#nothing about it like she didn’t just beat the shit out him and intimidated him all his life life
Am I sleep deprived? Yes. But, imagine the following.
Batman is away with the Justice League. He’s saving the planet from Brainiac or some shit.
Bane is in Gotham. Plotting. Scheming. Thinking about crime, but most importantly, Batman.
You thought joker was fucking obsessed? Wait until you see bane’s bedroom. Dartboards with the batfam. Various articles of clothing he’s torn from their suits. Where they go to school. Everything. He even has the fucking x-ray scans from Batman’s broken back. He knows Batman’s identity, and everyone else’s too. He says nothing, because Batman is HIS to break, and nobody else’s.
Bane comes up with a plan. A great plan. He’s a little cuckoo off venom, but it’s perfect. He’ll do something heinous, Batman will come, and he’ll break his back again. He’ll get that feeling from breaking the bat again.
So he does something ridiculous. Robs a bank or something. He isn’t stopped by Batman though. It’s Nightwing. He remembers beating Batman when Dick was a boy. He remembers Dick beating him for the first time. He turns on the venom.
When he wakes up, he doesn’t see the broken body of a teen, and he’s got several bruises. (Yes, he forgot Nightwing is a grown ass man now. Venom, dude.) He’s also in an entirely different part of Gotham. He can infer that he lost. It doesn’t matter. Batman didn’t arrive for Bane, so that means Batman isn’t here. Now how could Bane get to Batman when he comes back?
Obviously he could beat up Alfred, or graffiti crime alley, or something minuscule that just warrants him an extra hard beating when Batman finds out. So what if… he hurt the entire Batfam for something they couldn’t beat him for? What if he attacked their pride, and not their spines?
Commissioner Gordon, sits, and stares at the bat signal. He flicks it on. He always does this, every night, to see if Batman came back and, if he didn’t, give whatever info needed to Dick or Jason. Whoever lost the coin flip. He didn’t. He flicks it off, and just past where the beam of light had started, Bane is there. Or, he tried to get there. Do the ominous thing. He is more or less still climbing over the ledge of the roof. Bodybuilding doesn’t exactly make you an acrobat, okay?
Gordon, logical individual he is, draws his gun. Points it at Bane. Bane eventually crawls up and stands tall. There is a dumb little beak on Bane’s mask. He says that he is “The Hawk.” Gordon laughs at him. Bane says he wants whatever file he was going to give to the bat family member. Gordon thinks it’s stupid of him to make such a demand. So Bane mentions Barbara. That he knows her secret. Gordon knows it too, of course. He’s been in her bedroom, and she just sort of has an entire stand for her batgirl suit in the closet. Bane knowing this intimidates Gordon. Gordon shouts threats, and Bane calmly reinstates that he can be trusted. He’s never broken Batgirl’s spine. Gordon doesn’t know what Bane’s doing. He does, however, begrudgingly hand over a Joker case file.
Joker is plotting. Don’t get me wrong, he’s obsessing over Batman, but he’s thinking about how to get to him like Bane would had Nightwing not clocked him on the head a little too hard. He thinks he’ll kidnap little Damian and see how far the others will get to rescue him. He of course, doesn’t understand that kidnapping Damian isn’t easy, but you know, definition of insanity.
Outside though, a group of goons see Batman, but realize that it’s not Batman. For one, no bat ears. For two, he’s fucking jacked. Like, Batman is big but not 6’8” tall. And finally, he’s standing at the entrance, in plain sight. And soon, they breath a sigh of relief. It’s bane. Boss probably invited him for the plan. Bane steps out of the darkness. They laugh at him as he calls himself “The Hawk” and denies being Bane.
So Bane counts. He does things Batman wouldn’t. He breaks an arm. Eighteen muggings stopped. A leg. Five bank robberies prevented. A big ass kick in the nuts. A million potential child abuse victims gone forever.
Joker continues plotting and laughing, when Bane jumps through his skylight. Bane says he’s “The Hawk.” Joker laughs at him again. So Bane counts.
As he throws Joker’s crippled, still laughing body from his van and through a GCPD window, he thinks about how many lives he’s saved. Probably more than Batman will the first week of arriving back home. He laughs to himself. He LIKES being better than Batman at his own game.
When Batman returns, chaos ensues. He’s confused as all hell when Alfred tells him everything. It’s been a month, and Gothamite criminals felt a fear like they haven’t since Batman admittedly got a bit softer. He goes to congratulate Bane. Not in some spectacle, but in his gloomy way. For the first time in a while, he makes a mistake. When congratulating Bane, he looks away, exposing his back. So Bane counts.
Guys can you tell I love Bane?
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veone · 2 years
I love Kina writing her as an adult is different. I still view her as the talkative a little naive baby sister of nick. She’s was always tagging along with him and exploring the city and hanging with his freinds. Learning about little stuff and I feel like as she got older and Nick got older their relationship got a bit strained, on Nick end it was mostly because his ex was isolating him and he wasn’t coping well with some stuff so he went from speaking to her nearly everyday to going weeks and then months with no contact. She was in her early teens at this point and he’s moved out so she was kinda alone for the first tine(not really she was living with Stefan and that her dad he loves her but it’s different. Her moms in jail her actually dads fars away and her brothers ignoring her) nick was one of the only people who really got her and they shared a lot with each. That her best friend I think their getting back to that close relationship but because nick kinda distanced himself for nearly five years she grew a lot more close to their mom in that time and she keeps her updated on the little she know of his life. She not judging but Yuka is and nick already avoid speaking to her as much as he can so when they did click again and talked at a point Kina made a little comment to Yuka and the next time Nick spoke to her she berated him for it. I don’t think Nick ever told her not to talk to their mom about him. He should she doesn’t really get why he doesn’t talk to their mom much. She think he’s selfish and hates having all their conversations with her mom be about how nicks “a fucking ungrateful embarrassment” baby girl is working on being a doctor and her mom like how my stupid son before asking about her day. Yuka does use Kina achievements to make Nick feel bad though so theres that to.
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droaxa · 3 months
✧ tags: yandere cheater x reader pt. 2
✧ warnings: violence and force, yandere behavior, descriptions of dismemberment, blood, stalking, police, nsfw content, kissing, angst, smut, breaking in, attempted murder, cuts, dead dove, probably more stuff
✧ a/n: my most requested fic at the moment! i decided to take some of your suggestions and add my own twist at the end + yandere name reveal!
part 1 - part 2 - part 3
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yandere cheater wrestles you into his car after he drags you outta the cafe you’re in, unyielding as you try to pull away. the second he shuts the door and jets to the drivers side, you force yourself out the door and sprint down the street.
you hear his yells as you increase your speed, you knew you wouldn’t be able to outrun him for long. not only was he more athletic than you, but a look back revealed his terrifying expression. he was clearly set on catching you, having the advantage in his relatively relaxed clothing opposed to you, who was dressed for a date.
knowing you couldn’t beat him you came to a sudden stop of to the side of the sidewalk and he rammed into your side. stumbling back a few steps you stopped him. eyes wide and hair blown back, he looks at you mildly surprised.
“wha-” you interrupt him this time, taking advantage of his surprise by slapping a hand over his mouth.
you bring on an expression that you think is intimidating, “leave me the fuck alone, i don’t know what the hell you want but i’m not taking you back”
he scoffs like he has you all figured out, taking your hand off his mouth to reveal a smirk underneath. “guess mother dear will find out about your… escapades then”
you slap him across the face sharply, sound reverberating around you and leaving a tinge of red on his cheek. his mouth gapes as he looks back at you even more surprised, what happened to the mild mannered girl who he had cheated on dated?
“release those anywhere and i will fuck up your life asshole” you fume, hand still in the air as if to threaten him for another slap. “you’re the one that decided to cheat on me with every girl we knew. fucking own up to it”
you were sick of his shit, who did he think he was? you huff out a quiet fuck off as you pass him, shoulder bumping against his. as soon as you rounded the corner you sprint to a nearby parked cab, slamming the door on your way in.
“to the university dorms please”
yandere cheater runs after you too late, rounding the corner as you take off in the cab. poor baby, you were still hung up on him cheating? he didn’t even really like those girls anyway, they weren’t good for anything except their bodies.
but you, you were it for him. he’d do anything to see your cute smile again, to see you whimper on his cock. he felt his swollen cheek, your anger may come in the way of him proving his love, but you’d understand in the end. how deep his love ran. all he had to do was prove was that those girls meant nothing.
two weeks had passed, two long peaceful weeks. your ex finally seemed to give up, the barrage of text messages and calls diminishing to radio silence and constant gifts at your doorstep suddenly stopping. maybe you were more intimidating than you thought.
the second you got home after the encounter, you had called your mother and explained everything. although she did yell at you for a solid hour due her disappointment in you sending out explicit photos of yourself, she understood your situation. after giving her instructions on blocking your ex if he tried to reach out to her you were finally at a peace of mind. at a zen. maybe you could turn a new leaf, you deserved it.
of course you had fucking jinxed it, just when you finally thought it was all over, your ex had tried to force himself back in your life again. deep down, you knew he wouldn’t give up that easy. he’d always be stubborn to a fault.
two weeks after the encounter a small navy present box appeared in from of your new dorm room door. still groggy with sleep you rubbed your eyes and picked up the box, bringing it inside. after contemplating for a minute, you finally decide to open it. in your sleep ridden state, you reasoned that it was probably something you’d left behind at your ex’s house.
it takes a minute to register the contents of the box, but when you do
you scream and stumble back.
two bloodshot green- brown eyes were pressed into the shiny white silk inside, the area around them a tinge of red. that alone could be passed off as a cruel prank by some immature students but the unmistakable metallic scent of blood lingering in the air said otherwise. that and the only other item in the plush silk: a silver bracelet with the initials ‘e.r’.
only one person you knew owned that bracelet and had those eyes, your ‘friend’ eva. but you had blocked and lost contact with her after you found her and your boyfriend together in the bathroom of the mall. there’s no way she would have just lost this bracelet either, you remembered her bragging about how it was permanent. being soldering together around her hand.
you were nauseous. oh god. you knew it was him, you just knew. sure you hated her but you didn’t want her to die. what the hell, what the fuck do you even do?
before you could think you grabbed your phone calling the only person you could think of.
“can you come over quick, please?”
20 minutes later a dark haired man rushed in through your front door, spotting you curled up in the corner. your eyes wide and still staring at the open box.
“(y/n) what’s going on?” he asks softly, approaching you slowly. you just point to the box and he takes a peek, immediately slapping a hand over his mouth as his eyes shoot open “fucking hell…”
you turn to him, eyes teary “ray what do we do?”
ray was your one real friend through everything your ex put you through, and ironically your ex’s older brother. he was one that introduced you to your ex and thus he blamed himself for letting him hurt you, even though you’d reassured him that you didn’t find him at any fault.
he was reliable and kind, a shoulder to lean on when things got tough. you’d known him for almost two years longer than your ex and honestly if you didn’t meet your ex, the small crash you harbored for ray may have grown. after you met you ex you assumed that your feelings for ray had naturally died out but you couldn’t lie about the strange biting feeling in your chest whenever you saw him.
and even now he was talking care of you, taking you to the police station to talk to the police and turning in the bloody present. a few hours later you both were back in your dorm, sitting on the edge of your bed as you discussed the situation.
“look i really appreciate all this, you didn’t have to come with me to the station”
he smiles, “anytime (y/n), if it’s for you”
you smile back, face a little warm from his answer “that’s sweet”
he moves a little closer, your pinkies now you touching. “you’re sweeter, my asshole brother doesn’t know what he missed out on.” and you swear that you see his eyes flicker to your lips.
“really?” you ask coyly, leaning in slightly.
he nods slightly hesitant “if i had a girlfriend like you i wouldn’t dare disrespect her like that, i-i mean you’re thoughtful and pretty and-” he gets cut off as you lean up and press your lips to his. he immediately freezes up and you take his response as rejection, pulling away. fuck, he was obviously just being nice who even likes their brothers ex?
“i’m so sorry i though-” before you can finish apologizing ray’s lips smash onto yours, one of his hands in your hair to pull you closer and the other guiding your lips to his by your chin. in between heated kisses he mumbles,
“god i was waiting for so long,” a kiss.
“prettiest girl i’ve ever met” another heated kiss. his words of longing slur as he continues to kiss you, pulling you ever closer. his plush lips trail down your neck and to your stomach, slender hand playing at your waistband. his hooded eyes look up at you as his other hand wanders under your shirt. “can i?”
you give him a shy nod and he smiles, pulling down your pajama shorts to reveal white cotton panties. you cover your face with your arm out of embarrassment and he reaches out, keeping your arm down.
“wann’ see your pretty face, waited for it” you nod meekly and he flashes his dimples, continuing to pull down your panties and throw them somewhere behind him. your cute cunt, glistening with arousal was right in front of his face. fuck. gliding a finger up the slit, he watches as the slick from your pussy coats it. fuck.
an hour later he was in heaven, or at least you felt like it. buried deep inside your wet cunt as you moaned and squirmed under him
“ngh- fuck, so good fa’ me baby”
this was the stuff of wet dreams. he speeds up as he feels his orgasm approaching, praises and grunts slipping from his lips as he slams his hips against yours. soft skin against muscle, hot breath on your face from where he was above you. finally he pulls out with groan, wanting to stay buried in your warm. spurts of warm cum shoot up your stomach as he finally finishes.
ray collapses beside you, both of you sweaty and nude as you bathe in the afterglow. weakly, you smile at his tired form as you close your eyes, drifting to sleep in your warm bed.
you wake up with a start, wearing a shirt too big to be yours. must be ray’s. you look around the dim room and reach for ray, feeling nothing in the space next to your body. did ray… leave? that couldn’t be right. your bare feet hit the wood floor as you step towards your lamp and turn on the light. nothing.
you look around the bedroom and then head to the kitchen, turning the corner and switching on the light. immediately the kitchen floods with light and you gasp. the floor was tracked with blood, a trail leading from where you stood to your bathroom. was he hurt?! you cautiously approach the bathroom, a sharp metallic scent dominates your nose as push open the half open door.
“took a while to wake up didn’t you sleepyhead?”
your blood runs cold. it was your ex boyfriend. if the crazed grin in his face wasn’t unsettling enough the blood smearing on his cheek and splattered across his body sent alarms going off inside you. looking behind him you see the source of all the red.
ray. deep cuts run down his body, clothes shredded, and body half submerged in the now murky red water of the tub. on the tile floor next to him was your kitchen knife, covered in blood. without missing a beat you turned and sprinted to your bed stand, searching for your phone. there’s no way you would make it to the door in time, you needed to call the police and at least save ray.
haphazardly searching your bed and nightstand, you still can’t find your phone. where is it?
“oh lookin’ for your phone?” you turn to him. in his hand was the aforementioned object, light pink case looking uncharacteristically cute opposed to his blood-ridden form. “you’re a pretty deep sleeper hon, i mean i was rummaging around right next to you for this and you didn’t even hear”
“what are you doing raph?” you ask terrified, slowly inching away from him.
in response he approaches you, “what do you think? my girl runs off on me and the next time i see her she’s fucking my brother. you tryna make me jealous baby?” he leans in, expression seemingly amused but you knew better. he was pissed.
“and you’re wearing his shirt too” his large hand plays with the round collar of the tee, fingers ghosting over your collarbones.
“take it off”
eyes wide, you look up at him, “no i won-”
“take it off or he dies” raph’s face is dead serious, no traces of amusement left, stare burning into your face. “you want him to live right? i’ll call the police as long as you take it off”
you hesitate then slowly peel off ray’s shirt, letting it fall to the floor. raph had seen your body before right? it was a small price to pay for saving rays life. the action left you in only your cotton panties as you tried to preserve your modesty with your hands.
raph lets out a low whistle and steps forward, pulling you closer by the curve of your waist. chucking as you shiver due to his cold touch
“already forgot i feel baby? might needa reteach ya”
you look away from him, refusing to see the smug expression playing on his face.
at that moment you felt a wave of self hatred crash over you, why couldn’t you do anything about this? were you so weak that you couldn’t protect yourself, much less ray? but who were you kidding, you weren’t faster or stronger than raph. there’s no way you could get out of this situation with both of you alive without giving into raph.
raph places a rough hand at your jaw, forcing you to look at him. unlike his brother his touch was demanding and rash, the only purpose of it being to prove that you were still his silly girl. no matter how hard you tried to run away.
he coos at your troubled expression “where’s all that fire from before huh?” he grins at your submissive state, the one that he caused. “i’ll be nice, put your own clothes on. quick.”
was he playing with you? you take a look at ray’s shirt on the floor and then approach your closet under a guise of calmness, but a look at your shaking hands would disprove your confidence. putting on a bra, followed by a bottom and a top, then outer wear. anything to put more layers between you and him.
a look up at him reveals that he was already looking at you, probably to stop you from pulling another trick on him. he leans down to whisper in your ear but instead decides to press his face into your neck, inhaling the sweet smell. he mutters, face still in your hair “god i missed you” the sincere tone in his voice scared you the most.
he pulls away, expression distant and somewhat melancholy. “you know if you acted like a good girl from the beginning i wouldn’t have to do this”
before you can question him, his open right hand presses against your face, hard. the other hand supports your head to stop you from pulling away, body trapped. the bitter smell of something pressed on the tissue between your face and his hand floods your senses.
for the second time that night all your senses dull, and everything goes dark.
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a/n: i know i know you guys wanted reader to get away from him! i just though this was more interesting then the reader getting back at raph and getting away with it. i like to make my yanderes stubborn loll. hope you liked the twist might write a part 3 ^^
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rafebaby · 7 months
Frat!Rafe has his target locked in and it's shy!reader (pt. 2)
part one / part three
Writer's note: And then here it is: part two. Can you believe it? Obviously it's not the last. I would really like to hear your thoughts and ideas on this. I have some of my own, already typed out a little bit too but still struggling to choose exactly what way I really think works best. Love y'all and thank you for your support xxx rafebaby
After your "moment" with Rafe, you decided to lock yourself in your room all weekend. Hoping it would all pass by as a bad dream. But it didn’t pass by. No matter how hard you wanted to forget about it all, memories of him and you and what happened, repeated itself in your head over and over and over again. You felt ridiculous.
This was Rafe Cameron, for heaven's sake – a guy who had every girl swooning over him. You had nothing against him, but this was literally stupid. It's as if he planted a parasite in your brain, and the parasite is him and now you're kind of doomed to have these feelings that you don't really want yourself having.
So as Monday comes around, you have a hard time convincing yourself to get out of the house to go to the first class of the week. It also happens to be the only day of the week none of your friends are in your class. But Rafe is.
Normally that wouldn’t mean a whole lot to you, but today it has your anxiety peaking. You're afraid to see him, afraid of him seeing you, afraid of embarrassment and probable rumors already being spread around campus. Maybe someone took pictures, maybe they recorded it. Not that you deem yourself so incredibly interesting but stories including campus royalty like Rafe spread like wildfire. Yet missing education for a boy and as a result of a game of ‘spin the bottle’ is something you can not justify to yourself. 
You walk into the lecture hall a few minutes before the start of the class, head facing downwards, avoiding any kind of interaction. You're greeted by the professor who is already setting up her presentation. You look up at her briefly and smile before you turn to the room to find yourself a seat, but are shocked to see Rafe Cameron sitting in the back staring straight at you.
You immediately break eye contact and nervously sit yourself down in the first seat closest to you Front row. With nervous hands, you manage to get your laptop out of your bag and start it up. Automatic pilot takes over and helps you find the document from the previous lecture, but you can hear the beat of your heart in between your ears, knowing he's behind you. 
Maybe you should just apologize to him after class, you think. It was kind of rude to have done what you did, was it not? After all, he never did anything wrong. Only, you have no clue what is going through his head. You've heard about him getting into fights, him dealing, him threatening other people.... But you actually didn't know him at all, so, you know, maybe he would just be happy if you just cleared the air. You're sure he could be nice, you felt it in his touch, in his pace…
Your face flushes red as the memory pops into your head again. Quickly but subtly you take a careful look over your shoulder, wary of Rafe being able to read your mind. As soon as you lay your eyes on him, his head turns into your direction, his eyes following just a bit slower. 
The teacher starts her class. “Welcome class!” You snap your head to her. “Today, we’ll follow up on the chapter we started on last week, chapter 9. We left of at page 67 in the textbook…” She goes on. 
You are definitely not going to talk to him. After class, you are just gonna leave this room as fast as possible. He's too intimidating. Too scary. 
Too handsome.
No, fuck, stop. 
During the rest of the period, you find yourself dipping in and out of attention for the lecture, struggling to take notes as time drags on slowly. 
When the professor finally concludes the lecture and wishes the class a good rest of the week, everyone hastily starts packing their belongings, eager to escape the confinement of the dusty room. Yet, nobody is as eager as you. The people passing by make it difficult to leave your spot. To them you are more or less invisible. Not to Rafe though. He follows your every move as Topper walks beside him, going on and on about the troubles of his latest relationship troubles. It was always the same with him.
“I don’t know what she wants, man. Whatever I do, I always seem to do the wrong thing. One minute we’re being all lovey dovey, the next, she says she needs space.”
Rafe’s completely unbothered. Unlike himself, Topper is a total doormat. The wait-and-see type of guy. Rafe however likes to go after what he wants. And so, without any announcements, he leaves Topper behind, following you at a covert distance. “Hey dude! Where are you going?” Topper tries to catch up with him again, but Rafe strides on. “See you later, Top!” He exclaims unentertained with his head acing his target. You’re too jittery to notice, so busy to get out fast. He can tell, but he won’t have it. This time he won’t let you get away that easily. 
➤ taglist: here
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igotanidea · 7 months
A moment of weakness: Damian Wayne x reader
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part 1 : Family rules
Everything that happened after seemed like a blur.
Her hand in his when they were sneaking out the ballroom.
Escaping watchful gazes of both their fathers.
The rustle of her dress on the carpeted floor that muffled the sound of their feet.
And then.
His lips on hers.
One of his hand on her cheek, and the other on her waist as he was pulling her closer to him. Stubbornly yet lacking the proficiency his older brothers may possess. Which was perfectly understandable since she was the first girl to capture Damian Wayne’s attention. The first that put so much charm on him that beyond all that hateful, snarky attitude something much more delicate and caring started to bloom.
“I still hate you…” she whispered pulling back, feeling the need to make it very clear that this kiss was stemming only from that emotion and nothing beyond. Even if her ragged breath and dilated pupils were enough of an evidence of her lying.
“Naturally” he responded. His rapidly beating heart and the sensation of her body in his arms causing this young boy to almost tremble. At this moment, when they were finally alone for the first time in years since they have known each other he was torn in two directions. Not making a fool of himself in front of her and proving that he wasn’t a foolish boy who could be easily charmed but a strong, capable and dominant man. Regardless of the fact they were both seventeen.
“I hate you too. And if you think there’s something more just because of the fact I’m kissing you right now you’re gravely mistaken.” Damian whispered brushing his lips over hers again, already intoxicated and losing his cool head.
“Kissing?” she mocked melting into him and snuggling closer to his embrace “Didn’t notice…”
“We shouldn’t…”
‘You’re absolutely right…”
“No one should know about it…”
“No one will. You won’t tell anyone out of fear of daddy dearest, right?” he looked at her with eyes shining with the familiar mischief and mockery.
“And you will keep the steam out of your mouth due to embarrassment, won’t you?” she retorted, matching his level of sarcasm.
And then they kissed again.
Her hands in his hair, running through soft dark strands.
His arms wrapping around her securely as if never wanting to let her go.
Just a little moment of weakness they both would deny if asked.
But for now, with no one around they decided to indulge in the lack of rationality, with both intensity and shyness of two teenagers confused by their own emotions.
So good. So right. So messed up.
Lost in the best meaning of the word, as if the world stopped turning and even existing just because they wanted to cherish the moment.
Foolish little kids.
Torn from the fantasy by the sound of cameras and flashes of light shooting straight into their eyes.
“Damian! Damian, look here!”
“Damian, who’s your mystery girl!?”
“Come on, pretty one, smile for the picture!”
“What is your name girl?!”
Too many questions and sounds for the person who was not used to having any attention at all. And being attacked by paparazzi and reporters who were skilled in intimidating was simply too much for poor Y/N whose head started spinning immediately.
‘Hey, I know that girl!” one of the scribblers yelled “she’s the daughter of Wayne’s competitor on the market!”
Now that was a problem.
While her first instinct was to run away and hide in whatever hole would appear first, Damian stood proudly without an ounce of emotion on his face, preventing her from doing anything stupid or reckless.
And that cold, strong façade, making him look just like his father, finally got the reporters to stop yelling and taking photos.
“leave.” He said coldly spurring on another wave of shouting. ‘LEAVE. You were not invited here nor asked to interrupt the private life of the habitants. Your sole purpose on this gala was to focus on the official part. Therefore, you are trespassing beyond your scope of passage. And that will not be tolerated. I will not repeat myself. LEAVE NOW unless you want to deal with the consequences.”
Under any other circumstances this would probably be grotesque, but no one wanted any trouble from the son of the Bruce Wayne aka Bruce Wayne himself, so the intruders finally retreated.
“I’ll take care of it.” He retorted coldly moving away from her turning back to his cold self, hiding in the shell.
“But what if-?” she could only fear what were to happen if the photos of them together leaked into the press – or worse – internet.
“I said I’ll take care of it, haven’t you heard?!” he snapped.
“Oh I heard loud enough! You’re just not very capable in taking care of things, forgive my audacity. So are you really that surprised I’m skeptical about it?!”
“Don’t you dare—” he took step forward reaching for her arm but she wriggled out swiftly
“You stay the hell away from me Wayne.”
“No. you stay the hell away from me Y/L/N.”
“With pleasure!”
“fine!” she cried out crossing arms over her chest
“fine!” he barely held back from sticking tongue out at her
And with that they got back to the gala, using two different ways to not be seen together and pretended like nothing had happened.
The next day, Sunday passed without anything extraordinary happening.
Not a word from either of them.
Even if she was reaching for her phone countless times ready to shot him a quick message and check up if he was doing fine.
Even if he was one foot out the door every time a thought of her crossed his mind.
“Idiot” she was thinking throwing her phone away for a hundredth time scrolling through her contact list.
“Harridan.” he was smacking his forehead trying to get some sense in his brain throwing the coat away and retrieving into his room.
And then there was Monday.
One of those grey-clouds, rainy, windy Monday when getting out of bed and focusing on duties seemed impossible.
But from the moment she walked through the school door something felt odd. Just like in those stupid teenage movies she was met with whispers and furtive glances followed by malicious giggles and finger pointing.
The hell?
Y/N barely got to her locker when one of the most popular and obviously, the meanest girl in school crossed her way slamming the locker door into her face.
“Lisa.” Y/N almost rolled her eyes.
“Y/N.” the self-appointed queen B grinned like a predator “did anything fun this weekend?”
“Are you trying to make yourself feel better now or something?”
“Don’t you dare talk back at me, you little slut!”
“I’m sorry, what did you just call me?!”
“oh, it’s not just my opinion.” Lisa smiled mockingly “the whole internet keeps talking about the entertainment you got yourself on Saturday.”
Lisa clicked on something in her phone and put the screen into her face.
So it was officially settled.
Damian fucking Wayne was completely helpless when it came to dealing with things.
And the fact that she was looking at the picture of them both, taken at the gala, showing each details of them kissing and holding each other was enough of a prove.
All the problems stemming from the leak put aside as she focused on one thing and one thing only.
She was going to kill him.
Meanwhile Damian was greeted in school with charming smiles and encouraging shouts.
It’s always easier for the boys.
“Was she good?” one of the boys smirked at him.
“Y/N Y/L/N. Was she good?”
“Huh?” none of that were making any sense to Damian who frowned in confusion.
And then he saw the same photo and the blood drained from his face.
Someone was going to pay for this.
That is- if he could actually convince Y/N that he had nothing to do with the publishing of it. That it was his intention to actually protect her himself from scandal.
However, judging by the way she was walking his way, with the rage of a buffalo, it was going to be rather complicated.  
part 3: Despite everything
@gabriiiiiiii @6000-fandoms @jinviktor
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piece of you in how i dress
“cherry” by harry styles
benny cross x reader / 1.1k words
idea: benny rocks a new look
tw: none really, drinking, smoking, cursing, but just a bunch of cuteness
notes: sooo i sent a request to clo a bit ago (b4 we became bestie boos) and i was rereading what she wrote and it was SO GOOD so i kinda wanted to write a little piece abt that!! sorry if this is kinda shit imve been really really busy the past week but i wanted to put something out BUT i hope y’all like this :)) also PLEASE go read @semperamans work bc she is just TOO GOOD and deserves all the love !!
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benny’s always had a distinct look to him. messy hair, ripped jeans, sharp tattoos, scares covering his fists, and a chilling stare on his face that completed his intimidating look. although he and the rest of the vandals all seem to look the same, with their colors on and unique pasts merging together, benny was always recognizable and stood out like a sore thumb.
nobody really questioned why the young vandal was so feral, why his past shaped him into somebody who can either lurk in silence or create chaos out of nothing in the blink of an eye, because it wasn’t anyone's business. sure the vandals began because of the love to ride all day and night, but the community of people was built around acceptance of each member, regardless of their past.
so why the hell would anyone care? the guy just has a classic look to him!
until benny met you.
“wahoo you seeing what i’m seein’?” “the sexy redhead with that tiny skirt on? cause if you are-” “stop fuckin’ droolin’ for a second and turn that thick ass head of yours ‘round! over at the pool table!” due to drinking a ton and smoking weed, it took a while for corky and wahoo to focus on the same thing. and luckily they were able to, looking over at the pool table where benny was watching cal take a strike during their game. his dark shirt and dark jeans were so rough against his skin, that the pop of blush pink was throwing the two guys off. a little pink blob was tied around a belt loop on benny’s jeans, standing out like a sore thumb.
to say that wahoo and corky were stumped was an understatement “what is that shit on his pants?” “i d’know, that’s why my last resort was askin’ you” “ah fuck you too shithead! if you care s’much let’s jus’go ahead n’ask him” wahoo stood up first with corky trailing behind as they walked to the pool table, the mix of alcohol and pot in their systems making them stumble and laugh.
once they reached the table they immediately approached benny, perching their hands on his side of the table “hey benny! did ya’ fairy godmother visit you in ya’ sleep last night?” “or a.. a princess spare y’any gifts?” the boys started chattering, trying to hint to benny at what they were talking about “what t’hell are you goin’ on about? did you take some of that shit sonny got?” benny was genuinely confused, wondering what in gods name wahoo and corky took to be asking him about fairies and princesses. “what y’mean? look at you! all pretty in pink for us tonight! jus’wanna know what lucky lady gave y’that?” corky said with a laugh, which got the attention of cal.
oh here we go.
benny put it together in his head what they were laughing about, and a rush of pink started to fill the cheeks. he completely forgot he had your pink scare tied to him, you asked him to hold onto it because it was bothering your neck. he didn’t even think of it, and now caught off guard that his friends noticed.
he didn’t know what to say. was everyone else gonna start teasing him? telling him that he’s changed and now all soft? he had no idea. but as he was trying to open his mouth to say something, cal already beat him to it.
“you guys know who gave that to him, she’s literally been in here 3 times this week! spared your sorry asses some cookies that were for the ladies!” cal chirped in, his voice gaining the intoxicated guys attention “benny’s right, what the fuck did y’all take? can’t have y’forget so much that your dicks are hanging out ‘cause you forgot how to zip up your flies!” he said vulgarly, but earning a little chuckle from benny “now go smoke whatever shit sonny gave you outside! m’getting a headache” cal told corky and wahoo. both benny and cal watched them walk away, drowning in drunken cackles.
benny turns his head back to cal, seeing him take a sip of his beer before shifting his attention back to him “so how is she? i noticed that she isn’t with you tonight?” cal’s question threw off benny for a moment, surprised that he’d be asking about his girl. “yeah she’s good. she uh.. picked up an extra shift early for the mornin’, so she stayed home so she could get a good sleep,” benny said softly, the shift to talking about his girl made the blush creep even higher “almost didn’t show tonight ‘cause i wanted to help her relax, but she insisted for me to come here anyway” he said with a smile. oh how stubborn you could be.
“well i'm glad that she’s well, y’got a hard working lady on y’hands” cal said in response, noticing how shy benny got “listen, you and i both know that they're off their asses tonight, so don’t let their teasing rattle you, i know they respect her as much as the rest of us do” cal spoke to benny calmly, unsure if he was upset with their friends “no no i.. i’m not mad. i feel the opposite really,” benny looked down at the sweet pink scarf against his jeans “jus’happy that’ll get to see her once i get back home” he looked up at cal with a smile. it’s already getting pretty late, and benny told you that he’d drive you to work in the morning, so he might as well just call it a night and head out.
and just like that it was like cal read his mind “well why don’t you go on and get to it, i’ll cover our drinks right here” cal offered, which benny returned with a nod. he benny grabbed his leather jacket, and started walking away, cal spoke up one more time
“tell her i wish her luck, and hope to see the both of you on friday” “i promise i will”
and with that final promise he was out the door, hopped on his bike, and was on his way home. while driving down the dimly lit roads he’d glance down at your scarf blowing in the wind, and couldn’t help but smile. ‘a little piece of you in how he dressed’ some could say.
he couldn’t wait to get home.
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bubblyqueer000 · 2 years
Hello helloooo. I see you’ve opened up your v3 requests 👀 can we get some Kiibo, Kokichi and/or Nagito with an s/o (she or they pronouns) who’s really intimidating and scary at first but a total softie and super flustered when they’re complimented or flirted with?
Kokichi, Kiibo, and Nagito x Intimidating!Soft!Reader
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My first V3 request! I haven't totally gotten through everyone's free time events and I'm not that great at writing Kokichi or Kiibo yet so please bare with me. Love you guys and thanks again for 100 followers!
Commission me on Ko-Fi! Link in pinned post!
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Kokichi Ouma 
♡ Was never all that intimidated by you honestly. Or maybe he was and he was just lying about it. Who knows. Point is, he never let it show. He is the supreme leader of evil, after all. Who would scare him?
♡ That doesn’t mean he wouldn’t pretend to be afraid though. Kokichi would always cry and act like you were bullying him when you told him to stop with his stupid antics.
♡ When he did this you would try to get him to stop crying, making you seem soft and sensitive to him. Then he would probably start teasing you even more. 
♡ “So you weren’t really as intimidating as you pretended. I hate liars!” 
♡ “I wasn’t lying, you annoying little-”
♡ “Huh? Hey, wait!” You shouted at him. 
♡ I guess your ‘friendship’ - if you could even call it that - started from there. It was mostly just Kokichi teasing you and you trying not to beat the shit out of him. 
♡ When you finally got together, the teasing definitely didn’t stop. It even kind of intensified when he saw how flustered you got when he flirted with you. 
♡ He’ll try to come up with the cringiest, gushiest things he can make you feel embarrassed. 
♡ He’ll make everyone think that it’s because he likes embarrassing you but deep down, you’re pretty sure that it’s just because he thinks your blushing face is the cutest thing ever! Who knows though. You can never get a straight answer from him (¬、¬)
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♡ You two are in the same boat. 
♡ To some he might be intimidating, being a robot, but on the inside, he’s a total softie so he gets it!
♡ Even if you were never scared of him, he was always kind of scared of you. He hadn’t been used to such an intimidating human, and somehow the fact that you were around his age made you even scarier to him. 
♡ He wasn’t really used to the feeling so it made you intriguing to him. 
♡ Hehehe I got the thought that he wouldn’t know how to respond to the feeling and since he found it negative he would think you’re somehow being robophobic to him.
♡ But like I was saying, he was intrigued by you! Kiibo would definitely be the one to confess his feelings because of that, finally letting him see your true nature as a major softie. 
♡ Kiibo wants to try and do all the human couple things. It always really embarrassing to you when he asks to do things like that though. 
♡ “Y/N… I um…” Kiibo would begin, trying to stop his stutters.
♡ “What is it, babe?” You told him, in your regular scary tone.
♡ “Would you want to try cuddling… Like… With me?” He asked. Your head shot up, red flashing to your cheeks.
♡ “Um well.. I- Uh…!” You respond incoherently, trying to figure out what to say. 
♡ The two of you tried cuddling, which as you might imagine, wasn’t the most comfortable thing considering your partner’s metal body, but that wasn’t as bad as the butterflies in your stomach. Nothing had ever made you as nervous as that. Kiibo didn’t seem to mind or notice though so everything was good. :D 
♡ He always tries his best to do all of the things a human couple would so he loves holding your hand, kissing you, and basically any other form of physical affection as long as you don’t mind. 
♡ And his mind doesn’t even seem to process how nervous you obviously are so it’s even better!! We all love you, Kiibo buddy!! 
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Nagito Komaeda
♡ Sees your intimidating demeanor as confident and due to that, he finds you inspiring! 
♡ Nagito isn’t the type to show how he’s truly feeling. He doesn’t seem to think that he deserves to show others how he really feels so he never makes it too clear that he’s spooked by you. 
♡ You’d start showing him your true colors when he compliments you. 
♡ “Wow, Y/N! I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who matches you in intensity. People like you make trash like me all the more boring.” 
♡ “I- Um… Well… You shouldn’t… Talk about yourself like that.” You told him, trying to pull yourself together. 
♡ You’d probably have to be the one to tell him your feelings because he wouldn’t really feel he deserves to tell you how he feels. Poor baby, we love you. 
♡ When you two get together though, he worships you, making you super blushy all the time!!
♡ His favorite time to fluster you is when you’re scolding him for the stupid junk that he pulls.
♡ “I can’t believe you did that, you jackass! Do you want everyone here to die? Do you want us all to kill eachother?!” You screamed in his face after a particularly tedious class trial. Nagito just stared at you, with a blank expression, red in the face. 
♡ “You’re very pretty, my hope.” He told you, catching you off guard and turning you into a blubbering mess. 
♡ Nagito is frustrating but… We love him anyways. ┐(´ー`)┌
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fave-fight · 1 year
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“She's in Smash, also she's best friends with Doom Guy”
“She's probably got some pent up rage about being stuck with mayor duties, especially when the player neglects the games. She's cute and this tournament need more women. I'm so happy someone else thought about her, too.”
“If she can hold her own in Smash she can hold her own here. She deserves the chance let loose too. Let her wreck some people!”
Floyd Leech:
“If he stays in human form and has no mage stones, he's just Some Guy, so he still qualifies. This mafia motherfucker would FIGHT. One time when faced with a monster, everyone else was like "oh no, we need magic" and he was like "nah, let's punch it" and then he DID. He hasn't used his pointy teeth in canon yet, but he could in theory bite someone if necessary, and it would hurt like a bitch. He'd fight dirty, I just know it. Let him punch everything and then get punched in the face, it'd be so great.”
“This guy is a menace who almost never uses weapons or tools to terrorize people. He's strong and athletic, smart enough to get what he wants on a whim, and squeezes contract-breakers until they faint on a regular basis.”
“NOTE: Floyd is a magic boy, but the “no mage stone” thing is there because it means he won’t be able to use magic, because people in Twisted Wonderland can’t without accumulating deadly magic toxin unless they have the stones. He’s also a merman, but he’d be in his human form. His human form does have pointy teeth (like the anime character kind) but I’m not sure if they have any real effect in game other than to intimidate people. Other people in this game have them too who are allegedly “human.” And again, plenty of “human” anime characters have them. Myfeeling is that they shouldn’t be disqualifying on their own.  This game is about magic boys at a magic school, but don’t worry, they get into traditional fist-fights so often it’s literally a randomly generated event that can happen in your Guest Room space. And Floyd Leech would never use magic in a fist-fight. He’d think that was “no fun” or “totally lame.” His signature magical spell just nullifies other people’s magic that targets him… so he can fight them with his fists. Since no one else here has magic, it’s totally irrelevant.  Also I’m not sure he uses fists so much as he does something to his opponents that he describes as “squeezing” them. I don’t know entirely what he means by that when he’s in his human form, but how much it scares the faceless NPC students indicates to me that he’s found a way to make it work. I do know it’s supposed to have a whole mafia vibe to it. Because his dad (and his childhood friend he lowkey sort-of works for) have real mafia boss energy. And Floyd’s basically decided that if he’s going to do this mafia shtick it’s Capo or bust. Floyd doesn’t always feel like doing stuff, due to his wildly unpredictable mood swings, but it honestly seems like the thing he can most easily be convinced to do is beat the shit out of people. During the “Beanfest” event (which was somewhat analogous to a paintball match), he insisted on throwing his weapon away and beating up aforementioned childhood friend even though the game was over and he’d already lost, just because apparently “once Floyd has decided to fight nothing can be done about it" and you just have to fight him if you want to get on with the rest of your day. He’d started out that event “not really in the mood” but somehow ended up spending the entire day beating the hell out of every person he ran into. In the camping event, when all of the boys were being picked off by a monster in the woods one at a time and were panicking because they didn’t have magestones or cellphones and therefore couldn’t defend themselves with magic or call an adult for help, Floyd was literally just like “why don’t we just beat the shit out of it?” And then he DID. And it was awesome.  But before you think he’s just some sort of dumb thug, let me assure you that Floyd is actually one of Night Raven’s most intelligent students. He has a photographic memory and can create valuable gems in alchemy class with minimal effort. Unfortunately, his mood swings make it impossible for him to maintain a decent GPA. But he’s actually a smart, tactical fighter. He’s just violent and unstable. Oh and if you’re wondering, his personality is generally abrasive and confrontational. He regularly starts arguments with the most volatile people at the school, just to mess with them and see where it goes because he’s bored.  Finally, if it sweetens the deal for anyone, Floyd would wear some killer designer shoes to this fight. Don’t worry, they wouldn’t be dangerous/weaponized. They’d just be expensive and custom made. You know, so he can get upset when someone scuffs them up.  Like for real, is there anyone who deserves to be in a crazy bitch fist-fight more than a moody mafia prince who’s secretly some sort of genius, but seems to only truly love fighting and designer footwear? If there is, I can’t think of them. ”
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blues824 · 2 years
I'm like kinda new to your blog but I've read a few of your obey me scenarios and I really love them! Especially the scarlet witch! reader! ^^
I heard that requests were open so I was wondering if you could do an hc with the brothers + Diavolo and Barbatos with a Black Widow! Reader? She's one of my fav avengers so I thought of requesting this! <3
Hope you have a good day! :D
Went off the information in Wiki Fandom because there are a multitude of movies. Gender-neutral reader.
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You both acted a lot alike: level-headed, almost emotionless, strong-willed, independent, exceedingly intelligent, and sarcastic every once in a while. He knew a lot about you considering he was one of the ones who examined your student profile, and that made you a bit unsettled because you knew next to nothing about him.
He knew of your heroic streak and your avenging nature, and he admired it. He used to be that way, especially for his family. As we all know, he was one of the angels who fought for his sister because he thought God judged her unfairly.
After spending a while in the Devildom, but more specifically within the House of Lamentation, the two of you grew closer. Lucifer genuinely liked having conversations with you, spending hours sipping on glasses of demonus just reveling in your company.
Eventually, those short drinking sessions ended up in you telling him about your time in the Red Room, being trained to be the best and most dangerous operative. He’s quite impressed with your skillset, but he is a big angry that you were put through that pain and suffering.
Speaking of being impressed by your abilities, he’s glad that you are able to defend yourself. Unfortunately, he is still worried about you, so he insists upon walking with you everywhere (also so none of his brothers steal you away from him).
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He was most definitely intimidated by you because you acted just like Lucifer did. However, he got to see your more sarcastic side, and now you target him a lot… especially when he’s been particularly stupid. He liked it when you targeted others, just not him.
Mammon got a glimpse of your heroic side whenever Lucifer went to string him up from the chandelier using the WiFi cable. You argued in his place, stating that like everyone else he couldn’t control his sin. Therefore, everyone should be punished if they indulged in their sin.
Honestly, you became his favorite person because you always defended him. You both spent a lot of time together because he grew attached. He tried to disguise it as ‘making sure you were safe’, but you were fairly certain that cuddling in his bed wasn’t exactly protecting you.
During one of these cuddling sessions, you told him how you went through the Red Room when you were younger just to be trained to be the best operative out there and how you were a danger to a lot of people. He was angry, but he just held you close, hands shaking in rage.
You decided to maintain your abilities by going to training, and Mammon sometimes took you because he didn’t want you getting abducted on the street. He saw you absolutely beat the shit out of your trainer, and he spat out his drink in surprise. How in the actual f- could you do that??
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You reminded him of one of the main characters in the comic book series that was popular within the Devildom, and you intimidated him like that character did. However, it’s not like how Mammon feels. Levi just thinks you’re so freaking cool that he can’t help but feel scared.
You even acted like her, and that solidified his admiration for you and the character. You were brave, heroic, level-headed, everything he aspired to be. Whenever he looked at you, he had both stars and hearts in his eyes, and you had to admit that it was absolutely adorable.
Mans basically worshiped the ground you walked on. He would set his jacket down just so you wouldn’t have to get your shoes filthy. He is a simp. However, this does make you a bit unsettled because you are used to being attacked constantly rather than worshiped.
Levi loved hanging out with you in his room because you always had interesting stories about your life. However, this time was different because you decided that you’ve gotten to a point in your relationship where you could tell him about the Red Room. As you told him, he gripped his controller so hard that it snapped in half.
His tail whipped out and wrapped itself around your waist, pulling you closer as he held onto you. Sure, your skills and abilities because of the severe training you went through were cool, but it all came at what cost? Even he, as the general of Hell’s Navy, wouldn’t put soldiers through that.
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You acted like him as well, especially with the sarcasm directed towards everyone else, and he doesn’t mind if it’s targeted at him as long as you’re the only one. He finds it amusing since no human besides you and Solomon has had the courage to have a witty battle against him.
He experienced your heroic side when a random demon compared him to Lucifer, and you defended him saying that the two are completely different from each other. He appreciated the sentiment, and the fact that his beloved was so willing to fight for his honor.
I think the two of you always have long conversations about anything that comes to mind. It allows the both of you to learn more about each other, which establishes a closer connection in addition to solidifying the relationship you both already have. 
It was during one of these conversations that you told him about the Red Room. He was shocked that you had to suffer that training, in addition to being beyond angry. You had to hold his hand in yours to bring him back to the present and prevent him from destroying the room.
Sure, your skillset was very impressive, but you had to go through genuine torture just to get those abilities. The Wrath within him is for once righteous and avenging, and he could feel it surging through his body. However, he would hold back for your sake.
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You were very interesting because you were also a bit flirtatious, but also very level-headed when need be. He loved your quick comebacks as they were hilarious to him. Especially if they were directed at either of his two oldest brothers.
He got to see your heroic side when Mammon stole something of Asmo’s to sell, and you used your spy skills to quietly enter the former’s room, steal back the item, and return it to Asmo. The older brother was angry, but backed off once you threatened him with telling Lucifer about what he had done.
The two of you enjoy talking to each other while doing skincare. Be it gossip, an article you read in the news, a post either of you saw on Devilgram, etc. he loved talking to you. You listened and you contributed actually good input and opinions.
One of these little sessions between the two of you led to you telling him about the Red Room, and he was angry that you had to go through that. He held you in his arms as you recounted the traumatic events that happened in your life.
Asmo considered gathering his brothers to go attack the Red Room, but decided against it as it would go against Diavolo’s wishes for a union between the three realms. After all, who would be there for you when you went through flashbacks if he was locked away due to going against His Highness?
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You reminded him of Lucifer, aside from your more flirtatious side. Many times, he spit out the food that he was eating out of pure shock whenever you said something sarcastic towards any of them because he thought that they were way more powerful than you.
As for your heroic side, he saw it when you defended him after he emptied the fridge. You told everyone that he couldn’t control his sin just as either of them couldn’t either, and therefore he shouldn’t be scolded due to the hypocrisy going on.
The two of you loved cuddling sessions once you got more comfortable around him, since they allowed just a bit more closeness between the two of you. You talked about pretty much anything there was to talk about, which led to one fateful day.
It was one of those days where you both were just laying in his bed, talking about what his life was like when he was a young angel playing with Belphie and Lilith, when he asked about your childhood. You let out a deep sigh before telling him about the Red Room and the training you went through in there.
Oh, he was madder than a bull is at a bullfighter. You felt his hold around your waist tighten, but he was careful enough not to hurt you. How could those evil people harm someone as great as you? He couldn’t begin to comprehend the anger that was bubbling up within him. Is this how Satan always felt?
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He didn’t like you at first, until you brought out your sarcasm. That was probably when he fell in love: Lucifer was scolding one of his brothers for indulging in their sin when you told him off for indulging in his constantly without punishment as a consequence.
Mans was just about on his knee with a ring, and he hadn’t even known you that long. Ever since then, he was in love (which was a bit out of character for him, but you weren’t afraid to say what you said to Lucifer, the eldest and most powerful of the Avatars).
You both also loved cuddling sessions, but he was able to see your past through your dream. You were having a flashback in your nightmare, and he could sense you moving around and being restless. So, he used his power to see your dream, and what he saw made him angry.
You shouldn’t have had to go through that unwillingly just to become the best agent. Didn’t they know that you were human? Plus, the graduation process seemed absolutely heartbreaking. He was angry, but he knew you would need a good night’s rest, so he used his powers to put you into a more peaceful sleep.
Oh, but he didn’t forget. No, this just reinforced his original thoughts about humanity and their flaws. However, you were an exception. He thought you belonged with the angels; you certainly sacrificed enough to get to the Celestial Realm.
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You were his opposite. He was friendly and compassionate (unless the situation called for a serious attitude), and you were always level-headed and cold (but also sarcastic). But, as we all are aware, opposites attract. You were his anchor, and he was your freedom.
He first witnessed your heroic side when you helped him with his paperwork. You read it over and it was a proposal that would benefit the Devildom financially, but it would make budget cuts on the education system. You pointed it out to Diavolo, and he was shocked that someone would worry about money rather than the children being affected. 
Diavolo loved spending time with you, not doing paperwork. He especially loved having tea time with you since it allows him to get to know you more. He already knew about your training from a place called the Red Room, so he thought about asking you about it. The shocked look on your face made him regret asking, but you insisted it was fine.
You told him about the exact training you went through and how it allowed you to be the agent that you are today. You even went as far as telling him about the… unique graduation process. He was devastated, he was angry, he couldn’t even figure out how he was feeling.
What he did know was that he was gonna get that place shut down if it’s the last thing he ever does in his very long life. It didn’t take too much either, considering he was very powerful even in the human world. A few threats and using his demon form to intimidate them was enough, since not even the recruits could come close to beating him.
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You both acted pretty much the same, except he was a tad more cordial rather than sarcastic and witty. Although, lighthearted banter wasn’t uncommon between the two of you. It was how you expressed your love for him at the beginning.
As you got more comfortable within the Devildom, you got more comfortable with Barbatos. You were his ‘hero’ because you often helped him with his many chores. It wasn’t much, but it did take a bit of the load off of his shoulders.
Now, this was how you both typically spent time with each other. You would do chores within the same room so that the two of you can still talk to each other. You learned that Barbatos had been the servant of Diavolo since the latter was a child, and that was adorable to you.
When he asked about your past, you stopped wiping the counter. The butler apologized for overstepping any boundaries, but you said it was fine. So, you explained what you had gone through in the Red Room. Barbatos had to stop himself from breaking one of the plates he was drying because he was angry.
He was angry that his beloved Y/N had to suffer through that just so you could be used as a top-tier spy. He later told Diavolo about it, and the next day the facility was shut down for unknown reasons. You figured out that your lovely demon had something to do with it, but you didn’t mind since it meant that no one else had to suffer the way that you did.
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fakesurprise · 2 years
The Interview
The thing is, stories only lie. You grow up hearing them, and they’re lies. Even when you’re ordered to believe them, that doesn’t make them true. Everyone said: you do not go after this one. You do not interfere in his affairs. Do. Nothing.
But the town of Bellvine treated us like kings. Like gods. We got the shit done that the police couldn’t. We did the things the gangs couldn’t. Yeah, we were scary. But we’d earned that fear. We’re made it a weapon. We kept problems away because our bite beat any bark. Because we did whatever we had to, and we kept our town safe.
Try to bring in a Wal-Mart? First your pets go missing. Maybe a friend or two. A few accidents. A wrecked vehicle. Keep pushing, and pretty soon your family is begging you to stop because it turns out that a megastore isn’t the same as having all your limbs. Funny, that. Amazing how little profits start mattering when things get physical and real. Once a suit stops insulating you from the world you learn the lessons the world teaches.
Some of them fight back. Most of the assholes know to run. We’re not good people, but we kept the town safe so that other people could be good. We did the necessary evils, so that no one else had to. We drew the lines in the sand. We burned down homes, salted lawns, and sacrificed our own before anyone else. Then he arrived.
He didn’t have a suit. He wasn’t much of anything. A background character in a drab world, fitting right in to crowds and dull offices. Only Bellvine changed. He walked and things changed. People got something in their step. Things shifted. Balances. Beliefs. The other minor gangs melted away. Even our signs vanished from the shops we protected, and no one knew how. A few people realized it was him. They’re not here anymore.
There are arrangements. Alliances. Intel. So we asked, and were told: he’s called Honcho, sometimes. He has other names. He’s a wandering magician. You do not mess with him. These weren’t requests, but orders. Magicians we’d heard of; the world isn’t so big that secrets aren’t known to people who get things done. But we didn’t take orders, and he was just a person. Even so; first vehicle stalled. Second missed. He didn’t even notice the third that tried to run him down.
The fourth one took, because it was dropped on him. A woman with him shoved him, but not far enough. Somehow, she didn’t get hit and he was alive and aware, shaking his head to clear it. Lucky sonofa – but luck only goes so far, when everyone else has clubs. Took longer than it should have to beat him unconscious. The woman was easier. She tried to intimidate us, and that doesn’t work. Not in Bellvine.
We shoved them into holding cells under the old refinery. (It went bankrupt before our time: we would have kept it going.) The doc gave them drugs, and I was having a beer while Daryl and Karen and Li kept watch. That’s the thing about power: you only have it so long as you keep fighting for it. But you become more than a ‘gang’ when you learn what you’re really fighting for. Friends. Family. The town. Only thing that matters is what you live for. Because that’s the thing you’d die for. Simple as. We kept the town safe, and we kept it whole.
I was considering whether to ask to see my kid. Wife is still scared of me, said this was the ‘wrong crowd’ and she didn’t know me anymore. Judge said I can see my kid whenever I want: the judges know what’s best for everyone. Well. They learn to. Unless they want their bread buttered with pain. But I was waiting for her to understand. I think that’s why I saw him first.
The kid was eleven. Barefoot, with bright pink jeans, a rope belt, Hawaiian top and a frilly hat. I saw him, blinked. And I figured he was with the magician and his weird friend who thought she was scary, because his clothing was sensible a moment later: dark jeans, t-shirt. Still barefoot as he walked towards me.
“Can I help you?” I said, in my best, ‘get lost or else’ tone. Never let them see you are scared.
“I don’t think so. Charlie and Honcho are here, and they should be at the hotel. But the hotel exploded in an oops, and I’d like to know why?”
“Kid. You’re in a story you want no part of. Go away, get back to your family, and I’ll pretend I didn’t see you.”
I don’t know if the kid even heard me. His head was cocked to the side oddly, as if listening to someone else. “You people hurt Honcho.”
He didn’t move, but every instinct screamed at me to run. “East door, hostile,” I screamed instead.
Because Karen was on the roof, and she’d never made it into the army but they’d have wept with joy if she had. The kid stumbled. Blinked.
“Wow! Your bullets really want to shoot me,” he said, and dropped four from his right hand. His face shifted, and he blinked again, face oddly blank. “Nope. Not doing that.”
And he walked toward me, slowly. Li came around the corner and she had her knives out. I’d seen those make government agents bleed, and the boy just caught one, almost absently.
“Oh! I get it now. You think you’re strong.” And he walked forward, still slow. Casual. Li threw another blade, digging out a gun. I was frozen in shock. I’d never been frozen in shock in my life: I’d seen some shit, and done a fair bit more. It’s why I was in when so many others were out.
But something about the boy’s face scared me. Like he was angry, but not in any way I could understand. Like he should have looked like something, and was trying not to and it made no sense at all.
He snapped his fingers, and I heard Karen make a noise I’d never heard from any throat.
I looked up. The sky wasn’t. For a moment it was – there was something other where the sky should be, and it took Karen someplace that wasn’t a place at all. Li went to run, and hit the ground with a moan, twitching as if something heavy has fallen on her. It sounded like a car, but there wasn’t one near her.
I think Daryl tried to run, but I don’t know.
The boy turned to me. “You have keys, so you can open the door and take me to Charlie and Honcho.”
I reached down the front of my pocket, for the gun beside my keys, and came out with the keys. I didn’t mean to, but I did.
I opened the door, and the boy followed me down the stairs. I knew the way in the dark: I don’t think he even noticed it was dark.
I opened the cell with the woman in it. She stood up, staring at the boy behind me. “Jay?”
“You were hurt. So I am here to help,” the boy said, precise and distinct.
“Okay,” the woman said, and she walked past me. I didn’t mean to let her. She didn’t do anything weird, but she was past me and beside the boy, not quite touching him.
I moved to the next cell, and this one the woman opened with a quick, harsh gesture. Doing a thing, tight and controlled.
The ‘magician’ was inside. I hadn’t brought him down. I didn’t know who had. But he’d been bound to a wall, and there was blood, and it looked like a room from a bad video game, with weird symbols on the walls and body.
The boy stepped forward. Stopped. “They put him outside his body, and if we disrupt it –.”
The boy turned to me, then. His expression was terrifyingly calm. “You’re going to use the keys, unchain the wandering magician and bring him into this hallway.”
“The Bellvine Ravagers don’t –.”
“You do many things. I see that, right now. You hurt many people, trying to pretend it’s not hurt. Thinking strength like that makes you powerful, because other people bow to you. And then you use it on people who can’t harm you, and think that makes you stronger still. No one is made better by being made weak, but that is all you and yours have done. You could win hearts, but instead you glory in breaking spirits.”
The woman was still beside the boy, her eyes wide. Gaze focused on him, and not on the magician.
“The thing about power,” the boy said, softer, “is that those who wield it suffer from it, even as their victims do. And so many try and find ways around that. But that is a concern for those who use power. Not for those who are power.”
“Jay –.”
“You are going to free Honcho and bring him into the hallway, or you won’t see your family again because they will have never been,” the boy said. “But you will still remember them even if they’re not. I don’t want to be the kind of being that does that. So please do this?”
And I did it. I got the magician out, and the magician blinked and stood a moment later, unhurt and unharmed.
“Jay,” he said, soft too.
“I’m not quite Jay right now,” the boy said.
“You aged a week,” the woman said, and her calm was barbed wire.
“Oh!” The boy blinked, and somehow was just a boy of eleven again and just that.
“Did I grow?” he asked in an excited tone.
“In some way we’d rather you didn’t,” the woman said. “We can discuss it at the hotel when you fix it?”
“I can do that!” The boy vanished with the woman.
The man turned to me.
“How long have you known Jay?” he asked. There was no calm: his voice was a demand.
“Four minutes and twelve seconds,” came out of me against my will.
“And in all that time, you never saw Jay smile.” He stepped back. “There is nothing even I can do to you that is as terrible as that truth, and I want to hurt you very much right now for hurting Jay.”
I think he was going to say other things, but the shadows became a door and he walked into them without looking back at me.
I don’t know what happened to the rest of the Ravagers. I’ve never heard of you Black Chamber people. No one stopped me from leaving the town. No one – no one stops me from doing anything, but it never seems to matter. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know what that boy was.
I don’t know what he didn’t do.
I haven’t gone home. I’m not sure I have anything like that anymore.
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heygutlcssa · 2 years
@grazziella​ (GRAZIELLA)
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If he was fire then she was water and nothing felt as freeing and calming as being extinguished by her. He was enchanted ( imagine that, enchanted) by the way she’d kick his shoes with her own,  or how her lipstick would stain her teeth when she smiled as happily as she could, or how that smile would go all lopsided when she laughed.  She could light up a room with just the way she sighed.
So when she’s sat there looking like a wilted flower, his first reaction is to set whatever got her looking so right.
He’s used to the sagging foundation and moldy wallpaper of the west side. Everything was broken or near about. He’d been the one folks would call when something went wrong ( not that any one could afford anything other than him anyway). He’d started this underthe table Mr.-fix-it  back when he’d beat the shit out of the fella that lived below him. He could hear him screaming his head off as if he was in the same room. He’d fixed their electric and changed all the lightbulbs that had been shattered in the house when the fella’s wife didn’t report Riff to the cops for knocking on their apartment door and decking the guy right in the face upon the first chance to. this was after he’d lost his job on account of O’Conner’s being torn down. he had some steam to vent.
Next thing he knew there was a line of housewives with things that needed fixed at his apartment door .
Walking through Grazie’s place makes him think of Tony’s old home. He remembered how Tony’s ma really reamed into him the first time he tracked mud across her newly cleaned and waxed floors. Thought he’d be thrown back out on to the street for sure. Not that he could understand anything that woman said, but he remembered helping her clean it up and finding his shoes clean and polished in the morning. She was a good woman, that one.
Grazie’s place smelled like summer time.  Nice clean walls, good rugs. He wondered how much effort it took her to get the place looking so nice. He let her lead him through to the problem like a shepherd leads  a lamb. he’d a hard time comprehending a place this nice. It was all rather intimidating.
She had decorative soap that looked like sea shells and flowers in her bathroom. He bent to smell it when she was wasn’t looking. it smelled like mangos. He’d half a thought to take the one shaped like a rose to show Tony later. Or perhaps just to keep it in his pocket for when he was missing her.
He’d been under her sink in that spiffed up bathroom for over an hour now, the problem a little more complex than he’d originally thought. Normally, in these cases, he’d make sure to get up often and make sure he’d walk around.  He’d always make sure he’d stretch out his back to keep it from hurting bad. He didn’t this time.
He’d had her shut off the water main to the apartment and had her to run and turn it back on when he needed it and off again thereafter. He got a towel to dry his face from her at some point and took a solid minute  looking at it with utter confusion. They made towels in colors?
           It smelled better than the soap.
                              He’s long past the point where he can feel his back tingling.                                                   it hurts.                                                                                            it hurts,                                                        it hurts real bad.
          He can’t even feel his feet.
At least the sink is fixed and done up the right way. He could at least do that for her.
He shimmied out from under cabinet which held the sink, feeling pins and needles in his toes with the movement. He’d hooked his arm up over the sink to help lift himself up, but came crashing back down at the sudden jolt of pain. There’s a grunt and few muffled swears (something in his head said no swearing in a fancy-ed-up place like this, despite feeling like the devil’d stepped on his back). He’d tried rolling to his side with much the same results.
“Graz!” he called squinting at the ceiling. Damn, he didn’t like this. not in the slightest. ” Grazie, come here a minute.”
There is a third try, which felt a hundred times worse than the first two attempts. When he sees her he gently pointed in her direction,” Don’t you laugh.” he huffed,” I can’t get up, help me, huh?”
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m1ckeyb3rry · 8 days
BOYTOY no that’s exactly what I was going for thank you for providing this information
Miraverse crack>>> actually just miraverse in general LMAOO
THATS WHAT IM SAYING like why are you suddenly reviving a character per chapter hello?? But iirc i think gege does have some sort of pressure from the editor (s??) and has had some to just prolong the story in general so maybe it was actually meant to end closer to Shibuya but
Ok wait i was also expecting a LOT more from Lorenzo what happened?? We saw him shine for like two chapters and that was it like what was the point of adding him atp (back to our point of how ng11 shouldn’t have been introduced yet) trust me i will definitely be translating those!! Stop imagine we get updated profiles too and we finally find out how many valentines gifts Barou got….ok time to drop all the manifestations in here I’ll start SHOW ME CANON YAYOI AND SEIKO
OH ok also wasn’t aware of the breeding only acquisition
I’m laughing so hard at the way you described it but it’s literally so accurate like yeah let me risk my life and go mediate the fight between some gods with beef in the underworld space time continuum ok
Ash misty and Brock the iconic trio Lowk they were so unhinged and so funny
No because the first evolution/base evolutions are all cute like horsea shinx amaura ducklett nidoran (Lowk nidoran girl looks like it would bite but I’m imagining the usual pokemon official like poster design of it so I’m sure she’s got cute moments) and beldum (it’s cute in a weird way ig but I mean I wouldn’t say intimidating so) I can imagine Otoya trying to build his team and he goes to hunt specifically for cool looking pokemon but instead finds all the cute ones instead and with a mix of “this will get me girls” and “wait it’s cute I kinda vibe with it” he takes them in instead LMAOO
LMAOOO WAIT DROP THE WEBSITE??? I’m gonna reference that from now on but DONPHAN SUPREMACY
Ness would fr track him down and try to scare him into stopping his business (as if gagamaru couldn’t beat him up if he wanted to but he won’t) I can imagine ness tweaking like he did in that one panel after kaisers watching Isagi on the monitor and ness is like biting his lip questionably gripping his hands except this time it’s “I’ll show you that my poffins reign supreme…….”
the “uhh yeah only for the plot yk” is sending me LMAOOO
LMAOAAOAO I KNOW EXACTLY WHICH AUDIO YOURE TALKING ABOUT HAHAHAHA BUT FR when you first mentioned the Karasu beef that’s how I imagined the exchange going too it’s so funny (someone needs to tally how many times I say ‘so funny’ in a response I need more creative ways to say that I’m laughing my ass off because every other word is just LMAOOO)
Oh shit I did not even realize that um HAHA yes turn away we will not acknowledge that
LOLLL Karasu fr like “bro do you know how much time it took me to train these other birds wtf”
STOPPP NOT THE SWANNA AND BAROU BESTIES IN HELL GOODBYE. Wait this is lowk reminding me of one episode that almost exclusively features the pokemon with no trainers or humans and we see them interacting and talking to each other napoleon complex galvantula is hilarious but hey i mean if it’s sweeping the floor with Barou’s team LOL wait baby magikarp complex gyarados is a dynamic I didn’t know I needed I actually love that
I’m crying I’m gonna be sobbing reading this if/when it gets formally written out the reader Barou houndoom^2 ideas have me in my feels
The way I’d always get rid of rain dance because id think “this shit does nothing!!! If it’s not damage I don’t want it” LMAOO sending gyarados out just to set up rain dance is so funny also kinda brutal I’d imagine gyarados returns to its ball like “damn ok then.”
That’s funny because that’s probably the one spelling I’ve never seen before LMAOOO (I alr struggled sm trying not to repeat pokemon when I thought of my own team ideas for just the more main characters so I feel you) OUUU WAIT I forgot/didn’t think about it but I think you’re right?? I definitely remember the earlier gyms not having a full team and it gradually increases kinda….i remember the first or second gyms having like two to three pokemon max iirc
ADAM BLAKE WITH A PURUGLY IS SO REAL I randomly picked him earlier while reading our convo just trying to see what pokemon immediately vibes with him and the first thought i had was Persian but i knew something was missing because it almost didn’t seem sassy/snooty enough purugly is perfect
MALAMAR MENTION wait id totally imagine anri raising a little inkay!!! On that note I think its really funny that (iirc) to evolve inkay you have to hold your ds upside down LMFAO
Based off ashs hawlucha id say it also gave me yayoi vibes LOL wait also why does roserade give luna…like some of these vibes just match up too well but I can’t explain why
VOLCARONA MENTION TOO Lowk one of my fav bug types also pause Chris’ entire team gives such prince vibes like especially so even more than everyone else and their teams like I look at the pokemon itself and I can say with confidence like “yup it’s giving Chris this reminds me of Chris” LMFAO also scrafty with snuffy is giving me Lorenzo vibes LOL Noel noa having a Klefki is also sending me but I see the vision
- Karasu anon
NFJDJJS he was a very goofy little guy…he was a mini horse so the size of like a great dane and he was lowkey an npc he didn’t really do anything 😭 but he was cute and his name was funny KDJDSJJS whenever i would put him in his field it felt like i was walking a dog but an evil one with feet made of iron
it’s so random and also why are they just monologuing about the previous fight?? like we were all there…we all read it already…there’s literally like two chapters left right?? or is it three??? either way it doesn’t feel like nearly enough to wrap things up 😭 but ig we will see how it goes
no yeah lorenzo is specifically who i was referring to when i said ng11s shouldn’t have been introduced yet like yeah okay kaiser and isagi having a rivalry is a little far-fetched given how good kaiser should be BUT LORENZO?? bro barely did anything and now people rank him as the worst ng11 even though he’s canonically been able to completely shut kaiser down which by “feats” or wtvr power scaling lingo should put him above kaiser?? it would’ve been much much better if aiku was just given lorenzo’s NEL role completely and maybe snuffy mentions a ng11 defensive player that he knows of that would put even aiku to shame (aka lorenzo) which gives aiku a reason to strive to be even better so snuffy will eventually acknowledge him too (#egodevelopmentasf)
you know what i want to see is BABY NAGI AND HIS PARENTS mr and mrs nagi are my literal opps they’re lowkey insane?? i will never be over the way they straight up left him behind and treat him like a friend instead of their child to the point that they literally haven’t even had background panels or mentions in the manga…KANESHIRO SHOW ME MY ENEMIES IN THE EGOIST BIBLE 👁️👁️ AND MY LIFE IS YOURS
tbh the original few seasons of the pokémon anime (everything before brock left ig) were lowkey so unhinged like upon rewatch it’s crazy how much you missed as a kid 😭 truly a show which holds up to the test of time!!
hiori definitely thinks he’s going to have all cutesy pokémon given how adorable all of the babies are and then they evolve and are sooo scary and intimidating (except swanna who’s ironically the only one of the six that’s actually mean) HAHAHA omg otoya’s team acquisitions are so funny in the au i crack up thinking abt them…obviously froakie he just gets because it’s his starter and he’s from a ninja clan but then with ampharos it’s just because reader and co went to a farm for some reason?? and one of the mareeps was so obsessed with otoya that the farm was like “just take it” and otoya’s like “bro i don’t want it i can’t be seen with this 😟” but then the mareep is like “🥺💛🩵” and tullia’s like “yo don’t be a douche anyways it’ll evolve into an ampharos that’s strong” so otoya’s just like FINE I GUESS 😭 after that he’s given a happiny by a nurse joy that he rizzed up…he thinks it’s proof of rizz but apparently karasu overheard the nurse joy saying the owner abandoned the happiny because taking care of a baby pokémon is too much work so she gave it to otoya since he seemed trustworthy enough (her first choice was tullia but tullia already has a full team from the start so she wouldn’t be able to manage it) and he tells otoya and otoya (who was about to release the happiny lowkey) is immediately like “😱 bitch i’m a mother 😤 no drama 🤩” even though he lowkey makes tullia and karasu’s talonflame do most of the work of taking care of happiny 😩 then while they’re at yayoi’s gym otoya has a MASSIVE crush on yayoi so while tullia’s battling her (reader and karasu already have their badges so karasu stays to watch tullia and reader accompanies otoya) he goes to find a flying type to impress yayoi but it can’t be just ANY flying type it has to be a special one so he searches high and low until he finally finds a swablu which is pretty rare so he figures it works…however yayoi does not care whatsoever so now he just has a swablu on his team 😭 he gets the vulpix by buying one of chris prince’s online courses that come with a free egg for the top tier subscribes and he’s so excited because he thinks the egg will hatch into a magby (so he can eventually have a magmortar) or a torchic (so he can eventually have a blaziken) but then it hatches into a VULPIX and he reads the fine print and realizes that it says the eggs will hatch into random fire-type pokémon but not any of chris’s main pokémon so he’s FUMING that he wasted his money and he has one sided beef w chris prince now 😓 finally sylveon he’s SOOOO HYPE because he catches and eevee and he’s like “let’s go i’m going to get an umbreon” so tullia tells him he has to have a high friendship with his eevee and battle with it at night to achieve that so he brings eevee EVERYWHERE to ensure the friendship is maxed out…however by in-game mechanics and therefore in-verse laws sylveon takes precedence over espeon and umbreon 😰 so he’s just battling one evening with reader or something and then his eevee starts to glow and he’s like FINALLY but then it finishes evolving and turns out to be a sylveon and he just gives up
this is the website it’s super easy to use and intuitive as it also provides all of the pokémon there so you don’t have to keep googling online 🤩 i rlly liked using it to build everyone’s teams even though i didn’t use the analysis function as much with anyone but reader
THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I WAS PICTURING like amidst all of the corruption and fighting and anarchy there’s also just randomly a market war going on between ness and gagamaru but it’s completely one sided because gagamaru is perfectly content with the 5 customers he currently has 😭
see reader and nagi have such an insane slow burn that even by the aegislash arc they’re still only marginally friendly rivals that save each other’s asses but aren’t really close (of mc trio and reader&co the only ones that actually are good friends are tullia + chigiri…otoya and karasu think mc trio are all goofy so they just bully them and whenever mc trio pulls up reader is always busy with nagi so she never becomes friends w the other two) so the “in order to escape this world we just have to be in love i suppose” is their rationalization for why they are a littleeee too eager to live out the plot line 😭
HELP POKÉMON AU KARASU FR IS JUST ALWAYS CATCHING STRAYS THOUGH like nagi innocently suggests that he might be dating reader and reader tweaks out, two-thirds of his team is just pokémon his sister rejected, and this random kid from his hometown would probably beat him in a battle if he ever cared enough to do so
I KNOW WHICH EP YOU MEAN that one was so cute…i feel like galvantula especially as a joltik just rode around on reader’s should and chattered angrily when people made fun of it LMAOAO it’s such a babyyyy but honestly it deserves to be sassy considering the work it puts in for the team 😓 plsss whenever reader releases gyarados the first thing it does is try to tackle her in a hug because it loves her sm and she has to be like “no baby you’re the size of a school bus please get off” it’s very uncharacteristic because most gyarados are very mean and angry but reader was so kind to it as a magikarp and never did anything to hurt it/put it in danger just for the sake of its evolution (since she basically gave up on it every evolving based on tullia’s and karasu’s advice) that her gyarados LOVES her
okay but i was on tik tok earlier and i saw this video and tbh the video itself is kinda irrelevant but the song??? (full audio apparently from a satosugu edit but hot take idgaf abt satosugu 😓) and i was like. reader and barou. IT’S READER AND BAROU. HE LOOKS LIKE THE REAL THING 😭😭😭😭😭😭
tbh i always got rid of moves that didn’t do damage in the game but according to the anime’s logic pokémon can learn more than four moves so gyarados can keep rain dance KFJDJS i can imagine gyarados doing the rain dance like “yay 😄 i’m helping y/n 🕺🏻” meanwhile the opposing pokémon is about to cry because a happy gyarados is so rare that they think her gyarados is just a new level of insanely mad 😭 also apparently gyarados can learn thunderbolt, thunder, and flamethrower (ostensibly because it’s supposed to be a sea serpent that brings storms and whatnot) so galvantula doesn’t have to carry COMPLETELY since gyarados can also use some electric attacks 🤩 that would be a really cool battle in the conference like maybe substitutions aren’t allowed so when reader sends out her gyarados against and sets up a rain dance her opponent (who’s possibly a water type trainer) is like “that won’t work this time 😌 rain dance makes my pokémon stronger too 😏 and you can’t switch out for your galvantula 🤓☝🏻” since they’ve studied her and seen her use that combo in past battles but instead of panicking reader’s just like “lol okay gyarados use thunder” and that’s the end of that 🥶
yeahh the first few gyms only have a couple of pokémon each i tried to distribute so it’s kinda even and moves up with the reader’s power scaling?? so the first gym has two, second and third have three, fourth and fifth have four, sixth and seventh have five, and the eighth and e4 have a full team of 6 (in the game only the champion and possibly your rival have full teams of 6 but given how good reader is + the different stakes of the world it made more sense for the final gym and e4 to have full teams)
i literally looked up a list of all normal types while picking his team and as SOON as i saw purugly i was like oh this is perfect…reo already has a persian so i couldn’t give one to adam blake sadly 😓 some of the repetitions had me tweaking i really wanted the ace of loki’s team to be a zebstrika in reference to his speed but chigiri already has one so now loki’s ace is his emolga!!
anri with an inkay and a little espurr (before they evolve) is such a cute image to me 🥹 inkay is such a random pokémon for the upside down thing too i wonder how the first person to get a malamar figured that specific mechanic out
honestly if the karasus weren’t so obviously bird themed i would’ve made yayoi a fighting type gym leader and snuffy the flying type e4 member (since his aura or symbol or whatever is an eagle i think) but hawlucha truly is sooo yayoi coded FJSKSKS and omg wait originally i was really set on chris prince being a fighting type specialist and luna was the fire type gym leader but then i couldn’t think of a type for snuffy and i was like “well ig fighting types fit with his whole discipline thing” so he got the fighting type designation…then i had to come up w smth for chris prince and the only types that were rlly left were ones that didn’t really fit him so i was like ok sorry luna but chris prince will be the fire type specialist!! and then i had to come up with the new type for luna and the first one i thought of was poison…i didn’t think it fit him too well but then when i started assigning pokémon i was like wait this COOKS like roserade tentacruel and scolipede especially have very strong luna vibes
DARMANITAN LOWKEY HAS THE SAME EXPRESSION AS PRINCE TOO maybe that’s why it fits so well same with simisear…tbh outside of the starters there are very few fire types and of the ones that exist i already couldn’t use half (reader/barou have houndooms, nagi had an arcanine, isagi has a charizard, tullia has an infernape, chigiri has a rapidash and a pyroar, otoya has a ninetales, karasu has a talonflame, ego has a chandelure, and lavinho has a volcarona) so i was STRUGGLING coming up with his team (and also loki’s there are very few electric types and most of them were also already in use by other characters) but i honestly ended up loving it!! agreed it has very chris prince vibes to it
DNDJSJS scrafty actually does give strong lorenzo energy maybe that’s why snuffy caught it /j 😭 tbh i just liked its typing (it’s technically 4x weak to fairy but reader doesn’t have any fairy types so she’s in the clear in terms of no easy sweeps of the e4) and i was also trying to come up with fighting types that were cool and hadn’t been taken (cough isagi and his machamp cough reo and his gallade cough tullia and her infernape/hitmonchan cough lavinho and his heracross cough yayoi and her hawlucha cough chris prince and his blaziken cough barou and his pangoro cough yukimiya and his breloom cough)
LMAOOOOO noel noa having a klefki truly is so random but i was also out of steel types (reo has mawile already, lavinho has scizor, reader has aegislash, hiori has metagross, loki has magnezone, yukimiya has steelix, and yayoi has skarmory) so we had to make do 😩 technically klefki does have rlly good typing since fairy is only weak to steel and poison but steel types are immune to poison so all of the fairy-type weakness are negated 🤩 maybe noel noa decided to be rational and just train the damn klefki for the type advantage LMAOAOA king for that tbh
0 notes
mayhemproduces · 6 months
Derek Dillinger vs Ziggy Haim- Atlas Rules
As Ziggy Haim finishes up her entrance, her eyes never once leave her former partner, Derek Dillinger. It’s clear despite the fact that Derek is a much, much larger individual than her, she’s not walking into this one intimidated. For Ziggy, this isn’t about winning. It’s not even particularly about surviving. It’s about making Derek regret ever turning his back on her, casting her aside like their years of traveling together and tagging together meant absolutely nothing, in hopes of a higher place on the card. Even if this is the Final Girl’s final fight, she’s going to make damn sure The Director remembers for the rest of his life. 
Ziggy doesn’t wait for the bell, Ziggy doesn’t even wait to take her jacket off, the second she gets into the ring, Ziggy Haim charges the ring and tackles Dillinger at the legs, taking him down and stating to lay a beating on him immediately! Fists are flying, Ziggy is practically screaming, as she’s already trying to rip Derek’s head off! Ziggy is basically trying to claw Derek’s eyes out, and referee Tom Dunn practically has no choice but to pry Ziggy off of Derek so that he can ring the bell! Ziggy shouts for Tom Dunn to get off of her, but with the bell rung, this match is official. Ziggy tries to charge right back at Derek as Derek gets back up, but Derek spins around and CLOCKS Ziggy with a straight right hand! Ziggy almost gets her head taken off, as she drops to the mat, maybe unconscious! 
Ziggy is dragged back up to her feet by Derek Dillinger, and spun around, forced into a full nelson and held there for a minute, making sure she felt it, before Derek plants Ziggy with the Director’s Chair! Derek flips Ziggy over and folds her up, this one’s over quick!
1…..2….. KICKOUT!
Ziggy won’t go down that easily! Derek looks a little shocked, but it quickly fades to a sadistic smirk, as he grabs a handful of Ziggy’s hair, dragging her back up. “Could’ve just gone away, Zig. You didn’t have to be here tonight. You could’ve just stayed home…” 
Derek drags Ziggy back up, and shouts at the crowd on one side of the ring to move, and they quickly clear out of their chairs, as Derek lifts Ziggy into a gorilla press, and then charges, before… 
Ziggy crashes and burns HARD, landing on the chairs and on the hard wood floor of La Boom, and Ziggy isn’t moving! Chants of “Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit!” echo throughout the building, as referee Tom Dunn practically jumps out of the ring, and over the guardrail to check on Ziggy, making sure she’s still breathing, Steve Guy joining in on checking on the Final Girl as well. Derek gets out of the ring and is quick to shove Steve and Tom away, grabbing a near lifeless Ziggy by the hair and dragging her up to her feet, before chucking her back over the guardrail, and to the floor. Ziggy spills over in a heap, and Derek quickly climbs over himself, once again grabbing a handful of her hair, and dragging her over to the ring post, and laying Ziggy up against it, before putting a hand to her chest, measuring, and going for a big chop… 
But Ziggy moves, and Derek’s hand meets cold steel! Derek clutches at his hand, and it might be broken! Yikes! Derek clutches his hand, and Ziggy jumps up onto the apron, measures, charges, and launches herself off, taking Derek out with a shotgun dropkick! Ziggy takes down Derek!
Ziggy gets up to her feet and lets out a warcry, as she starts digging around underneath the ring, pulling out several chairs, tossing them into the ring, and a couple of doors, before pulling out even more chairs for herself out here on the outside. Ziggy starts chucking those chairs at Derek, the first one connecting with the head, knocking Derek down, and the next couple pile on top of The Director, before Ziggy runs out of chairs, and elects to deal with this by charging the pile of chairs Derek is under against the guardrail, and launching herself in a cannonball, crushing Derek beneath herself and all the chairs! 
Ziggy drags Derek from out underneath the chairs, before grabbing him and rolling Derek back into the ring, before Ziggy climbs up onto the top rope, sets her feet, and drops herself down on Dillinger with a senton bomb from the top! Ziggy into the cover!
1….2… Kickout!
Dillinger out at two! Ziggy gets up, and watches as Derek starts to pull himself up to his knees, measuring and looking to blast Derek in the back of the head with a superkick, but Derek has it scouted and hears Ziggy’s footsteps, ducking just in the nick of time and slipping behind Ziggy. Derek gets up and tries for the Director’s Chair, but Ziggy catches Derek with a back elbow to escape, before turning and trying to catch Derek with a forearm, but Derek ducks the forearm, grabs Ziggy, and nails her with a Bareback Jawbreaker, sending Ziggy stumbling towards the corner. Derek gets up, measuring Ziggy, before charging in and sending Ziggy into the turnbuckles with a Sunset Flip Bomb! Ziggy’s head with driven back into the turnbuckles, and as he collapses down into the corner, Derek runs across the ring to build momentum, before charging in, crashing into Ziggy with a pair of double knees to the face! Derek drags Ziggy out of the corner, hooking the leg!
1….2…. Kickout!
Ziggy kicks out again! Derek gets back up, pulling on his hair in frustration, before he gets back to his feet and adjusts his arm wrap, raising his hand up and signaling for the chokeslam. 
“Get up. Get up you fucking loser!” 
As Ziggy gets back to her feet, Derek wraps his hand around Ziggy’s throat, looking for the chokeslam, but Ziggy smacks Derek’s arm away, and pushes him to gain enough separation to blast Derek with a Superkick! Derek staggers on his feet, as Ziggy grabs him, hooks his head, and charges the ropes, before running up and ropes, and driving Derek’s face down onto a pile of chairs with a HUGE running bulldog! Ziggy covers!
1…..2…. Kickout!
It was very nearly three, but Derek just barely managed to get the shoulder up! Ziggy got back to his feet, watching as Derek began to stir, measuring him as he did. As soon as Derek got back up to his knees, Ziggy launched a superkick that blasted Derek in the back of the head, and very well may have just knocked the Neon Tarentino unconscious. Ziggy picks Derek back up, and tries to hook his arm, before trying for the Mazel Tov Cocktail, but Derek manages to shove Ziggy off, and as Ziggy tries to go back at him, Derek wraps his hand around Ziggy’s throat, before lifting her up, and driving her down with a massive chokeslam! 
Ziggy hits the mat hard, but Derek clearly isn’t done with her just yet. Derek starts setting up chairs in the middle of the ring, pushing all the seats together, before Derek picks Ziggy up again, grabs her by the throat again, and this time, chokeslam’s Ziggy through the platform created by the seats of the steel chairs! One of the chairs even bends on the impact of Ziggy’s body! Ouch!
Derek folds Ziggy up, looking to end this one!
1….2… Kickout!
Ziggy won’t give up just yet! Derek smirks to himself and looks down at Ziggy’s half lifeless form, grinning and looking at referee Tom. “She’s really not gonna give this up, huh? And you’re not gonna stop this? Alright…” 
Derek gets back up and grabs Ziggy by her lower half, hoisting her up, before driving Ziggy down with a huge powerbomb! Ziggy practically ragdolls, as she’s not moving at all anymore. Derek looks like he’s going to go for the cover, but before Referee Tom can register a count, Derek lifts her back up, and plants her with another powerbomb! Derek presses his weight down on her, this time going for the cover!
1….2… Kickout!
Ziggy manages to get a shoulder up, but almost immediately, Derek lifts her back up for another powerbomb! But as Ziggy was being covered, Ziggy’s hands found a chair, and as Derek brings her up, Ziggy manages to swing the chair and connect with the top of Derek’s head! Derek lets Ziggy go and stumbles, knocked for a loop by the chair, before Ziggy gets back up, raises the chair up again, and once again drills Derek in the head with the chair! Derek drops down to a knee, and Ziggy sets the chair down in front of him, before turning and hitting the ropes, using Derek as a launch pad, before dropping down onto Derek’s head with a Fameasser, driving Derek’s head down onto the chair! Ziggy into the cover, trying to put this one away!
1…..2… Kickout!
Dillinger out at two again! Ziggy sits up and lets out a shout of frustration, just wanting Derek to go down already. Derek rolled out to the floor, and Ziggy followed, creeping along the outside of the ring, waiting for Derek to get up, before charging and nailing Derek with another big boot, this one with such force behind it that Derek was actually knocked over the barricade, and into the fans! The fans all quickly got out of their seats and got out of the way, realizing that the fight was coming towards her. They were wise in doing so, because Ziggy had rolled back into the ring, climbing up onto the top rope, and waiting for Derek to get up herselves! Once Derek was up to his feet, Ziggy leapt off the top rope, clearing the barricade, and crashing down onto Derek and a bunch of the audience's chairs with a beautiful crossbody! 
Ziggy had succeeded in taking Derek out, but they themselves looked just as worse for wear after that one. Ziggy struggled to grab Derek and get him back over the guardrail, but Derek’s almost twice her size. Ziggy has to use her entire body to get him over the guardrail, before climbing back over herself. Ziggy gets Derek back into the ring, and rolls in herself, before she grabs a door, and sets it up in the corner. Ziggy makes sure the door isn’t gonna slide out of the corner, but as she turns around, Derek is already up, and Derek drops Ziggy with a straight right hand! Ziggy collapses, and Derek quickly grabs her, before simply fastballing Ziggy through the door! Holy shit! 
The door explodes from the impact of Ziggy getting hurled at it, and Derek stands over her, looking at Ziggy’s unmoving form, trying to figure out in which fashion he’s going to put Ziggy down for good. Derek’s apparently decided, going for the chairs, setting them up, before placing a door in between that, creating a makeshift table. Derek digs Ziggy out from underneath the wreckage of the other door, before Derek starts to climb up the top rope, dragging Ziggy up there with him, before Derek starts trying to set Ziggy up for some sort of top rope Powerbomb. Derek goes to stand, but Ziggy starts fighting back, hammering away with rapid fire right hands, managing to escape Derek’s grasp, and stand up on the top rope. Ziggy continues to hammer away at Derek, before Ziggy then decides to start trying to BITE Derek! Ziggy chomps into Derek’s skull, before Ziggy jumps back up top, wraps her legs around Derek’s head…. 
The door snaps in half as Derek crashes down on it, and Derek is already back on his feet, clutching his back, face twisted in agony. Ziggy takes advantage by kicking him in the gut, hooking Derek’s arm, and then planting Derek with the Mazel Tov Cocktail! Derek’s shoulders down!
“Here is your winner, The Final Girl, Ziggy Haim!” 
Ziggy Haim gets some payback against her former tag team partner!
0 notes
caitimetravels · 2 years
-> minho x (fem) reader
-> fandom: the maze runner
requested by: @acupnoodle
a/n: this was so cute to write i hope you like it <333 sorry for the delay :/ this ended up longer than i thought it would
warnings: alcohol ig, mention of sex but nothing happened
main masterlist
holy shit did she need a drink. y/n made a beeline for gally’s moonshine, quickly plucking a jar up for herself, making a short point to raise it his way in thanks. she chugged a few gulps as she stepped over to her usual tree to haul herself out of reach for a good few minutes.
leaning back against the trunk behind her, she watched the boys fight and dance around like children. 
a bonfire never did fail to bring their spirits back up.
but no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t push today’s events to the back of her mind. 
“yeah well that’s just the problem isn’t it? you’re so great! you’re so perfect!” she threw her arms up in annoyance, anger filling her body as her head spun in her moment of rage. it was all becoming too much.
she was sick of the constant discrimination, the lack of belief in her abilities as a runner, as a keeper. it was always, ‘don’t worry, i’ll ask minho’, ‘it’s fine, minho can deal with it’, ‘minho would do it’, ‘you’re not doing it right, minho would know’
she didn’t even know why she was taking it out on him, why she was starting an argument. he didn’t know. he would never know. 
but something about just how perfect he was made her so.. angry.
“come on!” he started with a scoff, growing angrier the more she made assumptions. he took a step towards her, intimidating “look, i’m sorry you find me so perfect but-”
“no! it’s always you!” she begun to step his way, arms pushing at his chest, hands desperately clinging to his shirt, shoving him backwards, forcing him to stumble into the hundreds of maze drawings scattered around them. “i don’t understand why they think you’re so much better than me! you’re so- ugh!” 
she finally let go of him, both wobbling from the momentum of the push, minho falling in front of her.
he stared at her for a moment, stunned. a moment way too long, apparently, had he wanted to say something.
she felt the tears well up in her eyes, frustration and realisation taking over from the blinding anger as she fled.
“hey- wait!” 
later, she supposed. later, she’d apologise. but for now, she’d stick to avoiding him like usual. they never did work out their problems..
she could feel her head getting fuzzy, pulse speeding up as her tension loosened. mm, maybe that was the best idea she had had all day, though?
“how about some fun boys? oh, and our dear lady?” maybe it wasn’t such a good idea. 
“truth or dare?” no matter how vigorously she shook her head, nobody paid attention and she merely found herself being pulled into the circle, eyes unintentionally finding those that made her heart beat faster.
she scoffed internally, passing it off as anger. she knew that it was anything but.
“so..” the game went boringly as expected with the common ‘who do you have a crush on?’ questions being sent her way and some dares to chug drinks and do stupid stunts. 
with a sigh, y/n continued to sip on her jar of moonshine, just waiting for the game to either end or get interesting. 
but by interesting this wasn’t what she had in mind.
“y/n, truth or dare?” gally smirked, tipping his jar her way. she watched him with bored eyes, tiredly calling out ‘dare’. might as well, she internally shrugged to herself.
“i dare you.. to sit on minho’s lap for the rest of the game” she almost dropped her jar in surprise. what kind of-
“unless you’re too chicken” he shrugged, mocking her as he tipped his head back to take another sip. she frowned, deeply, immediately rising to her feet, desperate to prove her point.
she wasn’t just another shank, she wasn’t scared. she plopped herself right in her co-keepers lap, sending them a daring look, as if challenging them to say something. 
the boys screeched, going wild at the blush on their faces. though they would probably blame it on the drink she couldn’t deny her heart was racing, the heat spreading as she felt minho’s hands gently, unsurely hold her waist.
she glowered at the rowdy boys, immediately shutting them up with a snap “newt! truth or dare?” 
at least she had that power over them, she supposed.
before she knew it she woke up, almost nose-to-nose with the one boy she didn’t want near her after last night’s memories. although she couldn’t seem to piece together all of yesterday’s events, unsure how she wound up next to him.
as she stared at him wide eyed, he slowly groaned, blinking the sleep out of his eyes before matching her gaze. 
“what the shuck?!” she immediately went for the defensive route. “why are you in my bed, you perverted shank?!” he groaned again, pushing at her face blindly, trying to cover her mouth.
“shut up, it’s too early for that” he dismissed, rolling onto his back and shielding his eyes with his arm.
she frowned at his lack of response, looking around to see that nothing had happened, both of them were fully clothed, in fact it only appeared that she had slept on his chest all night. 
she didn’t know whether to grimace or smile, her heart inwardly doing flips in her own chest at the thought. she shook it off.
“did.. did you bring me up to bed?” she spoke softly, the most vulnerable he had ever seen her act since she came out of the box two years ago. he didn’t make his usual snarky comment, eyeing her carefully from the corner of his eye.
“yeah..” he nodded carefully, unsure of how she would act. surely not the same as last night.
“minhooo” she whined, dangling off his shoulder as he walked her towards her room. “minho, where are we going?” she continued to slur, nuzzling into his shirt and giggling at his scowl.
“walk, woman” he groaned, practically dragging her along. he was just glad the boys had all gone to bed, nobody in sight to witness her embarrassingly acting like a clingy drunk.
at least, she would think it was embarrassing. he wasn’t so sure he despised it with how she held onto his waist, staring up at him with lovestruck eyes.
“come on, lets just get you to bed” he sighed, using his foot to kick the door to her room open, pushing her towards the bed. “you won’t remember this in the morning” 
and that thought made him a little sad.
but that quickly disappeared when she pulled him down with her, threatening to cry if he left her alone.
he allowed himself to smile, giving in to her hug.
“why did you stay?” she sat up almost instinctually, insecurely holding her arms to her chest.
“why not?” he sat up too, staring at her in confusion, eyebrows furrowing. did she actually not remember last night?
“don’t get me wrong, i’m not...” she paused, scratching at her arm absentmindedly as she thought of the word, “mad that you did.. i think? but... why? i mean, i’m not exactly someone you would want to be around after yesterday”
“what-” he paused, remembering the heated argument they had had earlier. before the heart fluttering truth or dare game. he pushed down a blush. “oh..”
“yeah..” she chewed on her lip, refusing to look at him. she knew she would have to say it one day. “i’m sorry” 
“i know, i am too” he half-smiled before reaching for her waist again, hoping she would give in to another hug. surely they could stay like they were for a couple more minutes? “come here”
she tensed. did he.. did he really think she was that easy? she felt her insides boil, anger growing. she harshly shoved him away. “you-you! you’re just like the rest! you only want me because i’m the only girl! ugh i knew it! you’re all the same! and to think i actually liked you!” 
“wait- i didn’t mean it like-” she cut him off, expression stone cold.
“get out” 
“get. out!” he scrambled up, frowning at her, hurt written all over his face before he turned, leaving.
as soon as he disappeared she broke down, sobbing. god, she just admitted to him that she liked him. the boys were going to have a field day.
to her surprise, the boys didn’t have a field day. they didn’t even look at her differently. they all still hit on her, called her names they thought were cute (they weren’t). nobody spoke differently, nobody looked at her differently.
did he.. did he seriously not tell them?
she shook her head. it didn’t matter.
it took a whole month for there to be any proper communication between the two. 
both of them were stubborn. stubborn enough to need another bonfire to pull them together.
once again she found herself sipping her jar of moonshine, perched in her usual tree just trying to find some escape from reality. she couldn’t help but let her eyes drift to minho, seated in his usual spot where he ate and joked around with the other runners. 
she sighed heavily, she was going to need like three jars of gally’s drink to get any ounce of courage. there was no way she could ever find herself joining them.
and yet.. she did. 
“you asshole” she slurred, pointing a wobbly finger towards minho. she had been dancing with the other boys when her eyes caught his. he raised an eyebrow, urging her to go on. “you’re an asshole”
he scoffed, although greatly amused by her drunk mumblings. “maybe if you just stop accusing me and jumping to conclusions, then maybe we could have an actual conversation for once?” 
“no” she huffed, crossing her arms and pouting. she had no idea what they were arguing about, it was clear as day. minho knew that, standing to bring her to bed before she revealed something she was sure to regret in the morning. 
he bid farewell to the boys who complained about her leaving until newt scolded them, “she’s drunk” minho sent them a quick glare, pulling her along with him.
she was quick to change demeanour the minute they were alone, almost like she knew she didn’t have anyone to act in front of anymore.
“you know” y/n begun, a lazy smile upon her lips. she leaned into minho’s shoulder, pretending like she wasn’t three moonshine jars too drunk, “the stars are pretty”
“mm” he hummed along, more focused on getting her to bed than whatever she was rambling about. she was making it difficult though with all her struggling.
“and your eyes have stars in them” he stopped walking to raise an eyebrow, curious as to where she was going. “so you’re pretty”
he took a moment before snorting, trying hard to ignore the heat rising to his cheeks. she was drunk.
“come on, let’s get you to bed”
“noooo” she whined again, weakly pushing her hands into his chest, doing nothing to distance them, “you’ll leave me”
“i won’t” he falsely promised, knowing sober y/n wouldn’t want him to be there. especially not after last time.
“you liar” she scoffed, head pressing against his shoulder as she grew sleepier. he sighed, bending slightly to sweep her feet off the ground. 
“last i checked, you didn’t want me to stay, hm?” 
“but i do” she reached a hand up to his cheek, pulling his face towards her. “i like you” she giggled, and he shook his head, not believing her.
“you keep saying that but then you yell at me” he grumbled, making the same movement to kick her door open as he had the last time they stepped into her room. 
“you don’t like me” she begun to sniffle, dropping her hands dramatically. 
“of course i do” he quickly defended before remembering she was drunk. he laid her on her bed again, swiftly stepping away before she could pull the same trick. 
“you’re a liar” she yawned but continued to stare at him, determined. “you leave and you fight with me and you don’t like me. i like you, why don’t you like me?”
“because you’re drunk and you don’t know what you’re saying” he frowned, trying had to keep his heart from beating as fast as it was.
“i may be drunk but at least i’m honest” she gave him a triumphant grin, like she had just won a game he didn’t know he was playing.
“whatever” he didn’t move, contemplating his options before moving back towards her. “if you wake up to regret it, don’t blame me, alright?” 
she cheered, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close.
when they awoke she stared at him, feeling oddly more at peace than the last time she had woken up like this. she took a moment, memories slowly piecing themselves together.
“hey..” she softly whispered as his eyes fluttered open, “i really do like you”
“mm, i like you too” he gave her a soft grin, leaning up to press a lingering kiss to her lips. her face heated up but she pushed back against him, content.
“are you going to push me away again?” he hummed teasingly, pulling her closer.
she definitely wouldn’t, she thought as she leaned into his embrace.
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mistiell · 2 years
Arcane characters (cough cough ....silco ..... and .....viktor ...cough cough please) listening to someone talking bad about you, why are you wearing an outfit that looks nice on you but you don't have the default body for them, please if you feel comfortable writing.
Arcane Characters React to Someone Insulting You
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- When you walked into the lab to ask him to go for lunch wearing the outfit, he legit had to do a double take
- You’re just?? So gorgeous???
- You guys would be walking through the halls when he overhears a negative comment as you guys pass
- Stops him dead in his tracks
- He looks to you to see if you heard
- and when he sees the look on your face and how you’re curling in on yourself?
- Is
- Livid
- Looks at the person who spoke and goes off
- Roasts the shit out of them
- He uses adjectives you didn’t even know existed
- By the time he finishes, the person looks like their self esteem has been torn to absolute shreds
- Which, like, it kinda has-
- Once you two are a little ways away, he’ll stop to ask if you’re alright and apologize for losing his cool
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- You’re walking through the park and it’s hot outside
- So, naturally, you’re wearing something suited to the weather that’s also a little snazzier than usual
- And Jayce is absolutely loving it, of course
- Which is why he’s confused for a sec when he hears some asshole make some really outta pocket comment about your appearance
- But after a split second of processing, anger replaces the confusion
- Immediately confronts the person
- Uses his height and big buff stature to intimidate them into apologizing
- Asks if you’re okay and buys you your favourite food to cheer you up
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- God help the poor soul who’s ever caught shit talking you
- You’d be sitting in the last drop, Silco sitting across from you, and somebody just had to say something about the outfit you’re wearing
- They thought they were whispering quietly enough but your dear sweet Silco overhears
- And he is not pleased
- Stands from the table with a quick, “I’ll be right back, my dear.”
- You watch him drag them off to some abandoned back room himself and know that that person is not leaving without a broken bone
- And 20 minutes later, you’re proven right when Sevika drops a now very battered and bruised stranger onto the pavement outside the building
- Silco returns to the table looking a little frazzled but otherwise normal, acting as if nothing happened
- Asks you if you want to talk about what happened when you’re alone later that night
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- Y’all were out running some errands when some jerk off comments on your outfit
- Which she thinks is stunning, btw
- Immediately defensive
- You’re gonna have to hold her back and tell her to chill
- Otherwise, somebody’s gettin’ their ass beat
- Definitely cusses them out
- Once you’ve managed to pull her away, she’ll apologize for causing a scene and compliment you, telling you how stupid that person is
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- Good god
- If you thought Vi got violent, you’ve got another thing coming with Jinx
- You guys are just hanging out in The Last Drop when somebody insults you as they pass
- Gets up from her seat and immediately tackles the person to the ground
- People around you are like “wtf is happening??” And honestly, you’re just as confused as they are.
- Calls them all sorts of names and forces them to apologize right then and there
- Asks if you’re okay once she lets them go
- Once she’s sure you’re good, she takes you back to her room for cuddles
- Gets Silco to ban the person from The Last Drop as soon as she can
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- Y’all are at a fancy restaurant, enjoying a romantic night together when someone makes an offhanded comment about your outfit
- An outfit she picked out, might I add
- They aren’t even quiet about it either. It’s like they wanted you two to overhear
- She looks them up and down and picks out all of the flaws in their own fashion choices
- as well as the ones in their personality-
- Absolutely wrecks their shit
- Once she’s finished, she returns to her conversation with you and leaves the person in shock and with a severely wounded ego
- Quietly tells you to ignore them and that you’re the most stunning person she’s ever met
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Idk what this is but the thought of you being scared of Bakugos quirk is so hot to me
Tw:noncon, predatory behavior
“I swear he’s getting to be more and more like a villain every time I see him,” you giggle with Mina as you two walk out of the class. Bakugo had yet again exploded at one of your shared teachers for correcting him in his pronunciation of a word, and as usual it was quite a scene to behold. Chairs were almost thrown, his friends had to hold him back from leaping up while others egged him on, itching for amusement in their mind-numbingly dull class.
“Maybe Shigaraki was right,” your pink-haired friend snorts and you both collapse in wheezes, clawing and slapping at each other’s shoulders as the ludicrous image of Shigaraki being unable to reign in Bakugo comes to mind.
“Hey ladies, what’re you two laughing about?” A lilting and charming voice comes right at your ear, and you turn to see Denki, Kirishima and…Bakugo walking next to you.
Just because of his proximity and how you were literally just talking about him two seconds ago, you jump away from Bakugo’s glowering face and not so subtly hide behind Mina in a half playful jest.
“Huh? Whatcha ya jumpin’ around for?” Kirishima laughs and you exchange an embarrassed look with Mina.
“Oh nothing, we were just talking about how Bakugo’s quirk is totally villainous. We’re lucky he’s on our side,” Mina singsongs, but you slap her arm in alarm.
And well placed alarm at that, because Bakugo’s scowl deepens as he turns his head to you in a death-glare. You swallow hard seeing his expression and try to nervously laugh.
“But, uh, we were just joking. Right Mina?” You give her a pointed look and she deflects it happily.
“Nope! At least you weren’t, you’re half scared to death of him, isn’t that right Y/N?”
Denki interrupts before you can sputter in horror.
“Honestly, who isn’t scared of this dude?” He claps the other blond on his back and yelps when Bakugo’s hands start curling with smoke.
“Watch it dumbass.” He cranes his head to meet your eyes, but when he finds that you’re still avoiding eye contact with him he starts moving around his friends to better talk to you.
“My quirk isn’t that scary you idiot. It’s not like I care enough about any of you to blow you up-“
But with the smoke still curling form his hands and with the permanently intimidating scowl on his face reading closer and close to your, you can’t help but squeal and scrabble around him to sink your nails into Kirishima’s shoulders for protection.
“Okay, I get it! You don’t have to come any closer, I can see fine from here.” Your voice comes out too high and strained to be deemed as joking, but nonetheless everyone laughs at your dramatic show.
Everyone but Katsuki. Because he can see you’re actually scared, he’s seen it a hundred times on civilians who try to pretend they’re fine but still have that panicked glint in their eye.
“Jesus Y/N, with a reaction like that maybe he really is a villain. Bakubro, want us to send you back to Shigaraki’s place? Maybe you should reconsider his offer.”
And finally at Denki’s quip everyone including you this time laughs again in playful agreement, but yet again Bakugo’s blood starts simmering further.
Why the fuck were you being so obnoxious? He didn’t do anything to you before, right? So why the hell were you embarrassing him in front of all his friends and making him out to be this bloodthirsty monster?
Well, whatever. If a monster is what you want, then a monster is what you’ll get.
And so he waits for you after school, trailing behind you a couple hundred feet yet still keeping you in sight. He curses when you giggle with your friends, no doubt in his mind that you’re still throwing dirt on his name and he swears under his breath when you talk to Deku and his dweeb friends.
Of course when you hang around ditzy dorks like Deku he’s gonna look like a psycho in comparison.
But at one point you’re by the vending machine alone in a deserted hallway, fumbling with your coins and trying to quickly get a soda before your friends up ahead leave.
Too bad for you, because when he’s done with you they’ll never want to be seen with you again for their own safety.
You’re shoving money in the slot when he silently walks up a couple feet behind you.
“No friends around to gossip about me?”
You shriek and jump a good foot in the air at the sudden voice behind you. Clutching your heaving chest, you whirl around to see who it is.
Your blood runs cold. It’s Katsuki Bakugo, the absolute last person you want to be alone with in a deserted hallway.
Your feet move a step back.
Wrong move.
His nostrils flare and his eyes widen at your insulting retreat. You know he doesn’t take kindly to it, but with an expression like that how could you not?
“Uh, w-what do you mean?” You chuckle nervously.
He doesn’t laugh. In fact, he does something worse.
He matches your steps and moves forward a little bit.
At this you fully take a stride backwards and clash with the vending machine behind you.
He keeps advancing, slowly getting closer and checking you out, his head tilted as his eyes roam up and down your vulnerable body.
“Don’t move back. Why the fuck did you move away from me? That’s rude, we were just having a normal conversation.”
You surprise yourself by sounding level-headed in retaliation. “‘Kinda hard not to be a little uncomfortable when your conversation sounds so accusing.”
He lunges forward and you actually scream this time, throwing your hands up above your head in instinct to protect yourself from his proximity.
Bakugo doesn’t touch you but you can still feel his breath puffing on your head, can still feel the heat from his hands on either side of your body.
“You got a smart mouth don’t you? Is that why you embarrassed me earlier in front of everyone?”
“Embarrassed you-?” You squeak but immediately cut off when he thrusts his face right in front of yours, a manic look on his face as all his facial features stretch into a irate leer.
“I guess we’ll have to fix that tongue of yours. Put it to better use than to talk shit about me, right?”
Vermilion irises move from your face down your body, lingering on your chest and at the apex in between your legs.
Bile rises to your throat as he licks his lips and lets his lips ghost over yours, oh so close yet not touching.
And in the second before he descends, you shove him off with nothing but pure adrenaline feeling your fear and race past him, blindly running down the halls as fast as you can.
Surprisingly, you don’t hear anyone behind you. That doesn’t mean you don’t stop running though.
The real reason you don’t hear anyone behind you is because Katsuki Bakugo has an eerie smile on his face at your bolt. He languidly stretches his arms above his head and relishes in the popping of his joints, and in succession the popping of sparks in his hand. He kicks one leg out, then the other just to ensure you get a fair head start.
You’ve just made this so much more interesting.
He sets off at a light jog, and even in his carefree pace his strides are enough to eventually catch up with you, instinct like an animal’s guiding him through the winding halls and ending up catching a glimpse of your feet as you turn into another lane.
You’re panting, sweat pouring down your eyes as panic makes it hard to breathe or think rationally. The adrenaline that was pushing you is now dying down but at the worst time.
You take a quick glance back and your rapidly beating heart falters as you see him with a grin on his face as he practically jogs leisurely behind you. You’ve seen this same face on him when he’s in the battlefield, blasting through enemy hearts and blowing up heads as if they were fireworks.
He’s bloodthirsty. He wants you.
“Running away again? That’s not very heroic of you babe,” he calls out, and it’s terrifyingly infuriating how he’s not out of breath.
“Leave me the fuck alone,” you half scream and sob, trying to run faster but failing miserably.
You see a bathroom sign out of the corner of your eye and frantically stumble towards it.
Katsuki knows you know he’s even you take a turn and he laughs to himself at how boringly easy this is.
Maybe he was scary.
He shakes it off and continues his hunt after you, coming forth until he faces the bathroom door in which you were cowering behind.
There’s a small window, and no other door. Just a couple of stalls, a terrified girl, and a psycho with the taste of revenge practically palpable on his lustful tongue.
He knock with faux politeness. “You wanna come out and do this the easy way or you want me to barge in and take you myself?”
You sob and wheeze in response, desperately pushing against the flimsy door in a pathetic attempt to keep him out. Bakugo merely crosses his arms and leans against the door, staring intently at it with a smile still on his face.
Judging by the weight pushing more at the bottom of the door, he can tell you’re probably sitting down in an effort to catch your breath.
You both know he can come in at any time he so well pleases, but he decides he’ll play by your rules for a bit longer, indulge you a little before your inevitable downfall.
He hums loudly and slides down to join your parallel position on the floor.
“I’m tryina be nice here, y’know. You acted so scared of me when I never even bothered you before. Aren’t I being nice right now by letting you choose for yourself?”
He sounds so conversational, as if he were talking to one of his buddies. You stay silent but your silence speaks volumes.
It serves as nothing but a means to piss him off further.
The two of you sit in silence for seemingly hours, even though it’s only around 20 minutes. Every second you feel like he’s going to break down the door any second and blast your face off, but miraculously he doesn’t.
You don’t know what you’d rather prefer: for him to prolong your strained agony by letting you be so close yet so far from him, or to end your suffering and get it done with.
But you needn’t sit in silence stewing in your own fear any further, for at the exact moment you begin to doze off with the dying of the light the weight on the other side of the door lifts and you startle awake at the scuffling on the other side.
You blink a couple of times and blanch when you see through the window the purple light indicating that you really have been here longer than you thought.
Bakugo cracks his knuckles and rolls his head, popping a few more kinks in his neck before breathing out and bracing for impact.
“Ready or not little bitch, here I come.”
“Bakugo, wait-!”
But your plea doesn’t last for more than two words. The door bangs open with such a sound that you actually think he’s blasted it straight off his hinges. You gasp and shield yourself, jumping backwards and covering your face.
“‘Thought I made it clear by now that you can’t run. So why’d you try to leave? Huh? Think you’re smarter than me? You think you’re stronger than me?”
He’s stalking forward again, and you’re left tripping back over your feet and whimpering at his salacious intent as he backs you up and corners you into a stall.
He already knows the answers to his rhetorical questions but he wants to hear you say it. He wants to hear that scornful conviction in your voice about how big and bad he was that you used earlier.
With you tripping backwards into the cramped stall, his approach quickens in hunger at feeling you, feeling the fear radiating off your body.
Bakugo presses up against you against the wall and takes up the space around you, invading your personal bubble. He’s everywhere, growling in your ear, hands gripping your waist so tight you’re sure bruises sprout from his touch, his erect penis grinding on the inside of your thigh.
Your trepidation and terror rises to an insurmountable height as he smothers you.
When he suddenly grips your chin and forces your head to face him you gasp. His touch is even more callous than you thought.
“You lookin’ here bitch? Good.”
His palm is raised towards you and before you can even widen your eyes in realization his appendage starts sparking madly. You shriek and try to throw him loose as little bits of embers fly out and made your face, his voice rough as always yet dangerously low and soft.
“S’not so scary after all is it? You’re reacting better to it than I thought.” Bakugo Blanca you mocks your writhing figure as you desperately try to evade the mini explosions.
“Okay, I get it, please stop I don’t like it!” You shrilly cry out but his hand moves from your jaw down to your neck, and squeezes the last remnants of opposition out of you.
“Yeah? Good, I’m glad you get it. But honestly, I don’t care if you don’t like it.
Because I like it. I fucking love this quirk, ‘specially when you cower so prettily under it like you did earlier.”
You choke and try to scrabble at his hands but it’s like a butterfly’s touch to him, barely producing any fruition.
“I kept wondering to myself: why do I care if she’s scared of it? And then I realized,” he leans in and lets his lips brush over your ear, lets his hand lessen ever so slightly so that your main focus is his words.
“You just looked good enough to eat when you know you’re beneath me. When you know how dangerous I am.”
He pulls back and assesses the look on your face. “Makes you look good enough to eat.”
And without further ado he lowers his hand and starts rubbing his alit palm on your clothed pussy, his erection getting harder as your screams wilt into whines.
Your legs flail uselessly as he burns a hole through your pants and his fingers hook aside the band of your panties.
Bakugo thrusts his hips forwards and grinds his straining cock on your moist lips, taking in your blubbers and teary eyes.
You can’t even speak, you can only cry out like a child as he thrusts harder and harder, so hard that your back hits the wall painful and the stall walls rattle behind you.
“You-pant-fucking scared-pant-now slut?” He rasps, his head bobbing on rhythm with yours as he practically lifts you off your toes to match his pace.
Your clit is caught between the fabric and rolled cruelly pleasurable as his tip leaks precum, staining your own panties in the process.
With your attention rapt on his now-uncovered dick sliding in and out of your folds, he takes this opportunity to take his other hand off your neck and blast the wall next to your face.
The second you open your mouth in shock as bits of tile rain down on your face he slams his steaming palm over your lips, burning the soft flesh as you weep openly.
He sets off two more near your sides and another above your head, his own face aligned right in front of yours so you can see the mean smile on his face all the while he sets your heart racing at an alarming speed.
When the smoke clears and you can start feeling glass and tile imprint on your once-smooth face, he positions his dick up so that it prods at your hole and yanks your hair back.
His eyes practically glow with the mini fires preserved in the walls with his blasts, the impact of the air rushing around him makes his hair even spikier, his body is taunt and even more imposing than before.
His teeth gleam with the orange and red light next to you. His chest doesn’t heave, because he’s at ease with your terror.
“You think you know fear?”
With one swift movement he shoves up into you, but this time he doesn’t cover your mouth.
“You haven’t met me truly yet.”
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