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darthkvznblogs · 1 month ago
Just trying to understand how Asgardians work in relation to the gods bound to Earth, are they kind of like DC's New Gods? (I don't really get how New Gods work either but it's at least a comparison I could make)
Marvel!Asgardians and the corresponding Nine Realms they more or less lord over are wholly independent from humanity, unbound in a way most of Earth’s pantheons aren’t. They are one of the elder races of the universe, blessed with lengthy lives and great strength, and an undeniable connection to their own form of magic. Their home realm of Asgard exists in its own upper level of reality, almost completely inaccessible to those without access to the Bifrost, and definitely impossible to reach through mundane means from the “real” world. They’re aliens, just ones powerful enough to be considered gods - very minor ones like nature spirits, the common folk of Asgard, and big name Olympian-types, the nobility. If Earth were to be summarily destroyed, Asgard would remain unaffected.
The same can’t be said for Riordanverse!Asgardians, who operate much the same way as the Olympians do - sustaining themselves not on the faith and fealty of mankind, as they once did, but on the ubiquitous collective remembrance of them and their symbols. I can’t go into details because spoilers, but they are…limited, very powerful yet restricted in many ways.
These two alternate versions of the same pantheon exist simultaneously, unbeknownst to almost everyone (and I do mean everyone, even the All-Fathers, both of them, are unaware). They are actively prevented from interacting with one another by extremely powerful magic, but this is bound to change sooner rather than later. This isn’t an intended quirk of Doom and Reed’s meddling - the party responsible for the existence of this alternate Yggdrasil is operating independently, with their own goals and methods.
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darthkvznblogs · 1 month ago
Oh the thought of King Ghidorah vs Thor. As Zeus mutters that he doesn't even want to get lowered into such a petty contest of storms even if the ancient laws would allow him to.
I feel like Zeus would say "this is beneath me, and it's beneath you too, Odinson" while actually scrambling to find his Master Bolt and join the fray 'cause he's not about to be out-thundered by a foreign god and a giant alien hydra.
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darthkvznblogs · 11 days ago
Hey, it's me (ZombieQueen/demonicangel001) under my new name again. Just wanted to say hi and ask this small question:
How exactly does magic work in the kryptonverse? Since I haven't read as much of it as I thought I would, I always feel like it's a mix of the rules of the MCU and Ben 10's general lack of rules beyond the whole "true names" thing to control and manipulate mana. Is my guess accurate? I just want to know.
That is a very simple question with a very complex answer hahaha
A lot of my unofficial hiatus (or rather, dry spell, I haven't actually stopped writing at all) has been spent working this and several other parts of the universe's framework out. I doubt I'm even halfway through, but I can tell you the very basics on magic, on the promise that I'll eventually publish the treatise that breaks everything (or most of it, at least) in detail.
Magic, at its very core, is the remnant of the act of Creation. After the universe was created, some of the Celestials' power remained, threaded through the fabric of reality. People attuned to magic can learn or otherwise be enabled to tap into this energy, and use it to recreate the tiniest echoes of the Celestials' omnipotence - that is, they perform magic.
There's a few major ways that people access magic, but it is by no means a comprehensive list, and it's very much from the perspective of humans and the Earth.
-There's Eldritch magic, which directly taps into the essence of Creation and requires extensive training to wield effectively, let alone master, but is available to the vast majority of beings. You'd know it as the magic Doctor Strange and the Masters of the Mystic Arts practice.
-There's Divine magic, which stems from the gods (themselves a fragment of Creation given form and function through the power of sapient Belief) and other magical beings of immense power and status. Broadly speaking, this magic is only accessible if you are born with it (like demigods) or if you're directly blessed or otherwise touched by such an entity (like a classic D&D cleric)
-There's Soul magic, which taps into the minuscule fragment of Quintessence that exists in a caster's very immortal soul for power, either by achieving the necessary spiritual enlightenment, or by taking a shortcut through a sufficiently powerful magical patron's enabling (the latter of which would be a warlock).
...and a bunch more that aren't as common or clearly defined. There's a million little elements that don't fall neatly under the branches I've mentioned, and a lot of interactions that could upend this understanding, but that's what you'd need to get started. End of the day, magic is what happens when you tap into the leftover essence of beings that created the Universe, and what defines what branch you fall into is the how of it.
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darthkvznblogs · 2 months ago
And here's me laughing that some Turians will one day practice Buddhism while the Olympians remain stuck on Earth.
Zeus absolutely seething with rage after reading the Codex entry
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darthkvznblogs · 1 month ago
Oh having the MV come in would be awesome. There's Ben, immune from the retcons, and questioning why everyone suddenly thinks that Godzilla emerged from the Hudson to fight the Chitauri while Thanos notes both Earth and Caminus fielded Titans to defeat him.
King Ghidorah falls from the skies like a golden cosmic storm wreathed in thunder and flame, promising unparalleled destruction not just from his planetfall, but from his inevitable duel with his nuclear nemesis, the Monster Who Ate a Star, the King of all Kaiju - Godzilla.
"Please tell me this is a dream. Or maybe an incredibly elaborate promo for a Godzilla reboot."
Director Brand gives Ben an odd look. "As much as I'd like to say otherwise, I don't think there's a five hundred foot tall and 140,000 ton man in there, Ben. That is a very real three-headed space dragon headed straight for the nearest available landmark."
"Welp. Guess it's one of those cases, huh?" -he shakes his head in resignation, then activates the Omnitrix to consider his opening move for what's sure to be a battle for the ages. "Oh, well. Dibs on Kevin?"
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darthkvznblogs · 3 months ago
This is a random question, because I recently got back into DragonBall, but if the krypton verse were somehow subjected to a Tournament of Power like in DBS, which ten fighters would be most likely selected. If it makes it easier, we can just say whoever is picking the team is lazy like Beerus and just picks the obvious candidates instead of scouring the depths of your various fandoms.
(in case you don’t know what I’m talking about, the rules are that the teams fight on a big arena in the Void. You’re out if you are knocked out, and it’s actually a battle royal instead of a tournament, No killing, no weapons (though that one can be ignored) and since the definition of god is a bit tricky, we’ll just say that no one involved in the management of the universe can compete, someone like Thor is fine. Also no restoratives like healing potions or temporary enhancements.
I'll pick only from "confirmed" characters (already appeared or were mentioned).
Supergirl, Thor, The Hulk, Captain Marvel, Ben 10 (I'm assuming the temporary enhancements rule means external stuff, since I know the various Saiyan forms are allowed, and Ben's transformations have become a part of him as bearer of the Omnitrix, till he dies), Broly, She-Ra, Vilgax, Doctor Strange, and probably Doctor Doom himself.
Honorable mentions include Sailor Moon (I think she might be too inconsistent for a dedicated tournament setting), Danny Phantom (incredible utility, but lacking in physical strength and durability), Iron Man (till he's got an adamantium suit or something, he's kind of a glass canon among the heavy hitters, and also I'm not sure his suit would be allowed to begin with), Gwen Tennyson (if she'd mastered her Anodite powers at the time), Hercules (if they figure out a way for him to be able to fight off Earth), and Thanos (if he can be somehow convinced, lol).
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darthkvznblogs · 5 months ago
I know the point of the universal meld was to keep them as close to canon as possible, but has there been any noticeable change in some characters thanks to the fusion or any obvious butterfly effect?
Some off the top of my head.
Regarding the world:
-SHIELD is a lot bigger and has more influence in the Kverse than it did in the MCU, for better or worse. There's any number of hidden projects and weapons derived from non-Marvel entities and concepts that I haven't even alluded to yet.
-There's a similar story with SWORD, though this is more due to the relationship with the Kree Empire through Hala. Abigail's been able to procure a lot of goodies that, even if they can't propel Earth centuries ahead, should at least give us a decent edge in a fight if the worst comes to pass.
-The Moon is a lot more storied, having housed the Silver Millenium, the Inhuman realm of Attilan, Pink Diamond's original base of operations, a SWORD base, and now a Bounty Hunter's Guild outpost throughout its history.
-There's obviously a lot more magical stuff in general, of all sorts, but also a lot more backlash towards it from scared, mundane humans. Even now, there's oodles more magical beings than there ever were in the MCU, but they exist in insular communities, largely cut off from one another, thanks to centuries of anti-magic crusades courtesy of groups like the Forever Knights and their allies.
-It felt like the Masters of the Mystic Arts were pretty isolated sorcerer monks in the MCU with little, if any connection to the other magical spheres. They serve a more SHIELD-like role in the Kverse - just, y'know, not nearly as militaristic - providing much needed diplomacy and conflict resolution between the isolated magical realms and protecting them from factions that would seek their destruction. They're kinda like Jedi before the Clone Wars (and with some of the same flaws, too).
Regarding the characters:
-An important part of Kara's story is figuring out she's actually underpowered, and really, subconsciously holding herself back from the true strength and wide range of abilities of a Kryptonian under yellow sun conditions. You might infer that she was initially mirroring the perceived power level of the world around her (though there's some standouts, certainly).
-Tony's at least partially connected to a bunch of non-Marvel figures simply by virtue of being born into incredible wealth. All rich people know each other, on some level. I'd say he's also a little less reckless and short-sighted (but more paranoid), just because he's more aware of just how many powerful figures could easily change the status quo - good, bad, and everything in between. He'd be less inclined to go out in a blaze of fire, at least until he's reasonably sure other people could pick up the torch.
-While not fully tethered to Earth like the Olympians are, Thor's a lot more of an actual god than he is in the MCU. He can feel the belief directed at him, even if it doesn't sustain him, for example, and more generally I've strived to move away from the "Asgard and the Nine Realms aren't actually magic, just really advanced tech" angle of the earlier phases in the MCU. There's a high (equivalent) tech level, don't get me wrong, but their powers are magical in nature first and foremost.
-I think Steve's a little less jaded about the modern world, but also less patient with people who would do it harm, intentionally or otherwise. Like, I don't think Nick Fury would find it prudent to show him a secret helicarrier armada, for example, even to gain his trust. He's inspired by people living their truth and embracing each other in a way that would be pretty unimaginable in the 40s, but disappointed at authority figures for running a society no less unbalanced and disjointed than he left it (just in different ways).
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darthkvznblogs · 12 days ago
hola, exactamente cuáles son las organizaciones espaciales que operan el k-verso, como es su jurisdicción?
Hi, exactly which space organizations operate in the Kverse, and what's their jurisdiction like?
Aside from the real world space agencies like NASA, the ESA, etc. it's just SWORD. Much like SHIELD, they are an international agency answering to the World Security Council, and by extension, the United Nations (which has, let's say, a lot more influence and effectiveness in the Kverse, not anywhere near a world government but sort of a proto-Systems Alliance from Mass Effect). Their jurisdiction covers all UN member states, though their focus is obviously on space exploration and extraterrestrial life.
SHIELD technically has a little bit of jurisdiction over alien matters, too - any extraterrestrial lifeforms found in-atmosphere without SWORD's prior contact or knowledge are SHIELD's to deal with. That's why Kara - whose ship dropped out of the Phantom Zone in-atmo - ended up under SHIELD's purview, as opposed to SWORD's. Regardless, both agencies typically cooperate or at least keep each other apprised of key intel.
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darthkvznblogs · 19 days ago
Is there a list of things that make Earth a headache for the Kree Empire? I only remember Max, the Inhumans and the Gems
-Earth is in a strategically valuable position, within "striking distance" (such as it can be, in the context of space) of the homeworld, but also that of the Nova Empire.
-Earth contains explicit evidence of their genetic tampering via the Inhumans (the tampering itself is an open secret, but they were very good at eliminating the evidence elsewhere), which would be politically damaging if exposed
-Earth is home to a species with such potential that drive that there is a real concern they could contend with much more powerful foes even at this nascent stage of development
-Earth champions managed to straight up fight off the Black Order - with a lot of caveats, yes, but the ability to deter Thanos and his minions is a major pacifying element to non-Kree citizens of the Empire (what they tolerate them for, more or less), and the knowledge that it's at least possible to fend them off without their aid (especially if it's discovered that they offered no aid at all) could incite rebellion
-Earth is a Gem site of interest - even if they've abandoned it for thousands of years, they are a practically immortal species and there's absolutely a chance they could take it over again and start a second front of expansion in the Milky Way from the Kree's metaphorical backyard
-And yes, of course, Earth is the home planet of both of the latest stewards of the Omnitrix, as well as their nemesis in Captain Marvel
The only reason they gave up Sol is that they're pretty confident we won't be around for much longer. Given our defiance of the Black Order, they have very good reason to believe that.
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darthkvznblogs · 6 months ago
Almost done with the first Magnus Chase book, I find it interesting that there's kind of...an intriguing ugliness to it that isn't really there in the other Riordanverse books I've read. It feels a little more willing to engage with the weirdness, the cruelty, the lack of empathy often found in mythology, but also in modern society.
Didn't really expect that side of it (which, in retrospect, I should've, with its whole "homeless teen protagonist that dies in the first few dozen pages" premise)
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darthkvznblogs · 2 months ago
If Doom and Reed brought in Battlestar Galactica, would that give the Olympians a cosmic foothold?
Sorry to disappoint, but I don't really know anything about Battlestar Galactica :( if you have some additional context I could make an educated guess?
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darthkvznblogs · 5 months ago
Would the screams of the Titans affect the other Kverse magics?
It wouldn't completely cancel them out, like it does for the Collectors, but a Titan's scream would have a disruptive effect if it directly interacts with other kinds of magic, yeah. Sorta like having an orchestra playing music with all the instruments in unison and suddenly some guy in the audience brings out a trombone they've never played in their life and starts belting out discordant noises.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, but part of my "homework" during this impromptu hiatus has been to define and set in stone what the various schools and styles of magic in the Kverse are (sorry, anon who sent that ask back in december, I promise I didn't ignore you), the various sapient and non-sapient magical creatures that exist in the setting, and as many notable interactions between them as I can identify. Questions like this one help with that, so please don't hesitate to ask!
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darthkvznblogs · 2 months ago
Oh just make Ben a Godzilla truther. Some lunatic who thinks Toho staged the entire thing for post-war sympathy points. He is kind of a moron after all.
I don't know about the sympathy points angle, but I do love the idea of Ben - who's largely protected from the retcons by the Omnitrix - having a conspiratorial streak to him because what the hell do you mean Godzilla is an actual giant monster and not just a guy in a suit trampling a miniaturized Tokyo
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darthkvznblogs · 4 days ago
If Earth-16 had made it over, would Yellow Diamond's colour scheme allow her to roll up and conquer Oa?
Hahahahahaha xD
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This, but Darkseid is YD and the Parademons are a couple of Topazes 🤣
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darthkvznblogs · 5 days ago
Speaking of Trembley, does Dipper still possess the President's Key he got from him? I'm curious if it is considered a magical item or if it's just a very good skeleton key in the kverse?
I'm gonna say it's an actual magical item enchanted by Trembley's sheer belief in his own ridiculous ideas, because I think it'd be extremely funny if Dipper ends up saving the day sometime by rummaging through his pack and finding it to open a door all clutch-like at the last second.
I can already hear him going "Thank you, 8 1/2th President of the United States" and the others having the biggest WTF faces plastered on.
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darthkvznblogs · 6 days ago
como haces para mezclar franquicias que son serias y oscuras con otras que tienen un tono más infantil y ligero en un solo universo?? no es muy contradictorio??
How do you manage to mix franchises that are serious and dark with others that have a lighter, more childish tone in a single universe? Isn’t it too much of a contradiction?
I dunno, I like the challenge 🤷‍♂️ YMMV how successful I am at it, of course.
It’s really not that complicated. You trim off or downplay the dark and grim elements, and you make the lighthearted stuff a little deeper and more serious, and you end up with a more or less homogenous tone that’s pretty similar to the vibe the MCU has already. Like yin and yang, there’s usually a bit of one in the other, anyway.
There’s a limit to how much you can do it before it stops being faithful to the core of the source material - it’s the reason I haven’t written anything about like, Invincible or Mortal Kombat - or on the other side of the spectrum, stuff from Disney movies and other animated things that skew towards younger audiences - into the Kverse. But generally speaking, most of the workshopping for the fused setting hasn’t been particularly difficult - heck, that and worldbuilding all the background elements are my favorite parts of this whole shebang.
There’s also definitely an argument for not homogenizing stuff too much. Marvel comics has the Punisher and the Power Pack share a setting, so maybe I shouldn’t limit myself as much as I do in that regard. I already write the Kverse assuming most people won’t read even half of it - I can’t imagine the vast majority of people share my extremely specific combination of interests - so I dunno. Maybe one day I say screw it and really go to town, haha.
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