is fame, money, and popularity.
The Reason Why She Is In The Golden Rule: She met GoldHeart in hero school and actually asked GoldHeart out in order to boost her popularity which he rejected and says he's not interested and can see through her fake personality (she's glad later because she finds dealing with him as a boss is already extremely intimidating and stressful) but notices that she has a manipulatively charming personality like him like an uncut diamond, so he says to her 'Why settle for one guy when you can have thousands on them chasing after you and doing your bidding without giving them anything in return' and says he can help improve her skills which she agrees and that's how she ended up becoming one of the OG Golden Rule Members.
Additional Notes: She is the definition of a gold digger and dates guys for their money and/or popularity.
She is the second most popular hero in the Golden Rule, next to GoldHeart and third strongest member. She likes to use people to get ahead, power hungry, the second most charismatic member of the team, next to GoldHeart. Despite her loyalty, GoldHeart predicts when it all comes down to it she will be the most likely member to betray him.
GoldHeart hates diamonds and makes it clear to her that he thinks diamonds are overrated compared to yellow gold.
Songs to describe her are One Good Man, Material Girl and Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend.
In addition to being a model she also has her own reality tv show, is a judge for several reality shows.
She has a cat which she adores and calls him "Big Boobs", (BB for short) just to troll people when she talks about it.
Both she and GoldHeart thinks the other’s superhero outfits are gaudy, she doesn’t say it out loud though.
Cosmic Queen likes to hang out with Siren because she likes having a quote "rich but less attractive friend, she easily can manipulate to do her bidding".
She has a genuine hatred for Miss Heed because of how similar they are and always trying to steal her position as the top female of the group and she often tries to unbrainwash her followers to spite her.
They often fight with each other and even though they roast each other for things that they also do. Like she roasts Miss Heed being a cringe influencer while she has her own cringe reality show.
She believes she is better than Miss Heed because she can do what Miss Heed can do (make people love and be obsessed with her)
[Miss Heed's follower]: Miss Heed is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen!
Cosmic Queen, smirks: Until now you mean ~
Cosmic Queen: You and I are both similar. We use people that care about us to get to the top.
Miss Heed: I'm way more attractive than you will ever be!
Cosmic Queen smirks: Is that so? *shows her the hero ranking numbers on the phone stating she is the most popular heroine* Even with that stupid cheap perfume of yours your popularity ranking is still subpar at best as compared to mine, shorty.
Cosmic Queen : You have to try much harder than that Miss Mediocre~ *cackles before flipping her hair and walking away*
Miss Heed: Grr
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Fight: I thought it would be cool if the Villainous Gang fought someone strong and invulnerable like the Hulk. Their battle would involve a lot of physical fighting, violence and smashing of walls, buildings and properties. Demencia tries to smash him with a hammer, Flug crashed his plane onto him, 5.05. even accidentally sat on him but he still manages to overpowers all of them together so Flug have to figure out something to defeat him. His has weakness is similar to Wolverine. The only way the could defeat him is by using his own metal against him. Flug managed to get some DNA skin samples and made a metal tomb. Then Demencia and 5.0.5. would have to lead him into the tomb to trap him.
Inspiration: He is inspired by chaotic and juggernot Villains like Tri-Skull and Épsilon. As well as Hulk (Marvel), Wolverine (Marvel), Mr. X (Resident Evil 2, Remake), Niragi (Alice in Borderland), Giriko (Soul Eater)
City: Sledgehammer City (City with large and tall metal buildings and violent criminals.
Gold Accessory: Brass knuckles
Reason Why He Wants To Be A Hero: He wants to do whatever wants as much as he can and get away with it looking like the good guy.
The Reason Why He Is In The Golden Rule: is because of his brute strength and intimidating personality. GoldHeart uses him to scare, intimate, and beat up Villains and sometimes other heroes in order for the GoldHeart to make himself still look like the good guy while he handles all the dirty work, that's why he is the least popular Golden Rule Member but GoldHeart puts up with him and defends him from public scrutiny because of his important role. When GoldHeart approached AG to join a super hero club he was starting up while they were all in hero school he refused saying being in a group drags him down but GoldHeart convinced him to join the Golden Rule by beating the shit out of him in a 1 v 1, which was the first time he lost.
Additional Notes: He is the second strongest member next to GoldHeart and but also the least popular member of the team due to his violent, intimidating, and extremely rude and blunt nature and has a PR Team working overtime to make him look good.
Sometimes he gets carried away by emotions and gets into random fights in the wrong place and wrong time and the other Golden Rule members (mostly Garuda and Green-Go) have to hold him back in order not to make the Golden Rule look bad.
Aside from his loud mouth and blunt personality he is relatively chill and gets along with the other members with the other Golden Rule Members (aside from Cosmic Queen who he bickers and fights with outside of the public eye)
If you throw a chair at him it would just break into pieces and he would barely even notice it, it's like throwing a paper ball at him.
He likes hanging out with Green-Go and often goes out with him to parties and thinks his dance moves are awesome and finds his sense of humor hilarious.
Despite their opposite personalities both Armour-Geddon and Garuda consider each other as best friends who balance out each other. They also like to compete with each other to see who has the higher kill count when fighting or defeating Villains.
He considers both of them their bois.
He enjoys participating in street racing (which he made legal in his city) and monster truck rallies for fun. He also knows a lot about fixing cars, motorcycles, and trucks in his free time.
Armour-Geddon: STUPID VILLAINS! YOU CAN’T HURT ME I’M INVULNERABLE, but if you like to try I’ll crush your skull!
GoldHeart: Meeting's in 5 minutes where the hell is Cosmic Queen?
Armour-Geddon, shrugs: It is raining outside. Maybe she melted.
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Fight: I wanted to design a hero that would challenge Flug in his shooting abilities and Demencia's tracking abilities like sense of smell. This hero’s aim is so accurate that he is able to shoot down the Hat-Ship with a single bow an arrow. Flug challenge him in a laser gun vs arrow fight while distracted 5.0.5. covers him with a bear hug and Demencia goes off and attacks him. However his skill fighting enable him to win the first round. With limited resources Flug, Demencia, and 5.0.5. will have to escape him on foot while he hunts and tracks them down with his hunter senses. They managed to escape by masking their sent by rubbing dirt, leaves, pine needles on their clothes and hiding behind a cave of a waterfall. Flug, noticing tin the fight that the hero is very protective of the the juncture of the wings connecting to his back and realised that the source of power comes from is wings, they have to out hunt the hunter. Flug devised an elaborate plan to defeat him which results in 5.0.5. creating a replica scarecrow of the gang with twigs and leaves as bait, as Flug set up traps for him and Demencia releasing an army of raccoons she befriended over him, before Flug shoots a makeshift arrow at the juncture to separate his wings from his body.
Inspiration: This hero was inspired by Hawkeye, the Villain Lady Naga, the legends of Garuda vs. Naga, Imakandi (Samurai Jack), Hibari Kyoya (KHR), Kraven the Hunter and with a bit of Batman vibes.
City: Devine City (A city known for its mythical and divine entities. Currently ruled by the Tori Clan)
Gold Accessory: Hand guard (for shooting arrows)
Reason Why He Wants To Be A Hero: To defeat Lady Naga and continue the family tradition of being the protector of Devine City.
The Reason Why He Is In The Golden Rule: is because of his wealth, connections, and his strong super powers which are useful for tracking down and fighting Villains. GoldHeart often uses him to find high profile Villains which are on the run or are difficult to find.
Additional Notes: The reason for his hatred of Lady Naga was because there was a competition of who could be the defender of the city. His family has been protecting the city for many generations he was worried he might lose the competition because they were nearly evenly matched when they sparred. So he cheated, without anyone knowing. Lady Naga was enraged with this so she stole the prize to be given to the winner - a rare elixir, created once every generation which will give the next city's protector super powers. Enraged he joined P.E.A.C.E. to get his super powers and eventually the Golden Rule because he likes to be surrounded by strong and skilled people that will better his heroic fighting skills and abilities to defeat Lady Naga.
His family also runs the city he is protecting and has a prominent business so he also gets into politics and business.
Despite his stoic nature, he is actually quite chill with the Golden Rule Members and willing to go with the flow of things, and even crack a few jokes (though sometimes his face is so stoic it's hard to tell when he is telling the joke). Just don’t bring up Lady Naga in front of him or it will bring down his mood, make him angry and he might go off with a long rant on how much he hates her, but he won’t let anyone have the honour of killing her except for him.
His can make his wings disappear and appear whenever he wants to. Which will transform into a tattoo on his back when he does not feel like using it.
His stealth and sneaking abilities are so good he sometimes has a habit of being in a room without anyone noticing. He even surprised Dís a few times, and she is a ghost.
He has a friendly rivalry with AG (who affectionately calls him Garu, much to his annoyance) and they often compete to see how many Villains they can fight or kill.
He and Siren are in a casual dating relationship. She thinks she's cute and has a lot in common and even agrees to have matching hair dyes together.
When Garuda first joined the Golden Rule, Cosmic Queen planned to make him one of her simps in an attempt to use him for his money and connections but he was already warned of a gold-digging ways by AG, which threw her plans out the window so instead she pesters him to introduce and connect her to rich and powerful politician friends and associates which he finds annoying and often refused to do so.
Aside from Lady Naga, he enjoys hunting other Villains for sports which sometimes Siren and AG joins in as well.
Garuda: If you prove you are a worthy prey in this hunt I might let you live.
Armour-Geddon: Hey Garu it's your Pucca *points to Lady Naga*
Garuda, aggressively flies off to attack her: SHE'S MINE!!
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Fight: Made this hero affectrd by 5.0.5's cuteness to the point it becomes an obsession, has animalistic tendencies and craziness like Demencia to challenge her in a 1v1 fight and for Flug to overcome his fear of water. When fighting the Villainous gang, she became obsessed with capturing 5.0.5. because he is literally the cutest thing she has ever seen and his fur colour matches her superhero aesthetic. She to make him her pet and personal playmate for her two pet sharks. Flug obviously didn’t want to give his son to this crazy fishlady and 5.0.5. didn’t want to leave his dad. The fight would take place on both on a large boat and sea, with her able to chase the Villainous gang crawl on walls and squeeze though small spaces while she is screams at them with her sonic scream. Flug managed to gather some basic materials on the ship to cancel out her sonic screams and Demencia will then be able to 1v1 her, while dodging attacks from her triton. As the fight progressed, she gets more frustrated and declared that if she can’t have 5.0.5. as a pet, then maybe she can will have him as a fur coat instead, then proceeds to throw her triton at him, it misses, but he lost his balance on the boat and fell into the water with the sharks, Flug jumped in to save his baby from being torn apart, despite his fear of water. He then fights off the sharks by shooting them with his laser gun. Demencia managed to land a punch on her, while she was distracted by the scene which made her scream hysterically before charging at her with all her might. Demencia dodges and she slams her head into the metal wall of the ship, before knocking himself out. "What a lunatic," Demencia declared before helping Flug and 5.0.5. out of the water after Flug managed to defeat the sharks.
Inspiration: Inspired by sea and aquatic themed villains such as Nango, Menta Laguna, and Capitán Fuego. As well as Aquaman and Disney Princesses.
Gold Accessory: Belt
City: Reef City (A city known for its famous resort, aquarium show, and concentration of pirates and sea monsters)
Reason Why She Wants To Be A Hero: Wants to have the brand and prestige of being a hero and to promote her family hotel.
The Reason Why She is in The Golden Rule: The reason why she is in the Golden Rule is because of her unique powers of controlling and breathing underwater and her wealth. GoldHeart uses her as leverage when dealing with aquatic villains or underwater missions if necessary.
Additional Notes: This hero has an obsession over cute things, but her definition of cute ranges from cute clothes, accessories, attractive model looking people, beautiful beaches, blue seas, sharks seeing people turn blue underwater and seeing their guts.
Her definition of a Villain are people who are ugly.
At times insult Dís and other heroes for her appearance and often complains about having to save "ugly civilians" that are in danger.
She appears to have a sweet nature like a princess and likes to use it to her advantage especially in a fight. But in reality she is somewhat sadistic especially being pushed on the edge. Like going too far during battles with other Villains and having a fascination seeing how long people can hold their breath before drowning.
She likes hanging out with Cosmic Queen because of her fashion sense and being in her in her reality show but is often easily manipulated by her and is treated like her sidekick.
Secretly she thinks she is much cuter and more attractive than CQ and thinks she deserves the top spot as the most popular heroine. She is aware that CQ treats her like crap but hopes she can learn enough to overthrow her top position.
She and Garuda are in a casual relationship. She goes hunting together and he even makes her the water-skin she is carrying from a pelt of the Villain he skinned for her. He tries to defend her against CQ or convince Siren to stand up for herself, but she says that she knows people use each other and will handle CQ by herself.
One of her powers is having the agility and flexibility of an octopus, so she is extremely flexible, bend in almost any direction and can even stick to walls and even snap your neck with her feet.
Her father owns a marine aquarium resort and in her city, as well as multiple , around the world hence she is extremely rich.
Her favorite food is peanut-butter and caviar sandwiches.
Initially there were only resorts but she was actually the one who came up with the idea of adding the aquarium in order to put the aquatic Villains she captures on display and use them for profit.
Capitán Fuego is her arch enemy, the reason for this was because a long time ago, she actually captured one of the aquatic creatures in the sea that turns out to be Capitán Fuego's, who was just a normal fishing captain at the time, friend. He managed to rescue his friend, but resulted in an onslaught between Siren while doing so which resulted in her sinking his ship (by using her brute strength to slam her head first into the ship and making a hole) and ripping his right arm off during their fight. If he did not cauterize the wound he would have died through blood loss or an infection.
Black Hat approached him at his lowest moments and that was where he made a deal to have ability and powers in exchange for his soul in order to defeat that monster.
Black Hat gave him fire powers and built him a new ship to suit his powers. His ability also enabled him to get a new right arm.
Their dynamic is like Captain Ahab and Moby Dick. (Or like Disiree and Klofange for those of you who watch Xiaolin Showdown 😆)
She likes to break out in song randomly much to the annoyance of others but can't sing for nuts (which she is in denial) sometimes her sonic scream can accidentally smash objects due to her singing or squealing in excitement (She still owes GoldHeart for destroying his windows in the Golden Rule building one time.
Capitán Fuego: The only monster in the sea is you!
Siren: Yeah well, you're ugly!
[Siren, gets hit during a fight]
Siren, with tears in her eyes: Ow, oh how could you be so mean?
[Random Villain]: Oh I am so sorry I -
Siren, kicks the villain painfully in between the legs: AHAHAHA. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU VILLAINS KEEP FALLING FOR THAT!
Dís: With all these celebrities showing up tonight, I should go change.
Siren whispering to Cosmic Queen: I thought she had to wait for a full moon.
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Fight: As shown in Episode 2, Flug has a fear of Ghosts, so I thought it would be an interesting concept for Flug to have to face his fears in order to defeat this hero. The fight would take place in a large building with enclosed walls which involve a series of paranoia between the Villainous gang as they tried to avoid being touched on the head by her, like a twisted game of duck-duck-goose as she turns invisible and phases through walls. Flug would give the team members heat vision goggles and a ghost hunting trap like the ghost busters and Demencia's keen sense of smell would come in handy. She would somehow destroy the heat vision goggles from the team, but Flug then realized that she can't phase through while interacting at the same time so Flug devices a plan which involves using himself as live bait and overcoming his fear of ghosts, while 5.0.5. activates the ghost trapping the device. She still struggles to escape the device and almost does before Demencia viciously bit her and the painful shock made the trap able to catch her.
Inspiration: This hero is based on Mother Poltergeist, so She is basically a ghost catching ghost. As well as by Mystique (X-Men), Kitty Pride (X-Men), and Martian Man Hunter (JL), Mira Nova (Buzz Light-year of Star Command)
City: Treesville (The capital city in the country of Yggdrasil, known for its large forests and concentration of paranormal activity, came up with the name as Yggdrasil is a tree in Norse Mythology)
Gold Accessory: Hair Accessory (That doubles as a secret video camera for recording blackmail)
Reason Why She Wants To Be A Hero: To gossip and blackmail from high profile and famous people while appearing to be the good guy while doing so.
The Reason Why She Is In The Golden Rule is because of her extremely useful and unique ghost powers as a hero and she also acts as informant to the Golden Rule through gathering gossip, blackmail, information and secrets from Heroes and Villains so that it can be used in ammunition so that The Golden Rule can stay in power.
Additional Notes: She can phase through walls and turn invisible without an issue but her mind reading powers have limitations.
"That's why her hair is so big it's full of secrets" (jk 😆)
She does so by going to events and connecting with others or secretly listening to other people's conversation by turning invisible or phasing through walls.
GoldHeart would also uses her ability to read minds in order to interrogate people.
She would charge heroes money or in favors in exchange for her investigation services to find dirt or other people or get money from them to prevent the blackmail from getting out.
GoldHeart has prepared some horrible blackmail on her as a contingency plan if she ever decides to betray the Golden Rule, but she is smart not to, knowing the consequences and enjoys getting juicy gossip from high profile and famous people.
She is often bored of her main heroing job like saving people and outsources saving her city to other low ranking heroes such as Bulldozer and often focuses on networking with other heroes to get the latest gossip and secrets, but she does enough hero work to get by and appear like she is working to the media.
She had a bad habit of turning invisible and going through walls to listen to other Golden Rule members conversations as well, that GoldHeart had to sound proof and ghost proof the walls to prevent her from phasing through.
She often hangs out with CQ who being the most well connected hero always has some entertaining gossip.
She would often assist Green-Go in pulling hilarious pranks on others for fun.
She dislikes Siren as she says she is ugly and they will at times bicker and argue with each other and often purposely say things to annoy her.
She has her own video and news blog called Hero-Watch which she reports all the interesting gossip she finds on P.E.A.C.E. heroes. There are also segments where she interviews heroes and asks them spicy questions or have other heroes go on blind dates with each other.
Dís: I blackmail people when I'm nervous. It's kinda my go to...
Dís, smirks: So I heard from Icarus who heard from Konan who heard from Omega who heard from Ringworm who overhead from--
GoldHeart: We have no secrets here.
Siren, side-eyeing Dís: That's because she listens at the door.
Dís: How else would I hear you scratching to get back in?
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Fight: I thought it would be cool if the Villainous gang fought a Flash themed superhero who is extremely difficult to keep up with. Flug tries to shoot him and Demencia tries to attack him but he evades with his super speed. He is also skilled at kick boxing which he used in the fight. Even though he has super speed, he doesn’t have super strength and can still be slowed down in surfaces with less friction. Flug, Demencia and 5.0.5. have to lead him to a large body of water and Flug has to use a freeze ray to trap him in ice.
Inspiration: Flash (JL) and His personality is something like Scout (TF2).
City: Olympus City (A city known for its Sports Events such as the P.E.A.C.E. Hero Olympics)
Gold Accessory: Ankle Guards
Reason Why He Wants To Be A Hero: Fame, fortune and money.
The Reason Why She Is In The Golden Rule is because they needed a speedster amongst the group and he was able to get the position because he is the fastest hero in P.E.A.C.E.
Additional Notes: However, he is insecure about his position in the Golden Rule because his ability and powers don't stand out among the others, GoldHeart also likes to remind him how dispensable he is if he does not pull his weight with the increased number of new heroes in P.E.A.C.E. having speed super powers.
That's why he often does things like compete in the Olympics, even though he has an unfair advantage of his superpowers in order to win.
He would often boast to heroes and civilians and everyone that he is in the Golden Rule and part of the Seven Nobles and to stunts and tricks in order to garner attention. During fights he would also do things like pull pranks on Villains for attention.
He got more fame as well as security in his position in the Golden Rule after he was able to defeat the Villain Metauro, who have recently killed the El Torero and ever since his Metauro vowed to get stronger and break his spine.
He likes to watch sports matches (e.g. basketball, football, tennis) and is an extreme fanboys for the sports players and would at times get over exited at meeting the players that he would cling on to their legs (the Golden Rule Members would say or pretend they don't know him if they ever went to one of the matches with him)
Don't give him too much sugar or coffee he gets super hyperactive and starts bouncing up and down the walls.
He loves to prank Villains and shares his ideas with the other Golden Rule Members. He is so fast that sometimes the Villains don't know what's happening until they are being pranked.
He likes to get advice from AG and Garuda on how to ask girls out.
He and Siren often complain to each other on why the other Golden Rule Members think they're childish.
Green-Go: I mean do you know who you're even talking to? Basically, kind of a big deal.
Green-Go: I'm the fastest hero in P.E.A.C.E.
Garuda: That explains why you can't get a date.
Green-Go: Hey!
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caramelstarlight · 6 months
Space Riders -2
Hey! Before you scroll or leave, I made a DogDay chat on CrushOn AI, it would be super helpful if you go give it a like! I may post it on C.AI as well. You’ll know which one by looking for this art:
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You probably already saw the other one. But… here’s more! Add me in your space rider AU comics if you want, I don’t mind at all! Tag me when it’s finished! :0
People I’m Tagging: (Creator and a person adding me to their comic. Will update when more people do or when they stop. Maybe-)
@onyxonline @thedeadchildrean
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I was trying to do gradient feet and aura (the things connected to eyelashes) but I figured it’s fine without it so you can add that on your own time if you want.
I’m not drawing without the clothes on. That’s just weird… but imagine another outfit or something-
So umm… a bunch of powers are here from the stars and cosmos! Include whichever you want in your comics!
Also yeah. Gonna sound OP as Shit, most of it I just took from the wiki and edited it a bit, I added quotation marks to give them credit. I was gonna do it myself but god damn was I not prepared to see like a billion powers-)
Credit: SuperPower Wiki
I only did some of them. Mainly because at this point I was getting tired but I feel bad since I told a few people it’d be out by today-
But most of them r kinda self explanatory. Or just click on the link and scroll down to where it explains it (which should be right under it) and how it works.
link: https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Power
Cosmic Symbiosis (“Concentrate the power of the cosmic being that lies within one's body and manipulate it.” Basically OverDrive Mode!)
Cosmic Manipulation (“Control cosmic forces” Such as: “manipulation of matter and energy across space and time, the manipulation of the space-time continuum, altering the fabric of reality, the creation of force fields, the creation of inter-dimensional portals and vortexes, psionics, energy projection, and cosmic awareness, manipulate comets, meteors, asteroids, moons, planets, stars, nebula, neutron stars, quasars, black holes, white holes, galaxies, antimatter and dark matter. They can generate stellar winds, solar flares, cosmic storms, and invoke meteor showers. They can also empower themselves and others by harnessing the power of cosmos.”)
Cosmic Empowerment (“Gain strength from the cosmic forces”)
Cosmic Energy Manipulation (“Manipulate cosmic energy.” Such as Stars, Planets, use it to my own will)
Universal Power Link
Personal Stellar Energy
Stellar Generation
All Star-Based Powers
Bio-Stellar Manipulation
Bio-Stellar Transformer
Esoteric Star Generation
Fire Generation
Light Generation
Nuclear Generation
Plasma Generation
Stardust Generation
Stellar Blast
Stellar Manipulation
Black Hole Manipulation
Pulsar Manipulation
Stardust Manipulation
Stellar Amplification
Stellar Energy Manipulation
Solar Flare
Stellar Attacks
Stellar Deity
Supernova Inducement
Supernova Manipulation
Stellar Magic
Esoteric Star Manipulation
Nova Manipulation
Black Hole Creation (Self explanatory)
Star Creation (Self explanatory)
Star Fall (Self Explanatory)
Stellar Arts
Stellar Healing
Stellar Physiology (“Have a body made up of stellar energy. Basically overdrive mode”)
Stellar Pressure (“Generate damaging stellar energy.”)
Stellar Regeneration (“Use stellar elements for regeneration.”)
Stellification (“Transform others and oneself into stars, stellar energies and constellations.“)
What I added:
•Healing (It can be a spell or just an ability, works to an extent, can lift cursed, add buffs etc, cannot reverse any type of physical damage that has been dis-attached from the body. For example unable to put an arm back in place. Only works for wounds and helping out. Can fix sprains or stuff though. Stellar Regeneration is limited to small things like losing a bit of your ear, a patch of skin comes off etc…)
•Flight / Hover (I just wanted to add it to fly lmao.)
•Force Field (Can protect against a bunch of stuff (for example lasers, rocks, blasts, explosions etc.) only can withstand strong attacks if supported by other allies who have similar powers. (For example but not limited too: Sun,Moon,Eclipse,Space,Other planets, Aurora Lights or other natural phenomenons related to space in some way.)
•Light manipulation (Able to summon a light source at any time. It helps when you’re afraid of the dark y’know?)
(this was posted at 4am my time-)
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rockybloo · 8 months
Who b/w Nova & Pluto initiated the idea & convo of them having (err, creating rather) a baby? How did that convo go for them?
THAT is an answer I am gonna be holding onto because Comet's entire introduction plays into Pluto's entire situation with their parents and how they winded up becoming "gooped" in the first place and I wanna save stuff for when I eventually work on their official comic/story.
Pluto very much knew ahead of time that Nova didn't want to give birth. She was rather neutral about having kids, though it was obvious she wasn't in a rush for them. I would say if it wasn't because of the circumstances the two found themselves in, they wouldn't have had Comet in the first place.
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
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Jamie Lee Curtis will make her graphic novel debut with Mother Nature. Originally due out last November, it’s now set to be published in hardcover and digital on July 18 via Titan Comics.
Curtis co-authored the 176-page comic with Russell Goldman (who served as her assistant on Halloween Kills), adapted from the eco-horror script they co-wrote, which is currently in development as film from Blumhouse and Comet Pictures.
Mother Nature is illustrated by Karl Stevens. The trailer and synopsis are below, along with statements from all three creatives involved.
Nova Terrell who, after witnessing her father die in mysterious circumstances on one of the Cobalt Corporation’s experimental oil extraction projects, has grown up to despise the seemingly benevolent company that the town of Catch Creek, New Mexico, relies on for its jobs and prosperity. The rebellious Nova wages a campaign of sabotage and vandalism against the oil giant, until one night she accidentally makes a terrifying discovery about the true nature of the “Mother Nature” project and the long-dormant, vengeful entity it has awakened that threatens to destroy them all.
Jamie Lee Curtis statement:
I first thought about this story when I was 19 years old. I’ve always been aware of the very unbalanced relationship between humans and nature, and even though I was young, I always knew that, inevitably, nature would win.
I have long admired and collected Karl’s work, and I’m very excited he suggested expanding the idea to turn it into a graphic novel. The partnership with Titan has now given us a wonderful platform to begin to tell our story.
Russell Goldman statement:
We wanted to reach deeper than the big picture doom-and-gloom of climate change narratives to tell a story specific to Four Corners, New Mexico, an amazing part of the world where every major source of energy is mined, and where the climate and resource crises are acutely felt. We wanted to use these themes to shape a story that feels intense, honest and unexpectedly aspirational.
Karl Stevens statement:
I was immediately blown away by the depth of the characters, the perfect blend of action and gore, the urgent ecological message, and how all these things would translate beautifully into a graphic novel. It's a joy and privilege to work with Titan Comics and Blumhouse on this project. I'm producing the best work of my career!
Pre-order Mother Nature.
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artsyaech · 6 months
a full list of my names!
[PT: a full list of my names!]
this will be very long, hence the cut
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[divider creator]
my icelandic names
mosi, lækur, kaos, rebbi, bambi, brynmar, eldur, fjarki, hljómur, kjói [i will not share the names i go by in day-to-day life for comfort’s sake]
nature / animal-themed:
froggie, ocean, storm, river, wren, fox, bee, floro, koi, calico, meadow, prairie, axolotl (axie), birdie, fennec, florin, mirage, artic, aero, sage, fleur, seafoam (foamy)
music / sound / art-themed
indie (indigo, gogo), echo, audio, art, rhapsody, lyric, rhythm, crayon, abstract, scribble, harmony, vinyl, klaxon, comic, pixel, 8bit
mythology / story-themed
nyx, artemis, apollo, amphinome, aurelio, helios, juno, koios, myth, fable, story
sol, io, star, cosmo, andromeda, starshine, orbit, astro, comet, moon, equinox (quinn), moonlight, nova, stardust, asterin, soleil, solstice
fashion / color / subulture-themed
kandi, punk, azure, neon, anarchy, riot, decora, rebel
magic(k) / gemstone / fantasy-themed
onyx, melancholy (collie), riddle, moonstone, jade, aura, alchemy
misc fem
maera, evelyn,
misc masc
arlo, alistair (allie), artemio, ace
misc neutral
freckle, yoyo, mayhem, ayven, arcade, fizz, arrow, pixi, fidget
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5nake-eater · 1 year
It is insane how comically bad the Comet producer was at their job. Between the Mandy Patinkin fiasco, the immediate drop in revenue after Josh Groban left, the ARS Nova lawsuit, and that they apparently didn’t pay Dave Malloy any royalties for international productions, it is a nightmare scenario through and through
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Introduction post + Character Bios
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Hello, I'm November! I've been here for a little while, and I thought it might be about time I introduce you all to some of my original characters and the world they live in! Now, first things first, this is all very much a work in progress, and at the moment, I don't have any plans to make this into a full comic series. (at least not yet, hoping to be able to in the disrant future) For now, Milkyway Madness is just a world I'm making full of characters I'm also making, Things are subject to change.
Plot and Setting
Milkyway Madness is about a team of superheroes in space led by a half human half shapeshifter named Supernova. (formerly known as Shooting Star canonically) During a fight with the main antagonist, Black Hole, in the Solar Subway, Supernova accidentally causes the star that powers the entire structure to split into eight pieces, which scatter across the solar system. It is up to Supernova and a team of different wacky people he meets along the way to gather the pieces and put them back together before Black Hole can get a hold of them.
Milkyway Madness is set in a solar system with a similar layout to ours, but VERY different planets and life on those planets. In Milkyway Madness, every planet is connected together by a huge transportation system with a hub where the sun would be. This is called the Solar Subway! The Solar Subway has eight different levels, each one having a docking bay and public transport leading to each of the eight planets. Each level is themed around the planet it's connected to, and in the centre, there's a large shopping mall with a star in the middle that powers the entire Subway.
Each planet is ruled by a character named after their planet, and each of them are responsible for the different species and cultures found on each planet. They have varying ages, maturity, and species. The Solar Subway itself is ruled by a living star that looks similar to the sun, and it's the creator of the other eight rulers.
Character Introduction
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Name: Shooting Star/ Supernova
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Half Human Half Shifter
Age: 21
Supernova, Nova for short, is Clumsy, Emotional, Sympathetic, and Empathetic. He often has no idea what he's doing, but he adapts to the situation quickly and is good at gaining the upper hand. Well-intentioned but impulsive. His favourite planet to be on is Venus because of the arcades and bright neon lights, but due to a traumatic event, he rarely visits or stays at night. Hired by The Sun to protect the Solar Subway due to his unique abilities. Shapeshifters who are half another species are extremely rare due to the complications it can cause, most cases being unable to handle the flexibility required to shapeshift. Supernova is one of very few to be able to survive shape-shifting, though without external ability enhancers, the only thing he can shift is his size, the range being from a few inches tall to 50 feet tall. With external enhancers, he can shapeshift into some other species, and with the star fragments, he can use different superpowers.
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Name: SAB3R/ Saber
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Trident Squid
Age: 23
Pansexual Aromantic
SAB3R is here to have fun and shoot things. Likes food, loves to have friendly competitions and rivalries with others in the group, and struggles to sympathise. He's the guy who says, "Last one to the target is a rotten egg." He gets along surprisingly well with Cody through their shared interest in weapons. Was once a bounty hunter while living on Neptune before being offered to join Supernova's team by The Sun.
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Name: Comet Reaper
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Martian Inferno
Age: 25
Biromantic Asexual
Born on Mars, Comet Reaper found his true calling on Earth, where he plays Spaceball, a sport which originated as Earth's baseball. He loves competition and rivalry, and he and SAB3R frequently engage in friendly challenges. Initially a foe, Comet Reaper joined Nova's team after being impressed by their skill. He always pushes himself to work harder due to his insecurity caused by some past failures and the huge expectations placed on him as a celebrity.
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Name: Cody "Smiling Spider Virus"
Species: Cyborg Sweet Tooth
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 20
Aromantic Asexual
Cody is quite intelligent, and she prefers to be alone or with few people. She sometimes chooses to be vague with advice or mischievous with other systems she controls. She loves trolling enemies by hacking their stuff through the wires on the back of her computer head. She starts off as a recurring side character who sells her inventions and tech upgrades to Supernova and Saber, but she grows fond of them and sets up shop on their ship, giving them exclusive discounts in return. She doesn't get involved in combat much, but when she does, she's pretty skilful as a fighter. He can't take many hits, though. This makes her a bit of a glass cannon. Cody is a bit of a conspiracy theorist with media she enjoys, using sound logic but making pretty big stretches. This trait occasionally leaks into her theories on enemies and news.
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Name: The Phlebotomist/ Nebula "The False Star"
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Human(?)
Age: 22
Nebula is a playful, obsessive, and sadistic person. He lost his left hand in an accident caused by supernatural beings (basically anyone with powers), and ever since, he's been killing these supers and harvesting their powers. He works as a mercenary. He dislikes large groups of people and enjoys science. He has a rivalry with SAB3R from SAB3Rs bounty hunter days, and upon learning about Nova, he became obsessed with him and his unique ability to naturally gain different powers He thinks Supernova is pretty cute, and the feeling is mutual, and Nebula hopes that he can convince Supernova to work with him. Supernova has very little interest in working with Nebula. Nebula flirts with Supernova during their banter while they fight but never flirts with the rest of the cast. The tubes all over Nebula have needles at the end, which he has injected into his neck, left arm, and back. They can be removed for combat purposes, too. They don't have very long range, though, and their combat use is mostly for collecting blood samples during fights. Nebula is the only character other than Supernova who can use multiple superpowers from outside of his own species.
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Name: Black Hole/ The Black Hole Astronaut
Pronouns: They/Them
Species: ????
Age: 27
The Black Hole Astronaut was a bounty hunter who was chasing after Supernova. During their confrontation, Supernova accidentally damaged the star powering the Solar Subway. Due to their close proximity to it, when the star split, the astronaut was mutated, gaining the power to summon small black holes from the one that formed in their chest. After gaining their new abilities from the star, they made it their new goal to collect the star fragments and find a way to draw more power from it, along with killing Supernova. They prefer to work alone, enjoy relaxing and listening to music, and prefer surprise attacks over flashy presentation, they'd rather get things done quickly without drawing attention to themselves. Their black holes can be thrown after summoned and grow where they land, sucking anything nearby into themselves for a few seconds before disappearing.
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sulan1809 · 1 year
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Teoria - Dr. Wily, o cientista que queria salvar o mundo
Em 1987, Mega Man estreou no NES e apresentou a premissa de um garoto robô, que foi convertido pelo Dr. Thomas Light para ser um robô de combate, que iria ao encontro dos irmãos rebeldes dele - qiue foram reprogramados pelo Dr. Albert W. Wily para cometer crimes - para derrotá-los, e trazer o Dr. Wily à justiça. No mundo da ficção, principalmente no entretenimento infantil e nos quadrinhos convencionais, a linha que separa o certo do errado costuma ser claramente definida. Ou seja, de um lado temos os heróis, e do outro, temos os vilões. No entanto, reajuste ligeiramente as lentes da câmera, e, de repente, os eventos são lançados sob uma luz totalmente nova, e aí não tem como discernir. Às vezes, ser um herói significa aceitar o escárnio e o ódio das pessoas.
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Em Lex Luthor: Homem de Aço, Lex Luthor, o arqui-inimigo do Superman, um mero humano, sem poderes especiais em comparação com o pior inimigo dele, um kryptoniano, está tentando salvar o planeta Terra de uma poderosa ameaça alienígena. No universo dos X-Men, Magneto é retratado como uma figura vilanesca, enquanto que o Professor Charles Xavier, comporta-se como um sujeito boa-praça. Erik Magnus Lehnsherr a.k.a. Magneto, é um mutante que pode manipular campos magnéticos e objetos metálicos. Quando Erik era um garoto, ele vivenciou os horrores de Auschwitz, um campo de concentração nazista, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Depois de ver a extensão da crueldade humana, a mente de Erik foi permanentemente alterada, e ele se convenceu de que algo parecido com o que experimentou acontecerá novamente - só que desta vez, com os mutantes. Então, Magneto se tornou um extremista mutante que procurou enfraquecer a humanidade antes que eles tivessem a chance de atacar primeiro, embora ele fosse regularmente parado pelos X-Men, que eram liderados pelo ex-amigo e aliado de Magneto, Charles Xavier. Basicamente, Charles e Magnus são duas pessoas com visões ideológicas opostas. Magneto teria dado qualquer coisa para se livrar de Xavier durante os primeiros dias da carreira dele como extremista na Marvel Comics e, em uma cruel reviravolta do destino, ele consegue exatamente o que desejava - Magneto queria justamente se tornar uma versão melhor de seu antigo inimigo. Ele queria ser o líder supremo dos X-Men!!
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Em X-Men Chronicles #1(1995), os leitores tiveram um vislumbre do mundo antes do início da Era do Apocalipse - embora pouco saibam os personagens, já é tarde demais. A Era do Apocalipse começou não oficialmente com a morte de Charles Xavier, que foi acidentalmente assassinado pelo filho dele, Legion. Ele viajou de volta no tempo, na linha do tempo principal da Marvel Comics da Terra-616 em um esforço para matar Magneto, mas em vez disso, Legion atacou o Professor "X" e o matou por engano. Este ato assassínico estilhaçou a linha temporal e criou uma realidade alternativa, na qual Apocalypse dominou a maior parte do mundo, e Magneto se tornou líder dos X-Men, em vez de ser o pior inimigo dos heróis. Desde os primórdios dos X-Men, Charles Xavier sempre enviou os alunos dele para batalhar sozinhos - e essa é uma tendência que se manteve durante a maior parte da continuidade dos X-Men. Obviamente, Cyclops(Scott Summers) foi treinado para ser o líder de campo, mas no começo ele era apenas um garoto encarregado de um bando de outras crianças lutando contra um terrorista mutante ultrapoderoso entre outras ameaças. Enquanto o Professor "X" interviria e usaria os poderes psíquicos dele à distância para derrubar um vilão se eles provassem ser fortes demais para seus X-Men, Magneto nunca deixaria isso chegar tão longe em primeiro lugar. Erik está ao lado dos soldados dele em batalha, dando-lhes o apoio e a confiança de que precisam para vencer, em vez de forçá-los a esperar que o líder deles possa salvá-los de longe, e somente quando estiverem à beira da morte. Então, basicamente, Magneto não se sentaria atrás dos X-Men e esperaria que eles caíssem, como faz o Professor "X", ele apenas ficaria na frente e garantiria que eles obtivessem sucesso. Então basicamente, Magneto seria um líder mais proficiente e competente do que o Professor "X" no comando dos X-Men.
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Retornando ao assunto principal, vamos falar sobre o Dr. Wily. Na série Mega Man, tudo o que vemos é que a luta entre eles foi aceita como uma tentativa de evitar que um megalômano psicótico invejoso tentasse dominar o mundo todo. Mas e se essa não for toda a história? Vamos supor que o Dr. Light era o verdadeiro responsável por toda a calamidade, levando o mundo a ser condenado à ruína, e que só uma pessoa conseguiu enxergar isso, que as tentativas de Wily em salvar o mundo sempre foram interpretadas como as empreitadas de um megalômano psicopático em tentar dominar o mundo, sendo rotulado como um lunático em tentar barrar o "progresso" do avanço robótico. Por quais meios ele tentaria salvar a humanidade da destruição total?! Longe de ser um louco, Dr. Wily era o único que realmente sabia a verdade… Será que todo esse tempo ele esteve sempre correto, no entanto, foi incompreendido?
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Vale lembrar que tudo o que vai ser especulado neste post é somente teórico, que embora Dr. Wily seja visto como uma pessoa justa em teoria, não quer dizer que Dr. Light tenha de ser necessariamente maléfico. Dr. Light sempre foi retratado como um sujeito muito boa-praça nos títulos de games e outras mídias do universo expandido de Mega Man. No entanto, foi a ingenuidade do cientista barbudo que contribuiu para uma série de repercussões negativas no decorrer da série clássica, pois ele nem ao menos pensou nas consequências a longo prazo que as invenções dele iriam causar futuramente. Wily e Light eram ex-colegas de faculdade, e rivais profissionais, considerados como as mentes mais grandiosas no campo da robótica. Graças às contribuições de ambos os cientistas, avanços em unidades de suporte autônomo e inteligência artificial ascenderam em graus astronômicos. Qualquer que fosse o conflito ideológico entre eles, o objetivo final de ambos Dr. Wily e Dr. Light foi o aperfeiçoamento da humanidade. No que eles se distinguiam era em posições ideológicas. Dr. Wily era estritamente utilitário, ele continuamente expressou que os robôs não devem ser mais do que simples ferramentas, com propósitos claros e declarados. Dr. Light, por outro lado, imaginou um futuro onde robôs e humanos podem coexistir pacificamente como pares. Robôs, segundo o Dr. Light, tinham bastante potencial para serem mais do que meras ferramentas com os propósitos para os quais eles foram projetados - eles poderiam ser amigos, e até mesmo, familiares.
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Esse foi o erro mais colossal do Dr. Light. Durante o processo de criação dos Robot Masters, a maior inovação do Dr. Light foi a criação de uma inteligência artificial capaz de interpretar e reagir a comandos humanos de forma independente. Não era um verdadeiro livre-arbítrio, mas era próximo o suficiente para que uma pessoa comum não percebesse a diferença. Robôs equipados com essa I.A. tinham personalidades peculiares para melhorar a interação social deles. As pessoas estariam mais inclinadas em aceitar tais robôs, caso eles apresentassem uma gama de expressões, mesmo que tais expressões fossem programadas. Isso é um aspecto a ser considerado esplêndido, mas para qual tipo de finalidade essa inovação atende? Para qual propósito uma máquina deveria simular o comportamento humano, a não ser para o conforto das pessoas de carne e osso? Tudo o que isso faz é angariar uma gama de dilemas éticos que jamais deveriam ser introduzidos em primeiro lugar. Será que os benefícios de uma I.A. avançada seriam menos pronunciados se as máquinas não tivesse um "rosto amigável"?
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Estas máquinas movidas por personalidade eram frutos do trabalho de um homem incapaz de lidar com o próprio turbilhão expressional. Em nenhum momento pudemos ver que o Dr. Light tinha uma esposa ou família de qualquer tipo. Talvez ele tenha sido estéril ou perdeu algum ente querido no passado. Em todo caso, por trás do interior caloroso do Dr. Light, havia uma alma solitária em busca de uma companhia. Ao contrário de um certo carpinteiro que vocês conhecem muito bem, que desejava que o boneco de madeira dele se tornasse um garoto de verdade, Dr. Light colocou a fé dele na ciência para ser a figura paternal de um "filho" robótico.
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Dr. Light construiu a primeira grande criação dele, Proto Man, à primeira vista, parecia um Robot Master impressionante, no entanto, ele tinha um defeito no reator de energia dele que poderia destruí-lo caso ele não fosse reparado a tempo. Dr. Light tentou consertar Proto Man, no entanto, o robô vermelho sentiu que os reparos alterariam a personalidade dele, e para piorar as coisas mais ainda, Proto Man negou-se a ser consertado pelo Dr. Light e evadiu-se do laboratório dele. Teorias mais aceitas entre fas de Mega Man sugerem que Proto Man pode ter sido o primeiro Reploid, pela capacidade dele em pensar e raciocinar independentemente.
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Tomado pelo sentimento de tristeza devido ao desaparecimento da primeira criação dele. Dr. Light criou dois outros robôs, Rock(DLN-001) e Roll(DLN-002), na esperança de que eles não abandonariam o criador deles. Dr. Light basicamente tratou os dois como se fossem da própria carne e sangue dele. E se os robôs pudessem preencher o grande vazio existencial do Dr. Light, imagine o que eles poderiam fazer pelos outros!! Ao passo em que a comunidade científica ficou admirada com a visão do Dr. Light, Dr. Wily, por outro lado, permaneceu no lado contrário. Ele argumentou que as ambições do Dr. Light eram equivocadas, e que ele estava permitindo que a expressão superasse a lógica. Só porque Dr. Light desejava um mundo onde humanos e robôs podiam coexistir pacificamente, não significaria que outros deveriam aceitar essa utopia. Não era apenas o impulso da personalidade dessas máquinas inovadoras, mas era combinação volátil de expressão e pensamento independente. Com uma mente brilhante como a do Dr. Light liderando o campo, robôs com livre arbítrio eram uma conclusão precipitada. Há um levantamento importante a ser feito nesse contexto: O que poderia acontecer caso essas formas de vida mecânicas, possuindo não apenas lógica completa, mas pensamento independente completo, um dia se cansassem do julgamento por parte do segmento populacional que não aceitava a independência robótica?!
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Os apelos do Dr. Wily foram ignorados. Em vez de escrutinizar as pesquisas de Light, a comunidade científica questionou os motivos de Wily - Embora as habilidades de Wily como engenheiro mecatrônico estavam equiparadas com as de Light, foi o adversário dele quem recebeu todas as gratificações. Foi concluído que Wily estava agindo por inveja e pretendia sabotar o trabalho de Light. Assim ele foi colocado na lista negra e forçado ao ostracismo. Foi durante o exílio do Dr. Wily que o Dr. Light completou o desenvolvimento da primeira linha de Robot Masters que seriam implantados nos setores industriais. Wily estava completamente perplexo com a miopia dos designs desses robôs. Um dos robôs podia gerar explosivos poderosos, outro tinha uma lâmina que poderia cortar através dos materiais mais densos. Aquelas eram armas robóticas ambulantes!! Como é que o Dr. Light pôde ser tão tolo?! Um dos maiores temores do Dr. Wily do começo era que as forças armadas solicitariam o apoio de Robot Masters para aplicações militares. Dr. Light estava basicamente mostrando que até mesmo unidades civis eram capazes de lutar. A cada novo desenvolvimento robótico, o relógio da contagem regressiva para a inevitável rebelião robótica contra a humanidade acelerava rapidamente!! Enquanto isso, ninguém estava tomando quaisquer medidas de proteção contra o perigo em potencial que as máquinas superinteligentes representavam contra toda a humanidade.
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Dr. Wily estava em pânico. As pessoas estavam desatentas ao perigo que as máquinas independentes representavam. E quanto mais o mundo recuasse, mais difícil seria reparar os danos colaterais. Ele tinha que cortar essa ameaça pela raiz antes que fosse tarde demais!! Wily pensou em um meio de semear a desconfiança, e mudar completamente a percepção pública sobre os Robot Masters. Nada menos que uma calamidade global resolveria esse problema. Porém, como regular isso minimizando os danos colaterais?! Wily então descobriu a primeira criação perdida do Dr. Light, Proto Man, e ao estudá-lo, ele foi capaz de compreender como operava a I.A. dos Robot Masters. Ele poderia capturar os robôs e reescrever os códigos deles para obedecerem apenas a ele. Ninguém iria acreditar que as ações dele seriam justas, então Wily teria de esconder as verdadeiras intenções dele por trás de um ardil de dominação global. Ao passo que as nações percebessem o perigo em potencial que os Robot Masters representavam, encerrariam o projeto dos Robot Masters e acabariam com as ambições de Light. Com isso, os eventos de Mega Man '87 aconteceram, dando espaço para o grande conflito ideológico entre Dr. Light e Dr. Wily em escala acirrada.
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Os Robot Masters eram quase invencíveis como Wily supôs, e até mesmo os militares não eram páreo contra esses monstros tecnológicos. Infelizmente ele não tinha como prever que Light iria transformar o "filho" dele em um super-robô combatente como último recurso. Wily tinha esperanças de que o plano dele colocaria a opinião pública contra as máquinas, mas em vez disso, deu origem a um campeão da justiça. Light, em vez de ser ostracizado por ter uma mão indireta no caos, foi aplaudido pela engenhosidade improvisada dele. Mas já era tarde demais para Wily retroceder, ele teve de perseverar e de alguma forma incluir este novo obstáculo nos planos futuros dele. Dr. Wily criou os próprios Robot Masters dele, cada um com personalidades distintas, zombando dos ideais do Dr. Light. Ele tentou cada tipo de ato nefástico que podia imaginar - engano, sequestro, extorsão - até que alguma coisa funcionou. Algo tinha de funcionar, por mais que doesse, ele tinha de manter a fachada de cientista louco. Com o passar dos anos, a própria notoriedade de Wily provou ser o maior impedimento para o grande plano dele. Se alguma vez ele fez as pessoas se questionarem sobre a tecnologia dos Robot Masters, as preocupações foram rapidamente substituídas pelo aborrecimento e ódio das pessoas contra o cientista bigodudo. Nem todos estavam atentos para o fato de que a criptografia da I.A. dos Robot Masters era continuamente violada. Considerando a regularidade com as quais robôs civis enlouqueciam, formas mais seguras de proteção de dados deveriam ser investigadas. Era como se os humanos se recusassem veementemente a aprender com os erros do passado.
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Cada derrota que Dr. Wily sofreu nas mãos de Mega Man afetou a psique dele. Ao passo que o estresse rompeu a mente dele, Wily começou a acreditar que ele era um megalômano empenhado na conquista. Ele até mesmo criou Bass(SWN-001), um rival poderoso que iria se equiparar com Mega Man, no entanto, o robô obsidiano com detalhes cinza e dourado era muito insolente e rebelde, e tendia a desobedecer Wily e até mesmo a causar problemas pra ele, uma vez que o maior interesse de Bass era destruir Mega Man, e o Dr. Wily e os leais súditos robóticos dele estavam apenas se interpondo no caminho de Bass. Antes de se perder totalmente na ilusão, Wily começou a trabalhar em uma solução definitiva para encerrar o conflito de uma vez por todas e restabelecer a ordem.
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Não haveria mais espaço para sutilezas. Wily iria construir uma máquina movida ligeiramente por ódio e ressentimentos, um demônio tecnológico designado para o propósito de aniquilar todos os outros robôs sem piedade ou remorso. A grandiosa obra-prima de Wily extirparia do mundo o câncer tecnológico através de um poder bruto e desenfreado. Embora os humanos nunca percebessem, Zero, um super-robô avançado, seria o salvador da humanidade. Esse era o plano de qualquer maneira. Quando Zero foi ativado um século depois, a revolução mecanizada que Dr. Wily havia predito estava bem encaminhada. Embora Zero tenha sido projetado para se tornar um herói por si mesmo, ele falhou graças a uma intervenção imprevisível de Light. Mega Man "X", a criação final do Dr. Light, estava equipado com um "Circuito de Sofrimento", que pode ter sido o fator primordial que ocasionou a rebelião robótica contra a humanidade. A intenção era manter a moral de "X" sob controle, e Reploids subsequentes foram equipados com circuitos baseados na arquitetura geral de "X". Infelizmente, o Circuito de Sofrimento tinha uma falha crítica de design que Reploids estavam mal equipados para lidar, então eles funcionavam incorretamente e se transformavam em "Mavericks". Em resposta, os Reploids criaram uma organização chamada Irregular Hunters, para erradicar os Mavericks que atormentavam a sociedade, sem saber que o conflito entre Repliroids e Irregulares seria levado para batalhas intermináveis, como ocorre em Mega Man Zero e Mega Man ZX, e em um aspecto informal, Mega Man Legends.
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Quando Zero entrou em contato com o vírus vazando dos circuitos defeituosos, o próprio código dele foi misturado, gerando um vírus mais agressivo e contagioso. A natureza violenta de Zero foi temperada ao custo do corpo dele se tornar um portador de vírus. Em vez de erradicar a doença robótica, Zero a cultivaria inadvertidamente. As Guerras Irregulares continuaram, até que em um certo ponto, o planeta Terra foi devastado e a população da Terra foi reduzida para menos da metade. A partir de então, o mundo jamais retornaria à sua glória anterior. Tudo isso apenas aconteceu porque os primeiros sinais de alerta foram ignorados. Havia a possibilidade do Dr. Wily ter conseguido encerrar o projeto dos Robot Masters, com isso a revolução robótica teria sido apenas adiada, a não ser que outro tolo insistisse em ter permissão para continuar com os trabalhos feitos pelo Dr. Light. Também é possível que o atraso tivesse dado tempo para que a humanidade se preparasse para o pesadelo que estava por vir. Se ao menos a comunidade científica internacional tivesse parado pra pensar um pouco e escutar o Dr. Wily...
Fonte(Source): Destructoid
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
Jamie Lee Curtis' Mother Nature arrives in July. Get a look!
Jamie Lee Curtis' Mother Nature arrives in July. Get a look! #comics #comicbooks #graphicnovel
This summer Titan Comics is publishing Mother Nature-the terrifying debut eco-horror graphic novel by Hollywood legend Jamie Lee Curtis. Co-written with film-maker Russell Goldman and illustrated by artist Karl Stevens, the book has been adapted from the script for the upcoming Comet Pictures and Blumhouse horror movie Mother Nature, directed by Jamie Lee Curtis. Nova Terrell who, after…
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johnbyrnedraws · 6 years
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Fantastic Four #209, page 1 by John Byrne & Joe Sinnott & Glynis Wein. 1979.
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capricioussun · 1 year
Some more fun-ish VF stuff!
I never talk about them really, but the list of allies Void has and works with has expanded quite a lot since the whole idea of a “council” came up. It was actually one such idea for Void that initiated Glitchedswap and eventually Dos!
He made a brief appearance in that one celebration fic with Void, but Comet (UT Comic Papyrus) is usually Void’s first interaction with the multiverse! He usually also winds up working with the other three comic papyruses, Star (US), Nova (SF), and Solar (UF), though Nova is kind of an asshole and Solar is only marginally more tolerable lol
In one of the other celebration fics we meet Wingdings, and I’ve even drawn them together before! But he was a Tale variant Gaster Void rescued, and sort of becomes like an adopted…uncle? To him? It’s strange because their age difference isn’t that great due to both of their natural aging processes being halted by the void, and Gaster’s own boys were pretty young when he became trapped. Still, after years of getting to know each other and Wingdings recovering from the psychological toll his “situation” took, they definitely consider each other family, even if they don’t directly address it.
When applicable, Chara can actually linger around Void like they can with Frisk. He can see them and interact with them, and they’d actually met when Void was very young. Chara became a ghost much earlier on in VF, and met him at the labs. I have a wip comic of the two of them, I would love to finish it one day, their relationship is very sweet <3
Ash is another friend of Void’s, whomst I’ve mentioned before! An Asriel variant who is kind of intense but usually well meaning! He considers himself like an older brother to Void, while Void kind of sees him more like an…ally mentor cousin guy?? They have a lot of mutual respect for each other!
In some variants, waaay far in the future, Dos becomes a sort of mentee of Void’s. A little like a sidekick, if you will. They wind up very close, and Void is one of the few people Dos comes to feel wholly comfortable around <3
Void is a chronic people adopter. It’s terminal /j But fr, despite outwardly usually coming across a bit terse and cold, he warms up easily and becomes attached quicker than he likes aha
Cosine isn’t entirely an UT oc, but when I put them in that domain, he is a monster who got separated from his family and universe, what tore them away affecting their coding and making them a bit visually off as well as damaging his memory so he can’t actually remember where he came from. Void unintentionally winds up a sort of adopted dad/uncle to them, and they wind up living with him for a time, traveling together sometimes when searching for Cosine’s universe, since his damaged coding makes it harder to locate.
In applicable iterations, Perp and Void actually wind up with a better, healthier relationship than Edge and Red, since they have to overcome a lot more and actually communicate once everything comes to light (Perp didn’t know Papyrus was a vessel for…too long).
Speaking of too long! I’ll stop there so this post doesn’t get out of control agdhsj
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bunni-teeth81 · 2 years
Undertale au names
UT!pap- Cider or Creme
UT!sans- Comic or Vanilla
HT!pap- Robin Or Jupiter
HT!sans- Mars
HS!pap- Amber
HS!sans- Cyan
HF!pap- King
HF!sans- Pepper
HL!pap- Mim (Mimosa)
HL!sans- Plum
US!Pap- Stretch
UF!pap- Edge
UF!Sans- Red
SF!V!pap- Rus
SF!V!sans- Mal
OT!pap- Orion
OT-sans- Comet
UL!pap- Charm
US!sans- Hart
LS!pap- Sugar
LS!sans- Cyffro
LF!pap- Spice
LF!sans- Boa
MF!pap- Aster?
MF!sans- Bullet
MT!pap- Slate
MT!sans- Colt
MS!pap- Yam
MS!sans- Cerulean
MSF!V!pap- Chester
MSF!V!Sans- Mel (Melancholy)
RT!pap- Pluto
RT!sans- Grimm
FF!sans- Poppy (not Frans tho. Self insert ver)
BT!pap- Nova
BT!sans- Corvus
Asylum!sans- Bandy
Sci!Sans- Kalsium
SS!pap- Daisy
SS!sans- Crown
Gaster!Pap- Atlas
Gaster!sans- G
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rockybloo · 9 months
Wait, so...did Nova naturally give birth to Comet then?
Comet is Nova and Pluto's biological kid but he was created by very interesting circumstances as Nova didn't want to go through the wonderful horrors of childbirth.
I'm keeping stuff vague about Comet's exact creation til the time is right (aka I flesh things out and put it in comic or fic form) because he goes hand in hand with Pluto's parents and their relation to them.
Pluto's parents are also locked in the Rocky vault til I have them more flesh out and ready to go because MAN
There is so much drama to unpack.
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