#not. enormously happy with this one
ehlnofay · 1 month
Summerfest day 3 - GHOST
On the hoary street outside Aventus’ house, the children are throwing snowballs.
It’s snowed thick the last few days, only coming to a stop late this afternoon, so that the cobble of the road is entirely hidden; the younger ones, all a little older than it feels like they should be, are shin-deep in it, wading with some difficulty, clothes freezing wet and shoes probably soaked through. It’s the proper kind of snow, clean and crisp and cold to the bone. It lies smooth and flat where it hasn’t been walked through and most of the streets visible from the upstairs windows still haven’t been shovelled clear. There’s meant to be a market today, but after this weather – roads barely traversable unless people start rustling up sledges - it’s doubtful it’ll go through. It happens. This time of year you need to keep your storeroom well stocked, else you’re shit out of luck.
(Once, there were no storerooms; Torr couldn’t tuck themself away until the blustering died down. He’d wear seven worn-thin layers and stick his fingers in his mouth when they started hurting and if it got really bad he’d find somewhere with Griss and Kyrri and Katla and whoever else he could grab and he’d beat down the door of whoever was least sick of his face at the time. The Cornerclub, if he thought it was worth appealing to Ambarys’ better sensibilities; the temples dotted around the city, though some of them were never very helpful at the best of times. They waited a blizzard out on Eirmund’s kitchen floor, once. Broke into a few cellars, a few abandoned buildings, a shop. It’s lucky they weren’t arrested twice as often as they were. They think they got by mostly on luck, some days.)
It's pretty, if nothing else; there’s nobody else out on the streets yet so it’s just the gaggle of kids in their tatty coats and cloaks and the ends of their tunics wet, breath misting in the air so visible it’s practically crystallised, shrieking and ducking and hurling damp handfuls of snow at each other, loose-packed and crumbling. It hits the walls, sometimes, and sticks dripping between the stones; seeps through their gloves, through their hose, and Torr doesn’t remind them to worry about frostbite because they know and he knows they know, but he thinks about it. Their own hands are still scarred, fingertips ever-flushed, knuckles tough and pitted. It’s hard to remember that things have changed, in some ways. Harder to remember they were ever different, in others.
They’re posted up watching against the chilled stone wall, hood pulled over their head to shield them some from the cold, hands tucked up into the sleeves of their thick wool tunic. (It’s nice. Bluish-purple – Babette picked it out, they think.) The kids are all yelling their heads off, which they suppose the neighbours must have gotten used to. Ambarys is stumbling like a newborn deer through the snow; Griss is darting this way and that, her red skirt fluttering like a flag behind her; Skygna has Gellir on her shoulders, a lump of snow held high in one hand and the other holding onto her head, directing her to charge around lopsidedly. A trio of the newer kids – they’ve been appearing more often, Katla said, since the fighting started, and Torr’s still not entirely clear on which is which – are trying to pile up a crumbling snow wall. Skrauti keeps careful to the porch, mindful of his foot and realistic about the strength of his boots and the real utility of his crutches in that sort of terrain, but he ducks around corners and keeps neatly compacted snowballs piled up in his arms. He darts around the corner, throws one that dramatically misses anyone that it might have been aimed at, and lurches out of view again before anyone can try to get him back. Gellir is bellowing, his little face bright as the sun. Skygna is laughing. She always used to be so serious.
So much has changed. So much has stayed the same. Same clothes, some of them. Same people, mostly. Torr watches, leaning against the cold stone wall, and tries to find familiarity in it. Fails.
(It should be familiar. They used to play like this all the time – Windhelm’s certainly got the weather for it, coated in snow for the better part of the year and not all that much else to do about it; the kids would sneak up on him, or on each other, try to dump a damp handful down the backs of their tunics or grind it into their hair. Katla always tried to get it straight in the eyes. Torr remembers back when Skrauti was new, how he managed to smash a hard-packed snowball through one of the rare glass windows in the Grey Quarter, how he damn near cried with guilt afterwards until Torr promised they’d scrounge up the money to pay for it to be fixed. Torr remembers how Chukka down the docks tried to figure out how to lob snow at them with her tail even though it didn’t have half the dexterity for it. Torr remembers Katla shovelling snow down her throat in response to some stupid dare and then shoving Talres’ face in it when he laughed. Torr remembers, Torr remembers, Torr remembers; but it’s like that’s all he knows how to do. Like he’s slotting it away in the shelves of nostalgia as it’s happening. Like he’s not really here.)
(He isn’t. Not really. Not like he’s supposed to be. Once, they would have been the one to start it, putting snow down Katla’s dress, on Talres’ arm, in Griss’ hair; it kept them all laughing, kept them active, kept them distracted. They were the best at those games, unbeatable, though since half their opponents were half their age having the best arm and the quickest dodge probably wasn’t much to brag about. They remember it all but they’re still leaning statue-still against the wall; trying to move feels like an imitation, unreal. None of it feels real. Every time Torr comes back here they feel like they’re dressing up in their own skin, carving the blood off their palms, trying so hard not to seem like they’re pretending. He loves the kids – he does, he does, he does; he would do anything in the fucking world for them. There’s not much left that he hasn’t already done. But there’s little comfort to be found here, these days, feeling slow and stagnant and ill-fitting. They want him here, though, all the same. So he visits. And he tries not to feel like he’s lying.)
Torr is lost, as he usually is here, in thought (he can’t get away from it – he steps through Windhelm’s ancient gates and falls backwards through time, falls backwards into his own head), so he’s not expecting impact, sudden and sharp, against his right shoulder. Just under the clavicle. Their clothes are thicker-softer-better here than they ever used to be, but even so they can feel the freezing shock against the scar tissue knotted over their joint – they’re reacting before they even begin to think about it –
Their head catches up to their body before they actually put a hand on their knife, but not before they’ve flinched for it, shoulders curled in, sinking their weight low, one foot shifting agitatedly against the powder-pit of the snow; then Torr blinks, remembers himself, remembers when he is and where he is and that there is a world past the sudden snap of vigilance singing through the thundering of his blood. Blinks again. Looks, over the muddy-trodden surface of the sparkling snow, to Griss; who stands with one arm still raised and one side of a smile pinned on. It seems to be caught in place halfway through slipping away. There is snow on Torr’s jacket sleeve.
(Once, keeping her smile in place was the entire pared-down goal of his life; Torr spares a moment to hate himself, acutely and utterly. Then he moves on.)
Torr knows the steps for this game; knows what to do; knows what they would have done, though not why it used to be so easy, or why it’s so hard now. Griss looks grimacingly like she’s about to apologise for startling them, which is so horrendously not how they talk to one another that the idea stings. Torr crouches – all their muscles still coiled, chest held tight, very unhelpful – to dig a handful of snow from the ground at their feet and fling it in her vague direction. She yelps and dodges with ease, but it fixes the look on her face; she sticks her tongue out at him and ducks down to build up another arsenal, and Torr shakes his head ache-inducingly hard and tries as best he can to wrangle his attention to here and now. The snow is painfully cold against his ungloved hand, but it kind of helps. Makes him feel like he’s here.
When Griss hurls another projectile at him, he has at least the presence of mind to sidestep; she cackles delightedly, and he smiles, thin and dirty-cold as the dusting of snow on his shoulder.
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it's 20 degrees btw
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puppyeared · 2 months
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eepiest little man in the building
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somegrumpynerd · 1 year
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Started reading The Bad Wingmen by @topazshadowwolf and @paddie-ut and it utterly possessed me for a few days so I needed to draw some of my favourite bits
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skunkes · 9 months
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parents found a new ducky viewing spot so i was convinced to drive to it
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justqueenie · 4 months
Just checking if we as a fandom have decided all those mad sexually charged scenes with Dean and Benny in purgatory where Ty being genuinely atttacted to Jensen Ackles and it trickled through (*cough* destiel is cockles fault *cough*) or is it just me
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scribblingface · 7 days
I went into bg3 fully ready to have a good time and have done so despite many ways in which the game is not good and have not worried too much over various dramas about patch changes but my chill streak has finally ended and I am wailing gnashing my teeth etc. about patch 7 (the supposedly final one with story/content changes) not adding companion reactivity for any of the durge content in act 2
#gotta regain my chill about this. it doesn't change the good version of bg3 that exists in my head#but like. durge is literally the protagonist character. and a huge chunk of story is just bizarrely missing from act two#all the baddies recognize you and no one reacts#warden says you were an important guest no one reacts#kressa says she had a great time torturing you for weeks no one reacts#and it's so misaligned with companion reactivity for everything else. like#I am one of those players who goes around the camp circle talking to every single companion after anything even mildly important happens#to hear the couple of lines of dialogue they have about it#because they've got a couple of lines of dialogue about every plot development and significant moment in other companion storylines!#but they don't have a single word for enormous central plotline revelations about the player character#it makes the act 3 reactions bizarre too because everyone's shocked by what gortash says and it's like#literally everyone in moonrise was like 'oh hey it's you again' what did you THINK 😭#a lot of people complain about the resist!durge final scene after killing orin being lackluster#and yeah sure I feel it's lacking in a few ways but like. at least it exists.#a cutscene does play and afterwards the companions do react. ymmv on whether those reactions are impactful or fitting#but they do--crucially--exist#whereas in act 2 there is straight up nothing#when people say right in front of the companions 'hello fellow villain fancy seeing you back here again'#there is not even so much as a 'dude are you okay' after kressa talks about keeping durge prisoner and torturing them#okay okay it's fine I'm getting it out of my system I'm gonna be normal about this again#the companions had reactions in the good version that exists in my head 😔#scribblingface plays bg3#okay actually also like larian has made so many changes based on fans complaining a lot about something#often changes that made the complaining people happy but pissed off everyone who already liked the current version#not weighing in on the merit of various specifics but it has struck me as a sometimes odd and unwise degree of#listening to what the players want. like just tell your story and accept that some parts won't please everyone#but THIS THING is universally agreed on by every durge player#because it's not something 'wrong' it's something completely absent that should have been there in order to align with the rest of the game#and yet. we don't get this change in the final update.
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zenitsuinamogus · 7 months
Been liking your Dungeon Meshi manga panel colorings a lot, keep up the good work!
There seems to be a texture to your colors, is that from a specific tool you use or is it the manga panels themselves that have the texture already?
Thank you, I am glad you like them!
I make all of my manga colorings on ibisPaint X which is an app like Photoshop, so the texture comes from two noise overlays at different levels of fuzziness, one below the colors and one above.
Recently I have also been experimenting with adding dotted/diagonal screentone overlays to get a more vintage, printed feel.
This is what my recent colorings look like with and without texture overlays ~
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I really like the look and feel of vintage comics and prints, so I use texture in my digital colorings to try and replicate that gritty, rough feeling of physical paper. I started doing it with my first few manga colorings [which at the time were from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and Demon Slayer] and it kind of stuck and has since become my signature style since. Whether they look better with or without texture is up to personal preference but I think it adds a lot of dimension to the otherwise flat colors.
Thanks again for the ask, and I hope you will continue to enjoy my future colorings!
Also, I may post some of my older works I originally shared on reddit since my Dungeon Meshi colorings are actually a very new hyperfixation and I have around 150+ colorings from Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, One Punch Man, Chainsaw Man, and more. If that interests anyone I will share them ♡
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darthkvznblogs · 9 months
If it's not a direct spoiler, can you tell us more about Genosha as a country?
Minor worldbuilding spoilers ahead:
Genosha is a massive, artificial island (with a surface area of roughly 300 square miles) largely built by Magneto himself and funded by the United Nations Mutant Development Programme, located in the Pacific Ocean, northwest of Hawaii, roughly equidistant between the easternmost point of the Hokkaido region of Japan and the westermost point of Oregon.
It's technically a dictatorship, in the sense that Magneto is and has been the official leader since its founding, but he's more of an ideological figure than a lawmaker. There's a democratically elected parliament for that, as well as an independent branch equivalent to the justice system. Professor Xavier generally acts as an ambassador for the mutant nation, and the X-Men, as previously stated, serve as its mutant outreach taskforce, detecting new mutants around the world via Cerebro and getting to them before unsavory parties can, and preventing possible disasters from high-level mutant powers.
Genosha is protected, rather ironically, by Sentinels modelled after the original Trask Industries robots. Trask Industries was dismantled by SHIELD and the X-Men due to its inhuman (heh) and illegal experimentation, and the Sentinel schematics were gifted to the mutant nation as a sign of good faith, on the condition that the nations of the world get to continue developing on Trask's mutant detection and defense tech.
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dirt-mann · 2 months
the need to not grieve in the tags on posts that remind me of my parents late dog
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nutmeg-cider · 3 months
how to reconcile a lifetime of everyone building you an identity around being “the smart one” with the fact that you’re turning out to be the dysfunctional disappointment of the family
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void-kissed · 2 years
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"We'll fight as one!"
One of my friends said they wanted to see Aria and Clio battling together, and.. while my first instinct was to make a more proper set of double renders of us together in combat, my second instinct was to give them both the Combined Keyblade to wield together for the sheer fun and symbolism of it. So that's what this is!! ^-^
Tag list: @dragonsmooch | @sol-rbs | @bugsband | @sunlight-ships | @friezaforce | @hallowed-nebulae | @stargazer-sims | @potionomic | @detective-with-one-arm | @deepsea-loves | @mikaelrealman | @artificervaldi | @thatslikesometaldude (To be tagged in my work in the future, please see this post!)
(Anyone is welcome to comment on and reblog my work if desired, as long as my DNI is respected!)
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vulcanette · 1 year
🥰 I got a super jumbo claw clip to hold my 1000lbs of hair comfortably and it really is the little things in life 🥰
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04tenno · 1 year
so why can't mine be bi?
I mean... I would rather people think he's bi than outright deny his attraction to Daigo. If I've ever said he "can't be bi" at any point, it's not because I don't think anyone should be allowed to interpret him as bi, or because him being bi is entirely out of the question. It's because the concept of him being bi is diametrically opposed to my personal analysis of Mine and the concepts his character portrays.
He's asked out by twenty different women (notably, he has never asked a woman out himself and explicitly says he has no interest in doing so) and he never once shows any enthusiasm when he agrees. He goes to hostess clubs and completely ignores the actual hostesses in favor of the men who drag him there, spacing out entirely the rest of the time when they're not talking to him.
He's also one of the only characters who explicitly talks about sex, in that in he says in Japanese he could sleep with as many otherwise desirable women as he wanted (again, emphasis on the number)... within the context of a list of things that he feels should have made him happy, but didn't.
The one and only time he doesn't act like he's being subjected to abject misery when interacting with a woman who's clearly attracted to him is at the end of his Okinawa character story, but that's... not really saying anything. People aren't gay because they've exclusively had bad experiences with dating. In fact, many people realize they're gay because they've had the "ideal" experiences, but still don't feel fulfilled. Which is exactly the sentiment Mine expresses in the finale.
Like… it's not for lack of trying, or lack of interactions with women. At some point it's just no use looking for the "right woman," because the "right woman" is never going to come along for someone who's not attracted to women in the first place. For Mine, the "right person" was Daigo Dojima.
#asks#my analysis#anonymous#yakuza 3#yoshitaka mine#mine yoshitaka#can't really gauge the tone of this ask tbh#like fair enough if genuine; i've tried to explain as patiently as possible#but otherwise...?#like. you can headcanon what you want but i'm not here to validate your headcanons regardless of whether i agree myself#and it doesn't matter if i do. you don't need the blessing of Some Guy with (frankly) next to no following#but personally i just think interpreting him as bi is willfully ignoring the fact that this is.#very clearly the story of a closeted gay man prone to seeking happiness in things he subconsciously recognizes won't make him happy#very clearly portraying the equivalent of compulsory heterosexuality#and sorry to get heavy but it's genuinely a huge part of his character. his “selflessness” that only leads to hurting himself#like if just the dates make him miserable then what about when it escalates. to a relationship. to sex.#and he's continuing to agree to something he doesn't want... for what? the off chance he'll finally be happy? to avoid upsetting partners?#these are experiences SPECIFIC to being gay.#bi people can have bad experiences when dating but the sheer enormity of what's being portrayed with mine is something else entirely#his okinawa card. the one that's intended as fanservice for women and which has him pursued by women. explicitly states he “looks unhappy”#that being the case i just think this interpretation is... not true to his character#you're free to disagree#but i don't see what you expect me to do about that
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teaandinanity · 1 year
man every time one of the corvids come up to accept tribute my brain is just
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stepffan · 2 years
as much as i would like to see more banquet photos and shoma hanging out with the other skaters, if that's what he needs to do to stay focused on the skating and it helps keep away the competition stress of the "i need to win and fight and compete against others" mindset and then by all means i hope he continues what he's doing now, just focusing on himself and hanging out with his team of emotional support middle-aged men
#i read a twt the other day where someone complained about shoma being anti-social or stuckup for not hanging out w/ the others#but that's a really narrow way of thinking about it.#there may be a million and one alternative explanations for why he's doing what he's doing rn.#for one - what's publicized isn't necessarily everything that happens.maybe he is being social but is just being private about it#he's no longer a young skater who's obligated to appease the press and tell them everything or do social media pr#it's a necessary evil sometimes but no longer necessary for him.#remember when so many of his ''fans'' criticized him on nowvoice? for what? saying nice things about marin or not skating his fs at the ice#it must take an enormous mental toll to have to worry about hwat ppl say and think about you on top of being an elite competitor.#2- banquets are fun but they're also not ''skating.'' maybe he just wants to focus on his skating & not worry about that stuff.#shoma seems to be an introverted person and if banquets are more stress than they are fun i don't think he ought to attend.#he has his little circle of friends and ppl he cares about and i'm sure he's being social in his own way behind the scenes#he has unowan + shoma + gaming + demi yt channels. that's his way of being a ''public figure'' and it's valid#i wish more skaters could have that privilege of privacy; those who want it ofc.#as long as he's happy & being himself & enjoying skating. for what it's worth- his approach works! nothing but gold this gp szn.#that's what i want for him more than anything else.
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